From: "L-Soft list server at Indiana University (1.8d)" To: "ARTF@MemoryAlpha.nil" File: "LOISCLA-GENERAL-L LOG0001E" ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 22:50:19 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin Klingler Subject: Kerth Awards Announcements!! Comments: To: LNC list MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hi everyone ;) First of all, I apologize to those of you who get this email twice. I wanted to make sure everyone knew what was going on with the 2000 Lois & Clark Fanfic Kerth Awards, which are only 2 months away!! Also, I apologize for not responding to the Kerth questions that got posted to the mailing list over the past day or so. My computer had a few minor glitches, and I wasn't able to get on-line. But everything's back to normal (well, relatively speaking ), and I thought I'd give you a quick update on this year's Kerths! First of all, Kathy, Pam and I have been working very hard to put together this year's categories and category descriptions, and we also have a Kerth schedule in place. To avoid typing all the stuff I just put on my dozen or so new Kerth webpages (I just barely finished uploading them ;), I'll let you all know that you can get all of this information (and TONS more) there at my Kerth website: For convenience sake, though, I'll post the basic info here, as well. I know how eager so many of you are for this. ;) As for nominations, well, I hope you're reading all your backlog of stories!! I will start accepting nominations this coming Tuesday, Feb. 1st. Go to the nominations section on my Kerths website for all the details about how many stories you can nominate, how to do it, etc. But for a simple answer to the question that I'm sure you're all asking , just email me directly with your nominations at: Nominations will last for 3 weeks, ending on Sunday, Feb. 20th. So hurry up and decide which of those fabulous stories you want to nominate, and email me with your nominations!! ***************************** KERTH SCHEDULE: Tuesday, Feb. 1st -- Sunday, Feb. 20th: OPEN FOR NOMINATIONS (see my Kerths website at the link above for all the details about nominating stories, rules, etc.) Monday, Feb. 28th -- FINAL LIST OF NOMINEES ANNOUNCED Saturday, March 4th -- VOTING OPENS Sunday, March 19th -- VOTING CLOSES AT MIDNIGHT EST Saturday, March 25th -- KERTH CEREMONY (6pm EST on IRC) *************************** CATEGORIES AND CATEGORY DESCRIPTIONS: (remember, all this is available on my Kerths website) *BEST COMEDY--A generally short story thats main purpose is to amuse. *BEST VIGNETTE/SHORT STORY (no A-Plot)--Stories no longer than 30k *BEST WAFFY STORY--A generally short story intended to give the reader a Warm and Fuzzy Feeling. *BEST DRAMATIC STORY--Stories which tackle a serious subject matter. A-plot common, but not required. *BEST REVELATION STORY--Stories about how someone finds out or is told about Clark's secret identity. *BEST EPISODE ADAPTATION--Stories that alter the events of or starts from some point in a particular episode. *BEST ROUND ROBIN--Stories written by a group of authors taking turns, generally written "live" online, although it can be done in e-mail as well. *BEST S6 EPISODE--Best episode (single or multi-part) of "Lois & Clark Season 6." *BEST ALTERNATE UNIVERSE STORY--Stories which feature the "Alt World" that was introduced on the show, or involve the travel of the characters between other such parallel universes. *BEST ELSEWORLDS STORY--Stories in which one or more major changes have been made to the basic format of the series, such as time, place, and/or nature of the characters. *BEST KRYPTON/NEW KRYPTON STORY--Stories that take place on or deals with Krypton or New Krypton. *BEST ORIGINAL PREMISE--Stories which utilize some part of the show's canon, but which introduce an entirely new plot line thats not borrowed or continued from an episode. *BEST VILLAIN STORY--Stories that use either an established villain from the show or has a great new villain. *BEST NEXT GENERATION/EARLY YEARS STORY--Stories dealing with Lois and Clark's early years, or their descendants or ancestors. *BEST SERIES--Stories written by the same author that have 2 or more parts to it. Ongoing series need to have at least two new parts that are both eligible for this years Kerths to qualify as a series in this category. *BEST NEW AUTHOR--Limited to authors who first published their LNC stories in the past year. *BEST OVERALL FANFIC--A story of any type that is outstanding overall. ********************* Okay, I think that's it. If you have any other questions, check my Kerths website. If you still have questions that aren't answered there, email me. ;) I hope everyone is as excited as I am about this year's Kerth awards! With over 300 incredible fanfics eligible for this year's awards, it's going to be an amazing one, I'm sure. ;) Erin :) __________________ Visit my LNC/Kerth Website: ***** "It's not the years that count, it's the moments...right now, as they happen." __________________ ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 17:49:51 +1100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jenny or Joe Stosser Subject: i kinda had an idea for a fanfic... Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" I've been trying to catch up on reading fanfic recently, and some ideas sorta filtered through for an elseworlds story. I don't have time to take this idea any further, so rather than let it go to waste, I thought I'd mention my ideas here and throw it open to the public. If you're interested in running with the idea, please let me know (all I'd ask for is a credit "from an idea by...") - hey, it'd be VERY interesting if more than one author wanted to use this idea, just to see how differently they end products were! OK, onto the idea... What if the baby that arrived on Earth from Krypton was not a boy, but a girl instead; she is adopted by the Kents (maybe they name her Clara? of Claire? I'll refer to her as CK below), and eventually moves to Metropolis, meeting Lois Lane and becoming friends with her.... - if Lois never had any close friends (male or female) before, it is a possibility that CK has the effect of making Lois a nicer person, just as Clark did in the universe we've come to love. But CK doesn't feel like she fits in, somehow. CK is also a costumed hero (Superwoman? Ultrawoman? anyway...) and some years after her first appearance in costume, some visitors from New Krypton arrive. And in the aftermath, CK decides to move 'back home' with them, but in her place, Ching (or his equivalent - DON'T picture JT and TH here!) decides to stay on, because HE is the one who is soul-mated with Lois! Ok, I never said it was a wonderful idea, just something that made me think, "huh, I wonder..." Anyone wanna run with this idea? Please let me know. Jen -*-This message is umop ap!sdn (Jenerator or Some1Else on IRC) -*- JenerEight on AIM -*- ICQ: 11477318 Photos of David (7) and Megan (4) on the Stosser Family HomePage: Please sign our guestbook! ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 13:40:44 -0000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: hummingbird Subject: Re: L&C vs ST MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I find I can't resist this thread as well. I too used to read Superman comics in the 50s and onwards (all my girlfriends and family used to make fun of me for it but it never bothered me). I always longed for their relationship to develop into something more and I was really happy when the L&C Series came on to the television. What I like about it though is that it could be set in almost any time zone, as many of the fanfics written has shown us. I actually have nothing against relationships set in the 20th century but I agree with Charlotte, there is something about alternate universes and historical periods, where completely different sets of behaviour apply. I especially like romance in a medieval settings where you had all those rules of etiquette and honour etc. They always leave you wondering don't they? I have to say though, that I like Star Trek because not only am I a real science fiction fan, but I love anything to do with space and exploration of any kind. Just my humble opinion, but I couldn't resist. Regards Eileen B ----- Original Message ----- From: Charlotte Fisler To: Sent: Friday, January 28, 2000 4:14 PM Subject: Re: L&C vs ST > > Relationship shows set in the 20th century as a general rule *I* find boring. > Might have something to do with my love of alternate universes and medieval > and ancient historical periods. > > To make a long story short, I love Lois and Clark because it combines Sci Fi > elements and adventure but focuses completely on the relationship - a > relationship I will reiterate I'd been waiting to see developed since reading > the comics in the 40s when I was a young girl. Yes DC comics and Superman > had fans who were not teenage boys even then. > > Charlotte ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 11:46:10 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Christina B." Subject: Re: L&C vs ST Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed Please excuse this post, but I couldn't help it. I thought I'd use this thread so I could sneak in a recommendation for another show that I think that the ST fans would just love, but the ST haters would just hate. This is not to say that the show is as good as ST. It's even better, IMO. The show is Farscape, and it is science fiction (I refrained from using "sci-fi" dor you, Phil.) Does anyone actually what this show? If you don't I highly sugest it. It's filmed in Australia and only on the scifi channel. Fridays at 8:00 pm, 11:00 pm, and Saturdays at 2:00 pm. But they just showed the season finale yesterday and it won't be shown next week and all other fridays in February they will show 2 shows: on at 8 and one at 9. If anyone want information got to ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 11:49:27 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Mary Scibetta Subject: Mergers and Breakdown Part 14 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Looking in from the balcony, Superman tried not to bother her soft cry. He landed gently and watched from outside the glass doors. It was killing him to see her so hurt. It wasn't as if Luthor had betrayed her like he had always expected. He had done everything to make their life perfect. But there was that other issue. Mayson. She had been so busy also with the extradition hearings that he had not seen her since the accident. She had become quite a figure in Metropolis. It could complicate things. "Superman, you can come in." He looked up and saw Lois looking at him funny. "I didn't mean to sneak up here. I just suspected that maybe you were here and it would be a little lonely by yourself." "No kidding. When the checks weren't cut last week for pay, the servants and assistants all split. The driver and I get along; he decided he would stick around a little longer. It's so overwhelming. I may end up with all this and I don't even want it." Lois started pointing at useless pieces of art in the office. "Come downstairs with me." She motioned him down the hall. "This was going to be our room. We were redecorating. That room over there was to be the nursery, not that I'm." Superman twinged at the thought of Lois having Luthor's children. He couldn't picture that no matter how soft he had become. "Is there something specifically I can help you with. I hate to leave you but there are some things I need to still check out for the extradition tomorrow." Lois nodded in understanding. "Could you just tell Clark if you see him that I'll just meet him at the funeral. I don't want to go to work tomorrow." Superman nodded and gently hugged Lois before walking back out the office doors and into the sky. "Lois." Clark walked up behind her and took her hand. She was hiding inside the Tower while Clark had pushed his way past the reporters outside the door. She was virtually trapped in her own home. Not even her home. Taking his hand, she picked up her purse and started out the door. The media was going crazy for one picture of the widow as she started down the stairs with Clark on her arm. Several of the papers in the nation had even implicated Lois in the shooting to get at Luthor's money and run away with her partner. Clark had tried to ignore all the false reports and keep them from Lois' sight at the same time. When the two arrived at the church, the rest of the mourners were already there. Lois and Clark walked up to the front of the aisle and took instructions from the ushers. Lois argued with the usher to let Clark sit in the family pew with her. He held her hand through the whole service and only left the gaze of the coffin that held Luthor to look back once. Everyone was present. His parents and Lois' parents and family. Virtually the entire Planet staff and all the people that worked at the downtown LNN building. Clark listened to the eulogy and started thinking that he had been dead wrong about Luthor. He was a ruthless businessman but nothing else. As much as he was to be supportive, he started thinking of other angles to the death. There had to be something besides jealousy that lead to Luthor's downfall. After the ceremony, Clark rode home with Lois. Tonight she decided to stay at her old apartment. "Clark, could you stay? I'm feeling pretty bad tonight." "I need to make a couple calls." Lois opened her door and headed straight for the bathroom. Clark heard the shower start and sat down by the phone. "Mom. I'm at Lois'. You and dad take the bed tonight. I'm going to be over here tonight and will sneak home to see you two off before I have to be at the will reading tomorrow." "How is she doing?" "Not good. She actually sounds like she's getting sick. I'm really worried about her." "Patience Clark. She'll recover. What about Mayson?" "I don't know. Things haven't been discussed since last weekend. She and I have both been so busy." Clark thought about the weekend with Mayson and wondered what Lois would say now. "Does Lois know?" "No, and right now would be the wrong time to tell her anything about her and me. Besides, I have no idea what is going to happen between us. Lois is getting out of the bathroom, I should get going." "Give her our love." "I will. I love you." Clark hung up the phone and heard Lois close the bathroom door and the hair dryer start up. He dialed another number and heard a soft voice pick up the phone. "Hi, it's Clark." "Hi. How's Lois? I know you are really helping her out. You are such a good friend to her." Clark thought about that sentence. Friend, he was her friend and nothing else. "She'll get better. I think I may be staying over here tonight. She's not really comfortable with being alone." He could hear Mayson take a deep breath. She had to know that she had suddenly taken a backseat to Lois in her time of need. "You get her better Clark. I need her next week. I'll let you go, I have another call. I love you." "Goodnight." Clark sat and thought about what she had said, she loved him. Lois walked in as she saw Clark look at the receiver of the phone before hanging up. "Talking to your parents?" "Yeah, I did. They wished you all their love." Lois smiled and walked into the kitchen and returned with some crackers. "You want to sit down and watch some television. Lois sat down next to Clark as he wrapped his arm around her. "Yeah, just a bit. We have an early morning." After sitting for a few minutes, Lois got up and turned out the lights in the bedroom. Clark gently fluffed a pillow on the couch and went to sleep. ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 11:55:13 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Mary Scibetta Subject: Mergers and Breakdowns Part 15 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit "We are all here the reading of Lex Luthor's will?" The faces in the room seemed familiar. Many of the past partners to Luthor and friends. Lois looked over at Clark. There were two faces missing though. Lois and Clark listened to all the legalese waiting for the important who gets what. Clark was there for the story. Lois was there to find out what she got. "And to the my dear Lois, I leave my Luthor Tower and it's belongings, my chalet in Vienna, and all my current holdings of Luthor Industries and Corporation, sum totaling of one hundred billion dollars." Clark looked over at Lois who had turned stark white at that announcement. That made her the owner of the largest business ventures ever and she didn't even really care for them all that much. The date of the will had been signed that Friday morning before he had picked her up. Clark was curious how much Luthor knew about his future when he changed things over so quickly. "To Nigel St John, I leave half of the total shares of Interweb Communications that is to be the web browser. To Mrs. Cox, I leave the remaining amount of Interweb Communications that would run any online stock and banking programs." Clark and Lois both looked at each other. Those were the two not present in the hearing. Lois suddenly looked interested in writing a story. "Clark, there something going on." "Yeah, I know. You suddenly became the richest woman in the world." Clark smiled over at her thinking that she was going to be happy, but her expression was something different. "No, I mean something really odd is going on. He changed his will on Friday to include me right after he acquired those companies. He left me everything he was sure that he had. The companies are still wrapped up in Senate hearing for whether they are valid and not considered a monopoly." She grabbed the paper out Clark's hand started jotting ideas down. She was back. "Lois, slow down." Clark put his hands on her but she pulled away. The reading was not over but Lois was grabbing him to leave. Other people in the room stared strangely at the fact that Luthor's widow was leaving the will reading early. "Come on. There's more to this. First, we know who's in jail. So where is the other one? You would think they would want to know what they were getting. I mean Luthor's lawyer was even named for something. And why would he trust to give me everything right off?" Lois was on a roll. She stomped down the stairs to catch a cab. Arriving on the newsroom floor, she rushed to her desk and started typing up her notes on the computer as Perry walked by. Reading over her shoulder, Perry could see that Lois was back and Clark just smiled. ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 10:58:46 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin Klingler Subject: Kerth Ceremony Times MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi again ;) Phil had a good suggestion. He suggested we gather times for several time zones around the world for the 6pm EST starting time of the Kerths ceremony, but I'm at a loss. Can anybody tell me what 6pm EST would be GMT/UTC, etc.? Thanks! Erin :) __________________ Visit my LNC/Kerth Website: ***** "It's not the years that count, it's the moments...right now, as they happen." __________________ ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 13:43:01 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Chris Carr Subject: Re: Kerth Ceremony Times On Sat, 29 Jan 2000 10:58:46 -0700, Erin Klingler wrote: >Hi again ;) > >Phil had a good suggestion. He suggested we gather times for several time >zones around the world for the 6pm EST starting time of the Kerths ceremony, >but I'm at a loss. Can anybody tell me what 6pm EST would be GMT/UTC, etc.? >Thanks! > >Erin :) EST is five hours behind GMT. In other words, 6pm there is 11pm here (UK). Most of mainland Europe, including Germany -- and I know there are some folcs there -- is an hour ahead of us. Of course, just to confuse matters, British Summer Time starts on March 26 this year... Don't know when summer time starts anywhere else. Chris ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 12:39:31 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Organization: Subject: Re: L&C vs ST MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > I thought I'd use this thread so I could sneak in a recommendation for > another show that I think that the ST fans would just love, but the ST > haters would just hate. This is not to say that the show is as good as ST. > It's even better, IMO. > > The show is Farscape, and it is science fiction (I refrained from using > "sci-fi" dor you, Phil.) Yes, this is an excellent show... I didn't care for it at first, 'cause one of the characters is a muppet, but once I managed to get past that... wow... great show. Great characters (even the muppet) and I love the John/Aeryn proto-relationship... > But they just showed the season finale > yesterday Ack!! I'd forgotten... thank goodness for today's replay at 2pm... and I'm supposed to be taping it for a FOLC w/out cable, too! Thank you for reminding me, or I'd have to kill myself later... Phil, I've never understood the loathing of the term "sci-fi" ... and I've been reading & watching the stuff for 15 years... And another recommendation, while we're wildly off-topic For all you who've enjoyed any incarnation of Trek over the years, especially those who have gone to conventions ... make sure you see the movie "Galaxy Quest" -- it's a Trek parody, of sorts, and it's hilarious. > If anyone want information got to > > Yep, good site... there's fanfic there, too, and all the stories I've looked at have been really good, which is slightly amazing :) -- ------------------------------------------------------- Pam Jernigan | ChiefPam on IRC | ChPam on AOL IM ------------------------------------------------------- "Not only was Ivan an idiot, but he generated a telepathic damping field to turn the people nearby into idiots, too." --An exasperated Miles contemplates his cousin in _The Warrior's Apprentice_, by Lois McMaster Bujold ------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 14:08:02 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Ann E. McBride" Subject: Re: Kerth Ceremony Times MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 1/29/00 1:43:22 PM Eastern Standard Time, c.carr@VIRGIN.NET writes: << Don't know when summer time starts anywhere else. >> In the US, it always starts the first Sunday of April, whatever date that is this year. Ann ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 20:11:59 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Petra Steudle Subject: Re: Kerth Ceremony Times MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Chris Carr wrote: > Of course, just to confuse matters, British Summer Time starts on March 26 > this year... Don't know when summer time starts anywhere else. In Germany summer time also starts on March 26. That would make 6pm EST what? 1am? Oh no, summer time always starts between 2am and 3am. That means the ceremony would start in Germany (and probably some other countries of Europe) at 12pm but we'll have a little time warp during the Kerths ;) Petra aka KiwiPit on IRC "Once burned twice shy I've learned I've cried And I never gonna hurt that way again" mailto: ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 14:05:46 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Rachel Subject: Re: Kerth Ceremony Times MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > In the US, it always starts the first Sunday of April, whatever date that is > this year. > > Ann It's the 2nd of April this year. Rachel ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 15:43:38 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: The Zoomway Subject: Re: L&C vs ST Comments: To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 1/28/00 2:56:14 AM Central Standard Time, Phillip.Atcliffe@UWE.AC.UK writes: << By contrast, ST in its various forms (and B5, etc.) are action-adventure shows, and any long-term storylines are concerned with events, not people, so there's a fundamental difference here. Of course, good drama is always concerned with people, but not in the same way; those episodes of ST which are generally considered to be the best are those which combine good SF with a good "people story" -- a combination which might sound familiar to FoLCs as being characteristic of favourite L&C episodes. >> I can put it very simply why Star Trek (the original series) hooked me. It *surprised* me. Up until Star Trek, the concept of characters evolving, growing and retaining character continuity from one episode to the next was almost nonexistent. Hour dramas of any genre were almost entirely A plot in that era. Star Trek became a runaway hit in syndication in the 70s (that's when I first saw it). The series that were contemporaries of Star Trek in the mid to late 60s have almost entirely been forgotten. It didn't matter if they were top 10 shows for 10 seasons, they just vanished as if they never existed and never mattered. It sure wasn't Star Trek's dazzling special effects that attracted me Even for it's era they were cheap because NBC wasn't about to spend money on a low rated show. It wasn't even about the technology, though I admit it's cool that they had computers that could talk to each other and disks to put in slots that translated into text, pictures and film years and years before that was a reality. It was about the characters and the basic philosophy that attracted me and kept me a fan all these years later. It's why when I think of certain situations, a Star Trek quote or scene will pop into my mind. It was about friendship and risking everything for that friendship. It was about loyalty and sacrifice and all those elements that create heroes and legends. The plot lines, as with Lois and Clark, were there to test the characters. Star Trek wasn't about vampire clouds or giant amoebas no more than Lois and Clark was about chemically enhanced brainy kids or flash frozen Nazis. That's like saying City on the Edge of Forever was mainly about time travel, or that Whine Whine Whine was mainly about frivolous lawsuits. It didn't matter how crazy or even silly things became, because the heart and the truth of the characters remained the constant. It's about those great scenes and defining character moments that elevated Star Trek and Lois and Clark for me to a much different plateau than other television programs. Whether Star Trek, Lois and Clark or any other show, the prospect of being a fan and not knowing others like you exist out there, is the isolating part until you do find other like-minded fans. I used to hide my Star Trek fanaticism from my family and friends back in the 70s because even *I* thought it was crazy "Haven't you seen every episode already? Why do you watch it over and over?" I had no good answer for that, but what I have found through the years is that there are people who get it, and people who don't and never will. There will be those who hate science fiction and more than one Lois and Clark fan has been told "I hate comic book stuff so I wouldn't like the show", but sometimes taking a risk by cutting through the genre lines leads to some cool addictions However, it wasn't about science fiction or comic books that got me to love either show, but that I grew up reading science fiction and comic books got me to take a look in the first place ;) What I have found, though, is that Star Trek is loved by some people who otherwise have no interest in science fiction, and Lois and Clark is loved by a fan majority who have never read a comic book. Star Wars, for example, didn't pack theaters because it was good science fiction It was about Luke Skywalker drawn into an epic battle. Han Solo, a mercenary who falls in love with a freedom fighter and so on. It's a story that could have taken place at any point in history, but just happened to take place in a "galaxy far far away." When the characters and their motives are compelling and real, the genre doesn't matter. It remains timeless. Zoom (doubling this to the discussion list) ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 15:47:59 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Stephani E. VanWert" Subject: Unsubscribing? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hey everyone...sorry for this post but I was just wondering how to unsubby? ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 15:50:27 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: The Zoomway Subject: Re: Unsubscribing? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 1/29/00 2:48:21 PM Central Standard Time, VvVCordy@AOL.COM writes: << Hey everyone...sorry for this post but I was just wondering how to unsubby? >> To unsubscribe, send an e-mail to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU put UNSUB LOISCLA-GENERAL-L or SIGNOFF LOISCLA-GENERAL-L in the body of the e-mail. Zoom ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 16:02:35 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Organization: Subject: Re: Kerth Ceremony Times MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit lemme see... 3pm Pacific (US) 4pm Mountain 5pm Central 6pm Eastern (US) 11pm GMT (standard time, not summer time) 12pm Germany and the Aussie time zones always confuse me... I can give a rough estimate (early morning Sunday) but can never remember it exactly, even besides the fact that there are several time zones to consider. > Oh no, summer time always starts between 2am and 3am. That means the > ceremony would start in Germany (and probably some other countries of Europe) > at 12pm but we'll have a little time warp during the Kerths ;) Yeah, looks like the Kerths will last two hours in Germany, lasting from midnight to 3am... :) Would anyone be unable to make it if we moved the ceremony earlier? The last few times we've had this discussion, this has been the best time, all round, but I'm willing to entertain suggestions... It would suit me better to have it later, but I don't want to make it too late for our European friends... PJ Kerth Ceremony Coordinator :) -- ------------------------------------------------------- Pam Jernigan | ChiefPam on IRC | ChPam on AOL IM ------------------------------------------------------- "Not only was Ivan an idiot, but he generated a telepathic damping field to turn the people nearby into idiots, too." --An exasperated Miles contemplates his cousin in _The Warrior's Apprentice_, by Lois McMaster Bujold ------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 00:22:21 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Petra Steudle Subject: Re: Kerth Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Doing my homework for the Kerths (reading, reading, reading, writing down possible choices for nominations), I stumbled over one question that I've already had last year - as far as I remember. It has to do with this categorie: > *BEST NEW AUTHOR--Limited to authors who first published their LNC stories > in the past year. How do I know *who* can be nominated for that categorie? With some authors I'm not quite sure whether they've already submitted a story to the archiv in '98 or only in '99. Maybe there is a list of new authors in '99 and I missed it on your homepage, Erin? Petra aka KiwiPit on IRC "Once burned twice shy I've learned I've cried And I never gonna hurt that way again" mailto: ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 18:31:53 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Organization: Subject: Re: Kerth Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > > *BEST NEW AUTHOR--Limited to authors who first published their LNC stories > > in the past year. > > How do I know *who* can be nominated for that categorie? With some authors I'm > not quite sure whether they've already submitted a story to the archiv in '98 or > only in '99. All stories submitted to the archive since 1998 list the date they were submitted, so you can just check an author's stories and see if any of them were sent in before 1999... I don't know if there's any easier way to do it. -- ------------------------------------------------------- Pam Jernigan | ChiefPam on IRC | ChPam on AOL IM ------------------------------------------------------- "Not only was Ivan an idiot, but he generated a telepathic damping field to turn the people nearby into idiots, too." --An exasperated Miles contemplates his cousin in _The Warrior's Apprentice_, by Lois McMaster Bujold ------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 15:50:08 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jocelyn R Hoffman Subject: Fanfic Search MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Hello! I usually lurk but recently I remembered a story someone was talking about a while ago. It was something about Clark coming to Earth ealier and to Berlin where he was found by Adolf Hitler's family and was raised as Adolf's brother. Does anyone know if this was written and if so where I would find it? Thank you! ~Jocelyn ===== Jocelyn R Hoffman "You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." -- Jack London __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 16:49:17 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin Klingler Subject: New Authors: Kerth Awards In-Reply-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit >> > *BEST NEW AUTHOR--Limited to authors who first published their >LNC stories >> > in the past year. >> >> How do I know *who* can be nominated for that categorie? With some >authors I'm >> not quite sure whether they've already submitted a story to the >archiv in '98 or >> only in '99. Pam responded: >All stories submitted to the archive since 1998 list the date they were >submitted, so you can just check an author's stories and see if any of >them were sent in before 1999... I don't know if there's any easier way >to do it. Yes, I admit this is a tough one. So why don't all you FoLCs help us out here? Why don't we get some of you to shout out some the names of authors who you think might be eligible for this category? I'm sure you beta readers or fan club members could help us by getting a list started. Go ahead and post the names to this list so we can alert everyone who's wondering the same thing to the possible eligibles' names. (Geez, I think I even confused myself with that sentence ) Thanks for any help you FoLCs can give us, guys! Erin :) __________________ Visit my LNC/Kerth Website: ***** "It's not the years that count, it's the moments...right now, as they happen." __________________ ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 23:57:47 -0000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Erin wrote: > Yes, I admit this is a tough one. So why don't all you FoLCs help us out > here? Why don't we get some of you to shout out some the names of authors who > you think might be eligible for this category? I'm sure you beta readers or > fan club members could help us by getting a list started. Go ahead and > post the names to this list so we can alert everyone who's wondering the same > thing to the possible eligibles' names. (Geez, I think I even confused myself > with that sentence ) > Ask and ye shall receive......ah, the benefits of being on irc when list posts come in. ;) How about (in no particular order) Chris Carr, Becky Bain, Irene Dutchak, Nan Smith, Tank Wilson, Travise, Notrepooh, Mobile Richards (we think), name, we are sure, but a very few. LabRat :) ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 16:20:26 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Melisma Subject: Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards In-Reply-To: <007501bf6ab4$c324f560$8b1c883e@d9t5t7> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" >How about (in no particular order) Chris Carr, Becky Bain, Irene Dutchak, >Nan Smith, Tank Wilson, Travise, Notrepooh, Mobile Richards (we think), > name, we are sure, but a very few. > >LabRat :) And Tara... Melisma (back to wracking her brains, frustrated under her rock because Labbie just 'stole' most of the people she had on her list :) ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 00:18:14 -0000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > Melisma (back to wracking her brains, frustrated under her rock because > Labbie just 'stole' most of the people she had on her list :) Okay, we've had another consensus and decided Mobile isn't eligible because he had a story out last year. But the rest are good to go, I think. LabRat :)> ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 17:49:50 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards In-Reply-To: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 04:49 PM 01/29/2000 -0700, you wrote: [snip] >Pam responded: > >>All stories submitted to the archive Do stories that appear on this L&C mailing list automatically put in the archive? Debby :) ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 19:50:18 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: dana cherry Subject: Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit >At 04:49 PM 01/29/2000 -0700, Debby wrote: > >[snip] > >>Pam responded: >> >>>All stories submitted to the archive > >Do stories that appear on this L&C mailing list automatically put in the >archive? > >Debby :) > nope. you have to send stories in to the archive. (Which I hope everyone who posts their stories here is doing...) dana ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 19:54:19 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Organization: Subject: Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > >Pam responded: > > > >>All stories submitted to the archive > > Do stories that appear on this L&C mailing list automatically put in the > archive? > No, for the simple reason that stories on this list are not automatically put in the archive :) /me ponders that grammar Hope I correctly understood your question... anyway, the point is, all stories on the archive were submitted and went through an editing process, and when they're uploaded they're date-stamped. :) -- ------------------------------------------------------- Pam Jernigan | ChiefPam on IRC | ChPam on AOL IM ------------------------------------------------------- "Not only was Ivan an idiot, but he generated a telepathic damping field to turn the people nearby into idiots, too." --An exasperated Miles contemplates his cousin in _The Warrior's Apprentice_, by Lois McMaster Bujold ------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 20:32:51 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: No Name Available Subject: Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 01/29/2000 6:52:15 PM Eastern Standard Time, erink@IDA.NET writes: << Why don't we get some of you to shout out some the names of authors who you think might be eligible for this category? >> Irene Dutchak!!!! --Laurie :) ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 23:09:57 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Lara Blasingame Subject: Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards Im a new author... but everyone keeps forgetting about me :( But with some of the name that have been mentioned... Irene, Notrepooh, Christine Carr, Nan, Tank, Tara... I can understand how I might be lost in the shuffle :) Lara ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 20:53:33 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Melisma Subject: Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards In-Reply-To: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" We-e-e-ll... My first few humble vignettes were posted to the archive this year, too. But I know where I rank in relation to Irene, Nan, Tara, Tank, Lara, etc. Sorry to waste your time... Melisma (ducking shyly back under her rock) At 11:09 PM 29/01/2000 -0500, you wrote: >Im a new author... but everyone keeps forgetting about me :( >But with some of the name that have been mentioned... Irene, Notrepooh, >Christine Carr, Nan, Tank, Tara... I can understand how I might be lost in >the shuffle :) > >Lara > > ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 23:53:28 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Tara Smith Subject: Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I'm on your list?? Wow! I didn't think I'd even be considered with all the other, better new writers! :) Cool. Tara ------Original Message------ From: Melisma To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Sent: January 30, 2000 12:20:26 AM GMT Subject: Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards >How about (in no particular order) Chris Carr, Becky Bain, Irene Dutchak, >Nan Smith, Tank Wilson, Travise, Notrepooh, Mobile Richards (we think), > name, we are sure, but a very few. > >LabRat :) And Tara... Melisma (back to wracking her brains, frustrated under her rock because Labbie just 'stole' most of the people she had on her list :) ----------------------------------------------- FREE! The World's Best Email Address Reserve your name now at ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 00:05:10 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Tara Smith Subject: Re: L&C vs ST Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Beautifully put, Zoomway :) ------Original Message------ From: The Zoomway To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Sent: January 29, 2000 8:43:38 PM GMT Subject: Re: L&C vs ST In a message dated 1/28/00 2:56:14 AM Central Standard Time, Phillip.Atcliffe@UWE.AC.UK writes: << By contrast, ST in its various forms (and B5, etc.) are action-adventure shows, and any long-term storylines are concerned with events, not people, so there's a fundamental difference here. Of course, good drama is always concerned with people, but not in the same way; those episodes of ST which are generally considered to be the best are those which combine good SF with a good "people story" -- a combination which might sound familiar to FoLCs as being characteristic of favourite L&C episodes. >> I can put it very simply why Star Trek (the original series) hooked me. It *surprised* me. Up until Star Trek, the concept of characters evolving, growing and retaining character continuity from one episode to the next was almost nonexistent. Hour dramas of any genre were almost entirely A plot in that era. Star Trek became a runaway hit in syndication in the 70s (that's when I first saw it). The series that were contemporaries of Star Trek in the mid to late 60s have almost entirely been forgotten. It didn't matter if they were top 10 shows for 10 seasons, they just vanished as if they never existed and never mattered. It sure wasn't Star Trek's dazzling special effects that attracted me Even for it's era they were cheap because NBC wasn't about to spend money on a low rated show. It wasn't even about the technology, though I admit it's cool that they had computers that could talk to each other and disks to put in slots that translated into text, pictures and film years and years before that was a reality. It was about the characters and the basic philosophy that attracted me and kept me a fan all these years later. It's why when I think of certain situations, a Star Trek quote or scene will pop into my mind. It was about friendship and risking everything for that friendship. It was about loyalty and sacrifice and all those elements that create heroes and legends. The plot lines, as with Lois and Clark, were there to test the characters. Star Trek wasn't about vampire clouds or giant amoebas no more than Lois and Clark was about chemically enhanced brainy kids or flash frozen Nazis. That's like saying City on the Edge of Forever was mainly about time travel, or that Whine Whine Whine was mainly about frivolous lawsuits. It didn't matter how crazy or even silly things became, because the heart and the truth of the characters remained the constant. It's about those great scenes and defining character moments that elevated Star Trek and Lois and Clark for me to a much different plateau than other television programs. Whether Star Trek, Lois and Clark or any other show, the prospect of being a fan and not knowing others like you exist out there, is the isolating part until you do find other like-minded fans. I used to hide my Star Trek fanaticism from my family and friends back in the 70s because even *I* thought it was crazy "Haven't you seen every episode already? Why do you watch it over and over?" I had no good answer for that, but what I have found through the years is that there are people who get it, and people who don't and never will. There will be those who hate science fiction and more than one Lois and Clark fan has been told "I hate comic book stuff so I wouldn't like the show", but sometimes taking a risk by cutting through the genre lines leads to some cool addictions However, it wasn't about science fiction or comic books that got me to love either show, but that I grew up reading science fiction and comic books got me to take a look in the first place ;) What I have found, though, is that Star Trek is loved by some people who otherwise have no interest in science fiction, and Lois and Clark is loved by a fan majority who have never read a comic book. Star Wars, for example, didn't pack theaters because it was good science fiction It was about Luke Skywalker drawn into an epic battle. Han Solo, a mercenary who falls in love with a freedom fighter and so on. It's a story that could have taken place at any point in history, but just happened to take place in a "galaxy far far away." When the characters and their motives are compelling and real, the genre doesn't matter. It remains timeless. Zoom (doubling this to the discussion list) ----------------------------------------------- FREE! The World's Best Email Address Reserve your name now at ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 21:09:21 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Melisma Subject: Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards In-Reply-To: <383207653.949208008748.JavaMail.root@web10.pub01> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" You got it, Tara - and what you mean, BETTER new writers? You are right up there with all the OTHER good new writers, leaving the likes of me in the dust... Melisma (pulling out one of Tara's fics to re-read, here under her rock) At 11:53 PM 29/01/2000 -0500, you wrote: >I'm on your list?? Wow! I didn't think I'd even be considered with all the >other, better new writers! :) Cool. > >Tara > >------Original Message------ >From: Melisma >To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU >Sent: January 30, 2000 12:20:26 AM GMT >Subject: Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards > > >>How about (in no particular order) Chris Carr, Becky Bain, Irene Dutchak, >>Nan Smith, Tank Wilson, Travise, Notrepooh, Mobile Richards (we think), >> name, we are sure, but a very few. >> >>LabRat :) > >And Tara... > >Melisma (back to wracking her brains, frustrated under her rock because >Labbie just 'stole' most of the people she had on her list :) > >----------------------------------------------- >FREE! The World's Best Email Address >Reserve your name now at > > ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 00:09:14 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Tara Smith Subject: Re: L&C vs ST Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cool show, isn't it? I managed to miss a lot of episodes (for some reason, I'm the only person in my home who remembers its on or really likes it) because no one remembers to record it for me. :( Oh well, maybe they'll show re-runs for me. Tara ------Original Message------ From: Pam Jernigan To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Sent: January 29, 2000 5:39:31 PM GMT Subject: Re: L&C vs ST > I thought I'd use this thread so I could sneak in a recommendation for > another show that I think that the ST fans would just love, but the ST > haters would just hate. This is not to say that the show is as good as ST. > It's even better, IMO. > > The show is Farscape, and it is science fiction (I refrained from using > "sci-fi" dor you, Phil.) Yes, this is an excellent show... I didn't care for it at first, 'cause one of the characters is a muppet, but once I managed to get past that... wow... great show. Great characters (even the muppet) and I love the John/Aeryn proto-relationship... > But they just showed the season finale > yesterday Ack!! I'd forgotten... thank goodness for today's replay at 2pm... and I'm supposed to be taping it for a FOLC w/out cable, too! Thank you for reminding me, or I'd have to kill myself later... Phil, I've never understood the loathing of the term "sci-fi" ... and I've been reading & watching the stuff for 15 years... And another recommendation, while we're wildly off-topic For all you who've enjoyed any incarnation of Trek over the years, especially those who have gone to conventions ... make sure you see the movie "Galaxy Quest" -- it's a Trek parody, of sorts, and it's hilarious. > If anyone want information got to > > Yep, good site... there's fanfic there, too, and all the stories I've looked at have been really good, which is slightly amazing :) -- ------------------------------------------------------- Pam Jernigan | ChiefPam on IRC | ChPam on AOL IM ------------------------------------------------------- "Not only was Ivan an idiot, but he generated a telepathic damping field to turn the people nearby into idiots, too." --An exasperated Miles contemplates his cousin in _The Warrior's Apprentice_, by Lois McMaster Bujold ------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- FREE! The World's Best Email Address Reserve your name now at ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 00:13:22 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Tara Smith Subject: New: Pagimon (1/1) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Ok, I dreamed this up one morning when my little brothers were watching tha= t dreaded tv show (dare I say it?) Pokemon (obviously!). Ok, I based this on = a demented show, so you should know this is a demented piece of throw-away fluff. Enjoy. :) Pagimon Lois Lane typed in the last few sentences and hit the save button. There, the story was done. Maybe Perry=92d assign her to something more interesti= ng than some kiddie craze. Pagimon! Who thought up these things, anyways!=20 What kind of demented mind could possibly think up little furry creatures that went around saying nothing but their own names as they battled the forces of darkness? And those forces of darkness! If only she and Clark only had to fight villains like that! What was that line the enemies were always saying when they appeared on the scene? Oh, yeah, it was =93Prepare for hardship, and make it a partnership=94 or something silly like that. T= hey were total incompetents, and it didn=92t help that they were always coming = up with great plans to beat the Pagimon heroes that were incredibly stupid, either. Oh, did her head ache, though! She rifled through the drawers of her desk, hoping she hadn=92t run out of headache pills. After a moment, she found t= he bottle--empty, just like she=92d thought it would be. Well, maybe if she rested her eyes for a moment the headache would go away. She closed her eyes and leaned her head against her hands. Just for a moment, she thought= . =93Earth to Lois,=94 a familiar voice said. Lois jumped and looked up into= the handsome features of her partner and fianc=E9, Clark Kent. He smiled down = at her. =93It=92s time to go home.=94 =93Thanks, Clark,=94 she smiled back at him. She shut down her computer and gathered her things before heading over to the elevators with Clark. As she did so, she thought she caught a glimpse of something furry and yellow under the coffee station. =93What was that?=94 she asked. =93What was what?=94 Clark, already on the ramp, turned to look back at her= . Lois bent down to look beneath her desk. A small, hideously familiar fuzzy yellow creatures came into view. It=92s back was to her, but as she watche= d it slowly turned towards her. She gasped as its face came into view=97a fa= ce that was all too familiar. =93Lex-a-chu!=94 the creature chirped. =93Nooooooo!=94 Lois screamed. Lois sat upright in her recliner and gasped, looking around the room frantically. It had been a dream! Just a horrible nightmare! She signed and leaned back again. She took a deep breath to slow her pounding heart and glanced down at her abdomen. That, of course, was the reason for her mid-day nap and the reason for her nightmare about those horrid little fuzz= y creatures. She was eight months pregnant with twins and already she was receiving advertisements for childrens toys, including the dreaded Pagimon. A whoosh and a sudden breeze announced the arrival of her husband. Clark Kent, clad in his blue red and yellow uniform, looked down at her with an expression of concern. =93Are you all right, honey?=94 She took another deep breath before responding. =93I=92m fine, Clark. It = was just a dream.=94 =93Are you sure?=94 Lois nodded, then gestured at the box he was holding in his right hand, hoping to distract him. =93What=92s that?=94 =93What? Oh,=94 Clark looked at the box and grinned. =93Your mother sent = it as a gift for the babies. She really seems to be looking forward to being a grandmother. I was on my way home when I heard you scream.=94 =93Yes, well,=94 Lois shifted uncomfortably in her recliner. Visions of th= e toys her mother might send her for the twins filled her mind, none of them very exciting. =93What is it?=94 Her husband started to turn the box. As Lois caught sight of the logo on the side she gulped and as the front of the box came into view she paled. =93Aaah!=94 Lois pushed herself awkwardly out of her chair and ran . . . we= ll, waddled, away from Clark and the horrible box and its contents as quickly a= s she could. Clark looked after her blankly, then looked at thte box with a puzzled air.= =20 What could Lois possible have against something as cute as the Pagimon? ----------------------------------------------- FREE! The World's Best Email Address Reserve your name now at ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 00:26:21 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Tara Smith Subject: Re: i kinda had an idea for a fanfic... Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sounds good. I can't wait to read it! :) Tara ------Original Message------ From: Jenny or Joe Stosser To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Sent: January 29, 2000 6:49:51 AM GMT Subject: i kinda had an idea for a fanfic... I've been trying to catch up on reading fanfic recently, and some ideas sorta filtered through for an elseworlds story. I don't have time to take this idea any further, so rather than let it go to waste, I thought I'd mention my ideas here and throw it open to the public. If you're interested in running with the idea, please let me know (all I'd ask for is a credit "from an idea by...") - hey, it'd be VERY interesting if more than one author wanted to use this idea, just to see how differently they end products were! OK, onto the idea... What if the baby that arrived on Earth from Krypton was not a boy, but a girl instead; she is adopted by the Kents (maybe they name her Clara? of Claire? I'll refer to her as CK below), and eventually moves to Metropolis, meeting Lois Lane and becoming friends with her.... - if Lois never had any close friends (male or female) before, it is a possibility that CK has the effect of making Lois a nicer person, just as Clark did in the universe we've come to love. But CK doesn't feel like she fits in, somehow. CK is also a costumed hero (Superwoman? Ultrawoman? anyway...) and some years after her first appearance in costume, some visitors from New Krypton arrive. And in the aftermath, CK decides to move 'back home' with them, but in her place, Ching (or his equivalent - DON'T picture JT and TH here!) decides to stay on, because HE is the one who is soul-mated with Lois! Ok, I never said it was a wonderful idea, just something that made me think, "huh, I wonder..." Anyone wanna run with this idea? Please let me know. Jen -*-This message is umop ap!sdn (Jenerator or Some1Else on IRC) -*- JenerEight on AIM -*- ICQ: 11477318 Photos of David (7) and Megan (4) on the Stosser Family HomePage: Please sign our guestbook! ----------------------------------------------- FREE! The World's Best Email Address Reserve your name now at ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 21:30:22 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Melisma Subject: Re: New: Pagimon (1/1) In-Reply-To: <381007714.949209202812.JavaMail.root@web09.pub01> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" AH-HA! Me rests my case :) Tara, this was so cute - I loved it!! Guys, this 'child' needs a nomination for best New Author, IMHO... Melisma (shutting up now, under her rock. My gosh! After weeks of lurking this is, what? FOUR posts in one day? Somebody STOP me :) ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 00:32:25 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Tara Smith Subject: Re: birthdates Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I don't think they mentioned one. Someone here should be able to guestimate one from the baby's apparent age, though. Tara ------Original Message------ From: Mary Scibetta To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Sent: January 29, 2000 12:03:17 AM GMT Subject: Re: birthdates ok, now, anyone remember the birthdate of the child in last ep? I know you do.... thanks.... ----------------------------------------------- FREE! The World's Best Email Address Reserve your name now at ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 00:36:24 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Alexis W." Subject: Re: New: Pagimon (1/1) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit RoTFL! Funny story Tara. I hate Pokemon so I understand why Lois screams at Pagimon. The Lex line made me laugh. Also I loved the way you threw it in as a dream at the end there. I thought it was so real! =) Alexis ;-.) ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 00:38:27 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Tara Smith Subject: Re: New: Pagimon (1/1) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thanks, Mel! And you don't need to go back to hiding under your rock! You supply us with such high quality FDK :) Tara ------Original Message------ From: Melisma To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Sent: January 30, 2000 5:30:22 AM GMT Subject: Re: New: Pagimon (1/1) AH-HA! Me rests my case :) Tara, this was so cute - I loved it!! Guys, this 'child' needs a nomination for best New Author, IMHO... Melisma (shutting up now, under her rock. My gosh! After weeks of lurking this is, what? FOUR posts in one day? Somebody STOP me :) ----------------------------------------------- FREE! The World's Best Email Address Reserve your name now at ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 00:39:58 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: The Zoomway Subject: Re: birthdates MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 1/29/00 11:32:43 PM Central Standard Time, jilectan@EMAIL.COM writes: << don't think they mentioned one. Someone here should be able to guestimate one from the baby's apparent age, though. >> Clark gives his birthday as February 28, 1966 in Never on Sunday (in the comics, Clark's birthday is Feb 29, but since 1966 wasn't a leap year, it's as close as the show could come) May 17, 1966 is when his spaceship landed in Smallville. He wasn't a newborn, so the Kents must have counted back a couple of months to give him the February birth date. Lois has the birth year of 1967 (shown in Tempus Anyone) but no month or day is ever given. We know she's a Libra because of her conversation with Star in Contact. So, I guess you can give Lois a birthday anywhere between September 23 and October 22 ;) Zoom ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 00:42:37 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Tara Smith Subject: Re: New: Pagimon (1/1) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thanks, Alexis! I was trying to do a funny/terrifying (I think both Pokemon and their take=off Digemon are terryfying!) spoof here. Glad it worked! :) Tara ------Original Message------ From: "Alexis W." To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Sent: January 30, 2000 5:36:24 AM GMT Subject: Re: New: Pagimon (1/1) RoTFL! Funny story Tara. I hate Pokemon so I understand why Lois screams at Pagimon. The Lex line made me laugh. Also I loved the way you threw it in as a dream at the end there. I thought it was so real! =) Alexis ;-.) ----------------------------------------------- FREE! The World's Best Email Address Reserve your name now at ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 21:48:41 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Melisma Subject: Re: New: Pagimon (1/1) In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" LOL, okay... If you all insist... I don't give a LOT tho' - not because I don't believe in it, of course. I just don't get enough fic read in a week to satisfy my bookworm cravings - and the less I read, the less you all get. Hum - I'll trade you quantity for quality, okay all you Kerth-worthy authors? Melisma (under her rock, quick to point out that just about all the esteemed authors on this list are Kerth-worthy IHHO...) At 12:38 AM 30/01/2000 -0500, you wrote: >Thanks, Mel! And you don't need to go back to hiding under your rock! You >supply us with such high quality FDK :) > >Tara > >------Original Message------ >From: Melisma >To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU >Sent: January 30, 2000 5:30:22 AM GMT >Subject: Re: New: Pagimon (1/1) > > >AH-HA! Me rests my case :) Tara, this was so cute - I loved it!! Guys, this >'child' needs a nomination for best New Author, IMHO... > >Melisma (shutting up now, under her rock. My gosh! After weeks of lurking >this is, what? FOUR posts in one day? Somebody STOP me :) > >----------------------------------------------- >FREE! The World's Best Email Address >Reserve your name now at > > ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 15:19:27 +0200 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kaye Family Subject: Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Hi everyone! I'm new here. Am I supposed to introduce myself? ~Larissa~ ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 00:52:17 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Alexis W." Subject: Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 1/30/00 0:51:11 AM EST, tjmckaye@OCTA4.NET.AU writes: << Hi everyone! I'm new here. Am I supposed to introduce myself? ~Larissa~ >> Hi Larissa! Remember me? LOL! You don't really have to introduce yourself. Just post whenever you feel like posting. ;) Alexis ;-.) ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 00:53:44 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Rose Cookson Subject: Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Welcome, Larissa. Rose ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 00:56:03 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Tara Smith Subject: Re: New: Pagimon (1/1) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Well, I'm doing my best to supply fanfic addicts with their fix :) I'll do my best to get the next part of Threads(metropolis) up in the next couple of days. The only reason I got Pagimon up tonight is 'cause I've had it sitting around for awhile and just had to put the last little bit on. Tara ------Original Message------ From: Melisma To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Sent: January 30, 2000 5:48:41 AM GMT Subject: Re: New: Pagimon (1/1) LOL, okay... If you all insist... I don't give a LOT tho' - not because I don't believe in it, of course. I just don't get enough fic read in a week to satisfy my bookworm cravings - and the less I read, the less you all get. Hum - I'll trade you quantity for quality, okay all you Kerth-worthy authors? Melisma (under her rock, quick to point out that just about all the esteemed authors on this list are Kerth-worthy IHHO...) At 12:38 AM 30/01/2000 -0500, you wrote: >Thanks, Mel! And you don't need to go back to hiding under your rock! You >supply us with such high quality FDK :) > >Tara > >------Original Message------ >From: Melisma >To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU >Sent: January 30, 2000 5:30:22 AM GMT >Subject: Re: New: Pagimon (1/1) > > >AH-HA! Me rests my case :) Tara, this was so cute - I loved it!! Guys, this >'child' needs a nomination for best New Author, IMHO... > >Melisma (shutting up now, under her rock. My gosh! After weeks of lurking >this is, what? FOUR posts in one day? Somebody STOP me :) > >----------------------------------------------- >FREE! The World's Best Email Address >Reserve your name now at > > ----------------------------------------------- FREE! The World's Best Email Address Reserve your name now at ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 01:00:30 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Tara Smith Subject: Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Welcome! And only introduce yourself if you want to! :) Tara ------Original Message------ From: Kaye Family To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Sent: January 30, 2000 1:19:27 PM GMT Subject: Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards Hi everyone! I'm new here. Am I supposed to introduce myself? ~Larissa~ ----------------------------------------------- FREE! The World's Best Email Address Reserve your name now at ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 01:14:23 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Tara Smith Subject: Re: NEW: Coffee or Tea, that is the question Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable This is great! And it definately explains why tea wakes me up better than coffee does! :) Tara ------Original Message------ From: Alicia Utowski To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Sent: January 28, 2000 7:25:32 AM GMT Subject: NEW: Coffee or Tea, that is the question This is yet another example of what a biomedical engineering class can do t= o you. I had a friend type this up for me as I dictated (I hurt my wrist :() and it only took 15 minutes. And this is true about tea, we learned about it today. It isnt technical at all, but I could explain it more if anyone thinks my explanation is not concrete enough. Coffee or Tea: That is the Question by Alicia U. Ah, life was good. Lois Lane had everything she needed for a relaxing midwinter evening: a good book that she had been wanting to read for a lon= g time, a perfect husband to cuddle up against, and a nice, hot cup of tea to help her relax. After their recent long days working at the Planet on yet another big story, all she wanted to do was curl up on the couch with her husband and a nice cup of tea. Lately, her husband, Clark, had tired to convince her that tea was the perfect relaxation agent and that she should try it. Lois, however, was not convinced. In fact, she had always preferred coffee to tea, even when she was trying to relax. She also had tried to resist relaxation whenever possible before they were married because she claimed it made her lose her edge. But now that they were married, she allowed Clark to help her relax, at least sometimes. Later that night Clark had collapsed onto the bed, exhausted from their lon= g day at work, several taxing Superman rescues, and then an exhausting 'work out' with his wife. Lois, however, was having trouble settling down. As a half-asleep Clark watched her, Lois had rearranged their closet and drawers= , ironed his dress shirts, ironed his capes, done her aerobics work out twice= , and practiced her tae kwon do. She looked like a whirlwind to Clark, the man with Superspeed. Lois was rivaling him when it came to speed. Bouncin= g happily from one task to another, Lois reminded him of a man he met on the street who was high on speed. By the time Clark had fallen asleep, Lois ha= d pulled out her laptop and opened her romance novel file. All night she worked on the long forgotten novel, and by morning she had written thirty pages, but she hadn't slept a wink all night, and, surprisingly, Clark hadn't woken up to be Superman all night. Metropolis must have been uncharacteristically quiet for him not to have to go out. As the sun rose, Lois began to feel her high fade In fact, she was feeling extremely fatigued. She had to lay her head on the pillow for just a few seconds, and then she'd be fine and ready to get up and face the new day.= =20 They had a long day ahead of them at the Planet. When her head hit the pillow, she immediately fell into a deep sleep, and when the alarm when off thirty minutes later, she was in such a deep sleep, she didn't even hear it= . Clark knew she had been up all night, and was worried about why she hadn't been able to sleep. Whatever it was, he knew it had finally worked its way out of her system for her to be sleeping so soundly. From the way she was sleeping now, he knew that she wouldn't be awake to come to work this morning. He got ready for work and tried to wake her up, but she just mumbled that she wasn't going to work today. Clark raised his eyebrows incredulously. When did Lois ever not go to work? In the more than four years he had known her, he couldn't remember any time she voluntarily staye= d home sick. He kissed her gently on the head and left her a note on the bedstand telling her that she should call him as soon as she woke up. He felt terrible leaving her, but he had to go to work. They had interview= s with some of the biggest players in Intergang, and they were willing to spill the beans on the boss of the operation. Lois would kill him if he didn't go, if she didn't kill him for not waking her up first. Around noon, Lois lazily stretched and reached out to Clark. He wasn't there, so Lois figured that he was probably away on some rescue. When she turned to look at the clock, she cried out in amazement at the time. "11:59!" she cried, "How could I have slept until 11:59? Oh God, I missed the Intergang interview!" She sat up in bed with her legs off to the side and saw the note Clark left= . It read: Honey, don't be mad at me for going in to work without you. I tried to wake you up, but you told me you weren't going in Since I knew you'd kill me if we missed the interview, I went in. I'm sorry. Please call me as soon as you wake up. I am so worried about you. Love, Me She smiled as she read the note, and not only because Clark had gotten the interview, but because Clark worried about her. Sometimes his concern was annoying, but today, it just seemed so sweet. Never in her life did she believe she would ever have a man as sweet and caring as Clark Kent. How she ended up with just such a man was still a mystery to her. As soon as she finished the note, she picked up the phone and dialed his cell phone number. "Clark Kent." "Hey, sexy, I got your note." "Lois how are you doing? I've been so worried about you." "I'm not so worried about me as I am about Intergang You got the interview= , right?" Clark sighed. Lois always worried more about her job than about her own well-being. "Yes, I got the interview, but I think it might have been a bust. You'd never believe it. The guy fingered Mindy Church." Lois laughed out loud, "Mindy Church? He has to be kidding. That bimbo could never run an organization like Intergang!" "I know. That's what I said! So, anyway, how are you feeling?" Lois rubbed her head where it terribly ached. "I guess I'm doing better, but I'm so tired. I don't think I slept at all last night." "You didn't, honey. It was like you were on some kind of drug or something." "I don't know. Maybe it was the tea?" "No, I don't think it could be the tea. I get it from China, and I'm sure it was totally pure." They talked for a few more minutes until Clark heard a cry for Superman, an= d they had to hang up. Lois, however, still wasn't convinced that the tea wasn't to blame. As soon as she felt awake enough to get out of bed, she ventured to the computer and logged onto one of the medical informational wed sights. There she found the information she was looking for and printe= d the information so she could show Clark. That afternoon, she decided she felt well enough to go into work. Besides, she had to prove to Clark that she was right. As soon as she stepped off the elevator, Clark saw her and jogged up the ramp to meet her. When he got there, she shoved the paper in his face. "See, honey, tea is not a relaxing beverage. This says that tea keeps you awake even more than coffee does because it has more of those=85 um=85 I ca= n't pronounce the word=85 it begins with an 'x'." Clark, who was reading the article, said, "Xanthines?" "Yeah, that sounds right. Those are the things that keep you awake and mak= e you hyperactive. Caffeine is one, but the one in tea, I think it begins with a 't', is much stronger. It actually makes some people more hyper tha= n coffee or chocolate." Clark raised his eyebrows. He had read the article, and it certainly prove= d that Lois was right about the tea. But this contradicted everything that h= e had ever believed about tea, and that shocked him. Lois gloated, "So I guess I was right all along: chocolate and coffee are much better for you than tea is! So I want a cup of coffee and a double fudge crunch bar right about now." Clark just smiled and stifled a laugh. It was good to have his wife back t= o her old self! ----------------------------------------------- FREE! The World's Best Email Address Reserve your name now at ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 21:58:22 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kendra Edwards Subject: Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Crawling out from under my *own* rock, Mel, to nominate you and Marns as new authors.. Can't forget my own family now can I? accept praise graciously.. -Kendra ===== Don't ever deprive anyone of hope.. It may be all that they have. |Sylvur Bunnie on AIM |KendraE or |ICQ # 54075694 |_Elyse_ on IRC __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 22:47:18 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Melisma Subject: Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" /me bows head graciously at the appelation of new author... Thanks li'l sis - but I had thought Marns was published before 1999... Adventures in Crimefighting wasn't posted this last year, was it? Melisma (confused under her rock) At 09:58 PM 29/01/2000 -0800, you wrote: >Crawling out from under my *own* rock, Mel, to >nominate you and Marns as new authors.. Can't >forget my own family now can I? > accept praise graciously.. > > >-Kendra > >===== >Don't ever deprive anyone of hope.. It may be all that they have. > >|Sylvur Bunnie on AIM |KendraE or >|ICQ # 54075694 |_Elyse_ on IRC >__________________________________________________ >Do You Yahoo!? >Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. > > > ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 02:09:17 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Hazel Subject: Kerth category quiz: Elseworlds Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Little disclaimer thingy: All the stories here qualify for the Elseworlds category in the Kerths this year -- they involve major changes to the basic "canon" of the series, and they were uploaded to the archive in 1999. (Okay, one of them never appeared on the archive, but it was posted here in its entirety and is available from the author's site.) However, these are by no means the only stories on the archive (or elsewhere) that qualify for this category, and this is not a specific recommendation for any of these stories over any others that might qualify. No offense to any other story or author is intended. :) Quiz rules: The quiz has been divided into two sections: single quotes and excerpts. If you can't get the story from the single quote, then you can scroll down and try the excerpt. When you answer (and DON'T forget the spoiler space!!), let us know if you deserve two points for your answer (if you got it from the quote) or only one point (if you got it from the excerpt.) Feel free to hunt the archive if you're unsure. Have fun! Quote 1: "My colleagues are beginning to put some heavy pressure on me to=20 show some significant results or step aside and let Superman's body make one last contribution to human knowledge." Quote 2: "Yeah, I've got money, I've got fame. Demi Moore discusses her role in the movie version of my latest book with me over lunch, but..." Quote 3: "Lois, it's been a disaster! That new team of King and Kent have been on=20 top of every newsworthy event in this city for the last six months! And Kent's=20 had almost every exclusive with Superman since he first appeared on the scene!" Quote 4: "But her idea is her idea, and her suit is her suit. They're perfect for her but they=20 don't apply to me at all. I need my own idea and my own suit." Quote 5: "I do have a particular complaint, Perry," Lois insisted. "It's about the Planet's coverage of this... Super-hero, Superman."=20 Quote 6: "Clark, you have to believe me. I am Lois Lane, your partner, your wife,=20 your little tornado..." Quote 7: "I, Clark Jerome Kent, do take you, Lana June Lang, to be my lawfully wedded wife=85" Quote 8: "I don't remember my folks, remember? Besides, they're not here. I've tried calling them but the lines are dead. I guess they wouldn't have gotten a flight out of Kansas anyway." * * * Got 'em yet? Still a bit confused? Try the excerpts, worth one point apiece: S P O I L E R S P A C E EXCERPT 1: She silently descended a bit farther down the stairs until she could see what they were pointing at. It was a cage of some kind, and it glowed a sickly green color. The glow was oddly familiar to Lois but she could only see the top half of the cage so she snuck a little farther down the stairs. She could now hear Henderson as he seemed to be explaining things to Perry. "That's the way we found him. We have no idea how long he's been here. Obviously none of the normal autopsy methods are going to work in this case. Heck, we probably wouldn't even have thought of checking down here if it wasn't for Luthor's assistant, Mrs. Cox. " Henderson's words confused Lois so she turned her attention to the cage and its occupants. A couple of lab coated police officers were fussing over a sheet covered body. Her view blocked until one of the officers moved slightly. What she saw then nearly stopped her heart. The body lying on the floor of the cage was not quite completely covered by the sheet, but there was no mistaking the blue tunic sleeve, nor the red boots which protruded from under the edge of the sheet. EXCERPT 2: Clark scanned the place. There was a lot of stuff around. Things Platt=20 had collected from other people's garbage. Lois sat down on a pile=20 of books while Clark leaned against a wall. Platt looked at him, as if he should know him. Clark spotted a lot of newspapers lying on the=20 floor. There was an edition of a two month old 'Newsweek' which had=20 done a article on him. =20 "You're that crime author," Platt said as he looked from Clark to the newspaper on the floor and back to Clark again. "I bought a few of your books." =20 "Yeah, that's me," Clark said, smiling. "Did you like my work?" =20 "I've never read it. I bought the books to balance my desk," Platt told him. "What are you doing here? I only wanted to talk to Ms. Lane." =20 "Well, I'm doing research on my new book and I--" =20 "Would you please tell me when you're done with the small talk?" Lois interrupted. "Dr. Platt, we came here to talk to you about the explosion..." EXCERPT 3: "I would never let that stop me from giving assistance to someone who=20 needed it...," Superman assured her as he set her down gently in the room=20 where the former hostages were still standing. "...however much I might=20 want to," he added. =20 Lois stared at him, shocked, then caught the laughing glint lurking in his= =20 brown eyes. He was teasing her! The Man of Steel had a sense of humor! =20 That reminded her that she still had not verified whether or not he really was=20 a man as opposed to a robot and she took a step closer. =20 "I'm sorry it took me so long to catch you, but before I could come to your aid,=20 I had to secure the gunman so he couldn't cause any more damage," Superman= =20 was explaining to her. He half turned away and gestured toward the gunman. = =20 Lois saw that the man had been tied securely with power cords from the=20 equipment in the room. =20 Her gaze went back to Superman and she studied him thoughtfully. He was=20 standing in what appeared to be a typical pose for him, rather stiff and formal=20 with arms folded across his chest. He might be a robot, for all the animation=20 he's showing, thought Lois. =20 On the other hand, his face was becoming slightly flushed under her= scrutiny,=20 which was definitely un-robot-like behavior! Reaching a decision on how to settle=20 the question, she stepped quickly up to Superman and threw her arms around his=20 neck, pressing her hands against his throat to try and feel a pulse. At the same=20 time, she laid her head against his chest. =20 "Thank you, Superman," she said softly, after she had satisfied herself that he=20 had both a heartbeat in his chest and a pulse in his throat. EXCERPT 4: Mr. Interregnum threw himself at the man's feet, hugging them, and he=20 wept: "Save me, Herb! Save me! This world is mad, mad, I tell you!=20 Everything I've tried has backfired!" =20 Herb reached down to pat Mr. Interregnum's shoulder as the other=20 three reached to secure him. "Oh, my dear fellow," Herb said,=20 soothing. "Everyone on this world seems quite competent to me...." =20 Naturally Mr. White was the first one to try to determine what=20 was going on, though Inspector Henderson was a close second. "Now what in Elvis's name is going on here?" =20 Herb smiled in a most gentlemanly manner. "Mr. Perry White, I=20 assume? I'm Dr. Wells and these people," the ones pulling Mr.=20 Interregnum to his feet and securing him into a straitjacket, "are my=20 associates. The man who you all have come to know as Chronus=20 Interregnum..." he looked at the man, "That was a clever name...." =20 "It took me ages to think up since Rockefeller was already=20 taken." EXCERPT 5: "You're working with me?" Clark's voice was incredulous, although Lois knew that Perry had already explained the situation to him. "I don't need a partner - I work alone." "Not on this one you don't," Lois retorted, glaring at her reluctant colleague. This was *not* turning out the way she'd envisaged. Kent should be *grateful* for her help, and jumping at the chance of working with her. This reluctance was not what she'd expected after his friendly behaviour that morning. Clark sighed. Despite his earlier resolve to avoid too much close contact with Lois Lane, he didn't seem to be getting much choice. "Well, if I have to have a partner, just remember one thing. I'm in charge, I ask the questions," Clark stated firmly. "Oh really?" Lois demanded. "And who died and made you Superman?" EXCERPT 6: "I have just been dying for a cream soda," she announced, dragging out=20 the one remaining can of the beverage. "Although that's a bad choice of=20 words. Anyway, champagne is more in Lex's style." She carried the can=20 over to his sofa and curled herself into a corner, proceeding to pop the can= =20 open and take a long swig. Clark sat in a chair opposite her, watching her drink. She was fair-haired,= =20 with blue eyes and shoulder-length hair. He was quite certain he'd never=20 seen her before, but somehow she still seemed familiar. She was looking a little ragged, too, he gauged -- a bit undernourished and overstressed. She was still shivering a bit from the chilly night air. She sighed, half the drink gone, and glanced over at him. "I am so=20 glad I caught you in tonight. I was afraid you'd be out, you know, and=20 obviously I don't have my key anymore." She sketched a gesture in the air, and it took him a second to realize=20 that it was the same motion he and Lois had used to reference his=20 flying. He ignored that sally, uncertain how to deal with it. "Uh, miss,= =20 I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about, but--" She laughed, a little hysterical, then took a deep breath. "That's one=20 of the things I love about you, Clark. You're so polite, even when you=20 think a person's absolutely nuts." EXCERPT 7: "Lois, I've found at least six other cases where natural disasters were somehow avoided without any logical explanation. The really weird thing=20 is that in three of the cases, there were reports of some sort of flying=20 object like Mr. Payne's shooting star, at the time of the disaster."=20 Jimmy was leaning on Lois' desk as she typed on her workstation.=20 "Jimmy, I still find it hard to believe that there is some force out there that=20 monitors the world for people in trouble, and then flies in to help avert=20 disaster." EXCERPT 8: I close my eyes and listen to the breaking of the waves and the radio, and dance. Like there is no tomorrow, because there isn't going to be one. It isn't long until the radio turnes to static. We freeze for a moment and I turn my head, looking into the depths of his brown eyes. Our time is up. The first pieces of the asteroid begin hitting the glittering surface of the ocean and I know Superman has failed. I don't know where he is but I guess he is dead. It is over. The night is falling but I am not afraid. Not anymore. Clark is with me. Everything's going to be fine. I thought the world would end in fire. I thought the world would end in ice. The world ended at 2.30 A.M., on a soft summer night, with the wind at my face, the sand at my feet and the surf at my heels. ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 03:52:09 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Alexis W." Subject: Re: Kerth category quiz: Elseworlds MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 1/30/00 2:09:33 AM EST, zis-s@ACTCOM.CO.IL writes: S P O I L E R S P A C E << Quote 6: "Clark, you have to believe me. I am Lois Lane, your partner, your wife, your little tornado..." >> Okay I'm going to take a stab in the dark here. I'm only using my brain to answer this question. I think it's one of the 2 parts to the story Pam wrote in the "Being Lois Lane," series. Alexis ;-.) {who won't be upset at all if she's wrong! LOL!} ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 03:53:55 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Alicia Utowski Subject: Re: Kerth category quiz: Elseworlds MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Spoiler Space >From Quotes only: 1: Tank's Dark Revalation 2: Chris H.'s Alternate beginnings from paragraphs 6: Pam Jernigan's Just Like That (or else it is Being Lois Lane... not quite sure) I dont think i have read the others... other universe stories are my least favorites... especially if they deal with alt clark/alt lois, or lana or lex... but I do read some, as this quiz shows. Alicia ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 01:07:39 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: TA Merrill Subject: Re: Kerth category quiz: Elseworlds MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii S P O I L E R S P A C E :) :) :) :) :) #1. Dark Revelation by Tank (knew it from the quote) #2. don't know #3.Famous Last words by Mobile Richard (knew it from the quote, but double checked the archive for the exact title.) #4. I think it's My Journal by Debby (knew it from the quote) #5. I think it's The Mirror Crack'd by Hazel (from the excerpt) #6. Just Like That/Being Lois Lane by Pam (from the excerpt) - I read this on the message board while it was all one story, I'm not sure which half this excerpt actually fell into once it was divided up. (I had to check the archive to get the name of the first half.) #7. Oh man! this quote is really frightening! I son't know this one #8. I've read it, but can't place it. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 05:21:45 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Hazel Subject: Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards In-Reply-To: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" >>> > *BEST NEW AUTHOR-- >>> >>> How do I know *who* can be nominated for that categorie? > >Pam responded: > >> you can just check an author's stories and see if any of >>them were sent in before 1999... I don't know if there's any easier way >>to do it. And Erin added >Yes, I admit this is a tough one. So why don't all you FoLCs help us out >here? Praps with Wendy's permission, I can go ahead, out of turn, and post the New Authors' quiz after Elseworlds to give the list a bit of direction. Mind you, there are very many authors who might not show up on the quiz at all, but at least it would be a start. :) Hazel ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 05:21:48 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Hazel Subject: Re: Kerth category quiz: Elseworlds In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" TA Merril suggested, among other things: >#5. I think it's The Mirror Crack'd by Hazel (from the excerpt) I admit I'm not shy about sneaking in my own stories into these quizzes, but "Mirror" is an alt-world, not an elseworld. You'll have to try again. :) Hazel (who does have that 7K story that can *technically* qualify as an elseworlds, but decided to spare the list the agony) ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 07:09:22 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Guy or Lesley Hilliard Subject: Re: New: Pagimon (1/1) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Loved it Tara. Just how I feel about that dreaded TV show too. Loved the ending it had me LOL. Great pick me up for a sunday morning. -- Lesley AKA Ladyhawke ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 04:08:33 PST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Dave Phillips Subject: Re: Kerth category quiz: Elseworlds Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed I am coming out of lurkdom to respond to this because for once, I know most of the answers. (I think) SPOILER SPACE >From Quotes: 1. Dark Revelation by Tank Wilson 2. Alternate Beginnings by Chris H. 3. Famous Last Words by Mobile Richard 4. Haven't got a clue 5. Strange Visitor From The Congo by Wendy Richards 6. Just Like That by Pam Jernigan 7. Sounds familiar but need more 8. Again sounds familiar >From Excerpts: 4. Still don't have the foggiest idea 7. A Different Beginning by Skip Davis 8. Before The Night Falls by Chris H. I was pretty sure about 1,2,3,5, and 6 but had to search the archive a little for 7 and 8. I thought 4 sounded vaguely familiar but I couldn't find it. Dave ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 07:22:17 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Guy or Lesley Hilliard Subject: Re: Kerth category quiz: Elseworlds MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit S P O I L E R S P A C E 1) Tank wilson's Dark Revelation - from the quote 5) Wendy's Strange Visitor from the Congo - From the quote As for the rest - I know I have read them But I am drawing a blank Lesley AKA Ladyhawke ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 09:08:50 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Organization: Subject: Re: Kerth category quiz: Elseworlds MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > Quiz rules: The quiz has been divided into two sections: single quotes and > excerpts. If you can't get the story from the single quote, then you can > scroll down and try the excerpt. When you answer (and DON'T forget the > spoiler space!!), let us know if you deserve two points for your answer (if > you got it from the quote) or only one point (if you got it from the > excerpt.) Feel free to hunt the archive if you're unsure. Have fun! S P O I L E R S P A C E Quotes: #1: This sounds like Dark Revelation, by Tank, although I would have called it an ep rewrite, not an elseworlds... #2: no idea! #3: Famous Last Words, by Mobile Richard? #4: clueless again #5: Strange Visitor from the Congo, by Wendy Richards #6: Hmm, sounds *so* familiar, but I just can't quite place it... Again, tho, I'm not sure I'd call it an elseworlds... of course, by my definitions, there were precious few elseworlds this year... #7: I've read this but I tried to forget it instantly #8: Shaken, not Stirred, by Irene Dutchak, which is *definitely* an ep rewrite. Excerpts: #2: sounds familiar, but I can't place it. #4: I don't think I've read it #8: Ah, I had this one wrong... I've read it, but I can't remember title or author... For those of you who were wondering... I think of Elseworlds as stories where none of the series eps happened the way we saw them on TV. It's still the same characters, more or less, same universe, more or less, but different, in basic ways. Even if they encounter similar situations, like the space program investigation, it's not the same way we saw it on TV. Like #2, above. Unlike #6, which kept series canon up until one particular incident... -- ------------------------------------------------------- Pam Jernigan | ChiefPam on IRC | ChPam on AOL IM ------------------------------------------------------- "Not only was Ivan an idiot, but he generated a telepathic damping field to turn the people nearby into idiots, too." --An exasperated Miles contemplates his cousin in _The Warrior's Apprentice_, by Lois McMaster Bujold ------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 09:12:12 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Organization: Subject: Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi Larissa, We don't really have a rule about introducing yourself... you can lurk if you like, or just jump right into our discussions, we're happy to have you either way :) Do you know about the Kerth Awards? -- ------------------------------------------------------- Pam Jernigan | ChiefPam on IRC | ChPam on AOL IM ------------------------------------------------------- "Not only was Ivan an idiot, but he generated a telepathic damping field to turn the people nearby into idiots, too." --An exasperated Miles contemplates his cousin in _The Warrior's Apprentice_, by Lois McMaster Bujold ------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 09:35:41 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Ann E. McBride" Subject: Re: New: Pagimon (1/1) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Tara, this is a great little vignette! I loved the ending. ( I must admit, I think Pekachu [sp?] is kind of cute.) Ann ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 09:54:04 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Hazel Subject: Re: Kerth category quiz: Elseworlds In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Pam, Wendy and I discussed this a bit before I posted the quiz. Elseworlds is an iffy category. You're right that the ones that qualify most easily are those that present a major change *before* the pilot, like #4 (which was posted here, over a several-week period, but never made it to the archive.) I also chose to consider any story that was a major break in canon -- like Lois showing up as a mid-twenties blonde ;) -- as "elseworlds," in that "canon" could not be continued afterward. Another example of this, to me, was Clark failing to escape the K cage. I think this is going to be one of the categories will be rather arbitrary. You and Erin might decide to rule that only those stories that change "before the pilot" can qualify -- it's up to you people, not me, since *you're* the ones that are doing all the hard work. ;) Hazel ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 09:55:49 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Organization: Subject: Re: Kerth category quiz: Elseworlds MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit You're right, Hazel, it's a tricky category to define... and Erin's got to make the final call, since she's our Fearless Leader ;) We've had several discussions already :) so I know she knows my theories... We may just see how the nominations sort out, and go from there :) -- ------------------------------------------------------- Pam Jernigan | ChiefPam on IRC | ChPam on AOL IM ------------------------------------------------------- "Not only was Ivan an idiot, but he generated a telepathic damping field to turn the people nearby into idiots, too." --An exasperated Miles contemplates his cousin in _The Warrior's Apprentice_, by Lois McMaster Bujold ------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 10:58:44 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: James Tull Subject: Even more Kerth questions Comments: To: Erin Klinger For the category New Authors, it would be helpful if we new who the new authors are. James and Elisabeth ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 11:59:54 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Tara Smith Subject: Re: New: Pagimon (1/1) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thanks Ann and Leslie! Ann, I admit that Pikachu is kind of cute, but Pikachu is also the smartest one in the group--maybe the entire show! (Ok, I've seen the show too much!) :) Tara ------Original Message------ From: "Ann E. McBride" To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Sent: January 30, 2000 2:35:41 PM GMT Subject: Re: New: Pagimon (1/1) Tara, this is a great little vignette! I loved the ending. ( I must admit, I think Pekachu [sp?] is kind of cute.) Ann ----------------------------------------------- FREE! The World's Best Email Address Reserve your name now at ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 13:03:09 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin H Subject: Kerth Help MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi :) Last year, I presented Best Revelation fic. Can I present Another award this year? Or help out in any way? Thanks :) Erin-Jean ********************************* Erin The Number One Superman Fan. e-mail . profile . web page ********************************* ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 12:32:51 -0600 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Brazil Red Subject: Re: New: Pagimon (1/1) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Tara Smith wrote: > > Pagimon > It's authors like you that make me glad that I don't have e-mail at work. (who is forever glad that she doesn't have to explain her sudden shout of Lex-a-chu! while giggling wildly) Brazil Red ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 15:22:04 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Organization: Subject: Re: Kerth Help MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > Last year, I presented Best Revelation fic. Can I present Another award this > year? Or help out in any way? Oh, I'll be glad to have you present an award, Erin-Jean :) I'm not collecting names yet, but in another month look for me to start calling for volunteers... it's a fun way to be a part of the whole event. And if Erin needs you on her end, I'm sure she'll let you know :) Thanks for being willing! -- ------------------------------------------------------- Pam Jernigan | ChiefPam on IRC | ChPam on AOL IM ------------------------------------------------------- "Not only was Ivan an idiot, but he generated a telepathic damping field to turn the people nearby into idiots, too." --An exasperated Miles contemplates his cousin in _The Warrior's Apprentice_, by Lois McMaster Bujold ------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 21:10:00 GMT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Diyan Subject: Re: Kerth category quiz: Elseworlds Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed Well, Hazel, you must have done a good job of picking quotes, because my answers didnt change at all after reading the longer excerpts :) s p o i l e r s p a c e 1. Tank Wilsons "Dark Revelation" I had to look up the title 2. I think I may have read this -- okay, I said my answers didnt change at all, but now Im sure Ive read it...but Ive no idea what it is or where to find it 3. ooo... I know Ive read this, but... 4. Debby Starks "My Journal" 5. Wendy Richards "Strange Visitor from the Congo" 6. Pam Jernigans "Just Like That...?" Intregiuing stories--I just reread them and would love to see a 3rd part...? 7. no idea. Im pretty sure Ive not read it. 8. Chris Hs "Before the Night Falls" I had to look this one up, but knew right where to find it. Its a beautiful but sad vignette. -Dia ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 17:51:15 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Alexis W." Subject: "ADITLOM" (RPG), Fifteenth Installment, Week #16 (Part 1 of 1) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable New Fanfic (ongoing) "A Day in the Life of Metropolis" (PG-13) All characters are property of DC Comics, WB, Lois and Clark etc.. unless otherwise noted. =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Feedback is welcomed whether public or private. But no grammar please! =3D)= NO=20 ONE responded to my last post except for one person.. (thank you!) Please=20 let me know if you loved it or hated it.. etc.. My cast and i would really=20 appreciate it! Thanks. =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Summary: This is the thirteenth installment of a rpg club I created on yahoo. We cam= e=20 up with a story line, and we can correspond through email, dialogue, etc.. Anything goes. If you want more information on this club or if you would like to join in the fun yourself please go to: Yahoo! Clubs= =20 adayinthelifeofmetropolis=20 Thanks. Alexis ;-.) {"ADITLOM, arbitrator} =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Cast List Clark Kent : Alexis W. (that's me!) Lois Lane : Alexis W. Cat Grant: Renda Sam Falcon : Sam F. Bruce Wayne : Sam F. Dick Grayson: Dave Anya Starr: Tabitha Jimmy Olsen: Abbi Marie Lucy Lane - Liz Dan Scardino - Abbi Marie * * * * WEEK #16 (1/24 to 1/30) Re: Lucy spots Jimmy "I thought you'd never ask,=94 Lucy grinned as she took Jimmy's hand and led= =20 him to the dance floor. "I'm sorry that I look like I'm not in a good mood. It's just that I was=20 bummed we weren't spending much time together. But... everything is much=20 better now." Lucy placed her head on Jimmy's shoulder as they swayed to the=20 slow music.....=20 =20 * * * * Re: Anya Dick frowned at her. He considered telling her the truth, the real=20 reason Clark was in such pain. After all, this was an emergency, and=20 Clark was in danger. But just as quickly, he dismissed the idea. "Can you go call the police? Maybe an ambulance? Clark really needs=20 help".=20 He bent down to kiss her gently. "Be careful, okay? I'll be back in a=20 bit... just need to... uhh... check my bike." He smiled quickly and ran=20 off. >tbc< * * * * Jimmy and Lucy are dancing (awwww!) "I'm sorry, Luce... Hey, I got some great pictures of you, though. It=20 helps that you look..." He sighed. "Wow! tonight."=20 =20 Lucy bolted her head up from Jimmy's shoulder quickly. She looked into=20 Jimmy's eyes... "You took a picture of me??" Lucy asked as if she were=20 shocked. "So... does this mean that you=92re finished taking pictures for=20 the night... because *this*, right now, dancing, is really special, I=20 hope it lasts." Lucy nudged in a little closer to Jimmy... and once=20 again put her head down on his shoulder." >tbc< =20 * * * * Scardino watches Lois and Lex Scardino watched Luthor dance with some brunette, saw him flash a=20 diamond, then kiss her hand and leave with somebody else. "Luthor, you=20 cad," he smirked. He ducked behind a huge palm and then flipped open his=20 phone. "He's leaving... are you ready?" "Yeah, we--" A scream shook the phone. "Duncan? Duncan?" There was no answer except for the moans and groans of=20 a dying man. Scardino dialed a new number and impatiently waited as nobody answered.=20 He bolted for the door and once outside, ran into the alley where Duncan=20 had been waiting for Luthor. He found nobody there, except for the=20 bleeding, lifeless form of the man named Duncan.=20 >tbc< * * * * Re: Perry concerned about Clark! Sam walked up just as Diego suggested Clark might need some air. "I hate to interrupt, but that's what Bruce was saying as he left. Mr.=20 Kent, would you like some help out to one of the balconies since I=20 seem to be alone at the moment?" Clark looked up to see the beautiful brunette standing before him. *Lois would kill me if she knew that Sam was standing next to me. She=20 would accuse me of drooling over her. Then again what do I care what=20 Lois thinks. Sam=92s a beautiful woman and I can't help but like what I=20 see just a tad bit...* A small smile spread across his lips as he looked into her eyes. "Yes, Miss Falcon...please lead the way." >tbc< * * * * Re: Catherine makes her way to a veranda The photographer ran over to Gerty. "We have a problem." "What?" she whined. "The video fell out of my bag." "Liar, I saw what happened." "She . . .." "I know. I want all the dirt I can get on her. The guy who gave me the=20 tape still might be able to earn his money." "What do we do know?" "Make sure that films all right. I'll take care of the rest." She walked away and started hovering around the edges of the room. She=20 stayed particularly close to the other photographers in the room, all of=20 whom she was very familiar with. >tbc< =20 * * * * Re: Anya "Some guys are so weird, a good kisser though I must admit," said Anya=20 as she smiled and watched him go. She hurried down the halls to find a=20 phone. Finally when she did find one she picked it up and started=20 dialing 911 to find the phone dead. "That's weird," she mumbled and hung=20 up the phone. Maybe a phone line was down in the city, sometimes those=20 things can happen. She hurried back to the ballroom to see if she could=20 think of doing something else like get a waitor or someone to get help.=20 But probably someone was already doing that. She groaned and slipped=20 off her high heels. They were killing her feet, well it was better being=20 frowned upon then to totally kill her feet, in her opinion.=20 >tbc< * * * * Diego excuses himself from Mayson/Perry Don Diego Dela Vega excused himself from Mayson, Perry and Ramone.=20 Striding across the ballroom floor like a matador, his stealth figure=20 being admired by all the ladies at the ball. Diego was oblivious to=20 their stares. He had more on his mind than how he looked. Cursing softly=20 under his breath he thought...*Why would anyone in their right mind try=20 to kill Superman?* Shaking his head. "It would have to be someone insane=20 or just so mean that they would do anything for a means to an end!"=20 Diego whispered to himself. *And who hates Superman so much that they'd=20 pull such a devious stunt? Luthor!" Diego said as he turned down a dark=20 alley and into a secret apartment that Interpole uses when dealing with=20 master criminals in the USA. Diego checked his cellphone again, still not working. So he picked up=20 the cellphone in the apartment and took it's battery and placed it in=20 his cellphone. He attemped to call Catherine, but his signal wouldn=92t=20 go through. "I hope that she isn=92t in more hot water!" He flipped the=20 phone closed and stepped out into the chilly fog ridden night. >tbc<=20 =20 * * * * Re: Perry concerned about Clark! Sam moved closer to Clark and let him put his arm around her neck. She=20 led him to the nearest balcony, one away from where the car was parked,=20 since she suspected that the green rock had something to do with all of this= .=20 She seemed to remember reading something about a green rock, but she=92s=20 never been much into reading the news, especially articles about Bruce's=20 past love life. "Is the air helping?" *Hmm.. this is nice...* Clark thought to himself as Sam lead him away.=20 *At least she wants to help me, unlike a certain annoying reporter!=20 Damn! If I hate her so much right now, why can't I get her out of my=20 head!!! Why do I wish I was hanging off of Lois' shoulders instead?!?* Clark's thoughts were broken once they were out on the veranda. "Yes, Miss Falcon, the air is definately helping me. You can go back to=20 Bruce if you want. I'll be fine now. I just needed to get out of there=20 before the paramedics came for me or something." "I would love to go back to him, but I believe he's rather busy at the=20 moment. Actually I should probably be going back to the car like I said=20 I would, but I bought this dress and I really wish I was getting some=20 use out of it." Clark gulped at the mention of dress and Sam. She looked very beautiful=20 in that dress and he couldn't help but stare just a bit. " bought this tux and I wish that I could be getting more=20 use out of it!" Clark laughed. "Um, I know this may be a little forward,=20 but Miss Falcon, would you like to dance?" "That would great. Bruce didn't ask me to dance once. I must admit I'm a=20 little disappointed."=20 =20 "I'm sorry about that. I think Bruce can get too wrapped up in business=20 sometimes. But then again, why am I telling you this. I mean you of all=20 people should know. I pratically had to force Lois to dance with me.=20 It's nice to meet a woman who truly knows what an event like this is=20 supposed to consist of." Clark smiled and held out his hand for Sam to grab onto. "I=92m well aware of how wrapped up in business he can get. He's really=20 good at disappearing on me. He's getting better at making it up though,=20 some of the time,=94 Sam said as she took Clark=92s hand. >tbc< * * * *=20 Batman After making it back to the car, Bruce set the boxes on the seat. "Sir, what are those?" "They contain Kryptonite. I had to leave rather abruptly." "I see, Sir." He got into the car and proceeded to change. He then placed a call to a=20 "green" friend, who took the boxes and disposed of their contents out in=20 deep space. "I think I better go and watch things from above. Luthor left looking=20 rather upset. I don't believe that this is over." "Of course, Sir. Did you happen to see Master Grayson?" "Yes, I did and we still have some things to talk about . .=20 .and don't go defending what he did, I don't have time for it." "Will you be needing a ride home?" "No, you can go without me." He raised his arm and fired off his battazer. It hooked onto something=20 up in the darkness. It slowly pulled him up into that darkness. "Good luck, Sir," Alfred whispered as he got back into the warmth of the=20 car. =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Re: Batman=20 Dick straightend his mask on his face, as he looked down at the main=20 ballroom from a skylight. Finally back in his Nightwing outfit, he could=20 feel his confidence building. But there was one thing missing... Reluctantly, Dick took his eyes off of Anya's graceful form, and tried=20 to find Luthor through the ensuing crowd. There was a slight rustle in=20 the shadows, and Dick turned to see the Batman emerge onto the=20 roof top. "Nice outfit.." Dick smiled "Good to have you back, partner. What do you need me to do?"=20 =20 "We need to find out what else is going on. Cat and her date seemed to=20 disappear rather suddenly, I wonder if they might know something." >tbc< * * * * Cat shivering on the veranda with bomb "Oh man! I=92m going to need help with this thing. It has a sudden death=20 switch and if I clip any wire without stopping that switch it's=20 curtains for half of Metropolis not to mention lil ole me!" Cat said to=20 herself as she sat surveying the bomb. Picking up her phone she tried to=20 call Diego again. The phone rang but the call wouldn't go through. "This=20 isn't fun!" Cat said in desperation. Diego cursed again while trying to call Catherine and the phone lines were=20 still not functional. "What is the matter with these lines?" Diego picked up= =20 the=20 case that he had picked up earlier at the hidden apartment. "I may need=20 my fencier this night!" >tbc< =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Re: Cat shivering on veranda with bomb Scardino watched wordlessly (for once!) as his team put Duncan's corpse=20 in the back of their car and drive off into the night. Then he turned=20 and went back to the ball. ***Just a bunch of morons showing off over=20 their booze. And this is high society.*** he thought, watching the=20 dancers and shaking his head. ***I can't take this. I need air.***=20 Scardino left the ballroom and went out to the veranda... >tbc< =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Re: Cat shivering on veranda with bomb {special contributions from lois_lne and RenCarr1} Lois thought that the best thing for her to do was go outside and get=20 some air. That way she could go out onto one of the verandas and finally=20 be alone. Cat Grant was still outside on one such veranda, trying to disabl= e=20 the=20 bomb she had found. "I could really use some help now!" she muttered to=20 herself. Suddenly the double doors opened and Lois Lane stepped out.=20 "Whoa," Cat whispered to herself. "Oh! Um...I'm sorry. I'll just find another veranda to occupy." "No, Lois, please stay. I need you to help me with something." Cat's back was blocking the view of the bomb, so Lois walked up behind=20 her to see what was going on. "What is it?" "This is C-12 and it has a detonator that can be tripped three ways. #1=20 Sudden movement of this whole apparatus. #2 Clipping the wrong wires.=20 And #3 heat rising and the acid finally eating through the plastic=20 container. So you and I have to concentrate and make sure that we clip=20 the proper wires." "Well Cat, just be greatful that I showed up when I did!" Lois exclaimed=20 as she patted Cat on the back. "I have disabled my share of bombs=20 before, a lot of them without Superman's help!" Lois stared at a jumble of wires underneath the bomb. "Hmm...lemme see,"=20 she said as she fingered them. "Now is it the red wire or the black wire=20 you don't cut? Or is it the blue or the green wire? Or the yellow=20 one?!?" "Lois, my dear, you're babbling..." Cat smiled. "What we need to focus=20 on is getting this baby cool enough so it doesn't blow! We need ice to=20 keep the acid stable and make sure it doesn't eat through this plastic.=20 So could you get one of the security men to get us a bucket of that=20 finely crushed ice the bartender's use for those frozen drinks?" "Um, yeah sure," Lois said as she stood up and walked towards the doors. Lois was a bit disappointed that she wouldn't be able to actually cut=20 one of the wires. She thought that it would definately get Bruce's=20 attention if she saved his Observatory from blowing up. "Oh and Lois, please don't get too distracted by Clark while you're out=20 there!" Cat giggled. "Excuse me?" "I saw you and Kent dancing real close out there..." she winked. "Cat, one thing you have to know about Kent is that the man can't keep=20 his hands to himself!" "Whatever Lois." "Hmmpf!" Lois sighed in frustration as she walked away from the veranda. "'re so in love with Clark and you don't even know it!" Cat=20 laughed to herself. >tbc< * * * * Look for Week #17 coming to a PC near you! Enjoy! Alexis ;-.) {"ADITLOM" arbitrator} ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 19:00:56 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Rowan Fuller Subject: Did You Know? Over 40 FoLC Related Mailing Lists on Comments: To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi FoLCs I was doing a check for mailing lists to add a page to my website and was quite shocked to find over 40 FoLC related lists at alone. Some of course are bigger and better than others. However I was surprised to find an L&C fanfic list with over 260 members. Is this a rival to our own or are they connected? Other interesting ones I came across were tons of Dean & Teri lists, A Justin Whalin List (which I may join as it looked good but had very few members), same goes for the Tracy Scoggins one and the John Shea list (which was very new). There was an LNCChristian list amongst others. Well I've now put up a page at my site (homepage: for anyone who is interested. If anyone could provide me with anymore from elsewhere I'd love to have them to add to the list. Particularly some non-English ones would be nice. While I was at onelist I set up one too. Join My Mailing List (Created 30 January 2000) by visiting Its purpose is to inform people of Updates to my website, Lois & Clark: TNAOS, over 150 links, news, information & more about the hit TV Show ( Also to provide them of other news such as new websites or news & sightings of Dean Cain, Teri Hatcher, Lane Smith, Justin Whalin, Michael Landes, John Shea, Tracy Scoggins and other cast members. Rowan :) -- -- -- R. Fuller ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 09:52:16 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: Archiving (was Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards) In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 07:54 PM 01/29/2000 -0500, you wrote: >> >Pam responded: >> > >> >>All stories submitted to the archive >> >> Do stories that appear on this L&C mailing list automatically put in the >> archive? >> > >No, for the simple reason that stories on this list are not >automatically put in the archive :) > >/me ponders that grammar My grammar was bad--I was typing while on line and I tend to panic when I do that ;) >Hope I correctly understood your question... anyway, the point is, all >stories on the archive were submitted and went through an editing >process, and when they're uploaded they're date-stamped. :) >-- >------------------------------------------------------- >Pam Jernigan | >ChiefPam on IRC | ChPam on AOL IM Explain "edit", especially after I edited My Journal, fixing typos, after they were caught when I posted it to the L&CFanfic list. I posted the final, really, really good (I hope) versions to my site, for those who missed it. I'm sorry I misunderstood about the archive. I must have thought they were one in the same. I've emailed Erin about how to get a story there and have offered that she link rather than use up more space, considering there are grahics with the story. I've never submitted anything there, basically because I think there are more potential readers *here*, on this list. Also, readers may not want to download a very long story from a web site. I may be wrong on both points, but I'm learning Debby ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 18:12:15 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin Klingler Subject: Re: Archiving (was Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards) In-Reply-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Debby wrote: >I'm sorry I misunderstood about the archive. I must have thought >they were one >in the same. I've emailed Erin about how to get a story there and >have offered >that she link rather than use up more space, considering there are grahics >with >the story. I've never submitted anything there, basically because I think >there >are more potential readers *here*, on this list. Also, readers may >not want to >download a very long story from a web site. I may be wrong on both >points, but >I'm learning Just wanted to quickly clear something up about this. My site is *not* an archive for fanfics--the only fanfics I have posted there are my own. When we talk about the fanfic archive, we're actually talking about the official fanfic archive at . I'm surprised to hear you weren't familiar with fanfic archive submission proceedures, Debby, since you've been around folcdome even longer than I have. But it's really easy--for all of you who may not know, you simply send your fanfic to the archive address: stories@ , and then an editor for the archive will be assigned your story and read through for typos, text conversion glitches, etc. Then it's sent to our hard-working Editor in Chief, Kathy Brown, who gets it uploaded to the archive with the help of her hard-working staff. Simple! ;) But in answer to your other question, no, I don't have any of the eligible fanfics posted on my own website (other than my own stories), so Debby, go ahead and post your fanfic on your own site, or better yet, submit it to the archive where more ppl will stumble across it! I'm sure many who don't know about your site would love to read it. ;) Erin :) __________________ Visit my LNC/Kerth Website: ***** "It's not the years that count, it's the moments...right now, as they happen." __________________ ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 20:14:01 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Organization: Subject: Re: Archiving (was Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Debby, > Explain "edit", especially after I edited My Journal, fixing typos, after they > were caught when I posted it to the L&CFanfic list. Well, when you send a story to the Archive, Kathy assigns you an editor who looks over the story and offers suggestions. Unless the story is really awful I think you're free to ignore the suggestions, but I've always found them to be helpful. After that, the story goes in the queue and gets uploaded in the next available week. You're right, the old list that Rhen managed had its own archive, and stories sent to the list were automatically available, but this list is separate, so to get stories in the archive now, you have to send them in. I do believe there's a link to your site from there, though. And of course there's an archive of all posts to this list, but that's not the same thing... Hope this helped :) -- ------------------------------------------------------- Pam Jernigan | ChiefPam on IRC | ChPam on AOL IM ------------------------------------------------------- "Not only was Ivan an idiot, but he generated a telepathic damping field to turn the people nearby into idiots, too." --An exasperated Miles contemplates his cousin in _The Warrior's Apprentice_, by Lois McMaster Bujold ------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 21:13:29 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Rose Cookson Subject: New fanfic: Intro MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi everyone! I've made a very impulsive decision, which I'm hoping will work out well for me. I've been working on a fic. I'm about halfway through writing it (well, I think I'm about halfway through, but it seems to have taken on a life of it's own). I know what I want to do with it, but I've reached a point where it isn't coming out on paper as easily as it was before. So I've decided to post the very first part of it, to see what kind of response I get from it. I'm hoping that somehow you guys will provide me with the necessary inspiration to get through the rest of it, despite the difficulty I'm having. Any criticism is welcome, both public and private, although I know it may be hard to comment on it, since this is only the very beginning of it. Please be kind, as this is my very first fanfic EVER, and I'm a little nervous about posting it, especially considering it isn't even done yet! It is temporarily titled "That Lois Lane of Mine," because it is yet another variation on TOGOM, but I am searching for another title. If you have any divine inspiration, please feel free to share it with me! Thank you all so very much! Rose ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 21:19:31 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Rose Cookson Subject: New fanfic: Prologue and Part 1 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable That Lois Lane of Mine PROLOGUE =20 Dillinger raised the gun. Clark froze. =20 If he advanced toward Dillinger, Dillinger would surely fire. If he stood=20 still, Lois could be hurt. If he advanced at superspeed... =20 Clark took a step forward. He felt Lois=E2=80=99 body hit his at the same m= oment he=20 heard the gun fire. Then he heard her cry out his name. =20 She was on the ground. He hadn=E2=80=99t moved. There was blood everywhere= , on his=20 clothes, on the floor. It deepened the already deep red of her dress. =20 =E2=80=9CClark!=E2=80=9D she cried frantically, =E2=80=9CClark, you=E2=80=99= re hurt...=E2=80=9D =20 Clark looked to where Lois was reaching. There was a bullet hole in his=20 jacket, which was soaked through with blood. =20 =20 But he didn=E2=80=99t bleed... Did he? =20 Lois was still crying for him, yelling for someone to help him. *Why was she= =20 still on the floor?* he wondered. Then, suddenly, he knew why. =20 =20 He had not been shot. She had. PART ONE Clark Kent paced the length of the waiting room. He was worried about Lois= ,=20 terribly worried. The doctor had said that she would be fine, that the bullet had=20 passed cleanly through her femur. She would have to stay off of her leg fo= r=20 a week, and then she=E2=80=99d be up and hobbling on crutches in pursuit of=20= her next=20 byline. But Clark was worried for other reasons. Lois would heal this time= .=20 But next time... Lois had a way of finding danger. She seemed to have a magnetism about her;= a magnetism that attracted not only men, but every minute threat in the=20 entirety of Metropolis and beyond. She was headstrong and fearless. And it scared Clar= k=20 to death.=20 =20 *How was it that she managed to get into so much trouble?* Clark mused. On=20 an almost weekly basis, Clark, or rather Superman, saved her from what=20 otherwise would certainly be a deadly situation. It terrified him beyond=20 reason, the thought that someday he wouldn=E2=80=99t be able to reach her in= time. =20 Someday, he might be a second too late, and in the space of a heartbeat, he=20 would lose the woman he loved more than anything. =20 He loved her. From the day he met her, Clark belonged to her, heart and=20 soul. She was his partner, his best friend, and his soulmate. He couldn=E2= =80=99t=20 live without her. =20 =20 Yet he stood and watched in horror while she was shot. He did nothing to=20 save her from being killed. What kind of man was he?=20 ***** Lois Lane layed on the hospital bed with her eyes squeezed tightly shut in=20 pain. Her leg was aching badly, but something else hurt worse. She=E2=80= =99d almost=20 lost Clark. She=E2=80=99d dragged him into that casino so that she could ch= ase after=20 her Pulitzer. *Her* Pulitzer. A testament to her selfishness. Clark had=20 been her partner for a year and a half now, but she still could not share a=20 Pulitzer. =20 Clark was always looking out for her. Although it made her a little crazy=20 sometimes, she secretly loved it. No one had ever taken the time to look ou= t=20 for her before, certainly not her father, or her mother. There was Perry,=20 Lois had always shared a special relationship with him, more father/daughter= =20 than editor/reporter, but even Perry would step out of the way when Lois was= =20 headed for trouble. Clark was different. Clark had saved her life on more=20 occasions than she could count. Almost as many times as Superman. =20 =20 Once again, Lois had dragged Clark into one of her half-baked schemes. Clar= k=20 was always telling her that she took far too many risks, that she was going to=20 get herself killed. She=E2=80=99d lead him into dangerous situations before= , but=20 this time she went too far. She=E2=80=99d almost killed Clark. How could s= he ever=20 expect him to forgive her? ***** Clark drove Lois home from the hospital in her Jeep, which he=E2=80=99d fina= lly=20 thought to fly back to the casino and pick up. Despite her protests and insistence that sh= e=20 could make it to her apartment on her crutches, Clark carried her to her=20 apartment and laid her down in her bed.=20 =E2=80=9CClark, I don=E2=80=99t need rest,=E2=80=9D Lois said the whole way.= =E2=80=9CI=E2=80=99m okay, really.=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CYou=E2=80=99ve been through quite a lot tonight, and look,=E2=80=9D= Clark said, gesturing=20 to her window, =E2=80=9Cit=E2=80=99s morning now.=E2=80=9D The faint light=20= of the sun was just=20 barely visible, reflected off the windows of nearby buildings. =E2=80=9CYou= need=20 sleep, and the doctor said that those pills he gave you would hit you like a= =20 ton of bricks. I=E2=80=99m surprised you didn=E2=80=99t fall asleep on the=20= way home.=E2=80=9D Lois=20 moved to protest, but Clark took her gently by the shoulders and pushed her=20 back down on the bed. =E2=80=9CSleep,=E2=80=9D he ordered, trying to look s= tern. He tried=20 not to show Lois how truly frightened he was. Lois couldn=E2=80=99t help but grin. =E2=80=9CYes, Martha,=E2=80=9D she tea= sed. Clark turned out=20 Lois=E2=80=99 bedroom light, and quietly closed the door. =20 In the kitchen, he put a kettle of water on the stove, picked up the phone,=20 and dialed the number for the Daily Planet. He knew Perry would be there,=20 despite the early hour. He filled Perry in on the shooting, and told him=20 Lois was fine and in bed asleep, although his heart was screaming otherwise.= =20 Clark promised to send him the story the minute he had it written, but Perry= =20 objected. Lois and Clark both had quite a few personal days left, neither=20 one of them ever seemed to take a day off. After being ordered to show=20 neither hide nor hair in the newsroom for the next three days, Clark hung up= =20 the phone, prepared his tea, and sat down to think. He didn=E2=80=99t know what to do. He was the strongest man on the planet,=20= and Lois=20 still got hurt. He could have saved her, should have saved her, but then=20 everyone would know his secret. Everyone would know he was Superman.=20 Lois would know he was Superman. =20 Not that knowing would have been so bad for Superman. Lois loved Superman.=20= =20 But if Lois knew... would Clark matter? Clark knew Lois cared for him. The= y=20 were good friends, even best friends. But she didn=E2=80=99t love him. Not the way t= hat he=20 loved her, not the way he needed her to love him. If Lois knew that he was=20 Superman, it would destroy any chance of Lois ever loving Clark. He was being selfish, he knew that. He had put his love=E2=80=99s life at r= isk=20 because he cared more that she love him than that she was alive. How could=20 he ever look her in the eye again? Why *should* she love him? He didn=E2= =80=99t=20 deserve her love. Just then, Lois=E2=80=99 screams disrupted his reverie. ***** She was back in the casino. Clark was at her side. Dillinger entered, gun=20 in hand. He took aim. Lois tried to move. Tried to scream. She was frozen. =20 She heard the shot ring out. She stared helpless, unable to make a move to=20 help her fallen partner.=20 He was dead. The blood oozed from the hole in his jacket, soaking his chest= ,=20 soaking his clothes, soaking the floor. =20 He was surrounded by red. The redness seemed to come alive in front of her=20 eyes. It wrapped around Clark, spread across the floor.=20 His jacket was too big now, bright red with blood. He seemed to drown in it= ,=20 his huge jacket. It billowed around him. It billowed like a cape.=20 Lois found her voice. =E2=80=9CClark!!!!!=E2=80=9D ***** ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 21:59:51 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Alicia Utowski Subject: Re: New fanfic: Prologue and Part 1 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit This is an interesting take on TOGOM :) I am looking forward to the rest Alicia :) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 13:00:19 +0200 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kaye Family Subject: Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Hi, I'm glad I know someone around here! ~Larissa~ ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 13:09:58 +0200 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kaye Family Subject: Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Okay, well I've read quite a bit of fanfic. I have about 400 stories downloaded on my computer but I haven't read them all. I actually recognise some of the names of people on this list from stories I've read. ~Larissa~ ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 13:16:55 +0200 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kaye Family Subject: Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Not really, I don't really write fanfic. I'm pretty terrible at it actually, but I LOVE reading other people's stories. So, tell me about the Kerth Awards. ~Larissa~ ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 21:58:43 CST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jessi Mounts Subject: Re: New: Pagimon (1/1) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed As someone who knows more about more about the fuzzy little creatures than she'd care to admit, thanks to an obsessed little brother, that was fun, Tara. Now, are you sure you can't write one letting Lois and Clark put an end to the whole Pagimon craze after exposing some vast conspiracy behind it all, could you? Jessi ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 22:12:28 -0600 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: timothy truitt Organization: tnt technical services Subject: Re: New fanfic: Prologue and Part 1 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Rose - interesting take on TOGOM- I enjoyed this segment - keep it coming merry Rose Cookson wrote: > That Lois Lane of Mine > > PROLOGUE > > Dillinger raised the gun. Clark froze. > > If he advanced toward Dillinger, Dillinger would surely fire. If he stood > still, Lois could > be hurt. If he advanced at superspeed... > > Clark took a step forward. He felt Lois’ body hit his at the same moment he > heard the gun fire. Then he heard her cry out his name. > > She was on the ground. He hadn’t moved. There was blood everywhere, on his > clothes, on the floor. It deepened the already deep red of her dress. > “Clark!” she cried frantically, “Clark, you’re hurt...” > > Clark looked to where Lois was reaching. There was a bullet hole in his > jacket, which was soaked through with blood. > > But he didn’t bleed... Did he? > > Lois was still crying for him, yelling for someone to help him. *Why was she > still on the floor?* he wondered. Then, suddenly, he knew why. > > He had not been shot. She had. > > PART ONE > > Clark Kent paced the length of the waiting room. He was worried about Lois, > terribly > worried. The doctor had said that she would be fine, that the bullet had > passed cleanly through her femur. She would have to stay off of her leg for > a week, and then she’d be up and hobbling on crutches in pursuit of her next > byline. But Clark was worried for other reasons. Lois would heal this time. > But next time... > > Lois had a way of finding danger. She seemed to have a magnetism about her; a > magnetism that attracted not only men, but every minute threat in the > entirety of > Metropolis and beyond. She was headstrong and fearless. And it scared Clark > to death. > > *How was it that she managed to get into so much trouble?* Clark mused. On > an almost weekly basis, Clark, or rather Superman, saved her from what > otherwise would certainly be a deadly situation. It terrified him beyond > reason, the thought that someday he wouldn’t be able to reach her in time. > Someday, he might be a second too late, and in the space of a heartbeat, he > would lose the woman he loved more than anything. > > He loved her. From the day he met her, Clark belonged to her, heart and > soul. She was his partner, his best friend, and his soulmate. He couldn’t > live without her. > > Yet he stood and watched in horror while she was shot. He did nothing to > save her from being killed. What kind of man was he? > > ***** > > Lois Lane layed on the hospital bed with her eyes squeezed tightly shut in > pain. Her leg was aching badly, but something else hurt worse. She’d almost > lost Clark. She’d dragged him into that casino so that she could chase after > her Pulitzer. *Her* Pulitzer. A testament to her selfishness. Clark had > been her partner for a year and a half now, but she still could not share a > Pulitzer. > > Clark was always looking out for her. Although it made her a little crazy > sometimes, she secretly loved it. No one had ever taken the time to look out > for her before, certainly not her father, or her mother. There was Perry, > Lois had always shared a special relationship with him, more father/daughter > than editor/reporter, but even Perry would step out of the way when Lois was > headed for trouble. Clark was different. Clark had saved her life on more > occasions than she could count. Almost as many times as Superman. > > Once again, Lois had dragged Clark into one of her half-baked schemes. Clark > was > always telling her that she took far too many risks, that she was going to > get herself killed. She’d lead him into dangerous situations before, but > this time she went too far. She’d almost killed Clark. How could she ever > expect him to forgive her? > > ***** > > Clark drove Lois home from the hospital in her Jeep, which he’d finally > thought to fly > back to the casino and pick up. Despite her protests and insistence that she > could make it to her apartment on her crutches, Clark carried her to her > apartment and laid her down in her bed. > > “Clark, I don’t need rest,” Lois said the whole way. “I’m okay, really.” > > “You’ve been through quite a lot tonight, and look,” Clark said, gesturing > to her window, “it’s morning now.” The faint light of the sun was just > barely visible, reflected off the windows of nearby buildings. “You need > sleep, and the doctor said that those pills he gave you would hit you like a > ton of bricks. I’m surprised you didn’t fall asleep on the way home.” Lois > moved to protest, but Clark took her gently by the shoulders and pushed her > back down on the bed. “Sleep,” he ordered, trying to look stern. He tried > not to show Lois how truly frightened he was. > > Lois couldn’t help but grin. “Yes, Martha,” she teased. Clark turned out > Lois’ bedroom light, and quietly closed the door. > > In the kitchen, he put a kettle of water on the stove, picked up the phone, > and dialed the number for the Daily Planet. He knew Perry would be there, > despite the early hour. He filled Perry in on the shooting, and told him > Lois was fine and in bed asleep, although his heart was screaming otherwise. > Clark promised to send him the story the minute he had it written, but Perry > objected. Lois and Clark both had quite a few personal days left, neither > one of them ever seemed to take a day off. After being ordered to show > neither hide nor hair in the newsroom for the next three days, Clark hung up > the phone, prepared his tea, and sat down to think. > > He didn’t know what to do. He was the strongest man on the planet, and Lois > still got hurt. He could have saved her, should have saved her, but then > everyone would know his secret. Everyone would know he was Superman. > > Lois would know he was Superman. > > Not that knowing would have been so bad for Superman. Lois loved Superman. > But if Lois knew... would Clark matter? Clark knew Lois cared for him. They > were good > friends, even best friends. But she didn’t love him. Not the way that he > loved her, not the way he needed her to love him. If Lois knew that he was > Superman, it would destroy any chance of Lois ever loving Clark. > > He was being selfish, he knew that. He had put his love’s life at risk > because he cared more that she love him than that she was alive. How could > he ever look her in the eye again? Why *should* she love him? He didn’t > deserve her love. > > Just then, Lois’ screams disrupted his reverie. > > ***** > > She was back in the casino. Clark was at her side. Dillinger entered, gun > in hand. He took aim. > > Lois tried to move. Tried to scream. She was frozen. > > She heard the shot ring out. She stared helpless, unable to make a move to > help her fallen partner. > > He was dead. The blood oozed from the hole in his jacket, soaking his chest, > soaking his clothes, soaking the floor. > > He was surrounded by red. The redness seemed to come alive in front of her > eyes. It wrapped around Clark, spread across the floor. > > His jacket was too big now, bright red with blood. He seemed to drown in it, > his huge jacket. It billowed around him. It billowed like a cape. > > Lois found her voice. > > “Clark!!!!!” > > ***** ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 04:09:23 GMT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Diyan Subject: Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed In June I started keeping a running list of what stories each author posted to the Archive in 1999. This is a list of authors who were new *to the Archive* in 1999. Some of these authors, including Jennifer Eagan and KMcstr, I believe, had posted their stories elsewhere earlier, so I assume they will not be eligible. Also, some of the authors had previously published nfic but are new to PG fic; Im not into nfic, so LabRat is the only one I know of. I dont know if they are eligible or not; Erin and her team will have to make that call. I probably made some mistakes, so please correct any errors you find. Gerry Anklewicz Becky Bain Christina Batouli Lara Blasinghame Brittney Sammi Burleigh Christine Carr Chris H Cece Cox Kelsey Croft Crys B The Cybercerpent Skip Davis Daydreamer80 (Charlotte Fisler) DC Doc Kleins LabRat Stephen Don Irene Dutchak Jennifer Eagan Misty Ellison Earthanngel Dawn Field Syl Francis German L&C Fanfic Team GFC Julie Gibson Sharon Gilbert Merav Granot Elaine Gustainis Hazel Betty Huang Jeff James Jen Jessi Niklas Hawk Jonsson Jonty KMcstr Arpit Kumar Lace Avalon LadyBiker Letitia Logan Lou Maysonlane Melisma (Debra Gray) Maria TB Mendoza Menolly Notrepooh Raconteur27 Tracy Reager Marnie Rowe David Schock SilvrBrwne Julie Slisz Nan Smith Tara Smith Felix Sung Rachel TenHaaf Texas Jewel ML Thompson Trevise Judith Tylke Stephani VanWert Tank Wilson Hope this helps, -Dia ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 04:32:50 GMT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Diyan Subject: Darkest Hour Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed Er-in, pllleeeeaaase! I'm resorting to begging here. The Kerths can wait--we want the end of 'Darkest Hour.' Where are you??? -Dia ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 00:03:00 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Tara Smith Subject: Re: New: Pagimon (1/1) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Actually, I've been thinking about it, Jessi :) I probably will. Maybe that'll be my next story. Tara (who has two 12-year-old brothers who are obsessed by Pokemon) ------Original Message------ From: Jessi Mounts To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Sent: January 31, 2000 3:58:43 AM GMT Subject: Re: New: Pagimon (1/1) As someone who knows more about more about the fuzzy little creatures than she'd care to admit, thanks to an obsessed little brother, that was fun, Tara. Now, are you sure you can't write one letting Lois and Clark put an end to the whole Pagimon craze after exposing some vast conspiracy behind it all, could you? Jessi ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ----------------------------------------------- FREE! The World's Best Email Address Reserve your name now at ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 00:26:11 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Tara Smith Subject: Threads of Confusion (3/?) Metropolis Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Ok, like I promised, I labelled this for which thread it is B-) Please send FDK, I need it to really get going on part 4 ;) Threads of Confusion (3/?) Metropolis Night had fallen swiftly on Metropolis and was accompanied by a new cold front to offset they day's relative warmth. Maggie knew from things Lois and Clark had told her that by morning there would be a crust of ice on the snow which would make for more accidents the next morning. She wasn't really looking forward to that. Fortunately, there hadn't been anything that required her presence yet. As Maggie hurried down Hyperion Avenue with her covered dish in hand, she was once again thankful that she wasn't affected by the cold like humans were. The light jacked that she wore was the only one in her possession at present and she didn't really want to have to go buy a new one. She knew that Jimmy had been planning on getting her a new 'cool' jacket but . . . firmly, she banished all thoughts of Jimmy Olson from her thoughts. Now really wasn't the time to let herself dwell on things she probably couldn't change. Still . . . She finally reached Lois and Clark's brownstone. She had walked the distance from her apartment using only a little superspeed. Despite the refining of her control she had acquired since moving to Metropolis and using her powers on a daily basis, she hadn't wanted to chance damaging her contribution to tonight's dinner--a dessert she was sure that Lois, at least, would love. She walked up the steps to the front door and unlocked the door using the key Lois had given her earlier that day. Neither Lois nor Clark would be home right now, so Lois had given her the spare so she wouldn't have to wait outside until one of the two returned. As she stepped inside and closed the door behind her, closing the chill night out, she could clearly hear someone moving around in the kitchen. She juggled the covered dish from hand to hand as she shed her light jacket and hung it on the coat rack by the door. "Lois? Is that you?" A strange woman's voice called from the kitchen. "No, it's not!" Maggie called back. "It's Maggie Carmichael. Lois gave me a key so I wouldn't have to wait for her or Clark to get home." An older woman stepped out of the kitchen. Maggie recognized her instantly from the pictures she had seen around the house as Martha Kent, Clark's adoptive mother. She was wearing a plain blue dress with an apron over it and was drying her hands on a dishtowel. From the smells emanating from the kitchen, Maggie knew Mrs. Kent had been preparing food. Maggie smiled brightly. "Hi, Mrs. Kent." Martha Kent smiled back. Maggie could tell from the warmth in the smile that she was everything Clark had said she was. "Oh, call me Martha, dear. You're practically family, from what Clark tells me." Maggie quelled a surge of worry at that phrase. The woman undoubtedly knew about her son's secret and had kept it for over thirty years, now. If she did know Maggie's secret, she was unlikely to spread it around. She smiled at her. "Lois and Clark are really cool people, Mrs. . . . um, Martha. They've helped me a lot since I've moved to Metropolis." "Why don't you come into the kitchen with me?" Martha suggested. "That way we can talk while I finish up some of the food for dinner." "Fine by me." Maggie followed Martha back into the kitchen. The scents she had detected from in the entryway hit Maggie almost like a physical force as she entered the kitchen. She inhaled deeply, recognizing most of the scents as ones she had smelled the last Christmas before her parents were killed, when her mother had actually had enough time to cook Christmas dinner for her family. "Mmm! Smells great!" she commented. "I can see where Clark learned to cook." "Thank you," Martha said. Maggie held out the covered dish. "I brought something for dessert. It's just something I threw together. Nothing much, really." Martha accepted the dish and popped the lid off to peek inside. Her eyebrows lifted and she shot a look at Maggie. "I wouldn't call this nothing much. I'd better put it in the refrigerator to keep it safe." By safe, Maggie knew she meant hidden from Lois. The woman might not be able to resist sampling the dessert ahead of time if she saw how much chocolate was in the cake. Martha placed the dish in the refrigerator and turned back to Maggie. "Do you like to cook, Maggie?" Maggie grinned sheepishly. "Sort of, but all I really know how to make is desserts." "Well, why don't you help me with dinner. I can show you a few things." **** **** **** "I'll match you and raise you a star system!" Maggie said. Lois pushed open the front door, certain she couldn't have heard what she thought she just had. Jonathon Kent, just a step behind her, laughed softly. "I'll see that." Martha was seated across the table from Maggie and both were looking very intent as they stared at each other across their cards. "And I'll raise you a star cluster." Lois stifled a laugh--they just looked so serious about it! "Playing high-stakes poker, are you?" Maggie, who undoubtedly had already known Lois and Jonathon were there, flashed Lois a grin. "Of course! That's the only way to play poker!" Lois and Jonathon had gone out for some ingredients for the dessert Clark had planned. They had been held up by a minor traffic accident until Superman cleared it away. The two hung their coats on the rack beside the door and went into the living room. As they did so, Lois caught sight of a pile of poker chips in the center of the table Martha and Maggie were seated at. Apparently this hand had been going for quite a while, now. As she watched, Maggie tossed some chips into the center. "I raise you a star cluster!" Martha laughed and shook her head. "I fold." "I finally beat someone at poker!" Maggie said, laughing. She put her cards face down on the table and raked in the chips. "Do I get to see what I lost to?" Martha asked. Maggie gave her a look that was part dubiousness, but mostly suppressed laughter. "Hmmm, I don't know . . . ok." The two flipped their cards over. Maggie had an ace, Martha had three of a kind. When Martha saw what Maggie had won with, she burst into laughter. "Has Clark gotten back yet?" Lois asked when the laughter died down. Martha opened her mouth to reply when a whoosh and a thud interrupted her. A moment later, Clark strolled casually down the stairs, glasses in hand. Martha gestured for him to put them back on. "It's ok, Martha," Lois told her. "Maggie already knows." Maggie nodded at Martha and Jonathon's surprised expressions. "I figured it out the first time I met him as Superman. I've got a photographic memory. Don't worry, I'd never tell anyone--Lois and Clark are two of my best friends!" "If Clark trusts you with his secret, we trust you too," Jonathon spoke up. "Now, why don't we get dinner set up?" Dinner passed quickly--almost too quickly, as far as Lois was concerned. But then, that was the way it was when they were having a good time. The conversation was lively, and by the end of dinner, Martha and Jonathon were treating Maggie like a good friend. Superman hadn't been called on once, amazingly. Dessert had been provided, as planned, by Maggie. She had baked a cake--a chocoholic's delight. Lois hadn't realized that Maggie even knew how to use the oven, from the kinds of things Maggie kept in the cupboards in the apartment she and Lucy shared. Lois had assumed, on seeing it, that Maggie had bought it from the store because of how professional it looked. Maggie sheepishly admitted that she'd made it herself--she was a chocoholic, too. Lois leaned back in her chair, smiling at her husband, who was sitting across the table from her. Everyone seemed to be finished eating. Clark, as usual, started to pick up the dishes but Maggie stopped him. "Why don't you two go take that romantic flight you were planning on? We can take care of the dishes for you." He started to protest, but Maggie didn't let him. "Don't worry about it! You two just go enjoy yourselves! Shoo!" Lois exchanged an amused look with Clark. "It sounds like we've been given our marching orders, doesn't it?" Clark came around the table to her. "It sure does. And I can't think of any reason to disobey." He stopped in front of her and spun into his uniform. She put her arms around his neck and he scooped her up in his arms and turned towards the staircase. They drifted up the staircase and out the master bedroom window. The city was as quiet as it had ever been as they flew leisurely north. The sky was clear for now, despite the weather predictions that a new cold front was moving in. Lois, cuddled close to her warm husband, didn't even notice the chill in the air. A little while later, they had gotten a few miles out of Metropolis when Lois noticed a familiar expression on her husband's face. "Something wrong?" He nodded. "It sounded like an accident. It's fairly close to us." She sighed. "Can't people stay out of trouble for just one night? Let's go." They reached the scene of the accident in a matter of minutes. A truck had been driven into a ditch alongside the road and a man, apparently the owner of the truck, was standing beside it speaking into a cell phone. When he saw Superman coming in for a landing, he said something into it and closed the phone. Clark deposited Lois just outside of the ring of light the truck was producing and walked up to the man. "Hi, Superman. Sorry to bother you on Christmas night and all." "It's all right. I'll have your truck out in no time." "Thanks." He didn't seem drunk, Lois thought. Why had he driven off the road? The man, seemingly hearing her thoughts, continued talking to Superman, telling him what happened as the Kryptonian moved the truck carefully out of the ditch. "I was driving along minding my own business when these kids in a sportscar tried to pass me. I think they're drunk, 'cause they tried to run me off the road. I was just letting the highway patrol know about it when you got here." The man seemed extremely annoyed as he related his story, his breath steaming in the cold air. "There you go, sir. Good as new." He looked up at the gathering clouds. A flash of light lit up the sky for a moment and a second later the rumble of thunder hit them. "Thanks, Superman. Merry Christmas." The man shook Superman's hand, then spoke to Lois. "Merry Christmas to you, too, ma'am!" Lois lifted her hand in a wave as the man climbed back into his truck and drove away. Clark came back over to her and scooped her up again. "We should get going too. This storm looks like its going to be a lively one." Lois looked up as lightning again illuminated the sky. "That's odd. I don't remember the weather forecaster predicting an electrical storm." "Neither do I. We should go home and check the news." "Well, it'd better not be a criminal controlling the weather again. It was annoying enough the last time." Clark wrapped his cape partly around her and prepared to launch himself. As he did so, a brighter light than the lightning flashed in the sky. At the same time as it hit the ground by them, lightning flashed, this time directly in front of them, striking the ground, combining to create a flash of light that dazzled their eyes for a moment. The universe blinked. "What was that?" Lois blinked fiercely to clear her sight. She felt slightly dazed. What could that have possibly been? She'd never felt anything quite like it before. "I don't know." Clark responded. Lois felt him lift off and fly quickly out from under the storm clouds as quickly as was safe for her. Lois, looking around, was the first to notice something strange. "Clark, where's Metropolis?" to be continued . . . ----------------------------------------------- FREE! The World's Best Email Address Reserve your name now at ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 00:29:24 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Lara Blasingame Subject: Re: New fanfic: Prologue and Part 1 Hi Rose, Nice story... please post some more installments soon... I like your take on TOGOM. Lara ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 00:30:52 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Lara Blasingame Subject: Re: New: Pagimon (1/1) Cute story, Tara. It made me LOL ;) Lara ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 00:34:48 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Tara Smith Subject: Re: New: Pagimon (1/1) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cool. It has served it's purpose :) Tara ------Original Message------ From: Lara Blasingame To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Sent: January 31, 2000 5:30:52 AM GMT Subject: Re: New: Pagimon (1/1) Cute story, Tara. It made me LOL ;) Lara "Always give generously--a small bird or rodent left on the bed tells them, "I care."" from All I need to know about life I learned from my cat. ----------------------------------------------- FREE! The World's Best Email Address Reserve your name now at ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 02:32:15 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Hazel Subject: Re: Kerth category quiz: Elseworlds In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Answers to Elseworlds quiz: Story 1: Dark Revelation, by Tank Wilson Story 2: Alternate Beginnings, by Chris H. Story 3: Famous Last Words, by Mobile Richard Story 4: My Journal, Day 11, by Debby Stark Story 5: Strange Visitor from the Congo, by Wendy Richards Story 6: Just Like That?, by Pam Jernigan Story 7: A Different Beginning, by Skip Davis Story 8: Before the Night Falls, by Chris H. Alexis gets a point and a half -- she got the author and the story "series," but not the title. Alicia gets six points for three quote answers. TA (Terri Ann?) gets seven points -- three quote answers, and one excerpt one. (Sorry about #5, although I'll take it as a compliment! :) ) Dave Phillips comes out of lurkdom with a bang for twelve points -- five quotes and two excerpt answers. Lesley gets four points for two quote answers. Pam has eight points, for four quote answers. I see no reason why she should be disqualified for her own story, even though she didn't *actually* name it. :) Wendy sent her answers to me privately, since she can't reach the list on weekends; she gets nine points for four quote answers and one excerpt answer. Diyan gets ten points for five quote answers. I'm glad to hear the quotes worked so well for you! Dave Phillips is the clear winner with twelve points! Congratulations, Dave! Whether or not elseworlds are popular, the sheer number of people who replied to this quiz makes it pretty clear that they're rather memorable. :) A little note to Debby: I was a bit unsure about adding your "My Journal" to this quiz, since last year you withdrew your work from the Kerths. I hope you don't mind its inclusion, but it was too good to leave out. ;) Wendy and I have agreed that with all the new author discussions on the list, the New Author category quiz should go up next. You might want to save Diyan's incredibly helpful post as a reference... Hazel ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 02:43:59 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Hazel Subject: Kerth Categories: New Author Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Advance warning: This one is tough. *Really* tough. Some of this new year's authors have been so prolific that it's hard to believe they've only been around for a year; others have posted a single story, perhaps two, and you might not even recognize the author's name. Some were first posted here on the list, or were recommended by listees; others are not really part of the "online FoLC community," and their stories have simply appeared on the archive without fanfare, garnering little or no comment. This time, the disclaimer really carries weight: Not only am I not necessarily recommending the authors whose work appears in this quiz, but I am most defintiely not trying to say that non-featured authors deserve any less credit or eligibility. (And my apologies to those that wince from double or treble negatives in a single sentence!) There are only fifteen stories here because I more or less stopped when I neared the 20K cut-off point. All the stories here share one thing in common: they are written by authors who posted their first stories in the year 1999. Many of these authors wrote multiple stories, and my choice of which fic for this quiz was more or less arbitrary. You can search through the archive by date if you're feeling frustrated. Hey, that's how I found 'em in the first place! :) I was skimming one story for an appropriate quote when I came across the line, "It had Kerth award written all over it." Prophetic words, perhaps...? ;) Quiz rules: The quiz has been divided into two sections: single quotes and excerpts. If you can't get the story from the single quote, then you can scroll down and try the excerpt. When you answer (and DON'T forget the spoiler space!!), let us know if you deserve two points for your answer (if you got it from the quote) or only one point (if you got it from the excerpt.) Feel free to hunt the archive if you're unsure. I'll be particularly interested to see how succesful this quiz turns out to be. Have fun! Quote 1: "I became your worst enemy three days ago when I put a bullet in Lois Lane's head. I plan to become your best friend when I give her back to you. Or perhaps 'sell' would be a more appropriate word." Quote 2: "Oh right, that Luthor guy. Sorry to tell ya this but I never liked him much. You know, a lot of people thought you'd marry that partner of yours, Clark Kent." Quote 3: "We have to let Lex kill Clark. I don't see any other way." Quote 4: "Clark and I represent the two ends of this hero spectrum. While Superman was the light, honesty, and integrity, I was darkness, intrigue, and, if necessary, not afraid to get my hands dirty to accomplish a just end." Quote 5: "Right. The Newtridge sisters break out of jail and don't try to get revenge on us. Sure. Somehow I don't think so." Quote 6: "I don't want to take memories of the past with me, Lois. I want the promise of a future. Our future." Quote 7: "There's no way to escape, Jor. In less than a day, the planet will be blown to bits." Quote 8: "I'm going to bring Lois back, Dad. I'm going to love her." Quote 9: "Um, that cop, Inspector Henderson, is he an okay guy? He keeps hanging around our house and talking to me and my mom. He's not another pervert, is he?" Quote 10: "Being a superhero is a very lonely business, and having someone who can sympathise, if not completely understand, is a great asset. Trust me, Peter, if Mary Jane really loves you, she'll accept who you are." Quote 11: "Mom's going to kill me. This is the third cape in the last month that Mickey has designated as his personal chew toy." Quote 12: "Lois, he has something to tell you. Please help him now; you can be angry later, if he survives." Quote 13: "I thought it might be Norcross and Judd all over again, for a while there at least. But Lane and Kent sure proved me wrong." Quote 14: "And I had to cover it all: The impromptu memorial services, the funeral parade, the ceremony, the trial and imprisonment of Gen. Wilson, all of it, when all I wanted to do was mourn my friends. It nearly killed me." Quote 15: "Things happened to me on New Krypton. Things that changed me." * * * For a bigger hint, and one point only, check out the excerpts below: S P O I L E R S P A C E EXCERPT 1: "Clark, have you thought about the implications of all this? The power to replicate human life... to alter the natural course of life and death... euthanasia... An unscrupulous man could... the power he would possess over others would be terrifying. Not to mention the havoc Intergang would bring to the city if you were powerless to intervene." "That's why I came home, Mom. I need the three of you to help me think this through. Examine the rights and wrongs of it. Because when I stood there and looked at her... when he told me that she could be with me again if I would just say the word, I knew that I would agree to anything to have her back. Help me, please." These last words were delivered in a desperate whisper. EXCERPT 2: "From this moment you do not exist for me, nor I for you. You shall not see me again. And you will not attempt to find me. In return I will keep my silence. Your actions last night need never come to light, and you will get to keep the honor you have carefully purchased." She fixed him with a glare as cold and hard as ice. "*Is this in any way unclear?*" After a long beat Lex finally asked, "Where are you going?" "That's none of your business. You will get the divorce papers as soon as they're set up." She stood, turning away and walking out the room. Dismissing him. Lex remained, stricken with emotion. "You are precious to me, Lois," he said. She stopped, but didn't turn around. "*Jewels* are precious. Goodbye, Mr. Luthor." EXCERPT 3: "Lois, I understand why Lex hates Superman, but why does he hate Clark so much? Except for not really liking him, Clark's never done anything to him. I even saved his life, remember?" She looked at him for a minute and he found himself having a hard time interpreting the look in her eyes. "Because of me," she said flatly. "Because he has decided to put me on his mantelpiece and show me off to the world. After, of course, he has changed me to suit his needs. If that involves killing the people I love the most, well, that's a small price to pay. Besides, killing gives Lex a lot of pleasure." Clark looked at her with dawning horror. She shrugged and continued in the same flat tone. "I heard Nigel talking to Asabi. Nigel asked him why Lex was so dead set on having me. Asabi told him that Lex had been exposed to a full strength 100% pure dose of that pheromone spray. It seems Miranda was trying to rekindle a flame that had died for Lex long ago. When it didn't make him fall in love with her she walked out and left him vulnerable. I was the unlucky lady who he felt enough attraction to for the pheromone to take affect, and now and for the rest of his life he'll be obsessed with me." EXCERPT 4: "What I'm trying to say Lois is, well, Clark is gone and I know what it's like to be alone. I want you to know that whatever you need I'll be there for you." Lois was stunned. She stood and began pacing about the room. "Thank you, I think, but I'm not sure what you are offering. Are you saying that if I'm ever in a jam, or need a hand, that I can call on you, as a friend?" "If that's what you wish." "Or are you saying that you will fill my emotional and physical needs. That you will step in for my long lost husband and, and replace those things he gave me that helped make my life complete?" Tears were streaming down Lois' face. "Is that what you are saying?!" EXCERPT 5: Tires squealed and someone shouted "Look out!" as a large truck slid through the intersection and slid directly into Lois' Jeep. Lois threw the doors open and ran out onto the sidewalk, staring in horror at what remained of her Jeep. "My car!" she shouted in horror. The vehicle had been completely smashed by the delivery truck. A whoosh beside Lois told her that her husband was zipping into action again. He flew down and landed beside the truck, ripping the door off. He spoke to the man behind the wheel as a crowd of spectators gathered, despite the pouring rain. A siren announced the arrival of an ambulance Lois remembered seeing going the opposite direction just a few minutes before, and people rushed out of the police station. Superman carefully lifted the injured man out and placed him in the ambulance before taking off himself, only to reappear moments later dressed in his suit and trench coat from a nearby alley. He opened up an umbrella he'd acquired somewhere along the way and held it over himself and Lois. Sergeant Zimak stepped up beside them. "That your Jeep, Lois?" Lois sighed heavily. "It was." EXCERPT 6: "That's exactly it, Lois. . . We're meant to be together and. . . I don't know if I'm coming back." The terrible thought that had been in both their minds, but which neither of them had been able to voice, was suddenly out in the open. He was frightened of what the future held in store, and she was frightened for him, going to a war in a place where he would have no superpowers to protect him. Defeating Tez had been difficult enough, and both knew that was only a prelude to what lay ahead. "And that's why we should do this," Lois said softly, reaching up to touch his cheek. "So that, whatever happens, we'll have this memory." Lois suddenly wanted that memory so much that it hurt. "No," he said again. "I don't want memories. I want you. And I think about waiting for you. . . until I come back. . . until our wedding night. . . When I think of that, I know that I will come back, because we're destined to be together, you and I." There was suddenly a smile in his voice as he added wryly, "And, believe me, Lois, NOTHING is going to stop me fulfilling my destiny with you!" "Oh, Clark. . ." EXCERPT 7: "Are you sure we're doing the right thing, Lara?" Jor frowned as he shut down the last of the holograms. He tucked the globe into the nose of the tiny ship. "Making up a name for the planet, pretending its destruction is natural... Should we be lying to our son like this?" "What's the alternative, then?" Lara demanded. "We don't dare explain his true heritage. We're sending him far enough; that rotten old dictator will probably never sense him. But if he knows of his true powers, and he uses them properly, it'll be like a beacon. Better he remains ignorant, and safe." "It will manifest itself in other ways, though," Jor reminded her. "It's an incredibly rich planet in that respect. He'll be tremendously strong there." "Let him be," Lara said. "Let him be strong, Jor. Let him be more powerful than any other being on the planet. Let him fly, for all I care." EXCERPT 8: She was sitting in a rocking chair, rocking back and forth, with one leg tucked beneath her. Her hair was much longer, down to her shoulders, but it had lost its sheen, and was no longer bouncy. It just hung limply around her face, now pale from not having been in the sun for a long time. Her beautiful brown eyes were now lifelessly dull, glazed, and unfocused. Her head was turned towards the window, and she was murmuring to herself. Held in her arms was a teddy bear. He slowly walked to her and knelt in front of her, taking one hand away from the bear and holding it in his. "Lois, honey?" No answer. "Lois, sweetheart, it's me, Clark. I'm home, honey. I came back!" He reached out and gently cupped her jaw like he had so many times before, a gesture in which she always found comfort. "Lois, it's me! Talk to me, my love. I've come back to you..." His voice trailed off when Lois slowly turned her head and looked at him. "No...Clark's not coming home," she mumbled. "He's not coming back...he promised me he'd come back...nooo, it's too late..." Clark was stunned. She didn't see him. He was right there, and she didn't see him! "Lois, honey, I'm right here," he said adamantly, increasing his hold on her jaw, "It's me, Clark. Look at me!" She merely blinked unseeing eyes at him. Wide eyed, Clark shook his head and whispered, horrified, "What have I done?" EXCERPT 9: Lois and Clark moved closer to Claude's bedside. His eyes fluttered open but did not focus on them. "Claude?" Lois tentatively touched his arm. "Maman?" "He thinks you're his mother," Clark whispered to her. "It's Lois, Claude." "Maman, tu m'as manque. Je ne savais pas ou tu es allee. Vas-tu rester avec moi?" Clark quietly translated for Lois. She looked at him helplessly. "I... He wants his mother. I guess I'll have to...I can pretend. Can you help me with the words?" He nodded, and they began. Claude would murmur something, Clark would quietly translate and then provide a faltering Lois with the French words in return. It was a strangely intimate way of conversing. EXCERPT 10: "Peter?" Clark asked, coming out onto the roof of the building. He found him sitting in his costume, watching the traffic below. "Jimmy knows about me," Peter said simply, and Clark could hear the tension in his voice. "He knows and it's only a matter of time before he remembers." "I think you can trust Jimmy. He'll keep your secret," Clark assured him. "I know, but, but I never meant for any of this to happen. How do you do it, Kent?" he demanded suddenly. "Do what?" "Lead such a normal life. You have friends, a good job, Lois. And you seem so calm about all your powers. I don't know if I can ever go back to being Spiderman, knowing what I did. What I'm capable of doing." EXCERPT 11: Lois picked up the Suit, sans the cape, and made her way to the bathroom. "I think seven months should be enough time for you to get used to the idea." "Seven months?" Lois reentered the master bedroom with a huge grin plastered on her face. "Clark... we're going to have a baby!" In the midst of this spectacular news... when all was right with the world... when all of his fondest wishes were coming true... Clark passed out cold. "Clark... Clark... Are you okay? Clark?" Lois leaned over to listen to his chest. She was relieved to find that everything seemed to be working. "Look at that silly grin on his face," she commented to no one in particular. EXCERPT 12: Lois turned to her partner. He was lying back, the wet towel sliding from his forehead, his eyes closed, the thick, black hair pushed back from the face. Lois shook her head, trying to dispel the sense of deja vu. "Lois..." Clark's voice was losing strength as he spoke. "Help me." He pulled feebly at his tie. "Take" Lois loosened the tie; perhaps he was having trouble breathing. As soon as it came free, Clark fumbled at the buttons of his shirt with clumsy fingers. Lois brushed them aside and undid the buttons. Clark was wearing a blue undershirt... Clark pulled the shirt open. Suddenly it made sense. Lois stared, shocked past words, at the very familiar shield on his chest, then her gaze darted up to Clark's exhausted face. The flash of humiliation was gone in an instant. This was not only Clark lying here on the floor, too weak to get up; it was *Superman*! And Superman didn't get sick. The only time she had ever seen him brought down was... "Clark, what happened?" she demanded. "It has to be Kryptonite, doesn't it?" He nodded, eyes still closed. "Inside me." EXCERPT 13: "Norcross and Judd," Jimmy said thoughtfully when the poles were firmly lodged back on their stands. "That's those two reporters you told me about once, who were best friends and then fell in love, right?" "Yep, practically a federal disaster," Perry nodded, his eyes glazing over in memory. "You told me that she moved to Alaska and he became a cable TV evangelist," Jimmy recalled. "What happened between them to make them do such drastic things?" he wondered. "Who really knows why such things start?" Perry countered in a slightly bitter tone. "All I know is, they nearly destroyed my newsroom while they were fighting." "Huh?" Jimmy sat up. "You never told me about *that*." "I didn't?" Perry put on his I've-got-a-story-to-tell-you-so-you-kids-better- listen look, and Jimmy settled in for another of the tales his boss was famous for. EXCERPT 14: Teams of rescue workers and army personnel were digging through the rubble, looking for anything that might have survived. Occasionally, someone would hold up a personal item of some kind that had survived the explosion and ask if anyone recognized it. Jim already held in his hand one such discovery: a pair of wedding rings, fused together by the blast. He had recognized them immediately and now held on to them as though his life depended on it. Through his grief, he barely heard the familiar voice of Perry White come from behind him. "Jimmy? Jimmy? Oh, thank the King you're all right!" And the normally stern and tough Editor of the Daily Planet enveloped him in a bear hug. "When I heard the explosion, I feared the worst. It actually made the windows of the Planet rattle! Where's Lois and Clark?" It was then that he finally looked at Jim's face and saw the despair in his eyes. As the realization dawned on Perry, Jim held out his hand, and opened it to reveal the rings. Perry stood there for a long moment, staring at what was in Jim's hand, neither of them saying a word. EXCERPT 15: "My name is Clark KENT." And down came the axe. "My PARENTS are Jonathan and Martha Kent!" With each sentence, he split another piece of wood. "I was raised in Smallville, KANSAS! I LIVE in Metropolis, New Troy! I am a REPORTER for the Daily Planet! I LOVE Lois Lane and she's going to marry ME!" He picked up a bigger piece of wood and reared back. "I DO BELONG!" he roared to the night sky as he came down hard on the wood. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 03:15:30 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Alexis W." Subject: Re: Kerth category quiz: Elseworlds MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 1/31/00 2:32:33 AM EST, zis-s@ACTCOM.CO.IL writes: << Alexis gets a point and a half -- she got the author and the story "series," but not the title. >> Hey, at least i got more points then before. ;) Plus, this is one of the fanfics I want to, but have yet to read! LOL! Alexis ;-.) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 04:12:02 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Tara Smith Subject: Re: Kerth Categories: New Author Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Ok, I'm going to give this a shot! s p o i l e r s p a c e Single Quote: 1: no idea. I probably haven't even read this one. :( 2: grrr! it sounds familiar! 3: aargh!! 4: this is more than pathetic! 5: Mine! I wrote it! The Jeep by me! (Hey, this is cool! My story in a quiz!) 6-9: grrrrr! aargh! 10: Misadventures in Crimefighting by Marnie 11: A time to Adjust by Lara Blasingame 12-14: Noooo! I can't take this!!!!!! 15: Um, it's by Tank, give me a minute . . . Love Disabled? Ok, exerpts: 1: Whoo hoo! Got it! A Question of Ethics by Notrehpooh (sp?) 2: No!!!! 3: Grrr! 4: Ok, I know this one . . .um, she's talking to Batman . . .darn! can't remember! (boy will I probably feel stupid when i see the list of answers, or what?) 6: Um, Clark going to NK, I think, can't remember title/author! 7: Grr! This sounds familiar too! 8: I've read this one! 9: This one, too! 12: I'm pulling a blank here! 13: see 12 14: see 12 & 13 Ok, that was really pathetic! Oh, well, I did get some! ----------------------------------------------- FREE! The World's Best Email Address Reserve your name now at ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 10:13:12 -0000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: Re: Did You Know? Over 40 FoLC Related Mailing Lists on MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Rowan, this was very interesting and I was interested particularly in joining the other fanfic lists. However when I click on the links at your site to the joining pages for both lncfanfic and alt_fanfic I simply get a message saying there is no such community. Can you advise? thanks! LabRat :) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 10:20:40 -0000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Diyan wrote: Also, some of the authors had previously > published nfic but are new to PG fic; I'm not into nfic, so LabRat is the > only one I know of. I don't know if they are eligible or not; Erin and her > team will have to make that call. > No, I'm not. Erin has already worked this one out in advance and if those FoLCs wanting to nominate visit her site and read the category description for New Author you'll see that it says that it's limited to those who have published their LNC fic in 1999. Not pg fic - any fic. Which is cool, because I certainly don't feel like a new author having posted my first LNC fic in March, was it that long ago? A couple of years back anyway. ;) And there are a lot more deserving recipients of a nomination than me besides! Great piece of work on this list, Diyan! I haven't even heard of most of these. Course, you realise you just made my task of nominating harder by tenfold, don't you? Perhaps those mentioned below could let us know if they aren't eligible? I see a couple of names that I thought were around for a time. But it may just be that they write such great stories they just seem to have been around for ever, providing wonderful LNC moments for us to stave off the LCWS pangs. LabRat :) > I probably made some mistakes, so please correct any errors you find. > > Gerry Anklewicz > Becky Bain > Christina Batouli > Lara Blasinghame > Brittney > Sammi Burleigh > Christine Carr > Chris H > Cece Cox > Kelsey Croft > Crys B > The Cybercerpent > Skip Davis > Daydreamer80 (Charlotte Fisler) > DC > Doc Klein's LabRat > Stephen Don > Irene Dutchak > Jennifer Eagan > Misty Ellison > Earthanngel > Dawn Field > Syl Francis > German L&C Fanfic Team > GFC > Julie Gibson > Sharon Gilbert > Merav Granot > Elaine Gustainis > Hazel > Betty Huang > Jeff James > Jen > Jessi > Niklas 'Hawk' Jonsson > Jonty > KMcstr > Arpit Kumar > Lace Avalon > LadyBiker > Letitia Logan > Lou > Maysonlane > Melisma (Debra Gray) > Maria TB Mendoza > Menolly > Notrepooh > Raconteur27 > Tracy Reager > Marnie Rowe > David Schock > SilvrBrwne > Julie Slisz > Nan Smith > Tara Smith > Felix Sung > Rachel TenHaaf > Texas Jewel > ML Thompson > Trevise > Judith Tylke > Stephani VanWert > Tank Wilson > > Hope this helps, > -Dia > > > ______________________________________________________ > Get Your Private, Free Email at > ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 10:49:13 +0000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: Re: Kerth Categories: New Author In-Reply-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII s p o i l e r s p a c e > Quote 1: Notrepooh - A Question of Ethics > > Quote 2: No idea! > > Quote 3: Easy! Judith Tylke's 'Forever Obsessed'. > > Quote 4: > Tank Wilson - Faith, Hope and More Hope > > Quote 5: No idea! > Quote 6: A beautiful in-betweenie by Chris Carr - Au Revoir, and not Goodbye > Quote 7: Aha! Hazel's Escape from Krypton? (the ? is part of the title, not signalling my doubt!) > > Excerpt 8: I edited this one! Allison Forbes' Come Back to Me > > Excerpt 9: Should have got this on the quote - grrr!! Irene Dutchak's Redemption > > Quote 10: No idea. > > Quote 11: Ah - easy! Lara Blasingame's Time to Adjust > > Quote 12: Nan Smith's beautiful 'Top Copy' rewrite, Partners > Quote 13: What Really Happened, by Melisma > > Quote 14: Part of Trevise's Awakenings series... now which one... oh yeah! The End of the Beginning > > Extract 15: I had no idea this story was from last year (though I think it appeared on the fic list in 1998). Sharon Gilbert's immensely powerful Power to Forgive. How'd I do, Hazel? Wendy ---------------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 10:58:08 +0000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: Archiving (was Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards) In-Reply-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII On Sun, 30 Jan 2000 09:52:16 -0700 Debby wrote: > I've never submitted anything there, [the fanfic archive] > basically because I think there > are more potential readers *here*, on this list. Actually, while many of the Archive readers are subscribed to this list, there are many more who are not. I frequently get email, sometimes long after a story has been uploaded, from readers I've never heard of, who have just stumbled upon the Archive and are busily devouring as many fanfics as they can. Sure, when I first discovered fanfic about four years ago, I *did* find a link to your ftp archive, Debby, but since it's not always easy to download and then unzip stories from such a site it does take patience... which I had in quantity, since I *needed* L&C fic at the time! But the Archive's web interface is much more reader-friendly. And we editors are also very friendly, gentle creatures who *will* respect your work, I promise! Wendy ---------------------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 06:05:54 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Hazel Subject: Re: Kerth Categories: New Author In-Reply-To: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Wendy wrote: >> Extract 15: > >I had no idea this story was from last year (though I think >it appeared on the fic list in 1998). I, too, was surprised to find this was a "new" fic; it was such a powerful story that it seared itself into my brain when I first read it. But when I started compiling quizzes, I checked the "what's new" pages dated 1999 -- and there it was! According to the rules of the Kerths, if I understand them correctly (/me waves at Kathy who assauged my fears re "Mirror"!), a story is considered eligible according to its time stamp on the archive, unless the author specifically requests otherwise. Many of this year's eligible stories may have been posted to the list and then submitted to the archive in late 1998, but they didn't actually *appear* on the archive until 1999. And this is exactly why these quizzes, which are being presented in such dizzying fashion, are being made -- to give us all an idea of who is eligible. After all, it's easy to forget a story from last January or February! >How'd I do, Hazel? Quite well, actually. :) Hazel ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 07:07:33 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "C.C. Malo" Subject: Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards and a ? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thanks, Diyan, for this very helpful list --I'm a little behind in my reading and this gives me some focus. :) Also, when nominating should we assume that stories posted to this list & Zoomway's message boards are also eligible even though they have yet to appear on the archive? Like Prelude, Heartache Tonight, and many others which I also must catch up on. :) Erin & Pam, thanks for your work on all this! How you can juggle your families, writing , and organizing this is beyond me. Carol ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 12:15:04 +0000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: S6 Quiz results MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII I know we're going back a bit, but I have an omission to rectify and an apology to make: Felix quite correctly pointed out that I'd left him out of my compilation of the scores in the S6 quiz. It was for no other reason than sheer dementia, Felix!! Here goes: Felix: 1 point for category. 5 x doubled for 5 correctly-identified stories and authors. Extra half-point doubled up to 1 for 2 other stories identified without authors. Total: 13 out of a possible 19. Which puts Felix in second place, a very respectable position. Wendy ---------------------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 07:52:25 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Organization: Subject: Re: Kerth Categories: New Author MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I recognize a lot of these, whether I can put author and title to them is another question ... S P O I L E R S P A C E Quotes: #1: A Question of Ethics, by Notrepooh #2: dunno #3: Forever Obsessed, by Judith Tylke (a *classic* opening line!) #4: don't think I've read it #5: This was a short one by Tara, I think #6: I've read it, but I can't remember details #7: Escape from Krypton? by Hazel :) #8: dunno #9: Redemption, by Irene Dutchak (lol at this quote pulled out of context!) #10: haven't read it #11: I've read it, can't place it #12: This was a rewrite of Top Copy by Nan Smith, I just reread it the other day... Partners? #13: can't place it #14: dunno #15: can't place it Excerpts: #2: Now I know I haven't read this :) #4: Oh yeah, I have read it, this was by Tank. Still drawing a blank on the title. #5: The Jeep, by Tara Smith #6: I know I've read it... arrgh! #8: I know I've read it.... arrgh 2! #10: haven't read it #11: cute vignette, I've read it... #13: Was this by Melisma? Jimmy & Perry go fishing in Centennial Park... #14: Don't think I've read it... #15: Oh! The Power to Forgive, by Sharon Gilbert, an *excellent* story! Just this excerpt gave me the shivers :) -- ------------------------------------------------------- Pam Jernigan | ChiefPam on IRC | ChPam on AOL IM ------------------------------------------------------- "Not only was Ivan an idiot, but he generated a telepathic damping field to turn the people nearby into idiots, too." --An exasperated Miles contemplates his cousin in _The Warrior's Apprentice_, by Lois McMaster Bujold ------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 08:03:17 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Rowan Fuller Subject: Re: Did You Know? Over 40 FoLC Related Mailing Lists on MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit That might be my HTML editor being difficult and mucking up the links (they have this habit you know). Well I'll try and sort it. What I suggest you do in the meantime is copy and paste the URL because the actual address is right and they do exist as I was there yesterday (its just my links itself). I'll sort the page today. Meanwhile let me know if you have any more problems. In a message dated 31/01/2000 10:27:46 GMT Standard Time, labrat@STARLABS.FSNET.CO.UK writes: << Rowan, this was very interesting and I was interested particularly in joining the other fanfic lists. However when I click on the links at your site to the joining pages for both lncfanfic and alt_fanfic I simply get a message saying there is no such community. Can you advise? thanks! LabRat :) >> Rowan :) -- -- -- R. Fuller ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 08:01:47 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Organization: Subject: Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards and a ? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > Also, when nominating should we assume that stories posted to this list & > Zoomway's message boards are also eligible even though they have yet to > appear on the archive? No, you should not :) It was a judgement call, but we decided that we wanted to make eligibility based on when a fic appeared on the archive, since often, stories posted to the message board and the fic list are still in progress. And the archive has a much wider readership than either this list or the boards, so a story that's not on the archive would be handicapped. (There are a few exceptions; if the author of a story completed in 1999 wants that story to be eligible, he or she has to specifically request it) > Erin & Pam, thanks for your work on all this! How you can juggle your > families, writing , and organizing this is beyond me. Yeah, it's beyond me, too :) And don't forget Kathy! She's been very active in our behind-the-scenes discussions; and if it weren't for her organizing of the archive (she has *spreadsheets*) this would all be a lot harder. -- ------------------------------------------------------- Pam Jernigan | ChiefPam on IRC | ChPam on AOL IM ------------------------------------------------------- "Not only was Ivan an idiot, but he generated a telepathic damping field to turn the people nearby into idiots, too." --An exasperated Miles contemplates his cousin in _The Warrior's Apprentice_, by Lois McMaster Bujold ------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 08:09:39 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Rowan Fuller Subject: Exact URLs Re: Did You Know? Over 40 FoLC Related Mailing Lists MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Yes it was my HTML editor. If you copy and paste this exact address you should be okay: What happened I left a space by accident and the html editor goes and converts that into characters and that is why you are having problems with the links . I guess I'm going to have to go through the whole page now the old fashioned way with Notepad taking out all the extra characters. In a message dated 31/01/2000 10:27:46 GMT Standard Time, labrat@STARLABS.FSNET.CO.UK writes: << Rowan, this was very interesting and I was interested particularly in joining the other fanfic lists. However when I click on the links at your site to the joining pages for both lncfanfic and alt_fanfic I simply get a message saying there is no such community. Can you advise? >> Rowan :) -- -- -- R. Fuller ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 13:24:11 +0000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: Exact URLs Re: Did You Know? Over 40 FoLC Related Mailing Lists In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII On Mon, 31 Jan 2000 08:09:39 EST Rowan Fuller wrote: > Yes it was my HTML editor. If you copy and paste this > exact address you should be okay: > > Ah - Rowan, originally you transposed the 'c' and the 'n' on the first list there, which confused a few of us. This is the L&C *n*fanfic mailing list, which many of us are already on, for discussion of and posting of nfic. Wendy ---------------------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 08:38:29 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Rowan Fuller Subject: Re: Exact URLs Re: Did You Know? Over 40 FoLC Related Mailing Lists MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thanks for clearing that up. Sorry There's another NFIC list too, which is quite a bit smaller. Rowan :) - off to join some lists In a message dated 31/01/2000 13:27:07 GMT Standard Time, w.m.richards@HRM.KEELE.AC.UK writes: << Ah - Rowan, originally you transposed the 'c' and the 'n' on the first list there, which confused a few of us. This is the L&C *n*fanfic mailing list, which many of us are already on, for discussion of and posting of nfic. Wendy ----------- >> Rowan :) -- -- -- R. Fuller ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 06:19:24 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: TA Merrill Subject: Re: Did You Know? Over 40 FoLC Related Mailing Lists on MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Rowan, the lncfanfic list is not a rival to this one. It is the nfic list. TerriAnn __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 10:41:34 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Reynolds, Raymond H." Subject: OT Michael Landes on "Get Real" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" I don't know if anyone watches this show, seeing as it stars Bugboy, but I came across a promo spot for the show and this week Michael Landes is guest staring. He looked the same to me as when he played Jimmy Olsen during first season, and it was nice to see him back on TV even if it is only as a guest star. Ray ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 08:53:16 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin Klingler Subject: Re: New Authors: Kerth Awards In-Reply-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit >In June I started keeping a running list of what stories each author posted >to the Archive in 1999. This is a list of authors who were new *to the >Archive* in 1999. Diyan, my hero!! We should make you honorary Kerth 'New Author category' savior. ;) It's ppl like you who take such an initiative that makes us Kerth coordinators' jobs easier. I'll go through your list today and see if everyone is indeed eligible, then post it as a reference point on my Kerth page. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! ;) Erin :) __________________ Visit my LNC/Kerth Website: ***** "It's not the years that count, it's the moments...right now, as they happen." __________________ ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 15:22:43 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Rowan Fuller Subject: Re: Did You Know? Over 40 FoLC Related Mailing Lists on MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I've gathered that now. Thanks. I'm going to join it. In a message dated 31/01/2000 14:19:37 GMT Standard Time, paounfiloun@YAHOO.COM writes: << Rowan, the lncfanfic list is not a rival to this one. It is the nfic list. TerriAnn >> Rowan :) -- -- -- R. Fuller ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 13:37:07 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Sheila Harper Subject: OT: Dean at Sundance, Day 1 Comments: To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit This is for those of you who don't frequent the message boards: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Well, FoLCs, I made it back from Utah and thought I'd let you guys know what happened. I got to see Dean's movie both times it played, and I also got to talk to Dean afterwards both times. I'll post my sightings here and my review of the movie separately. The first night was the premiere, and I was in the wait line in a hallway in the basement of the Eccles Theater for over four hours before someone sold me their ticket. I went upstairs where hundreds of people were packed into the lobby like sardines. I was fairly close to the theater doors but clear across the room from the front doors, so I couldn't see anyone entering. However, while I was there, I saw Tim Olyphant (who had the lead role), and when the crowd shifted occasionally, I could see him talking with people while camera flashes went off. I didn't see him doing the "arm over the shoulder, sideways hug" (tm) type pictures that Dean does, however. When we got into the theater (and now I know how a lemming feels!), I took a seat in the first row of seats behind the reserved section. BTW, the Eccles is huge (in my admittedly limited experience) and seats 1300. Once everyone arrived, I didn't see any empty seats, so it was either a full house or very close to it. A friend and her husband joined me, and we spent the next few minutes rubbernecking the two side aisles, looking for Dean. When I first saw him, he was walking down the right-hand aisle with his business partner (Mike Carr) walking backwards down the aisle in front of him. Mike was videotaping Dean, which I thought was weird, but since I've read the info on the TCC boards about Dean being involved in the Sundance diaries things, it made more sense. Anyway, Dean, who was in a light-gray turtleneck sweater and jeans, was accompanied by his mom (Sharon Thomas) and his sister (Krissinda Cain), and a short, ordinary-looking brown-haired woman (who I found out the next day was his publicist). Actually, I only realized that she was with him (she was trailing behind his sister) when he was talking to someone about seats and did a pointing a finger headcount that included her. My friend had a couple of pictures from St. Louis to give him, so she got up and went to talk to him (five rows and a cross-aisle in front of me, and about three seats to the right :). I stayed in my seat and took pictures (of them, of his mom and sis--both of whom had an annoying habit of turning away just as I pressed the button :-P ), but my friend mentioned that I was with her and that I had been taking the video at St. Louis, so Dean turned to look at me and smiled and waved. I took pictures of that, too, but missed the hug he gave her before she left (because a woman in a red sweater chose that moment to stand in my line-of-sight). So my friend got to meet him before the show while I stayed in my seat. Prior to the screening, Greg Berlanti, the writer-director of "The Broken Hearts Club," came on-stage and talked a little about the film, about shooting it (a twenty-day shooting schedule, which meant that they were going through pages at nearly the rate of a TV show--six or seven pages a day instead of a film's normal two or three). He introduced lots of people involved in the film, and I could see that Dean had the camcorder and was taping each person as they were introduced. When Greg introduced the principal cast, he did so one-by-one and had them stand up for applause. Dean held his little camcorder at chest level, the red taping light on as he turned to face the audience. A couple of the other actors did so, too. I'll talk about the movie in a separate post, but I *will* mention the kiss. It was a medium shot (knees to head) rather than a close-up, and I'm afraid I was laughing too hard to hear whether Cole was moaning or not. The kiss was shot at a complete 180 behind Dean, so all the audience could see was the back of his head and one of Andrew Keegan's eyes. No face, no mouth-contact, just the back of one black-haired head. Why was I laughing? Dennis (Olyphant's character) had gone to find Cole (Dean's character) to tell him it was his turn at bat in the softball game, and Cole held up one finger in a silent "just a minute" while he kept kissing Kevin (Keegan's character). He finally broke away breathlessly to ask, "What'd ya want?" which was so completely Cole and very funny in the context of the story. Anyway, that was the on-screen kiss. After the movie, Greg came on-stage again and called all of the principal cast up to join him, so we got to look at Dean for the next ten minutes while audience members asked questions. Greg answered all of the questions except one: someone asked, "Did you use body doubles for the kissing scenes?" and Greg passed that to Tim O., who had a *lot* of kissing scenes (and his were closeups or at least side views). Tim came up to the mike and said, "The budget didn't cover it," which broke up the audience as he returned to his place in line. Someone also asked what Greg had done to elicit that tremendous on-screen sense of camaraderie between the six guys, and he said that it was because they were really good actors who took what he wrote and made it sing. He also said that they went out together a couple of times--to gay clubs--and that he required everyone to hug and kiss when they arrived and before they left each day--so they'd get physically comfortable with each other because the characters did a lot of hugging on-screen. As a side note, Greg Berlanti is beautiful--as good-looking as Dean. The other actors were less physically attractive in person than they were on-screen--except Dean, who looks better up close, without makeup, than he does on-screen. I could have passed any of the others in a crowd and never noticed them, but Dean draws eyes like a magnet. However, that's my obviously prejudiced view After the Q&A, people started leaving through the side doors. I hung back, trying to work my way down to where Dean was giving autographs and taking pix, but one of the guys with the headsets told me I was blocking traffic and to go on outside, which I did. I waited outside, next to the doors, as the other cast members left, but Dean hadn't appeared yet, so I poked my head inside. He was still at the foot of the stairs, signing away and smiling for cameras. I stepped back to wait, but when another headset guy started closing the side doors, I slipped back into the theater and went down to wait in line for him. My friend followed me, and we waited while he finished talking and taking pix with some teenaged (? college-aged?) girls. One of the headset gals took a picture of another one with him; then it was my turn. I wasn't as rolled up and bowled over as I was in St. Louis, but I really hate the fact that my brain (or at least my memory) stops functioning in Dean's presence. I think I said, "Hi, Dean." I don't remember if we asked for a picture or not, but since my friend and I were both holding cameras, it may not have been necessary. I was facing Dean from about two feet away; he was wearing his purple-and-black ski jacket, and I was in my bulky winter coat. (BTW, his hair is pretty short now, only about an inch or inch-and-a-half on top.) The next thing I remember is his left arm sliding over my right shoulder. Since I was facing him rather than facing my friend who had my camera, I mistook the gesture for a hug and moved in and hugged him back. (It was an honest mistake; *any*one would have made it ) I felt him hesitate for an instant; then his right arm slid around me and he hugged me and brushed a kiss across my cheek. I caught a glimpse of a flash, so that hug may have been immortalized. I'll find out when I get the film developed. Anyway, I think I apologized. In any case, he left his left arm across my shoulder and I can't remember clearly exactly how we posed for the pic. Did we lean together? Did he give me a sideways hug (tm)? I just remember smiling for the camera, the flash, and then my friend and I were trading places and I was taking a picture of her with Dean. After the picture bit, I recalled that my friend had said she had told Dean earlier that she wasn't too sure about the subject matter of the movie. So I told him that I had expected a lot of things, but I hadn't expected to be ROTFL within the first five minutes of the movie. He laughed, and (sorry, guys) I absolutely can't remember what he said in response. Something about it being more than just a gay film or having a wide appeal or being a good comedy or *some*thing. Next time, I'm going to have to have a tape recorder in my pocket. That's just all there is to it. Anyway, he said his family was waiting, so I didn't pull out my Dean with Bosko pic for an autograph. Instead, my friend and I said bye and thank-you and went back up the aisle to the side doors and left. And so ended "Dean at Sundance, Day 1." More later. SheilaH ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 15:25:22 CST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jessi Mounts Subject: Re: New: Pagimon (1/1) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed >Actually, I've been thinking about it, Jessi :) I probably will. Maybe >that'll be my next story. Oh goodie. Jessi ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 14:26:39 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin Klingler Subject: Kerth Update! Nominations, web page changes... Comments: To: LNC list MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi everyone! Again, I apologize to anyone who might get this email twice since I'm sending this to both L&C lists, but I wanted to make sure everyone got this information. First of all, I've made a few updates to the Kerth Eligibility web page on my site. (Go to the Kerths site at: and from there, link to the 'eligible stories' page.) I've added a few new eligible stories, as well as comprised a list of what I hope is all the new authors who are eligible for this year's 'Best New Author' category. (Thanks, Dia, for your wonderfully organized list of new authors!! ;) Also, could everyone look it over and let me know if anyone who should be included in that list has accidentally gotten left off ?? I don't want to leave anyone out! ;) Secondly, NOMINATIONS OPEN TOMORROW!!!!!! You can email me your nominations directly at: But be sure to first read through my nominations page on my web site for all the details and rules about nominating: If you are one of those organized ppl who make me really sick and are ready to send me your nominations this minute, go ahead and send them to me today. I won't reject your email. I'm looking forward to seeing what nominations come in! Any questions, feel free to email me! Erin :) __________________ Visit my LNC/Kerth Website: ***** "It's not the years that count, it's the moments...right now, as they happen." __________________ ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 16:37:39 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Rowan Fuller Subject: Re: Did You Know? Over 40 FoLC Related Mailing Lists on Comments: To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit There were problems with the links to the Mailing List Page - thanks to my HTML editor. Anyway all appear to be working now. Sorry about any inconvenience this may have caused. Rowan :) -- -- -- R. Fuller If you want to be notified of updates to my site visit: ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 18:15:29 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: James Tull Subject: New: Not Even... 1/1 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii This is what happens when you get the stomach flu and are up until all hours of the night, suffering from sleep deprivation. But it is a short, somewhat amusing, story that would not have seen the light of day if I was not so stubborn and didn't believe that someone out there would appreciate it. Please don't hold this story against me. Public humiliation is not wanted. Make it private. "Not Even..." By Mr. D8A a.k.a. James Tull Jan. 31, 2000 Standing atop a smaller than average skyscraper, Murry Brown leaned back and with a heartfelt bellow called for Superman. Seconds later, the Man of Steel arrived, prepared for the worst. As soon as he saw that it was his 'agent' and that there was no apparent emergency, his face changed from concern to annoyance. "Murry, you have got to stop doing that! What if I had been handling a real emergency? I should leave right..." "Jeez Supes, your really busting my hump here! Is it my fault you don't have a pager?" "Okay. Now that you have my attention, what do you want?" "I know your really tight with Lois Lane and all, so I'd like it if you could do me a favor. I was approached by some movie producers that have taken a shine to Ms. Lane's photogenic personality. They would like her to be the next Bond woman in their next James Bond movie, The Girl with the Golden Lock Pick. Do you think you could ask her and see what she thinks?" Clark just stood there, dumbfounded. The first thing that came to mind was what Lois had told him on his first day of working 'for' her. "And one other thing. Your not working with me. Your working for me. I call the shots. I ask the questions. You are the low man. I am top banana and that's the way I like it. Comprende?" He still regretted his reaction to her attitude. It didn't go very far in showing how much he really liked her. And recently, with their encounter with the Lakes, and coming to terms with their desires for each other and her understanding that the women in the Bond movies "...were hood ornaments." He had only one thing to say. He turned to Murry and stated in no uncertain terms, "Not even if you threatened me with Kryptonite." And with that took off into the sunset. The End. ===== Mr. D8a Philipians 4:8 The love of James' life is Elisabeth, but... Daddy's little sweetheart is Rosa! __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 19:45:36 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Sheila Harper Subject: OT: Dean at Sundance, Day 2 Comments: To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit For those of you who don't frequent the message boards, here's part 2 of my 3-part report. ********** Saturday afternoon, after a much shorter--and colder--wait in the outdoors wait line at the Egyptian Theater, I was seated on the aisle down front, and I didn't see *any* of the cast during the screening. Greg Berlanti introduced it, but his intro was much shorter, and he didn't introduce any cast members before the movie. I still enjoyed the movie the second time around, even when Dean wasn't on-screen--it was just that funny! Greg went on-stage for the Q&A session afterwards, and he called up his exec producer and the principal cast, and Dean came down the aisle on the opposite side of the building from me. He was wearing a navy-blue crew-neck sweater with the sleeves pushed up on his forearms, stone-washed jeans, and black shoes. Greg answered pretty much the same kind of questions as the previous night--until someone again asked if the cast hung out together to develop that camaraderie. Dean jumped in with a response without waiting for the microphone (and he projected as well as the mike did). He said that when the writing was that good, it was easy to make the characters and relationships come alive. Tim Olyphant took the mike then and said basically the same thing--that viewers think that on-screen relationships *have* to come from off-screen ones, but that the real source is the quality of the writing. Greg then added the bit about all of them having gone to a couple of gay clubs together and that he required them to hug and kiss hello and goodbye each day. When the Q&A was over, most of the other actors stayed alongside the aisle I was on, but I ignored them and slipped down to the stage where Dean was sitting on the side of the apron and listened to him talk to someone who was wearing a Sundance nametag. At that distance I could see that he hadn't shaved before coming to the screening, so if any of you have that big color pic of Dean with Bosko, shorten his hair and his stubble by about half in each case, and that's what he looked like. (I really don't need to use adjectives like "hot" or "gorgeous", do I? < g >) He was telling the other guy about Ripley's and mentioned that he'd be exec producing "Luna" for MTV. I butted in to ask, "Luna?" and he looked at me and repeated that it was the show he would be exec producing through his Angry Dragon Entertainment company. I said that he'd mentioned it in an interview during his Ripley's promo tour but that he hadn't said what show it was and that was why I asked. He also mentioned that Friday night was the first time he'd ever sat in an audience while other people were watching him on-screen. He put his fist over his heart and said something about his heart pounding, that it was a real rush, hearing the people react to his performance. I'm really bad with remembering the order of events--and worse with names, but I think it was about that time that Dean introduced the brown-haired girl as his publicist: Amy? Audrey? Andi? After the other guy and his wife got a pic with him and left, I asked Dean how he felt about playing a "gorgeous, dumb guy." (You have to realize that I was thinking of the TV Guide interview during the first season when Teri said that she'd originally thought Dean was just a good-looking guy with nothing going on upstairs. He was so indignant that someone might think that about him, and I found it interesting that he was playing a role in which the character was that exact thing.) Anyway, he laughed and quoted the entire line I was referring to (which was a funny line, BTW--*and* spoken by a different character). When I looked surprised, he said that the script was so good that most of the cast could quote pretty much the whole thing. Then he said that he was confident enough of his masculinity to take a role like this and confident enough of his intelligence that he didn't have to play Joe Smart Guy every time. He also mentioned something about most people knowing a person like Cole. (I nodded, but people like that--who can move from one relationship to another in six innings--are characters in books and films to me, not real people, so I guess Dean definitely has a whole different experience than I have.) His publicist mentioned something about whatever he was supposed to attend next, so I thanked him and started up the aisle. I stopped partway up to put on my coat and gather my stuff so I wouldn't drop it. Dean had put on his ski jacket, too, and was slowly drifting up the aisle. When he was about 10 feet from me, someone stopped him and asked for an autograph, and I decided that that was it. I took my Sharpie out of my pocket, put my Dean-with-Bosko pic on top of my notebook, and when he drew even with me, I held out the picture and asked him to sign it. He grinned and held it up to his publicist and explained that that was his dog. Then he turned to me (we were both in the aisle by then) and asked, as he had in St. Louis, "Just sign it?" This time I had enough sense to say, "Make it to Sheila"--and this time he didn't ask me how to spell it, *and* he got it right < g >. I told him that I'd had him sign my copy of VD in St. Louis because I liked his work as a writer, but I wanted a picture, too. He looked surprised and delighted and said that I'd be seeing more of his stuff (referring to his writing) soon, and I said I was glad because I really enjoyed his work. He thanked me, and then I followed him up the aisle to the lobby, where he got waylaid by more fans. I went outside and waited with my friend, who hadn't wanted to watch the show again but had hung around outside to see Dean. She asked if I had asked him about the quilt, and I said no, so when he came out, she went over and asked him about it. I drifted over to them, stopping about seven or eight feet from him, and my friend said that it was on the couch in his office. I must have raised my eyebrows because Dean nodded and looked at me as he repeated what she had said. I smiled and backed away to the other side of the theater, where I took a couple of pix of him making his slow way down the street toward me. He kept being stopped every couple of steps to take a picture with someone. People were even stopping him when he started into the street. Finally his publicist grabbed his hand and pulled him across the street. They disappeared behind one of the many vans blocking traffic on the narrow, steep, icy street, and I didn't see where he went after that, so I went down my side of the street and got in my van and left. And that was Dean at Sundance, Day 2. I'll post a synopsis and review of "The Broken Hearts Club" tomorrow. I was one of the FoLCs who was lucky enough to meet Dean at St. Louis last July, and I was impressed then by his kindness to his fans and his real pleasure in interacting with them. Nothing in what I saw in Park City changed my mind. I won't presume to guess at his motives, but Dean not only understands how to make his fans feel welcome, but he also has a gift for putting people at their ease and taking away their fear that they're intruding. He is a genuinely nice guy, and I'm proud to be his fan. SheilaH ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 23:00:25 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Tara Smith Subject: Re: New: Pagimon (1/1) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Well, it'll be that or the time-travel story :) ------Original Message------ From: Jessi Mounts To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Sent: January 31, 2000 9:25:22 PM GMT Subject: Re: New: Pagimon (1/1) >Actually, I've been thinking about it, Jessi :) I probably will. Maybe >that'll be my next story. Oh goodie. Jessi ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ----------------------------------------------- FREE! The World's Best Email Address Reserve your name now at ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 23:07:45 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Tara Smith Subject: Re: New: Not Even... 1/1 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hmm, maybe you should get insomnia more often! (I wouldn't wish the stomach flu on anyone!) This is good! and funny! Tara ------Original Message------ From: James Tull To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Sent: February 1, 2000 2:15:29 AM GMT Subject: New: Not Even... 1/1 This is what happens when you get the stomach flu and are up until all hours of the night, suffering from sleep deprivation. But it is a short, somewhat amusing, story that would not have seen the light of day if I was not so stubborn and didn't believe that someone out there would appreciate it. Please don't hold this story against me. Public humiliation is not wanted. Make it private. "Not Even..." By Mr. D8A a.k.a. James Tull ----------------------------------------------- FREE! The World's Best Email Address Reserve your name now at