From: "L-Soft list server at Indiana University (1.8d)" To: "ARTF@MemoryAlpha.nil" File: "LOISCLA-GENERAL-L LOG0101A" ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 03:07:05 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Rachel Madden Subject: NEW: "The Legend of Norcross and Judd: Exposition" (1/?) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, everyone - Well, it's happened again. First with "Stuck With the Truth", and now with this. I'm stuck. I would *immensely* appreciate it if anyone with ideas on how this story should go would e-mail me and wake up my brain. My thinking abilities have disappeared during the holidays, and I have no idea where they went. So please, please, please, help me out, and I'll love you forever.... ;) Also, I want to apologize for disappearing after sending in the first couple installments of this story a few months ago. I was having some trouble with the plot then, and now I'm having *more* trouble. (You can see why I only do this for fun...I think I'd drive myself and other people crazy if I tried to write fanfic more than once or twice a year.... ) Thank you in advance! -Rachel :) The Legend of Norcross and Judd: Exposition by Rachel M. ( Part 1 of ? Rated: PG-13 Feedback: Public or private welcome. _____________________________________________ Mud churned as a man struggled his way up a slippery hill, gun in hand. He quickly glanced behind him, readying his weapon as he ran. A dog's howl reached his ears, and he panicked, kicking up more mud as he tried to go faster. He slipped and fell, accidentally firing his weapon into the woods, which were damp and dripping from the morning's heavy rain. Ten more yards. That was it. But, no, he could hear the men shouting now. Too late. * * * "Thank God for that rain we had this morning." "Speak for yourself. I just bought these shoes." "You're gonna be losing more than just a new pair of shoes if the police find out we're tailing this guy by ourselves." "Well, they can just kiss my foot, because this is the biggest story of the year. I'm not going to let some men who think they're hotshots just because they carry badges ruin our big chance of finally proving ourselves to Tom. And besides, we're not tailing this guy by ourselves. The police are here...just a mile or so back." The man in the twosome sighed. The woman, his partner, grinned mischievously. "All right, but just remember that it's not only our paychecks, it's our necks, too." "Completely understood." The woman slipped on some mud and sat down hard in a large puddle. "Damn...there goes the dress, too...." She rubbed her foot and looked around distractedly. "If we get out of this alive, I'm telling Tom to get me a new dre -- " The man looked back at his partner worriedly. "Are you okay? Why are you staring at me like that?" "Look out!" CRACK! The woman jumped up and ran to the man, pushing him down and then dropping to the ground alongside him. There was another loud burst of gunfire, and a patch of land just ahead of the pair was left bare by the impact of the bullet. "Up! Move! Behind that rock!" The man and woman pushed themselves up and sprinted behind a small group of rocks. "Well, this is great. Whose idea was this, anyway?" the woman demanded. "Yours." "Hey, at least we found him!" Another shot rang out, and the two ducked. "You'd better hope that the police get here soon." "They'll never get here in time," the woman said. "Well, then, O Bright One, what do you suggest we do now?" The man, wet, filthy, and sweaty, turned to his partner, who looked like a savage Indian. "Oh, no. You've got that glint in your eye. You're not serious...." The woman just grinned. "He has a gun!" "So what? Together, we have two brains. He only has one." The man folded his arms resolutely. "He has a gun." The woman rolled her eyes. "C'mon." The two backed slowly away from the rocks, straining to see the shooter through the trees. "You know, just because we can't see him doesn't mean he can't see us," the man said. "Oh, shut up. He would've shot us by now if he could see us," the woman replied, then promptly backed into a tree and screamed. "Oh, great. Now he knows where we are even if he *can't* see us!" "Keep your shirt on. We can keep him occupied until the police get here." The woman yelled again, this time on purpose, and shook some bushes to give the shooter an estimate as to where they were. The gun popped, and some bark on the tree right next to the woman flew off. "Okay, now let's go over there." The woman pointed to their left. "How about you give it a try this time." She smiled despite the danger. "In 'Avoiding Armed Criminals 101' you get hands-on training." The man smiled grimly in reply and took a few small tree branches and cracked them with his feet, then backed off. Just as he stepped away, the bullet sent some dead leaves flying right where the man had been standing. * * * Patrick Frederickson sighed. Escaping from jail had been hard enough...and now he had to put up with *this*? Two *tourists*, no doubt, off for a scenic hike, escaping from the nearby trails themselves. That reminded him. He had to stay away from those public trails. The less people, the better. He didn't have time to shoot at potential witnesses. The police were hard on his tail. He sighed again and reloaded his gun for future use. Then he heard the voice, deep and commanding. "Police! Drop your weapon! *Now*!" * * * "We can't thank you enough for your help. Even though I *told* you not to go running off without us, I can't say I'm sorry you did it anyway." "No problem, Captain. We appreciate the stories more when we almost die for them," the woman said. Captain Robert Dale laughed along with the two reporters. "Well, you had better tell Tom that you deserve a raise and a vacation. And if he won't allow that, well, you just call me. I know the spot where it hurts the worst." Dale winked. "Excuse me, Captain Dale?" "Yes?" The three turned to look at a young officer, obviously new and in need of something to do. "I'm sorry, but I need to get your names. You'll need to issue a statement." The officer gestured toward the man and woman. Dale made as if to answer for his two friends, but the man waved him off. He turned and looked the officer in the eye with a steady, sincere gaze. "Norcross. William Norcross. And this is my partner, Serena Judd." ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 03:08:47 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Rachel Madden Subject: NEW: "The Legend of Norcross and Judd" (2/?) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit * * * "No, no, *no*! I will not tolerate this type of insubordination in my newsroom! What would the King say?" Perry White tried four different faces until he found the one he wanted, then started all over again. "What in *tarnation* is going on here? Judas Priest! Are we here to work or stare at the ceiling? We've got a deadline to meet! Let's go!" There. That would work. He'd have to write that one down for future use along with the six others he already had. That face had been kind of hard, though. It had used muscles in his face that Perry hadn't even known he had. Taking a wary look at the door, he geared up his confidence and was about to launch into his famous Elvis speech he had been practicing for the past two weeks when the door whipped open and slammed into the wall. "White! Get your tailgate back in here, boy! You've been in this bathroom for 20 minutes! People have been rioting for the past hour because there are no donuts out on that table! So get moving! Now!" Perry nodded his head vigorously. "Yessir!" After the door closed (and he noticed the doorknob-sized hole in the wall), Perry stepped back from the mirror and ran stubby fingers through his dark brown hair. Time to get moving. * * * After getting donuts and brewing more coffee, Perry wandered around for a while, keeping one eye out for his boss and the other out for Billy and Ser. They had been gone for over 4 hours now, and he didn't think interviewing Captain Dale about organized crime could take 4 hours...unless something had happened. You never knew what could take place in the lives of investigative journalists. Especially in the lives of world-famous investigative journalists like Billy Norcross and Serena Judd. Even though they were both only in their late 20s, they had seen many things that people their age could never even dream of. War, famine, robberies, drugs, government scandals, gangs, crime rings, etc., etc., were all part of the reporting team's daily lives. Pretty much everything that was too slippery for normal human beings to grasp they had grasped with no problem whatsoever. It had taken Perry a while to find out that Billy and Ser were the best in the business. He had actually never heard of the Daily Planet until Tom Walsh had called him up one day asking if he wanted a job. Perry's father had known Tom for 15 years, it turned out, so Perry suspected that his father had been the man behind the scenes in that play. He had been all for it, of course. He had worked for his local paper for several years and was ready for something new. So his parents, mainly his father, shipped him off to Metropolis, about 250 miles from his hometown, when he was 21. He had never been to college. After settling in a modest apartment thanks to the substantial wad of money in his pocket (courtesy of his father), he had dived right into the chaos at the Daily Planet offices. Mr. Walsh (the "Chief") had chucked him in with the other blue collars, asking him to just be there when anyone needed immediate service. At first it had seemed like an easy enough job. Brewing coffee, grabbing donuts, some take-out for lunch every now and then. He ran errands and made copies for people. He lugged research through the whole building and was Mr. Fix-It to some less handy colleagues. However, Perry's job soon turned into a very large cold sore that wouldn't go away. He soon found himself the newsroom slave and the village idiot. He catered to anyone and everyone's whims. While he had done menial tasks before, he was now fixing people's cars. And he was sick of it. However, telling Mr. Walsh was out of the question, because then he'd be out of a *job*. So Perry sat and watched from the safety of the conference room. A staff meeting was scheduled for two o'clock, so he didn't really have enough time to find a good hiding spot. Just 15 minutes. Enough time for a breather, but that was it. After about five minutes of sitting and watching, he saw Billy and Serena enter the newsroom. Mr. Walsh immediately pounced on them. Questions flew through the air: "Where were you for four hours?", "What happened?", and most important of all, "Did you get the story?" Billy and Ser looked calm enough. They gently told their boss about whatever had happened while they were gone. Mr. Walsh about had a stroke right there in front of everyone. The pair practically had to carry him to the conference room, where Perry was quietly sitting in a chair. Perry's investigative instincts kicked in, and he crawled under the table where he could hear without being noticed. Mr. Walsh would surely lop Perry's head off if he was discovered, but, even though he had only a year or two of experience, he had learned that eavesdropping was one of the top ten reporters' information-gathering techniques. He had just gotten situated underneath the table when the three entered. Trying to breathe quietly, Perry listened to their conversation. Billy: "Are you all right, sir? Can you stand up now?" Mr. Walsh: "Yes, Norcross, I'm fine. And you can let go of my arm!" Billy: "Sorry." Mr. Walsh: "Now I want a straight answer from you two. You managed to almost get yourselves killed, which would have put the Daily Planet under for the next decade, and you come back saying you want more. I don't understand. You caught the guy, talked to the police...what more do you need?" So the opportunity was presenting itself. Perry had heard about big breaks -- he figured this the Mother of them all. Ser: "Tom, we think we have a shot at a front-page story here. This wasn't the first time Frederickson has tried to escape. They keep loading more restrictions on him, but he keeps on finding his way out. Captain Dale said that they're thinking about moving him to that maximum security prison in eastern New Troy." Mr. Walsh: "Holton? That's quite a place. I almost feel sorry for the guy." Billy: "Well, don't be, sir. He's serving a double life sentence for thirteen counts of murder, thirteen counts of rape, and thirteen counts of armed robbery. A very sick and twisted man." Mr. Walsh: "What's with all the thirteens?" Ser: "His father, who was addicted to alcohol and died of an OD when Frederickson was a teenager, had a fear of the number thirteen. Triskaidekaphobia is the word for it, I believe. Anyway, Frederickson hated him. Police records show that he beat Frederickson's mother several times, judging by the number of times the police were called over to their house by the neighbors, and probably more times we'll never know about." Billy: "This is Frederickson's way of getting back at his father. You know, making him roll over in his grave until he gets dizzy. At least, that's what we *think*." Mr. Walsh: "Good reasoning, you two. But how is this material for an article? Does Frederickson have a few skeletons in the closet the police don't know about or are you just hoping he'll break out again?" Billy: "We haven't gotten to the best part yet, Mr. Walsh." Mr. Walsh: "Well, hurry it up! I've got nine copies to edit in the next half-hour!" There was a long pause. Ser: "You tell him." Billy: "No, why don't *you* tell him. You're much better at this than I am." Perry flinched when a nylon-clad leg with a very painful looking high heel attached flew through the air and whacked Billy on the shin. Ser: "No, no, I insist. *You* tell him." Perry couldn't see the pair, but he was certain that Ser was giving Billy one of her Looks. Not to mention that bone-snapping kick. Perry winced just thinking about it. He heard a submissive sigh, then a deep drawn breath. He knew what was coming. Billy and Ser's "best part" was always the most difficult to explain, for some odd reason. Perry grinned. This was why the two of them were so legendary. Their sad excuses for leads always, in some way or another, developed into another Kerth Award for the reporting team of Norcross and Judd. Mr. Walsh: "Listen, you two. Don't think I don't know what you're about to say...." Obviously Mr. Walsh also knew what was coming. Mr. Walsh: "You're going to tell me about some wild scheme of yours and then beg me to reassign your other stories until you get done with this one. Am I right?" Perry could sense Billy dejected nod and Ser's defiant glare aimed at Mr. Walsh. Mr. Walsh: "Well, let's just skip it this time. Go and investigate or do whatever you do after defeating the old man who sits in the office with "Editor-in-Chief" on the door and apparently has no authority over you whatsoever." Ser: "Don't worry, Chief. You're still the Almighty Spellchecker in our eyes." Perry couldn't help but grin. And unfortunately, his mouth chose this moment to give him away. A small chortle escaped as he tried to stifle his laughter, and he clapped his hands over his mouth, wide-eyed, wondering if they had heard him. Billy: "What was that?" Ser: "What?" "Billy: "I heard something." "Ser: "You're hearing things." Billy: "No, I distinctly heard a noise. And it was coming from underneath the - " Perry tried to scramble away as Billy's chair scraped away from the table and his face appeared. " - table." Ser's face soon appeared also, followed by Mr. Walsh's head and a loud creak emanating from his back. "Perry? Is that you?" Tom asked incredulously. Perry lowered his head and murmured, "Yessir." "Get your tailgate out from under there and tell me *exactly* what in the *hell* you think you were doing!" Perry stood up and stared at a fixed point on the wall while Tom, Ser, and Billy bored holes in his head with their gazes. "I was just listening, sir." "No, I get it, were making daisy chains, right? Damn right you were listening! *Why* were you under the table in the first place?" "Well, sir...." Perry gulped painfully. "You're always telling me to take my chance while I still have a chance, so I took it." There was silence for a few seconds. Tom's fiery glare softened. "Can't argue with that." Ser and Billy turned their eyes to their boss. Ser asked, "Now what are we going to do? Perry heard everything. There's no way we can just tell him to forget he'd ever been here and send him on his there?" The three looked to Perry. A mischievous grin spread across Perry's face. "Well, we can just forget about *that*," Billy said, flinging his arms up in the air exasperatingly. "Tell you what, guys. You let me help out, and I'll keep my mouth shut." Tom, who had been staring at the wall trying to think of a way to keep Perry quiet other than killing him, turned around with a grim look on his face. "You sure do know how to bargain, son." He looked at Ser and Billy. "This okay with you two?" Billy and Ser started to shake their heads no, but then looked at Perry and solemnly nodded. "All right. You're in, Perry. But one little peep about this story, even if it's accidental, and you're off the team. Gone. Capeesh?" Perry grinned, nodded enthusiastically, and raised his fist in celebration of victory. On their way out of the conference room, Tom leaned over and said, "Good thing you didn't demand a dozen donuts along with this perfect example of blackmail." Smiling, Perry asked, "Would I have gotten them?" Tom called back over his shoulder as he walked away, "No. But you would have gotten a pink slip instead." ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 03:09:37 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Rachel Madden Subject: NEW: "The Legend of Norcross and Judd" (3/?) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit * * * "So what do we do now?" Serena slowly looked up from her Rolodex and gave Perry a "get away from me" look. "Go bother Bill. I'm in the middle of something." Stuffing his hands into his pockets, Perry ambled over to where Bill was sitting and plopped down in the chair beside his desk. "Will you tell me what's going on? Ser's in her 'Don't-touch-me-or-I'll-chew-your-head-off' mood." Billy smiled at the eager youth. "I would think you heard everything during your unexpected eavesdropping, hmm?" Perry, chagrined, blushed and ducked his head. "You were about to tell the Chief the best part of your story...something about Frederickson?" "Well, kind of. This latest jail break was Fredrickson's twelfth. And we all know that under usual circumstances, most criminals cannot break out of jail twelve times over a span of four years, right?" "Right," Perry agreed. "So we were thinking that Frederickson's lucky breaks are due to some *un*usual circumstances. Get my meaning?" "You think someone on the inside is helping him?" "Could be. Maybe a guard. Maybe one of his partners from the past." "How are you planning on proving it, though? I mean, if your assumptions are correct?" Billy grinned. "Tell me, Perry...what comes after twelve?" "Thirteen...why?" Perry creased his brow, confused. Then, he saw the meaning of his words. "Oh!" * * * Nate Walters, warden of Holton Prison for Men (est. 1919), smiled at his newest inmate. Patrick Frederickson widened his eyes slightly. The smile was horrid. A cross between a sneer and a grimace, Walters' smile made his blood curdle for about two seconds, then faded away into his memory, like a nightmare that disappears as soon as you wake up. "Let's see, here...." Walters sifted through several papers lying in front of him. "This is some record you have here, Frederickson...quite impressive." He looked over the round rims of his eyeglasses at the scruffy man standing on the other side of his desk. "Have a seat." Frederickson, wiry and blessed with a full head of red hair, gently pulled up a chair and sat in it. "We run a tight ship here, Frederickson. The prison that transferred you here was obviously not as well-run." Frederickson just stared. "You will be guarded at all times. Isolation cells *do* exist here, so I will advise you not to push your luck." Walters glanced at Frederickson again. He was still staring straight ahead. "Recreation time is from 2 to 5 in the afternoon. Breakfast is at seven, lunch at twelve, and dinner at six. And you can stow the smirk." Frederickson wondered how Walters had known he was smirking without looking up from his papers. "This is *not* a facility where doctors make appointments to talk to you about what you've done, nor is this a place where a perky maid comes into your cell every morning and makes your bed and puts a chocolate on your it?" Frederickson nodded. He had heard this sermon before. "Porter!" Frederickson could have sworn that the guard who walked through the door almost saluted Walters. "Get him out of here." Walters gestured at Frederickson. "See you later," he said, flashing another wicked smile at Patrick. Frederickson was being led down the hall to his cell when he heard Walters' voice resonating off the walls. "By the way, one has ever escaped from Holton alive. No one." Frederickson just smiled. * * * "Uh...Mr. Walters?" "What is it, Crandall?" Walters asked without looking up from his desk. "There are three guards waiting in the next room...transferred from MSP also, I believe." "Oh, right...I almost forgot. Send them in, please, Crandall." Steven Crandall breathed a sigh of relief as he left the room. Talking to the warden after meetings with inmates was not particularly a good idea. "You can go in now," he said to the three, bouncer-type men sitting in the waiting area, nearly breaking the chairs with their bulk. Gary Scott stood up along with Andrew McCormick and the guard simply known as Dusty. "Thank you, Mr. Crandall. It was a pleasure meeting you." After the three had gone into Walters' office, Crandall realized that a prison guard known for his brutal disciplinary methods had spoken politely to him. He spun around and looked at the door Scott and the others had just passed through. Raising his eyebrows, Crandall murmured a thoughtful "hmm" to the pencil box sitting on his desk. * * * "Ah, Mr....Scott, is it?" Scott nodded curtly and gestured at his fellow guards. "Andrew McCormick and Dusty, my colleagues." "Of course," Walters said, smiling. "Sit down, please." After everyone was situated -- Dusty remained standing -- Walters asked, "So you're all from Metropolis State Prison?" All three men nodded. "Why exactly were you transferred?" McCormick smiled sheepishly. "Well, frankly, sir, the warden at MSP didn't like the way we handled the prisoners. We all admit now that some things we did were wrong...we're just a little rougher than the other guards." "But we saw the men you have here when we were escorted inside," Scott added. "Looks like you could actually use a little physical discipline with these guys." Walters acknowledged this with a smile. "Sometimes it certainly seems like it." He paused and looked at Dusty, who stood as if his toenails had grown into roots, content to let his partners do the talking. "But I need to know...have you ever killed a prisoner, whether accidentally or on purpose?" Scott stared at his hands, which were resting in his lap. He looked up briefly, saw Walters' stern face, then immediately lowered his head again. "Yes." The smile spread across Walters' face again. "Good." That was when Scott noticed how strange Walters' smile was. It looked almost like he was grimacing, his lips pulled flat against his gums so that they appeared white. He had an extreme overbite, which made things even more strange. Scott glanced at McCormick and Dusty, wondering if they had noticed this peculiarity about their new boss. But they were smiling too. He slowly began to show his teeth, his reluctance evident. The warden assigned them new posts and the meeting was over. But the three guards hadn't told Walters the real reason they were transferred. And chances of telling him were very slim. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 03:10:45 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Rachel Madden Subject: NEW: "The Legend of Norcross and Judd: Exposition" (4/?) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit * * * Billy watched Serena as she filled her mug with coffee. He hadn't noticed earlier that morning, but she limped slightly when she walked, favoring her right foot over her left. And he couldn't be sure, but he thought he saw a bruise on her right cheek.... Billy shook his head. He knew the cause of the injuries. And he was about ready to kick its rear end into oblivion. He could, too. Billy was a big guy. Always a head taller than the other boys when he was growing up. Still was. Serena only came up to his shoulder. He pondered as he walked to the coffee pot. Chad had been nothing but trouble for Ser since he moved into the apartment next to hers. He drank, he fought, got in trouble with the MPD, and then did it all over again. He paid his rent with drug money and somehow managed to survive his hangovers, bar fights, entanglements with the police, and daily heroin intake. Billy considered him one of the many slimeballs of Metropolis, and he was. He truly was. Only a miracle could save him. And Chad somehow got it into his head that Ser was the miracle he needed. Sometimes Billy thought that relationships was Ser's only weakness. She had other faults, of course, but the only one she let get out of hand was her relationship problem. Ser had run away from home when she was 14, and her parents died in a car accident while they were looking for her. Her older brother, Jack, had joined the Navy when she was 11. He never came home. She jumped around in foster homes until the jackpot was finally -- inevitably -- hit. In 1954, when Ser was 16, she moved in with Mr. and Mrs. John Rinehart, a couple that had been pining for a child since they had gotten married four years earlier. Their excessively sentimental attitudes had been recognized by the adoption agency; the agency was more than willing to put Ser into their seemingly loving, gentle hands. However, as soon as Ser arrived home with her new foster parents, those hands turned into physically threatening weapons. The abuse carried on until Ser turned 18 and moved out. She worked at a fast food restaurant, but hardly earned enough money to support herself. Soup kitchens were sometimes necessary, and at one particular soup kitchen, Ser was discovered by Lorena King, the kindly ancient woman behind the Information Desk at The Daily Planet offices who happened to be volunteering at the soup kitchen that day. Lorena persuaded Tom Walsh to give Ser a job at the Daily Planet. And that's where Billy met Ser 6 years later. In the place of that scared, foolish little girl, there was a successful, brilliant young woman. And there were four Kerth awards to prove it. Billy walked over to where Ser was standing by the coffee table and touched her shoulder lightly. She jumped, sending hot coffee all over her clothes. "Oh, jeez, Ser, I'm sorry...." Serena grabbed some napkins and began dabbing at her skirt as BILLY started cleaning up the floor. He looked worriedly at her, not knowing what she was doing, as her back was turned towards him. He tensed when Ser turned around, expecting some huge explosion, but she simply bent down and helped Billy pick up the coffee-soaked napkins. "So much for Tom's new carpet," she said with a small smile. They both dropped their napkins in the wastebasket at the same time, and their hands touched. Ser let out a tiny, shuddering gasp. Billy just stood and watched as Ser started walking down the hall to the ladies' room. "Serena," he called. She stopped at the sound of his voice. Billy walked up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. This time she didn't jump. "I know there's something going on with Chad," he whispered, drawing closer to her ear. "Anytime you want to talk...." She was crying, he could tell. Her back was pressed against his chest, and he could sense his heartbeat speeding up, just as hers was doing. He watched as she started rubbing the back of her fisted right hand with the palm of her left, a habit she reverted to when she was nervous or afraid. He gently steadied her hands with his own and wrapped his arms around her small frame, her fingers still intertwined with his. Ser leaned into her best friend's embrace gratefully, relaxing in his arms, feeling a wave of security wash over her. She felt Billy's grip tighten, pulling her closer still, and Ser's tears began to fall anew. Billy really cared for her. He had noticed something was wrong and had confronted her about it. Her other friends wouldn't have seen anything behind her mask of smiles and laughs. But Billy had seen right through it. He truly was her best friend. And...was he something more? Her feelings were certainly telling her an emphatic yes right now. But her head -- and all the bruises and cuts on her body -- were telling her differently. She was afraid Chad would get angry again if he found out that she had started another relationship. He would probably beat her up again. But Billy...God, she was beginining to think she loved him. But she was so scared...relationships had never been her strong suit.... She heard Billy whisper, "I'm here for you, Ser. My ears are always open if you need someone to talk to." Then he started to pull away. "I'll let you change your clothes...." But Ser grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "Thank you, BIlly. You have no idea how much I appreciate...your concern." Ser smiled through her tears and reached up to hug him. Strong arms enveloped her, and then warm lips touched her forehead. Then he out of the dark hallway, walking back towards his desk. Ser touched her forehead where Billy had kissed her and smiled. * * * Perry decided that Steven Crandall had a nervous tick. Anyone would have one in a job like this. He was beginning to develop one himself. Serena and Billy were fidgeting impatiently in their chairs and Walters' assistant looked on, his left eye twitching every so often. There was complete silence except for the constant tick of the second hand on the clock and the occasional shouts from the depths of Walters' office. Billy and Ser looked at each other, and Perry looked at Crandall. Steven was unbending a paperclip, closing his eyes every time a raised voice was heard. Suddenly there was a loud thud, and before anyone could react, the door was flung wide open and a burly man in a guard's uniform stormed out. Perry got a glimpse of the man's nametag as he rushed by -- something Scott. Swear words were thrown at the man from within the office, and Crandall quickly disappeared into the room, mumbling a strained "Just a second" before closing the door behind him. Perry sat back down in his chair and watched as Billy and Ser immediately started to go through Crandall's desk and filing cabinet, checking every file as quickly as they could before putting it in the exact position it had been in. Perry was incredulous. "What are you guys doing?" Billy briefly looked up from the file he was looking at and said calmly, "Investigating." "Investigating? But you have no right to search through his desk! There might be personal items in there!" "Obviously," Serena said. She held up a bottle of vodka and a pair of women's underwear. Perry gasped. Billy and Ser smiled. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 03:13:07 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Rachel Madden Subject: NEW: "The Legend of Norcross and Judd: Exposition" (5/?) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit * * * Crandall had barely gotten into the room when a letter opener came flying at his head, missing his ear by inches. "Jesus, Crandall! Who does that Scott think he is? The God of all prison guards? I don't think so! No, sir! He does *not* have authority over me! I make the decisions regarding the prisoners, not him!" "Yes, sir," Crandall said feebly. All he could do was wait for his boss to calm down before letting the reporters in. Or they were likely to get their heads ripped off. But what he didn't know was that he was giving the reporters ample time to research Patrick Frederickson. * * * When Crandall finally got the chance to remind Walters of his visitors from the Daily Planet and walked back into the waiting area, Billy and Ser were back in their seats, Perry hiding behind a magazine in the corner. "This way, please," Crandall said, holding the door open for the trio. When they got inside, the first thing Ser did was take out her pen and notebook. Perry could almost see the column of smoke trickle out of Walters' nose. "You called to ask permission to interview my new *guards*, Ms. Judd...not me." "This is simply a little insurance -- if we happen to dig up anything incriminating, I want to remember this little heart-to-heart we're about to have." "Well, that is where your assumptions are wrong...if you find anything incriminating -- which, assuredly, you will not -- I can tell you right now that I do not know anything about it." Billy spoke up. "We're not saying anything right now, Mr. Walters. We're just investigating right now." He turned and winked at Ser and Perry, since Walters was staring at his desk again. "Well, do as you wish. My guards will be here shortly." Ser smiled sweetly and winked back at Billy when Walters got up from his desk. "Whatever you'd like, Mr. Walters. We'll interview you later, perhaps?" Billy smiled and watched Walters as he opened the door and yelled for Crandall to page Scott, McCormick, and Dusty and ask them where the hell they were. Walters turned back to Billy and Ser. "Sure. I have nothing to hide." Perry had awaken from his doze when Walters mentioned Scott. That name sounded familiar.... Oh, that's right. Scott was the name of the guard that had stomped out of Walters' office not five minutes ago. That was interesting. But what could it mean? That Walters and Scott didn't like each other too much? That Scott was acting up and Walters was getting on his case? 'Oh, come on, Perry,' he thought to himself. 'You don't know what you're talking about. Leave the analyzing up to Billy and Ser.' Walters walked back to his desk and sat down. Billy and Ser were absorbing everything. Every detail was noticed and stored in a special part of their minds that could be called up in the blink of an eye. The plants, the locations of the windows, the pictures on the wall, the dimensions of the room...the list went on and on. Their photographic memories never ceased to amaze Perry. Why, they could probably remember facts from an investigation they wrote about four years ago. There was a knock on the door. "Come in," Walters said. To Perry, it sounded like Walters was trying to restrain his anger, trying to keep himself from yelling. Walters was smart in realizing that Billy and Serena would notice and perhaps use his explosive temper against him at a later time. It didn't really matter to Perry. He had already seen the damage Walters' temper could do. Billy and Ser had also. So whatever Walters was trying to do -- whether to keep hold of what little dignity he had left or keep himself from having a heart attack -- it wasn't really working. Walters looked as if he were going to pass out from the pressure. Billy and Serena immediately recognized the man they had seen just moments before. Two new guards were with him, both equal to him in size and bulk. They stood awkwardly for a few seconds before they found extra chairs and brought them up to Walters' desk. One of the guards remained standing by the door. "Ms. Judd, Mr. Norcross, Mr. White, meet Gary Scott, Andrew McCormick, and Dusty," Walters said, gesturing at each guard as he said their name. The guards nodded. Dusty tipped his uniform hat at Serena. "Ms. Judd and Mr. Norcross are here to ask you a few questions for an article they are doing on prisons," Walters said to the three guards. "I have given them permission to ask whatever they would like, so be cooperative and try to answer intelligently, hmm?" Silently defying Walters, Scott sat staring straight ahead. McCormick spoke for all three. "Yes, sir." Walters nodded, and with one last glance at Scott, exited the room and closed the door. Serena glanced at Billy again. They had already discussed how they would subtly get the answers they needed from Scott, McCormick, and Dusty while appearing to conduct an innocent interview about working conditions in prisons. But Billy appeared nervous. He was probably thinking that they had been wrong. These guards didn't look like the type that would help a dangerous criminal escape from prison. Serena, however, was not as skeptical as Billy. She looked at Scott. His expression was calm enough. McCormick and Dusty had similar attitudes: ones of acceptance of the inevitable. They were all hiding something. Just the look in their eyes gave them away. Serena smiled...wait until she started asking questions and they started squirming around in their seats. Perhaps then Billy would change his mind. * * * And that's all I have so far.... :) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2002 12:44:04 +0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Gay Devlin Subject: Research Data Needed In-Reply-To: MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed Happy New Year Everyone With some holiday time available I am continuing to work on my L&C research and am trying to find some early data that I am hoping an obliging FoLC will have. 1. An article called LOIS & CLARK CO-EXECUTIVE PRODUCER - DOROTHY JOY LEVINE. Written by Simon Bacal it appeared in Starburst Magazine, issue #188 around April 1994. 2. Videos and/or video scripts of early 1993/1994 L&C related Press Conferences. I remember watching a few of these at LAFF 2000 but am not sure who to contact about them. Is there someone who can point me in the right direction for either of these? I would be really grateful for any assistance FoLCs could offer. Gay ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 05:16:01 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: Re: NEW: "The Legend of Norcross and Judd: Exposition" (5/?) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Rachel, I'm not sure what type of help you're looking for. All I can say is that I've enjoyed your story more than I would have thought possible since there's nary a Clark or a Lois in sight. It's very well written, very entertaining, the dialogue is snappy and moves along nicely, and you certainly caught my interest. I can see where the ensuing conversation is going to be difficult to write. Perhaps you could watch a police TV show and pattern the interview after one of theirs. NYPD Blue has particularly good examples of interviewing prisoners sometimes. I think once you've managed to write this conversation, you'll find that your writer's block has disappeared. Good luck. I'm eager to read the rest of the story, Irene ===== __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Photos - Share your holiday photos online! ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 12:04:48 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: Fanfic Recommendations Happy New Year, everyone! I've just seen the Archive update (it wasn't updated yesterday, at least by UK time ;)), and among some really good fic, two of my favourite stories this year are there. First, there is LabRat's excellent, poignant, heartwrenching, funny and sensual Are You Lonesome Tonight. Anyone who hasn't yet read this brilliant story by one of FoLCdom's favourite authors, get over there *NOW* and find out for yourselves how great it is. And if you don't need at least a handful of tissues by the time you've finished, I'll call you a heartless monster! Second, there is Tracey's wonderful A Love Well Worth The Wait. Anyone who loves romantic, angsty pre-relationship stories will adore this. The premise is that, having worked together for four years, Lois and Clark never became more than friends, and eventually Clark moved away. The story begins a year on, and Tracey's writing captures the longing both of them experience for the other so well. I had a lump in my throat re-reading it just now. Of course, being a romantic story, they *do* meet again... ;) Oh, and there's a clever A-plot involving a couple of series villains as well. A great story, from one of 2000's most talented new authors. Wendy ------------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 12:11:43 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: Re: Fanfic Recommendations Further to my recommendation of A Love Well Worth The Wait, I've just noticed that it's one of the stories to be affected by a transmission glitch. There is a large chunk missing from the middle. :( So I'd suggest that anyone wanting to read it might wait until Kathy returns and can sort out the corrupted files, or track the sections down using the index for Zoom's message boards, where it was originally posted. Wendy ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 11:24:33 -0600 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: timothy truitt Organization: tnt technical services Subject: Re: NEW: "The Legend of Norcross and Judd: Exposition" (5/?) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Rachael I'm with Irene here. I don't know what help I can give. I've enjoyed what you've written thus far, and want to encourage you to continue the story. Hopefully some of the other writers may be able to brainstorm you over your writer's block. good luck Happy New Year merry ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 07:27:43 +1100 Reply-To: "" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jenny or Joe Stosser Subject: Re: Research Data Needed MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi, I'm not sure about the Starburst article, especially as the Exec = Producer on L&C was not DOROTHY, but DEBORAH Joy Levine. However I do have copies of the three L&C press conferences and have put = them on my website. The URLs are (/me goes to take a quick look!) &=20 Enjoy! Jen -*-This message is umop ap!sdn (Jenerator or Some1Else on IRC) -*- JenerEight on AIM -*- ICQ 11477318=20 Photos of David (8) and Megan (5) on the Stosser Family HomePage=20 http// Please sign our guestbook! -----Original Message----- From: Gay Devlin [SMTP:devlin@EMIRATES.NET.AE] Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2002 7:44 PM To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Subject: [LOISCLA-GENERAL-L] Research Data Needed Happy New Year Everyone With some holiday time available I am continuing to work on my L&C = research and am trying to find some early data that I am hoping an obliging FoLC will have. 1. An article called LOIS & CLARK CO-EXECUTIVE PRODUCER - DOROTHY JOY LEVINE. Written by Simon Bacal it appeared in Starburst Magazine, issue #188 around April 1994. 2. Videos and/or video scripts of early 1993/1994 L&C related Press Conferences. I remember watching a few of these at LAFF 2000 but am not sure who to contact about them. Is there someone who can point me in the right direction for either of these? I would be really grateful for any assistance FoLCs could offer. Gay =00 ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 14:21:45 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Judith Williams Subject: Happy! MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit How can I not send an e-mail with this date on it! To all FOLCs everywhere: Happy 01-01-01. The best of everything on this the first day of the third millennium, the 21st century and 2001, the beginning of another L&C odyssey for us all. . :) Jude ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 16:00:37 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: JaT Subject: 7 Days of Superman is finished!!! MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Some how I forgot to send this to the List when I sent it to everyone else. ADHD, go figure. --- JaT wrote: > Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 19:54:56 -0800 (PST) > From: JaT > > Here is the link to the webpage location > > Html > > > Text with out word wrap. > > > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Yahoo! Photos - Share your holiday photos > online! > > ===== World's Wisdom (a bumper sticker): He who dies with the most toys wins. God's Wisdom (Luke 12:15b): Be careful and guard against all kinds of greed. Life is not measured by how much one owns. NCV WIP for MR_D8A: 7 Days of Superman-TOC WIP for Elisabeth: Story of a Lifetime-TOC __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Photos - Share your holiday photos online! ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 19:15:25 +1100 Reply-To: "" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jenny or Joe Stosser Subject: Dean's interview in Blue magazine MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I bought a copy of this mag to send to a FoLC in the US, and with her permission have scanned the article. I'm told that all the photos are fairly old: there's two of Dean in a striped t-shirt that are apparently from a mag from early 1996, one of him in a wetsuit, and one of him in the wet white business shirt. I don't know if this article has appeared elsewhere, some bits are vaguely familiar... I think I've got rid of all the typos, but maybe not. With his jet-black hair, killer smile and muscular frame, Dean Cain screams 'leading man'. Yet it's taken a while for the 34-year-old Princeton graduate and former footballer to make the transition to the big screen. Best known for playing the fearless superhero in tv's Llois & Clark: The New Adventures Of Superman, Cain didn't land a major role until his turn as an ex-Green Beret in 1777's Best Men, opposite Drew Barrymore. Now there's The Broken Hearts Club, written and directed by Dawson's Creek scriptwriter Greg Berlanti. Shot in under three weeks for a little over $US1 million, this feelgood pic focuses on a close-knit group of gay men living, laughing and loathing in West Hollywood. Cain plays Cole, an aspiring actor with a strong taste for fame and an even stronger fear of commitment. Co-starring Timothy Olyphant [Go, Gone In 60 Seconds} and Frasier's John Mahoney, The Broken Hearts Club was a hit at this year's Sundance Film Festival, where it received three standing ovations. Born in Mt Clemens, Michigan, Cain's exotic looks can be traced back to his Welsh, French and Japanese heritage. The step-son of director Christopher Cain [The Karate Kid}, Dean moved to Los Angeles with his mother and brother while still a child and attended Santa Monica High School, where he rubbed shoulders with Rob and Chad Lowe, Sean and Chris Penn, and Emilio Estevez. A talented football player, Cain was set to play for the Buffalo Bills after graduating with honours from Princeton, but a knee injury during pre-season camp ended his gridiron career. Returning to LA, Cain studied acting and found work guest-starring on various shows, before landing a season on Beverly Hills 90210. Lois & Clark made him a household name, but with a part in Jerry Zucker's upcoming comedy Rat Race, as well as a lead in sci-fi flick For The Cause, Dean Cain may never have to wear his underpants on the outside of his costume again. Let's get right to the point. Are you gay? No, I'm not gay. Did you wonder if I was gay? Then I must have done my job well! That's beautiful. Someone asked me the same thing about Tim Olyphant. I said, "If you're asking that question. then he obviously did his job." There has been speculation about your orientation... I haven't been speculating! When this opportunity came up, were you concerned that it would add to the rumour? I really don't think there's any stigma attached to a straight actor playing a gay character. Once upon a time it may have hurt their career, but I think people are more educated now. I think what's much more difficult is for an actor who is gay to openly say they're gay; I think that will hurt their career horribly. Anne Heche is a great example of that. People watched Six Days, Seven Nights and said, "She's gay, I don't see the chemistry." It's unfair. but that's the way it is right now. But it will probably change in time, too. What attracted you to this project? Most gay films are about sex, but this film is about romance - it's a universal theme. If people can appreciate intelligent humour. then they can appreciate this film. When I first read the script. I was giggling from page one. By the third page. I was laughing out loud and reading scenes to my brother. Once I'd finished I knew I had to do this movie. It certainly wasn't a financial choice, because there was virtually no budget. In fact, it's a testament to the producers, and obviously Greg Berlanti, that they were able to do such a great job with such little money. Tell me about rehearsals. When any of the cast greeted one another, we had to kiss on the cheek and hug. Thats the way it was. By the time we came to shoot, it was completely organic because we'd been doing that since rehearsals. So this group of actors from very diverse backgrounds. we became friends really quickly. And we're still friends - that's the great thing. I hear you had to go to 'gay school'. We all got together to ask questions during rehearsals. One of the first things my character gets called is 'bottom boy'. I didn't know what that meant, so I had to ask. And Greg said. "Imagine playing football. and you're the centre." I was like. "Oh, okay." Greg was great about that. Everything was on the table, because we had to understand who we were playing. it was pretty enlightening, to put it mildly. You had love scenes. How was that? It's one thing to read on paper, but it's another thing to get in there and actually do it. That goes for scenes with girls and guys! Half the time it's, "Hi, how are you? Great!" Then suddenly, "Okay, you guys are going to be kissing in this next scene." It's uncomfortable for anyone. But it was very important that Andrew Keegan's character and Cole kissed, in order to see how flippant and detached Cole can be. So we tried to fake it a couple of times, and Greg said, "Cut! Okay guys, we can see you're faking it." So we said, "Let's just do it." And it was no big deal - done, finished, perfect, great. That was it. What was it like to play a character like Cole? It felt like dropping the reins a Little bit. He's always charming everybody. Even if he's breaking up with somebody he's trying to charm them. It was very freeing to play him. The things he does aren't very nice or noble, but he tries to do them as nicely as possible. He doesn't mean ill by any of it. Do you like Cole? I like him very much, because you know what he's about. I know people like Cole - guys and girls. So I took this whole little group of people and played them. You always play what you know best, and I know some people like him very well! Did this film enlighten you about gay issues? Yes, tremendously, although in some ways I was already aware. So many members of Hollywood society are gay, and I've grown up around it. Some of the kids I grew up with have come out of the closet, people I see every day. Do you think some of your Lois & Clark fans will go and see this film? I sure hope so. Part of the reason why I'm promoting The Broken Hearts Club so hard is because, of all the films I've done so far, this is the one I'm most proud of. It says something and it means something. It's about relationships and people trying to find their place in this world. The relationships are actually very similar to heterosexual relationships - that's the way it works - but a lot of people don't understand that. If they see it and they're disappointed, maybe that's because they have other issues. Have you had any feedback so far? Well, I'm considered mainstream. People don't expect me to turn up in a gay-themed movie. But someone came up to me after seeing it and said, "I gotta tell you, I'm gay, and there were times in my life when I wanted to kill myself. Virtually every gay man I know has come close to doing that. You being in this film might say to some people. 'if he's going to play a gay person and he's proud of playing that character, maybe it's not such a bad thing to be gay. People may not kill themselves as a result.'" Now, I don't know if I'd go that far, but even so. I've even had people coming up to me who I didn't know were gay, and outing themselves! How did your parents feet about you doing this film? I took them to Sundance to see it. My dad,being a farm boy from South Dakota, wasn't realty comfortable with the gay subject matter. My mum wasn't realty comfortable with it either. The shot of me kissing another man on screen made them edgy. But they lked the movie in spite of themselves! How's your gaydar? Sometimes it picks up on things. It just depends. After two drinks it's pretty dead on. How are gay friendships different to straight ones? For many heterosexual, you have your family and then you have your friends. In a lot of gay circles, however, I've noticed that friends are family. I think this is because a lot of gay people are ostracised from their families because they're gay. That's unfortunate and ridiculous. I have a three-month-old son. If he grows up to be a football player. God bless him. If he grows up to be gay, God bless him. If he grows up to be a gay football player. that's even better! I don't care what he is. I just want to love and support him. What if he wants to be an actor? I'd caution him against it. "MOST GAY FILMS ARE ABOUT SEX, BUT THIS FILM IS ABOUT ROMANCE - IT'S A UNIVERSAL THEME IF PEOPLE CAN APPRECIATE INTELLIGENT HUMOUR, THEN THEY CAN APPRECIATE THIS FILM." "OF ALL THE FILMS I'VE DONE SO FAR, THIS IS THE ONE I'M MOST PROUD OF. IT SAYS SOMETHING AND IT MEANS SOMETHING.." Jen -*-This message is umop ap!sdn (Jenerator or Some1Else on IRC) -*- JenerEight on AIM -*- ICQ 11477318 Photos of David (8) and Megan (5) on the Stosser Family HomePage http// Please sign our guestbook! ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 20:43:39 +1100 Reply-To: "" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jenny or Joe Stosser Subject: Re: Dean's interview in Blue magazine Comments: To: jem MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Jem, I think you meant to send this to the whole list, so I'll reply to you and the list at the same time... In (very) brief: Dean had a short relationship with Samantha Torres, a Spanish ex Playboy model. After they broke up, she discovered she was pregnant. The baby was born this year, named Christopher Dean Cain, and Dean and Samantha, although not living together as a couple, are raising the boy together. If I've got anything in this wrong, I'm sure there'll be plenty of people who can correct me. Jen -*-This message is umop ap!sdn (Jenerator or Some1Else on IRC) -*- JenerEight on AIM -*- ICQ 11477318 Photos of David (8) and Megan (5) on the Stosser Family HomePage http// Please sign our guestbook! -----Original Message----- From: jem [] Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2001 8:35 PM To: Subject: Re: Dean's interview in Blue magazine It's not until I read something that makes my eyes pop out of my head and roll around on the floor do I realise just how busy I have been this past year with a new job. Could someone pretty please email me offlist tell me how Dean got a three-month-old son? And if anyone sends me a lecture on the birds and the bees I'll have to become mean :) jem PS: Pretty Please? ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jenny or Joe Stosser" To: Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2001 7:15 PM Subject: Dean's interview in Blue magazine > families because they're gay. That's unfortunate and ridiculous. I have a > three-month-old son. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 06:44:42 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Alexis W." Subject: "ADITLOM" (RPG) Fifty-fifth Installment, Week #56 (Part 1 of 2) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable This is the fifty-fifth installment of my rpg on yahoo called, "A Day in the Life of Metropolis." Go to: Private feedback welcomed! =3D) =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Cast List: Cat Grant: Renda Perry White: Renda Mayson Drake: Renda Anya Starr: Tabitha Dick Grayson: Dave Jimmy Olsen: Tina T. Bruce Wayne: Sam F. * * * * WEEK #56 Irish Pub Perry White looked at his watch and got up and went over to Cat and=20 Diego. "Hi hon, do you think it is time we left for the airport?" Cat looked at Perry and smiled. "Yes, Chief I do, as a matter of fact,=20 Diego and I were about to come to the table and tell you all that it's=20 time to get out luggage and head for the airport." Cat walked over to Anya and Dick and said goodbye to them. Then Cat,=20 Diego, Perry, Ramone and Mayson and Dan left the pub and had their=20 luggage put into the limo. **************************************************=20 Perry calls Wayne Manor In the limo on the way to the airport, Perry called Wayne Manor and left=20 a message for Jimmy Olsen and Lucy Lane. "Hi Jimmy, it's Monday evening and we are headed for the airport. The=20 flight will leave in about two hours. If you and Lucy want to join us,=20 you can board the flight at gate 12. Bye now. Perry." Perry hung up the phone and turned back to his paperwork. Cat looked at Mayson and said, "I hope this flight goes smoother than=20 the last one." Mayson nodded and said, "I believe it will, Cat. I really believe it=20 will."=20 >tbc< * * * * Re: Revelation Anya=E2=80=99s heart beat quickened at his touch. But she couldn't help but=20= wonder=20 what he had to tell her. She strapped on an extra helmet and got on the=20 motocycle behind Dick. She wrapped her arms around his stomach as they=20 raced toward the park. She loved how free she felt as the wind beat=20 against them.=20 Dick took in the fresh chill of the night air as he and Anya raced=20 through midtown traffic. He wasn't sure if he had done the right thing,=20 wasn't sure what Anya felt about him now. What could she be thinking?=20 What if she was frightened of him now? He could feel her soft touch, her=20 head resting gently against the leather on his back. And would Dick tell Bruce what had happened? Could he possibly explain=20 to the Dark Knight how this young woman had entered his life and=20 revealed his... their... greatest secret? But most importantly, as they meandered through the Gotham night scene,=20 motorcycle engine purring with power, Dick wondered if he had just put=20 this extraordinary young woman for whom he cared so much for in terrible=20 danger...=20 =20 Anya watched the buildings race by wondering what Dick was going to tell=20 her. "We're here," she shouted over the wind and other traffic as she saw=20 the park. She was excited and nervous, but she trusted him. It amazed=20 her how quick she had come to care for him.=20 >tbc< * * * * The Gotham Airport! Catherine, Perry, Mayson, Diego, Ramone and Dan gave their luggage over=20 to the Grant Industries crew person and waited in the airport lobby to=20 hear from Jimmy Olsen and Lucy Lane. "Great Shades of Elvis! I left Jimmy a message Cat!" Cat smiled and patted the Chief's shoulder. "Don't worry Chief, Jimmy=20 will either arrive here or take another flight." Diego flipped open his cell phone and made several calls in Spanish. Ramone and Mayson talked to one another and Dan Scardino sometimes=20 joined in the conversation. Catherine Grant decided that she was going to oversee everything that=20 entered the jet this time. "No room for more trouble in the air!" she=20 said aloud. Perry looked like he would blow an artery. Something had happened to a=20 machine at the Planet and he was anxious to get back. "Just what we need, breakdown at the Planet!" Cat said as she stopped=20 some packages that were going to be loaded onto her jet.=20 >tbc< * * * * Re: Revelation Dick brought the motorcycle to a parking lot and shut the engine off. He=20 watched as Anya got off, and turned to look at her as he took his=20 redbird helmet off. "I've only been here once... right after I ran away=20 from the Manor one night..." He held out his hand again, wondering why=20 he had felt so comfortable doing so as many times as he had these past=20 few days. "Take us someplace quiet," he said softly. Anya took his hand in hers and smiled. "I come here a lot ever since=20 I've moved to Gotham. Don't know why, but this park always takes my=20 breath away," she said as she walked with him into a secluded grove of=20 trees. >tbc< * * * * Re: To Gotham Airport! Cat looked at the stuff on the cart and saw that it was their food.=20 "Okay this can board." She patted Perry's shoulder and said, "Chief, we will be boarding in a=20 few minutes, I'll get you back to the Planet." Perry nodded and smiled.=20 >tbc< * * * * Re: Revelation Dick looked at her. "Have you ever had a boyfriend?" Anya looked at him in surprise. "What a question. yes I did about a year=20 and half ago until he dumped me for a blonde. You ever had a=20 girlfriend?" she asked Dick. He smiled. "Sorry, didn't mean to surprise you like that. I know we've=20 only known each other for..." Dick glanced down at his watch. "Actually=20 a little over 48 hours, I think. But, I just feel like..." He broke off.=20 "No, I've never had time for a girlfriend. I've never had time for much=20 of anything." Dick took a deep breath. "Are you mad at me? For not being honest, I=20 mean. Please understand, I just didn't want to hurt you... didn't want=20 you to be frightened... of me..."=20 >tbc< * * * * Grant Industries flight 1863! Catherine Grant walked into the jet and made her way to the cock pit.=20 She sat down in the pilot's chair and started a pre flight check. The=20 co-pilot came in and sat down. "Welcome, Ms. Grant. You and I haven't flown together in a while." Cat smiled and said, "Yes, it has been a while. My job at the Planet=20 keeps me busy!" They sipped fresh coffee and Cat and Charlie finished their check list! The passenger's were boarding. Diego stepped into the cock pit and said, "Hello, My Love. Our lives are=20 in your capable hands." Cat smiled up at him and replied, "Diego! I just hope we have a safe and=20 uneventful flight home." Diego nodded and kissed her cheek.=20 >tbc< * * * * Re: Revelation "It's only been 48 hours? Wow it seems longer," she said with a small=20 smile. "I am not mad at you for being late. Well I was a little upset=20 but I am just human. Why do you think you frighten me? I don't scare=20 easily. I could never be afraid of you," Anya assured Dick. Dick looked away. "But now.. things are different. Now, you know." He=20 looked down. "The last thing I want is to put you in danger." He=20 clenched his fist, biting his lip, trying desperately to decide what to=20 say next. "Maybe... maybe it's best if we break this off... before we=20 get too serious... before I hurt you." He whispered softly. "I just=20 can't let that happen... I don't want to see you hurt."=20 =20 Anya stared at him in shock. "I think this is probably my turn to=20 protest. You and I are the only ones who know I know, so I won't be in=20 danger. I can take care of myself. Dick..." Anya took a deep breath and=20 stared up at the stars. She had no idea what to say. "I just don't want=20 to see this fall through. I love you. I never thought it could happen in=20 two short days but it has," she stated.=20 Dick looked at her, shock running through his eyes.=20 "Anya... I don't know what to say..." He stepped away from her again, as=20 if trying to find his thoughts, his feelings. "I... I love you too."=20 Dick shook his head, unable to believe what he said. "But that doesn't=20 matter." He walked towards her and reached out to gently caress her=20 cheek. "The things I do, night after night, it's dangerous. I don't want=20 you to have to live that, don't want you to have to see that world."=20 He could feel the tears welling up in his eyes, as he could hear his=20 mother's soft voice whispering to him in the gentle wind. "You've gone=20 through too much pain... please... I don't want you to have to go=20 through any more. I want so much for you to be happy..." Dick turned, and took a few steps away, hoping that Anya couldn't see=20 his frustration, his pain. He could feel her gaze on his back as he=20 looked out onto the star-filled horizon.=20 Anya clinched her fists in frustration until she felt her nails bite into=20 her palm. "I am happy...with you. Though right now you're killing me.=20 You don't have to do this Dick, I've failed telling you otherwise I=20 guess," said Anya to his back. "But I'll be waiting, I guess I am just=20 stubborn that way," she stated. "I love you," she whispered as a single=20 tear rolled down her cheek. Anya wiped it away quickly.=20 >tbc< * * * * Re: Grant Industries flight 1863! Cat finished her check list and decided to check on the passengers. "Hi all, are you comfortable?" Mayson and Ramone looked up at her and said, "Yes, Cat we are all fine.=20 Don't worry!" Cat smiled and as she walked on down the aisle she said, "Easy for you=20 to say! You aren't the pilot!"=20 She smiled and patted Perry on the shoulder."Won't be long Chief and you wil= l=20 be back in Metropolis!" Perry looked up and smiled. "Uh,yeah! Cat, but Jimmy is not here yet. "Well, Perry don't worry he can always get a later flight!" Perry smiled but looked frustrated. "Half the reporters are missing!" Cat laughed. "Well, they will just have to make other arrangements!" She walked back to the cock pit and got the jet ready for take off.=20 >tbc< * * * * Re: Revelation Dick turned to her. "Can we make this work?" he asked, quietly.=20 Anya smiled. "I think so. If it doesn't then...we'll cross that bridge=20 when we get to it." Dick moved over to her silently, and held her in his arms. "I love you=20 too..." He whispered, finally saying what had been on his mind.=20 Anya smiled. "I love you to..." she whispered. "And I want to yell it at=20 the top of my lungs from the tallest building so all of Gotham can hear=20 me!" she said with a laugh. Dick's smile widened, and he bent to kiss her again, brushing locks of=20 dark hair from her eyes. "I guess I should show you... everything.=20 Please don't be scared. I just want you to understand what I do... what=20 we do." "Alright, just one more thing before we go," she said and she kissed him=20 again. She gave him dazzling smile. "Now we can go," she said with a=20 laugh. "By the way I don't get scared easily...well except on roller=20 costers but that=E2=80=99s a whole other story. He laugted, and could see the sparkle in her deep eyes. Dick could=20 hardly believe how happy he felt. They walked hand in hand back towards the motorcycle. "I guess being=20 scared isn't a bad thing... I'm scared everytime I put on that costume,=20 and face some lunatic." he smiled. "Tell me about these=20 roller-coasters..." "Yeah I can see where you would be scared, I know I would. Anyway, when I=20 was 11 I was on a roller coster and it broke down right on the top of a=20 hill, it scared the life out of me. I haven't been able to stand on one ever= =20 since," Anya said as she tossed Dick his robin helmet.=20 Dick looked down at his helmet. "I suppose what's important is how we=20 face our fears. We can't let them govern how we act, and what we do. If=20 there's one thing Bruce... Batman... has taught me, it's the power of=20 fear, what fear can do to a person." He looked at her again. "But it=20 takes courage to face that fear, to open up. Just like you have with me.=20 I know you've been through a lot of pain in your life... and I can't=20 tell you how much it means to me that you've trusted me, that you've=20 allowed me to care about you." He reached for her hand. "And if you'll=20 allow me, I want to show you who I am... I'm ready to trust you... and=20 I'm ready to love you."=20 =20 Anya smiled and kissed him. "I am glad. I was afraid I'd lose you for=20 a while there and I don't know if I could bear it," she said. She put on=20 the extra helmet. "Oh and don't get any bright ideas about getting me on=20 a rollar coster, got it?" she said with a laugh. Dick climbed onto the bike and smiled at her before bringing the visor=20 of his helmet over his face. "Deal. You ready?" "Yup. Let's go!" Anya answered as she got on behind Dick. "Do you think=20 Bruce will be mad?" she asked a bit concerned. Dick turned away, and started the engine. Although he heard her=20 question, he didn't want to answer.=20 He tensed, visably. What if Bruce were there when they arrived? For the=20 first time since he had rescued the Batman from Two-Face's trap, the=20 first time he had been Robin, Dick was afraid of Bruce. He shook his head, hoping Anya didn't notice. Maybe Clark would be=20 there, he'd understand. Maybe he should find Clark first. A small beeping sound eminated from his watch. Dick looked down as the=20 face display disolved into an LCD screen, one of the neat toys Wayne=20 Tech had invented. The watch had a direct link to the mighty cray super=20 computers which remained active in the cave, monitoring events in the=20 city. The words "Intruder Alert" appeared in large letters. Dick looked back at Anya, helmet and visor still in place. His muffled voice was drowned out by the purring engine. "Trouble..." >tbc< * * * * Grant Industries 1863 Welcome aboard Grant Industries 1863. We will be cruising at an altitude=20 of 30,000 feet. And with wonderful weather from Gotham to Metropolis we=20 should be on time to Metropolis Airport. So sit back, relax and when the=20 seat belt sign goes off the stewards and stewardesses will begin taking=20 drink orders. This is Catherine Grant your Captain, out! And with that Cat clicked off the com and turned to the co-pilot. "Would=20 you get us some coffee?" "Sure Captain!"=20 Cat sat thinking about the last flight. "Finger's crossed and the wind=20 behind us. God please let this flight be a good one!" And with that Cat=20 kissed the cross pendant she was wearing for luck.=20 =3D=3D=3D=3D Flying high! Perry, Dan, Ramone, Diego, Mayson were all talking and drinking and=20 eating.=20 Enjoying the good weather and the flight, Cat smiled as she checked the=20 gauges and the reports. "Looks like fair sailing!" Just after Cat said the fair sailing comment, they hit tuberlance. "I think I spoke too soon!" =20 >tbc< =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Waking up Jimmy and Lucy woke up in the library and he looked at the time. "Oh sh&t, I was supposed to be on plane back to Metropolis. Perry is=20 going to kill me!" "It=E2=80=99s okay Jimmy, he will understand that we both have been through=20= a=20 ordeal." "No offense Lucy but you don't know Perry as well as I do and heis=20 going to kill me." He got up then. It was a little fast so he fell back down again. "Anyway I don't think you are in any shape to be traveling. So why don't=20 you lie down and I can bring you some tea," Lucy suggested. "No I don't want any tea ,I want to get to the airport and find some way=20 of getting home." "Okay, well let me come with you. I wish I knew where Lois was. I don't like= =20 leaving her without her." "Lois is a big girl and I think she is with Clark so I don't think you=20 need to worry. Plus we have Superman who can always help out." They both got up and started looking for someone that could help them=20 get to the airport. >tbc< ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 06:47:57 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Alexis W." Subject: "ADITLOM" (RPG) Fifty-fifth Installment, (Part 2 of 2) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Flight 1863 =E2=80=9CThis is Grant Industries Flight 1863. Requesting landing instructio= ns=20 Metropolis Tower,=E2=80=9D Cat said as they approached Metropolis Airport. *Well, at least we=E2=80=99re almost home.* =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Metropolis Cat, Perry, Diego, Ramone, Mayson and Dan walked through the gang way=20 and into the Metropolis airport. Perry looked at Cat and said, "Hon it's been a great weekend, but I need=20 to get to the Planet!" "Perry, I anticipated that and I have a limo standing by to take you to=20 the Daily Planet." Perry kissed her cheek and said his goodbyes. Mayson and Cat, Diego and Ramone and Dan got into another limo and made=20 their way to Cat's home. They talked about the weekend's events and all=20 that had happened. After having coffee and cake at Cat's home, Mayson left to go home and=20 rest up for the weeks work in the DA's office. Dan Scardino went to the=20 Lexor Hotel. Ramone and Diego sat with Cat talking about New Orlean's=20 and their business there. "Diego, I hate for you to go alone!" "Princess, I have Ramone with me!" "I know, but I worry about you both!" Ramone looked at her and laughed. "You worry about us?" "Ei Yi Yi!=20 Catherine, we worry about you and the crazy stunts that you pull." Cat laughed and smiled as they left her to catch their flight for New Orlean= s. "Oh Diego! Be careful!" >tbc< * * * * Perry at the Planet! "Great shades of Elvis! What in the King's name have they done to my=20 paper?" Perry White walked through the printing diaster, looking at the machines=20 stuck full of blank paper. Perry groaned aloud as if the machines pain, he could actually feel. "Oh God! My poor machines!" Perry walked back up to the news room and made his way to his office.=20 Pulling out his secret stash of Burbon (Kentucky's finest) he poured=20 himself a liberal shot. Putting his feet up on the edge of his desk he sat in the darkness and=20 wondered when the repair men would arrive.=20 >tbc< * * * * Re: Waking up Jimmy and Lucy decided to take a cab to the airport because they=20 couldn't find anyone from their group. They gathered their stuff and=20 called a cab. "They are all either in Metropolis already or still here but nowhere to=20 be found," Jimmy said in the cab "True, but I still don't like not knowing where Lois is," Lucy said. They got to the airport without any trouble and went to get plane=20 tickets to go home. They found that a plane was just missed a plane so=20 they had to wait another two hours for another one to arrive. "Damn, Perry is going to really kill me this time."=20 "Jimmy it will be alright. He will probably be worried about you." "Lucy, like I said before, you don't know Perry.=E2=80=9D They waited and waited and finally it was time to board the plane. The=20 flight attendants told the passengers to sit back and relax and enjoy=20 the flight but Jimmy could not relax. He couldn't wait till the flight=20 was over. =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Home again Finally the plane landed at the Metropolis airport and although he didn't=20 want to face Perry he decided to go right from the airport, after=20 dropping off Lucy at her place first. They went to his car. "Jimmy, I had a really nice time in Gotham City with you. I hope you=20 don't become a stranger," Lucy said when he was leaving her off at her=20 place. "Of course I won't. I had a great time too." He gave her a small kiss=20 on the lips and went back to his car. He turns around and smiled one=20 more time before getting in and driving away. He was reluctant to go into the newsroom when he arrived but he knew=20 that he had to sooner or later so he got into the elevator. He walked in=20 quietly and crept over to his desk and sat down hoping Perry wouldn't=20 notice.=20 Perry stirred from his catnap and saw someone creeping around. "Who in the Samhill are you and what in blazes are you doing here?"=20 Perry asked and watched a nervous Jimmy fiddling around trying to find the=20 right words. Perry stood up from his chair and downed another shot of burbon. "Well, the Benedict Arnold decides to show up for work aye? Didn't think=20 I'd see you slinking around here aye?" "Olsen, I think you will learn a great lesson in responsibility if you=20 are demoted to copy boy for a month! What do you say to that young man?" Perry was steamed, and his face was red with furstration and alcohol. "Uh Perry, I can explain. I had a concussion and I fell asleep. I=20 honestly was going to be going back with you but I was indisposed."=20 Jimmy knew this was a lost cause but he tried his best. "Aww come on Perry, copy boy? Please don't make me copy boy. I will do=20 anything for you but please don't make me copy boy." "Olsen, the machines are wrecked and I can't even get the next edition=20 out. I just can't depend on anyone anymore." Perry threw up his hand in dispair.=20 =20 "Perry, I will get on the phone and see what is keeping the repairman. I=20 will help you get the edition out. I told you I will do anything." Jimmy was hoping that Perry would be as understanding as Lucy said he=20 would. "Son, I have already called the repairman, his is delayed at another=20 other call, and they said they will have to order the computer chips=20 needed to effect repairs on the machines." Perry told him and put his hands on his hips. Turning he looked out the=20 window, into the sky. "I wonder what Elvis would do!" "Well, I don't know but I will accept whatever punishment you think is=20 best." He hoped that he wouldn't have to be copy boy because that would mean=20 that he would lose his desk and he would be running around constantly.=20 He just stood there and waited for Perry's decision. "Jimmy, I need your computer skills, the guy who usually gets those=20 machines back on line is out sick. If you can work with the repairman=20 and save the Daily Planet and get the early edition out, we will talk=20 about your job!" Perry told Jimmy and sipped another shot of Burbon. "I will do everything in my power to get our machines up and running to=20 get the early edition out on time. You can count on me. I will go wait=20 for them to arrive." Jimmy went over to where they needed to work on the machines and waited=20 for the repair man. He just hoped that he could do just that because=20 his job depended on it. "He, He, He." Perry laughed after Jimmy left to see the machines. "If he thinks that repair is going to be easy! He would need Superman to=20 help him!" Perry made some more phone calls and was told that the top computer=20 mainframe specialist was on her way from New York, and would be there in=20 time to get the Planet up and running. She was even bringing new=20 equipment with her, since the broken machines are under warranty. Perry sat back and called Alice and Jerry to check on them. "Tell Alice=20 I love her Jerry, son. I'll see you both as soon as I can get the paper=20 to bed." Perry walked over to the coffee machine and poured himself a strong,=20 black cup of joe. *We shall see if young Olsen has what it takes to be an excellent=20 Photographer, one from the same cut as Lois and Clark are reporters. If=20 he is, he has a great future ahead of him. If he can just get to work on=20 time!* Perry thought as he paced around the office.=20 =20 >tbc< * * * * to the bat cave!!! She saw Dick look at a watch. Anya held on tight as Dick drove the=20 motocycle a bit faster then the speed limit she was sure. She hoped they=20 wouldn't be pulled over. Dick looked back at Anya as they pulled up to a red light on a busy=20 midtown intersection. Dick raised the visor on his helmet. "Anya, do you=20 know Barbara Wilson?" Dick half shouted over the noise of the engine.=20 =20 "NO WHY?" Anya shouted as loud as she could so she could be heard over=20 the engine and the wind. >tbc< * * * * The maintance repair people arrive! Perry stood up and made his way to the elevator as he saw a pretty=20 female step off the elevator and look around. "May I help you?" Perry asked She turned and said, "I am here to repair the machines!" "Ah great! They are down stairs." Perry told her as he reaches over and=20 pushed the button to call the elevator. They stepped onto the elevator and rode down to the printing room. They=20 exited the elevator and Perry showed her to the broken machines. She looked at them and said, "This should not take too long!"=20 =20 Jimmy followed Perry and the woman downstairs to see if he could be of=20 any help.=20 "Can I be of any help?" Jimmy said. "Yes, Jimmy! You can assist this lady and her crew." Perry said as Jimmy=20 walked up and ask if he could help. The woman looked at Jimmy and Perry. She walked over to Perry and slide=20 her finger down his tie almost to his belt.=20 Perry was uncomfortable and said, "Well good, then Jimmy you assist with=20 the maintance." Perry tried to leave but the woman was still in front of him. Blushing, Perry looked around, hoping that the floor would open up and=20 swallow him.=20 >tbc< =20 * * * * Is the Secret Safe? Bruce picked up the phone on his desk and called the house. "Wayne Manor, how may I help you?" "Alfred, it's me. We have a problem." "What, Sir?" "Lois and Clark were in my chair . . .they're on there way, actually=20 they're probably already there. Go down to the cave and see how much=20 damage has been done." "Of course, Sir." "Did you want to talk to me?" "Yes." "So what did you need to tell me." "Perhaps it can wait in light of this new dilemma." "No, go ahead and tell me." Alfred took a deep breath before he started. "I have looked all over the=20 house, Sir and I cannot find Miss Falcon." "She probably just went out." "Some of her luggage is missing, Sir." "What? Where would she have gone?" "I could not find a note." "D@mn it, this is just what I needed." He sighed before he went on. "You=20 go see about Lois and Clark. I guess I need to get back to the house to=20 try and figure out where she's gone." "Shall I come get you?" "No, I've got a car in the garage. If Lois has seen the cave, hold her=20 there until I can talk to her." "Of course. Drive carefully, Sir." "I will." He hung up. "Sam, where in the h#ll are you? How could you=20 just take off on me?" He walked out of his office and headed for the garage. >tbc< Look for Week #57 coming to a PC near you!=20 Enjoy! =3D) Alexis ;-.) "ADITLOM" arbitrator "Oh, one more thing. If you ever need to find me, all you have to do is loo= k=20 up." (Superman)=20 {LnC, Pilot} ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 07:15:58 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Alexis W." Subject: "ADITLOM" (RPG) Fifty-sixth Installment, Week #57 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable This is the fifty-sixth installment of my rpg on yahoo called, "A Day in the Life of Metropolis." Go to: Private feedback welcomed! =3D) =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Cast List: Perry White: Renda Jimmy Olsen: Tina T. * * * * WEEK #57 Re: The maintance repair people arrive! Jimmy could see that Perry was in trouble so he decided to help him get=20 out of it. He went over to them. "Okay ma=E2=80=99am, what can I do? We need to get the morning paper out asa= p."=20 The Femme Fatale ignored Perry's blushes and Jimmy's pleas to get to=20 work. She hit on Perry hot and heavy.=20 Perry was trying to stay composed. And started telling Jimmy an Elvis=20 story. Jimmy had heard that story before but this time he was noy objecting because= =20 he knew that Perry just wanted a way out but the woman wasn't buying it. The woman reached out and grabbed Perry's deriaire! Just as Alice White=20 walked in! Jimmy saw all of this happening and thought, *uh oh, here comes trouble!* "Who the hell do you think you are?" Alice snapped. "Take your hands off=20 of my husband!" Perry managed to get away from the Catwoman and ran over to Alice. "Now, Alice hon, it isn't what you are thinking!" Perry tried to get Alice to believe him. Alice pushed past Perry and walked over to the female repair person. "I'll thank you to do your job from now on, and leave the men at the=20 Daily Planet alone! If you don't, I can assure you, that you will not=20 have a job!" Jimmy had to stop himself from laughing. He had never really seen=20 Alice like this. He thought it was cool. Alice walked back over to Perry and Jimmy and said, "If that Bit_h so=20 much as moves in a suggestive way towards either of you. Let me know and=20 her job is history!" "Sure thing Mrs White," Jimmy said.=20 Alice was so angry that she forgot why she'd come to the Planet to see=20 Perry about. She stormed up to the elevator and turned around. "Perry are you=20 coming?" "Ahhh, yes hon I am right behind you! Jimmy you be careful son!" He was still trying to keep from laughing at the woman. Alice and Perry=20 left Jimmy alone with her. "You heard her, Stay away from me." Jimmy said backing away. He didn't have to back away too long because shortly after that a new=20 person came and replaced her. As she was leaving, Jimmy heard the new person say, "I'll deal with you=20 later." "Oh boy," Jimmy thought as he got ready to work.=20 =20 ------------- Perry and Alice went back to Perry's office. Alice made some pertinent=20 phone calls. It wasn't long before a new head of maintinance and repair=20 replaced the woman. *Alice is a force to be reckeoned with!* Perry thought as he chuckled=20 watching the "Slutty acting woman" leave the building. Jimmy was beside him. "Now Jimmy, the morale of this story is. A woman=20 should never try that hard to get a man!" Alice added. "And a man should never try that hard to get a woman!" Laughter broke out amongst them. Perry hugged Alice. "Thanks for getting Jimmy and myself out of that stickey situation!" Alice smiled and kissed his cheek. Perry and Alice watched as the woman left. She actually looked back at=20 Perry and threw a kiss. Alice started to go over and scratch her eyes out! But Perry's hand on her shoulder kept her beside him. "Why do people act like that?" Alice looked at him and replied, "They are desperate, and cold hearted!=20 They don't care who they hurt or who's family they break up. They eat=20 men up and spit them out like a robot!" Perry kissed Alice and said, "Well, as you could see, I wasn't about to=20 be her dinner!" Perry looked around and watched the repair crew. They had a piece of=20 equipment taking it out of the Planet! "Wait just a cotton pickin minute! Where are you taking that?" "Mr. White, this machine is beyond repair, we are taking it outside and=20 putting in a totally new one for you." "Well all rightie, that will work!" Perry gave them the okay.=20 >tbc< * * * * Look for Week #58 coming to a PC near you! Enjoy! =3D) Alexis ;-.) "ADITLOM" arbitrator "Oh, one more thing. If you ever need to find me, all you have to do is loo= k=20 up." (Superman)=20 {LnC, Pilot} =20 =20 =20 =20 =20 =20 =20 =20 =20 =20 =20 =20 =20 =20 ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 16:24:50 -0000 Reply-To: LabRat Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Organization: LabRat Subject: Re: Fanfic Recommendations MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Wendy wrote: > First, there is LabRat's excellent, poignant, heartwrenching, funny and > sensual Are You Lonesome Tonight. Anyone who hasn't yet read this brilliant > story by one of FoLCdom's favourite authors, get over there *NOW* and find > out for yourselves how great it is. And if you don't need at least a > handful of tissues by the time you've finished, I'll call you a heartless > monster! > Why thank you, Wendy. :) :blush I was looking forward to reading Tracey's fic, now that it's on the Archive, but I guess I'll just have to wait impatiently until Kathy's return then. Although I haven't read it thus far, I've heard nothing but good things about this one. :) Happy New Year, everyone! LabRat :) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 12:19:40 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: Re: Fanfic Recommendations Just to let anyone who's interested know, Tracey's story has now been re- uploaded and is now all complete at the Archive site. I've been re-reading it, enthralled all over again! Wendy ---------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 13:55:04 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kathy Brown Subject: Re: Dean's interview in Blue magazine On Tue, 2 Jan 2001 20:43:39 +1100, jem wrote: >Could someone pretty please email me offlist tell me how Dean got a >three-month-old son? The baby was born June 11, 2000, so he's going on 7 months now. Thanks for the article, Jenny. The interview portion was from earlier this year, but the intro seemed newer since it mentioned "Rat Race". I always pause when UK or Aussie mags change a person's answer to read "Mum" instead of "Mom". It makes me wonder if they've changed anything else! It's a minor change and doesn't affect the content at all, but do they really think their readers won't know what "mom" means? It just seems a silly thing to change. Thanks for sending it in, Jenny! Kathy (I'm back; Happy New Year, everyone. :)) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 18:40:34 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: StarKitty Subject: OT: It's party time!!! MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit wahoo! I just (finally at long last) got that computer I bought in November! For those who are interested, it's a 900mHz AMD Thunderbird with a 30GB HD . I just hooked it all up a few minutes ago and I can already tell that this computer totally rocks!! Gosh, could you tell that I'm a little excited? :)) Anyway, I have to go download some of the various softwares I use now. talk to y'all later! Tara ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2001 22:24:42 +1100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: jem Subject: Re: Dean's interview in Blue magazine Comments: To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thank you Jenny, I appreciate the update. Now that I no longer have the job that kept me so busy maybe I'll have more time to keep up-to-date on the really important things :) I've also realised that I have no idea what's been happening with Teri lately either. Oh well, I guess I will just have to go do a little surfing. Thanks again :) jem ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jenny or Joe Stosser" To: Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2001 7:15 PM Subject: Dean's interview in Blue magazine > I bought a copy of this mag to send to a FoLC in the US, and with her > permission have scanned the article. I'm told that all the photos are > fairly old: there's two of Dean in a striped t-shirt that are apparently > from a mag from early 1996, one of him in a wetsuit, and one of him in the > wet white business shirt. > > I don't know if this article has appeared elsewhere, some bits are vaguely > familiar... I think I've got rid of all the typos, but maybe not. > > With his jet-black hair, killer smile and muscular frame, Dean Cain screams > 'leading man'. Yet it's taken a while for the 34-year-old Princeton > graduate and former footballer to make the transition to the big screen. > Best known for playing the fearless superhero in tv's Llois & Clark: The > New Adventures Of Superman, Cain didn't land a major role until his turn as > an ex-Green Beret in 1777's Best Men, opposite Drew Barrymore. > Now there's The Broken Hearts Club, written and directed by Dawson's > Creek scriptwriter Greg Berlanti. Shot in under three weeks for a little > over $US1 million, this feelgood pic focuses on a close-knit group of gay > men living, laughing and loathing in West Hollywood. Cain plays Cole, an > aspiring actor with a strong taste for fame and an even stronger fear of > commitment. Co-starring Timothy Olyphant [Go, Gone In 60 Seconds} and > Frasier's John Mahoney, The Broken Hearts Club was a hit at this year's > Sundance Film Festival, where it received three standing ovations. > Born in Mt Clemens, Michigan, Cain's exotic looks can be traced back to > his Welsh, French and Japanese heritage. The step-son of director > Christopher Cain [The Karate Kid}, Dean moved to Los Angeles with his > mother and brother while still a child and attended Santa Monica High > School, where he rubbed shoulders with Rob and Chad Lowe, Sean and Chris > Penn, and Emilio Estevez. > A talented football player, Cain was set to play for the Buffalo Bills > after graduating with honours from Princeton, but a knee injury during > pre-season camp ended his gridiron career. Returning to LA, Cain studied > acting and found work guest-starring on various shows, before landing a > season on Beverly Hills 90210. Lois & Clark made him a household name, but > with a part in Jerry Zucker's upcoming comedy Rat Race, as well as a lead > in sci-fi flick For The Cause, Dean Cain may never have to wear his > underpants on the outside of his costume again. > > Let's get right to the point. Are you gay? > No, I'm not gay. Did you wonder if I was gay? Then I must have done my job > well! That's beautiful. Someone asked me the same thing about Tim Olyphant. > I said, "If you're asking that question. then he obviously did his job." > > There has been speculation about your orientation... > I haven't been speculating! > > When this opportunity came up, were you concerned that it would add to the > rumour? > I really don't think there's any stigma attached to a straight actor > playing a gay character. Once upon a time it may have hurt their career, > but I think people are more educated now. I think what's much more > difficult is for an actor who is gay to openly say they're gay; I think > that will hurt their career horribly. Anne Heche is a great example of > that. People watched Six Days, Seven Nights and said, "She's gay, I don't > see the chemistry." It's unfair. but that's the way it is right now. But it > will probably change in time, too. > > What attracted you to this project? > Most gay films are about sex, but this film is about romance - it's a > universal theme. If people can appreciate intelligent humour. then they can > appreciate this film. When I first read the script. I was giggling from > page one. By the third page. I was laughing out loud and reading scenes to > my brother. Once I'd finished I knew I had to do this movie. It certainly > wasn't a financial choice, because there was virtually no budget. In fact, > it's a testament to the producers, and obviously Greg Berlanti, that they > were able to do such a great job with such little money. > > > Tell me about rehearsals. > When any of the cast greeted one another, we had to kiss on the cheek and > hug. Thats the way it was. By the time we came to shoot, it was completely > organic because we'd been doing that since rehearsals. So this group of > actors from very diverse backgrounds. we became friends really quickly. And > we're still friends - that's the great thing. > > I hear you had to go to 'gay school'. > We all got together to ask questions during rehearsals. One of the first > things my character gets called is 'bottom boy'. I didn't know what that > meant, so I had to ask. And Greg said. "Imagine playing football. and > you're the centre." I was like. "Oh, okay." > Greg was great about that. Everything was on the table, because we had to > understand who we were playing. it was pretty enlightening, to put it > mildly. > > You had love scenes. How was that? > It's one thing to read on paper, but it's another thing to get in there and > actually do it. That goes for scenes with girls and guys! Half the time > it's, "Hi, how are you? Great!" Then suddenly, "Okay, you guys are going to > be kissing in this next scene." It's uncomfortable for anyone. But it was > very important that Andrew Keegan's character and Cole kissed, in order to > see how flippant and detached Cole can be. So we tried to fake it a couple > of times, and Greg said, "Cut! Okay guys, we can see you're faking it." So > we said, "Let's just do it." And it was no big deal - done, finished, > perfect, great. That was it. > > What was it like to play a character like Cole? > It felt like dropping the reins a Little bit. He's always charming > everybody. Even if he's breaking up with somebody he's trying to charm > them. It was very freeing to play him. The things he does aren't very nice > or noble, but he tries to do them as nicely as possible. He doesn't mean > ill by any of it. > > Do you like Cole? > I like him very much, because you know what he's about. I know people like > Cole - guys and girls. So I took this whole little group of people and > played them. You always play what you know best, and I know some people > like him very well! > > Did this film enlighten you about gay issues? > Yes, tremendously, although in some ways I was already aware. So many > members of Hollywood society are gay, and I've grown up around it. Some of > the kids I grew up with have come out of the closet, people I see every > day. > > Do you think some of your Lois & Clark fans will go and see this film? > I sure hope so. Part of the reason why I'm promoting The Broken Hearts Club > so hard is because, of all the films I've done so far, this is the one I'm > most proud of. It says something and it means something. It's about > relationships and people trying to find their place in this world. The > relationships are actually very similar to heterosexual relationships - > that's the way it works - but a lot of people don't understand that. If > they see it and they're disappointed, maybe that's because they have other > issues. > > Have you had any feedback so far? > Well, I'm considered mainstream. People don't expect me to turn up in a > gay-themed movie. But someone came up to me after seeing it and said, "I > gotta tell you, I'm gay, and there were times in my life when I wanted to > kill myself. Virtually every gay man I know has come close to doing that. > You being in this film might say to some people. 'if he's going to play a > gay person and he's proud of playing that character, maybe it's not such a > bad thing to be gay. People may not kill themselves as a result.'" Now, I > don't know if I'd go > that far, but even so. I've even had people coming up to me who I didn't > know were gay, and outing themselves! > > How did your parents feet about you doing this film? > I took them to Sundance to see it. My dad,being a farm boy from South > Dakota, wasn't realty comfortable with the gay subject matter. My mum > wasn't realty comfortable with it either. The shot of me kissing another > man on screen made them edgy. But they lked the movie in spite of > themselves! > > How's your gaydar? > Sometimes it picks up on things. It just depends. After two drinks it's > pretty dead on. > > How are gay friendships different to straight ones? > For many heterosexual, you have your family and then you have your friends. > In a lot of gay circles, however, I've noticed that friends are family. I > think this is because a lot of gay people are ostracised from their > families because they're gay. That's unfortunate and ridiculous. I have a > three-month-old son. If he grows up to be a football player. God bless him. > If he grows up to be gay, God bless him. If he grows up to be a gay > football player. that's even better! I don't care what he is. I just want > to love and support him. > > What if he wants to be an actor? > I'd caution him against it. > > "MOST GAY FILMS ARE ABOUT SEX, BUT THIS FILM IS ABOUT ROMANCE - IT'S A > UNIVERSAL > THEME IF PEOPLE CAN APPRECIATE INTELLIGENT HUMOUR, THEN THEY CAN APPRECIATE > THIS FILM." > > "OF ALL THE FILMS I'VE DONE SO FAR, THIS IS THE ONE I'M MOST PROUD OF. IT > SAYS SOMETHING AND IT MEANS SOMETHING.." > > > Jen > > -*-This message is umop ap!sdn > (Jenerator or Some1Else on IRC) -*- JenerEight on AIM -*- ICQ 11477318 > Photos of David (8) and Megan (5) on the Stosser Family HomePage > http// Please sign our guestbook! ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2001 09:10:46 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Liz Berard Subject: Re: OT: It's party time!!! MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Mmmmmmm, I am so jealous. That is a great sounding system. I hope the first thing your getting is a good virus program. With hardware like that you don't want so bozo's virus making it the world's most expensive paperweight. Have lots of fun with it. Liz StarKitty wrote: > > wahoo! I just (finally at long last) got that computer I bought in > November! For those who are interested, it's a 900mHz AMD Thunderbird with > a 30GB HD . I just hooked it all up a few minutes ago and I can > already tell that this computer totally rocks!! > > Gosh, could you tell that I'm a little excited? :)) > > Anyway, I have to go download some of the various softwares I use now. talk > to y'all later! > > Tara ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2001 12:10:43 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: StarKitty Subject: Re: OT: It's party time!!! MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Virus, huh? That's ok, I'm also going to be setting up Nortan Systemworks 2000 on my computer asap /me doing a victory dance I love having a computer of my own again! Tara ----- Original Message ----- From: "Liz Berard" To: Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2001 7:10 AM Subject: Re: OT: It's party time!!! > Mmmmmmm, I am so jealous. > That is a great sounding system. I hope the first thing your > getting is a good virus program. With hardware like that you don't want > so bozo's virus making it the world's most expensive paperweight. > Have lots of fun with it. > > Liz > > StarKitty wrote: > > > > wahoo! I just (finally at long last) got that computer I bought in > > November! For those who are interested, it's a 900mHz AMD Thunderbird with > > a 30GB HD . I just hooked it all up a few minutes ago and I can > > already tell that this computer totally rocks!! > > > > Gosh, could you tell that I'm a little excited? :)) > > > > Anyway, I have to go download some of the various softwares I use now. talk > > to y'all later! > > > > Tara > ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2001 21:35:17 -0000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: btinternetmail Subject: Re: Dean's interview in Blue magazine MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Jenny I wanted to thank you for the interview as well, I really enjoyed it. I don't think we can get this magazine where I live, so it was nice to hear Dean's thoughts on his young son and on his film, The Lonely Hearts Club. Does anybody on the list know if this film is going to be released in England (preferably London) or am I going to have to wait and get it on DVD or Video? I would be grateful for any information. Kind regards Eileen B ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 00:14:29 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kathy Brown Subject: Re: Dean's interview in Blue magazine On Wed, 3 Jan 2001 21:35:17 -0000, btinternetmail < friendlysea@BTINTERNET.COM> wrote: >I wanted to thank you for the interview as well, I really enjoyed it. I >don't think we can get this magazine where I live, so it was nice to hear >Dean's thoughts on his young son and on his film, The Lonely Hearts Club. The title is actually "The Broken Hearts Club". Just in case you were looking under the wrong name and that's why you couldn't find it! >Does anybody on the list know if this film is going to be released in >England (preferably London) or am I going to have to wait and get it on DVD >or Video? I would be grateful for any information. I'm afraid I don't know, but I know there was a website for the movie at one point that had release dates and locations around the US. It might have international dates as well. Try doing a websearch for the title of the movie, and see if you can't find some info. You also might try asking/ searching on Zoom's message boards -- there was a pretty active discussion over dates/locations during the summer, so someone might know about the UK. Good luck! Kathy (who absolutely loved the movie -- I almost never see a movie more than once, but this one I will definitely rent when it comes out. It's one of the few movies I've seen where you keep missing lines in the movie because the audience was laughing so much. :) So be sure to rent it if you miss it in the theater! ) ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 01:45:20 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Alexis W." Subject: Re: Dean's interview in Blue magazine MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 1/4/01 0:14:52 AM EST, kathybrown91@HOME.COM writes: << Kathy (who absolutely loved the movie -- I almost never see a movie more than once, but this one I will definitely rent when it comes out. It's one of the few movies I've seen where you keep missing lines in the movie because the audience was laughing so much. :) So be sure to rent it if you miss it in the theater! ) >> I agree! I absolutely loved the movie...but I'm also one who will see movies more than once. For example I've seen Futuresport 15 times...I'm one of the few who actually loves that movie! hehe ;) Anyway, I saw the movie twice in the movie theaters. The second time I heard lines I never heard before! I think it was because with this crowd, less people were laughing. Sometimes it only seemed like I was. LOL! I have to laugh at The Lonely Hearts Club name...because that's part of a Beatle song I happen to enjoy. In fact, BHC makes me think of the Beatles...a favorite band of mine. :) Alexis ;-.) "Oh, one more thing. If you ever need to find me, all you have to do is look up." (Superman) {LnC, Pilot} ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 16:57:21 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Nicole Wolke Subject: OT: The Broken Hearts Club Releasing Dates for Europe (was Re: Dean's interview in Blue magazine) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi Eileen, > Does anybody on the list know if this film is going to be released in > England (preferably London) or am I going to have to wait and get it on DVD > or Video? I would be grateful for any information. TBHC was shown on the London Filmfestival last fall. Below are the dates I found so far about a further release in the UK and the rest of Europe. I'm going to keep an eye on it and post the dates to my webpage regulary, so check it out from time to time. The Url is: : Germany: TBHC will be released February 1st 2001. Title: "Club der gebrochenen Herzen". For more information go to: France: TBHC is mentioned already as an upcoming movie, but no releasing date yet. Check for more information at: UK: No info about TBHC at the Columbia homepage yet. The Url is: Netherlands: No info about TBHC yet. The Url is: Austria: The same as for UK and Netherlands. No info about TBHC yet. The Url is: Italy: The same as for UK, Netherlands and Austria. No info about TBHC yet. The Url is: Belgium: TBHC is going to be shown on the Gay and Lesbian Film Festival opening on January 12th in Brussels. Further it is going to be released regulary on February 28th. The Url is: Nicole -- AKA CKgroupie on IRC/AIM Are you always searching for news about Dean Cain? And you don't have enough time to search? Here's your solution: Go to "The Dean Cain News Page" ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 23:30:44 -0000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: btinternetmail Subject: Re: Dean's interview in Blue magazine MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Kathy Thank you for the information and me calling the film Lonely Hearts Club was a typo. I will take a look at Zoom's board, which I haven't visited in a while because of pressure of work and I am only now catching up with everything like fanfic and latest news etc. Kind regards Eileen ----- Original Message ----- From: "Kathy Brown" To: Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2001 5:14 AM Subject: Re: Dean's interview in Blue magazine > On Wed, 3 Jan 2001 21:35:17 -0000, btinternetmail < > friendlysea@BTINTERNET.COM> wrote: > > >I wanted to thank you for the interview as well, I really enjoyed it. I > >don't think we can get this magazine where I live, so it was nice to hear > >Dean's thoughts on his young son and on his film, The Lonely Hearts Club. > > The title is actually "The Broken Hearts Club". Just in case you were > looking under the wrong name and that's why you couldn't find it! > > >Does anybody on the list know if this film is going to be released in > >England (preferably London) or am I going to have to wait and get it on DVD > >or Video? I would be grateful for any information. > > I'm afraid I don't know, but I know there was a website for the movie at one > point that had release dates and locations around the US. It might have > international dates as well. Try doing a websearch for the title of the > movie, and see if you can't find some info. You also might try asking/ > searching on Zoom's message boards -- there was a pretty active discussion > over dates/locations during the summer, so someone might know about the UK. > Good luck! > > Kathy (who absolutely loved the movie -- I almost never see a movie more than > once, but this one I will definitely rent when it comes out. It's one of the > few movies I've seen where you keep missing lines in the movie because the > audience was laughing so much. :) So be sure to rent it if you miss it in > the theater! ) > ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 23:44:12 -0000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: btinternetmail Subject: Re: OT: The Broken Hearts Club Releasing Dates for Europe (was Re: Dean's interview in Blue magazine) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Nicole Thanks for all this information - I will keep ane eye out on the sites you mentioned. I did know it was shown at the London Film Festival but unfortunately, I was away at the time. Thanks again Eileen ----- Original Message ----- From: "Nicole Wolke" To: Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2001 3:57 PM Subject: OT: The Broken Hearts Club Releasing Dates for Europe (was Re: Dean's interview in Blue magazine) > Hi Eileen, > > > Does anybody on the list know if this film is going to be released in > > England (preferably London) or am I going to have to wait and get it on DVD > > or Video? I would be grateful for any information. > > TBHC was shown on the London Filmfestival last fall. Below are the dates > I found so far about a further release in the UK and the rest of Europe. > I'm going to keep an eye on it and post the dates to my webpage > regulary, so check it out from time to time. The Url is: > : > > Germany: TBHC will be released February 1st 2001. Title: "Club der > gebrochenen Herzen". For more information go to: > > > France: TBHC is mentioned already as an upcoming movie, but no releasing > date yet. Check for more information at: > > UK: No info about TBHC at the Columbia homepage yet. The Url is: > > > Netherlands: No info about TBHC yet. The Url is: > > > Austria: The same as for UK and Netherlands. No info about TBHC yet. The > Url is: > > Italy: The same as for UK, Netherlands and Austria. No info about TBHC > yet. The Url is: > > Belgium: TBHC is going to be shown on the Gay and Lesbian Film Festival > opening on January 12th in Brussels. Further it is going to be released > regulary on February 28th. The Url is: > > Nicole > -- > AKA CKgroupie on IRC/AIM > > > Are you always searching for news about Dean Cain? > And you don't have enough time to search? > Here's your solution: Go to "The Dean Cain News Page" > > ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 21:10:18 +1100 Reply-To: "" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jenny or Joe Stosser Subject: Smallville MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I came across this, and thought it might interest some of you. Jen "Smallville" - A Look at the Main Characters Source: Comics2Film Date: 1/3/01 Last September the WB network announced that it was ordering up 13 episodes of a TV show featuring and teenage Superman. Comics2Film has uncovered some information about the characters that will occupy the show, and town, named Smallville. A source close to the project provided this background information for the main players: Clark Kent is, of course, the main character in the show. Kent is depicted as a 15 year-old. Jonathan and Martha Kent found the boy at the crash site of a strange metallic craft. The 3-year-old escapes the crash unharmed. As Clark's strength quickly grew, the Kents encouraged him to keep it a secret in order to avoid scrutiny by the authorities. In order to keep up the charade, Clark avoided sports and excelled in academics. At 15, new powers have started to emerge and it's a struggle for Clark to control them. The Kents have come clean about the boy's origins. Clark fears that he may be responsible for a string of weird occurrences that have plagued his small town since his arrival on Earth. Because he feels responsible, Clark uses his powers to stop these occurrences. Lex Luthor is the 21 year-old son of Lionel Luthor the pesticide king of Metropolis. Lionel is a driven businessman who neglects his family. Lionel tries to connect with young Lex by including him on a business trip when the boy is nine years old. During the trip an accident causes Lex to lose all his hair. The guilt ridden Lionel tries to restore the boy's hair but fails. Instead he showers Lex with money and gifts, but eventually sends him off to boarding schools. An academic overachiever, Lex faced constant ridicule due to his baldness. Ridicule led to altercations, which had Lex bouncing from school to school. Eventually he graduated from Metropolis University at the top of his class. However, rather than taking Lex under his wing, the senior Luthor sends him to Smallville to turn a struggling fertilizer plant around. It's supposed to be a one-way ticket to failure but Lex vows to succeed and the take the corporation from his father. Lex and Clark become friends after Clark saves his life. Clark looks at Lex as a big brother, while Lex feels Clark is a confidant. Neither can imagine that one day they'll be bitter enemies. Lana Lang is Clark's 15 year-old love interest. Like Clark, she's an orphan, but she's overcome that by being outgoing. She's the most popular girl in school and dates the high school's star quarterback. Lana feels a closeness with Clark, but that's usually thwarted by his strange behavior. When Lex Luthor comes to town, Lana is intrigued by his big-city mystique, which appeals to her desire to escape the confines of the small town. Copyright 2001 Rob Worley. -*-This message is umop ap!sdn (Jenerator or Some1Else on IRC) -*- JenerEight on AIM -*- ICQ 11477318 Photos of David (8) and Megan (5) on the Stosser Family HomePage http// Please sign our guestbook! ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 16:49:19 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kathy Brown Subject: Re: Smallville Thanks, Jenny, this is very interesting. Looks like they are going for something akin to the movie version of Clark, the nerdy persona, the being found as a 3 year old. The Lex twist is quite intriquing; there's more background in here on Lex than there is on everyone else combined! Someone asked recently (was it here or elsewhere?) under what conditions Clark and Lex could be good friends. This is exactly the scenario I could come up with -- that Lex hadn't always been evil, and in his younger days, he and Clark had been friends. Talk about a twist for a fanfic -- "what if" new-to-Metropolis-Clark couldn't imagine that his old friend Lex Luthor could be behind all the corruption and crime in Metropolis, but Clark's partner at the Daily Planet, Lois Lane, was determined to prove it! I wouldn't want to see it as a series (with Clark constantly defending Lex the way Lois did all of season 1), but as a stand-alone meaty fanfic, I think it has a lot of potential. Kathy ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 15:35:59 -0700 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin Klingler Subject: The Kerths are Coming! :) Comments: To: LNC list MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hi everyone :) I'm cross posting this, so I apologize to those of you who get this twice. Well, it's that time of year again! The 4th annual Lois & Clark Fanfic Kerth Awards are almost here! Your hard-working Kerth committee has been doing overtime trying to get everything underway for the 2001 Awards, and I think we've finally got a handle on things. :) We have a new list of categories (complete with descriptions and examples) for this year, since we found that the need for some categories has dwindled, while the need for others has increased. So we hope this updated list of categories will fit the bill. :) As you peruse the following list of categories, please note that we've renamed a couple of categories, particularly "Best Original Premise," in the hopes of clarifying that category, as well as others. Please feel free to discuss these categories openly, and let us know if we need to include others, or alter descriptions to make them more clear. Also, I've completely overhauled my official Kerths website, so please go look it over! (Be sure to alert me if links aren't working, etc.) The URL is always in my sig, but here it is again anway: The Kerths site has a whole new look (as does my whole site), plus a bunch of other information I didn't have there previously. The site also includes the 2001 schedule of dates, but I'll post it here, too: Feb. 1st: Nominations Open Feb. 18th, Sunday: Nominations Close (at midnight EST) Feb. 19th-25th: Kerth committee sorts out nominations Feb. 26, Monday: Final List of Nominees to be Posted March 3, Saturday: Voting Opens March 18, Sunday: Voting Closes (at midnight EST) March 24, Saturday: Kerth Ceremony, 4pm EST And as always, I could never put together these Kerth Awards without the invaluable help of my co-coordinators, Pam and Kathy. Thanks guys! :) As for all of you other wonderful helpers out there...we'd be lost without you, too. This is a fan driven event, and we really need all the participation from you all that we can get. So definitely support us by sending in your nominations, voting, and helping with the ceremony! Also, with nominations dates approaching, I'd love to have everyone start reading like crazy! :) Hazel and Wendy have generously offered to once again bestow us with their wonderful Kerth Quizzes in the very near future, and I know that I'm personally looking forward to those very much. It never fails that I read one of those excerpts from a fanfic and think, "Hey, this sounds great! How come I never got around to reading this one?" :) So I'd like to publically thank them for all the work they put into those quizzes. Thanks guys!! I can't think of anything else I need to report. If you have any questions, definitely visit my Kerth site, since it's loaded with information and links. You can also feel free to email me! Just be patient if I don't respond to your email right away...I'm completely swamped at the moment. Anyway, on to the categories! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *BEST COMEDY--A generally short story that’s main purpose is to amuse. *BEST VIGNETTE/SHORT STORY--(no A-Plot) Stories no longer than 50k. *BEST WAFFY STORY--(no A-Plot) A generally short, mainly fluff-type story intended to give the reader a Warm and Fuzzy Feeling. (And no, a 400K story that ends well doesn't qualify. ) *BEST DRAMATIC STORY--Stories that tackle a serious subject matter. A-plot common, but not required. *BEST TEARJERKER--Stories, usually B-plot driven, which evoke strong emotion in the reader. (Some great examples of this category would be Demi's "Heaven's Prisoners" or Sheila Harper's "A Shot in the Dark.") *BEST REVELATION STORY--Stories about how someone finds out or is told about Clark's secret identity. *BEST EPISODE ADAPTATION--Stories that alter the events of or starts from some point in a particular episode. *BEST LOST EPISODE--A story that recreates the feel of an episode, with a fully developed A-plot (action/villain) and a B-plot (relationship). Does not have to maintain series continuity, but cannot be an adaptation or rewrite of an episode. (Some great examples of "Lost Episodes" would be any of the "episodes" written by the Season 5/6 team, or TUFS team.) *BEST ALTERNATE UNIVERSE STORY--Stories which feature the "Alt World" that was introduced on the show, or involve the travel of the characters between other such parallel universes. *BEST ELSEWORLDS STORY--Stories in which one or more major changes have been made to the basic format of the series, such as time, place, and/or nature of the characters. Crossovers would also fit into this category. *MOST INNOVATIVE IDEA--A story that uses a unique premise or unexpected twist; creativity and originality are key. (A great example of an "Innovative" idea is Debby Stark and Margaret Brignell's "Swap Meet.") *BEST VILLAIN STORY--Stories that either use an established villain from the show particularly well, or create a great new villain. *BEST EARLY YEARS/SUPER FUTURES STORY--Stories dealing with Lois and Clark's early years, or their descendants or ancestors. *BEST SERIES--Stories written by the same author that have 2 or more parts to it. Ongoing series need to have at least two new parts that are both eligible for this year’s Kerths to qualify as a series in this category. *BEST NEW AUTHOR--Limited to authors who first published their LNC stories in the past year. *BEST OVERALL FANFIC--A story of any type that is outstanding overall. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Erin :) __________________ Visit my LNC/Kerth Website: ***** "It's not the years that count, it's the moments...right now, as they happen." __________________ ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2001 07:46:31 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wanda McCants Subject: Re: Smallville MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 1/5/01 4:49:54 PM Eastern Standard Time, kathybrown91@HOME.COM writes: > but as a stand-alone meaty fanfic, I think it has a lot of > potential. > I remember early last year someone asking the same questions reference Clark and Lex. I think it was James. Anyone out there interested in writing such a fic would surely find a large audience waiting on their every word. Wanda "What happens to a dream deferred? / Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?" ......Langston Hughes Wanda ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2001 08:56:42 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: Re: The Kerths are Coming! :) As usual, this is a great site, Erin! Thanks for all your hard work! I printed off all the eligibles last night, though I will look back to see whether any others appear. Nominations are going to be *so* difficult - I know my shortlists for New Author and Best Fic currently have six or seven names on each! Hazel and I will be running Kerth quizzes again this year, as we did last year, and I believe we have a new quiz-setter joining the team, too. We'll be starting in a couple of weeks' time - give people a chance to do some reading first! :) Wendy ---------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2001 08:58:45 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: lcfic Subject: Message Board Index Update through December 30 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Hi FoLCs! Lots to read this week from Zoom's message board with links at New part(s) posted: HOME IV: HONEYMOON: NAN SMITH LONG, STRANGE TRIP: THIRTYSOMETHING A NEW BEGINNING: PINTOFOLC PERSONAL LOYALTIES: CINDY LEUCH PURITY: YVONNE CONNELL STRANGERS II: RAGGIEMOM (AKA MISSY GALLANT) TOGOM, VERSION 487: TANK WILSON Completed stories this week: NEAR WILD HEAVEN: HALF A WORLD AWAY TANK ENDING ADDED KAETHEL TRADING PLACES: IRENE DUTCHAK New stories this week: SEXIEST (SUPER)MAN ALIVE COMPLETE VIGNETTE CHRISH Added to the Archive this week: Are You Lonesome Tonight...? Doc. Klein's LabRat Lois' Return Chiara Prato Love Me Once More . . . Randi Warwick A Love Well Worth the Wait Tracey Naked Truth Kaethel Enjoy! Dawn & the Index Crew __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Photos - Share your holiday photos online! ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2001 09:01:13 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: lcfic Subject: Oops :) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Sorry, folcs. That should be updates through January 5th! __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Photos - Share your holiday photos online! ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2001 22:11:55 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Annette Ciotola Subject: Nfic Archive & Showcase Updates Comments: To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hey gang, There's been another update this week to the Nfic Archive (which is now in working order) The Nfic side: Missytoo has 2 new fanfics, It's a Wonderful Life .. a Prelude and Wendy has adding a Nfic for The Greater Good. The PG side: We've uploaded 58 vignette type fics with the addition of Lois & Clark: The musicals. Also, in case you missed them last week, you can find all of the Tank Endings here as well. For this weeks Writer's Showcase interview, you'll find Missy Gallant as well as her fanfic being added to the PG side of the site. Please remember to check out all the new Interviews, so far we've had Dawn Field, Nan Smith and Gerry Anklewicz! That's all for this week! Anne ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2001 22:33:03 -0700 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin Klingler Subject: Kerth Eligible Stories Update MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi all, Just wanted to drop everyone a quick note to let you know that I'll be updating the 2001 Kerth Eligibles list in the next couple of days. (Probably Monday when my older kids are at school, and only 2 kids are at home to pester me. ) I've gotten some 20+ emails since yesterday regarding the eligibles page, with requests for email addy changes, name and/or story title corrections, and requests for off-Archive stories to be made eligible. So for those of you who've written me about these things, don't panic if you haven't heard from me yet. I'm running crazily trying to keep up with it all, plus keeping visiting family happy, and staving off RL's annoyances. I'll email you all individually ASAP to let you know I'm making the particular changes you requested, but it may take a day or two. Please bear with me. :) As for the rest of you...definitely check back in a few days to see the updated list of eligible stories. I wouldn't want you to miss even *one* of the wonderful stories we have eligible this year! :) Erin :) __________________ Visit my LNC/Kerth Website: ***** "It's not the years that count, it's the moments...right now, as they happen." __________________ ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2001 13:09:59 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Charlotte Fisler Subject: Re: 7 Days of Superman is finished!!! MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Bravo, James. What a great story this turned out to be. You pulled together what appeared at first to be separate stories into one coherent whole and gave it a satisfying ending. Handling time travel is tough enough but alternate realities is even more difficult, so What can I say except great job, wonderful story. I loved it and I never watched 7 Days so that is no bar to the enjoyment of your fanfic. Charlotte ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2001 07:13:23 +1100 Reply-To: "" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jenny or Joe Stosser Subject: Interview with Mark Waid re Superman in comics MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I found the following in a Portugese (translated into English) interview with Mark Waid ( who writes various comics. Thought you might find it of interest. I'm kinda glad that DC didn't allow this idea to go through! Jen UHQ: Let's talk about Superman. You, Grant Morrison, Mark Millar and Tom Peyer offered a project for DC Comics and it was refused. What do you really wanted to do? And why DC refused it? Waid: I'll never be fully privy to DC's reasons. The stated reasons made no sense to me and still don't. I fear a lot of it had to do with DC's strained relationship with Grant and their sometimes strained relationship with me. So far as what we wanted to do, I can't be specific, as the four of us have made a pact to sit on many of these ideas and concepts in the hopes that they might come to fruition SOMEWHERE in the future. Rest assured, though, that the primary objective was to restore Superman to what Siegel and Shuster conceived him as -- meaning to once more emphasize the "Super" above the "Man," rather than vice-versa. -*-This message is umop ap!sdn (Jenerator or Some1Else on IRC) -*- JenerEight on AIM -*- ICQ 11477318 Photos of David (8) and Megan (5) on the Stosser Family HomePage http// Please sign our guestbook! ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2001 02:01:23 +0200 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Hazel Subject: Kerth Quiz #1: Best Comedy Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed ~impressive drumroll~ Yep, FoLCs, it's that time of year again! With sixteen Kerth categories to consider and nominations opening shortly, your friendly neighborhood quiz setters will be challenging you twice a week to identify some of the stories and authors that you might want to nominate for FoLCdom's highest honors. Please remember, though, that a story doesn't have to be included in a quiz to qualify! In addition, don't forget that Kerth rules permit stories to be nominated in more than one category if you feel it deserves recognition for different aspects. Here we go... :) KERTH QUIZ: BEST COMEDY Spiffy Disclaimer Thingy: All the fics in this quiz were uploaded to the archive in 2000 and qualify for Best Comedy. HOWEVER, please note that any inclusion or exclusion of a story should not be construed as a recommendation or otherwise. Comedy is probably one of the most subjective choices in the Kerths, and your idea of humor might very well be completely different from mine! Additional reminder: Inclusion of a story in this quiz does *not* exclude it from any other category. Nominating a story in multiple categories is perfectly legal. Story 5 could be included in SuperFutures, Story 7 could be nominated in Best Revelation... You get the idea. :) Quiz rules: Open hard drive and archive. When submitting your reply, please let us know if you got the fic from the quote (worth two points) or the excerpt (worth one point). And DON'T forget the spoiler space! (Warning: To avoid frustrating multiple calculations, if you don't indicate one way or the other, I'll assume you got the fic from the excerpt.) Answers will be posted Wednesday or thereabouts. Please note that while most stories in the comedy category are short, one story in this quiz is in the 50K range. Quote 1: "Demons, My Lord! Demons! The planet's full of them! Demons, everywhere..." Quote 2: "I feel su-per! Ultra, ultra good!" Quote 3: "Lex-a-chu!" Quote 4: "Zoomway?" Quote 5: "Dad, no! Mom said you're not to drink any more punch! And you're not supposed to tell blondes how beautiful they are!" Quote 6: "It's not pretty, Ms. Lane. It's a thousand times more addictive than anything else on the market, and as far as we can tell, there's no cure." Quote 7: "I am the Arbiter of your fantasies and the Umpire of this game. I keep score. I do not explain. Commence play, please." Quote 8: 'Must be all those Kansas winters. I bet they must call him "Dead-Eye Kent" back home in Smallville.' Quote 9: "The stars trembled with my birth. Greatness was in my blood and bone from the moment I was conceived, and it was only a matter of time before the world shook with the weight of my stride. I am Lex!" Quote 10: "Hiya, Mags! You know, you were almost me!" S P O I L E R S P A C E Excerpt 1: "Ching, Jor-El sent a child to this world! A child!" She stepped in close and gripped his arms tight, eyes wild in her pinched face. She turned her head away from him, a frightened glance at the opaque barrier shielding them from the horrors beyond its protective wall. "How could a child survive in a world filled with demons? He's dead, Ching. Kal-El was surely dead the moment his ship landed on this demon world!" "But...I don't understand. Jor-El's data, the disk we retrieved, it said that this was a paradise for our kind. That it was safe. He sent his son into a world he knew was safe and - " "Jor-El's data was flawed. Or this world changed before Kal came here. I do not know." She faced him, solemn eyed. "But I do know that Kal-El is dead. He could never have survived, a child alone, in the midst of those creatures. Against Ashbla'l? Against the Warrior Killer? The Destroyer of Worlds?!" Ching stared at her. Almost against his will, his own gaze flicked to the Shield Wall again. Excerpt 2: "Lois?" the voice came out of nowhere. I looked at my captors, but they didn't react at all ... apparently only my super hearing had detected the sound of my husband's voice. It took all my willpower not to betray my relief. "Yes?" I said. "Can you hear me?" "Yes." My captors were looking at me in consternation. "What's she doing?" "She's talking to Superman! She must have a receiver on her!" The suspicious man rushed forward and began running his grimy hands through my hair, probing and searching. Yuk. "You're all right? You really have super powers?" "Keep your hands off me! ... yes." "And they have kryptonite?" "Yes, yes, yes!" Excerpt 3: Clark looked at the box and grinned. "Your mother sent it as a gift for the babies. She really seems to be looking forward to being a grandmother. I was on my way home when I heard you scream." "Yes, well," Lois shifted uncomfortably in her recliner. Visions of the toys her mother might send her for the twins filled her mind, none of them very exciting. "What is it?" Her husband started to turn the box. As Lois caught sight of the logo on the side she gulped and as the front of the box came into view she paled. "Aaah!" Lois pushed herself awkwardly out of her chair and ran . . . well, waddled, away from Clark and the horrible box and its contents as quickly as she could. Excerpt 4: "What's got you so tense, Hon?" Clark asked, messaging her shoulders gently. "Oh, it's nothing... Just this stupid AOL. I've been trying and trying to create a screen name, but everytime I type something in, it's taken!" "Well, what have you tried? Maybe I can help you come up with something." "I've tried Lois Lane, Lois Kent, LoisLaneKent, and even Mad Dog Lane. All of them, already in use. How many people could possibly be called Mad Dog Lane? I was even going to try Ultrawoman, but I didn't want to risk anyone to making the connection." Excerpt 5: But I *am* Superman," said Dad stubbornly. Everyone laughed, and he frowned. "Look, I'll prove it." Stepping to one side of the lectern, he loosened his tie, then grabbed his shirt in both hands and pulled. There was a ripping sound and buttons flew everywhere. Someone screamed and a lot of other people laughed. "Nice, Kent, but where's Superman?" jeered Ralph. Daddy looked down at his bare chest, then raised his head with a puzzled look. "I'm not wearing the suit," he said. "Why not?" He looked up at us. "Honey, do you know why I'm not wearing the suit?" Mom just continued fussing with the lock. I hoped she'd hurry, because some of the women in the audience were starting to act *really* silly--screaming and laughing while they fanned themselves and hugged each other and did a bunch of dumb stuff like that. Excerpt 6: Dr. Folk hesitated. "That's not entirely true. There is a strong tendency for victims to spread the addiction. In their excitement over the fix, they will encourage others to give them further doses, and also offer doses to others in an effort to proliferate the problem." "They offer doses of FDK to other victims?" Lois stared at him, incredulous. "But I thought you said that the victims are constantly looking for another fix!" "It's hard to explain," said Dr. Folk, spreading his hands in apology. "But it seems clear that a FDK victim can somehow give a fix to another victim without lessening his or her own dosage. It seems almost symbiotic; the more fixes one victim offers to others, the more that victim seems to receive from those same sources." Excerpt 7: As she smacked the ball, she shouted triumphantly, "I KNOW THE *TRUTH*!" She watched the ball touch down and careen back out of play as Superman and Clark, converging from opposite sides of the court, frantically tried to reach it. "Game, set, match, Miss Lane." Raising clenched left fist and right hand clutching racquet in the air she yelled, "YES!" and ran to the net, still watching Superman and Clark who now, having reached the center point, crashed together in a blinding flash of incandescent light that seemed to last forever. In the phosphorescent haze, she could see a single outline--Clark wearing his glasses... and Superman's cape. Excerpt 8: "Lois! This *big, tough* boy here thought it would be a really good idea for him and *three* other kids to gang up on this young lady." He paused to exchange a smile with the happy little girl. "I think we took care of the others, but would you care to show a little female solidarity and deal with Mr Courage here?" How could she resist? She quickly picked up a handful of snow. The boy, she saw, had recovered from his stupor, and would have tried for some measure of revenge... until he saw the grin on her face. He was in *big* trouble. He turned to run, but was too late. A perfectly-aimed snowball caught him on the side of the head, taking off his cap and sending snow down his neck and onto his back. Excerpt 9: "Besides, we have at least two other Luthors in this wing alone. Who's going to want to read it? These days, nobody takes a villain seriously if he has an idiot for a henchman. What was his name? Otto? Otis?" "That's the other fellow--the impostor down in 13b. I never would have let myself get that out of shape. Besides, he thinks he's Gene Hackman half the time." Luthor stepped off the chair. "I'll have you know that my henchman was quite competent, a renegade ex-spy named Nigel St. John." "Oh, you mean the guy down in 12d? The way he tells it, you were just his patsy the whole time." The orderly smirked. "Maybe you could write one of those comedic books. Those things sell like hot cakes. I can see it now, '1001 stupid villain tricks'." The orderly grabbed Lex's arm. "Now the Luthor down on the fifth floor, he's got something to brag about. How he managed to build a set of alien battle armor with only a fountain pen and a transistor radio, I'll never know." Excerpt 10: A humming whine sounded and a sixth person materialised in the room. She was tall and slender, with the best figure anyone in the room had seen outside of a comic book. Her long, reddish-blonde hair was curled, and framed her delicately beautiful features. Her emerald green form-fitted floor-length formal gown matched her eye colour perfectly. Something about her seemed incredibly familiar -- as though all of them had seen her somewhere before. "Who are *you*?" Lois demanded, never one to let unexpected arrivals put her off-guard. "I'm the negotiator," the woman said. "You can call me Mary Sue." "Mary Sue?" Jimmy said. His expression brightened as he looked her over. "Aren't you the one who--" "Visits various story-worlds, out-does the real characters and steals the leading guy from the leading gal, and is actually a representation of the Author as she wishes she was?" Mary Sue smiled charmingly. "Yes, that would be me." Enjoy! _______ "Lots of little Bigwigs, Hazel! Think of that, and tremble!" ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2001 19:57:36 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Subject: Re: Kerth Quiz #1: Best Comedy MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Alright, I'll give it a shot... here's hoping I don't embarrass myself ;) And thanks, Hazel, for getting this one ready so soon! I was surprised and delighted to see it :) s p o i l e r s p a c e Q1: Trick or Treat, by LabRat (although technically, this one was included last year so it's not eligible this year) Q2: Dunno Q3: Pagimon, by ... Tara Smith Q4: Dunno Q5: 48 Hours Without a Superman, by Kathryn Ann Kent Q6: The Ultimate Drug, by Hazel Q7: Revelation, Anyone? by Jude (???) Q8: Sounds like one of Phil's Snowball trilogy. Q9: Sorry, Lexie, but don't recognize it Q10: Writer's Block, by Tara Smith (I recognized the author, had to look for the specific story) And from the excerpts... E2: I've read it but can't remember much... don't even know where to look :( E4: I remember this now ... AOL: A Revelation Story of an Alternate Kind, by Rose E7: Yep, thought so :) E8: The Spirit Of... by Phil Atcliffe E9: Ah, must be Seeking Asylum by Shayne Terry There we go! :) Thanks again, Hazel! -- Pam Jernigan / ChiefPam / "Hi, I'm Larry the Cucumber, and welcome to the very first VeggieTales success video! Are you ready to make millions of dollars in real estate with no money down? I know I am!" --Larry, misunderstanding a sing-along video ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2001 17:18:31 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: Re: Kerth Quiz #1: Best Comedy MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Hey! I recognise a lot of these. S P O I L E R S P A C E > > KERTH QUIZ: BEST COMEDY > > Quote 1: Trick or Treat by Doc. Klein's Labrat > > > Quote 3: > > "Lex-a-chu!" Pagimon by Tara Smith > > Quote 5: 48 Hours Without a Superman by Kathryn Ann Kent > > Quote 6: The Ultimate Drug by Hazel > > Quote 9: > Seeking Asylum by Shayne Terry > > Excerpt 2: > > "Lois?" the voice came out of nowhere. I looked at > my captors, but they > didn't react at all ... apparently only my super > hearing had detected the > sound of my husband's voice. It took all my > willpower not to betray my relief. > > "Yes?" I said. > > "Can you hear me?" > > "Yes." > > My captors were looking at me in consternation. > "What's she doing?" > > "She's talking to Superman! She must have a > receiver on her!" The > suspicious man rushed forward and began running his > grimy hands through my > hair, probing and searching. Yuk. > > "You're all right? You really have super powers?" > > "Keep your hands off me! ... yes." > > "And they have kryptonite?" > > "Yes, yes, yes!" > > Excerpt 4: AOL - A Revelation Story of the Alternate Kind by Rose > Excerpt 7: Revelation Anyone? A Smashing Discovery by Jude > Excerpt 8: The Spirit of... by Phil Atcliffe > Excerpt 10: Writer's Block - A Mary Sue Intervention by Tara Smith Good choices, Hazel. These are all pretty funny! Irene ===== __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Photos - Share your holiday photos online! ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2001 22:48:52 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Marilyn L. Puett" Subject: Re: TOTALLY OT: Another of my silly trivia quizzes I just wanted to report that I won 2nd place in that silly trivia contest and my prize was a six-pack of pencils from Harrod's department store in London. I can use them to write more stories! I also put everyone's curiousity to rest: the castle with the yearround Christmas display is Warwick Castle. Now y'all can sleep at night! LOL!!! Thanks to everyone for their help. I enjoyed sharing information on Christmas customs (especially enjoyed the chocolate orange I bought as a result of one discussion!). We'll have to share info on other holidays and celebrations. You never know what you might learn. Marilyn