From: "L-Soft list server at Indiana University (1.8d)" To: "ARTF@MemoryAlpha.nil" File: "LOISCLA-GENERAL-L LOG0109A" ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 01:19:29 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Mary D." Subject: Re: Weird Punctuation! :P From: "Erin Klingler" > section 5.12: A comma is used after the closing series of dots to separate the > speech from the words identifying the speaker: > > "But...but...," said Tom. I don't have my Style Manual handy, but I have always used the series of dots followed by a comma in my writing. But my Word grammar check dosen't seem to like it, but I ignore Word's insistence I change it. It doesn't look odd at all to me. What do you prefer to do in that situation? BTW, I loved your story Accidental Husband. It dropped my first day on the list. I stayed up way too late that night reading it. I kept telling myself I'd go to bed after I finished this part and read the rest tomorrow, but when I got to the end of the part I just had to read the next part. Rough day at work the next day! :) Mary ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 01:07:06 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carol L Moncado Subject: Re: Weird Punctuation! :P MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I agree with you - it looks funky, but technically it is probably right - that doesn't mean I'll do it though! I should go look through my APA manual, but maybe tomorrow! CM ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 08:33:20 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Meredith Knight Subject: Re: Weird Punctuation! :P In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Eeew! I promise not to throw cyber-tomatoes if you use this sort of punctuation, but I'll certainly think them. ;^) I'm rather fond of word, grammar and punctuation debates myself, but if this list deprecates them, you can take them to . The inmates there adore picking over issues like this. Meredith (I'm not an inmate - I'm an outpatient until I've finished my story.) Erin Klingler writes >I know, I know...most of you probably hate these punctuation debates, but I hope >you >won't throw cyber tomatoes at me if I bring something up. > >"I assure you, there will never be--," Syliva began, but Mark interrupted her. > >section 5.12: A comma is used after the closing series of dots to separate the >speech from the words identifying the speaker: > >"But...but...," said Tom. -- Meredith Knight "All the pebbles had fat smiling faces, and the anemones had mad bright eyes above their frills." ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 04:48:22 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: John Debbage <106532.433@COMPUSERVE.COM> Subject: Re: I'm a Grandma again! MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Hi Nan, Sorry to be a bit behind with this but I'd like to add my congratulations= to all the others. I hope that the newest member of the family is doing well and best wishes to Mom and Dad and to yourself, of course. I bet you're a great Grandma. :)) Yours Jenni ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 05:13:02 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: John Debbage <106532.433@COMPUSERVE.COM> Subject: Re: The Accidental Husband MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Hi, Wendy wrote. >>>I wasn't complaining about there being higher expectations on fanfic writers; far from it! In fact, I know I'm guilty of exactly that myself when I read fanfic; I want to know how the pieces are assembled, how the bad guy got away, why Clark or Lois did or did not do whatever they did. = It simply struck me as interesting given that I had watched OB, and been qui= te surprised by the plot holes I noticed. And so I thought I'd ask the question.<<< I know exactly what you mean, Wendy. And being a very much A-plot orientated writer, I do try so hard to dot every 'i' and cross every 't'= , but even then I've let a few major plot holes slip by and it's only much later, when the story is posted to the archive, that I'll realise my mistake. = I comfort myself by remembering that there were many plot holes in the series but it doesn't make me feel too much better, especially as I know that I've more time and space than the scrip-writers had to get it right.= = So I just promise myself to try harder and hope that those 'mistakes' tha= t have already escaped did not detract too much from the story and will be forgiven. Yours Jenni = ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 10:41:18 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Nicola Baker Subject: A Soldier's POV MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable On Fri, 31 Aug 2001 10:51:16 -0500, Wendy Richards wrote: >And yet when I was watching OB yesterday I found myself amazed by some = of >the leaps of logic we were expected to accept.=20 Funny you should mention that... I was watching OB the other day, too, = and came to the same conclusion. On thing in particular caught my eye - = the scene where Clark is caught, and escapes from the cell through the = window. My mind went off into a strange world all of it's own... A Soldier's POV *** My name is Colonel J G Williams, and I work at Fort Truman. For those = of you who are from out of state, that's near Metropolis, New Troy. = Most of the time, it's a quiet base, but when something happens, boy = does it *happen*. We had Superman on the base the other day. He left Metropolis to rescue = a reporter and a new age hippy. And to stop the entire base being blown = to smithereens, but I'm convinced that was just a bonus. But what most people don't know is, he was here twice. It took me a long time to figure out, and of that I'm not proud, but who = would expect to see Superman looking like that? Maybe I should start at = the beginning. Metropolis was in darkness. Someone had taken over the electrics, cut = the power to the city. All the traffic lights were stuck on green, the = phone lines were down, it was chaos. In among all that, hardly anyone = paid attention to a stolen jeep. Even the team it was stolen *from* = forgot about it in the confusion. I'd like to see what they put on = their report. We probably never would have found the jeep if it hadn't been returned = to the base. That we found it even then was down to sheer luck. It was = driven onto the base by two soldiers, a man and a woman. Nothing = suspicious in that, except that one of them saluted with the wrong hand. Such small details can make all the difference. The gate guard called ahead, and when the 'soldiers' arrived at the = command centre, we were ready. One of them managed to elude us, but we = took the man by surprise. He protested all the way to the holding cells, saying that he was a = reporter, and that Fort Truman was going to be blown up. We ignored his = pleas and locked him in a cell. When we came back, he was gone. That's all very well, I hear you say, but what has a reporter's skill at = escaping from locked rooms got to do with Superman? Well, it's like this. The reporter wasn't a reporter. He said his name = was Clark Kent, and I suppose there was a passing resemblance, but there = was no way any reporter could have left that room without the guard = noticing. And no way that he could have got back in again to remove the = evidence afterwards. If I hadn't realised who the 'soldier' was, I = would be getting a psych evaluation to prove I wasn't crazy. It must have been Superman. =20 Who else do you know that would leave a locked cell by the window, = bending the metal bars and leaving behind only a pile of clothes? ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 12:01:28 +0100 Reply-To: LabRat Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Organization: LabRat Subject: Re: Weird Punctuation! :P MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > "But...but...," said Tom. > > > UGH. I know there are different Manuals of Style out there. Do any of them > contradict this? Or is this the same throughout? I'd just love to be able to > pretend I never saw this if I could get away with it. It just doesn't look > right to me. > Okay, this comes under the 'Don't care if it's right, it looks stupid, and I ain't using it' brand of grammar for me! LabRat :) Founder Member Grammer Rebels Club ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 06:30:18 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: Re: Weird Punctuation! :P So that's the source for this very dubious punctuation advice! I knew it had to come from somewhere, because I've seen this too many times for it to be simply someone's mistake. It's just plain wrong, Erin; as you said, it looks wrong and it is wrong! However, I've even had a GE tell me that I needed a comma at the end of an ellipsis, so it's interesting to know where that 'rule' comes from. Wendy ---------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 07:09:31 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kathy Brown Subject: Re: A Soldier's POV On Sat, 1 Sep 2001 10:41:18 +0100, Nicola Baker < nicola@NJBAKER.FREESERVE.CO.UK> wrote: >Who else do you know that would leave a locked cell by the window, bending the metal bars and leaving behind only a pile of clothes? LOL, great story, Nicola!! Very cute. :) Kathy ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 07:26:07 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: lcfic Subject: Message Board Index Update through August 31 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Hi FoLCs! Lots of new stories and new parts posted, a completed story, and a couple of new tocs! Links on the L&C Message Board Index and Links page at New stories this week: ALL STIRRED UP: MEREDITH HONEY, I SPUN THE BABY COMPLETE VIGNETTE MR D8A AKA JAMES TULL AND NAN SMITH IN CAT'S CORNER: IRENE DUTCHAK IT'S NEVER EASY BEING ME COMPLETE VIGNETTE BETHY PURPLE CHAOS II: EMILY HANSON New part(s) posted: ALIEN GIFT: BETHY BURDEN OF CONSCIENCE: RACONTEUR27 DUET: SHAYNE TERRY FEAR OF DISCOVERY IV: YVONNE CONNELL IMBALANCE: PHIL ATCLIFFE AND WENDY RICHARDS IMITATION OF LIFE: CHRISTY LANDRUM LONELY IS THE MAN: JONWOLFFE PHOENIX REBORN, THE: JILL SECOND THOUGHTS: WENDY RICHARDS SHADES OF GRAY: CINDY LEUCH SURVIVAL OF THE SIGNIFICANT: MANOFSTEEL30 VALLEY OF THE SHADOW: CAROL MONCADO WOUNDED ANGELS: KESTREL73 AKA LOTE TREE Completed stories this week: ACCIDENTAL HUSBAND, THE: ERIN KLINGLER New TOC's IMITATION OF LIFE: CHRISTY LANDRUM PHOENIX RISING: JIMMY'S SISTER Added to the Archive this week: All Bets Are Off by Terran Charade by Nan Smith Don't Tug On Superman's Friends by Adam Labotka Enjoy! Dawn & the Index Crew __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get email alerts & NEW webcam video instant messaging with Yahoo! Messenger ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 11:16:06 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Shadow Fax Subject: Re: Weird Punctuation! :P MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 On Fri, 31 Aug 2001 22:52:07 -0700, Erin Klingler wrote: > >Regarding commas after ellipses and em dashes (those are the elongated dashes, I >just learned ) : > >section 5.12: A comma is used after the closing series of dots to separate the >speech from the words identifying the speaker: > >"But...but...," said Tom. > I've been told that this is correct, so I do it whenever I remember to do it - which isn't very often, since it just *looks* wrong . >section 5.89: A comma should be used after a dash, however, to separate quoted >material from the words that identify the speaker: > >"I assure you, there will never be--," Syliva began, but Mark interrupted her. This looks really, *really* wrong to me. And FWIW, Guide to Grammar and Writing at omits the comma at the end in its example for using the dash: << In writing dialogue, the dash is used to show breaks in thought and shifts in tone: "How many times have I asked you not to =97" Jasion suddenly stopped talking= and looked out the window. >> It doesn't matter which usage I adopt, though; it seems that whatever I select, my editor will make me change it to something else, since my editors often contradict each other. Does anyone else find that to be the case? They'll adopt a certain grammar style because one editor told them to, and then a different editor will make them change it? Shadowfax ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 12:16:38 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Ann E. McBride" Subject: Re: Weird Punctuation! :P MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 9/1/01 1:03:53 AM Eastern Daylight Time, erink@IDA.NET writes: > section 5.12: A comma is used after the closing series of dots to separate > the > speech from the words identifying the speaker: > > "But...but...," said Tom. > > > UGH. I know there are different Manuals of Style out there. Do any of them > contradict this? Or is this the same throughout? I'd just love to be able > to > pretend I never saw this if I could get away with it. It just doesn't > look > And Wendy responded, "So that's the source for this very dubious punctuation advice! I knew it had to come from somewhere, because I've seen this too many times for it to be simply someone's mistake. It's just plain wrong, Erin; as you said, it looks wrong and it is wrong! However, I've even had a GE tell me that I needed a comma at the end of an ellipsis, so it's interesting to know where that 'rule' comes from." I am sure that you all knew I'd have to chime in on this question. After an extensive (hour long) search through every grammar book I could find in my house and the internet (there sure are a lot of grammar sites out there!), I have come to the conclusion that there actually is no rule for this. Nowhere could I find the specific instance of an ellipsis at the end of a quotation that was followed by any qualifier such as "she said" or "he commented." There are numerous references to the use of a period after an ellipsis at the end of a sentence. For example: Clark commented, "It was not exactly . . . ." (By the way, most references stated that there should be a space between each dot in an ellipsis, although some graciously decreed that with the advent of word-processing, omitting the spaces might be permitted to avoid wrap problems.) I have always used a comma after an ellipsis in the type of sentence Erin has indicated. Not to use one looks wrong to me. Of course, this may stem from having gone to a high school which used the Chicago Manual as its style book and from having majored in Economics in college where it was also the manual of choice. If my number two son had brought home his MLA Handbook, I could have checked it. Nevertheless, a perusal of several online versions of MLA found no references to the use of an ellipsis as Erin has used it. I did find several statements that indicated one should use the correct end punctuation at the end of an ellipsis, which would mean a comma in a quotation. "I just thought that . . . ," she whined. "I just thought that . . ." she whined. My educated guess is that either way is acceptable in US usage regardless of what the rule is in UK usage. Or, pehaps everyone is avoiding the subject because they honestly don't know. As for what Word says, I find that Word frequently says things are incorrect that are perfectly acceptable, so I don't pay attention to it much. Aren't you all glad I was able to clear this up? Ann (who *really* wishes that she could find her copy of The Practical Stylist) ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 11:50:46 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: Re: Weird Punctuation! :P On Sat, 1 Sep 2001 12:16:38 EDT, Ann E. McBride wrote: >>>I have always used a comma after an ellipsis in the type of sentence Erin has indicated. Not to use one looks wrong to me. Of course, this may stem from having gone to a high school which used the Chicago Manual as its style book and from having majored in Economics in college where it was also the manual of choice<<< and concluded that either way could be acceptable in US usage. I know that we've found instances where US and UK grammar usage vary, so it is irrelevant to the question of whether this is a correct US usage to say that I have *never* come across it in UK usage. And we don't add a final dot to the ellipsis to correspond to a full stop, either. Perhaps another guide might be published fiction; I'm tending to read a lot of US-published novels lately. And, although there are many things I've complained about editors of such books getting wrong, I don't recall ever having seen a comma at the end of an ellipis in dialogue in a novel. Wendy ----------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 13:43:17 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Ann E. McBride" Subject: Re: Weird Punctuation! :P MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 9/1/01 12:51:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time, wendy@KINGSMEADOWCR.FREESERVE.CO.UK writes: > Perhaps another guide might be published fiction; I'm tending to read a lot > Maybe. On the other hand, I am constantly amazed at some of the grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors I run across in published works, both fiction and non-fiction. I'm not sure if it's due to the relative dearth of good instruction in the US in the last several decades or to the use of computers rather than paper by copy editors. I personally think it is easier to spot errors on paper than on screen, but that could just be me. Ann ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 19:39:41 +0100 Reply-To: LabRat Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Organization: LabRat Subject: Re: Weird Punctuation! :P MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Ann wrote: > Maybe. On the other hand, I am constantly amazed at some of the grammatical, > spelling, and punctuation errors I run across in published works, both > fiction and non-fiction. I'm not sure if it's due to the relative dearth of > good instruction in the US in the last several decades or to the use of > computers rather than paper by copy editors. I personally think it is easier > to spot errors on paper than on screen, but that could just be me. > And here I thought it was just me. Not just in US published fiction either, but right across the board. I notice an awful lot more errors today in the books I'm reading than I can ever remember there being in the past. LabRat :) ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 15:37:39 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Elizabeth Rowe(Juliet)" Subject: Re: 'V' in Wendy's fic (was: RE: Looking for a partner / partners) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit *eyes perk up* V? People on this list are actually fans of V? I loved the Miniseries. Not as wild about the regular series, but the two miniseries kicked butt! An L&C/V crossover interests me, but I'm currently writing my own V fic, crossing it over with the World Wrestling Federation among other fics, including the one I posted to this list. If any fans of V are interested in my fic, I've got about a prologue and two chapters done and can mail them to anybody who wants to read it (yes I know shameless plug:-)). Juliet3:16 ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 15:03:18 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: James Tull Subject: Re: Why we expect so much of our fanfic writers (Was Re: The Accidental Husband) Kaethel wrote: "...and not only because the TV format doesn't allow introspection." Can you imagine how many 2 and 3 part episodes we would have had if the show could have shown introspection? Heck, the Lois/Lex arc would have been a season unto itself and they never would have gotten around to getting married. James ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 15:17:20 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: James Tull Subject: Re: Why we expect so much of our fanfic writers >>(I'm allowed to pick which bits of which episodes to believe in, aren't I? ) Meredith<< That's what I'm doing in one of my future stories. I am taking the most common aspects of Clark's powers and creating a 'how do they work' manual. I can't possibly make ALL things fit one mold because the series writers allowed Clark to do things that just didn't fit into existing canon (Clark protecting individuals with his cape (???) in The Father who came in from the Cold. That's straight out of the Silver age comics!) So I use as much as possible and think of the rest as aberrations ;) James /who is steadfastly trying to ignore Elisabeth who is standing over my shoulder cringing at the idea of one more fanfic as a WIP ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 15:19:49 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: James Tull Subject: Re: Why we expect so much of our fanfic writers Rolf and Diana had to climb a ladder to look into Clark's apartment. Just a thought to feed the fire. (Elisabeth) James ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2001 07:24:43 +1000 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jen Stosser Subject: Re: Weird Punctuation! :P In-Reply-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit -----Original Message----- From: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic [mailto:LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU] On Behalf Of Ann E. McBride Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2001 2:17 AM To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Subject: Re: Weird Punctuation! :P >>Ann (who *really* wishes that she could find her copy of The Practical Stylist)<< I'm sorry, but this just sounds like a hairdressing book to me! Jen -*- This message is umop ap!sdn -*- -*- Jenerator or Some1Else on IRC) -*- JenerEight on AIM -*- Photos of David (9) and Megan (6) on the Stosser Family HomePage: -*-Please sign our guestbook! ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 23:21:13 +0100 Reply-To: Yvonne Connell Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Yvonne Connell Subject: Re: Weird Punctuation! :P MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I'm just amazed that so many people here seem to own books devoted to the subject of grammar and style! Mind you, now I come to think of it, I think there's one kicking around my parents' house somewhere. Anyway, I accept your point, Ann, that publishers may not be the best source of authority on this subject, but I also suspect that these style books may differ from each other on what's acceptable and what's not. They would probably agree on the fundamentals, but the more esoteric the issue, the less likely they are to agree. Out of interest, I just took a trawl through some of my UK and US-published books, and, as Wendy found, none of them use commas after an ellipsis or an em dash. Oh, don't we all love a good grammar debate Yvonne ( ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 22:57:30 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Elizabeth Reid Subject: Re: 'V' in Wendy's fic (was: RE: Looking for a partner / partners) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit -----Original Message----- From: Elizabeth Rowe(Juliet) To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Date: 01 September 2001 21:18 Subject: Re: 'V' in Wendy's fic (was: RE: Looking for a partner / partners) *eyes perk up* V? People on this list are actually fans of V? I loved the Miniseries. Not as wild about the regular series, but the two miniseries kicked butt! An L&C/V crossover interests me, but I'm currently writing my own V fic, crossing it over with the World Wrestling Federation among other fics, including the one I posted to this list. If any fans of V are interested in my fic, I've got about a prologue and two chapters done and can mail them to anybody who wants to read it (yes I know shameless plug:-)). Juliet3:16 Dear Juliet, I've just resurrected my old copies of 'V', and have watched the miniseries and the follow up series, so I'm looking forward to your L&C/V fic with bated breath :-) All the best, Liz Reid ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 18:34:18 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Ann E. McBride" Subject: Re: Weird Punctuation! :P MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 9/1/01 6:18:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time, yvonne@YCONNELL.FSNET.CO.UK writes: > I'm just amazed that so many people here seem to own books devoted to the > subject of grammar and style! I'm amazed that very many people own this sort of book myself. I have an excuse -- I'm a former English teacher who happens to have two sons, one of whom is in his first year of university, taking "Intense English Composition." The other son is a junior in high school and is also taking English. Between the three of us, there are a lot of grammar books lying around the house. As Yvonne says, while most style manuals agree on the big things (always end a question with a question mark, for example), there is frequently disagreement on the little things. Throw in the continental shifts, and it's a wonder that any of us agree on much of anything. Ann (who assures Jen that The Practical Stylist has nothing at all to do with hair ;-) ) ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 23:17:38 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: No Name Available Subject: Re: Why we expect so much of our fanfic writers MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Kaethel wrote: I missed this comment when it was originally posted, but caught it when James quoted it. I have to say that I think TV does allow introspection; it just doesn't allow very much of it. As someone mentioned, a skilled actor or actress can convey a lot with facial expressions and tones of voice. But I have seen TV shows that use voice overs to provide a character's introspection. Of course, they don't do it very often, compared to time allotted to action, but it can be, and is, done on other shows. Lois & Clark writers never did it, but I think it would have been quite interesting to see how the series writers "heard" Lois's and Clark's thoughts, since fanfic writers so often use introspection. Along with this thread, I think one reason I sometimes expect more of a fanfic writer is because he/she has more time to work out stories. Obviously this isn't their paid job and they can't devote all day to it, but they do have the luxury of working on a story for longer than the series writers did. I know I've worked on some stories for over a year, and I'm sure others have as well; of course a TV writer could never do that. I've also come to expect so much from fanfic writers (especially from certain writers) because they've stunned me with their brilliance in the past. After I read a really great story once, I expect something even better next time ;) Christy ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 23:34:20 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Genevieve Clemens Subject: Re: Weird Punctuation! :P MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Wendy Richards wrote: > > On Sat, 1 Sep 2001 12:16:38 EDT, Ann E. McBride wrote: > > >>>I have always used a comma after an ellipsis in the type of sentence > Erin has indicated. Not to use one looks wrong to me. Of course, this may > stem from having gone to a high school which used the Chicago Manual as its > style book and from having majored in Economics in college where it was > also the manual of choice<<< Wendy suggested: > > Perhaps another guide might be published fiction; I'm tending to read a lot > of US-published novels lately. The comma after the dash or the ellipsis looks wrong to me too, and I don't use it. But I've co-authored stories with my sister who follows Chicago religiously, and insists on the comma. Because of my stubborn nature, everytime I've seen a style manual -- in bookstores, libraries, or anywhere else -- I've checked to see what they suggest. I've concluded that no style manual really gives good advice on how to punctuate dialog. Chicago is one of the very few that even addresses this issue. Simon and Schuster's, for instance, says to use the dash or the ellipsis for interrupted or trailing off speech, but in none of their examples do they put the "he said" after the ellipsis or dash. It's just "Nothing. That is why I ask you . . ." So you really can't say whether S&S think it needs a comma or not. And once I skimmed through novel after novel, looking for commas. Sometimes I found the comma, sometimes I didn't. My own suggestion is to decide how you want to punctuate, and be consistent. My biggest pet peeve these days are the number of people who are insisting that "He said" is a complete sentence. People will write: "Wait a minute." He said. "I want to go with you." I've seen that so often lately, my fingers have gone numb from pressing the delete key. But I just can't read those fanfics. And I don't understand where it's coming from. This is not acceptable in *any* style manual, nor is it used in any published fiction that I've ever seen. But it's endemic in fandom. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Genevieve And for the record -- I own Chicago's Style Manual *and* Simon & Shuster's, *and* Little and Brown's, as well as Warriner's English Grammar and Composition -- and they all have a position of honor on the bookshelf right next to my computer. ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 23:36:45 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Elizabeth Rowe(Juliet)" Subject: Re: 'V' in Wendy's fic (was: RE: Looking for a partner / partners) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 9/1/2001 6:32:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time, ereid@IOL.IE writes: > *eyes perk up* V? People on this list are actually fans of V? > > I loved the Miniseries. Not as wild about the regular series, but the two > miniseries kicked butt! > > An L&C/V crossover interests me, but I'm currently writing my own V fic, > crossing it over with the World Wrestling Federation among other fics, > including the one I posted to this list. > > If any fans of V are interested in my fic, I've got about a prologue and two > chapters done and can mail them to anybody who wants to read it (yes I know > shameless plug:-)). > > > Juliet3:16 > > > Dear Juliet, > > I've just resurrected my old copies of 'V', and have watched the miniseries > and the follow up series, so I'm looking forward to your L&C/V fic with > bated breath :-) > > All the best, > > Liz Reid > > Actually it's a cross with V and the World Wrestling Federation (Not Lois and Clark, although that's a thought to file away for a potential future fic). The L&C fic I'm currently working on deals with Superman's battle with Doomsday. The prologue can be found in the archives and Zoom's messageboards. If you're still interested in the V/WWF fic I'm working on, let me know and I'll send it to you. Juliet ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2001 00:45:47 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Ann E. McBride" Subject: Re: Weird Punctuation! :P MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 9/1/01 11:33:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time, nightsky@EROLS.COM writes: > The comma after the dash or the ellipsis looks wrong to me too, and I > don't use it. But I've co-authored stories with my sister who follows > Chicago religiously, and insists on the comma. Because of my stubborn > nature, everytime I've seen a style manual -- in bookstores, libraries, > or anywhere else -- I've checked to see what they suggest. I've > concluded that no style manual really gives good advice on how to > punctuate dialog. Chicago is one of the very few that even addresses > this issue. Simon and Schuster's, for instance, says to use the dash or > the ellipsis for interrupted or trailing off speech, but in none of > their examples do they put the "he said" after the ellipsis or dash. > It's just "Nothing. That is why I ask you . . ." So you really can't > say whether S&S think it needs a comma or not. This is exactly what I have found in my searching for the answer. This lack of commentary leads me to believe that there may, in fact, be no rule. Either that, or no one knows what the rule is (with the possible exception of Kate Turabian ). > And once I skimmed through novel after novel, looking for commas. > Sometimes I found the comma, sometimes I didn't. My own suggestion is > I agree, wholeheartedly. Either that, or avoid the situation altogether by putting "He said" at the beginning of the sentence. > My biggest pet peeve these days are the number of people who are > insisting that "He said" is a complete sentence. > "Wait a minute." He said. "I want to go with you." > > I've seen that so often lately, my fingers have gone numb from pressing > the delete key. But I just can't read those fanfics. And I don't > understand where it's coming from. This is not acceptable in *any* > style manual, nor is it used in any published fiction that I've ever > seen. "He said" cannot be a complete sentence because the verb "to say" is transitive: it has to have a direct object. He has to say *something*. Do you suppose the construction cited above is a result of the proximity of the comma and the period on keyboards, coupled with poor eyesight on the part of the authors? Perhaps the poor fanfic author really thinks that the period after "said" is a comma as it should be. One of my particular pet peeves is the placement of a comma after the first of only two equal elements in a series, for example: She went to the store, and stopped by the post office. Or: He was tall, and handsome. Or: She had red hair, and blue eyes. One must have three elements to use commas and then it is preferable, but again consistency is the most important thing, to put a comma before "and" as well. Ann ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2001 09:26:45 +0200 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Kathy S." Subject: Re: 'V' in Wendy's fic (was: RE: Looking for a partner / partners) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed >From: Elizabeth Reid >Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" > >To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU >Subject: Re: 'V' in Wendy's fic (was: RE: Looking for a partner / partners) >Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 22:57:30 +0100 > >-----Original Message----- >From: Elizabeth Rowe(Juliet) >To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU > >Date: 01 September 2001 21:18 >Subject: Re: 'V' in Wendy's fic (was: RE: Looking for a partner / partners) > > >*eyes perk up* V? People on this list are actually fans of V? > >I loved the Miniseries. Not as wild about the regular series, but the two >miniseries kicked butt! > >An L&C/V crossover interests me, but I'm currently writing my own V fic, >crossing it over with the World Wrestling Federation among other fics, >including the one I posted to this list. > >If any fans of V are interested in my fic, I've got about a prologue and >two >chapters done and can mail them to anybody who wants to read it (yes I know >shameless plug:-)). > > >Juliet3:16 > > >Dear Juliet, > >I've just resurrected my old copies of 'V', and have watched the >miniseries >and the follow up series, so I'm looking forward to your L&C/V fic with >bated breath :-) > >All the best, > >Liz Reid > Dear Liz, I think it's great that there's still so many fans of V out there. The LnC/V Crossover some of the others were talking about is a project I'm trying my hands on at the moment... Just wanted to let you know. It's nothing more than some story notes yet, but I hope that, together with some other great people out there writing with me, one day there'll be a nice long fanfic. :) :) -Kathy- _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2001 09:54:41 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Meredith Knight Subject: All Stirred Up, part 2b/? In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Cont'd from part 2b ***** "It must be somewhere around here, Lois. We should be able to see something soon. At least this part of the Slum still has street lights." Lois drove slowly down the street, butterflies dancing in her stomach. All her instincts were telling her that what she was looking for was close by. A couple of hundred yards further on, Jimmy let out a whoop. "That's it, Lois! That's got to be it! See the hole in the warehouse wall?" She pulled the Jeep to the kerb and jumped out, hoping that it would still be there - and intact - when they returned. She followed Jimmy to the hole in the wall. The missing masonry was scattered on the floor inside the warehouse, half filling a crater some yards away. As Lois put her hand on the edge of the hole to steady herself, another brick crumbled and fell. "It looks like you're right, Jimmy. This is recent enough. Whatever caused this must be in that hole in the floor." She picked her way across the rubble, hoping that the impact hadn't weakened the warehouse roof. Jimmy was already busy taking pictures of the scene. Lois stopped at the edge of the crater and switched on her flashlight, playing the beam over the hole. "Jimmy, there's nothing in here except more rubble. Nothing big enough to have caused this damage." A bubble of excitement was rising in her chest, and she had to clear her throat. "Jimmy - whatever landed here has moved. Do - do you think it could be him?" "It could be. But you know what Perry would say - we need proof. Are you sure there's nothing in that hole?" Lois stepped down gingerly into the hole and crouched, scanning back and forth with the flashlight beam. At first she could see nothing, but when she brushed away some of the dust a flash of red caught her eye. There was some cloth caught among the broken bricks. "Jimmy, give me a hand here!" Jimmy took some quick shots of the pile of debris, then crouched down and helped her to shift some of the pieces of rubble, freeing the strip of red material. It was tattered and scorched, but, "It's from his cloak. He made it back!" The two reporters turned to look out of the warehouse, through the hole in the wall. There was a billboard advertising Metro Trains on the other side of the street, still proudly proclaiming "Faster than a speeding bullet", but now it had a hole punched through the middle. Jimmy grinned. "I have to go get some pictures of that, Lois! I'll be right back." ***** He could hear voices in his dream. The woman's voice was familiar, and very dear. He smiled as her face formed in his mind. Shiny dark hair, dark eyes that could flash fire or melt your heart, a mouth that could be witheringly scornful, engagingly witty, or sweetly kissable. He frowned slightly. What did that mean? Was she his wife? His girlfriend? He loved her, but there were also troubled feelings associated with her - anxiety, possibly even guilt. If she was his wife, then he must have been unfaithful. No, that was ludicrous! He could never be unfaithful to Lois, not in a million years. "Jimmy, give me a hand here!" His eyes flew open. That was no dream, she was here. She had come to help him. He stood up slowly, searching for her in the gloom. Yes, there she was, crouched in the hole in the floor. But there was a young man with her - this Jimmy, presumably - and he was taking photographs. The man without a name glanced down at his filthy Spandex. He couldn't afford to be photographed like this! For that matter, what was Lois going to say when she saw him dressed like this? Was that what the anxiety and guilt was about? He stood indecisively for a few minutes, while the pair in the crater discussed something they had found in the rubble. Then they both looked out towards the street, and the young man scrambled out of the crater and picked his way back outside. Lois sat down on the edge of the crater and buried her face in her hands. It was now or never. He walked slowly towards the crater. His boot scraped on some of the rubble and Lois looked up, startled. She looked straight at him, and turned as white as a sheet. He hesitated; this was obviously going to be pretty bad. She looked away again, without speaking. He walked a few paces nearer. "Lois?" ***** As Jimmy went outside, Lois sank down on the edge of the crater and let relief flood over her. He had made it back. There was no blood, no body; he had left, presumably under his own steam. He must be all right. And - she smiled - what a story it was going to make! Something moved in the darkness of the warehouse. Lois looked up, startled. She couldn't see anything. The next moment she cursed herself, as her overactive imagination contemplated being alone in the darkness with a rat, and for the second time that day she thought she was going to faint. It was a relief when a human form took shape in the gloom, and a voice spoke in familiar tones. "Lois?" "Clark? How did you..." Belatedly, she remembered her flashlight, and swung it up. "Superman!" He looked terrible. From the waist down, he was covered in dust. More than half his cloak was gone, the edges scorched and singed. His face was clean enough, but pale, and his normally smooth hair was rumpled. Most striking of all, there was no trace of his normal stern, impassive expression; he looked worried and confused. "Superman, are you all right? When your mike went out, we thought - we were afraid you were dead! Are you okay?" The worry receded, but the confusion deepened. "I - I don't know." "What do you mean, you don't know? Are you hurt?" "I don't think so. I feel all right. But I don't..." His eyes met hers, and it came out in a rush, "I can't remember anything." She leapt to her feet, surprise warring with concern. "We have to get you to a hospital!" She scrambled out of the crater and turned towards the street, drawing a breath to call for Jimmy. In two strides he was at her side, gripping her arm and whirling her round to face him. "No! No hospitals! They - they'll dissect me like a frog!" She winced at the pressure of his fingers on her arm, and he dropped it and drew back slightly, his eyes still pleading with hers. In the light from the street lamps, she could see panic in his eyes. She rubbed her arm thoughtfully. "I guess a hospital isn't going to be able to help you much, anyway. So what are you going to do?" "Did I hurt you? I'm sorry." He looked ruefully at her arm. "I don't know what to do, Lois. I need to go home and get out of these..." he glanced down with a grimace, "... clothes. But I don't know where home is. I thought you could tell me." She was silent for a long moment, letting that sink in. "You mean, you really don't remember anything? Anything at all? But why do you think I can help you? Do you remember anything about me?" "I recognised your voice and your face. I know I..." he hesitated, and took the safer option, "know you, but I don't know who you are." "And you don't seem to know your own strength, either," she said with a hint of a smile. Evidently his answer had been acceptable. She pondered for a minute. "Well, first we have to get you out of here. I think we'd better take you to Clark's place. He'll know what to do." Before he could ask, they heard a call from the street. "Lois, are you okay in there?" Lois frowned. "Jimmy! He'd better not know about this. I'll think of something to tell him. But you'd better not look so worried - do your hero pose." "Hero pose?" he echoed, baffled, and she sighed. "You fold your arms and stand with your feet apart like this, and look noble and forbidding. It's very impressive. Try it." He did as instructed, and immediately - perhaps automatically - his face took on Superman's habitual stern expression. "That's it. Your hair's a bit of a mess, though. Jimmy's going to want photographs for the paper. Here..." she dived into a jacket pocket, and came up with a comb. "Comb it straight back. Hurry." Jimmy's footsteps were approaching now. Superman quickly followed instructions and handed the comb back, feeling like a gawky child about to be taken for class photographs. He folded his arms again, noticing how the "hero pose" instantly lent him a feeling of security. Jimmy scrambled through the gap in the wall and paused to let his eyes adjust to the dimmer light. "Lois, we should go before someone steals your car... Superman! You're here! We thought you had left! Man, is it good to see you." He seized Superman's hand and pumped it fervently. "You did a great job today, we're all so grateful, but we were worried about you after your radio cut out." Superman had no idea what he was talking about, but a response seemed to be in order. "No problem, Jimmy." He wondered if he should say something more, but Lois cut in, and Jimmy finally released Superman's hand. "Jimmy, Superman was on his way to Clark's flat to get cleaned up, but he was concerned about us being in the Slum at this time of night. I offered him a ride. We should get going." "Sure, Lois. But, Superman? Would you mind if I got some pictures first? This'll be such a scoop for the Planet!" "No, that's okay, Jimmy." Lois added, "Better stick to head and shoulders shots, though. We want 'Conquering Hero Returns', not 'Demolition Man'." Jimmy's eyebrows rose. It wasn't like Lois to pass up a newsworthy angle. But then, she had always been rather territorial about Superman. Safest not to argue. "You're the boss, Lois." He took half a dozen shots of Superman, including one in front of the "Faster than a speeding bullet" billboard, then they went back to the Jeep. Jimmy climbed into the back seat, but as Superman was about to get into the front, Lois stopped him. She was eyeing his filthy legs. "Superman, nothing personal, but could I ask you not to sit on my upholstery like that? I think I have a blanket to wrap around you." She retrieved the blanket from the back of the Jeep, and draped it round Superman's shoulders, muttering too softly for Jimmy to hear, "This should stop you being recognised." The drive to Clinton Avenue took only a few minutes. It was cold and starting to rain, and there were no passersby to gape at a dishevelled Superman climbing out of Lois's car. But once inside the building, they met their first setback: the apartment was in darkness, and Clark was not answering his doorbell. Lois fretted and fumed for a few minutes, ringing the bell at frequent intervals, and then turned to Jimmy with an air of decision. "We'll pick the lock." Superman shifted uncomfortably behind her. "Lois, I really don't think..." She turned and frowned at him, adopting an airy tone for Jimmy's benefit. "Oh, I'm quite certain Clark won't mind, Superman. He must just have popped out for some bread, or aspirin, or something." She turned back to Jimmy. "Come on, Jimmy. If you won't do it, I will!" Jimmy blushed and looked uncertainly at Superman, then took a piece of wire from his pocket and crouched in front of the door. After few seconds of fiddling there was a click, and the door swung open. "Good, it wasn't bolted." Lois snorted. "Clark doesn't even have a bolt on his door. He doesn't think he needs security." She walked through the door, flicking the light on, and called, "Clark! ... Clark?" She turned back to the others, "He's definitely not here." She gazed at Jimmy briefly, wheels visibly turning in her brain. For a moment Jimmy had the unnerving, though not unfamiliar, sensation of being an insect caught in the path of a rapidly advancing windshield. "Jimmy, Perry's going to want those photos for the morning edition. I was going to run you over to the Planet and write up the story, but I think I'd better stay here with Superman until Clark gets back, and explain that picking the lock was my idea. Can you get to the Planet on your own? I could call a cab." Jimmy smiled thankfully at the paper-thin excuse; this time, all she wanted was to spend some extra time alone with Superman. "No problem, Lois, I'll take the subway." "I can write up the story on Clark's computer and e-mail it to Perry," she continued. "Tell him I'll have it there by..." she checked her watch, "eight. You'd better get going if you're going to have those photos ready." "Okay, see you in the morning. Superman, bye, and thanks again." Jimmy waved and disappeared. Lois leaned back against the banisters, and breathed a sigh of relief. "Well, I think we passed that with flying colours. Come on in, Superman. You probably want to get showered right away, and I have an article to write. I'm sure you can borrow some of Clark's clothes, that's if you can find some that fit." She eyed Superman's muscular torso covertly as he passed her; as usual, his proximity was making her a trifle light-headed. She closed the door behind him and led the way down to the living room, still babbling. "I wonder when Clark will be home. He went home sick this morning, you know -" "Lois." "- with a headache, so I'm sure he can't ..." She turned. Superman had sat down heavily on the top step, the confusion once again evident in his face. "Yes, what?" "I'll take a shower in a minute, but there are some things I'd really like to know first." "Well, I'll tell you anything I can. What do you need to know?" "What's my name? And what's this Superman thing all about?" He looked dubiously at his suit. "Am I a wrestler, or some sort of circus act, or what?" -- Meredith Knight "All the pebbles had fat smiling faces, and the anemones had mad bright eyes above their frills." ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2001 09:51:51 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Meredith Knight Subject: All Stirred Up, part 2a/? In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 This is a long chapter, so I'm splitting it into two... All Stirred Up, by Meredith Knight Chapter 1 : Homecoming He was dreaming of flying, free as a bird. He felt warm and comfortable. He smiled and opened his eyes. The dream persisted, only now he wasn't flying, but floating in space. It was an odd sort of dream. He studied the beautiful blue-green planet suspended before him. It didn't look at all familiar, but that must be where he was meant to go. But how? He willed himself towards it, and somewhat to his surprise, started to move. He tried turning round, and that worked, too. Now the continent in front of him looked a little more familiar. But it wasn't the right place to go. The white area down below didn't look inviting, either - maybe the area above? He headed that way, and realised it was going to take some time to get there. He closed his eyes again. ***** If Lois had been difficult before the news broadcast, she was impossible afterwards. Most of her colleagues had seen it coming and made themselves scarce, but when Lois went downstairs to turn in her story, a temp at the copy desk made an idle remark about how exciting the day's events had been. She was white and shaking by the time Lois had finished with her. Perry yelled for Lois the moment she got back to the pit, and told her to take herself home before she landed herself with a harassment lawsuit. She pleaded to be allowed to stay in case any news of Superman came in, but Perry would brook no argument, ordering the long-suffering Myerson to escort her to her Jeep. ***** After a long while, he opened his eyes again. He was still having the same dream, only the planet was much closer now. He was nearer the top of it, now - the north, that was it - and it looked more familiar. Yes, over there on the right, where lights were beginning to blink into existence. He picked the clump of lights that seemed right, and headed straight for it. Home. ***** After a day that couldn't have been worse - well, except for that brief stolen kiss - Perry just had to order her home early, and now here she was, stuck in a godforsaken traffic jam. For a brief moment, Lois considered leaning on the horn and screaming obscenities, in the hope that someone would succumb to a fit of road rage and start a fight. Then sanity reasserted itself, and she leaned back, closed her eyes and took a deep, ragged breath. He had to be out there somewhere. Superman could not be dead. She opened her eyes and looked towards the sunset. It was so beautiful, so majestic and serene; above all these petty troubles. Just like him. The traffic moved a few car lengths and stopped again. Lois's eyes returned to the sunset. Her eye was caught by the evening star, and she wished with all her heart that Superman would be safe. The star grew brighter and brighter, and seemed to move across the sky. That couldn't be right? Lois sat stunned as the biggest and brightest shooting star she had ever seen shot across the darkening sky and vanished behind the buildings to the north, over Hobbs Bay. Several seconds after it vanished, she heard what might - or might not - have been a clap of thunder. With shaking hands, she dragged her mobile phone out of her handbag and dialled Jimmy's number at the Planet. To her relief, he answered - he must have returned to his desk once she'd gone. "Jimmy, it's Lois here. No, I'm not going to yell at you - I've got a job for you. I just saw a shooting star like I've never seen before, and I think it landed somewhere near Hobbs Bay. It has to be something to do with Superman. Well, yes, I suppose it could just be debris, but how'd it get here so quickly? Jimmy, I want you to drop everything and phone around, find out who else saw it. We should be able to work out where it landed. But don't mention Superman to anyone - I want to be the first reporter on the scene. Leave a message for me at home if you get anything... no, I'm stuck in traffic, would you believe it? Get right on it, Jimmy, okay?" She hung up and paused to catch her breath, scanning the horizon again. Nothing further untoward was happening. Then she dialled Clark's number. There was no answer, and her phone started fading; the battery was going. "Typical!" she grumbled, and threw it back into her bag. But there was a light in her eyes that hadn't been there five minutes before. ***** The dream had ended abruptly, with a roaring wind and fire, and then a succession of huge crashes. Now everything was quiet, and he was lying on something. There was something on top of him, too. It didn't feel like bedclothes. He opened his eyes again. He seemed to be lying in a hole in the floor, in - he peered around - what looked like an abandoned warehouse. There was a whole pile of rubble on top of his legs. It didn't hurt. Could this be another dream? No, it didn't feel like one - he felt decidedly uncomfortable this time. He sat up, and gingerly tried pulling his legs from under the masonry. Surprisingly, in spite of its evident weight, it moved easily and his legs came free. They were filthy, but there was no apparent damage, even to his pants. What sort of pants were they, anyway? They looked rather close-fitting and smooth, almost like tights. He brushed off some of the dust and peered closer in the dim light - bright blue tights. What on earth could he be wearing? He stood up and moved to where a street light cast a beam through a large hole in the wall, and inspected what he could see of his clothing. He appeared to be wearing a most outlandish outfit, in primary colours: blue tights and leotard, and red briefs worn, bizarrely, outside the leotard, with a yellow belt. There was a stylised "S" in red and yellow on his chest, and he had dark red boots. Tattered remnants of a red cloak hung from his shoulders, scorched and singed at the lower edges. Singed from the fire? No, the fire had been in his dream. But perhaps he was still dreaming after all. Surely no one in his right mind would wear something like this in real life, unless he was a circus performer. A squeaking noise intruded itself on his hearing. He had been aware of it for some time, slowly getting louder, and now it seemed to be approaching the building. Then he heard voices from outside. Not wishing to be observed in this strange getup until he had worked out what was going on, he headed swiftly away from the light. ***** Lois had used practically every back street in Metropolis to get away from the traffic jam. She had also run several red lights, and used the full force of her personality to induce other drivers to let her through. At last she was home. She ran up the steps and negotiated her apartment locks in record time. Inside, she switched the answering machine off and checked the message light - no messages. She dialled Jimmy's extension at the Planet, but got an engaged signal. At least he was following orders. Ten minutes later, Lois had showered and changed into her "street clothes": dark trousers, a bulky, nondescript shirt and tough, flat shoes. She dialled the Planet again, and this time Jimmy answered. "Jimmy! At last. What have you got for me?" "I've managed to track down a few reports. The witnesses all saw the shooting star over Hobbs Bay, and most of them think it crashed in Suicide Slum. I'm busy plotting the sightings on the map, to see if I can work out exactly where it landed." "That's great, Jimmy! Call me as soon as you've got a location. I'll grab a bite to eat, then I'll be ready to go." "Uh, Lois? You're not thinking of going to Suicide Slum on your own, are you? It could be dangerous." "Don't worry, Jimmy, I'm planning to take Clark with me. He should have shaken that headache by now. He likes playing the big, macho bodyguard." "Okay. I'll phone back in a few minutes." Lois hung up, and dialled Clark's home number. She listened to the insistent ringing tone with a faint frown. Clark wouldn't have been playing hooky, would he? Not today, of all days! No, he must have unplugged the phone to get some sleep. She was starving! She hadn't had a bite to eat all day - the tension had destroyed her appetite. Now it was back with a vengeance. She opened the fridge and grabbed a fat-free yoghurt, tucking into it while she sized up the options for a sandwich. As she decided on pastrami and cream cheese, the phone rang and she ran to get it. "I've got a pretty good location, Lois. It's in Suicide Slum, in the warehouse area. Do you want to write down some street names?" "Actually, Jimmy, I have a better idea. I haven't been able to get hold of Clark; he must be asleep. How do you feel about doing a little legwork for a change? You could bring your camera... okay, Jimmy, calm down! I'll take that as a 'yes.'" She laughed. "I'll be outside the Planet in ten minutes." Pausing only to dump the empty yoghurt carton and grab a jacket and a heavy flashlight, Lois was on her way. ***** The two men - vagrants, by the look of it - had investigated the hole in the wall and the hole in the floor, but had found nothing of value to interest them, and had pushed their squeaky shopping trolley away again. The man in the Spandex suit relaxed, and tried to work out what to do next. He needed to get home and change into normal clothes. Only, where was home? He didn't have the faintest idea. He could look up his name in the phone book... only he had no idea what his name was, either. And how could he get to a phone book without being spotted, anyway? Fear started to nibble at the edge of his thoughts. What *was* he going to do? What if he just stayed here until he remembered who he was, and where to go? It wasn't much of a plan, but he didn't see any real option. Besides, now that he thought about it, he was really tired. He sat down on the floor, in the corner furthest from the hole in the wall. He leaned his back against the wall and closed his eyes. Just before he dozed off, it suddenly occurred to him that someone would come to help him soon. It was a comforting thought, calming his fears, and he smiled as he drifted off to sleep. ***** cont'd in part 2b... -- Meredith Knight "All the pebbles had fat smiling faces, and the anemones had mad bright eyes above their frills." ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2001 13:07:47 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Nicola Baker Subject: Re: A Soldier's POV MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thanks, Kathy. It was the product of a late night combined with too much caffeine, so I wasn't sure how it would go down. Nic ----- Original Message ----- From: Kathy Brown To: Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2001 1:09 PM Subject: Re: A Soldier's POV > On Sat, 1 Sep 2001 10:41:18 +0100, Nicola Baker < > nicola@NJBAKER.FREESERVE.CO.UK> wrote: > > > >Who else do you know that would leave a locked cell by the window, bending the metal bars and leaving behind only a pile of clothes? > > LOL, great story, Nicola!! Very cute. :) > > Kathy > ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2001 08:51:30 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Shadow Fax Subject: Re: All Stirred Up, part 2b/? Argggggghhhhhh! Caught again! I opened this because I thought it was only going to be a one or two-parter and I was left hanging in the middle of what is promising-to-be-and-rapidly-becoming a *fantastic* story! I can hardly wait for the next part; I'm dying to know what's going to happen next. :) Please hurry and finish this wonderful story, Meredith; I love it. :D Shadowfax ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2001 14:53:37 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Laurie Dunn Subject: Re: All Stirred Up, part 2b/? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Great start, Meredith. I like the new angle you've taken on All Shook Up. Keep posting quickly, please. LaurieD ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2001 18:03:34 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: lcfic Subject: STORY: Code of Honor (1/9) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Hi FoLCs! I posted this on Zoom’s board not too long ago, and thought I’d post it here for those who may be interested. Enjoy! Dawn TITLE: Code of Honor PART: (1/9) AUTHOR: D. Field RATING: PG13 FEEDBACK: Comments welcome PUB/PRIV. Editing PRIV. SUMMARY: LnC/JAG crossover – Lois and Clark find themselves assigned to the same case as Mac and Harm. Code of Honor D. Field June 2001 I’ve wanted to write a JAG crossover for quite some time, but the right idea for a B-plot for the JAG characters hadn’t presented itself until the May 8th episode “Lifeline”. The idea just seemed to click then. This is set after Mac and Mic’s engagement party. If LNC:TNAOS had continued, Lois and Clark would now be married for about five years. Those of you not familiar with JAG, Patrick Labyorteaux, who plays Lt. Bud Roberts, also played the computer guru Bob Fences in Contact. If you’d like to see what the rest of the cast looks like, go to the official JAG web site ( or this one, ( which has better picture of the entire cast, or this one ( which has some good individual pics. Thanks to my editors and the folcs on Zoom’s board for comments on this story, and folcs who have sent me comments on my other stories. Usual disclaimers for both series. Please do not redistribute without my permission. Constructive comments welcome. Any grammar or spelling errors please send to me privately so we don’t clog up the list :) ~~~ 1300 Zulu JAG Headquarters Falls Church, Virginia “Sir?” the voice penetrated the silence of the room from the doorway of Cmdr. Rabb’s office. “Yes, Tiner.” Harm looked up from the case file he was concentrating on at the sound of the Petty Officer’s voice. “The Admiral needs to see you and Col. MacKenzie in his office ASAP.” “Thanks, Tiner.” Rabb rose to obey his commanding officer’s orders, current case forgotten. Leaving his office, he went in search of Mac, dodging through the activity of the large main room. After poking his head in Mac’s office and finding it empty, he stopped at one of the many desks in Ops. “Gunny, have you seen Col. MacKenzie?” “Not for some time, sir.” Gunnary Sgt. Galindez replied, glancing up from his computer research. “Rabb!” The bellow from the Admiral’s office interrupted the query. “Sir,” Rabb turned to address the Judge Advocate General of the United States Navy. “I was just looking for the Colonel.” “Oh. Okay. As soon as you find her, I need both of you in my office.” “Yes, sir!” he replied to the retreating back. “Sir,” Gunny spoke to again get Rabb’s attention. Lowering his voice, he continued, “you might want to try the ladies room. The colonel looked a little upset when she came in this morning.” Harm’s expression turned to one of concern. “Thanks, Gunny.” As he made his way through the office to the restrooms, he hoped Mac wasn’t upset over what had happened last night at her engagement party. He’d never meant to hurt her, he just wanted her to really be sure before she took that final step and married Brumby. Maybe he shouldn’t have told her he was in love with her. For some reason he couldn’t fully explain, he’d wanted her to know, needed her to know how he felt about her. It was crazy, really. She had Brumby, he had Renee, they’d worked together for over five years, and he’d never said anything before to her about how he felt. So why now? ~~~ Sarah stared at her reflection in the mirror, the signs of a sleepless night clear around her eyes, despite attempts to cover it with makeup. Why had Rabb chosen now to tell her how he felt?! She did love him, too, but she also cared for Mic. Mic was a good man, and he’d been good for her. He’d patiently pursued her when she had wanted nothing to do with men, and he’d won her over. Harm’s timing always had been lousy. Like the time he’d told her he was returning to flight status just when she was losing Chloe. She’d had no control over that situation, but he had come back. And now? What could she do? A knock on the door interrupted her musing. “Mac? Admiral Chegwidden needs to see us.” He hesitated a moment before continuing. “Mac, are you okay?” “Yeah,” she called back. “I’ll be right there.” Returning to her reflection, she took a deep breath. “Buck up, Marine. Time to get back to work.” She exited the restroom and fell into step with Harm as they walked to the Admiral’s office. She kept her eyes focused straight ahead, but she could feel him sneaking glances at her. As they reached the Admiral’s door, a bark to enter came at Harm’s knock. He opened the door and she preceded him in, both standing at attention once he’d closed the door behind them. “Reporting as ordered, sir,” Sarah spoke as the senior officer. “At ease, and take a seat.” The Admiral motioned to the two chairs in front of his desk before taking his own. “I need you two to follow up on some mysterious deaths at the Metropolis Veterans Administration Hospital. At the least we are looking at a charge of neglectful manslaughter.” He handed each a case file. “But there may be more. And I can’t tell you how little the military needs another scandal right now.” He gave them a moment to make a cursory glance at the file. “Keep me posted on your progress. And take Roberts with you. Any questions?” “No, sir,” they responded in unison and rose to stand at attention. “Dismissed.” “Aye, aye, sir.” MacKenzie acknowledged, then preceded Rabb out of the office. Once outside the Admiral’s office, Mac turned to Harm. “Can you tell Bud? There’s something I need to take care of.” “Sure, Mac. Hey, are you sure you’re okay?” He made as if to touch her arm, then hesitated, pulling back. Sarah couldn’t help but notice the gesture. She didn’t want him to be uncomfortable with her now. “I’m fine. Let’s get to work.” With that she left him to find Bud. Closing the door to her office, she reached for her phone as she sat down, punching in familiar numbers. Her fiancé answered on the first. “Mic, hi.” “Sarah!” Normally, the way the Australian said her name sent a thrill through her, but she couldn’t let that distract her now. “Mic, I’m sorry to have to do this, but I have to go out of town on an investigation. I’m going to have to cancel dinner tonight.” “With Rabb?” She couldn’t help but hear the jealousy in his voice, and feel guilty that he had reason to be. “And Lt. Roberts. I don’t know how long it will take, but I’ll call you.” “I’ll miss you, Sarah.” “I’ll miss you, too, Mic.” “Sarah, I love you.” “Me, too, Mic.” With those words, she hung up. She hadn’t been able to bring herself to say the words back to him this time. tbc __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get email alerts & NEW webcam video instant messaging with Yahoo! Messenger ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 18:35:51 +0930 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LizO Subject: Its Show time! MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi all This week the annual Royal Adelaide Show is on. I went on Saturday and there in the showbags was the Lois and Clark satchel - with folder and notebooks covered with our favourite couple. And all for AUD$3.50 (US$1.75). Had to update my collection, of course! Gotta love the show! Liz ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 18:40:16 +0930 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jill Kaye Subject: Re: Its Show time! In-Reply-To: <001301c13457$a2032a00$8fcd223f@lizo> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Is it the same as last year's bag? Because I have that one. It contained a shoulder bag, a folder and other stationary (stationery?) things. ~Larissa~ Hi all > >This week the annual Royal Adelaide Show is on. I went on Saturday and there >in the showbags was the Lois and Clark satchel - with folder and notebooks >covered with our favourite couple. > >And all for AUD$3.50 (US$1.75). Had to update my collection, of course! > >Gotta love the show! > >Liz ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 21:46:17 +1000 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jen Stosser Subject: Re: Its Show time! In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hunh?! They're not selling the showbags here in Melbourne this year! Oh well... you may be interested in trying to get more of them and selling them to FoLCs who haven't bought them from me in previous years! (For those who came in late, 5 years ago, Joe went to the Royal Melbourne Show, and bought me a bag, 4 years ago, I went and bought 6 on pre-order from FoLCs in the US, 3 years ago, I contacted the manufacturer, and had 75 delivered to my home and sent them out to FoLCs as advertised (here?) and ordered; two years ago, I ordered them again from the manufacturer, and had 50 delivered here. Last year, I figured I might have covered the market, and didn't order any, although I believe someone in QLD did it. But my best friend got me a showbag for my birthday .) I took my last bag to the US when I went to LAFF last month, and the individual parts were auctioned off at the charity auction; there were a few FoLCs who hadn't seen them before, so there may be some interest again this year? Jen -*- This message is umop ap!sdn -*- -*- Jenerator or Some1Else on IRC) -*- JenerEight on AIM -*- Photos of David (9) and Megan (6) on the Stosser Family HomePage: -*-Please sign our guestbook! -----Original Message----- From: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic [mailto:LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU] On Behalf Of Jill Kaye Sent: Monday, September 03, 2001 7:10 PM To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Subject: Re: Its Show time! Is it the same as last year's bag? Because I have that one. It contained a shoulder bag, a folder and other stationary (stationery?) things. ~Larissa~ Hi all > >This week the annual Royal Adelaide Show is on. I went on Saturday and there >in the showbags was the Lois and Clark satchel - with folder and notebooks >covered with our favourite couple. > >And all for AUD$3.50 (US$1.75). Had to update my collection, of course! > >Gotta love the show! > >Liz ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 09:36:55 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kathy Brown Subject: Re: All Stirred Up, part 2b/? This is absolutely awesome, Meredith!! I am totally, completely hooked. I loved when Lois called Superman "Clark" just based on the sound of his voice, and I loved how she described his Superman pose; LOL. I can't wait to see what happens next!!! Kathy ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 01:23:40 +0930 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LizO Subject: Its Showtime MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable They are the same as in previous years. I had the impression that these = are the last of the batch produced. I am going back to the show Saturday so = if there were any left and people wanted one I would be happy to pick some = up. Liz ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 16:04:31 +0000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Bethy Em Subject: Re: Its Showtime Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed >They are the same as in previous years. I had the impression that these are >the last of the batch produced. I am going back to the show Saturday so if >there were any left and people wanted one I would be happy to pick some up. >Liz YES! Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES! (Hmmm...think I'm being too eager?) I am definitely interested! Let me know how you want to proceed. Bethy _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 09:17:47 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Nancy Smith Subject: New Story: Unforeseen Consequences 1/? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Unforeseen Consequences 1/? by Nan Smith Rated: Dunno--no higher than PG, anyway. Disclaimer: The familiar characters and scenes in this story are the property of DC Comics, Warner Bros. December 3rd Productions and whoever else may legally claim them, but the new characters and the story itself are mine. This story takes place approximately three weeks following Heritage. ********** "You know," Lois said, "our Christmases are a lot different than the ones I had when I was a kid." Clark lifted an eyebrow at her. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" "Just about anything would have been an improvement," Lois said, with a tiny grin, "but, that's not what I meant. Christmas with my parents isn't even an ordeal anymore, and I think it all began to happen when I met you. Are you sure you're not Santa Claus in disguise?" Clark stroked an imaginary beard. "You've guessed my secret, oh mighty reporter. I should have known I could never keep my identity secret from you, forever. Of course," he added, "that makes you Mrs. Claus." Lois giggled. "I think I'd rather stay Mrs. Superman," she said. "He's got a better figure than old Santa." "And you've definitely got a better one than Mrs. Claus," Clark murmured, bending down to kiss her. The elevator doors opened at that moment. Perry's voice said, dryly, "I see you two are still conscientiously giving the bullpen its daily show." Clark straightened up with a faint smile, but he made no comment as he followed Lois out into the newsroom. He heard Jimmy's murmur of "Some things never change," and saw his boss grin in acknowledgement of this sally. Lois hung up her coat and continued on to her workstation to drop her shoulder bag onto the floor and kick it under the desk. Clark stopped to speak to Perry. "Chief, we'll be leaving a little early this afternoon. Lois has an appointment at her doctor's office and I want to be there with her." Perry frowned. "Is everything all right?" "Sure," Clark assured him. "She's scheduled for a sonogram, and I don't want to miss it." "Oh." Perry grinned. "Don't blame you. I wish they'd had 'em when Alice and I were having kids." He raised his voice. "Okay, everybody, Conference Room Two in five minutes!" ********** Lois glanced up from her computer screen as Clark entered the newsroom. It was just past two and the predictable so-called "morning sickness" that had been plaguing her for several weeks was beginning to make itself known. The print on the monitor had the unpleasant effect of blurring before her eyes whenever a wave of the nausea hit her, which it had been doing with more severity this time than it ever had with her three previous pregnancies. She closed them and rubbed her temples, striving to take deep breaths until it passed. "Are you okay, honey?" Clark's voice asked, softly. She opened her eyes and nodded, smiling with an effort. "It's just the same old stuff," she said. Clark rested his hands on her shoulders and began to massage her tense neck and shoulder muscles. Lois closed her eyes in relief. "That feels better." "I think you should mention this to Dr. Klein, " Clark said. "You've never had nausea this bad before." "Every pregnancy is different," she reminded him. "And, as much as I'd like to pretend differently, I am forty. It's bound to be harder on me this time." "Still, he ought to know," Clark insisted, gently. "If he knew, he might be able to help." Lois sighed. Even after eleven years of marriage, Clark still did his best to play mother hen whenever he was worried about her. "All right, I'll mention it this afternoon. Happy, now?" "I will be when you talk to him." His large hands never ceased their massage. "After all, this is my wife and baby that we're talking about here." Lois closed her eyes again and leaned back into the massage, feeling the nausea recede. "That helps a lot," she said. "Thanks." "Any time," he said. "If you're giving those away free, I'll take one," the voice of Candy Valenzuela, the society columnist, purred throatily. Lois opened her eyes. Candy was standing across from her desk, smiling her usual enigmatic smile and clad in an outfit that was probably technically legal, but left very little to the imagination. "I only give these to special clients," Clark said in his unruffled way. "Did you need something, Candy?" The woman was probably five years older than Clark, Lois thought, not for the first time, but she hid it well. She saw Candy's gaze slide from Clark's face, down his body to his shoes and back up. She gave a wistful little smile. "Well, yes, but I guess I'll have to settle for passing along the tickets to the Christmas Charity Ball." She set the items on Lois's desk and glanced lingeringly once more at Clark, then smiled and walked away, her shapely hips well outlined in the tight, short dress she wore. Lois found herself gritting her teeth. Clark glanced at her. "Don't worry, honey," he said, quietly. "There's only one woman in this room that I'm interested in." She found herself relaxing. "I know. I just wish women like Candy had enough sense to see it." "She'll figure it out if she doesn't know already," Clark said. "I don't wear my wedding ring for a decoration." Lois glanced down at the little pooch that she had already developed in her middle. "She probably thinks I'm letting myself go. I'm not even three months along and my clothes are already getting too tight." "Honey, you've had three children," Clark said. "It would only make sense that you'd start to show a little sooner than the first time. You haven't let yourself go. If I didn't know better, I'd never guess you were anywhere near forty." "Really?" Lois brightened. "You're awfully good for my ego." He dropped a kiss on the top of her head. "I'm only saying it because it's true." "Lois, Clark, how about that piece on the redevelopment plan for the south side?" Perry's voice broke through their conversation. "We've got a deadline!" "I'm waiting for a call back on that, Chief," Lois said. "I need the answers to some questions about the whole project." "Well, I need it in half an hour," Perry said, already headed for his next victim. "I'll do my best," Lois said. Kelly passed her desk, carrying a donut box. She paused and pulled the lid open, displaying its contents. "Would you like one, Ms. Lane?" Lois felt the nausea that had partially subsided with Clark's neck rub, rise in her throat. She clapped a hand over her mouth. "Oops." The redheaded girl retreated quickly. "Sorry." Lois stumbled to her feet and made a beeline for the ladies' room. ********** Clark barely restrained the temptation to use his x-ray vision to check on Lois as she vanished through the door of the ladies' room. He would never have admitted it to her, but the unusually difficult time she was having with this pregnancy was worrying him a good deal. None of the other three had been this hard for her. Jimmy had been born four years previously, when she had been thirty-six, and she had had very little in the way of difficulties. This time, everything seemed to be the opposite. Even the fact that Dr. Klein had assured him that he was watching her carefully because her age put her into the increased-risk category failed to comfort him. He had every confidence in Bernie Klein, but that wouldn't stop him from fretting until he knew everything was all right. "Is she okay?" Jimmy paused beside him, glancing at the door through which Lois had disappeared. "I don't know." Clark bit his lip. "I'm worried, Jimmy. She's never had it this bad before." The phone on Lois's desk shrilled at that moment, and Clark answered it. It was Lois's contact with the information she'd been waiting for. Clark jotted down the relevant details, thanked the man and hung up. Lois still hadn't returned. He made up his mind. "Excuse me, Jim. Kelly!" The young woman turned her head at his call. "Yes, Mr. Kent?" "Could you--um--could you go in there and see if she's all right?" He gestured toward the ladies' room. "Sure, Mr. Kent." ********** Lois washed her face in cold water and rinsed out her mouth a second time. As she was drying her face, the door opened and Kelly, the office gofer, entered. The redheaded girl looked subdued. "Are you all right, Ms. Lane? Mr. Kent's worried about you." Lois nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine." "I'm really sorry. I didn't think donuts--" Lois held up a hand. "Please don't talk about food." "Sorry." Kelly's face turned a bright red as she realized she'd nearly made the same mistake again. "Are you feeling better?" "Well, let's say there's nothing more for me to bring back up, so in that sense, I suppose I am." Lois straightened up. "I better get back out there. Perry's waiting for that article." ********** A little over an hour later, Clark and Lois were in the Jeep, headed for the Metropolis Women's Hospital, where Dr. Klein had arranged for the sonogram to be done. It had apparently surprised the administrators of the establishment that the noted researcher, Bernard Klein, had decided to resume a limited medical practice in obstetrics some ten years ago, but since his presence on the staff gave a certain amount of prestige to their organization, no one had protested the arrangement. "I wonder if Dr. Klein will be able to tell, yet, if it's a boy or girl," Lois said. "Can you tell at ten weeks?" "I have no idea," Clark said. "I could take a peek and find out, if you want me to." Lois shook her head. "I don't really want to know," she said. "If I have to go through labor again, I want a nice surprise at the end." "I guess I can't argue with that," Clark said. "Have you been drinking water like you were supposed to?" Lois nodded. "What I could hold down. Just don't take the Jeep over any bumps in the road, okay?" Clark grinned. "I'll do my best," he assured her. "How's the stomach?" "Let's just not talk about that," Lois said, a trifle grimly. "I'm trying to ignore it." "Okay. Just be sure you mention it to Dr. Klein." "Clark, you're nagging." "Sorry." Clark pulled the Jeep into the parking lot and maneuvered into a parking space. "We're right on time. Are you ready?" "I guess," Lois said. "I don't know why Dr. Klein was so determined to do this now." "He wondered if our dates were a little off," Clark said, patiently. "And since our norm seems to be about two weeks longer than the normal pregnancy, he wants to be sure. He told you that." "I know, I know," Lois grumbled. "He doesn't have to walk around feeling as if he's going to burst." She saw her husband grin again. "It's not funny!" "I know," Clark said. "I sympathize, honey, I really do. There's just something about the way you do that. I like to hear you grumble. It's cute." Lois shook her head as she opened the door, but she was smiling. "It must be love," she remarked. "Only a guy in love would think his wife's complaining was cute." "Can't help it," Clark said. He got out and shut his door. "Shall we go and get this over with?" ********** "Come on, Jimmy," Jim Olsen said. "We're going to pick up Marta and Jonny. Feel like an afternoon snack?" "Sure!" Jimmy Kent agreed, happily. "Where's Mommy?" "Your daddy took her to see Dr. Klein," Jim told him. "We're going to wait for them with your Aunt Sandi. She said she was picking up pizza for you guys." "Okay," Jimmy agreed. He confidently took Jim Olsen's hand and, in the manner of four-year-old boys, half-walked, half-trotted out of the Planet's day care center. "Can I punch the elevator button?" "Sure," Jim said, reflecting that his godson was quite a talker--a characteristic he undoubtedly got from Lois. Of all the children, except for CJ, Jimmy looked most like his father, but Jim could see Lois in him in many subtle ways. CJ, on the other hand, was a quiet, good-looking boy, friendly and intelligent as were all the Kent kids, but Jim had a pretty strong suspicion about his real origins. The fact was, he knew Clark had no other blood relatives on Earth other than his children, so the official explanation that CJ was the child of one of Clark's distant cousins was obviously untrue. However, there had been the story of the Superman clone, ten years before--the one no one could find. Jim had a pretty good idea where that clone was, but he wasn't going to try to prove it. If CJ was the Superman clone, Jim was ready to let the fact die an anonymous death. It wasn't important, and he wasn't about to try to bring it to light. The only way it might possibly matter was if the knowledge ever came to the ears of Luthor or *his* clone. As for the fact that Clark and Lois hadn't told him; they'd probably figured he'd work it out for himself, as he had Clark's secret identity. It didn't bother him in the least. Jimmy had pressed the call button and a moment later, the elevator doors opened to reveal young Jimmy's other godfather. Perry White grinned at the sight of Jimmy Kent firmly gripping his namesake's hand. "Hi there, sport." "Hi, Uncle Perry. Can I push the down button?" "Sure." The button had already been pushed, Jim noted, but that didn't deter Jimmy, who proceeded to give it a firm jab. The elevator doors slid quietly shut and they moved gently downward to the first floor. Two people were waiting to board and Jim and Perry stepped back to let them on. One was a tall man and the other a girl of about ten. Jim might not have noticed her if it hadn't been for the look on her face. She was a thin child with big blue eyes and hair of an almost strawberry blond, but her expression said it all. The child was frightened. Jim took a second look at her companion. He was well-dressed, unlike the girl, and the coat, and the hat pulled down low over his face made it impossible to see much of what he really looked like. Jim hesitated. He had no real reason, but something felt wrong about this situation. He gave the girl a smile. "Hi." She didn't smile. Instead, she shrank backward against the wall. Jim frowned slightly. If she was afraid of him, wouldn't she be more likely to move closer to her--what? Father? Brother? If that was what he was. The elevator was moving slowly downward toward the underground parking garage and finally came to a stop. The door slid open and the oddly matched couple started to exit. The girl began to cry. Jim took his nerve in both hands and stepped forward. "Excuse me, sir," he said. "What's wrong with the little girl?" The man glanced at him. "Nothing," he said. Perry frowned. He, too, took a step forward. "Who is she?" he asked. "My niece," the other man replied. "What business is it of yours?" Jim bent slightly, trying to look as non-threatening as possible. "Is this man your uncle, honey?" A headshake. Perry frowned. "If I'm wrong, I apologize in advance," he said, slowly, "but I think I better call Security." The taller man took a step backwards. "This is none of your business," he said. "She has a dental appointment and she's afraid of the dentist." "In that case," Perry said, "you won't mind showing me your identification. I don't think I've ever seen you around here before." The girl moved unexpectedly, jerked her arm from the grip of her companion, ducked past the three men and ran. ********** tbc ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 11:58:55 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kathy Brown Subject: NEW: Wine, Wine, Wine (1/2) Wine, Wine, Wine (Part 1/2) _______________ The author wishes to state, for the record, that she doesn't want to encourage under-age readers to try this at home, nor has she ever gotten sick in anyone's bushes on her way home from a frat party. In regards to room spinning and subsequent hangovers, she takes the fifth. ;) ________________ Wine, Wine, Wine By Kathy Brown Rated PG-13 Submitted September 3, 2001 (it's my birthday -- send comments! ) ________________ "Yeah, Mom ... I'm doing OK." Clark Kent grimaced as he shifted slightly on the couch, holding the phone gingerly to his ear. "No, no my powers aren't back yet. To be honest, I'm really not expecting to get them back for at least a couple of days. The chunk of Kryptonite wasn't big, but I was in the room with it for so long ... yeah, close to 36 hours." Clark finally gave up and switched the phone to his other ear. "Exactly -- plus I've never been exposed to it twice so close together before. Tuesday with Johnny Corbin was bad enough, but to have *another* psycho come up with a piece yesterday ..." Clark nodded as he listened to his mom on the other end of the line. "Uh huh ... at least the police recovered this piece ... it's in STAR Labs under lock and key. No, I don't think anyone suspected anything." Clark laughed. "Trust me, Mom, one look at me and no one would believe I'm Superman!" Just then, Clark heard a knock. "Hold on, Mom, someone's at the door ..." He rotated the phone away from his mouth. "Who is it?" he called loudly. "Lois!" came the muffled reply. "It's open!" Clark slipped on his glasses as he put the phone back to his ear. "Hey, Mom? I've gotta go ... Lois is here." He waved his partner in as she entered the door. "No, she's fine." Clark grinned at Lois and whispered "my mom". "Are you kidding? She's in better shape than me ... took out two guys, big ones, too. I would have been dog food if she hadn't been there." Lois grinned in return. "Don't listen to him, Martha!" she called out from the landing, loud enough to be heard over the phone. "He did just fine ... he gave as good as he got!" Clark chuckled. "Uh huh ... OK ... I love you, too. I'll call you soon. Bye." As soon as Clark hung up the phone, Lois pointed to the door. "Why was this unlocked?" she demanded. Clark shrugged helplessly from the couch. "Uh ... sorry ... I guess I forgot." Lois rolled her eyes and pointedly turned around to fasten his deadbolt. "Door! Locked! No criminals ... get it?" Clark started to laugh, wincing through the pain. "If any criminals come, they can take everything ... I'm too sore to defend myself." She smiled sympathetically and walked slowly over the couch, limping slightly. "Don't take this the wrong way, Clark, but you look like hell." Clark laughed, watching as Lois set the paper bag she was carrying on the coffee table and lowered herself gingerly onto the other side of his couch. "Don't take this the wrong way, Lois, but so do you." Lois chuckled, taking a deep breath. "We're a pair tonight, huh?" "Yeah." Clark took in the swelling under one of her eyes and the cut on her chin. She looked better than he did, but even if she hadn't, he still would have considered her beautiful. "So what brings you here? Not that I mind having you here, of course, but when I left you at the police station a couple of hours ago, you said you were heading straight home. I figured you'd be soaking in a hot bath by now." "I went home for awhile. I called Perry, by the way, and told him what happened. He said we could take tomorrow morning off since we phoned in the story from the police station." Clark gave a lopsided grin and repositioned the icepack he had been holding against his cheek. "That was big of him." Lois grinned back. "Yeah, he probably just didn't want us bleeding all over his newsroom." Clark motioned over to the bag on the coffee table. "What'ya bring?" "Ah!" Lois exclaimed, reaching slowly for the bag. "This has been kind of a sucky day, don't you agree?" At his nod, she continued. "So I was sitting at home thinking I *really* needed a drink ... and since there's no one else I'd rather drink with than you..." She produced a bottle of wine from the bag. "You wanna get some glasses or should we just drink from the bottle?" **** Lois poured them each a glass of wine. "A toast," she announced. "A toast," he agreed. "To what?" "To me!" Clark raised an eyebrow in amusement. "To you?" Lois grinned as she took a drink. "Yes, to me ... for saving your butt twice in the same week." Clark laughed. It was true. First a Kryptonite-powered Johnny Corbin had grabbed him up off the street as bait to lure Superman, then the very next morning, before he had even fully recover, another group of thugs somehow obtained different piece to use as insurance against a Superman rescue as they tried to take their revenge on the reporter who had exposed their crimes. What were the odds?! This time, however, he'd been held for nearly a day and a half before Lois had tracked down his location, and their escape hadn't gone quite so smoothly. But still ..."What would I do without you?" he laughed as he joined her in the toast. "Pray you never find out, Kent," she replied, a twinkle in her eye. She sat back against the arm of the couch, studying him. "They did do quite a number on you, didn't they?" "Yeah, well, criminal logic ... get out of jail, beat up the reporter who helped put you there, go back to jail. I mean, you can totally see where the guys were coming from." He rolled his eyes. Lois chuckled. "I guess that's why we're not criminals... not logical enough." "I guess." Clark held out his glass for a refill as Lois poured. "So how's your arm doing?" Lois pulled up the sleeve of her t-shirt to expose the series of dark bruises that had formed on her upper arm where one of the men had grabbed her. "It looks worse than it is." Clark shook his head in amazement. "You can actually see the finger marks." He took her arm and rotated it carefully. "And your leg?" She waved off his concern. "Sore but not too badly bruised. How about your ribs?" "Like you said, looks worse than it feels. But I didn't know skin could be so many different colors at once!" "Ooo, let me see." He sat back and lifted the hem of his t-shirt, exposing his chest, then laughed at the look on Lois's face. "Geez, Clark! That looks horrible!" "Doesn't it, though?" Lois shook her head. "Matches your face, though," she added with a half smile. "Your right eye is a *very* becoming shade of purple. I still can't believe your glasses didn't break when they went flying across the room." "Titanium frames; indestructible. You think the scratch protection warranty on the lenses applies when you get punched, though?" "Oh, I think you can definitely make a case for that." "Glad to hear it." ***** "So what kind of drunk are you, Clark?" Lois asked as she finished another glass of wine. "What do you mean?" "You know, some people get sleepy, some get aggressive, some get silly. What kind are you?" Clark furrowed his brow, and took another sip. "Actually, I have no idea. I've never been drunk before." She looked at him skeptically. "Tell me another one." He laughed. "No, seriously. I mean, I enjoy a couple of drinks now and then. But I've never been *drunk*. I have no idea what it feels like." Of course, the fact that he wasn't physically capable of being drunk had a lot to do with it, too, but he didn't mention that. "Never?" "Never." Lois studied him for a moment, then glanced over at the now-empty bottle she had brought. When she looked at him again, she was grinning. "Well, it sounds like a good time to get you drunk then." Clark gaped at her. "Lois! I'm in no condition to go out drinking." "Who said anything about going out?" she asked him with a gleam in her eye. She hopped off the couch and walked -- a little unsteadily -- over to his wine rack. "We can open one of these." "You're already drunk," he pointed out as he watched her sway. Lois just turned around and grinned. "Just tipsy. And you are too, even if you won't admit it. You're slurring." "I am not!" "Yes, you are!" Clark started to disagree, but he let himself consider this for a moment. He had to admit, he did feel a strange warmth inside of him. And they had finished the first bottle pretty quickly ... maybe it just hadn't caught up to him yet. "Well ..." Lois caught the hesitancy in his voice and smiled triumphantly as she set the second bottle down on the coffee table. "Haven't you always wondered?" Clark nodded despite himself. He really always had wondered ... and it did feel really, really good to be here with Lois like this. But he hadn't really associated it with the wine ... until now. "What if I make a fool of myself?" He certainly had seen a lot of people do that before. Lois poured them each a glass from the new bottle. "I'll take care of you." She smiled as she handed him his wine. "Besides, I'm not talking about frat party drunk where you get sick in someone's bushes on your way home--" At Clark's raised eyebrow, she continued quickly. "Er, I mean ... I just have a good buzz going right now, and I want to keep it for awhile. It feels good to let go after the week we've had." "A good buzz ... how do I know if I have that?" "How do you feel?" Clark sipped his drink and rolled it around in his mouth as he considered this. Finally, he swallowed. "I feel ... warm." At her grin, he continued with one of his own. "My bruises don't hurt as much, I keep smiling ... and I feel kind of relaxed." "Sounds like a good buzz to me," Lois grinned as she took another long drink from her own glass. **** "So, how'd you find me, anyway?" Clark asked as he gave them each another refill. He had no idea how it had happened, but somehow the second bottle had disappeared nearly as quickly as the first. This time, though, it was him who had gone for another bottle. He had no idea what had gotten into him, but he felt good ... really good. And hearing Lois's giggle as he had made his way unsteadily over to the wine rack had only encouraged him. He didn't seem to be able to stop grinning ... they had been teasing and laughing and just talking about nothing all evening. And it made him feel fantastic. Not to mention the fact that the more Lois drank, the more excuses she seemed to find to put her hands on him. And she didn't seem to mind that he was returning the little flirty touches, either. No, he was in no hurry for this evening to end. "Actually, once I realized that it had to have been one of the guys you put away coming back for revenge, it wasn't that hard. I just went through the list of recent jail releases until I found Baker's name. The house he had you in was actually listed under his name in the Yellow Pages." "I'd still like to know where he got the Kryptonite," Clark commented. "Well, at least Superman didn't show up. Though come to think of it, I wonder why he didn't? I haven't seen the big guy for a couple of days." "Maybe he's on vacation," Clark suggested with a grin. "Good timing," she groused. "You could have been really hurt." He waved his arm clumsily. "Ah, who needs 'im? I had you." Lois laughed and lifted her arm to flex her bicep. "Super Lois!" "You better believe it ... hey, that's pretty good." Clark leaned over and wrapped his fingers around her upper arm to feel her muscle. "Nice definition." Lois felt her skin tingle where he was touching it. "Thanks." Draining her glass, she set it down on the table and turned back to Clark. "Let me feel yours." Obliging, Clark lifted his own arm and flexed. He couldn't help but smile as he watched Lois's eyes pop once again. "What'd'ya think?" "Wow." Lois reached over and pushed the sleeve of his tan t-shirt higher up on his arm. The bulging muscle moved under her fingers as Clark slowly rotated his forearm. "Show off," she chastised, even as she wrapped her hand around it and admired it, encouraging him. She ran her fingernails up to his shoulder, then back down, tracing the hardness of him. "It's so unfair, you know," she finally said. "All that testosterone." "'Scuse me?" She removed her hand from his arm, noting with a little thrill the disappointed expression on his face as she did so. "It's true ... all that testosterone in your veins, it gives you these great muscles. I can work out forever and never look like you." Clark raised an eyebrow. "Trust me, I wouldn't want you to." Lois couldn't help but laugh. "That's not what I meant ... look." With barely a thought, she reached over and grasped the hem of his t-shirt where it draped over the front of his jeans. She pulled it up, exposing his mid section. "Look at your abs ... they're wonderful. Flex 'em." Blinking in surprise at her actions, Clark did as he was told. He didn't know if it was the increasingly bold touches of her hands on his body, or the alcohol that was encouraging him, but he was suddenly feeling very masculine. He wanted to show off for her, and delighted in the way she was responding to it. Lois ran her hand over his stomach, and he tightened his muscles even further, even as he stifled a groan of pleasure. "See!" she exclaimed. "Look at that -- a six pack! You have the most incredible body!" Clark looked Lois up and down, noting the way she was kneeling on his couch, and he craned his head slightly to enjoy the feminine curve of her hips through her tight jeans. "Lois, *you* have a great body," he said with husky appreciation. If she had noticed the heated tone in his voice, however, she was too far into her own train of thought to be derailed. "But I can't get muscles like yours. Look." She straightened her back so that she was kneeling upright, then lifted her shirt up a little and pushed the waist of her jeans down to expose her belly. Clark felt his mouth go dry. Without taking his eyes from her stomach, he drained his entire glass of wine before setting the empty glass down on the table. He almost missed the rest of what she was saying. "I do a thousand crunches a week, and I can't get my abs to look like yours. I mean, they're strong, but I still have this little layer here." Clark almost forgot to breathe as Lois ran her fingertips over the gentle curve below her navel. He could almost feel the softness of her skin under his own fingers ... taste the saltiness of her skin on his tongue ... He tried desperately to gather his quickly scattering thoughts. "But you're not supposed to look like me," he finally got out. "You're strong and healthy -- you can take down grown men with a roundhouse kick." He swallowed again. "But you're also so feminine. So curvy ... and soft and ... wonderful." He motioned with his hands in a way in a vaguely sexual way as he leaned back against the arm of his couch, facing her. "You're perfect." Lois looked up from where she'd been studying herself, and regarded him through her lashes. "You really think so?" she asked in a little voice. The open innocence on her face made Clark feel safe and protective, all at once. "Yeah," he murmured. "Absolutely perfect." To his surprise and delight, Lois giggled again and crawled over to him. She cuddled up next to him, running her hand over his chest. "I think you're pretty perfect, too." For the millionth time, Clark stifled a groan. The more Lois touched him, the more the warmth that had been relaxing him earlier began to have the opposite effect. With a pleased sigh, he pulled her into his arms and let his hands roam over her back. Vaguely he wondered where he was getting the courage to touch her like this, but it was clear that she wasn't stopping him. In fact, she was cuddling in closer ... nuzzling against his neck as if ... "Lois--" "Clark--" Unfortunately, at the same moment he looked down, Lois had lifted her head to look up, and her head roughly bumped into his still-sensitive chin. "Uhhh!" Clark groaned, putting a hand quickly to his jaw. The wine had dulled the pain, but the sharp sting of their collision brought it all back. "Oh, my God, I'm sorry! Clark, are you OK?" Lois scrambled to sit up, concern heavy in her face and voice. To her relief, however, Clark just started to laugh. "I'm fine, I'm fine. I just forgot how much it still hurts." Lois relaxed as she saw that he wasn't angry with her. "Let me see," she whispered as she gently pulled his hand away. The jawbone was still a little swollen, but no more so than when she had first come over. Glancing up, she noticed how Clark had settled into the couch, and how his eyelids had lowered as she gently touched his wounds. "I'm sorry," she repeated, then pressed a tender kiss onto his jaw. "Does that make it feel any better?" Clark blinked, then nodded, the corners of his mouth turning up slightly. "Mmm, much." He turned his head slowly, surprised at how the heaviness of the drink was settling into him once more as he relaxed. "Though my cheek still hurts a little ..." Lois's eyes danced. "Oh yeah?" She kissed him softly on his bruised cheek, then again on the edge of his black eye, just under the rim of his eyeglasses. She smiled against his skin as she heard him moan softly. "Anywhere else?" "Mmmm," Clark sighed, his eyelids at half-mast. "I was kind of bleeding earlier ... over ... here." He lifted a finger and touched it to the corner of his mouth. Lois remembered the trickle of blood that she had helped him clean up earlier this evening. "Hmm, yes, I remember now ..." She kissed the corner of his mouth once, then again. As she leaned into kiss it a third time, however, Clark turned his head so that she would kiss him more fully on the mouth. "Mmmmm," she sighed happily, then smiled as he echoed her. **** continued in part 2 ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 12:00:43 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kathy Brown Subject: NEW: Wine, Wine, Wine (2/2) Wine, Wine, Wine (Part 2/2) By Kathy Brown Rated PG-13 Submitted September 3, 2001 (it's my birthday -- send comments! ) ___________________ Lois wasn't quite sure how many kisses it had taken before they'd wound up sprawled on the couch instead of sitting on it. But then again, she wasn't sure whether it was the wine that was making her feel so light-headed, or the amazing kisses that Clark was giving her. They had drunk the wine quickly, and the effects were obviously still catching up with them. Clark, especially, seemed to have gone from tipsy to drunk very quickly, though to her delight, he was delightfully cute in this state. Where before, he had been able to force himself to have a fairly normal conversation, for the last several minutes his speech had been limited to the romantic sweet nothings he was cooing in her ear. "Mmm, feel so good," he murmured. "Wonderful ..." Lois lifted his head so she could look at his face. "You like this?" she asked playfully. "Oh yeah," he responded with a lazy smile. Lois laughed out loud as she noticed the unfocused expression in his eyes. It was just as well they had stopped drinking because she was pretty sure Clark had reached his limit. She brushed his hair back away from his face, where it kept tumbling over on to his forehead. "Are you going to remember this in the morning?" Clark nuzzled his nose against hers affectionately. "Well, I certainly hope so ... I've been dreaming of doing this with you for a long time." Lois tilted her head to one side, allowing him greater access to her neck as he began to kiss his way in that direction. "Oh really? And just how long has it been since you've done this with someone?" "This?" She could feel Clark smiling against her skin. "A very long time." Lois pulled her mouth away from where she'd just laid a kiss on his temple. "Clark ... oh .... um, just so we're clear ... ah, that feels good ... we're not going to, um, you know ... " "We're not?" he mumbled against her skin, slurring a bit. "No ... we're not ... because, ohhhh, um, because we're not exactly sober and thinking clearly and we don't want to, ummmm, do anything we'll regret later ...." If Lois had been expecting Clark to act like the dozens of other men who had hit on her while drunk, he once more proved why she trusted him enough to put herself in this situation. He pulled back to look at her with a smile. "OK." Lois blinked "OK?" That was too easy ... Clark looked at her hopefully. "Can we keep kissing though?" He smiled warmly. "I really like kissing you ..." Lois laughed out loud and brought her mouth to his, rolling him to his back so she could lie on top of him on the couch. "Just keep doing what you're doing, farm boy." **** Clark startled several moments later -- or at least what felt like a several moments later; time seemed to stand still when he was with Lois -- to the sound of a knock on his door. "What's that?" he wondered aloud. "Someone's at your door," Lois answered with a giggle. She was still lying on top of him on the couch, but rolled off when he started to sit. "You want me to get it?" "No, I'll get it .. geez, it's almost midnight ... who can that be?" Leaving Lois on the couch, Clark stood, then promptly swayed as he tried to get his balance. He grinned at Lois as he heard her laugh. Now why had he gotten up again? He took a step back towards Lois with an eager smile, but another loud knock reminded him why he had gotten up in the first place. "Oh yeah ... the door." "Ask who it is before you open it," Lois reminded him. After taking another second to steady himself, Clark made his way to the door, using the banister to help him up the three stairs on his landing. "Who is it?" he called, grinning deliberately at Lois. The answer from the other side of the door made him pause briefly in surprise before opening it, however. "Mayson? What are you doing here?" Mayson Drake walked into through the open door. "I'm sorry it's so late, Clark. I was driving past on my way home from working late, and I saw that your light was still on. I heard what happened to you ..." She looked at him tenderly and reached out to tentatively touch his bruises. "Oh, your face! You poor baby, let me come in and help you." >From the couch, Lois set her jaw. 'Yeah, I'll just bet she wants to come in.' Mayson took the three steps down into the apartment, then froze when she saw Lois. Lois couldn't help but notice the disappointed and suspicious look on Mayson's face, and she cast a quick glance at Clark. If Mayson was Clark's girlfriend, he'd surely be acting guilty and worried by now, drunk or not. But to Lois's delight, she found that Clark was just grinning happily back at her, seeming to only have eyes for one woman in the room -- and it wasn't the one who had just walked in. Lois suddenly remembered the things he'd just told her on the couch -- that he'd been wanting to kiss Lois for a long time, which meant he *wasn't* serious with Mayson ... and that he hadn't kissed anyone like that in a long time, which meant he and Mayson *hadn't*! Confident once again after the realization, Lois just smiled with exaggerated sweetness towards the other woman. After all, there was no reason to gloat ... "Hello, Mayson. Clark and I were just ... celebrating our latest story." Mayson had narrowed her eyes, but they opened wide when she saw the three wine bottles sitting on the coffee table. She turned towards Clark, shocked. "Are those empty??" Lois, stifling a laugh at Mayson's stunned expression, got off the couch and stood possessively next to Clark. OK, so maybe she would gloat a little. "Um ... I think the last bottle still has some in it; we just opened it." Clark had been pretty quiet since Mayson came in, but at the mention of the wine, he perked up. "Wanna drink?" he asked his newest guest brightly. Mayson looked between them. "Clark Kent!" she exclaimed. "You're drunk!" Clark blinked. "Drunk ... nah ..." He paused. "I think ... *wasted* ... might be more accurate." Lois burst out laughing, which quickly brought Clark with her. "Blitzed," she added on a gasp. "Smashed!" "Plastered!" They traded terms back and forth, laughing harder each time. Mayson just stared in disbelief. "I can't believe you two are still standing!" she finally exclaimed, her disapproval obvious. Clark stopped laughing abruptly, and his eyes were heavy as he turned to Lois with a slow, sexy smile. Seemingly oblivious to their guest, he began to nuzzle his partner's ear. "We were lying down a minute ago ... Lois, why aren't we lying down now? I liked that." The final statement was said in husky voice, leaving no doubt as to what they had been doing. Lois grinned to herself. If Mayson's eyes got any bigger, they'd pop out of their sockets. She felt a rush of satisfaction ... take *that*, Ms. Assistant District Attorney; I'll teach you to cut in on me when I'm dancing with Clark! Lois took Clark's hand, holding it away from where it had begun to quest under her shirt. "Mayson knocked, Clark, remember?" "Oh ... yeah ..." He looked up at Mayson again. "That's right. And why did you say you were here again?" His emotions were all over the board ... this time, he looked endearingly confused. Mayson just gave an exasperated sigh. "I wanted to be sure you were all right," she explained. "But I can see you're just *fine*." The last line was delivered while looking daggers at Lois. Lois just shrugged innocently. Mayson backed towards the stairs. "I'm leaving ... you two can sleep it off. But don't *drive* anywhere, either of you." Clark wrapped Lois up in his arms from behind. "You're not going anywhere, are you?" Lois patted his arm affectionately, but she couldn't resist a parting jab. "Thanks for your concern, Mayson, but neither of us is going anywhere." Mayson just made a sound of disgust and turned on her heel. "Good night!" **** After relocking the door following Mayson's abrupt exit, Lois returned to the living room to find Clark half-asleep on the couch. With a smile, she took his hand and tugged him to his feet. "Come on, big fella ... we better to get you to bed before you pass out." "I'm all right," he protested mildly, but he followed her to the darkened bedroom obediently and immediately climbed onto the bed, dropping his glasses onto the nightstand as he did so. "I just need to lie down for a minute ... I'll be fine ..." As soon as he laid down, however, he changed his tune. "Oh yeah ..." he groaned as he sank deeper into the bed. "This feels good." Lois just chuckled and climbed over him to reach the other side of the bed. Clark rolled to his side to face her. "Isn't the room supposed to spin?" "What?" He gave her a sleepy grin. "I thought when you lay down when you're drunk, the room is supposed to spin." Lois laughed and pressed a quick kiss onto his mouth. "Count yourself lucky." Clark gave a sigh of pleasure and kissed her back. "Oh, there we go; now the room is spinning." "Oh, really?" He kissed her again. "Mmmm, definitely ... next time I'll just skip the wine. This is better." "You're a pretty smooth talker when you're drunk." "Think I'd have the guts if I were sober?" They traded delicious kisses back and forth until Lois found herself wondering if joining him in bed had been such a good idea. Their denim- covered legs had intertwined as they kissed and Clark's fingers were tracing the most wonderful patterns on her back. When he finally brought a large hand down to caress her hip, she realized that he wasn't the only one feeling the room spin. "Clark?" "Mmm?" "Maybe we should ... um ... " "Mmm?" " ... you know ... go to sleep ..." "Mm,'kay." "I mean, not that I don't like this, but ... well, you know." Silence. "Clark?" Her only answer was a quiet snore. Lois pulled back to look at him. He was sound asleep, face down in the pillow, snoring softly. "Gee, I wish he'd obey me that quickly all the time." ***** Lois woke up first the next morning. She hadn't really slept deeply all night, but one look at Clark proved that the same couldn't be said for him. He was still in the exact same position he'd been in the night before, though he wasn't snoring anymore. Lois started to smile, then winced as she felt a dull ache behind her eyes. Getting out of bed gingerly, she groaned softly in displeasure as the effects of yesterday's fight -- and last night's wine -- made themselves known to her body. It was just as well she and Clark had the day off today. She was going to go home and go right back to sleep. In the bathroom, Lois relieved herself, then splashed cold water on her face. She felt mostly OK ... she'd had much worse hangovers. Thank goodness she had gotten out of bed in the middle of the night to take some of the aspirin she kept in her purse -- she couldn't imagine how awful she'd feel if she hadn't. It was too bad she hadn't been able to wake Clark to take any, but at least she had tried. When Lois returned to the bedroom several minutes later, Clark had rolled over to his back and was covering his face with his hands. And groaning. "How do you feel?" she asked sympathetically, sitting down next to him on the edge of the bed. She noticed that he had already put on his glasses. "Like I was hit by a truck," he responded, his voice muffled. He removed his hands and fixed her with a bleary look. "What happened?" "You were kidnapped and held captive overnight by four goons ... then I found you and we fought our way out ... then I came over with a bottle of wine, and we got drunk." Clark gave a short laugh at her explanation, then stopped abruptly and put a hand to his head. "No, I remember all of that ... I just didn't expect to feel this bad today." Lois smiled. "Welcome to your first hang-over. Take a few aspirin, drink plenty of water, and sleep a lot. You'll feel better." "Did you stay here all night?" At Lois's nod, Clark's eyes opened wider. "Oh, my God, we didn't-- Did we?" Lois laughed out loud at his panicked expression. "No ... Clark, we didn't. We just slept ... well, actually, you kind of passed out." She couldn't help but tease him a little. Instead of responding, though, Clark just sat up quickly. "Can you move? I gotta go." Lois blinked and scooted out of his way as he got out of bed. "Where?" "Bathroom," he responded as he stumbled his way to the door. "Do you need any help?" she asked, concerned. Clark put his hand on the doorframe to keep himself steady as he lurched into the little room. "Not unless you wanna hold it for me," he mumbled. **** Lois was already sitting at Clark's kitchen table eating a piece of dry toast, when he finally wandered out of the bathroom. "Feel any better?" she asked him as he sat down heavily in the chair next to her. "A little, yeah," he replied. He made a look of displeasure as he licked his lips, though. "I feel like I have cotton in my mouth." "That's normal," she assured him. "Brushing your teeth will help a little." Then Lois looked at Clark a bit sheepishly. "Uh, actually ... I kind of already used your toothbrush this morning. I'll buy you a new one." Clark gave an amused snort. "Don't worry about it, Lois, really." "I'm sorry, but I just had to brush and you didn't any extras--" "Lois! Seriously, I don't mind." He chuckled. "I spent half of last night with my tongue in your mouth ... you think I care about sharing a toothbrush?" "Uh ..." "Wait, don't answer that." "OK." "So, what kind of drunk am I?" "Huh?" Clark picked up the last piece of toast on her plate and tentatively nibbled a corner. "You asked me last night what kind of drunk I was, but I didn't know. So what kind of drunk am I?" Lois chewed her food thoughtfully as she sat back and studied her partner. Finally, she swallowed and fixed him with a knowing smile. "An affectionate one." Clark blushed and ducked his head. "Oh, boy." She patted his arm. "You were fine; it was fun." And with that, she stood up. "But now I really have to go home." "Lois ..." She gave him a sleepy smile. "Just walk me to the door, Clark." Clark stood up and followed her through the living room. "You sure you're OK to drive home?" "Yeah, I'm fine. I just want to go back to bed. And I *know* you need to." As they reached the door, though, Clark stopped her. "Um, Lois ... about last night ..." At her questioning look, he continued awkwardly. "I mean, I know neither of feels great right now, so maybe this isn't a good time to ask but ...." He hesitated for another moment, then plowed ahead. "But, um, in a couple days ... this weekend, maybe ... would you like to ... go out to dinner?" "Like a ... date?" Lois asked. Clark swallowed nervously. "Yeah." After a brief moment of hesitation, Lois grinned. "I'd love to." On impulse, she stood up on her tiptoes and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek on her way out the door. "Call me tonight." As Clark watched his partner hurry down the front walk to her car, he couldn't help the excited smile that spread across his face. He put his hand to his cheek, still feeling the tingle from where she had kissed him. Suddenly, he felt pretty darn good. _______________ The end. :) OK, guys, give it to me with both bottles ... er, barrels. ;) Kathy ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 10:53:01 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Betty Cheng Subject: Re: Wine, Wine, Wine (1/2) In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi Kathy, > Wine, Wine, Wine > By Kathy Brown > Rated PG-13 > Submitted September 3, 2001 (it's my birthday -- send comments! ) Happy Birthday, Kathy! I haven't read the story yet because I'm at work, but I will definitely read it tonight. Have a great birthday! Cheers, Simba ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 13:08:56 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carol L Moncado Subject: Re: NEW: Wine, Wine, Wine (2/2) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cute Kathy. Especially enjoyed the reaction of the intruder! That was priceless! CM ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 13:15:53 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carol L Moncado Subject: Re: New Story: Unforeseen Consequences 1/? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I saw this on the boards the other day but didn't have a chance to read it. (and since I haven't been on the boards since Fri night, I'm sure I'll have plenty of catching up to do and having this one out of the way will help a little bit!) Great start! Can't wait to see what happens and I am glad that you are continuing this story line! CM(Who wonders if there's any chance for another "Home" story someday) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 21:00:02 +0200 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Kathy S." Subject: Re: Its Showtime Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed >From: Bethy Em >Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" > >To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU >Subject: Re: Its Showtime >Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 16:04:31 +0000 > >>They are the same as in previous years. I had the impression that these >>are >>the last of the batch produced. I am going back to the show Saturday so if >>there were any left and people wanted one I would be happy to pick some >>up. > >>Liz > >YES! Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES! (Hmmm...think I'm being too eager?) > >I am definitely interested! Let me know how you want to proceed. > >Bethy Uh, yes, I'd like one too, please. -Kathy- _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 15:05:47 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "MoesyL47 L." Subject: Re: New Story: Unforeseen Consequences 1/? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi Nan, I've been reading this on Zoom's boards, and just wanted you to know that I'm really enjoying it. :-) Maureen ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 21:06:23 +0200 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Nicole Wolke Subject: Happy Birthday Kathy :-) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Kathy wrote: > Submitted September 3, 2001 (it's my birthday -- send comments! ) < Kathy! I haven't had the time to read the story yet, but I want to take the opportunity to wish you a happy birthday :-). Have fun! Nicole -- AKA CKgroupie on IRC/AIM "The Dean Cain News Page" ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2001 16:09:41 +0200 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Ursula Bento Subject: All Stirred Up MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi Meredith, I just read your parts 2a and 2b and can't wait to read = what's coming next. This is great, I found myself smiling and sighing aahww at the same = time. The way you describe Superman feeling confused is so ... well, you = just want to reach out and hug him. I'm new on this list and I read and = learn a lot from the discussions going on. I'd like to write LnC fanfics = too, I have a lot of ideas floating around in my head. But as English is = not my native language, I need to read a lot more of the fanfics on the = Archives first, to really get the gist of things, get the canon right. = And wow, there are so many stories... I get cross eyed from reading and = reading and reading!! I like your style, so now I am going to look up = previous stories by you. So 'bye, I've got some more reading to do!=20 U. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 16:23:30 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carol L Moncado Subject: Irene - "In Cat's Corner" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hey all. My internet access has decided to be stupid so I turn to the wonderful list for help. There's something I wanted to PM Irene about but don't know her addy (and can't get to her profile!AHHH!) Irene - are you on this list? If so could you send me an email? Or is there someone who could PM her addy to me? Thanks! CM ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 16:41:47 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kathy Brown Subject: Re: Irene - "In Cat's Corner" Carol, go to the Archive and get her address off of her stories there! :) Kathy ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 16:53:29 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carol L Moncado Subject: Re: Irene - "In Cat's Corner" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thanks to Nancy, Kathy and Melisma for helping me out! I would love to go download a good story to read but my internet access has decided to act up and so I can't get on for now! *sigh* Oh well - maybe I'll get to download something later tonight or tomorrow! Thanks again! CM On Mon, 3 Sep 2001 16:41:47 -0500 Kathy Brown writes: > Carol, go to the Archive and get her address off of her stories > there! :) > > Kathy ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 15:11:58 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: lcfic Subject: STORY: Code of Honor (2/9) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii TITLE: Code of Honor PART: (2/9) AUTHOR: D. Field RATING: PG13 FEEDBACK: Comments welcome PUB/PRIV. Editing PRIV. SUMMARY: LnC/JAG crossover – Lois and Clark find themselves assigned to the same case as Mac and Harm. >From Part 1: The JAG team has been assigned to investigate some mysterious deaths at the Metropolis Veterans Administration Medical Center, but will Harm and Mac’s feelings for each other interfere with their case? Part 2 ~~~ “Lois, Clark, my office!” Perry rumbled as he made a beeline through the bullpen. Lois and Clark exchanged glances. They’d been working at her desk, gathering information on their current story, bouncing ideas back and forth as to the best way to proceed. The chief must be onto something big from that tone. Dropping their current investigation, they hurried to follow. As they closed the office door behind them, he motioned for them to take a seat as he sat on the edge of his desk. “I got a tip from an old war buddy of mine about some mysterious deaths at the VA. I want you two to go undercover and get the scoop for the Planet. You know how they feel about the press over there after the bad publicity they’ve gotten recently about possible improprieties from the President. I’ve made arrangements for you two to get in.” “What do we know so far, Chief,” Lois asked as she leaned forward, smelling another possible Kerth. Every story had possibility as far as Lois was concerned. Clark couldn’t help but smile at her enthusiasm, loving the way she dove right into things. “It wasn’t until the third death that some suspicions were raised, so now my contact is wondering about the other two. The first one was found in his bed; he’d apparently died peacefully in his sleep, but what raises questions is the guy seemed to be a bit too young for that. The second and third one would be neglect at best, which is the kind of PR the VA doesn’t need right now. One was found in his wheelchair on the grounds and the other in a tree, both apparently dying of exposure. Both were Gulf War vets.” “Were autopsies performed?” Clark spoke for the first time. “No, because nothing seemed out of the ordinary.” “But you think there’s something to it.” “Yes, Lois, I do. These old reporter’s instincts tell me this is bigger than neglect. But if it turns out not to be, we have a responsibility to at least look into it. Three veterans have died and we owe it to them to find out why.” Perry paused, reaching to retrieve two files from his desk and handing one each to his star reporters. “Clark, you will report tomorrow morning at 8 am for orientation as their new orderly, Tom Scott. Lois, I will check you in at 10 as my niece, Becky, suffering from Post War Syndrome. I’ll leave your disguises up to you.” “Clark, we should have Jimmy pull everything he can on the VA, see if there is anything unusual that might give us an idea why this happened.” The reporting team stood to leave. “We’ll get right on this, Perry.” Lois led the way as the pair left their editor’s office to return to their respective desks. Lois asked Jimmy to find what he could, and the team spent the remainder of the day finishing up as much as they could of what they were currently working on, putting what they could on hold until this investigation ended. Several hours later, Lois glanced up at the clock on the wall. It was nearly 6. Turning her gaze to her partner, she noted that he was still working. She watched him for a few moments, catching his eyes dart around the room making sure no one was watching before applying a bit of super-speed to his task. “That’s so unfair,” she complained as she sidled up to his desk. Clark paused and smiled up at his wife. “I don’t hear you complaining when it helps us with a story.” She smiled back before saying, “Speaking of stories, how about we get some take-out and head home so we can go over this new one.” “Sounds like a great plan. How about you take the jeep and I’ll get the take-out? What about Italian?” “Better make it Thai,” she whispered as she leaned in to give him a quick kiss in a pre-emptive apology. “I know what pasta does to you and we really have a lot of work to do tonight to get ready for tomorrow.” Clark glanced around the bullpen before pulling his wife into his lap. Not that most of the Planet’s staff weren’t used to their displays of affection since the early days of their engagement, Clark still tried to retain some level of professionalism in the office, even though it was a challenge with a wife he found more attractive and loved more with each passing day. “True, but we don’t know how long this investigation will take, and do you know how hard it will be knowing I can’t do this,” he lightly nibbled at her ear. Lois couldn’t help but giggle. She’d never imagined she’d find a man who would still act like a newlywed after five years of marriage, and with Clark there didn’t seem to be an end in sight. She sighed happily before relenting. “Well, maybe we can find a little time to work that in. We also need to find time to call your folks and see if they can keep CJ for us.” Their rambunctious four year old was just beginning to show that he’d inherited some of his father’s genes. Though Lois’s parents were now happily remarried, they couldn’t chance leaving CJ with the Lanes for any length of time since he’d begun doing unexplainable things. Fortunately, it hadn’t been an issue, yet. “I’m sure Mom and Dad wouldn’t miss an opportunity to spoil their grandson. Let me give them a call, then I’ll pick him up at the day care and take him to the farm, then I’ll pick up dinner. Why don’t you head on home?” He reached to kiss her again. “I bet I still beat you there.” Lois laughed again. “You’re on! But give me a minute head start to say bye to CJ.” Getting up, she headed back to her desk to collect her things as Clark reached for the phone. She glanced his way as she headed up the ramp to the elevator. He winked at her as he finished up his conversation with his folks. With her husband in a playful mood, she knew they wouldn’t get much work done until he got that out of his system. Not that she minded, a plan forming as the elevator took her to the underground garage. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get email alerts & NEW webcam video instant messaging with Yahoo! Messenger ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 18:12:50 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Subject: Re: A Soldier's POV MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit lol -- cute story! s p o i l e r s p a c e I especially liked this: >>The reporter wasn't a reporter. He said his name was Clark Kent, and I suppose there was a passing resemblance, but there was no way any reporter could have left that room without the guard noticing. << Whew! You covered Clark's tracks, when he pretty much left himself wide open... Thanks (oh, btw, I'm back from my weekend at the in-laws, with no lasting damage done...) Pam Jernigan / ChiefPam / **note new address** "The EU is a noble attempt to fulfill the age-old dream of having a country of English cooks, German lovers, French defense forces and Italian efficiency experts." --P. J. O'Rourke ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 00:13:04 +0200 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Ursula Bento Subject: Wine, wine, wine MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable You must have been having fun writing this one Kathy. It made me grin, = especially when poor Mayson waltzes in. Happy birthday! U. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 00:18:20 +0200 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Ursula Bento Subject: Re: Its Showtime MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Oh geez, I sure would LOVE to have one Liz.... but I live too far away I guess. Just my luck. I'm sure you will make some FoLCs very happy! Ursie Subject: Its Showtime They are the same as in previous years. I had the impression that these are the last of the batch produced. I am going back to the show Saturday so if there were any left and people wanted one I would be happy to pick some up. Liz ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 00:24:29 +0200 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Ursula Bento Subject: fanfic: Code of honor MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Dawn, what a great idea, a crossover story with JAG! I watch that show = sometimes and I like it. Can't wait to read the rest. Ursie ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 17:13:56 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carol L Moncado Subject: Re: A Soldier's POV MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I meant to post earlier and tell you that I enjoyed this story! Great way to explain what happened to CK! > (oh, btw, I'm back from my weekend at the in-laws, with no lasting > damage > done...) > > ChiefPam CM(Who hopes this means there will be more HD soon! But she's sure that Pam has heard that from her before!) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 18:33:41 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Subject: Re: Weird Punctuation! :P MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit >>It doesn't matter which usage I adopt, though; it seems that whatever I select, my editor will make me change it to something else, since my editors often contradict each other. Does anyone else find that to be the case? They'll adopt a certain grammar style because one editor told them to, and then a different editor will make them change it? << Yes, all the time! I've gotten so many contraditory instructions on how to use ellipses that I've just decided to make up my own rules. Call it the Pam Jernigan Manual of Style ;) I figure I'm okay as long as I'm consistent throughout the story. Pam Jernigan / ChiefPam / **note new address** "The EU is a noble attempt to fulfill the age-old dream of having a country of English cooks, German lovers, French defense forces and Italian efficiency experts." --P. J. O'Rourke ----- Original Message ----- From: "Shadow Fax" To: Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2001 12:16 PM Subject: Re: Weird Punctuation! :P On Fri, 31 Aug 2001 22:52:07 -0700, Erin Klingler wrote: > >Regarding commas after ellipses and em dashes (those are the elongated dashes, I >just learned ) : > >section 5.12: A comma is used after the closing series of dots to separate the >speech from the words identifying the speaker: > >"But...but...," said Tom. > I've been told that this is correct, so I do it whenever I remember to do it - which isn't very often, since it just *looks* wrong . >section 5.89: A comma should be used after a dash, however, to separate quoted >material from the words that identify the speaker: > >"I assure you, there will never be--," Syliva began, but Mark interrupted her. This looks really, *really* wrong to me. And FWIW, Guide to Grammar and Writing at omits the comma at the end in its example for using the dash: << In writing dialogue, the dash is used to show breaks in thought and shifts in tone: "How many times have I asked you not to -" Jasion suddenly stopped talking and looked out the window. >> It doesn't matter which usage I adopt, though; it seems that whatever I select, my editor will make me change it to something else, since my editors often contradict each other. Does anyone else find that to be the case? They'll adopt a certain grammar style because one editor told them to, and then a different editor will make them change it? Shadowfax ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 19:12:01 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Alexis W." Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Kathy :-) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Yeah, Happy Birthday, Kathy!!! I hope you have a SUPER day! Alexis ;-.) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 18:46:38 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: April Sycamore Subject: Re: Its Showtime Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed I'd like one too if you can get another April >From: "Kathy S." >Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" > >To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU >Subject: Re: Its Showtime >Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 21:00:02 +0200 > >>From: Bethy Em >>Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" >> >>To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU >>Subject: Re: Its Showtime >>Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 16:04:31 +0000 >> >>>They are the same as in previous years. I had the impression that these >>>are >>>the last of the batch produced. I am going back to the show Saturday so >>>if >>>there were any left and people wanted one I would be happy to pick some >>>up. >> >>>Liz >> >>YES! Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES! (Hmmm...think I'm being too eager?) >> >>I am definitely interested! Let me know how you want to proceed. >> >>Bethy > >Uh, yes, I'd like one too, please. > >-Kathy- > >_________________________________________________________________ >Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 21:07:17 -0500 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: timothy truitt Organization: tnt technical services Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Kathy :-) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Happy Birthday Kathy from me too merry ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 22:38:32 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Liz S Subject: Re: I'm a Grandma again! Congratulations, Nan! I think that's just great! Liz S. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 03:22:17 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: John Debbage <106532.433@COMPUSERVE.COM> Subject: Re: All Stirred Up, part 2b/? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Hi Meredith, This is a great story and I'm anxiously waiting to see what happens next.= = I like your perspective on ASU and you writing is excellent. = Yours Jenni Debbage ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 10:49:22 +0200 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Christiana Hug Subject: Re: Its Show time! Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed Coming out of lurkdom ... I'd like one, too. I live across the pond, but I'd pay for the shipping, of course. Chris _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 05:34:10 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Crystal Wimmer Subject: The Author's Mind... delay... MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hey everyone... I hate to do this, but I'm going to be a little late getting the Author's Mind up and running this week. I've had a personal crisis, and things are pretty lost around my house. In short, my husband took out my precious backpack on a trip and left it on top of the car (it is now assumed that the backpack is somewhere in a ditch along Hwy 58)... in this backpack was my purse, dayplanner, cell phone, etc. I'm having some trouble getting my life back in order. Also in that pack was my main disks that contain what I haven't uploaded, so I may be in contact with some authors to get things back up to date. Of course, my e-mail addys were also in the address book (the dayplanner), so that will take some time as well. My sincerest regrets... I'll get links done to the site this afternoon... all of yesterday was spent trying to cancel cards and such, and now it's time for work. So much for the first day of school, Crys (the truly frazzled) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 08:28:01 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: No Name Available Subject: Re: The Author's Mind... delay... MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 9/4/01 5:34:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time, JCWimmer@AOL.COM writes: > (it is now assumed that the > good luck Crys. I can't imagine how much time/energy you'll be spending trying to recover your life. We promise to be patient with you. --Laurie ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 13:41:24 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Nicola Baker Subject: Re: NEW: Wine, Wine, Wine (2/2) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hey Kathy, Happy Birthday! And as for the story, rotfl! Clark the affectionate drunk. Mayson's reaction was funny. Nic ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 13:44:21 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Nicola Baker Subject: Re: A Soldier's POV MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thanks Pam and Carol. You didn't think I would let some random guy know the Secret, did you Pam? Who knows who he might have told. Could have caused no end of trouble. Wait, maybe he *should* have figured it out... Nic ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 14:57:13 +0200 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Nicole Wolke Subject: Re: NEW: Wine, Wine, Wine (2/2) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit LOL, Kathy! I loved Clark the "affectionate drunk". He was too cute :-) thanks for a nice WAFF! Nicole (who has to take care her husband is around when she's tipsy, because she's an "affectionate drunk" herself ) -- AKA CKgroupie on IRC/AIM "The Dean Cain News Page" ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 09:21:23 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Subject: Re: The Author's Mind... delay... MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Ouch! Crys, I'm so sorry to hear that ... what a disaster! I went a little nuts when I went off on vacation without my spiral notebook for writing & planning fanfic, but a stop at a drugstore fixed me up nicely... I'm sorry you're going to have a much harder time recovering. :( But don't worry about us or your website; we'll be fine -- you just concentrate on getting the rest of your life back together. Pam Jernigan / ChiefPam / **note new address** "The EU is a noble attempt to fulfill the age-old dream of having a country of English cooks, German lovers, French defense forces and Italian efficiency experts." --P. J. O'Rourke ----- Original Message ----- From: "Crystal Wimmer" To: Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 5:34 AM Subject: The Author's Mind... delay... > Hey everyone... > > I hate to do this, but I'm going to be a little late getting the Author's > Mind up and running this week. I've had a personal crisis, and things are > pretty lost around my house. In short, my husband took out my precious > backpack on a trip and left it on top of the car (it is now assumed that the > backpack is somewhere in a ditch along Hwy 58)... in this backpack was my > purse, dayplanner, cell phone, etc. I'm having some trouble getting my life > back in order. Also in that pack was my main disks that contain what I > haven't uploaded, so I may be in contact with some authors to get things back > up to date. Of course, my e-mail addys were also in the address book (the > dayplanner), so that will take some time as well. > > My sincerest regrets... I'll get links done to the site this afternoon... all > of yesterday was spent trying to cancel cards and such, and now it's time for > work. > > So much for the first day of school, > Crys > (the truly frazzled) > ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 08:35:25 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Marilyn L. Puett" Subject: Re: Weird Punctuation! :P "Style Manual?" inquired Supermom with a deer-in-the-headlights look on her face. "Isn't that what beta readers and editors are for?" Supermom quickly ran away to avoid the cyber tomatoes and disemboweling shears. Marilyn AKA Supermom ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 07:48:42 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Vicki Krell Subject: Re: Its Show time! MIME-version: 1.0 That sounds great! Add me to the list and let me know the details re: payment, etc. Thanks! :) Vicki -----Original Message----- From: Christiana Hug [mailto:christianahug@HOTMAIL.COM] Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 1:49 AM To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Subject: Re: Its Show time! Coming out of lurkdom ... I'd like one, too. I live across the pond, but I'd pay for the shipping, of course. Chris _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 16:15:27 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: Weird Punctuation, continued MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I just decided to check some of the grammar resources available to me on this point. My Oxford Guide to the English Language doesn't even mention ellipses. Nor could I find anything on the online Oxford resources I am able to access from work. So, over to US resources. I found this in one US guide which appears to be linked absolutely everywhere: Charles Darling of Capital Community College, Hartford, Connecticut, says this: ---------- The ellipsis can also be used to indicate a pause in the flow of a sentence and is especially useful in quoted speech: Juan thought and thought . . . and then thought some more. "I'm wondering . . ." Juan said, bemused. Note carefully the spacing of the ellipsis marks and the surrounding characters in the examples above. In mid-sentence, a space should appear between the first and last ellipsis marks and the surrounding letters. If a quotation is meant to trail off (as in Juan's bemused thought), leave a space between the last letter and the first ellipsis mark but do not include a period with the ellipsis marks. --------- A normal ellipsis, with no comma. Darling does recommend the US habit of ending the ellipsis with a full stop when the ellipsis ends the sentence, however. And, although he refers in passing to the Chicago Manual of Style later in this section, he doesn't refer to their preference for a comma. The University of Calgary Guide, as with most others, is silent on this subject (; although ellipses are discussed, there is no reference to their usage in dialogue when the sentence continues. Interestingly - and unsurprisingly - the University of Chicago guide says this: >>>But "rules" in writing -- unlike, say, rules in Newtonian physics -- are not written in stone. They are established by agreement among experienced writers, even though experienced writers can and do disagree all the time. You'll find, then, that on some matters grammar books and sites can offer conflicting advice.<<< So make of that what you will! The Chicago Manual still appears to be the only one recommending a comma - something I will refuse to use! Wendy -------------------------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 09:10:58 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Nancy Smith Subject: Unforeseen Consequences 2/? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Unforeseen Consequences 2/? by Nan Smith "Can we get this over fast?" Lois asked as the nurse finished arranging her as comfortably as possible on the padded table. Clark said nothing. Lying flat on her back, the slight bulge in Lois's abdomen almost disappeared. The baby had to be tiny, he thought. How Dr. Klein expected to determine the actual gestational age was a mystery to him. Dr. Klein smiled slightly, as if he knew something they didn't, but that wasn't unusual. Clark cleared his throat. "Lois, you were going to mention something to Bernie?" She shot him an irritated glance. "When we're done, Clark." "Is there a problem, Lois?" Dr. Klein asked, mildly. "You know, I need all the information you can give me if I'm going to do a good job as your doctor." Clark had to work hard to keep his face straight. In the years since Bernie Klein had become their family doctor, he'd learned not to let Lois intimidate him, and had even acquired some skill in handling her outbursts. He had freely admitted to Clark, however, that dealing with her brought home to him how very super Superman had to be in order to be husband and partner to Lois Lane. "Yeah," Lois muttered, grudgingly. "I'm having a lot more morning sickness this time, and I get tired a lot easier. I told Clark it's probably because of my age--" She broke off, making a face at that. "He insisted I tell you anyway. Now, can you tell him to stop worrying?" Dr. Klein frowned a little. "No, I need to know these things. It probably doesn't mean much, but I'm going to want to do a few tests to be sure you aren't developing any unforeseen problems, Lois. Eclampsia is more common in pregnant women over thirty-five, for one thing, and this is your fourth child." He glanced reassuringly at her. "It's most likely nothing, as you said, but I need to make certain." He turned to the technician who had just entered the cubicle. "We're all ready Bonnie." The next few minutes were taken up as Bonnie smeared the conductive jelly on Lois's abdomen and located the correct spot to place the hand unit. Numerous bleeps, thumps, gurgles and a familiar swishing sound filled the room. Clark couldn't interpret them, but he watched in silence as the doctor and the technician peered at the screen. Dr. Klein frowned. "Bonnie, take a look at this." The woman leaned forward to examine what Dr. Klein had indicated. After a moment, she turned, smeared more jelly on Lois's abdomen and repositioned her sensor. Again, the two medical personnel examined the screen. "What is it?" Clark asked, unable to bear the suspense. It was evident to him that Dr. Klein and Bonnie had seen something unusual. "Shh." Klein glanced at Lois. "Bonnie, move it a little to the right..." Clark reached over to take Lois's hand. She gripped his fingers hard enough to cut off the blood supply if he had been a normal man. "I think..." Bernie Klein mumbled under his breath. "To the left, just about an inch...oh boy!" He drew back suddenly. "Ms. Green, can you find me Dr. Matthews? I'd like a second opinion here." The nurse nodded and departed quickly. Clark felt Lois's hand clamp down even harder on his. "Bernie," he said. "What is it?" Bernie looked around at him. "I don't want to say just yet--I'd like Paul Matthews to check me on this." He appeared to become aware of their sudden apprehension. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. It's nothing to worry about--yet, anyway." That could hardly be considered reassuring, Clark thought, but whatever Bernie had seen didn't appear to be immediately dangerous, anyway. He gave Lois's hand what he hoped was a comforting squeeze. Ms. Green re-entered the room, and a moment later a slender, blond man entered. "You needed me, Bernie?" Dr. Klein nodded. "I need a second opinion, Paul. These are Mr. and Mrs. Kent. Lois, Clark, this is Dr. Matthews. Could you take a look at this, Paul?" "Sure." The blond doctor moved to the screen and Bonnie called up several images of their earlier examination. Matthews glanced at the technician. "Bonnie, let me see a live view from the left side, please..." The three medical personnel lapsed into unintelligible jargon for a moment as the scene on the monitor shifted back and forth. Finally, Matthews nodded. "No question of it, Bernie." Klein nodded, looking a little stunned. "Thanks. I owe you one, Paul." He turned back to his patient as Matthews left the room. "Um, we have a small problem..." *********** "What th--!" Perry's exclamation was broken off as the stranger pushed him aside and bolted out of the elevator. He didn't pause to look for the girl, but headed straight toward the exit. The echoes of the child's footsteps were retreating, but Jim could see no sign of her. Her companion disappeared out the car entrance and was gone. "Jimmy, call Security," Perry said. "Have them seal off the garage. I knew something wasn't right." "I'm way ahead of you, Chief." Jim picked up the emergency phone, glancing at Jimmy Kent, who was watching the scene, wide-eyed. "Stay there, pal. We're going to have a little delay." Jimmy nodded. "Was that a bad man?" he asked. "I'd say so," Perry said, grimly. Jimmy was looking around the dimly lit area. "She's really scared," he said. "She's hiding in one of the cars." There was a click as someone picked up the receiver at the other end. "Security." Jim met Perry's gaze for a second, but he said, "This is James Olsen. We have an emergency down in the parking garage...." It took Security only a few minutes to seal off the garage, but Perry and Jim were more interested in the statement made by young Jimmy Kent. "What do you mean, she's hiding in one of the cars?" Perry asked. "I can hear her," Jimmy explained. "In here." He touched his forehead. "She's awful scared." Jim glanced at Perry. His boss was looking pensive. Finally, he said, "You know, Jim, sometimes keeping a secret is pretty hard." "I know what you mean," Jim said. He felt his lips twitch. "Good thing we were the only ones that heard that. But how could Jimmy *hear* her?" " is telepathic. His kids might be, too." "Yeah." Jim knelt down in front of the little boy. "Jimmy, do you know where she is?" Jimmy appeared uncertain. "Kinda," he said. "Can you take us to her?" "Maybe," Jimmy said. "She can't hear me. She might run." "Jimmy, she's going to get hurt if no one finds her," Perry said. "Can you try?" The little boy nodded. "Okay." Jim stood up and took one of his hands, and Perry took the other. Together, they let Jimmy lead them slowly through the dimly lit parking area. His steps were slow, but he hesitated only twice and gradually, he grew more certain of his direction. Finally, he stopped and pointed. "She's in that blue car." "Are you sure?" Perry asked in a whisper. The child nodded his head vigorously. "She's very scared the bad man will find her." "We won't let him," Jim said. He glanced at his boss. "Let's split up. You take the right side and I'll take the left." Perry lifted a thumb and started toward the small, blue car. Jim pulled Jimmy with him. "C'mon, kid. Let's go help her." They approached the car as quietly as they could, but when Jim was less than three feet from the vehicle, the door was flung open and the child tumbled out, scrambled to her feet and tried to run. Jim snagged her by the arm. "Hey, wait! We're not going to hurt you!" She struggled desperately, but he hung on tightly. "It's all right! You're safe! We won't let him get you!" For a second she continued to struggle, and then the meaning of his words seemed to penetrate. The fight went out of her and she nearly collapsed against him. "Easy there," Jim said. He was careful not to let her go. "Are you okay?" Scared, blue eyes looked up at him from a thin, freckled face. Slowly, she nodded. Perry was hurrying around the car toward them, and she twisted her head around with a gasp of fright. The older man stopped. "It's all right," he said. "I won't hurt you." "This is my boss," Jim said. "You're safe now. We're going to take you to a friend of ours at the police station. They'll find your mom." The girl shook her head vigorously, trying to jerk free. Perry frowned. "Don't you want to find your mom?" She nodded. "You're scared of the police?" Again, she nodded. "Hmmm." Perry was silent for a few seconds. "Why?" No answer. "Chief," Jim said, after a short silence, "this whole thing is kind of weird." "Yeah, I'd noticed," Perry said, slowly. "I have an idea." "And that is?" "I think maybe we should take her to Clark. He might be able to figure it out--and he's got the contacts, one way or another, to handle it better than we can." Perry gave a short bark of laughter. "You're probably right. I'll talk to the Security guys and let them know we're going to take care of it. Let's use your car." ********** "What do you mean, a problem?" Clark asked, sharply. Bernie rubbed his hand across the sparse hair that still adorned his head. "Um...there's more than one baby there." "Is *that* all?" Lois burst out. "I thought something was wrong with the baby!" "Oh!" Bernie looked appalled. "No, nothing of the sort." The relief Clark felt was almost physical. The thought of twins wasn't nearly as intimidating as the thought of a problem with their child. "You scared us, Bernie." "I'm sorry." Dr. Klein looked guilty. "I sort of forgot you were there." That would have sounded ridiculous from anyone but Bernie Klein, Clark thought. "So, that was the big problem? We're having twins?" "Huh? Oh, didn't I explain?" "No, you didn't," Lois interrupted. Exasperation and uncertainty had given her voice a shrill note that would have put Clark on guard if he hadn't been so worried.. "Why don't you tell us?" Bernard Klein looked harassed. "I'm sorry. It's just kind of a shock--I never expected to have to handle a multiple birth. Especially considering--" He didn't complete the sentence, though Clark could probably finish it, himself: 'Considering that these are Superman's babies.' Dr. Klein nodded at the technician. "I'll want to schedule another sonogram next month. This is one pregnancy that I want to track closely." He turned back to Lois and Clark, scratching his chin, nervously. "Dr. Klein, is there a problem?" Lois asked. "Lots of women have twins." The doctor started, as if someone had prodded him unexpectedly. "Oh, no--didn't I say?" "Say what?" Clark demanded, trying to remain patient. Bernard Klein fidgeted, uncomfortably. "Uh--" "Dr. Klein, *what* is the matter?" Lois practically screeched. Bernard Klein gulped. "It's not twins," he managed, at last. "It's triplets." ********** tbc ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 08:19:51 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Meredith Knight Subject: Re: NEW: Wine, Wine, Wine (2/2) In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Sorry I missed your birthday, Kathy - hope it was a good one. The story was superb! ROTFL! Meredith -- Meredith Knight "All the pebbles had fat smiling faces, and the anemones had mad bright eyes above their frills." ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 13:51:14 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carolyn Schnall Subject: Re: OT: Illya / MFU (was Re: Mary Sue Characters) In-Reply-To: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed" >You can add me to the list of people who like Illya. :) > >If anyone is interested, there is some Man From UNCLE fan fiction at: > > > >Chris Welcome to the unofficial L&C "I Love Illya, too" club:) Thanks for that URL, which I never saw before. I did read some UNCLE fanfiction off a large fanfiction list one time a couple of years ago and it was pretty good:) Thanks, Carolyn ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 14:35:31 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: John Debbage <106532.433@COMPUSERVE.COM> Subject: Universal Union Book3/Part44 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 cont'd from part 43 ***** It had been a very long night but finally the sun had edged over the= flat Kansas landscape and now rimmed the tops of the trees in the orchard= behind the barn. The roosters had crowed sometime ago and the burly farm= er had apologetically left his unexpected guests to see to his morning chore= s. The farm animals were completely oblivious to the miracle of birth which= was taking place in the Kents' guest bedroom and needed to be tended. = Besides, there wasn't much that Jonathan could do to help in the process.= = That was Martha's department and that young woman couldn't be in any bett= er hands. Why, Martha had brought into the world more than half the babies = of the county and almost every child and mother was as healthy and happy as could be, and so he had told the serious-faced major from Krypton who wa= s threatening to wear a trench in the living room floor from the amount of pacing he was doing. Jon wasn't sure if his assurances had been accepted= though, and he'd been relieved to have President West attest to the excellence of the American health care system. = And that was another mind-numbing thing... the President of these United States was here in his yard, helping him bring in the cows for milking. Not that Jon had a big herd, just a few old milk cows but Mr We= st sure seemed to know his way around cows and a farm. The sun was climbing= like a golden ball into the clear cloudless sky, promising hot temperatur= es for the rest of the day. "Looks like it's gonna be another sweltering day, Jon," West remarke= d as he shielded his eyes with his hand against the early morning glare and= squinted into the skies out towards the horizon. Jonathan Kent followed his president's gaze, noting the man's intens= e stare. "You expecting visitors, President West?" The farmer too let his= gaze stray round the countryside, his anxieties breaking through his customary placid demeanor. "Maybe you're thinking that Rad-Nor and his thugs are gonna show up here." "It's what Lord Kal and Major Ching expect." Owen nodded his head = in the affirmative but tried to keep his voice untroubled. "But don't you worry. We've posted guards around the perimeter. No-one is going to get= in here without our knowing." "Begging your pardon, Mr President, I don't like to question your judgement, but it seems to me that our troops haven't been doing so well = up against these invaders." "Not in the past, no, but we do have the good Kryptoninas on our sid= e now and they make up most of this squad." "And they have these super-powers too?" Jonathan persisted, wanting= to get it straight in his mind just what to expect of the coming day. It= seemed to him that there was a good chance that his farm might be a battleground for two overpowered armies. "No, at least, not at the moment." The two men herded the cows into= the milking byre and, as they walked inside, they peered myopically into the gloom, both pairs of eyes taking a moment to adjust to the change in light. "From what I've been told, super powers don't develop until these= aliens have spent three of four days continuously on Earth and, unfortunately, Kal and his men only arrived last evening. So no, they're= not the equal of Nor and his soldiers." "Well, I can't say that I'm disappointed at that... seems to me that= a person shouldn't have these abilities if they can only do bad things with= them," Jonathan griped, all the while working to shepherd his animals int= o the stalls. "Not that I'm saying that these particular aliens are out to= harm us, but it could be a pretty big temptation not to use powers like that to get what you want." "I believe Kal is aware of the problem. It's why he tried to keep t= he phenomenon from his people and why he'll only let his most trusted men do= wn onto the surface." The last heavy bovine lumbered into place, barely missing the toes of its president. "You know, Jonathan, I trust that you= ng man. I'm certain that he's here to help." "I'll admit that he seems a pretty wholesome young man who cares ver= y much for his wife, and Martha sets a lot of store by that. My Martha's a= pretty good judge of character too, you know." The farmer went about the= preparations for milking. "And it's pretty clear that the Earth could do= with the help in fighting this Rad-Nor maniac, so you're saying we should= put our fate in the hands of that young... stripling in there?" That was= the thing... Jonathan wasn't against young people. In fact, he'd found them fairly reliable and likeable if you gave them half a chance, but did= this youngster have the experience to take on the role of Commander-in-Chief of a world at war? = "That young stripling is the ruler of a very advanced civilisation..= . but yes, that's what I'm saying." "Good! That's what I think too." Jon Kent was a man of few words b= ut he was a sharp as a tack and he'd been instinctively drawn to Kal-El, but= it was nice to know that the President seconded his opinion of the stranger. "Besides, the way I see it, we don't have many options. Let'= s just hope we're right and that the boy knows what he's doing!" "Amen to that!" = ***** Ching took yet another turn around the room in the Kent's farmhouse.= = He was alone, Keira having been commandeered by the Earth woman to assist= with the birth. Another loud moan reached him and his eyes strayed ceiling-wards. Was it his imagination or were the noises reaching some sort of crescendo? They were certainly becoming more frequent. Ching tried with all his Kryptonian stoicism to remain calm while wondering how= his friend was managing to cope with the process of birth. If he -- and = he considered himself a very self-controlled being -- was having difficulty maintaining his composure only listening to the noises which emanated fro= m the upstairs chamber, how much harder it must be for Kal who was actually= witnessing the event. In fact, outwardly Kal was dealing very well with the situation, whi= le inside his fears battled with his exhilarating emotions as he watched Loi= s struggle to bring their child into the world. Lois was the one who was suffering the pain and the trauma and Kal vowed to be with her every step= of the way. He would not abandon her again. = So adamant was he, that he'd been prepared to challenge the seemingl= y kind and competent Martha, should she have barred him from the room, but that hadn't happened. At first he'd been surprised by the fact that she'= d not only acquiesced to his request to stay, but actually was encouraging him to aid and support his wife through the difficult process. Then Kal remembered that while discussing the birth with Lois, she'd been shocked = to discover that husbands were not expected to be with their wives during childbirth. It seemed that on Earth it was, at least, in Lois' culture t= he accepted thing. And now that it was happening to Lois and him, he most definitely advocated the custom. It was acutely scary but it was, also, the most wonderful experience of his life, rivalled only by that first moment when Lois had placed her hand into his as he helped her from Luthor's limousine. Then too, he had felt as if he were starting on an amazing journey -- the beginning of a new life. Kal made a mental note that when they returned home, he would recommend the practice to all his friends. Meanwhile, Lois was clinging to his hands with a fearsome grasp= and he returned all his attention to Martha's instructions in how to help= his wife. Yet, Major Ching had no personal experience with the miracle that wa= s taking place in the room above and so could only understand the worrying part. And, of course, that wasn't his only concern. He was preoccupied with Rad-Nor's whereabouts. It seemed fairly reasonable to assume that i= f they'd tracked the position of the crashed ship, then Nor's men had done = so too. So why wasn't he here? Was he lying out there in wait; lulling the= m into a false sense of security? Knowing Nor's cruel perversity this was the most likely scenario. = The Major had taken every precaution he could. A tight guard had be= en thrown around the farmyard with four of the most experienced campaigners stationed at the front and rear doors of the house itself, while Presiden= t West was protected by his senior security chief with a couple of his own men equipped with the new weapons. Overhead in the stratosphere a single= battlecruiser hovered, ready to answer any emergency call, but on this point Ching did have a definite concern. Dax-Ver had reported that the Taureans, now aware of the fate of their Generals, had launched a full scale attack at the Kryptonian fleet and it was all the good commander could do to spare that one solitary craft. Even the troops on the surfac= e, involved in the arming of the Terran soldiers, had to be left to their ow= n devices for the present, while Dax and his ships fought off the enemy. T= he only encouraging information was that, so far, the super-powered renegade= s had not joined in the fight... yet even that piece of news was unsettling= . = Where in Zor's name were they? Was their plan to allow the Taureans to d= o whatever damage they could and then move in for the kill? A series of loud, agonised groans wafted from the room above, while the voice of the woman named Martha rose above the noise, authoritatively= yet calmly issuing directions and, below it all, Ching heard the cadence = of Kal's empathetic tone, indistinct and only recognisable because of his lo= ng association with his leader. The painful, strident sounds seemed to go o= n indefinitely and the listener found himself holding his breath... when in= to the clamour came a new sound... a baby's cry. The noise was, in the beginning, weak but grew quickly in timbre as the infant found its voice.= = Upstairs, there was laughter amid the tears as the four adults all acknowledged a job well done; a child was born. = Major Ching found himself smiling along with the nervous, almost wondrous joy emanating from that small room. The child all Krypton had been waiting for had taken its first breath, made its first sound and had= seen its first view of the world, albeit a different world to the land of= its fathers. Krypton could rejoice, Ching surmised, if it was a boy, of course. But knowing Lois, she'd make them celebrate no matter what... an= d, also, knowing just how persuasive Lois could be, they probably would do s= o gladly. Meanwhile, he had the safety of his ruler and his family to atte= nd to -- no-one would have cause for exultation if Rad-Nor was a spectre at this feast. ***** The upstairs room was shaded from the rising sun and its hush was almost reverential when compared to the ordered bustle of some moments previously. In the centre of the room, Lois-El sank gratefully into the feather pillow and eased her bottom gently down into the soft mattress. = She was decidedly tender, much more than a little tired and happier than she'd ever been before in her life. Not that labour had been a walk in t= he park, but, at least, it had been shorter than she'd feared, and the outco= me had been worth all of her efforts. A movement by her bed recalled her to her surroundings and Lois stretched a hand to the somewhat stunned Kal who was standing by the bedhead. = "Come sit here," Lois invited contentedly and patted the coverlet by= her side. Almost like a sleep-walker Kal came to do her bidding, lowering himself gingerly to the bed and swiftly shifting his position at a pained= grimace from his wife. "Sorry!" "No, Kal, don't get up!" Lois caught his arm and drew him back down= . = "I'm just a bit sore... which is only to be expected. There's nothing fo= r you to worry about." An apologetic smile lifted Kal's lip lopsidedly. "Lois, I'm so sorr= y! I had no idea it would hurt so much." He'd heard the tales, of course, and while Lois was pregnant he'd read many text books on the subject, but= nothing could have quite prepared him for the way he would feel as he watched his child being born. "Well, I can't deny that is wasn't easy, but I think you'll find tha= t we got off lightly compared to some others. You'll have to ask Martha. = She seems to be the expert around here." "Wasn't she great!! I'm just so relieved that if you had to crash-land, you picked the field of the local midwife!" "Kal! I didn't choose to crash...." "No! That was my fault! I ordered Dax to attack that ship. It nev= er occurred to me that you were on board...." "There was no way you could have known...." Lois soothingly took th= e hand that was rumpling the covers in agitation. "And while we're laying blame, then it's all my fault that you were = on that ship in the first place. If I hadn't left you behind! I trusted Poli!" Martha's bedspread was now in serious danger from Kal's nervous fingers and Lois deemed it sensible to appropriate both of his offending hands. "Kal, stop it, please," she insisted, squeezing tightly on his no= w imprisoned hands. "Maybe we do need to talk this over sometime but now isn't the time. Besides, I trusted Poli too...." "No you didn't! You told me...." "Well, I might have had a flash of women's intuition or something bu= t it couldn't have been very conclusive because you easily persuaded me tha= t I was wrong." "I know! See! I was wrong about that too!" Now Kal gesticulated wildly with both their clasped hands. Thankfully the door opened and a much needed diversion strode into t= he room in the shape of Martha, followed by an even more sullen and silent Keira. The elderly woman carried a small and eminently precious bundle which squirmed slightly in her careful arms. Lois welcomed the arrival in more ways than one. Kal was well down the path of an obsessive guilt trip, and she wasn't quite feeling up to dealing with her husband's insecurities, but mostly she just wanted to ho= ld and admire her baby. "Here she is," Martha announced brightly, though she couldn't help b= ut notice the tension that had developed in the small room. There was clear= ly some history between this young couple which they would have to address, but the lady in the bed was far too exhausted for much soul-searching and= , indeed, her very handsome husband looked just as careworn. But Martha certainly had an answer for that and, crossing to the new parents, she gently placed the baby into the outstretched arms of its waiting mother. = "She's a beautiful little princess." Martha couldn't know that the title= she bestowed upon the infant was very close to the truth; to her, all the= children she brought into the world were little princes and princesses. = "Quite the most lovely little girl I've ever laid eyes on and, believe me= , I've seen quite a few." For a few moments, Martha fussed with the bed clothes in an attempt = to hide just how much she'd been affected by the happenings of the night, straightening the counterpane which her grandmother had sewn so many year= s ago. She also couldn't know the true significance of the birth but she sensed that she'd been part of something momentous and she'd felt a stran= ge connection to these lovely, tired young people. What was she thinking about?! All three needed to rest! = "We'll leave you to enjoy your baby for a few minutes, while Keira a= nd I fetch a crib from up in the loft. We'll be a few minutes, so why don't= you take the time to get acquainted." Bestowing a warm smile on the little tableau on the bed, Martha snagged the arm of her companion to draw her from the room, causing Keira= to jump at the unexpected contact. However, the Lady of Nor didn't break= her silence. Keira threw a searching look at her brother, then turned an= d left the room in Martha's wake. = Lois was entranced as she gazed down at her baby. Intently, she stared into the tiny face, seeking some recognisable feature. Often, she= 'd heard people say that a new born infant looked so like either one of its parents but she'd never been able to discern any such similarity. A baby= was a baby... creased and red-faced from the trauma of birth. Yet, surel= y that was her nose and those were definitely Kal's high cheekbones hidden beneath the slightly puffy skin... a beautiful amalgam of both their features. A large finger entered her concentrated field of vision and traced a= line lightly across the baby's cheek. Lois looked up into her husband's weary, red-rimmed eyes to share this moment of wonder, but he wasn't conscious of her scrutiny, so absorbed was he in the dear little person resting in her arms. And were there tears glistening in his eyes? That would hardly be a surprise -- she felt rather weepy herself, filled with such joy and awe. = But wait! Perhaps these weren't tears of happiness she was witnessing. Perhaps Kal was dissatisfied that his first born was a girl.= = He had wanted an heir. "I'm sorry," Lois mumbled. She should be angry, but she was just to= o exhausted to indulge in such a heated emotion; no doubt that would come later. For now, her heart broke anew as she contemplated the painful possibility that history was repeating itself, and that her daughter too had been rejected simply because she was the wrong sex. "What?" = "I mean, you must be disappointed." = "Disappointed?!" Kal's head shot up and he frowned in puzzlement a= t his wife's halting words. "She's a girl." The dead tone continued. At those words he smiled, the timbre lost on him for the moment. = "Yes, and isn't she beautiful. Okay, I'll admit to being biassed, but ev= en Martha agreed that she's gorgeous." "But maybe we should have employed Tamar's skills at gender-manipulation? After all, you were hoping for a boy." At last he understood the bleakness that had overtaken her. "No, Lois! It's not like that!" "Then why are you looking so shocked?" she demanded accusingly. = For a few seconds Kal could only return his wife's troubled stare an= d Lois waited for the knife to be driven into her heart. "Oh, Lois, I feel= so many things... and all at once.... I feel so very happy, yet scared too; being a parent is a big responsibility and I want to get it right. = But most of all I feel relieved." He dropped his eyes once more to the tiny girl sheltered in Lois' arms and his finger continued to caress the baby-soft skin. "I almost lost you... both of you. I thought that I was= doing what was best for you and our daughter. And because I was too stubborn and pig-headed to listen to you, I put the two people I care mos= t about at risk!" Solace swept through Lois and she hurried to offer some of her own. = "But I was just the same! I was so sure I was in the right...." "Lois, you were right!" "Of course, sweetheart, haven't you realised I'm always right," Lois= teased gently. "But I shouldn't have thrown up all my old defences." Sh= e shook her head in self-derision and the baby stirred restlessly in her arms. "I wouldn't lower the drawbridge until I got my own way! I should've realised that you were only doing what you thought was right an= d tried to persuade you to change your mind. Instead, I refused to talk to= you, and I sent you away to fight Nor without telling you how very much I= love you...." "We made a mess of things...." "And all because we wouldn't talk to each other...." "Lois, I can't promise never to mess up again, but I do promise that= I'll never treat your suggestions so cavalierly again...." "And I'll always try to keep a channel open; to remember that togeth= er we're stronger...." ".... than each alone!" "You remembered your grandmother's prophecy." "I'll never forget it again," Kal vowed with all his heart, while hi= s gaze traced every feature of her beloved face, imprinting again every fac= et into his memory. "I love you, Lois- El." Lois was lost in her husband's doting stare. She had been afraid th= at she'd never see that look again... never bask in the warmth of his bounteous love ever again. He had such expressive eyes; from serious and= controlled as he sat in council, to teasing and whimsical as he vied to outdo her in some silly game, to warm understanding when he would comfort= her in her occasional bouts of sadness or when his eyes darkened with the= power of his passion for her, and Lois loved every nuance. = Neither noticed that their powerful emotions were communicating to their baby until the little girl began to whimper and squirm uncomfortabl= y. Both parents were immediately concerned and Lois began to rock the baby gently as Kal placed his finger into one tiny waving fist. "Hush, little one, there's nothing to be afraid off. Mommy and Dadd= y are here to look after you," Lois crooned over the small screwed-up face.= "And we love you with all our hearts and we'll always take care of you." But the baby would not be soothed and her cries swelled into full-blown yells. How could such a tiny being make such a loud noise? = Lois and Kal exchanged worried glances... was something wrong with their lovely daughter? = Fortunately for the parents' peace of mind, Martha and Keira returne= d to the room, carrying between them an exquisitely fashioned wooden crib which they sat down near to the bed. Martha's experienced eye took in th= e distressed and bemused stare of the first-time parents and she quickly hi= d a gently, teasing smile. It always amused her to see how two grown-up people should be so afraid of such a little person, and it seemed that Kryptonian mothers and fathers were no different. But they would learn, = as everyone did. Some took better care than others of their precious gifts and some didn't deserve the children that were born to them. Yet, Martha= sensed that these two would be good parents, surrounding their child with= the love they already shared with each other. For the first time in many= years, Martha felt a sadness for the lack of her own children; Jonathan would have made a wonderful father and she would've promised to be the be= st mom in the world.... The baby's now angry screams jolted Martha from her musings and Lois= ' worried voice quickly brought the midwife back to the present. "What's wrong?! Is she in pain?!" "Oh no, my dear," Martha reassured, hurrying over to the bedside. = "She's hungry. This little princess has been through a difficult time an= d she needs a little snack before she goes to sleep." "Oh! You mean... me!" Lois gestured with her free hand towards the= region of her chest. "I can do that, I think." But her wide-eyed star= e belied her assurance. "It's just a little tricky until you get the knack... but it's nothi= ng to be afraid of. You'll see, you'll do just fine!" Kal rose, somewhat in the manner of a startled rabbit, and stood bac= k, allowing Martha to help his wife in her newest task. A look of infinite tenderness settled on his face as he watched Lois follow Martha's instructions with studied determination and after only one failed attempt= the baby found what she was craving and tiny satisfied, suckling noises replaced the irate shrieks. Peace descended with a healing balm on the Kansas farmhouse bedroom.= = Martha had taken Keira away and left the little family alone to bond. Wi= th some surprise, Lois found she was overwhelmed by such maternal feelings o= f love and nurture as she watched her daughter suckle at her breast. Who would've believed she'd be so content to be a mother... she'd run a milli= on miles away from her own family and not just metaphorically speaking. Onc= e again, she found herself missing them. Now, though, she had the chance t= o do something about that. She'd have to talk to Kal later, she thought, glancing up at his tall figure and smiling warmly at his mesmerised countenance. The future was unsure, but for the moment, the family of three were together again and all was right with Lois' world. = ***** tbc in part 45 ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 14:35:10 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: John Debbage <106532.433@COMPUSERVE.COM> Subject: Universal Union Book3/Part43 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Title: Universal Union Book3/Part 43 Author: Jenni Debbage Rating: PG-13 Comments: At last, I have a new part to post. This is only part of a chapter but I thought that perhaps you would like to catch up with how Lo= is and Kal are doing in Smallville. I'm sorry for keeping you waiting so lo= ng and please let me know what you think. Chapter Eighteen Nor Will You Have.... The bright lights on the hill were somewhat unusual for this time of= night. During President West's tenure, the White House had been a fairly= quiet place at this late hour, which was not so with the current occupant= s. Loud music and flashy discotheque lights exuded from the stately buildin= g, while empty wine bottles and the remnants of gourmet food littered many o= f the rooms. Earth women, either voluntary or coerced, were brought at nig= ht to entertain these super-powered aliens who greedily took their enjoyment= of all they had plundered of this world. In the oval office sat the lord of all this disarray, watching with dour frustration as his minions caroused the night away. The Lord of Nor= was bored. He'd expected to be treated like a god in this world. After all, he could do many god-like things; soaring through the skies, for one= thing. In the beginning that had been quite thrilling, but it was such a= n effort and he'd been to the most exciting places this world had to offer.= = Lifting large objects and competing with his men on how far one could thr= ow them had also paled, after he'd won most contests. Clearly he was the strongest and he had nothing more to prove. It never occurred to Rad-Nor= that his men were too terrified to do other than let him win. Smiting people down with a shaft of heat vision or a blast of freezing air still= held a little allure, but these Earthlings were just no contest to a bein= g as superior as himself. But no matter how defeated these foolish Earthlings were, they would= not lie down. Oh, in the beginning they had come to the peace-table. = They'd had little choice after his and the Taureans first great show of power. The Terran leaders had talked and talked... and prevaricated on a= ll his demands, then had melted away as it became clear that his patience wa= s growing dangerously thin. Now they skulked in the hinterland and deserts of this world and mad= e ridiculous sorties against their invaders. Of course, there was little harm they could do to his own troops, but he'd heard that the Taureans ha= d suffered some reverses. Nor's lip curled in an ugly grin at that thought= . = Serve the creatures right for all their pontificating! He really was beginning to find their bombastic attitude exceedingly tiresome. It had been a fairly gargantuan faux-pas to ally himself to these cretins. The thing was... he'd never wholly believed in Poli's claim that Kryptonians could attain such powers on this world. His number of followers being somewhat small, he'd surmised that some added assistance would be necessa= ry to subdue the planet and the Taureans seemed to fit the bill. How blind could he have been! He could've taken over the Earth singlehandedly! = His miscalculation meant that he now had to deal with the dull-witte= d and rapacious representatives of the junta that ruled Taurus. They would= be arriving presently and he would have to listen to their greedy demands= and complaints. Then again, he had changed their unwanted visit into a mission that at least suited his purpose. The Generals were bringing his= insurance policy. Let's see how Lord-do no evil'-Kal-El would handle knowing that his precious wife was in the hands of the enemy. Rad-Nor had always known that Kal-El would follow him to Earth. The= righteous fool would never allow an innocent world to suffer. Nor had warned his men not to be complacent. They might for the moment rule all they surveyed, but once El arrived with his superior numbers, the men of Nor would face an equal foe. Thus, he'd been more than a little surprise= d, when the Kryptonian flotilla had arrived as expected, not to be confronte= d with an army of super-beings. Had Lord of the ethical' decreed that the gaining of these abilities was somehow wrong, or had he already been warn= ed that his lovely wife was in the hands of the enemy? No matter what the cause, Kal-El was playing into his own masterful hands. The Kryptonian ships were attacking only Taureans and, for some unknown, though no doubt= lofty reason, were doing so outside the atmosphere of Earth. But whateve= r had possessed him to warn the Taureans not to be led into an ambush, when= it suited his purposes to see them taken out? Oh yes, it had been early days then, and he'd been bewitched by his successes into magnanimity -- t= he thick-skulled barbarians had not yet begun to annoy him. But Rad-Nor was not foolish enough to underestimate his allies or hi= s enemies. A battle was pending, the question was with whom? Perhaps, he should not yet dismiss his partners' so readily; they would, at least, ke= ep El's forces busy while he continued to enjoy himself! Enjoy himself!? Now that was the rub! Was he having fun? Rad-Nor looked around the oval office, the room that purported to be the hub of government of this nation. It was really far too small for his tastes. = And the White House?! Really, such an uninspiring name! He'd been tempt= ed to change the pasty colour. White on this world portrayed purity... but then again, the Lord of Nor was pure... purely evil. And so he'd allowed= it to remain the ghastly white. The woman at his elbow, cooed into his ear and ran a hand through hi= s oily locks, while her other hand meandered in quite the other direction. = Nor cast an appraising stare over her ample and barely covered bosom. Sh= e was very accommodating, and Rad didn't really like compliance in a woman.= = He preferred to see a little fear in the eyes of his paramours. Oh well,= terrorising this pitiful example of an Earth woman would be a fairly simp= le task, and it might dispel his ennui for a moment or two. The thing was, = it was all too easy.... Where was the challenge anymore? "My Lord, there's been a development!" Rad-Nor gave an impatient groan and turned to his bulky, blonde-hair= ed lieutenant who'd strode into the room. "What is it now, Gaylen?" The ma= n was tiresomely solemn, he really needed to lighten up... enjoy a bit of rape and pillage. "My mind balks at describing myself as busy... but I a= m dallying here...." "Forgive my intrusion, Lord Nor, but I bring news of the Taurean Generals!" "Oh don't tell me, they've arrived? How bothersome! And no doubt they're expecting a reception committee." Rad began dragging himself fro= m his companion's clutches and straightening his clothes. = = "That's not exactly correct, sire!" And as Rad-Nor's mobile eyebrow= s rose in annoyance, Gaylen hurried on. "Their mothership was attacked by El's forces and was destroyed." Both Nor's eyebrows almost met with his hairline. "Oh, how terribly= sad! Whatever shall we do without their advice and assistance in the running of this planet?! More to the point, what will their troops do no= w? They've been so looking forward to having two of their commanders with them." = Rising from the chaise-lounge on which he'd been reclining, Nor crossed to gaze out the window, leaving the call-girl to wonder whether s= he should be disappointed or to thank her lucky stars that, for the moment, she seemed to be forgotten. The scene Nor surveyed filled him with satisfaction. The sweep of lawn was gouged with mangled cars and buses, evidence of their super-powered shot-putting games, while in the famous rose garden the blooms remained frozen for all time by blasts of icy brea= th -- a sorry reminder that once these bushes had been vibrant and sweet-smelling and filled with life. All these things were a testament t= o the power that he and his followers wielded on this planet. And now, it seemed there would be no interference from the Generals... life was sometimes so sweet. Of course, it also meant that he'd lost his pawn, which wasn't good... but then that idiot, El, didn't have to know that. = Nor pushed the thought aside, preferring to dwell on the positive aspect.= "Tell me, Gaylen, does the thought of all those Taureans running around like headless chickens excite you as much as it does me? = Leaderless, they'll be much more manageable!" The blonde acolyte, covered his hand with his mouth, while he cleare= d his throat nervously. "Lord Nor, have you forgotten that your wife was also on that craft?" Nor swung round threateningly. Why had the fool brought up that detail so quickly? Sometimes Gaylen's ponderous thinking irritated him beyond measure; he just couldn't see the big picture; couldn't understand= that the demise of the Taurean leaders far outweighed the loss of one pun= y, hated Earth girl. After all, there was really no need for a hostage -- h= e, Rad-Nor, was the superior being and he could defeat his sickeningly incorruptible adversary with both hands tied behind his back. = Watching like some predatory beast, Nor gloated inwardly as the Lieutenant tensed with apprehension, while the ominous pause lingered. = Gaylen was afraid of the mercurial temper, and, no doubt, was waiting for= the destructive tantrum that was sure to follow. Well, that was good -- fear was an extremely useful tool to keep his soldiers on their toes. Bu= t sometimes the menace was more effective when hidden beneath a silken exterior. "Indeed, she was Gaylen... and, as you see, I'm... devastated... heartbroken." Rad-Nor spoke conversationally as his imperious hands swep= t over his person. "However, I feel that I might surmount my grief, in tim= e. We world leaders have to get used to personal sacrifices... for the greater good' as it were. But, as you have brought to mind, The First La= dy of Krypton was also in that ship... I wonder if her dear husband will tak= e the news so philosophically. I fear he will be quite demented... which only goes to prove that he's much too emotional for his role as First Lord." "There is a slight chance that some people might have survived, sire= !" "What?!" Now the thunderbolt struck as Rad-Nor's fist hammered the desk by his side, and the desk that had once been a treasured artifact, lovingly tended by many a president, splintered under the onslaught. "Ho= w could they have lived? Didn't you tell me the ship was destroyed?" = "Not all of the ship, my lord. It's been reported that a module escaped destruction and landed safely near the town of Smallville in a state called Kansas!" Gaylen wasn't at all pleased to report such news. = It wasn't the first time that Nor had taken his anger out on the hapless messenger. "Were the Generals on board?" "We don't know, my lord. Perhaps your wife...." "No wait! The prison-cell was protected!" Nor's interruption came like a rapier strike; he hated to be beaten to the punch line by his minions. "Which means that the annoyingly resilient First Lady and my errant wife are still very much alive. Oh, things just get better and better, Gaylen! The Generals are gone, but we still had our insurance policy." Nor clasped his hands behind his back as he wheeled to face the= window again. "I wonder why dear Keira hasn't contacted me?" he asked of the littered landscape. = "She might be injured and unable to do so," an increasingly nervous Gaylen dared to suggest. "She might, but I believe that it's much more likely that my preciou= s wife has returned her allegiance to her own family." "Then you should contact her," the lieutenant advised, his haste to impress making him bold. In most circumstances Nor hated to be told what= to do, but surely this was the best course of action in this case. "Remi= nd her of her wifely duties and that her children's continuing welfare is in= your hands." "Yes, that is the most obvious option," Nor replied, thoughtfully, "but, while I find frightening my whey-faced spouse exceedingly exhilarating, I believe I shall forgo my pleasure this time. You see, " the mighty lord explained with just a hint of exasperation, "if we've tracked the capsule, then it's highly likely that El's technicians have too, and, if my wife has changed sides, then no doubt Kal-El already has = a squad on its way to rescue the two damsel's in distress. That being so, = I shouldn't like to alert them to our impending arrival." = "There's no record of any Kryptonian craft, other than our own, entering Earth's atmosphere or landing on the surface." "You imbecile!" Nor bellowed. "Haven't you heard of cloaking shields?!" "But, surely, Lord Nor, our men can penetrate any such devices." = "Not necessarily! My arms dealer on Caytan, informs me that the Kryptonian strategic test-centre has developed a totally new system -- on= e which is extremely difficult to decode. I was in the middle of brokering= a deal to acquire the blue-prints when this whole debacle with the Mais began. I was told it was only in the testing stages but we can't be sure= of that. So we must assume that Kal-El might already be in Kansas." = = "What should we do, my Lord?" Stalking with deceptive calm up to his large lieutenant, Nor stuck a= pointed finger into the man's expansive chest. "Do, Gaylen?! Why we prepare our own welcome for my sweet wife and her family. We too visit this town of Smallville and I do hope that it's not so parochial as the name suggests... I do so hate anything bucolic." "But what if the First Lord...." Gaylen's words died at the black scowl that settled on his master's face. "Sorry, the Lord of El, I mean.= .. what if he's there before us?" With a lightning change of mood, Nor grinned rapaciously. "Oh, I do= hope so, Gaylen, I really do. It's time for the final conflict, when I must face my enemy man-to-man. Only I expect this to be a very one-sided= contest, because I'm certain that only one of us is a superman!" "Then we leave immediately?" "That would seem the obvious course of action, however...." The panther-like eyes strayed to the woman he'd left languishing on the couch= . = She was attractive enough in a brassy, world-weary way, and thoughts of h= is wife had reminded him of how unsatisfactory he had found his marriage bed= . = These care-givers were a lot more to his taste than his frigid, patrician= wife had ever been and, right at this moment, he felt the need to intimidate someone while taking care of his baser requirements; the anticipation of battle always sharpened his libido. There would be time enough to gratify all his obsessions. "I think that I should allow my sweet Keira to become reacquainted with her family -- let Kal-El believe that he has rescued his women. After all, it will be so much more convenient to have them all in the one place for us to apprehend, and so much more satisfying to me to destroy them just when they think they are safe. Run along, Gaylen. Pick a few of your men, preferably ones who ha= ve sobered up. Oh, and have them fetch my mewling brats; they might come in= handy as hostages. We assemble at dawn! My ultimate triumph awaits me i= n Smallville!" The echo of an evil laugh hung in the oval office as Rad-Nor grabbed= hold of the unwitting female on his way to the nearest bedchamber. Gayle= n frowned disapprovingly, sometimes his master allowed his physical needs t= o over-rule his brain, yet he wasn't about to voice his objections. The lieutenant was only too aware of what could happen to those who spoke out= of turn to the Lord of Nor. Commandeering the two nearest troopers who seemed to have followed the proceedings with at least some form of cognisance, Gaylen left to prepare the platoon exactly as ordered. If things went amiss, then he couldn't be held responsible. A wry grimace settled on the large lieutenant's face -- when did that ever stop Rad-Nor= from venting his spleen? Not for the first time, Gaylen wondered how he had managed to survive thus far in his feudal duty to the house of Nor an= d just when the fates would chose to abandon him. ***** = tbc in part 44 ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 14:48:20 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Subject: Re: Universal Union Book3/Part44 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Ah, that's a lovely place to leave them, Jenni ... thanks for not stopping after that Nor scene; he/you were giving me the creeps And the startled rabbit line was classic Pam Jernigan / ChiefPam / **note new address** "The EU is a noble attempt to fulfill the age-old dream of having a country of English cooks, German lovers, French defense forces and Italian efficiency experts." --P. J. O'Rourke ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 14:06:02 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Phil Atcliffe Subject: NEW: Imbalance Part 25 [Last time, Lois and Clark had an emotionally trying time at an apartment building fire; and the problem with being reporters is that you can't just go home and unwind after such events; you have to write the story up for the paper! Which is what Lois is up to at the moment... Now read on:] ***** Lois looked up from her computer and over at her partner. He was leaning back in his chair with his eyes closed, glasses nonetheless in place, so still that an outside observer would have more than a little trouble determining if he was awake or asleep. She knew better, though: he was perfectly alert, just not doing anything at present. Ralph had found that out the hard way, earlier: he'd wandered past and made a snide remark about Lois having to carry a partner who wasn't up to the pace of the big city. Clark had cut the idiot down to size without even bothering to open his eyes, with a pointed reply to the effect that he'd finished his work for the moment and was waiting to see if his partner needed him -- and while he was waiting, he was indulging in a certain arcane pastime that Ralph might have heard of; it was called *thinking*, and maybe he should try it sometime. Ralph's exit could only be described as a slink. Lois rather thought her motionless partner was meditating, in his own unique way, and if that was so, then well and good, because meditation was a calming thing, and he needed that after the events of the afternoon. He'd been improving ever since they left the site of the fire, but she could tell that there was still tension lurking in the background. His shower, however short -- and he was right; he *could* shower in seconds! Talk about a time-saver; she wished *she* could do that -- had helped, so much so that she reminded herself to tell him to have another one -- a *long* one -- before he went to bed tonight. She yawned, and thought longingly of her own bed. It was late. Luckily, she was just about done here, and then they could go. She dragged herself back to the last few paragraphs of the story and an associated op-ed piece she was writing and spent the next few minutes finishing them -- especially the op-ed, which she had spent an unusual amount of time and effort on, polishing it until every word contributed to its intended effect: describing the effect of the horrors of the fire on the men and women who fought it, and on those whose job it was to help the people who lived in the doomed building -- and on one man in particular. Clark had no idea that she was writing this, but she wanted to tell her readers that the Man of Steel was just that -- a man -- and that that part of Superman was just as, if not more important than the "Super" part. The super-powers enabled him to do the things he did, but it was the *man* who had the will, the compassion and the dedication that made him do them. At last, she had both articles completed to her satisfaction, so she sent them over the LAN to the night editor. He was usually pretty quick at getting back to her, so she began to get ready to leave while she waited for him to give her work the okay. After "tidying" her desks (that was what she called it; Clark had an on-going tease in which he tried to define a more "realistic" term than "tidy" for what she did -- whatever that *was*, he said), she sat back and waited, musing that it was a shame that she and Clark hadn't had time for their talk tonight, but there was always tomorrow -- as long as the same thing didn't happen again. No sooner had she thought that than she caught a flicker of motion out of the corner of her eye; when she turned to look at it, she saw Clark with the same head tilt and intent expression as he'd had a few hours before. 'Oh, no...' she thought, 'He just got back from an emergency. What now?' His eyes met hers, and he whispered, "Gotta go. There's a ship in some kind of trouble -- storm damage and flooding, from what they're saying." "Okay," she replied. "I'm almost done, so I probably won't be here when you get back. And no-one will think it anything out of the ordinary if you leave now. Be careful, okay?" "Will do. See you in the morning." With that, he got up and calmly walked towards the stairs, saying goodnight to several co-workers as he went. Only Lois, peering at the tiny gap between the self-closing door and its frame, saw the tiny blur in the stairwell as Clark flew *up* towards the roof rather than walking down to street level. Rather than immediately finishing her story, she leaned forward in her seat, propping her chin up on her hands, and mused on what had just happened. As far as anyone else had seen, she'd simply bade her partner goodnight. He'd gone home and left her to finish their joint work. At least, that was what Eduardo, also working late, was saying; Lois had just heard him make a snide remark to Ralph. She knew that wasn't true. And yet, if it had been, she knew it wouldn't have mattered. For the first time in her working life, Lois was not concerned about whether the person she was partnered with was pulling his weight in their working relationship -- and that wasn't entirely due to the fact that she *knew* Clark was already mentally exhausted, even if not physically so, after his efforts at the fire scene earlier. No, her acceptance of his absence would have been, and was, because she *cared* that he was exhausted and needed to rest. For perhaps the first time in her life, Lois Lane cared about the well- being of another person more than her own. 'Am I really that selfish?' she asked herself in disbelief. She didn't know... but there was one thing she knew, and that was that she was feeling things for Clark 'Superman' Kent she had never before felt for any man. And it wasn't just that she was able to appreciate the fact that he had a great body. Earlier, she'd wanted to hug him. Then she'd taken his hand in hers... and when she'd eventually released him, she'd felt the absence of his touch powerfully. And she knew that the real reason she'd wanted to fly back to his apartment with him had nothing to do with enjoying the sensation of flight. She enjoyed the sensation of being held in his arms, close to that very attractive body. She grimaced, blowing out a long breath. What did all of that matter, anyway? Clark wasn't interested in her in that way, anyway, she told herself, carefully avoiding putting a name to the particular 'that way' she was thinking about. All he wanted was a friend, a partner, and someone who could help him maintain his cover as Superman as well as giving him someone to confide in when he needed it. And she wondered wryly whether he would have listed those things in the same order as she just had. And anyway, Lois Lane didn't do that man-woman thing, she reminded herself sternly. It just wasn't her thing. Even if she could ever believe that a man was worthy of her trust, she just wasn't the type of woman men wanted to be with. She was too independent, too career-oriented, too unwilling to fawn over them and defer to them. 'Clark isn't like Earth men...' the small voice of her conscience pointed out. Well, that was true; he was Kryptonian by birth. But, she reminded herself, he'd been brought up on Earth -- or at least, he claimed to have been. Which meant that he probably did share all those usual male traits. Okay, he was a lot better than some, she accepted, remembering the way in which he'd defended her more than once against slimes like Ralph and Tom Everett. But... he was still a man, and if he *did* want a girlfriend, he would no doubt want someone far more feminine than she could ever be. And since Lois herself wasn't interested in Clark in that way -- wasn't interested in *any* man in that way, ever -- why should that bother her? Regardless of any of that, she reminded herself abruptly, she had an article to finish -- an article which was important because it would help Clark. And suddenly, somehow, helping Clark was more important to her than any personal kudos she might receive for her latest scoop on the feats of the Man of Steel. ***** It was even harder than usual for Lois to get up the next morning; fortunately, Perry wouldn't be expecting her to be in first thing since she'd been working late, and since she'd also sent him an e-mail saying that she and Clark were planning to ask around about the investigation into the case of the fire in the apartment block. As she forced herself out of bed, she remembered waking to the smell of coffee and croissants, the morning after Clark had saved her from the amusement park trap. It suddenly seemed very appealing. 'Gee, and I got mad at him for "invading" my apartment to deliver them... I should've placed a regular order instead!' She glanced at the window that he used to come and go that night -- and subsequently, several times over the nearly two weeks since. Naturally, since she wasn't expecting him, it was closed... which explained what the box was doing, resting on the window-ledge! She rushed over and opened the window, taking care not to dislodge the box until she could get a good grip on it. It was quite light, and he'd used some double-sided tape to keep it in place on the ledge. She brought it inside, managing to control her curiosity long enough to shut the window before opening it. Inside was a single long-stemmed yellow rose and a note, which read: Lois, Thanks for yesterday -- and for everything. Meet me in the park for breakfast? I'm thinking Quebecois today. Clark Lois laughed. 'The guy is psychic! He *must* be -- here I am, thinking of coffee and croissants, and he decides to go *French*-Canadian?' With such a tempting prospect in store, she headed for the bathroom with fresh energy. And if she remembered her earlier fears about Kent's possible ability to mind-read, it was obviously no longer a worry to her; that change might have been a worry in itself, but she didn't think of that, either. ***** Breakfast in Centennial Park was (of course) delicious, although Lois was of the opinion that genuine French croissants were still superior to foreign imitations, however skilled the pastry-cooks in Montreal might be. She and Clark were still happily discussing the finer points of "French" pastry as produced by bakers around the world when, having gone from the park to quiz the MPD Arson Squad about the fire, they returned to the Planet. They were being watched, very skilfully, very carefully, and very thoroughly. Their conversation was also being listened to by means of a parabolic snooper gun, and the output from that was being taped. Not that it was any help, but if the two reporters were under alien influence, it was possible that they might be contacted at any time, and out in the open would be a good place to do it: not only would it be easier for transmission and reception purposes, but it would show a careful use of psychology -- no-one would expect agents to be given orders in public, so it would be a cunning way to do just that if the technology existed to pass the information without being obvious about it. And if there was one thing that was Holy Writ at Bureau 39, it was that aliens excelled at both cunning and technology... Trask watched the reporters enter the building and smiled thinly. Let them think that all was well with their treacherous plans; he'd disabuse them of that, soon enough -- *and* find out everything that they knew about the invaders. He looked at his chronometer: the plan called for the Team to wait 15 minutes from the time the Subjects entered the building before they moved in -- unless, of course, the Subjects reappeared or took any action to threaten the mission. He didn't think the latter was likely, so it was going to be a long wait... It was, but it was over eventually, and the Team moved into action. The Bureau men got out of the van and the accompanying sedan, and headed for the entrance to the target building. Once inside, the security guard was brushed aside with a quick flash of an ID and a curt growl of, "Federal business!" and the Team filed into the elevator. Tension built as the elevator rose to the newsroom floor. Trask waited for the doors to open and took a deep breath to calm himself. "Okay, men, you know what to do," he said quietly. 'And so do I.' "Here we go..." ***** [To quote Clark in HIWtHI: "Oh, boy..." The brown organic matter -- in this case, mostly in the form of several large Caucasian males wearing business suits rather than the more familiar scatological version -- is about to hit the rotating metal blades... including two "blades" known as Lane and Kent. And one of these "blades" is much stronger, sharper and tougher than mere metal -- so what happens when they meet could be *very* messy. Find out just *how* messy, next time.] Phil ---- "We gotta get out into Space / If it's the last thing we ever do!" -- Return to the Forbidden Planet A sentiment echoed by Phil Atcliffe ( ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 14:02:25 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: lcfic Subject: Re: fanfic: Code of honor MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Hi Ursie! Dawn, what a great idea, a crossover story with JAG! I watch that show = sometimes and I like it. Can't wait to read the rest. Thank you!! :) I hope you enjoy it. Thanks! :) Dawn __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get email alerts & NEW webcam video instant messaging with Yahoo! Messenger ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 18:01:07 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Crystal Wimmer Subject: Re: The Author's Mind... delay... MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit God does answer prayers! My husband's brother, Danny, went walking down 58 looking for the backpack. He found the it down an embankment, and everything was still there!! It's got a little road-scuff, but nothing damaged beyond repair! It's been a good day :) -Crys- ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 18:10:23 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: No Name Available Subject: Re: The Author's Mind... delay... MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 9/4/01 6:01:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time, JCWimmer@AOL.COM writes: > He found the it down an embankment, and everything > was still there!! Oh, congrats, Crys!! that's wonderful news!!! :) --laurie ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 23:16:17 +0100 Reply-To: LabRat Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Organization: LabRat Subject: Re: The Author's Mind... delay... MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Wow! You must have friends in high places, Crys! ;) Glad to hear it. LabRat :) > God does answer prayers! My husband's brother, Danny, went walking down 58 > looking for the backpack. He found the it down an embankment, and everything > was still there!! It's got a little road-scuff, but nothing damaged beyond > repair! > > It's been a good day :) > > -Crys- ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 15:49:56 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: lcfic Subject: STORY: Code of Honor (3/9) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii TITLE: Code of Honor PART: (3/9) AUTHOR: D. Field RATING: PG13 FEEDBACK: Comments welcome PUB/PRIV. Editing PRIV. SUMMARY: LnC/JAG crossover – Lois and Clark find themselves assigned to the same case as Mac and Harm. summary part 2: As the JAG team begins their investigation, the Daily Planet’s top reporting duo prepare to go undercover on the same case. Part 3 ~~~ Clark landed on the patio of their brownstone a short while later. Lois had obviously won his challenge, which didn’t surprise him given her competitive nature. The terrace table was set with dinnerware and the centerpiece candle was lit, casting a romantic glow over the area. Setting the food containers on the table, he spun into jeans and a blue button down, not really sure what Lois had in mind, but he could always make a quick change if he’d needed to. Reaching to lower his glasses, he changed his mind, instead focusing his hearing to locate her. That she wasn’t waiting for him out here may have meant she wanted to surprise him, and he didn’t want to spoil that for her. Both the kitchen and the living room were silent. Next, he tried the bedroom. There she was, and, from the sounds of it, she was putting finishing touches on her appearance. He pulled out a seat and sat down with his back to the balcony door so she’d see him first. Looking into the night sky, he waited for his wife. He didn’t have to wait long. He could hear her footfalls even on the thick living room carpet. She stepped up behind him, encircling him in her arms. He could feel the soft rustle of silk against his neck. Kissing her arm, he pulled her around so he could see her. She was wearing the burgundy silk nightie he’d bought her their last anniversary. Pulling her into his lap, he nuzzled and nipped at her ear, whispering, “Dinner’s gonna get cold.” She sighed at his touch. “That’s what heat vision’s for.” “Mmm. Dessert first. I like a woman who has her priorities in order.” It was some time later when Lois said, “As much as I’d love to stay here with you like this the rest of the night, we have to get ready for tomorrow.” He returned her kiss before agreeing. “I know. Me, too. But we do have a lot to do, and Superman could get called out, too.” “True,” she acknowledged as she got up and headed for the bathroom. “Which reminds me,” she called, “I was thinking earlier about your disguise, for tomorrow, that is. You could wear a fake mustache, comb your hair a little different, and let your five o’clock shadow grow in a bit. You’d look really different,” she finished from the doorway. Clark considered that a moment. “That could work. Then if Superman gets called I can shave, but it’d grow back fairly quickly. What are you going to do, honey?” “I haven’t decided yet, but I have a few ideas. Right now I’m famished. How about we have dinner and talk about it more as we eat?” “Okay.” Clark levitated off the bed and moved to the bathroom door to give his wife a kiss before spinning into jeans and a t-shirt. “How about you finish getting dressed and I’ll finish up dinner.” “Deal.” Lois smiled as she returned his kiss. When she stepped out on the patio a few minutes later, Lois found the table set, plates heaping with steaming Thai food, the containers gone, and the center candle re-lit. Clark was already seated, as if he’d been waiting for quite some time for her. “I wasn’t that long, was I?” Clark reached to pull her into his lap, laughing. “Nah, I was just teasing you.” He picked up a set of chopsticks and proceeded to feed his wife dinner. Lois followed suit. They’d nearly finished all the food before Clark’s super hearing picked up alarms. “What is it?” “Warehouse fire. I better go check it out. Sorry.” Lois leaned closer to kiss some sauce from his lips. “S’okay, just bring Lane and Kent back some good quotes.” “You got it. Thanks, honey.” Sliding his fingers through her beautiful brown hair, he pulled her closer and kissed her thoroughly before gently rising and placing her in the seat he’d just vacated. Spinning into his suit, he kissed her once more. “I love you.” “I love you, too, sweetheart. Be careful.” “Always.” And with that he took off into the night sky. Lois sat looking in the direction he’d gone for a few moments before getting up to clear the table. “Guess I’d better work on my disguise,” she mused out loud as she ascended the stairs a short while later. Reaching her wardrobe, she reviewed the role she needed to play, based on the file information that Perry had given her earlier. “Okay. Perry’s niece, medically discharged from the Army due to Post War Syndrome from serving in the Gulf.” She spotted a green material in the back of the closet. “I still have those fatigues I borrowed when Clark and I were tracking down Ryan – wow, that was quite a few years ago – but would she still wear Army regs? Hmm. Maybe jeans would be better. Now,” she moved into the bathroom. Studying her reflection she lamented, not for the first time, “At times like this I’d like to throttle the person whose bright idea it was to plaster mine and Clark’s image all over the city. How am I supposed to go undercover?!” Sighing, she looked through her supplies. “Too bad I can’t wear a mustache. I’ve done that before and Perry didn’t even recognize me, twice. Couldn’t he have made me his nephew?” She sighed again. “Come on, Lane, you can do this. You like a good challenge. Maybe … “ she reached for her makeup. “If I changed a few things … but not too much. I doubt someone with psychological problems would be overly concerned with their appearance.” She made a few adjustments until she was satisfied. “There. But I still look too much like Lois Lane.” Trying various styles with her hair, nothing seemed to work that made enough of a difference. Sighing yet again, her eyes drifted to a box in amongst the other assorted items spread out on the counter. She really hated to take that step, but there didn’t seem to be much of a choice. Reluctantly, she picked up the box of red hair coloring. She’d had it since all that mess with Jefferson Cole, about five years ago. She’d thought of dying her hair red then to change her appearance after she’d been framed for murder, but opted instead just to cut it shorter. “I wonder if this stuff is still any good. Maybe just a few highlights’ll do it.” Carefully following the instructions on the box, she added the mixture to her hair and waited the required time. Stepping into the shower, she quickly rinsed off the dye and the makeup she’d experimented with earlier. Toweling off and drying her hair, she surveyed the results. Trying again various styles she thought someone about five to ten years younger than herself would wear, she still couldn’t find anything that seemed to work. “I guess there’s only one other thing to try.” And with that, she reached for the scissors. tbc __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get email alerts & NEW webcam video instant messaging with Yahoo! Messenger ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 19:19:25 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Crystal Wimmer Subject: Authors Mind This Week MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello again! Thanks to everyone for their patience and understanding with this delay. I hope I didn't throw anyone off too badly. When I started this project, one of my ulterior motives was to get some insight into authors that I don't know as well. ML Thompson was one of them. Truthfully, I hadn't read much of her work - a result of being very busy, rather than lack of interest. After reading her essay, I was intrigued enough to read the story... and yes, I loved it! Since then I've wandered through many of her other stories as well, and I've not yet been disappointed. Come read the essay that introduced me to another great author... and to the story, The People v. Clark Kent -Crys- Manager, The Author's Mind... Come take a look into the Author's Mind at: ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 22:19:11 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Marnie Rowe Subject: If only Dr Suess was a Woman MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Ok, I know that this really is not in topic, but we did have a = converstaion a while back about Dr Suess so I think that I may not be = too far off the mark here and if I am I do apologize profusely. If Dr. Suess Was a Woman, she'd write: I'm glad I'm a woman -yes I am, = yes I am. I don't live on Budweiser, Beer nuts and Spam. I don't brag to = my buddies about my erections; I won't drive to Hell before asking = directions. I act nice at parties; don't act like a clown; And I know = how to put the damn toilet seat down. I won't grab your boobies; I won't = pinch your butt. My belt is not hidden, beneath my beer gut. I don't go = around readjusting my crotch; or make sure my headboard bears each = hard-earned notch. I don't belch in public; don't scratch my behind. I'm = a woman, you see- I'm just not that kind! I'm glad I'm a woman; So glad = I could sing- and thrilled I'm not covered in shag carpeting. Hair won't = grow from my ears, or cover my back. And when I bend over you can't see = my crack. I'm a woman, alas-and I'm proud, don't you see? I'm blessed to = have two boobs and squat when I pee. I don't live for golf, or shoot = basketball. I don't swagger and spit like a Neanderthal. I don't need = male bonding; I don't cruise for chicks- I'll never join "Hair Club", or = think with my dick. I'm a woman, by chance And thankful I am! I'm so = glad I'm a woman, not a man, yes I am! Marns ~Pobody's Nerfect ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 21:25:55 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carol L Moncado Subject: Re: NEW: Imbalance Part 25 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > [To quote Clark in HIWtHI: "Oh, boy..." The brown organic matter > -- in > this case, mostly in the form of several large Caucasian males > wearing > business suits rather than the more familiar scatological version -- > is > about to hit the rotating metal blades... including two "blades" > known as > Lane and Kent. And one of these "blades" is much stronger, sharper > and > tougher than mere metal -- so what happens when they meet could be > *very* > messy. Find out just *how* messy, next time.] If I wasn't exhausted (Lamaze, 2 doc appts, infant CPR and endless errands in between today) and 8 1/2 months pregnant I might be able to make some sense of out that. As it is - I would have enjoyed this part if I had any form of cognition in my brain at the time of perusing it. Please send more on Friday (when I'll be a little more with it!) CM(who did get to have an ultrasound and those cool 3D ultrasound photos of the baby today!) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 22:51:43 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Katherine L. Klesch" Subject: Re: If only Dr Suess was a Woman In-Reply-To: <001a01c135ca$4bf507e0$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Off topic or not, I thought it was hilarious! Thanks, Marns! Kaylle At 10:19 PM 9/4/2001 -0700, you wrote: >Ok, I know that this really is not in topic, but we did have a converstaion a while back about Dr Suess so I think that I may not be too far off the mark here and if I am I do apologize profusely. > >If Dr. Suess Was a Woman, she'd write: I'm glad I'm a woman -yes I am, yes I am. I don't live on Budweiser, Beer nuts and Spam. I don't brag to my buddies about my erections; I won't drive to Hell before asking directions. I act nice at parties; don't act like a clown; And I know how to put the damn toilet seat down. I won't grab your boobies; I won't pinch your butt. My belt is not hidden, beneath my beer gut. I don't go around readjusting my crotch; or make sure my headboard bears each hard-earned notch. I don't belch in public; don't scratch my behind. I'm a woman, you see- I'm just not that kind! I'm glad I'm a woman; So glad I could sing- and thrilled I'm not covered in shag carpeting. Hair won't grow from my ears, or cover my back. And when I bend over you can't see my crack. I'm a woman, alas-and I'm proud, don't you see? I'm blessed to have two boobs and squat when I pee. I don't live for golf, or shoot basketball. I don't swagger and spit like a Neanderthal. I don't need male bonding; I don't cruise for chicks- I'll never join "Hair Club", or think with my dick. I'm a woman, by chance And thankful I am! I'm so glad I'm a woman, not a man, yes I am! > >Marns >~Pobody's Nerfect > * * * * Faith is the quality that enables you to eat blackberry jam on a picnic without looking to see if the seeds move. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 23:15:17 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Norman Mayes Subject: Re: If only Dr Suess was a Woman not grinning MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Gee... Very off topic very insulting loaded with gross gender stereotypes I could certainly come up with a list of exagerations concerning women Instead, I shall quietly ask the listmom, to ban this thread budmayes ----- Original Message ----- From: "Marnie Rowe" To: Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 10:19 PM Subject: If only Dr Suess was a Woman Ok, I know that this really is not in topic, but we did have a converstaion a while back about Dr Suess so I think that I may not be too far off the mark here and if I am I do apologize profusely. If Dr. Suess Was a Woman, she'd write: I'm glad I'm a woman -yes I am, yes I am. I don't live on Budweiser, Beer nuts and Spam. I don't brag to my buddies about my erections; I won't drive to Hell before asking directions. I act nice at parties; don't act like a clown; And I know how to put the damn toilet seat down. I won't grab your boobies; I won't pinch your butt. My belt is not hidden, beneath my beer gut. I don't go around readjusting my crotch; or make sure my headboard bears each hard-earned notch. I don't belch in public; don't scratch my behind. I'm a woman, you see- I'm just not that kind! I'm glad I'm a woman; So glad I could sing- and thrilled I'm not covered in shag carpeting. Hair won't grow from my ears, or cover my back. And when I bend over you can't see my crack. I'm a woman, alas-and I'm proud, don't you see? I'm blessed to have two boobs and squat when I pee. I don't live for golf, or shoot basketball. I don't swagger and spit like a Neanderthal. I don't need male bonding; I don't cruise for chicks- I'll never join "Hair Club", or think with my dick. I'm a woman, by chance And thankful I am! I'm so glad I'm a woman, not a man, yes I am! Marns ~Pobody's Nerfect ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 23:18:01 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Norman Mayes Subject: Re: If only Dr Suess was a Woman MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Gee... Very off topic very insulting loaded with gross gender stereotypes I could certainly come up with a list of exagerations concerning women Instead, I shall quietly ask the listmom, to ban this thread budmayes ----- Original Message ----- From: "Marnie Rowe" To: Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 10:19 PM Subject: If only Dr Suess was a Woman Ok, I know that this really is not in topic, but we did have a converstaion a while back about Dr Suess so I think that I may not be too far off the mark here and if I am I do apologize profusely. If Dr. Suess Was a Woman, she'd write: I'm glad I'm a woman -yes I am, yes I am. I don't live on Budweiser, Beer nuts and Spam. I don't brag to my buddies about my erections; I won't drive to Hell before asking directions. I act nice at parties; don't act like a clown; And I know how to put the damn toilet seat down. I won't grab your boobies; I won't pinch your butt. My belt is not hidden, beneath my beer gut. I don't go around readjusting my crotch; or make sure my headboard bears each hard-earned notch. I don't belch in public; don't scratch my behind. I'm a woman, you see- I'm just not that kind! I'm glad I'm a woman; So glad I could sing- and thrilled I'm not covered in shag carpeting. Hair won't grow from my ears, or cover my back. And when I bend over you can't see my crack. I'm a woman, alas-and I'm proud, don't you see? I'm blessed to have two boobs and squat when I pee. I don't live for golf, or shoot basketball. I don't swagger and spit like a Neanderthal. I don't need male bonding; I don't cruise for chicks- I'll never join "Hair Club", or think with my dick. I'm a woman, by chance And thankful I am! I'm so glad I'm a woman, not a man, yes I am! Marns ~Pobody's Nerfect ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 00:26:20 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Marnie Rowe Subject: Re: If only Dr Suess was a Woman not grinning MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Well, I certainly seem to have crossed the line and I will request also that Kathy get rid of this thread. I apologize for anybody seeing it before then. Marnie ~Pobody's Nerfect ----- Original Message ----- From: "Norman Mayes" To: Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 11:15 PM Subject: Re: If only Dr Suess was a Woman not grinning > Gee... > > Very off topic > very insulting > loaded with gross gender stereotypes > I could certainly come up with a list of exagerations concerning women > > Instead, I shall quietly ask the listmom, to ban this thread > > budmayes > > ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 23:37:17 -0500 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: timothy truitt Organization: tnt technical services Subject: Re: Universal Union Book3/Part44 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Jenni, This was good. I'm glad Kal's people are suspicious of Nor. and I'm also glad you gave us waff with Kal and Lois. more soon please I'm glad your back and posting merry ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 08:45:18 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Nicola Baker Subject: Re: NEW: Imbalance Part 25 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Phil&Wendy; s p o i l e r s p a c e This was good (I have *got* to find a more descriptive word)... especially this: > Clark had cut the idiot down to size without even > bothering to open his eyes, with a pointed reply to the effect that he'd > finished his work for the moment and was waiting to see if his partner > needed him -- and while he was waiting, he was indulging in a certain > arcane pastime that Ralph might have heard of; it was called *thinking*, > and maybe he should try it sometime. > > Ralph's exit could only be described as a slink. Thinking? what's that? and this... > What did all of that matter, > anyway? Clark wasn't interested in her in that way, anyway, (Yeah, right, Lois. Wake up and smell the roses!) although I have doubts about the number of 'anyway's in there. > [To quote Clark in HIWtHI: "Oh, boy..." The brown organic matter -- in > this case, mostly in the form of several large Caucasian males wearing > business suits rather than the more familiar scatological version -- is > about to hit the rotating metal blades... including two "blades" known as > Lane and Kent. And one of these "blades" is much stronger, sharper and > tougher than mere metal -- so what happens when they meet could be *very* > messy. Find out just *how* messy, next time.] Do we get some leprechauns and ducks? Nic (who's going to Bristol today, to resit my Anatomy exam, which I failed by *2%*; how anoying is *that*?) ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 10:15:27 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Phillip Atcliffe Subject: Re: NEW: Imbalance Part 25 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII On Wed, 5 Sep 2001 08:45:18 +0100 Nicola Baker wrote: > Thinking? what's that? An arcane pastime not practised by Ralph. Also useful in exams (see below). [Snip description of potential mess in part 26] > Do we get some leprechauns and ducks? Don't remember any. Does Jimmy count? IIRC, he gets to do a certain amount of ducking... B-P > Nic (who's going to Bristol today, to resit my Anatomy exam, which I failed by *2%*; how anoying is *that*?) < Pretty darn annoying -- and equally so for the person _marking_ the exam. Contrary to popular rumour, examiners actually _want_ students to pass exams, and there's nothing worse than having a student not quite make it by such a narrow margin; the time I've spent trying to find a valid reason to award a student a couple of marks that will allow them to scrape through... Anyway, best of luck, Nic -- or, since you probably won't see this until afterwards, may you not have needed any luck due to sheer competence. Ah, well, back to marking _my_ resit papers... Phil, who also has an exam today -- but as the examiner, not a student... --- (Dr) P.A. Atcliffe Senior Lecturer Computing, Engineering and Mathematical Sciences University of the West of England, Bristol Phone: +44 (0)117 344 2496 Fax: +44 (0)117 344 3800 Email: ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 10:44:06 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carol L Moncado Subject: Re: Universal Union Book3/Part44 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Jenni - Glad you are back! Can't wait for more! S P O I L E R S P A C E Glad Kal wasn't disappointed! (though I didn't really expect him to be!) And by the time Lois is done with the planet, she'll probably grow up to be the one running things anyway! More soon please! CM ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 10:26:35 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Becky Bain Subject: Re: The Author's Mind... delay... In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed >My husband's brother, Danny, went walking down 58 looking for the >backpack. He found the it down an embankment, and everything was still >there!! Wonderful! I'm so glad you don't have to try to recreate everything! Becky "A good time for laughing is when you can." - Jessamyn West ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 21:30:01 +0200 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Hazel Subject: Foundling question for a fic Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed Question for a fic: In "The Foundling," when Clark sees the sequences from the globe, is Jor-El speaking in "voice-over" mode? Or is he speaking in "real-time"? The first scene, in which he appears by himself, would most likely be the latter. (I won't get into the question of lip-synching when he's technically speaking Kryptonian at the moment. ) But what about the later sequences? Is he narrating the scenes of the globes, or is he speaking aloud as he works in the lab? Thanks in advance! Hazel ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 11:40:35 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Betty Cheng Subject: Re: Foundling question for a fic In-Reply-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I seem to remember Jor-El narrating the scenes from the globe rather than speaking aloud as he works. But the image of Jor-El from Clark's spaceship, that was speaking aloud, for sure. Simba -----Original Message----- From: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic [mailto:LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU]On Behalf Of Hazel Sent: September 5, 2001 12:30 PM To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Subject: Foundling question for a fic Question for a fic: In "The Foundling," when Clark sees the sequences from the globe, is Jor-El speaking in "voice-over" mode? Or is he speaking in "real-time"? The first scene, in which he appears by himself, would most likely be the latter. (I won't get into the question of lip-synching when he's technically speaking Kryptonian at the moment. ) But what about the later sequences? Is he narrating the scenes of the globes, or is he speaking aloud as he works in the lab? Thanks in advance! Hazel ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 20:51:07 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Meredith Knight Subject: All Stirred Up, part 3/10? In-Reply-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 >From part 2: >"Lois." > >"- with a headache, so I'm sure he can't ..." She turned. Superman had >sat down heavily on the top step, the confusion once again evident in >his face. "Yes, what?" > >"I'll take a shower in a minute, but there are some things I'd really >like to know first." > >"Well, I'll tell you anything I can. What do you need to know?" > >"What's my name? And what's this Superman thing all about?" He looked >dubiously at his suit. "Am I a wrestler, or some sort of circus act, or >what?" All Stirred Up Chapter 2 : Revelation Lois looked at Superman in dismay. It just kept getting worse. Not only had he forgotten who he was, he had also forgotten *what* he was. No wonder he was confused. "No, nothing like that. The costume is a bit... unusual, isn't it?" She smiled reassuringly. "You're a - well, a superhero." His brow furrowed. "Like in the Batman comics? You mean, I'm a movie actor or something?" "No, no! You're a *real* superhero. With superpowers. You can fly, and you're very strong, and nothing can hurt you. That sort of superhero. Superman." He stared at her blankly for a few moments. He couldn't quite believe he was having this conversation. She didn't really expect him to swallow all this, did she? "Nothing can hurt me?" "No." "And I can fly?" "That's right." She smiled encouragingly. He misinterpreted the smile, and his heart fell at the thought that she was treating his condition so lightly. "Lois, quit fooling around. No one can fly." The smile vanished. "No one else can, Superman, but *you* can. You're special... different! You have to believe me!" He studied her face carefully. She was totally in earnest. She really did expect him to believe it. His heart rose a little, but at the same time his feeling of unease increased. He didn't want to be different. He rose to his feet and began to pace. "What does this superhero do, then? Do I solve crimes and bring the criminals to justice?" "No, not exactly. You rescue people in danger and put out fires and help clean up after earthquakes and things. You stop muggers and bank robbers too, but mostly you help people. That's what you said when you first arrived, that you're here to help." "Arrived where? And where did I come from?" As Superman paced, his abbreviated cape swirled about the small of his back. Watching him, Lois was getting an unusually uninterrupted view of the Man of Steel's legs... not to mention the rear of those red shorts. The effect was definitely pleasing to the eye. Lois found herself getting rather warm. Realising she was still wearing her outdoor jacket, she slipped it off and turned to lay it over the back of Clark's couch, making a concerted effort to focus her mind on the conversation. "You come from another planet, called Krypton. You arrived in Metropolis about six months ago." "So there's a human colony on Krypton? Do they all have these whatchacallum, these superpowers?" "No, it's not an Earth colony. You're not human." He whipped round to stare at her. His face had gone chalk-white. Lois gazed at him, wide-eyed. Why should that come as such a surprise to him? Then his eyes narrowed, and his face began to regain some colour. "You've been watching too many late-night movies, Lois. I'm just as human as you. Look at me!" He spread his arms wide. "Do I look like an alien from outer space?" He was watching her carefully, as though she might suddenly do something dangerous. She planted her fists on her hips and glared at him. "Dammit, Superman, I am *not* crazy, and I am *not* making it up! Will you just give me a bit of credit?" He reached out to grasp her shoulder gently, and said soothingly, "It's okay, Lois. Don't get excited. Why don't we sit down and talk about it calmly and quietly?" Lois had just had one of the worst days of her entire life, she was tired and hungry, and now Superman was refusing to take her seriously. She closed her eyes and counted to three. Then she unrepentantly abandoned the last shreds of her temper. "All right, if you won't believe me, let's see if you believe this!" she yelled, batting his hand away from her shoulder and stalking towards the kitchen. He followed her, torn between fears for his own safety and for hers. She flipped on the kitchen light, jerked open a drawer and rummaged through the contents. Then she turned towards him triumphantly, brandishing a very large, very lethal-looking kitchen knife. "Let's see how much damage this can do to you!" she exclaimed, and lunged towards his arm. Even as she lunged, Lois had a sudden, terrifying vision of the knife actually plunging into Superman's arm. She tried to stop herself, but she had too much momentum. A split second later Superman grabbed the knife, stopping it in mid-strike as though it had encountered a brick wall. Thrown off-balance, Lois felt his other arm catch her deftly about the shoulders. She held onto the knife for an instant longer, before he twisted it and tore it from her slackened grip. They stood frozen in a tableau for a long moment, as Superman braced himself for the anticipated struggle, and Lois's mind caught up with the last few seconds. Then Lois drew a long, shuddering breath, and subsided, trembling, against Superman's chest. "Oh, my God - I don't know what came over me! I've never tried to stab anyone before! I didn't mean you any harm - sometimes I just ..." "Jump in without checking the water first?" suggested Superman drily, wondering what surprise this pint-sized tornado had in store for him next. He was rewarded with a watery chuckle. "Exactly... you are all right, aren't you?" She lifted her head to look for the knife, and gasped. Superman followed her gaze. The hilt of the knife was protruding from his fist; his fingers were clenched tightly around the blade. He blanched at the sight and turned his fist over, but there was no blood, and no pain either. He set Lois gently back on her feet, and stepped back. she thought. He took the knife handle in his right hand, and carefully unwrapped his fingers from around the blade. He inspected his fingers briefly; there was not a mark on them, which was more than could be said for the knife blade. It was twisted and buckled, and four deep indentations showed where his fingers had gripped the cutting edge. "I think you proved my point," Lois remarked, "but we owe Clark a new kitchen knife!" Her temptation to giggle fled as she registered Superman's expression. All traces of emotion had been wiped from his face, leaving the familiar, impassive mask. He studied the knife for a second longer before dropping it on the counter and turning to face her, drawing himself up into the classic Superman stance once again. "So, I am an alien," he conceded, his voice deep and emotionless. Lois winced. "You say that like it's a bad thing!" she exclaimed. "The entire world is busy counting its blessings right now, instead of preparing for doomsday - and it's all thanks to your special abilities. There was a huge asteroid heading straight for us, much bigger than the one that wiped out the dinosaurs. *You* did what no one else on Earth could do, and stopped it. You flew out into space and rammed into it, breaking it up into little pieces." She laid an imperious hand on his folded arms. "The entire world is in your debt, Superman, so don't even *think* about it being better if you were an ordinary human. Not to mention the half- a-dozen times you've saved my life in the last few months, and thousands of other peoples'!" She was glaring at him by this time, and he was smiling slightly, although his eyes were still guarded. "Half a dozen times? Surely that's an exaggeration?" he enquired. She blushed and looked down, running a hand through her hair. "Yes, well, no, I, uh..." she floundered. "Okay, I get into trouble a lot. I tend to jump in without checking the water first," she concluded, her eyes daring him to laugh. "I'll take your word for it," he said solemnly. He leant back against the kitchen counter, growing more thoughtful. "This asteroid - that was what Jimmy was talking about? Is the threat over?" "I imagine so. The broadcast from EPRAD showed it breaking up into about a million fragments. I don't suppose you remember it?" He shook his head. "That's a real shame, because right now I ought to be interviewing you for my article in the Daily Planet. It would have been a big scoop." "I do actually remember something," he said slowly, thinking back. "Something from before I found myself in that warehouse. I thought it was a dream. I was out in space, looking towards the Earth, and I had to get back here. I don't remember anything about the asteroid, though. I'm sorry." "Oh, don't apologise!" she reassured him. "You were injured in the line of duty - it's hardly your fault! Can you remember anything else?" He pondered. "I could breathe while I was out there. Don't I need air - oxygen - to breathe?" She smiled. "You can hold your breath for about twenty minutes, I believe, but you do need oxygen. The EPRAD team gave you an oxygen tank to use on the mission. It must have survived the impact with the asteroid. Your radio didn't - EPRAD lost your signal when you hit. We... people thought you might have been killed." Her eyes were dark with remembered anguish. "But you came to find me," he said softly. "I owe you a debt too, Lois." He lifted a gentle hand to cup her cheek. The familiar gesture threatened to bring tears to her eyes. "So," he added, in a more cheerful tone, "I can fly, I'm invulnerable, and I'm very strong. Is that it?" He picked up the knife again and attempted to straighten the blade, but to no avail. Then he tested the point against his palm, pressing harder and harder. Lois winced, but the blade didn't break. "I don't seem to be able to use this special strength, except when I'm not thinking about it," he concluded. He discarded the knife again. "How do I fly? Do I flap my arms, or something?" "Most of the time you just ... levitate," Lois said thoughtfully. "When you take off, you often do this -" and she demonstrated with a fist in the air, "- but I don't know whether that's just for effect." Superman's eyebrows quirked at the last comment, but he didn't respond. Instead, he closed his eyes and concentrated on trying to levitate. Nothing. He tried it again with his eyes open, trying to visualise the room moving around him. "No go," he commented, unsure whether he was more disappointed or relieved. Lois pondered. "You can also do special things with your vision," she offered. "You can heat things up, and you can also see through things, like X-ray vision. I know," she cried, crossing the room and clicking the lights off. "Can you see anything?" "It's a bit dim and grey, like it was in the warehouse, but I can see clearly enough." "I can't see a thing," said Lois triumphantly. She flipped the lights on again. "So your night vision is still working." "Oh," said Superman, dubiously. "Oh!" he repeated with more animation, as things began to fall into place. He looked pensively at Lois. "I suppose you couldn't see anything in the warehouse, either? I wondered why you called me 'Clark'." Lois's brow furrowed as she thought back. "That's right, I couldn't see you until I used the flashlight," she agreed. "You sounded just like Clark when you first spoke. I was so thankful," she added. "When I first heard you moving, I thought it must be a rat. You were lucky I wasn't throwing stones at you!" He nodded. "That explains why you went pale when you looked up. I assumed you were aghast at the way I was dressed." "Oh, you always wear that uniform. Believe me, the emergency services breathe a sigh of relief when they see the red and blue show up!" He grimaced. "That's all very well, but why *tights*?" She smiled slowly. "They're not exactly the fashion statement of the year. But according to a magazine poll last month, 11 out of 12 American women voted you the present they'd most like to find in their Christmas stocking." She watched with amused interest as his face coloured. Then she let her gaze drift downwards. "The tights certainly don't hurt your... appeal any." He positively squirmed. The kitchen was starting to feel far too small for two people. He folded his arms again to help him maintain his composure. "Speaking of clothes, I really ought to get into something clean. I think I'll take that shower now." "Good idea. I need to start writing, too." She led the way out of the kitchen. "Clark's bedroom is through here, and there's the bathroom. I hope you can find some of Clark's clothes to fit you. He's not quite as well-built as you are." The memory of Clark's torso, on the day when she had caught him wearing only a towel, arose unbidden before her mind's eye, but she dismissed it hastily. Sure, Clark was in surprisingly good shape, especially considering his eating habits, but this *was* Superman. And anyway, Superman was taller. She was feeling slightly flushed again. "I'd better find you a towel." She disappeared, much to Superman's relief. For a minute it had seemed Lois's solicitousness was going to extend to picking out clothes for him. He opened Clark's closet and studied the contents, deciding that he liked Clark's taste in clothing better than his own, if his current costume was anything to go by. There were quite a few conservative business suits and dress shirts, but a rack of brightly-coloured ties hinted at a less conventional streak. He turned his attention to Clark's casual clothes and selected a pair of comfortably worn jeans, a T-shirt, some shorts and a pair of sport socks. He was pondering the question of shoes when Lois bustled back in. "I found a towel at last," she said. "I imagine anything else you need will be..." Her voice trailed off. She was staring at Clark's bedside table. There, beside an alarm clock, a table lamp and a framed photograph of Clark's parents, lay a little pile of personal effects: a leather wallet, a watch, a set of keys and a pair of horn-rimmed glasses. Still staring at the table, Lois handed the towel blindly to Superman. She crossed the room and sank down on the bed, picking up the glasses. "Why would Clark go out without these?" she wondered aloud. She looked round. "And his bed doesn't look as if it's been slept in. Clark was supposed to be coming home to sleep off a headache this morning... and he was wearing these then." She shook her head and replaced the glasses. "Sometimes he's just so weird! He'll probably walk in in a minute and explain that he had to return a library book." She stood up briskly and pasted a smile on her face. "Go and get cleaned up. I've got to get that article in on time, or Perry will have my hide." She waved Superman in the direction of the bathroom, shooting a last puzzled glance at the bedside table before heading for the computer. As she switched on the laptop and waited for it to boot up, Lois heard the shower come on. It brought back the last time she had been in this apartment when Superman was in the shower. "Does the costume actually come off?" she had asked Clark, embarrassing both of them. Now her thoughts were once again assailed by images of Superman without the costume. "Concentrate on the story, Lois!" she admonished herself. "You have a deadline, remember?" -- Meredith Knight "All the pebbles had fat smiling faces, and the anemones had mad bright eyes above their frills." ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 20:47:22 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Meredith Knight Subject: Re: All Stirred Up, part 2b/? In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 I apologise for misleading you, but I'm delighted that you're enjoying it so much. The bad news (or is it the good news?) is that I think there will be about 10 or 11 parts. Watch this space... Meredith Shadow Fax writes >Argggggghhhhhh! Caught again! I opened this because I thought it was only >going to be a one or two-parter and I was left hanging in the middle of >what is promising-to-be-and-rapidly-becoming a *fantastic* story! I can >hardly wait for the next part; I'm dying to know what's going to happen >next. :) Please hurry and finish this wonderful story, Meredith; I love >it. :D > >Shadowfax -- Meredith Knight "All the pebbles had fat smiling faces, and the anemones had mad bright eyes above their frills." ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 15:38:31 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carol L Moncado Subject: Re: All Stirred Up, part 3/10? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit This is great Meredith! For a second there - I thought Lois was going to put two and two together and get Clark is Superman (or maybe it's four? - hey, I'm a little loopy today!) More soon please! CM(who wonders what S's hair is going to look like after the shower) ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 18:44:03 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Laurie Dunn Subject: Re: All Stirred Up, part 3/10 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit This is a nice angle on one of my favorite episodes. Keep up the good work, Meredith, you've got a few plot problems we are eager to watch you solve. LaurieD ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 17:51:51 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kathy Brown Subject: Re: If only Dr Suess was a Woman not grinning On Wed, 5 Sep 2001 00:26:20 -0700, Marnie Rowe wrote: >Well, I certainly seem to have crossed the line and I will request also that >Kathy get rid of this thread. I apologize for anybody seeing it before then. I agree that it's inappropriate. Consider the thread over. Unfortunately, since this is a listserv and not a message board, I have no way of deleting the thread before others can see it. But I do ask that no one else respond. Thank you, Kathy List Mom ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 15:57:56 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Nancy Smith Subject: Unforeseen Consequences 3/? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Unforeseen Consequences 3/? by Nan Smith "I need to pick up Jonny and Marta," Jimmy explained. "They're supposed to stay with Sandi at the townhouse until Clark and Lois get back." "How about CJ?" Perry asked. "He's probably already at home. CJ has permission to stay by himself in the afternoon." "All right. Let's take care of that. I'll call Alice to let her know I'll be a little late and leave a message for Clark on his voice mail." "Okay." Jim glanced at the girl, sitting in the rear seat next to Jimmy's car seat. She still hadn't made a sound, but she looked less frightened, now. He hoped Clark could come up with some answers to their minor mystery. He didn't like the idea of scaring the kid more than she'd already been scared today. Dragging the police and Social Services into this was only likely to make the situation worse. Perry glanced at his watch. "Hmm, five o'clock. What time was their appointment?" "Four," Jim said. "You know doctors and hospitals, though. They'll be lucky to get out of there by six. That's why Clark asked me to pick up the kids." Perry nodded. He glanced back at the mystery girl. "We're going to take you to see a friend of ours who might be able to help," he explained. "Would you like something to eat in the meantime?" A timid nod answered him "Okay, as soon as we pick up Jimmy's sister and brother, we'll get something." "Sandi's getting takeout pizza," Jim said. "We might as well feed her along with the others." He looked at the girl. "Do you like pizza?" Another nod. Satisfied, Jim started up the engine and backed out of the parking spot. As he did so, he caught movement from the corner of his eye and turned to look. For a second, he saw two, nondescript men standing near a dark-colored car, then as one, they turned away and all he could see of them was their backs. "Perry, look over there, to our left. Do you recognize those two guys?" Perry twisted around. "Where?" "They got into that sedan. They were watching us." "Hmm." Perry glanced at their passenger. "Probably nothing, but we better keep an eye on them." "Good idea." Jim shifted into forward and pulled away. Glancing in the mirror, he saw the taillights of the sedan come on. The car was backing out of its parking space. "Chief, can you see the license plate?" he asked. Perry lifted his head to look into the rear view mirror. "Yeah." He drew a pen from his shirt pocket and quickly jotted it down. "Let's see what we can find out about them." "Good idea." Jim glanced at the mirror again. "If he follows us, do you want me to try to lose him?" Perry hesitated. "Yeah, I think you better," he said, after a second. "I don't want to get held up or something. Especially with the kids in the car." "Ditto," Jim said. They pulled out the garage exit and turned right. A moment later, the sedan--seen in the light of the late afternoon sun, it was a dark maroon color--turned right, as well. This didn't look good. Jim saw that the light ahead of them was green and stepped on the gas. The afternoon traffic was heavy; typical rush hour congestion, he thought as he wove through the stopped or slowly moving cars, but the maroon sedan followed close on his bumper. "Make sure your seat belt is fastened tight, Chief," he said. "And you kids, hold on." ********** "It's not twins--it's triplets." The words fell into a silence. After several seconds, Lois said faintly, "'Triplets'?" Dr. Klein nodded slowly, a nervous smile on his face. "Three?" Clark asked, not sure he'd heard correctly. "You're joking, right?" Bernie lifted an eyebrow at him. "Clark, would I joke about something like this?" "I guess not." Clark hadn't released Lois's hand. "Could this be why she's feeling worse, this time? "Maybe, maybe not. Multiple pregnancies are associated with a higher risk of complications, so it may have something to do with it." He turned to Bonnie. "Make me printouts of all this, would you? And--" he gave a small grin, "make a good one for Mr. and Mrs. Kent. They'll probably want it for their baby book." "While you guys talk this over, do you mind if I go to the bathroom?" Lois demanded, acerbically. "Unless you need to look at my insides anymore, that is?" "No, I think we have all the measurements we need for now," Bernie said. He was silent while Clark helped Lois solicitously up from the table and to her feet. When she had left the room, he turned to Clark. "I know you're going to have a hard time slowing her down, but she's going to need to cut back her work schedule a little. Even at this point in her pregnancy, triplets are harder on the system than a single baby, and it *is* likely that it's behind some of her symptoms. I'm going to want to schedule her for some tests next week, just to make sure there aren't any problems developing at this early stage." Clark nodded, his mind racing over the implications of what he had just learned. "Will she be able to travel to Smallville for Christmas?" he asked. "She's going to be upset if she can't." Bernie smiled. "I think it will be all right," he said. "Just make sure she gets plenty of rest. Fatigue may be part of the trouble at this point. And, as she pointed out herself, her age is a factor, even though physically she looks much younger than forty." "I wouldn't bring that up in her hearing," Clark said, dryly. Dr. Klein grinned. "I didn't. She should continue with her exercise as well, but carefully. Multiple births also have a higher risk of miscarriage, so this is a word to the wise. And, I want to know right away if she develops any other problems. Pamper her a bit; it'll do her good. She's got her vitamins, and her diet recommendations, right?" "Right." "I'll depend on you to see that she eats right," Dr. Klein said, "especially since you do most of the cooking, anyway. Tell her she doesn't have to give up chocolate, though. I think that would be an unnecessary stress to her system at this point. And I want to see her here next month for another sonogram." He was writing furiously on Lois's chart. "Ms. Green will make the appointments for her. Drop by the lab on the way out. I need some blood drawn for some preliminary tests." "I knew it," Lois said, re-entering the cubicle. "You're Dracula in disguise." Dr. Klein grinned. "I keep the coffin in STAR Labs' underground vault. I'll see you in a few days, Lois." ********** "That's the second red light he's run," Perry said. "I'd say he's following us, all right." "Yeah," Jim said. "I hope he doesn't know his way around here as well as I do." "It's an out-of-state license plate." Perry kept an eye on the vehicle in the right-hand mirror. "I can't see much of the two guys, though. Their windshield is one of those kinds that get dark in the sun." "That might help us." Jim took the next corner under the nose of the red light and almost immediately turned right again down a narrow alley. He winced as the left front tire bounced hard into a pothole. "Sandi's going to kill me if I screw up the suspension. Oh well, I guess she'll probably say it was in a good cause." They reached the end of the alley and turned right once more onto a narrow back street. "He just turned into the alley," Perry reported. "Hang on." Jim accelerated somewhat, turned sharply into a dim enclosure, slammed on the brakes and cut the engine. "Duck!" Perry obeyed, holding his breath. Silence, for a long count of fifty. Finally, Jim raised his head. "They went past. Stay there." He eased the door open and slid out. Perry stayed down, keeping an eye on the two children. The girl was scrunching as low as she could get in the seat and even Jimmy had ducked down in his car seat so that the top of his head was below the level of the rear window. No one made a sound, and Perry could hear the beating of his own heart in his ears. A soft, grating sound made him jump, but then he realized that a door was closing. The light around them dimmed. Jimmy opened the car door and slid into the front seat. "Just sit still. They'll probably be back, looking for us." "Where are we?" Perry asked. "In the apartment garage of one of my contacts," Jim said. "He's out of town for a couple of weeks. Something about things being a little too hot for him at present." He dug out his cellular phone. "I need to call Jonny's after-school teacher and tell her I'll be a little late picking him up." Perry chuckled. "Reminds me of when I worked the city beat." He looked back at their passengers. "Are you two all right?" Jimmy nodded. "That was fun! Can we do it again?" "Later," Perry said. He turned to the girl. "How about you?" "Okay." It was the first word she'd spoken. "Good." Perry knew better than to push things. If she was feeling safe enough to speak, maybe they could get more out of her in a little while. Jim concluded his call and punched in another number. "I'm going to call CK, too. Maybe he can help us out." "Good idea." ********** Clark was sitting beside his wife in the waiting room for the lab when his cellular phone beeped softly. He'd turned it on after leaving the sonogram room and now, checking the readout, he noted that he had a missed call. He flipped it open. "Kent." "CK, it's Jim." "Hi, Jimmy. Everything all right?" he asked. "Um--not exactly," Jim Olsen's voice said. "I haven't been able to pick up the other two kids yet. Something happened. I called Jonny's teacher, so the school knows, but Perry and I wondered if you could help us." "What's the matter?" "Well, if you can get him, Superman would sure be useful," Jim said. "Perry and I are hiding out in a garage, with Jimmy and a little girl who won't tell us her name, and two guys in a maroon car are looking for us. Do you suppose you could get Superman to help us out?" "What did you...never mind. I'll see what I can do. Where are you?" "In a garage in the 700 block of Elm." "Right. Hang on. I'll have Superman there as fast as I can." "Thanks," Jim said. "Bye." "What was that all about?" Lois asked. Clark scratched his chin. "I'm not sure I want to know, but I guess I'll find out. Will you be okay here for a while?" Lois glanced at her watch. "Sure. If you don't get back in time, I'll drive home." "All right. I'll be back soon." He gave her a peck on the mouth, got to his feet and hurried out the door. ********** tbc ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 16:02:15 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: lcfic Subject: STORY: Code of Honor (4/9) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii TITLE: Code of Honor PART: (4/9) AUTHOR: D. Field RATING: PG13 FEEDBACK: Comments welcome PUB/PRIV. Editing PRIV. SUMMARY: LnC/JAG crossover – Lois and Clark find themselves assigned to the same case as Mac and Harm. >From Part 3: Lois and Clark prepare to go under cover to solve some mysterious deaths at the local VA. Part 4 ~~~ The fire had threatened to spread to a neighboring warehouse containing flammable materials, though legally stored, would have been fatal to MFD personnel and others at the scene. Clark stayed long enough to make sure the fire was well under control, which was longer away from Lois than he wanted to be, but he knew how he’d feel if anything happened. Satisfied that he’d done enough, he flew home to his wife. Landing on the patio, he spun back into the jeans and shirt he’d had on earlier. Glancing at the table, he noted that Lois had taken care of cleaning up the remains of their dinner. They should probably spend the rest of the evening preparing for their investigation tomorrow. He walked into the living room, expecting to see Lois there with files spread all over the couch and table. The files were there, but there was no Lois. A smile spread across his lips. She’d obviously been here right before he’d arrived; he could still smell her unique scent in the air mixed faintly with the perfume she’d wore today and something else he couldn’t quite identify. She must have taken off up stairs with a speed to rival Superman. Not wanting to spoil any surprise she had for him, he climbed the stairs at regular speed, resisting the urge to use any of his super senses to assuage his curiosity. As he got closer to their bedroom, he could see the lights were out, but he knew Lois was in there. He couldn’t turn off his sense of knowing when she was near, of being able to hear her heartbeat. Stopping in the doorway, he knew she’d be able to see his silhouette reflected from the light downstairs, letting her know he’d found her. Moving to the bed, he removed his clothes as he went, then slid under the sheets and pulled his wife against him. He kissed her thoroughly, his lips then moving to her neck where he could now detect the faint smells of the dye. Trailing his lips back to hers, he framed her face with his hands before moving them into her hair. There was a lot less of the soft waves than there had been before. “Lois …?” His whispered question hung unasked between them. “Just love me, Clark,” she whispered in response. He needed no further encouragement. The change had been more than Lois had anticipated, but something she’d felt necessary to pull off the disguise. Now she just needed Clark to love her, no matter what she looked like. Deep inside, she knew he did, she just needed that assurance now. His fingers played with her shorter hair as they made love, getting used to the length, and trying, in a small way, to let her know that whatever she’d done, which was obviously upsetting her some, was okay with him. The following morning Clark awoke to the sound of the shower. Remembering last night, his curiosity was now getting the better of him. He’d told her before he didn’t make a habit of invading her privacy unless he thought she was in danger. She’d responded that she’d thought it was rather sweet, and sexy, that even after five years he enjoyed watching her. Besides, how many other husbands could do that, and other things, that their wives benefited from. And there were times she’d wished she’d had that skill back! Focusing on the wall between the bedroom and bath, his wife’s beautiful body came into view. Water cascaded over her soft curves as his eyes moved up her body. Her hands were in her hair, smoothing out the soap. It was definitely shorter, about as short as it had been a few years ago when she’d needed a change. And were those red tints? The shower shut off, and Clark got up to take his turn. Lois emerged from the stall with a towel wrapped around her head. “Did you peek?” she asked, as she dried herself off. “I couldn’t resist,” he responded as he leaned in for a kiss, “though I didn’t get a good look at your hair.” She swatted him with her towel as he stepped in the shower, laughing. “Hey,” he called over the sound of the water, “I have to be at the VA at 8 for orientation. Are you meeting Perry?” “Yeah, we’re meeting at the Planet before going over at 10.” “We have time for breakfast, then,” he suggested as he stepped out of the shower. “Why don’t you finish getting dressed and I’ll get something together.” “Thanks, sweetheart.” She reached up to kiss him before going back to her morning routine. Clark swiftly dressed in jeans and a button down shirt, then headed to the kitchen. Lois had never been one for much breakfast, but he figured she might not get a chance to have a good lunch today. Starting coffee, he decided on omelets, bacon, and toast, taking his time in the preparations to give her enough time to get dressed. The meal was just about ready when she appeared in the doorway. Wearing jeans and a thin pullover, with her makeup different, she looked about ten years younger. But it was her new hairstyle that really completed the change. “So what do you think?” “Honestly?” Lois nodded. “I’ll be glad when this investigation is over and I can get my wife back.” He walked over to her and pulled her into his arms. “Don’t get me wrong. You look great. You just don’t look like you.” “I know what you mean. I hated to do it. It was a last resort, believe me. Now how about that breakfast so we can get started on this. The sooner we start, the sooner we can wrap it up and get on to our next Kerth story.” After breakfast they both left together; Clark to head to the VA and Lois to the Planet. As Lois arrived in the city room, she made a beeline for Perry’s office, ignoring the stares and whispers of her colleagues. It wasn’t like she hadn’t done drastic things before in pursuit of a story. “Okay, Perry. We should probably get our story straight,” she began before she’d even closed the door behind her or gotten her editor’s attention. Perry’s gaze moved from the mock up for the evening edition to acknowledge the sudden presence of half of his star reporting team, not letting her appearance or that she barged right in without knocking phase him. This was his Lois, and he enjoyed watching her when she got that “Mad Dog” Lane attitude. Usually meant good things for the Planet, as well. “Have a seat, darlin’.” He motioned to a chair in front of his desk. “I guess we had better make sure we’re on the same page.” ~~~ Clark was being shown around by a staff member when a petite red head and her ‘uncle’ passed by them, heading in the way they had come from to the residents’ rooms. Clark couldn’t help but notice the look of interest on his companion’s face. “I hope she’s not too screwed up like most of them around here,” he confided to Clark as he watched Lois walk down the hall. “She’s a real looker.” Clark just smiled and nodded, determined to keep an eye on this guy as long as his wife was here, even though he knew she could take care of herself. They were walking back toward the front entrance when he noticed another petite brunette with two men enter the building. All were dressed in military uniforms. Curiosity piqued, he tuned in to them, only half listening to the orderly. The trio approached the front desk and the woman addressed the receptionist. “I’m Col. MacKenzie, this is Cmdr. Rabb and Lt. Roberts,” she indicated her companions. “We’re here from JAG to see Dr. Johns.” Phyllis Vest tried not to look startled as she picked up her receiver to announce the visitors to the hospital administrator. It wasn’t uncommon for military personnel to visit, but it certainly was for JAG lawyers. Speaking briefly to Dr. Johns’s secretary, she then addressed the officers. “He is in Building 5, which is three buildings to your left. Once you enter the front door there, his secretary, Ms. Banister, will show you to his office. He is expecting you.” “Thank you,” Sarah paused to look at the nameplate on the desk, “Ms. Vest.” And with that the group left. Clark mulled over what had just occurred. These JAG lawyers were obviously here to investigate the deaths he and Lois were looking into. He’d somehow have to let Lois know. As promised, Laura Banister met the officers in the front hallway and escorted them to her boss. This building, though not excessively decorated, was a bit nicer than the main residents’ building they’d just come from. The carpet was newer, the furniture less used looking, and, as they approached the secretary’s area, it had the definite appearance of an executive’s office. Ms. Banister opened the door and motioned the trio into Dr. Andrew John’s office since he was expecting them. He rose from his chair in greeting as they entered, indicating they should take a seat in the chairs in front of his desk. Once they had seated, he turned to his secretary. “Ms. Banister, please bring refreshments for our guests.” As she closed the door behind her, Dr. Johns turned to his visitors. “I want to make it clear up front that you will have the full cooperation of myself and my staff in your investigation. These deaths are a tragedy, and, if you discover someone is responsible, that person or persons must be brought to justice. I have personally conducted interviews with each of my staff, and find it hard to believe that any of them would be involved. I’m sure you will want to question them as well.” “Yes, sir, we will, and thank you,” Sarah spoke for the group as senior officer and head of the investigation. “What can you tell us of the situation?” Ms. Banister returned at that point and handed coffee to each of the room’s occupants. Once she’d left again, Dr. Johns sat forward in his chair before beginning to impart the information he knew. “The first death,” he consulted a file on his desk, “was a Captain Phillip Lawrence. Lawrence was 61, and apparently died in his sleep from natural causes, which I’m sure you’ve read in the case file.” He paused to look at his guests as all three acknowledged his assumption. “Is there a reason to believe his death is connected with the other two?” Lt. Roberts asked. “Not initially, but, with the other two deaths occurring so close, we didn’t want to over look anything.” “An understandable precaution,” Rabb supplied. Johns continued, “The second, Lt. Michael Jeffers, was a quadriplegic. He was found on the grounds a few days later.” “Wasn’t he missed? What about a count when the group returned inside?” “Those are very good questions, Lieutenant. We don’t treat our patients, especially the ones who are cognitively aware, like they are patients. Even though this is a hospital, they are free to move about as they please. We know which patients we need to keep a close eye on. I can assure you that that policy has now changed. On the day in question, it had been an unseasonably warm early spring day, so the ward had been outside, but the temperatures dropped significantly during the night.” He paused to take a sip of coffee. “Was he not able to get to a door or window to let someone know he was outside?” “Yes, Lieutenant, he had the means, but when we found him, it didn’t appear as if he’d even tried. There were no signs of apparent stress or struggle, nor trauma or foul play. We weren’t aware of any desires to commit suicide. Staff and patients who’d talked with him last were adamant on that point; yet we could draw no other conclusions as to why he didn’t try to seek help.” “An autopsy didn’t reveal anything?” “No, Commander.” Johns turned to address Rabb. “There was no evidence of any outside influence. The official cause of death is listed as exposure.” Johns felt a momentary pang of regret. Maybe if he had ordered the autopsies earlier, something may have been found, but, as it was, they had only just been completed that morning, indicating no leads. “What of the third individual?” Sarah asked, making a mental note to question the pathologist. Johns consulted his file again. “2nd Lt. Jason Powell. He was found in a tree a few days after Jeffers was found. Once it was discovered he was missing, an immediate search was conducted. The staff psychiatrist had diagnosed Powell with acute paranoid tendencies and was treating him. That he was in a tree was not unusual,” he explained when he noted the surprised expressions on his guests’ faces. “Dr. Richards postulated Powell could have been thinking he was hiding from the enemy, wanted to try to climb the fence, or just wanted to see beyond the grounds. It is unfortunate that these things happen, but, with this type of population, they do. We have found no one person responsible for these accidental deaths, though more rigorous staff training and policies have been put in place to prevent this tragedy in the future.” Sarah stood to leave, extending her hand to the director. “Thank you for your time, Dr. Johns. I trust you will be available should we have further questions?” “Certainly, Colonel. Gentlemen.” Johns acknowledged each visitor with a parting handshake. The trio thanked Ms. Banister again on their way through her office, assuring her they could find their own way back to the front lobby. Once outside the building, Sarah turned to the others to plan their next move. “Harm, you set up meetings with the staff. Bud, see what else you can dig up on these three. See if they have anything in common. I’m gonna go talk to the pathologist. Let’s meet in the cafeteria at 1300 to compare what we’ve come up with.” tbc __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get email alerts & NEW webcam video instant messaging with Yahoo! Messenger ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 19:22:16 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Gerry Anklewicz Subject: Re: All Stirred Up, part 3/10? In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Interesting that even a Superman without a memory sees himself as human and is surprised to see that he's not. And he's going to come out of the shower looking just like Clark without his glasses. Hope Lois is smart enough to put one and one together (since she's having so much trouble with two and two;)). Can't wait for more, Gerry ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 06:44:23 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Meredith Knight Subject: Re: Foundling question for a fic In-Reply-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 I just watched Foundling last night, and Jor-El's lips aren't moving in the lab scenes. Technically, I suppose he could be speaking telepathically, but it seems highly unlikely - for example, when there's an earthquake and he and Lara are grabbing their equipment to steady it, the voice just carries on calmly. Meredith Hazel writes >Question for a fic: > >In "The Foundling," when Clark sees the sequences from the globe, is Jor-El >speaking in "voice-over" mode? Or is he speaking in "real-time"? The first >scene, in which he appears by himself, would most likely be the latter. (I >won't get into the question of lip-synching when he's technically speaking >Kryptonian at the moment. ) But what about the later sequences? Is he >narrating the scenes of the globes, or is he speaking aloud as he works in >the lab? > >Thanks in advance! > >Hazel -- Meredith Knight "All the pebbles had fat smiling faces, and the anemones had mad bright eyes above their frills." ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 19:29:24 +0930 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jill Kaye Subject: Re: Foundling question for a fic In-Reply-To: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" I think it was a voice over but that's just my opinion. ~Larissa~ I just watched Foundling last night, and Jor-El's lips aren't moving in >the lab scenes. Technically, I suppose he could be speaking >telepathically, but it seems highly unlikely - for example, when there's >an earthquake and he and Lara are grabbing their equipment to steady it, >the voice just carries on calmly. > >Meredith > >Hazel writes >>Question for a fic: >> >>In "The Foundling," when Clark sees the sequences from the globe, is Jor-El >>speaking in "voice-over" mode? Or is he speaking in "real-time"? The first >>scene, in which he appears by himself, would most likely be the latter. (I >>won't get into the question of lip-synching when he's technically speaking >>Kryptonian at the moment. ) But what about the later sequences? Is he >>narrating the scenes of the globes, or is he speaking aloud as he works in >>the lab? >> >>Thanks in advance! >> >>Hazel > >-- >Meredith Knight > >"All the pebbles had fat smiling faces, and the anemones had mad bright >eyes above their frills." ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 16:29:14 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Nicola Baker Subject: Re: All Stirred Up, part 3/10? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit What he said. Nic > Interesting that even a Superman without a memory sees himself as human > and is surprised to see that he's not. And he's going to come out of the > shower looking just like Clark without his glasses. Hope Lois is smart > enough to put one and one together (since she's having so much trouble > with two and two;)). > > Can't wait for more, > Gerry ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 16:31:20 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Nicola Baker Subject: Re: Unforeseen Consequences 3/? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Curiouser and curiouser. Can't wait to see where this is going. Who is the little girl? Why is she being chased? How on *earth* will the Kent's cope with *triplets*?? Nic ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 18:49:53 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Meredith Knight Subject: Re: Foundling question for a fic In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 P.S. I just worked out why you asked. Sorry. The other thing I noticed in the ep was the daft bet between Cat and Jimmy. The question was whether they were related by blood. They ended up proving that they were related via at least two marriages, which is by definition not a blood relationship. Very annoying for us pedants. ;^) Meredith >I just watched Foundling last night, and Jor-El's lips aren't moving in >the lab scenes. Technically, I suppose he could be speaking >telepathically, but it seems highly unlikely - for example, when there's >an earthquake and he and Lara are grabbing their equipment to steady it, >the voice just carries on calmly. > >Meredith -- Meredith Knight "All the pebbles had fat smiling faces, and the anemones had mad bright eyes above their frills." ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 21:25:13 +0200 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Hazel Subject: Re: Foundling question for a fic In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed Thanks to all of you who replied (and LOL, Meredith, for figuring it out!). I'm sooo glad it fits nicely into the fic in question. Much appreciated. Hazel ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 11:33:57 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Nancy Smith Subject: Unforeseen Consequences 4/? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Unforeseen Consequences by Nan Smith Soaring through the air, Superman reached the 700 block of Elm within a few seconds. Jim had said they were in a garage on this block, and they were hiding from two men. Floating high enough that observers were unlikely to notice him, he scanned the area for anything suspicious. A dark maroon car, its front windows open, was cruising slowly down the street. The occupants, two men in their mid-thirties by appearance, seemed to be peering closely at the buildings on both sides of the thoroughfare, obviously looking for something. That might be a coincidence, but it wouldn't hurt to let them know that they were under observation. He drifted downwards and assumed a sitting position in mid-air next to the passenger window. "You gentlemen look lost," he said casually. "Can I help?" The head of the man in the passenger seat whipped around and for a second Clark could have sworn his mouth dropped open slightly. With an effort, Clark prevented himself from staring. He'd seen this man before--or someone who looked very much like him. But where? The association wasn't a pleasant one either, he thought. The man wasn't particularly striking in appearance; quite the opposite in fact, but something about him made Clark's gut clench up with remembered unpleasantness and fear. But this wasn't the time to let them see what he was feeling. With the skill that he had developed over years of investigative reporting, he kept his face impassive. Both men were looking at him, now, and Clark got a clear view of the other man's face. Again, he experienced the feeling of familiarity, if not to the same degree. There was definitely something here worth investigating, all right, and he would be willing to bet his best cape that these were the two men that Jim had told him about. The car braked slowly to a stop. The passenger smiled easily at him. "Yes, Superman. We were looking for the Foxboro Apartments. Do you know where they are?" "Certainly," Clark said. "They're on Palm, not Elm. You want to turn right at the next street and keep going until you hit Palm. They're right there." He lifted into the air above the street again and watched as the car pulled away, turned right at the corner and vanished after a few moments behind the buildings. Slowly, he turned his head and x-rayed the buildings on one side of the street and then the other. Ah, there were Jim and Perry, waiting quietly in Jim's car for him to come rescue them. Clark smiled slightly. His youngest son was strapped safely in the rear in his car seat, and beside him sat a thin, freckle-faced little girl whom he had never seen before in his life. Or had he? He squinted thoughtfully at her. Something about the child was vaguely familiar--not nearly as much as the two men were familiar; more like a general similarity to someone he knew or had known somewhere, but he couldn't place it. This was definitely a mystery that needed solving. Carefully, he looked around, scanning the area with his x-ray vision one more time. His eyes narrowed. The maroon car was parked at the side of the street just around the corner, masked by the first of the low buildings. One of the men was speaking into a cellular phone. Well, well, this was getting curiouser and curiouser, to quote Lewis Carroll. As he tuned in his super-hearing, he caught the tail end of the conversation. "...Alien is present, sir. The target has disappeared, but the creature may know something. Shall we keep him under surveillance?" "Affirmative. It's essential that we retrieve the target. Out." The conversation ended abruptly. Clark considered. What he'd heard wasn't pleasant. They'd referred to him as "the alien", and "the crature", if he was any judge, they sounded military. Whichever group they belonged to, he didn't like the way they looked or acted and since they were after Perry and Jim, that put them in the adversary column. If that little girl was the "target", these guys were in for a big disappointment, he decided. If it turned out later that he was wrong, well, he'd just have to take the consequences. He wasn't about to let them keep track of him, and he had some friends to bail out. This looked like a subject that Clark Kent should investigate, as well. Xenophobic military or paramilitary organizations with an interest in him weren't exactly on his list of favorite people. If such groups were still around, he'd better find out all he could about them and now seemed to be a good time to start. Slowly he drifted upward, thinking. What would be the best way to get Perry and Jimmy out of there without letting this pair know for certain that he had any idea what they were up to? A quick scan of the car revealed no high tech listening devices. Casually, he executed a slow and graceful turn in the air and proceeded down the street away from the 700 block of Elm at a pace equal to the speed of the traffic. Let them think he was simply on one of his regular patrols. Behind him, he heard the engine of the maroon car come on, and keeping his attention trained on them, he was soon satisfied that they were following him. With one hand, he produced his cellular phone, confident that his body and billowing cape prevented his tail from seeing it, and punched the speed dial for Jim's phone. After a short delay, Jim answered. "Olsen." "Jim, it's Superman. I'm leading your two tails in the maroon car on a wild goose chase. Wait a couple of minutes and then you can come out." "Right. Thanks, Superman." "You're welcome." He tucked the phone into his belt, never pausing on his way. A quick loop around an intersection gave him a look at the men in the car. They were half a block back, and both had their eyes fixed on him. Time for another delaying tactic. His favorite cappucino stand was right up the way.... A few moments later, he touched leisurely down on the sidewalk and strolled up to the stand, waited patiently for another customer to have his order filled and then stepped up to the counter. "Hi, Billie." The young, black woman serving the drinks smiled. "Hi, Superman! Would you like your usual?" He shook his head. "Not this time. I've got a couple of guys following me, and I'd like to keep them busy for a few more minutes. Can you fix me the biggest, most complicated, most time-consuming thing you've got?" "Sure thing! How about our super-deluxe double-chocolate mocha, strawberry-crème, pineapple banana-whip cappucino with extra foam? That should take a few minutes." "Sounds perfect," he agreed. He leaned casually on the counter, smiling at the passers-by who glanced curiously at him while Billie prepared the drink. Time for a little more eavesdropping. The maroon car had pulled into a space down the street and he trained his super-hearing on its two occupants. "What's he doing, now?" "Looks to me like he's getting a cappucino." "I didn't think an alien like him would drink cappucino." "Trying to blend in." "Must be." They fell silent again. "Here you go, Superman," Billie said. "Thanks." Clark took the concoction, paid her, added a substantial tip for her help, and moved away from the stand, sipping the drink. Hmm, this was pretty good, he thought. Lois would like it, when she was feeling up to par, except for the fact that it was probably loaded with calories and Lois watched her weight very strictly. "Mommy, I want what Superman's having," a youthful voice announced. The speaker, he found, was a boy of about eight who was eyeing the drink with interest. His mother's expression was more skeptical. Clark grinned. "It's actually not bad," he said. "But I think this much caffeine wouldn't be a good idea." "But--" The boy's mother smiled at Clark. "You heard Superman, Jerry. That isn't for kids." "But, I *want* it." "No," she said, firmly. "How about a hot chocolate?" Clark lifted off, careful not to spill his drink. The two tails might or might not have any information with them that he could use, but if they did, he needed to know it. Jim and Perry had almost certainly had time to get away by now. He gulped down the drink in two swallows, dropped the cup into a trash receptacle and shot suddenly straight upward into the sky. The tails were startled, to say the least. Clark trained his hearing on the car and grinned at the language issuing from the vehicle. Again, he took out his cellular phone and hit the speed dial. "Hello?" Lois's voice said a few seconds later. "Lois, this is Clark. I've gotten involved in something important. I'm going to be awhile." "So am I," his wife's voice said. "I'm still waiting. Did you know there are at least thirty-seven magazines in this room each with their own unique, foolproof method of losing weight?" He laughed. "Isn't that interesting? If that's so, this should be the thinnest country in the world. If I get finished before you're through, I'll be back." "I'll give you a call when I'm done." "That would be good. See you in a while. Love you." "Be careful," she said. "I will. We've got a mystery here. I'll tell you about it later." "You better, mister. Later." Clark tucked the phone away. Time for a little super-eavesdropping and spying. If there was anything in that car that might tell him something about these people, he was going to find it. And it was going to be worth the time seeing where they went. ********** "You guys go into the townhouse," Jim said. "I'll go pick up Marta and Jonny. It looks like Sandi's here, so I'm going to take her car. On the off-chance that I run across those guys again, I don't want them to recognize this one." "Good thinking," Perry said. "Come on, kids. Let's go get some pizza." Sandi Olsen met them at the door. "Hi, Chief! I didn't expect you. Where are Jim and the others?" "He's going to pick them up now," Perry explained, shepherding Jimmy and the girl through the door ahead of him. "Sorry to be late. We had a couple of strange things happen." "Oh? And who's this?" Sandi turned to the unexpected guest. "That's a good question," Perry said. "She hasn't told us her name, yet. We're going to try to find her mom for her when she does. She's had a kind of bad experience." "I see--I think." Sandi closed the door behind them. "Well, why don't we break out one of the pizzas? Are you two hungry?" "Yeah!" Jimmy shouted, enthusiastically and galloped through the entranceway toward the kitchen. The girl ducked behind Perry's leg and peeked up at Sandi, cautiously. She nodded, shyly. "CJ and Wyatt are upstairs," Sandi said. "I promised I'd call them. Why don't you take her into the kitchen and sit them both down at the table? I'll be with you in a minute, and then you can tell me what happened." Perry nodded. "It's been a very unusual day," he said, dryly. "Of course it has." Sandi gave a little laugh. "Every day is unusual at the Planet. I work there too, remember?" "How could I forget," Perry said. "I don't know how many times Jim came runnin' to me for advice on how to impress you. Where's my godson, by the way?" "Asleep," Sandi said. "Finally. Go on, Perry, and I'll get the boys." Perry looked down at the girl who was still clutching his pantleg. That wasn't such a bad thing, really. It meant she wasn't afraid of him, as she had been of the guy in the elevator. But what had at first looked like a simple child abduction had rapidly escalated into something far more. He hoped Clark would be able to find out something while he was leading those two guys on a merry chase, and maybe he could get the kid to talk when he got here. Clark seemed to be very good at communicating with children. He extended a hand to her. "Come on, honey. Let's go in and sit down." Jimmy was already parked in a kitchen chair when they entered the kitchen and only a couple of minutes later, CJ and Wyatt entered the room, followed by Sandi. "Everybody grab a seat," she said, turning to one of the large boxes sitting on the central kitchen island. "Does everyone like pepperoni and sausage, or would you rather have a vegetarian pizza?" "Pepperoni!" Jimmy announced. Sandi laughed and set the box down in the center of the table. "Help yourselves." She turned to their silent guest. "This is Clark Kent Jr.--called CJ by everybody, and this is his friend Wyatt Dillon. I don't know, but did anyone introduce her to the rest of us? This is Jimmy Kent, and Perry White, the editor of the Daily Planet newspaper, and I'm Sandi Olsen. My husband, Jim will be back in a little while with Marta and Jonny Kent. I'm saving more pizza for them, so don't worry. Eat as much as you want." There was a scramble as the other children took their seats. CJ smiled at the girl and patted the empty chair beside him. "Hi. Want to sit here?" She nodded again and slid into the seat next to him. Wyatt reached for the largest piece of pizza and CJ stopped him. "She's the guest, Wyatt. Let her have it." The smaller boy looked surprised, but shrugged and took the one next to it. CJ picked up the largest piece, dripping with cheese, and deposited it on the girl's plate. "Here. You look kind of hungry. My name's CJ." "Hi." Her voice was almost inaudible. "I'm Linda." ********** tbc ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 18:04:33 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: lcfic Subject: STORY: Code of Honor (5/9) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii TITLE: Code of Honor PART: (5/9) AUTHOR: D. Field RATING: PG13 FEEDBACK: Comments welcome PUB/PRIV. Editing PRIV. SUMMARY: LnC/JAG crossover – Lois and Clark find themselves assigned to the same case as Mac and Harm. >From Part 4: The JAG team arrives at the VA as Lois and Clark begin their undercover investigation. Part 5 ~~~ Lois had been shown to her room, which by hospital standards was tolerable. At least she wouldn’t be here for very long. Her reporter instincts told her that she and Clark would be able to get to the bottom of this and have another front page exclusive for the Planet soon. Dropping her bag in her room, she headed for the commons room to see if she could get a lead from any of the patients. Three people were dead – surely there was some talk about this among the staff or patients and maybe someone would let something slip when they didn’t think anyone was listening. Lois checked her watch. She had an hour before her first appointment with one of the staff psychiatrists. She really wasn’t looking forward to this visit. Granted, the chances were slim that this doctor would make a double of her and try to have her kill Superman. Hopefully she, or he, would be more like Dr. Friskin. Though the woman had asked her tough questions, she’d made Lois really examine how she felt. She might not have gone over to Clark’s that night if Dr. Friskin hadn’t forced her to evaluate her feelings. She was sure she and Clark would have still gotten together, but how much more time would they have wasted if Dr. Friskin hadn’t pushed her in the right direction? But this was different. This was for a story. Shaking off the memories, Lois entered the common room. ~~~ Clark wondered how Lois was getting on and if she’d discovered anything useful. He sure hadn’t, except that there were now three JAG lawyers that could interfere with their story. Although, in the end, he hoped the deaths were explained, and that if someone were responsible for it, they were brought to justice, he hoped he and Lois were the ones to uncover it. Jeff, the staff person who’d been showing him the ropes, didn’t seem to know much about what was going on, or, if he did, he wasn’t saying. The deaths were big talk among the staff, each wondering who would be blamed for what all were claiming were unfortunate accidents. No one had anything ill to say about any of the men, and they couldn’t imagine any of the other staff harming any of the patients. Glancing at his watch, Clark hoped he’d find more usual information during the remainder of his shift. He couldn’t come up with any reason, at least not yet, that would justify him needing to remain at the hospital past his assigned time, but that wouldn’t prevent Superman from keeping an eye on Lois from above. He couldn’t risk blowing his cover yet by sneaking back into the facility, so he’d have to rely on his partner to carry on the investigation from the inside after hours. ~~~ 1805 Zulu Veterans Administration Medical Center Cafeteria Metropolis, New Troy Bud entered the cafeteria, spotting the other JAG officers already seated and with their meals. “Sorry I’m late,” he explained, dropping his notes off at their table. “That’s okay, Bud. I just hope you can make up for it with some leads,” Rabb teased. “I can,” Bud began as he started to sit down. “Bud,” Sarah interrupted, casting a reprimanding glance at Harm, “why don’t you go get you some lunch first.” “Yes, ma’am. Thank you.” Bud hurried off. “Harm, you should give the poor guy a break. He’s still getting over a really tough time.” “You’re right. I hope this investigation can take his mind off of that some.” “Me, too.” They returned to their meals, not wanting to embarrass their colleague by showing their concern. Bud returned with his meal, eager to share what he’d learned, but allowing the senior officers to impart their information first. Sarah began. “The pathologist couldn’t tell me much. Autopsies weren’t performed on any of the men until after the third one was discovered. There appeared to be no evidence of any outside influence in any of these deaths.” “The day staff I’ve talked with weren’t much help, either,” Harm began. “No one has seen or heard anything. None of these men had any enemies that anyone was aware of. No altercations between these men and any of the staff or other patients occurred prior to the deaths.” “What have you got for us, Bud.” Sarah was hopeful the junior lawyer had had more luck than she and Harm had, and by the way he’d been chomping at the bit to share what he’d found, she guessed he did. “Well, I couldn’t find a link between the first victim and the other two, but Lt. Jeffers and 2nd Lt. Powell both served in the same squad in the Gulf. That was the only connection I could find between them, so if they are being targeted, that could be it.” “That doesn’t explain the connection with Captain Lawrence, but that is something. Good work, Lieutenant.” “Thank you, ma’am.” Bud smiled at the praise. “Now if these are targeted killings, we need to figure out who the next victim could be. Bud, can you go over the service records of everyone here, including the staff, to see if anyone else served in that unit? It could be a staff person, or they could be the next target, but we need a direction.” “I’ll get right on that, Colonel.” “In the meantime, Harm, why don’t we continue with the staff.” ~~~ By dinner that evening they were no closer to finding a solution. There were over a hundred staff and thousands of with patient files to search through. Mac had spoken with the staff psychiatrists, but not before commenting to Harm that she’d take those as well, since he’d had the same luck with that profession as with pathologists. “Very funny,” had been his reply. None had been able to give her any insight on any of their patients that might be capable of such acts. Those that may have been were medicated at varying levels and monitored to control their symptoms. Harm was skeptical. “You know how Palmer had everyone else fooled.” “Harm,” Mac laid a reassuring hand on his arm, “Palmer is gone. And he was a unique case. It’s not likely that another person would have that level of demented intelligence to pull off such a scheme. No, I think this is someone less intelligent, who wants to be caught, wants to be helped, and will trip up. I just hope it’s sooner.” “You’re right, Mac.” “I know I am,” she replied glibly, smiling at her partner. ~~~ After getting ready for bed, Sarah slid between the sheets and stared at the phone on the bedside table for a full 30 seconds before picking up the receiver and dialing the often called number. “Hello?” came the familiar Australian drawl. “Mic?” “Sarah! It’s good to hear your voice!” “You, too, Mic.” “So how’s the investigation going?” “Mic, you know I can’t talk about that,” she replied, with a smile in her voice, hoping to take some of the sting out of her words. ‘Another reason to dislike Rabb. He can talk to her any bloody time he likes about the most important thing in her life.’ Out loud, he teased, “Sarah, if we can’t talk about our work, what are we going to talk about, at least until the kids arrive?” Kids? Did she even want kids? Maybe. Someday. She’d consider it, for Mic, if that’s what he wanted. After all, he’d given up his commission in the Australian Royal Navy to be with her. If Harm had … Where had that come from?! “Sarah,” Mic interrupted her thoughts, interpreting her silence as fear that he would ask her to give up more than she was willing to. “I was only funning with you, Sarah.” Sarah laughed nervously. “I know, Mic. Maybe we can talk about it when I get back.” “Definitely. This is something you and I will decide, together.” “Thanks for understanding, Mic.” He really was such a wonderful man. “I love you, Sarah.” “I love you, too, Mic. I better go.” “Good night, Sarah. Sleep well.” “You, too, Mic.” She slowly hung up the receiver, then settled in to sleep, cradling the other pillow against her chest, thinking how lucky she was to have someone like Mic want to be with her. tbc __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get email alerts & NEW webcam video instant messaging with Yahoo! Messenger ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 09:35:31 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Phillip Atcliffe Subject: NEW: Imbalance Part 26 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: QUOTED-PRINTABLE [Ladeez an' gennelmun... Tonight, from Streatham High Street, it's=20 "All-In Wrestling!" And our first bout features, in the red corner, all=20 the way from Reigate -- in Mozambique! -- Colin "Bomber" Harris! And in=20 the *red* corner--! What the--! How did this turn into a "Monty Python" sketch? Now read on:] ***** He strode confidently into the Daily Planet newsroom, the Team fanning=20 out behind and ahead of him. A few curious glances marked their=20 arrival, but most people ignored them -- as they had ignored the threat=20 and the danger for so long. Well, he was about to change all that. He raised the hand with the "warrant" in it, displaying it to the room=20 at large, then raised his voice as well, declaiming, "I have a warrant=20 issued by Federal Court. Everyone step back from your desks!" *That* got their attention, he saw. He -- or, perhaps, the piece of=20 paper he held -- was now the focus of almost every eye in the place.=20 The few exceptions belonged to his own men, who were scanning the area=20 for threats, and to a red-headed teenager who had taken one look at the=20 warrant and dived for the door of a nearby office -- the editor's=20 office, unless Trask was very much mistaken. Well, good; that was *his*=20 destination, too. Trask didn't get there, though, because Perry White came barrelling out=20 of his office almost immediately to intercept him as he began to walk=20 down the ramp from the elevator. The editor planted himself squarely in=20 front of Trask and challenged the interloper belligerently. "Nobody=20 comes bustin' into my newsroom like this!" Considering the provocation, Trask thought he was Mildness Itself in=20 restraining himself from anything more than dismissing the fool with a=20 confident, "Take it up with Washington!" while brandishing the warrant=20 in his face. Perry held his ground, grabbed the paper and began to peruse it, but=20 the Bureau men were on the move even as he read the legalese. He'd just=20 reached the part about "compel testimony [...] from Lois Lane and Clark=20 Kent" when an outraged squeal of "Get your hands off me!" warned him=20 that these clowns, whoever they were, had already decided to start in=20 on the compulsion bit -- and also that they were as dumb as they=20 looked. They were trying to intimidate *Lois?* About the one thing that Trask and Perry would have agreed on, had they=20 ever wanted to discuss the matter at a later date, was that from that=20 point on, things began to get out of hand. Lois was struggling in the=20 grip of two or three of the thugs -- and then Clark was there, and the=20 men found themselves unceremoniously thrust away from her. One of them=20 produced a handgun -- a large, dull-grey automatic -- but it was barely=20 in his hand before the wrist below it was seized in a vice-like grip. "Drop it," Clark hissed at the startled agent, "or I'll *make* you drop=20 it!" He added emphasis to his words by squeezing the man's wrist, and=20 its owner yelped in pain. The gunman tried to grab Clark's hand, but=20 found his free arm immediately immobilised by the reporter's own. Clark heard several clicks behind him and realised what they meant, but=20 paid no attention, not even to Lois' soft warning, "Clark..." Instead,=20 he increased the strength of his hold on the gunman's wrist and=20 growled, "Do you *really* want me to break your arm?" Finally, the pressure was too much and the gun fell to the floor. Clark=20 put his foot on it and shoved the unfortunate agent away... and only=20 then, it seemed to the watching crowd, did he notice the silence that=20 had fallen over the newsroom. He slowly turned around, his foot still=20 firmly on the automatic, to find himself confronted by half-a-dozen=20 large men in a rough semi-circle, all with identical weapons drawn,=20 cocked and aimed at him. It didn't appear to faze him, though. Almost nonchalantly, he kicked=20 the fallen handgun towards one of them; then, while the man reached=20 down for it, Clark turned his head away to check on Lois, who, he knew,=20 had taken the opportunity to move off to one side, away from the=20 scuffle -- and away from the thugs and their clutching hands. He could=20 tell from her heartbeat that she was calm enough -- maybe too calm. Her=20 eyes sent the signal that she was fine, but then she looked away,=20 seemingly lost in thought. With that concern dealt with, he began to walk towards the armed men,=20 his eyes fixed on Trask, while the rest of the newsroom watched in=20 amazement. His tread was slow and sure, and his expression was=20 determined and unwavering. The guns remained fixed on him, but he=20 seemed to ignore them until he walked right up to the muzzles of the=20 two weapons directly in front of him. Then he met the eyes of the men=20 wielding them and said, so softly that no-one else ought to have been=20 able to hear, were it not for the unnatural hush in the office, "Get=20 out of my way." What happened next stunned everybody, not least the two agents, who=20 were never able to explain it, not even when later put through the=20 wringer by their boss. They found themselves stepping backwards,=20 withdrawing from the man who regarded them so calmly, but whose gaze=20 was somehow so intimidating. Their guns stayed pointed at him, but they=20 retreated and then moved apart, leaving an open path between the=20 reporter and their leader. Clark resumed his unhurried, but inexorable pace towards the instigator=20 of this madness. Finally arriving at his destination, he turned that=20 same gaze onto Trask and said, his voice still at that low volume, but=20 his tone even more commanding, "Tell your goons to put their toys=20 away." The second half of the sentence -- "Or you'll be picking them=20 out of your teeth!" -- was unspoken, but the implication hung in the=20 air between the two men. Trask was mildly impressed with the reporter's courage -- and decidedly=20 annoyed with his cowardly troops -- but only mildly, because most of it=20 was empty bravado, after all. Showy, but meaningless. One word -- the=20 merest flick of a finger from Trask -- and Kent would be dead meat.=20 Nonetheless, he had a point; the situation needed to be brought under=20 control, and it was time to remind these civilians just who had the=20 authority around here. "Put them away," he told the Team casually,=20 carelessly, "He's just a reporter." "Yeah!" Lois yelled, coming out of her reverie. "Reporter -- as in=20 protected by the Constitution!" Trask smiled, amused. He'd wondered when they were going to try that=20 one. The Press were so predictable. "Impressive document, the=20 Constitution," he replied, taking back his paper from Perry. "It=20 enables the courts to issue warrants, like this one -- which says that=20 I get what I want!" That, though he didn't know it, was just a few words too many. That=20 last phrase made a connection in Lois' memory, something that she'd=20 been trying to establish ever since she'd got a good look at the guy in=20 charge. Suddenly, she recognised him -- *and* remembered where she'd=20 seen and heard of him before! "Not so fast, buster!" she yelled, joining her partner in confronting=20 the man. "Jason Trask, isn't it?" From the short, but nonetheless=20 noticeable flash of alarm that washed across his face, she knew she was=20 right. "I remember you: you were one of Lex Luthor's 'special'=20 customers -- for some pretty nasty stuff, too!" For just a second, Trask was stunned into inaction -- and in that=20 second, Lois snatched the warrant from him, turned to Perry and began=20 to speak. "Chief, get onto Legal and get this checked out! This guy is=20 no more a Federal agent than I'm... Superman! Since when do legitimate=20 government agencies buy weapons covertly from illegal arms dealers?" She didn't stop there, wheeling to face her co-workers and yelling,=20 "Jimmy! Get your camera and take some shots of these morons! Somebody=20 get Legal and Mr Stern down here! And call the cops! These guys are=20 phonier than the Hitler Diaries!" For once, the crowd of individuals that was the *Planet* staff didn't=20 object to being ordered around by Mad Dog Lane; Jimmy vanished in the=20 direction of the storeroom where his photo gear was kept, and two or=20 three people picked up phones -- even *Ralph!* Trask was furious. In seconds, his control of the situation -- and his=20 chance to get the information he needed -- had vanished, and all=20 because of this... this *woman!* Almost by reflex, he raised his arm to=20 strike her-- and found it held in the same firm grip that had robbed=20 one of his men of his weapon. Clark glared at Trask, and his voice was now unashamedly hostile. "Lay=20 one finger on her, and you'll spend the next six months in traction!" Trask was delighted: here was a chance to work out some of his=20 frustration on a soft target. Instinctively, he moved to break Clark's=20 grip, intending to go from that into a throw that would show this idiot=20 just who and what he was dealing with... but, instead, he found himself=20 being pulled off-balance, falling -- and then *he* was the one who went=20 flying! Trask crashed into the elevator doors, stunning him. Clark watched him,=20 but remained where he was until he saw Trask's arm move towards his=20 jacket. Two quick strides and his foot went down on that hand -- not=20 hard, not even with sufficient force to hurt, but firmly enough to send=20 a very clear message that moving the hand was not a wise idea. "You're not bad, Trask," Clark said almost conversationally, standing=20 over him. "But Master Dee, however reluctantly, told me that I was=20 *good*... So if you want to keep the bones in your hand intact -- not=20 to mention your *ribs* -- I suggest you forget about the gun. And that=20 goes for your goon squad as well." Trask glared at him, but took the hint and didn't move. Nor did his=20 men, who were shocked (or, in some cases, secretly amused) to see their=20 formidable superior bested by a mere newsie. Which left the newsroom at=20 something of an impasse: Trask was temporarily immobilised, but Clark=20 couldn't stand there all day (well, he could, but it wouldn't help the=20 situation). However, the Bureau men were still there, still armed, and=20 while they weren't doing anything at present, it was bound to occur to=20 one of them eventually that they had the upper hand, being large, fit,=20 well-trained men in an office full of ordinary citizens -- at which=20 point, things might get ugly again. Happily, the deadlock was broken -- although it didn't seem like it at=20 first -- by Jimmy, of all people. The young photographer had been=20 hanging around the edges of the action, doing what Lois had told him to=20 -- taking photos of the invaders and, in passing, of CK's defiance of=20 them. He'd taken several rolls of shots -- good ones, he thought,=20 though he wasn't sure what use the photos might be in identifying their=20 "visitors", since the subjects were wearing large dark glasses and had=20 all the facial expression of tombstones He didn't like the look of any of the "agents", so he had been careful=20 to remain out of reach, and had gone to the trouble to stash each roll=20 of film somewhere around the room as he'd finished it. Just as he'd=20 hidden his final roll in a nearby desk, its phone rang, and he answered=20 it -- mostly out of habit. He listened for a few seconds to the person on the other end before=20 replying, "Right. I'll tell him." He searched for Perry in the silent=20 throng gathered around the elevator ramp before calling to him, "Chief!=20 Mr Stern and the attorneys are on their way down! And the cops are on=20 the way!" "Thanks, Jimmy," the editor replied firmly. He'd had just about enough=20 of this; it was time he established some control over his own newsroom=20 and found out what in the name of the Beatles' sainted great-aunt=20 Petunia these nuts thought they were doin', barging in here like this! Trask frowned. The last thing he wanted to have to do was bandy words=20 with ignorant cops, especially under the eye of the Press -- not to=20 mention the Planet's lawyers. The Bureau needed to remain secret in=20 order to do its job properly; the enemy must not know of the force=20 which waited to defend this planet, biding its time until their doom=20 was certain. Nor did he want those political buttinskis from Washington=20 poking their noses in, as they were sure to do if asked to verify the=20 bona fides -- or, indeed, the *existence* -- of the Bureau; they didn't=20 have his vision, nor the resolve to do what must be done to protect=20 everything they professed to hold dear. So, it was time to leave. This raid was a failure, but there was still=20 time to minimise the danger to operational security, and they could=20 always find other ways to extract what they needed to know from Lane=20 and Kent. Meantime, they'd keep a close watch on the pair and see just=20 how strong the alien control over them was. He raised his eyes to meet Kent's. "Very well, Mr Kent," he said=20 coolly. "You've won -- for now. Kindly get off me, and we'll take our=20 leave." "Don't hold your breath, Mr Trask. I think you and your men can stay=20 right here until the police arrive; I'm sure they'll be interested to=20 hear about your past activities -- *and* just what you had in mind here=20 this morning." "I think not. What you seem to have forgotten, Mr Kent, is that while=20 you may have me at your feet, my men are armed, and so you and your=20 colleagues are at their -- and, thus, *my* -- mercy. Now, remove your=20 foot, or do I need to have one of my men shoot Ms Lane?" Clark's eyes narrowed, but Trask was unmoved by his glare. Nothing=20 happened for a few seconds, and the newsroom seemed to hold its breath=20 -- all except for Lois, who could practically hear the thoughts running=20 through Clark's mind, particularly when he turned his head slowly to=20 survey the room... and the people in it. Trask made an effort to=20 dislodge Clark while his attention was supposedly elsewhere, but he=20 might as well have tried to move a block of stone, and a sharp, but=20 gentle thrust of Clark's foot made him grunt and lie still again. Finally, though, Clark had to admit defeat -- or, in truth, but only he=20 and Lois knew it, he decided to accept the situation, even if it did=20 rankle to allow Trask even this petty triumph -- and he stepped away=20 from the man on the floor. "Very wise, Mr Kent," said Trask as he stood. "A shame that you weren't=20 wise enough to co-operate in the first place. Not that it will matter=20 in the long run; we will meet again and, one way or another, you *will*=20 tell me what you know." Clark didn't reply. He didn't need to; Perry was angry enough. "Don't=20 bet on it, Trask. The Daily Planet does not co-operate with gun-toting=20 madmen -- not without a legal, valid warrant, we don't! Now, if you=20 don't have the guts to hang around and wait for the cops, get yourself=20 and this trash--" He waved a hand to indicate Trask's men, now quietly=20 moving towards their leader. "--outta here! We got *work* to do!" Trask visibly bridled at the insult, and would have retaliated,=20 possibly even physically, had Clark not been right there at his boss'=20 back. However, faced with the relentless stare of the reporter, he=20 refrained from dealing with the editor -- at least for now. Not that he=20 was afraid of Kent, oh, no, but the young man had proven to be=20 surprisingly formidable in a fight. Could he have been trained or=20 augmented somehow by the aliens? Was he one of the first -- or even the=20 first -- of an army of "fifth columnists"? If so, it was even more=20 vital that he be watched. Silently, Trask and his men gathered by the elevator, but they didn't=20 bother to call it. It was bad enough to have to retreat, but to have to=20 hang around waiting for an elevator to arrive, in full view of the=20 Planet staff -- not to mention one, possibly two, perhaps even a=20 greater number of traitorous collaborators -- was more than Trask was=20 prepared to endure. Instead, the Team marched towards the stairwell,=20 soundlessly defying anyone to stand in their way. The newsroom watched=20 them go equally silently, glad to see the back of them. There was one exception to the general opinion of "Good riddance," and=20 that was Clark. He had no wish for Trask to vanish back under whatever=20 rock he'd been using to hide, because the man had already stated his=20 intention to return. But Trask's retreat was useful, because it meant=20 that Superman could follow him unseen and find out just who he was and=20 what he wanted -- and what kind of following he had. From what Lois had=20 said earlier, Clark was sure that this guy was big trouble; it remained=20 to be seen just how big. Clark began to edge towards the corridor that led to the stationery=20 storeroom; he'd checked the room out some time before, and it was both=20 relatively secluded and rarely used, *and* it had a large window -- all=20 of which made it a useful place for him to switch identities, which was=20 exactly what he had in mind... ***** Lois had watched Trask and his men make their exit, but her attention=20 quickly shifted to Clark. By the way he was sidling towards the=20 corridor -- cleverly disguising it as an attempt to keep an eye on=20 their "visitors" in case they tried anything else, but the way he was=20 fidgeting with his tie was a dead give-away (to her, anyway) -- she was=20 willing to bet that he was planning to follow the goon squad and find=20 out more about them; it was what she would have done if she'd had=20 powers like his, and he seemed to have the right instincts. She=20 wondered if she could get him to take her with him, but reluctantly=20 decided that it wasn't likely: for one thing, he was almost out of the=20 newsroom, and he didn't look like he intended to waste any time once=20 he'd worked his way out of the crowd still milling around; and for a=20 second, she wasn't sure what he'd have to do to follow a bunch like=20 that without being seen -- it might mean that he'd have to move really=20 fast, or fly really high, and she didn't want to hinder him. That thought made her pause; she was actually accepting that she=20 couldn't go out on a story because it would interfere with her=20 partner...! Not only that, but she felt no qualms about being scooped;=20 without even thinking about it, she had unconsciously assumed that Kent=20 would tell her everything he'd found when he got back, and they'd work=20 on it together. This was unnerving. That was *not* a typical reaction for Lois Lane.=20 Could she possibly be so comfortable with having a partner? Or was it=20 just *that* partner? This... easy confidence... was the same thing=20 she'd felt when he'd caught the 747, and she was still trying to deal=20 with that -- and now, it was spilling over into her work! Had she come=20 to trust and rely on Kent so much that she didn't even have to stop and=20 think about it? She wasn't sure she liked this... or did she? That annoying little=20 voice piped up, 'Look, Lois, you always said you wanted someone you=20 could regard as an equal; well, you've got him. And he treats *you*=20 like an equal, too -- and you're *not*, not with those powers of his,=20 so I wouldn't look this gift horse in the mouth too hard...' She grimaced ever so slightly at that reminder of another thing that=20 bothered her about Kent, but she had no more answer to that quandary=20 than to any of the others. She'd just have to hope that what he was=20 going to tell her that night would help her find those answers --=20 always assuming that they got to talk, and weren't stuck working, and=20 Trask (may the fleas of a thousand camels infest his boxers) might just=20 have messed that up for them. She really wanted to have this talk with=20 Clark; she didn't like her head and her... could it really be her=20 heart? -- not being in agreement, and especially not over him. Meantime, if this partnership was so important to her, and it seemed=20 that part of her, at least, thought it was, she'd better do something=20 to hold up her own end of it. And she had a good idea of what she could=20 do: she'd encountered Jason Trask as part of her expos=E9 of Lex Luthor,=20 so it would be a good idea to use what she already knew of him as a=20 basis on which to find out more about what he had been doing in the=20 intervening years. Then, with Kent's knowledge of where and what he was=20 up to now, they could build up a picture of the guy and whatever his=20 plans might be -- and *then*, they could blow the whistle on him! Hey, maybe there was something to be said for this partnership thing,=20 after all... ***** [Would that it were so simple, Lois... but, as you'll come to learn,=20 very little in your life is that straight-forward -- and what *is*, is=20 stuff that you don't want to think about right now (silly girl!). So,=20 instead, you're going to have to-- well, let me quote from the next=20 part: ---- The best-laid plans of mice and men -- or, in this case, reporters --=20 have a tendency to fall afoul of[...] ---- Find out *what* they fell afoul of, next time.] Phil ---- Gravity is a Downer... So let's go flying! -- so sayeth Phil Atcliffe ( ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 10:15:07 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carolyn Schnall Subject: Re: "Missing" Metallo Scene (was Re: Hand in the candy jar In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed" Thanks! It would be great to find this one:) Carolyn >At 01:38 PM 08/28/2001 -0400, Carolyn wrote: >>Thanks for posting this Kathy:) >> >>I am now sorry I didn't look harder fore L&C scripts when I was on >>Hollywood Boulevard during LAFF.......:( > >When I was last in Burbank (um... '97?) there was a movie memorabilia store >there that had a branch in Hollywood. Both sold scripts, but the Hollywood >one >seemed to concentrate/specialize in TV scripts--and it didn't open til noon >and >had poor lighting and no air conditioning--blah! It was on a corner and I >believe it was about to move. I bet they have a web site somewhere... I >believe >the scripts (for I know people who bought them) were around $10 +tax each for >regular TV scripts, higher for scripts with more pages (1.5 hour/pilot type >scripts). > >>Carolyn > >Debby > ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 15:30:27 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Nicola Baker Subject: Re: Unforeseen Consequences 4/? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit s p i o l e r s p a c e Finally, we have a *name*! That'll be a relief for the intrepid reporters. I enjoyed Superman's visit to the cappucino stand, though I'm a little worried about these guys in the car. There may be trouble ahead... Nic ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 15:49:47 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Nicola Baker Subject: Re: NEW: Imbalance Part 26 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit My first thought was "Huh? Wha?", but that referred to the introduction. Seriously, though, there was one thing that threw me - "Fifth columnists"? What are they when they're at home? Did like this, though... "and also that they were as dumb as they looked. They were trying to intimidate *Lois?*" Yep, definitely dumb. That was much more satisfying than the lie detector we got on the show, even if the show did have leprechauns. Speculation... The best-laid plans of mice and men -- or, in this case, reporters -- have a tendency to fall afoul of... Kryptonite? Wierd guys with Super-guns from the future? Time-traveling maniacs? Random gusts of wind which throw a certain superhero off balance for *just* long enough for Lois to be kidapped, held at gun point and tortured for information? Or I could just wait and see, but that would be less fun. Nic ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 16:13:31 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Phillip Atcliffe Subject: Re: NEW: Imbalance Part 26 In-Reply-To: <004001c137ac$98508180$189a883e@mcbaker> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII On Fri, 7 Sep 2001 15:49:47 +0100 Nicola Baker wrote: > [...] there was one thing that threw me - "Fifth columnists"? What are they when they're at home? < Collaborators before the fact, so to speak. People living in a country (the implication is that they are citizens of that country, not spies) about to be invaded who surreptitiously assist with the preparations for the invasion or commit other acts of treason. Had Skippy and co. been working for Nazi Germany in "Super Mann", rather than its remnants, they could have been termed that. Don't know the origin of the term, but it dates back to at least WW2. > The best-laid plans of mice and men -- or, in this case, reporters -- have a tendency to fall afoul of... Kryptonite? Weird guys with Super-guns from the future? Time-traveling maniacs? Random gusts of wind which throw a certain superhero off balance for *just* long enough for Lois to be kidnapped, held at gun point and tortured for information? < Nope. Not even close. Phil ---- "If you let a smile be your umbrella... you'll get wet teeth!" -- a forgotten comedian, quoted by me: Phil Atcliffe ( ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 10:51:49 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carol L Moncado Subject: Re: NEW: Imbalance Part 26 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Excellent as always! Loved the line about trying to intimidate Lois! And Clark did beautifully! More soon please - but don't get them into too much trouble. CM ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 10:26:45 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Judith Williams Subject: Fifth column MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit FYI: "Fifth...column has a dramatic origin. In the year 1936, during the Spanish Civil War, General Emilio Mola advanced upon Madrid with an army force of four columns. "The fifth column is within the city," he announced over the radio. He meant the secret sympathisers (sic)and agents working from within as spies and saboteurs." :) Jude ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 14:21:46 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carol L Moncado Subject: Trading Places, 1b MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Wasn't sure about the length... ***** An hour later, Clark was behind his desk at the Daily Planet trying to figure out what was going on in his life. The morning had been an awkward, if somewhat pleasant, look into what his life would be like when he had children of his own, but kissing Lucy good-bye had been downright weird. But it was obvious that she expected it and until he knew more, he had to play along. And the insinuations about what they might be able to tonight after her six-week check-up was enough to make him blush. What did he know about his life now? He was married to Lucy, not Lois. And they had three kids: CJ, who was turning five today; Maggie, who loved hugs; and Jon, who, apparently was six-weeks old. He still worked at the Daily Planet, but there was no sign of Lois anywhere, not even a nameplate on a desk to indicate it was hers. He was still Superman, which made him breathe a sigh of relief. At least he was still super powered, at least Lucy thought so, given her comment about CJ earlier. Just then he picked up the sound of Lois' heartbeat coming up in the elevator. He breathed a sigh of relief. Hopefully, she'd remember the way things were supposed to be and they could work on this problem together. ***** Lois didn't even know where the offices of the National Tattler were, so she had decided to go the one place that she knew Clark would be eventually. The man at the stand downstairs had looked at her a bit oddly when she asked for the whole box of her favorite candy bars, but she didn't care. Somehow she knew that this was going to be one of those days. She turned back to the man. "Excuse me, but do you know if Clark Kent is in?" The man nodded as he went on to another customer. As she went up in the elevator she prayed that Clark remembered everything the same way she did and that they could find a way out of this mess. When she stepped into the newsroom, she spotted him right away. His eyes brightened as he saw her. She walked quickly to his desk. "Clark, can I see you in the conference room for a minute?" "Uh, sure, Lois. I was hoping to run into you today." As soon as the door shut behind them, Lois launched herself into his arms. "Please tell me you remember us." Clark, aware that some of the Planet staff were watching, gently pushed her away. "I do, Lois, but things have changed." She looked at him in surprise as she felt him remove her arms. "What do you mean?" "I don't understand it. Last night, I went to bed with one life and woke up this morning with another." "Clark, what's going on?" "I don't know." Clark took a deep breath, knowing Lois wasn't going to like what he had to say. "But I do know that I'm married to Lucy and we have three kids." "WHAT?!" "You heard me. I'm married to Lucy. Today is CJ's fifth birthday and Jon is six weeks old. I think Maggie's about three but I'm not sure. Lois turned, unable to believe what she was hearing. "Let me get this straight. When I went to bed last night, I was married to you and this morning you're married to my sister?" "That's about the size of it." "What happened, Clark?" "I don't know. I'm going to fly to my parents' to see if they can help us figure out what's going on." "Can I go with you?" "I want you to. Maybe we can figure this out together." She nodded. "The only problem is how to do it without everyone getting suspicious." "Of what?" "Of me and my wife's sister." Lois made a face. "Right." "Why don't you go now and I'll meet you..." "Behind the Planet?" "Sure. Ten minutes." "Right." She started to lean in to give him a kiss, but stopped herself as she remembered the weird situation they were in. "Ten minutes." ***** Lois and Clark landed in the farmyard a few minutes after they took off in Metropolis. "I just hope this is still my parents' house." "X-ray it." That turned out to be unnecessary as Martha appeared on the back porch. "Clark! Lois." Clark could hear the question in his mother's voice when she said Lois' name. "Where's Lucy?" Clark stammered a bit as he replied. "She's, uh, got a doctor's appointment. Mom, can we talk to you for a minute?" Clark was careful to treat Lois as his sister-in-law, not his wife. "Sure, come on in. Clark, why don't you go find your dad? I think he's in the barn." "Sure, Mom." Ten minutes later they were seated around the kitchen table. Martha broke the silence. "Now, why don't you tell us what's wrong." "I'm not sure how to tell you guys this, but things are really weird. When I went to sleep last night, I had one life and when I woke up this morning it was completely different." Martha and Jonathan exchanged a look. "I'm not crazy, I swear. Lois remembers the same things I do." Martha took a deep breath. "Okay, tell us all about it." "Well, when I went to sleep last night, I was married to Lois, not Lucy. We'd been married about a year, no kids, though we'd been trying - kind of. Superman's doctor had told us that it wasn't possible for me to have kids, so we didn't think we even could. And when I woke up this morning, I was lying next to Lucy and greeted by my five-year-old son and have two other kids. I still work at the Daily Planet, but Lois doesn't. She was my partner. We wrote all kinds of stories together - the hottest team in town." "Now I work for the National Tattler," Lois added glumly. "It's not even worth the title 'newspaper'." Clark sighed. "Anyway, we were hoping maybe you could tell us about the last few years - maybe help us put the pieces together about wear things started to change." Martha and Jonathan exchanged another look. It was obvious they really didn't believe them, but were going to humor their son. "Well, you've been married to Lucy for about six and a half years. It was a beautiful Christmas wedding. Not long after that you found out she was pregnant with CJ. Maggie was a bit of a surprise and was born about 14 months later and now you have little Jon." "How did I meet her?" "You met her on a trip to England when you were travelling the world right after you graduated from college. We thought it wasn't going to work out because she was still in college - she was there for a semester abroad - but you've been happy ever since. You moved to Metropolis, got married, created Superman and the rest is history." ***** Lois and Clark left an hour later, without any of the answers they were looking for, but with the promise that Martha and Jonathan wouldn't say anything to anyone about what was going on. On the way back, they took a few minutes to float in the clouds and hold each other, sharing kisses they knew they couldn't share anywhere else. Clark landed them in the alley behind the Planet. "What are we going to do, Clark?" "I don't know. What am I supposed to do? Divorce Lucy and marry you?" Lois' face kinda scrunched up, knowing it really wasn't an option. "Sounds good to me." He rolled his eyes at her. "And what about my kids?" Tears started to roll down her face. "I don't know. Clark, what can we do?" "Perhaps I can help." They turned to see a familiar face, one they had never wanted to see again. "Mr. Wells. What are you doing here?" He looked at the hat he twisted nervously in his hands. "It appears the timeline has been altered. And it would seem that it is my fault. I need your help to set it right." "What did you do?" Clark wasn't pleased with the little man. "You recall our little adventures after you married?" When they both nodded he continued. "Well, I looked for another incarnation of the two of you and found one. Only I thought that things were going wrong. In my attempt to correct them, I ruined them." Clark sighed as he exchanged a look with Lois. "So what do we have to do this time? Reverse another spell?" "No. In this particular incarnation, over 200 years ago, you were to marry Lois' sister. She ran out on you before the wedding and her father gave you Lois to marry instead. Unfortunately, my soul tracker went a bit, ah, wacky on me and I stopped her sister from leaving. You married her instead. Her name is Lara and that is part of the reason for the confusion. You've traded places." Lois rolled her eyes. "Right." "I'm quite serious, Miss Lane, and that is why everything has changed. In order to fix things, I need to take the two of you back with me. Clark, you are Caleb, or Cal, an early newspaper reporter, with a secret identity, of course, but I am not certain what it is. And Lois, you are Leah, younger sister of Lara. The big catch here is that neither one of you will remember any of this like you did last time. It will be as though you had been there forever, until you fall in love. I don't know how long that will take, for you are not in love when you marry. Once you fall in love, you can come back and things will be as you remembered them yesterday. I can't make you go with me, but it is the only way to fix this. Will you come?" Lois and Clark looked at each other. It didn't seem that they had any other choice. ***** ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 14:21:57 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carol L Moncado Subject: New Story: Trading Places, 1a MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit This kinda came to me last night as I was getting ready to read a book. I thought "Hmmm, how can I work this concept into an LC story?" And then it started writing itself in my head so I just had to type it up. Missy loved it, so I am posting. I have no buffer, but my hubby works this weekend so I am going to spend most of it working on this - the ideas are just bouncing around, so I better get them down while I can. I am going to try to post on Monday and Thursday evenings for now. Be forewarned - I am having this baby in about 5 weeks or so, but I hope to have it mostly written by then. And for those of you waiting for the sequel to Valley of the Shadow, it is in progress as well, but this one took over for now. Comments appreciated! CM ***** Clark rolled over, still half asleep and put his arm around his wife. He loved snuggling with her while still in the netherworld somewhere between awake and asleep. He heard a small groan as she nestled back against his chest. Her hair was suddenly in the way, getting in his mouth as he yawned. It had never done that before. He opened his eyes and looked at the woman lying next to him. Sure enough, her hair was longer than he remembered Lois' being, but she had mentioned a couple of weeks ago that she was growing it out again. Maybe it had gotten longer than he realized. It took a second, but it was beginning to dawn on him that something just wasn't *right*. He looked around and didn't recognize any of the furniture in the room. The door opened and suddenly there was a small child running towards the bed. "DADDY! MOMMY! Time to get up! Today's my birthday!" The little boy jumped on the bed. "Get up! Get up!" Clark sat up trying to comprehend what was happening to him. The dark headed child jumped into his arms. "It's my birthday, Daddy!" "Um, I heard. How old are you now?" "I'm five! And next week I start kindergarten!" "Wow." Clark didn't understand what was happening - as badly as he wanted children, he certainly didn't have any yet, much less a five-year-old - but he decided that he better play along until he found out more about what was going on. "Mommy! Mommy! Wake up!" "I'm up. I'm up." The woman next to him rolled over. "Come here and give your mom a hug, CJ." Clark looked at the woman next to him, unable to believe what his eyes and ears were telling him. The woman next to him wasn't Lois. It was Lucy. ***** It was early morning when Lois awoke. She stretched, like always, with no reason to believe that anything was out of the ordinary. The other side of the large bed was empty but that wasn't terribly unusual. Clark often rose before she did and occasionally was out on an early morning rescue. It wasn't until she opened her eyes that she realized something was terribly wrong. This wasn't the room she shared with Clark in their comfortable brownstone. This was somewhere she didn't recognize. She quickly got out of bed and found a comfy looking robe lying next to her. She put it on and went to explore this strange place. Lois looked around the unfamiliar apartment. In some ways, there was a weird sense of déjà vu. Things seemed familiar, but she knew that she'd never been here before. She heard something hit the floor outside the door. Cautiously, she peered into the hallway and noticed the newspaper lying there. She picked it up, grateful for something familiar. She figured out how to make a pot of coffee in the kitchen that was hers and wasn't all at the same time. She sat down at the table and opened the paper while waiting for the coffee to brew. She was desperate to find out what had happened to her and to find out where her husband was. Clark. Where was he? She looked for comfort at her wedding rings only to realize that they were gone as well. Tears started to roll down her cheeks. She was by herself, without Clark, in an unfamiliar place with no idea what was going on. She brushed the tears aside and concentrated on the paper. There was an article on Superman with Clark's byline on the front page. She would go down to the Planet as soon as possible to see if she could find him. She searched the rest of the front page but there was no sign of an article with her name under it. She sighed and poured herself a cup of coffee. She found her purse and her wallet and began to search for any signs of what she did or where she worked or any kind of identification that would tell her anything about her life. She found a press pass and breathed a sigh of relief. At least she was still a reporter. And then she looked at the name of the publication. The National Tattler. ***** "CJ, why don't you go get dressed and get your sister up and we'll see if we can get Daddy to make pancakes, okay?" His sister? He had more than one child? Clark tried not to let his puzzlement show on his face. These two obviously thought he belonged here and until he knew more he didn't want them suspecting anything. "YEAH! I love Daddy's pancakes." He turned to Clark. "Please, Daddy. Will you make us pancakes?" "Sure, uh, CJ." "Good. Last time I was at Aunt Lois' she tried to make us pancakes, but we ended up going to McDonald's instead." Clark couldn't help but chuckle. "That sounds like Lois alright." "Go, CJ. But don't wake up the baby, okay?" The baby? "Okay, Mommy." The little tornado of a boy ran out of the room. Lucy put rolled over a little more, putting one arm across Clark's chest and nestled her head in the crook of his shoulder. Almost automatically, Clark pulled her a little closer to him as she kissed a spot on his chest. "I know where he gets his energy. He's super-charged just like his Daddy. Wish you could give me some of that." Clark looked down at the head lying on his chest. Though he knew this was so wrong - he should be with Lois, not Lucy - something seemed familiar and comfortable about this. He needed to get out of the situation before he did something embarrassing or wrong without realizing it. "Um, I better go get those pancakes made." Lucy sat up next to him. "And it's about time to feed Jon. You can't help me with that." Lucy swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood. She stretched and walked out of the room. "See you downstairs in a few minutes." "Gotcha." Clark sat there for a moment before running his hands through his hair. What in the world was going on? ***** Twenty minutes later, Clark was downstairs dressed in a suit, relieved that he had easily found the hiding place for his *other* suits. Maybe he needed a quick visit to his parents. Even if they thought he was crazy, they'd still love him and tell him what he needed to know. "Are the pancakes ready, Daddy?" "Almost, buddy. Why don't you sit at the table and I'll have them ready in just a minute?" "Okay." CJ sat at the table. "Can I have chocolate milk today? Since it's my birthday?" "Um, sure." "Can I have Mickey Mouse pancakes?" "Why not? Tell me. What are your big birthday plans today?" Clark asked as he poured the batter in Mickey Mouse-like circles. "Mommy said we could go to Chuck E. Cheese for lunch and that you'd come, too, if you weren't too busy on a story or something. Do you think you can come, Daddy?" "I'll sure try." Just then a little girl, who Clark judged to be about 3- or 4-years-old, with long curly brown hair wandered sleepily into the kitchen. She walked over to Clark. "Need hug, Daddy." Clark hesitantly leaned over to pick her up. She wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her head on his shoulder with her eyes closed. He could hear her murmur, "You give the best hugs, Daddy." He closed his eyes and for just a moment allowed himself to believe that this was really his life, really his daughter. A daughter who, first thing in the morning, wanted nothing more than a big hug from her daddy. He had dreamed of this so many times and now it was real. In a sense. Real, but wrong. She pulled back from him. "You forgot your part, Daddy." He looked at her, and tried to fake his way through it. "My part?" "Yes, Daddy. You forgot to say your part." "Oh, right. Let's see. Is it 'Merry Christmas'?" She giggled. "No." Clark pretended to think hard. "Is it 'Happy Thanksgiving'?" "No, Daddy." "Well, you know what. I think I forgot what my line is. Do you know who can help me?" "I can help you." "You?" She nodded solemnly. "Uh huh. Every morning, I give you a big hug and I say 'You give the best hugs, Daddy' and then you say 'No, you give the best hugs little munchkin Maggie' and then I give you a big kiss and you finish breakfast." Clark nodded. "Oh, okay. I remember now. How 'bout we try it again?" His answer was two little arms flung around his neck. "You give the best hugs, Daddy." "No, you give the best hugs, little munchkin Maggie." She leaned back and took his face in her little hands and gave him a resounding kiss right on his lips. "Much better, Daddy." "Now you better get out of my way so I can finish breakfast." She nodded as he set her down. Clark turned back to the pancakes. He was almost surprised when a pair of arms slipped around his waist from behind. "Clark, you feel nice in the mornings." "Thanks. You ready for breakfast?" "Sure." ***** ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 14:40:35 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carol L Moncado Subject: Last names MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I know I'm a history buff, but I'm drawing a blank at the moment. I need two last names from the Revolutionary War time period. One beginning with an L and one with a K preferably. If you haven't guessed, this is for Trading Places. Help please! CM ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 14:49:56 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carol L Moncado Subject: Re: Last names MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Okay - I didn't mean to be Ameri-centric, honest. That should be the American Revolution (1750-1780 time period for this story). English names would work because many of the colonists at this time were only a generation or two from the "Old World". With that clarified... thanks in advance to the wonderful folcs. CM On Fri, 7 Sep 2001 14:40:35 -0500 Carol L Moncado writes: > I know I'm a history buff, but I'm drawing a blank at the moment. I > need > two last names from the Revolutionary War time period. One > beginning > with an L and one with a K preferably. > > If you haven't guessed, this is for Trading Places. > > Help please! > > CM ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 16:07:02 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carolyn Schnall Subject: Re: Last names In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed" >I know I'm a history buff, but I'm drawing a blank at the moment. I need >two last names from the Revolutionary War time period. One beginning >with an L and one with a K preferably. > >If you haven't guessed, this is for Trading Places. > >Help please! > >CM How about Lyman and Kenton (too close to Kent?) Or Lenox and Kensington? Or Lexington and Kershaw? Carolyn:) ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 15:16:49 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carol L Moncado Subject: Re: Last names MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > How about Lyman and Kenton (too close to Kent?) I'm actually contemplating just keeping Kent - isn't there an Earl or Duke or something of Kent? So I thought that might work or is it too weird? Clark Kent travels back in time and his last name is still Kent? Could he be his own ancestor?!*BG* (Well, ancestor of Jonathan anyway!) > > Or Lenox and Kensington? > > Or Lexington and Kershaw? Those are definate possibilities! Thanks! CM ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 16:29:21 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Subject: Re: Trading Places, 1b MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Whoa, Carol! Yes, I'd say this is imaginative s p o i l e r s p a c e Clark married to *Lucy*??? That is *so* wrong! >>"Well, I looked for another incarnation of the two of you and found one. Only I thought that things were going wrong. In my attempt to correct them, I ruined them." << Yep, that's HG Wells alright... :D And then another soulmates tale! That could be fun :-) Write faster ;) Pam Jernigan / ChiefPam / **note new address** "The EU is a noble attempt to fulfill the age-old dream of having a country of English cooks, German lovers, French defense forces and Italian efficiency experts." --P. J. O'Rourke ----- Original Message ----- From: "Carol L Moncado" To: Sent: Friday, September 07, 2001 3:21 PM Subject: Trading Places, 1b > Wasn't sure about the length... > > ***** > > An hour later, Clark was behind his desk at the Daily Planet trying to > figure out what was going on in his life. The morning had been an > awkward, if somewhat pleasant, look into what his life would be like when > he had children of his own, but kissing Lucy good-bye had been downright > weird. But it was obvious that she expected it and until he knew more, > he had to play along. And the insinuations about what they might be able > to tonight after her six-week check-up was enough to make him blush. > > What did he know about his life now? He was married to Lucy, not Lois. > And they had three kids: CJ, who was turning five today; Maggie, who > loved hugs; and Jon, who, apparently was six-weeks old. He still worked > at the Daily Planet, but there was no sign of Lois anywhere, not even a > nameplate on a desk to indicate it was hers. He was still Superman, > which made him breathe a sigh of relief. At least he was still super > powered, at least Lucy thought so, given her comment about CJ earlier. > > Just then he picked up the sound of Lois' heartbeat coming up in the > elevator. He breathed a sigh of relief. Hopefully, she'd remember the > way things were supposed to be and they could work on this problem > together. > > ***** > > Lois didn't even know where the offices of the National Tattler were, so > she had decided to go the one place that she knew Clark would be > eventually. The man at the stand downstairs had looked at her a bit > oddly when she asked for the whole box of her favorite candy bars, but > she didn't care. Somehow she knew that this was going to be one of those > days. > > She turned back to the man. "Excuse me, but do you know if Clark Kent is > in?" > > The man nodded as he went on to another customer. > > As she went up in the elevator she prayed that Clark remembered > everything the same way she did and that they could find a way out of > this mess. > > When she stepped into the newsroom, she spotted him right away. His eyes > brightened as he saw her. She walked quickly to his desk. > > "Clark, can I see you in the conference room for a minute?" > > "Uh, sure, Lois. I was hoping to run into you today." > > As soon as the door shut behind them, Lois launched herself into his > arms. "Please tell me you remember us." > > Clark, aware that some of the Planet staff were watching, gently pushed > her away. "I do, Lois, but things have changed." > > She looked at him in surprise as she felt him remove her arms. "What do > you mean?" > > "I don't understand it. Last night, I went to bed with one life and woke > up this morning with another." > > "Clark, what's going on?" > > "I don't know." Clark took a deep breath, knowing Lois wasn't going to > like what he had to say. "But I do know that I'm married to Lucy and we > have three kids." > > "WHAT?!" > > "You heard me. I'm married to Lucy. Today is CJ's fifth birthday and > Jon is six weeks old. I think Maggie's about three but I'm not sure. > > Lois turned, unable to believe what she was hearing. "Let me get this > straight. When I went to bed last night, I was married to you and this > morning you're married to my sister?" > > "That's about the size of it." > > "What happened, Clark?" > > "I don't know. I'm going to fly to my parents' to see if they can help > us figure out what's going on." > > "Can I go with you?" > > "I want you to. Maybe we can figure this out together." > > She nodded. > > "The only problem is how to do it without everyone getting suspicious." > > "Of what?" > > "Of me and my wife's sister." > > Lois made a face. "Right." > > "Why don't you go now and I'll meet you..." > > "Behind the Planet?" > > "Sure. Ten minutes." > > "Right." She started to lean in to give him a kiss, but stopped herself > as she remembered the weird situation they were in. "Ten minutes." > > ***** > > Lois and Clark landed in the farmyard a few minutes after they took off > in Metropolis. "I just hope this is still my parents' house." > > "X-ray it." > > That turned out to be unnecessary as Martha appeared on the back porch. > "Clark! Lois." Clark could hear the question in his mother's voice when > she said Lois' name. "Where's Lucy?" > > Clark stammered a bit as he replied. "She's, uh, got a doctor's > appointment. Mom, can we talk to you for a minute?" Clark was careful > to treat Lois as his sister-in-law, not his wife. > > "Sure, come on in. Clark, why don't you go find your dad? I think he's > in the barn." > > "Sure, Mom." > > Ten minutes later they were seated around the kitchen table. > > Martha broke the silence. "Now, why don't you tell us what's wrong." > > "I'm not sure how to tell you guys this, but things are really weird. > When I went to sleep last night, I had one life and when I woke up this > morning it was completely different." > > Martha and Jonathan exchanged a look. > > "I'm not crazy, I swear. Lois remembers the same things I do." > > Martha took a deep breath. "Okay, tell us all about it." > > "Well, when I went to sleep last night, I was married to Lois, not Lucy. > We'd been married about a year, no kids, though we'd been trying - kind > of. Superman's doctor had told us that it wasn't possible for me to have > kids, so we didn't think we even could. And when I woke up this morning, > I was lying next to Lucy and greeted by my five-year-old son and have two > other kids. I still work at the Daily Planet, but Lois doesn't. She was > my partner. We wrote all kinds of stories together - the hottest team in > town." > > "Now I work for the National Tattler," Lois added glumly. "It's not even > worth the title 'newspaper'." > > Clark sighed. "Anyway, we were hoping maybe you could tell us about the > last few years - maybe help us put the pieces together about wear things > started to change." > > Martha and Jonathan exchanged another look. It was obvious they really > didn't believe them, but were going to humor their son. "Well, you've > been married to Lucy for about six and a half years. It was a beautiful > Christmas wedding. Not long after that you found out she was pregnant > with CJ. Maggie was a bit of a surprise and was born about 14 months > later and now you have little Jon." > > "How did I meet her?" > > "You met her on a trip to England when you were travelling the world > right after you graduated from college. We thought it wasn't going to > work out because she was still in college - she was there for a semester > abroad - but you've been happy ever since. You moved to Metropolis, got > married, created Superman and the rest is history." > > ***** > > Lois and Clark left an hour later, without any of the answers they were > looking for, but with the promise that Martha and Jonathan wouldn't say > anything to anyone about what was going on. > > On the way back, they took a few minutes to float in the clouds and hold > each other, sharing kisses they knew they couldn't share anywhere else. > > Clark landed them in the alley behind the Planet. > > "What are we going to do, Clark?" > > "I don't know. What am I supposed to do? Divorce Lucy and marry you?" > > Lois' face kinda scrunched up, knowing it really wasn't an option. > "Sounds good to me." > > He rolled his eyes at her. "And what about my kids?" > > Tears started to roll down her face. "I don't know. Clark, what can we > do?" > > "Perhaps I can help." > > They turned to see a familiar face, one they had never wanted to see > again. > > "Mr. Wells. What are you doing here?" > > He looked at the hat he twisted nervously in his hands. "It appears the > timeline has been altered. And it would seem that it is my fault. I > need your help to set it right." > > "What did you do?" Clark wasn't pleased with the little man. > > "You recall our little adventures after you married?" When they both > nodded he continued. "Well, I looked for another incarnation of the two > of you and found one. Only I thought that things were going wrong. In > my attempt to correct them, I ruined them." > > Clark sighed as he exchanged a look with Lois. "So what do we have to do > this time? Reverse another spell?" > > "No. In this particular incarnation, over 200 years ago, you were to > marry Lois' sister. She ran out on you before the wedding and her father > gave you Lois to marry instead. Unfortunately, my soul tracker went a > bit, ah, wacky on me and I stopped her sister from leaving. You married > her instead. Her name is Lara and that is part of the reason for the > confusion. You've traded places." > > Lois rolled her eyes. "Right." > > "I'm quite serious, Miss Lane, and that is why everything has changed. > In order to fix things, I need to take the two of you back with me. > Clark, you are Caleb, or Cal, an early newspaper reporter, with a secret > identity, of course, but I am not certain what it is. And Lois, you are > Leah, younger sister of Lara. The big catch here is that neither one of > you will remember any of this like you did last time. It will be as > though you had been there forever, until you fall in love. I don't know > how long that will take, for you are not in love when you marry. Once > you fall in love, you can come back and things will be as you remembered > them yesterday. I can't make you go with me, but it is the only way to > fix this. Will you come?" > > Lois and Clark looked at each other. It didn't seem that they had any > other choice. > > ***** > ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 16:35:53 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carolyn Schnall Subject: Re: Last names In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed" My American History hobby knowledge, at your service! Carolyn:) > > How about Lyman and Kenton (too close to Kent?) > >I'm actually contemplating just keeping Kent - isn't there an Earl or >Duke or something of Kent? So I thought that might work or is it too >weird? Clark Kent travels back in time and his last name is still Kent? >Could he be his own ancestor?!*BG* (Well, ancestor of Jonathan anyway!) >> >> Or Lenox and Kensington? >> >> Or Lexington and Kershaw? > >Those are definate possibilities! > >Thanks! > >CM ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 15:33:00 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carol L Moncado Subject: Re: Trading Places, 1b MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > Whoa, Carol! Yes, I'd say this is imaginative So glad you think so! > > s > p > o > i > l > e > r > s > p > a > c > e > > Clark married to *Lucy*??? That is *so* wrong! Well, though we won't get a chance to know her - she is a different Lucy who is happy and content in the role of wife and mother - not like the Lucy in the show. > > >>"Well, I looked for another incarnation of the two > of you and found one. Only I thought that things were going wrong. > In > my attempt to correct them, I ruined them." > << > > Yep, that's HG Wells alright... :D > > And then another soulmates tale! That could be fun :-) > > Write faster ;) I've written another couple of pages since I finished messing with the dang pictures on the boards. If you didn't get to see them - let me know and I'll send them to you. I think I got the links working even though I couldn't get the pics posted. Glad you're enjoying it! CM ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 16:03:00 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: Re: Last names Trading Places? Isn't that one of Irene's stories? The hilarious one where two Perrys changed dimensions? As for surnames... Kennet? Land? Wendy ----------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 17:07:52 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: No Name Available Subject: Re: Last names MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 9/7/01 4:25:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time, cmoncado@JUNO.COM writes: > Clark Kent travels back in time and his last name is still Kent? > um, Quantum Leap did that... --Laurie ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 16:20:33 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carol L Moncado Subject: Re: Last names MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Is there another Trading Places? I meant to check before I posted, but forgot. I'll change the name if I need to. Thanks for the suggestions! CM(Off to check) On Fri, 7 Sep 2001 16:03:00 -0500 Wendy Richards writes: > Trading Places? Isn't that one of Irene's stories? The hilarious one > where > two Perrys changed dimensions? > > As for surnames... Kennet? Land? > > > Wendy > ----------- > > Wendy Richards > ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 16:50:20 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: Re: Last names On Fri, 7 Sep 2001 16:20:33 -0500, Carol L Moncado wrote: >Is there another Trading Places? I meant to check before I posted, but >forgot. There is indeed; written by Irene Dutchak last year. Irene's a very popular writer, as you know, and so many readers are likely to associate that title with her story. It may be sensible to choose something different, to avoid that initial confusion when people hear 'Trading Places' and instantly think of Irene's story. Wendy ------------ Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 17:10:47 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carol L Moncado Subject: Re: New Story: Trading Places MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thanks to Wendy for pointing out that this is the name of one of Irene's stories. Are there any suggestions for another title, because I'm pretty much drawing a blank. Apologies to Irene - I meant to check the archive, but it completely slipped my mind. CM ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 16:19:10 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: Re: New Story: Trading Places In-Reply-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Hey Carol! No harm, no foul. Don't worry about it. Thank you, Wendy, for pointing that out to Carol. I wish I could give you a suggestion for a title, but I had enough trouble coming up with Trading Places for my own story! Irene --- Carol L Moncado wrote: > Thanks to Wendy for pointing out that this is the > name of one of Irene's > stories. Are there any suggestions for another > title, because I'm pretty > much drawing a blank. > > Apologies to Irene - I meant to check the archive, > but it completely > slipped my mind. > > CM ===== __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get email alerts & NEW webcam video instant messaging with Yahoo! Messenger ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 19:25:55 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Subject: Re: New Story: Trading Places MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit How about, "Switching Sisters"? "Sister Switch"? Or some variation on that theme, since your plot seems to involve Lucy fairly heavily... I don't know how comedic/angsty your story's going to be, which should probably influence what sort of title you pick. Pam Jernigan / ChiefPam / **note new address** "The EU is a noble attempt to fulfill the age-old dream of having a country of English cooks, German lovers, French defense forces and Italian efficiency experts." --P. J. O'Rourke ----- Original Message ----- From: "Carol L Moncado" To: Sent: Friday, September 07, 2001 6:10 PM Subject: Re: New Story: Trading Places > Thanks to Wendy for pointing out that this is the name of one of Irene's > stories. Are there any suggestions for another title, because I'm pretty > much drawing a blank. > > Apologies to Irene - I meant to check the archive, but it completely > slipped my mind. > > CM > ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 18:21:26 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carol L Moncado Subject: Re: New Story: Trading Places MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hmm - Sister Switch - like that! Thanks Pam! CM(who wants her to know that the pics are up and working *FINALLY* thanks to help from Wendy on the Off Topic board) On Fri, 7 Sep 2001 19:25:55 -0400 Pam Jernigan writes: > How about, "Switching Sisters"? "Sister Switch"? Or some > variation on > that theme, since your plot seems to involve Lucy fairly heavily... > I don't > know how comedic/angsty your story's going to be, which should > probably > influence what sort of title you pick. > > Pam Jernigan / ChiefPam / > > **note new address** > > "The EU is a noble attempt to fulfill the age-old dream of > having a country of English cooks, German lovers, > French defense forces and Italian efficiency experts." > --P. J. O'Rourke > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Carol L Moncado" > To: > Sent: Friday, September 07, 2001 6:10 PM > Subject: Re: New Story: Trading Places > > > > Thanks to Wendy for pointing out that this is the name of one of > Irene's > > stories. Are there any suggestions for another title, because I'm > pretty > > much drawing a blank. > > > > Apologies to Irene - I meant to check the archive, but it > completely > > slipped my mind. > > > > CM > > ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 17:42:56 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: lcfic Subject: STORY: Code of Honor (6/9) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii TITLE: Code of Honor PART: (6/9) AUTHOR: D. Field RATING: PG13 FEEDBACK: Comments welcome PUB/PRIV. Editing PRIV. SUMMARY: LnC/JAG crossover – Lois and Clark find themselves assigned to the same case as Mac and Harm. >From Part 5: The Daily Planet’s top reporting duo and the crack JAG team race to stop a killer at the Metropolis Veterans Center. Part 6 ~~~ They were sitting on her sofa, enjoying each other’s company. Mic had just finished the last piece of pizza and relaxed back into his seat. Putting his arm around her, he pulled her against him, leaning toward her for a sweet kiss. She willingly returned it, closing her eyes, letting the sensations his nearness and kiss were bringing her wash through her. Gently, he broke the kiss, and she slowly opened her eyes to look into the face of the man she loved. It wasn’t Mic’s face that was inches from hers. It was Harm’s. ~~~ The pin light danced around in the dark office, coming to a rest on a stack of new cases on the doctor’s desk. A hand reached for the one on top, the name on the tab read ‘White, B.’ Opening the file, the light shown on the pretty redhead looking up from the stark white pages. Her eyes appeared troubled. Soon her pain would be gone. ~~~ Mac awoke with a start. Why had he told her that he loved her? At her engagement party, no less. But, somehow, she knew. Deep down inside, she’d hoped. Not wanting to admit where that dream had came from, she glanced at clock. It was nearly 0500. About time to get up anyway. Maybe a jog would help clear her head. Going outside, she took in her surroundings. There was a sidewalk that disappeared around the last building in both directions. Taking off to her right she surveyed her path as she went. The sidewalk dropped off in places but for the most part it was a nice run. Coming back around to the sleeping quarters, her internal clock told her she’d gone about half a mile. Satisfied, she continued her run, concentrating on the problem at hand. There had to be something she was missing. Images of Harm and Mic suddenly appeared in her mind before she could push them aside. She didn’t want to deal with that issue, at least not yet. No, there was something about this case she wasn’t connecting. About two hours later she’d still not come to any conclusions, but she had had a nice run. Noting cars coming and going she figured it was about time for the shift change. As she approached the patient’s wing, someone suddenly ran from the building yelling, “He’s missing!” ~~~ When Clark arrived at work early the next morning, the ward was in chaos. Spotting Jeff, he rushed over. “What’s going on?” “Tom. Good, you’re here. Petty Officer Allen Fitzpatrick disappeared sometime last night. There’s an all out search hoping we can find him before it’s too late.” Clark knew he could search better from the air. “Okay. I’ll be right there. I just need to …” He jerked his thumb in the direction of the restrooms. “Sure. I’ll meet you outside.” Clark watched Jeff start off toward the exit before making a dash for the restroom. Lowering his glasses, he checked to make sure no one was using the facilities. Quickly he spun into Superman, careful to X-ray the immediate area outside the restroom to assure he wouldn’t be seen leaving. Taking to the air, he shot straight up until he was out of sight of those on the ground searching. Scanning the area, he thoroughly searched the buildings and surrounding area for the missing patient. Next he searched bushes, trees, and anywhere else someone could possibly hide. No luck. Could Fitzpatrick have gotten out? Carefully he scanned the perimeter. The fence was too high, and, with the barbed wire at the top, there was no way anyone could make it over. Next he scanned for holes and weaknesses. There were none. What could have happened? There was nowhere else he could have gone. Except… There was a small pond the patients liked to fish from. The hospital kept it stocked with trout and bass in the spring and many of the men would spend hours out here. Reluctantly, Clark’s gaze penetrated the dark, murky waters of the lake. There, on the side closest to the hospital buildings, was a body. Focusing in closer, Clark saw it was Fitzpatrick. He sighed heavily, wondering if there was any way that he could have prevented this. In the meantime, he needed to alert the staff that he’d found the body. But Clark Kent, or rather Tom Scott, couldn’t just suggest they search the lake without something to back it up. It might raise too many suspicions. But Superman could. Spotting Dr. Johns and the three JAG lawyers, he headed in their direction, gently landing in front of them. “Excuse me, but can you direct me to who’s in charge here?” Superman wouldn’t have known who these officers were, only that they looked official. “I’m Dr. Johns, and these folks are from JAG investigating the recent deaths. What can I do for you, Superman?” “I was sorry to hear about the other deaths. I was flying over this morning when I noticed what appeared to be an organized search. I listened in to confirm, then began searching from the air. I regret to tell you this, Dr. Johns, but you’ll find the latest victim in the pond.” Dr. Johns went visibly pale before he was able to compose himself. “Thank you, Superman, for assisting us in this matter. I regret it greatly myself. I’ll immediately have him taken care of.” Superman nodded to the group before taking off to the air again. “Wow,” Bud breathed. “Bud.” No response. “Bud.” The more forceful admonition got the Lieutenant’s attention. Sarah motioned him closer. “See what you can find out about Fitzpatrick.” “Yes, ma’am.” Bud hurried back to his room to check his laptop. “Colonel, Commander, you’ll inform me what your Lieutenant finds?” “We will, doctor,” Sarah assured him. Once the administrator was out of earshot, Harm turned to his partner. “Hey, you should lighten up on Bud,” repeating back to her of what she’d told him yesterday. “He probably misses Harriet and little AJ, and he’s had a rough time since … “ he broke off, not wanting to remind either of them of the death of Sarah’s namesake. “Yeah, you’re right.” Wanting to fill the silence with something while they waited for Bud, she asked, “so, have you talked to Renee?” Maybe, if she reminded herself of Harm’s girlfriend, she could forget her dreams easier. There’d been others like last night’s that she wasn’t ready to deal with yet. Harm chuckled. “Yeah, actually. She’s on her way to New York to shoot a commercial.” “Huh. New York.” “So … have you … talked to Brumby?” “Yeah, last night. He’s been working on wedding plans.” The reminder of her fiancé and last night brought memories of that vivid dream she’d had back to her mind. Not able to look at her partner, Sarah turned away. Seeing Bud returning gave her something else to focus on before Harm could see there was something more. ‘And he would notice,’ a little voice reminded her. ‘Best friends are like that.’ “Bud,” she called before the voice could convince her to say something she’d later regret, “what have you got for us?” “Still no link with the first victim,” Bud replied as he reached them, “but Fitzpatrick was in the same unit as Lt. Jeffers and 2nd Lt. Powell.” “Good work, Bud. How’s the search of the patients and staff coming?” “Slow, sir. There’s a lot of records to go through, but I have found four others, staff and patients, that served in that unit. I should know more later today.” “Keep at it. And check to see if there have been any other unexplained deaths from this unit outside the hospital. In the meantime, Harm, why don’t you take the two patients Bud’s found and I’ll talk to the staff, see if we can’t get a step ahead on this. And, Bud, good work.” “Thank you, ma’am.” Bud smiled. tbc __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get email alerts & NEW webcam video instant messaging with Yahoo! Messenger ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 23:25:14 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Donna K Subject: Re: New Story: Trading Places There are other cases of two Lois and Clark stories having the same title and no one asked the second author to change their title. There are lots of romance books with the same title.