From: "L-Soft list server at Indiana University (1.8d)" To: "ARTF@MemoryAlpha.nil" File: "LOISCLA-GENERAL-L LOG0006C" ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 04:42:49 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Alexis W." Subject: Re: OT: Question MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 6/14/00 3:22:55 PM EST, kubitc@KENYON.EDU writes: << Considering your scenario, perhaps the mother has an inkling that her husband is not the father, and she had the DNA test done without her husband's knowledge. This would only work, however, if she had the baby tested for compatibility with the non-husband perspective father. This is because, to do a paternity test, you must have the baby's and mother's DNA, as well as the DNA of at least one perspective father. (DNA tests can either exclude or include a man as the possible father.) >> Well in this case both of the perspective fathers..notice I say fathers, are dead. Someone told me that Dna testing can be done while the child is still in the womb but that is only with extreme cases. Has anyone else heard this? I'm thinking about going with scenerio...only if it has happened. I also heard that you need both parents to sign a consent for before performing such a test. In my story, the husband of this woman is not the father of the child. I want him to discover that...but not from the wife. I want him to find a slip of paper or even a birth certificate that gives it away. Let's say the woman has the test and finds out the baby is not her husband's. She keeps it a secret from her husband so only the hospital and she knows. The hospital thinks the husband knows...even though he doesn't. Will the birth certificate say Father Unknown or will it give the name of the husband since he's there when the birth occurs? I know this is a lot of stuff to ask of you but I really need to clarify this for my story and i know there are some really smart people out there! ;) Once I get these questions answered, i think I'll know what direction to take my story in. Thanks, Alexis ;-.) "I gotta go. Thanks for sewing my jacket, Mom. That electrical storm over Cleveland was brutal..." (Clark) "Maybe you should take another route. See you next week." (Martha) {Lnc, Pilot} ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 06:01:05 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: No Name Available Subject: Re: OT: Question In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 04:42 AM 6/15/00 EDT, you wrote: >Well in this case both of the perspective fathers..notice I say fathers, are >dead. Someone told me that Dna testing can be done while the child is still >in the womb but that is only with extreme cases. Has anyone else heard this? > I'm thinking about going with scenerio...only if it has happened. I also >heard that you need both parents to sign a consent for before performing such >a test. this is true, you can do prenatal dna testing. But again, you have to have permission of the parents, and you need the possible fathers to also contribute a dna sample. I was looking this up on the web and couldn't find a lot of information--whether they do an amniocentesis to get the fetus' sample or what. > >In my story, the husband of this woman is not the father of the child. I >want him to discover that...but not from the wife. I want him to find a slip >of paper or even a birth certificate that gives it away. Let's say the woman >has the test and finds out the baby is not her husband's. She keeps it a >secret from her husband so only the hospital and she knows. The hospital >thinks the husband knows...even though he doesn't. Will the birth >certificate say Father Unknown or will it give the name of the husband since >he's there when the birth occurs? I know this is a lot of stuff to ask of >you but I really need to clarify this for my story and i know there are some >really smart people out there! ;) Once I get these questions answered, i >think I'll know what direction to take my story in. > When my son was born, we were the ones who filled out the information for the birth certificate. So you (the mother, pretty much) gets to say who the father is, and as long as no one objects, you can put whoever you want to on that blank. cerise ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 09:13:25 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Ann E. McBride" Subject: Re: OT: Question MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cerise is absolutely right. You could have prenatal DNA testing, but you would have to have the sample from any prospective father, and since I believe it's done with a sample from the baby obtained by amniocentesis, you would also have to have a doctor who felt there was a compelling reason to do it before the birth of the baby. If the men in question are dead, it's going to take a court order to get the bodies exhumed to get a DNA sample from them. It would be next to impossible, IMHO, to do this without one's husband's knowledge. As for who is listed as the father on the birth certificate, again, as Cerise said, the mother fills out the information in the hospital, so it's normally whoever she says it is. Legally, in the US, a woman's husband at the time of birth is presumed to be the father of her children. The only way it could be called into question would be if *he* were to feel that he wasn't their natural father and requested paternity testing. Ann ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 09:19:33 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: alauters Subject: Time Elapsed 12/? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit To remain as inconspicuous as possible, Clark remained in his black outfit as he and Lois took flight to follow Franz, who drove a late model black Mercedes. From high above, he watched as Franz took a circuitous route that finally ended at a deserted park on the outskirts of Metropolis. Franz’ car joined two others in the parking lot, and Franz himself stepped out of his car, dragging a dark robe behind him. “What’s going on?” Lois stage-whispered. “It looks like he’s meeting someone,” Clark spoke quietly. “He just put on a robe, pulled out the book, and it looks like a candle. Yep, it’s a candle; he just lit it. Now he’s walking to the top of a small hill in the center of the park, and there’s about five other people there. All of them are wearing robe and carrying lit candles. Only Franz has a book.” “This is weird, Clark,” Lois said. “What else?” Continuing to speak quietly, Clark said, “They’re gathering in a circle, and Franz just opened the book. He’s reading that same passage you found, Lois. All the robe guys are raising their candles – Oh, wait.” Clark floated them even higher, against a dark part of the sky. “They’re all looking up.” “Do you think they saw us?” Lois asked anxiously. “We’re pretty small from down there; I kind of doubt it. But you never know,” Clark said. “That’s why I moved us.” “Can you still see them?” Lois asked. “Yeah, they’re chanting. ‘Morpheus lives’ ‘Come to us’ ‘Morpheus lives’ Come to us.’ It’s pretty repetitious. Now they’re lowering their candles, and they tamped them out on the ground. One just stepped forward, and he’s speaking.” Clark listened for a moment. “I think it’s the same voice I heard on the telephone with Franz.” Excitedly, Lois asked, “Can we get lower, so we can identify him?” “Did you bring a camera?” Clark asked. “It’s not likely we’ll know who this is.” “Of course,” she said, reaching into a side pocket on her jacket and pulling out a small camera. “Will that work?” Clark eyed it doubtfully. “It’s awfully dark.” “I loaded it with 1600 speed film before we left,” Lois said. “We should be able to get a fairly clear picture.” Clark nodded. “Hold on.” He sped them to the ground, just behind a shelter near the hill where the meeting was taking place. Lois used the camera and zoomed in as closely as possible on the leader’s face, while Clark listened intently to his speech. "My brethren, tonight I come to you bearing the wishes of Morpheus," his low, raspy voice sent chills down Clark’s spine. "We have not yet succeeded in isolating the Chosen one. Our earlier attempt to control her failed. We now want to drive her family members from her, but that attempt seems also to be failing." He stopped, then fixed each member of the circle with a steely, green-eyed stare. "We must not fail. Morpheus desires this woman to be by his side. To fail means certain death." "What more must we do?" Franz spoke from deep within the recesses of his hooded robe. "We have planted doubt." "There must be more doubt," the leader spoke harshly. "There must be a wedge driven between the Chosen one and all of her friends and family. None must be surprised when she decides to leave this realm forever to dwell with Morpheus." Another group member spoke in a light, feminine voice. "We faced no difficulty before she married in isolating her. What force is this that keeps her safe?" Cool, English tones answered. "None could have foreseen the love she bears for her husband. We have spent years waiting for this plan to come to fruition. I fear we have but one option left." Dispassionately, the leader nodded. "We must kill her husband." "I agree," Franz said. "Without him, she will be lost, and ready to accept Morpheus." "What say you, Brethren?" the leader asked. Solemnly, each said, "Aye." "Then let it be so. We will kill her husband." The leader stopped, then pointed at a robed figure who had remained quiet, face hidden. "And you shall take up the task." "Let it be so," the figure moved, pushing its hood back off its face to reveal the face of Beverly Cox. Without preamble, Clark lifted Lois up and away from the site. "Clark, what are you doing?" She squirmed a little, but not enough so he would accidentally drop her. "I was getting pictures." "And I was learning about a plot to isolate you from all your family and friends so you can join the god of dreams in another realm – and that they’ve decided to have Luthor’s Mrs. Cox kill me to do it," Clark said grimly. Lois stopped and looked at him in astonishment. "What?" "This group of people has been working for years to isolate you from friends and family so you can be ready for Morpheus," he told her. "It sounded like Mike Soppeland’s dream control plan might have been orchestrated by them, too." "Clark, listen to me. What you’re saying is unreasonable. Why me? And when did Mrs. Cox come back? How long has she been part of this group? And how come these people believe in a nonexistent god to the extent that they’re willing to drive my parents apart, drive my mother to drink, and kill you – all just to isolate me?" "I don’t know," Clark slowed as they approached the townhouse. "But we’re going to find out." He scanned the house. "My parents are here," he said with some surprise. "I forgot, I was going to pick them up tonight." "They must have just decided to fly in when they couldn’t get in touch with you," Lois surmised. "I’m glad I gave Martha that extra key." "Mmmmm, she brought apple pie," Clark sighed. "Let’s go in. Maybe they can see an angle we can’t." "And I think we’ve got to get on the phone and find out where Mrs. Cox has been for the last four years," Lois added. "Clark, how long do you suppose she’s been in on this plot?" "I don’t know," Clark looked in every direction and floated them down to the back patio. "But it seems logical she might have had something to do with Luthor’s plans back then. I mean, he cut you off from everything and everyone you knew and loved." Sober, he pulled her close for a minute. "I wonder if she had a hand in it?" Lois put her arms around him and squeezed, resting her head against his chest. "Hmmmm. Clark, let’s think about it tomorrow. I want to call the hospital, greet your parents, and snuggle up to my husband." His grim expression softened. "Sounds good to me." *** ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 11:55:05 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: PJ Piasecki Subject: Re: OT: Question MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 6/15/00 3:43:14 AM Central Daylight Time, LoisLane9397@AOL.COM writes: << Will the birth certificate say Father Unknown or will it give the name of the husband since he's there when the birth occurs? >> I know that the law always considers the husband of the woman to be the child's father. The only time a birth certificate would say "father unknown" is if the woman is unmarried, and doesn't indicate a father's name when filling out the application. Piper ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 14:57:12 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Alexis W." Subject: Re: OT: Question MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thanks for all of your feedback! ;) I think I know how i'm going to run with it...I can put a bit of a spin on it since it's fiction, but I wanted to make the situation somewhat believable. Thank you, Alexis ;-.) "I gotta go. Thanks for sewing my jacket, Mom. That electrical storm over Cleveland was brutal..." (Clark) "Maybe you should take another route. See you next week." (Martha) {Lnc, Pilot} ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 12:47:30 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Judith Williams Subject: Looking for fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Am trying to remember a fanfic in which the alternate world Clark lived as a blind writer of fiction. Anybody know this one? Jude ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 16:05:22 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Christopher M Kiraly Subject: Re: Looking for Fanfic In-Reply-To: <001501bfd702$8c5a5560$d3f8fd3f@v1t9j4> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I believe you are looking for "There is always something there to remind me" by Zoomway where he wasn't 'blind' until Lois showed up to add that to his 'secret identity'. This can be found on the archive and on Zoomway's site -----Original Message----- From: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic [mailto:LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU]On Behalf Of Judith Williams Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 3:48 PM To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Subject: Looking for fanfic Am trying to remember a fanfic in which the alternate world Clark lived as a blind writer of fiction. Anybody know this one? Jude ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 21:13:11 GMT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Bethy Em Subject: Re: Looking for fanfic Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed >Am trying to remember a fanfic in which the alternate world Clark lived as >a blind writer of fiction. Anybody know this one? Jude Yes! It's called "Always Something There To Remind Me" by Zoomway. I, too, read it and then later couldn't remember which one had the 'blind' Clark. Fortunatly, I was able to find it again. Bethy PS Just curious, but are you planning on writing a fic in that universe? Or you just liked the story and want to read it again? ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 16:19:40 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Judith Williams Subject: Re: Looking for fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thank you, Christopher and Bethy. > Yes! It's called "Always Something There To Remind Me" by Zoomway. > PS Just curious, but are you planning on writing a fic in that universe? > Or you just liked the story and want to read it again? ----- Am finally getting organized (g) and wanted to re-read this and put it in my permanent file. Have 3 other stories running around my brain right now wanting to be put on paper, but I've always been interested in the Alt World Lois and Clark . I seem to write what I'm compelled to write, when I'm compelled to write it. so who knows when inspiration may strike. Jude ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 18:10:32 PDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "StarKitty :)" Subject: New: Ooops! Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed Welcome to my world! :) Here, for your laughing pleasure, is another piece of insane, demented, deranged and psychotic piece of fluff! It is also another Mary Sue story. As always, I want any and all kinds of feedback! Enjoy! :) Ooops! Crash! Bang! Lois Lane paused in the act of exiting the Ladies room and looked around the hallway. The hallway was empty except for her, as was to be expected this late at night. She, too, would be leaving as soon as she finished some final details on a story she’d been working on. The crashing noises repeated themselves. Lois stepped out of the restroom and turned towards the supply closet where the sounds seemed to be coming from. Who could it possibly be? She stepped forward, reaching for the handle--and tripped, sprawling forward onto the rough carpet. She managed to get her hands in front of her face before it came in contact with the hard floor. For a moment, there was dead silence. Then Lois began to laugh. Clark Kent, her co-star, best friend, husband and partner stuck his head out of the supply closet, half changed between his Superman costume and his regular clothes. “What happened?” Lois raised her head and pointed at the wig, which had fallen off when she fell. “Oh, that again,” Clark gave the wig a dirty look. “I said you should grow your hair long for this. That wig just isn’t going to do it.” “Oh my God! Clark Kent is Superman!” One of the extra’s had come around the corner without either Lois or Clark noticing. Staying in character, he gaped at Clark. Abruptly a familiar strawberry blond appeared beside Lois. She was, as always, clad in very tight revealing clothes. This time it was a pair of blue jean shorts and a green tube top. She had sunglasses pushed up on top of her head and was holding a clipboard in one hand. “Cut!” she yelled. “Lois, what happened?” Lois pushed herself to her feet. “Well, Mary Sue, I--“ Mary Sue pointed at Lois’ shoes. “You forgot to tie your shoelace again! I told you that would cause problems!” “What’s going on?” the extra asked. “You’d better get back in position, Joe,” Clark advised him. “We’re going to have to re-shoot this scene.” “Oh, man! Not again!” The man muttered to himself as he turned and went back the way he had come. “We are never gonna finish this!” Mary Sue picked the wig up off the floor and held it with two fingers like it was a dead animal. “Why were you wearing this?” “Well, you wanted my hair long again, right? I didn’t want to take the time to grow it long again.” Mary Sue gave her a stern look. “You should have visited the Voyager set and had the Doctor use a follicle stimulator. That would have done it in no time!” “You moved the set interfaces around, remember? I couldn’t find it.” Lois shrugged. “I don’t see why we’re doing a new second season episode, anyway.” “We’re doing it because the Author said we would do it! And the new interface is in the Xerox room.” Mary Sue rolled her eyes. She grinned suddenly. “Okay, let’s do this the easy way!” She snapped her fingers and abruptly Lois’ hair was in exactly the same style it had been in during the second season. Lois ran a hand through her hair. She’d forgotten what it felt like to have longer hair. Maybe she could convince Mary Sue to let her keep this style after the episode was finished. Mary Sue threw the wig up into the air and it vanished. “Okay, everyone, back in your places.” She vanished in a flash of white light. Lois grinned at Clark, who was still standing in the storage room door. “You heard her, fly-boy! We’ve got a revelation scene to do!” “Yes, ma’am!” Clark said, grinning as he went back into the storage room and closed the door behind him. ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 21:30:13 -0500 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: timothy truitt Organization: tnt technical services Subject: anne's place MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Does anyone know what is going on with Anne's place? I try to go there and read a story and it gives me a heading and nothing more. merry ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 00:59:01 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kathy Brown Subject: Re: anne's place On Thu, 15 Jun 2000 21:30:13 -0500, timothy truitt wrote: >Does anyone know what is going on with Anne's place? I try to go there >and read a story and it gives me a heading and nothing more. Works fine for me. Have you tried clearing your cache? Sometimes, that's all it takes. Good luck. Kathy ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 08:26:35 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Phillip Atcliffe Subject: Re: Time Elapsed 12/? In-Reply-To: <003a01bfd6d4$bcf8dc60$> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII A rhetorical question: why am I as suspicious as _hell_ about the identity of this Morpheus character? Mrs Cox, huh? Deja vu, anyone? Great stuff. Keep it coming! Phil ------------------------------------------------------------------ "We gotta get out into Space / If it's the last thing we ever do!" -- Return to the Forbidden Planet A sentiment echoed by Phil Atcliffe ( ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 15:03:28 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kristin Olsen-Molnar Subject: Hi all MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi everyone, does anyone on the list live in Canada? If so could you tell me what time and channel Lois and Clark is on please? I will be in Canada for a week and wouldn't want to miss Lois and Clark! Thanks all! ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 14:43:55 -0500 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: timothy truitt Organization: tnt technical services Subject: Re: anne's place MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit THANKS MERRY Kathy Brown wrote: > On Thu, 15 Jun 2000 21:30:13 -0500, timothy truitt > wrote: > > >Does anyone know what is going on with Anne's place? I try to go there > >and read a story and it gives me a heading and nothing more. > > Works fine for me. Have you tried clearing your cache? Sometimes, that's > all it takes. Good luck. > > Kathy ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 15:46:04 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Karen Subject: Re: Hi all In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" >Hi everyone, does anyone on the list live in Canada? If so could you tell me >what time and channel Lois and Clark is on please? I will be in Canada for a >week and wouldn't want to miss Lois and Clark! Thanks all! Hey, Kristin! :) I'm very pleased to say that I live in Canada -- and even more pleased to hear you're coming to visit my country! :) Unfortunately, I'm not so pleased to say that Lois and Clark isn't on at any time or any channel here in Ontario. :( It used to be on CFMT (a cable station out of Toronto) weekdays at 7 pm, but it was replaced by "3rd Rock from the Sun", and "Suddenly Susan" -- argh! Just one more reason for me not to watch those shows. ;) However, I believe it is possible for some to pick up TNT on satellite, though I'm not sure about that. You'll have to ask whomever you're staying with. Also, it may depend on which part of Canada you're going to be in. My information applies only to Ontario. It's very possible that some stations in the western provinces still air L&C, for all I know. Which part of Canada will you be visiting? I may know a FoLC who lives in that area who may be able to answer your question better than I can. ;) Hope I could be of help! :) Take care, Karen :) ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 15:53:55 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Karen Subject: L&C in Canada - update In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Hey, Kristin, et al! :) Ack! Sorry to clog up people's mailboxes, but I thought I should ammend my previous post. ;) I thought I was posting to a different list, or else I would have taylored my reply a little differently. ;) I happen to know that there are *tons* of Canadians on this list who could probably provide a more accurate answer than I did -- especially pertaining to different parts of Canada! :) I hope you find the answer you're looking for, Kristin! :) TTFN, Karen :) ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 19:44:02 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kristin Olsen-Molnar Subject: Re: L&C in Canada - update MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thank you for the info! I will be visiting Quebec and Montreal. Thanks again! ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 18:50:18 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: New Fanfic: The Spying Game Part 1 of 4 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Title: The Spying Game Author: Irene Dutchak Rating: G Part: 1 of 4 Feedback: All feedback, both public and private, gratefully accepted to This episode takes place directly after 'Wall of Sound' and before 'The Source'. Clark has not yet started using his Superman persona to direct Lois's attention to Clark, and Lois has not yet completely given up her crush on Superman. Many thanks to Wendy Richards for her incredibly valuable constructive criticism. This story would be much poorer without her help. Also, many thanks to the readers at Zoom's message boards. As always, you've all been wonderfully helpful and encouraging. The letter at the end of this story was taken from the authorized biography of the late Gerald Durrell, a wonderful writer and naturalist. It was written to his second wife just prior to their marriage. It was so beautiful that I knew I had to use it in a story. All standard disclaimers apply. The Spying Game By Irene Dutchak "Thanks, Superman!" "Anytime!" The Man of Steel launched himself into the sky and disappeared before the interested eyes of the construction workers. As he flew off, he smiled as he heard the buzz of conversation from the buddies of the man he had rescued. The worker had been pretty lucky. He would have been squashed like a bug if he had landed on the pavement thirty storeys below. Thank goodness he had screamed loud enough to catch the attention of Metropolis's resident superhero. Clark soared through the air happily. He was so glad that this was his day off. It meant he had more time to fly. Flying was the one thing about being a superhero that he enjoyed the most - the freedom and joy of slicing across the sky, the wind whipping his cape out taut behind him. He grinned. His mom had been right. His cape did look pretty snazzy while flying. Oh, yeah! That reminded him. He had promised his mom and dad that he'd call sometime today. For a second, he thought about quickly zipping home to his apartment, but it was so beautiful out that he decided not to. He pulled to a stop, hovered in mid-air and took his cell phone out from where he had tucked it in the back of his briefs. Then, assessing the altitude, he dropped down below the clouds before dialling. He knew from experience that the phone wouldn't work well if he were too high. "Hello." "Hi, Mom." "Hey, sweetie. How are you?" The sound was pretty crackly, but he could hear his mother okay. "Pretty good. How about you and Dad?" "We're fine, but honey, I can barely hear you. Where are you?" Clark grinned. "Hovering above Metropolis, about 5,000 feet in the air." He heard his mother laugh on the other end. "That explains it. We'll just have to keep this short. Are you still planning on coming for dinner tomorrow night?" "Depends what you're making, Mom." "Don't get cheeky with me, Mr. 'oh so mighty' Superman. You might be the Man of Steel but you still have to answer to your mother." "Yes, ma'am," Clark said, mock-apologetically. "For your information, I thought I'd make meatloaf and mashed potatoes. How's that sound?" "Great, Mom. I love your meatloaf." "So, how's Lois? Been thrown out of any windows recently?" "Not recently, Mom. She's as exasperating as always." Clark chuckled. "Entrancing as always, too." "You really like her, don't you?" his mom asked, slyly. "You know I do, Mom. I'm crazy about her. I've been thinking it's finally time to ask her out." "What? I can't hear you," his mother shouted into the phone. "I'm crazy about her!" Clark yelled back. "What?" "Mom, can you hear me? Hello?" Only static answered his efforts. Clark shrugged, folded his cell-phone back up and tucked it back into its hiding place. His arms snapped out as his legs extended back, and, on the spur of the moment, he headed for Smallville so that he could personally finish the conversation with his mother. ********** Lois Lane was enjoying a very different day off than the superhero. While he occupied himself with soaring through the air, she had been busy setting up her newest purchase. After the embarrassment she had suffered going after Stokes with a radio-pen that hadn't worked properly for her, she had prevailed upon Jimmy to take her to his favourite high-tech spy shop. She shook her head. Who knew that 'Spies R Us' would ever be a fixture at the local mall? They had spent a couple of very enjoyable hours browsing there. Lois had been tempted by a couple of things. The phone in a shoe had been fun, reminding her of one of her favourite TV shows when she had been growing up, but they had only stocked the masculine version of it. She really couldn't see herself wearing it with any of her skirts. The radio-pen had been appealing but Lois hadn't had much luck with it the first time she used it. Some of the books looked very interesting like 'How to Run an Interrogation' but when Lois checked it out, she had found that it had no information in it that she didn't already know. Then she'd seen it, the Olympus SVR1710, Deluxe Model. It wasn't strictly... legal, but it could be a lot of fun. She looked down at the instruction manual once again: Chapter Two - Easy Set-Up Instructions. It didn't look too hard. This was going to be good! ************ What a fantastic day! Sunny and warm, it was an even better day than yesterday, Clark decided. He had enjoyed a perfect day off. Other than rescuing the construction worker who had fallen off the top floor of the high-rise building, Superman hadn't been needed for any rescues so Clark had spent the whole day flying. It had been too long since he'd had the time to do that, he thought. And then he'd had a great visit with his parents. Now he felt rejuvenated and ready to deal with whatever life had in store for him today. No sooner had he emerged from the elevator than Lois pounced on him. "Come with me. Now!" she ordered curtly as she dragged him into the conference room. Lois firmly shut the door and turned to face him. Her excitement was barely repressed, little sparks of electricity zinging from her eyes. "What is it?" Clark asked, puzzled. "Oooh, Clark, it's big. It's really big. But it's complicated. And big. Kerth material. Pulitzer even. But I don't know what to do." "What is it?" Clark repeated. "I'm not sure if I should tell you or not, but I have to tell someone, and you are my partner and my best friend, but you're a friend of his so I don't know if you're the best person to tell or not, but what else can I do?" "Lois," Clark said, a little exasperated. "Just calm down, and tell me, okay?" Lois smiled sheepishly. "Okay. Well, it's kind of complicated but... Remember Jimmy and his spy-pen?" "Yeah," Clark answered, wishing Lois would just get to the point. Unfortunately, it took Lois a few minutes to get to the point. After treating Clark to an extended monologue about the pros and cons of various pieces of highly illegal and unethical pieces of high-tech equipment, Lois finally told Clark what she had purchased for herself. "You bought what?" he asked incredulously. "An Olympus SVR1710, Deluxe Model." "What in the world is an Olympus SVR1710?" "Deluxe Model!" Lois pointed out. "Lois!" Clark exclaimed, his patience nearing an end. "Well..." Lois looked a little embarrassed. "It's for eavesdropping on other people's cell phone conversations." "But, but, that's not very..." "Ethical? I know." Lois grimaced briefly before continuing. "But everyone knows that cell phones aren't very secure. If someone has something to hide, he should know better and use a more secure phone line. Don't you agree?" "No!" Lois flashed him a brilliant grin. "You are such a boy-scout! Listen, Clark, everyone knows not to use them. Ever since that right-wing politician got caught whispering sweet nothings to Mistress Cecile, the Leather Queen, no one says anything on a cell phone that they wouldn't want others to hear. Anyway, Clark, I got us a fantastic story except I don't know what to do with it. It's kind of personal, too." Clark sighed. "You're telling me that you spied on someone and got something really juicy on tape, but you don't know how to use it yet, aren't you?" "Well... It's not on tape; I hadn't set up the recorder yet. I wish it was so I could listen to it over and over again, but it is juicy and... well... You're right. I really don't know what to do about it." To Clark's surprise, Lois blushed a deep pink. He grinned at her. "Well, are you going to share this great story with me or not?" Lois smiled up at him sheepishly. "I guess so. It's just so, so confusing and exciting and..." "Lois! You're driving me crazy here. Just spit it out," Clark told her forcefully. "Okay, here goes." Lois ducked her head for a second and then looked Clark directly in the eyes. "I overheard a phone conversation and, well, you're not going to believe it, but it was between Superman and his mother!" "What?" Clark gasped. "It's big news that Superman has a mother here on earth. Of course he has a mother - I knew that, but I really thought she was still on Krypton or something. I mean, no one knows anything about his personal life, but that's not all." Lois looked around the conference room. Even though it was empty, she lowered her voice anyway. "I also heard him tell his mother that he's crazy about me!" Clark's mouth fell open. Lois danced back from him and threw herself down into a chair. A big, goofy grin spread across her face, and she hugged herself ecstatically. "Did you hear what I said, Clark? The man's in love with me. He wants to ask me out." Clark shook his head. "That's... that's..." A giant burst of laughter erupted from Lois's mouth. "I know. It's... it's fantastic. It's wonderful. It's..." She jumped out of her chair and left the conference room, still talking excitedly to herself. "Unbelievable," Clark muttered quietly as he followed, shaking his head. It wasn't such a great day after all. He winced as Lois started humming 'Someday My Prince Will Come.' ************ "What did you say then, honey?" Martha topped up Clark's cup of tea. "What was there left to say, Mom? Not a lot." Clark ran his hands through his hair. "Lois wouldn't have heard me anyway. She mooned all over the office for the rest of the day - didn't do any work... At least I talked her out of writing it up." "How'd you do that, son?" Jonathan asked. "Well, thankfully she hadn't got to chapter 3 of her instruction manual so she hadn't set things up to tape or to trap phone numbers. I just pointed out that she didn't have a hard copy of any of it, and therefore she had no proof." "That worked?" Martha shook her head. Clark smiled ruefully. "I don't think it would have if she hadn't been so completely... completely..." "Completely what, son?" "Completely swept away, Dad. She was acting like she was in the middle of one of those trashy romance novels that she likes to read sometimes." Jonathan smiled. "So, tell me again, Clark. Why is this a bad thing? You love her. She loves you. Everything's great, isn't it?" "Oh, Jonathan," Martha snapped. "You know that Clark wants to be loved for himself and not for Superman!" "Exactly, Mom. And I have no idea how I'll ever get her to forget about Superman now." He stared gloomily at the dregs of his tea. "I guess I'm just going to have to completely ignore her when I'm in the suit." "Unless..." "What, Mom?" Clark looked over to see his mother completely lost in thought. Martha stared into space for a moment before looking at her son with a wide grin. "Unless you give her exactly what she thinks she wants." "What do you mean, Martha?" Jonathan asked, puzzled. Martha started to giggle. "Well, she worships Superman. She looks up to Superman. You could say she adores Superman. But what does she really know about Superman?" Clark scratched his head. "I'm not sure I understand where you're going with this, Mom." "Think about it, Clark. She knows that Superman's got some pretty unique abilities. She knows that he's drop-dead gorgeous." "Mom!" "Well, Clark, you are. No point denying it. I might be your mother, but I can be objective. But what else does anyone really know about Superman? What stands out?" Clark thought hard for a minute. "Well, he's ethical." "Perhaps even... overly ethical," Martha pointed out. "He doesn't have much of a sense of humour," Jonathan said. "Or read many books or go to movies," Clark added, starting to smile. "He's probably a pretty boring conversationalist." Jonathan started to chuckle in the background. Martha grinned. "In fact, the one thing that's said the most about Superman is he's..." "Too good to be true!" Clark and Jonathan shouted out, in unison before breaking into laughter. ************ As Clark strode into the newsroom, he felt a little bit better about life than he had the day before. He and his parents had brainstormed into the wee small hours of the Kansas night, and they had come up with a tentative plan. Now all that remained was the opportunity to put it into practice. Lois was still acting pretty giddy. She jumped every time something came over the newswire only to be disappointed when the news inevitably turned out to be about something or someone other than Superman. Clark, however, was a little relieved that it was a slow day for his alter ego. He was quite nervous about putting his plan into action. A few minutes after lunch, however, and both Clark and Lois were able to hear the disturbing sound of sirens filling the air. Lois ran to the window and peered out. "Clark, it's a fire. Over on the next block." She turned back to him with a dreamy smile on her face. "What do you bet he'll show up?" "No bet," Clark said calmly, trying to hide his nervousness from her. "Why don't you go ahead and take this story? I know you want to see Superman. I'll just finish transcribing a few notes." Lois beamed at him. "Thanks, Clark. You're a great partner!" She grabbed her purse and ducked into the elevator. As soon as the doors closed behind her, Clark was gone - up the stairs and off the roof, arriving at the fire before she had even made it out of the Planet building. It was an easily controlled blaze, Clark thought gratefully a few minutes later. Thankfully, there was no loss of life and only minor damage to the building. As he finished making his report to the Fire Chief, Clark glanced surreptitiously at the assembled reporters on the sidewalk just outside the door. There she was, Lois Lane, intrepid reporter, right in the middle of them. His attention was drawn back to the Fire Chief when the man thanked him, however. "You're welcome. I was just glad to be of assistance," Clark said, stiffly. "And now, if there's nothing more that you need me to do, I guess it's time for you to go and issue a brief statement to the Press." The other man nodded in agreement. Clark took a deep breath and then, trailing the Fire Chief, strode over to the small knot of reporters. A bevy of questions were shouted at him, but he held his hand up requesting silence so that the Chief could speak. "We're not sure what the cause of the fire was," the other man said. "It doesn't look suspicious. There were no signs of any incendiary devices or of any catalyst materials. There was no loss of life, and property damage is minimal. Any questions?" Thankfully there were none. Clark didn't like it when there were as the reporters always addressed their questions to 'Superman' completely ignoring the professionals at the scene. He didn't like how that reflected on the Fire Fighters or the Police, but unfortunately, Superman was big news, and others more worthy got ignored when he was around. He did his best to stay in the background, but it didn't work too well. Mom had made his suit pretty visible, after all. The reporters grumbled as they left, a couple of them mumbling 'thank you', obviously disappointed by the sheer mundane nature of the fire. The Fire Chief thanked Clark for his assistance, shook his hand and went back to join his people as they packed their equipment back up. It only took a moment before Lois was the only person left standing in front of him. Clark took a deep breath as he looked into her hopeful eyes. Show time! "Uh, Lois? Hi. I'm glad to see you. Um, there's something that I wanted to ask you..." He let his voice trail off. "Yes?" Lois said, eagerly. Colour flooded her cheeks. Clark smiled tightly. "I would be honoured if you would go out with me on a date." Lois's breath caught in her throat, but she recovered quickly. "I... Uh, that would be great, Superman!" she answered enthusiastically. "Good! Would tonight be too soon? If so, next week might be better..." "No," Lois interrupted, quickly. "Tonight's fine. What time?" "Eight?" Clark asked. "Great. I'll, uh, leave a window open for you, if that's okay." "Good. I'll see you tonight." Clark smiled warmly at Lois. He lifted his head and cocked it sideways. "Um, I'd offer you a lift back to work but someone's calling for help. See you tonight." And he launched himself into the air without further ado. He snuck a peak at Lois before soaring out of sight and groaned when he saw the adoring expression on her face. Well, hopefully tonight's date would put paid to her crush on Superman. ********** Continued in Part 2 ===== __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send instant messages with Yahoo! Messenger. ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 18:50:33 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: New Fanfic: The Spying Game Part 2 of 4 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Title: The Spying Game Author: Irene Dutchak Rating: G Part: 2 of 4 Feedback: All feedback, both public and private, gratefully accepted to Continued from Part 1 "So what happened on your 'date', honey?" Martha asked Clark eagerly as she poured him a cup of coffee. Clark smiled. "Well, I showed up right on time - eight o'clock on the dot. I took her a huge, out of control bouquet of flowers that I had picked myself. They were pretty, I'll admit, but there were a heck of a lot of them. I apologized for them, saying that I wished I actually had an income so I could have paid for nicer ones. Of course, Lois made light of that. She told me she loved them. I don't think she appreciated getting pricked by the thorns as she cut them to size to fit in a vase, but, other than a few, very muffled curses, she didn't say." Clark helped himself to a muffin, and Jonathan passed him the butter. "And then what?" "And then we talked - or at least she talked and I listened. She was so nervous it was pretty painful to listen to her with a straight face, but I managed it. She talked about a few books that she'd read - of course, Superman doesn't get much free time to read so I couldn't discuss them with her - and she talked about a show that had been on TV - and of course, Superman doesn't own a TV so those conversations kind of fizzled out pretty quickly. She told me a few jokes. Unfortunately, most of them involved people being placed in situations that were slightly ridiculous. She didn't like it when I analysed each joke to show why we really shouldn't laugh at other people's misfortunes." Martha giggled as she passed Clark the bowl of scrambled eggs. He helped himself to a heaping spoonful as he continued. "I asked her about her day, nodded politely and acted like I had no clue what she was talking about. Then she asked me about mine and I recited a list of major and minor assorted good deeds from all over the world. By the time I got to the twentieth rescue of cats from trees - in glowing detail, I might add - her eyes were glazing over, and she was struggling not to yawn." Jonathan laughed. "So was that it for your date?" "Oh, no," Clark answered. "I asked her if she'd like to go for a walk. She jumped for her jacket pretty quickly. I think she'd have done anything to escape our conversation." Martha chuckled. "I recognise that glint in your eye. What did you do to the poor girl?" "I took her for a walk," Clark said innocently. "Of course, it really wouldn't have been a good idea for people to see us together - Lois had to agree after I pointed out all the problems inherent in it..." He paused, smiled and chuckled. "All the problems?" Martha asked, quick to pick up on the implications. "Well, maybe not all of them," Clark answered, his eyes twinkling. "I think she cut me off when I got to the twenty-third reason why it would really not be a good thing for people to know we were on a date. Anyway, I warned her that we wouldn't be going for a walk in Metropolis, and she should wear proper walking shoes. It wasn't my fault that she didn't listen." "Where'd you take her, son?" Jonathan leaned forward and fixed Clark with a steely gaze. "Don't look at me like that, Dad. I did warn her." "Where'd you take her?" Jonathan repeated, the corners of his mouth twitching. "To the Sahara. Lois's heels were pretty useless on the sand. We, uh, tottered around in the middle of nowhere for about ten minutes, I flew her home with a whole bunch of apologies, fervently shook her hand, and our date was over. I was home in time to catch the end of the ball game!" "Oh, that poor girl!" Martha exclaimed. Clark chuckled. "I know." Martha eyed him for a long moment as he scraped his plate clean. "Just don't get to enjoy this too much, Clark. You're trying to discourage her attentions to Superman, not torment her." Clark nodded. "I know, Mom. Don't worry." He stood up and grabbed his suit jacket from the back of the kitchen chair. "Anyway, thanks for breakfast. I've got to run if I want to get to work on time." "Anytime, sweetie." Martha tipped her face up to Clark's as he kissed her. Then he clapped Jonathan on the back and was gone in a whoosh. Martha picked up her cup and delicately sipped her coffee. She eyed her husband solemnly over the edge of the cup. "Jonathan?" "Yes." "Why do I have a horrible feeling that we're overlooking something really obvious?" ********** "How was your date last night?" Lois looked up with a scowl to see Clark holding out a full mug of coffee for her to take. "Fine," was all that she managed to say as she looked up into his smiling face. Was he smirking, Lois wondered? He almost looked as though he was. "So, did he sweep you off your feet?" Lois grimaced, thinking of how Superman had had to scoop her up in his arms after she had stumbled yet again on the hot desert sands. "Yeah, you could say that," she answered, sourly. "Great!" Clark exclaimed, grinning broadly. "Are you two going out again?" "I'm not sure, but I hope so," Lois replied sincerely. "I'd really like to." And she did want to give it another try. Superman was so wonderful that it was hard for her to believe that he had been such a, such a... dud as a date. It must have been a really off night or something. There was no way that it could be that bad two dates in a row. Could it? Clark's face fell at her words. It was almost as if he were disappointed by her answer. But why would he be disappointed? Superman was a really wonderful person. Why would Clark not want his best friend to date a great guy and be happy? It wasn't as if Clark were harbouring romantic feelings for her. He had recanted his earlier declaration of love as soon as he could. As the day wore on, Clark continued to act somewhat out of character. His reactions were just... off, somehow. It was hard to pinpoint, but there was definitely something different about him. And the night before, there had been something different about Superman and how he reacted, too. Was this whole weird behaviour thing catching? Superman had been gallant per usual, but he hadn't been himself. He hadn't acted nervous, Lois didn't think that was the problem, but she couldn't pinpoint what was. It was as if he had closed himself off from reacting to her, which was very odd for someone on a date. And the man had acted as if he had no sense of humour, and that just wasn't right. Lois had always seen signs of a fairly well developed funny bone in him before, but it had certainly been missing last night. Hmmm, Lois was suddenly filled with a burning desire to try it again and maybe get to the root of why Superman had acted so strangely. "Clark," Lois said. "Yes, Lois." He looked up from his work. "Do you think you could contact Superman for me? I have something I want to ask him." Clark stared at her for a long moment, his expression completely blank. "I think so, Lois. Do you want him to meet you somewhere or come here or what?" "Um, I think I'll go to Centennial Park on my way home. Maybe he could meet me there around five." "I'll ask him, Lois." Clark pushed himself up from his desk and stiff legged, strode from the newsroom. Off to use whatever mysterious means was at his disposal for contacting the big guy, Lois guessed. Hmmm, as soon as she'd figured out what was going on with Superman, she was going to work on what was wrong with Clark. With a sigh, she bent her head back over her work. ********** "It didn't work!" Clark exclaimed as he paced back and forth in the small farmhouse kitchen. Out of character for him, he had flown home in a panic in the middle of his workday so that he could consult with his mother. His father was absent, working in the fields. "These things take time," Martha said, soothingly. "But I don't want it to take time," Clark answered, a little petulantly. "I want Lois to fall for 'me', not 'him'." "I know you do, honey, but you can't force her." Clark sighed. "You're right, I know. It's just that I've been in love with her for so long, it's hard to not be completely frustrated." "So, are you going to meet her after work?" "What choice do I have, Mom? All I know is if Lois were to say 'jump', I'd probably ask 'how high'. I love her. Of course I'm going to meet her." "You don't know what she wants to tell you. Don't obsess. Just go and listen, and don't worry." Clark smiled ruefully. "I'll try not to, Mom. Thanks." "Anytime, sweetheart. Now get. You better scoot back to work before you're missed." As Martha watched her son disappear in a colourful blur, she shook her head. She still had the feeling that they were all missing something really, really obvious. What was it? Oh, well, she was sure that it would come to her in time. ********** "Hi, Lois!" Lois looked up into the blue of the sky to see Superman gliding down to meet her. She smiled warmly at him. "Hi," was all she said. "Clark said you wanted to see me..." Superman's voice trailed off. "Yes, I did. I was hoping that you might be free for dinner tonight. At my place." As Lois watched, the expression on Superman's face didn't just freeze, it congealed. A moment later, he smiled with his mouth, but the expression didn't touch his eyes. "I'd like that. Thank you, Lois. What time?" "Seven if that's okay," she said as she tried to figure out what Superman was thinking to react the way that he had. It made no sense. Why would he look upset to be asked out if he wanted to be with her? Had he changed his mind? Did he not find her attractive anymore? She didn't know what to think. "That's fine. Thanks. So, can I give you a lift home?" Superman asked. Lois looked up at him with an absentminded smile, her mind working a mile a minute. "No, that's okay. Thanks. I'll see you later." He smiled and was gone. Lois looked at her watch. She'd better hustle. She had to buy a new dress, and then she wanted to shower, change and order the best take-out possible. She didn't want tonight to turn into another fiasco like last night. ********** It was another morning and again, time for breakfast in Smallville, Kansas. Martha brought the platter of waffles to the table, sat down and fixed her son with a steely gaze. "So? Spill it!" Clark quickly speared half a dozen of the lightly browned waffles onto his plate and saturated them with syrup before looking at his mom and sheepishly smiling. "Well, she went all out," Clark said. "She ordered dinner from Luigi's - Pasta Primavera. And there were candles on the table. She dressed up, too. She looked fantastic!" Clark looked off into space as he remembered exactly how fantastic she had looked. "Earth to Clark! Come in, Clark!" "Huh?" Jonathan laughed. "Just wanted to get your attention again, son. So then what?" "Well, I ended up relaxing a bit. I had no choice. She tried so hard. She had obviously put a lot of thought into what we could talk about that didn't relate to rescues, TV or books. She asked me a lot of questions about my travels around the world, and what did I like here or there? I couldn't not answer without being rude. I tried not to go into too many details, though." "Did you take her for any more walks?" Martha asked. "No. I didn't have to. There wasn't time." Clark smiled. Martha knew that look. "What did you do? I can tell you did something." "Well... I did have to leave - repeatedly - all through dinner and dessert. I must have had to reheat my coffee four times before I could drink it all." Jonathan stopped eating and put down his knife and fork. "So, what happened?" "Not really all that much," Clark answered innocently. "Just a bunch of fender-benders. I put out a fire in a vacant field. And I replaced a chain on a bike. Oh, yeah, I helped umpire a kids' baseball game in Connecticut. Little things. You know." Her expression troubled, Martha admonished her son. "Just don't start enjoying this too much." ********** Lois Lane slumped down in her chair and sighed. This was just so not fair. There had always been such a spark between Superman and her, a sense of a strong connection, and yet their dates were such complete duds. The crazy thing was that Lois could still feel the connection between them, but it was almost as though Superman were intentionally ignoring it. But why? He'd seemed to be having fun last night. It had been better than the previous night anyway although that wasn't saying a lot. But Superman had been more relaxed and had talked more. Lois had enjoyed his company - when he had actually been there, that is. As if this whole Superman thing wasn't bad enough, she also had to worry about Clark Kent. He just wasn't acting right. He was being really weird. He had asked her about her date again just like he had yesterday, but then he had reacted as if he already knew how it went. But how could that be? Unless... Lois flushed, a rush of heat going through her whole system. Unless Superman had told Clark everything. He wouldn't have, would he? That wasn't Superman's style. Was it? Lois lifted her head to look around the newsroom. Where was Clark anyway? He'd been working diligently at his desk, his cell phone had rung, and boom! He'd dashed out like his house was on fire. Lois's eyes narrowed as she lost herself in thought. Who had called Clark on his cell phone? Could it possibly have been Superman? With a breaking news story? That he was passing on to Clark and not to Lois, his new girlfriend? If Clark came back with another Superman scoop, he better watch out, Lois thought angrily. Yes, he'd better watch his step! Hey! If Superman did call Clark from time to time, then didn't it make sense that Clark must call Superman from time to time? Which meant... Clark Kent had Superman's cell phone number. That rat - he'd better give it up or else! ********** Having successfully quelled an out of state prison riot, Clark made his way back to work. He congratulated himself that he had only been absent for an hour and a half, and that his absence had luckily fallen near the lunch hour. After he sat down at his desk, he quickly typed up the prison riot story to LAN to Perry. As he worked, an uneasy, 'prickling at the back of his neck' type feeling grew slowly until it forced him to look up and look around for its source. He surveyed the bustling newsroom before turning and looking at Lois. As soon as he saw her, he knew that she was the source of his uneasiness. She looked at him as if she wanted to bore holes in him and examine what was inside. "Uh, Lois? Is something wrong?" "Nope. Not at all, Clark. Why do you ask?" Even though her words were innocuous enough, her expression didn't change at all as she said them. "Uh, no reason. You just don't look very happy..." his voice trailed off as her glare intensified. "I'm fine. Really," she said insincerely before getting up and moving to the edge of his desk. "Hot story?" she asked, peering at his computer screen. "Yeah," Clark answered. "I had to go out to, uh, meet a source, and while I was out, I ran into Superman who told me about a prison riot. Got a great interview from him about it." "That's good, Clark," Lois said, patting his shoulder. "Great!" She spat the last word out venomously. "But?" Clark looked at Lois in concern. "Who was on the phone, Clark?" "Huh?" "Before you ran out of here? Who called?" Clark had to concentrate, consciously thinking back to earlier in the day. Who had called? Oh, yeah, it had been... "A wrong number," he answered, honestly. "Uh huh," was all that Lois said in response. She jumped down from the corner of his desk, fixed him with her most scathing look and stalked back to her desk. What was her problem, he wondered. However, as the day wore on, she did respond to his comments and questions and seemed like her old self once more. Clark put her earlier behaviour out of his mind and didn't obsess about it. He was able to say goodnight to her without worrying. It was a relief that they didn't have a date tonight, though. Maintaining this pretence was very wearing. He needed a break from it. ********** Lois watched the elevator doors close behind her partner. Good thing, too. It had been pretty hard maintaining this cool and calm exterior. She was so angry she wouldn't have been surprised in the slightest to have smoke emerge from her ears! A wrong number! Yeah, right! What a stupid lie. How gullible did he really think she was? Did he think she was galactically stupid? Well, Mr. Clark 'Keep Superman all to himself' Kent had another think coming! She'd get proof of his perfidy, and then she'd grind his nose in it. She wasn't going to let him get away with any of this! She grabbed her jacket and her purse and sprang to her feet. She had some heavy duty shopping to do! ********** Continued in Part 3 ===== __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send instant messages with Yahoo! Messenger. ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 18:50:45 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: New Fanfic: The Spying Game Part 3 of 4 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Title: The Spying Game Author: Irene Dutchak Rating: G Part: 3 of 4 Feedback: All feedback, both public and private, gratefully accepted to Continued from Part 2 Later that evening, Lois surveyed her newest purchase with a great deal of satisfaction. She had put a lot of thought into what she needed before she bought it. A teeny, tiny little radio transmitter and receiver called 'The Bug' had been very tempting, but its range was too limited. She had been lucky once when she had picked up the cell phone conversation at the very limit of its range. She didn't want to count on luck again. Also, it was entirely possible that Superman visited Clark at his apartment from time to time, and Lois had no idea whether or not he might be able to hear the radio waves that the transmitter would broadcast. No, in the end, Lois had decided to go for 'The Card'. It was a mini voice-activated tape recorder about the shape of a credit card. Now she just needed an opportunity to place it. She sat back and thought for a minute before picking up the phone and dialling. "Hi, Clark? I was wondering if you'd like to have breakfast with me tomorrow... I thought we could try that new place, Callards... I'll pick you up about 8... Great! See you then." Lois hung up the phone and grinned, ear to ear, as she thought about how she was going to teach Clark Kent a lesson. ********** Two things happened simultaneously in Clark Kent's apartment the next morning. His alarm went off and there was a loud, cheery rat-a-tat-tat at his door. He quickly grabbed his glasses and stumbled to the door, opening it to discover the smiling face of his partner. "Jeez, Lois, it's 7:30. You said 8." "Yeah, I know, but, uh, I woke up early and felt so good..." Lois's voice trailed off. Clark yawned mightily, stretched and stepped back from the door, gesturing vaguely at his couch. "Well, you're going to have to wait. I have to shower and shave still." "No problem, Clark. I don't mind waiting." ********** Lois sat in a stunned silence on Clark's couch. Wow! What a great way to start the day - being greeted by Clark who was only wearing a pair of sleep shorts! And when he had stretched, Lois could swear her pulse rate had actually gone up. Luckily he had been pretty oblivious to the effect he'd had on his partner. And he shouldn't have that effect on her she admonished herself. She was involved with another man. Reluctantly, Lois forced herself not to dwell on Clark's wonderfully attractive physical attributes. Lois could hear the water start up in the shower. Good. She pulled 'The Card' out of her purse and looked around the apartment. Where was the best place to hide it? It had to be out in the middle of things and someplace where she'd have no trouble retrieving it. She thought for a moment and then smiled before inserting her hand, tape recorder tucked inside, between two of the cushions on Clark's couch. Great! A perfect hiding place. And now, Lois planned on thoroughly enjoying herself this morning thereby giving her an excuse to suggest that they go for breakfast again tomorrow. She'd plan on being early again so she could retrieve her newest toy with Clark safely out of the way. ********** As he bustled around his apartment, Clark reflected on the mercurial being that was his partner. He never knew what mood she'd be in but he found her entrancing in any mood. Even when she was angry he was delighted by her. Well, delighted and irritated all at once. Today, she'd been great company. Funny and lively, she'd made the day an absolute joy. When Lois had suggested having breakfast with him again tomorrow, he'd been quick to offer to make it for her instead. He had been pleased by the speed with which she'd accepted his offer. Thank goodness she hadn't asked him to contact Superman. He didn't know how much longer he could keep up this pretence. But it was necessary, he reflected. He wanted to be with Lois as himself. He wanted her to appreciate Clark Kent and not Superman. He wanted to share his life with her. He wanted... He wanted to tell her the truth about himself. And then he groaned as reality crashed in on him, and he realised exactly what was wrong with his big plan. How in the world would he ever be able to tell Lois the truth about himself when he'd been putting so much energy into this stupid play-acting? How would she ever believe that it hadn't been his intention to make a fool out of her? Because that was what she was going to think. He knew Lois, and he knew how her mind worked. She was going to feel humiliated. She was going to feel rejected. And she was going to feel hurt, really, really hurt. Oh, man, he had to do some major thinking about this! He wanted to call his mom and get her input, too. He needed a woman's perspective on this. But that was going to have to wait. His sensitive ears picked up the sound of a bank alarm. With a spin and a whoosh, he was gone. ********** The next night, Lois sat down and carefully rewound the tape from 'The Card' and prepared to listen to it. Retrieving it hadn't been hard; waiting to have the privacy to listen to it had been. Clark had cooked a wonderful breakfast for her. She had really enjoyed it. But Clark had looked really upset and worried about something, although he had denied it when she'd asked him what was wrong. A couple of times he'd seemed to be on the verge of saying something, but he hadn't followed through. If Lois weren't still pretty incensed about Clark keeping his Superman contact information pretty close to his chest, she'd have been a bit more worried about him and would have pushed him a bit harder to tell her what was wrong. As it stood, she was feeling more than a little bit guilty about spying on her best friend. But it was his own fault, she told herself, working hard to be convincing. He should know better than to try and hide things from her! Lois took a deep breath and pushed 'play'. The first thing she heard was a deep, masculine, worried groan followed by the click of the voice-activated tape recorder turning itself back off. Ha! She'd known that Clark was upset about something. Nice to be right, she thought smugly. The second thing she heard was a bit puzzling. It sounded like... What did it sound like? Lois rewound it and played it back again. It sounded like... a tornado? A vacuum cleaner? She couldn't tell. It was followed by a great whooshing sound, short in duration. What was Clark Kent doing in the privacy of his home? Some weird Kansas thing? She heard the click of the recorder once more and then the whoosh once again. Then she heard the sound of a pair of feet running quickly on the hardwood floor, followed by the muffled sound of running water. It didn't sound like a toilet flushing, Lois thought, feeling very puzzled. It sounded like a shower, but it was so short. What was Clark doing - checking the water pressure or something? There was that mini-tornado sound once again, and then Lois could hear the sound of his footsteps once more. Lois was able to interpret the muffled slamming sounds as that of the fridge and cupboards being opened and closed. Clark was obviously about to cook himself supper. She heard the 'thwack, thwack' of a knife on a cutting board but scratched her head in bemusement as the sound of it got faster and faster until it sounded almost continuous. Strange, really strange. 'The Card' was really awesome. It even picked up the sounds of whatever Clark had chopped up, hitting a hot pan and sizzling. Maybe a stir-fry, Lois thought. She heard the scrape of a chair against the floor and then the unmistakable sounds of the rattle of cutlery followed by water running into a sink and the vigorous sound of a person watching dishes. But everything was happening so fast! Clark didn't normally eat that fast. Did he just put on his gentlemanly manners in public? Was he really a pig in the privacy of his home? Lois waited patiently while she listened to Clark moving around his apartment. He switched on the TV for a moment, but switched it off again almost immediately. He sighed a couple of times, and she heard him walking back and forth on the hard floor. It was getting really monotonous to listen to. Finally, thankfully, she heard his phone ring. "Hello... Oh, hi, Mom." Lois jumped guiltily at the sound of his voice. He sounded so sad, so depressed. What was wrong? Why hadn't he told her his problems? That was what friends were for, wasn't it? "Not good, Mom. I was doing some thinking, and I think I've screwed up big time... I don't think the plan we came up with was a good one... It's not fair to Lois... Oh, you'd figured that out, too... Yeah, you're right. When we think things through, it's pretty obvious." Lois hit the 'pause' button. Huh? What's not fair to Lois? What plan? Feeling very worried all of a sudden, Lois firmly pressed the 'play' button once more. "I know, Mom. I thought it was a good plan, too, but I forgot one thing... How am I ever going to be able to tell Lois the truth now? She'll hate me!" I'll hate him if he doesn't hurry up and tell me exactly what he's talking about, Lois thought angrily as she kept listening. "You know, I had it all worked out before. It would have been so much better. Superman was going to gradually lose interest in Lois - you know, distance himself - and I was going to slowly show her how much I really do care for her. You know I've wanted to ask her out for a while. I told you the other day. I would have courted her. And then, as we started to get closer, and if she felt about me, the real me, the way I feel about her, well, then, I would have told her everything." Lois hit 'pause' once again. Superman was going to gradually distance himself? How did Clark know that? Had Superman told him that, she wondered indignantly. But Superman had expressed interest in her just the other day when he had talked on the phone with his mom. And he had asked her out. And what did Clark mean when he said 'the real me'? He was her best friend. She knew the real Clark Kent already! And what would he have told her, and why couldn't he tell her now? Oooh, this was all so confusing! Then the real shock to her system hit. Clark had said he had been going to court her. He had said 'the way I feel about her'. Did he mean... Could it be... Was Clark in love with her? It sure sounded like it. And if his mom knew, then this wasn't a recent development. Had Clark been in love with her for a long time? Lois shook her head, puzzled and unsettled. She pressed the 'play' button once more. "Sometimes I hate Superman, you know. I hate the whole idea of him! If it hadn't been for him, it wouldn't have taken me so long to become Lois's friend. If it hadn't been for him, she might have given me a chance! We might be together, you know, dating, or maybe even married." Married? Married! "I love her so much, Mom, and it's killing me that I can't be with her the way I want to be." Tears rolled down Lois's cheeks as she listened to Clark share his feelings with his mother. His voice was so anguished, naked and vulnerable, and his feelings so passionate and freely expressed. She was in shock. It tore at her heart to know that she had hurt him so badly. She ached knowing that her best friend was in such pain. "I don't know what to do now, Mom. I've made Lois look like a fool and when she finds out, she'll never forgive me. She'll never believe that I screwed up this badly because I love her, and I'm jealous of myself." Huh? Lois rewound the tape a bit to listen to this part of the conversation again. What did he mean, jealous of himself? And how had he made her look like a fool? "I don't know, Mom. You don't know Lois like I do. I don't know how in the world I could ever tell her now. I should never have done it. She was just supposed to lose interest in Superman, but I didn't mean to make an idiot out of her. Oh, God, I wish I'd never invented Superman!" What? He wished he'd never what?? He didn't invent Superman. He couldn't invent Superman. Superman was a person. Superman was... Superman was... a disguise. Superman was a man with insecurities. Superman was ... Clark Kent. Lois sat frozen as the tape played on. "I'm sorry to dump all this on you, Mom. Thanks for listening. I'm really glad you called... No, I don't know what I'm going to do now... I want Lois to know the truth more than anything in the world, and I just don't see how that will ever happen now... Superman hasn't asked her out again, and she hasn't asked him either... I don't know exactly how I'd act if we did. Not like an idiot like I did before, that's for sure. I can't believe I was so stupid, so condescending, so... Oops, got to go, Mom. Sounds like an accident on the freeway... I love you, too. Say 'hi' to Dad for me." Lois heard the click of the phone being hung up and then she heard the mini-tornado again followed by the whoosh. Clark had changed into his Superman outfit and taken off in a flash, she realised, her new knowledge helping her to interpret the sounds correctly. Lois turned off the tape recorder and sat quietly, listening to her heart speaking to her in the silence of her apartment. She should be angry, but she couldn't bring herself to it. The pain in his voice, the despair, it tore at her. What had she done to Clark? How could she have been so shallow? She had rejected Clark only to embrace Superman. Now she understood his anger. Now she understood why he had lashed out at her. But now that she understood, what was she going to do to resolve this? What could she do? She blanched as she realised what a totally unforgivable thing she had done. She had spied on her best friend - twice! She had betrayed him. He didn't think she could forgive him? How was he ever going to be able to forgive her? She dashed the tears away from her eyes and picked up her phone. She had to call... She needed to talk to him. ********** Clark got home around 11:30 after a rescue in Hob's Bay to find a message waiting for him on his answering machine. "Hi, Clark, it's me. If you get home before 10, would you mind coming over? I have to talk to you. Thanks, I appreciate it. Oh, if you get home later, maybe instead, you could meet me at my place around 8 tomorrow morning. I hope that's okay." She sounded so subdued, Clark thought. He wondered what was wrong. He checked his watch and sighed. Looked like it would have to wait until tomorrow. ********** Continued in Part 4 ===== __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send instant messages with Yahoo! Messenger. ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 18:50:59 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: New Fanfic: The Spying Game Part 4 of 4 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Title: The Spying Game Author: Irene Dutchak Rating: G Part: 4 of 4 Feedback: All feedback, both public and private, gratefully accepted to Continued from Part 3 Lois couldn't help it. She'd tried, repeatedly, but she just couldn't sit still. Her couch had never seemed more uncomfortable than it did this morning. She paced back and forth, trying once more to organize her thoughts for her coming talk with Clark. If Clark had come over last night like she had hoped, this would have been easier to do, but he hadn't. Not being able to get to sleep last night, Lois had had lots and lots of time to work herself up. She'd had time to squirm in embarrassment for all the times that she'd thrown herself at Superman, while simultaneously putting down Clark Kent. She'd had time to think about all the times Superman had been there for her, and how many times she'd had Clark's unequivocal support. But then she'd also had time to think about how he had deceived her. Oh, she couldn't be mad that he had hidden his nature from her. She understood that. Really. Well, mostly. But there had been so many times that he'd used his knowledge to tease her - like when he had dropped in after the Kerth awards and caught her gloating over her own trophies after she'd told Clark that she kept them in a closet. It wasn't that big a deal, but even so, she couldn't help feeling as though she'd been the butt of a joke. Of course, on the other hand, if she were going to lose a Kerth award to someone, well, who better to lose to than Superman? Except he really wasn't - Superman, that is. Except he was. No, wasn’t. And another thing - those jokes she'd told 'Superman' the other day - she'd got those jokes from Clark! And those dates! He'd obviously gone out of his way to make her uncomfortable. How mean could you get? How insensitive? How demeaning? How... And yet, he hadn't meant to make her miserable. He just wanted her to appreciate him for who he was, but he seemed to not know exactly who that might be. One thing she had learned from those tiny snippets of conversation between Clark and his mother was that he was really confused about his own identity. And if he was confused, she thought, a bit angrily, how the heck did he expect her to not be confused also? But maybe, just maybe, the two of them could get things straight as to who he actually was if they worked together. Together. The word made her feel excited and queasy and happy and angry all at once. What was the real source of her anger, she wondered. Her thoughts went to, then shied away from her wedding fiasco, but she forced herself to think about it even though the memory of that time made her feel sick to her stomach. Clark had told her how much he loved her, she had rejected him, she had thrown herself at Superman, but then he had rejected her. Was she angry about that? No. Not at all. She was angry with herself but not with him. She'd hurt Clark so badly, and the worst thing about it had been that it was done completely unconsciously on her part. If she'd known... But she hadn't known, and wishing things were different was never going to change the past. Was she angry with him for not stopping the wedding? She was angry about the whole situation so it was hard to tell if she were angry just with him or with the whole world for that. He had warned her, after all. She'd been too stubborn to listen, and too convinced that she knew everything. But, even so, she'd almost married a criminal. Of course, if he had stopped the wedding - either as Superman or as Clark - she'd never have spoken to him again in this lifetime so maybe it was a good thing that he hadn't acted. After all, no one makes decisions for Lois Lane except Lois Lane. But, she thought wistfully, maybe he could have tried just a little harder. This new knowledge was strangely liberating, though. She didn't have to choose one man over the other. It felt so good to not have to deny that Clark was incredibly attractive. It felt wonderful knowing that he felt the same way about her. She didn't have to censor her thoughts anymore. She didn't have to push feelings, those feelings, away. She could allow herself to react to him now. She could... She stopped pacing abruptly as outside she heard the familiar whooshing sound of Superman coming in for a landing outside her building. Clark must be here. But even knowing that he was here wasn't enough to prevent her from jumping when she heard his distinctive knock at the door. She slowly made her way over to answer it. "Hi, Clark." "Hi. I didn't get home till late last night. I'm sorry. Are you okay?" he asked. Lois gazed at him, seeing love and concern for her shining out of his eyes. How could she not have noticed? How could she have been so blind? With newly minted vision, she searched his features seeing a curious amalgam of two men blending into one before her eyes. "Lois, are you okay? You're just staring at me." She didn't blame herself for not seeing the truth about Superman so much as not seeing the truth as to what he felt for her... and what she felt for him. "Come on, Lois. You're scaring me. Talk to me. And stop staring. Did I grow a second head or something?" Lois grinned. "In a manner of speaking." "Huh?" She couldn't help giggling at the perplexed look on his face. "Come on in, Clark." She turned and led him over to the couch. "Why don't you sit down?" He did and then looked up at her. "What about you?" "Huh?" "Aren't you going to sit down, too?" he asked, gesturing to the empty space beside him. "Um, no. I think I want to pace. Okay?" Clark grinned. "I'll try not to get dizzy while I watch you." He had such a devastating grin. Why had she never allowed herself to notice that open, warm grin? And his eyes. She could drown in those eyes. Were a pair of glasses really enough to blind her? She tore her eyes away from his, feeling the breath catch in her throat. Wow! She was just going to have to avoid looking at him because if she kept this up, any minute now she'd be throwing herself at him and asking him to take her now. Which really didn't sound like such a bad idea when she allowed herself to think about it. So she'd better stop. Thinking about it, that is. "Uh, Lois? You said you had something you needed to talk to me about," Clark prompted, looking up at her with those deep, brown, puppy-dog, plaintive, loving, warm... Oh, stop it, Lane! So the man has two eyes. Big deal! Most people do! Lois blinked, purposely looked away from Clark and shook her head. "Yes, I do, Clark, but I don't know how to tell you this." Clark got up and moved in front of her, catching her hands in his. "It's okay, Lois. You can tell me anything." He was standing so close to her that she could feel the warmth radiating from his body. And he smelled so good, soapy-clean with just a dash of aftershave. It would be so easy to just lean into him... To lay her head on his broad chest and... Lois pushed herself away from him in a panic. "No, I don't think I can, Clark. Maybe we should just go to work and forget all about this." She spun on her heel to go get her purse when his hands came down onto her shoulders and twisted her around to face him once more. Oh, no! There was that warm, concerned and loving look again. She didn't know how much more of this she could take. Being on the receiving end of that look felt as though someone were heaping glowing coals of fire on her head. Speaking of which, it was getting pretty warm in here, wasn't it? "It's okay, Lois, whatever it is. Just look me in the eyes, and tell me. It'll be okay." Not the eyes. He was being very unfair asking her to look him in those devastatingly gorgeous pools of warm molasses... Lois's eyes locked on his. "I just wanted to tell you..." "What?" Her eyes dropped down to his mouth as he spoke, to his lips, to that tiny kissable mole over his upper lip. Why had she never noticed it before? "I forgive you," she whispered. "Huh? For what?" Clark asked sounding very puzzled. "Huh?" "What do you forgive me for?" "What?" Lois pulled away from Clark. "Did I say that out loud? I didn't mean to say that." "What did you mean to say?" Clark asked patiently. "I don't know!" Lois exclaimed, walking away from him and staring out the window. She turned around to face him once more. "No, I do know." She gestured to Clark to sit down once more and stood waiting, fidgeting with her hair as he complied. "Clark, I did something really awful, and I don't know if you can forgive me, but you have to forgive me because you did something that you feel bad about, too, and I know that you want me to forgive you." "Huh?" "But you did the thing that you feel bad about first, and for longer than I did the thing that I feel bad about, so maybe you should feel worse than I do, but you don't have to, because I forgive you, and I understand why you did the thing that you did. I just hope you can understand why I did the thing that I did. But I don't know if you will because even I don't understand the thing that I did. Do you understand?" Clark ran his hands through his hair. What would it feel like for him to run his fingers through her hair, too, Lois wondered. "Lois, would you talk in English, please?" Lois reluctantly pulled her thoughts away from fingers and hair and sat down beside Clark. "Oh, Clark," Lois exclaimed, sadly. "I did something awful to you, and I'm really sorry. I don't know if you'll ever be able to forgive me." "Hey! You sound like you just lost your best friend." "I'm afraid that I might," Lois confessed, glancing up at Clark shyly. "I don't understand." Lois sighed. "I know. Oh, Clark, I'm afraid if I tell you what I did, you're going to hate me." Clark smiled, wryly. "Don't be too sure of that, Lois. I don't think I could ever hate you." When she remained silent, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and gave her a gentle squeeze. "Come on. Tell me. Whatever it is, I'm sure we can work through it." Lois looked away from him. "I'm glad that you're sure, Clark. I'm not." "Come on. Give." "Okay." Lois took a deep breath. "I did something really horrible. Completely out of bounds. Totally despicable and unethical..." "Lois," Clark growled in her ear. "I spied on you, Clark." "What?" "I spied on you. Remember the other day when you got that great prison riot story..." "Uh huh." "Well, I thought that Superman had called you on your cell phone to tell you about the story which meant that not only did he have your phone number, but you must have his, too." "Lois, I don't have Superman's phone number," Clark said, sounding amused. "I know you don't," she replied, softly. "And the reason I know is..." She fell silent. She couldn't say the words. What she could do was pull 'The Card' out of her pocket and hand it to him. "What's this?" "It's a voice-activated tape recorder. I planted it in your apartment two days ago before we went out to breakfast, and I picked it back up yesterday morning." "What?" "I'm so sorry, Clark. I was out of control. It's no excuse, I know, but..." "Was it on?" "Yes." He looked off into space for a long moment. Lois watched him as he tried to process this information. She could tell by the sudden colour in his face exactly when the penny dropped. "But that means that you heard..." "Yes. I heard you talking to your mother. I heard everything." Clark stared at Lois. "Then you know?" Lois nodded. She could feel the heat of her own blush creeping up into her cheeks. "Yes. I know that Superman's really you." "And you know that those dates were all a trick. That I intended you to have a really bad time. That I planned it." "Yes. And you did a really, thorough job, by the way!" Lois exclaimed, acerbically. "You said that you forgive me." "Yes. But I don't know if you can forgive me." Lois got up from the couch wanting to escape from the weight of his gaze. "Oh, Clark, I'm so sorry. I never meant to make you feel so alone. I never meant to hurt you. And I should have never spied on you. It was unethical and insensitive and... Do you think you could ever forgive me?" Clark got up and moved in front of her. "You really forgive me? For everything, not just those stupid dates?" She nodded. "But I didn't tell you... I deceived you." "You didn't have a choice. You had to. And I know that you wanted to tell me. You said that you wanted to tell me more than anything in the world." "I wasn't very nice to you on those dates." Lois shrugged. "I've done worse things to you than making you stumble around the desert in a pair of heels. I mean, think about it, Clark. I spied on you. And, there are... other things that make me ashamed. Um, you still haven't said whether you can forgive me or not," she pointed out, doggedly, bracing herself for his reaction. "There's nothing to forgive," he said, softly. Nothing to forgive? Huh? Lois looked at him as if he had sprouted green fur. "What do you mean, there's nothing to forgive? I did an awful thing. It was horrible, despicable..." Clark’s eyes glistened with emotion. "It was wonderful. I'm so grateful to you, Lois. You have no idea." "Huh?" "I've wanted to tell you for so long, and now... Do you know what this means?" Clark grabbed Lois by the shoulders and gave her a gentle shake. "What? No. I'm not sure." Clark picked Lois up and swung her in a circle. "It means no more secrets. It means I don't have to hide anything from you ever again. It means I can finally be myself!" he exclaimed, brightly, his eyes shining with joy. "All those dumb excuses... All those petty lies... You've freed me from them. I'm so glad. Thank you, Lois. Thank you for finding out. I'm so happy I could kiss you." He gently set her on her feet once more. What a good idea! "Why don't you?" Lois asked, softly, feeling a little dizzy. Clark froze. He gazed deep into her eyes for a moment before slowly lowering his mouth to hers, almost as though he were giving her time to pull away from him. She didn't. She moved into him, and as they kissed, her arms reached up to encircle his neck. After, he pulled back to look her in the eyes once again. "So, what now?" he asked. "You know that I love you." "I think I need time," Lois said, feeling even dizzier after the kiss. "I need time to get to know you for who you really are. I know Clark, and I know Superman, but now I need to know the real you, the person who is a blend of both my friends. I do love you, Clark. You know that. But in a way, I don't know you. Oh, you're still my best friend, and I trust you more than anyone else in the world. But the idea of Superman swept me away from myself, and I need time to find my way back." "I'll wait, Lois," Clark said, intensely. "I'll wait for as long as you need. I love you." "I know," Lois said, tears springing into her eyes at the sincerity of his words. Clark pulled her into his arms once more. Lois was content to snuggle in close and listen to the steady beat of his heart. "I will say one thing, though." "What's that?" Clark asked. "I have to admit breakfast with you was a heck of a lot more fun than those two dates with Superman!" Clark clutched Lois tighter as she started to giggle. A second later, his laughter joined with hers. ********** Much later that morning, Lois made her way back to her desk after going out to see a source. She automatically looked around the newsroom for Clark, but didn't see him anywhere. There was a still steaming mug of coffee on his desk, though, so he couldn't be too far. Well, actually, he could be, she reminded herself. But he had been here not that long ago. She sat down and discovered a plain, white envelope lying on her keyboard. It had her name scrawled across it in Clark's distinctive handwriting. She opened the envelope, unfolded the letter and read. Dearest Lois, I have seen a thousand sunsets and sunrises, on land where it floods forest and mountains with honey coloured light, at sea where it rises and sets like a blood orange in a multicoloured nest of cloud, slipping in and out of the vast ocean. I have seen a thousand moons: harvest moons like gold coins, winter moons as white as ice chips, new moons like baby swans' feathers. I have seen seas as smooth as if painted, coloured like shot silk or blue as a kingfisher or transparent as glass or black and crumpled with foam, moving ponderously and murderously. I have felt winds straight from the South Pole, bleak and wailing like a lost child; winds as tender and warm as a lover's breath; winds that carried the astringent smell of salt and the death of seaweeds; winds that carried the moist rich smell of a forest floor, the smell of a million flowers. Fierce winds that churned and moved the sea like yeast, or winds that made the waters lap at the shore like a kitten. I have known silence: the cold, earthy silence at the bottom of a newly dug well; the implacable stony silence of a deep cave; the hot, drugged midday silence when everything is hypnotized and stilled into silence by the eye of the sun; the silence when great music ends. I have heard summer cicadas cry so that the sound seems stitched into your bones. I have heard tree frogs in an orchestration as complicated as Bach singing in a forest lit by a million emerald fireflies. I have heard the Keas calling over grey glaciers that groaned to themselves like old people as they inched their way to the sea. I have heard the hoarse street vendor cries of the mating Fur seals as they sang to their sleek golden wives, the crisp staccato admonishment of the Rattlesnake, the cobweb squeak of the Bat and the belling roar of the Red deer knee-deep in purple heather. I have heard Wolves baying at a winter's moon, Red Howlers making the forest vibrate with their roaring cries. I have heard the squeak, purr and grunt of a hundred multi-coloured reef fishes. I have seen hummingbirds flashing like opals round a tree of scarlet blooms, humming like a top. I have seen flying fish, skittering like quicksilver across the blue waves, drawing silver lines on the surface with their tails. I have seen Spoonbills flying home to roost like a scarlet banner across the sky. I have seen Whales, black as tar, cushioned on a cornflower blue sea, creating a Versailles of fountain with their breath. I have watched butterflies emerge and sit, trembling, while the sun irons their wings smooth. I have watched Tigers, like flames, mating in the long grass. I have been dive-bombed by an angry Raven, black and glossy as the Devil's hoof. I have lain in water warm as milk, soft as silk, while around me played a host of Dolphins. I have met a thousand animals and seen a thousand wonderful things... but - All this I did without you. This was my loss. All this I want to do with you. This will be my gain. All this I would gladly have forgone for the sake of one minute of your company, for your laugh, your voice, your eyes, hair, lips, body, and above all for your sweet, ever surprising mind which is an enchanting quarry in which it is my privilege to delve. Love, Clark Lois sat quietly for a long moment before folding the letter up and slipping it into its envelope once again. She carefully tucked it inside her purse. "Hi." Lois looked up to see the smiling face of her partner. "Oh, Clark," was all that she could manage to say. "I see you got my note," he said softly. "Yes." Lois pushed herself up from her chair to stand in front of him. "I have to tell you something." "What?" "Clark Kent just did a better job of sweeping me off my feet than Superman ever could," she whispered into his ear. She pulled back and smiled lovingly at him. "You know, when I told you I needed time..." "Yes?" "I don't think I'm going to need all that much. In fact..." She took a half step forward and was enfolded in his arms. "In fact?" Her lips met his, tenderly. As his arms tightened around her, and a wave of heat flooded through her system, she thought, 'In fact, I'm not going to need any time at all.' The end ===== __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send instant messages with Yahoo! Messenger. ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2000 00:50:09 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Lorie Y. Crisp" Subject: Re: New Fanfic: The Spying Game Part 4 of 4 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit What a good WAFFy story! I really enjoyed it, Irene!! Lorie :-) ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2000 14:19:12 +0930 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jill Kaye Subject: wavs Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone knows where I can find some Lois and Clark wavs. I have found some but I'm sure there are still lots out there. ~Larissa~ ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2000 01:35:57 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Alexis W." Subject: Re: Hi all MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 6/16/00 2:03:56 PM EST, Teri44isme@AOL.COM writes: << Hi everyone, does anyone on the list live in Canada? If so could you tell me what time and channel Lois and Clark is on please? I will be in Canada for a week and wouldn't want to miss Lois and Clark! Thanks all! >> Like Karen all depends on what part of Canada you will be in. The local station in Bellingham, WA also sends it's feed out to other places in Canada. It may be based in the states but it is definately Canadian oriented. All I know is that Vancouver, BC gets the feed. I'm not sure about the other places though. The channel I'm talking about is called's channel 12 over here and Lois and Clark airs every Saturday at 10am PST. It's not weekly like TNT does..but hey if you're desperate for an LnC's better than nothing! ;) I hope this helps! Alexis ;-.) {Who can't wait to go back to Bellingham! This way I will be able to watch LnC, 7 days a week! Well that is if I don't have any college courses going on at that time! LOL!} "I forget how beautiful it is here. The only stars you see in Metropolis are riding in limos." (Clark) {LnC, Pilot} ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2000 08:29:26 -0000 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jenny Stosser Subject: Re: wavs Comments: cc: tjmckaye@OCTA4.NET.AU In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Quoting Jill Kaye : > Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone knows where I can find some Lois and Clark > wavs. I have found some but I'm sure there are still lots out there. > ~Larissa~ I was going to reply privately to Jill, but I thought it might be better to let everyone here know about my site: This is a page which has ideas (and some attached downloadable files) for making your own desktop theme based on L&C. From this page, you can also get to my lists of wavs. If you would like some of these wavs. you then need to email me and I'll send them back to you. If you want lots and lots of them, I recommend contacting another folc, she sells a CD she's made up of L&C wavs, pictures and a whole episode converted to ram format (I think), for quite a reasonable price. Also, if you get onto IRC (using mIRC or a similar programme) you can get .wav files from the rest of us FoLCs on the Undernet. J ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2000 05:09:37 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: Re: New Fanfic: The Spying Game Part 4 of 4 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii --- "Lorie Y. Crisp" wrote: > What a good WAFFy story! I really enjoyed it, > Irene!! > > Lorie :-) I'm glad that you liked it, Lorie. Thanks for letting me know. Irene ===== __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send instant messages with Yahoo! Messenger. ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2000 07:23:38 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: JaT Subject: Re: wavs MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii --- Jill Kaye wrote: > Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone knows where I can > find some Lois and Clark > wavs. I have found some but I'm sure there are still > lots out there. > ~Larissa~ Elisabeth and I have some wavs at our web page. They're all the excuses that Clark, Lois, and even Martha used in the first and second seasons. Enjoy ===== The D8As - AIM id is mrd8astl Matthew 23:37-39, Romans 1:19-32, 2 Chronicles 7:13-14 Go to WWW.FREEWWWEB.COM for the best Free Internet access! __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send instant messages with Yahoo! Messenger. ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2000 14:18:34 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: Re: OT: Question I'd be amazed, actually, if the word of the mother was taken as final as to the identity of the child's father. In the UK, where a woman is not married, the only way in which a father's name can appear on a birth certificate is if the father himself is present or gives written permission. I remember this issue coming up some years ago when a woman's fiance died before their baby was born and before they were married: her child's birth certificate had to have the space for father's name left blank. Think about it: what's to stop me - if I were single - from listing the father's name as Dean Cain if I felt like it, otherwise? Wendy ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2000 18:15:18 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Ann E. McBride" Subject: Re: OT: Question MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 6/17/00 3:18:51 PM Eastern Daylight Time, wendy@KINGSMEADOWCR.FREESERVE.CO.UK writes: << Think about it: what's to stop me - if I were single - from listing the father's name as Dean Cain if I felt like it, otherwise? >> Absolutely nothing except your own integrity. Actually, in the US, I believe that is exactly the case. It has a lot to do with the welfare and child support laws. If a woman is married, the law presumes her husband is the father of her child. If she isn't married, she is expected to name the father so that the government can require him to pay child support to her. (One of the many reasons why dalliance of an intimate nature isn't always too wise here. Just ask Dean.) If she doesn't name a father, then no one can be made to pay child support, but the welfare system can try to determine who might be the father and go after any man she was known to be seeing for paternity tests. If she names someone, then the burden of proof is on him if he doesn't want to claim the child. (At least in Kentucky. My son's classmate was named by a girl as the father of her child, and at age 15 he had to go through the legal system to prove it was or wasn't his. She didn't have to have his consent to put his name on the birth certificate.) Lovely system we have here, isn't it? Ann ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2000 18:15:46 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Organization: Subject: Re: OT: Question MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > Think about it: what's to stop me - if I were single - from listing the > father's name as Dean Cain if I felt like it, otherwise? Nothing that I can think of ... but the nice judge would make you prove it before he'd hold Dean accountable :) When my two kids were born, I filled out the birth certificate form myself, with all pertinent information, including father's name. I know I signed the form, and I think my husband did too. Without a signature I'm not sure how seriously anyone would take the name written in... But I don't know where the laws are set -- I expect there are differences between countries, and maybe even between states. -- Pam Jernigan / ChiefPam / God made you special, and He loves you very much. -- Veggie Tales theology The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend. -- Henri Bergson ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2000 17:28:28 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: When Lightning Strikes Twice: Part 14/? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Author: Wendy Richards Title: When Lightning Strikes Twice Rating: PG-13 Part: 14 of ? Comments: Public, private, anything you like! ------------------------------------------------ On his return to Metropolis, Clark hadn=92t been able to stop himself hovering over the hospital, scanning the building with his X-ray vision to check that Lois was safe and recovering. She=92d been taken to a room, he=92= d discovered, and although she was moving about restlessly she seemed to be in no more than moderate pain. Even moderate pain, though, was something he never liked to see Lois suffer, so he had spent an uncomfortable night dividing his time between maintaining a vigil above the hospital, doing a couple of Superman patrols and scouting around for Luthor, with one quick detour to Lois's apartment to repair her shattered window. Of the latter, however, there had been no sign. Clark wondered whether he had gone to ground to recover his strength after their battle; he=92d notice= d that Luthor had been breathing heavily when he=92d finally got the man pinne= d down on the floor. Perhaps his surmise about Luthor needing sleep to re- energise himself had been correct. But Clark was still concerned that the former billionaire might decide to discover for himself whether Lois had survived his attack on her, so he hadn=92t been able to tear himself away from the hospital for too long at a time. Now it was morning, and he'd made one important decision during his long night. Lois, he had been told by Dr Scott, would need to be in the hospital for at least twenty-four hours, possibly two nights. Once she was discharged, he intended to bring her back to Smallville; but he needed to be sure that she would go. And she wouldn=92t be willing to leave Metropolis= while the reason for her return was still present. She was worried about Clark; therefore he needed to reassure her that Clark was safe and well. He should be flattered that she was worried about him, he supposed - well, he was flattered, of course, but even though her actions had told him that she cared about him, cared for Clark, he would have preferred not to find out this way. As he strolled purposefully into the hospital, dressed in his work suit and usual garish tie and carrying a large bouquet of flowers, he realised that it was actually still very early and that he might not be allowed to see her. So when he reached the reception desk he summoned up his widest smile and set about charming the clerical officer. This wasn=92t something he made= a habit of, or which he would even have thought he had a talent for, but Lois had seemed to notice that other women tended to respond to his smile and country-boy manners and had encouraged him to use those in their investigations when necessary. he had thought more than once. The receptionist returned his smile, looking a little flustered, and directed him to Lois=92s ward; once there, he tried the same tactics with th= e middle-aged nurse who seemed to be in charge. She explained that visiting wasn=92t normally permitted before mid-morning, but he gave her a pleading look and made the excuse that he needed to be in work soon, so that this was the only chance he=92d get to visit his girlfriend before evening - crossing his fingers behind his back at the description of Lois as his girlfriend. She relented, and led him along to Lois=92s room. Pausing while the nurse checked to see whether Lois was awake and ready for a visitor, Clark took several deep breaths to calm himself down. His emotions were churning, a combination of concern for Lois, guilt at his own failure to prevent her injuries, and anger at her own actions in putting herself in danger mingling inside him. As Clark, he wasn't supposed to know the full details of what had happened to her, although he supposed that he could use the old excuse that Superman had told him. The nurse turned to him and gestured, indicating that he could go in; he took another deep breath and pushed the door open. Lois was half-sitting up in bed, looking very pale but with dark shadows under her eyes. This reinforced the impression he=92d had while watching her overnight, that she hadn=92t slept well and was probably still in some pain. Her arm, he was relieved to see, was covered in a strip of some sterile fabric, but it wasn=92t a large strip and didn=92t give the impression that she was very ba= dly injured. Then she saw him, and her expression, if that was possible, turned even paler. =93Clark...! I... oh, God, you=92re alive!=94 she gasped, her reactio= n causing his gut to twist still further as her words reminded him of the reason why she=92d returned to Metropolis in the first place. She=92d been worried about *him.* *************** Lois was surprised at the nurse=92s information: who would be visiting at this time in the morning, and why would the hospital allow anyone in to see her before official visiting time? She quickly decided it had to be Superman - no-one would deny him admittance, and he probably would want to be reassured that she was all right, after all, even if he did think her injuries were her own fault. So it was with a little reluctance that she pulled herself into a semi- upright position in the hospital bed to face the slowly-opening door. Expecting to see the familiar features and brightly-coloured Spandex of the Super-hero, she took a moment or two to realise that the man standing a little hesitantly in the doorway wasn=92t Superman after all. Her breath caught in her throat. =93Clark...! I... oh, God, you=92re alive!=94= He stood there, just inside the door, dressed in the dark charcoal suit she secretly loved on him, a yellow tie with little pink elephants dotted over it, and carrying one of the largest bunches of flowers she had ever seen... and he was alive, and seemed to be in perfect health, and was looking at her as if he was about to confess some sort of guilty secret. He was *alive.* He wasn=92t lying beaten senseless or with every bone in his= body broken in some dark alley in Suicide Slum. He wasn=92t buried in a concrete grave somewhere. Lex Luthor hadn=92t fried him with heat vision. *There was nothing wrong with him at all*!! =93You=92re alive!=94 she cried again with a choke in her voice, and threw h= er pillow at him. A surprised expression on his face, he fielded it with one hand while holding the flowers behind his back with the other. =93Lois?=94 he asked, puzzled. =93Why...?=94 =93I=92ve been worried *sick* about you, Clark, that=92s why!=94 she yelled = at him, feeling unwanted tears pricking at her eyes. He quickly laid the flowers on the trolley at the foot of her bed and crossed to her side, deftly placing the pillow behind her head and then taking her hand awkwardly in his as he stood gazing apologetically down at her. =93Lois, I=92m sorry. It wasn=92t until I got your note and phone messa= ges at my apartment that I realised you were worried about me. Then Superman told me what happened to you last night.=94 He grimaced, then added, =93It w= as too late to visit you then, otherwise I=92d have been straight over here. As= it was, I had to practically beg before they=92d let me in here this morning= .=94 He seemed to be very contrite, although if he=92d figured out that she=92d b= een frantically concerned for his safety and that his absence had been what had brought her back to Metropolis and, ultimately, led to her ending up in hospital, she could understand his behaviour. Clark was the protective type, always wanting to prevent her rushing into danger, becoming very concerned for her safety any time one of her old adversaries - and there were a few - threatened her. The idiot was probably blaming himself for this. It *wasn=92t* his fault, although if he=92d answered his phone at leas= t once the previous day she would have stayed in Smallville. Clutching his hand - for some reason she seemed unable to let it go - she began to barrage him with questions. =93Where have you *been*? Why didn=92t = you answer your phone? Do you know about Luthor? What did Superman tell you? Do your parents know you=92re okay?=94 =93Hey, hey, let me get a word in edgeways!=94 he teased, and in his sudden smile she saw her partner=92s normal good humour return. He glanced around then and reached for a chair, somehow managing to drag it over while allowing her to hold onto his hand, then sat at her bedside. =93Okay, you wanted to know where I was yesterday,=94 he repeated; was it he= r imagination, or did he seem to be hesitating a little? =93Superman had told me what was going on, and I was... I was doing some research for him about Luthor, trying to work out where the guy might go, who his closest allies were - =94 She interrupted him there. =93Clark, why didn=92t you just call me? You knew= where I was, I assume?=94 He nodded. =93Clark, you know I could have told yo= u just about everything you or Superman wanted to know about Lex Luthor. Why didn=92t you call me?=94 He ran his hand through his hair, a sure sign that her partner felt uncomfortable. =93Lois, I... I know you don=92t like talking about Luthor, o= r about your... your relationship with him. I didn=92t want to bother you abou= t it.=94 Yes, that was true, Lois realised, but surely he=92d see that this was different? =93Clark, I wouldn=92t have minded! I want him caught and... and dealt with in any way possible. I mean,=94 she added quickly, agitatedly, =93that=92s assuming it *is* going to be possible to do anything= with him. He=92s got Super-powers, after all! There=92s no prison on Earth that=92d hold him, and no-one who can even hurt him... except Superman.=94 Clark nodded soberly at her words. =93I don=92t know what=92s going to happe= n, Lois. I know Inspector Henderson=92s very worried - oh, Superman told me he=92= d told Henderson the truth, but no-one else,=94 he added as she threw him a surprised look. =93I wish Superman had killed him last night,=94 Lois said viciously. She saw Clark=92s eyes widen in response. =93Lois, you know Superman wouldn=92t...?=94 =93I know,=94 she conceded. =93Superman doesn=92t kill, and that=92s one of = the things which makes him the person he is. But Luthor is *evil.* He=92s pure badness, through and through, completely irredeemable. Nothing=92s going to change him, and he doesn=92t deserve to be alive,=94 she spat out. His hand squeezed hers, his fingers curling around her palm. =93Lois, I know= you had a fright, and, believe me, I never would have wanted that to happen, I swear to you. But... you know Superman doesn=92t kill. Won=92t kil= l. And I don=92t know what that means for dealing with Luthor, but that=92s the= situation and we have to accept it.=94 His jaw clenched, and she could tell that he was agitated. =93You know how I feel about the man. I wasn=92t sorry= when he died, and I wish he hadn=92t come back.=94 =93Yeah, I know,=94 she whispered, becoming choked with emotion again. =93Me= too... Clark, I hate him. I *really* hate him, and I=92m scared that he=92s going to kill Superman.=94 Clark=92s expression became clouded, and she wondered whether he was hurt that she was expressing concern for Superman instead of for him - didn=92t h= e realise that she=92d spent almost the past twenty-four hours in a frantic state of worry about him? But he grimaced as he spoke. =93Lois, you know Superman=92s had a lot longer to get used to his powers than Luthor has. I don=92t think he has much to worry about.=94 =93No?=94 Lois threw at him. =93What if Luthor gets Kryptonite?=94 Slowly, Clark nodded. =93I know, that=92s possible. But Superman can=92t jus= t ignore what Luthor=92s doing, or make no effort to find him and put him out of commission, just because he=92s scared the guy might have Kryptonite.=94 =93I know,=94 Lois agreed. =93But... Clark, if you see him... tell him to be= careful, won=92t you?=94 =93I will, I promise,=94 Clark agreed. Changing the subject abruptly, he spo= ke in a concerned voice. =93But you haven=92t told me how you are yet! You hit your head, and Luthor burned you... are you going to be okay? Are you in pain?=94 he finished raggedly. She shook her head, then grimaced as the sudden pain belied her silent assertion. =93I just have a headache, but it=92s much better than it was las= t night. I just wish they=92d give me some pain relief, that=92s all - they mu= st know I don=92t have concussion by now.=94 She caught him looking in some concern at the bandage on her arm, and she touched the edge lightly. =93It=92= s not too bad, I=92m told. It=92s red and a little blistered, and I=92ll proba= bly have a scar, but it could have been a lot worse.=94 Smiling wryly at him, sh= e added, =93I=92ll teach me never to get in the way of a Super-powered man whe= n he=92s using heat vision, that=92s for sure!=94 She wondered why Clark almost seemed to wince at that remark, but he didn=92= t comment; instead, after a pause, he added, =93I=92m glad you=92re not badly = hurt. I=92ve been worried....=94 she said silently. It was on the tip of Lois=92s tongue to add something else. She wanted to tell Clark that, once she was out of hospital and the Luthor emergency was done with, she wanted them to talk about their relationship. All the thinking she=92d done in the past twenty-four hours had led her inexorably t= o this position: she now knew her feelings for Clark were more than just friendship. She wanted him in her life, as... as a boyfriend, a lover, perhaps, a romantic partner. All she had to do was tell him... just open her mouth and say the scary words.... =93Umm... Lois, I need to get going now,=94 Clark put in, a little awkwardly. =93I need to get to the Planet, and I have kind of a busy day....= =94 =93Yes, you would,=94 she agreed absently, unsure whether to be sorry or grateful that he=92d prevented her from telling him what was on her mind. So= hard to know... she *did* want him to know how she felt, but she needed to know how he felt too, and her partner was just so difficult to read sometimes! All those times he had run off on her, disappeared when she=92d thought they were having fun together, those times when she=92d somehow become convinced that he wasn=92t telling her things, times when his gaze would slide away from hers almost guiltily, making her wonder what he was hiding. So perhaps it was best that she hadn=92t said anything, and that he was goin= g now. =93Umm... thanks for the flowers, Clark,=94 she said quickly, the sight= of the brightly-coloured mixed bouquet catching her eye and reminding her than she hadn=92t so far acknowledged his thoughtfulness. He shook his head. =93You=92re welcome, Lois.=94 She dipped her head a little, not wanting him to see the mute plea which was no doubt in her eyes. =93I... the nurse told me earlier I=92d be in here= another night. Do you think... well, would you have time to come back later?=94 He smiled at that, his brown eyes crinkling at the corners. =93Getting cabin= fever, Lois? Finding it hard to get used to doing nothing?=94 His amusement rankled a little, until she realised that his smile held sympathy. =93I can send Jimmy over later with a laptop if you want, and I=92ll stop by the newsagent on my way out and get some newspapers sent up to you - that help?=94= =93Thanks, Clark. You really know me pretty well, don=92t you?=94 she teased= . The quick smile she loved crossed his features again. =93Pretty well,=94 he agreed, getting to his feet. =93I=92ll come back this evening, promise.=94 Standing by her bed, he bent towards her and she held her breath... he was going to kiss her! But instead his lips brushed her forehead lightly before he stepped back. =93See you later, partner,=94 he promised, heading for the door. She lay on the bed, unmoving, for several minutes after the door had closed behind him. Why hadn=92t he kissed her? She had been so sure he=92d been goi= ng to - she could even have sworn that she=92d seen something in his gaze which= seemed like... Like longing. And yet, if he really felt that way about her, and he had to know she cared for him too, why hadn=92t he kissed her? Maybe he really wasn=92t in love with her, as he=92d told her outside the Planet a couple of days after her abortive wedding. Maybe he couldn't bear the thought of getting involved with Lex Luthor=92s leavings - he hated Luthor, after all. Maybe she=92d imagined the look in his eyes, and he reall= y did just see her as his partner and best friend - after all, there was Mayson Drake on the scene. She had no idea whatsoever what Clark felt for Assistant District Attorney Drake, but Mayson herself was making her own feelings for Clark very clear. Yes, it was just as well that she hadn=92t raised the subject of their relationship before he=92d left. How embarrassing to have told him that she wanted a closer relationship, only for him to have to tell her that he was involved with Mayson Drake. **************** ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 17:33:38 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Dennis Arendt Subject: looking for a fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0004_01BFD94B.56CE52C0" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0004_01BFD94B.56CE52C0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I am looking for a fic that I read quite some time ago. Lois is married to Lex and no longer a reporter. Clark is working for = the Daily Planet and his next assignment is to interview Mrs. Lex = Luthor. Eventually they work together to rid Lois or Lex. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Brenda ------=_NextPart_000_0004_01BFD94B.56CE52C0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I am looking for a fic that I read = quite some=20 time ago.
Lois is married to Lex and no longer = a=20 reporter.  Clark is working for the Daily Planet and his next = assignment is=20 to interview Mrs. Lex Luthor. Eventually they work together to rid Lois = or=20 Lex.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
------=_NextPart_000_0004_01BFD94B.56CE52C0-- ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2000 17:52:22 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: Re: looking for a fanfic Brenda, this sounds like Sheila's fanzine story (title escapes me for the moment) which should be released to the Archive fairly soon since the year- long embargo will be up in a few weeks. Wendy ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2000 18:28:04 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kathy Brown Subject: Re: looking for a fanfic I think you are remembering Sheila Harper's fanzine story called "In The Beginning". It should be released this summer to the Archive. It was * wonderful*, and I just know that when it comes out, everyone will be thrilled to (re)read it! :) Kathy ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 18:57:04 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Dennis Arendt Subject: Re: looking for a fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thanks everybody. Now I know where I filed it :) Brenda -----Original Message----- From: Kathy Brown To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Date: Saturday, June 17, 2000 4:28 PM Subject: Re: looking for a fanfic >I think you are remembering Sheila Harper's fanzine story called "In The >Beginning". It should be released this summer to the Archive. It was * >wonderful*, and I just know that when it comes out, everyone will be thrilled >to (re)read it! :) > >Kathy > ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2000 19:53:50 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Anne Carlson Subject: Re: looking for a fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Brenda, Wendy is right. It was for the Fanzine that came out last summer. I avoided the story because of the introduction about Lex and Lois being married. I didn't want Clark to be a marriage breaker. But oh, it is a wonderful fanfic written be Sheila Harper called "In the Beginning". Clark is a new reporter with Metropolis Star and he is chosen to do an interview with Mrs. Luthor. Clark is immediately taken with her during their interview even though he knows the attraction is wrong. Meanwhile, Lois has just overheard her husband admit to the bombing of the Planet to Mrs. Cox. Lois and Clark eventually get together to bring Lex down. It's great! There are a lot of "Super" stories in that Fanzine. The FoLCs that didn't get a chance to read them are in for real treat this summer. Happy Reading! Anne ( ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2000 20:08:02 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Anne Carlson Subject: Re: looking for a fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Kathy also wrote a great story for the Fanzine called "The One that Got Away". It is a must read when those stories hit the archive. It was a nice version about the summer between seasons 1 and 2. Clark has found out that an old girlfriend has died. Lois wants to be there for him -- but she is also jealous to the "one who got away" from Clark. Lois reflects of how much she must have hurt Clark during the almost wedding fiasco. Lois says, "Forget her". Clark answers, "I can't". Mmmm, nice stuff. Kathy and Sheila are so talented. I am so glad that they continue to write L&C. Anne ( ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2000 21:18:43 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Gerry Anklewicz Subject: Re: wavs Comments: To: In-Reply-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit What's a wav? ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 00:12:58 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Melisma Subject: Re: Hi all In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Where in Canada are you gonna be? Here in Vancouver we get it on channel 12 at 10 am on Saturdays - and that is IT Used to be every day at 4, but even THEN they refused to play the pilot for us... Melisma (still pouting under her rock) At 03:03 PM 16/06/2000 EDT, you wrote: >Hi everyone, does anyone on the list live in Canada? If so could you tell me >what time and channel Lois and Clark is on please? I will be in Canada for a >week and wouldn't want to miss Lois and Clark! Thanks all! > > > ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 03:03:07 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Alexis W." Subject: Re: Hi all Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Melisma... It sounds like you get KVOS like I do here in the states! I always used to run back from my classes out of breath when I was going to Western. I wanted to get there in time to see Lois and Clark at 4pm every day! I too was mad when it was moved only to Saturdays. I took a bus that drove past the KVOS tv building and I always smiled when I saw it! I used to think that was the place that showed LnC! I know it sounds hookey but hey I'm an FoLC maniac! ;p~ LOL! Alexis ;-.) ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 19:58:17 +0930 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jill Kaye Subject: Re: wavs In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" >--- Jill Kaye wrote: >> Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone knows where I can >> find some Lois and Clark >> wavs. I have found some but I'm sure there are still >> lots out there. >> ~Larissa~ > >Elisabeth and I have some wavs at our web page. > >They're all the excuses that Clark, Lois, and even >Martha used in the first and second seasons. > > > >Enjoy > > > >===== >The D8As - AIM id is mrd8astl > >Matthew 23:37-39, Romans 1:19-32, 2 Chronicles 7:13-14 > >Go to WWW.FREEWWWEB.COM for the best Free Internet access! Hi, I went to your webpage and I couldn't get any of the sounds to download. ~Larissa~ > >__________________________________________________ >Do You Yahoo!? >Send instant messages with Yahoo! Messenger. > ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 21:29:09 +1000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jenny or Joe Stosser Subject: Re: wavs In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="=====================_15724516==_.ALT" --=====================_15724516==_.ALT Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed At 08:29 AM 17/06/2000 +0000, I wrote: >Quoting Jill Kaye : > > > Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone knows where I can find some Lois >and Clark > > wavs. I have found some but I'm sure there are still lots out there. > > ~Larissa~ > >I was going to reply privately to Jill, but I thought it might be >better to let everyone here know about my site: > > > >This is a page which has ideas (and some attached downloadable files) >for making your own desktop theme based on L&C. From this page, you >can also get to my lists of wavs. If you would like some of these >wavs. you then need to email me and I'll send them back to you. If >you want lots and lots of them, I recommend contacting another folc, > she sells a CD she's made up of L&C wavs, >pictures and a whole episode converted to ram format (I think), for >quite a reasonable price. > >Also, if you get onto IRC (using mIRC or a similar programme) you can >get .wav files from the rest of us FoLCs on the Undernet. > >Jen OK, Due to a number of emails I've received in response to the above post, I want to stress again that if you ONLY want a few wav files (like a maximum of perhaps 10 or so), you can request them from me by email, if they're listed on the website above. However, if you want more than that, you will need to contact Anne at and discuss with her purchasing her CD. I CANNOT send you "all the wavs" which you "couldn't download" from my website. You CAN'T download any wavs from my site. They're not there. The site is ONLY a listing of what I've got on my home computer. Sorry if this inconveniences you. Anne's CD is offered by her at a very reasonable price considering all the work she put into producing it, and I commend it highly to you if you are a FoLC! Sorry if I sound a bit harsh in this email... but I thought I had been clear in my earlier post AND on my webpages that I can't send you *ALL* the wavs. (The worst thing is when someone asks me for a whole bunch, I go and send them all and then their mailbox fills up and the darn things bounce back to me, filling up MY mailbox! Please don't do this to me!) Jen -*-This message is umop ap!sdn (Jenerator or Some1Else on IRC) -*- JenerEight on AIM -*- ICQ: 11477318 Photos of David (7) and Megan (4) on the Stosser Family HomePage: Please sign our guestbook! --=====================_15724516==_.ALT Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" At 08:29 AM 17/06/2000 +0000, I wrote:
Quoting Jill Kaye <tjmckaye@OCTA4.NET.AU>:

> Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone knows where I can find some Lois
and Clark
> wavs. I have found some but I'm sure there are still lots out there.
> ~Larissa~

I was going to reply privately to Jill, but I thought it might be
better to let everyone here know about my site:

This is a page which has ideas (and some attached downloadable files)
for making your own desktop theme based on L&C.  From this page, you
can also get to my lists of wavs.  If you would like some of these
wavs. you then need to email me and I'll send them back to you.  If
you want lots and lots of them, I recommend contacting another folc, she sells a CD she's made up of L&C wavs,
pictures and a whole episode converted to ram format (I think), for
quite a reasonable price.

Also, if you get onto IRC (using mIRC or a similar programme) you can
get .wav files from the rest of us FoLCs on the Undernet.


OK, <rant mode on>
Due to a number of emails I've received in response to the above post, I want to stress again that if you ONLY want a few wav files (like a maximum of perhaps 10 or so), you can request them from me by email, if they're listed on the website above.  However, if you want more than that, you will need to contact Anne at and discuss with her purchasing her CD. 
I CANNOT send you "all the wavs" which you "couldn't download" from my website.  You CAN'T download any wavs from my site.  They're not there.  The site is ONLY a listing of what I've got on my home computer.  Sorry if this inconveniences you. 
Anne's CD is offered by her at a very reasonable price considering all the work she put into producing it, and I commend it highly to you if you are a FoLC!
Sorry if I sound a bit harsh in this email... but I thought I had been clear in my earlier post AND on my webpages that I can't send you *ALL* the wavs.

(The worst thing is when someone asks me for a whole bunch, I go and send them all and then their mailbox fills up and the darn things bounce back to me, filling up MY mailbox!  Please don't do this to me!)
</rant mode off>
Jen -*-This message is umop ap!sdn
(Jenerator or Some1Else on IRC) -*- JenerEight on AIM -*- ICQ: 11477318
Photos of David (7) and Megan (4) on the Stosser Family HomePage:
--=====================_15724516==_.ALT-- ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 10:41:02 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Mary Scibetta Subject: Let It Be Me 26/31 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sorry I have been away working on another hobby for a couple of weeks. I'm going to finish posting it today. ******************** Chapter 26 - The Pains of Mortality "I'm ready." The doctor pulled out the chart he had quickly put together on Superman. "The new solution of Kryptonite does effect you, but in a new way. Your cells are regenerating new cells. Look at this picture. This is a blow up of one of your old cells that hasn't been attacked yet. This is a new cell that has been changed. Superman, you may want to pick a new name, a mortal name. This Kryptonite has changed your cell structure to that of a mortal's." Lois held on to his hand as he sunk back into the chair he had been. "I'm so sorry." "Can you reverse it? You can, right?" Lois let go and started yelling at the doctor, but felt Superman pull on her. "Lois." "But why, you're Superman. You have to get back to yourself. I mean Superman just can't disappear like that. You can't let it!" Superman sat in the chair as Lois calmed down, figuring that maybe this was what Superman wanted. What Clark wanted. "Lois, if they find a cure then great, but I am not going to push for one. Anyway, my life..." Superman started whispering, "my life...could be normal. A family and a job...normal." "But it's not you - you're Superman. You have been for a long time." "I know, but maybe this is a sign." Superman took her hand. "So, now what? What are you going to do?" "I guess go on with my life. Go home and try to sleep." "I want you to stay with me for right now." Superman looked at Lois funny wondering why that would matter. "Lois, I don't think I should." "I'm not taking no for an answer. You are going to find out this is harder than you think and you will need someone to help you. You have got to have someone." Lois started toward the door, with Superman's hand in hers, still amazed that she had never felt they were the same before last night. "You win Lois." "You say that to me a lot you know?" She handed a card to the doctor. "Call if something comes up." Lois shoved Superman in the Jeep and started home. Arriving at home, Lois got a call from Lucy saying she never found Clark and Brit was still at the center. Clark started getting nervous because even though Lois knew the truth, he wasn't sure of Brit. She had never spoken of it and he looked like Clark without the suit. Lois walked in and saw Superman lounging on the couch. "You settled? I know this is hard for you, especially after last night. Is there something I could do for you?" "Not mention that you know to Brit because she may not." Sitting next to him, Lois was shocked, "She doesn't know?" Clark shook his head no. "I can keep a secret. Now what else?" She got and headed to the bedroom. "Could I get something to eat? Something about being human..I'm hungry." "Just be careful what you eat - no more double fudge anything for you if you want to continue to look like that." Superman laughed at himself, looking in a mirror. "Do you want something?" "No, but I'll fix something for Brit." Lois just realized what she had said. Lois also realized she was screaming. She walked back in the kitchen. "And try not to touch the stove again." Superman looked at her and laughed. She lightly slapped him on the shoulder. Clark decided that sandwiches were simple and safe. He had made enough for everyone when Lucy dropped Brit off at the apartment. He tried to overhear what Lois was telling Brit that they couldn't find her father but that Superman was staying with them. Lois was reading Brit the riot act about Superman and her manners. He tried not to giggle. "Superman, this is Brittany." He kneeled and watched for her reaction. She immediately looked at him put her arms around him. "Guess she likes you. Well Brit, I think he made you something to eat. I'm going to go get ready to call in the story." Lois left the room but turned around to see what was really going to happen with Brit and Superman. "Come and eat. I hope you like peanut butter and bananas. Lois doesn't have much else." "That's ok." Brit started to eat. "Could I have some milk da...Superman." Clark stopped and looked at Brit. She moved closer to her dad. "I have seen you without glasses daddy. What does Lois think?" "She knows honey, how about that milk." Clark got up to get milk for her while happy that the people most important in his life knew the truth. Meanwhile, Lois heard that she knew and knew it was time. "Hello, this is Lois. Martha and Jonathon, I have Clark over here. He's kind of in trouble. He lost his powers." She could hear Clark's mother gasp. "I know. Just come on over." Clark's parent arrived a few minutes later, hugging Lois. "Your parents - I thought that they should know about what happened. There were these two people that have invented this stuff that is turning, Clark into a mortal." Clark and Brit stood in the living room and waited for his parents' reaction. "Brit, let's let them have some time alone." Lois took Brit in the bedroom with her while Clark sat down with his parents. "How's Brit taking your missing or does she know?" "She knows. But the thing is that I don't know if I want to go back to being Superman. I may have to make a choice and I don't know if it matters now." Martha looked at her son sternly. "You have to son. You were raised as nothing else." They knew that he understood that he meant he had to find a way to change his cells back. "We are going back to the apartment to act worried. How about you?" "I'm here tonight, but if you would take Brit." His parents shook their head and called for Brit. Within minutes, Brit and his parents were gone. Lois came back in and saw the couch was made out. "Are you sure you want that? I can let you have the bed and..." Clark rubbed his hand down her cheek. "Lois, you need to help me find these men. I wasn't thinking before; I have to get Superman back. Can you help me?" Lois felt his hands rub hers and shook her head to agree. "What is it?" "I just started thinking about how nice it would be for you to be mortal. So much simpler." She stood up next to him. "Lois, even if I do become Superman again, you will always be special to me like all the times before." Clark turned on the radio and walked back over to Lois. "And I'm really sorry about last night. It was a all really shocking and strange." He rubbed his hand through her hair as she leaned into his hand. "Would you mind a dance, say this is our wedding dance I won't have." Lois felt a little hurt by the statement but couldn't turn him down. She slipped her hand in his and he wrapped his arm around her tiny waist. Look at me, I'm in a place I never thought I would be Don't have the strength to fight anymore Or a reason not to leave So tell me why I still keep holding on To something I just cannot see What makes you stay When your world falls apart What makes you try one more time When its not in your heart At the end of your rope When you can't find any hope You still look at him and say Tell me what makes you stay "Lois?" Clark moved his shoulder slightly where she had almost fallen asleep in his arms. He picked her up and took her into the bedroom. He had never seen the bedroom in her new place. He noticed while looking around the picture of them two in college. He laid her down and tried to remove what he couldn't that she didn't need to wear to bed. He covered her and sat on the edge of the bed. Through all of this, she only slightly stirred. He leaned over to start to kiss her when she turned into him. He ended up kissing her on the lips instead of the cheek. Was she awake? Her lips were inviting. He sunk further on the corner of the bed and pushed her hair back and kissed her again. Whether asleep or awake, she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into her. "Lois?" "Come here." Clark moved closer to her cautiously. "Are you sure about this?" He looked down seeing her unbuttoning his shirt. Clark started breathing hard. She fiddled with her shirt and then pulled the sheets over both of them. ************* Clark woke to the sun streaming through the window and hearing a paper being thrown at the door. He looked over and saw Lois still asleep and sighed. He was afraid that things would really change now. He ran his fingers along her shoulder and she turned to face him. "Lois?" "Morning Superman. Clark, I still can't keep that straight." She started moving across the bed and then felt there was no clothing between them. "Did we, did I force you?" She felt guilty and couldn't remember a thing. Clark wasn't listening, just looking at her in the sunlight. "What? I wasn't listening." Lois repeated herself and Clark smiled, "No, I got carried away. I guess we both did. Being human impaired judgement, that is really strange." Lois looked at him longingly without any reply. They sat in bed looking at each other for several more minutes when Lois looked over and laid on his chest. She could feel Clark run his hands through her hair as she closed her eyes. "You ok Lois?" "I am. I just want you to know that this meant nothing - just impulse - a stupid impulse that should have never happen." Clark stared at the window. "Lois, please." Lois decided to stay quiet and drift off to sleep. Clark, on the other hand, went over and over the events that shouldn't have occurred. ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 10:47:04 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Mary Scibetta Subject: Let It Be Me 27/31 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Chapter 27 - Back to Normal "Lois, it's for you." Lois rolled over and saw Clark was up and dressed, handing her the phone. He wished he could listen in on the conversation. "Tell me Jimmy." "They found those men in a warehouse over next to where you were yesterday. They have a deal for Superman." Lois hung up the phone and looked at the plainly dressed man. He looked back at her. "What are we waiting for? Let's go." He threw Lois' shirt to her. He waited in the living room and saw her dash in and through the kitchen before she was ready. Wrapping his arms around her cautiously, Clark whispered, "I want you to stay calm. If things don't go my way, you can't lose your cool. Things could change if you slip." Lois turned and looked at him. "Slip? You think I would be dumb or impulsive enough to give away your secret?" Clark looked at her cross and she remembered that she has lost her cool in the past. She put her hands on his face. "I promise. Cool." Arriving at the plant, Lois and Superman found the men caught in their own creation. Lois smiled funny at Superman, "Look, what we have here." Moving closer, Lois looked over Superman, "Are you going to be alright?" "If I'm mortal, what's the problem then?" Smiling, Superman walked over to the men. "Now, before the cops arrive, would you like to tell me how to get my powers back? You have a way to reverse this?" The men shook their heads. "Well, I'm waiting!" Lois had never heard Clark so rough. "Why should we give you any antidote. You're not Superman - you can't hurt us." Then men squirmed further away as Superman walked toward them. "I may not have my strength but I will find a way to make you pay. Think - if you have an antidote and I think you do, someone else could also make one from the amount of stuff here on the floor. So, I say, even without Superpowers, I have the upper hand." Superman gently smiled as he folded his arms over his chest. The men looked at each other, disgruntled. "The antidote is over there. I would warn you there haven't been any tests. We think it'll work but it's not our fault if it doesn't work." "Wanna bet? What do I do with it?" Superman walked over and found a can of another gel. "Put all over you like the gel we put on you." He signaled for Lois to watch them while he went around the corner. Stripping down, he rubbed the oil substance over his body. He suddenly fell to the ground and started clutching his head. A stabbing pain forged his body and made him scream. He could see all the things he had done as Superman in his past appear again. Sitting there, he began to get his breathing back. Then he saw Lois looking down at him. "You need some help, are you in pain, can I?" "Stand back." Superman turned away from her and disappeared in a flash. She smiled as seconds later he returned very much Superman. "Back to normal. By the way, I like the underwear Lois. I didn't know I was so loved." Lois grabbed his arm. "You are very loved." She could see the Clark smile come over him as he beamed at her. In the other room, the men who had helped open all communications seemed to have been picked up and carried off. "Does Superman need a change of clothes for work?" Clark smiled and entered into a spin. "Now, I get it. All those times you would keep your tie on in the 100-degree heat. And all this time I thought you were crazy." "Lois, go back to the Planet. And not a word of me and my, you know." Lois smiled and headed to the car and heard a noise from Superman's direction. ******************* "Lois, where is Clark? Is he still sick?" Perry was walking a hole in the floor wondering where all his reporters are going. "No, he should be here in a few. How's the story?" Lois sat down at her desk. "It's beautiful - I smell another Kerth here. But that doesn't mean you can't stop writing. I want gut wrenching emotion. What he was thinking as a human and I want it before you leave to get ready for the wedding." Lois smiled and knew Perry wasn't kidding. She went on started on the story wondering where Clark really was. A train derailment answered that question. "Lois, this just came for you." The messenger set a package on her desk and she proceeded to open it. Lois saw a picture of her and Clark at graduation moments before he had asked her the first time. The ring...he gave me the ring. Lois opened the letter and read: Lois, I am standing up with Dan at the wedding for you. I know we have been through a lot the last few days and this is more painful than I ever imagined - having to let you go. But I want to make a promise to you. As Clark, if Dan ever hurts you again, I will make sure he pays. Clark Lois sat silent at her desk wondering if that was it. He seemed so calm earlier when they had seen each other off. She read the letter over and over while spinning the ring on her finger. Lois felt a tap on the shoulder. "Honey, you ok?" "Dan, I'm fine. Are we ready for tonight?" Dan sat down and tried to see what Lois was so interested. Dan smiled and replied that they were. "So, are you ready to go?" "Give me a few minutes to tie up some ends. You can stay." Dan waited patiently while Lois finished the story. She wanted so much to talk to Clark once more before tonight, but that would not happen. Dan and she left the newsroom without a sight or sound of Clark or Superman. ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 10:52:48 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Mary Scibetta Subject: Let It Be Me 28/31 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Chapter 28 - Is Everyone Ready? "Is everyone here that is on the wedding party?" The preacher was anxious to get finished with rehearsal because of the mass that would be starting. "My best man called a few hours ago and said that he was snowed in Maine. Let me phone him one last time." Dan walked out of the chapel for a few minutes. Lois sat in the pew talking to her mother and her other friends. Lucy sat across from them with Clark, trying to cheer him up. "Clark, we did all we could to change her mind. I can't help that she's stubborn. I was sure after all these years and things you two have been through that she would change her mind." "It's ok Lucy. I guess maybe now we could start seeing each other." He laughed a little to try to cheer himself up. She smiled back at him, rubbing his shoulders down. At the same moment, Dan walked in and whispered something to Lois. Dan appeared in front of Clark. "Can I talk to you?" "Sure." Clark followed Dan into the hallway. "I know this is really a weird to thing to ask, especially with you and Lois' past, but I have a favor to ask." Clark stood waiting for the punchline. "I need you to be my best man." He could tell Clark became uncomfortable. "I suppose, if there is no other way." "Great. I'll just tell the preacher that now you're in charge of me." Dan slapped Clark on the back and laughed. Clark and he walked back into the chapel, both smiling at Lois. "My best man needs to be here and the other groomsmen here. Then you walk out with me sir. Now ladies in the back, you'll be met halfway up the aisle by the men. Mr. Kent, you'll walk up to this point and walk up with Lucy and pass her off. Good." The rehearsal went smoothly. Clark felt relieved that they didn't dwell on the vows and the rings - he didn't know if he could take something like that. After the rehearsal was over, everyone went to the dinner. Clark and Lucy decided to support through Lois' mistake and sat at the table behind the now happy couple. Clark hated to admit it, but Lois looked happy. "Clark, are you really ok with being best man?" Clark looked up to see that Lois was having Lucy move over to sit by him. "If it's what he needs to get married." "What was that supposed to mean?" "Nothing." "Honey, how about a last dance as a single woman." Lois took Dan's hand and whisked away in his arms. Clark sat and stared across the room. "Want to dance? I know its not the same but maybe we can show them some new ..." Clark pulled Lucy from her seat and didn't let her finish her sentence. In another's eyes, I'm someone who Loves enough to walk away from you I'd never cheat or never lie in another's eyes And he believes in me and his faith is strong I'd never fall or even compromise in another's eyes In another's eyes, I'm afraid that I can't see This picture perfect portrait that they paint of me And they don't realize and I pray they never do Cause every time I look I'm seeing you, in another's eyes. "Can I cut in?" Looking behind him, Dan handed Lois over to Clark. Throughout the rest of the selection, they never spoke or barely looked at each other. Both thought that it would be too painful to talk at this point in time. In another's eyes, staring back at me I see a sinking soul trying desperately To turn the tides before it dies in another's eyes But what they can't see it's me killing me It's a blessing and a curse that love is blind In another's eyes, I pray that they can't see Lois backed away from Clark. They both finally locked eyes and the entire room seemed to disappear. "I guess that is it." Clark shoved his hands in his pockets. "I guess so. See you tomorrow." "Yeah." That night Clark couldn't go home. He felt that he was dying. He knew now what could hurt more than Kryptonite. He decided to go by one more time as Superman, for reasons he didn't know. He felt stronger as Superman. He went by the church to see things being set up already. Lois dropped her stuff in the hallway as she walked into her apartment. She went to close the window and felt something strange. She leaned out the window and heard a familiar boom in the night sky. She looked around and found a note on the table. "I love you Lois. Good luck. S." Lois picked up the note and looked at it. She fell asleep on her couch clutching the note. In her dreams, she swore Clark was outside the window watching her. Climbing up the back stairs, there's a chill in the air I wrap up from the cold, pull the blinds in the window Who was here, was it you or am I just dreaming. ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 10:59:15 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Mary Scibetta Subject: Let It Be Me 29/31 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Chapter 29 - A Match Made in Heaven "It's too tight Lucy. Just stop pulling and tie it already." Lois stood in front of the mirror and looked over the dress that she was trying to fit into. "I can never figure out why they make these things so tight. "So the groom can't get into them at the altar." They both stood in front of the mirror laughing. Lois was dressed and ready to go hours before the wedding. "So, did you get all the traditional stuff?" "I think so..something borrowed..something blue..something new.. something old. I can't find anything for old. Wait, Lucy being me that bag." Lucy brought it over and handed it to Lois, who removed the locket and slid something else on it. "It's hard to explain, but it's old." Lucy pulled the long chain over her head and tucked it in the dress. "I'm ready. One more hour." "You ready honey?" Perry stood at the door ready to escort his almost daughter down the aisle. "Is everyone here?" Lois was worried that someone wouldn't show after all the preparation. "Clark is here Lois. We are set to go right now." Lois took Perry's arm and Lucy followed them out to the car. "Are you ready?" Lois shook her head as the coordinator opened the doors. Lois watched as her first bridesmaid and then her sister walked down the aisle. She leaned over to catch a glimpse of Clark's taking Lucy's arm. He was smiling? Lois started feeling ill. "I can't do this." "You can't back out. It's just jitters. Let's go." "Perry, I don't think I can." Perry looked at Lois like a father disciplining a child and started down the aisle. She smiled for the cameras that clicked in her face. Perry passed her off to Dan at the altar and glanced over at Clark. He smiled back at her like nothing ever happened between of them. He was serious about taking it in stride. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here together here to honor the union of Dan and Lois. These two people have consented to a union of marriage with God and their closest family and friends as witnesses." "Lois, are you ok?" Dan leaned over and asked. "I'm fine." She whispered back. "Could you join hands please and Dan repeat after me." Dan and Lois faced each other. She caught a glance of Clark trying to focus on something else, possibly a siren. "I Dan take you Lois to be my lawful wedded wife. In sickness and in health till death do us part." Dan slipped the small ring on her finger as Lois looked up at him. Lois took the ring from Lucy and looked at her and Lucy noticed the concern in her face. The preacher smiled and continued. "Repeat after me. I Lois take you Dan to be my lawful wedded husband." Lois looked at Dan and smiled big. Clark just closed his eyes. "I Lois take you Clark to.." Clark looked over at her in shock. Lois started again. "I Lois take you Dan. Dan. Dan. I can't do this." Dan stood looking at Lois confused, but Clark looked more confused. "I'm sorry Daniel. Sorry everybody." Lois looked over at Clark who had Brit next to him hanging on his leg and smiling. She smiled bigger at Lois. Lois pulled her dress up and grabbed Clark's hand with her other hand. Clark followed her behind the chapel curtain, followed by Brit. "Told you that you loved daddy." Lois felt bad for Dan as she watched him depart the altar with his parents. Lois sushed Brit. "Lois, what are you doing?" Clark pointed to the interested audience awaiting some sign. "I want you to marry Clark. Obviously, I flipped out and really was making a mistake and.." Clark put his finger over her mouth. "Marry me Clark. Father, would you marry us?" The preacher was completely confused. "I supposed but the counseling." "Clark is the one - I don't need to be counseled on this one." Lois looked up at him and took his hands. His hands felt like ice from being so nervous. Lois reached over and patted Brit on the head. "Let me clean up the remains of the other wedding and prepare for this one." Brit followed the father out and told Clark's parents the news. Overhearing it, Lucy smiled. "Lois, this is really strange." Lois sat him down and she sat on his lap. "I realized something last night when I got your note. I love you; I always have but thought I should have better. But then realized that you are the best that anyone could ever have. You have spirit and warmth and honesty." He tried to speak but she caught him. "Listen, everytime you were with someone else, I was jealous." She lifted her lair up and pulled out a chain. Clark watched to see that the end of the chain had the ring, the old ring on the end. "I saved it and wore it for the old thing. You know they always say third timer's the charm." Lois opened his palm and placed the ring in it. Clark stood up and knew his next move. Watching Lois sit down, he kneeled next to her. Holding the ring in one hand, he sighed. "Lois, will you marry me?" He felt a tear from Lois hit him in the hand as she sat looking into his eyes and watched every word leave his lips. "Yes." She watched him place the ring on her finger and then giggled. She was happy, real happy. Walking back inside, Clark grabbed Jimmy as a best man and his mother's wedding ring for the moment. Now, with no one between them, the preacher started again. "Dearly beloved. . . ." The preacher went on and then the part came up again. "I Lois take you Clark to be my lawful wedded husband. For better or for worse." She looked up at Clark and touched Brit's head again. Brit smiled as her father placed his mother's ring on Lois' finger. Clark felt himself stiffen when Lois slipped a borrowed ring on his finger. "If no one objects to this union, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride." Clark looked at the preacher that reassured him that they were married. "My wife. My bride?" He whispered as he looked back at Lois. She smiled and nodded. Lois moved closer and put her arms around him. He took her head in his hands and kissed her deeper than ever. He could feel her go limp in his arms. She felt like they were flying. They were broken up by the applause of the audience. This is what he had been waiting for for seven years. "It's about time you guys." Jimmy slapped Clark on the back. "Let's go eat." Clark stood there entranced. "Honey? Clark, are you ok?" Lois started shaking him. His parents tried to contain their laughter. "Huh, what did you call me?" "Honey, could you wake up where you could walk your wife to the reception. I'm famished." Clark smiled and offered his arm to Lois, still somewhat in shock. ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 11:04:32 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Mary Scibetta Subject: Let It Be Me 30/31 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Chapter 30 - Happiness Abounds "Presenting Mr. and Mrs. Clark Kent." Clark heard this from Jimmy as they walked through the door and smiled. Clark was on cloud nine and still on the ground. Much of the food was gone but most likely removed by Dan's parents. "Come on Daddy." Brit was standing outside the reception hall waiting to meet her dad and her new mother. She took their hands and led them into the hall where everyone was waiting. "It's about time you guys. I had to say it again." Jimmy and everyone else had no idea how long it had been. "Clark, come here." A woman took Clark's hand away from his new wife and led him to a corner. "I never got to tell you while you were dating my daughter in college but heard great things from Lucy and Lois both. Just make her happy. Welcome to the family." He realized that Lois' mother knew more about him and Lois than he first thought. "I just want to make her happy." "You already did by saving her." Lois' mother patted Clark on the back and went on greeting people at the reception. "You ok?" Clark looked down at her and smiled. He could feel her squeeze his hand in response. Then Lois stopped and poked him in the side and pointed. They waited as the figure walked toward them. "If this had been a duel, I would have to bequeath a weapon to you." Dan put his hand out and waited for Clark's response. So did the rest of the room. "I just love her. There was no duel. I just wanted her happy, whomever she chose." He looked at Dan and then at Lois who smiled sweetly, wrapping her arm around Clark. "Congrats to you both. I hope you are truly happy Lois." Dan turned and walked toward the door, but then turned. "Lois." She looked too late but Clark caught whatever was thrown in her direction. "Enjoy." Clark looked down at the name of the card in dismay. "I guess this is working out for the best." They walked over to see that Dan had not packed the reception in but changed it. With some doctoring, the cake even read LKC instead of LSD. The chef smiled. "Daddy, I want some." Brit was pulling on Clark's pants waiting for him to fill her wishes. The photographer followed Brit's lead and started with the traditional pictures. The room seemed happy with Lois' choice for her betrowed. Clark started looking tired though and Lois could feel it coming on too. He sat at a table with Brit and Lois waiting for a good time to exit. "You two look tired." Martha leaned over Clark. "We are." "Why don't you go then; we will take care of everything. You have to get home before you fall asleep. Can't have that on a wedding night." "Mom?!" She smiled at her son and left the three alone. Clark got up and took Lois by the hand. "Let's take off." "I'm with you. Brit, you stay with Clark's parents." Brit smiled and hugged them both. "Mom, could you and dad take care of Brit tonight?" He could hear several people around giggle. He answered louder, "ok ok. Stupid question. I love you" Clark turned back when he heard them answer. "Not too early I hope." The two newlyweds left with friends cheering them on all the way out the door. In the car, Clark finally could speak to Lois alone. "I love you Lois." He waited for what he thought was forever. He felt Lois kiss him on the lips lightly. "I love you Clark." ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 11:08:23 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Mary Scibetta Subject: Let It Be Me 31/31 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Chapter 31 - The Greatest Feeling in the World So, do you have any idea what Dan got for you two?" They walked down a long hallway to the room on the end. "I have no idea. It was going to be surprise." Clark unlocked the door and pushed it open to reveal a full suite. Lois started to walk in the door but Clark grabbed her. "What?" Before she could ask anymore, Clark pulled her off the ground and carried her inside. "Could you get the.." Lois kicked the door closed. She felt amazingly astute seeing that her lips were firmly locked with Clark's. Clark walked over to the bed and laid her down. As he tried to get up, Lois took a hold of his jacket and pulled him down to the bed. Clark hadn't seen the look in Lois' eyes since the night in her car in college. "Lois." "What?" Lois opened her eyes. "I know there's got be something else that you want to put on for me. I certainly don't want to wear this." Lois smiled and then ran over to get her bag. "You be ready when I get back?" Clark smiled when he knew what she was talking about. As she went to the bathroom, she heard the spinning sound from around the corner. "I married the perfect man." Coming out of the bathroom, Lois saw that Clark had changed into barely there boxers and chilled the champagne. "Here honey - thought we could both use this." Lois took her glass and sipped some before setting it down. Clark pulled her on the bed. "You know Clark, I was thinking more of having some of this." Lois traced her fingers around his chest as Clark started to breathe heavy. Even the man of steel felt like his body was on fire. "How about we pretend this is the first time for us." Sitting up, Clark nodded in agreement. Lois straddled her new husband, picking up her glass once again. "To destiny." They drank and Clark took the glasses. "I don't think we will need to rest of this for tonight." Clark picked up a dime off the table and threw it gently against the stereo to turn it on. "But we may need something to cover the noise. I hope." Lois could feel him loosening up right under her. Finally, he was comfortable with her. "Let me take this off of you." Lois slipped his shirt off as he dropped the straps of her short gown. Clark pulled her into him and started kissing until he had the gown pulled off of her. Pressing his body against her, he heard her gasp. In pleasure. When you love someone - you'll do anything You'll do all the crazy things that you can't explain You'll shoot the moon - put out the sun When you love someone ********************************** ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 16:08:45 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Charlotte Fisler Subject: Re: Let It Be Me 31/31 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I liked this unusual Lois and Clark story. Not cannon per se, but a good exploration of what might have been. Thank you. Charlotte ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 16:14:15 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Charlotte Fisler Subject: Re: New Fanfic: The Spying Game MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Irene This is wonderful - dare I say as usual. Funny, fascinating, sweet, etc. I started out laughing, became concerned part way through, then was smiling through the latter parts. Just a few little tiny s p o i l e r When Lois accidently said, "I'm sorry" to Clark, well it changed everything so beautifully and set us all up for the WAFFY ending. This is the way Lois and Clark's romance should have proceeded. I love how you used the phrase 'newly minted vision' in this one too. Like in Gale Force Winds but completely different too. BTW I actually devoured Gale Force Winds; read it over and over until I almost know it by heart. It's the best IMHO in your Kent children series, although Solar Eclipse gives it a run for it's money. Charlotte ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 16:14:23 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Charlotte Fisler Subject: Re: looking for a fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Just wanted to add that the Fanzine had a lot of great stories, round robins, alt worlds, just about anything and by the best writers around. I loved my copy and am pleased that others will get a chance to read these great stories soon. Charlotte ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 15:12:08 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: JaT Subject: Re: wavs MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii You might try right-clicking the link and doing a SAVE TARGET AS. Then they will download. Hope that helps! james --- Jill Kaye wrote: > >--- Jill Kaye wrote: > >> Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone knows where I > can > >> find some Lois and Clark > >> wavs. I have found some but I'm sure there are > still > >> lots out there. > >> ~Larissa~ > > > >Elisabeth and I have some wavs at our web page. > > > >They're all the excuses that Clark, Lois, and even > >Martha used in the first and second seasons. > > > > > > > >Enjoy > > > > > > > >===== > >The D8As - AIM id is mrd8astl > > > >Matthew 23:37-39, Romans 1:19-32, 2 Chronicles > 7:13-14 > > > >Go to WWW.FREEWWWEB.COM for the best Free Internet > access! > > Hi, I went to your webpage and I couldn't get any of > the sounds to download. > ~Larissa~ > > > >__________________________________________________ > >Do You Yahoo!? > >Send instant messages with Yahoo! Messenger. > > ===== The D8As - AIM id is mrd8astl Matthew 23:37-39, Romans 1:19-32, 2 Chronicles 7:13-14 Go to WWW.FREEWWWEB.COM for the best Free Internet access! __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send instant messages with Yahoo! Messenger. ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 19:30:27 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Alexis W." Subject: "ADITLOM" (RPG) Thirty-Third Installment, Week #34 (Part 1 of 1) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit This is the thirty-third installment of my rpg on yahoo called, "A Day in the Life of Metropolis." For more information, please go to: Yahoo! Clubs adayinthelifeofmetropolis Public and private feedback is more than welcomed! =) ===================== Cast List Clark Kent : Alexis W. (that's me!) Lois Lane: Alexis W. Sam Falcon: Sam F. Bruce Wayne: Sam F. ================ WEEK #34 (6/5 TO 6/11) Re: The Shower Scene ;) "That's not what I meant Mr. Kent, I just . . .nevermind," she finished as she rubbed her eyes. "Why am I so tired?" she muttered to herself. *He probably thinks this is a nice little vacation from all the chaos that's been going on, but he's wrong. I'm getting tired just thinking about it.* "I'm sorry you feel that way. Maybe it would be best if I just left you alone for a while..." Clark opened the bedroom door and Sam followed. He leaned over and gave her a hug. Lois just happened to be walking down the hall when she saw the the two in their embrace. "Oh God!!!" she yelled as she walked past them. Clark started pulling away as soon as he heard Lois' voice. Sam pulled back at the same time, startled by Lois' yell. "Oh, god," she muttered. "This is just what I need." She backed away from Clark. "Um...good luck in Seattle," Clark said as he finally left her bedroom and headed after Lois. "Thanks," she said as he walked away. She headed back into her room and closed the door. "What did he mean by that?" she said out loud. She shook her head. "Don't worry about it, you've got other things to concentrate on, like getting out of the house without having to answer a lot of questions. I'll try to go out the back, but someone may still see me. I can always use the book signing excuse . . ." She started packing her clothes. She put a knee-length black dress into the suitcase. *God, I hope I don't have to use that, but you've always got to be prepared . . .was that the girl scout or boy scout motto?* She put her hand on her stomach and leaned over. "Okay, since when did I get a weak stomach?" she asked herself. "I can't get like this, I have to get through this." She sat down on the bed and put her face in her hands. *Come on, d*mn it, get a backbone!* Her eyes welled-up slightly. *You can't cry, not now and not in front of him! Do it when you're alone in the hotel . . .man, I've got to arrange that too. Come on Samantha, there are too many things to do right now to be all emotional.* She took several deep breaths and was able to finish packing. Then she made a couple calls on her cell phone. She stopped and tried to decide the best way to sneak out. >tbc< ======= Re: Lunch Date "Lois? Lois, please!" Clark called after her. He was following Lois down the hall in hopes of explaining himself to her, yet again. "Lois!!! Lois, we need to talk!" Clark was amazed on how fast that woman could walk! He followed her all the way out to the front of the Manor. A black car was outside waiting for her. Clark sighed as he watched her get in and it drove off. She didn't even look back at him even once! *This is going to be a very looong day...* >tbc< ======== Re: The Shower Scene ;) Sam headed downstairs and started looking around to see where everyone was. She heard a car out in front and looked out a window. The car was pulling away from the front of the house. She thought she saw Bruce. "That's good, I think," she commented to herself. She didn't see anyone else, but of course she wasn't looking to run into anyone. She headed back upstairs and grabbed the suitcase, then pulled the strap of the carry-on over her shoulder. She opened the phone and called for a cab. She then started to head downstairs, but decided to use the main stairway. She slowly made her way down the stairs. This was the last thing she wanted to do; to leave without telling anyone, but she was so afraid that they'd start asking questions, the three of them being the detectives that they were. Then she might let something slip and that was the one thing she couldn't bring herself to tell Bruce. Family meant so much to him and he lost that. If she ever told him how much she wished she'd lost her family a long time ago . . .. She hated thinking that, but she couldn't help it, as much as she'd tried over the years, she couldn't get over what happened. The guilt she felt over that wish, hurt almost as much as what brought the wish on. She made it down the stairs and started towards the door. She could hear her heart beating in her ears as the blood rushed to her head. Then from out in front came the sound of a car horn. "D*mn cabby, now the whole house will be looking," she muttered to herself. She rushed for the door and quickly headed outside. She rushed out to the cab and climbed in. "Did you have to honk? I was on my way," she asked after she shut the door. "I didn't know that," he answered rudely. "Gotham Airport, I have a flight to catch." "Doesn't everyone, lady?" "Just shut up and drive or should I call for a different cab?!" The driver turned around and headed out of the driveway, muttering to himself. Sam thought she heard a "b%tch", but ignored it, too preoccupied with everything that was waiting for her in the days to come. >tbc< * * * * To the Restaurant Lois climbed into the car and closed the door behind her. She tried to ignore Clark who was standing outside and staring at her. "So," she said as she turned to look at Bruce who was sitting right next to her, "where are we going?" "Italianissimo Restaurante, a friend recommended it," he said appearing to be distracted. >tbc< * * * * Re: The Shower Scene ;) Barbara walked out of the kitchen and into the main entry. She saw Sam walking out the door with a suitcase and a carry-on on her shoulder. "Wait," she called out as she started walking over to her, but Sam was out the door before Barbara could get there. Barbara moved over to a window and watched as Sam got into a cab. "Where is she going? I'll ask Uncle Alfred if he knows about it." Then she saw Clark standing outside looking upset. She bite her lip and her eyes started to sparkle slightly. "I wonder what's wrong. Maybe I should . . .no I better go see what's going on. I hope everything's all right." She turned and started trying to find someone to give her an update. >tbc< * * * * Re: To the Restaurant "Ooh! Italian! I love Italian, especially pasta...or is that someone else I know who loves pasta?" Lois laughed. >tbc< * * * * Back in the Manor Clark walked back into the manor. He was depressed. He was sad that Lois would not talk to him just because she assumed that Sam and him had something going. They had nothing was far from it. He would never have anything going unless it was with Lois! He was *doomed* to be in love with her forever...or maybe it wasn't doom, maybe it was fate? Clark didn't know...all he did know was that Lois was always assuming things. That was one of the things that annoyed him the most about her. Clark continued down the hallway, towards the batcave. The other night, Clark had an opporunity to scan the house. Using his x-ray vision, he accidentally found the clock that led to the batcave passageway. He felt bad at first, but he was only trying to make sure there were no more bombs or whatever went off in the observatory...lying around Bruce's living quarters too! Clark was going to the batcave in hopes of finding Dick. He really needed to talk to him... >tbc< * * * * Look for Week #65 coming to a PC near you! Enjoy! =) Alexis ;-.) {"ADITLOM" arbitrator} ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 16:34:02 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: Re: New Fanfic: The Spying Game MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii --- Charlotte Fisler wrote: > Irene > > This is wonderful - dare I say as usual. Funny, > fascinating, sweet, etc. I > started out laughing, became concerned part way > through, then was smiling > through the latter parts. > > Just a few little tiny > > s > > p > > o > > i > > l > > e > > r > > When Lois accidently said, "I'm sorry" to Clark, > well it changed everything > so beautifully and set us all up for the WAFFY > ending. This is the way Lois > and Clark's romance should have proceeded. > > I love how you used the phrase 'newly minted vision' > in this one too. Like > in Gale Force Winds but completely different too. > > BTW I actually devoured Gale Force Winds; read it > over and over until I > almost know it by heart. It's the best IMHO in your > Kent children series, > although Solar Eclipse gives it a run for it's > money. > > Charlotte Charlotte, thank you so much. I appreciate the feedback. It definitely makes my day! And thanks for the compliments re: Gale Force Winds and Solar Eclipse. I'm glad that you enjoyed the phrase 'newly minted vision'. I actually contemplated changing it as I had used it before, but now I'm glad that I didn't. Thanks again, Irene ===== __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send instant messages with Yahoo! Messenger. ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 20:08:10 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Alexis W." Subject: "ADITLOM" (RPG) Thirty-Fourth Installment, Week #35 (Part 1 of 1) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable This is the thirty-fourth installment of my rpg on yahoo called, "A Day in=20 the=20 Life of Metropolis." For more information, please go to: Yahoo! Clubs= =20 adayinthelifeofmetropolis=20 Public and private feedback is more than welcomed! =3D) =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Cast List Clark Kent : Alexis W. (that's me!) Lois Lane: Alexis W. Sam Falcon: Sam F. Bruce Wayne: Sam F. Jimmy Olsen: Tina T. Dick Grayson: Dave =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D WEEK #35 (6/12 to 6/18) Vincent Black Knight Dick watched Barbara rush into the house and shrugged. He made his way=20 into the garage, placing his helmet on, lowering the visor. The engine=20 of the bike he now stratled came to life as he kick-started the engine. 'Wonder where she's going? And where's Clark?' >tbc< * * * * Re: To the Restaurant Bruce smiled slightly, still distracted. "Pasta's all right," he=20 commented. "Mmm...anything's great as long as I'm with you and not Kent!" she=20 grinned. Lois' moan, snapped Bruce out of it and made him somewhat uncomfortable.=20 He didn't let it show though. He really wanted to talk to Sam, there=20 were some things they needed to get straight, but there'd be time for=20 that later. Bruce looked at Lois. "Nice dress," he commented with a soft smile. "Thanks," she blushed. "I bought it in Smallville about a year ago." *Why do I have a feeling that's not a good thing?* "Smallville, I was there once." *I shouldn't have said that, no one's supposed to know I went there,=20 especially not Clark. He wouldn't exactly be happy that I visited his=20 parents, but then again there's no way he'd be able to find out it was=20 me, since I couldn't exactly show up without wearing a disguise.* "You've been to Smallville? Why would a saavy businessman like yourself=20 need to go to Smallville? Clark's from there. In fact his parents still=20 live the same farmhouse that Clark grew up in too! They're=20 nice people...maybe too nice! They would never survive in Metropolis if=20 you ask me." >tbc< * * * * Re: Back in the Manor Jimmy was wondering down the hall after leaving Lois a while back, when he=20 ran into Clark. "Hey CK I saw you earlier but it looked like you were having a little=20 fun so I didn't say say anything. So how much fun did you have?"=20 Jimmy winked at Clark. He thought Clark would know what he was talking=20 about. "I think you should have been more considerate of Lois's feelings=20 though." Jimmy just stood there and waited for Clark to explain himself. "Huh?" Clark asked puzzled. As much as he liked Jimmy as a friend, he=20 could be awfully peculiar at times. "I don't know what you are talking=20 about? If you mean Lois and I having fun, well that was far from the=20 point! I mean didn't you hear us yelling!?!" "CK you don't have to play dumb with me. There is no one around and I=20 won't tell a soul." Jimmy didn't know why Clark was playing like he didn't know. As far as he knew Lois wasn't around so there should be no reason for=20 him to act like this. "CK, Lois isn't around so why don't you tell me what=20 is=20 going on between you and that chick I saw you with earlier." "Chick? Oh you mean Sam! What about her?" "Oh come on CK..this is Jimmy you're talking to! You don't have to play=20 dumb here. What's going on between you two? As if I didn't already=20 know." Jimmy winked at Clark to show him he knew and how it was=20 okay for him to tell him everything. "There's nothing going on between Sam Falcon and myself!!! How many=20 times do I have to keep telling you people!?!" "Oh come on, you can do better than that CK, especially after what I=20 saw. You don't have to deny it anymore. I would be careful around Lois=20 though, she might not take it very well." He didn't know why Clark was=20 denying it when he saw it with his own eyes. >tbc< * * * * Re: To the Restaurant "It's a long story. Besides you might be surprised what a small town=20 like Smallville has to offer. Like you said Clark is from there and I=20 doubt the Daily Planet or Metropolis would be the same without him." >tbc< * * * * Barbara After wandering around the house for a while, she couldn't even find her=20 Uncle. She decided to head to the Batcave. >tbc< * * * * The Airport After the longest taxi ride she'd ever been on, they finally got to the=20 airport. He dropped her off out in front and just dumped her luggage on=20 the sidewalk. One of the airport attendants loaded it on a cart for her=20 and helped her in. She went to the check-in counter, picked up her=20 ticket, and checked-in her bags. She kept the carry-on. She also tipped=20 the attendant who'd helped her with her bags. She then worked her way through the maze of an airport to her gate. As=20 she walked up to the counter at the gate she whispered, "Please don't=20 find out I'm here and show up at the gate." "What?" the man behind the counter asked. "Sorry, just talking to myself. A bad habit all writers have." "Of course. Enjoy your flight Ma'am. The gates right over there," he=20 said pointing. "The plane has already unloaded and will be boarding=20 shortly." Sam smiled and walked over to the window. *Who am I kidding? I wish he'd=20 show up, but it's not going to happen. If he'd been at the house he=20 would have heard me leaving. I wonder where he is. At least I've got=20 first class; plenty of leg room, better service, and maybe even a seat=20 to myself. Once we take off I can start working on my story, that should=20 distract me. I need it; I'm not sure what worries me more, seeing her,=20 facing him, or leaving Gotham. Did I even bring my notebook?* "Sh*t!" she whispered. The woman standing close to her looked at her.=20 *I guess this means I can start that Star Trek book I've been encouraged=20 to write. Maybe I can get them to make it into a movie and have my=20 favorite director direct it.* She smiled then walked back over to the=20 desk. "How much time do I have?" "A few minutes Ma'am." "I forgot my notebook, would I have time to go buy one in the giftshop?" "I believe you will." "Thanks." She rushed to the giftshop. >tbc< * * * * Re: To the Restaurant "Wow, those are pretty poweful words...considering you and Clark don't=20 get along that well. As much as I hate saying this, I don't think I=20 would be the same without Clark around! But please, whatever you do,=20 don't tell him!!! If I find out you did I'll...well nevermind what I'll=20 do, it just won't be pretty!" >tbc<=20 =20 * * * * Re: Back in the Manor "I really don't know what you are talking about! Sam and I are not=20 involved! We could never be involved! I would never do something like=20 that to Bruce. If your alluding to the time when Sam and I were out in=20 the hall it was purely by accident. Sam ran into me after I got out of=20 the shower and things just esculated from there. It was one BIG=20 misunderstanding...that's all." "Well, I saw you in the hall with her and from what I saw things=20 definately esculated all right. Didn't look like a misunderstanding to=20 me." Jimmy couldn't believe that Clark was acting all innocent when he knew= =20 what he saw. He finally decided to ask him a potient question. "If it was such a misunderstanding why did you go into her room?" Clark sighed heavily. There was just no getting through to Jimmy! "I=20 went into Miss Falcon's bedroom because I needed a place to change. Lois=20 locked me out of our bedroom and well I was only standing there in a=20 towel...I didn't think it was appropiate to just drop the towel and get=20 dressed for all the world to see so I followed her. I went into the=20 bathroom, changed and left. That was all! There...are you happy now?!?" "Well, if it as innocent as you say it is, then you won=E2=80=99t mind if I=20 tell Lois the next time I see her." Jimmy waited to see what Clark's=20 reaction would be. "Go ahead, tell her if you want. I don't care since what happened was=20 purely innocent. Nothing went on at all. Lois is going to think what=20 she's going to think no matter what any of us say! Besides it's not like=20 Lois and I are a couple or anything like that, so who cares if it was=20 something more than that, which it wasn't anyway..." >tbc< * * * * Re: To the Restaurant Lois noticed Bruce staring out the window. He was obviously not paying=20 attention to her. *Oh well* she thought to herself as she shrugged her=20 shoulders.=20 She leaned over and turned on the car radio. She was hoping to hear=20 some useful piece of journalism to follow up on. Instead the song "I=20 Need a Hero," was playing. Lois snickered quietly to herself. She was=20 hoping Bruce didn't see her blushing. The last time she had heard that=20 song was when she was on the plane to Gotham. *Oh Superman...I wish it was you I was sitting next to in this car...*=20 she sighed. >tbc< * * * * Look for Week #36 coming to a PC near you! Enjoy! =3D) Alexis ;-.) {"ADITLOM" arbitrator} =20 =20 =20 =20 =20 =20 =20 ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 10:48:27 +0930 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jill Kaye Subject: Re: wavs In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" > At 08:29 AM 17/06/2000 +0000, I wrote: > > >Quoting Jill Kaye : > > > Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone knows where I can find some Lois > and Clark > > wavs. I have found some but I'm sure there are still lots out there. > > ~Larissa~ > > I was going to reply privately to Jill, but I thought it might be > better to let everyone here know about my site: > > > >/themewavs > > This is a page which has ideas (and some attached downloadable files) > for making your own desktop theme based on L&C. From this page, you > can also get to my lists of wavs. If you would like some of these > wavs. you then need to email me and I'll send them back to you. If > you want lots and lots of them, I recommend contacting another folc, > she sells a CD she's made up of L&C wavs, > pictures and a whole episode converted to ram format (I think), for > quite a reasonable price. > > Also, if you get onto IRC (using mIRC or a similar programme) you can > get .wav files from the rest of us FoLCs on the Undernet. > > Jen > > > OK, > Due to a number of emails I've received in response to the above post, I >want to stress again that if you ONLY want a few wav files (like a maximum >of perhaps 10 or so), you can request them from me by email, if they're >listed on the website above. However, if you want more than that, you >will need to contact Anne at and discuss with her >purchasing her CD. > I CANNOT send you "all the wavs" which you "couldn't download" from my >website. You CAN'T download any wavs from my site. They're not there. >The site is ONLY a listing of what I've got on my home computer. Sorry if >this inconveniences you. > Anne's CD is offered by her at a very reasonable price considering all >the work she put into producing it, and I commend it highly to you if you >are a FoLC! > Sorry if I sound a bit harsh in this email... but I thought I had been >clear in my earlier post AND on my webpages that I can't send you *ALL* >the wavs. > > (The worst thing is when someone asks me for a whole bunch, I go and send >them all and then their mailbox fills up and the darn things bounce back >to me, filling up MY mailbox! Please don't do this to me!) > > Jen > > > -*-This message is umop ap!sdn (Jenerator or >Some1Else on IRC) -*- JenerEight on AIM -*- ICQ: 11477318 Photos of David >(7) and Megan (4) on the Stosser Family HomePage: > >tes/4583 Please sign our guestbook! I just want to say that I am sincerely sorry if I caused you any trouble. I didn't mean to. I have just got back from a holiday where I spent practically two whole days in the bus out of five days, and I am still pretty tired. I merely wanted to find some Lois and Clark wavs on the Internet. Once again, I sincerely apologise for any trouble I've caused. ~Larissa~ ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 10:57:37 +0930 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jill Kaye Subject: Re: wavs In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" > I only have one mouse button. I tried holding it down. It said DOWLOAD LINK TO DISK. I tried that but it didn't work. ~Larissa~ You might try right-clicking the link and doing a SAVE >TARGET AS. Then they will download. > >Hope that helps! > >james > > >--- Jill Kaye wrote: >> >--- Jill Kaye wrote: >> >> Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone knows where I >> can >> >> find some Lois and Clark >> >> wavs. I have found some but I'm sure there are >> still >> >> lots out there. >> >> ~Larissa~ >> > >> >Elisabeth and I have some wavs at our web page. >> > >> >They're all the excuses that Clark, Lois, and even >> >Martha used in the first and second seasons. >> > >> >> >> > >> >Enjoy >> > >> > >> > >> >===== >> >The D8As - AIM id is mrd8astl >> > >> >Matthew 23:37-39, Romans 1:19-32, 2 Chronicles >> 7:13-14 >> > >> >Go to WWW.FREEWWWEB.COM for the best Free Internet >> access! >> >> Hi, I went to your webpage and I couldn't get any of >> the sounds to download. >> ~Larissa~ >> > >> >__________________________________________________ >> >Do You Yahoo!? >> >Send instant messages with Yahoo! Messenger. >> > > > >===== >The D8As - AIM id is mrd8astl > >Matthew 23:37-39, Romans 1:19-32, 2 Chronicles 7:13-14 > >Go to WWW.FREEWWWEB.COM for the best Free Internet access! > >__________________________________________________ >Do You Yahoo!? >Send instant messages with Yahoo! Messenger. > ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 23:45:50 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kathy Brown Subject: Re: looking for a fanfic On Sat, 17 Jun 2000 20:08:02 EDT, Anne Carlson wrote: >Kathy also wrote a great story for the Fanzine called "The One that Got >Away". It is a must read when those stories hit the archive. >Kathy and Sheila are so talented. I am so glad that they continue to write >L&C. Well, thank you, Anne! What an unexpected compliment. :) I do remember when the fanzine came out ... I had already read Sheila's In The Beginning before she submitted the final version to the fanzine, and I told Eileen that I didn't care where my story fell inside, as long as I didn't follow Sheila. I figured my "little story" would just be dwarfed by hers. ;) As for when TOTGA will be up on the Archive (and here on the list), look for it in July. :) I'm going to post "When Friends Become Lovers" (aka "the epic" for those of you who remember Demi and I talking about it for the last three years ) to the Archive first, probably next weekend. So I'll give TOTGA a little time after that. And of course, to make sure it doesn't go up the same weekend as Sheila's. I was going back and forth over whether to post WFBL here on the fanfic list, but finally decided against it when I realized it would have to be broken up into about 25 parts! I didn't want to flood you all with that many posts, especially since the final version is going up on the Archive soon. But I do hope that you'll all read it there next weekend, and let Demi and I know what you think! After over three years of work, we need all the comments we can get. Thanks again, Kathy ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 02:41:56 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: John Debbage <106532.433@COMPUSERVE.COM> Subject: New: Red Sky Part 1 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Title: Red Sky Part: 1 Author: Jenni Debbage Rating: PG-13 Feedback: Comments are very welcome both public or private Summary: It's been quite some time since I visited my Kent family but= , for those of you who are interested in their continuing lives, this is their next adventure. These stories stand alone but it might be helpful = to understand some references to past tales if you know something of the history of my family. = My heartfelt thanks to Yvonne Connell, Laurie Dunn, Carol Malo and Wendy Richards, my beta readers and friends who have encouraged me to kee= p writing this story through a hectic and difficult time in my life. I hope you enjoy and please, feedback is very welcome. The usual disclaimers apply. Red Sky Chapter One Papillon On first sight the island was beautiful. Golden sands lined the edg= e of the fresh green forest and the waters that lapped the rim of gold were= , in the soft light of approaching evening, of a deep indigo blue. As in a= ll the best of these south Pacific islands, at least the ones that adorned t= he travel brochures, the green clad hills ascended into cumulus clouds, dominated by a veiled peak of considerable size. Somewhere above the tre= e line, now hidden from view by a soft red tinted ball of fuzzy cloud, the mountain reached its zenith. = Perhaps, during the three weeks the family would spend here, they could climb to the top, the view would be spectacular and with a little boost of super power the ascent would not be so difficult. Lois thoughts= jarred on that last notion since both she and Clark had agreed that apart= from two short patrols over Metropolis each week, the use of super powers= during this vacation was taboo. Of course major emergencies always overruled that decision, but Lois sincerely hoped that the world would ge= t along without her husband's assistance for the next three weeks. This was an interlude for them to enjoy as a family, doing the sort = of things that any other family would enjoy, swimming, fishing, playing ball= games with their kids (and hopefully more adult games with each other) an= d just relaxing in the warm sunshine. To this end Lois and Clark had chose= n a remote spot where the constant demand to help out as Superman would not= intrude on their summer break. This past year had been a particularly traumatic one for all of the family and Lois had insisted that on this island idyll Superman would not be invited. Now as they clung to the rail of the somewhat ancient island hopper,= the only passenger ship which serviced the smaller islands in this part o= f the Pacific, the children jumped up and down with unrepressed excitement = at the view of their holiday home. Normally, the family spent the summer in= Smallville and last year there had been the trip to Britain, but that had= been a working trip for Mom and Dad and although it had been momentous in= the sense that it had brought Julian to them, it hadn't been a totally enjoyable time. This year was going to be different. The island looked really cool' and what was best of all, they would have Mom and Dad all to= themselves for a whole three weeks. = If there was any disappointment in this, it was that their Kent grandparents had chosen to spend their time in Smallville. Maybe Grandpa= Jon, because he had been so ill, had wanted to return to the one place he= considered his home. = Actually, Jonathan Kent had recovered from his surgery remarkably wel= l, but in their assumption the children were correct; Jon wanted to return t= o his roots. The good earth of Kansas with its familiar surroundings and t= he friends he and Martha had known for almost all of their lives would rejuvenate Jonathan and give him back his balanced outlook on life. Let the young folk go off and explore these faraway places, he was content wi= th his old home. = Besides, it would do the family good to spend sometime alone togethe= r. The elder Kents knew better than anyone that, given the busy lifestyle o= f Lois and Clark, the couple required the help of the extended family to = raise their children and both Martha and Jonathan were delighted to participate in the moulding of the future generation of the Kent/Lane dynasty. But Lois and Clark and their offspring also needed time to rely= only on each other for their comfort, time to bond together as a new bran= ch of this unique family. = The ship, which had been sailing along the southern shore of the island, now navigated around the most eastern promontory and headed northwards into a large bay where the dwellings of a small township clung= to the edges of the only river on the isle. Joseph, in travel had inform= ed them that the beautiful Isle de Papillon was indeed named for a butterfly= as, seen from the air, the island's shape mimicked the two wings of a butterfly while the long, narrow mountains in the middle were the body of= the beautiful creature. Lois was a little disappointed that she could no= t view this ariel spectacle for herself, but she was not about to break the= rules just to prove the travel books right. There would be no unnecessar= y flying on this trip, it was the reason they had flown by a legitimate airline and now were approaching the island by sea. The small houses clustered around the mouth of the river grew in siz= e as they sailed ever closer and the painted white wooden buildings became separate entities. A moderately sized harbour came into view with a wood= en dock stretching out into the sea and Lois was relieved that she would not= have to transfer to the smaller boats she spotted striking out towards their transport. The tiny frail looking canoes covered the sea between t= he ship and land swiftly until the faces of the occupants could be seen clearly, laughing and shouting out their happy welcome. Oh my, Lois thought that this only happened in books and movies, but when you considered that the ship only called once every three weeks it wasn't surprising that the natives should be pleased to see their one regular contact with the outside world. = If it were possible the Kent children's excitement escalated at the welcoming committee and even their parents' hearts warmed at the sight of= the friendly faces gazing up at them from the canoes as the ship negotiat= ed its way to the landing dock. But the time for disembarkation was fast approaching and Lois and Clark called their offspring aside in preparatio= n for going ashore. For the next hour the crew of the ship busied themselv= es unloading passengers and supplies to the dock. With an almost lazy competency the job was completed, no one hurried around too much in the warmth of the late afternoon sun and when the crated goods that had been awaiting transport had been safely stowed onboard, the ship made preparations to depart. When finally the family with all its attendant luggage were left alo= ne on the pier an ancient black taxi approached them with its almost as ancient taxi driver. The dark lined face with a tooth gapped smile offer= ed to take them to the island's Superstore', for that must be where the new folks were headed, as Madame Blanc had told him just this morning that sh= e was expecting visitors from off the boat. A very moderate fee was arrang= ed and the family, with baggage, piled onboard. = The journey was short and extremely bumpy as the old shock-absorber= s tried but failed to cope with the potholed roads. The street from the harbour area climbed along the side of a hill and buildings, lining only one side of the street, perched on the edge of the steep incline with the= help of stilts, giving them a very precarious appearance. = Halfway along this road, the driver swung his vehicle into a tight left turn which sent the occupants sliding about inside the car and wondering which if any motoring test this senior citizen had ever passed.= = However, after a short journey along this new road, the ground levelled o= ff and the road surface seemed to improve as it opened out into the town square. Here all the important buildings of the community were situated;= the one and only island church; the school; the mayor's office; the singl= e hotel and restaurant and, the Kents' destination, the town store. Each o= f these buildings was in varying states of repair, depending on their importance to the community, and Lois and Clark were happy to see that th= e store, with the adjoining hotel, was freshly painted and assumed a highly= profitable air. But, as there appeared to be no other competition on the= whole island, this was not a surprising occurrence. = Mr and Mrs Blanc, well aware of the ship's landfall, were standing o= n the stoop of the store waiting to welcome their guests. This was the fir= st time that either party had set eyes on each other, most of the booking communications having been made by phone or on the Internet. Papillon might be far removed geographically from the rest of the world but its inhabitants were pleased to state that technologically the world had not passed them by and that their town emporium boasted a Cybernet Cafe'. = Actually it was one computer linked to the world wide web which the Blanc= s were happy to share with those more progressively minded fellow islanders= . = There were still many of the butterfly people' who were happy to remain = in the backwater of life and though most in this category were from the olde= r generation this was not true of all. Finally unloaded from the dilapidated transportation, Lois and Clark= surrounded by their children walked up the steps to join the waiting couple, pleased to find that the Blancs seemed only a little older than themselves and decidedly amiable. Holding out his hand in a friendly manner the man spoke up. "Mr and= Mrs Kent and children, welcome to our lovely Isle de Papillon. My wife, Eva and I hope you have an enjoyable stay on our little island." Mr Blan= c spoke with a faint French accent but whether the couple had originated in= France or had ever visited, Lois and Clark had no idea. Perhaps the acce= nt was a throw back to the days when these islands had been a colony of France. = His wife Eva joined in the conversation. "You must have spent a lon= g day travelling and you must be anxious to view the villa. When I went along to check on things earlier this afternoon, I stocked up the fridge with some provisions, so you should have everything you need until you ge= t settled. A couple of the village ladies have agreed to cook and clean fo= r you, so you can just relax and enjoy our old world hospitality. Leah and= Sally will be round in the morning to introduce themselves." Almost overwhelmed by these intimations Lois thanked the woman for h= er kindnesses. "Well, you certainly have taken care of everything and you'r= e right, it has been a very long day, so if you could show us where to go t= o find our accommodation we would be very grateful." "The bungalow is about five miles south along the cliff road from here," Mr Blanc divulged. "It's very comfortable and it has a lovely vi= ew of the sea and it's very own beach, which I'm sure you children will adore." This last piece of information was directed towards the kids wi= th a beaming smile. "That sounds very nice, Mr Blanc, but perhaps we should've held onto= the taxi, if it's so far away." Clark suggested. Five miles was no distance for a super powered being and he could make a few trips once the= y were out of sight of inquisitive eyes, but he wasn't sure if Superman's help would be appreciated, after all the man in Blue was not with them on= vacation. However, he was spared any further racking of his brain as the= store keeper announced. "Oh no, Mr Kent. I have my own transport and I'll be happy to take you to your holiday home. Wait here and I'll bring it round the front of= the store." And so saying he hurried off around the corner of the building. Clark turned to view the unfamiliar surroundings, his wife and children copying his actions. The view that confronted them was indeed pleasing. In the centre of the square was some sort of memorial stone an= d surrounding the small monument lay a well-tended garden with leafy trees shading a few park benches. The adjoining building behind them sported t= he sign Hotel de Papillon' and stated that all visitors were welcome to enjo= y its bar and restaurant. The proprietors' names completed the sign and showed that the Blancs owned the hotel as well as the store. A small clapboard church bordered the south side of the square and, although it also was surrounded by a carefully looked after graveyard, th= e building itself looked as if in need of some repair and painting. This w= as not true of the school, standing directly opposite. In fact this was a comparatively new building compared to the others and it looked like a great deal of importance was placed on this edifice. A description which= could not be levelled at the structure next door. The old-fashioned gas pumps standing in front of this ramshackle barn clued the family into the= fact that this was the town garage and definitely not the faded sign that= sat askew atop of the large double doors. None of the watchers were surprised to see the old taxi parked outside this building or the old man= sitting talking with a younger version of himself, slightly less lined an= d toothless, as the stranger busied himself now and then beneath the hood o= f a car. Their visual explorations were brought to a halt as a large car was driven up to the foot of the stoop. Were none of the cars on this island= postwar( and which war )? A very old but immaculately valeted Rolls Royc= e convertible, its black surface polished and its chrome work gleaming in t= he shadows of the evening sun, stopped beneath them. Mr Blanc alighted spritely and with Clark's help began loading the luggage into the trunk. = = Once the family were aboard, the car set off along a road that branched o= ff from the square behind the little church. Wafting through the open door,= they could hear the sound of a number of voices singing sweetly in chorus= to the accompanying strains of a rather wheezy organ. Mr Blanc explained= that it was choir practise evening. = The drive out to their bungalow was an extremely pleasant one and as= they passed beneath the shady archway of trees which bordered their route= , tantalising glimpses of sparkling seas could be spotted between the green= clad branches. The road was little more than a dirt track but Mr Blanc w= as more adept at avoiding the holes than their taxi-driver and therefore the= journey was not so tumultuous or bone shaking. Too soon the car turned left off the highway and began to descend th= e gently declining cliff towards a flattened clearing in the woods where sa= t a long low bungalow, encircled on all sides by a covered balcony. Like most of the other buildings on the island the house was built of wood and= very recently had been given a fresh coat of white paint. In front of th= e house, the trees had been cleared away, giving its occupants a panoramic view of the bay beneath. A view that almost took the breath away. = Situated along the southern wing of the butterfly, the house looked northwards across the expansive lagoon. And, though the town was cut off= from view by the rocky shoreline dotted with pretty sandy coves, far in t= he distance the twin northern wing could be seen rising from the ocean. This= was certainly a south sea island paradise. To be continued in part 2 = ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 02:42:10 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: John Debbage <106532.433@COMPUSERVE.COM> Subject: New: Red Sky Part2 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Title: Red Sky Part: 2 Author: Jenni Debbage Rating: PG-13 Feedback: Comments welcome After enthusing over the magnificent scene the family turned to explor= e their new home and were thankful and relieved at what they found. This w= as the first time they had ventured to book a holiday cybernet style and had= been vaguely anxious as to what they might find. The house was extremel= y clean and tidy and in an excellent state of repair. It was also quite large, providing four bedrooms, two of which were ensuite, a large living= room, a separate dining room adjacent to a huge kitchen and laundry room and another bathroom. And all rooms had access to the veranda. For a ti= me it seemed that an argument over who should have which bedroom would follo= w but gratifyingly Clara gave up her quest for a room with a sea view in favour of her own private bathroom, one which she challenged her two elde= r brothers to use at their peril. Satisfying himself that the family had everything they needed for th= e night, Mr Blanc left them alone with the stipulation that if they require= d his assistance they only had to phone. The next hour passed in noise and= chaos as the Kents unpacked their belongings and took possession of their= temporary home. Supper was prepared by the adults as the children, with the reminder to stay close to the bungalow, set out to explore. As was to be expected the children's first port of call was down the= path and steps to the beach and when there they quickly divested themselv= es of socks and shoes and plunged into the water. To their happy surprise t= he water even at this advanced hour of the evening was warm, unlike the ocea= n of the eastern seaboard back home and Clara, being something of a water baby ventured further into the blue depths than her brothers. Perhaps, being the lone female in the family of boys, Clara felt challenged to pro= ve that being a girl was no drawback to being the best or perhaps she had ju= st inherited her mother's competitive nature. Whatever the reason, it was very often Clara that led her siblings into trouble. Well aware of this tendency to push the boundaries, Julian called a warning. "Don't go in too deep, Clara. Remember there's sharks in these= waters." "And you wouldn't want that poor shark out there to break his teeth = on your thick skin." Joel chuckled at this notion, which wasn't entirely ridiculous. = Over the summer the family had become aware that Clara's skin was becoming impervious to cuts or bruises. Her hoyden personality had in th= e past led to her body sporting many trophies of adventures gone wrong, but= in these last few months, though the adventures continued, her body was slowly becoming immune to at least minor hurts. Occasionally too, she heard things that would be impossible for the normal human ear to pick up= on. And she certainly tuned in on the warning about sharks. Small cuts and bruises might not make any impact on her flesh but, recalling her fright and horror while watching the old videos of Jaws' and its sequels,= = she was not prepared to take her chances against the razor sharp teeth of= a shark. Even Joel was not completely invulnerable yet. "Sharks!! Yikes!!" And with a squeal of horror Clara swung round t= o study the ocean behind her but the expanse of blue sea was completely devoid of the telltale dorsal shape that would herald the arrival of danger. Shrieks and giggles informed her that she had been teased, so s= he headed back towards shore and her horrible brothers who were falling abou= t laughing at her distress. = Seeing their angry sister splashing through the shallows and bent on= taking revenge for their joking the brothers made for the path and the shelter of their parents. Mad dog Clara was someone best to be avoided when on the warpath. However, by the time their sister arrived at the house she too was laughing at her swift retreat from the water and at her= brothers' craven dash for the safety of Mom and Dad's company. As long a= s they appreciated who was in charge of the younger members of this family Clara was prepared to be magnanimous. That evening, in the pleasant cooler air of approaching night, suppe= r was served on the terrace that overlooked the darkening cove. While they= ate, each member of the family offered suggestions of what they would mos= t like to do during their stay on the island and a list was made of all the= favourite ideas. At the top of everyone's list was exploring and that wa= s designated for first thing the next morning, directly after they had returned to the town to buy some more groceries and find their way about the small township. = Lois had been concerned about their mode of transport during their stay, but Mr Blanc had informed them that the islanders mostly used bicycles to get around and that in a small hut at the side of the house they would find a number of these stored away for use of visitors. If however, the family wanted to explore further, then the Blancs owned a small pickup truck which they would be happy to rent out for a small fee.= = Fortunately, when the bicycles were dragged out of storage, they were= found to be more up to date than the cars they had so far travelled in an= d one even sported a child's seat on the back. The Blancs had certainly do= ne their homework and taken care of all the family's needs. Now Lois' only concern was would she remember how to ride the things. A hilarious half hour resulted before suppertime while a slightly embarrassed mother practised forgotten skills before her adept kids and her ever skilful husband. Even without the use of super powers Clark would always be the consummate athlete. Feeling the odd one out, teetering about on two wheels, Lois wished for just a small sliver of kryptonite to level the playing field, but then pushed that unwelcome thought aside, hoping that this holiday would be devoid of evil villains targeting Superman. = The family that went off to bed that night were agreeably sleepy and= happily content with their choice of a holiday venue. Therefore, it was = in extreme trepidation and shock that they were brought from their beds in t= he middle of the night by the sound of a massive explosion followed by a dee= p and far off rumbling. = Collecting in the living room in varying degrees of wakefulness, fi= ve Kents gazed inquisitively at their super hero. = Lois instructed her husband. "Clark, go find out what that was." B= ut when he turned to the bedroom to comply. "Where are you going?" She demanded. "To unpack the suit." "Oh, no, buster! Superman isn't here." "Lois, that was an explosion. People may be hurt. They may need my= help." "They might, but if Superman was where he ought to be, which is back= in Metropolis, he would have to hear about this through the media and it would take time for him to arrive. If you're here in seconds, you might = as well announce to the world that Clark Kent is Superman." "You have a point, honey. But I can't just ignore this. We agreed I'd deal with the big emergencies, remember." A huge sigh escaped from Lois, she understood that Clark could never= ignore people in trouble. Touching his cheek with a soothing hand she restated her point. "And you will, but let's not rush into things. Firs= t we should find out what actually happened." Another rumble accompanied h= er words and she grabbed onto Clark to steady herself as her children clung = to various pieces of furniture. "Clark, the kids!" Lois screamed but she w= as already being whisked around the room, until the whole family stood withi= n the shelter of Clark's arms. After what seemed like an eternity but wa= s in truth only a few minutes the house settled and Lois and Clark spent th= e next moments calming their children and assuring themselves that their offspring had not been harmed. "An earthquake?!" Clark suggested. The ringing of the telephone shattered the almost eerie stillness th= at had settled over the house, causing everyone in the room to jump. Clark was the first to recover and still holding onto a clinging Lois he crosse= d to the phone and picked up the receiver. "Hallo, Clark Kent speaking." "Mr Kent, Philippe Blanc, here. I thought I should check that you a= nd your family are all right after this latest episode." "Episode?!" "Yes!! Solvan's latest utterance." "Who or what is Solvan?" Clark was developing a bad feeling about this. "He's our resident fire god." A wry chuckle could be heard from th= e other end of the phone. "At least, if you take note of what the local natives say. In fact, its Papillon's volcano. And you really have nothi= ng to worry about. Solvan's been letting off steam like that for decades. = Newcomers take a little time to get used to his antics. You folks get on= back to sleep now, Solvan won't interrupt you again tonight." "I'm not sure, Mr Blanc, that sounded like a pretty large explosion= , perhaps somebody was hurt. Maybe we should check it out." "No need, no need. Most of any debris that Solvan throws up falls = on the south side of the island where there are no settlements so no one is ever injured." Mr Blanc sounded very sure. "You can take a look in the morning. You really won't be able to see anything at night, apart from t= he red glow." The local man's assertion on both counts proved to be true as Clark discovered when he ventured out at the end of the phone call. Nonetheles= s, he hadn't wanted to advertise Superman's presence on the island, so donni= ng his darkest clothes he flew up into the heated atmosphere to do an ariel scan. Without the covering of cloud the wide mouth of Solvan could be seen, pulsing red in the darkness. But following Blanc's information, t= he unseen hero flew southwards and, dropping closer to the earth, searched with vision and hearing for anyone in need of succour, widening his searc= h parameters as he went. Yet throughout the island all was quiet. It seem= ed that the only people disturbed by Solvan's mutterings were the visiting city folks'. By the time Superman had reached the northern shoreline he was convinced of the safety of the islanders and he turned his face gratefull= y towards Lois and his children. His direct flight path home took him clos= er to Solvan's gaping maw than before and, his curiosity tweaked, he hovered= above the mountain's peak. From this new position Clark could now view the molten lava bubbling and simmering in the bowels of the volcano far beneath him. Mesmerized by the seething vermillion mass the hero was dra= wn unconsciously down towards the crater's edge, gliding closer and closer t= o the red glow beneath him until he could feel the heat on his skin. Sudden= ly aware that he had lost altitude, Clark shook away the cobwebs that had formed inside his head and forcing himself to rise higher in the sky he resumed his flight home. Boy, was he tired and all his muscles ached. D= id super heros suffer from jet-lag when flying on conventional modes of transport? Obviously the rest of his family did, because everyone was asleep wh= en he crept inside the darkened, silent house. Stripping quickly out of his= clothes, he crept into bed and drawing Lois' warm body against his own he= joined her in sleep. To be continued in part 3 ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 02:42:30 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: John Debbage <106532.433@COMPUSERVE.COM> Subject: New: Red Sky Part 3 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Title: Red Sky Part: 3 Author: Jenni Debbage Rating: PG-13 Feedback: Comments welcome Chapter Two Unexpected Visitor = "A volcano!! With molten lava and hot rocks and everything?!" Lois= ' voice was muffled by the shower but Clark could still hear the shock that= imbued her words in response to the findings of his night flight. The shower was turned off with a vengeance and a towel clad Lois emerged from= behind the shower curtain, regarding her husband with a jaundiced eye. = "Let me get this straight, Clark. I asked you to find us a holiday spot where we could have a nice quiet, trouble free vacation and you chose an island with its very own active volcano." "Honey, I asked Joseph for advice and he suggested that the south se= a islands were the place to go to get away from it all and *you* seemed to like the idea." He reminded his irrate wife. "So, when we found Papillo= n on the Idyllic Holiday Destinations' web site, it looked so beautiful and= peaceful, I went ahead and booked the place. Absolutely nowhere did it mention a volcano, active or otherwise." Clark spoke placatingly. = "Besides, Phillipe Blanc said we shouldn't be worried. It appears that Solvan's been rumbling on like this for years. The locals are completely= unfazed by it all." "Well your wife is not completely unfazed by it all." Lois exited t= he bathroom with Clark at her heels and preceded to drop the towel from her still slender yet curvy body as she searched through unfamiliar drawers f= or clothes to wear. She continued her tirade, unaware of the effect her nak= ed form was stirring in her husband. "Traffic pileups; manic Metropolitans;= deadlines and demanding editors; even the occasional insane bad guy I can= deal with, but natural disasters are not my forte." "If you want to go home, I could fly us." Clark's suggestion was no= t heartfelt. He was at present struggling with a very different type of suggestion. = Lois swung back to face her husband as she pulled a very skimpy T-shirt over her head and covered her nakedness, but the plunging necklin= e and clinging material did little to assuage Clark's discomfort. "And how= would you explain the disappearance of the Kent family? It may have escaped your notice, but our ship doesn't return for another three weeks.= = And the kids would be disappointed to leave so soon. They really love it= here. And Lois Lane doesn't turn tail and run from any mountain even if = it happens to have its very own resident fire god." "That's my girl," Clark's arms surrounded his wife, halting her progress in dressing. "I kinda love it here too and you know there is nowhere quite so romantic as a tropical island. Remember when I used to fly us to an island just like this." He was feathering soft kisses along her shoulder and Lois found herself melting into his embrace. "Oh yes," she whispered huskily, her memory lost in warm reverie. "Four children ago." As if on cue a loud knock fell on the door, thankfully the children were learning to knock first before barging into their parents' bedroom a= nd Joel's voice enquiring if they were ever getting up today wafted into the= room. Clark groaned at his son's choice of words. At this moment there= seemed to be little chance of that. = Lois giggled at his discomfort. "Down boy!! Our kids are calling, but don't worry I'm sure that we'll find time for what you have in mind."= = Clark's mind was not the problem. "I think a cold shower might be in ord= er for the present, sweetheart." And Lois peeled herself away from her husband and finished dressing. = ***** The morning trip into town by pedal power proved to be invigorating,= even for Lois and, though the bright sun shone down on the family as they= cycled into the square, at this early hour the heat was not yet oppressiv= e. Parking their bikes in the racks in front of the store they wandered on foot down to the harbour. The dock area was busier than the previous day= , with fishermen mending nets and painting boats, a number of which advertised on hand painted signs propped up by their berths that they wer= e available for hire for fishing trips. Immediately the children sought a promise from their parents that they could participate in that particular= pastime and were happy to receive an assent. A number of empty berths along the quay side suggested that already some of the boats had embarked= on their employment for the day. = Behind the quay a solitary gift shop was opening its doors and setting out its wares under a gaily coloured awning. Most of these items= were hand crafted from shells, ornamental lamps and figures of animals an= d people, jewellery and nicknacks abounded while some more spectacular shel= ls had been left as nature intended. Paintings too were being hung around t= he window of the small shop, all various views of the island and surprisingl= y very skilfully painted. Lois wondered as she meandered amongst the vario= us goods just how profitable was the trade, after all they appeared to be th= e only visitors at present on the island. Of course, she was not entirely certain of this point and these types of back to nature holidays were becoming more popular with the population of planet earth most of whom we= re living in ever increasing over crowded cities. = Her thoughts were broken into by the sounds of a sweetly purring engine approaching the little dockyard, and as she turned she set her sunglasses back down on her eyes as she stared directly into the sun. = Gliding through the water, seeming almost to skim along the blue surface,= was a sleek arrow shaped yacht of not inconsiderable proportions. Wow! = Whoever owns that piece of equipment must be worth a few dollars, Lois concluded in silent wonder. Perhaps this little business might not do to= o badly if this is the type of passer-by it caters for. Her husband and children were also interested in the approaching newcomer as they angled their steps towards the area of the pier in which= the narrow stern seemed to be pointing. The speed of the vessel slowed a= nd with effortless ease it slipped into dock. A couple of smartly dressed crew members jumped down to the wooden quay and securely tied the slim sh= ip to its berth. = So intent were the family in their contemplation of this beautiful seagoing lady' that they failed to notice her occupants who had come out = to stand on the bridge and were just as studiously taking in the scene befor= e them. An incredulous shout overrode the bustling noises and a familiar voice reached all the Kents' ears. "I don't believe it! Amazing! Just amazing!" The body that accompanied the voice disappeared inside the bridge and quickly reappeare= d by the gangplank which was being lowered to the quay. "I get this really= hot tip that something big is about to happen here that nobody else has even got a sniff of, and who do I find already on the job but Lane and Kent, the hottest team in town." "Jimmy!" Clark called in almost shock to his friend who was now descending the short distance to the ground. "Jimmy, what are you doing here?" James Olsen grimaced at the question as he walked up to his closest friend and the two exchanged a swift hug and indulged in a little back patting. "Same thing as you I suppose, wanting to be on the spot when he= blows; hoping to get some real good pictures and winning another Pulitzer= ." Clark was shaking his head in puzzlement. "He blows?! Pulitzer?! = I don't understand." "Come on CK, this is your old pal, Jimmy. We never used to be in competition and, if this is as big as I've been told, then there'll be enough for all of us. I'll even make a deal; you and Lois write the stor= y and I'll take the photographs. They should be so spectacular I'll probab= ly win an award on those alone." "Jimmy, will you please stop talking in riddles and tell us what brings you here." "I think that Jimmy is trying to tell us that he's here to cover a pretty big story." Lois had walked up behind her husband and her svelte arm snaked through his more muscular one. "Like perhaps a volcanic eruption?" "Yeah! I knew it! But aren't you guys a little out of your territo= ry and wasn't it a little dangerous to bring the kids along." The photographer's eyes slid over the children that surrounded them listening= with close interest to what the grownups were discussing. The Kent kids were as sharp as needles, which wasn't surprising when you considered who= were their parents. Lois looked pointedly at her husband with a bright I told you so loo= k' then addressed their unexpected friend. "First, Jimmy, we are not on a job'; secondly if we are out of our territory then that's normally what happens when taking a vacation and lastly we didn't know until last night= that we might be in danger." This last word was said with emphasis and h= er hand tightened on Clark's arm. Seeing how uncomfortable his buddy was feeling under his wife's accusing stare, Jimmy decided to backpedal. "Well, I'm not really certai= n just how reliable my information is. Maybe this Solvan' isn't set to blo= w right now." But Lois would not be decoyed. "Oh, so let me get this right, you came all this way to an island that practically no-one has heard of, because you got a call from a dubious source that there might be a mounta= in about to blow its top sometime in the undetermined future?" "Something like that," Jimmy suggested uncertainly, knowing Lois Lan= e wasn't about to be fooled. "I don't think so," Lois grumbled. However, she was interrupted by= her husband who had spotted a small chance of deflecting the topic of conversation. "Speaking of method of transport," Clark waved his hand over the gleaming white yacht now moored by their side. He whistled long and low = in appreciation. "You, Jimbo must be doing a whole lot better than Lois and= me if you can afford a boat like this." = "I only wish, CK." Jimmy looked rather enviously at the sleek shap= e then raised his hand in greeting to the young Eurasian couple still standing watching from the bridge. "I hitched a lift from my friends, Ro= y and Hazel Chen. The Swallow belongs to them. They're taking a cruise on= their new yacht, travelling through the islands." Clark's eyebrows raised as he smiled at the unknown dark haired pair= . = "Your friends must be very well heeled to own something like that. Movin= g up in the world, Jimbo?" "Hey, what can I say? The guy's a fellow computer buff. His compan= y developed the latest stage in artificial intelligence. Made his fortune practically overnight. Now he just has to keep ahead of the game." "Tough at the top," Clark said with just a hint of jealousy as his glance followed Jimmy's over the trim lines of the vessel. He could hav= e used his super powers to gain money and position and yet, except for momentary aberrations when he was occasionally overtaken by the green-eye= d monster, it never occurred to Clark to use his gifts for monetary gain. = Not his super abilities. He was perfectly content to use his writing talents to make his and his family's lives as comfortable as possible and= he was not averse to using the skills' to help ease that life, but neithe= r his nor Lois' salaries could ever hope to attain anything like the vessel= before him. = "Put the green-eyed monster back in his cage, sweetheart, and concentrate on the important issues." A whispered comment interrupted hi= s thoughts. "Like volcanic eruptions." Turning his attention to his wife's beautiful face that was now showing signs of worry and impatience, all thoughts of owning luxury yach= ts fled as he tried to defuse the situation, "Honey, we don't know that. = Sure, we had a little incident last night, but when I checked everything was quiet and according to the locals Solvan isn't acting any differently= than normal." "One local seems to think so, or he wouldn't have contacted Jimmy," Lois reminded Clark. Clark's head bowed to touch Lois'. "You have a point there, honey. = So maybe we should go talk to this guy." "Oh no!" The younger man stared in disbelief at his friends. "I don't even get time to unload my stuff off the boat and already you two a= re stealing my story." "No we're not," Lois sounded indignant. "I'm not interested in the story. I only want to know if my children are in danger." = "Oh yeah," Jimmy's voice was sceptical. "Since when was Lois Lane n= ot interested in a scoop?" "Since she became a concerned mother, Jimmy." Lois answered with on= ly a smidgen of exasperation; she understood that Jimmy was not questioning her parenting skills and he did have a point. "Besides, a few moments ag= o you were willing to share." "Lois, I think this story belongs to Jimmy, but we do need to find o= ut what's happening. So if you don't object, Jimbo, we would like to ask yo= ur contact a few questions." It was Jimmy's turn to look a little sheepish. "Of course, I don't object. And my offer still stands. I'm supposed to meet this guy at lunchtime in the Papillon Hotel. If you can find the place and you have nothing else planned then why don't you join us? Meanwhile I'll unload m= y gear and say goodbye to my friends." He waved in the general direction = of the yacht. Lois giggled, "I think we can find the place. Jimmy, it's the only hotel on the island and the town isn't exactly difficult to find your way= around. It's right up that hill." Following Lois' pointed finger, James Olsen's face fell as he saw th= e steep climb that awaited him, a task made tougher with the weight of the photographic equipment he had to lug up the hill. A sympathetic smile spread across Clark's face as he read his friend= 's thoughts. "Don't worry, Jimbo. They do have a taxi service on the islan= d. We'll head back to the square and send the car down for you." An even bigger smile lit his face as he imagined Jimmy's reaction to the ancient taxi. Then, gathering his slightly dissatisfied children to him (the kid= s had been hoping for a tour and if they had been very lucky for a trip on the Swallow), he arranged to meet James later and, shouting their goodbye= s, the group set off back into town. = ***** The family, after fulfilling their promise to Jimmy, finished shoppi= ng and, as all agreed to feeling slightly peckish, they sauntered into the hotel restaurant to partake of lunch; a meal which proved that the local chef could hold his own with his more sophisticated brotherhood back in Metropolis. Surprisingly the dinning room had a number of other customer= s and Lois reviewed her earlier estimation of the Kents being the only holiday makers on the island. Surreptitiously checking out the other clientele, Lois wondered if Jimmy's source was present and if so which of the other diners he might b= e. Two older couples were sharing a table by the window yet taking in their= dress, their travel literature and slightly bemused demeanour the investigative reporter dismissed them as vacationers. Hidden away in an alcove a much younger and obviously much in love couple held hands and exchanged loving glances across their largely ignor= ed meals. Lois quickly identified them as honeymooners; she well remembered= that encompassing emotion that shut out the rest of the world when first embarking on a new, long life together. = Nearer at hand, a young woman sat alone awaiting the delivery of he= r order, her nose buried deeply in a book. The sleuth in Lois had noticed that Eva Blanc had greeted the newcomer with pleased familiarity when she= had first entered the room and this fact led Lois to suppose that the wom= an was a local. She may also have decided that this was the contact, except= that Jimmy had distinctly stated that his contact was a he'. For the moment these were the only occupants of the restaurant and Lois quickly concluded that the said source had not yet arrived. While the steady ebb and flow of her children's colloquy with her husband had played over her without intruding on her consciousness, the unfamiliar tones of Philipe Blanc suspended her covert observations. The= man welcomed them with the usual pleasantries and hopes that they had enjoyed their lunch, but his continued conversation snagged Lois' complet= e attention. = "I hope you weren't overly upset by that little fire display last night. The volcano every now and then likes to make its presence felt, b= ut there really is nothing to worry about. It could be weeks before he explodes again or he could let off some more steam tomorrow, but whicheve= r it is it's nothing out of the ordinary." "But you have to admit that it's a pretty scary occurrence for those= who aren't used to volcanos," Clark suggested a little disapprovingly to his host. "It would have been nice to have had a warning instead of bein= g turfed out of bed in the middle of the night by a large explosion." "You're perfectly right and I do apologise," Philipe did sound sincerely sorry. "I probably should have mentioned it, but you folks looked a little frazzled last evening so I didn't think you would welcome= the news about occasionally erupting volcanos. I never thought that Solv= an would introduce himself before I had the chance to talk with you." "And you didn't inform us before we arrived on the island, in case w= e would look for another holiday spot?" Lois interrogated with a hint of annoyance. "Believe me, Mrs Kent, I understand your irritation and if I serious= ly considered that anyone would be endangered by coming here I would warn potential visitors." A genuine look of contrition settled on the older man's face, "But then so many people would miss out on the beauties and t= he kinship that our wonderful island has to offer." Under the gentle smile of the proprietor, Lois allowed herself to mellow. "You're right about that, Mr Blanc. Papillon is a lovely place and everyone seems so friendly." = Memories of the warm welcome the family had received from the fishi= ng community on their morning stroll down by the shore and the locals' relaxed, laid back attitude soothed her anxieties and she began to accept= that her concerns might be somewhat magnified. Philipe's smile embraced the whole family as he brightened, aware th= at the Kents were ready to forgive his omissions. "Please accept my sincere= apologies and my wishes that your time on Isle de Papillon will be memorable." After a few further moments of chatting about his favourite subject,= Papillon, the busy man was called away and the family settled down to assess the suggestions for places to explore that the well informed islander had given them, the notion of volcanic catastrophe receding in their minds at the prospect of more pleasurable pastimes. = = While the family were deep in this discussion Jimmy appeared in the doorway and, spotting his quarry at a large round table in the centre of the room, pulled up a chair to join his friends. Not waiting for a hello= he immediately launched into the conversation. "Hey, CK, thanks a lot fo= r the help with the transport situation, though I must admit that for a whi= le there I wasn't sure whether the old buggy would make it up the hill. But= don't tell me, it's the only taxi on the island." "You got it, Jimbo. Papillon is not exactly a hive of activity and,= from what we've been able to find out, the population of the island is pretty small." Clark visualised in his mind the layout of the land which= he had flown over the night before, but it had been dark with only the weird red glow from Solvan lightening the night sky and he had probably n= ot gained a completely accurate picture. "There's another small town on the= north shore, which serves as a port for the copra trade, which along with= the tuna fishing and tourism seems to be the main resource of the island= . = Oh, and according to our tour guide, who also owns this hotel, there are = a few small farms in the interior but we haven't seen any of this since we only arrived yesterday... on vacation." "Thank you for the travel log," Jimmy at last relaxed and beamed brightly as he perused the menu, it had been sometime since elevenses and= he was beginning to feel hungry. Looking around at his few fellow diners= he commented wryly, "not exactly a bustling metropolis, eh?" "But a perfect spot for a get away from it all break, which is just what Clark and I need," Lois added. "Except for the volcano," Jimmy reminded. "Are you sure you have your facts right? We've talked to some of th= e islanders and none of them seem all that worried." Clark was keen to all= ay this anxiety so his family could enjoy the rest of their vacation. "Well, my contact should be here any minute so you can ask him yourself." However it seemed as if this illusive personage was destined to remain a mystery, because even after Jimmy had finished his lunch the guy= had still remained a no show. It was becoming ever more probable that Philipe Blanc was correct in his judgement of the mountain and, that by h= is non appearance, the so called expert was perhaps blowing smoke. By now the children were growing impatient and fretting that they were wasting time inside a stuffy hotel when they could be playing outsid= e on their very own beach. Lois and Clark too decided that they had devote= d enough time to researching a hypothetical disaster. They had come to the= island to distance themselves from just such an investigation, so leaving= Jimmy to check into the hotel while he awaited the arrival of his source,= the family returned to the bungalow above the bay. Continued in Part 4 ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 00:24:09 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: StarKitty Organization: Star Alliance Subject: Re: New: Red Sky Part 3 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cool story! I can't wait to see part 4! Tara ----- Original Message ----- From: John Debbage <106532.433@COMPUSERVE.COM> To: Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2000 11:42 PM Subject: New: Red Sky Part 3 ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 11:04:44 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: Re: New: Red Sky Part 1 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Jenni's posting Red Sky! Yaaayyy!!! Just to alert everyone (not that I need to: anyone who's read any of Jenni's Kent series knows how good these stories are) that this is a great story. Fun, exciting, WAFFy and a lot more besides! It also has one or two cliffhangers here and there, on one of which I've been left for a little too long now, Jenni my friend...! Wendy -------------------------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 06:26:06 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "C.C. Malo" Subject: Re: New: Red Sky Part 1 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Wonderful to see you posting this story, Jenni. Your description of the island makes me feel like I've gone on a holiday and I can sit back in a deck chair and watch everything unfold --- until, of course ..... the cliffhanger. Carol ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 05:06:33 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: Re: New: Red Sky Part 3 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Jenni, This looks like a good start to an interesting story. I'm looking forward to more. Irene ===== __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send instant messages with Yahoo! Messenger. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 13:56:09 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carolyn Schnall Subject: Re: New: Ooops! In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Sorry, Tara, but I did not understand this story. Is it, perhaps, a scene excerpted from a larger story you are writing and which I will not be reading until you have completed it? If so, could it have been labeled as such? I would welccome your assistance with it, since I sat down to read it and had no idea why extras and sets would be there.... Thanks, Carolyn >Welcome to my world! :) Here, for your laughing pleasure, is another piece >of insane, demented, deranged and psychotic piece of fluff! It is also >another Mary Sue story. As always, I want any and all kinds of feedback! >Enjoy! :) > > > > >Ooops! > > > Crash! Bang! > > Lois Lane paused in the act of exiting the Ladies room and looked >around >the hallway. The hallway was empty except for her, as was to be expected >this late at night. She, too, would be leaving as soon as she finished some >final details on a story sheíd been working on. > > The crashing noises repeated themselves. Lois stepped out of the >restroom >and turned towards the supply closet where the sounds seemed to be coming >from. Who could it possibly be? She stepped forward, reaching for the >handle--and tripped, sprawling forward onto the rough carpet. She managed >to get her hands in front of her face before it came in contact with the >hard floor. For a moment, there was dead silence. > > Then Lois began to laugh. > > Clark Kent, her co-star, best friend, husband and partner stuck >his head >out of the supply closet, half changed between his Superman costume and his >regular clothes. ìWhat happened?î > > Lois raised her head and pointed at the wig, which had fallen off >when she >fell. > > ìOh, that again,î Clark gave the wig a dirty look. ìI said you >should grow >your hair long for this. That wig just isnít going to do it.î > > ìOh my God! Clark Kent is Superman!î One of the extraís had come >around >the corner without either Lois or Clark noticing. Staying in character, he >gaped at Clark. > > Abruptly a familiar strawberry blond appeared beside Lois. She >was, as >always, clad in very tight revealing clothes. This time it was a pair of >blue jean shorts and a green tube top. She had sunglasses pushed up on top >of her head and was holding a clipboard in one hand. > >ìCut!î she yelled. ìLois, what happened?î > >Lois pushed herself to her feet. ìWell, Mary Sue, I--ì > >Mary Sue pointed at Loisí shoes. ìYou forgot to tie your shoelace again! I >told you that would cause problems!î > >ìWhatís going on?î the extra asked. > >ìYouíd better get back in position, Joe,î Clark advised him. ìWeíre going >to have to re-shoot this scene.î > >ìOh, man! Not again!î The man muttered to himself as he turned and went >back the way he had come. ìWe are never gonna finish this!î > >Mary Sue picked the wig up off the floor and held it with two fingers like >it was a dead animal. ìWhy were you wearing this?î > >ìWell, you wanted my hair long again, right? I didnít want to take the time >to grow it long again.î > >Mary Sue gave her a stern look. ìYou should have visited the Voyager set >and had the Doctor use a follicle stimulator. That would have done it in no >time!î > >ìYou moved the set interfaces around, remember? I couldnít find it.î Lois >shrugged. ìI donít see why weíre doing a new second season episode, >anyway.î > >ìWeíre doing it because the Author said we would do it! And the new >interface is in the Xerox room.î Mary Sue rolled her eyes. She grinned >suddenly. ìOkay, letís do this the easy way!î She snapped her fingers and >abruptly Loisí hair was in exactly the same style it had been in during the >second season. > >Lois ran a hand through her hair. Sheíd forgotten what it felt like to have >longer hair. Maybe she could convince Mary Sue to let her keep this style >after the episode was finished. > >Mary Sue threw the wig up into the air and it vanished. ìOkay, everyone, >back in your places.î > >She vanished in a flash of white light. Lois grinned at Clark, who was >still standing in the storage room door. ìYou heard her, fly-boy! Weíve >got a revelation scene to do!î > >ìYes, maíam!î Clark said, grinning as he went back into the storage room and >closed the door behind him. > >________________________________________________________________________ >Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 02:14:13 +0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Ma. Carmela L Abaygar" Subject: Re: New: Ooops! Content-Type: text/plain I thought it was just me... Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic wrote: >Sorry, Tara, but I did not understand this story. > >Is it, perhaps, a scene excerpted from a larger story you are writing and >which I will not be reading until you have completed it? If so, could it >have been labeled as such? > >I would welccome your assistance with it, since I sat down to read it and >had no idea why extras and sets would be there.... > >Thanks, > >Carolyn > >>Welcome to my world! :) Here, for your laughing pleasure, is another piece >>of insane, demented, deranged and psychotic piece of fluff! It is also >>another Mary Sue story. As always, I want any and all kinds of feedback! >>Enjoy! :) >> >> >> >> >>Ooops! >> >> >> Crash! Bang! >> >> Lois Lane paused in the act of exiting the Ladies room and looked >>around >>the hallway. The hallway was empty except for her, as was to be expected >>this late at night. She, too, would be leaving as soon as she finished some >>final details on a story sheíd been working on. >> >> The crashing noises repeated themselves. Lois stepped out of the >>restroom >>and turned towards the supply closet where the sounds seemed to be coming >>from. Who could it possibly be? She stepped forward, reaching for the >>handle--and tripped, sprawling forward onto the rough carpet. She managed >>to get her hands in front of her face before it came in contact with the >>hard floor. For a moment, there was dead silence. >> >> Then Lois began to laugh. >> >> Clark Kent, her co-star, best friend, husband and partner stuck >>his head >>out of the supply closet, half changed between his Superman costume and his >>regular clothes. ìWhat happened?î >> >> Lois raised her head and pointed at the wig, which had fallen off >>when she >>fell. >> >> ìOh, that again,î Clark gave the wig a dirty look. ìI said you >>should grow >>your hair long for this. That wig just isnít going to do it.î >> >> ìOh my God! Clark Kent is Superman!î One of the extraís had come >>around >>the corner without either Lois or Clark noticing. Staying in character, he >>gaped at Clark. >> >> Abruptly a familiar strawberry blond appeared beside Lois. She >>was, as >>always, clad in very tight revealing clothes. This time it was a pair of >>blue jean shorts and a green tube top. She had sunglasses pushed up on top >>of her head and was holding a clipboard in one hand. >> >>ìCut!î she yelled. ìLois, what happened?î >> >>Lois pushed herself to her feet. ìWell, Mary Sue, I--ì >> >>Mary Sue pointed at Loisí shoes. ìYou forgot to tie your shoelace again! I >>told you that would cause problems!î >> >>ìWhatís going on?î the extra asked. >> >>ìYouíd better get back in position, Joe,î Clark advised him. ìWeíre going >>to have to re-shoot this scene.î >> >>ìOh, man! Not again!î The man muttered to himself as he turned and went >>back the way he had come. ìWe are never gonna finish this!î >> >>Mary Sue picked the wig up off the floor and held it with two fingers like >>it was a dead animal. ìWhy were you wearing this?î >> >>ìWell, you wanted my hair long again, right? I didnít want to take the time >>to grow it long again.î >> >>Mary Sue gave her a stern look. ìYou should have visited the Voyager set >>and had the Doctor use a follicle stimulator. That would have done it in no >>time!î >> >>ìYou moved the set interfaces around, remember? I couldnít find it.î Lois >>shrugged. ìI donít see why weíre doing a new second season episode, >>anyway.î >> >>ìWeíre doing it because the Author said we would do it! And the new >>interface is in the Xerox room.î Mary Sue rolled her eyes. She grinned >>suddenly. ìOkay, letís do this the easy way!î She snapped her fingers and >>abruptly Loisí hair was in exactly the same style it had been in during the >>second season. >> >>Lois ran a hand through her hair. Sheíd forgotten what it felt like to have >>longer hair. Maybe she could convince Mary Sue to let her keep this style >>after the episode was finished. >> >>Mary Sue threw the wig up into the air and it vanished. ìOkay, everyone, >>back in your places.î >> >>She vanished in a flash of white light. Lois grinned at Clark, who was >>still standing in the storage room door. ìYou heard her, fly-boy! Weíve >>got a revelation scene to do!î >> >>ìYes, maíam!î Clark said, grinning as he went back into the storage room and >>closed the door behind him. >> >>________________________________________________________________________ >>Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at > > ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 11:48:55 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: StarKitty Organization: Star Alliance Subject: Re: New: Ooops! MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit I would have sword I posted my other Mary Sue stories here. Didn't I? Maybe I should just go ahead and post them again--they're not very long. And no, this one isn't actually based on a larger story. It was just meant to be funny. Tara ----- Original Message ----- From: Carolyn Schnall To: Sent: Monday, June 19, 2000 11:56 AM Subject: Re: New: Ooops! > Sorry, Tara, but I did not understand this story. > > Is it, perhaps, a scene excerpted from a larger story you are writing and > which I will not be reading until you have completed it? If so, could it > have been labeled as such? > > I would welccome your assistance with it, since I sat down to read it and > had no idea why extras and sets would be there.... > > Thanks, > > Carolyn > > >Welcome to my world! :) Here, for your laughing pleasure, is another piece > >of insane, demented, deranged and psychotic piece of fluff! It is also > >another Mary Sue story. As always, I want any and all kinds of feedback! > >Enjoy! :) > > > > > > > > > >Ooops! > > > > > > Crash! Bang! > > > > Lois Lane paused in the act of exiting the Ladies room and looked > >around > >the hallway. The hallway was empty except for her, as was to be expected > >this late at night. She, too, would be leaving as soon as she finished some > >final details on a story sheíd been working on. > > > > The crashing noises repeated themselves. Lois stepped out of the > >restroom > >and turned towards the supply closet where the sounds seemed to be coming > >from. Who could it possibly be? She stepped forward, reaching for the > >handle--and tripped, sprawling forward onto the rough carpet. She managed > >to get her hands in front of her face before it came in contact with the > >hard floor. For a moment, there was dead silence. > > > > Then Lois began to laugh. > > > > Clark Kent, her co-star, best friend, husband and partner stuck > >his head > >out of the supply closet, half changed between his Superman costume and his > >regular clothes. ìWhat happened?î > > > > Lois raised her head and pointed at the wig, which had fallen off > >when she > >fell. > > > > ìOh, that again,î Clark gave the wig a dirty look. ìI said you > >should grow > >your hair long for this. That wig just isnít going to do it.î > > > > ìOh my God! Clark Kent is Superman!î One of the extraís had come > >around > >the corner without either Lois or Clark noticing. Staying in character, he > >gaped at Clark. > > > > Abruptly a familiar strawberry blond appeared beside Lois. She > >was, as > >always, clad in very tight revealing clothes. This time it was a pair of > >blue jean shorts and a green tube top. She had sunglasses pushed up on top > >of her head and was holding a clipboard in one hand. > > > >ìCut!î she yelled. ìLois, what happened?î > > > >Lois pushed herself to her feet. ìWell, Mary Sue, I--ì > > > >Mary Sue pointed at Loisí shoes. ìYou forgot to tie your shoelace again! I > >told you that would cause problems!î > > > >ìWhatís going on?î the extra asked. > > > >ìYouíd better get back in position, Joe,î Clark advised him. ìWeíre going > >to have to re-shoot this scene.î > > > >ìOh, man! Not again!î The man muttered to himself as he turned and went > >back the way he had come. ìWe are never gonna finish this!î > > > >Mary Sue picked the wig up off the floor and held it with two fingers like > >it was a dead animal. ìWhy were you wearing this?î > > > >ìWell, you wanted my hair long again, right? I didnít want to take the time > >to grow it long again.î > > > >Mary Sue gave her a stern look. ìYou should have visited the Voyager set > >and had the Doctor use a follicle stimulator. That would have done it in no > >time!î > > > >ìYou moved the set interfaces around, remember? I couldnít find it.î Lois > >shrugged. ìI donít see why weíre doing a new second season episode, > >anyway.î > > > >ìWeíre doing it because the Author said we would do it! And the new > >interface is in the Xerox room.î Mary Sue rolled her eyes. She grinned > >suddenly. ìOkay, letís do this the easy way!î She snapped her fingers and > >abruptly Loisí hair was in exactly the same style it had been in during the > >second season. > > > >Lois ran a hand through her hair. Sheíd forgotten what it felt like to have > >longer hair. Maybe she could convince Mary Sue to let her keep this style > >after the episode was finished. > > > >Mary Sue threw the wig up into the air and it vanished. ìOkay, everyone, > >back in your places.î > > > >She vanished in a flash of white light. Lois grinned at Clark, who was > >still standing in the storage room door. ìYou heard her, fly-boy! Weíve > >got a revelation scene to do!î > > > >ìYes, maíam!î Clark said, grinning as he went back into the storage room and > >closed the door behind him. > > > >________________________________________________________________________ > >Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at > ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 12:18:53 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: StarKitty Organization: Star Alliance Subject: repost: Writer's Bock (Mary Sue 1) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_004E_01BFD9E8.88461E80" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_004E_01BFD9E8.88461E80 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Ok, it's come to my attention that some people may have missed reading = some of my Mary Sue stories and were, consequently, a little confuzzled = when they read Ooops! Therefore, I am re-posting all the previous Mary = Sue stories. Only one of these is actually on the archive (I will send = them all in--I promise!) so it's understandable if they missed the = earlier ones how they might be confused. Here is the first one: Writers Block-A Mary Sue Intervention The only thing we can do is strike!" Lois Lane said. She was seated on = the couch beside her husband, Clark Kent. Both she and her husband were = dressed casually, as though for a day off. Clark slipped his arm around her shoulders. "I agree. But this has to be = unanimous or it won't work." He shot a look at the others in Perry White's office. Jimmy Olson, clad = in his usual jeans and T-shirt, leaned against the Chiefs desk. Perry, = himself, was seated in the chair behind the desk was wearing a Hawaiian = shirt and shorts. Kathryn Janeway, the last person in the group, wearing = her usual Starfleet uniform, stood at the window, observing the street = below. Perry leaned back in his chair and put his feet on the desk. "You don't = see me going anywhere, do you? I'm with you all the way on this one!" "Yeah! We don't have to put up with this kind of treatment anymore!" = Jimmy chimed in. "I don't know," Kathryn turned to face them. "Will a strike do us any = good? My crew is living on mushrooms right now. Do you have any idea of = what kind of torture that is? If we strike, the Author might give us = some more problems. I don't think my crew can take it!" "That's why we have to strike now, Kathryn!" Lois leaned forward to = emphasize her point. "If we don't let the story go any farther forward, = the Author'll have to negotiate! After all, the story is nothing without = us! Are you with us, Kathryn?" Kathryn nodded decisively. "I'm with you!" A humming whine sounded and a sixth person materialized in the room. She = was tall and slender, with the best figure any in the room had seen = outside of comic books. Her long reddish-blond hair was curled and = framed her delicately beautiful features. Her form-fitted floor length = formal gown matched her eye color perfectly. Something about her seemed = incredibly familiar--as though all of them had seen her somewhere = before. "Who are you?" Lois demanded, never one to let unexpected arrivals put = her off guard. "I'm the negotiator," the woman said. "You can call me Mary Sue." "Mary Sue?" Jimmy said. His expression brightened as he looked her over. = "Aren't you the one who--" "Visits various story-worlds, out does the real characters and steals = the leading guy from the leading gal and is actually a representation of = the Author as she wishes she was?" Mary Sue smiled charmingly. "Yes, = that would be me." The door to the office opened to admit Maggie. She was dressed in sweats = and was running her fingers through her slightly damp hair as she came = in. "Sorry I'm late for the meeting, guys. I was held up by a pileup on = the . . . hey! What are you doing here?" Mary Sue smiled brightly at Maggie. "Hiya, Mags! You know, you were = almost me!" "Get away from Jimmy!" If looks could kill, Mary Sue would have been = dust. "He's mine!" "All right, all right!" Mary Sue held her hands up in the air. "I'm not = here for that this time, anyway." "Then why are you here?" "Better sit down, honey," Perry advised. "She's here as an emissary from = the Author. She wants to negotiate with us." "Oh, good! Maybe our demands will finally be answered!" Maggie flashed = Perry a smile before she went over to Jimmy and sat on the desk beside = him. "Okay, Mary Sue," Lois brought the woman's attention back to her. "Here = are our demands: we want-" "Yeah, yeah. I know, I know!" Mary Sue snapped her fingers and a PADD = that looked suspiciously like the ones from Voyager appeared in her = hand. She scrolled down through the list. "Mmhmm, mmhmm, better hours, = yeah, more chocolate, uh, huh, a nice shore leave on a nice planet, = that's do-able . . ." Clark and Lois exchanged a hopeful look as Mary Sue went down the list. = Finally she looked up. "Okay, most of these don't pose any problems. = What kind of guarantee are you willing to give the Author that you'll = resume work right away?" "Will you take my word for it?" Clark asked. Mary Sue smiled and looked Clark over thoroughly. "Of course, gorgeous! = Everyone knows Superhunk . . . I mean Superman doesn't lie!" Clark blushed a little under the frank scrutiny while Lois bristled. "If = our demands are met, we'll get back to work immediately." "Hmmm," Mary Sue looked at the list of demands again. "Well, the Author = already has plans that meet some of these." She looked back up at Lois = and Clark. "And you know she doesn't write Nfic!" "Well, she can try!" Lois glared at Mary Sue. "Clark and I need some = serious quality time here!" Mary Sue sighed. "Well, she'll see what she can do. Are you happy, now?" "I think that about does it, Miss," Perry said. "Good. The PADD vanished. "She'll start in on some of these immediately. = Some of the others may take a little time, though, okay?" "All right!" Lois grinned in triumph. "That was easier than I thought it = would be!" "Well, when you're happy, the Author's happy." Mary Sue flashed her = girl-next-door smile at them and vanished in a flash of white light. Lois put one hand on the back of Clark's head and pulled his face down = for a long passionate kiss. The others tried to pretend they weren't = there. Kathryn grinned. "I have to get back to Voyager and let my crew know the = good news!" Perry stood and took her hand and kissed it. "Good luck, Kathy." "Thanks, Perry. You too." She flashed him a grin, then tapped her = commbadge. "Janeway to Voyager. One to beam up. Energize." She shimmered and vanished. "Okay, kids, back to your places!" Perry ushered them out of his office, = breaking up Lois and Clark's kiss, which had been showing signs of = becoming much more than just a kiss. "Writers block is over for now! We = may have to do this again, but for now, have fun and good luck!" (restart) ------=_NextPart_000_004E_01BFD9E8.88461E80 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Ok, it's come to my attention that some = people may=20 have missed reading some of my Mary Sue stories and were, consequently, = a little=20 confuzzled when they read Ooops!  Therefore, I am re-posting all = the=20 previous Mary Sue stories.  Only one of these is actually on the = archive (I=20 will send them all in--I promise!) so it's understandable if they missed = the=20 earlier ones how they might be confused.  Here is the first = one:


Writers Block-A Mary Sue Intervention


The only thing we can do is strike!" Lois Lane said. She was seated = on the=20 couch beside her husband, Clark Kent. Both she and her husband were = dressed=20 casually, as though for a day off.

Clark slipped his arm around her shoulders. "I agree. But this has to = be=20 unanimous or it won't work."

He shot a look at the others in Perry White's office. Jimmy Olson, = clad in=20 his usual jeans and T-shirt, leaned against the Chiefs desk. Perry, = himself, was=20 seated in the chair behind the desk was wearing a Hawaiian shirt and = shorts.=20 Kathryn Janeway, the last person in the group, wearing her usual = Starfleet=20 uniform, stood at the window, observing the street below.

Perry leaned back in his chair and put his feet on the desk. "You = don't see=20 me going anywhere, do you? I'm with you all the way on this one!"

"Yeah! We don't have to put up with this kind of treatment anymore!" = Jimmy=20 chimed in.

"I don't know," Kathryn turned to face them. "Will a strike do us any = good?=20 My crew is living on mushrooms right now. Do you have any idea of what = kind of=20 torture that is? If we strike, the Author might give us some more = problems. I=20 don't think my crew can take it!"

"That's why we have to strike now, Kathryn!" Lois leaned forward to = emphasize=20 her point. "If we don't let the story go any farther forward, the = Author'll have=20 to negotiate! After all, the story is nothing without us! Are you with = us,=20 Kathryn?"

Kathryn nodded decisively. "I'm with you!"

A humming whine sounded and a sixth person materialized in the room. = She was=20 tall and slender, with the best figure any in the room had seen outside = of comic=20 books. Her long reddish-blond hair was curled and framed her delicately=20 beautiful features. Her form-fitted floor length formal gown matched her = eye=20 color perfectly. Something about her seemed incredibly familiar--as = though all=20 of them had seen her somewhere before.

"Who are you?" Lois demanded, never one to let unexpected arrivals = put her=20 off guard.

"I'm the negotiator," the woman said. "You can call me Mary Sue."

"Mary Sue?" Jimmy said. His expression brightened as he looked her = over.=20 "Aren't you the one who--"

"Visits various story-worlds, out does the real characters and steals = the=20 leading guy from the leading gal and is actually a representation of the = Author=20 as she wishes she was?" Mary Sue smiled charmingly. "Yes, that would be = me."

The door to the office opened to admit Maggie. She was dressed in = sweats and=20 was running her fingers through her slightly damp hair as she came in. = "Sorry=20 I'm late for the meeting, guys. I was held up by a pileup on the . . . = hey! What=20 are you doing here?"

Mary Sue smiled brightly at Maggie. "Hiya, Mags! You know, you were = almost=20 me!"

"Get away from Jimmy!" If looks could kill, Mary Sue would have been = dust.=20 "He's mine!"

"All right, all right!" Mary Sue held her hands up in the air. "I'm = not here=20 for that this time, anyway."

"Then why are you here?"

"Better sit down, honey," Perry advised. "She's here as an emissary = from the=20 Author. She wants to negotiate with us."

"Oh, good! Maybe our demands will finally be answered!" Maggie = flashed Perry=20 a smile before she went over to Jimmy and sat on the desk beside = him.

"Okay, Mary Sue," Lois brought the woman's attention back to her. = "Here are=20 our demands: we want-"

"Yeah, yeah. I know, I know!" Mary Sue snapped her fingers and a PADD = that=20 looked suspiciously like the ones from Voyager appeared in her hand. She = scrolled down through the list. "Mmhmm, mmhmm, better hours, yeah, more=20 chocolate, uh, huh, a nice shore leave on a nice planet, that's do-able = . .=20 ."

Clark and Lois exchanged a hopeful look as Mary Sue went down the = list.=20 Finally she looked up. "Okay, most of these don't pose any problems. = What kind=20 of guarantee are you willing to give the Author that you'll resume work = right=20 away?"

"Will you take my word for it?" Clark asked.

Mary Sue smiled and looked Clark over thoroughly. "Of course, = gorgeous!=20 Everyone knows Superhunk . . . I mean Superman doesn't lie!"

Clark blushed a little under the frank scrutiny while Lois bristled. = "If our=20 demands are met, we'll get back to work immediately."

"Hmmm," Mary Sue looked at the list of demands again. "Well, the = Author=20 already has plans that meet some of these." She looked back up at Lois = and=20 Clark. "And you know she doesn't write Nfic!"

"Well, she can try!" Lois glared at Mary Sue. "Clark and I need some = serious=20 quality time here!"

Mary Sue sighed. "Well, she'll see what she can do. Are you happy, = now?"

"I think that about does it, Miss," Perry said.

"Good. The PADD vanished. "She'll start in on some of these = immediately. Some=20 of the others may take a little time, though, okay?"

"All right!" Lois grinned in triumph. "That was easier than I thought = it=20 would be!"

"Well, when you're happy, the Author's happy." Mary Sue flashed her=20 girl-next-door smile at them and vanished in a flash of white light.

Lois put one hand on the back of Clark's head and pulled his face = down for a=20 long passionate kiss. The others tried to pretend they weren't = there.

Kathryn grinned. "I have to get back to Voyager and let my crew know = the good=20 news!"

Perry stood and took her hand and kissed it. "Good luck, Kathy."

"Thanks, Perry. You too." She flashed him a grin, then tapped her = commbadge.=20 "Janeway to Voyager. One to beam up. Energize."

She shimmered and vanished.

"Okay, kids, back to your places!" Perry ushered them out of his = office,=20 breaking up Lois and Clark's kiss, which had been showing signs of = becoming much=20 more than just a kiss. "Writers block is over for now! We may have to do = this=20 again, but for now, have fun and good luck!"


------=_NextPart_000_004E_01BFD9E8.88461E80-- ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 12:20:16 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: StarKitty Organization: Star Alliance Subject: rep: Offending Maggie (Mary Sue 2) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0056_01BFD9E8.BA09AEA0" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0056_01BFD9E8.BA09AEA0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Here's the 2nd in the semi-series surrounding the writing of Threads of = Confusion. Offending Maggie (or, What's with these script changes??) Maggie walked back and forth, pacing as much as the small space afforded = by the Ladies room would allow. She was wearing her civvies and was = reading from a thin folder. She muttered to herself as she paced. "Insult the nearly omnipotent being. . . yeah, that's smart . . . fling = myself into a deadly situation . . ." She flipped pages, scanning the = writing quickly. "More throwing myself into danger . . . ooh! Teaching = Jim to see through things! Yeah, that'll be great. . . yet another = dangerous situation . . . good gods, I'm going to turn into Lois!" Abruptly, she turned and stormed out of the Ladies room. She went down = the short hallway without, passing the door marked "Metropolis set" and = stopped at another one marked "Voyager scenes--Voyager cast only!" and = shoved it open. She stepped through it and onto Voyager's bridge. She = was standing at the front of the room, just before the forward = viewscreen. She glanced around, then made her way past a startled Tom = Paris, Chakotay, Harry Kim, and a couple of nameless extras who were = probably filling in for Main Characters while they went to the restroom = or ate or something, and went up to Captain Janeway's Ready Room doors. She walked through the doors without pausing to knock. Lois and Clark, = who were standing before Janeway's desk, turned at the sound of the = doors opening and the three--Janeway and the two Metropoleans--stared in = silence as Maggie marched up to the desk and slammed her now closed = folder down on it. "Guess what," she said flatly. Janeway exchanged a puzzled look with Lois and Clark. "What?" "I'm turning into Lois Lane!" Maggie threw a semi-apologetic look at = Lois. "No offense." "None taken." Lois looked at the folder curiuosly. The cover was = emblazoned with the red and yellow S-shield on a blue background. = Beneath the shield were the words "Threads of Confusion: Metropolis = Script". "Is something wrong?" "Is something wrong? Is something wrong!" Maggie grabbed the script back = up and held it up in front of Lois. She pointed at the "ver. 2.1" label = hidden near the bottom. "The Author's gone and messed with the script = again! Now I'm throwing myself into danger almost every time I turn = around!" "Correct me if I'm wrong," Janeway broke in, "but don't you do that = anyway?" "Well, yeah," Maggie agreed grudgingly, "but I usually have my powers = when I do it! Jimmy's got them right now! She's got me throwing myself = into all kinds of awful situations and risking death for all kinds of = stupid reasons! And why, tell me, didn't Lucy leave any pot holders for = me to use when she went over to California, or wherever she went? Huh? = Tell me that!" "What?" Lois looked blank. "Why? What happens?" Clark asked. "I burn myself while making pancakes!" Maggie leafed through the folder = to a specific page. "See?" (from living room) Jimmy: The pancakes are probably ready, Mags! Maggie (glances at pan): I think you're right. (grabs a spatula and the = hot pan handle. Yelps and drops pan on floor. Pancake also lands on = floor) "That is pretty pathetic," Lois agreed. "Clark did some similar things = when he lost his powers, too, though." "Really?" Maggie said, dubiously. She shrugged it off. "Well, that = wasn't this Author! That was under Levine and her crowd! This Author's = agreed to treat us better than that!" "Maggie," Clark stepped forward and placed a comforting hand on her = shoulder. "That scene was in the original script, too." "It was?" Maggie looked at the two women for confirmation. Lois and = Janeway nodded, sympathetic looks on their faces. "Darn. I was hoping--" she broke off and turned as the doors behind her = swished open to admit Lieutenant Commander Tuvok and a couple of = nameless security persons. All three had their phasers at the ready. They froze at the scene that met their eyes and Tuvok motioned for his = men to holster their weapons. Despite the fact that one of them was a = woman and the other a Bolian and, hence, not really men, they obeyed = him. "I apologize, Captain," Tuvok said formally. "I was in the mess hall = when I received an intruder alert signal and instantly assumed the = standard." "Which is, of course, why you brought along a couple of nameless = security persons," Captain Janeway said, laughing. She would have said = officers or even men, but her contract with Starfleet Command strictly = forbade her from being politically incorrect when speaking to or about = her crew. Fortunately for her, she had some leeway with the hostile and = homicidal aliens they were constantly running across. "That's quite = understandable." Tuvok motioned for his underpersons to return to their stations in the = standard way. Maggie rolled her eyes. "It's too bad the Author won't let me use my = telepathy like that! It would sure come in handy sometimes!" Everybody in the room laughed except, of course, Tuvok, who merely = raised an eyebrow at her. Maggie figured that if he actually laughed, = his head would probably explode, him being a Vulcan and all. "Perhaps I can be of some assistance," Tuvok said. "Is there a new = problem with the script?" "Actually," Janeway said, looking at Maggie, "we were just about to find = out what the problem is." Maggie sighed and flipped to the last page of the script. A handwritten = page had been stapled to the inner cover there. She held it up so = everyone could see it. "This is the problem." "That is the newly revised ending," said Tuvok, once again stating the = obvious. He did that a lot, but Maggie figured it was just part of his = contract as token bridge alien. "What's it say? I haven't gotten my new script yet!" Janeway went around = the desk, a delighted smile on her face. "It says that this is only part one! There's going to be a sequel!" "A sequel?" Lois and Clark said simultaneously. Lois held a hand out for = the script. "Let me see it." Maggie handed it over. Lois glanced over the last two pages, then = scrutinized the newest addition. "Hey, she can't do that!" Lois objected. "I was supposed to get back to = Metropolis and back to work after this! I'm going to have to have a = little chat with the Author!" "It doesn't even say how long the second part will be!" Maggie said. "Or = even what it'll be called! Just 'Threads 2'." Abruptly the door to the bridge opened again to admit a new person. This = one was slightly built, with long wavy blond hair and delicate features. = Her ears swept back delicately in a way very familiar to everyone in the = room. "Kes!" Janeway hurried forward and enveloped her in a hug. "What are you = doing here! It's so nice to see you again!" "Hello, Captain. Tuvok." She grinned at Maggie. "Hi, Mags! It's nice to = see you in person finally." Janeway shot Maggie a curious look. Maggie grinned. "Kes and I have been = pen pals for awhile, now. I never thought we'd meet in person. So, what = brings you here, Kes?" "The new script, actually." Kes pulled out two folders, one labeled = 'Threads of Confusion part 1' the other labeled 'Threads of Confusion = part 2'. "I just got ahold of the newest scripts and I knew you'd be = irritated. I talked to the Author about it and she said I should come = talk to you." "That's the script for part 2! Can I see it?" Maggie eyed the folder = hungrily. Kes shook her head. "Sorry. I had to agree to not let you know what = happens in part 2. I can't even tell you the title. What I can tell you, = though, is that I'm going to be in it." "You are? How's the Author going to do that?" Kes laughed. "I can't tell you. Sorry, Maggie. I can tell you that she = wanted to fit me in to part 1, but couldn't quite manage it. So I'll be = in part 2." "Cool!" Maggie grabbed her script back from Lois. "Let's get crackin!" Just as Kes and Maggie turned back to the door to leave, a familiar = strawberry blond appeared in a flash of white light. She had her hair = pinned carelessly back and curls tumbled down her back. She was wearing = an Amazon outfit straight out of Xena: Warrior Princess--in green, of = course. It set off her figure to great advantage. She was holding a = clipboard and a pen as she appeared and fixed Maggie and Kes with a = stern look. "Are you two finished now? We have to get this show moving again." "Hi, Mary Sue!" Maggie greeted her. "Yep, all done." "Great. I need you two to get off the set and back to where you belong. = Lois, Clark, Janeway, Tuvok--you four get back into position. We have to = do this scene all over again." She paused to flash a dazzling smile at = Clark, before she led the way out of the ready room. Maggie waved at Lois and Clark before she bounced off back to the = Metropolis set. (restart) ------=_NextPart_000_0056_01BFD9E8.BA09AEA0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Here's the 2nd in the semi-series = surrounding the=20 writing of Threads of Confusion.

Offending Maggie (or, What's with these script changes??)


Maggie walked back and forth, pacing as much as the small space = afforded by=20 the Ladies room would allow. She was wearing her civvies and was reading = from a=20 thin folder. She muttered to herself as she paced.

"Insult the nearly omnipotent being. . . yeah, that's smart . . . = fling=20 myself into a deadly situation . . ." She flipped pages, scanning the = writing=20 quickly. "More throwing myself into danger . . . ooh! Teaching Jim to = see=20 through things! Yeah, that'll be great. . . yet another dangerous = situation . .=20 . good gods, I'm going to turn into Lois!"

Abruptly, she turned and stormed out of the Ladies room. She went = down the=20 short hallway without, passing the door marked "Metropolis set" and = stopped at=20 another one marked "Voyager scenes--Voyager cast only!" and shoved it = open. She=20 stepped through it and onto Voyager's bridge. She was standing at the = front of=20 the room, just before the forward viewscreen. She glanced around, then = made her=20 way past a startled Tom Paris, Chakotay, Harry Kim, and a couple of = nameless=20 extras who were probably filling in for Main Characters while they went = to the=20 restroom or ate or something, and went up to Captain Janeway's Ready = Room=20 doors.

She walked through the doors without pausing to knock. Lois and = Clark, who=20 were standing before Janeway's desk, turned at the sound of the doors = opening=20 and the three--Janeway and the two Metropoleans--stared in silence as = Maggie=20 marched up to the desk and slammed her now closed folder down on it.

"Guess what," she said flatly.

Janeway exchanged a puzzled look with Lois and Clark. "What?"

"I'm turning into Lois Lane!" Maggie threw a semi-apologetic look at = Lois.=20 "No offense."

"None taken." Lois looked at the folder curiuosly. The cover was = emblazoned=20 with the red and yellow S-shield on a blue background. Beneath the = shield were=20 the words "Threads of Confusion: Metropolis Script". "Is something = wrong?"

"Is something wrong? Is something wrong!" Maggie grabbed the script = back up=20 and held it up in front of Lois. She pointed at the "ver. 2.1" label = hidden near=20 the bottom. "The Author's gone and messed with the script again! Now I'm = throwing myself into danger almost every time I turn around!"

"Correct me if I'm wrong," Janeway broke in, "but don't you do that=20 anyway?"

"Well, yeah," Maggie agreed grudgingly, "but I usually have my powers = when I=20 do it! Jimmy's got them right now! She's got me throwing myself into all = kinds=20 of awful situations and risking death for all kinds of stupid reasons! = And why,=20 tell me, didn't Lucy leave any pot holders for me to use when she went = over to=20 California, or wherever she went? Huh? Tell me that!"

"What?" Lois looked blank.

"Why? What happens?" Clark asked.

"I burn myself while making pancakes!" Maggie leafed through the = folder to a=20 specific page. "See?"

(from living room) Jimmy: The pancakes are probably ready, Mags!

Maggie (glances at pan): I think you're right. (grabs a spatula and = the hot=20 pan handle. Yelps and drops pan on floor. Pancake also lands on = floor)

"That is pretty pathetic," Lois agreed. "Clark did some similar = things when=20 he lost his powers, too, though."

"Really?" Maggie said, dubiously. She shrugged it off. "Well, that = wasn't=20 this Author! That was under Levine and her crowd! This Author's agreed = to treat=20 us better than that!"

"Maggie," Clark stepped forward and placed a comforting hand on her = shoulder.=20 "That scene was in the original script, too."

"It was?" Maggie looked at the two women for confirmation. Lois and = Janeway=20 nodded, sympathetic looks on their faces.

"Darn. I was hoping--" she broke off and turned as the doors behind = her=20 swished open to admit Lieutenant Commander Tuvok and a couple of = nameless=20 security persons. All three had their phasers at the ready.

They froze at the scene that met their eyes and Tuvok motioned for = his men to=20 holster their weapons. Despite the fact that one of them was a woman and = the=20 other a Bolian and, hence, not really men, they obeyed him.

"I apologize, Captain," Tuvok said formally. "I was in the mess hall = when I=20 received an intruder alert signal and instantly assumed the = standard."

"Which is, of course, why you brought along a couple of nameless = security=20 persons," Captain Janeway said, laughing. She would have said officers = or even=20 men, but her contract with Starfleet Command strictly forbade her from = being=20 politically incorrect when speaking to or about her crew. Fortunately = for her,=20 she had some leeway with the hostile and homicidal aliens they were = constantly=20 running across. "That's quite understandable."

Tuvok motioned for his underpersons to return to their stations in = the=20 standard way.

Maggie rolled her eyes. "It's too bad the Author won't let me use my=20 telepathy like that! It would sure come in handy sometimes!"

Everybody in the room laughed except, of course, Tuvok, who merely = raised an=20 eyebrow at her. Maggie figured that if he actually laughed, his head = would=20 probably explode, him being a Vulcan and all.

"Perhaps I can be of some assistance," Tuvok said. "Is there a new = problem=20 with the script?"

"Actually," Janeway said, looking at Maggie, "we were just about to = find out=20 what the problem is."

Maggie sighed and flipped to the last page of the script. A = handwritten page=20 had been stapled to the inner cover there. She held it up so everyone = could see=20 it. "This is the problem."

"That is the newly revised ending," said Tuvok, once again stating = the=20 obvious. He did that a lot, but Maggie figured it was just part of his = contract=20 as token bridge alien.

"What's it say? I haven't gotten my new script yet!" Janeway went = around the=20 desk, a delighted smile on her face.

"It says that this is only part one! There's going to be a = sequel!"

"A sequel?" Lois and Clark said simultaneously. Lois held a hand out = for the=20 script. "Let me see it."

Maggie handed it over. Lois glanced over the last two pages, then = scrutinized=20 the newest addition.

"Hey, she can't do that!" Lois objected. "I was supposed to get back = to=20 Metropolis and back to work after this! I'm going to have to have a = little chat=20 with the Author!"

"It doesn't even say how long the second part will be!" Maggie said. = "Or even=20 what it'll be called! Just 'Threads 2'."

Abruptly the door to the bridge opened again to admit a new person. = This one=20 was slightly built, with long wavy blond hair and delicate features. Her = ears=20 swept back delicately in a way very familiar to everyone in the = room.

"Kes!" Janeway hurried forward and enveloped her in a hug. "What are = you=20 doing here! It's so nice to see you again!"

"Hello, Captain. Tuvok." She grinned at Maggie. "Hi, Mags! It's nice = to see=20 you in person finally."

Janeway shot Maggie a curious look. Maggie grinned. "Kes and I have = been pen=20 pals for awhile, now. I never thought we'd meet in person. So, what = brings you=20 here, Kes?"

"The new script, actually." Kes pulled out two folders, one labeled = 'Threads=20 of Confusion part 1' the other labeled 'Threads of Confusion part 2'. "I = just=20 got ahold of the newest scripts and I knew you'd be irritated. I talked = to the=20 Author about it and she said I should come talk to you."

"That's the script for part 2! Can I see it?" Maggie eyed the folder=20 hungrily.

Kes shook her head. "Sorry. I had to agree to not let you know what = happens=20 in part 2. I can't even tell you the title. What I can tell you, though, = is that=20 I'm going to be in it."

"You are? How's the Author going to do that?"

Kes laughed. "I can't tell you. Sorry, Maggie. I can tell you that = she wanted=20 to fit me in to part 1, but couldn't quite manage it. So I'll be in part = 2."

"Cool!" Maggie grabbed her script back from Lois. "Let's get = crackin!"

Just as Kes and Maggie turned back to the door to leave, a familiar=20 strawberry blond appeared in a flash of white light. She had her hair = pinned=20 carelessly back and curls tumbled down her back. She was wearing an = Amazon=20 outfit straight out of Xena: Warrior Princess--in green, of course. It = set off=20 her figure to great advantage. She was holding a clipboard and a pen as = she=20 appeared and fixed Maggie and Kes with a stern look.

"Are you two finished now? We have to get this show moving = again."

"Hi, Mary Sue!" Maggie greeted her. "Yep, all done."

"Great. I need you two to get off the set and back to where you = belong. Lois,=20 Clark, Janeway, Tuvok--you four get back into position. We have to do = this scene=20 all over again." She paused to flash a dazzling smile at Clark, before = she led=20 the way out of the ready room.

Maggie waved at Lois and Clark before she bounced off back to the = Metropolis=20 set.



------=_NextPart_000_0056_01BFD9E8.BA09AEA0-- ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 12:21:58 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: StarKitty Organization: Star Alliance Subject: rep: Threads of . . . Barbecue?? (Mary Sue 3) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_005E_01BFD9E8.F6D5A5A0" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_005E_01BFD9E8.F6D5A5A0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable This is the 3rd and currently the last of the Mary Sue stories focussing = around Threads of Confusion. I'll write more around Threads of Fate = when I get around to it. Threads of . . . Barbecue? Maggie hesitated, then turned and left the room. Lois pressed her face = against the cold window and closed her eyes. "I'm sorry, Clark." The words "Continued in Threads of Fate" faded in over the image as the = camera view panned back from the sorrowful form at the viewport. The = image faded out and was replaced by the credits scrolling upward. "Someone turn on the lights!" Kathryn Janeway ordered. "Computer, lights," Clark said. As the lights sprang back on, Kathryn gave Clark a sheepish smile. = "Thanks. I forgot we were on Voyager for a minute there." Chakotay, seated beside her, laughed easily. "I know what you mean. That = was pretty impressive, watching it from the outside. I just hope I'll = get a bigger part in the sequel." "Well, I, for one, am glad that Thread of Confusion's over," Tom Paris = volunteered from the back of the room. "Yeah, you got banged up a lot in that, didn't you?" Maggie agreed. She = was standing just a few feet away from the cocky pilot. "And how!" Tom said. He sniffed the air suddenly. "Is that . . .?" "Yep," Mary Sue said, materializing abruptly at the front of the room. = She was, once again, wearing one of her traditional skimpy revealing = outfits. This time it was a bikini top and a miniskirt. "Neelix has = finished setting up the barbecue on the bridge. Go on and eat!" Almost as one, the cast of the Voyager/Lois and Clark crossover stood = and hurried out of the briefing room that had been altered for this = viewing session and onto the bridge. Kathryn and Clark lingered behind, = obviously waiting to talk to the beautiful Mary Sue. She smiled jovially at the two as they tried to talk to her and put an = arm around both of their shoulders. "Well, how are two of my favorite = characters doing?" "We're doing fine, thanks," Kathryn said. "I'm just not so sure about = this whole barbecue on the bridge, though. It might be detrimental to = discipline." Mary Sue urged them through the doors to the bridge. Normally they would = only admit maybe two people through at a time, but this time they opened = a little wider to let all three through at once. "Don't worry about it, Kathryn," Mary Sue said, patting her shoulder = soothingly as she cuddled up to Clark. "Everything will be as good as = new for Threads of Fate." "Um, Mary Sue," Clark said uncomfortably. "Could you stop that, please?" "Stop what?" She gazed up at him through half closed lids. Then she = giggled at his expression. "All right, gorgeous. I'll stop making you = nervous." She stepped away from the two and looked around the room. The cast = seemed to be having a really good time. Tom and Harry (gorgeous guys, = both!) were talking animatedly with Jimmy Olsen from Metropolis. They = were probably telling him about some of their holodeck programs, judging = from their hand gestures. All three of them had cans of some drink and = were eating hamburgers. Beyond them, B'Elanna, Seven, Lois and Maggie = were chatting as well. Occasionally, one of them shot a look over at the = men, as if to keep tabs on what they were doing. Tuvok, the Doctor, Kes = and Dr. Klein were standing in front of the main viewer, which had been = deactivated for this party, and were talking quietly. Martha Kent, of = course, was by the barbecue with Neelix. Mary Sue chuckled softly at = that--they were undoubtedly exchanging recipes by now. Just a few feet = from them were Chakotay and Jonathon Kent. Some of the extras were there, too--including several of the reptilian = aliens, who weren't nearly as xenophobic as they had acted during the = filming. Abruptly the set rocked, throwing most of the cast staggering. Mary Sue = managed to fall directly into Clark Kent, who carefully set her back on = her feet. The Voyager cast ran for their bridge positions and the = Metropolis cast tried to get out of the way. Kathryn moved forward to stand beside Tom Paris, back in full captain = mode. "Mr. Paris, what was that?" Tom's hands flew over the console. "I don't know, Captain! That blast = took out our sensors and viewscreen!" Kathryn turned and shot Mary Sue a look. "What's going on? We're = supposed to be in break!" Mary Sue pursed her lips in annoyance. "I don't know what that was, but = I'm going to find out." She snapped her fingers and abruptly the bulkhead with the main view = screen in it disappeared. On the other side of the wall was another = bridge. One it was Q and a bunch of Metropolis reporters Mary Sue = recognized as the ones from the crater. All of them had camera's ready. "Oh, for casting's sake!" Mary Sue muttered under her breath. "Q, what = is the meaning of this?" "Oh, nothing much," Q smiled charmingly at her from the captains seat. = "May I say you look positively ravishing in that dress!" Mary Sue smoothed the fabric of her tight fitting garment against her = body and frowned at him. "No, you may not! What do you think you are = doing?" "I think the human term is "crashing the party"," Q told her. "We're = going to take a bunch of pictures of this party and send them back to = Starfleet Command for Kathy!" "What?" Kathryn yelped. "You can't do that!" "You're just mad because we forgot to invite you to this, aren't you," = Maggie said. "Well," Q looked uncomfortable. "Maybe." Kathryn turned to fix Mary Sue with an accusative glare. "Mary Sue?" "Oops!" Mary Sue said brightly. "I knew I was forgetting something!" "Mary Sue!" Clark said sternly. She pouted prettily at him. "Oh, all right!" She snapped her fingers at Q and a large white envelope marked = "Invitation" appeared in his hand. "Happy now?" Q looked sulky for a minute more then grinned broadly. "Yes, very." He snapped his fingers and the reporters vanished. Mary Sue rolled her = eyes and gestured. The viewscreen and bulkhead reappeared, the barbecue = set itself upright and stopped trying to set fire to the fire-proof = carpeting of the bridge and Q was suddenly standing directly in front of = Kathryn Janeway. Mary Sue nodded at Harry, who pressed buttons on his = console. Party music began playing over the bridge speakers. "Now that that's over, let's party!" Mary Sue said. She popped over = beside Harry Kim, the only currently available guy on the bridge whom = she was interested in (she wanted this party to go smoothly, without any = more ruffled feelings) and dragged him out from behind his station to = dance with. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw several other = couples--Kathryn and Chakotay, Tom and B'Elanna, Lois and Clark, and = Maggie and Jimmy, plus some of the extras--also start dancing. She = smiled and cuddled closer to Harry. Yep, this cast was the best! ------=_NextPart_000_005E_01BFD9E8.F6D5A5A0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
This is the 3rd and currently the last = of the Mary=20 Sue stories focussing around Threads of Confusion.  I'll write more = around=20 Threads of Fate when I get around to it.

Threads of . . . Barbecue?



Maggie hesitated, then turned and left the room. Lois pressed her = face=20 against the cold window and closed her eyes. "I'm sorry, Clark."

The words "Continued in Threads of Fate" faded in over the image as = the=20 camera view panned back from the sorrowful form at the viewport. The = image faded=20 out and was replaced by the credits scrolling upward.

"Someone turn on the lights!" Kathryn Janeway ordered.

"Computer, lights," Clark said.

As the lights sprang back on, Kathryn gave Clark a sheepish smile. = "Thanks. I=20 forgot we were on Voyager for a minute there."

Chakotay, seated beside her, laughed easily. "I know what you mean. = That was=20 pretty impressive, watching it from the outside. I just hope I'll get a = bigger=20 part in the sequel."

"Well, I, for one, am glad that Thread of Confusion's over," Tom = Paris=20 volunteered from the back of the room.

"Yeah, you got banged up a lot in that, didn't you?" Maggie agreed. = She was=20 standing just a few feet away from the cocky pilot.

"And how!" Tom said. He sniffed the air suddenly. "Is that . . = .?"

"Yep," Mary Sue said, materializing abruptly at the front of the = room. She=20 was, once again, wearing one of her traditional skimpy revealing = outfits. This=20 time it was a bikini top and a miniskirt. "Neelix has finished setting = up the=20 barbecue on the bridge. Go on and eat!"

Almost as one, the cast of the Voyager/Lois and Clark crossover stood = and=20 hurried out of the briefing room that had been altered for this viewing = session=20 and onto the bridge. Kathryn and Clark lingered behind, obviously = waiting to=20 talk to the beautiful Mary Sue.

She smiled jovially at the two as they tried to talk to her and put = an arm=20 around both of their shoulders. "Well, how are two of my favorite = characters=20 doing?"

"We're doing fine, thanks," Kathryn said. "I'm just not so sure about = this=20 whole barbecue on the bridge, though. It might be detrimental to=20 discipline."

Mary Sue urged them through the doors to the bridge. Normally they = would only=20 admit maybe two people through at a time, but this time they opened a = little=20 wider to let all three through at once.

"Don't worry about it, Kathryn," Mary Sue said, patting her shoulder=20 soothingly as she cuddled up to Clark. "Everything will be as good as = new for=20 Threads of Fate."

"Um, Mary Sue," Clark said uncomfortably. "Could you stop that, = please?"

"Stop what?" She gazed up at him through half closed lids. Then she = giggled=20 at his expression. "All right, gorgeous. I'll stop making you = nervous."

She stepped away from the two and looked around the room. The cast = seemed to=20 be having a really good time. Tom and Harry (gorgeous guys, both!) were = talking=20 animatedly with Jimmy Olsen from Metropolis. They were probably telling = him=20 about some of their holodeck programs, judging from their hand gestures. = All=20 three of them had cans of some drink and were eating hamburgers. Beyond = them,=20 B'Elanna, Seven, Lois and Maggie were chatting as well. Occasionally, = one of=20 them shot a look over at the men, as if to keep tabs on what they were = doing.=20 Tuvok, the Doctor, Kes and Dr. Klein were standing in front of the main = viewer,=20 which had been deactivated for this party, and were talking quietly. = Martha=20 Kent, of course, was by the barbecue with Neelix. Mary Sue chuckled = softly at=20 that--they were undoubtedly exchanging recipes by now. Just a few feet = from them=20 were Chakotay and Jonathon Kent.

Some of the extras were there, too--including several of the = reptilian=20 aliens, who weren't nearly as xenophobic as they had acted during the=20 filming.

Abruptly the set rocked, throwing most of the cast staggering. Mary = Sue=20 managed to fall directly into Clark Kent, who carefully set her back on = her=20 feet. The Voyager cast ran for their bridge positions and the Metropolis = cast=20 tried to get out of the way.

Kathryn moved forward to stand beside Tom Paris, back in full captain = mode.=20 "Mr. Paris, what was that?"

Tom's hands flew over the console. "I don't know, Captain! That blast = took=20 out our sensors and viewscreen!"

Kathryn turned and shot Mary Sue a look. "What's going on? We're = supposed to=20 be in break!"

Mary Sue pursed her lips in annoyance. "I don't know what that was, = but I'm=20 going to find out."

She snapped her fingers and abruptly the bulkhead with the main view = screen=20 in it disappeared. On the other side of the wall was another bridge. One = it was=20 Q and a bunch of Metropolis reporters Mary Sue recognized as the ones = from the=20 crater. All of them had camera's ready.

"Oh, for casting's sake!" Mary Sue muttered under her breath. "Q, = what is the=20 meaning of this?"

"Oh, nothing much," Q smiled charmingly at her from the captains = seat. "May I=20 say you look positively ravishing in that dress!"

Mary Sue smoothed the fabric of her tight fitting garment against her = body=20 and frowned at him. "No, you may not! What do you think you are = doing?"

"I think the human term is "crashing the party"," Q told her. "We're = going to=20 take a bunch of pictures of this party and send them back to Starfleet = Command=20 for Kathy!"

"What?" Kathryn yelped. "You can't do that!"

"You're just mad because we forgot to invite you to this, aren't = you," Maggie=20 said.

"Well," Q looked uncomfortable. "Maybe."

Kathryn turned to fix Mary Sue with an accusative glare. "Mary = Sue?"

"Oops!" Mary Sue said brightly. "I knew I was forgetting = something!"

"Mary Sue!" Clark said sternly.

She pouted prettily at him. "Oh, all right!"

She snapped her fingers at Q and a large white envelope marked = "Invitation"=20 appeared in his hand. "Happy now?"

Q looked sulky for a minute more then grinned broadly. "Yes, = very."

He snapped his fingers and the reporters vanished. Mary Sue rolled = her eyes=20 and gestured. The viewscreen and bulkhead reappeared, the barbecue set = itself=20 upright and stopped trying to set fire to the fire-proof carpeting of = the bridge=20 and Q was suddenly standing directly in front of Kathryn Janeway. Mary = Sue=20 nodded at Harry, who pressed buttons on his console. Party music began = playing=20 over the bridge speakers.

"Now that that's over, let's party!" Mary Sue said. She popped over = beside=20 Harry Kim, the only currently available guy on the bridge whom she was=20 interested in (she wanted this party to go smoothly, without any more = ruffled=20 feelings) and dragged him out from behind his station to dance with. Out = of the=20 corner of her eye, she saw several other couples--Kathryn and Chakotay, = Tom and=20 B'Elanna, Lois and Clark, and Maggie and Jimmy, plus some of the = extras--also=20 start dancing. She smiled and cuddled closer to Harry. Yep, this cast = was the=20 best!

------=_NextPart_000_005E_01BFD9E8.F6D5A5A0-- ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 16:55:27 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carolyn Schnall Subject: Re: New: Ooops! In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Thank you, Tara, for reposting the stories. You probably did post them and I simply have not yet read them yet. I guess the real problem was that it was not clear to me that I would have to have read them in order to understand "Oops". Had I known, I would have postponed reading it. Carolyn >I would have sword I posted my other Mary Sue stories here. Didn't I? >Maybe I should just go ahead and post them again--they're not very long. >And no, this one isn't actually based on a larger story. It was just meant >to be funny. > >Tara > >----- Original Message ----- >From: Carolyn Schnall >To: >Sent: Monday, June 19, 2000 11:56 AM >Subject: Re: New: Ooops! > > >> Sorry, Tara, but I did not understand this story. >> >> Is it, perhaps, a scene excerpted from a larger story you are writing and >> which I will not be reading until you have completed it? If so, could it >> have been labeled as such? >> >> I would welccome your assistance with it, since I sat down to read it and >> had no idea why extras and sets would be there.... >> >> Thanks, >> >> Carolyn >> >> >Welcome to my world! :) Here, for your laughing pleasure, is another >piece >> >of insane, demented, deranged and psychotic piece of fluff! It is also >> >another Mary Sue story. As always, I want any and all kinds of feedback! >> >Enjoy! :) >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >Ooops! >> > >> > >> > Crash! Bang! >> > >> > Lois Lane paused in the act of exiting the Ladies room and looked >> >around >> >the hallway. The hallway was empty except for her, as was to be expected >> >this late at night. She, too, would be leaving as soon as she finished >some >> >final details on a story sheíd been working on. >> > >> > The crashing noises repeated themselves. Lois stepped out of the >> >restroom >> >and turned towards the supply closet where the sounds seemed to be coming >> >from. Who could it possibly be? She stepped forward, reaching for the >> >handle--and tripped, sprawling forward onto the rough carpet. She >managed >> >to get her hands in front of her face before it came in contact with the >> >hard floor. For a moment, there was dead silence. >> > >> > Then Lois began to laugh. >> > >> > Clark Kent, her co-star, best friend, husband and partner stuck >> >his head >> >out of the supply closet, half changed between his Superman costume and >his >> >regular clothes. ìWhat happened?î >> > >> > Lois raised her head and pointed at the wig, which had fallen off >> >when she >> >fell. >> > >> > ìOh, that again,î Clark gave the wig a dirty look. ìI said you >> >should grow >> >your hair long for this. That wig just isnít going to do it.î >> > >> > ìOh my God! Clark Kent is Superman!î One of the extraís had >come >> >around >> >the corner without either Lois or Clark noticing. Staying in character, >he >> >gaped at Clark. >> > >> > Abruptly a familiar strawberry blond appeared beside Lois. She >> >was, as >> >always, clad in very tight revealing clothes. This time it was a pair of >> >blue jean shorts and a green tube top. She had sunglasses pushed up on >top >> >of her head and was holding a clipboard in one hand. >> > >> >ìCut!î she yelled. ìLois, what happened?î >> > >> >Lois pushed herself to her feet. ìWell, Mary Sue, I--ì >> > >> >Mary Sue pointed at Loisí shoes. ìYou forgot to tie your shoelace again! >I >> >told you that would cause problems!î >> > >> >ìWhatís going on?î the extra asked. >> > >> >ìYouíd better get back in position, Joe,î Clark advised him. ìWeíre >going >> >to have to re-shoot this scene.î >> > >> >ìOh, man! Not again!î The man muttered to himself as he turned and went >> >back the way he had come. ìWe are never gonna finish this!î >> > >> >Mary Sue picked the wig up off the floor and held it with two fingers >like >> >it was a dead animal. ìWhy were you wearing this?î >> > >> >ìWell, you wanted my hair long again, right? I didnít want to take the >time >> >to grow it long again.î >> > >> >Mary Sue gave her a stern look. ìYou should have visited the Voyager set >> >and had the Doctor use a follicle stimulator. That would have done it in >no >> >time!î >> > >> >ìYou moved the set interfaces around, remember? I couldnít find it.î >Lois >> >shrugged. ìI donít see why weíre doing a new second season episode, >> >anyway.î >> > >> >ìWeíre doing it because the Author said we would do it! And the new >> >interface is in the Xerox room.î Mary Sue rolled her eyes. She grinned >> >suddenly. ìOkay, letís do this the easy way!î She snapped her fingers >and >> >abruptly Loisí hair was in exactly the same style it had been in during >the >> >second season. >> > >> >Lois ran a hand through her hair. Sheíd forgotten what it felt like to >have >> >longer hair. Maybe she could convince Mary Sue to let her keep this >style >> >after the episode was finished. >> > >> >Mary Sue threw the wig up into the air and it vanished. ìOkay, everyone, >> >back in your places.î >> > >> >She vanished in a flash of white light. Lois grinned at Clark, who was >> >still standing in the storage room door. ìYou heard her, fly-boy! Weíve >> >got a revelation scene to do!î >> > >> >ìYes, maíam!î Clark said, grinning as he went back into the storage room >and >> >closed the door behind him. >> > >> >________________________________________________________________________ >> >Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at >> ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 13:57:00 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: StarKitty Organization: Star Alliance Subject: Re: New: Ooops! MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Sorry about that. I'm planning on expanding it a bit before I send it in to the archive. Maybe I'll be able to make it a little clearer when I do :) Tara ----- Original Message ----- From: Carolyn Schnall To: Sent: Monday, June 19, 2000 2:55 PM Subject: Re: New: Ooops! > Thank you, Tara, for reposting the stories. You probably did post them and > I simply have not yet read them yet. > > I guess the real problem was that it was not clear to me that I would have > to have read them in order to understand "Oops". Had I known, I would have > postponed reading it. > > Carolyn > > >I would have sword I posted my other Mary Sue stories here. Didn't I? > >Maybe I should just go ahead and post them again--they're not very long. > >And no, this one isn't actually based on a larger story. It was just meant > >to be funny. > > > >Tara > > > >----- Original Message ----- > >From: Carolyn Schnall > >To: > >Sent: Monday, June 19, 2000 11:56 AM > >Subject: Re: New: Ooops! > > > > > >> Sorry, Tara, but I did not understand this story. > >> > >> Is it, perhaps, a scene excerpted from a larger story you are writing and > >> which I will not be reading until you have completed it? If so, could it > >> have been labeled as such? > >> > >> I would welccome your assistance with it, since I sat down to read it and > >> had no idea why extras and sets would be there.... > >> > >> Thanks, > >> > >> Carolyn > >> > >> >Welcome to my world! :) Here, for your laughing pleasure, is another > >piece > >> >of insane, demented, deranged and psychotic piece of fluff! It is also > >> >another Mary Sue story. As always, I want any and all kinds of feedback! > >> >Enjoy! :) > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> >Ooops! > >> > > >> > > >> > Crash! Bang! > >> > > >> > Lois Lane paused in the act of exiting the Ladies room and looked > >> >around > >> >the hallway. The hallway was empty except for her, as was to be expected > >> >this late at night. She, too, would be leaving as soon as she finished > >some > >> >final details on a story sheíd been working on. > >> > > >> > The crashing noises repeated themselves. Lois stepped out of the > >> >restroom > >> >and turned towards the supply closet where the sounds seemed to be coming > >> >from. Who could it possibly be? She stepped forward, reaching for the > >> >handle--and tripped, sprawling forward onto the rough carpet. She > >managed > >> >to get her hands in front of her face before it came in contact with the > >> >hard floor. For a moment, there was dead silence. > >> > > >> > Then Lois began to laugh. > >> > > >> > Clark Kent, her co-star, best friend, husband and partner stuck > >> >his head > >> >out of the supply closet, half changed between his Superman costume and > >his > >> >regular clothes. ìWhat happened?î > >> > > >> > Lois raised her head and pointed at the wig, which had fallen off > >> >when she > >> >fell. > >> > > >> > ìOh, that again,î Clark gave the wig a dirty look. ìI said you > >> >should grow > >> >your hair long for this. That wig just isnít going to do it.î > >> > > >> > ìOh my God! Clark Kent is Superman!î One of the extraís had > >come > >> >around > >> >the corner without either Lois or Clark noticing. Staying in character, > >he > >> >gaped at Clark. > >> > > >> > Abruptly a familiar strawberry blond appeared beside Lois. She > >> >was, as > >> >always, clad in very tight revealing clothes. This time it was a pair of > >> >blue jean shorts and a green tube top. She had sunglasses pushed up on > >top > >> >of her head and was holding a clipboard in one hand. > >> > > >> >ìCut!î she yelled. ìLois, what happened?î > >> > > >> >Lois pushed herself to her feet. ìWell, Mary Sue, I--ì > >> > > >> >Mary Sue pointed at Loisí shoes. ìYou forgot to tie your shoelace again! > >I > >> >told you that would cause problems!î > >> > > >> >ìWhatís going on?î the extra asked. > >> > > >> >ìYouíd better get back in position, Joe,î Clark advised him. ìWeíre > >going > >> >to have to re-shoot this scene.î > >> > > >> >ìOh, man! Not again!î The man muttered to himself as he turned and went > >> >back the way he had come. ìWe are never gonna finish this!î > >> > > >> >Mary Sue picked the wig up off the floor and held it with two fingers > >like > >> >it was a dead animal. ìWhy were you wearing this?î > >> > > >> >ìWell, you wanted my hair long again, right? I didnít want to take the > >time > >> >to grow it long again.î > >> > > >> >Mary Sue gave her a stern look. ìYou should have visited the Voyager set > >> >and had the Doctor use a follicle stimulator. That would have done it in > >no > >> >time!î > >> > > >> >ìYou moved the set interfaces around, remember? I couldnít find it.î > >Lois > >> >shrugged. ìI donít see why weíre doing a new second season episode, > >> >anyway.î > >> > > >> >ìWeíre doing it because the Author said we would do it! And the new > >> >interface is in the Xerox room.î Mary Sue rolled her eyes. She grinned > >> >suddenly. ìOkay, letís do this the easy way!î She snapped her fingers > >and > >> >abruptly Loisí hair was in exactly the same style it had been in during > >the > >> >second season. > >> > > >> >Lois ran a hand through her hair. Sheíd forgotten what it felt like to > >have > >> >longer hair. Maybe she could convince Mary Sue to let her keep this > >style > >> >after the episode was finished. > >> > > >> >Mary Sue threw the wig up into the air and it vanished. ìOkay, everyone, > >> >back in your places.î > >> > > >> >She vanished in a flash of white light. Lois grinned at Clark, who was > >> >still standing in the storage room door. ìYou heard her, fly-boy! Weíve > >> >got a revelation scene to do!î > >> > > >> >ìYes, maíam!î Clark said, grinning as he went back into the storage room > >and > >> >closed the door behind him. > >> > > >> >________________________________________________________________________ > >> >Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at > >> > ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 18:02:55 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Guy or Lesley Hilliard Subject: Re: New: Red Sky Part 3 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Great story so far Jenni, but please don't keep me waiting too long for part four. Ladyhawke ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 20:21:53 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Laurie Dunn Subject: Re: New: Red Sky Part 3 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Yay, Jenni! I'm so glad you're posting this. Very imaginative. You always manage to continue the L&C canon in a creative way. LaurieD ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 00:37:46 CDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jessi Mounts Subject: Entirely OT Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed Does anyone live in, or at least know their way around, the Chesapeake Bay area? Could you email me privately if you do? Jessi ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 05:24:25 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: John Debbage <106532.433@COMPUSERVE.COM> Subject: New Red Sky Part 4 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Title: Red Sky Part: 4 Author: Jenni Debbage Rating: PG-13 Feedback: Comments are very welcome and much appreciated. = Chapter Three Solvan's Gifts Being a concerned mother, Lois did not thoroughly approve of her offsprings' desire to spend the afternoon on the shore. It was the hotte= st part of the day and the sun's rays were at their strongest. She had of course to concede to Clark's assertion that neither Joel nor Clara were likely to be at risk from the dangerous UV rays, in fact quite the contrary, they would probably benefit from the exposure. This was not th= e case with Julian and perhaps even Nathan. Where Nathan was concerned, fo= r the present they didn't have a problem, as the small boy had fallen aslee= p on the way home, strapped into the child's seat behind his father. Clark= had carried him into the house and the toddler was now napping in the sha= de of his bedroom. Julian, nonetheless was determined not to be left behind if his brother and sister were allowed to venture on the beach and, with Joel an= d Clara ready to sulk if they were forced to remain in the house because of= their brother's short comings', an uncomfortable argument was building. = Fortunately a compromise was reached when Julian was allowed to join his= siblings with the stricture that he must wear a T-shirt, which was not to= be removed for any reason. As soon as the exposed surfaces of Julian's fair skin were liberally covered in sun-block by a solicitous mom, three happy children went off to play. Left alone at last, Lois and Clark stored away their morning purchas= es with a little boost of super speed, and settled down for a comfortable afternoon spent sharing each others' company on the veranda. There were definite advantages in having a super powered husband, Lois thought as s= he sipped her deliciously refreshing cocktail and eyed her delectably handso= me man through lowered eyelashes. Clark could keep a careful watch on his kids from a distance and be with them in seconds should anything untoward= occur. Meanwhile, they could spend a little interlude indulging in more adult forms of enjoyment. With that in mind, Lois slipped onto Clark's l= ap fully intent on resuming their interrupted actions of the morning. Clark= 's eyes darkened in appreciation as he felt his wife's slight form wriggle onto his knee and lean warmly into his chest. A small smile curved her lips as she removed the glass from his hand and placed both their drinks = on the table by his side. "I don't want anything to cloud this moment," she whispered in memor= y of their very first night together'. Then she leaned closer and placed h= er lips softly on his. Clark's arms tightened around her, deepening the kis= s. He drew back for a few moments and scanned the surrounding garden and woods, making sure they were alone, then with a final check on his children, he gently floated them indoors. But their love making was destined to be interrupted. Wrapped in ea= ch others' arms, lying atop of their bed with the white insect netting drape= d around them as they began their ritual exploration of their bodies, they were abruptly halted as Julian burst into the room. His small chest was heaving from the exertion of running up the beach path in the searing hea= t. "Mom, Dad, you have to come quick," he rasped. The boy was so distracted, he was not as abashed as he normally would have been to find his parents in this compromising position. After a few more gulps of air= he rushed on. "Joel and Clara are fighting. You have to come." Forcing his mind and body back from the edge of a sexual precipice from which he eagerly wished to jump, Clark deftly pulled the sheet up ov= er their state of dishabille and offered some words of comfort, striving to keep the sound of frustration from his voice. "Julian, calm down. There= 's nothing new about that. Clara and Joel are always arguing. Don't worry about it. They'll soon forget about whatever riled them and be best frien= ds again." "No, Dad. They're not arguing. They're fighting." Julian's voice was shrill with worry. "With their fists and feet and everything. They'= re really fighting. You have to come and stop them before they hurt each other." Lois and Clark exchanged stares of mutual shock. If Lois had been momentarily surprised by the realisation that her husband had been taken unaware by Julian's approach that thought was speedily quashed by the boy= 's disquieting revelation. While their children frequently indulged in heate= d differences of opinion, they had never resorted to settling these quarrel= s physically and both parents would have been quick to quell that tendency.= = In a blur too fast for the human eye to distinguish Lois and Clark stood before Julian fully clothed. Scooping up both wife and son in his arms, Clark made for the beach. The scene that greeted them left all three speechless. The junior protagonists were certainly knocking the stuffing out of each other. Joe= l had just tossed Clara to the ground and she had landed awkwardly some distance from her opponent, a circumstance which did not deter her. = Uttering a primaeval scream, she launched herself back at her brother who= , not expecting such a speedy retaliation, was sent sprawling in the sand with a screaming wildcat in the shape of Clara clinging to his neck. The= two never broke contact nor paused for breath but continued to pummel the= living daylights out of the other. Dismay, fright and anger fighting for supremacy in her brain, Lois clutched her husband's arm for reassurance that she had not been transported to the twilight zone and in a thready voice she gasped her command. "Stop!" Then gaining control of her vocal cords, she spoke loudly. "Stop this at once you two!" But it was clear that both childre= n were unwitting of her presence. "Clark, do something!" She directed her= orders to the man standing nonchalantly by her side . . . nonchalantly?! "What would you like me to do, honey?" he queried pleasantly. Lois was speechless. Their children were attempting to kill each other and Clark was just lounging about with hands in pockets, surveying the proceedings as if he were a spectator at a prize boxing match. "Clark!!" A loud thump punctuated the air as Joel's fist connected with Clara'= s chin and sent her spinning once more into space. "Oh, nice hit, Joel," his father praised. "Come on, Clara, you're n= ot going to let him get away with that?" Sending her taunting parent a loo= k that suggested he would be next to feel the extent of her wrath, the sma= ll female clambered from her place in the sand and dove back into the fray. = "That's my girl!" Clark shouted proudly, shifting allegiance to encoura= ge his daughter. Watching from the edge of the treeline, Lois and Julian stood frozen= at Clark's stupendously uncharacteristic reaction. Surprisingly, the boy= was the first to recover and his small hand tugged at his Dad's arm as he= spoke questioningly. "Dad?! Are you okay?" The tentative words freed Lois from her shocked trance and she round= ed on Clark irately. "Stop them! Stop them right now, Clark!" "Why, honey? It's not as if they can hurt themselves." This piece of information delivered airily more than astounded Lois and left her bereft of speech. Besides, she was not totally sure of the truth of the statement. Perhaps both antagonists having some super power= s cancelled out the invulnerability bit. And neither combatant was yet ful= ly indestructible. Fear lent her strength and she rounded on Clark and delivered a forceful hit right in the centre of his chest. Superman look= ed down in surprise at the balled fist still resting over his heart, regardi= ng the blow as a mere fly swat, yet she did gain his attention. "Clark! We do not allow our children to kill each other, even if tha= t is impossible. End this . . . NOW." And when he seemed reluctant to mo= ve she pushed with all her strength and shouted. "Superman, separate them .= . . NOW!!." Superman's eyebrows rose almost to his hair line and he shook his he= ad to clear the ringing in his ears. "Geesh, Lois, there's no need to shout= . = You're standing right by me," he pointed out helpfully and then with a touch of peevishness, he added. "You'll give me a headache if you're not= careful." From the fiery look that Lois sent him, it seemed that a headache might be the least of his worries. "GO!" An imperious voice commanded and a stiff arm pointed in the direction of the brawling kids. "Okay, Lois! I'm going . . . I'm going. Don't get your knickers i= n a twist!" Walking forward the Man of Steel did not immediately act but gazed studiously at the entangled bodies, scientifically deciding how best to obey Lois' stricture. However, after a short pause for reflection, he acted, literally lifting the two up by the scruff of their necks as if th= ey were playful puppies whose momma had grown tired of their squabbles. = Their momma, meanwhile could not believe her eyes as she saw her erring offspring, legs and arms flailing as they squirmed around in mid air, being held effortlessly aloft by a very smug looking pappa. Lois ra= n towards the group. "Clark! What are you doing?" "What you asked me to . . . separate them." A puzzled hero answere= d his obviously displeased wife. "That was what you wanted, wasn't it?" "But not like that! Put them down! This instant!" Opening his hands, Clark dumped his recalcitrant children on the ground and assuming his best super hero stance he asked, much aggrieved. = "Are you happy now?!" Sometimes there was just no pleasing the woman. Both Joel and Clara appeared stunned by the unforseen interruption a= nd their less than gentle tumble to the sand, but as they recovered they beg= an to eye each other antagonistically once more. Aware of this, Lois plante= d herself firmly between the two and commanded in a determined voice. "No more, either of you." Adamantly her gaze passed from Joel to Clara and thankfully both had the grace to blush shamefacedly. "Are you all right? Are you hurt?" When she received sullen nods from both contestants, a great weight of anxiety lifted from her shoulders. Good! = Now perhaps, if her children would remain passive, she could address the= problem of a peculiarly weird husband. An ancient memory of an apathetic Superman tugged at her mind. = Imbuing her voice with a grave but resolute tone she turned to the presently less than heroic Superman. "Clark, something is very wrong here." She laid tender hands on his crossed arms and, continuing to spea= k quietly for emphasis, she strove to reach him through whatever phenomenon= had possessed him. "You are acting very strangely, sweetheart, and so ar= e Joel and Clara." "Kids fight, honey," he wheedled. "Yes, I agree. But our kids don't fight as if they were auditioning= for membership to one of Suicide Slum's gangs. And you wouldn't normally= act as cheerleader." As her words reached his senses, a deep red blush suffused his face. Great, he was taking this in, which meant that she no= w had to convince him of the more difficult supposition. "Clark, do you remember years back when you became apathetic and later when your powers were transferred to me . . . ." "And the time when we were first married I lost control of my powers= ?" "That's right." Lois nodded encouragingly. "Now I'm not sure what happened here but I think that some outside force is making you and the kids act a little crazily, so I want you to take Joel and Clara and go ba= ck to the house. Julian and I will have a look around down here and see wha= t we can find." Momentarily it seemed as if he might disagree so she playe= d her trump card. "Besides, Nathan is alone in the house. Please Clark, trust me on this and just get out of here." = A disconcerted shrug was his only answer, however, he turned to the two children still sitting on the sand. "Come on, kids. Let's go." And= , when a mulish look settled on both upturned faces, Clark roughly yanked t= he errant children to their feet. "Hey, don't give me a hard time. Your mo= m is giving the orders here." Then, almost dragging Joel and Clara in his wake, Clark disappeared up the path, the three giving a very good impression of children being sent unfairly to bed for some trifling misdemeanour. "What was that all about?" Julian asked, emerging from his stunned silence. = "I'm not sure, Julian, but this happened before a long time ago and usually red kryptonite was the cause." The boy was quite aware of the results that kryptonite of both varieties had on his father and his hybrid siblings, having heard all the= tales and being warned to guard against any future assaults by the toxic stuff. Nevertheless, he was still puzzled. "But why would there be kryptonite around here?" "That I don't know. I don't even know if I'm right. But it's up to= us to find out. You start at that end of the cove and I'll take this." = Lois illustrated with a wave of her hands. "And search carefully, Julian= , because it's very important that we find whatever is doing this." "What am I looking for?" Although Julian had heard the tales, he ha= d never actually seen the dreaded rock. "Believe me, you'll know if you spot it; it's a red crystal and it sort of glows. But if you see anything else unusual let me know. We jus= t don't have any idea what we're dealing with." = Assured by her son's determined nod, the searchers set off to opposi= te ends of the small bay and for a time silence reigned as both were engross= ed in their task. Lois had almost reached the halfway point when an excited= cry caught her attention. Looking up from her position on the beach, she= could not at first discern exactly where the call came from, Julian being= nowhere in sight. Then an enthusiastic wave from deep within the vegetation that bordered the edge of the path alerted her to Julian's position and as she closed in on him, she could make out his words. "I've found it, Mom, I think. It's red all right but it doesn't glo= w very much and it's black around the edges." = As he spoke the boy held aloft a fist sized rock which he eagerly handed to his mother when she reached his side. Studying the offending article, Lois admitted that it didn't resemble the other specimens she ha= d encountered. Dark sooty streaks covered the roughened surface and, so occupied was she in her examination, she did not at first hear what Julia= n was trying to say. " . . . they were all right yesterday." "I'm sorry, Julian, I wasn't paying attention. What were you saying?" "This couldn't have been here yesterday." Speaking slowly as if he were putting things together in his head Julian continued. "If this is what's making Dad and the others act weird, then it just couldn't have be= en here the other day. We came down to the beach, remember, and everything was fine. Joel and Clara were perfectly normal." Reviewing the past day's events, Lois agreed. "So this arrived here= either during the night or this morning. But who could have put it here and why? No one knows that Superman is on the island." "Maybe it came from Solvan." Julian suggested helpfully. An arrested look crossed Lois' face then, throwing her arms around h= er son's smaller frame, she exclaimed. "Yes! Of course! It came from the explosion last night. That would explain its charred appearance. This rock has been inside a volcano." "But Mom, volcanos are really hot inside. Wouldn't it be more like = . . . ash?" "Well, I'm not into science but I do remember Bernard telling us tha= t kryptonite is one of the densest minerals on the planet. After all it di= d survive a journey through space and passage into Earth's atmosphere. And= = this doesn't resemble the untouched variety much." = "Do you think there's any more here?" Another diligent search uncovered two other slivers of the offending= rock, or at least a facsimile thereof, except these specimens were even more burnt and looked like something left over from a barbeque. = Nevertheless, they were gathered in and carried up the path by the troubled pair. On reaching the house, Lois sent her son inside to fetch = a particular lead lined box which the family, due to past uncomfortable encounters, never travelled without and when Julian returned with his cargo, the embers of kryptonite were securely locked inside. = Now Lois and Julian could safely join Clark and the other children i= n doors and as Lois walked speculatively inside she wholeheartedly hoped th= at her husband and kids had begun to recover from their exposure. The trio were found lounging silently around the living room in varying states of= dejection. No longer exposed to the red kryptonite, the worst effects we= re receding, but it was clear that neither Clark nor the children were back = to their alert and sunny dispositions. Returning from his studious contemplation of the ceiling, Clark announced morosely, "I assume, from the need for the box, that you found kryptonite." Well, if he wasn't exactly happy, he was at least cognitive. "Yes, honey." Lois answered gently. "At least I think so. But it's so badly burnt that I can't be sure." "Burnt?!" Clark's voice rose a couple of notches. "Yes! Almost to a cinder! But Julian has a theory about that." = "Which is?" "Well, we found this at the bottom of the path; in the bushes by the= edge of the sand . . . you couldn't reach the beach without passing this= by." "And so?" "And so, Clark, yesterday the kids played on the beach and everythin= g was normal." "And today the Kryptonian branch of the family went a little crazy."= = Lois rolled her hand over encouragingly as Clark followed her reasoning. = "Which means that this' appeared sometime in between." "That's where Julian's theory comes in." Lois was reluctant to continue. "I'm not going to like this, am I?" Clark's instincts were racing ahead of his thoughts. Taking a deep breath, Lois plunged on. "Julian thinks that it came from Solvan. In the explosion." Three wide-eyed stares focussed on Lois and Julian and on the box th= at was held tight against Lois' chest. "Great! Not only do we land on an island with a volcano," Clark was= perambulating about the room, his hands waving in the air, "we choose an island with a volcano that has its own supply of kryptonite." "That's pretty much what Julian and I think." "And you're sure that it's red kryptonite." Clark was clutching at straws, hoping against hope that his family could have just one uneventf= ul vacation. "Let me take a look," yet, at the challenging glare sent him b= y his partner, Clark rethought the matter. "Not a good idea, eh?" "Definitely not! I'm not sure what this stuff is but its staying locked up tight where it can do no further damage. I just wish that Bern= ie was here to take a look at it." With a wistful sigh Lois walked into the= kitchen and placed the box on the table. Clark followed her quickly and the children shadowed their father. = "You know honey that's not a bad idea. I could take the box back to Star= Labs." "Oh, Clark." An even more wistful sigh escaped her lips. "We sorta= decided that you weren't going to be Superman." "I was gonna fly back to Metropolis for a patrol in a couple of days= anyway, so I'll just move my plans up," Clark reminded her. "And I did s= ay that Supes' would put in an appearance for emergencies." He used the nickname he detested, hoping to lighten the mood. "And I think, honey, that this is an emergency." Lifting the kettle, Lois proceeded to fill it with water and place i= t on the stove, she felt in great need of some herbal tea to calm her nerve= s. Actually, what she really felt in need of was a large scotch, but it was= too early in the afternoon and not in front of the kids. "Maybe, Clark, what we really should be doing is packing up and all flying back to Metropolis." "Oh, Mom, no!" Joel was the first to voice his objections. "We jus= t got here and the island is . . . great . . . except for the kryptonite." "I agree with Joel, honey. Even though I hate to admit it, we can'= t just fly off. Now I know we could say that we contacted Superman when we= got worried about the volcano erupting, but according to everyone we've spoken to that's just not gonna happen. And Lane & Kent don't exactly ha= ve the reputation of turning tail and running when things get a little tough= ." "Way to go, Dad," Clara interjected and was immediately silenced by = a disapproving look from both parents. "And, more importantly, honey, we just can't fly off leaving behind = an unknown and maybe plentiful supply of kryptonite." The emergence of this= problem had obviously disconcerted Clark. Over the past years his contac= t with the dreaded mineral had become more infrequent and he had begun to hope that the last remnants of his birth planet were now safely locked aw= ay in the vaults at Star Labs. To find an island polluted with the stuff (a= t this moment Clark was prone to exaggeration) was an extremely unwelcome discovery. "You'll see, it's only a matter of time before someone else discovers it and it'll be on the black market in no time and every crook = I come up against will be wielding their own little souvenir of Papillon." = = "Oh my, we are upset." Lois' words might have been tinged with sarcasm but her actions belied that sentiment. She crossed to her agitat= ed husband and, pushing him down into a chair, began to massage his tense shoulders while dropping a comforting kiss on a favourite spot behind his= left ear. "Maybe most of the stuff is still inside the volcano and I can= 't see anyone fishing it out of there and maybe there isn't anymore, we just= don't know." Her fingers seemed to be having little effect on Clark, but= then, although she was trying to make light of the situation, it was a worrying state of affairs. "Come on, Lois, you don't really believe that." "Yeah, Mom. Solvan didn't wait for us to come along before he spat u= p the kryptonite." Joel poured scorn on her attempt to console. "Yeah, he's most likely been doing it for years and there's tons of the horrible stuff around." Clara added to the gloom. Searching the dejected faces of Clark and his two super kids' Lois decided that, though the situation was disturbing, the three were still clearly suffering from the exposure to the red K and she could not expect= to get an objective view from any of them. Perhaps removing Clark from t= he vicinity of Papillon for a time was no bad thing. "Well, I don't think we should make any decisions until we find out = a little bit more about what we're dealing with here," Lois pronounced in reasonable tones. "And I agree, Clark, I think you should take the sampl= es back to Star Labs and let Bernie study them." "Good!" Clark quickly rose to his feet and turned to face his wife.= = "And I'll ask him if he has any theories as to how the stuff got here." = Now that Clark had a plan of action he was more able to fight the mind numbing effects of the kryptonite and he realized he had a confession to make to Lois. "Because I think that we have to assume that there's more kryptonite inside Solvan. I didn't mention it, honey, mainly because it didn't occur to me at the time, I just thought I was suffering from jet l= ag . . . but last night as I flew over the open crater I stopped to have a look inside. I felt kind of strange . . . light headed . . . mesmerised and without realising it I lost altitude. After a minute, I sorta shook myself awake, regained height and flew straight here. And this morning when everything was back to normal I kinda forgot about what happened. " "Oh, Clark, why didn't you tell me." "I'm sorry, sweetheart, but it just didn't seem that important. And= we hadn't found the kryptonite at that point, " Clark reminded her. "I just didn't suspect . . . ." "Who would?" Lois acknowledged her husband's point. "I think the sooner you get this back to Bernie the better." And she lifted the box from the table and placed it firmly into Clark's hands. Super speeding into the bedroom, Clark retrieved and donned his red and blue suit and with a promise to his family that, barring disasters he= would be back in time for dinner, he flung himself at a speed that defied= the human eye into the sky. He was in no mood to tarry. ***** Continued in Part 5 ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 05:24:49 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: John Debbage <106532.433@COMPUSERVE.COM> Subject: New Red Sky Part 5 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Title: Red Sky Part: 5 Author: Jenni Debbage Rating: PG-13 Feedback: Comments are very welcome and much appreciated. Left to their own devices for sometime and, it being a few hours unt= il Lois needed to prepare dinner, the remainder of the family decided to ta= ke a walk. Lois' first instinct was to remain firmly in the safe confines o= f the bungalow, but neither she nor her children were happy to hide away fr= om trouble and no one was content to spend any part of their vacation skulki= ng away indoors. So, with a reminder to Joel and Clara that they must guard= against any aggressive feelings or indeed report any uncharacteristic emotions that they might experience, the group set of for an afternoon stroll. Additionally, they would all have to diligently monitor Nathan's= demeanour as the small boy was much too young to understand or control an= y change in behaviour. There was, perhaps, no need to be anxious for Natha= n as Lois suspected that in her younger son the human genes prevailed. = Still, it didn't hurt to be cautious. An unspoken commitment to search for more rocks filled all their min= ds and the children were soon burrowing around in the undergrowth which bordered the path they strolled along. While the kids searched industriously, Lois allowed her mind to review the past couple of days, well aware that any kryptonite would advertise its presence by the change= s in Clara and Joel. She wasn't happy about the prospect but felt it highly likely that there were further deposits around and if that were so, it followed that Clark's and the children's conduct might be subtly altered. Which might explain why Clark had experienced some unusual envy for the Chens' luxury= yacht, Lois had noticed and been more than a little surprised at his attitude. Never before had she witnessed her husband's jealousy over opulent possessions. Long ago, he had been jealous of a few other suitor= s for her affections, Superman included, and he jealously guarded his and h= is family's privacy, but Lois was ready to swear that Clark didn't have an acquisitive bone in his body. Could Clark's abnormal manner down on the dock have been the result of being on this island? If that were so, then the sooner they could leave the better. Yet= immediately her mind assimilated this fact a little derisive voice inside= her head told her that Clark was right; they couldn't just run away and ignore what was left behind on this island. Ideally, they should just hi= re some people to come in and make a clean sweep of the land, but that was impossible. For one thing they just didn't have the financial resources.= = And secondly, the number of persons that she and Clark could trust with such an important task could be counted on their hands and, as most of these were approaching the autumn of their years, they could hardly be expected to climb all over a wild tropical island. No, if they were to dispose of the problem, again they would just have to rely on Superman an= d his closest family. Let's just hope that those members who were influenc= ed by the red rock could control the strange effects and, heaven forbid, tha= t there should be any of the green variety. At that frightening realization Lois stridently called her children= back to her side. The thought of seeing her kids writhing in agony, as s= he had in the past witnessed their father, scared the hell out of her. = Suddenly the idea of skulking inside the safe haven of the house didn't seem so distasteful. "Come on, kids, we're going back." "Gees, Mom, we just got started." Joel's voice had taken on a whini= ng note that was not normally evident. "What do you want to go back for?" = = "Yeah, Mom, we'll be real careful and tell you if we feel weird." = Clara added. her entreaty. = Julian understood his mother's dilemma. He was aware that his siblings were still suffering slightly from kryptonite exposure even thou= gh they didn't quite themselves realise this. However, he felt that the search for more of the red rock was important too and voiced his opinion.= = "Maybe we should keep looking for now. The more we find and make safe th= e better." For emphasis he lifted the tube of aluminum foil he carried, Clark having flown off with the lead lined box. "I don't know." Lois was vacillating. "You have a point, Julian, bu= t if we should find green kryptonite then it could be dangerous for Joel an= d Clara." Her teeth worried her bottom lip as she spoke, proving to her ki= ds that they were dealing with one very anxious Mom. "Dad's come up against it a couple of times and it didn't kill him,"= = Clara reasoned. "Your father is a grown man, Clara. It might not take so much to hu= rt you children." "But we're your kids too, Mom. We're half human, remember." Her junior super hero had apparently given this some thought. "That's got to= make a difference, Mom." Lois hoped wholeheartedly that this was so. "You might be right, Joel, but you don't know what you're up against. Believe me I've seen wh= at green kryptonite can do to Daddy and I don't ever want you or Clara and Nathan to go through that." "Maybe it will hurt us, Mom." Joel had taken hold of his mother's hand and, rubbing his thumb over it gently, he replied in grave tones. = "Then it's better that we find out here . . . where you and Julian can ge= t rid of the rock and take good care of us." When did her young son grow up and become so wise? She was used to him charging about the house, avidly playing computer games and watching = TV until she thought he would develop square eyes; bumping into furniture an= d breaking crockery because he had not yet acquired precise control of his abilities and leaving his toys and dirty clothes strewn about his bedroom= , which often resembled a bomb site. But now as she returned Joel's earnes= t gaze she recognised the warmth and understanding of his father. = A lump formed in Lois' throat as she contemplated the life that lay before her children, all her children, because she knew without a shadow = of doubt that super powered or not Julian and Nathan would be involved in th= e super heroes' exploits. All the wonderful things that they could do to help the world but then, on the reverse side of the coin, all the horrors= they would encounter along the way. And most importantly of all, if thei= r old friend and fellow time traveller H G Wells were to be believed, the foundation of the future Utopia. Hopefully, she and Clark would be aroun= d to help and guide them in this venture, just as Clark's parents and to so= me degree her own parents were there for herself and Clark. "Mom! Mom, are you OK?" Joel anxiously shook the hand he held. Lois surfaced from her reverie to see four worried pairs of eyes regarding her solemnly. "What's it to be, Mom? Do we go on or are we going back?" Clara ha= d dropped the wheedling voice of earlier, her concern for her mother breaki= ng through the effects of the red K. "I like to walk," Nathan announced, feeling he ought to let his mom know his opinion. "And look for the pretty coloured rocks." "Nathan, the rocks might look pretty but they're not nice," Julian explained to his young brother. "If you find any, you have to give them = to Mom or me right away. They could hurt you." The little boy nodded his head sagely at Julian's words. "Yes, I know. They're red and green. And you put them in that," and he pointed = to the foil in his brother's hands. "Like a Santa' parcel." "Yes and then they can't hurt you or Clara and Joel anymore," Julia= n finished. Listening to the conversation, Lois concluded that she had been outnumbered by the opposition. Graciously she conceded defeat. "All right, we'll go on for now, but you all understand the plan if we find anything." Lois received four decisive nods of assent and the little party continued on their way, the children returning to their rummaging but thi= s time with the assistance of their mother. But for all their diligence on= ly one more piece of kryptonite was discovered and that a very small charred= briquette. Wrapping the rock in layers of foil, the family with more tha= n a modicum of disappointment retraced their steps. By the evidence of the= setting sun it was clearly getting on towards dinner time and Dad would soon be home. ***** Far away in Metropolis a worried super hero paced back and forth in = Dr Klein's laboratory at Star Labs. Even though it was late evening in the city Superman, knowing his old friend's workaholic nature, had visited th= e laboratories first and had not been surprised to find the doctor deeply engrossed in some experiment. Nevertheless, Bernie had at once broken of= f from his regular duties when he had learned of the reason for Clark's unexpected visit. Leaving the samples for analysis, Superman had proceed= ed to patrol the city while the brilliant but now alarmed doctor examined th= e charred pieces of rock. = The super hero had helped out at a major traffic accident, caught a= purse snatcher and returned the stolen article to a very shaken but grateful old lady who agreed to be carried to the nearest ER unit for a check over, then finally, halted a getaway car and delivered the robbers = to the police. But everyone he encountered was of the same opinion, Superma= n was not his usual friendly self. Over time, the Man of Steel had unbent = a little with the citizens of his chosen home and though he still guarded h= is right to privacy he was more approachable than in the early years. On th= is particular night the folks he met would have described his manner as distracted, and though he carried out his rescues with his customary efficiency, Superman's mind was clearly on other matters. Whenever he felt he had given Bernard enough time to study the rocks= , Clark returned poste haste to the lab, both eager and anxious to hear of the scientist's findings. Entering the darkened room, the only lights ablaze were centred on the doctor's lab bench, Clark could tell by the pained expression on Bernie's face, pinpointed in the glare of the flourescent light, that the news wasn't good. = Purposefully walking forward he drew the preoccupied man's attention= by demanding more bluntly and gruffly than his norm. "OK, Doc, what's the= verdict?" "Superman! Don't creep up on me like that! You scared me half to death." Bernard squeaked in fright then turned his gaze away from his friend, continuing to study the piece of rock beneath his microscope. "Y= ou know you're right about these rocks. This is kryptonite of the red variety." He sat back in his high chair and took the sample in his hand,= on the brink of holding it up for inspection. "Hey, be careful with that, Doc. I'm just getting over my last exposure and I can tell you that I didn't exactly cover myself with glory= . = Lois wasn't amused." "I'm sorry," and Bernie sheepishly and hurriedly placed all the tiny= samples into a lead case and locked them safely away. "Wives, huh! Can'= t live with 'em; can't live without 'em." He lifted a glass beaker filled with a clear liquid and toasted their respective wives. "Lois and Beth!"= Clark grinned slightly at the doctor's feeble attempt at humour, the= n his attention returned to the seriousness of the situation. "Bernie! Wh= at did you discover?" "Yes, of course, to the point! They are kryptonite but these rocks have been subjected to extremely high temperatures, so you're probably right about them coming from inside the volcano. Its amazing! We always= knew that kryptonite was almost indestructible but that it can withstand such heat without loss of density is remarkable." "Well it's still creating havoc with my family," the younger man revealed morosely. "The kids too! I guess that figures, after all they do share your Kryptonian genes. And something else about these particular rocks surprises me; the heat has actually increased the amount of radiation the= y exude." = "That explains why such a small piece should have such a big effect.= = How long do you think it's been there?" Clark was almost afraid to ask y= et they had to know the truth. "I can have the samples carbon-dated but that's going to take a while." "So take an educated guess, Doc?" "Hmm." Bernie remained silent for a second, considering his answer.= = "There have been no reports of kryptonite of any colour falling from the sky in recent years. Unless they fell in very remote parts of the world and we just haven't heard about them. That's not entirely impossible. Y= ou know some sparsely populated areas do still exist in this world . . . ." "Bernie!" Clark brought the doctor back on track. "That idea doesn= 't exactly fill me with joy but could we concentrate on these pieces." He stretched a hand to indicate the lead box. "Yes, indeed! But I was trying to illustrate a point," said the slightly aggrieved doctor, but recognising the extent of his friend's worries he continued quickly. "It's my opinion that the kryptonite has been on Earth as long as you." "I thought you might say that." Clark's brow furrowed with the conception of pending disaster. = "We know your planet exploded, and we know that bits of debris from the explosion followed you to Earth, probably caught up in the cosmic wak= e of your spaceship. Now I had always assumed, and I'm not sure why I did= because the other is just as plausible. . . . " Bernard spotted the exasperation flash across the other man's face and hurried on with his deliberation. " . . . assumed that your ship landed from a lateral orbit= , yet there's nothing to say that had to be the case. If my theory is righ= t then . . . ." Crossing to his computer console, closely followed by an attentive Clark, the doctor speedily brought up a globe of Earth as seen from an orbiting satellite and configured the supposed route of the littl= e space craft as it made its way into Earth's atmosphere to Kansas so many years ago. ".... if you tilt the flight path from south to north diagonally." Here Bernie rotated the globe on his screen and as the simulated line tilted he sat back in his chair and pointed to the monitor= . = "Hey Presto!! The island of Papillon lies directly in the flight path. = My guess is that the kryptonite which followed in the wake of your ship dropped on the island and straight into the jaws of the volcano." Momentarily, Clark studied the screen, unwilling to accept the dread= findings. Still denial was scarcely going to help the situation. "And n= ow that the volcano is threatening to erupt the kryptonite is being sprayed all over the island." "Do you know how much there is?" Klein was almost afraid to ask. "No! So far that's all we've been able to find." "Then maybe you're over reacting," Bernard tried to console the supe= r hero. = A distraction occurred as a plainly unamused Beth Klein strode into the laboratory clearly in search of her errant husband. "Bernard, I know= that you are nicknamed the absent-minded professor' but I don't appreciat= e being stood up at a restaurant on my birthday." She halted her tirade as= she recognised her husband's visitor. "Superman what brings you here?" A= nd consciously lowering her voice, "I thought you were in the South Pacific.= = I hope that there's nothing wrong with the children." Beth, having attended Lois at every one of the Kent children's birth= s with the exception of Julian, regarded them as her own special family. "Not exactly! But we do have a problem. And I'm very sorry. It's = my fault that Bernard was distracted and left you stranded. And I'm glad you're here because I'd really like to talk to you both about this." A suppressed grin almost threatened to overcome the female Doctor Klein as she reflected that Lois' babble habit had eventually rubbed off = on Clark. Yet, understanding that he was functioning under considerable stress, she pushed the amusing thought aside and invited him to sit with her and unburden himself of his worries. For the next hour Superman regaled the Kleins with what had occurred since they had arrived on Papillon and his consternation about this previously unknown cache of kryptonite plus his apprehension regarding the effect it was having on hi= s offspring. = Both the doctors' first instincts had been to return with Superman t= o the island to examine the kids but as the children seemed to be suffering= more mental than physical trauma and, as Superman was not really supposed= to be on Papillon, it was decided that a visit could be postponed until such time as when he or the children got physically sick. A prospect tha= t they all prayed would never happen. There was one brighter spot in the discussion when Beth reminded her= husband of the device he had been trying to perfect which, if proved to = be operational, would ease the family's dilemma. Happily, the ingenious inventor went to fetch his latest gizmo and spent the next few minutes enthusiastically demonstrating its capabilities. Clark swiftly learned how to work the machine and, deducing that his fami= ly would be anxiously watching the skies for his return, he collected the small package and the lead box, flying off to Papillon with a thank you f= or the providential gift and a promise to keep Bernard and Beth up to speed = on the state of health of himself and the children. ***** Once back on the island Clark with his family settled down to an extremely subdued dinner. Lois and the kids listened carefully while he reviewed all that Bernard had been able to glean from the charred rocks a= nd the doctor's supposition of how and where they had landed on the island. = In return they had told him of their mildly successful search for more of= the dreaded stuff. They also related their thoughts on what their next course of action should be; that they should remain on Papillon and try t= o make the most of their vacation. Meanwhile they could keep a look out fo= r other pieces of the crystal while those family members unaffected would very carefully keep watch on the others. Reluctantly Clark admitted that= he had arrived at much the same conclusion and so it was decided that for= the present the family should not leave Papillon. = Now that the resolution to remain on the island was made, Clark fetched Bernard's latest invention and with a flourish he unveiled the small electronic contraption which looked like a miniaturized Geiger-counter and indeed was a modified and updated version of the machi= ne that had been tuned into the special radiation emitted by kryptonite. Th= is device allied with Clark's x-ray and telescopic vision thankfully lessene= d the hazard that the island posed. Joel's powers in this department were growing stronger but were still too inconsistent to be relied on totally,= however his parents knew that the young super hero would do his very best= to help contain the problem. By the time the children went to bed the whole family had begun to take a more optimistic view of the situation and Lois declared to her offspring that this was just another obstacle that the Kent family were sure to surmount. Her brave facade, however, began to wilt as the two grownups cleared away the supper things and shortly after, followed their= children's path to bed. Propped up on her pillows, Lois' unseeing gaze stared through the window into the far distance of the moon-silvered ocean. How could their= island paradise have degenerated into a poisoned garden? She sighed audibly as Clark came from the bathroom, his hair glistening wetly, and drying his body with a large white towel at normal speed. He regarded hi= s wife with a mixture of loving concern and . . . lust, which he determined= ly stomped on for the moment. "Are you unhappy with our decision, sweetheart? Because if you are,= I can still fly us all home right now. You only have to say the word." Lois' attention turned to her husband. "No, I think we made the rig= ht decision. There would be too many questions to answer otherwise and ther= e is the question of the kryptonite. I accept all that; I don't particular= ly like it but I'm not prepared to run away from the problem. Lane and Kent= don't run from trouble." Her chin firmed at this assertion but she couldn't suppress another sigh. "I just wonder if we're jinxed. I mean,= would it be too much to ask to have one vacation when we didn't encounter= mad criminals or relics of a dead planet?" "No, honey. I understand exactly what you mean." Clark finished towelling himself and slipped into bed beside her, arranging the netting around them and very pleased that Lois' worries had been so quickly dealt= with. "However, I have other things on my mind tonight. Now where were = we before we were interrupted this afternoon?" He smiled seductively as his= arms slid around his wife. "Wait, Clark." Lois' hand on his chest stopped his romantic approac= h. She was not completely averse to his attentions but some concerns still lingered. "There's something we have to discuss first." A disappointed look descended on Clark's face but he reined in his frustrations and attended to Lois' misgivings. "What's bothering you, honey?" "The kids! Or rather Joel and Clara's reaction to the red kryptonite." Lois twisted in the bed to face her love. "Clark in the pa= st that stuff has made you loose control of your powers, transferred them to= me or made you apathetic." "Sorta like today." Clark had the grace to blush. "Yes! But it has never made you aggressive." Desperation tinged th= e worried mothers's voice. "It was almost like the kids were bent on killi= ng each other." "Lois! I think that's a little strong." He hurried along as he saw= her attempt to interrupt. "However, it bothered me too, so I discussed t= he situation with Beth and Bernard and we reached some conclusions." "Which are?" "Lois, when I first encountered red kryptonite it was at a very emotional time for me. Scardino was hanging round you like a bad smell a= nd it made me so jealous . . . angry even. I was so mixed up with all the n= ew feelings I was experiencing that probably seeing Dr Frisken was no bad thing. I remember being in her office and getting increasingly uncomfortable with the pointed questions she kept asking me. Lois, I was= so mad I punched a hole in her wall and kicked over her couch and then I found the kryptonite. It had been taped to the underside of the couch, a= nd when I thought she had planted it I was ready to strangle her. But then = I thought what the heck; what did it matter anyway? Then I threw the rock out of her window, broke the glass too." Clark lapsed into silence as he= contemplated that far off time, unaware that his wife was carefully studying him. Lois had been mindful for sometime of the happenings of th= at period but she had seldom heard such raw emotion raging in his tone. Aft= er some moments contemplation Clark went on. "Maybe I subconsciously used apathy to suppress the aggression. Lois, I have spent my entire life learning to control my temper, knowing that if I ever struck out in anger= just what irreparable damage I could do . . . ." "But the children haven't learnt that control yet." Lois finished h= is thought. "And there's another thing. As Joel pointed out this afternoo= n, they're my kids too which means they have my genes mixed in there somewhere. And I never have been very good at controlling my temper." This had been Lois' constant fear for a long time; that the super powers allied to her volatile nature would prove to be a combustible combination. Yet her anxieties had always centred on her highly-strung daughter never on Joel who so much resembled his father in every way. = "Lois, that's not true. You've mellowed a lot in the past years and= you had good reason to be feisty when you were a kid." Clark was quick t= o reassure. "Besides, did I ever tell you how sexy you are when you get mad?" = Having verbalized their troubling ideas, Clark's feelings were once again and with greater insistence turning to more sexual matters. He seldom could resist expressing his deep love for Lois in the physical worship of her body and since arriving on this exotic paradise his sexual= appreciation for her had increased tenfold. Was it the sun and the sand;= the knowledge that they had all the time in the world to be together or just the skimpy clothes they were wearing in the island heat? Whatever w= as affecting him, his libido had gone into overdrive . . . and there were so= many interruptions. Still, he wasn't about to analyse the reasons for th= is phenomenon but he did intend that they enjoy it whenever they could. "Clark, how can you think of that right now?" Lois was tempted to giggle but she was also exasperated by her husband's obvious train of thought. = "Easily, honey, quite easily when I'm with you. And," Clark raised himself on his elbow and pointed through the window, "what could be more= romantic; a tropical moon; a sleepy lagoon and you." "Clark Kent, sometimes you are so . . . corny!" "Funny, Lois! Very funny!" But further deliberation was cut off by the exploration of two pairs= of lips eagerly seeking the other and for the present all thoughts of kryptonite were forgotten. ***** Continued in Part 6 ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 19:52:52 +1000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jenny or Joe Stosser Subject: coming (eventually) in Superman comics Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi, I've just been reading an interview with my fave comics artist, Phil= Jimenez. In talking about his plans for the Wonder Woman book he's about to start=20 writing, he says: "Then, I sort of want to do a friendship=85there=92s a story I=92m writing= with=20 Joe Kelly, a Superman/ Wonder Woman/ Lois Lane story that=92s about fidelity= =20 and marriage and friendship and where all those lines blur. " Hmmmm... btw, the rest of the interview (which doesn't deal with Superman at all) is= =20 at Jen -*-This message is umop ap!sdn (Jenerator or Some1Else on IRC) -*- JenerEight on AIM -*- ICQ: 11477318 Photos of David (7) and Megan (4) on the Stosser Family HomePage: Please sign our guestbook! ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 03:29:07 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: Re: New Red Sky MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Jenni, I am thoroughly enjoying this story. Please keep it coming. Irene ===== __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send instant messages with Yahoo! Messenger. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 11:29:08 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: alauters Subject: Time Elapsed 13/? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit The peaceful night Lois had envisioned for herself and Clark failed to materialize, as so often happened. Clark was called away to deal with a wildfire in Colorado, and although he protested the idea of leaving her, she insisted he go. "There are people who need your help – some of whom may die if you don’t," Lois said. "Go. Martha and Jonathan are here, and I know you’ll be back as soon as you can." Clark kissed her, hard, then stepped back. "Be safe, Lois," he said, as he spun into the suit and leapt into the sky. "You, too," she whispered back into the quiet of the night, before slipping into the house to the warm scent of apple pie and the company of her in-laws. So much had happened, so quickly, Lois thought. She lingered in the kitchen doorway, quietly watching Martha cut pie, her back to Lois. As Martha turned, she jumped, startled. "Lois!" Martha exclaimed. "I didn’t hear you come in." Lois smiled wanly. "I guess I’m feeling a little quiet tonight. How are you and Jonathan?" Martha hurried over and gave Lois a warm hug. "We’re fine. When we couldn’t get hold of Clark, we just came up on our own. I hope that’s all right?" "You know it is, Martha," Lois said, resting in Martha’s arms for a minute to breathe in the spicy scent of cinnamon and cloves that would always mean Kansas, comfort food, and the kindest woman Lois had ever known. "Thank you for coming." Martha pulled back and looked Lois in the eye. "We’re family, too, honey, and we’ll be there to support you. I’m glad we could come." She led Lois to the kitchen table. "Sit down, have some pie." Martha seated Lois, then went to the opposite counter, eased out a piece of warm apple pie, placed it on a plate and walked back to set it in front of Lois. "Want some tea?" "I’d love some." Moving around the Lane-Kent kitchen as if it were her own, Martha filled the kettle with water and set it on the heat, then took down a ceramic tea pot. She filled a mesh ball with loose chamomile tea leaves, then set it in the pot to wait for the kettle. Lois watched her, basking in the comfort of her mother-in-law’s care. "I wish I felt like this around my mother," she said wistfully. "Like what, honey?" Martha asked. "Safe. Cared for. Protected." Then, softer than the rest, so soft Martha almost didn’t hear it, Lois added, "Loved." "Oh, Lois," Martha said gently, filling the pot with hot water from the kettle. "You know your mother loves you." "I guess I do." Lois paused. "It’s just that she has such a hard time showing it in any positive way. She nags, and whines, and drags me on shopping trips I really don’t want to go on. I could never picture her here in my kitchen, making me tea." Martha got two cups and set them, along with the teapot, on the table next to the sugar. "Some women have a hard time demonstrating their love. Some men do, too." Lois reached out and poured herself a cup. "Clark showed me that what I interpret as nagging, my mother interprets as demonstrating her love. What I interpret as incessant whining, she interprets as a way to get attention. I don’t know if she thinks she’d get it, otherwise." Lois sipped her tea. "I feel so guilty … I just didn’t notice something was wrong. And now, it might be too late." Martha poured a cup of tea for herself. "Did you and Clark find out anything?" Lois set the cup back down. "We found what appears to be a conspiracy to drive me from my family." "What?" "We found a group of people who worship the god of dreams, Morpheus, and they plan to make me his bride. It sounded like they’ve been planning it for years," Lois shook her head in bewilderment. "I have no idea why – but Lex’s former assistant, Mrs. Cox, was there, and she’s been told to kill Clark. We have some evidence that a project my father was working on is designed to control brain activity, the person who commissioned that project is part of the same group. We found nasty letters written to my mother over the last few months, letters that apparently drove her to cut off contact with her family and maybe, start drinking again. We also found evidence my mother wasn’t driving the car, but it was being controlled by someone else." "Heavens," Martha said. "What do you plan to do about it?" "Clark and I have to talk about that, yet, but I have a computer disk and film that need to go to Jimmy. We have pictures of the group’s leader, and we have files from MorphCorp that should tell us who commissioned my father’s project," Lois said. "I should call Jimmy right now." "What could he do?" "He can develop this film. It’s black and white, 1600 speed, for night work. The Planet’s sports photographers use it for night games," Lois pulled out the camera and the disk from where they were still tucked in a pocket, and turned them over in her hands. "The files on the disk are password-protected, but we hope Jimmy can crack them. We should then have Jimmy cross reference the pictures we develop against any known criminal databases we have." Martha got up, grabbed the cordless phone off of the kitchen wall, and handed it to Lois. "Then let’s get started." Smiling wryly, Lois dialed. *** For the third night in a row, Lucy sat up in the Intensive Care Unit with her mother. Doctors now held a shred of hope that Ellen might recover from her head trauma. The explanation didn’t make much sense to Lucy, but it appeared Ellen might not have been hurt as badly as they first suspected. Sam had gotten in on the act, bringing doctors a high-tech gadget that he claimed would stimulate brain activity in some way. Because it was experimental, they were waiting for permission from some federal agency to try it if it became necessary. Lucy thought perhaps it wouldn’t be necessary. Ellen had begun to fight. Lucy wasn’t sure when it had happened, exactly. It might have been some time after the talks Lucy and Lois had with their mother, but the minute Ellen regained consciousness for that sparse amount of time, Lucy had an overwhelming sense of relief. Her mother, she was sure, wasn’t going to die. Just before Lucy had come to the hospital, Clark had taken her aside to tell her of what they’d found, and what they intended to do that evening. Lucy hoped they’d gotten results. "Lucy?" Nurse Barbara asked with a smile. "You can have your five minutes, now." "Thanks, Barbara," Lucy smiled back tiredly, then got up and walked into Ellen’s room. She seated herself at her mother’s bedside, then began her hourly, one-sided conversation. "Well, Mom, it seems Lois has found some evidence that you weren’t in control of the car," Lucy started. "It’s a relief for all of us, but I imagine mostly for you. It just didn’t feel right to us, Mom. Even when you drank every day, you never drove. I think it was that that got Lois going. And you know Lois, Mom. When she gets her mind set on something, there’s no stopping her. "Lois and Clark planned to do some more investigating tonight. They think they might be able to find the person responsible for all of this, and I sure hope they do." Ellen’s eyelids flickered. Lucy leaned forward. "Are you awake, Mom?" Ellen’s lashes fluttered again, then, with noticeable effort, her eyes opened. "Lu . . ." Ellen moaned. "I’m here, Mom," Lucy crooned, reaching for the nurse call button. She pressed it. "How are you feeling?" "Tahr . . ." "Tired?" Lucy asked. Nurse Barbara appeared in the doorway. "Barbara, she’s awake. Call my sister, will you?" "I’ll get the doctor, too," Barbara said as she turned away. "Lo . . ." "Lois? Lois is on her way, Mom," Lucy said urgently. "Try to stay awake." Ellen swallowed with difficulty, then shut her eyes tightly and reopened them. "See . . ." "See what, Mom?" "See . . . fur." The doctor bustled in to the room, and flashed a light in each of Ellen’s eyes. "Mrs. Lane, do you know where you are? Can you talk to me?" Tears filled Ellen’s eyes. "Lu . . . See . . . Fur . . ." She stopped, frustrated. "Tell . . . Lo . . ." "You want me to tell Lois ‘See Fur’?" Lucy asked. Exhausted, Ellen closed her eyes. "Mrs. Lane? Mrs. Lane?" The doctor checked the monitors. "It looks like she’s unconscious again." The tall, blond young man watched Ellen breathe for a moment, then turned to Lucy. "What was all that about?" "I’m not sure," Lucy replied, looking at her mother. "But maybe my sister will know." "Your mother’s a fighter." He looked at Lucy, as if for the first time. "I’m William Cross." "Lucy Lane." They shook hands. "And all Lane women are fighters." "That’s good to know," William said. He glanced at the wall clock. "How long have you been in here?" "Too long; my five minutes are up," Lucy said wistfully. "Lucy, I’ve got a break here; want a cup of coffee?" William asked. Lucy looked into William’s deep, blue eyes. They were kind. "I’d love to; just let me tell Barbara where to find me." *** "She said, ‘See Fur’," Lucy dutifully reported to Lois at breakfast. By unspoken agreement, all the Lanes and Kents gathered for a good breakfast before scattering: Lucy to bed, Sam to the hospital, and Lois and Clark to the Planet. Clark, who got in around 5 a.m., looked up tiredly from his full plate of ham, sausage, eggs, hashbrowns and blueberry muffins. "See Fur?" "I wonder what that might be," Lois thought aloud. "Lucy, what were you talking to Mother about before she woke up?" "I was telling her about your investigation," Lucy said. "I said you were looking for the person responsible for all of this." "Do you suppose she was trying to tell you?" Martha asked, passing around the muffin basket. "She was kind of monosyllabic," Lucy explained. "I wouldn’t know if it was just the first syllable of two different words, or what." Sam looked thoughtful as he dug into his hashbrowns. "I wonder if she meant ‘Siefert’?" "Siefert? Who’s Siefert?" Jonathan asked. "He’s an old acquaintance of mine," Sam said. "I always suspected . . ." He trailed off, cleared his throat, and started again. "I always suspected he’d had an affair with your mother." Lois’ eyebrows shot up as far as they could go. "Mother?" "I think he sort of swooped in when it looked like I was getting too careless with her affections," Sam put his fork down. "Princess, it often happens that way. One partner messes up, and the other goes out of his or her way to get some sort of revenge. Kevin Siefert always liked your mother; he often told me how lucky I was to have such a beautiful woman." "You sound unsurprised," Clark said. "By that point in our marriage, we were in the business of hurting each other," Sam looked away from Clark. Pensive, Lois asked, "Would this Siefert guy be capable of hurting Mother this way?" Sam, who had resumed eating, chewed and swallowed while he thought. "I wouldn’t have thought so, but I’m not the best judge of character, Princess," he said. "You, as well as anyone, should know that." "I think we should find this guy and talk to him, Clark," Lois said. "Maybe he can shed some light on what happened to Mother." Clark rubbed a hand over his eyes, then suddenly cocked his head. "I think it’s a good idea, Lois. Why don’t I run to the Planet and get started, while you get Lucy settled in?" "You need to leave in the middle of breakfast to get started, son?" Sam raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I’m finished," Clark assured Sam as he got up. Lois picked up the excuse. "He never eats much at breakfast, anyway. I’ll see you at the Planet, sweetheart." Clark kissed her quickly. "I’ll leave you the jeep. The bus should be at the corner any minute." "Thanks. Be careful," she said quietly. With a reassuring smile, Clark left. To make Clark’s cover more realistic, Martha started piling dirty plates up to clear the table. "Jonathan, will you help me in the kitchen for a minute?" she asked. "Oh, sure, Martha," Jonathan stuffed the last bite of blueberry muffin in his mouth and got up, carrying his plate into the kitchen. Lucy looked around, suddenly amused at what must have happened. "I’m a little tired and punchy, myself, Daddy, so I think I’ll turn in." Eyes twinkling, she looked at Lois. "But this breakfast was just super." "Oh, yes, Princess," Sam scooped up a last bite of egg, washed it down with orange juice, then stood up. "Super, indeed. Well, I’ll be off to the hospital. I’ll let you know how things go." "I’ll get your plates, Daddy, Lucy," Lois said. "And both of you, take care today." "Oh, I’ll just be sleeping, so don’t worry about me." Lucy yawned. "Good night. Or should I say morning?" With that, she headed up the stairs. "And Princess, you know I’ll be careful," Sam kissed his daughter on the forehead. "You do the same." *** At the Planet, Jimmy had photos ready to go. "I checked these against the Interpol, CIA and MI-5 databases – nothing," Jimmy said as he tossed the sheaf of pictures on Lois’s desk. "Do I want to know how you got into all those databases?" Lois asked with a grin. "Ah, no, and to divert your attention," Jimmy handed Lois another sheaf of papers, "here are copies of the documents on the disk you gave me. Hope they’re helpful." "Jimmy, you’re worth your weight in gold," Lois said fervently. "Just buy me dinner some night, and we’re even. Better yet, let me in on the final action here so I can get pics," Jimmy said. "You’re on," Lois spied Clark getting off the elevator. "Let’s go show Clark." Jimmy followed her to Clark’s desk, and they set the pictures and documents in front of him. "Morning, CK!" Jimmy said. "Look what we’ve got." Clark sifted the papers in front of him. "Wow." He stopped on one page. "See a familiar name, Lois?" She looked. "Kevin Siefert commissioned Daddy’s brain gadget?" "Let’s run these pictures to the hospital," Clark looked at them again. "I have a hunch he’ll tell us this is Siefert." *** ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 12:41:47 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Felix E. Sung" Subject: NEW: John and Lois and Clark and Joan (17/?) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 (John & Lois & Clark & Joan, Part 17) Clark was standing next to the coffee machine, getting coffee for him and Lois. His mind wandered to the events of the last few minutes. He was stunned at what had happened. No, he was beyond stunned: he was flabbergasted. He was stunned at the turn of events in the Messenger story. He had been quietly learning the email program at his computer this morning when he had heard the elevator ding. Into the newsroom came a wet Lois Lane. Immediately upon seeing Clark she had launched into a full-scale babble mode, explaining how she had been abducted while she had been snooping around EPRAD last night. She had also told of her escape from Dr. Baines and the scientist's untimely death when Dr. Baines had tried to get away in a helicopter and the helicopter had exploded. Clark had been very concerned= at Lois' appearance, and he had tried to ask her if she was all right, but he couldn't get a word in edgewise. Lois had also found out that Dr. Baines had not acted alone. The young couple who had accompanied Lois to the newsroom had also overheard Dr. Baines talking on the phone, and it was clear that Lex Luthor was involved in the sabotage of the Messenger. As for the motive, the only one that would fit was money. A successful, privately owned space laboratory would have probably allowed Lex Luthor to move from the third richest to the richest man in the world. Unfortunately, neither the Lakes nor Lois had any= tangible proof. The telephone conversation had not been recorded, of course, and Dr. Baines was now dead. The hanger next to the one with the real Messenger wreckage, the other one that had no lights on, had survived the explosion. It was in this hanger where Lois had found more damning evidence that Dr. Baines was one of the saboteurs. Clark was also stunned at the circumstances surrounding Lois' escape from certain demise. Tim and Amber Lake, two young people who had professed to be big fans of Lois and Clark, had risked their lives to save Lois. It had turned out that they had been responsible for the mysterious 'prank' calls the past few days. It had been they who had tried to visit the newsroom but= didn't have the nerve. And it had been they who had stopped by Clark's hotel yesterday -- Amber was the blond woman whom the hotel manger had seen.= Tim Lake had explained that they had done these things because they had wanted to meet them, but they were very shy in front of celebrities. Interesting enough, it had taken Lois' abduction to make them get over their= shyness. But the most incredulous of all was what they had wanted from Lois= and Clark: all Tim and Amber had wanted was some Polaroid's of the four them= and some autographs. Even Clark, who had often been accused of being too trusting and na=EFve, ha= d his doubts on the sincerity of Lois' rescuers. But it was very obvious that= Tim and Amber Lake were uncomfortable in Lois and Clark's presence. The fact that the younger couple were also subscribers to Le Monde had explained= why they were such big fans of Clark Kent as well. They had also in their possession 8x10s of Lois and Clark and permanent markers for the two reporters to use to sign them. (Clark had no idea how they were able to get= his picture.) The signed 8x10s were to be given to a local children's charity, which was headed by a friend of the Lakes. While Lois showed the Lakes around the newsroom, Clark had placed a quick call to this friend, getting confirmation= that the Lakes' story was legitimate. The Polaroid's, however, were to be Tim and Amber's souvenirs for their first meeting with Lois and Clark. After posing for a few pictures and shaking their hands -- Clark had never seen anyone with redder faces in his life than Tim and Amber -- the Lakes had left, leaving Lois and Clark with their work. The ding from the coffee machine brought Clark's mind back to the present. Glancing towards Lois' desk, he noticed the haunted look in her eyes as her fingers flew over the keyboard in a speed that rivaled his. He poured the coffee and carried the two steaming mugs to Lois' desk. "Lois?" he called out softly, gently setting down a mug in front of her. She blinked, stopped= typing, but otherwise did not respond. Right away Clark became concerned. He set his mug on Lois' desk as well, pulled up a chair, and sat down. He took her hands into his, forcing Lois to look away from the monitor. "Are you okay?" he asked gently. Lois looked away, but Clark could see several emotions on her face. First there was the look of annoyance, perhaps due to the fact that he had just interrupted her while she was working. Then there was a brief look of fear in her eyes. 'Why fear?' Clark wondered. Was she afraid that Luthor might after her? He probably knew that she and Clark were on to Dr. Baines, so that was maybe possible. Then Clark noticed that her eyes were tearing up, and that her mouth was quivering. Seeing Lois waging war with her emotions gave Clark the confirmation he needed. This woman, an award-winning, brilliant, fearless reporter, did whatever she could to keep her emotions in check. Just like anyone else, she could experience pain, sadness, and fear. Clark's heart went out to her= as he saw the look in her eyes. Quickly he pulled Lois into his arms and gave her a big hug. Lois could do nothing else but to let it out, to let the tears fall. Clark could feel her body shake as the sobs engulfed her. Because her outfit was muddy, Clark's shirt was getting messy. But he didn't care. All he cared about was the fact that the woman he was in love with was hurting, and he wanted to whatever he could to comfort her. 'The woman he was in love with...' As soon as he realized this, tears were threatening to fall down Clark's cheeks as well. Yes, without a doubt, he was in love with her. It felt so good to have her in his arms right now. And it had felt so good when they had kissed at the White Orchid Ball Thursday night. But that was something that he could never experience again. He had knowingly come between her and John that night, and he hated himself for it. In fact, Lois should also hate him as well. The best Clark should do now was to distance himself from her a little bit. He was in love with a woman who could not possibly love him back. Besides,= they had both agreed that the kiss was a mistake, wasn't it? And so, he would keep his feelings to himself. 'But if I want to distance myself, I should start now,' he thought, realizing that Lois was still in his arms, even though the tears had stopped. Moving first, he slowly but gently removed her from his grasp. Lois blinked her eyes at the movement. She was very embarrassed at what had= transpired. How could she lose control like that? That was what her apartment was for! Often during work, she would will herself to remain unaffected by anything that had hurt her, and by the time she would reach the sanctuary of her apartment, she would let herself cry. Sometimes John would be there to comfort her. She had been shell-shocked when the Lakes had rescued her earlier. It was because of this shock that she was able to play the role of a humbled idol as she talked to the Lakes and posed in pictures with them. The shock had worn off while she was writing her story. Correction: their story. A part of her wanted to reach up and pull Clark's face towards hers for a kiss. After all, hadn't she learned, from staring at death in the face numerous times, that life was short? She was realizing that she was developing strong feelings for her new co-worker. But she couldn't act on them, of course: Clark still had Joan and she still had John. Well, she won't have John for long once she told him, she realized sadly. No, the best thing to do was to concentrate on getting the story done, to work on this with her co-worker. Launching herself quickly into professional mode, Lois pointed to the screen in front of her. "Read this and see what you think," she said. Clark caught himself from letting out a sigh. He knew very well what Lois was doing, but he silently agreed that it was the right thing to do. Comforting her just now had been a mistake. He was a bit disturbed at how Lois could now look unaffected by the events of this morning, but who was he= to ask her how she was feeling? Pushing his feelings aside, he read the words that would become the first joint story by Lois Lane and Clark Kent. * * * * * * * * Once the elevator doors closed, Tim and Amber turned to each other and pressed their lips together in a passionate kiss. "We did it, Darling," Amber murmured happily into Tim's mouth. "So we did," Tim agreed, pulling away momentarily. He sighed. "Heart of my= heart, why did we make this difficult for ourselves?" He paused to stroke Amber's cheek, causing her to smile and to let out a small whimper. "They may be famous, but they are also people, too." "You are so right, my pet," Amber replied. "I know this, though: I couldn't= have gone through that without you beside me." She gazed at her husband tenderly. "Me, too," said Tim, and pulled his wife towards him for another mind-blowing kiss. By the time they went up for air several moments later, they noticed that they had reached the first floor and that the elevator doors were open. Grinning sheepishly at each other, the two of them stepped out of the elevator into the lobby. The two pairs of eyes, which reflected the love for each other, turned into determination as they left the Daily Planet building. Amber gave Tim an evil smile. "It won't be long now." "Right again you are," Tim said. "After all, possession..." "... is our passion," Amber finished. She loved how she could finish Tim's thoughts over and over again. "There's no reason why we can't add them to our collection, sweetheart," Tim= said. "No reason at all, Lover Man," Amber agreed. "After all, we got the original draft of the Magna Carta." "And we have the arms of the Venus deMilo," Tim added. "And that block of ice..." They looked at each other and smiled. "Walt Disney," they finished together. "Step by step, closer to Lane and Kent," Amber purred, snuggling closer to Tim as they shared another kiss. "Amber? How about a drink?" Tim offered. "I'm buying," she returned. Hand in hand, the two exited through the revolving doors of the Planet building, contemplating their collection with Lois Lane and Clark Kent as additions. * * * * * * * * -- Felix E. Sung ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 11:21:58 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: StarKitty Organization: Star Alliance Subject: Re: NEW: John and Lois and Clark and Joan (17/?) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit ooh! This is getting complicated! s p o i l e r s p a c e The Lakes are jumping the gun on this, aren't they? :) Just a few more complications for JnLnCnJ to deal with, huh? :) Great story! I can't wait for part 18! Tara ----- Original Message ----- From: Felix E. Sung To: Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 10:41 AM Subject: NEW: John and Lois and Clark and Joan (17/?) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 15:00:44 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: When Lightning Strikes Twice: Part 15/? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Author: Wendy Richards Title: When Lightning Strikes Twice Rating: PG-13 Part: 15 of ? Comments: very much appreciated, publicly or privately. ----------------------------------------------------------- Clark hurried out of the hospital, knowing he had a lot to do that day - not least report to the Planet so that Perry didn=92t start thinking he=92d quit - but he found it hard to push from his mind the image of Lois in her hospital bed. She=92d played down her injuries for him, he was aware of that= , but he=92d also been well aware of the pain in her expression, the shadows under her eyes and the faint winces every time she=92d moved her head. She hadn=92t been badly hurt, that was certainly true, but he hated to see her experience any unnecessary pain, and regardless of what his parents had said to him, he still felt largely to blame for having failed to prevent this. He also needed to come up with a plan for dealing with Lex Luthor, and Lois had got to the heart of the matter when she=92d raised the question of what could be done with the man. He was invulnerable, and Super-powered: the police couldn=92t just lock him up in prison to await trial. And although a part of Clark could understand Lois=92s wish that Superman - he - had killed= Luthor, he knew that he simply couldn=92t do that. Superman did not kill; it= was as simple as that. No matter how violently angry he had felt the previous evening when Luthor had casually hurt Lois just to engineer his own escape, killing the excuse for a man was out of the question. But, if he wasn=92t willing to kill Lex Luthor, what *was* he going to do with him? Clark grimaced as he slipped discreetly around the back of the hospital and spun into the Suit, preparatory to flying to the Planet. He needed a plan, and he was aware that Henderson would expect him to come up with one: the detective had been getting even more grouchy than usual by the time they=92d= arrived at the site of Luthor=92s sixth murder. He had to find Luthor; but before he did, he had to be armed with a plan. The previous evening=92s encounter had been unplanned, but what on earth would he have done with Luthor if the man hadn=92t managed to make his escape? He sighed; he had to admit that he had absolutely no idea. Which was certainly not good enough, and he'd have to do better than that before his pre-arranged appointment with Inspector Henderson later that morning. Perry was, as might have been expected, aware of Clark=92s presence in the newsroom before he=92d even sat down at his desk, and the editor immediately= called him into the office, instructing him to close the door behind him. =93So do I get to hear where you were yesterday, Kent?=94 Clark grimaced; he hated coming up with half-truths and excuses to cover his absences. =93I... um, I understand Superman told you about Lex Luthor...= ?=94 =93He did,=94 Perry acknowledged grimly. =93So - were you in hiding as well?= =94 It would be a good excuse, but it wasn't one Clark wanted to use; and in any case, if he saw fit to go into hiding, then why shouldn=92t Jimmy Olsen,= Perry himself and Franklin Stern? All of them had been instrumental in bringing down Luthor=92s empire six months earlier. =93No - I was helping Superman,=94 he explained, deciding to use the excuse he=92d given Lois. =93= He wanted some research done on Luthor=92s associates, and it was kind of sensitive, so I didn=92t want to work here....=94 =93Hmmm.=94 Perry grunted, then tapped his desk. =93Next time, let me know w= here you are, y'hear? I know all this with Luthor is worrying, but we still have a newspaper to run here and I can=92t afford to have both my top reporters missing at the same time and not knowing what's happened to them, y'know. I can understand Superman getting Lois out of here in the circumstances, but I need you around, Kent. I need a front page for the evening edition, and you know what I have right now? =91City Council Passes New Litter Law=92!=94= He glowered. =93So you think you can get me something better to run with than that?=94 Clark sighed inwardly; this was just what he didn=92t need right now. =93I don=92t know, Perry. I=92ve been trying to help Superman out, but you know w= e can=92t print any of that.=94 =93I know Superman asked me not to, and I=92ll go along with that - for now,= =94 Perry agreed. =93But there=92s got to be something about those murders we ca= n print. You and Lois are on good terms with that detective on Homicide, so get me a story, Kent!=94 Clark nodded, recognising that he had no choice. =93Okay, Chief. By the way,= what made you think the police thought those murders yesterday had something to do with Super-powers?" Perry raised one eyebrow. "Oh, he told you what I said, huh? He ask you to ask me?" Quickly shaking his head, Clark offered an alternative he hoped Perry would accept. "He said you'd thrown a headline at him to get him to talk. I was just wondering whether it was a guess or whether there's a leak down at the precinct." "And you think I reveal my sources?" Perry's face was stern, but after a moment he smiled. "You can tell your friend that it was a lucky guess. We tried damn hard to get something - anything! - out of the cops yesterday, but they weren't saying anything at all. Seemed to me, though, that Superman was turning up to every murder scene and that every time the cause of death was kind of unusual. So it was a wild guess, and I was lucky enough to hit home somehow. Not that he told me anything!" Clark shrugged. "Well, it's kind of a sensitive investigation, from what I can make out." "That's okay, Kent, but you just make darned sure the Planet gets the story before anyone else, y'hear? And you can tell Superman when you see him that he owes us one." Clark smiled, relieved that Perry wasn't pushing it any further for now, and also very pleased to discover that there had been no police source after all. He saw that Perry was about to dismiss him, however, so he forestalled his editor. "There=92s something else you should know, Chief. Lois is back in Metropolis - she got hurt last night and she=92s in Met General Hospital.=94 =93Got hurt?=94 Perry=92s face creased in concern. Briefly, and without going into too many details which would involve revealing Luthor=92s possession of Super-powers, Clark explained. =93I=92ve = just come from seeing her - she says she=92ll be discharged tomorrow morning, and= I guess Superman will take her right back where she was, unless Luthor is out of the way before then.=94 The editor looked thoughtful for a moment. =93Okay, Clark, you get me that front-page lead, then you=92re free to help Superman for the rest of the day= . Luthor=92s got to be stopped before he kills anyone else.=94 Leaving the editor=92s office, Clark spotted Jimmy hurrying from one end of the newsroom to another; one outstretched arm brought the photographer cum general gofer to a standstill in front of him. Without explaining the cause of Lois=92s injuries, Clark explained that she was in hospital and that he needed Jimmy to bring over a few things for her. That done, he went to his desk to read the electronic edition of that morning=92s Planet to see what had already been mentioned about the murders, before putting together some notes for his own story. He would still go to see Henderson as Superman, but at the same time he could ask the detective to give Superman=92s =91frie= nd=92 Clark Kent a few harmless quotes. The sooner the story was written, the sooner he could get away and resume his hunt for Luthor. No matter what else is going on, there=92s always a newspaper to get out, Clark mused wryly as he typed as fast as he could without arousing suspicion. ************** Lex Luthor hovered in mid-air in front of Mount Rushmore, gazing at the enlarged faces of dead presidents carved into the white-grey granite. Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt... four of the most revered presidents who had served this country. *Served* - Luthor=92s lip curled as he mused on the word. Presidents should not *serve,* he thought: they should rule. Lead. Command. As he would, were he president. And that, of course, wasn=92t beyond the realms of possibility, although he wouldn=92t have the patience to run a campaign and stand for election. No, i= f he wanted to rule the country, there was a simpler way to achieve it: once he=92d disposed of the flying freak in the blue suit, he would simply instruct the current incumbent of the White House to resign in favour of SuperLex. And Congress would have to pass a law repealing the two-term-only rule: President Luthor would have an indeterminate term of office. In the meantime, Mount Rushmore presented an intriguing prospect. Luthor engaged his heat vision once more, watching with almost academic interest as the beam carved a line in the granite, giving Abraham Lincoln an additional frown-line on his forehead. The man deserved it: if he=92d been s= o stupid as to have abolished the most efficient form of labour imaginable, he certainly did not deserve his place in this great monument. It was really a shame Lex had never exhibited any artistic talent, he thought: he could have carved his own image in the rock alongside the dead presidents. Still, that could always be arranged at a future date. In the meantime, there was Superman to deal with, and in order to eliminate the SuperFreak he needed Kryptonite. He now had an idea about how to track down Nigel St John, but first he wanted to ensure that the alien was kept busy. A few disasters should do it - the boy scout was just too concerned about the welfare of those tiny humans he'd chosen to live among. It wouldn=92t be too difficult to cause a landslide in one state, a bridge collapse in a city at the other side of the country, and a major fire at somewhere like an office block or a hospital in Metropolis: all emergencies which, Luthor thought scornfully, Superman would be sure to assist with. The thought of a hospital gave him momentary pause: he still hadn=92t found out the fate of Lois Lane. He knew she'd been injured: he=92d heard her scream, seen her fall. If she was alive, the freak would have brought her to a hospital. Perhaps he should have the city=92s hospitals checked out, just so he was aware of the situation - after all, if Lois was alive, she still represented unfinished business and he could return to her after the boring so-called hero was eliminated. That was something Nigel could do, once his former assistant had been located. In the meantime, it was time to start a landslide. **************** Lois hated being hospitalised. That was ironic, really, since she should have been used to it by now. Before Superman had arrived on the scene, she had ended up in hospital on a quite regular basis as a result of injuries or attacks sustained in the performance of her work as an investigative reporter. But the mere fact of being accustomed to it did not make her any more inclined to like it, or to put up with the boredom. Jimmy had arrived in the late morning, bearing a spare laptop - her own was still in Smallville - and a copy of that morning's Planet, as well as some flowers from the newsroom; he'd stayed for a few minutes but had explained that Perry was on his case and he needed to get back. So that had been a short diversion, and having a computer meant that she was at least able to do some writing. The television had provided another source of entertainment, though she'd begun to get very concerned by mid-afternoon. First there had been a landslide in Oregon, and then a bridge had collapsed in the centre of Miami. Superman had still been helping to contain the effects of the landslide when the news report about the bridge collapse had come in. LNN was showing live pictures from Oregon at the time, and she'd seen the Super-hero look extremely anxious, clearly torn between the two emergencies. After consulting with the emergency services, he'd flown off to Miami. He was still there now, according to the live pictures from LNN: he'd been too late to prevent some fatalities, although many more lives would have been lost had he not turned up. She'd seen him carrying vehicles through the air and placing them safely on an undamaged stretch of road, and ferrying injured people to the paramedics. Now, though, he was floating in mid-air with a very concerned expression on his face. The LNN reporter seemed bemused, unable to figure out what he was doing; but Lois thought she could guess. He was examining the parts of the bridge which had given way... and, if she was right, he was making a guess at the cause. Luthor. She was sure of it; and he was probably behind the landslide as well. But why? She spent some time trying to figure that one out. Lex didn=92t do things just for kicks: he would have some ulterior motive in mind. But what would he gain from a landslide and a bridge collapse? Unless... unless the gain was not in those events themselves, but in the consequences: one Super-hero otherwise engaged, and therefore too busy to devote any time to Lex Luthor. Now that was very plausible, Lois thought. She scoured the teletext news pages to see whether there was any hint of what Luthor might be getting up to in Superman=92s absence, but could find nothing which might be attributed to her ex-fiance. No more murders of former employees or associates; no robberies in mysterious circumstances; no unexplained occurrences. Whatever Luthor was up to, it wasn=92t obvious. She hoped it hadn=92t anything to do with herself: after her encounter with him the previous evening, she had even less wish to see him again. Now, she was not only repulsed by him, but also very frightened of what he might do: both to her, and *with* her in terms of using her as bait. Still, this needed investigating, and since she wasn=92t in a position to do= it herself.... She reached for her beside phone and called Clark=92s number at the Planet. After a lengthy pause, it was answered by one of the copy- editors who, it transpired, had got fed up hearing Kent=92s phone ring and had decided to answer it. No Clark, and no-one had seen him since about mid-= morning. Feeling a sense of deja-vu, Lois tried Clark=92s cellphone and then his pager. The cellphone was switched off, but she left a message; the pager simply beeped, and she could only assume that he=92d left it somewhere. Her partner seemed to be very forgetful where his pager was concerned; it was amazing Perry hadn=92t said something to him about it. Well, Clark had said he=92d come in to see her later, Lois reflected. If she= hadn=92t managed to get hold of him by then, she could talk to him then. In the meantime, she would carry on watching LNN and text for anything suspicious, anything which looked as if it could be the work of Luthor. ************** ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 07:51:29 +1000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jenny or Joe Stosser Subject: Re: When Lightning Strikes Twice: Part 15/? In-Reply-To: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed At 03:00 PM 20/06/2000 -0500, Wendy Richards wrote: >Author: Wendy Richards >Title: When Lightning Strikes Twice >Rating: PG-13 >Part: 15 of ? >Comments: very much appreciated, publicly or privately. Without spoiling, do I detect a revelation here? I'm really enjoying this story Wendy. Just wish it was ALL available at once. I'm not long on the patience attribute, I'm afraid! Jen -*-This message is umop ap!sdn (Jenerator or Some1Else on IRC) -*- JenerEight on AIM -*- ICQ: 11477318 Photos of David (7) and Megan (4) on the Stosser Family HomePage: Please sign our guestbook! ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 21:35:13 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Melisma Subject: Birth Announcement In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Hi everyone! I'm really excited to announce to you the birth of a bouncing baby... website :) I've just uploaded my very first website ever, to and I'd like to invite you all to come over and take a look. It's still pretty little, but I've just started learning HTML today, so I plan to keep working on it and improving it. I'm eager to hear your comments and suggestions and if you can even SEE it okay with your particular browser - please give me feedback to so the list doesn't get clogged up. Thanks :) Melisma (proud as punch, here under her rock) ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 13:37:44 +0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Ma. Carmela L Abaygar" Subject: Re: coming (eventually) in Superman comics Content-Type: text/plain That really good news, Jen! Coz, okay, before I go on, I will probably have to make a confession first. That is, to say, that way before I got caught up in the whooshing world of Lois and Clark... hmm, well, I really was a wonderwoman fan. Since childhood. And I mean, I used to abhor Lois Lane to the hilt. She was a wedge between the two icons. But hey, that was until Lois and Clark, the series. and even it's a decade later, it's really a good thing to know how extraordinary Lois is. Extraodinary yet human, extraordinary yet woman. And yes, they ARE better off where they are now. =) though Wonderwoman's side of the story is just sad.... Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic wrote: >Hi, >I've just been reading an interview with my fave comics artist, Phil= > Jimenez. > >In talking about his plans for the Wonder Woman book he's about to start=20 >writing, he says: > >"Then, I sort of want to do a friendship=85there=92s a story I=92m writing= > with=20 >Joe Kelly, a Superman/ Wonder Woman/ Lois Lane story that=92s about fidelity= >=20 >and marriage and friendship and where all those lines blur. " > >Hmmmm... > >btw, the rest of the interview (which doesn't deal with Superman at all) is= >=20 >at > >Jen > -*-This message is umop ap!sdn >(Jenerator or Some1Else on IRC) -*- JenerEight on AIM -*- ICQ: 11477318 >Photos of David (7) and Megan (4) on the Stosser Family HomePage: > Please sign our guestbook! > > ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 08:53:11 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: Re: When Lightning Strikes Twice: Part 15/? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Jen wrote: s p o i l e r s p a c e > > Without spoiling, do I detect a revelation here? Who knows? ;) I have no idea how this particular part could have suggested the possibility to you, by the way! > I'm really enjoying this story Wendy. Just wish it was ALL available at > once. I'm not long on the patience attribute, I'm afraid! Thanks, Jen! :))) Feedback like that makes my day! Fraid I haven't finished writing it yet, though, so it'll be an instalment every three days for the time being. Wendy -------------------------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 14:15:50 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Ann E. McBride" Subject: Question for a fic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Does anyone know about where Lois' and Clark's apartments were supposed to be in relation to each other or to the Daily Planet? (I know that Clark's wasn't too nice when he rented it and so maybe wasn't in as nice a part of town.) OTH, Lois did walk over to his apartment at night in WWW. Thanks, Ann ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 12:02:08 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: JaT Subject: Fan Fic Recommendation MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Just read Jude's "Revelation Anyone?" Fabulous story! I don't know whether to nominate it for Revelation or Comedy for the K2K1 next year! James ===== The D8As - AIM id is mrd8astl Matthew 23:37-39, Romans 1:19-32, 2 Chronicles 7:13-14 Go to WWW.FREEWWWEB.COM for the best Free Internet access! __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send instant messages with Yahoo! Messenger. ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 15:10:30 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: JaT Subject: 7 Days of Superman Parts 13 & 14 Comments: To: 7days FanFic <>, BackStep Fiction , Tad Flowers , Marc Gartin , Dave and Debbie Harrison , Melanie , Backstep Operation , Travel Time , Dad Tull , Danny Tull MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Somehow the FanFic list got off my distribution list. Title:Seven Days of Superman Author/pseudonym:Mr. D8A Fandom:Seven Days/Lois & Clark:The New Adventures of Superman Rating:PG-13 Status: PARTS 13 & 14 Archive: Yes E-mail address for Series/Sequel: 7 Days/l&c:tTNAOS Crossover Other websites:BACKGROUND INFORMATION.SEVEN DAYS (Details supplied by Disclaimers: Lois and Clark and the rest of the show's entourage are the property of DC, Warner, ABC, and Joanne Siegel and Laura Siegel Larson. Seven Days is the property of UPN. Summary:Superman fails to stop the nuking of Washington DC and gets some help from Frank B. Parker from Operation Backstep. Previously on 7 days of Superman. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ "It's possible that the other time traveler did something to upset the quantum balance of the Backstep process. We can't even guess until we get the Sphere back and examine it." "I agree." Talmadge took the phone off hold. "Sorry about that, Frank." "That's OK, sir. I don't mind at all standing around in a prison orange suit, in the middle of a park, with people gawking at me. It's a nice change of pace from being locked up on the compound and having security gawk at me." Donavan stifled a laugh while Jason put a hand to his mouth to cover an out of control grin. Frank paused for a moment and asked the obvious question. "Well, does anyone have an idea why I remember different things than everyone else?" Talmadge went over everything that Drs. Ballard and Mentor put forward. "Oh! Schrödinger's cat!" "Yes. Quite." "So, you agree that I am Frank B. Parker, but not necessarily your Frank B. Parker?" "Yes." "And even though there are some differences, there's no reason to assume the Tempus of this quantum shade won't act any differently?" "Yes, the mission is still a go." **Good, I've always wanted to meet Superman.** "How soon can you get a team here to pick up the Sphere? I've been up for over thirty-six hours and if I have to deal with quantum physics and temporal anomalies then I need to get some shut eye and soon." "Frank, we can have a man there in about four hours to take over the securing of the Sphere. Then you can get some rest and go after Tempus. While you're resting we'll get you the necessary intel on everything you need to know about the players in this quantum reality. We'll send Olga with the information as soon as we get it. Contact us later where you want to meet." "Roger that, over and out." Frank hung up the phone and went back to the Sphere to retrieve his gym bag. Finding a nearby public restroom he changed out of his suit and put on his regular street clothes. He looked around for an outdoor café within sprinting distance of the Sphere. **Decisions. Decisions. Well, there's The Stuffed Croissant; Missy's Deli; the Komrade's Kountry Kitchen; or Casa de James? Must be really authentic Mexican food there. NOT! Einy meiny mieny moe, in to Missy's here I go.** \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Part: 13 +++++++++++++++++++++++ Monday, October 4, 1999 8:34am EST Metropolis +++++++++++++++++++++++ Lois Kent, Alexander Kent, Agent Keith Jackson and Agent Nancy Smith all made for a cozy fit inside the two-toned, silver-flamed, double sliding door, mini-van that Lois drove to work each day. Lois really missed her Jeep Cherokee, but it just wasn't spacious enough to fit a child safety seat, Agent Keith Jackson, Clark and herself at the same time. She finally relented when, during a particularly nasty car chase, Alexander was nearly trapped in the Jeep when it rolled. When she started shopping for a new vehicle, offers came out of the woodwork. Five separate dealers made offers of free rentals for as long as her mother-in-law was President and as long as they were allowed to advertise that the President's grandchild was being driven in one of their vehicles. Lois turned them all down flat, in an article on ethical business practices of the local car merchants. After weeks of shopping, Lois turned on-line, with a little help of Jimmy, and found the mini-van of her dreams. After buying it, the federal government took it, structurally reinforced it and replaced all the glass with the latest in bullet-resistant material. When they were done it could have withstood a side collision with a 1955 Dodge. The gas mileage was pathetic, but apparently there are certain governmental allowances for that kind of thing. It was also outfitted with the latest in communications gear and a certain amount of surveillance equipment. It was the police ban radio that came in handy this morning. {Alpha Mike Echo Tango 12 this is Base reporting in. A large blue sphere has appeared in Centennial Park. Can you confirm? The closest ground units are 15 minutes away due to two traffic snarls downtown. A Metro bus and a UPS truck decided to rumba in the middle of the intersection at Main and Savage and a water main broke at Swiss and Johnson. Reports of sever casualties at both locations. Big Blue is still in Japan so we can’t count on any super-help today. This could take a while. Over} Air Met 12’s response was lost in controlled chaos that erupted in the mini-van. Keith saw the ‘breaking-news’ look in Lois’ eyes and knew there was going to be a change of plans. Picking up his lapel mike he started barking orders before Lois even had a chance to open her mouth. “Eagle II, this is Eagle I. There may be a compass breaking in Centennial Park. Femme Volcanal would like to check it out. We will drop off Mother’s Helper and Lex-a-Chu at the next convenient corner. Please pick them up and deliver them to their final destination. Over” “Roger that, Number One. ETA to pickup is 30 seconds after drop off. Eagle II out.” “Roger that, Eagle II. Eagle III, please be at the ready by Centennial Fountain. Look out for heavy traffic at Main and Savage and Swiss and Johnson.” “Roger that, Number One. Eagle III out.” A groan could be heard from the backseat. Keith turned around and gave a questioning look at Agent Smith, even though he knew exactly what she was going to say. She had been with his detail for only a month and was quickly being disillusioned. “Yes, Agent Smith?” “Sir, I’m sorry but I thought when I joined the Secret Service that I would be…well…you know.” She gave a sideways look Alexander. She didn’t want to say anything in front of her three year old charge sitting next to her. Especially since he obviously had a crush on her. “Agent Smith, there are many aspects of our job that are neither glamorous or thrilling, but it has been a quiet month.” Lois swatted Keith in the arm. “Hey! I’m only telling it like it is. She’ll learn soon enough.” “I think she resents her moniker more than anything else.” “Exactly! Can’t we find a better name than Mother’s Helper?” lamented Agent Smith. Keith thought for a moment and a wicked gleam graced his eye and a matching grin creeped up on his face. “Okay, since you do not like your humble leader’s naming conventions we will ask another member of the team to give you a name. What ever name they suggest, you have to keep. Agreed?” “Agreed!” “Alex, what name would you give Agent Smith.” Alexander was amazed that it would be him to name the beautiful Agent Nan Smith. Nan was flabbergasted and started hoping for something better than ‘pretty woman’ from the three year old. Lois was having a hard time containing her laughter. She started to change lanes to get ready to stop. “You better hurry, sweetheart. I will be letting you and Agent Smith out soon.” “I’m thinking.” And he was. He had his tongue stuck out to one side. After several moments the tongue went back in and he turned to Agent Smith. The adoration in his eyes spoke of the deep and heartfelt crush the little boy had on her. His voice had a dreamy quality to it when he spoke. “Nanny. It has your real name in it and it is a real word.” “But…but…” “Nanny it is.” Keith activated his lapel mike. “All units Mother’s Helper is now know as Nanny, out.” “Roger that.” Agent Smith groaned. Keith smiled. Part: 14 +++++++++++++++++++++++ Monday, October 4, 1999 9:03am EST Metropolis Centennial Park +++++++++++++++++++++++ Lois and Keith pulled up on the shady side of the park and walked across the grassy fairways toward the big blue ball. Long before Keith could make it out, Lois was already examining it. She started to increase her pace. Keith was running just to keep up with her, "Mrs. Kent. Mrs. Kent. LOIS!" This finally got her attention. Keith slowed to catch his breath. "What?!" Lois' ire was up until she saw Keith huffing and puffing. She quickly came to his side and nearly knocked him over. She grabbed him by the arm and pulled him upright with ease. "Keith, are you alright?" "Am *I* alright?! What's up with you? You were doing a fair imitation of the Bionic Woman back there." Keith dropped his voice, "Has something happened to your 'talents?'" Talents. That was Keith's term for Lois' acquired ‘abilities.’ A couple of months after Lois and Clark had married, Lois started to notice that she was…changing. She had more energy and could get things done faster. She hadn’t come down with anything in weeks, either. It was the day that she got a nasty paper cut that they knew something was up. It had happened early in the day and by bedtime that night it was completely healed. The next day they talked to Dr. Klein and he ran several hours worth of tests. His conclusions startled them. She was pregnant and she was becoming Kryptonian. @@@@@@@@@ Late 1994 Metropolis Star Labs @@@@@@@@@ “Apparently, your body is trying to accommodate the child growing in you. It wouldn’t gestate in a wholly human body, so Clark’s Kryptonian DNA is causing recombinant biofeedback, effectively restructuring your body into a more habitable host.” Lois and Clark both had a deer-in-the-headlights look about them. Lois shook her head asked, “Could you say that in English, Bernie? We thought you said that we couldn’t have children.” “I didn’t take into consideration the possibility of genetic re-sequencing. I mean, I didn’t think about Clark’s Kryptonian DNA enforcing its needs upon your body. Actually, you’re quite lucky.” “How so?” “Clark could have been a water breather. You could’ve ended up with gills!” Clark gave Dr. Klein a withering look. “So, you’re telling us that my Kryptonian DNA is causing Lois’ body to become genetically Kryptonian.” “Yes.” “This isn’t a bad thing honey.” Lois turned to Dr. Klein, “It’s not, is it?” “How should *I* know?! This is all virgin territory to me! All we can do is watch and wait. Lois, I want you in here at least once a week to keep track of any ‘changes.’ I also want you to keep a journal of everything out of the ordinary.” Lois snorted at that. “Bernie, I'm married to Superman! And I am an investigative reporter! Every day is out of the ordinary!” “I think he means in relation to your body, sweetheart.” “Oh. Ok. But once a week! How am I to get any work done? I can’t afford to spend several hours a week being put through torture!” “Lois, you misunderstand. The tests I have in mind will take less than an hour to run. Most of it will be just testing your reflexes and the occasional blood and urine samples.” “I knew it! You’re going to turn me into a pin cushion! I…” Lois never got a chance to finish the thought. Clark had grabbed her, picked her up and swung her around in several circles, all the while kissing her with such passion that by the time they separated she was breathless. Star Labs and Dr. Klein melted into the background. There was only his eyes looking deeply into hers. She looked up into them and saw adoration and awe just pouring out of them. When he spoke, it was in a gentle whisper. “We’re going to have a baby. A little piece of you and a little piece of me. What a miracle!” There was a tear in his eye as he said these things. Lois was moved to tears herself. She never thought she could make him this happy. Tearing herself from his face, she turned to Dr. Klein. “I will be here for those tests.” ~*~ In the months that followed, they found out a couple of things. One, Kryptonian pregnancies take a lot longer than Human ones, to the tune of ninety weeks. The other is that the genetic alterations seemed to level out at the beginning of the third trimester. Lois was on par with Olympic athletes her size and half her age. She could hear and see farther than normal, but nowhere near as well as Clark. According to Dr. Klein, Lois’ ‘condition’ was permanent. She would always be partially Kryptonian. He even speculated that it could even advance if she were to have another child. Lois had blanched at the thought of another ninety week stint. But as Clark held her as she held the tiny blue bundle of joy, she secretly hoped to have another child someday. @@@@@@@@@ The Present @@@@@@@@@ “If my ‘talents’ have changed I can only think of one thing that could cause it.” Keith waited a moment until he realized that she was not going to continue. “And that is…?” Lois startled out of her reverie, and looked straight into Keith’s eyes, “I rather keep that to myself until Clark gets here. Come on, let’s go look at that blue thingy.” +++++++++++++++++++++++ Monday, October 4, 1999 9:07am EST Metropolis Centennial Park +++++++++++++++++++++++ Centennial Park. For all that one could do there, the Old Fountain was the favorite place of all ages. Young children usually tossed their first wishing coins in it. Older children splashed the water at each other on hot summer days. Teens found it a convenient meeting/starting off point for the evenings escapades. Lovers found it terribly romantic and the elderly fondly remember days gone by. One could get the impression that the Old Fountain was always available for those that needed it. Today was no different than any other. Or so it seemed. Today, it seemed like a meeting place for suits with sunglasses. Frank sat outside Missy's and kept one eye on the Sphere. He marveled at the lack of attention it appeared to be getting. "You'd think objects popped out of thin air on a regular basis here." Frank smirked, "What do you think?" he asked of his not-so-happy breakfast 'companion.' The young twenty-something just sat there brooding for a moment. "It could have something to do with you pulling a gun on me and removing the film from my camera! Mr. White will not be happy about that!” “I am sure he will get over it.” Frank grinned and turned his attention back to the Sphere. His 'friend' tried to quietly get up. He didn't get very far. Frank reaffirmed the presence of his firearm under the table with a light tap, "Don't even think about it." "As if you'd really shoot me if I did. Even I know that the NSA has protocols to follow in 'detaining a potential mission risk.'" Frank raised his eyebrows in a question. "My father's in the 'business.'" Frank responded rather lack-luster, "Really." The photographer sat back down, crossed his arms and, contemplated his now out-of-film camera. When Frank turned his back again, he subtly pressed a combination of buttons on his watch. **Come on, be listening.** Frank noticed movement near the Sphere. From this distance it looked like a young woman in her early thirties and an African American looking all the world like a Secret Service agent. **Must be Lois Lane-Kent.** "Come on, junior. Time to go meet the rest of the gang." ===== The D8As - AIM id is mrd8astl Matthew 23:37-39, Romans 1:19-32, 2 Chronicles 7:13-14 Go to WWW.FREEWWWEB.COM for the best Free Internet access! __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send instant messages with Yahoo! Messenger.