From: "L-Soft list server at Indiana University (1.8d)" To: "ARTF@MemoryAlpha.nil" File: "LOISCLA-GENERAL-L LOG0001B" ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2000 23:25:41 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: Perry's edits (was Re: Clark's Portfolio: #2) In-Reply-To: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Well, Clark, it's an interesting story. A bit melodramatic for the front page so I think we'll put it back on Human Interest Section on Thursday. Way back. Between the Walmart and Sears ads. Are you listening? Have I got your attention? I hope so. Read on. I consider this a first draft of your story. At 12:23 PM 01/07/2000 -0500, you wrote: [stuff clark didn't know about... > > Here's my second Clark article. > Anyone is welcome to contribute to the portfolio:) > > Thanks, > Carolyn > now stuff Clark thinks he wrote...] > > Superman Rescues School Children since some are high school, we'll change "children" to "students" > > Citywide by Clark Kent > > Dateline, Metropolis, June 28, 1996-The frightened girl sprinted down the > tree-lined avenue which tree-lined avenue? I guess I should know, though since this city doesn't haven't many. Air polution. I should put you on that story next. > > pursued by a crowd of fellow strike "fellow" since some of them may be female. Metropolis will want to know something about the make up of the "crowd" as well as their motives. > > students from the Thomas Jefferson Junior High School nearby. None of the > children in the crowd were able to catch up to the girl, who's whose > > speed came from adrenaline produced by sheer terror. This is awkward, Clark. Rephrase it. Short and sweet. Check on her status in the phys ed program; is she a marathon runner? > > She had been beaten in the race or by someone? if "someone"--why? Remember: who, what, where, when, why and how. > > twice and was now seeking a safe refuge. > > As the girl mounted the steps of a local law office, suddenly appearing in > front of the oncoming crowd was the superhero known as Superman. Short and sweet. Don't want your reader to have to reread this a couple of times to understand what you're saying, and I don't want them to start hearing that whistling High Noon theme song, either. I prefer active sentences over passive. Passive used here seems to read that the office suddenly appeared. I think you mean to say "As the girl raced up the steps of a [what building? and *lawyers*? What a hoot!], Superman landed behind her and faced down the crowd. The crowd following the girl [what's her name?] stopped and whatever--scattered? threw stones? cheered? what? > > He was able to calm the crowd, Why did they need calming? I think you should tell us all about that first, all about why the chase was happening. Maybe the girl robbed the student bank. > > apprehend the ring-leaders of the mob as identified by the pursued student wake me up, someone! Clark's been in the Pava leaves again! The "mob" (formerly a "crowd") was right there and Superman could see them; he didn't need her to identify them. How did he round them up and aprehend/subdue them? Were there any police officials on site? I wonder what the DA will say about this since Superman doesn't have any police authority (a darn shame if you ask me, but there it is) > > and then carried her to a local hospital for attention to her many bruises > and scratches. awkward. > > Superman's appearance eliminated the egg-throwing that had been part of the > last day of school events. Did he clean up the school, too? Maybe his "appearance" (I like "arrival" better) put an end to the vandalism (let's call it what it was, okay?) Were eggs also thrown at the girl? Did he return to the school after taking the girl to (what?) local hospital? Did his appearance alone stop the vandalism? > > Some students then carried Or did they lead? > > their friends with them delete "with them" > > on an expedition Let's not get editorial here, let's just report the facts. You don't make news, Clark; Superman does. > > to steal, beat and otherwise wreak havoc on anyone in their path. we need more demographic info about these students who wreaked the havoc. How does this news relate to the egg throwing Superman's arrival stopped? The sentences above don't relate well to each other. > > Jefferson Junior High, located at the outskirts of Suicide Slum, be more specific; an address? > > has been the scene of many unfortunate occurances, including a recent bias > incident involving a seventh grader and his sister. Lois wrote that up; fine story. Maybe I'll team you two up on this one (either the egg throwing, the havoc or the chase, I'm not sure yet). You could learn something from her about life on the streets of this city and how to write about it for this newspaper > > The girl Superman took to the hospital could not be identified since she is a > minor. Care to let us know why she was the victim of the harrassment? And why you stuck this information down here out of order? > > In another incident, Superman was seen pulling open doors at Benjamin > Franklin High School in the Hobbs Bay area, delete that comma above > > in order to prevent a stampede. Superman held school Principle Gordon Crew > responsible That's nice, but I'd prefer the judgement of a police officer or a school board official, preferably the latter, since they squirm better. Also, from what you report below, the stampede had already started and it was turning into a crush situation by the time SM arrived. > > for creating a dangerous situation when Crew ordered all the exit doors of > the high school locked, with the exception of the front entrance. Why weren't reporters for this paper there reporting this earlier? When was the decision made? How did Superman find out about it? Why did he have to break (sic) the story when we should have? Also, the "held responsible" information should go later, down before where you report that Crew wouldn't talk, after you describe the rescue. > > Approximately 3,000 students at the Delete "the" > > Ben Franklin High School > > , in high spirits at being released for the summer, stormed the one and only > available exit and created a dangerous funnel effect. This is incredible! Criminal Go back and interview Crew! Find out why he locked the doors when he knew that this was the last day of school and there were *3,000 students!* *Don't take no for an answer!* If you think you'll take no, take Lois--she won't take no. Interview school board members; see if they approve of Crew's methods. Find out why the kids in the other school escaped to chase that girl in the first paragraph. Why weren't they locked in, too? There's a lot of strange inconsistencies in this story. > > As the eager youngsters teenagers. They're in high school > > surged forward, some pupils and some other what? Some are youngsters and some are pupils? > > were pushed up against the glass panels on either side ? on the inside maybe, since the doors were locked? > > of the wooden doors inside the vestibule of the main entrance. Superman was > responding to screams from students in danger of being forced through the > glass. Superman was able to divert about half the student body toward the > doors he had opened and avoided a possible disaster. I'm confused, Clark. A pile of (3,000?) students are against one door, but Superman is elsewhere opening another door. Okay, maybe it made sense to him. Did he shout at them to come to the door he opened? Let's get your facts straight. If you can't, I'll send Lois out to interview Superman; she'll get the story. > > After the crowd had squeezed through, Did he open the doors (which doors now?) wide or only a little so the (3,000?) had to squeeze? Picture it, Clark, that's what your readers will have to do since we didn't have a photographer on scene. > > the litter on the front steps included a pair of glasses, a shoe, two belts, > some books, several buttons, a baseball cap, various pens, pencils, and > notebooks, and a backpack. Delete the "various" above and you've got yourself an acceptable word picture at last, though "glasses" and "books" doesn't exactly strike me as "litter". "Evidence of the near tragedy" maybe. Law suits, definitely. > > Recently, Franklin High was the scene of the rape and beating of a sixteen > year-old 16-year-old (hyphen after 16) > > sophomore, who was found in a third floor third-floor > > boys bathroom. The investigation to identify her attackers has remained > inconclusive. Don't get editorial. Instead: "The investigation into the incident is ongoing." Then find out what's happening. > > The junior what junior? > > did not return to school this semester. > Principal Crew, when questioned about his decision to lock the doors, > declined to comment add comma here But this info about the doors is out of place and should be inserted up above, not here after you've mentioned the inconclusive, ongoing *rape* investigation, a different story. > > but one of the school secretaries, who wishes to remain annonymous, then let's say "a Metropolis Public School System employee" to give your source a better chance of keeping his or her job, hmm? > > theorized speculated > > that Mr. Crew believed he could control the crowd more easily and prevent > enterprising students from walking off with school equipment and supplies. Have you looked into this? Is it reasonable? Have cutbacks in school funding meant there were no security guards on campus? Where were the teachers, assistants, etc.? Cowering in the coat rooms? > > At John Adams Community College, Superman thwarted an attempt to replace this: > > relieve the two-year school of its with "steal" > > computer equipment. The freshman who had been left > > in charge, William Borden, nineteen, 19 replace this: > > had been with "was" > > tied up ? "and locked" (if the door was locked) > > in a closet, while three young men, delete comma above > > impersonating enrolled students, hefted ? removed > > six monitors, four hard drives and various how many? I don't like the word "various" used this way. > > keyboards through a window in a temporary classroom, delete comma above > > located in the annex of the expanding campus. This was where the computer equipment was being stored? If so, why was Borden there? Why not a security guard? Or was this in the school's computer lab, if it has one and being a college, it should. Maybe you should talk to the college's docents about their failure to hire a a security guard, leaving a *student* in a dangerous position. We'll plan a follow up on this for you > > Supermana re-installed the equipment, Did he test it, too? Is it Y2k compliant? I've heard that will be a problem in a few years. Don't believe me? We'll have to discuss it and I'll clue you in. I've heard nasty rumors... > > estimated to be worth $40,000, move this cost info up to where you describe what was taken. > > and added lockdown cords for extra security. Justin Freeman, Dean of > Students, was all praise for the Man of Steel, period. Freeman revealed... (Superman didn't reveal it, he just did some free installation. What a guy!) > > revealing that the computers were irreplaceable due to tight budgets at JACC. Check out what kind of insurance coverage JACC has, if any, and why it wouldn't cover such a loss. > > The apprehended thieves have not yet been identified. I'll have to get Lois down to police headquarters to see why the police haven't yet identifed the "three young men." Unless the three were underage? "The police have not released the identities of the three robbery suspects because they were underage." (if this is the case) > > Superman, when asked about this attempt, to what? Identify the three young men? > > shook his head, saying and said > > that the last day of school should be a happy one, not a dangerous or > expensive one for students and schools alike. Well, Clark, I don't know what to say about your story. I don't mind you getting melodramatic when it's a story about a sweet old lady protesting the closing of a theatre, but when it comes to run-of-the-mill police blotter stories, even when they involve Superman, I want a lot more details and a lot less editorializing. And better grammar. That way, the story has a chance of appearing somewhere between the front page and maybe page four. I want you to know I'm glad you're on the scene to catch this kind of story first hand, but next time I want you to remember why you have a cell phone and take a moment to call for a photographer. This story could use that kind of punch to lift it out of being another ordinary "Superman saves the day... again" story our readers get every day. You're in and out of the office a lot, I know, and I appreciate your initiative, but I want you to start thinking about how the story will look on the page, and not only about what fancy adverbs and adjectives you can come up with, comprende? Do some rewriting and have the story back on my desk by 4 and we'll discuss it. --Perry ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2000 23:27:27 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: Re: New; Lines of Communication In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 07:19 AM 01/07/2000 -0800, Nancy S. wrote: >You mean that little suggestion I gave you is responsible for this, Judith? >Wow! I had no idea! This is a really original idea, and I like it. > >Nan > >Tylke, Judith wrote: > >> Hello All, >> >> I'm finally back up and running again, [snip] When you write in to comment on a story, please snip out the story and just write up the comment :) This has happened frequently in the last week or so. Debby ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2000 01:41:16 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Anita Dicker Subject: Thanks for your encouragement MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello I'm glad that I'm not the only one whose story has taken off and grew on it's own. I thought there was a problem. The dry reports that I wrote at one time didn't have this growth problem. Of course the next morning when I read my own message, it sounded like I was whining. Thank you Judith W., Alexis W., LabRat, Charlotte F., and those who e-mailed me privately. Anita ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2000 04:25:33 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Alexis W." Subject: "ADITLOM" (RPG) Eleventh Installment, Week #12 (Part 1 of 1) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable New Fanfic (ongoing) "A Day in the Life of Metropolis" All characters are property of DC Comics, WB, Lois and Clark etc.. unless otherwise noted. =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Feedback is welcomed whether public or private. But no grammar please! =3D)= NO=20 ONE responded to my last post except for one person.. (thank you!) Please=20 let me know if you loved it or hated it.. etc.. My cast and i would really=20 appreciate it! Thanks. =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Summary: This is the eleventh installment of a rpg club I created on yahoo. We came=20= up with a story line, and we can correspond through email, dialogue, etc.. Anything goes. If you want more information on this club or if you would like to join in the fun yourself please go to: Yahoo! Clubs= =20 adayinthelifeofmetropolis=20 Thanks. Alexis ;-.) {"ADITLOM, arbitrator} =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Cast List Cat Grant: Renda Sam Falcon : Lisa H. Bruce Wayne : Lisa H. * * * * WEEK #12 (12/27/99 to 1/2/2000) Re: To the ball - LATE They stepped out of the elevator while Bruce looked around the room. He saw=20 Miss Lane and Clark dancing. Jimmy Olsen had a camera around his neck,=20 something Clark=92s told Bruce he has all the time. Cat Grant was dancing=20 with someone. Gossip Gerty was hovering around the edges of the room. =93Sam, let=92s try to avoid that woman with the rather large glasses.=94 =93Oh, you mean Gossip Gerty.=94 =93Hm, hm.=94 =93I think I can manage that. So what do we do first?=94 =93Good question. I should probably let Cat know I=92m here. Then I should=20 talk to Clark.=94 =93And what should I say if someone comes up and asks me what I=92m doing=20 here, since no one here knows who I am?=94 =93Say your date brought you here.=94 =93And if they ask me who that is?=94 she asked with a smile. =93This is not funny.=94 =93It may not be funny, but don=92t I have a point?=94 =93Hopefully by that time I=92ll have seen what=92s going on.=94 =93And if you have to leave prematurely?=94 =93You=92ll be going back to the car then.=94 =93Bruce, I can stay and make excuses for you.=94 =93If something goes wrong, you=92re not going to be in this room as it=92s=20 happening, it would be too distracting.=94 =93What if something goes wrong someplace else?=94 =93This is what I get for dating an English major that writes.=94 =93Bruce!=94 =93I didn=92t mean it. You can tell them the truth, but I=92m not sure if=20 anyone will believe you.=94 =93I=92ll deal with that when it happens, some people tell me I=92m fast on=20= my=20 feet.=94 He smiled. =93I can=92t argue with them.=94 Her eyes started to narrow. He=20 reached up and toucheds her cheek. =93Can you?=94 =93No, but you don=92t have to agree with them.=94 =93I don=92t recall doing that,=94 he said with a smile. =93You came close enough.=94 Bruce doesn=92t say anything as he tensed up. =93Bruce, I didn=92t know you were going to be here,=94 a male voice said fr= om=20 behind them. Bruce turned and Sam followed his lead. =93Well what did=20 you expect, I am one of the sponsors?=94 =93True . . .and who is this,=94 he asked as he focused his attention on Sam= . Bruce=92s eyes narrowed slightly. =93Elliot, I=92d like to introduce you to=20= a=20 good friend of mine, Miss Samantha Falcon. Sam, this is Elliot Johnson,=20 one of my distant neighbors.=94 =93I=92m closer to you than Vicki . . ..=94 =93So she still owns that place?=94 =93Don=92t tell me you two don=92t stay in touch.=94 =93We haven=92t talked for a while actually.=94 Sam was starting to get antsy. =93Last I heard, Vicki was out of town.=94 =93I didn=92t hear that.=94 =93Who=92s out of touch?=94 Elliot turned his attention back to Sam. =93Well, nice to meet you . . .=94=20 he started as he took her hand and kissed it. Bruce moved closer to her.=20 =93 . . .I can=92t believe we haven=92t met before.=94 =93I=92m fairly new to Gotham.=94 =93And Bruce I suppose has been keeping you all to himself.=94 =93Not exactly, I=92m a writer and I tend to write better in private.=94 =93Where are you staying?=94 =93Locally.=94 =93Oh, come on, you can tell me.=94 =93I don=92t you well enough for that.=94 =93And you know Bruce?=94 She nodded. =93Well we can get to know each other.= Do=20 you want to dance?=94 =93No, I=92m happy right where I am.=94 =93Oh come on, Bruce won=92t mind.=94 =93She=92s my guest at Wayne Manor and she=92s staying right where she is,= =94 he=20 said as he moved closer. He put a hand lightly on her waist. =93Oh, I see.=94 =93No, I don=92t think you do, you never were very quick Elliot.=94 =93No, I get it now, you just should have said so from the beginning.=94 =93There shouldn=92t have been a need.=94 =93Bruce, it=92s al right, really,=94 Sam cut in. =93I=92ll be seeing you, Bruce,=94 Elliot said as he quickly walked away.=20 =20 =93My knight in shining armor . . .=94 Sam started as she turned to him. =93= . .=20 .or should I say, in black armor,=94 she whispered. He took hold of her hand. =93I=92m sorry about that, it never should have=20 gone that far.=94 =93As annoying as it was, it was flattering too.=94 =93I wouldn=92t call that flattery.=94 =93At least he was somewhat sincere. When you=92re not use to flattery, you=20 take what you can get.=94 =93I flatter you all the time.=94 =93I know you do and I love it. Except for my time with you, I=92m not use=20 to it.=94 =93I don=92t understand that.=94 =93Most of the guys I knew aren=92t like you. Actually, none of them are=20 like you,=94 she saidwith a smile. It disappeared as she said, =94They=20 didn=92t believe in flattery.=94 =93Why am I suddenly jealous?=94 =93You shouldn=92t be. Most of them weren=92t my idea; my friends were tryin= g=20 to be helpful. They weren=92t very helpful.=94 =93I=92m glad to hear it.=94 He let go of her hand, and then reacheed up and= =20 touched her cheek. =93Very glad to hear it.=94 =93Any other friends you think I should meet?=94 =93None like him . . .I=92m not very good at this.=94 =93You=92re doing just fine. It=92s not like I=92m any good as these social=20 things.=94 =93You were perfect with him.=94 =93So what next? Gossip Gerty can=92t be an worse.=94 =93She is believe me.=94 They continued talking. He kept his back to the room as he moved in=20 front of Sam.=20 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Gossip Gerty Gossip Gerty=92s eyes moved about the room constantly, searching for=20 anything she could use. She instantly spotted Bruce when he walked in the=20 room. There=92s a woman she=92s never seen before standing beside him. She=20 stood and watched. The two of them started talking. The woman smiledat=20 him. A short while later Bruce Wayne smiled at her then touched her=20 cheek. Gerty started to make her way around the room, all the while watchin= g=20 them. She has her cameraman follow. As she watcheed, Elliot Johnson came up and talked to the two of them. Elliot kissed her hand and Bruce moved closer to her. There=92s more talking. Bruce moved closer to her again and=20 puta hand on her waist. Gerty has her photographer take a picture of=20 it. More talking and then Elliot leaves in a huff. The woman turned to Bruc= e=20 and from Gerty=92s angle, she ccould see him take hold of her hand=20 affectionately. After a couple of minutes he let go of it and put his=20 hand on her cheek. The photographer took another photo. Then they just=20 sat and watched.=20 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Cat greets Bruce and Sam! Catherine Grant saw Bruce Wayne and date arrive, and she walked down the=20 stage stairs, took Diego's arm and walked over to Bruce. Catherine told=20 Bruce and Sam that the President's toast got held up by Whitehouse=20 business but he would ring the red phone on stage when he could make the=20 toast. "We expect the President back in about five minutes! Bruce you=20 remember Don Diego Dela Vega of the Dela Vega Stables in Spain and=20 California?" Cat re-introduced Diego to Mr. Wayne and his lovely date.=20 Then she and Diego went back to the stage to wait for the opening toast. Diego: "Catherine, I am so pleased to be here tonight with you, seeing=20 people that I havn't seen in a few years." Cat: "I am glad that you are here too!! Diego!" Cat told him and he=20 squeezed her hand and smiled. The ball was in almost full swing now, all that remains is the=20 President's toast to really get the Ball in gear. Just then the red=20 phone rang. =20 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Presidential Toast!!! Cat picked up the red phone and said. "Hello, Mr. President we are=20 honored that you are opening the Enviromental Ball this year!" Cat=20 finished a brief conversation with the President then hung up the red=20 phone. Picked up the microphone and asked the band to stop playing.=20 The large screen came on and the color bars faded to blue screen then=20 suddenly a live feed from the President of the US to the Envorimential=20 Ball. President: "Good evening to all of you at the annual Gotham Cities Wayne=20 Foundation/Daily Planet's Enviromental Ball. It is my pleasure to raise=20 this glass of champagne to toast this year's events. "May the gift's that you all donate tonight bring you more than just tax=20 write-offs, may it save the enviroment for you and your children and=20 your children's children, and may you always be known as the people who=20 cared and did something, to save this planet that we call home that we=20 call...Earth! So as you dance and celebrate this last ball in the 20th=20 century, remember the Planet needs you as it needs us all to be kinder=20 and to re-cycle and to save and preserve this orb in space that is our=20 home. Salute!" And with that the President raised his glass and drank of=20 the fine French vintage champagne.=20 Glasses clinked around the observatory as the President made the toast. Diego clinked his glass with Cat's and they toasted the ball and Diego=20 kissed her hand and smiled. "You can breathe now Catherine, all went=20 well and your and Mr. Wayne's Ball is a success!" Cat: "Diego, thanks so much!" And with that she kissed Diego's warm and=20 inviting lips with a light butterfly kiss before they made their way to=20 the dance floor for some dance action. Cat couldn't believe that the=20 ball had finally offically started. She saw Clark and Lois sitting at a=20 table=20 and she smiled and waved at them as she danced with Diego. =20 =20 * * * * Looks for Week #13 coming to a PC near you! Enjoy! Alexis ;-.) {"ADITLOM" arbitrator} ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2000 12:03:27 -0000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: Re: [Back again!] MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sarah wrote: Just checked it out for ya. ~~~You have my eternal, undying gratitude. :) It was all that was stopping me from writing the opening scene of Masques. Somehow, I just can't 'work around' details. Like leave a space and come back to it later when I find out the info and just write the rest meantime. It niggles at me. I have to know. Hey, what can I say, I have an inquiring mind. ;)~~~ You can't tell. If there is a label, Clark is hiding it. And as for american "champagne", wouldn't it be soo Clark, to know of some place in Champagne, one of those little family vine yards around Epernay, and get it directly from them?? Yeah, wouldn't it? My thought though is that Clark *didn't* buy it. ;) And fortunately, thanks to all that wonderful wine detail from Debbie, Ann and Judith, , plus the fact that you confirm I can pretty much make up the label as I like, it looks like it might work at that. But I'll keep this in mind, thanks - just in case I decide to change my mind. (Has been known.) Thanks, guys! Appreciate it. LabRat :) ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2000 12:11:38 -0000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: Re: Thanks for your encouragement MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Anita wrote: Of course > the next morning when I read my own message, it sounded like I was > whining. 'Whining' is a recognised trademark of writers, Anita. You can't be a card carrying union member without practising the skill at least once in any writing story session. Suitable recipients are your husband or family members. Emails to fellow FoLCs are a must - and if they are also writers all the better as you can swap whines and give marks out of ten. ;) Oh, and we don't mind at all here on the list either. It makes us feel less alone. :) LabRat :) ("Oh look - someone else does that too.") ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2000 08:23:22 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: Re: Solar Eclipse MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Hi Charlotte, Thank you so much for the feedback and never mind apologizing that you were late with it - I was just thrilled to get a note about it. I'm glad that you're enjoying the series. I am, too as I guess is obvious or I would have stopped writing before now. This one was incredibly fun for me to write. I have to admit that Jon is my favourite of the Kent children (with Vicky a close second). The revelation scene was a lot of fun to write, too. Thanks again. I appreciate the kind words. Irene (hope you had a great time in Denver!) --- Charlotte Fisler wrote: > Sorry I'm a bit late responding on this one. I left > home before I even read. Read it on the plane here > (Denver for a visit with my sun and daughter) > > I've read each installment of this series since it > came out and all were good, but this one - to me > personally was the best yet. I love your Jon Kent > and I love the way you handled the 'revelation' in > this one. > > Keep the series up. > > Charlotte > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2000 14:57:06 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kara Johnson Subject: Re: Juli and Erin's new fic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Juli, I'm absolutely hanging off the edge of my seat! Please post the next part as soon as possible! If the beginning is this good I can't wait for the end Erin, this is a great fic :) I hope to see the continuance of it as well very soon! (/me inserts lots of gushing comments in here to both authors) -Kara (who desperately awaits new fic) ===== | KarahJ or Kasspur on irc | | Karah82 on AOL Instant Messenger | ___________________________________________________________ I've learned that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2000 23:04:32 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Joy Sowell Subject: I'm Going No Mail Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi! I'm going no-mail tomorrow for the next few months. If you would like to reach me, my mailbox will be open, but I won't be checking it till April. I hope everyone continues to have a happy new year. JOY :) ______________________________________________ FREE Personalized Email at Sign up at ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2000 20:09:05 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: Re: I'm Going No Mail MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii We're going to miss you, Joy! Take care, Irene --- Joy Sowell wrote: > Hi! I'm going no-mail tomorrow for the next few > months. If you would like > to reach me, my mailbox will be open, but I won't be > checking it till April. > I hope everyone continues to have a happy new year. > JOY :) > > ______________________________________________ > FREE Personalized Email at > Sign up at > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2000 23:23:35 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Hazel Subject: Re: I'm Going No Mail In-Reply-To: <384734976.947390672552.JavaMail.root@web37.pub01> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 11:04 PM 08/01/00 -0500, you wrote: >Hi! I'm going no-mail tomorrow for the next few months. If you would like >to reach me, my mailbox will be open, but I won't be checking it till April. >I hope everyone continues to have a happy new year. >JOY :) Joy, come back with lots of info for writing a fic based on active duty. We'll be waiting for you... :) Regards, Hazel ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 00:03:24 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Alicia Utowski Subject: Re: I'm Going No Mail MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Joy, we will miss you :) Alicia ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2000 22:04:52 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Nancy Smith Subject: Re: I'm Going No Mail MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit We'll miss you, Joy. Do a good job, and we'll be looking forward to seeing you again in April. Nan Joy Sowell wrote: > Hi! I'm going no-mail tomorrow for the next few months. If you would like > to reach me, my mailbox will be open, but I won't be checking it till April. > I hope everyone continues to have a happy new year. > JOY :) > > ______________________________________________ > FREE Personalized Email at > Sign up at ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 01:17:03 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Juli Hale Subject: Re: Juli and Erin's new fic In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 02:57 PM 1/8/00 -0800, you wrote: >Juli, I'm absolutely hanging off the edge of my >seat! Please post the next part as soon as >possible! If the beginning is this good I can't >wait for the end > Thank you, Kara. I'm getting ready to post the rest right now. I just finished it. And I agree. Erin's fic is awesome, isn't it? Juli (who's cutting and pasting away :-)) ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 01:29:48 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Juli Hale Subject: NEW FIC: To Face the Day (9/16) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Title: To Face the Day Part: 9/16 Author: Juli Hale=20 Rating: PG-13 Feedback: Public comments & editing welcome. Summary: Lois and Clark face a man from her past, and uncover long-kept secrets in the process.=20 *** On Tuesday morning, Jimmy was waiting for Lois and Clark at their desks when they entered the newsroom. "Hey guys, I got that uh,=85" lowering his voice, "'information', that you asked for. But I have to say that nothing unusual showed up. The guy's as clean as a whistle. Not even a parking ticket." Both were visibly disappointed that Jimmy hadn't uncovered any damning information about their new VP of Operations. Although Lois was steadily becoming more and more like her old self-the Lois he knew, Clark was adamant about getting Peter Alistair away from her. His mind was starting to ponder the possibilities available to achieve that when Lois' voice interrupted his thoughts. "Jimmy, let's see what you found." She looked hopefully at Clark. "It seems a little strange to me that nothing at all turned up, considering who we're dealing with. It's worth a shot, and besides, it can't hurt to try to figure out what he's been up to all these years." Clark took the folder from Jimmy, thanked him for his help and told him that if anything turned up that they would let him in on it. Jimmy was obviously intrigued by whatever it was that Lois and Clark were looking for. They went into the conference room and closed the door and blinds before opening the unmarked file, not wanting it to get around that they were looking into Alistair's personal life. No need to alert the villain any more than necessary.=20 When they opened the file, the first document to be seen was Alistair's resume. Clark glanced over it haphazardly, assuming that it would only contain, at most, and embellished account of exactly what Alistair wanted Franklin Stern and the other board members to know about him. He was ready to flip to the next page but Lois stopped him. "Wait just a minute Clark-look at this." Clark focused on the section that Lois was pointing to, but at first did not understand its significance. Impatiently, she explained, "Under education, he's listed that he graduated with a Ph.D. in Journalism from Metropolis University in 1985. Clark, he didn't graduate from M.U. at all, remember? Because of the tape, he had to transfer to another school, leaving Metropolis." "And if he's lied about graduation, he's most likely lied about other things as well." Lois nodded triumphantly, "I would bet good money on it. I wonder what else is in here." Flipping through the various documents, she stopped at one, "Ah-ha!" She had pulled out a photocopy of a Ph.D. certificate that corroborated his M.U. credentials. "Do you know what this means, Clark?" "I sure do. Just because Jimmy didn't turn up anything extraordinary doesn't mean this guy's clean, it just means he's been discreet. He's had to have gone to a lot of trouble to have falsified this document, which means he's got something to hide." Lois scrawled down Alistair's last two known addresses, then stood up and declared, "And I intend to find out exactly what it is." *** Meanwhile, Alistair sat in his office upstairs, having just finished mulling over carpet swatches with hid interior designer. He swiveled around his big leather chair to look out at his ample view of Metropolis through his large window. "I've almost got it all, Lois. It's been a lonely road to the top. No one to support me-only people like you who can't understand what I go through, who don't know how to love me. People that had to be punished. You certainly are a challenge, my love, with your ever-devoted husband, your editor, and even that lackey copy-boy ready to defend you to the death." He chuckled ruthlessly, "Leave it to you, Lois, to have a super-hero as a personal body guard. How do you do it? And you called me the manipulator. But, at last, I do almost have all I've wanted=85the job, the power, and soon enough=85 the revenge." *** The most recent address was located in Braxton, New Troy, about 150 miles outside of Metropolis. In years past, it would have been difficult for Lois to investigate intangible leads such as this one as thoroughly as she liked because of the sheer time it took to travel. But thanks to her super husband, who was as anxious as she, if not more so, to get the goods on Peter Alistair, they made the trip in under five minutes.=20 The two intrepid reporters were only slightly surprised to find that the address that Alistair had listed as his last place of residence was only an abandoned furniture warehouse, not even located in a residential area. After inspecting the premises for any further leads, both decided that if Alistair had used the location for anything other than a cover address, there was no evidence of that now. The other address was even further away, in Mount Evanston, New Troy. According to Alistair's file, in which Lois held little hope in containing true information, he had lived at that address from 1988 to 1993, a little over five years. Neither Lois nor Clark had ever visited Mount Evanston, which was one of the most rural and secluded towns in all of New Troy. The population there was little greater than that of Smallville, but residents made their livings on fishing docks rather than farms. Arriving in Mount Evanston in only a few moments, it took considerably longer to find the physical address with which they had been provided. Lois was discouraged, "There's probably no such place, Clark. He most likely just made up another cover address to fool everyone." Clark frowned, "Maybe. But these small towns can be tricky, Lois. Believe me, I know. Backroads are not exactly mapped out by high-paid city planners with engineering degrees." Lois sneered, "Well, since we don't know which brown and white milk cow should signal us to turn left at, we're going to have to land and ask for directions." "Honey, Clark Kent and Lois Lane can't be seen in Mount Evanston, New Troy, 500 miles outside of Metropolis-where they were seen working only this morning, by the way-without running the risk of drawing attention to themselves. This is a small town, but the people still subscribe to the Planet and they are not stupid." "So, we go home, pack, call Perry and tell him we're on to something big and won't be in the office for a few days. Believe me when I say it's an ideal time to be out in the fresh air. Here, we'll tell anyone that asks that we're doing research on our family ancestry. These small-town types love to help tourists with things like that." Clark thought about the suggestion, only briefly exasperated with Lois' stereotypical view of small town life, secretly deciding it would be a good idea to put some distance between them and their nemesis, and then agreed. But only on the condition that they wouldn't lie to Perry anymore than absolutely necessary to protect Lois. Perry was a good friend and Clark didn't like lying. After all, hopefully they would uncover something about Alistair that would be big. Who knew if it would be newsworthy, but he was sure that Franklin Stern would want to be informed that he had been grossly mislead by the man all but running his paper. *** It was late when they returned to Metropolis since they had spent longer than they realized being lost in Mount Evanston. Lois began packing, while Clark phoned Perry. He tried the Planet first, figuring that that is where Perry would most likely still be. Sure enough, the receptionist put him right through to the Editor-in-Chief. "Perry White, here." "Hi, Perry. It's me, Clark=85 Lois and I need=85" "Oh, yeah, hi there son, I was wondering where you to disappeared to= today=85" Clark interrupted, "That's what I was calling to tell you about Chief, Lois and I are on to something, and we need to be away for a few days. Jimmy's working on research for our case files, but nothing's so pressing that it can't hold until we get back." =09 Perry chuckled, "I was wondering when you were going to head off to Mount Evanston." Stunned, Clark didn't know what to say, "Chief, how did you know=85" Laughing, Perry replied, "Son, I've said it before, and I'll say it again-this old news hound didn't get to be editor of major metropolitan newspaper by knowing how to yodel." Seriously, he continued, "Now I'll admit I still don't know what you two know that I don't, but I trust you both. Don't worry about things here-if anybody asks, I'll tell 'em you're on undercover assignment dealing with the street kids drug series." "Thanks, Chief. You're full of surprises." "Yeah, well, I've got one more for you. When you get where you're going, find a woman named Allison Crowder. My source says if anyone can give you the low-down on Mr. Tooty-Fruity, it'll be her." "Your source?" "Never reveal a source, son. Now you two have a good trip, and I hope you find what you're looking for. I've got to put this paper to bed, that is if you-know-who hasn't replaced my printing presses with a full-service health club resort. You know, this paper didn't get where it is today by luxury, I'll tell you that right now," he grumbled. "Well son, tell that wife of yours good night." "I will, Chief, and good night to you." He hung up the phone, and turned to Lois. Noting the awed expression on his face, she asked, "What was all that= about?" "You won't believe it, honey, but Perry=85" He commenced to relate the conversation with her, highlighting his appreciation for their good friend and editor. ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 01:31:03 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Juli Hale Subject: NEW FIC: To Face the Day, (10/16) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Title: To Face the Day Part: 10/16 Author: Juli Hale=20 Rating: PG-13 Feedback: Public comments & editing welcome. Summary: Lois and Clark face a man from her past, and uncover long-kept secrets in the process. *** Lois and Clark arrived in Evanston just before noon on Wednesday. Flying only three-quarters of the way, they rented a car to continue their trip, wisely deciding that it would be too dangerous for Superman to be spotted in the quiet little town at the same time his counterpart was visiting. Their first order of business was to locate Allison Crowder, the woman Perry told them about. Mount Evanston only had one hotel, a quaint little establishment with only a dozen or so rooms. They checked in quickly, amused to find that they were the only guests, and inquired about Ms. Crowder's whereabouts. The innkeeper had been very helpful, although his curiosity about the Kents' purpose in the small fishing town was laughably transparent. Politely evading his inquiries, Lois and Clark were on their way to Ms. Crowder's home less than half and hour after their arrival. Clark found the Crowder place relatively easily, especially since Lois had insisted on navigating using the 50-cent map she had bought at the hotel. It was a modest house just a few miles outside the main part of town. Clark pulled the rented car into the driveway cautiously, taking in all that he could about the surroundings. Lois, however, in her impatience, hopped out of the car almost before it came to a complete stop. Clark shook his head, and rushed to follow her to the front door, where she had already knocked and was waiting for an answer. The woman who came to the door was of an indeterminable age. While not having the posture or build of an older woman, her face was marked with lines of worry and toil. Her once blond hair was streaked with gray that she had never attempted to hide.=20 "Allison Crowder?" Lois asked. The woman warily nodded, "Who's asking?" Undeterred by the less than friendly greeting, Lois continued, "Hi. I'm Lois Kent," using her married name for expediency's sake, "and this is my husband Clark. If you wouldn't mind, we would like to ask you a few questions about a man we think you may know-Peter Alistair." The already suspicious woman's face turned to stone at the mention of the name and she harshly replied, "I don't have anything to say to you people. Get off my property-now." Clark intervened, "Ms. Crowder, I'm sorry if we've come on too strongly, it's just that, well, we're kind of desperate to learn anything we can about Mr. Alistair. I can assure you we don't mean any harm. Anything you could tell us would be a help." Clark's natural charm had little affect on the stern woman. "What I can tell you is that you have no business here. That man has caused my family enough pain. I've got children to consider=85just leave." Both Lois and Clark understood the implications of Crowder's statement-Alistair did have something to hide. Clark tried again, "Alistair has caused my family pain, as well, ma'am,=85" he looked meaningfully at Lois, "=85and we promise we won't bring you or your family to his attention if you don't want us to, but we would really like to find out what Peter Alistair was doing between 1988 and 1993. Any information you have=85" "In 1988, Peter Alistair married my sister, Janey. That's all I can say." She had softened perceptibly. "He was married?" Lois exclaimed, not hiding her surprise. Ms. Crowder seemed sad, and answered softly, "Yes. He was married." She paused, "I'm sorry I can't help you. You have to understand-I've said too much already." Disappointed and confused, Lois and Clark started to walk away, when Lois suddenly remembered something. She turned back to Ms. Crowder, who was still standing in the doorway. "One last thing, Ms. Crowder, the last possible physical address we have for Alistair is here in Mount Evanston. We're not familiar with the area, so could you look at the address and give us directions?" Grudgingly, the woman nodded affirmatively. She took the paper Lois handed her, and before their eyes her expression turned from one of resigned sadness, to one of pure unadulterated rage. "'This' is the address he claims to have lived at?" They nodded, bewildered by the significance. Ms. Crowder was belligerent, "How dare that son-of-a=85. " "Excuse me, ma'am," Clark interrupted gently, "I'm sorry, but we don't understand=85." =20 "No, I don't suppose you would." She took a deep breath. "Peter Alistair never lived at this address, although I wouldn't mind to see=85 never mind. It is where you'll find my sister."=20 Lois and Clark watched the strange woman quietly as she seemed to be considering something. After a moment she proceeded to give them directions, "After you finish at that address, come back here and I'll have what you need ready." She promptly went back into her house, slamming the door behind her. Clark looked at Lois, "What do you think all that is about?" "I think we're getting ready to find out." Confused, but hopeful, they got into the car and started following the directions they had been given. *** They drove even further outside of town, and Lois was getting very antsy. "Are you sure this is the right way, Clark?"=20 "Lois, you just asked that two minutes ago and we're still going in the same direction." He was watching the isolated road closely. "Wait, I think I see something up here." "Oh my God." Lois' face turned pale and her hands grew cold as Clark pulled the car into the small country graveyard. =20 ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 01:32:08 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Juli Hale Subject: NEW FIC: To Face the Day (11/16) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Title: To Face the Day Part: 11/16 Author: Juli Hale=20 Rating: PG-13 Feedback: Public comments & editing welcome. Summary: Lois and Clark face a man from her past, and uncover long-kept secrets in the process.=20 *** It was actually a lovely scene, if one was a disinterested observer. Dense trees on either side flanked the winding country road leading to the little cemetery. But once past the unlocked wrought iron gate, the land was clear except for various stone markers overlooking the coast, located far below. A quaint white wooden church, apparently long abandoned, or perhaps merely unkempt, sat off to the left, almost on the edge of the bluff.=20 In the dark of night, Lois thought the place would surely be enough to instill fear in even the most strong-hearted person. But it was mid-afternoon, the sun still high in the sky, and the only emotion the graveyard inspired was one of quiet sadness, sadness for those souls who had been left here and then forgotten. Lois unconsciously took Clark's hand, and they slowly and respectfully wandered among the stones until they came upon the one they had been searching for. The stone read: Jane C. Alistair, 1970-1993, Beloved Wife, May She Rest in Peace. Clark sighed, "Poor woman-she was only 23 years old. Only 18 when she married Alistair." Lois released Clark's hand and sank to her knees in front of the gravestone. She touched the engraved name with much trepidation, not wanting to believe what she was seeing. As tears poured silently down her face, she whispered in anguish, "It should have been me." Imagining what could have been, had Lois not gotten out of the abusive relationship when she did, his wife's words hit him full force. "No! Lois, you can't mean that!" He got down on her level, and grasping both hands on her upper arms, gently turned her to face him. "What would it have proved if it had been you lying in a grave somewhere, huh? He would have just kept on abusing. We don't even know if Janey is the only other woman he's hurt. He has to be stopped." Grief-stricken, she responded, "But, it's my fault she's dead. I knew what he was capable of, but I didn't report it. I just made him leave Metropolis without facing up to everything he put me through. A woman's dead because I was too afraid of losing a journalism degree and too stubborn to turn to someone for help. God, Clark, what have I done?" "You didn't do anything, Lois. This was not your fault. Men like Alistair manipulate young women into thinking that the way they're treated is the result of their own actions, and it's just not true. You were the victim, just like Janey Crowder was a victim. The only difference was that you were strong enough to get away." He embraced his wife, and in a sympathetic voice, "She wasn't." The couple sat there, mourning the loss of a young woman they had never known for what seemed an eternity. Finally, Clark stood, brushed the grass off his jeans and reached to help Lois stand. She didn't move. "Lois?" No longer crying, she looked up at her husband and asked, "Could you give me a minute alone with her?" Clark gazed down at her questioningly. "I just want to talk to her for a second. Please, it's something I need to do." Nodding his acquiescence, "I'll wait in the car. If you need me=85" She smiled up at him, "I know." *** Lois Lane would have felt silly talking to a gravestone under normal circumstances, but this was different. This was the only way she knew to express her feelings and make Janey Crowder a promise. "Janey, we never knew each other, in fact, I don't know anything about you except that you must have suffered a great deal living with that man." She sniffed, "I'm so sorry that you went through that, and that you had to die. I'm sorry you never had the chance to experience being loved by a kind, gentle man. But most of all, I'm sorry that I let you down. I wish I had stopped him when I had the chance=85but I was too weak then.=20 "But now, Janey, now I'm strong. And I promise you, if it's the last thing I do on this earth, I will make Peter Alistair pay for what he did to you. For what he did to us. I'll make everyone see him for what he is." She stood and walked toward the car, glancing back over her shoulder only once. As she sat in the passenger seat, she told Clark, "We need to get back to Allison Crowder's house-she may have the answers we're looking for."= =20 A worried Clark asked her, "Honey, are you sure you're okay?" Clark did not fail to notice her new determination, which sparked hope in his heart. She replied, "I will be, Clark, I will be."=20 ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 01:33:11 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Juli Hale Subject: NEW FIC: To Face the Day (12/16) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Title: To Face the Day Part: 12/16 Author: Juli Hale=20 Rating: PG-13 Feedback: Public comments & editing welcome. Summary: Lois and Clark face a man from her past, and uncover long-kept secrets in the process.=20 *** Peter Alistair stepped out of the elevator and into the newsroom expecting to see Lois Lane at her desk. When he saw that neither she nor her husband were there, he walked into Perry's office to find out where she was. Perry looked up from his desk to see Alastair walk in the office without knocking. No reporter at the Planet would have had the nerve to do that, with the sole exception of Lois Lane, and even she would have had a good reason. Perry took a calming breath and assumed that he would finally have the chance to talk turkey with the new VP of Operations. The man had been on the job for four business days (since the suits only worked business days, Perry thought with chagrin), and he had yet to state his intentions to the Editor-in-Chief. "Ah, Mr. Alistair. I was expecting you to show up down here sooner or later." Perry made an effort to cover up his misgivings about the man by infusing his speech with good old Southern charm, "It would be my pleasure to show you around my newsroom. There's a fine bunch of reporters at work out there, and I'd like=85" "Excuse me, Mr. White," Alistair interrupted, "I'm sure that's all true. But the reason I'm 'down here' is that I'm looking for Lois Lane. Do you happen to know where she is?" "Uh. Lois Lane?" Perry looked confused. "Could I, uh, ask what business you have with her?" Alistair huffed, but still answered smugly, "Actually, I was anxious to invite her up to see my office. There is a snag with the decorating. The new office furniture has been delivered, but something's still not right. I believe it could use a woman's touch." Perry stood slack-jawed, not believing his ears. "And you need Lois Lane for that?" "I would like to have her opinion. So, where is she?" Perry shook himself slightly and answered, "Lois and Clark are out doing their jobs-you understand, reporter stuff. In fact, they're undercover on the street, infiltrating the drug scene." He paused, choosing his words carefully, "A far cry from interior decorating, I might add. Mr. Alistair, I don't know if you've ever seen Lois Lane mad, but let me give you some friendly advice. If I were you, I wouldn't insult her intelligence, or even appear to be thinking about insulting her intelligence. That's one girl whose feathers you don't want to ruffle." Alistair only smiled, turned and walked out of the office, leaving the door swinging open behind him. Perry looked at his framed photo of Elvis, "Great shades=85 Some days I don'= t know if I'm running a newspaper or funny farm." *** Back upstairs, Alistair brooded over the fact that Lois wasn't where she was supposed to be. It upset him. He really had wanted to invite her to his office. Well, he had wanted to see the look on her face when he did, anyway. He could wait a few more days, though. He had waited this long. 'Lois, Lois, Lois. You probably just wanted to get out of the office and away from me, right, my love? That's fine. How fitting it would be for my presence to force you from this job you so wanted. Why, even when we were together, all you talked about was being a journalist for the world-famous Daily Planet. You got your wish, but what about me? I lost everything I wished for. I would have had a brilliant career, a legitimate one, if I had finished my degree at Metropolis University. But I had to give everything up because of you.=20 'It's always been about you. I was hurting 'you'. I was too jealous of 'you'. I was too fixated on 'you'. If it hadn't been because of you, I wouldn't have ended up in some one-horse town married to little wench like Jane. You might as well have killed that girl yourself, Lois. Of course, she didn't even try to be a good wife-too afraid to be away from her family to take care of a husband. Like you, she couldn't love me like I deserved. I had to punish her=85I have to punish you.' Suddenly, an alarming thought came to his mind. 'What if? Surely Lois and Clark weren't out snooping around my past. What if they find out=85' He sank back into his chair, his dread vanishing as soon as it appeared, 'Just let them try,' he thought confidently, 'they can't prove anything.' =20 *** Seated around the kitchen table, Allison Crowder told Lois and Clark about the relationship between Peter Alistair and her sister Janey. By the time the couple had returned from the cemetery, Allison had gathered various photos and newspaper clippings that were relevant to their questions. They were listening intently to the story being told to them. "Janey was my youngest sister. Our parents died in a boating accident when Janey was just a little girl. I'm the oldest sister, fifteen years older than Janey, in fact, and so it fell to me to take care of my brothers and sisters. "Janey was seventeen when Peter moved into town. He took over running the weekly Mount Evanston Star here in 1987. No one knew why someone like him would come to a small town like this, all the folks in town could tell he was different. 'Refined', so to speak.=20 "Janey was the receptionist at the Star, and had been ever since she graduated high school. She took classified ads, you know, such things as that. She was real smart, and pretty, too. See, here's her senior picture." The girl in the photo was a smiling, happy young woman with a cloud of honey brown hair framing her face. Her creamy, clear complexion and bright shining eyes gave her the impression of having a child's innocence. It was hard to imagine that this girl, who even in a still photograph exuded so much life, was the same woman lying in the grave that Lois and Clark had just visited. It was obviously painful for Allison to recount, but she braced herself and continued, "Janey fell for Peter almost immediately. She would come home all dreamy-eyed, telling me how she had met this wonderful man who would elevate the Star to new heights. She could talk on and on about him. It wasn't long before they started dating, and only two months after he moved into town, he asked my sister to marry him. "I thought it was too, soon, myself. I didn't know anything about him, and had only been introduced to him once. He didn't like to come around much, it seemed. I tried to talk sense into Janey, but she wouldn't hear it. Maybe if Mama and Dad had around=85 "Anyway, when I saw she was set to get married, I offered to help plan a wedding. That was the first indication that something was wrong. You see, Janey had always dreamed of a big wedding-ever since she was just a little girl. When we got to missing our folks and such, we'd snuggle up and talk about how grand our futures would be," she paused and looke d around sadly, "and Janey's dream always started with a big wedding to her Prince Charming. But now, she told me that her and Peter were just going to the courthouse to get married, they were in such a hurry. I thought the girl must have been pregnant or something, to be in such a rush. But that wasn't it-Peter just wanted a wife. "They got married that same week, and moved into his place above the paper. After that, I didn't see Janey very often. She tried to get up here as much as she could, but I knew something was wrong=85" Allison continued to tell them about the awkward behavior changes that Janey went through. How during her visits she stayed nervous and constantly watched the clock, afraid she would be late getting home. She described how her sister went from being the Janey in the senior picture to a woman consumed with anxiety and timidity. Over the five years of the marriage, she told Lois and Clark about the bruises she had accidentally seen on Janey's arms, and how her sister had tried so hard to make excuses for Alistair. "I tried to convince her to leave him-I knew what was going on, I've seen it before. But she refused, always blaming the accidents on herself, or saying that Peter was just worried about her if she stayed out too long by herself. Once, she told that me that Peter didn't like her to come see me and the kids. She said that he thought she was too dependent on us and not dependent enough on him. It was the most ridiculous thing I'd ever heard-but he had her believin' it." Her voice broke for the first time, "I didn't hardly see her at all that last year." *** Lois and Clark gave Allison some time to compose herself before she continued, excusing themselves to go outside and walk around for a few minutes. The story had been all too familiar to Lois, who could fill in blanks that even Allison hadn't been able to. She couldn't imagine what it would have been like to live with that man every day for over five years. What Janey must have gone through. But something else had occurred to while listening as well, "Clark?" "Yes, Lois?" Clark held Lois' hand through the entire account, offering his unconditional love and support throughout. He, too, had seen cases of abuse, both as a reporter and as Superman.=20 She turned to face him, placing her hand on his muscled chest. "I realized something today, something that I've probably always known, but never formed into words." "What's that, honey?" "Men like Peter Alistair prey on people weaker than themselves, whether it's physical, mental, or emotional weakness. They use their victims' own insecurities against them. That's where all their power comes from. If you think about it, all the villains we've faced have been like that. Lex Luthor comes to mind easily, but there've been others, too." She smiled up at him, "But you, you're the strongest man in the whole world, and you never use your power to harm others. Sometimes you use your abilities to defeat those who would, but even then, you only do what's necessary. I mean, Clark, you could annihilate Peter Alistair in two seconds, but you don't." He sighed, "Don't think I haven't thought about it." She smiled, "That's just cause you can't stand to see me hurting. Because you love me so much-just like I love you." They shared a tender kiss, full of emotion, then walked back inside to find out how Janey Crowder died. ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 01:34:12 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Juli Hale Subject: NEW FIC: To Face the Day (13/16) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Title: To Face the Day Part: 13/16 Author: Juli Hale Rating: PG-13 Feedback: Public comments & editing welcome. Summary: Lois and Clark face a man from her past, and uncover long-kept secrets in the process. Allison had washed her face, and was now ready to tell the most difficult part of her story. Clark urged her to take her time, and assured her that they understood how hard it was for her to talk about. "I know in my heart that Peter killed my sister. What I don't know is how to prove it." She handed them a newspaper clipping. "This is how her death was explained." Lois took the article, yellowed with age, and read aloud, "Local Woman Drowns, Ruled Accidental by Police." The article simply reported that while on a recreational boating trip with her husband, Jane Alistair fell overboard. Despite daring attempts to rescue her, Mr. Alistair was unable to save his wife in time. Emergency responders told reporters that Mr. Alistair was inconsolable, and no foul play was involved." Clark looked at Allison with surprise, "According to this, her death was accidental. The local authorities suspected no foul play. How can you be sure she was murdered?" She sniffed, "Because I know my sister. Remember, I told you our parents died in a boating accident when she was small?" They nodded, "Well, Janey was scared to death of water. She never even learned to swim. This whole town is full of fishermen, and the few tourists that do visit here come for the water. But Janey would never go out on the water, not for anything. There's no way she would have gotten on that boat willingly. He had to have either planned killing her or at the least, forced her to get on the boat out of meanness. Maybe she made him mad. I don't know-but I do know her death was no accident." Lois and Clark shared a look, and then Lois spoke to Allison, "We believe you. But to take Alistair down, we need hard proof. Is there anything else you could tell us?" "The day after she died, I confronted Peter about what had happened. I told him that I knew he had killed her. He told me to mind my own business-that if I didn't want my kids to end up like Janey, that I had better keep my mouth shut. He all but admitted it. My own husband left us after my youngest son was born, and I was afraid of that horrible man hurting my little ones. With no one to protect us, I didn't have a choice. You two are the only people I've ever told about this." She looked up at them, "I want to see him pay for what he did to Janey, but I'm still afraid." Clark reached out to the woman, "We promise that you and your kids will be safe. We'll do everything we can to see Peter Alistair brought to justice." They said their good-byes, promising to inform Ms. Crowder of any new developments. *** Lois had been especially quiet on their drive back to the hotel in town. But as they walked through the door to their room, she announced, "I know how to get him." Clark listened warily as she laid out the details of her plan. "Honey, that sounds too dangerous to me. Not to mention how hard it will be for you." "It's the only way to nail this guy. I have to do it for me, and I have to do for Janey. And besides, Superman will be just a millisecond away, so there's not any 'real' danger, is there?" Knowing Lois never backed down, he reluctantly agreed to go along with her plan. "You do know this means that you'll have to go public with what happened to you. We could try to downplay it as much as possible, but once Alistair is exposed, I doubt there'll be anyway around it." She took steadying breath and replied, "I've been thinking about that anyway. I've kept my experience with Alistair quiet for too long. My silence has only caused pain, and it's time to end that. Besides, I know now that I didn't do anything wrong. He's the bad guy-not me." Clark was relieved to finally hear Lois say those words. "We should probably start by telling Perry. And we'll have to get Jimmy to help with the equipment." Lois nodded, "I think that's a good idea. We wouldn't know what we do without Perry. We'll talk to both of them in the morning as soon as we get back to Metropolis. Hopefully, if my plan works, Alistair will be in jail tomorrow night." Embracing his wife, he whispered in her ear. "I guess with such a busy day ahead of us, we should get to bed." Letting the tension of the day leave her momentarily, Lois agreed with her husband wholeheartedly. Much later, after Lois had fallen asleep in his arms, he lay there relishing the feel of her. Clark stared at ceiling for a long time, desperately hoping that nothing would go wrong. ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 01:35:10 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Juli Hale Subject: NEW FIC: To Face the Day (14/16) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Title: To Face the Day Part: 14/16 Author: Juli Hale=20 Rating: PG-13 Feedback: Public comments & editing welcome. Summary: Lois and Clark face a man from her past, and uncover long-kept secrets in the process.=20 After quickly dropping off their luggage at the brownstone Thursday morning, they immediately went to the Planet to talk to their friends. Fortunate to not run into the enemy, Lois went directly to the conference room, while Clark found Perry and Jimmy.=20 Once they were all seated, Clark began, "Lois and I have some information that concerns the well-being of the Planet, but also involves us directly-in a personal way. We felt that the two of you should know what's going on, and we'd also like to count on having your help." "Sure, CK, you got it." Clark smiled at Jimmy's enthusiasm, the younger man not bothering to hide his excitement at being let in on a secret. Perry indulged Jimmy's fervor, and calmly replied, "This must mean your trip was a success." Lois answered, "I don't know if that's the right word for it, Chief. But we did learn a few things about Peter Alistair." "This is about Mr. Alistair? Is that why you had me run those background checks?" Jimmy asked. "Yes, Jimmy. Alistair is not the man everyone's been led to believe. I should start at the beginning=85." Lois continued to tell a shocked Perry an= d Jimmy about her experiences with the newest Planet staff member, managing to keep the account less emotional than the first time she told it. While she concentrated on facts, the resulting implications of her story were no less horrifying. She ended by telling Jimmy how his background check made them aware that he had falsified documents. "Judas Priest! Lois, If I had thought for one minute=85" Perry ranted for a few moments before forcing himself to calm down. "One call to Franklin Stern and that no-good cow chip will be redecorating a cardboard box down by the bay instead of and Executive office here at this newspaper!" "Slow down, Chief," Clark interrupted, "We can't let him onto us yet. You haven't heard everything yet." Everyone focused their attention on Clark as he completed what they knew about Alistair. "=85So you see, Lois and I have to prove that Alistair murdered his wife. W= e can't stand by and let him get away with murder." He paused and took Lois' hand. "Not to mention that if he goes free, we can't be sure he won't try to harm Lois." Jimmy asked, "But how can you get proof in four-year old murder case? Surely he isn't hanging on to any evidence?" "That's where we need your help, Jimmy." Lois began explaining her plan. "I'm going to get a confession-the same way I got rid of him 13 years ago. Only this time his bragging will win a free ticket to the State Prison, not a Get-Out-of-Jail-Free card." Perry stopped her, "Now, honey, don't you think he'll be on to you this time? How do you expect to pull that off?" "It's easy, Perry. You're going to make him think that I'll be here in newsroom by myself tonight. You'll have to make it seem that you've sent Clark out on assignment and that I'm working after hours. Maybe even imply it's to avoid running in to him or something." She looked to Jimmy. "A tape recorder would be too obvious this time, so I need you to help us with some sort of remote listening/recording device. A wire is probably even pushing it. Do you think you could get a hold of one that's small enough to put in my hair-maybe disguised as a hair clip? Anything, as long as it's reliable. I only want to have to do this once." Jimmy thought for a moment before answering, "I know just the place. Can I go now and start getting things ready?" They nodded affirmatively and he took off. Lois looked deliberately at Perry and Clark. "And the rest is up to me." *** By 6:00 p.m., everything had been set up. Lois was equipped with a recording device enclosed in an ordinary-looking hair pin that she wore right behind her left ear. Jimmy had tested it thoroughly and it worked perfectly. Perry had called Alistair in his office under the guise of setting up a time to go over business, mentioning in passing that Lois and Clark were back on the job, and that if he still wanted her decorating opinion, she would be working overtime tonight-what with Clark having to go on assignment and all. It almost turned Perry's stomach hearing the delight with which Alistair digested that information. There was no doubt that he would make a move tonight. At 7:00, when the majority of employees were in the process of leaving, Lois discreetly went up to the roof of the building, where she knew Superman would be waiting to go over last-minute strategy. "Lois, are you sure you want to go through with this? You seem nervous." She smiled bravely, "Just butterflies. I'll be fine-you're just 'Help, Superman!' away, right?" He squeezed her shoulders, "Not even that far. Jimmy's set up in Perry's office with the recording equipment. Everyone thinks he's working on the Chief's shortwave radio and Alistair's doesn't even seem to have a clue that anyone named Jimmy works there. And I'll be watching and listening, too, from here. I won't let anything happen to you, Lois-I swear." She looked around uncomfortably. "Clark, I don't know if it's a good idea for you to watch, or even listen too closely." =09 Shocked and a little hurt, he pulled back and asked, "Why on earth would you say that?" "Oh, sweetheart, it's not what you think. It's just=85. Well, he may try to get 'close,' if you know what I mean. And of course I'll keep him in his place, but we just have to get the information we need. I can't go on like this. And I'm afraid that if you see him try to touch me, or hear=85" "You're afraid that if I think he's getting too close, I might jump the gun and rush in and rescue you, and cream him, before we get the evidence we need." Now he understood. Sheepishly, she replied, "You are overprotective, dear." He kissed her tenderly, "Don't be worrying about my overreaction. Just concentrate on your goal, and know that we can handle this. You've got the hard part." "I can do it, Clark." "Lois, I know you can do anything." ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 01:37:43 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Juli Hale Subject: NEW FIC: To Face the Day (16/16) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Title: To Face the Day Part: 16/16 Author: Juli Hale=20 Rating: PG-13 Feedback: Public comments & editing welcome. Summary: Lois and Clark face a man from her past, and uncover long-kept secrets in the process.=20 As Alistair brought the lamp down to strike Lois, a loud crash resounded through the building. After an instant blur of motion, Alistair shattered the crystal lamp squarely on the chiseled chest of Superman. Completely unaffected by the shattering lamp base, the icy glare he focused on Alistair made the man tremble with fear. He noticed he had been roughly lifted off the ground. "S-Superman? How did you=85" "What's wrong? You don't seem so powerful, now." Superman released him, and held up his arms outstretched in a gesture of invitation. "Go ahead. Take your best shot. I've heard how fond you are of violence. If you want someone to fight, here I am. I'll give you the honor of the first swing." When he didn't make a move, Superman reached for him again, this time hoisting him well off the ground by his neck. "I'm not smaller than you, is that it? Are * you * the one who's afraid now? I guess you can see now how it's different when the tables are turned." "P-Please don't hurt me." "Is that what your wife said before you murdered her? And weren't you going to hurt Ms. Lane? Why should you expect me to have compassion when you don't have any?" "I'm sorry." "You're sorry? Sorry won't bring back the life of the young woman you drowned, and it won't take away all the pain you've caused." Superman pulled Alistair closer to him, looking him right in face, "Sorry's not good enough." Alistair braced himself, thinking he was going to be killed. But then he felt himself being let go. When he opened his eyes, Superman said, "I meant that you're going to jail, Alistair. I don't work like you do." =20 Shamefully, Peter Alistair collapsed into a ball on the floor, weeping uncontrollably. Superman looked with concern at Lois, who was still sitting on the couch. "Are you okay, Ms. Lane?" Before she could answer, they both heard Jimmy noisily running up to the office door, shouting, "Superman, hurry, he's going to kill her=85. I just heard=85." He stopped short when he saw the scene laid out before him. "Man. Lois, I thought you were a goner. The tape is two minutes behind=85and, and we heard this loud noise, and=85. Superman, you really are fast." Half-smiling at Jimmy, she shakily answered Superman's question, "Clark. I need Clark."=20 Superman picked up Alistair, who was still sobbing, and stuffed him in the closet. "Call the police, Jimmy, and to get the tape ready. I'll go get Clark for Lois." With that, he was gone. *** Just a moment later, Clark ran into the office and to Lois' side. They embraced passionately, with a mixture of relief and concern. "Oh my God, Lois, you're bleeding." "I'm okay, Clark. It's just a little scratch." He helped her up, "We're going to the hospital right now." "No, it' okay. Really." He looked at her dubiously, but she continued. "Don't give me that look. I'm fine now that you're here. Besides, we have to explain to the police." More anxiously, she asked, "The confession is on tape, right?" He assured her, "Yes. We got it all. Thanks to you, Alistair will be in jail for a very long time. He won't be hurting anyone else."=20 He took the recording device out of her hair to examine her wound more closely, turning it off in the process. Satisfied that it was just a superficial scratch, he continued, more quietly, "I'm so sorry, Lois. I promised I wouldn't let him hurt you." "Clark, don't you dare blame yourself-you saved me. I'm fine. And besides, aren't you the one who told me that it's Alistair who's the bad guy? This whole thing is his fault, not ours." "But I was supposed to be watching you. I didn't know the office was lead-lined. It was so stupid of me not to check. You needed me, and I wasn't here." "Are you nuts? You're always here when I need you. You've stayed by me during this whole ordeal, offering your support and understanding. I wouldn't have made it through without you. You're the best." Clark smiled and conceded, "We'll talk about this later. Shouldn't I be the one making sure you are all right-not the other way around?" She laughed, "I'm all right just knowing that sleezebag will finally get what he's got coming. And seeing him cry like a baby was a plus." As she spoke, she saw her husband's expression become darker. "Honey, what is it?" "As I was flying out of Perry's office, I heard on the recording=85 I= heard=85" Lois finished for him, "You heard him kiss me." "Yeah." He took her in his arms, holding her securely against his chest. "I wanted to kill him." "But 'you don't work that way,' right?" Softly, he answered, "Right. So, you're really okay?" "I know it sounds weird, but, when he kissed me, it's like it wasn't even me. My body, but not me. I just kept thinking about Janey, and proving him guilty. I see him now for what he is-and it's like he just couldn't touch= me." They heard police sirens approaching. Clark said, "I'm just glad it's finally over." Lois smiled, "It's not over, not yet." *** Epilogue The sun was rising steadily over the horizon. Lois and Clark had made an early morning trip to the little graveyard in Mount Evanston.=20 After the trial, Allison Crowder had been very grateful to them for all they had done for Janey. Lois had been the star witness in the murder trail, and Alistair was convicted of Murder One and Attempted Murder. The rest of his days would be spent in jail. The press had sensationalized Lois' role in the proceedings, digging up past scandals that she had been involved in. Clark and her friends were very supportive, and she took all of it in stride, always remembering the promise she had made to the young woman she had never known.=20 It was a clipping from the Planet's factual account of the outcome of the trial that she brought with her to Janey's grave. Leaving it with a bouquet of young roses, she stood with Clark to watch the sun rise.=20 They stood hand in hand by Janey's grave, ready to face the day. ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 01:41:01 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Juli Hale Subject: NEW FIC: To Face the Day (15/16) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Title: To Face the Day Part: 15/16 Author: Juli Hale=20 Rating: PG-13 Feedback: Public comments & editing welcome. Summary: Lois and Clark face a man from her past, and uncover long-kept secrets in the process.=20 In Perry's office, Jimmy was going over last minute adjustments to the equipment. Lois was already waiting for Alistair in the newsroom. Clark had just checked in with Jimmy by phone, both to check that everything was okay with the equipment and to explain why he was not in the building. He told Jimmy that he didn't want to risk Alistair spotting him, so he was waiting in the Jeep down the street from the Planet. Jimmy knew Superman was on standby, but Clark didn't want anyone to have the impression that he was not there to help Lois as well. Clark was happy to know that the recording device was working as expected, but concerned when Jimmy told him that the speakers had blown. They would not be able to hear things as they happened, but would have to wait for the computer to convert the input. It would cause a 2-minute time lag. Jimmy assured him that it was only a minor inconvenience, and that the recording would be unaffected. He could monitor the sound levels visually, using his computer readings. Clark, who was actually calling from his cell phone on the roof, was disconcerted by the technical difficulty, however minor. He didn't want anything to go wrong-this was just too important. He was pacified only by the knowledge that he would be able to hear everything that went on. Still, he told Jimmy not to worry and promptly got off the phone as he saw Alistair enter the newsroom. *** The newsroom seemed darker than usual, and more quiet somehow. But Jimmy was inconspicuously hidden just in Perry's office, and Superman was surely watching from above. A few stragglers working on important assignments for the morning edition were even coming in and out, although most chose to work in the downstairs press area after business hours. Still, Lois felt painfully alone-waiting.=20 Thinking it would help her anxiety and appear more authentic to Peter if she was busy, she thumbed through the files she and Clark had been neglecting all week. 'No wonder Perry didn't mind us taking a few days off. There's nothing newsworthy in this pile. I hope when this Alistair thing is all over, we can just enjoy a good scandal-otherwise we might as well go cover a dog=85." =20 "Good evening, Lois." She jumped and dropped the file, shocked that he had sneaked up on her. A thought ran through her head, 'Well, girl, now you don't have to worry about faking that part of tonight's performance.' "Peter. It's late--What are doing here?" She kept her sentences terse, not wanting to make some minor slip up and ruin her plan. She knew she had to get him upstairs, where he would talk freely.=20 He flashed a conniving grin at her, "I work here, too, remember, my love? What's wrong-not happy to see me?" "Let's cut to the chase, shall we? What exactly do you want from me?"=20 "Funny you should ask. Actually, I'd like you to come upstairs-to see my office." Lois feigned a look of disbelief, knowing she couldn't appear too eager, "You've got to be kidding. What on earth makes you think I would want to be alone with you?" "We used to spend a lot of time alone together, or have you forgotten?" Involuntarily shuddering, she replied, "No. I haven't forgotten. Those were some of the worst days of my life. It's you with the faulty memory-you who put me through living hell." For a moment, his confidant exterior was distorted by anger. 'Now we're getting somewhere,' Lois thought. Alistair paced back and forth past the desk several times, seemingly glancing around to see who was present.=20 After a few minutes of consideration, he spoke. "I think it would be in your best interests to come upstairs." "I don't possibly see how that could be in my best interests. Besides, my husband will be here in a second to get me. You don't want to make him mad." Again, the confident smile. Oh, how Lois would like to rub that smile off his face. "Actually, Lois, your husband is out on assignment tonight." Pleased with himself, he continued. "Does your husband like his job here at the Daily Planet?" "Yes. We both like working here. Although, I have to say the last week hasn't been the highlight of our careers." Ignoring her snide remark, "If you like your jobs, I would strongly suggest you come up to my office. I am your boss and if you don't do what I say, it could easily be construed as disregarding my authority. Employees have been dismissed on far less serious grounds than that, my dear." Resisting the urge to roll her eyes at the absurdity of his argument, she acted as if she were considering it. She answered warily, "Only for moment-then I'm leaving. Understand." "Fine. After you, love." "And quit calling me love." *** From his vantage point on top of the building, Superman anxiously watched as Lois and Alistair made their way up to the fifth floor executive offices. He clenched and unclenched his fists as he struggled to maintain the patience that was being tested by the man who was far too close to his wife in the elevator.=20 Clark had noticed when Alistair had nearly lost his temper before, and he was sure that Lois would be able to elicit a confession from him. Now, if he could only wait that long like he had promised. Something besides the obvious was bothering him, though. Lois was supposed to be the one having to lure Alistair upstairs-why was he so insistent on getting her up there? What did he have in mind?=20 He kept his eye on them as the man put his hand on the small of Lois' back to usher her into his office. A gesture that he often made unconsciously, he didn't fail to notice the ill effect it had coming from Alistair. They walked into the office=85.=20 And disappeared. For a second, Superman panicked. He was preparing to dash in to find his wife before reasoning dawned on him. He gasped, "All that decorating-he wasn't doing it out of vanity like Perry thought-he was having his office veiled with lead! No wonder he had seemed so confident, he thought he could hide from Superman. And who knows what he plans to do to Lois in there tonight.' Clark flew to Perry's office, cursing himself for not having the foresight to investigate Alistair's office. If anything happened to Lois, he felt it would be his fault.=20 Jimmy looked up to see an upset Superman standing before him. "What's the matter? Did something happen to Lois?" Superman proceeded to quickly explain how the office upstairs must have been painted with lead, including the floor and ceiling, and how even the blinds concealing the windows must have been coated with the substance. "Now I can't hear what is happening, Jimmy. We'll have to use the computer conversion." "Superman. I told Clark that the lag-time was 2 minutes. A lot can happen in two minutes." Clark was torn. Lois would be furious if he busted in on them. They would lose their opportunity to convict Peter Alistair, probably forever. Janey Crowder's murderer would never be brought to justice. On the other hand, Lois could be hurt. He made his decision. "Jimmy, how much longer till we hear what's going on?" "Another 60 seconds. Then we'll be hearing what happened two minutes ago." Superman sat down by Jimmy-to wait. *** Once inside his office, which smelled horribly metallic, Lois thought, Alistair's demeanor changed noticeably. "I've waited so long for this night, love." He locked the door behind him. "Why? What's so special about tonight?" She swallowed her fear, remembering her promise to Janey. "Ah, tonight is the night I get my revenge. I was going to wait and wear you down with paranoia, but I'm not a patient man." She backed away from him in mock terror. "Yes, love, you should be afraid." "I wouldn't be the first woman you'd killed." She shot at him. 'I'm pushing it, but there's no need to drag things out longer than necessary. He only has to admit it once, and throw in a few details for posterity.' "I know about Janey." That admission stopped him cold. His satisfied visage was replaced with one of pure rage. "What do you know about Janey?" "I know that her death was no accident. You killed her." He eyed her suspiciously. "Lois, don't you ever learn? I won't be tricked so easily this time." He approached her slowly, pinning her effectively against the wall. He whispered in her ear, "Where's the tape recorder this time, huh?" His hands wandered down her sides, searching for the device. "Is it under your jacket?" Lois, focusing on her goals, allowed him to be sure that there was no tape recorder before knocking him off balance with her knee and pushing him away with both her hands. "Don't touch me, Peter. I'm not the same girl who let you get away with it all those years ago. I've taken down far greater men than you since then." Her anger was no act. He brushed his clothes with his hands, as if to undermine her counterattack by his action. "Be nice to me, Lois. You're only going to make your punishment more harsh." "Were you punishing Janey that night on the boat? Is that how she died?" "Janey is none of your business." His face was red with anger. "Janey was a useless wife-she didn't love me. All she cared about was that stupid sister of hers. A man needs a woman who knows her place, who's not out gallivanting around like some common slut. She never wanted to be at home with me. She got what she deserved." Knowing the truth didn't lessen the effect of hearing it from Alistair's own mouth. Advancing toward her, he grabbed her by the shoulders and forcefully kissed her. Lois struggled to get away from him, but he was too strong. "'A Kiss Before Dying,'-isn't that the name of a movie or something? I'll have to check into that-after."=20 He laughed as he continued, "Are you scared, Lois? That night, I wasn't sure if Janey was more scared of the water or of me." He stared through the woman in his arms, remembering, "Although as I held her head under the water, it became more clear. I'll not ever forget that night, Lois. It's pleasurable to be reminded how easily I got away with it. Those rubes in charge of the investigation didn't even hold me for questioning. Not to worry, dear, I'll never forget this night either." "You're sick." Lois seethed. "And you won't get away with anything this time. HELP SUPERMAN!" When nothing happened, Alistair laughed, the sound of victory in his voice. He went on to quickly explain the special alterations he had made to his office, pleased to exhibit his careful planning. Lois tried to break loose for the door, but he slammed her into the wall, effectively bumping her head. It hurt, but it also gave her enough leverage to get her leg between them. Moving as quickly as possible, she kicked first to get some more distance between them, and kicked again, successfully knocking Peter to the ground.=20 She ran to the door, fumbling with the lock. She felt a cool trickle of blood running down the back of her neck and underneath the collar of her blouse. But before she could unlock the lead-covered door, Alistair's pulled her back around to face to face him. He roughly shoved her onto the sofa that sat right inside the door. Holding her down on the couch, he reached past her to the coffee table and picked up the base of a heavy crystal lamp, knocking the shade off in the process. Straddling Lois' body, he held the lamp high above his head, poised to strike. ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 02:01:40 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Hazel Subject: Re: The Mirror cracked In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Nicole wrote: >Hazel, >I know I'm late, but I'm just catching up on all those great stories >that have been posted to the list during the last weeks and I want to >congratulate you on your story "The Mirror cracked". I loved it! What a >fascinating rewrite of the episode "Tempus Anyone". Thank you! And "late"? Don't be silly. There is *no* such thing as late when it comes to feedback. Any time, any place, anywhere -- an author will devour it whole and go around with a silly smile for the rest of the day. :) Thanks for taking the time to let me know you enjoyed it! Regards, Hazel ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 07:03:54 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Guy or Lesley Hilliard Subject: Re: I'm Going No Mail MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I too will miss you you. Good luck with your work and I look forward to lots of fic from you when you get back. Regards Lesley aka Ladyhawke ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 07:45:35 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Ann E. McBride" Subject: Re: I'm Going No Mail MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Bye, Joy. Have a good experience, and keep on writing! See you in April. Ann ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 10:43:54 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: PJ Piasecki Subject: Re: NEW FIC: To Face the Day (16/16) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Wow! What a terrific story, Julie. Very tight and exciting. Piper ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 10:46:03 -0600 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: timothy truitt Organization: tnt technical services Subject: Re: I'm Going No Mail MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Joy, I'm going to miss you too merry Joy Sowell wrote: > Hi! I'm going no-mail tomorrow for the next few months. If you would like > to reach me, my mailbox will be open, but I won't be checking it till April. > I hope everyone continues to have a happy new year. > JOY :) > > ______________________________________________ > FREE Personalized Email at > Sign up at ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 12:38:28 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Rich & Dawn Subject: NKerth 2000 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi FoLCs! It's NKerth time again! We decided to do things a bit differently this year and start planning earlier. And we'd like your input. First we'd like to choose a month for the ceremony. We'll get to the day later. As the Kerths are held in the Spring, and a few mentioned that October was a bit late, we decided to look at June, July, August or September. Please send your preference, one vote only please, to by Wednesday January 19. If you want to get started on reading for the awards, be sure to visit the directory at: Thanks! Dawn, Irene, and the NKerth crew ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 19:57:20 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Tedras Subject: R: NKerth 2000 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi I'm usually in lurkdom I just wanted to let you know that the month of July would be nice since it's Dean's Birth month. Tedras Blue Dragon > Hi FoLCs! > > It's NKerth time again! > > We decided to do things a bit differently this year and start planning earlier. And we'd like your input. First we'd like to choose a month for the ceremony. We'll get to the day later. As the Kerths are held in the > Spring, and a few mentioned that October was a bit late, we decided to look at June, July, August or September. Please send your preference, one vote only please, to by Wednesday January 19. > > If you want to get started on reading for the awards, be sure to visit the directory at: > > > Thanks! > Dawn, Irene, and the NKerth crew > ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 16:32:12 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Lori Llorence Subject: Change of E-mail address MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi all, I need some help. I am discontinuing my AOL account probably tomorrow, so I am going to have a new e-mail address. Can anyone tell me how to change it so that I continue to be on this list and recieve mail at my new e-mail address? Thanks in advance Lori ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 17:09:14 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kath Roden Subject: Re: I'm Going No Mail Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed From: Joy Sowell >Hi! I'm going no-mail tomorrow for the next few months. If you would like >to reach me, my mailbox will be open, but I won't be checking it till >April. >I hope everyone continues to have a happy new year. >JOY :) We'll miss you Joy! Good Luck and 'see ya' when you get back! KathR ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 22:50:35 -0000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Elizabeth Reid Subject: Lois and Clark Calendar MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0023_01BF5AF3.F1B09EA0" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0023_01BF5AF3.F1B09EA0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi, does anyone know if there are any calendars of Dean or Lois and Clark = available? Even old ones would be good. I just want more pictures. Thanks, Liz ------=_NextPart_000_0023_01BF5AF3.F1B09EA0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
does anyone know if there are any = calendars of=20 Dean or Lois and Clark available? Even old ones would be good.  I = just want=20 more pictures<g>.
------=_NextPart_000_0023_01BF5AF3.F1B09EA0-- ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 18:08:08 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Frances Coogan Subject: Re: Lois and Clark Calendar MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 09/01/2000 22:55:31 GMT Standard Time, ereid@IOL.IE writes: << does anyone know if there are any calendars of Dean or Lois and Clark available? >> I'm only aware of the 1998 L&C calendar, which you probably already have, but I bought out half the Midlands when they were reduced that new year (couldn't bear to see them go to waste), so e-mail me privately if you'd like one of my spares :) Frances (who got very funny looks when purchasing the remaining 12 from Menzies [as was] in Warwick) ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 15:30:11 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kara Johnson Subject: Re: NEW FIC: To Face the Day MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Bravo:) great conclusion to a very suspenseful and well written story -Kara (who is very relieved to have all the parts, and now is going to go promptly reread it) ===== | KarahJ or Kasspur on irc | | Karah82 on AOL Instant Messenger | ___________________________________________________________ I've learned that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 15:33:51 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kara Johnson Subject: Re: NEW: The Darkest Hour MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Erin, don't think for a minute that I've forgotten you still have a cliffhanger going! When can we poor hanging FoLCs expect more? -Kara (who is waiting for her next dose of fic very soon) ===== | KarahJ or Kasspur on irc | | Karah82 on AOL Instant Messenger | ___________________________________________________________ I've learned that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 09:58:26 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: [JOKE] The Importance Of "Correct Punctuation" [CLASSIC] Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Via Debby, This is a message from the Oracle Service Humor Mailing List. And now, a word from today's sponsor... ------------------------------------------------------------------- Why don't spiders stick to their own webs? How were yo-yo's first used? How do snowflakes form? Each day, The Learning Kingdom's Cool Fact of the Day takes you on an adventure of discovery! It all starts at To receive Cool Fact of the Day FREE by email, visit ------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear John: I want a man who knows what love is all about. You are generous, kind, thoughtful. People who are not like you admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me for other men. I yearn for you. I have no feelings whatsoever when we're apart. I can be forever happy--will you let me be yours? Gloria ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear John: I want a man who knows what love is. All about you are generous, kind, thoughtful people, who are not like you. Admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me. For other men, I yearn. For you, I have no feelings whatsoever. When we're apart, I can be forever happy. Will you let me be? Yours, Gloria Submitted by: Neil O'Brien @ \\|// (o o) ORACLE SERVICE HUMOR MAILING LIST ------------oOOo-(_)-oOOo----------------------------------------------- HOW DO I SUBSCRIBE? It's free! Just send a message to WHERE DO I SEND JOKES? WHERE'S THE WEBSITE? LEGAL STUFF: Wallaby Solutions runs this piece as submitted and does not claim to own any copyright privileges to it. The work was submitted to us as an item for the mailing list, and it was posted solely on the basis of its quality. If this is an administrative posting, then follow any copyright guidelines noted on the posting. ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 18:48:35 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Dennis A Arendt Subject: Re: I'm going no mail MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Joy, I, too, want to wish you the best. A whole new life experience how exciting. Think about us some time. Godsped and Good Luck, Brenda ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 20:07:12 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Ann E. McBride" Subject: Re: Change of E-mail address MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I'm pretty sure you have to resubscribe with your new email address and unsubscribe with the old one. Ann ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 20:51:01 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Alexis W." Subject: "ADITLOM" (rpg) Twelfth Installment, Week #13 (Part 1 of 2) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable New Fanfic (ongoing) "A Day in the Life of Metropolis" (PG-13) All characters are property of DC Comics, WB, Lois and Clark etc.. unless otherwise noted. =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Feedback is welcomed whether public or private. But no grammar please! =3D)= NO=20 ONE responded to my last post except for one person.. (thank you!) Please=20 let me know if you loved it or hated it.. etc.. My cast and i would really=20 appreciate it! Thanks. =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Summary: This is the twelfth installment of a rpg club I created on yahoo. We came u= p with a story line, and we can correspond through email, dialogue, etc.. Anything goes. If you want more information on this club or if you would like to join in the fun yourself please go to: Yahoo! Clubs= =20 adayinthelifeofmetropolis=20 Thanks. Alexis ;-.) {"ADITLOM, arbitrator} =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Cast List Clark Kent : Alexis W. (that's me!) Lois Lane : Alexis W. Cat Grant: Renda Mayson Drake : Renda Perry White: Renda Sam Falcon : Lisa H. Bruce Wayne : Lisa H. Lex Luthor: Dave Dick Grayson: Dave Anya Starr: Tabitha =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D WEEK #13 (1/3 to 1/9/00) Re: The Presidential Toast Catherine danced with Diego and smiled as she said. "You know, I believe=20 that we will raise a lot of money for the enviromental fund tonight! The=20 President must be thinking about running for another term, seeing as how=20 he got into his speech." Cat looked at Diego as she finished her=20 proclamation. Diego: "Yes Catherine, it seems that the President will run for=20 re-election." Catherine nodded in agreement. The couple danced into the middle of the dance floor smiling as people=20 passed by and saying..."Great ball!" Cat felt like this would be a great=20 ball for fund raising as well as for networking. Diego danced her into=20 a quiter corner where they ducked out onto a balcony. =20 =20 * * * * After the Toast "Well...that was, um, interesting," Lois commented. I mean I=92ve never seen him sentimental!" "I know. I guess the environment can do that to people." "To SOME people Clark. I mean I looked around the ball room and I could=20 tell that people wanted him to end it quickly. They were getting sick of=20 holding their champagne glasses in the air! I mean that was probably one=20 of the longest speeches that man has ever made." "Maybe it would of been easier if he had said, 'Have you hugged a tree=20 lately?'" Suddenly Lois burst out laughing. "What?" Clark asked. "Well, all of a sudden I got a mental picture of the President hugging a=20 tree during a political commercial!" "Oh." He started laughing along with Lois as soon as he pictured the=20 same thing. Lois looked over at Clark and smiled. He smiled back. It was nice to see=20 Lois having a good time. When she was happy, he was happy. Lois' hands subconsciously rested upon Clark's hand. When their flesh=20 hit, the couple felt a tingling sensation travel through their bodies.=20 They stared into each other's eyes, as if they were in a trance. Then=20 they moved their heads closer, so their lips could touch. The couple's=20 breathing deepened as their lips drew closer. Lois could feel Clark's=20 warm breath upon her neck... Clark was excited. This was something that he had only dreamed of=20 before. He felt his body become extremely aroused. It was going to take=20 a lot of willpower in order for him to keep himself under control. If=20 Lois and him were about to start a relationship, it was best for both of=20 them if they took it slow. Clark could feel Lois' lips softly brushing=20 by his, when all of a sudden she yelled. "Oh my God!" "Huh?" "Oh my God, Clark, oh my God!" she yelled as she shook him by the=20 shoulders. "It's Bruce!" she shrieked. "I've gotta go!" Lois grabbed her=20 purse and bolted out of her seat. If Clark didn't know her, he would of=20 wondered if she was a Kryptonian just like himself. He sat back in his=20 chair, letting the atmosphere soak in. He was thinking about his missed=20 opportunity, what might of been.=20 Clark got out of his chair while he shook his head in disbelief. He knew=20 that Lois and him had an agreement, but he wanted to be close so she=20 wouldn't make a fool of herself again. >tbc<=20 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D The Meeting Clark noticed Lois trying to get Bruce's attention. She was standing in=20 the middle of the Observatory while calling out his name. "Bruce? Bruce?" Lois said as she tapped him on the shoulder. "Bruce,=20 it's me Lois, Lois Lane from the Daily Planet." Suddenly Mr. Wayne turned around. Lois had the biggest smile on her lips=20 as she looked into the handsome man's eyes. But her smile soon faded=20 when she noticed the woman standing next to him. Bruce had his arm=20 around this woman and the woman looked like she was really enjoying the=20 feel of Bruce's body wrapped around hers. The woman had long, raven=20 black hair and she was very pretty. Like Cat, her dress didn't leave much=20 to the imagination. The biggest difference between Cat and this mysterious=20 woman was the fact that the woman didn't look like a tramp. Lois noted that= =20 this woman could wear a dress like that and make it look half way decent. Clark saw Lois staring at the couple with her mouth opened wide.=20 "Oh boy..." he muttered under his breath.=20 >tbc< =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Re: The Meeting "Lois, you look incredible. So what did we miss? . . .Oh, I should=20 probably introduce you. Lois, Clark, this is Miss Samantha Falcon,=20 or as she prefers, Sam." Sam extended her hand to Lois. >tbc< =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Re: The Meeting "Sir, the Presidential speech has come to an end. Perhaps now would be=20 the time for us to make an appearance?" Nigel's flat english tone aroused=20 Lex Luthor from his thoughts, as he gazed absently through the window of=20 his limo. "Yes... Yes of course. Thank you, Nigel. Is Mrs. Cox ready to escort me?" "She=92s been waiting to meet with you at the approriate point, sir. All=20 is ready." Luthor turned to face his loyal manservant, his eyes distant. "This will=20 work. I will not fail this time. No, Nigel... this time there will be no=20 Superman to save the day, to ruin my hard fought progress." He looked=20 down, and whispered "And Lois Lane will be mine." His voice trailed off. "As it should be, sir." Nigel's voice was stern, yet reassuring as he=20 looked at the young man whom he served. Suddenly, Luthor looked up, confidence aglow in his classic features.=20 "Yes, of course. All is set for Wayne's dimise, and finally, I will=20 claim victory." He smiled slightly once again staring off into the=20 Observatory beyond. "Check mate."=20 >tbc< * * * * Cat=92s 6th Sense in overload!!! Catherine Grant stopped in mid dance, looked up at Diego and replied.=20 "Diego, I have a weird feeling that trouble just blew into this=20 observatory!" Diego: "What are you talking about Catherine?" Cat: "I have that feeling that I get everytime the scum of Metropolis=20 makes a uninvited appearence at one of the social functions. Believe me Diego when I tell you that this monster, if it is who I suspect it=20 is...well he=92s trouble bigtime!" Cat told Diego as she hurried them=20 both towards the various entrances and exits of the Gotham=20 Observatory. Cat: "Oh Lord, I have to find Clark or Perry if I can, and tell them to=20 keep an eagle eye on Lois. I can't explain it all just now Diego, but=20 let's just say that this monster is probably one of America's most wanted=20 master criminals!" Cat told Diego as she again checked the crowd and=20 looked at every man (especially the tall dark haired men). Cat just=20 couldn't help but feel like something big and terrible was about to=20 happen. "I hope that I=92m wrong about this feeling Diego, but you have=20 known me for years and you know when my senses kick in this strongly=20 that I=92m never wrong!" Cat stepped outside and looked up into the grey dull sky over Gotham=20 City. She shivered and almost jumped out of her skin when Diego touched=20 her shoulder. Diego: "Catherine, you must calm down! I will help you." And with that=20 statement, Diego pulled out an idenification wallet and revealed to=20 Catherine Grant that he was indeed her Interpole contact, code name=20 Locksley. Catherine hugged Diego as she looked at the Interpole indentification=20 and said. "Diego, I remember that you=92re =91Locksley=92, and I also know=20 that you are after the rich, and crime driven social swinger that I=92m=20 also talking about. I=92m just afraid to say the name, almost as if by=20 doing so I will make him appear!" Cat told Diego as they continued=20 to walk around the outside of the building. Diego: "Catherine, you don't have to name the name, for we are on the=20 same page and we both know this evil man who uses his money to prey on=20 the innocent, pretty women." Cat: "Yeah, well I wouldn't call Lois innocent!" She laughingly said.=20 Diego. "But, I would call her gullable where this person is concerned. Cat and Diego walked back into the building looking around, hoping that=20 they were wrong and that the baine of metropolis would not rear it's=20 ugly head tonight in Gotham City. Cat: "I wish Superman were here!" >tbc<=20 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Re: Cat=92s 6 sense/Perry White Cat saw Perry White talking to the Duke of Wales and she=20 stepped up to him and asked. "Perry, I need to talk to you, is=20 now a good time?" Perry: "Sure hon, what=92s going on?=94 Cat: "I believe that Luthor is here, now I haven't seen him yet, but it=20 is just a gut feeling that he blew in just a few minutes ago." Perry: "What do you want me to do?" Cat: "Find Lois and Clark and keep an eye on Lois, and if you get a=20 chance to tell Clark without alerting Lois do so, and tell him to=20 contact Superman if he can." Perry: "Sure will do Cat, and I think I see Lois and Clark over there=20 talking to Mr. Wayne or some gentleman. You leave it to me Cat!" Perry=20 told her and gently kissed her cheek. Cat: "Thanks Chief!" Cat gently hugged Perry's neck and then she and=20 Diego went on to look for the mysterious and elusive Luthor. Perry saw Clark and Lois on the other side of the ballroom and=20 started slowly making his way to the couple. Diego told Cat to alert Mayson and Ramone and he was going to go outside=20 again and check in with his superiors to see if they had anything new on=20 the whereabouts of the man they were looking for. Catherine found Mayson and Ramone sitting at a table, talking to one of=20 the Spanish Royals. Ramone and the Don De Lamona were conversing=20 fast in Spanish and Mayson couldn't keep up. She sat watching=20 the dancers, and Cat caught her eye. Mayson: "Hi Cat are you having fun?" Cat: "Mayson, do you have your weapon with you?" Mayson: "Yes, Cat but why?" Cat: "We believe that another attempt will be made on Lois tonight. But=20 keep it to yourself until you can whisper it to Ramone. Tell Ramone to=20 meet Diego outside at their arranged meeting place, it is almost=20 rendvous time." Cat told Mayson, then before Mayson could reply she=20 waved to Ramone the secret hand signal and looked at Mayson and mouthed=20 "Tell him!" Then she walked around to see if she could survey the scene=20 some more.=20 >tbc< * * * * Re: Luthor=92s personal journal Making my way into Gotham Observatory with my usual efficancy, I took a=20 brief moment to take in the crowd that had gathered. An unsavory bunch=20 of a sort, the type of people that are easily fooled into thinking their=20 miserable lives are meaningful. After all, even as I stood, gazing around=20 at the crowd, with the lovely Mrs. Cox placed perfectly at my side for=20 affect, I couldn't help but wonder how the minds of such simple people=20 tick... how each and every day, these slaves to society could continue=20 their mundane journey to become forgotten. You see... in effect, simple=20 people hold onto fragile things. Family, for an example, can so easily be=20 destroyed. It is a weapon that, when properly utilized, can slay even the=20 darkest of knights, the noblest of men. Emotion is weakness, and=20 weakness can be exploited. Perhaps this is Superman's greatest failing... his strong streak of goodness. But then, no one is=20 perfect... almost no one. One might question my own infatuation,=20 my own "weakness" as it was. But you see, in that weakness, I have=20 gained strength. The strength to defeat an invulnerable foe. The strength=20 to crush all who dare oppose me. And the strength to admit that I am in love= . And so, the game continues, and slowly, my pieces move in for the "mate".=20 It's all just a game.=20 >tbc< * * * * ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 20:54:30 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Alexis W." Subject: "ADITLOM" (rpg) Twelfth Installment, Week #13 (Part 2 of 2) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Re: The Meeting "Um..." Lois studdered as she blushed. "Thanks, Bruce. You look=20 incredible too!" *When I compliement Lois on her dress, she tells me to buzz off! But=20 when 'Mr. Billionaire' over there compliements her, she's all over him,=20 sheesh!* Clark said to himself. Lois noticed that Sam's hand was still extended. "Um it's nice to meet=20 you," Lois said as she uncomfortably shook her hand. "My father's first=20 name is Sam." *Oh Lord,* Clark muttered to himself as he rubbed his temples.=20 Sam smiled and moved her hand up to Bruce's chest. Bruce let out a soft=20 moan as Sam gently massaged him. " and I are..." Clark was standing two feet=20 away from Lois when all of a sudden she pulled him by the arm and=20 brought him up to Bruce and Sam. "Clark and I have been going out for quite a while now. Just like you=20 Bruce, Clark and I have tried to keep our romance a secret." "We have?" Clark inquired. Lois nudged him in the stomach and whispered in his ear, "hush Clark!=20 Just play along, okay!" Clark knew exactly what Lois was up to. If she could play this game,=20 then he could too. "Oh yes," Clark added. "We've been in love for quite=20 a while now. I mean we've been so secreative that it's rare when we get=20 to do things like this!" Suddenly Clark leaned over and kissed Lois on=20 the lips. "Clark!" Lois exclaimed. "What are you, mmpf..." Lois was cut off in mid-sentance as Clark pulled her into his body and=20 kissed her full. Lois tried fighting back but it was no use. Clark was=20 way too strong and Lois was also enjoying the feel of Clark's lips=20 pressed hard against hers. Lois moaned as Clark's tongue intertwined=20 with hers. The pair got lost within themselves. They didn't even notice=20 the crowd that had gathered around to watch. It wasn't every day that=20 one was able to watch a display like that, let alone it involving the=20 two most famous reporters from the Daily Planet.=20 Clark groaned as Lois' hands went up his jacket to caress his back.=20 Clark slipped his fingers under Lois' dress straps and stroked her soft=20 skin. He felt like he was going to pass out as Lois' tongue went deeper=20 and deeper into his mouth. He had only dreamed of this before. Clark's=20 horomones were raging. He felt this sudden urge to carry Lois off in his=20 arms and take her to a more *private* place. Using his super hearing,=20 he noticed the abnormal silence that filled the ballroom. Then he heard=20 Cat clapping. Clark slowly pulled away from Lois' lips. Lois was obilvious=20 to the sudden applause that filled the room. Bruce winked at Clark while=20 Sam snickered. "Wow..." Lois commented as she tried to catch her breath. "I mean that=20 was I...whoa..." Clark was there to catch her before she fell to the=20 floor. >tbc<=20 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Re: The Meeting Bruce tried his best not to smile, but he couldn=92t help it. Having Sam=20 leaning against him wasn=92t helping either. Sam on the other hand was=20 slightly confused. This relationship between Lois and Clark seemed rather=20 . . .sudden, considering what Bruce had told her about them. Considering=20 Lois was just flirting with Bruce, she suspected that it was all an act.=20 "Clark's not a bad actor," she thought with a smile.=20 >tbc< * * * * The Dark Knight Returns "I can't believe I'm doing this..." Dick said to the frigid night=20 air that whispered past him in gentle gusts of wind which tugged at his=20 dark cape. Looking down upon the arriving guests who smiled and laughed=20 as they climbed out of the many parked limos, he could see the slight shadow= , his silluette cast from the rooftop, and shuttered. What was he doing? How= =20 did it come to this? Was he even ready? He shook his head, trying to brush=20 away his fears and doubts. He had to be ready. He couldn't let Bruce down. The illumination of the search lights seemed to pierce the night sky,=20 but the shadows embraced him as one of their own. For years, since the=20 death of his parents, Dick had been searching for an identity, a purpose.=20 How could he ever hope to follow in HIS footsteps? "I need a name... Batboy, Nightwing? What's a good sidekick name" "How 'bought 'Dick Grayson college student'" "Screw you! I just saved your life!! You owe me!" "You=92re completely out of control, you're going to get yourself=20 killed." "You're looking at your new partner..." "NO!!" And Bruce would hear nothing of it. It was his world, his house, his=20 rules. He was the Batman, and he would hear nothing of having a young,=20 headstrong teenager riding shotgun each night through Gotham. But he found a way... and he became the very balance that Batman needed. But he never forgot the one thing he wanted to be most. He wanted to=20 make HIM proud. He wanted HIM to accept and acknowledge. And now, the mantle of the bat covered his face. Dick stood, and let the cape take on a life of its own against the=20 wind. Silently, he made his way down onto the terrace...=20 >tbc< * * * * Luthor=92s personal Journal Escorting me, Mrs. Cox and I entered the main ball room. I was shocked=20 by the rather gaudy decoration, the cheap, highly low class lighting=20 arangement, and the absolutely obscene way in which the guests=20 seemed to be flanting what little wealth they have obtained in their=20 petty lives. However, I, of course, realized I wasn't there to make a socia= l=20 commentary, but rather to simply claim what was mine. That was when I=20 saw them. Standing next to Wayne, and his current concubine, my lovely=20 Lois was being manhandled by that repugnant reporter Kent. The very fact=20 that he could treat her with such complete disrespect angered me to no end. I've always seen myself as a fair man. In fact, I'd like to think I'm=20 rather kind, and understanding. But there are certain things which would=20 drive any sensable man to unreasonable action.=20 >tbc< * * * * Anya makes her appearance Anya entered the ball room and paused. The sight of all the wealthy=20 people in beautiful clothes took her breath away. She had on a lovely=20 dark blue slinky dress she had borrowed from her roomate. Her long black=20 hair fell down her back in gentle curls that took her roomate, Monica,=20 an hour to do. Strands of it were put up in silver butterfly clasps that=20 were in fashion among teenagers and young adults. Around her neck was=20 her very expensive looking camera and in her silver purse was the press=20 card marking her as a photographer for the Gotham Herald.. Her eyes were=20 immeditally drawn toward a man pushing his way through the crowd. 'So=20 that is the famous man of Metropolis, Lex Luthor. I wonder what he's up=20 to?' She thought. Then she saw it, Lois and Clark, the most famous=20 reporting pair of the Daily Planet were kissing very...Um...passionately.=20 She immediately followed him. This was going to be an interesting and=20 great photo opportunity.=20 >tbc< * * * *=20 Cutting in... Mrs. Cox watched from afar as Lex marched off toward the crowd which had=20 gathered around Lane, Kent, and Wayne. Luthor shoved his way through,=20 unaware of the mass of people seperating him from Lois, focused completely=20 on his final destination. The crowd stirred slightly as Luthor made his way= =20 through "What... WHAT IS THIS!!!" Luthor took Kent by the shirt and shoved him=20 to one side, placing himself between Lois and Clark. "Have you no=20 shame?!!?"=20 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Re: Cutting in... "Excuse me Luthor, BUT WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!?" Clark=20 yelled at the top of his lungs. "Lois, is MY date and she doesn't want=20 to be bothered by you!" Clark let his emotions get the best of him as he=20 swung his fist back and punched Luthor square in the jaw. Luthor was=20 obviously shocked. Kent was supposed to be one of the most=20 *mild-mannered* reporters around. Luthor quickly walked towards Mrs. Cox=20 so he could *lick* his wounds. "Lois, are you all right?" Clark asked. "Lois?" "Hmm..." Lois sighed as she stared up at the ceiling. >tbc<=20 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Re: Cutting in... "Ouch that's gonna hurt in the morning...probably already does," said=20 Anya as her dark blue eyes sparkled with mischief. Anya flashed a=20 picture of the obviously humilated Luthor, or maybe he was just stunned.=20 She bet he didn't get punched often. Clark better watch his step, she=20 didn't thinkLuthor was going to let him get away with that. "I bet that=20 totally burst his ego for the night," she thought outloud. >tbc< =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Re: Cutting in... "HOW DARE YOU!!!" Luthor was fuming, his eyes flashing with anger. He=20 straightened his tux as he rose to his feet, brushing dirt from his=20 front. He reached his hand up to his face deliberately slow to wipe the=20 small trickle of blood which had appeared on his lower chin. Suddenly, his head snapped around toward Lois' direction, eyes blazing.=20 "Lois, my love... is THIS the type of man you want around you? If he=20 could loose his temper this easily, I shudder to think of the horrible=20 way he would treat you." Mrs. Cox strolled elegently toward Luthor, and gently produced a=20 handcerchief to wipe away at the blood. Luthor, now regaining his=20 composure, pointed a finger accusingly at both Clark Kent and=20 Bruce Wayne. "My dear Miss Lane, I shall have both of these men arrested=20 on the spot!!" With that last uttered, the sounds of distant sirens began t= o=20 fill the chilled night outside of the observatory.=20 >tbc< =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Bruce and Sam Bruce let go of Sam and she almost fell down, but was quickly able to=20 regain her balance. Bruce about to interfere when Luthor said something=20 about having both he and Clark arrested. "Now that would be something to see Luthor. Clark may have been a little=20 . . .over zealous in hitting you, I personally can't blame him. I would=20 have done the same thing. I don't see what the charges will be if you do=20 try and have us arrested, Mr. Luthor." Bruce looked up suddenly. Sam moved over to him. "Bruce, what's wrong?" "I'm not sure. I have a really bad feeling. I may have to make a=20 premature exit," he quietly answered. "Now?," she whispered back. "I don't know yet . . .have you seen Richard?" "No. Was he planning on coming? I thought he went to Metropolis." "Since Clark's here, I suspect he is too." "Should I go out to the car?" He looked back at her and smileed. "No, not yet. I don't want you in the=20 middle of everything if something does go wrong, but I also want you to=20 have a good time. I know we haven't done a lot of this before." "No, I was never big on parties. I generally spent time alone, it was=20 more pleasant." "I wish I had some idea on what was going on. Something in the air just=20 doesn't feel right." "Let me know when you want me to leave." "I don't want you to go yet," he said as he moved closer and put his=20 arm around her waist again. "I want you to enjoy yourself." "I am. I enjoy being with you.=94 He leaned forward and lightly kissed her forhead. He then looked=20 back towards the center of the room. >tbc< * * * * Re: Cutting in Clark figured that Lois must be all right since she didn't seem scared.=20 In fact she was so out of it that she didn't even notice Luthor when he=20 was standing right behind her. If Clark was the cause of this odd=20 behavior, then he couldn't help but smile to himself. This meant that=20 deep down in her heart, Lois felt something for him. Then again, if this=20 odd behavior put Lois in trouble, then he hoped she would snap out of it=20 fast. ~~~~~~~~ "Clark, come with me," Lois pleaded. "Come with you where?" "You'll see," Lois said as she pulled Clark by the arm. She led him out=20 of the Observatory and into a small room. "There now, that's better,"=20 Lois exclaimed as she threw her body around Clark's and started kissing=20 him madly. "Mmmpf...Lois, what are you doing?" "Clark, that kiss I just experienced a few minutes ago was one of the=20 best kisses I've ever had! I want to experience it again, but in more=20 intimate terms," Lois grinned as she grabbed Clark by the waistband of=20 his pants and walked him over to a table. With one swipe of her hand,=20 she cleared everything off and threw herself, along with Clark, on top=20 of that table. Clark could feel Lois' hands caressing every inch of his body as her=20 tongue went deeper and deeper into his mouth. He tried fighting her off,=20 but it was no use. Lois just tasted way too good. Clark heard Lois moan=20 in ecstasy as he returned her kisses. His hands rubbed every inch of her=20 body that he could reach. Clark jumped when he felt her hands touch the=20 button on his pants. "Lois!" "What?" Lois asked as she unbuttoned part of his shirt and started=20 kissing his neck. "You know what I mean!" "Oh, you mean when I tried unbuttoning your pants. What's the big deal=20 Clark? Don't you want it?" "I do Lois, I do. Actually I've dreamed of this moment many times." "Well then..." "No Lois. We're moving way too fast! We need to take it slow..." "Don't you believe in fate Clark? This is what I call fate. It is=20 written in the stars! Besides, I know you want me right here, right now,=20 right here, right now, right here, right now, right here, right now..."=20 Lois' voice echoed. "Mr. Kent, Mr. Kent!" a nasaly voice exclaimed. "Mr. Kent.=20 Heeelllooo..." "Huh?" "Mr. Kent, Gossip Gerty," she said as she extended her hand. "I wanted=20 to take a moment to welcome you to Gotham City. By the way, what planet=20 were you on?!? I swear I was calling your name for at least five=20 minutes!!!" "" "Oh, nevermind." >tbc<=20 * * * * Look for Week #14 coming to a PC near you! Enjoy! =3D) Alexis ;-.) {"ADITLOM" arbitrator} =20 =20 ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 03:24:49 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "=?iso-8859-1?q?R.=20Ziegler?=" Subject: Re: NEW: The Darkest Hour MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- Kara Johnson wrote: > Erin, don't think for a minute that I've > forgotten you still have a cliffhanger going! > When can we poor hanging FoLCs expect more? Yes, Erin, when can we expect more? This is such a wonderful story and I love it. And wow...what a cliffhanger...I can't wait to read, what will happen to Lois and Clark...please let us know!! :) Ren __________________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Gesendet von Yahoo! Mail - Yahoo! Auktionen - gleich ausprobieren - ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 23:36:02 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Dalia Beth Leven Subject: Re: Lois and Clark Calendar In-Reply-To: <002601bf5af4$0d6b0220$b091cbc1@default> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Elizabeth- There was actuallay a really nice calendar published by slowdazzle in England for 1998. Its got some great pictures in it...but its no longer available(as far as I know.) Dalia On Sun, 9 Jan 2000, Elizabeth Reid wrote: > Hi, > > does anyone know if there are any calendars of Dean or Lois and Clark available? Even old ones would be good. I just want more pictures. > > Thanks, > Liz > > ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 03:39:23 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Cristalynn Pavloff Subject: I'm ridiculously insecure. MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Okay, I've got a little problem. I've been working on a fic that I really, really want to submit, but I'm too chicken. And the thing is, I know from being on the list and reading all of your fics and how you support each other that you are the best people I could ever send my writing to. But I'm still ridiculously insecure about it. Which brings me to my confession. I'm actually on this list under a different email address. I hope you guys aren't offended that I'm not submitting my fic under the email address and name that you would probably recognize, but for some reason, I'm just not ready yet. My writing means the world to me. So what solution did I come up with? A dual-identity. How ironic. I feel so completely silly about this, as I'm sure my Lois-style babbling betrays, but it is the only way I can think of to gather the courage to submit my fic. I'm not even done with the darn thing yet, and I'm up at 3:30 in the morning worrying about it! Is that sick? So please let me know if this really upsets you. I really hope that you guys will understand why I'm doing this. And I promise I won't wait two years to pull off the proverbial pair of glasses. I'm just trying to reassure myself, that's all. Thanks, Mad Dog FoLC ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 04:04:31 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Hazel Subject: Re: I'm ridiculously insecure. In-Reply-To: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 03:39 AM 10/01/00 EST, you wrote: >Okay, I've got a little problem. I've been working on a fic that I really, >really want to submit, but I'm too chicken. And the thing is, I know from >being on the list and reading all of your fics and how you support each other >that you are the best people I could ever send my writing to. But I'm still >ridiculously insecure about it. There is probably *nothing* that bares a person's soul more than submitting his or her brainchild for the world to see. You have no reason to apologize for your insecurity. First time plunges are always the hardest, of course; the water is never as cold as you think it is. :) Once you've shown us your first baby, you'll find it much easier to continue. >Which brings me to my confession. I'm actually on this list under a >different email address. I hope you guys aren't offended that I'm not >submitting my fic under the email address and name that you would probably >recognize, but for some reason, I'm just not ready yet. My writing means the >world to me. So what solution did I come up with? A dual-identity. How >ironic. I feel so completely silly about this, as I'm sure my Lois-style >babbling betrays, but it is the only way I can think of to gather the courage >to submit my fic. Many of us are on this list under pseudonyms; do the names "Zoomway" or "Labrat" ring any bells? I don't use my real name either. I have no idea if your regular addy and nick is your real name or not, of course; but if you were *really* insecure, you wouldn't even have told us this much. You would've just logged on with your secret identity and pretended to be an entirely new poster -- which one of us would have been the wiser? If this kind of "mask" helps you, MadDog, then by all means, use it! We'll use any method to get new fic. ;) BTW, have you used a beta-editor? Having someone look over your story would probably help you immensely, both in terms of *knowing* it's good and as a method of testing the waters, by having one person read it before you offer it to over three hundred. :) Or you could try Zoom's boards -- the regulars there are *marvelous* sources of support. I never would have written my one big story without their help. > I promise I won't wait two years to >pull off the proverbial pair of glasses. I'm just trying to reassure myself, >that's all. Whatever it takes to make you feel comfortable... Just remember, no one will grade you! :) Regards and good luck, Hazel ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 10:06:47 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "=?iso-8859-1?q?R.=20Ziegler?=" Subject: Re: I'm ridiculously insecure. MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- Cristalynn Pavloff schrieb: > Which brings me to my confession. I'm actually on > this list under a > different email address. I hope you guys aren't > offended that I'm not > submitting my fic under the email address and name > that you would probably > recognize, but for some reason, I'm just not ready... No, I'm not offended! Hey, if a 'secret identity' makes you feel better, it's ok with me. :) And you don't have to worry. The Folcs here and on the MBs are all very wonderful and kind poeple. So, please don't be shy and post your fanfic. We really don't bite!! :D Ren __________________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Gesendet von Yahoo! Mail - Yahoo! Auktionen - gleich ausprobieren - ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 04:18:20 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Cristalynn Pavloff Subject: Re: I'm ridiculously insecure. MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thank you so much Ren and Hazel! I feel so much better now! Maybe I can even sleep for an hour or so now before I have to get up and go to work! I knew I could count on the list. :-) But I feel I should tell you guys something. "Mad Dog FoLC" is what I can do, and...errr... my "other" email address, is who I am. :-)~ Thanks for making me feel not so foolish, Mad Dog FoLC ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 14:43:13 +0000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: Re: New; Lines of Communication In-Reply-To: <02C301A4170ED211982B006094B93F95E1AB61@FSCLAN07> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Judith, I've been away from this list since Thursday, so I missed the chance to comment on this fic then. Still, as Hazel says, feedback can never be too late.... s p o i l e r s p a c e What a wonderful little story! The premise itself was so original, and also very funny - I loved Lois's comments interspersed with Clark and Martha's dialogue. Unlike Pam, I had no difficulty at all in working out who was saying what: it was obvious to me from the context, and actually it was fun thinking 'yep, Lois,' or 'definitely Martha!' as I wa reading. I think it would actually spoil that scene if you altered it to identify the speakers. I LOLed when the answering machine burned out. Wonderful imagery! The scene with Lois waiting outside Clark's apartment was beautiful. You sort of left us guessing as to whether she'd figured it out, but again that worked well, and the emotions were conveyed extremely well in the narrative. I also loved the way you let Lois tell Clark she knew; and as for the 'I'm not supposed to love you in those clothes' line, at first I laughed but then on a second reading I thought how beautifully poignant it was. Really, really good. The scene in Lois's apartment was also very well done; I liked Clark's apologetic humour, which suited him much better than abject apologies. His comment about being unsure whether she would like the 'unvarnished Clark' was so in character. And Lois's earlier run-on sentences about the one person she thought would never hurt her having hurt her so badly it hurt to breathe was very realistic, in character, and poignant. Great work, Judith! And I hope this means that there'll be more from you soon. Wendy ---------------------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 08:19:49 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Hodges, Sue" Subject: Re: NKerth 2000 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" I am always in lurkdon.. and July sounds good to me. Sue Hodges -----Original Message----- From: Tedras [mailto:el.moro@AGORA.STM.IT] Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2000 12:57 To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Subject: R: NKerth 2000 Hi I'm usually in lurkdom I just wanted to let you know that the month of July would be nice since it's Dean's Birth month. Tedras Blue Dragon > Hi FoLCs! > > It's NKerth time again! > > We decided to do things a bit differently this year and start planning earlier. And we'd like your input. First we'd like to choose a month for the ceremony. We'll get to the day later. As the Kerths are held in the > Spring, and a few mentioned that October was a bit late, we decided to look at June, July, August or September. Please send your preference, one vote only please, to by Wednesday January 19. > > If you want to get started on reading for the awards, be sure to visit the directory at: > > > Thanks! > Dawn, Irene, and the NKerth crew > ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 09:36:26 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin Klingler Subject: NEW: The Darkest Hour part 15 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Okay, okay!! For all of you clammoring for more of this story (I love torturing ppl with cliffhangers ), I've heard you, and your cries have definitely made my week. ;) I do have a few more parts (besides this part 15) almost ready to post, but I sincerely apologize when I say that I didn't even write a single sentence in my story this weekend, though I had intended to all but finish it. But don't blame me, blame Wendy! I was absolutely mesmerized by her latest fic, 'For the Greater Good' (I'm going broke buying tissues, Wendy!), so I didn't get to writing anything in my own fic! But for now, at least let me satisfy all of you readers clammoring for more with this latest installment of 'Darkest Hour.' Hope you like it! Remember, any and all feedback welcome. ;) *********************************** The Darkest Hour (Before the Dawn) by Erin Klingler part 15 *********************************** ***** Back at the cabin, Clark lifted his head from his hands and sat up straighter on the couch with a heavy sigh. *What am I going to do?* he asked himself in misery. *How am I going to possibly convince Lois that I didn’t want to lie to her all this time, that I’d been planning on telling her the truth about me? She’s probably the most stubborn person I know, and with all the hurt and betrayal she’s suffered from men in her life, this certainly isn’t going to score any points with her. Not to mention she’s out there all by herself…* Clark sat back against the couch cushion for a minute, listening to his body. His head wasn’t throbbing like it had been a few minutes before, but he could still tell that the after-effects of the Kryptonite were still there. His limbs felt heavy and shaky, and his chest hurt, as if something was lying on it heavily. But at least he felt better than he had. That was a good sign. Putting his hands on the couch, Clark pushed himself up cautiously, waiting to feel the stabbing pains needle through him. But they didn’t come. With a sigh of relief, he slowly straightened up the rest of the way. *I’m not anywhere near 100%, but at least I think I can make it out of here and see if I can find Lois. Not only do we have a lot to talk about--*if* she’ll even listen to me—but I don’t want her out there in the woods alone after what just happened in town. It’s not safe.* So, with slow but determined steps, Clark made his way across the room and had almost reached the front door when it suddenly banged open and two large, muscular men dressed in camouflaged military uniforms appeared in the doorway. Clark jumped back in surprise, nearly tripping over the edge of the rug in the entryway. He stood poised to defend himself as the two men stepped toward him, but Clark realized what a bad situation he was in. Because of the prolonged exposure to the Kryptonite, he knew there was no way he could overpower these men without the use of his superpowers, and he doubted he even had the strength to try to outrun them. It made him feel completely helpless. Clark turned to run as the men suddenly lunged toward him, but the men had the advantage of speed and strength, and were quickly on top of him. They grabbed him from behind and forced him roughly to the ground. Clark hit the ground with a thud, grimacing in pain from the shock of hitting the hard wood floor and the weight of the two men on top of him. Clark fought for all he was worth, but within moments, he knew he was fighting a losing battle. He was just too weak, and the men were just too strong. Moments later, they had his arms pinned behind his back and quickly secured his wrists with rope, causing Clark to wince as the rough rope bit into his sensitive skin. “Get him up,” the one man said gruffly as the other grabbed Clark by his wrists and hauled him roughly to his feet. Clark swayed precariously as they stood him up, and for a second he watched dizzily as the room spun around him. His head was just beginning to clear when the men each took one of his arms and half-walked, half-dragged him from the cabin. Clark continued to fight them as they hauled him outside, but they only held onto him more tightly, forcing Clark’s aching arms to rethink his efforts. *At least Lois isn’t here,* Clark thought as they pulled him along with them down the cabin’s front porch steps. *I don’t think I’ve ever been so glad to have a fight with someone in my life. If she hadn’t gotten mad and stormed out, she would’ve been here, too, and who knows what they might’ve done to her without me to protect her?* They’d just reached the bottom of the steps when a man’s husky form stepped out in front of them from the shadows, his chest shoved out proudly, hands joined behind his back and an all-too-familiar arrogant smirk on his face. Clark’s jaw dropped. Trask! "Well, well. Clark Kent. How wonderful to see you again!" “I wish I could say the same,” Clark said from behind clenched teeth, trying once again to jerk himself free of the hands that held him. “I thought you were dead.” Trask’s smirk broadened, and he nodded as he turned to take a step to his right. “I was, Kent. But someone took it upon themselves to change that.” Clark snorted. “You can’t reverse death, Trask!” “Ah, but apparently you can if you have the right technology,” Trask announced as he continued to pace. “Look at Lex Luthor. Everyone thought he was dead, but he’s very much alive. And now look at me.” He held his arms out for bodily inspection. “Somebody must’ve made a mistake reviving you, Trask,” Clark said, shaking his head. “Somebody with a sick sense of humor.” “Or somebody who believed in my mission.” Trask stopped pacing and turned to take a menacing step toward Clark. “You still haven’t fooled everyone with that innocent, mild-mannered exterior, Kent. I know why you’re here, and I plan to get the truth out of you yet…if you know what I mean.” He raised his eyebrows in silent communication, and Clark cringed. He glanced around at the two men restraining him, but from their blank, expressionless stares, Clark could tell Trask hadn’t let them in on the secret. But somehow he didn’t think it was going to make a big difference in what happened to him. Clark shook his head. “I see you haven’t changed a bit, Trask,” he scoffed, trying to keep his response carefully worded to not clue the others around them in. “You’re still as paranoid as ever. You can do with me whatever you’d like, but you won’t find out anything because there’s nothing to tell.” “Oh really?” Trask inquired with a raised eyebrow. “Why don’t you let me be the judge of that? Besides, I have the perfect incentive to make you talk.” He turned toward the darkened woods, and Clark followed his gaze. A moment later, he spotted two shadows emerging from the darkness. One was that of a large, burly man with dark clothes and a dark ski cap, and with him was a smaller figure, being half-walked, half-dragged toward the clearing. Clark’s heart quickly sank. He knew before he even saw her. It was Lois. As they drew closer, he could hear her muffled cries coming from behind the hand clamped over her mouth, and he watched helplessly as she struggled to free herself from the man’s strong arms wrapped around her, immobilizing her. “Why, if it isn’t the beautiful and talented Lois Lane,” Trask mocked, his smug smile turning her direction. “What’s the matter? Nothing to say?” Clark watched as Lois’ eyes widened in shock at seeing the man standing before her. Clearly she felt the same feeling of dread and disbelief at seeing Trask alive. But when Trask took a couple of menacing steps toward her, the shocked look in her eyes quickly changed to fear, and she began to struggle in her captor’s arms, her muffled, fearful cries audible even to Clark’s non-super hearing. Suddenly overwhelmed by a feeling of panic and desperation, Clark knew he had to do something. Powers or no powers, he wasn’t about to let Trask hurt her. “Let her go, Trask!” he yelled from behind clenched teeth, jerking against the arms that held him. “You have me already! You don’t need her!” Trask clicked his tongue and shook his head slowly. “Why, Clark, I’m hurt that you think so little of my taste.” Clark watched in horror as Trask walked over to Lois and stopped mere inches away from her, an arrogant and smug smile on his face. “I’d be crazy to pass up a chance to let the beautiful, spirited Lois Lane slip out of my hands. She’s quite a catch, if you ask me.” Then he reached out and trailed a suggestive finger down her cheek and neck, then moved even lower. Lois immediately started to struggle harder, her muffled cries proving just how desperate and afraid she was of exactly what this madman had in mind. “Trask, no!” Clark yelled, the anger inside of him reaching a boiling point as he watched Lois struggle against Trask’s suggestive touch. “I swear, if you lay one hand on her, I’ll…” Trask spun around to face Clark as he struggled uselessly against his captors. “You’ll what?” Trask asked gruffly. “Someone in your position isn ’t capable of following through on such empty threats. And to make sure you can’t…” His voice trailed off as he reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out the syringe filled with its glowing green contents. Before Clark’s mind could register what was happening, Trask uncapped the syringe and took another step toward him before jabbing the needle into his shoulder. Clark yelled out in pain as the syringe’s contents immediately sent a burst of searing, almost overwhelming pain coursing through him, just as the chunk of Kryptonite had not long before. Instantly, his vision started to blur and the scenery started to spin crazily around him, causing him to sway precariously against his captors. “Trask,” Clark gasped, struggling to speak against the pain. “You won’t get away with this….” “Oh really?” Trask said, becoming three figures in Clark’s blurry vision, then molding back into two and then one. “We’ll see about that.” He turned to the men holding Clark and gestured with his head toward the van behind them. “Get him out of here.” “Clark!” Lois yelled out desperately from behind her captor’s hand as she watched the men struggle to hold Clark’s wilting body upright as they started toward the open doors of the unmarked van. *Lois, do something!* she screamed inwardly, fighting the panic threatening to overcome her. * You’ve got to try to help Clark! If they take him, what do you think Trask’s going to do to him?* Knowing Trask’s demented mind and paranoid agenda, she was sure Clark would be tortured ruthlessly by the madman. Before she could decide what to do, Trask turned to her captor. “Bring Ms. Lane with us,” he said, signaling him to put her in the truck parked alongside the van. “Yes sir,” the man replied with an obedient nod. He lowered his hand from her mouth and loosened his grip on her in order to better secure her, and Lois quickly took advantage of it. Knowing this may be her only chance to get free, she lifted her right leg up in desperation and brought the low spike of her heel down on her captor’s toe, causing him to yell out in pain. Then a quick elbow to his stomach, and her arms were suddenly free. Through a haze, Clark watched as she got herself free, but he realized in a panic that there was no way she was going to escape with so many men around. He quickly turned to see the other men running at her with their guns drawn in warning, but Lois continued to fight to escape. One of Trask’s men went down with a swift kick from Lois to the groin, but the next one squared off with her, and Clark immediately saw the filtering moonlight reflect off something shiny and silver. A moment later, he saw that the man held a knife with a long, serrated hunting blade. Fear struck him in the heart, and he knew that this man wasn’t about to let her get away. Even if it meant resorting to drastic measures. Lois stood poised a few steps away from the man, seeing the knife he held menacingly in his hands, but knowing she didn’t have much choice but to fight. She had no doubt that Trask and his men would kill them after they’d gotten what they wanted, or decided that she and Clark had outlived their usefulness. When the man took a slow, but determined step toward her, Lois made her move. In one fluid motion, she shifted her weight to her back leg, then brought up her other leg and went to kick the knife out of the man’s hand. But the man anticipated her move almost immediately and, with a quick, skillful move of his hand, the steel blade bit into the flesh of her thigh. “No!” Clark cried out helplessly as he watched in horror as Lois immediately cried out in pain and bent over to grab her leg. Lois heard Clark’s cry, but was too preoccupied by the sudden biting pain in her thigh to look his direction. She pressed her hand against leg, and when she withdrew it, she saw that it was sticky with her own blood. Staring numbly at the dark red substance covering her hand, she didn’t notice the man coming at her again, this time succeeding in getting close enough to her to grab her bodily and slip a liquid-soaked cloth over her mouth and nose. She immediately smelled the odd odor coming from the cloth and struggled desperately to jerk her head free of the cloth. But the man held firm, and moments later, the figures in front her started to blur and her mind went fuzzy. She heard Clark screaming her name, but her will to struggle was quickly diminishing as the overwhelming feeling of dizziness encompassed her. Finally, unable to fight it a moment longer, her body went limp and everything went black. ****************************** Erin :) __________________ Visit my LNC/Kerth Website: ***** "It's not the years that count, it's the moments...right now, as they happen." __________________ ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 09:39:39 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin Klingler Subject: NEW: The Darkest Hour part 16 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit The Darkest Hour (Before the Dawn) by Erin Klingler part 16 ********************************** Clark slumped against the inner wall of the van as they bumped and swerved their way through the blackness of the night, his head pounding and ears ringing. The two men riding in the back with him had made certain his hands were bound tightly with rope, though Clark didn’t think it would’ve mattered if he was tied up or not. Whatever Trask had injected him with had left him feeling weak, as weak as he’d felt when the Kryptonite had been slipped into his pocket. It made him wonder if whatever had been in the syringe was some diluted version of Kryptonite, since the symptoms he was feeling appeared to be the same. Leaning his head back against the van, Clark found himself unable to stop worrying about Lois. She’d been taken unconscious to one of the trucks and laid across the front seat, and that was the last he’d seen of her before being shoved roughly into the van. It seemed like an eternity before the van finally lurched to a stop and the side door was thrown open. The two men scrambled to their feet and roughly pulled him from the vehicle. Out in the night air once again, Clark looked around at his surroundings, surprised to see that they were in front of a large, formidable-looking lodge in the middle of nowhere. He heard a creek nearby, but without his super vision, he couldn’t make it out. The sound of tires on gravel alerted him that other vehicles were arriving, and he turned to see that two trucks and another van were pulling up next to the one he’d just gotten out of. Trask jumped out of the first truck and gestured at his men. “Get him inside! I want him taken downstairs and secured immediately.” The two men holding Clark pulled him up the path leading to the lodge, but Clark hung back, hoping to find out if Lois was still with them. Over his shoulder, his intense gaze searched the commotion, and finally he spotted one of Trask’s men pulling Lois out of the truck and arranging her limp body over his shoulder. “Lois!” he shouted, struggling to break free from the men. He was very nearly able to wrench himself free, but Trask saw the struggle going on and waved another of his men to help out. “Fredickson! Get over there and help them. I don’t want him getting away!” With the help of the third man, Clark was quickly brought back under control and taken into the lodge. They wound their way through several sterile-looking hallways before coming to a set of steep, dark stairs that led down into the basement. When they reached the large, metal door at the bottom, one of the men pulled out a key, unlocked the door and swung it open, then shoved Clark roughly inside. Before he could turn around, the door was slammed shut behind him, the noise echoing in the cement room. Then he was alone. Looking around, Clark saw that he was in a long, narrow room with cement walls and floors, a small, high window in the far corner, and a single bare overhead light bulb to illuminate the dark space. Several metal support beams spaced about ten feet apart lined the center of the room, and a carefully constructed jail cell was built into a far corner. Before he could consider the small window as a means of escape, he heard a key being inserted into the metal door’s lock, and he quickly turned around in time to see the door swung open. Trask stood in the doorway, flanked by two of his thugs, and Clark was immediately on alert. “Where’s Lois?” he demanded, stalking up to Trask. “What have you done with her?” “I haven’t done anything with her, Kent. Not yet, anyway. If you cooperate and tell me what I want to know, she’ll live. If not…” He pulled out his gun and cocked it. When Trask felt like he’d made his point, he nodded at the two men. Immediately they hurried forward and grabbed Clark, dragging him to one of the metal support beams near the center of the room. They hastily untied his hands, then retied him to the pole. Trask took a couple of steps toward Clark, never taking his eyes off of him as he gestured for his men to leave. “You two, get on out of here. But don ’t go far. If Kent here refuses to talk, I may need your…expertise.” The men smirked, clearly enjoying the idea of using their brawn in such a manner. They quickly disappeared out of the room, clicking the metal door shut behind them. When he and Clark were alone, Trask smirked arrogantly at him. “So, Kent. Let’s have a little chat, shall we?” ********************************* Erin :) __________________ Visit my LNC/Kerth Website: ***** "It's not the years that count, it's the moments...right now, as they happen." __________________ ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 12:14:28 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Marnie Rowe Subject: Re: The Darkest Hour part 16 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Okay Erin you are having your fun with us and its not fair keep the installments coming, this teasing is just plain cruel!!!!! Marnie ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 17:18:12 +0000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: Re: New Vignette: Invisible or Fly? In-Reply-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII I know this is days after the event, but I wanted to say thank you to Nicky, Yvonne, Joy and Deborah for their kind comments on this little vignette. I wrote it because I'd been producing so much angst lately (Without Consent, For the Greater Good...) that I wanted to see whether I could still write something which was - more or less - pure fluff. Maybe I succeeded...? Nicky wrote: > LOL, Wendy, I have to admit, I kept thinking: Come on that > is *too* waffy to be real! And then it was . LOL!! Can something be too WAFFy to be real? Is that a challenge? And Yvonne wrote: > Wendy, you meanie! Just when I thought Clark had > suddenly thrown caution to the wind like we kept wanting > him too, you go and bring me back down to earth with a > thump! Hmmm... some people would have you believe that this is entirely in character for me, of course. Deborah wrote: > I'm at home sick from work this week and really needed a pick me up. I truly > enjoyed this little story. Thank you, Deborah! And I hope you're feeling better now. Joy wrote: > So, do we get another one tomorrow? I think you've had the answer to that one! Thanks, guys. Feedback is such a wonderful thing! Wendy ---------------------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 09:34:51 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Lori Llorence Subject: OT: Dean on Ragis and Kathie Lee MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Well I just finished watching Dean on Regis and Kathie Lee, and all I can say is WOW!!! The man never ceases to amaze me! He was absolutely charming and adorable! He is always so polite, and of course he was absolutely GORGEOUS!!!! I hope all of you saw it, or get to see it. Just that smile is worth it all! Lori ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 13:39:07 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Ann E. McBride" Subject: Re: OT: Dean on Ragis and Kathie Lee MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 1/10/2000 12:45:06 PM Eastern Standard Time, creolel@CA.FREEI.NET writes: << Well I just finished watching Dean on Regis and Kathie Lee, and all I can say is WOW!!! The man never ceases to amaze me! He was absolutely charming and adorable! He is always so polite, and of course he was absolutely GORGEOUS!!!! I hope all of you saw it, or get to see it. Just that smile is worth it all! >> I agree wholeheartedly-- he was worth suffering through Regis and Kathie Lee. Ann ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 14:01:23 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Hazel Subject: Re: New; Lines of Communication In-Reply-To: <02C301A4170ED211982B006094B93F95E1AB61@FSCLAN07> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Judith, Congratulations on not only a marvelous story, but on getting back on-line in the first place! :) This is certainly a new type of revelation... and people keep saying there's no new way to do it. Proved 'em wrong, didn't you? ;) Like Wendy, I had no trouble following who was who in the phone conversation -- everyone was *so* in character. And the image of her rewinding and rewinding the tape -- as if she's going to hear something new! -- is just soooo typical. Thanks for this lovely little story. Will XAR be making an appearance any time in the near future...? Hazel ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 20:08:35 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Nicole Wolke Subject: Re: The Darkest Hour part 16 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Erin, that was a tough weekend with no new instalement of "The Darkest Hour"! I'm happy you're back here posting for your starving readers. I can totally understand though that you weren't able to write on your story while reading Wendy's "For the greater good". This one had me sniffling, wheeping and crying for days! But now, please continue faster than a speeding bullet, because I'm chweing my nails here! What is going to happen!!!!!???? Nicole -- AKA CKgroupie on IRC Are you always searching for news about Dean Cain? And don't you have enough time to find them? Go to: "The Dean Cain News Page" ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 14:25:48 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Comments: RFC822 error: Incorrect or incomplete address field found and ignored. From: Carolyn Schnall Subject: Review S5/8 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/enriched; charset="us-ascii" TimesHi FoLCs: The Cat In the Hat Comes Back by Nancy Merckle (ed. by Adrienne Vukovic) S P O I L E R S P C E I could have renamed this "or the Three Cats!!"WingdingsJ TimesEpisode format was used and the text version was not needed. I was really glad to see the return of Cat Grant and I also liked it that she and Lois become more friendly. I got a big kick out of the cat references. OTOH, the story depicted would be in clear violation of academic rules of research on animals, part of whih is why it was so well done and so insidious. Richard learns from his mistake and will ask next time where the test subjects came from! I think this would have been an easy ep to produce. Lot's of visual interest, pretty models for the men, Clark for the women < I can just see LL reacting to Lucky and Lucky's journey up Clark's body was hilarious. It seemed to me that Cat would be too careful to lose her purse and laptop but the hook-up with The Witness was a nice touch, as was CK being careful about super speed reading with witnesses around. Lastly, I thought Cat matured nicely and would love to see more of her in future. Already reading S5/9! Thanks, Carolyn ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 14:55:24 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Hodges, Sue" Subject: Re: OT: Dean on Ragis and Kathie Lee MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" I wish I had seen it. Sue Hodges -----Original Message----- From: Ann E. McBride [mailto:Aerm1@AOL.COM] Sent: Monday, January 10, 2000 12:39 To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Subject: Re: OT: Dean on Ragis and Kathie Lee In a message dated 1/10/2000 12:45:06 PM Eastern Standard Time, creolel@CA.FREEI.NET writes: << Well I just finished watching Dean on Regis and Kathie Lee, and all I can say is WOW!!! The man never ceases to amaze me! He was absolutely charming and adorable! He is always so polite, and of course he was absolutely GORGEOUS!!!! I hope all of you saw it, or get to see it. Just that smile is worth it all! >> I agree wholeheartedly-- he was worth suffering through Regis and Kathie Lee. Ann ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 14:57:04 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Hodges, Sue" Subject: Re: New; Lines of Communication MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Since I just joined this listserve, does anyone know where I can get a copy of "Lines of Communication"? Sue Hodges Project Manager - Computer ITS - Clinical Applications Tel: 573-882-6932 E-mail: -----Original Message----- From: Hazel [mailto:zis-s@ACTCOM.CO.IL] Sent: Monday, January 10, 2000 13:01 To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Subject: Re: New; Lines of Communication Judith, Congratulations on not only a marvelous story, but on getting back on-line in the first place! :) This is certainly a new type of revelation... and people keep saying there's no new way to do it. Proved 'em wrong, didn't you? ;) Like Wendy, I had no trouble following who was who in the phone conversation -- everyone was *so* in character. And the image of her rewinding and rewinding the tape -- as if she's going to hear something new! -- is just soooo typical. Thanks for this lovely little story. Will XAR be making an appearance any time in the near future...? Hazel ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 16:00:48 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: April Story Subject: Re: OT: Dean on Ragis and Kathie Lee MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 1/10/70, 2:55:58 PM, LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU writes: <> You are in luck! Anne (AMCiotola) has put it up on her site for all to enjoy! Hope this helps! ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 19:54:05 -0000 Reply-To: Yvonne Connell Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Yvonne Connell Subject: Re: Lois and Clark Calendar MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > Elizabeth- > There was actuallay a really nice calendar published by > slowdazzle in England for 1998. Its got some great pictures in it...but > its no longer available(as far as I know.) > Dalia > Sorry to be a pain, and maybe you really do mean that the calendar was published in England only, but in case you didn't, we live in the United Kingdom over here. Yvonne ( ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 16:38:57 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Ann E. McBride" Subject: Re: New; Lines of Communication MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 1/10/2000 3:59:04 PM Eastern Standard Time, HodgesS@HEALTH.MISSOURI.EDU writes: << Since I just joined this listserve, does anyone know where I can get a copy of "Lines of Communication"? >> Go to the archives: and then go to January 2000 week 1. It is item #75 I think. Ann ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 15:46:22 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Hodges, Sue" Subject: Re: New; Lines of Communication MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Thanks! Sue Hodges Project Manager - Computer ITS - Clinical Applications Tel: 573-882-6932 E-mail: -----Original Message----- From: Ann E. McBride [mailto:Aerm1@AOL.COM] Sent: Monday, January 10, 2000 15:39 To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Subject: Re: New; Lines of Communication In a message dated 1/10/2000 3:59:04 PM Eastern Standard Time, HodgesS@HEALTH.MISSOURI.EDU writes: << Since I just joined this listserve, does anyone know where I can get a copy of "Lines of Communication"? >> Go to the archives: and then go to January 2000 week 1. It is item #75 I think. Ann ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 17:14:27 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin H Subject: Re: OT: Dean on Ragis and Kathie Lee MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I missed it!!!!!!!!!! NO ONE told me anything about this!!!!!!! Can anyone send me a copy????? Pretty please??????!! (A *little* upset........really, just a little.) ********************************* Erin The Number One Superman Fan. e-mail . profile . web page ********************************* ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 17:24:56 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carolyn Schnall Subject: Re: OT: Dean on Regis and Kathie Lee In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Just out of curiosity, since R&KL is on when L&C was on here, does anyone know which ep was shown today? Yesterday's was supposed to be Resurrection but was Tempus Fugitive instead, so the schedule is off. Going home now to see if my VCR caught DC on R&KL! Thanks, Carolyn ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 14:20:43 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Nancy Smith Subject: Re: OT: Dean on Regis and Kathie Lee MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Today's episode was "Individual Responsibility". Nan Carolyn Schnall wrote: > Just out of curiosity, since R&KL is on when L&C was on here, does anyone > know which ep was shown today? > > Yesterday's was supposed to be Resurrection but was Tempus Fugitive > instead, so the schedule is off. > > Going home now to see if my VCR caught DC on R&KL! > > Thanks, > Carolyn > ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 17:27:47 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carolyn Schnall Subject: Re: OT: Dean on Regis and Kathie Lee In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Wow, that was FAST!!!!! Thanks, Nan:) Carolyn >Today's episode was "Individual Responsibility". > >Nan > >Carolyn Schnall wrote: > >> Just out of curiosity, since R&KL is on when L&C was on here, does anyone >> know which ep was shown today? >> >> Yesterday's was supposed to be Resurrection but was Tempus Fugitive >> instead, so the schedule is off. >> >> Going home now to see if my VCR caught DC on R&KL! >> >> Thanks, >> Carolyn >> ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 17:26:33 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: The Zoomway Subject: OT: upcoming Dean sightings (was Re: OT: Dean on R & KL Comments: To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 1/10/00 4:16:12 PM Central Standard Time, ErinFoLC@AOL.COM writes: << AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I missed it!!!!!!!!!! NO ONE told me anything about this!!!!!!! Can anyone send me a copy????? Pretty please??????!! (A *little* upset........really, just a little.) >> Aw, sorry, Erin. I don't usually post possible sightings to the list since others usually do, but I'll try and post upcoming sightings from now on. My apologies. Here's some stuff: Thanks to Robert from TransWG, I have listings of serveral radio and television stations Dean is due to have interviews on. The radio interviews are for Tuesday and the television interviews (except FOX News) on Wednesday in several local markets around the country. Here are the radio stations, so check and see if one is in your area and remember a lot of radio stations can be picked up via real player. Tues Jan 11 radio feed: WPLJ New York City WIYY Baltimore WAAF Boston KUMX New Orleans WMAL Washington, DC WPRO Providence KQRC Kansas City WMUS Grand Rapids KQRS Minneapolis WPST Philadelphia WPLT Detroit WZJM Cleveland I'm afraid on time, well, they'll be morning shows, like the drive time hour. Atlanta might have one Monday morning on 99X, so I'm sorry for being late on that one, but it was the only Monday one I know of other than Dean's Regis & Kathy Lee appearance. Television Tuedsay... Tues Jan 11 television: Fox News Channel 11:40 AM Wednesday television: WNBC (Today in NY; the local one) KPTM Omaha WGN Chicago KSHB Kansas City WTXF Philadelphia WHBQ Memphis KDFW Dallas KCNC Denver WXIA Atlanta WJLA Washington, DC WMAR Baltimore WSVN Miami KUSI San Diego KPRC Houston Again, sorry, but I have no times other than they should be the morning shows on those stations. I have times for a few of them ... Omaha 7:30, Chicago 7:45, Kansas City 8:10, Philly 8:20, Memphis 8:30, Dallas 8:40 But keep in mind that since Dean will be uplinked live via satellite in New York, those times could all reflect Eastern Standard time. So, if you're in the Central time zone, you might want to check an hour earlier than listed just in case. As you can see he'll be hitting a city via satellite every 10/15/20 minutes or so. This is likely a Ripley blitz kind of hawking deal, but just in case you want to set tapes for your local morning shows, you might get a bit of Dean I apologize if I have anything wrong or mistyped, but I'm a terrible scribbler when I'm on the phone Zoom (PS: congrats to my sidekick Widget Girl for getting through to Dean in Atlanta ;) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 17:32:46 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin H Subject: Re: OT: upcoming Dean sightings (was Re: OT: Dean on R & KL MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thanks Zoom!!!!!!!!!! ********************************* Erin The Number One Superman Fan. e-mail . profile . web page ********************************* ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 18:07:15 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Ann E. McBride" Subject: Re: OT: upcoming Dean sightings (was Re: OT: Dean on R & KL MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Erin, If you go to Zoomway's message boards, there is a link to the interview on-line. I think it's on the Dean Cain section. Ann ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 23:04:45 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Petra Steudle Subject: Re: NEW: The Darkest Hour part 16 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit You can't do this to us! That's torture and that is against human rights - or something like that - isn't it? ;) Please, Erin, pretty please more! I was about to fall in my bed exhausted from last night's IRC chat, well, more early morning's chat, when I decided to download the latest mails. Bad idea! Now your story has me thinking and worrying about a wounded Lois and a Kryptonite-poisened Clark held captive by *that* madman. Right now I just can't imagine a way out for them. But I can see quite clearly my collegues rolling their eyes and sighing 'oh no, not that Superman stuff again!' when I'm starting to tell them your story tomorrow . Can't wait to read what you have planned for poor Lois and Clark :) Petra aka KiwiPit on IRC mailto: ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 10:48:40 +1100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jenny or Joe Stosser Subject: Re: OT: upcoming Dean sightings (was Re: OT: Dean on R & KL In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 05:26 PM 10/01/2000 EST, The Zoomway wrote: >Zoom (PS: congrats to my sidekick Widget Girl for getting through to Dean in >Atlanta ;) she did???? what'd she say? what'd he say? J -*-This message is umop ap!sdn (Jenerator or Some1Else on IRC) -*- JenerEight on AIM -*- ICQ: 11477318 Photos of David (7) and Megan (4) on the Stosser Family HomePage: Please sign our guestbook! ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 18:52:25 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Rose Cookson Subject: Question about IRC MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi everybody! I've got a question... I've heard so much about the IRC, but I'm not very computer-literate, and even less online-literate, so I don't really know what it is. And I don't know how to get onto it or use it. Could someone please explain it to me? Thanks! Rose ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 19:59:54 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Anita Hook Subject: Re: OT: Dean on Regis and Kathie Lee In-Reply-To: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 05:24 PM 1/10/00 -0500, you wrote: >Just out of curiosity, since R&KL is on when L&C was on here, does anyone >know which ep was shown today? > >Yesterday's was supposed to be Resurrection but was Tempus Fugitive >instead, so the schedule is off. Today TNT had Individual Responsibility, continuing the weekday episodes in order. I think what happened yesterday was a result of TNT crashing Friday morning right at the climax of the Tempus Fugitive episode (they were off the air for about 20 minutes). I was taping it with a NEW FoLC, my sister. Fortunately I already had a copy of the episode so we finished watching it from that tape. Anyway, maybe some people complained to TNT so they repeated it sunday for the fanatics to retape (like me). Regards ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 20:38:44 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Nancy Merckle Subject: Re: Review S5/8 Comments: To: Carolyn Schnall In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII On Mon, 10 Jan 2000, Carolyn Schnall wrote: > The Cat In the Hat Comes Back by Nancy Merckle (ed. by Adrienne > Vukovic) Thank you for the kind words Carolyn. You've brightened my day. S P O I L E R S P A C E > I got a big kick out of the cat references. OTOH, the story depicted > would be in clear violation of academic rules of research on animals, > part of whih is why it was so well done and so insidious. Richard > learns from his mistake and will ask next time where the test subjects > came from! My biggest concern about using the cats for research was a backlash from those who oppose animal testing. I had to make it perfectly clear the animals weren't harmed. And my little Bret (dubbed "the brat" by my vet for eating a knee-hi) would have been the purrfect target with all his white fur. I love having my cats around and have done everything I can to keep them safe from harm. At the time this story was written I was owned by two elderly cats, Tribble and Cassie who were both around 18 years old. Both are now frolicing at Rainbow Bridge. I'm now owned by five kitties with the oldest being Amber at 20 months. Earlier this year I had eight! (I found a malnourished stray, "Stormy", with a bad upper respiratory infection that turned out being about two weeks pregnant. She recovered and delivered four beautiful kittens. (Sometimes I think Lois is not the only one with "sucker" on her forehead.) I found a good home for mom and two of the babies and kept the other two kittens, giving me Amber (female orange tabby), Fluffy Sierra (long hair calico and part Main Coon), Vincent (male orange tabby), Bret (male, white with tan spots) and Danielle (female short hair calico with a lot of white.) Fluffy Sierra and Vincent are 14 month old littermates (half sibling to Amber) with Bret and Danielle being 9 month old litermates from Stormy. Believe me, after spending 8 years with sedate adult cats, these young'ns can be a hand full. > I can just see LL reacting to Lucky and Lucky's journey up Clark's body > was hilarious. Tribble actually did this to me as a young kitten when I had let her out on a leash at a rest stop between Wisconsin and Maryland. The car parked next to me started their engine. I was wearing shorts, and can tell you her claws didn't break (no steel), and it was a very painful experience. Yet as the kittens were growing, they too started climbing me at about 3 weeks... Just old enough for learning the joys of having their claws clipped. > Already reading S5/9! Hope you enjoy the rest! Nancy -------------------------------------------------------------- .......... The Kitties Page .......... My Sister's Karaoke Site ........... -------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 22:34:25 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Alexis W." Subject: Re: OT: Dean on Ragis and Kathie Lee MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I watched it and taped it! I agree with Lori.. all I can say is WOW! What a charming man. Reege could get rid of the Superman title though.... (oh well...) I have been sick with the flu this weekend, but seeing Dean with that huge smile on his face, DEFINATELY made me feel better then I have in a while. =) Alexis ;-.) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 22:42:04 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Alexis W." Subject: Re: OT: upcoming Dean sightings (was Re: OT: Dean on R & KL MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I have a question can someone tell me if that Fox News Channel time of 11:40 is EST or PST time? Thanks so much! Alexis ;-.) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 01:19:49 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Tara Smith Subject: Re: Question about IRC Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi Rose! Irc stands for Internet Relay Chat (you may or may not know that). It's a chat network of sorts. As far as I know you have to get a special program (like mIrc) to access it. I may be wrong about that, but I doubt it. mIrc is downloadable from the net (which is where I got it from!) and here's the url of it's homepage: On that page is an introduction to IRC and instructions for use as well as a FAQ. I'm sure that someone here can answer any questions that aren't answered by the FAQ. It's a pretty easy program to use--even my Mom (that would be Nan, A-plot Goddess) can use it. lol! The program comes with a list of public chat 'rooms', but a lot of the good rooms aren't listed. like the #loiscla or the #lanekent rooms. I've searched around and found some pretty strange rooms! Tara ------Original Message------ From: Rose Cookson To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Sent: January 10, 2000 11:52:25 PM GMT Subject: Question about IRC Hi everybody! I've got a question... I've heard so much about the IRC, but I'm not very computer-literate, and even less online-literate, so I don't really know what it is. And I don't know how to get onto it or use it. Could someone please explain it to me? Thanks! Rose ----------------------------------------------- FREE! The World's Best Email Address Reserve your name now at ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 07:30:58 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "=?iso-8859-1?q?R.=20Ziegler?=" Subject: Re: The Darkest Hour part 16 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Wow Erin...Thank You...that was great!! :) Now I *really* can't wait to see what happens next!!! Ren __________________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Gesendet von Yahoo! Mail - Yahoo! Auktionen - gleich ausprobieren - ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 09:18:16 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kate Crane Subject: Re: OT: upcoming Dean sightings (was Re: OT: Dean on R & KL MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 1/10/00 2:26:59 PM Pacific Standard Time, Zoomway@AOL.COM writes: << Thanks to Robert from TransWG, I have listings of serveral radio and television stations Dean is due to have interviews on. The radio interviews are for Tuesday and the television interviews (except FOX News) on Wednesday in several local markets around the country. >> Thanks Zoom!! I found our local station online (WMAL), turned it on for an hour and actually caught Dean! So, I pulled up that beautiful pic of him from Ripley's, and listened while I drooled, hm ah, I mean watched. Kate ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 08:18:13 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Vicki Krell Subject: Re: upcoming Dean sightings (was Re: OT: Dean on R & KL MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Zoom, just out of curiosity, why are there so many upcoming sightings (not that I'm complaining!!!) lately? Is Dean working on some new project(s) that is(are) being publicized? V Vicki Krell Sponsored Projects Officer Office of Research and Creative Activities Arizona State University (480) 965-2171 (480) 965-1703 - fax ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 10:03:07 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin Klingler Subject: NEW: The Darkest Hour part 17 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit The Darkest Hour (Before the Dawn) by Erin Klingler part 17 ********************************* Two long hours later, Trask emerged from the room, followed by his tired men. He shut the large metal door and carefully locked it before starting up the basement stairs. He glanced over his shoulder at the men behind him. “You guys take a break. But tell Fredrickson and Myers that I want Ms. Lane taken down and put in the cell, whether she’s regained consciousness or not. We’ll see if we can use her to get what we want out of Kent.” “What about Kent?” “Leave him tied to that pole. I don’t want them in the same cell together for now.” The men nodded as they reached the top of the stairs, then hurried away to find Fredrickson and Myers. Trask headed the opposite direction and walked into the kitchen where Garrison was leaning back against the counter, popping a handful of nuts from a jar into his mouth. “So what did you get out of him?” “It’s a work in progress,” Trask answered irritably as he fixed Garrison with a pointed stare. “Did you get it?” Garrison nodded as he popped the rest of the nuts into his mouth and fished a cloth-covered object from his pocket. “It’s a good thing Lane doesn’t have a very strong arm, or else I could’ve been hunting all over those woods tonight looking for this thing.” Trask took the object from him and slowly removed the cloth. The translucent rock filled the room with its eerie green glow, throwing a cast of green light across the two men’s faces as they stared at it for a moment. Finally Garrison broke the silence. “So what are you going to do with them?” Trask hastily covered the chunk of Kryptonite back up and slipped it into his pocket. “I’m going to continue to interrogate Kent,” Trask snapped impatiently. “After all, isn’t that what I brought him here for? He’s going to tell me what I want to know, or else.” To illustrate his point, he patted the gun at his side. Garrison smirked in satisfaction. “Fine by me.” Just then they were interrupted by the arrival of one of his men. “Lane’s been taken downstairs as you requested. She’s still out.” “Understood,” Trask responded. “I’ll be down to check on her in a minute.” After the man left, Garrison pushed off from the counter. “Well, I’ll leave you to your little interrogation; though I’m sure the reason he’s not talking is because there’s nothing for him to tell. But when you’ve finally decided he’s outlived his usefulness, call me. I’ve been waiting to see the demise of Superman for a very long time.” ***** When Lois’ consciousness started to return, she found herself feeling both dizzy and sick to her stomach. She opened her heavy eyelids experimentally, but the dim light overhead stabbed into her head like a thousand pins and needles, so she quickly closed them again. She tried to bring her hand up to her throbbing forehead to further shield them from the light, but her limbs felt too heavy, and she was unable to make her body respond to her commands. She continued to lie still for several minutes, struggling to control the nausea churning within her and the rushing, roaring sound in her head. What had happened? Where was she? She struggled to wade through the muddy recesses in her mind in search of the answers, but the fuzzy haze in her mind prevented her from getting any. When her head finally started to clear and the roaring sound slowly began to fade, a new sound replaced it, a softer, gentler voice that sounded warmly familiar. “Lois? Lois, can you hear me?” came the voice, sounding as if it was coming from the end of a long, dark tunnel. More slowly this time, Lois opened her eyes again. The light still made them ache, but at least the throbbing in her head wasn’t as excruciating as it had been minutes before. She turned her head cautiously to see where she was and saw that she was lying on a cot in a small, windowless jail cell with cement walls on two sides. Suddenly, in a flood of hazy memories, the whole event came rushing back to her. Trask! Trask and his men had been at the cabin. A foggy image of Clark being dragged roughly out of the cabin came to her, and then other images started to appear. There’d been a struggle, she’d been captured…Clark had been injected with something in a needle. She remembered him crying out in pain, knowing he must’ve felt completely helpless to do anything to stop the events from unfolding around him. Slowly and cautiously, she started to push herself into a more upright position. But suddenly an all-encompassing, burning pain in her thigh stopped her short. Straining her sensitive eyes against the light, she reached down and pulled up the hem of her battered dress, immediately spotting the large white gauze pad taped to the front of her thigh with a dark red pool of her blood soaked through it. The memory of the man slashing at her thigh with a hunting knife flooded to the forefront of her mind, accompanied by the sound of Clark’s panicked voice yelling her name as the drugged cloth was pressed over her nose and she’d started to lose consciousness… Clark! What had happened to Clark? Gritting her teeth against the dizzying pain in her head and the searing pain in her thigh, she sat up the rest of the way and searched the dimly lit room for Clark. She was sure it had been his voice she’d heard moments before. Through blurred vision, Lois scanned the area outside of her cell and finally made out Clark’s form outside of her cell and across the room. He wasn’t moving around, so she guessed he was probably restrained in some way. But at least he was alive! Letting her breath out in a rush, Lois said a quick, silent prayer of thanks. “Lois, are you okay?” she heard him ask, his voice thick with concern. He strained against the ropes that kept his arms tied around the steel post behind him, knowing that if he could just work himself free, he could try to do something to get to her and help her. She nodded groggily. "Yeah, I think so." She put her hands on the cot and started to push herself up, but Clark quickly protested. "No, Lois, don't stand up!” he told her, seeing how shaky she still was. “Just take it easy for a few minutes." Lois stood up and had taken two shaky steps when she suddenly realized she should’ve listened to Clark. The room began to spin crazily around her, and the roaring sound in her head quickly came rushing back. Her legs started to give out, and she made a desperate grab for the steel bars in front of her, holding tightly to them as she let herself sink back to the ground. Once she felt the cold cement floor against her legs, she leaned her forehead heavily against the cool bars and closed her eyes to the spinning room around her. Through the roaring sound in her head, she heard Clark’s muttered curse word, and she knew he hated not being able to get to her. When she started to feel a little better, she opened her eyes again and looked over at Clark’ s figure drowsily. Now that she was closer to him, she could see that he was sitting across the room on the cold, cement floor, with his hands tied behind his back and around one of the large metal support beams. His shirt was untucked from his pants and spotted with dirt, and a large, ugly, bluish-purple bruise was forming on his left cheek. Her stomach lurched at the sight of it, and she wondered just how much he’d been through while she’d been unconscious. She swallowed noisily and stared into the extremely worried, soulful brown eyes that stared back at her. “Are you okay?” he asked again anxiously, twisting his hands in the ropes. “It was a long time before they brought you down here and put you in the cell. I was so scared…I didn’t know what they were doing to you.” Her forehead still resting against the bars, Lois stared at Clark for a long minute. It was apparent from the pained, weary look in his eyes that he’d been treated roughly, and that he was hurting. But he seemed to be trying extremely hard to mask his own pain in his concern for her, and that touched her deeply. “What happened?” she asked quietly, finally finding her voice. “I recognized Trask, but who were the guys with him?” “Probably just some hired muscle,” Clark told her with a troubled sigh. “I got the impression they didn’t have much to do with intelligence. I’ve spent the last few hours trying to convince Trask that there *is* no alien invasion, but obviously he doesn’t believe me. And he’s starting to lose his patience.” “Yeah, I can tell from that bruise on your face,” Lois grimaced sympathetically. “How are you feeling? Are you okay?” Clark’s eyes clouded over, but he responded quietly, “Yeah, I’m okay.” Lois gave him an ‘I don’t believe you’ look, and Clark sighed heavily. “Okay, I’ve been better. Physically I’m not hurt all that badly, other than the bruise and some sore ribs from being punched so many times by those thugs. But the biggest thing is,” he paused and looked around to make sure no one was listening, then confided, “I don’t have any powers. I don’t think that the initial exposure to that chunk of Kryptonite would’ve left me without powers for this long, so I think that whatever was in that syringe they injected me with must’ve been some diluted, liquefied version of Kryptonite, because I don’t have *any* powers. Not one.” Lois’ face clouded with concern. “Are they going to come back?” Clark’s lips tightened into a thin line and he shrugged slowly. “I don’t know. I’m hopeful that they will. In the past, whenever I’ve been exposed to Kryptonite, it’s just been a matter of time before my powers are restored to full strength.” “But this time it could be inside you, if you’re right about the injection,” Lois pointed out. “I don’t think it’ll matter. My body has always managed to fight it off, and the fact that I don’t feel sick should be a good sign. It must be diluted enough not to kill me. Trask just wants me powerless so he can hold me here to interrogate me. I’m sure it’s just a matter of time before I’m back to normal.” Lois’ eyes flashed momentarily. “Normal? Yeah, right.” Clark looked at her, confused. “What’s that supposed to mean?” “Well, up until a few hours ago, I thought you were the normal, though really great guy, that I was in a serious relationship with,” she told him in a harsh whisper. “But suddenly everything is different, and I don’t know how to feel about that.” Clark mouth stretched into a frown. “Angry, I suppose.” “Yes, I’m angry,” Lois agreed. “But I’m also hurt. It hurts to think you didn’t trust me enough to tell me this about you.” “Lois, it’s not that I didn’t trust you,” Clark hurried to explain. “Actually, I’ve been wanting to tell you for a long time. I just wasn’t sure how to go about it, so I kept waiting for the perfect opportunity--” “The perfect opportunity?” Lois echoed, her voice rising. “Like collapsing in my arms after a date, scaring me half to death and making me think I was going to lose you? Yeah, that’s *exactly* how I would’ve preferred to find out about this!” she finished sarcastically. Clark’s eyes flashed. “Look, Lois, I know you’re mad, and you have every right to be. But we’ve got bigger problems to deal with right now! Who knows what Trask’s going to do to us when he runs out of patience? So can we please just put this little conversation on hold for a while, at least until we get out of here?” Lois realized Clark was right. They had a lot to deal with in their relationship, but this was hardly the time, or the place. Finally she nodded. “Okay, Clark, you’re right. This is something we can deal with later. Besides, all this arguing is making my head hurt.” They were quiet for a few minutes as they deliberated over the seriousness of their situation. Finally Lois spoke up. “You know, this only proves that I was right.” Clark raised an eyebrow at her. “About what?” “Remember our story? The one Perry killed about the corrupt, government-funded vigilante groups? Look where it’s gotten us. Maybe if Perry had let us stay on the story like I wanted us to, we could’ve found out that Bureau 39 was still operational, and that Trask was up to his usual delusional plans. Then we wouldn’t be in this mess.” “But how were we supposed to know Trask was still alive?” Clark asked seriously. “And we had nothing in the information we’d gathered to indicate that Bureau 39 was still a threat. Or Trask.” “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Lois admitted. Then she attempted a strained smile in Clark’s direction. “At least Perry couldn’t say we don’t have any new leads. The story’s no longer dead.” Clark smiled back a little. “True.” Lois’ smile faded and she sighed heavily. Letting go of the bars, she sat back a little, suddenly feeling very worn out. “I know we should be putting our heads together to figure a way out of this, but before we do, I think I’ ll just lie down for a few minutes,” she told Clark quietly as she lowered herself carefully to the floor, gritting her teeth against he shooting pains in her thigh. “My mind is still too fuzzy to be creative.” “Lois, why don’t you get back up on the cot?” Clark suggested, clearly concerned about her. “At least there you’d be up off the cold cement floor.” Lois shook her head slightly and pressed her cheek against the cool floor, relieved at how the cement made her hot cheeks and throbbing head feel better. “No, the cold floor feels good. I’ll be okay here.” Clark’s brow furrowed. The cold floor felt good? That could only mean she was feeling warm, which didn’t sound like a good thing. It was freezing in the room. A moment later, Lois’ quiet, muffled voice reached his ears. “Hey, I just realized something. You’ve been avoiding me as Superman for the past several weeks since we’ve been going out, haven’t you? I kept thinking there was something funny about the way you were acting when I was interviewing Super—um, *you*—during that hostage situation at the Bank of Metropolis. You were trying not to let on that it was really you, weren’t you?” Clark nodded apologetically. “Yeah, I was. I’m sorry, Lois, but I knew that if I spent too much time around you as Superman, there would be no way I could keep hiding the way I felt—still feel—about you. You were bound to find me out sooner or later, and I wanted to tell you this on my own terms, not have you found out about me like this…” Lois sighed. “I know, Clark. I know.” It was quiet for several minutes as they were each lost in their own thoughts. Clark turned his hands in the ropes and tugged slightly, encouraged when he felt them give a little. Maybe his efforts weren’t totally wasted. If he could just have another few minutes, he just might be able to work himself free. He didn’t know what he’d do then, but at least he’d have one less problem to deal with. Clark looked up and glanced over at Lois’ still form, suddenly realizing how quiet she’d been for the past few minutes. His heart rate quickly sped up. “Lois?” “Hmmm?” He let his breath out in a sigh of relief. “I just thought…. Were you asleep?” “Nope. Just thinking.” “About what?” There was a smile in her voice when she answered, “About that great omelet you were going to make for me this morning.” Clark couldn’t help grinning. “Yeah, it *was* going to be great. Are you hungry?” Lois sat up slowly and scooted herself back so she could lean against the cot along the wall. “Maybe a little,” she admitted. “How about you?” But as soon as the words were out of her mouth, her smile faded. “Oh, yeah. I guess you don’t actually get hungry, do you? I forgot.” Clark cringed. So much for putting the ‘super’ talk on hold. Lois saw the expression on Clark’s face and immediately regretted bringing up the subject. “Never mind. Forget I said anything,” she said, waving him off. She glanced down at her watch, then leaned her head back against the cell bars with a sigh. “What time is it?” “Almost two AM.” Clark sighed, too, as he shook his head and stared up at the ceiling. “I knew this all had to be too good to be true,” Clark muttered. Lois looked at him in confusion. “What was?” “This,” Clark said, gesturing to their surroundings. “This whole vacation! Remember what we were planning? No interruptions, time alone…. But look what happened! We’ve been stalked, kidnapped…you’re injured, my powers have been taken away, and other than trying to work myself free of these ropes for the past half hour, I’m totally helpless to get us out of here. What kind of a vacation is this?” “A vacation of mine,” Lois said jokingly, a sardonic smile crossing her face. “But what are you complaining about? We’re alone together, aren’t we? Wasn’t that what you wanted?” Clark shook his head and chuckled. “Yeah, but this isn’t exactly what I had in mind.” Lois’ response was cut off by the sound of footsteps on the stairs, and then the heavy metal door suddenly banged open. Clark stiffened when he saw Trask standing in the doorway. ***************************** part 18 to immediately follow.... Erin :) __________________ Visit my LNC/Kerth Website: ***** "It's not the years that count, it's the moments...right now, as they happen." __________________ ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 10:04:47 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin Klingler Subject: NEW: The Darkest Hour part 18 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit The Darkest Hour (Before the Dawn) by Erin Klingler part 18 ************************************ “Well, well, Ms. Lane. How nice to see you up and about,” he said in sarcastic cheerfulness. “No thanks to you and your drug-yielding thugs,” Lois quipped with a spark of her usual spirit. “Lo-is,” Clark warned, trying to silence her. “What?!” Lois exclaimed, turning to Clark. “I’m not going to be nice to this lunatic! He kidnapped us and is holding us here against our will. What are we supposed to do? Thank him?!” Clark gave her a stern glance, but Trask stepped forward, and they both turned their attention to him. “No, I don’t expect you to thank me,” Trask told them. “But I expect the American people will thank me when I get rid of the menace to our way of life—Superman.” He turned to Clark and took several steps toward him, stopping just a couple of feet away from him. When he spoke again, his comments were directed pointedly at him. “When I go to them with the details of your little friends coming to take over the world, believe me, they’ll thank me.” “Trask,” Clark groaned, rolling his eyes and tilting his head toward the ceiling. “When are you going to get past this paranoia that I’m some front man for an alien invasion? I told you, you’re wrong!” “And I say I’m right!” Trask shouted back, his eyes locking with Clark’s in a silent battle of wills. A minute later, Trask backed slowly away. “But if you’re not going to tell me what I need to know, maybe I’ll just have to find somebody who will.” With determination, Trask turned on his heel and strode purposefully toward Lois’ cell. Fear gripped at Clark’s heart as he watched Trask pull a key from his pocket and insert it into Lois’ cell’s lock. “Trask, no!” Clark yelled as he watched Lois’ eyes widen in fear at Trask’s approach. “Leave her alone! She doesn’t know anything!” Trask smirked at Clark. “We’ll just have to see about that, won’t we?” Two of Trask’s men suddenly appeared in the doorway, and Trask glared at them. “What took you two so long? Get in here. I want Ms. Lane taken upstairs immediately. Since Clark here is so resistant to tell me what I need to know, maybe we can manage to get the information out of his little girlfriend.” The men nodded, and Trask turned toward the door as the dark-haired man came forward and walked into the cell. Clark strained for all he was worth against the ropes binding him, stretching them as far as they could be stretched, and then, with a few more desperate twists of his hands, the rope gave way and he yanked his right hand free. With Trask’s back turned and his men’s attention on Lois, Clark quickly turned and untied his left hand, but not before the dark-haired man hurried into the cell and grabbed Lois powerfully by her upper arm. He immediately dragged her off the ground and to her feet, causing her to gasp at the searing pain in her thigh that the sudden movement caused. Hearing her cry ripped at his heart, and Clark struggled in desperation to free his other hand from the ropes. Finally, with one last yank, he freed his left hand from the ropes and immediately sprung forward in an effort to protect Lois. Trask and his other man seemed surprised to see Clark free, but an instant later the second man shook away his surprise and quickly intercepted Clark before he could reach the cell. He grabbed Clark and pushed him roughly up against the room’s cement wall face first, pinning his arms behind his back so Clark couldn’t move. "Let her go!" he yelled loudly as he helplessly watched the dark-haired man drag Lois across the room, with Lois limping severely behind him, grabbing at her thigh with her free hand. "Come on! It's me you want. Leave her alone!" "You just keep quiet, pretty boy," the man holding Clark growled, raising Clark's arm behind his back and up toward his shoulder blades, causing Clark to grimace in pain at the man's hold move. As Lois was taken from the room, Clark could hear her sobbing and pleading with the man to stop, saying, "I can't keep going...please, my leg...." and Clark felt as if someone was ripping his heart right out of his chest and stomping on it. Tears rolled unchecked down his own cheeks as he listened to Lois' pleading and begging for the man to stop. When Clark heard their footsteps on the stairs, Trask paused in the doorway and signaled for his other man to join them, saying, “Just put him in the cell. I don’t know how he got out of those ropes, but I’m not going to take any more chances. Make sure you lock it securely.” Nodding, the man watched Trask leave, then grabbed Clark by his shoulder while continuing to pull Clark’s arm up toward his shoulder blades and shoved him roughly into the now-empty cell. As soon as Clark was released, he made a grab for the man, but he felt the cold, hard butt of a gun come down hard against the back of his head. Clark slumped to the ground, helpless to stop the man from slamming the door shut and locking it securely. By the time the dizziness left him, the man was gone and he was alone in the room. For the next couple of hours, Clark laid on the cot in the cell, willing his head to stop throbbing as he worried endlessly about what was happening to Lois. Did Trask really think she knew something about this supposed ‘alien invasion?’ If he did, Clark was sure he would stop at nothing to extract the information from her in whatever way he felt necessary. The all-too-painful reminders of Trask’s determination to learn the “truth” were still evident in his tender cheek and sore ribs, and he had no doubt Trask would hesitate to treat Lois any easier. In fact, with her being a woman, surrounded by all of Trask’s thugs…. Clark shook his head. No, he couldn’t even think it. It was just too horrifying to think about. But what was worse, he knew that Trask was capable of just such a nightmare. And that made Clark worry even more. With his stomach tied up in knots, Clark stood up, unable to sit still a moment longer. Clutching his sore ribs, he paced the length of the small room and back. He strained his ears for any sounds on the floor above, any voices or suggestion of Lois’ whereabouts. It seemed like forever before he finally heard footsteps on the stairs. A moment later, the door opened and Clark spun around to see Lois limping through the entrance with a large, muscular blond man with a perpetual scowl on his face. “Lois!” Clark exclaimed in relief, letting his breath out in a rush as he hurried over to the cell door and clenched the bars tightly in his hands. When the man saw Clark standing at the cell door, his scowl deepened and he pulled a gun from his belt. “Get back, or I’m not putting her in!” Clark did as he was told, just glad to see that Lois was alive and apparently unharmed. But as they reached they cell and the man unlocked the door, Clark’s stomach tightened back up when he saw Lois’ pallor, and the unusual lack of fire in her eyes. From this distance, it was obvious to him that her condition was even worse than when she’d left. The man unlocked the door and shoved Lois unfeelingly into the cell, then slammed the door shut behind her. Clark quickly reached out for her as she stumbled, and she collapsed gratefully into his arms, burying her head in his chest and sobbing. “Clark,” she cried into his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her and held her close, stroking her hair and speaking in soft, soothing tones. "It's okay, Lois. I'm here. I'm right here." For several minutes, Lois clung to him, grateful to be back in his comforting, familiar arms. Finally he sobs turned to silent tears, and she slumped against Clark’s chest, completely spent and exhausted. The throbbing in her head and leg made it difficult for her to think, and her eyes felt puffy from crying. Clark continued to hold her even after her sobs quieted, but it wasn’t until she reached down to put pressure on her thigh that Clark remembered she was hurt. Holding her at arm’s length, Clark glanced down at her leg. “Lois, I think I’d better take a look at that gash,” he told her in a no-nonsense tone. “Come and sit down.” He guided her to the cot and helped her sit down on it. Carefully, he sat down beside her and gently pulled up the hem of her dress to reveal her blood-spotted bandage. "I'm going to pull back some of this tape so I can see under your bandage. Okay?" Looking up at her, he waited for to nod tentatively before carefully pulling back the tape and then the bandage. He held her thigh gently between his hands as he examined her injury, turning her leg slightly to the left and then to the right as he inspected it. Lois cringed as he did, even the slightest of motions causing the pain to increase. “So what happened up there?” Clark asked, trying to distract her as he continued to check her. Lois jumped a little as Clark lightly touched the purpling discoloration of her skin around the cut. “They put me in a room upstairs and left me alone with Trask. He kept asking me all these questions about you, about being Kryptonian and stuff. I refused to tell him anything, other than that he was crazy to think you were some advance man for some superhuman army coming to take over the world. He’s really crazed, you know that? Nothing I said changed his mind. In fact, he kept asking me all these personal questions about how involved our relationship was, and if we’d been…intimate.” Lois blushed slightly. “I got the impression he was worried that if you and I had kids, he’d suddenly have a whole new “threat” to deal with. Ow!” Clark quickly pulled his hand away from her leg. “Sorry. I was just trying to see how deep this cut really is. Actually, I’m kind of surprised to see that someone went to all the trouble to give you a few stitches.” “I have stitches?” Lois asked, her eyes widening as she quickly leaned forward to take a better look. But the sudden movement sent a fresh wave of pain through her, and she stopped quickly and closed her eyes, trying to stem the pain. Clark reached out for her hand and gave it a sympathetic squeeze as she closed her eyes against the pain. A moment later, she opened her eyes and breathed an obvious sigh of relief when the throbbing diminished. “Are you okay?” he asked quietly. She nodded. “Yeah. Just remind me not to do that again.” She smiled slightly, but Clark could tell it was forced, and his heart went out to her for trying to lighten their precarious situation. Turning his attention back to her leg, he told her, “Yeah, you have a few stitches, which it looks like you definitely needed for this gash. They look pretty haphazard, but I guess they’ll have to do until we can find a way to get out of here and get you to a doctor.” He shook his head and looked up at her intently. “That guy definitely didn’t hesitate to go after you with that knife. You really shouldn’t have challenged him, Lois.” Lois leaned heavily against the wall behind her and closed her eyes tiredly. “I realize that now. Thanks.” Clark watched her for a moment, then averted his eyes and swallowed noisily. When he spoke, his voice was hesitant and fearful. “Lois, I need to ask you something.” She opened her eyes and met his gaze, waiting for him to go on. When he did, his voice was so soft Lois had to strain to hear him. Avoiding her eyes, he asked in a choked whisper, “Did Trask or his men…do…anything to you?” Lois stared at Clark in surprise, suddenly realizing the torment he must’ve been going through knowing that she was alone upstairs with Trask and his men, unable to protect her, and not knowing what was happening to her. He was so used to being able to protect everyone, especially the people he loved, that she couldn’t imagine what a horrible ordeal he had suffered while he was downstairs alone with his nightmarish fears about what they could be doing to her. “Oh, Clark, I had no idea you were agonizing over this,” she said, reaching out to put a hand on his forearm. “Why didn’t you say something?” Clark looked up to meet her gaze, and she saw that his eyes were shimmering with unshed tears. “Lois, it’s all I’ve been able to think about. While you were up there, it was killing me to know that they could’ve been doing any number of things to you, and there was absolutely *nothing* I could do about it. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so helpless in my entire life.” Lois felt tears in her eyes, too, and she gave his arm a reassuring squeeze. “Clark, nothing like that happened. Trask and his men weren’t easy on me, by any means. The big guy hit me once, but I doubt it’ll leave a bruise or anything. Other than that, they pretty much kept their distance.” As she finished, Clark shook his head desolately. “Lois, you have no idea how sorry I am to have gotten you involved in this. I never meant for anything like this to happen.” “I know, Clark,” Lois reassured him quietly. “But you can’t blame yourself. How could you have known this was all a set-up?” Clark met Lois’ gaze, and he saw in her eyes that she was being sincere. She really didn’t blame him, and that meant more to him that he could ever express. He reached up and pressed his palm against her cheek, gently stroking her pale skin with his thumb. “Thank you, Lois.” She smiled back wearily and reached up to cover his hand with hers, closing her eyes at his touch. It was comforting to have him there with her, to not be in this alone. If she was, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to get herself through it. But even as it was, her leg throbbed and her head still hurt, and it was all she could think about to find a way out of this horrible place. Dropping her hand from Clark’s, Lois glanced around the long, rectangular room outside of their cell. “So how do you propose we get out of here?” Clark sighed and set her leg gently down on the cot beside him. Standing up, he walked over to the cell door and shook it experimentally. It didn’t budge. "Well, the Kryptonite must still be killing my powers because I still feel really weak,” he reasoned, “so unfortunately, I don’t think they’ re going to be any help. I think our best bet is just to sit tight and see if an opportunity presents itself.” Lois' face fell, and it made Clark feel horrible. "Don't worry, Lois. We'll find a way out of this. We always do." She nodded sadly. “Yeah, I guess.” She saw Clark’s shoulders slump and immediately felt bad. “I’m sorry if I don’t sound very optimistic, Clark. I’m sure we’ll find a way out sooner or later. I’m just not feeling that great, that’s all.” “Then why don’t you lie down and get some sleep?” he suggested, walking back over to her and squatting beside her. “You do look awfully pale. Besides, it’s almost dawn,” he told her, nodding at the window in the far corner of the room that was starting to let in the first signs of dawn, “and neither of us have slept much since last night. We could both use the rest.” “Well, what about you?” Lois asked as he helped guide her into a laying position on the cot. “Where are you going to sleep?” “Don’t worry about me, Lois. I’ll just doze here next to you.” He scooted back into the corner next to the head of her cot, laid his head back against the wall and reached up for her hand. Lois rolled over onto her side and slid her hand into his, holding onto it tightly. Then she closed her eyes and let sleep come. ************************************* Erin :) __________________ Visit my LNC/Kerth Website: ***** "It's not the years that count, it's the moments...right now, as they happen." __________________ ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 11:20:14 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Judith Williams Subject: Dean on R&KL MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Okay, I was going to stay out of this but inquiring minds want to know. No one loves *looking* at Dean more than I do, but what was he there to *talk* about? Or didn't anyone notice? Jude ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 14:55:18 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: The Zoomway Subject: Re: upcoming Dean sightings (was Re: OT: Dean on R & KL MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 1/11/00 9:19:48 AM Central Standard Time, Vicki.Krell@ASU.EDU writes: << Zoom, just out of curiosity, why are there so many upcoming sightings (not that I'm complaining!!!) lately? Is Dean working on some new project(s) that is(are) being publicized? >> All those cities listed were blitz hawking for Dean's show Ripley's Believe it or Not (that's the title, not an editorial ;) He was uplinked via satellite and each station, one after the other, had several minutes to interview Dean. Though a lot of them seemed most interested in Dean's sex life Ripley's will premier on cable network TBS tomorrow at 8:05 p.m. Eastern, I believe. Dean also has a movie titled Broken Hearts Club that he's very proud of that will be premiered at the Sundance film festival January 28th, I believe. He said that film has already led to other work. He talked about his independent films he's done (Flight of Fancy, For the Cause, etc) and that his pay for those combined was 1/20th his salary for Lois and Clark (I'm hoping that means yearly salary, but I'm not sure ;) Zoom ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 14:55:35 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Organization: Subject: Re: Dean on R&KL and TBS MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > Okay, I was going to stay out of this but inquiring minds want to know. No > one loves *looking* at Dean more than I do, but what was he there to *talk* > about? Or didn't anyone notice? Jude I haven't actually seen it yet (but I know ppl who have taped it :) however, I believe this is part of a publicity blitz for Dean's new series. But before your hearts get all aflutter, it's not your usual drama-type series; Dean will be the new host of "Ripley's Believe it or Not" on the cable station TBS, airing Wednesdays at 8:05pm (everything on TBS is five minutes off the hour; I don't know why). The first episode is tomorrow night. I know my friends and I have a get-together planned to see it, but I'm informed that we'll be taping the host segments, and pausing out the show itself, 'cause from what I've heard of the topics they'll cover (EW mentioned a guy suspended in mid-air, hanging from various body-piercings -- eww!) ... well, if it weren't for Dean, there's no way I'd watch this. It's even possible that Dean won't be enough to get me to keep watching it... we'll see. But you can't go by me, I had to stop watching the X-Files, too :) -- ------------------------------------------------------- Pam Jernigan | ChiefPam on IRC | ChPam on AOL IM ------------------------------------------------------- "Not only was Ivan an idiot, but he generated a telepathic damping field to turn the people nearby into idiots, too." --An exasperated Miles contemplates his cousin in _The Warrior's Apprentice_, by Lois McMaster Bujold ------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 15:10:27 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kate Crane Subject: Re: Dean on R&KL and TBS MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 1/11/00 11:57:54 AM Pacific Standard Time, jernigan@BELLSOUTH.NET writes: << I know my friends and I have a get-together planned to see it, but I'm informed that we'll be taping the host segments, and pausing out the show itself, 'cause from what I've heard of the topics they'll cover (EW mentioned a guy suspended in mid-air, hanging from various body-piercings -- eww!) ... well, if it weren't for Dean, there's no way I'd watch this. It's even possible that Dean won't be enough to get me to keep watching it... we'll see. >> Ok, here's my plan: Tape the whole thing, and then watch it, fast forwarding through any unsavory, gross stuff, then copying the Dean segments onto another tape! Voila, my stomach stays intact, and I have a feast for the eyes. Kate ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 15:57:49 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Ann E. McBride" Subject: Re: NEW: The Darkest Hour part 18 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Erin, This is really good. Please tell me that you are going to get them out of there! You're killing me almost as much as Wendy did over the holidays. Ann ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 14:13:06 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin Klingler Subject: Re: upcoming Dean sightings (was Re: OT: Dean on R & KL In-Reply-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Zoom wrote: > He was uplinked via > satellite and each station, one after the other, had several minutes to > interview Dean. Though a lot of them seemed most interested in Dean's sex > life Hey, isn't that what we all want to know about anyway??? So tell us! What did he say about it? Inquiring minds want to know. ;) Erin :) __________________ Visit my LNC/Kerth Website: ***** "It's not the years that count, it's the moments...right now, as they happen." __________________ ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 16:41:16 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Alexis W." Subject: Re: Dean on R&KL MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 1/11/00 2:38:42 PM EST, judithwilliams@PRODIGY.NET writes: << Okay, I was going to stay out of this but inquiring minds want to know. No one loves *looking* at Dean more than I do, but what was he there to *talk* about? Or didn't anyone notice? Jude >> Well I have seen the interview twice so far, so i will try to shed a little light. Basically what most people said is true, Dean was on the show to promote Ripley's. The first part of the interview he talked about all of the movies he made last year. He mentioned how he was out of the country for 6 months. Then he told a story about some dogs that kept barking out his window in Puerto Rico and then in Bulgaria. All the man wanted to do was sleep! And he found out he couldn't in either place! LOL! Then Miss World was mentioned very briefly. Basically Dean confirmed to us all that the rumors about these pagants being a bit wild is true... (try going to the party after the show and you will see what he means.) Then he talked about Ripley's. He mentioned a couple of the guests on the show and then he talked about how he is fascinated by the weird and unexplained, etc... He is very proud of his *newest, adoptive* baby. I say *adoptive* since it really wasn't Dean's original idea to begin with. I hope this helps! Alexis ;-.) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 16:41:15 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Alexis W." Subject: Re: upcoming Dean sightings (was Re: OT: Dean on R & KL MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit You know I am getting real sick of the media just focusing on Dean's love life! I have never seen an idiotic group of people so into that sorta thing in my life! (Maybe i haven't noticed it enough for the other celebs because I don't follow their every move on the web like I do with Dean.) Anyway, Dean isn't doing a show about his personal life. He is doing a show about Ripley's Believe it or Not. I guess some people would argue with me that his love life belongs on that show ( I don't!) but I am getting real sick of reading about his past girlfriends and his career at Princeton. We all know about this so move on people.. get over it! I bet Dean is getting real sick of those questions too! But he is so polite ;) so he tries to answer them. Actually I enjoyed hearing Dean talk about his sleepless nights in Puerto Rico and Bulgaria. Now that was funny and I could tell that even though lack of sleep is not fun, Dean had fun telling those stories too! I want to hear more about interviewers asking him questions like that. It's when the lowest of the low comes out.. which makes me sick. Hearing about this day in and day out is just one of the many reasons why I am choosing a career as a journalist. I want to change all of that. Make a difference! I'm very sorry for my very OT rambling here today, but I just had to give my .02 here and get it off my chest! This is all I have to say about this matter. So I will move on now. Alexis ;-.) PS. I also just have one small request. I don't want to be preachy or anything, but when i read emails where people want to know more about his love life, I get a bit upset. I don't want to read about that, and well i'm not stopping anyone from doing that, if you want to read about it, that's your choice. But since this is really a Superman fanfic list, I would appreciate it if you left the gossip stuff to a different fan forum. Thanks! ;) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 16:51:36 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: The Zoomway Subject: Re: upcoming Dean sightings (was Re: OT: Dean on R & KL MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 1/11/00 3:42:46 PM Central Standard Time, MsLoisette@AOL.COM writes: << PS. I also just have one small request. I don't want to be preachy or anything, but when i read emails where people want to know more about his love life, I get a bit upset. I don't want to read about that, and well i'm not stopping anyone from doing that, if you want to read about it, that's your choice. But since this is really a Superman fanfic list, I would appreciate it if you left the gossip stuff to a different fan forum. >> Yes, you're being preachy However, if it falls into the category of gossip, it should be on the other list (LoisandClarkNAOS) where gossip is permitted. OT (off topic) subjects that have nothing to do with fanfic should be on the other list anyway since some people don't like having to weed through a lot OT subjects on this list if they're subscribed only for fanfic. Zoom (the list mom of the other list, where pond scum-sucking gossip is permitted ... snicker ;) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 17:32:19 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Rose Cookson Subject: another IRC question MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thank you to those who answered my first IRC question! I managed to download it and figure out how to use it. However, now I have another little question. I downloaded mIRC, and I registered, but when I open the IRC program, it still says "unlicensed copy" in the little "Licensed to" window. Do I need to be concerned about it? Do I need to get it licensed in addition to registering? Thanks! Rose ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 17:51:43 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: fchisham Subject: dead thread MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII No more love dovey dean cain stuff. Please. Farah (who must be really out of it because she didn't realize the real LOISCLA was even up again.) -- MU1 Farah Chisham, horn US Navy Band, Washington DC ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 23:23:21 -0000 Reply-To: Yvonne Connell Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Yvonne Connell Subject: Re: another IRC question MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > Thank you to those who answered my first IRC question! I managed to download > it and figure out how to use it. However, now I have another little > question. I downloaded mIRC, and I registered, but when I open the IRC > program, it still says "unlicensed copy" in the little "Licensed to" window. > Do I need to be concerned about it? Do I need to get it licensed in addition > to registering? > If you want to be legal, yes. mIRC is shareware, and the licence says you can use it for 30 days under evaluation - after that, you should register it. Click Help, About, How to register... for more information. Yvonne ( ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 18:59:42 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Hazel Subject: OT silliness Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Since Farah has, in her all-powerful status of list mom, banned the other OT thread (which I didn't read), I thought I would lighten the atmosphere with this bit of silliness: A quarterly magazine I occasionally read has a column of some of the sillier things that can be found on the internet. Their latest issue included a list of actual label instructions on consumer goods, like a Sears hairdryer with an attacked label warning, "Do not use while sleeping," Or the manual of an iron that cautioned, "Do not iron clothes on body." But this is the one that set me laughing out loud: On a child's Superman costume: "Wearing this garment does not enable you to fly." Hope that brought as much of a smile to your face as it did to mine! Hazel ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 00:10:14 -0000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: Re: OT silliness MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > On a child's Superman costume: "Wearing this garment does not enable you to > fly." > > Hope that brought as much of a smile to your face as it did to mine! > > Hazel LOL, Hazel - it certainly did! Thanks! LabRat :) > ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 20:41:30 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Charlotte Fisler Subject: Re: NEW STORY; Blind Man's Bluff Part 12 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I know, Nan. I just felt it was time to remind people that, while they screwed up royally occassionally, the original writers, etc. deserve a thank you, too. Charlotte Ditto on this one. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 20:55:02 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Tara Smith Subject: New:Threads of Confusion (1/?) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable :) Ok, here's my newest effort. It was met with cheers from people on the message boards, so I guess it's good enough to send out here, too. Any and all feedback, good or bad, public or private, is always welcomed. I promised Merry that I'd work in some waffs, so I tried. Threads of Confusion pt 1 Maggie stepped off the elevator and paused, taking in the sounds of the newsroom. It had only been two days since the Black Circle had tried to summon up their evil lord, Dahak, and practically destroyed Centennial Park in the process. They had been stopped, of course, or she wouldn=92t have a newsro= om or a job to return to. She wouldn=92t even have a life since she had been intended as the receptacle for Dahak=92s essence. She was fortunate to hav= e survived. The people here at the Daily Planet had taken the whole thing in stride.=20 She had heard one employee say that this wasn=92t even comparable to when t= he New Kryptonians had come to Earth. It was only a park-leveling explosion, after all. Nothing that couldn=92t be cleaned up. =93Maggie! What are you doing here?=94 Maggie turned to see her boyfriend, Jimmy Olson, coming up the ramp towards her. She smiled at him. =93I work here, Jimmy.=94 =93Perry gave you a few days off, remember? You should be at home, resting= .=94 She had been exhausted after she was rescued from the clutches of the Black Circle. Perry had seen that and given her the rest of the week off. She, of course, had felt mostly better after just one day of sunning and wanted to come back to work. =93Jimmy, I=92m fine. I don=92t need another day off. Besides, Lucy was s= tarting to drive me crazy. She was babbling about this new boyfriend of hers in California. He=92s going to some medical school out there,=94 she made a f= ace.=20 =93=92Sides, I had to go out and do some things and figured that if I was u= p to that, I could come in to work.=94 The elevator dinged behind them and she half turned to see Lois Lane and Clark Kent coming out of the elevator. Lois, she knew, had been on an interview. Clark she had run into on one of the rescues earlier in the day= . Clark had one arm around his wife=92s shoulders. From their expressions, s= he could tell they=92d been . . . close on the ride up from the ground floor. She grinned at them. =93Hi, guys! How=92s that elevator music?=94 They laughed. Lois held up her recorder. =93It=92s nice to see you back i= n, Maggie. I have to get this interview typed up, but we should talk afterwards.=94 =93Okay.=94 Lois and Clark exchanged a rather restrained kiss for them and Lois headed over to her desk and immediately started typing before she had really seate= d herself. Clark turned to the younger couple. =93I ran into Superman on the way back. He said you seemed to be feeling better.=94 Maggie nodded. =93Yep. I=92m at 100% again, CK.=94 =93That=92s good. Lois and I were a little worried about you.=94 Maggie grinned up at the handsome reporter. Lois and Clark had come to be like family to her since she=92d come to Metropolis earlier in the year. I= t probably had something to do with her being the only other Kryptonian livin= g on Earth. That, along with her age and her abilities being less powerful than Clarks, had at first made Clark overprotective of her. She had though= t it was rather sweet, actually, except for when it interfered with her need to help others. He seemed to have mostly gotten over that since she had helped bring down the evil cult just a few days before. =93Thanks, CK, but you two don=92t need to worry any more. I=92m all bette= r now!=94 He grinned back at her, obviously relieved. He opened his mouth to say something more but their superhearing kicked in, interrupting him. A jetliner had suffered explosive decompression and was trying to come in for an emergency landing. Maggie couldn=92t tell where it was, but Clark undoubtedly could. =93Um, I forgot my story notes in Lois=92 car. I=92ll talk to you later, o= k?=94 Maggie nodded, fiercely quelling the feeling of inadequacy that she always got when reminded of the things she couldn=92t do that she should be able t= o.=20 They still hadn=92t figured out why her abilities were so much weaker than Clark=92s were. Even Dr. Klein was stumped on the subject. =93I=92ll see you later.=94 She said to him as he turned and stepped into t= he elevator, which had just disgorged a small group of people. =93Maggie,=94 Jimmy said. Maggie pulled her attention back to him. =93We = need to talk.=94 =93Ok,=94 she agreed, puzzled by the uncomfortable note in his voice. What could he possibly want to talk to her about that would make him feel nervous? =93Um, in the conference room?=94 She nodded, now even more confused, and followed him to one of the conference rooms set along one wall. They were usually used for meetings o= r interviews and were equipped with blinds for privacy. They entered one and Jimmy pulled the blinds. =93So, what=92s up Jimmy?=94 she asked. He turned to face her. =93I want to talk to you about Sara.=94 =93What about her?=94 =93I mean, about what she. . . what you do.=94 =93Is there a problem?=94 =93Well, sort of. I think you should stop being Sara. For a little while, anyway.=94 =93What?=94 Maggie stared at him, stunned. Of all the possible things he c= ould have said, this was the only one she hadn=92t even thought of. =93I mean, you=92re not invulnerable. You can be hurt. Like with what the Black Circle did. You were almost killed!=94 =93Key word here, Jimmy! =91Almost=92! I=92m fine now!=94 Maggie was beg= inning to get mad. How could he suggest something like that? Give up being Sara? H= e might as well ask her to cut off her own arm! =93Yeah, but what if someone throws a bomb at you like they did at Superman= ?=20 How badly would that hurt you?=94 Maggie shrugged. =93I have no idea! But that=92s not the point! You want= me to give up something that I need to do as much as I need to breathe!=94 =93Why? You=92re nowhere near as powerful as Superman is! Why could this b= e so important to you?=94 Maggie jerked back as if she=92d been slapped, all of her feelings of inadequacy about her powers rekindled. =93What did you say?=94 =93I don=92t understand why you have to put yourself at risk like that! Yo= u=92re not as powerful as Superman is! You can=92t . . .=94 =93If you can=92t understand why I do it, then maybe we shouldn=92t be dati= ng!=94 Maggie shouted. The newsroom outside the conference room went dead silent at her shout, which was audible even through the plate glass windows of the conference room. =93Maybe we shouldn=92t!=94 Jimmy shouted. =93Fine!=94 Maggie threw open the conference room door. Clark, who had returned from the airplane rescue and was standing behind it, caught the door before it collided with the glass window and shattered it into a million pieces. Maggie barely noticed him as she stalked away. Clark exchanged a meaningful look with Lois, who was still seated at her desk. =93Is this a newsroom or a soap opera?=94 Perry was standing at the door t= o his office looking irritated. =93C=92mon, everybody, the show=92s over. Get b= ack to work!=94 ********** Maggie stared glumly over the city. She was perched on top of the highest building in the city, figuring that this was the only way she could be left alone while she thought. And she had a lot to think about. How dare Jimmy try to make her quit being Sara? It wasn=92t just a job! She couldn=92t j= ust stop wanting to help people! So what if she wasn=92t as invulnerable as Superman was! She still had these abilities and the need to use them! She couldn=92t just turn it off! A whooshing behind her announced Superman=92s arrival. =93Can I join you?=94 He sounded concerned. =93Sure. Grab a patch of concrete.=94 She motioned to the edge of the roo= ftop beside her. He settled himself down beside her, cape tucked beneath him, and stared off over the city. =93I heard about your fight with Jimmy.=94 Maggie laughed shortly. =93I=92m pretty sure half of Metropolis heard it. = We weren=92t exactly quiet.=94 =93No, you weren=92t.=94 A pause. =93You know, Jimmy=92s feeling pretty b= ad about it, too.=94 =93So?=94 She flashed Superman an indignant look. =93Why should I care? = He brought this on himself! How dare he ask me to stop helping people! Lois would never ask you to stop!=94 =93Our situations a little different from yours.=94 Superman sounded a litt= le uncomfortable. He still wasn=92t used to the thought of Maggie knowing his secret, even though she had the same secret to keep. =93Maybe you should l= et it cool off a little before you talk again.=94 Maggie nodded, gaze on the skyline again. =93That=92s what I=92d planned o= n.=20 Assuming we talk again, of course. So was that why you came up here? To tell me to cool down before talking to him again?=94 =93Actually no, it wasn=92t. Lois and I know that you were planning on spe= nding Christmas night with Jimmy, but . . .=94 =93That=92s off. I was thinking of patrolling on Christmas night. Making = sure the criminal element didn=92t get out of hand.=94 =93We=92d like you to have Christmas dinner with us.=94 Maggie turned a startled look on him. =93Really?=94 Superman nodded. Maggie grinned and wiped sudden tears from her eyes. She threw her arms around Superman. =93Yes! Of course I accept! Thank you so much!=94 Superman gingerly returned the hug. =93You=92re welcome. We couldn=92t le= t you spend Christmas night alone. You=92re like a little sister to us.=94 Maggie smiled up at him. =93Well, big brother, it=92s nice to have family again.=94 to be continued . . . "Thou shalt remember the Eleventh Commandment and keep it Wholly." Robert = A. Heinlein ----------------------------------------------- FREE! The World's Best Email Address Reserve your name now at ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 21:35:49 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Tara Smith Subject: Re: New; Lines of Communication Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit This is cool! I like it! Tara ------Original Message------ From: "Tylke, Judith" To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Sent: January 6, 2000 10:40:01 PM GMT Subject: New; Lines of Communication Hello All, I'm finally back up and running again, I built myself a new computer from old Macs I was gifted with from a store getting rid of old stock and so now have a comp at home and don't have to either find the time or get access to my comp at work, Rah! I wrote this story during Hurricane Floyd, it's length is predicated on the life of my then still opperant laptop's batteries since the electricity was out, and it owes it's life to Nan Smith who gave me a wonderful suggestion on how to clear writers block. I wrote the dialogue as part of the 'block reliever', just the words and no descriptions - nonsense really but when I was browsing my files I came across that segment and found it lent itself to an easy wrap of narrative. Since I was in the midst of severe network problems, compounded by three hurricane closures, fubar'd communication was high in my thoughts and on my list of peeves, hence then name. May your New Year, whichever calander you use, be filled with twice the joys and half the sorrows of the last year. Enjoy! JT ----------------------------------------------- FREE! The World's Best Email Address Reserve your name now at ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 22:27:07 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Tara Smith Subject: Re: Perry's edits (was Re: Clark's Portfolio: #2) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit LOL! This is hysterical! Are there going to be more of these? I hope so! Tara ------Original Message------ From: Debby To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Sent: January 8, 2000 6:25:41 AM GMT Subject: Perry's edits (was Re: Clark's Portfolio: #2) Well, Clark, it's an interesting story. A bit melodramatic for the front page so I think we'll put it back on Human Interest Section on Thursday. Way back. Between the Walmart and Sears ads. Are you listening? Have I got your attention? I hope so. Read on. I consider this a first draft of your story. At 12:23 PM 01/07/2000 -0500, you wrote: [stuff clark didn't know about... > > Here's my second Clark article. > Anyone is welcome to contribute to the portfolio:) > > Thanks, > Carolyn > now stuff Clark thinks he wrote...] "Thou shalt remember the Eleventh Commandment and keep it Wholly." Robert A. Heinlein ----------------------------------------------- FREE! The World's Best Email Address Reserve your name now at ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 22:57:03 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Marnie Rowe Subject: Re: The Darkest Hour part 18 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Ok, now I am sitting on the edge of my seat and i am supposed to go to bed with Lois and Clark in that mess??????? Oh well I gues I will have to wait, (hint:not something that i am good at) to see what happens to our valiant derringdoers and their evil nemisis.... Marnie ---------- > From: Erin Klingler > To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU > Subject: NEW: The Darkest Hour part 18 > Date: Tuesday, January 11, 2000 12:04 PM > > The Darkest Hour (Before the Dawn) > by Erin Klingler > > part 18 > > ************************************ > > “Well, well, Ms. Lane. How nice to see you up and about,” he said in > sarcastic cheerfulness. > > “No thanks to you and your drug-yielding thugs,” Lois quipped with a spark > of her usual spirit. > > “Lo-is,” Clark warned, trying to silence her. > > “What?!” Lois exclaimed, turning to Clark. “I’m not going to be nice to > this lunatic! He kidnapped us and is holding us here against our will. > What are we supposed to do? Thank him?!” > > Clark gave her a stern glance, but Trask stepped forward, and they both > turned their attention to him. “No, I don’t expect you to thank me,” Trask > told them. “But I expect the American people will thank me when I get rid > of the menace to our way of life—Superman.” He turned to Clark and took > several steps toward him, stopping just a couple of feet away from him. > When he spoke again, his comments were directed pointedly at him. “When I > go to them with the details of your little friends coming to take over the > world, believe me, they’ll thank me.” > > “Trask,” Clark groaned, rolling his eyes and tilting his head toward the > ceiling. “When are you going to get past this paranoia that I’m some front > man for an alien invasion? I told you, you’re wrong!” > > “And I say I’m right!” Trask shouted back, his eyes locking with Clark’s in > a silent battle of wills. A minute later, Trask backed slowly away. “But > if you’re not going to tell me what I need to know, maybe I’ll just have to > find somebody who will.” > > With determination, Trask turned on his heel and strode purposefully toward > Lois’ cell. Fear gripped at Clark’s heart as he watched Trask pull a key > from his pocket and insert it into Lois’ cell’s lock. > > “Trask, no!” Clark yelled as he watched Lois’ eyes widen in fear at Trask’s > approach. “Leave her alone! She doesn’t know anything!” > > Trask smirked at Clark. “We’ll just have to see about that, won’t we?” > > Two of Trask’s men suddenly appeared in the doorway, and Trask glared at > them. “What took you two so long? Get in here. I want Ms. Lane taken > upstairs immediately. Since Clark here is so resistant to tell me what I > need to know, maybe we can manage to get the information out of his little > girlfriend.” > > The men nodded, and Trask turned toward the door as the dark-haired man came > forward and walked into the cell. Clark strained for all he was worth > against the ropes binding him, stretching them as far as they could be > stretched, and then, with a few more desperate twists of his hands, the rope > gave way and he yanked his right hand free. > > With Trask’s back turned and his men’s attention on Lois, Clark quickly > turned and untied his left hand, but not before the dark-haired man hurried > into the cell and grabbed Lois powerfully by her upper arm. He immediately > dragged her off the ground and to her feet, causing her to gasp at the > searing pain in her thigh that the sudden movement caused. > > Hearing her cry ripped at his heart, and Clark struggled in desperation to > free his other hand from the ropes. Finally, with one last yank, he freed > his left hand from the ropes and immediately sprung forward in an effort to > protect Lois. > > Trask and his other man seemed surprised to see Clark free, but an instant > later the second man shook away his surprise and quickly intercepted Clark > before he could reach the cell. He grabbed Clark and pushed him roughly up > against the room’s cement wall face first, pinning his arms behind his back > so Clark couldn’t move. > > "Let her go!" he yelled loudly as he helplessly watched the dark-haired man > drag Lois across the room, with Lois limping severely behind him, grabbing > at her thigh with her free hand. "Come on! It's me you want. Leave her > alone!" > > "You just keep quiet, pretty boy," the man holding Clark growled, raising > Clark's arm behind his back and up toward his shoulder blades, causing Clark > to grimace in pain at the man's hold move. > > As Lois was taken from the room, Clark could hear her sobbing and pleading > with the man to stop, saying, "I can't keep going...please, my leg...." and > Clark felt as if someone was ripping his heart right out of his chest and > stomping on it. Tears rolled unchecked down his own cheeks as he listened > to Lois' pleading and begging for the man to stop. > > When Clark heard their footsteps on the stairs, Trask paused in the doorway > and signaled for his other man to join them, saying, “Just put him in the > cell. I don’t know how he got out of those ropes, but I’m not going to take > any more chances. Make sure you lock it securely.” > > Nodding, the man watched Trask leave, then grabbed Clark by his shoulder > while continuing to pull Clark’s arm up toward his shoulder blades and > shoved him roughly into the now-empty cell. > > As soon as Clark was released, he made a grab for the man, but he felt the > cold, hard butt of a gun come down hard against the back of his head. Clark > slumped to the ground, helpless to stop the man from slamming the door shut > and locking it securely. By the time the dizziness left him, the man was > gone and he was alone in the room. > > For the next couple of hours, Clark laid on the cot in the cell, willing his > head to stop throbbing as he worried endlessly about what was happening to > Lois. Did Trask really think she knew something about this supposed ‘alien > invasion?’ If he did, Clark was sure he would stop at nothing to extract > the information from her in whatever way he felt necessary. The > all-too-painful reminders of Trask’s determination to learn the “truth” were > still evident in his tender cheek and sore ribs, and he had no doubt Trask > would hesitate to treat Lois any easier. In fact, with her being a woman, > surrounded by all of Trask’s thugs…. > > Clark shook his head. No, he couldn’t even think it. It was just too > horrifying to think about. But what was worse, he knew that Trask was > capable of just such a nightmare. And that made Clark worry even more. > > With his stomach tied up in knots, Clark stood up, unable to sit still a > moment longer. Clutching his sore ribs, he paced the length of the small > room and back. He strained his ears for any sounds on the floor above, any > voices or suggestion of Lois’ whereabouts. > > It seemed like forever before he finally heard footsteps on the stairs. A > moment later, the door opened and Clark spun around to see Lois limping > through the entrance with a large, muscular blond man with a perpetual scowl > on his face. > > “Lois!” Clark exclaimed in relief, letting his breath out in a rush as he > hurried over to the cell door and clenched the bars tightly in his hands. > > When the man saw Clark standing at the cell door, his scowl deepened and he > pulled a gun from his belt. “Get back, or I’m not putting her in!” > > Clark did as he was told, just glad to see that Lois was alive and > apparently unharmed. But as they reached they cell and the man unlocked the > door, Clark’s stomach tightened back up when he saw Lois’ pallor, and the > unusual lack of fire in her eyes. From this distance, it was obvious to him > that her condition was even worse than when she’d left. > > The man unlocked the door and shoved Lois unfeelingly into the cell, then > slammed the door shut behind her. Clark quickly reached out for her as she > stumbled, and she collapsed gratefully into his arms, burying her head in > his chest and sobbing. > > “Clark,” she cried into his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her and > held her close, stroking her hair and speaking in soft, soothing tones. > > "It's okay, Lois. I'm here. I'm right here." > > For several minutes, Lois clung to him, grateful to be back in his > comforting, familiar arms. Finally he sobs turned to silent tears, and she > slumped against Clark’s chest, completely spent and exhausted. The > throbbing in her head and leg made it difficult for her to think, and her > eyes felt puffy from crying. > > Clark continued to hold her even after her sobs quieted, but it wasn’t until > she reached down to put pressure on her thigh that Clark remembered she was > hurt. Holding her at arm’s length, Clark glanced down at her leg. > > “Lois, I think I’d better take a look at that gash,” he told her in a > no-nonsense tone. “Come and sit down.” He guided her to the cot and helped > her sit down on it. Carefully, he sat down beside her and gently pulled up > the hem of her dress to reveal her blood-spotted bandage. "I'm going to > pull back some of this tape so I can see under your bandage. Okay?" > > Looking up at her, he waited for to nod tentatively before carefully pulling > back the tape and then the bandage. He held her thigh gently between his > hands as he examined her injury, turning her leg slightly to the left and > then to the right as he inspected it. Lois cringed as he did, even the > slightest of motions causing the pain to increase. > > “So what happened up there?” Clark asked, trying to distract her as he > continued to check her. > > Lois jumped a little as Clark lightly touched the purpling discoloration of > her skin around the cut. “They put me in a room upstairs and left me alone > with Trask. He kept asking me all these questions about you, about being > Kryptonian and stuff. I refused to tell him anything, other than that he > was crazy to think you were some advance man for some superhuman army coming > to take over the world. He’s really crazed, you know that? Nothing I said > changed his mind. In fact, he kept asking me all these personal questions > about how involved our relationship was, and if we’d been…intimate.” Lois > blushed slightly. “I got the impression he was worried that if you and I > had kids, he’d suddenly have a whole new “threat” to deal with. Ow!” > > Clark quickly pulled his hand away from her leg. “Sorry. I was just trying > to see how deep this cut really is. Actually, I’m kind of surprised to see > that someone went to all the trouble to give you a few stitches.” > > “I have stitches?” Lois asked, her eyes widening as she quickly leaned > forward to take a better look. But the sudden movement sent a fresh wave of > pain through her, and she stopped quickly and closed her eyes, trying to > stem the pain. > > Clark reached out for her hand and gave it a sympathetic squeeze as she > closed her eyes against the pain. A moment later, she opened her eyes and > breathed an obvious sigh of relief when the throbbing diminished. > > “Are you okay?” he asked quietly. > > She nodded. “Yeah. Just remind me not to do that again.” She smiled > slightly, but Clark could tell it was forced, and his heart went out to her > for trying to lighten their precarious situation. > > Turning his attention back to her leg, he told her, “Yeah, you have a few > stitches, which it looks like you definitely needed for this gash. They > look pretty haphazard, but I guess they’ll have to do until we can find a > way to get out of here and get you to a doctor.” He shook his head and > looked up at her intently. “That guy definitely didn’t hesitate to go after > you with that knife. You really shouldn’t have challenged him, Lois.” > > Lois leaned heavily against the wall behind her and closed her eyes tiredly. > “I realize that now. Thanks.” > > Clark watched her for a moment, then averted his eyes and swallowed noisily. > When he spoke, his voice was hesitant and fearful. “Lois, I need to ask you > something.” > > She opened her eyes and met his gaze, waiting for him to go on. When he > did, his voice was so soft Lois had to strain to hear him. Avoiding her > eyes, he asked in a choked whisper, “Did Trask or his men…do…anything to > you?” > > Lois stared at Clark in surprise, suddenly realizing the torment he must’ve > been going through knowing that she was alone upstairs with Trask and his > men, unable to protect her, and not knowing what was happening to her. He > was so used to being able to protect everyone, especially the people he > loved, that she couldn’t imagine what a horrible ordeal he had suffered > while he was downstairs alone with his nightmarish fears about what they > could be doing to her. > > “Oh, Clark, I had no idea you were agonizing over this,” she said, reaching > out to put a hand on his forearm. “Why didn’t you say something?” > > Clark looked up to meet her gaze, and she saw that his eyes were shimmering > with unshed tears. “Lois, it’s all I’ve been able to think about. While > you were up there, it was killing me to know that they could’ve been doing > any number of things to you, and there was absolutely *nothing* I could do > about it. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so helpless in my entire life.” > > Lois felt tears in her eyes, too, and she gave his arm a reassuring squeeze. > “Clark, nothing like that happened. Trask and his men weren’t easy on me, > by any means. The big guy hit me once, but I doubt it’ll leave a bruise or > anything. Other than that, they pretty much kept their distance.” > > As she finished, Clark shook his head desolately. “Lois, you have no idea > how sorry I am to have gotten you involved in this. I never meant for > anything like this to happen.” > > “I know, Clark,” Lois reassured him quietly. “But you can’t blame yourself. > How could you have known this was all a set-up?” > > Clark met Lois’ gaze, and he saw in her eyes that she was being sincere. > She really didn’t blame him, and that meant more to him that he could ever > express. He reached up and pressed his palm against her cheek, gently > stroking her pale skin with his thumb. “Thank you, Lois.” > > She smiled back wearily and reached up to cover his hand with hers, closing > her eyes at his touch. It was comforting to have him there with her, to not > be in this alone. If she was, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to get herself > through it. But even as it was, her leg throbbed and her head still hurt, > and it was all she could think about to find a way out of this horrible > place. > > Dropping her hand from Clark’s, Lois glanced around the long, rectangular > room outside of their cell. “So how do you propose we get out of here?” > > Clark sighed and set her leg gently down on the cot beside him. Standing > up, he walked over to the cell door and shook it experimentally. It didn’t > budge. "Well, the Kryptonite must still be killing my powers because I > still feel really weak,” he reasoned, “so unfortunately, I don’t think they’ > re going to be any help. I think our best bet is just to sit tight and see > if an opportunity presents itself.” > > Lois' face fell, and it made Clark feel horrible. "Don't worry, Lois. > We'll find a way out of this. We always do." > > She nodded sadly. “Yeah, I guess.” She saw Clark’s shoulders slump and > immediately felt bad. “I’m sorry if I don’t sound very optimistic, Clark. > I’m sure we’ll find a way out sooner or later. I’m just not feeling that > great, that’s all.” > > “Then why don’t you lie down and get some sleep?” he suggested, walking back > over to her and squatting beside her. “You do look awfully pale. Besides, > it’s almost dawn,” he told her, nodding at the window in the far corner of > the room that was starting to let in the first signs of dawn, “and neither > of us have slept much since last night. We could both use the rest.” > > “Well, what about you?” Lois asked as he helped guide her into a laying > position on the cot. “Where are you going to sleep?” > > “Don’t worry about me, Lois. I’ll just doze here next to you.” He scooted > back into the corner next to the head of her cot, laid his head back against > the wall and reached up for her hand. > > Lois rolled over onto her side and slid her hand into his, holding onto it > tightly. Then she closed her eyes and let sleep come. > > ************************************* > > Erin :) > __________________ > > Visit my LNC/Kerth Website: > ***** > "It's not the years that count, it's the moments...right now, as they > happen." > __________________ ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 08:39:27 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "=?iso-8859-1?q?R.=20Ziegler?=" Subject: Re: The Darkest Hour part 18 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Great parts, Erin!! :) I love the scenes with Lois and Clark so much!!! But I'm really curious now: What will happen next??? When will Clark get his powers back (I hope soon)?? What will they do with Trask? ... Please more, soon...(I'm begging)...!!! Ren __________________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Gesendet von Yahoo! Mail - Yahoo! Auktionen - gleich ausprobieren - ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 09:54:30 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Nicole Wolke Subject: Re: The Darkest Hour part 18 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Uh uh... Lois and Clark still in the hands of the mad man. How am I supposed to make it through my ski vacation starting on saturday?! There's no chance that the story will be finished until then, Erin, is it? I love the story, it's wonderful! But I guess I said that already :-) Nicole -- AKA CKgroupie on IRC Are you always searching for news about Dean Cain? And don't you have enough time to find them? Go to: "The Dean Cain News Page" ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 14:42:01 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Nicole Wolke Subject: Re: Professional Rivals MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="------------A4F85F1D429316A69B634F38" --------------A4F85F1D429316A69B634F38 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I'm still way behind with my fanfiction reading from this list and just now made it to "Professional Rivals". Compliment on this one Daydreamer :-) I especially loved Clark's love declaration: > Since she didn't immediately reject the idea, he elaborated: "I > want to go to sleep beside you every night and wake up every > morning to your beautiful face. I want us to lay in the sunshine > all day and watch videos all night together." Dropping his voice > so they couldn't be overheard, he whispered: "I want to 'fly you > to the moon and play among the stars.' Lois I want to be with > you whenever and wherever I'm able." > very waffy :-) Nicole -- AKA CKgroupie on IRC Are you always searching for news about Dean Cain? And don't you have enough time to find them? Go to: "The Dean Cain News Page" --------------A4F85F1D429316A69B634F38 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I'm still way behind with my fanfiction reading from this list and just now made it to "Professional Rivals". Compliment on this one Daydreamer :-)

I especially loved Clark's love declaration:

Since she didn't immediately reject the idea, he elaborated: "I
want to go to sleep beside you every night and wake up every
morning to your beautiful face.  I want us to lay in the sunshine
all day and watch videos all night together."  Dropping his voice
so they couldn't be overheard, he whispered: "I want to 'fly you
to the moon and play among the stars.'  Lois I want to be with
you whenever and wherever I'm able."

very waffy :-)

AKA CKgroupie on IRC

Are you always searching for news about Dean Cain?
And don't you have enough time to find them?
Go to: "The Dean Cain News Page"
  --------------A4F85F1D429316A69B634F38-- ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 14:43:23 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Nicole Wolke Subject: Re: To Face The Day MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Juli, you had me on the edge of my seat! Very exciting story! Nicole -- AKA CKgroupie on IRC Are you always searching for news about Dean Cain? And don't you have enough time to find them? Go to: "The Dean Cain News Page" ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 08:37:53 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Lori Llorence Subject: Re: New:Threads of Confusion (1/?) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Great Story!! Keep it coming! Lori ---------- > From: Tara Smith > To: > Subject: New:Threads of Confusion (1/?) > Date: Tuesday, January 11, 2000 10:59 PM > > :) Ok, here's my newest effort. It was met with cheers from people on the > message boards, so I guess it's good enough to send out here, too. Any and > all feedback, good or bad, public or private, is always welcomed. I > promised Merry that I'd work in some waffs, so I tried. > > > Threads of Confusion pt 1 > > > Maggie stepped off the elevator and paused, taking in the sounds of the > newsroom. > > It had only been two days since the Black Circle had tried to summon up > their evil lord, Dahak, and practically destroyed Centennial Park in the > process. They had been stopped, of course, or she wouldn’t have a newsroom > or a job to return to. She wouldn’t even have a life since she had been > intended as the receptacle for Dahak’s essence. She was fortunate to have > survived. > > The people here at the Daily Planet had taken the whole thing in stride. > She had heard one employee say that this wasn’t even comparable to when the > New Kryptonians had come to Earth. It was only a park-leveling explosion, > after all. Nothing that couldn’t be cleaned up. > > “Maggie! What are you doing here?” > > Maggie turned to see her boyfriend, Jimmy Olson, coming up the ramp towards > her. She smiled at him. “I work here, Jimmy.” > > “Perry gave you a few days off, remember? You should be at home, resting.” > > She had been exhausted after she was rescued from the clutches of the Black > Circle. Perry had seen that and given her the rest of the week off. She, > of course, had felt mostly better after just one day of sunning and wanted > to come back to work. > > “Jimmy, I’m fine. I don’t need another day off. Besides, Lucy was starting > to drive me crazy. She was babbling about this new boyfriend of hers in > California. He’s going to some medical school out there,” she made a face. > “’Sides, I had to go out and do some things and figured that if I was up to > that, I could come in to work.” > > The elevator dinged behind them and she half turned to see Lois Lane and > Clark Kent coming out of the elevator. Lois, she knew, had been on an > interview. Clark she had run into on one of the rescues earlier in the day. > Clark had one arm around his wife’s shoulders. From their expressions, she > could tell they’d been . . . close on the ride up from the ground floor. > > She grinned at them. “Hi, guys! How’s that elevator music?” > > They laughed. Lois held up her recorder. “It’s nice to see you back in, > Maggie. I have to get this interview typed up, but we should talk > afterwards.” > > “Okay.” > > Lois and Clark exchanged a rather restrained kiss for them and Lois headed > over to her desk and immediately started typing before she had really seated > herself. Clark turned to the younger couple. > > “I ran into Superman on the way back. He said you seemed to be feeling > better.” > > Maggie nodded. “Yep. I’m at 100% again, CK.” > > “That’s good. Lois and I were a little worried about you.” > > Maggie grinned up at the handsome reporter. Lois and Clark had come to be > like family to her since she’d come to Metropolis earlier in the year. It > probably had something to do with her being the only other Kryptonian living > on Earth. That, along with her age and her abilities being less powerful > than Clarks, had at first made Clark overprotective of her. She had thought > it was rather sweet, actually, except for when it interfered with her need > to help others. He seemed to have mostly gotten over that since she had > helped bring down the evil cult just a few days before. > > “Thanks, CK, but you two don’t need to worry any more. I’m all better now!” > > He grinned back at her, obviously relieved. He opened his mouth to say > something more but their superhearing kicked in, interrupting him. A > jetliner had suffered explosive decompression and was trying to come in for > an emergency landing. Maggie couldn’t tell where it was, but Clark > undoubtedly could. > > “Um, I forgot my story notes in Lois’ car. I’ll talk to you later, ok?” > > Maggie nodded, fiercely quelling the feeling of inadequacy that she always > got when reminded of the things she couldn’t do that she should be able to. > They still hadn’t figured out why her abilities were so much weaker than > Clark’s were. Even Dr. Klein was stumped on the subject. > > “I’ll see you later.” She said to him as he turned and stepped into the > elevator, which had just disgorged a small group of people. > > “Maggie,” Jimmy said. Maggie pulled her attention back to him. “We need to > talk.” > > “Ok,” she agreed, puzzled by the uncomfortable note in his voice. What > could he possibly want to talk to her about that would make him feel > nervous? > > “Um, in the conference room?” > > She nodded, now even more confused, and followed him to one of the > conference rooms set along one wall. They were usually used for meetings or > interviews and were equipped with blinds for privacy. They entered one and > Jimmy pulled the blinds. > > “So, what’s up Jimmy?” she asked. > > He turned to face her. “I want to talk to you about Sara.” > > “What about her?” > > “I mean, about what she. . . what you do.” > > “Is there a problem?” > > “Well, sort of. I think you should stop being Sara. For a little while, > anyway.” > > “What?” Maggie stared at him, stunned. Of all the possible things he could > have said, this was the only one she hadn’t even thought of. > > “I mean, you’re not invulnerable. You can be hurt. Like with what the > Black Circle did. You were almost killed!” > > “Key word here, Jimmy! ‘Almost’! I’m fine now!” Maggie was beginning to > get mad. How could he suggest something like that? Give up being Sara? He > might as well ask her to cut off her own arm! > > “Yeah, but what if someone throws a bomb at you like they did at Superman? > How badly would that hurt you?” > > Maggie shrugged. “I have no idea! But that’s not the point! You want me > to give up something that I need to do as much as I need to breathe!” > > “Why? You’re nowhere near as powerful as Superman is! Why could this be so > important to you?” > > Maggie jerked back as if she’d been slapped, all of her feelings of > inadequacy about her powers rekindled. “What did you say?” > > “I don’t understand why you have to put yourself at risk like that! You’re > not as powerful as Superman is! You can’t . . .” > > “If you can’t understand why I do it, then maybe we shouldn’t be dating!” > Maggie shouted. > > The newsroom outside the conference room went dead silent at her shout, > which was audible even through the plate glass windows of the conference > room. > > “Maybe we shouldn’t!” Jimmy shouted. > > “Fine!” Maggie threw open the conference room door. Clark, who had > returned from the airplane rescue and was standing behind it, caught the > door before it collided with the glass window and shattered it into a > million pieces. Maggie barely noticed him as she stalked away. > > Clark exchanged a meaningful look with Lois, who was still seated at her > desk. > > “Is this a newsroom or a soap opera?” Perry was standing at the door to his > office looking irritated. “C’mon, everybody, the show’s over. Get back to > work!” > > > > ********** > > > Maggie stared glumly over the city. She was perched on top of the highest > building in the city, figuring that this was the only way she could be left > alone while she thought. And she had a lot to think about. How dare Jimmy > try to make her quit being Sara? It wasn’t just a job! She couldn’t just > stop wanting to help people! So what if she wasn’t as invulnerable as > Superman was! She still had these abilities and the need to use them! She > couldn’t just turn it off! > > A whooshing behind her announced Superman’s arrival. > > “Can I join you?” He sounded concerned. > > “Sure. Grab a patch of concrete.” She motioned to the edge of the rooftop > beside her. > > He settled himself down beside her, cape tucked beneath him, and stared off > over the city. “I heard about your fight with Jimmy.” > > Maggie laughed shortly. “I’m pretty sure half of Metropolis heard it. We > weren’t exactly quiet.” > > “No, you weren’t.” A pause. “You know, Jimmy’s feeling pretty bad about > it, too.” > > “So?” She flashed Superman an indignant look. “Why should I care? He > brought this on himself! How dare he ask me to stop helping people! Lois > would never ask you to stop!” > > “Our situations a little different from yours.” Superman sounded a little > uncomfortable. He still wasn’t used to the thought of Maggie knowing his > secret, even though she had the same secret to keep. “Maybe you should let > it cool off a little before you talk again.” > > Maggie nodded, gaze on the skyline again. “That’s what I’d planned on. > Assuming we talk again, of course. So was that why you came up here? To > tell me to cool down before talking to him again?” > > “Actually no, it wasn’t. Lois and I know that you were planning on spending > Christmas night with Jimmy, but . . .” > > “That’s off. I was thinking of patrolling on Christmas night. Making sure > the criminal element didn’t get out of hand.” > > “We’d like you to have Christmas dinner with us.” > > Maggie turned a startled look on him. “Really?” > > Superman nodded. > > Maggie grinned and wiped sudden tears from her eyes. She threw her arms > around Superman. “Yes! Of course I accept! Thank you so much!” > > Superman gingerly returned the hug. “You’re welcome. We couldn’t let you > spend Christmas night alone. You’re like a little sister to us.” > > Maggie smiled up at him. “Well, big brother, it’s nice to have family > again.” > > > to be continued . . . > > "Thou shalt remember the Eleventh Commandment and keep it Wholly." Robert A. Heinlein > ----------------------------------------------- > FREE! The World's Best Email Address > Reserve your name now at ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 14:21:16 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carolyn Schnall Subject: Re: OT: Dean on Regis and Kathie Lee In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Thanks, Anita> I noticed that there were breaks in the broadcast bu there was no 20 minute problem here. Still, I appreciate the information. Thanks, Carolyn >At 05:24 PM 1/10/00 -0500, you wrote: >>Just out of curiosity, since R&KL is on when L&C was on here, does anyone >>know which ep was shown today? >> >>Yesterday's was supposed to be Resurrection but was Tempus Fugitive >>instead, so the schedule is off. > >Today TNT had Individual Responsibility, continuing the weekday episodes in >order. I think what happened yesterday was a result of TNT crashing Friday >morning right at the climax of the Tempus Fugitive episode (they were off >the air for about 20 minutes). I was taping it with a NEW FoLC, my sister. > Fortunately I already had a copy of the episode so we finished watching it >from that tape. > >Anyway, maybe some people complained to TNT so they repeated it sunday for >the fanatics to retape (like me). > >Regards ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 14:31:56 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carolyn Schnall Subject: Re: Perry's edits (was Re: Clark's Portfolio: #2) In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/enriched; charset="us-ascii" TimesDear Debby: I must congratulate you upon a piece of editorial criticism unsurpassed in my experience. You were evidently more successful at impersonating Perry White than I was at impersonating Clark Kent. I'm sure Clark would attempt to take the editing in stride, man-to-man as it were. I, however, as the real author of the piece, am having trouble not taking this personally. I was feeling very ill with the remnants of flu when I read this on Monday, and I have a remarkably thin skin even in good health. I am attempting not to throw a flame back but to express my disappointment in civil terms. You evidently enjoyed the exercise, and your edits would hold up in the real world better than my apparently paltry attempt at writing a news article. Perhaps you should have responded similarly to my first portfolio attempt and that would have saved everyone some time. My private editor agrees with me. I dare say PW would not have published his edits to the entire news room, no matter how cogent his comments might be. Perhaps you meant to be cute and you certainly wrote completely in character. Perhaps you thought this would be funny and at least one person posted that she thought it hilarious. I am ...not laughing. When I wrote that contributions were welcome, I naively expected that said contributions would come in the form of more articles attempted in CK's style. I do not recall requesting feedback although I guess a discussion might have been useful. Perhaps my intentions were unclear. I never meant for this to be a role-playing fanfic, but I guess you thought this was fair game. I know of at least one attempt at a CK portfolio article in progress but now seriously wonder if anyone could reasonably be expected to expose him or herself to a public red pencil fest. What might have been a good idea will now die on the vine, or the net, whichever you prefer. I find it hard to believe that someone I so admire and who I credit with my entry into FoLCdom, who has always been so publicly and privately kind, generous, supportive, and encouraging to me in the past, should overlook the consequences of such a clever posting at my expense. Perhaps a gentler means of displaying your disappointment at my poor article writing could have been found. I doubt you meant it as seriously as I am taking it. I apologize for being so sensitive. I would have preferred to keep this private but the public damage had already been done. I hope I have been articulate in this response, even if I failed to be initially. I also apologize for the great length of this response. Carolyn > Well, Clark, it's an interesting story. A bit melodramatic > for the front page so I think we'll put it back on Human Interest > Section on Thursday. Way back. Between the Walmart and Sears ads. > > Are you listening? Have I got your attention? I hope so. Read on. > I consider this a first draft of your story. > > At 12:23 PM 01/07/2000 -0500, you wrote: > > [stuff clark didn't know about... > >> >> Here's my second Clark article. >> Anyone is welcome to contribute to the portfolio:) >> >> Thanks, >> Carolyn >> > > > now stuff Clark thinks he wrote...] > > > >>snip rest of edit<<<< ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 14:01:15 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Hodges, Sue" Subject: Re: New:Threads of Confusion (1/?) Comments: To: Lori Llorence MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" I agree, Lori. Great story. -----Original Message----- From: Lori Llorence To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Sent: 1/12/00 10:37 AM Subject: Re: New:Threads of Confusion (1/?) Great Story!! Keep it coming! Lori ---------- > From: Tara Smith > To: > Subject: New:Threads of Confusion (1/?) > Date: Tuesday, January 11, 2000 10:59 PM > > :) Ok, here's my newest effort. It was met with cheers from people on the > message boards, so I guess it's good enough to send out here, too. Any and > all feedback, good or bad, public or private, is always welcomed. I > promised Merry that I'd work in some waffs, so I tried. > > > Threads of Confusion pt 1 > > > Maggie stepped off the elevator and paused, taking in the sounds of the > newsroom. > > It had only been two days since the Black Circle had tried to summon up > their evil lord, Dahak, and practically destroyed Centennial Park in the > process. They had been stopped, of course, or she wouldn't have a newsroom > or a job to return to. She wouldn't even have a life since she had been > intended as the receptacle for Dahak's essence. She was fortunate to have > survived. > > The people here at the Daily Planet had taken the whole thing in stride. > She had heard one employee say that this wasn't even comparable to when the > New Kryptonians had come to Earth. It was only a park-leveling explosion, > after all. Nothing that couldn't be cleaned up. > > "Maggie! What are you doing here?" > > Maggie turned to see her boyfriend, Jimmy Olson, coming up the ramp towards > her. She smiled at him. "I work here, Jimmy." > > "Perry gave you a few days off, remember? You should be at home, resting." > > She had been exhausted after she was rescued from the clutches of the Black > Circle. Perry had seen that and given her the rest of the week off. She, > of course, had felt mostly better after just one day of sunning and wanted > to come back to work. > > "Jimmy, I'm fine. I don't need another day off. Besides, Lucy was starting > to drive me crazy. She was babbling about this new boyfriend of hers in > California. He's going to some medical school out there," she made a face. > "'Sides, I had to go out and do some things and figured that if I was up to > that, I could come in to work." > > The elevator dinged behind them and she half turned to see Lois Lane and > Clark Kent coming out of the elevator. Lois, she knew, had been on an > interview. Clark she had run into on one of the rescues earlier in the day. > Clark had one arm around his wife's shoulders. From their expressions, she > could tell they'd been . . . close on the ride up from the ground floor. > > She grinned at them. "Hi, guys! How's that elevator music?" > > They laughed. Lois held up her recorder. "It's nice to see you back in, > Maggie. I have to get this interview typed up, but we should talk > afterwards." > > "Okay." > > Lois and Clark exchanged a rather restrained kiss for them and Lois headed > over to her desk and immediately started typing before she had really seated > herself. Clark turned to the younger couple. > > "I ran into Superman on the way back. He said you seemed to be feeling > better." > > Maggie nodded. "Yep. I'm at 100% again, CK." > > "That's good. Lois and I were a little worried about you." > > Maggie grinned up at the handsome reporter. Lois and Clark had come to be > like family to her since she'd come to Metropolis earlier in the year. It > probably had something to do with her being the only other Kryptonian living > on Earth. That, along with her age and her abilities being less powerful > than Clarks, had at first made Clark overprotective of her. She had thought > it was rather sweet, actually, except for when it interfered with her need > to help others. He seemed to have mostly gotten over that since she had > helped bring down the evil cult just a few days before. > > "Thanks, CK, but you two don't need to worry any more. I'm all better now!" > > He grinned back at her, obviously relieved. He opened his mouth to say > something more but their superhearing kicked in, interrupting him. A > jetliner had suffered explosive decompression and was trying to come in for > an emergency landing. Maggie couldn't tell where it was, but Clark > undoubtedly could. > > "Um, I forgot my story notes in Lois' car. I'll talk to you later, ok?" > > Maggie nodded, fiercely quelling the feeling of inadequacy that she always > got when reminded of the things she couldn't do that she should be able to. > They still hadn't figured out why her abilities were so much weaker than > Clark's were. Even Dr. Klein was stumped on the subject. > > "I'll see you later." She said to him as he turned and stepped into the > elevator, which had just disgorged a small group of people. > > "Maggie," Jimmy said. Maggie pulled her attention back to him. "We need to > talk." > > "Ok," she agreed, puzzled by the uncomfortable note in his voice. What > could he possibly want to talk to her about that would make him feel > nervous? > > "Um, in the conference room?" > > She nodded, now even more confused, and followed him to one of the > conference rooms set along one wall. They were usually used for meetings or > interviews and were equipped with blinds for privacy. They entered one and > Jimmy pulled the blinds. > > "So, what's up Jimmy?" she asked. > > He turned to face her. "I want to talk to you about Sara." > > "What about her?" > > "I mean, about what she. . . what you do." > > "Is there a problem?" > > "Well, sort of. I think you should stop being Sara. For a little while, > anyway." > > "What?" Maggie stared at him, stunned. Of all the possible things he could > have said, this was the only one she hadn't even thought of. > > "I mean, you're not invulnerable. You can be hurt. Like with what the > Black Circle did. You were almost killed!" > > "Key word here, Jimmy! 'Almost'! I'm fine now!" Maggie was beginning to > get mad. How could he suggest something like that? Give up being Sara? He > might as well ask her to cut off her own arm! > > "Yeah, but what if someone throws a bomb at you like they did at Superman? > How badly would that hurt you?" > > Maggie shrugged. "I have no idea! But that's not the point! You want me > to give up something that I need to do as much as I need to breathe!" > > "Why? You're nowhere near as powerful as Superman is! Why could this be so > important to you?" > > Maggie jerked back as if she'd been slapped, all of her feelings of > inadequacy about her powers rekindled. "What did you say?" > > "I don't understand why you have to put yourself at risk like that! You're > not as powerful as Superman is! You can't . . ." > > "If you can't understand why I do it, then maybe we shouldn't be dating!" > Maggie shouted. > > The newsroom outside the conference room went dead silent at her shout, > which was audible even through the plate glass windows of the conference > room. > > "Maybe we shouldn't!" Jimmy shouted. > > "Fine!" Maggie threw open the conference room door. Clark, who had > returned from the airplane rescue and was standing behind it, caught the > door before it collided with the glass window and shattered it into a > million pieces. Maggie barely noticed him as she stalked away. > > Clark exchanged a meaningful look with Lois, who was still seated at her > desk. > > "Is this a newsroom or a soap opera?" Perry was standing at the door to his > office looking irritated. "C'mon, everybody, the show's over. Get back to > work!" > > > > ********** > > > Maggie stared glumly over the city. She was perched on top of the highest > building in the city, figuring that this was the only way she could be left > alone while she thought. And she had a lot to think about. How dare Jimmy > try to make her quit being Sara? It wasn't just a job! She couldn't just > stop wanting to help people! So what if she wasn't as invulnerable as > Superman was! She still had these abilities and the need to use them! She > couldn't just turn it off! > > A whooshing behind her announced Superman's arrival. > > "Can I join you?" He sounded concerned. > > "Sure. Grab a patch of concrete." She motioned to the edge of the rooftop > beside her. > > He settled himself down beside her, cape tucked beneath him, and stared off > over the city. "I heard about your fight with Jimmy." > > Maggie laughed shortly. "I'm pretty sure half of Metropolis heard it. We > weren't exactly quiet." > > "No, you weren't." A pause. "You know, Jimmy's feeling pretty bad about > it, too." > > "So?" She flashed Superman an indignant look. "Why should I care? He > brought this on himself! How dare he ask me to stop helping people! Lois > would never ask you to stop!" > > "Our situations a little different from yours." Superman sounded a little > uncomfortable. He still wasn't used to the thought of Maggie knowing his > secret, even though she had the same secret to keep. "Maybe you should let > it cool off a little before you talk again." > > Maggie nodded, gaze on the skyline again. "That's what I'd planned on. > Assuming we talk again, of course. So was that why you came up here? To > tell me to cool down before talking to him again?" > > "Actually no, it wasn't. Lois and I know that you were planning on spending > Christmas night with Jimmy, but . . ." > > "That's off. I was thinking of patrolling on Christmas night. Making sure > the criminal element didn't get out of hand." > > "We'd like you to have Christmas dinner with us." > > Maggie turned a startled look on him. "Really?" > > Superman nodded. > > Maggie grinned and wiped sudden tears from her eyes. She threw her arms > around Superman. "Yes! Of course I accept! Thank you so much!" > > Superman gingerly returned the hug. "You're welcome. We couldn't let you > spend Christmas night alone. You're like a little sister to us." > > Maggie smiled up at him. "Well, big brother, it's nice to have family > again." > > > to be continued . . . > > "Thou shalt remember the Eleventh Commandment and keep it Wholly." Robert A. Heinlein > ----------------------------------------------- > FREE! The World's Best Email Address > Reserve your name now at ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 15:39:39 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Felix E. Sung" Subject: OT: new email address In case anyone cares, I've changed my email address. If for some reason you wish to email me privately regarding the fanfics I've written, send to "" (without the quotes). Thanks. Felix aka Filex ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 18:40:48 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: Re: Perry's edits (was Re: Clark's Portfolio: #2) In-Reply-To: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 02:31 PM 01/12/2000 -0500, you wrote: > > You evidently enjoyed the exercise, and your edits would hold up in the real > world better than my apparently paltry attempt at writing a news article. > Perhaps you should have responded similarly to my first portfolio attempt and > that would have saved everyone some time. Your first one is somewhere in my yet-to-be-read mail box > > My private editor agrees with me. You might want to run your stories past that person a few times to pick up at least the grammar. I frequently make errors even after several people have gone over my work. > > I dare say PW would not have published his edits to the entire news room, no > matter how cogent his comments might be. I think it would depend on what he expected and how surprised he was at the results. He hired Clark because Clark showed initiative and ability to write. > > Perhaps you meant to be cute First I was alarmed--is this *our Clark* writing? That alarm prompted me to stay 2 hours past my normal bedtime working on the reply. > > and you certainly wrote completely in character. Perhaps you thought this > would be funny and at least one person posted that she thought it > hilarious. I am ...not laughing. Neither am I. [snip] > > I doubt you meant it as seriously as I am taking it. I apologize for being > so sensitive. I would have preferred to keep this private but the public > damage had already been done. I hope I have been articulate in this > response, even if I failed to be initially. I also apologize for the great > length of this response. I regret that you took it personally. Perhaps I should have noted down all the information and written the story as Lois might have or even Jimmy, but I don't actually care about those two as much as I care about Clark. Debby ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 22:39:14 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Barb Cartwright Subject: OT: Switching your Email address I want to change my email address. Do I need to leave the list and re-join or can I do it without leaving? Barb ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 01:03:13 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Cristalynn Pavloff Subject: Re: OT: Switching your Email address MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I believe you need to leave the list, change your address, and then rejoin. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 08:46:03 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Charlotte Fisler Subject: Re: The Darkest Hour part 18 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I'm seconding all the begging on this one. Please, please don't keep us in suspense much longer. We're in misery out here awaiting the conclusion of this great story. Charlotte ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 08:36:52 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin Klingler Subject: Re: The Darkest Hour part 18 In-Reply-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Charlotte wrote: > I'm seconding all the begging on this one. > > Please, please don't keep us in suspense much longer. > > We're in misery out here awaiting the conclusion of this great story. Thanks! It's *great* to hear that ppl are anxious to read this story, especially considering my struggle these last couple of days. I'm suffering from what I can only hope is a temporary bout of inadequacy (I'm sure I'm not the only writer to do so--dontcha just hate that? :P). As soon as I can get over it, I'll post more...hopefully even later today, if I can force myself to. :P Anyway, thanks for all the wonderful feedback, everyone!! It helps me SO much, even if it does make me realize just how much I still need to learn as a writer. ;) Part 19 to come ASAP... Erin :) __________________ Visit my LNC/Kerth Website: ***** "It's not the years that count, it's the moments...right now, as they happen." __________________ ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 07:43:46 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Lori Llorence Subject: Re: OT: Switching your Email address MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thanks to everyone who helped me with this problem. I didn't want to miss a minute of the stories on this list, and I was kind of worried. It worked out alright though, and I changed it with ease! Thanks again! Lori ---------- > From: Cristalynn Pavloff > To: > Subject: Re: OT: Switching your Email address > Date: Wednesday, January 12, 2000 2:03 PM > > I believe you need to leave the list, change your address, and then rejoin. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 09:05:19 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: sharper Subject: Re: The Darkest Hour part 18 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > Thanks! It's *great* to hear that ppl are anxious to read this story, > especially considering my struggle these last couple of days. Good God, Erin, I'm dying here! I can't bear these cliffhanger things. I'm the kind of person who will read until 2 or 3 in the morning if it's one of the big fics, just to finish it at a single setting. And this is a really good, tense story, and I want to know how L&C are going to get out of this!!! > I'm suffering from what I can only hope > is a temporary bout of inadequacy (I'm sure I'm > not the only writer to do so--dontcha just hate that? :P). And you're absolutely right. But I have to admit that most of my feelings of inadequacy occur before and after I've written the story. I rarely feel inadequate in the midst of writing, mostly, I think, because the writing just consumes me. But I thought you had this written already and that we were just functioning as beta readers for you before it goes to the archive? What's the deal? And why haven't you already posted parts 19 and 20?!! > Anyway, thanks for all the wonderful feedback, everyone!! It helps me SO > much, even if it does make me realize just how much I still need to learn as > a writer. ;) Erin, you're doing a good job. Just help me out a little here and get more of the story posted--IMMEDIATELY! I'm sure we'll all be happy to help you learn more as a writer AFTER you get the rest of the story on the board! Sheila ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 17:01:36 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Petra Steudle Subject: Re: The Darkest Hour part 18 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Erin wrote: > As soon as I can > get over it, I'll post more...hopefully even later today, if I can force > myself to. :P Anything we can do to help you over it? Send chocolate maybe? Money? ;) Or does it help to say we're anxiously waiting for the next parts? At least I am while checking my mailbox more often than usual for part 19+ and permenantely asking myself how I would write Lois & Clark out of this situation :) Petra aka KiwiPit on IRC "Once burned twice shy I've learned I've cried And I never gonna hurt that way again" mailto: ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 11:49:01 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Tylke, Judith" Subject: New; Lines of Communication MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Hello, I sent off LOC in the midst of simulatanious preperations for the start of the new semester and a week long absence on my part for wrist surgery, which also meant getting my son ready for a weeks stay with his grandparents, so I didn't get back to email before having surgery. How lovely to get home and find so many people read and enjoyed my story! Much better then the best drugs for making you feel good! Yes Nan, you get to take the credit, or blame (g) for this one as well as the seeds for two or three others currently waiting attention... They will have to wait for me to finish two other stories which I've got going. I'll get those mailed out to those patient souls who are waiting for them as my energy level allows today, frequent naps are very much part of the next few days agenda... I wanted to get a certain rythmn for the phone call 'conversation' which I found was broken when I inserted elipsis or other identifiers in that part of the story, sorry you found it hard to follow Pam but I think I got the effect I wanted from what Wendy and others said. At one point I had no real description of action at all during the 'conversation' but the image of Lois stabbing at the machine would not leave me until I added it. The suit too took on a life of it's own and the phrase "I'm not supposed to love you in those clothes' was actually one of the bits which came from Nan's helpfull suggestion. It echoed for me as well Wendy, and I realised that the costume is a 'charecter' in many ways. I often will put neat phrasing that I'm not ready for yet in a story at the end to be placed where I want them later. Nan's suggestion that I write something which I never intended to show anyone, a sort of mind clearer, turned into a file where I just let all the voices and images get out and on paper regardless of which story, or idea, or even having something that concrete to go with a phrase really didn't matter. It works a treat and has the benifit of giving you a kind of 'idea box' for later, I highly reccomend it to everyone, in whatever variation works best for you, for the times when the muses and charecters seem to have wills of thier own. Thanks again Nan! The patch of sunlight on the couch is calling my name and I've got a stack of fanfic waiting to be read, there's a up side to everything - if I've got to be homebound at least I've got lots to entertain me! JT, who is determined the cat will share the sunbeam... ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 10:09:52 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin Klingler Subject: Re: The Darkest Hour part 18 In-Reply-To: <001a01bf5ddf$fe778880$> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thanks, Sheila and Petra! You're comments have definitely made me feel better. ;) I initially decided to post this in pieces because I was struggling with getting it finished since this had so much more A-plot involved than I was used to dealing with, and I was hoping (and I was right ;) that having everyone force me to finish it would be my only hope. Sheila wrote: >>But I have to admit that most of my feelings of inadequacy occur before and after I've written the story. I rarely feel inadequate in the midst of writing, mostly, I think, because the writing just consumes me. << Usually I'm the same way, but this time I hadn't counted on all the great feedback and suggested plot edits I've gotten from you wonderful writers, asking me things like, "Wouldn't they consider that they'd be bugged in the cell?" and "wouldn't Trask's fortress be more high-tech?" so I had to rewrite big sections of this story, which will probably make it a bit more entailed when I finally get it sent to the archive. Plus, having not thought of all that stuff made me question my ability to write something this involved, thus my recent bout with inadequacy. And Sheila asked: >>But I thought you had this written already and that we were just functioning as beta readers for you before it goes to the archive? << Yes, for the most part, the story is all but finished. I just have to iron out a couple of newly pointed out plot holes near the end, write a few transitional scenes, and make a few changes that now need to be made due to suggestions given to me. Other than that, yes. It's written, though I'm suddenly not sure that it's as good as it could be. But I'm working on that. ;) Anyway, I went ahead and finished up parts 19 and 20, and will be sending them here shortly. Keep in mind these parts may still need some future tweaking. ;) Erin :) __________________ Visit my LNC/Kerth Website: ***** "It's not the years that count, it's the moments...right now, as they happen." __________________ > -----Original Message----- > From: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic > [mailto:LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU]On Behalf Of sharper > Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2000 9:05 AM > To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU > Subject: Re: The Darkest Hour part 18 > > > > Thanks! It's *great* to hear that ppl are anxious to read this story, > > especially considering my struggle these last couple of days. > > Good God, Erin, I'm dying here! I can't bear these cliffhanger > things. I'm > the kind of person who will read until 2 or 3 in the morning if > it's one of > the big fics, just to finish it at a single setting. And this is a really > good, tense story, and I want to know how L&C are going to get out of > this!!! > > > I'm suffering from what I can only hope > > is a temporary bout of inadequacy (I'm sure I'm > > not the only writer to do so--dontcha just hate that? :P). > > And you're absolutely right. But I have to admit that most of my feelings > of inadequacy occur before and after I've written the story. I > rarely feel > inadequate in the midst of writing, mostly, I think, because the writing > just consumes me. But I thought you had this written already and that we > were just functioning as beta readers for you before it goes to > the archive? > What's the deal? And why haven't you already posted parts 19 and 20?!! > > > Anyway, thanks for all the wonderful feedback, everyone!! It > helps me SO > > much, even if it does make me realize just how much I still > need to learn > as > > a writer. ;) > > Erin, you're doing a good job. Just help me out a little here > and get more > of the story posted--IMMEDIATELY! I'm sure we'll all be happy to help you > learn more as a writer AFTER you get the rest of the story on the > board! > > Sheila > ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 10:11:17 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin Klingler Subject: NEW: The Darkest Hour part 19 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit The Darkest Hour (Before the Dawn) by Erin Klingler part 19 ***************************************** “Jimmy! Where are those photos I asked for?” Perry shouted, sending Jimmy scurrying for his desk. “They’re right here, Chief! Just a minute.” Jimmy sighed as he reached his desk and started thumbing through the stack of files and photos scattered around on top of his keyboard. Perry had been on a rampage since the day after Christmas when everybody had come back from the holiday break. He was completely obsessed with the upcoming New Year’s day deadline for the launching of the Planet’s on-line paper, and he was on everyone’s back to bring him the miracle story that would give the on-line paper a spectacular debut. But so far, nobody had found that story, which just meant everybody was working twice as hard to stay out of his doghouse. “Riding you again, is he?” Jimmy looked up to see Manny leaning against the desk, smiling at him. “Yeah, I guess you could say that,” he admitted with a sigh as he glanced toward Perry’s office. “Nothing I do is good enough for him these last couple of days. I wish I’d been as lucky as Lois and Clark to get a couple of extra days off. Boy, I sure envy them. A romantic getaway, spending time alone up in the mountains…how would it be?” Manny’s smile faded slightly, but he recovered quickly. “Yeah, I’m sure they’re having the time of their lives.” “Well, I’d better rush these over to Perry,” Jimmy announced. “I’ll catch you later.” Manny nodded and stepped back from the desk. “Yeah, I’ve got some work to do, too. See you later.” When Jimmy dug out the photos Perry was asking for, he hurried to the editor ’s office and walked in through the open door. He saw that Perry was on the phone, so he waited for him to finish. He couldn’t help overhearing the urgency in Perry’s voice as he finished his conversation. “Yeah, we’ve got several big stories on the burner, and I assure you, we’ll be ready to give this on-line paper a royal debut. Guaranteed. Yeah. Okay, I’ll keep you posted.” Jimmy cocked an eyebrow at Perry as he hung up the phone. “We’ve got some big stories? When did this happen?” Perry glowered at him from across his desk. “It didn’t. I was just trying to cover the fact that, as of right now, we have squat!” He leaned back in his chair and rubbed at his forehead as Jimmy handed him the photos he wanted. “What about that jewel theft piece Lois was working on?” Perry asked desperately. “Did she say anything about it before she left? Like maybe it had some interesting twist we could use?” “I don’t know, Chief,” Jimmy admitted. “I know she was working on it before she left, but she didn’t seem very enthused about it.” “That’s just great,” Perry grumbled. “What am I supposed to lead off with? Jefferson’s piece about the number of convicts who play shopping mall Santas?” Jimmy grinned, but an immediate ‘that wasn’t supposed to be funny’ look from Perry quickly made his smile fade. Jimmy started to leave the office when something suddenly came to him. He turned back to Perry thoughtfully. “Hey, I just thought of something,” he said, immediately drawing Perry’s undivided attention. “Manny gave Lois a disk that had the jewel thief’s rap sheet and background, but we couldn’t open the file because the disk looked like it had gone bad. I told her I’d see if I could figure out a way to save some of the information from the disk, but I never found time to do it before she and Clark left on vacation. Do you want me to fool with it? Lois told me that you’d put her on the story because you thought there might be something there that could lead to a theft ring or something like that. If I could salvage some of the information on that disk, you could put another reporter on it, and find out if there’s a story there somewhere.” Perry thought for a minute and then nodded. “Sure, I guess it’s worth a shot. What else have I got to go with? Let me know what you find out.” Jimmy nodded and took a couple of steps toward the door, just happy to be on the editor’s good side for the time being. “You got it, Chief.” He hurried across the newsroom to Lois’ desk and sat down in her chair, quickly switching on her computer. Then he opened her top desk drawer where he knew she kept her disks and thumbed through the notepads and other miscellaneous items within. He succeeded in finding a couple of disks, but neither were the right one. Leaning back in her chair, he tried to decide what to do next. Then he suddenly remembered she’d also saved it onto her desktop. He sat up and reached for her mouse, quickly scanning the folders on her desktop. Finally he found one he suspected might be the one and opened it. Sure enough, a screenful of jumbled characters flashed onto the screen in front of him. For the next half hour, he used everything he knew to fix it, but nothing seemed to help. Finally, with a sigh of resignation, he turned off Lois’ computer. Whatever information had been in that file was long gone. Unless…. Quickly pushing the chair back from Lois’ desk, Jimmy made a beeline for Manny’s desk. If Manny had gotten the information for Lois, maybe he still had a backup file of it somewhere. At least it was worth a shot. Deciding to take the stairs instead of the elevator, Jimmy hurried down one flight of stairs to the research department and turned down the long row of nearly floor to ceiling bookshelves jammed with research information on the way to Manny’s desk. Manny’s desk was just behind the wall of shelves and in the corner, and as Jimmy weaved his way between bookshelves to reach it, he envied how Manny had been able to secure himself such a secluded spot, where you didn’t feel like the boss was constantly watching you. Just as Jimmy reached the end of the shelves and started to turn the corner of Manny’s little niche, he heard Manny’s voice and realized his friend was on the phone. And from the hushed tones Manny was using, it was a personal conversation. Jimmy stopped where he was, deciding to wait a minute so he didn’t interrupt Manny’s conversation. But as he leaned up against the bookshelves, Jimmy couldn’t help overhearing Manny’s end of the conversation. “No, everything’s set,” Manny said quietly to the person on the other end of the phone line. “I just finished uploading the virus, and it’s set to activate on midnight of New Year’s. With all the Y2K hype, everyone will think it was their computers that failed, never suspecting it was a virus they contracted from accessing the Planet’s first ever on-line issue. It’s all just like you wanted.” Jimmy’s eyes widened. A virus? Sent through the Planet’s systems? Surely Manny had to be joking. Didn’t he know how devastating a computer virus could be? Especially if the hundreds of thousands of people they were expecting to access the first on-line issue of the Planet had their systems infected with it. Manny’s voice reached his ears again, and Jimmy strained to listen. “Yeah. It’s all done. No one suspects a thing. Okay. I have a couple of errands to run, then I’ll see you in a couple of hours.” As Jimmy heard him hang up the phone, he quickly moved back away from the end of the shelves and ducked into the entrance of another row of shelves, pressing himself up against the books as he heard Manny’s footsteps approach and then pass by him down the aisle. When Jimmy was alone, he stepped out from behind the shelves, bewildered. *Manny? Planting a virus?* Jimmy thought in confusion. *Just when you think you know a guy…* In a state of shock, Jimmy left the way he came and headed back up the stairs to the newsroom floor. He had to do something. Tell someone. With so many research files on Manny’s computer, he was sure it would take him days, maybe even weeks, to find whatever virus it was he’d planted. But with New Year’s just a couple of days away, he knew he didn’t have that kind of time. Speeding up his step when he reached the newsroom, he hurried into Perry’s office and shut the door behind him. Perry looked up at him in surprise. “Is there something you needed, Jimmy?” Jimmy nodded. “Perry, I think we have a serious problem.” Perry’s eyebrows drew together, and he sat more upright in his chair. “A problem? With what?” Jimmy hurried to explain about the phone conversation he’d overheard downstairs, and when he finished, Perry’s face deepened into a frown. “A virus? Are you sure you heard right?” “Completely. I’m having a hard time believing it myself,” Jimmy agreed. “But believe me, I know what I heard.” “That’s just great!” Perry grumbled, pushing his chair back from his desk and standing up. “The Daily Planet is getting ready to launch its first ever on-line issue in just a couple of days, and we have a potential dangerous virus lurking on an employee’s computer? This is definitely something I don’t need! Can you get rid of it?” “Well, I guess it would depend on what kind of virus it is,” Jimmy said hesitantly. “But if it’s something Manny and the person he was talking created, none of the virus checkers would catch it since it’s brand new. It could take me days to find it, if I got lucky. And even if I did, I might not be able to figure out how to disable it. If you ask me, we should be getting some help with this. There’s too much at stake.” Perry reached out to pick up the phone. “I agree. So let’s see what the computer techs can do.” “Um, no offense, Perry, but I’ve seen those guys work,” Jimmy told him. “I could program rings around most of them. I don’t see that they’re going to be much help.” Perry nodded to show he understood, but continued to dial. “Yeah, maybe. But if we don’t do something, we’re going to be in a world of trouble.” ***** Sunlight streamed in through the single window outside of the cell, falling across Lois’ features and causing her to stir. She opened her eyes and blinked a couple of times, trying to bring her surroundings into focus. Everything seemed unfamiliar and out of place, and it took her a minute to finally remember where she was and what had happened. Her arm stung from being asleep, and she pulled it toward her, clenching and unclenching her fist a few times to get the blood circulation flowing again. Lifting her head off the cot, she propped herself up on her side and looked around. Clark was still sitting on the floor at the head of her cot, his head slumped against the cot’s framework and his eyes closed. She smiled. He looked so peaceful when he was asleep, so child-like. She watched him for several minutes before he finally seemed to sense her watching him. His eyelids fluttered open and he lifted his head to look around, seeming as momentarily disoriented as she’d been minutes before. His sleepy gaze swept around them, then fell on her. The corners of his mouth twitched and he smiled sleepily. “Hi,” he murmured. She smiled back and sat up a little more, reaching up to rub the back of her stiff neck. “Hi. How’d you sleep?” “As well as you did, it looks like,” he said. “Are you feeling any better?” “A little. At least my head’s not throbbing so much.” Clark smiled and reached out to give her hand a squeeze. “I’m glad to hear that.” “I am starving, though,” she admitted. “And I, um, really need to go to the bathroom.” Clark opened his mouth to reply, the large metal door suddenly swung open, silencing them both. Clark stiffened when he saw Trask standing in the doorway. “Rise and shine!” he called out boldly, making them cringe from his arrogance. “I trust you both slept well.” He walked into the room with a dark-haired man who was carrying a tray of food. Trask saw Lois eyeing the food, and he smirked. “Not hungry, are you Ms. Lane?” He took an apple from the tray and tossed it into the air tauntingly. “From what we can tell, you two haven’t eaten since your little take out dinner last night.” Clark’s eyes widened in surprise, and Trask grinned. “Don’t act so surprised, Kent. What kind of person would I be if I didn’t know every little step you make? Now here’s the deal.” He tossed the apple up into the air again. “You tell me what I want to know, and you can eat. If you don’t, well, all this food will just go to waste.” Clark let out an exasperated sigh. “Come on, Trask! How many times do I need to tell you, there’s nothing to tell!” “And how many times do I need to tell *you,* I don’t believe you!” Trask said, his smirk changing into an irritated frown. “I want to know, and I want to know now!” Clark started to argue, but Lois reached out to touch his arm. “Clark, it’s no use arguing. He’s never going to believe us.” “At least not until you tell me the truth,” Trask insisted, taking the key out of his pocket and unlocking the cell door. He swung the door open and crossed the cell in only a couple of agitated steps, then grabbed Clark by the arm and hauled him up from his sitting position in the corner. “Why don ’t we just go upstairs and see if we can change your mind about what details you’d like to share, shall we?” Lois sat up quickly, gritting her teeth against the stabbing pains in her thigh that the sudden movement caused. “Trask, don’t do this!” she exclaimed, the sound of her voice echoing off the cement walls around them. “Can’t you see that you’re wasting your time? Why don’t you just let us go?” Trask turned back to her as he stepped outside the cell with Clark and swung the cell door shut with a clang. He struggled to maintain his grasp on Clark’s arm as Clark tried to wrench himself free and gave Lois a pointed glare. “I think you should be more worried about what’s going to happen to you if you or your boyfriend here don’t start indulging me with the details,” he told her matter of factly. “Why don’t you just think about that for a while?” He started to haul Clark towards the heavy metal door when Lois suddenly had an inspiration. “Hey, Trask! Don’t I even get to go to the bathroom? You can’t expect us to be willing to share any details with you if we’re not even treated halfway decently!” Clark twisted his head around to look at her in surprised confusion, and she could tell from his expression that he knew she had something in mind, and that he didn’t like it, whatever it was. But Lois ignored his pleading look of ‘don’t try anything stupid, Lois’ and watched as Trask stopped in his tracks and turned back to look at her. He seemed to deliberate seriously over her request for several moments, and then he finally turned to his thug beside him. “Wait five minutes, then take her to the bathroom. But I want her brought right back down here and secured immediately afterward.” The man nodded. “You got it.” Trask gave Clark’s arm a quick jerk to get him moving again, and they headed out of the basement room. Clark gave her one last glance over his shoulder before he disappeared from view, and she knew that he was worried that she was about to do something stupid. *It’s not stupid to try to get out of here!* Lois argued silently. *What does he expect me to do? Just sit here and let them torture us until they realize we really don’t know anything, and then kill us?!* She shook her head to herself. He may not be able to use any super powers to get them free, but she wasn’t about to stand by idly waiting for the inevitable. She’d been in these situations all too many times before when Clark wasn’t even in the picture, and she’d managed to get free. If she was careful and creative enough, she could again. Lois did her best to ignore the growing pain in her leg and stand up on her own a few minutes later when the guard finally stepped toward the cell to let her out as Trask had told him to do. When he opened the door and she stepped into the opening, he grabbed her upper arm and walked briskly toward the door, not bothering to slow his steps as he pulled her along with him. As he hauled her up the stairs after him, it was all Lois could do to stop herself from crying out in pain as the burning in her leg increased to an almost unbearable level. But she clenched her eyes tightly shut momentarily against the pain and bit her lower lip fiercely to stop the cry of protest from rushing out of her as she limped along after him, refusing to give him the satisfaction of knowing how much his rough treatment was affecting her. It seemed an unbearable eternity before they reached the top of the stairs and he jerked her roughly down the first hallway they came to. They stopped halfway down the short hall and the man reached out to push one of the doors open. “You have two minutes,” he instructed gruffly. “And don’t even think of trying to escape. I’ll be waiting right outside.” Then he shoved her through the open doorway of the bathroom and pulled the door shut behind her. Lois cried out in pain and quickly grabbed for the bathroom counter to stop herself from falling forward onto the tile floor. She heard the bathroom door shut behind her, and then the room fell silent. Keeping a hand on the counter to steady herself until the pain subsided to a more manageable level, she glanced around the tiny, unimpressive room. There was a single-stall shower, a toilet and a sink, but she was more interested in the fact that a medicine cabinet hung on the wall over the sink, and the vanity cabinet held three small drawers. Peering cautiously at the bathroom door to make sure she wasn’t being watched, she quietly opened the medicine cabinet. Disappointment set in when she saw that it held only a sample-sized tube of toothpaste and a couple of toothbrushes. She shut the cabinet door quietly, then turned her attention to the drawers. The first drawer revealed a couple of washcloths, a bottle of shampoo, and a couple of wrapped bars of soap. Shutting it noiselessly, she opened the second drawer, which held items just as useless for a means of escape. Her hopes were beginning to sink, but when she opened the third and last drawer, her heartbeat quickened. It contained a few more toiletries, but what really caught her attention was the pair of tweezers and the shiny silver fingernail clippers near the front. Picking them up, she turned them over in her hand, her excitement growing. She pulled out the attachments the clippers contained: a thick fingernail file, a sturdy but blunt pocket-sized knife blade, and something else that looked like a hook. She’d never known what that thing was supposed to be used for, but that didn’t matter. Between the tweezers and the attachments on the clippers, she was sure she had the tools she needed to pick the cell lock! She quickly lifted up the hem of her bedraggled dress and tucked the clippers and tweezers into the top of her pantyhose, hoping the tiny bulge wouldn’t be detected by the guard when he escorted her back down the stairs where she could hide them in her cell. Then she quickly used the toilet, washed her hands, splashed some water on her face, and opened the door. Immediately the guard stepped in front of her. “It’s about time. Let’s go.” *********************** continued in part 20.... Erin :) __________________ Visit my LNC/Kerth Website: ***** "It's not the years that count, it's the moments...right now, as they happen." __________________ ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 10:12:34 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin Klingler Subject: NEW: The Darkest Hour part 20 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit The Darkest Hour (Before the Dawn) by Erin Klingler part 20 ***************************************** When they got back to the cell, the man pushed Lois inside, locked the door securely behind her, then left her alone. The rough treatment and the weight she’d been forced to put on her leg had been almost too much for her to bear, and she sank gratefully onto the cot. A sharp jab against her upper thigh reminded her of her stolen tools, and she lifted the hem of her dress to pull the clippers and the tweezers out of the top of her pantyhose. Then she quickly slid them underneath the cot’s blanket, making sure they were completely out of sight. That done, she closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the wall. Her stomach rumbled noisily, and Lois sighed heavily. Why was it her vacations always ended up *not* being vacations? This one had sounded so good, so perfect when they’d planned it. A mountainous cabin in the seclusion of the woods, a few days alone with Clark…nothing could have sounded more perfect. She could just picture what she might’ve been doing right about now had this vacation really been going according to plan. She’ d probably be eating a wonderful, quiet, and most-likely romantic breakfast with Clark—maybe even snuggling in bed with him—or sitting in a hot Jacuzzi tub soaking her stress away. But instead, here she was, locked in a cell in the basement of a madman, where she and Clark were subject to the ruthless interrogations of a madman. Thinking of the hundreds of other places she wished she could be, she looked around at the steel bars surrounding her and sighed. So much for the perfect vacation. But then, in her life, she should’ve known that not everything was as it seemed. Not even Clark. She sighed. Two days ago, her life felt relatively normal, and she thought things were as they seemed: She was dating a great guy, enjoying the idea of being in love, anticipating a great vacation…but now all that had changed. In a matter of hours, everything had suddenly turned topsy-turvy. Clark—the man she thought was Clark--wasn’t Clark. He was suddenly somebody she wasn’t sure she really knew at all. He was no longer her just best friend, her partner whom she’d worked with for the past two years. He was a superhero from a different planet, somebody who flew all over the world saving people from raging volcanos and destructive earthquakes. He was somebody the entire world looked up to, even counted on in dire times of need. How well did she really know him? Her love, based on the idea that he was good old Clark, solid, stable, ‘what you see is what you get’… suddenly made her question everything. How *did* she feel about him now that she knew the two men were really one and the same? Could she deal with the fact that there were aspects of him that she didn’t know about, didn’t understand? Would she be able to accept in her mind—and in her heart—that the two men were one? When she realized a couple of months ago that she was falling in love with Clark, her partner and best friend, she’d slowly let go of the idea of being in love with Superman. She’d finally started to see that he wasn’t somebody she could have in her romantically life--he was just an untouchable superhero, someone who appeared to help in various respects, then disappeared again. He never stayed around long enough to let her get to know him…really know him. And those kind of brief encounters would’ve never been enough for her—or anyone else for that matter--to get to know him for the person he really was. And you couldn’t truly love somebody you didn’t know, could you? And sure enough, she’d been right. She hadn’t known him at all. Otherwise she would’ve been able to look beneath that costumed exterior and realize that he was really Clark Kent, the man she loved for his good heart, gentle kindness and longsuffering patience. But now that she knew the two men were one and the same, she found herself struggling with the very same problem. How could you love somebody you didn ’t know? Especially when that somebody was someone you thought you knew only a couple of days before? The events from the last twenty-four hours, however, couldn’t be erased from her mind. She remembered Clark’s agonized cries when she’d gotten hurt at the cabin during her fight to free herself, at how distressed he was when she’d finally regained consciousness in the cell, and how distraught he’d been over thinking she might be being taken advantage of by the men who held her captive upstairs. She had no doubts in her mind that he cared for her deeply, and loved her as much as he said he did. But why would his love for her change? She hadn’t been the one pretending to be two entirely different people, hiding huge parts of herself from him and everyone else. But he had. Somehow that made things very different to sort out in her mind. She knew that her feelings for Clark hadn’t really changed. They’d just become more complicated. Suddenly she shivered. Looking up, she saw that the morning sun was no longer shining through the single basement window, so she knew it must be rising into the sky and beginning to move over the house. She wrapped her arms around herself and rubbed her bare arms, realizing how chilled she was suddenly feeling and how flushed her cheeks felt. *I’ll feel better after I get some rest,* she decided, with more conviction than she felt. She was hungry and tired, and most of all, she missed Clark and hoped he was okay. Pulling her legs up on the cot next to her, she gently massaged the burning muscles in her thigh in an effort to relieve the pain, then laid down slowly and pulled the thin blanket up over her to ward off the chill in the room. She knew she may as well get comfortable. It could be a while before Clark was back. ****************************** stay tuned.... Erin :) __________________ Visit my LNC/Kerth Website: ***** "It's not the years that count, it's the moments...right now, as they happen." __________________ ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 09:28:10 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Nancy Smith Subject: Re: New; Lines of Communication MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit You're quite welcome, Judith. I confess, I sometimes do the same thing. Part of the plot for my current story came from something I wrote years ago, stuck away in a file and almost forgot about until last week. I'm looking forward to more stories from you in the near future. I hope your wrist recovers quickly. Nan > ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 10:54:43 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: Re: NEW: The Darkest Hour part 20 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Bravo, Erin. You seem to have conquered your temporary crisis of confidence. But we still want more. Looking for Part 21 Irene (who, when it comes to fanfic, should be nicknamed 'the greedy one'!) __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 15:34:07 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Marnie Rowe Subject: Re: NEW: The Darkest Hour part 20 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Irene you have nothing on me... I WANT more!!!!! soon!!!!! crisis of confidence when you are posting a cliffhanging story you are not allowed crisis of anykind understood?!! Marnie :P ---------- > From: Irene D. > To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU > Subject: Re: NEW: The Darkest Hour part 20 > Date: Thursday, January 13, 2000 1:54 PM > > Bravo, Erin. You seem to have conquered your temporary > crisis of confidence. But we still want more. > > Looking for Part 21 > > Irene > (who, when it comes to fanfic, should be nicknamed > 'the greedy one'!) > > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. > ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 22:07:55 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Nicole Wolke Subject: Re: The Darkest Hour part 20 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thank you, Erin! Finally there's silver lining for L&C! I'm pressing my fingers for Jimmy and Lois! It will be tough to go on my vacation saturday without knowing the end, but I guess I'll have to wait until I come back :-( At least then I have something to look forward to :-) Nicole -- AKA CKgroupie on IRC Are you always searching for news about Dean Cain? And don't you have enough time to find them? Go to: "The Dean Cain News Page" ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 20:08:15 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Anita Dicker Subject: Upgraded server Comments: To: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sorry to disturb you all. I upgraded and needed to ckeck if this still worked. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 22:18:58 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Sharon Gilbert Organization: University of Maine Subject: Re: NEW FIC: To Face the Day (16/16) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit loved it. very well written. thanks. Sharon L Gilbert, Ph.D. Center for Community Inclusion University of Maine at Orono 5717 Corbett Hall Orono, ME 04468 207/581-1219 Life is either far too short or way to long to carry around extra baggage. Let it go, man, let it go. ~SLG ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 20:01:02 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "=?iso-8859-1?q?R.=20Ziegler?=" Subject: Re: The Darkest Hour part 20 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Erin, I can't say it enough: What a great story!!! :) Wonderful written! Thank you so much for this one!! :) I hope Lois and Clark will find a way out of this terrible situation soon (and I hope they'll get rid of Trask!!!). I really don't want to push you Erin, but please, don't let us wait too long for more of this wonderful story!!! Ren - who can hardly wait for the next part(s) :) __________________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Gesendet von Yahoo! Mail - Yahoo! Auktionen - gleich ausprobieren - ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 11:39:37 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Charlotte Martin Subject: Re: NEW: The Darkest Hour (Need Missing Parts) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii I'm just getting into reading Erin's "The Darkest Hour" but must have misplaced parts 15 and 16. Can anyone help with resending me these or tell me where else I might get them? I've been trying to print them as they arrive and reading a little at a time and I hate to have to miss out on this section. Email me privately if you can help. Thanks, Charlotte __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 14:47:01 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Tylke, Judith" Subject: DARKEST HOUR PT 20 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Erin, Well done! Your charecterizations are clear and well drawn, I could Clark and Lois reacting/acting as I read, whatever your loss of motivation I'm glad you got it back. You made me break a self imposed rule not to read stories until all the parts are posted. I took a printout with me to hospital and got hooked, parts 19 and 20 just took the edge off so please hurry with another installment! JT ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 16:16:14 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carolyn Schnall Subject: Re: Perry's edits (was Re: Clark's Portfolio: #2) In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Dear Debby: Please feel free to discard the first story since I do not wish to encroach upon your time any further. My usual stories are run past several editors who are very thorough and most errors are caught by them. This one was also edited fairly extensively but not enough for you, it seems. I do not intend to write any more articles at this time. I think it is a shame that you seem to feel that your public method of criticizing the story was justified merely because I had failed to come up to the standards *you* expect from Clark. I know you are a defender of Clark's character but it never occurred to me that your defense would ever need to be at a real person's expense. So I guess you were offended by my effort. Such extensive edits from Perry would have been made directly to Clark and no other person, IMHO. I am truly sorry you spent so much time on it and it is a relief to know you are not laughing either. I appreciate your expression of regret. Perhaps instead of a public reply, you could merely have sent me your suggestions privately. Then I could have revised the story and republished it, announcing that I had received valuable instruction and was willing to show the improvement, just as I have with some of my nfics and fanfics. I suggest further discussion of this, if any, be conducted privately. I will continue to cherish the happy spirit of our past friendship. Carolyn >At 02:31 PM 01/12/2000 -0500, you wrote: > >> >> You evidently enjoyed the exercise, and your edits would hold up in the real >> world better than my apparently paltry attempt at writing a news article. >> Perhaps you should have responded similarly to my first portfolio attempt >and >> that would have saved everyone some time. > > >Your first one is somewhere in my yet-to-be-read mail box > >> >> My private editor agrees with me. > > >You might want to run your stories past that person a few times to pick up at >least the grammar. I frequently make errors even after several people have >gone >over my work. > >> >> I dare say PW would not have published his edits to the entire news room, no >> matter how cogent his comments might be. > > >I think it would depend on what he expected and how surprised he was at the >results. He hired Clark because Clark showed initiative and ability to write. > >> >> Perhaps you meant to be cute > > >First I was alarmed--is this *our Clark* writing? That alarm prompted me to >stay 2 hours past my normal bedtime working on the reply. > >> >> and you certainly wrote completely in character. Perhaps you thought this >> would be funny and at least one person posted that she thought it >> hilarious. I am ...not laughing. > > >Neither am I. > >[snip] > >> >> I doubt you meant it as seriously as I am taking it. I apologize for being >> so sensitive. I would have preferred to keep this private but the public >> damage had already been done. I hope I have been articulate in this >> response, even if I failed to be initially. I also apologize for the great >> length of this response. > > >I regret that you took it personally. Perhaps I should have noted down all the >information and written the story as Lois might have or even Jimmy, but I >don't >actually care about those two as much as I care about Clark. > >Debby > ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 16:40:44 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Anita Dicker Subject: Story: Escape (need help) Comments: To: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello I could not sleep last night, I suffer from chronic insomnia. This story fragment kept running through my brain. So got up, and made some notes. I worked on it a little this morning, to flesh it out a little. Now if you are going to bang on me for grammar, tenses, ect. E-mail me Privately at: My problem I have no idea where to go from here. (This is not the story that I have been working on for the past several months.) ESCAPE Anita Dicker There is a crash of brush, and the rasping breath of a dark haired man as he ran. Branches slapped him in the face. He stopped in a clearing, bent at the waist hands rest on his knees, trying to catch his breath. His brown eyes searched for a way through the heavy foliage. *Can't stop. Keep running. Gotta get away,* was all he could think about, and the memory of intense pain, spurred him on. Taking off into the woods he ran blindly. Abruptly there was no stable ground underfoot. He tumbled down a steep embankment and fell into a fast running river. The cold water made him gasp and he inhaled some water. Choking he was dashed against some rocks and was knocked unconscious. ############ Lois Lane was worried. Yesterday, morning at 10:00 am, Clark had given her the hand signal that Superman was needed. He whispered "Gun fire." gave her a quick kiss and left. She had kept an ear tuned to the TV monitors, on the other side of the news room. Nothing had turned up, no appearance of Superman anywhere. That evening she watched the news, the next morning, when he hadn't come home she kept the radio on. There were no Superman sightings, at all. "Lois. Where's Clark?" asked Perry gruffly. "Oh, ah. He had to meet a source this morning," Lois answered airily. Perry White grunted accent, as he walked back to his office. Watching her boss walk away. *Oh Clark. Where are you?* she thought. ############ Robert Baker cast his fishing line into a slow moving river, with the flick of his wrist. He hadn't had much luck this morning, and he was ready to call it quits. He looked around the nearly idyllic place, as he slowly reeled in his line. The cabin he lived in was fifty yards into the forest, and very remote. He was deep in the woods and he loved it. Something splashed in the water. Squinting at the glare on the water, it looked like floating log. As he continued to look, "Good lord, that looks like a man!" he exclaimed to himself. He tossed his pole aside and waded into the water. The river was not very deep at this point. The water was at mid thigh and very cold. Reaching the unconscious form, he grabbed the shoulders, and started to pull him to shore. Rob wondered if it was a swimming accident. The man was only wearing underwear. ############ Lois kept glancing at the TV monitors on the far side of the news room. No Superman, nothing. A feeling she could not put a name to, she was on the edge of frantic. "Ms Lane." She glanced up at the scruffy looking young man. "Can I help you with something?" she asked. "I understand that you're a friend of Superman's?" he was tense, watching her. Billy was nervous, as he resisted the temptation to flee. He had been living on the streets for a long time. "I'm one of his friends," Lois answered cautiously. He reached into his coat pocket, pulled out a dirty cloth, and placed it on her desk. "What's that?" she looked at the rag sitting on her desk. Billy carefully opened the small bundle. Lois' heart leaped into her throat. There were three marble sized pieces of kryptonite. "Where did you get that?" She fought the panic rising in her. "I saw 'em this morning, in ah empty warehouse, where I slept last night," he looked at her earnestly. "There is a lot more, pieces, this size, scattered 'round. I hear 'bout a glowing rock that can hurt Superman. I figured you'd know what to do." He gestured at the Superman poison on her desk. ############ Robert dragged the man out of the cold water. Checking for a pulse, he began artificial respiration. The water logged man suddenly coughed, then gagged. Rob turned him quickly on his side, as he retched the water he had swallowed. He coughed for a bit, when the spasms passed. He half carried the man to his cabin. Once he had the man dry and tucked in the extra bed, he knew this was no swimming accident. The bulk of the bruises and scrapes had been inflicted by somebody. ############ Lois had Billy take her to the warehouse where he had found the kryptonite. As she parked her jeep, she eyed the dilapidated buildings. He leaped out of the vehicle before it came to a complete stop. He ran over to a garage type door, and he lifted it open. Walking over she looked inside, and in her immediate field of vision, she saw over a dozen pieces of kryptonite. As she walked in she picked up the kryptonite, she dropped the bits into her purse. A purse she had lead lined, several years ago. Her eyes becoming accustomed to the gloom, she saw more glowing pieces spread around the cavernous building. When she had finished picking up all the kryptonite. She had, including the pieces Billy gave her, thirty-eight marble sized pieces of death for Superman. Billy had helped her find the some of the kryptonite, then he mumbled something about being hungry, left. She got her flashlight from the jeep, she began her second circuit of the building. She looked behind, around, and in the various crates that were scattered at the edges of the room. Lois was fighting her hysteria that was creeping up her spine. As she was moving along the forth wall, she saw a flash of red. It was Clark's cape, it had been torn off the suite. Trembling she continued to search along the final wall. The light beam moved over a rag, lying against the wall. She moved the light back, the blue color was familiar. It was another piece of the suite, a sleeve and part of the back. In the fading flashlight she noticed rust colored stains on the shirt. She carried the remnants of his suite to the jeep. ************************* Sorry that's as far as my brain went last night. Anita Dicker ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 17:11:15 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Rich & Dawn Subject: NKerth 2000 update MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi FoCLs, Thanks to everyone who has responded so far on the month to hold the awards. We've gotten quite a few responses. Chris raised a good point. LAFF2000 is planned for early August, and Dean is expected to appear again this year in St. Louis in July. Just some things to keep in mind for when we set this date. The 17th is the last day to vote for a month. Also, the NKerth2000 page has been updated, with a current list of eligible stories. Thanks! Dawn, Irene, and crew ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 23:07:46 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Petra Steudle Subject: Re: NEW: The Darkest Hour part 20 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thanks Erin, not only for part 19 and 20 but for Lois remembering she can do something without the help of Superman and at least starting to think about how to get them out of there. I always like to see Lois in action Waiting impatiently for ... more :-) Petra aka KiwiPit on IRC mailto: ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 15:57:42 -0600 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: timothy truitt Organization: tnt technical services Subject: Re: Story: Escape (need help) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Anita - keep writing on this - this has the makings of an excellent story merry Anita Dicker wrote: > Hello > I could not sleep last night, I suffer from chronic insomnia. This > story fragment kept running through my brain. So got up, and made > some notes. I worked on it a little this morning, to flesh it out > a little. Now if you are going to bang on me for grammar, tenses, > ect. E-mail me Privately at: > My problem I have no idea where to go from here. > (This is not the story that I have been working on for the past > several months.) > > ESCAPE > Anita Dicker > > There is a crash of brush, and the rasping breath of a dark haired > man as he ran. Branches slapped him in the face. He stopped in a > clearing, bent at the waist hands rest on his knees, trying to catch > his breath. His brown eyes searched for a way through the heavy > foliage. *Can't stop. Keep running. Gotta get away,* was all he > could think about, and the memory of intense pain, spurred him on. > Taking off into the woods he ran blindly. Abruptly there was no > stable ground underfoot. He tumbled down a steep embankment and fell > into a fast running river. The cold water made him gasp and he inhaled > some water. Choking he was dashed against some rocks and was knocked > unconscious. > > ############ > Lois Lane was worried. Yesterday, morning at 10:00 am, Clark had > given her the hand signal that Superman was needed. He whispered > "Gun fire." gave her a quick kiss and left. She had kept an ear > tuned to the TV monitors, on the other side of the news room. Nothing > had turned up, no appearance of Superman anywhere. That evening she > watched the news, the next morning, when he hadn't come home she kept > the radio on. There were no Superman sightings, at all. > > "Lois. Where's Clark?" asked Perry gruffly. > > "Oh, ah. He had to meet a source this morning," Lois answered airily. > > Perry White grunted accent, as he walked back to his office. > > Watching her boss walk away. *Oh Clark. Where are you?* she thought. > > ############ > Robert Baker cast his fishing line into a slow moving river, with the > flick of his wrist. He hadn't had much luck this morning, and he was > ready to call it quits. He looked around the nearly idyllic place, as > he slowly reeled in his line. The cabin he lived in was fifty yards > into the forest, and very remote. He was deep in the woods and he loved > it. > > Something splashed in the water. Squinting at the glare on the water, > it looked like floating log. As he continued to look, "Good lord, that > looks like a man!" he exclaimed to himself. He tossed his pole aside > and waded into the water. The river was not very deep at this point. > The water was at mid thigh and very cold. Reaching the unconscious > form, he grabbed the shoulders, and started to pull him to shore. Rob > wondered if it was a swimming accident. The man was only wearing > underwear. > > ############ > Lois kept glancing at the TV monitors on the far side of the news > room. No Superman, nothing. A feeling she could not put a name to, > she was on the edge of frantic. > > "Ms Lane." > > She glanced up at the scruffy looking young man. "Can I help you with > something?" she asked. > > "I understand that you're a friend of Superman's?" he was tense, > watching her. Billy was nervous, as he resisted the temptation to > flee. He had been living on the streets for a long time. > > "I'm one of his friends," Lois answered cautiously. > > He reached into his coat pocket, pulled out a dirty cloth, and placed > it on her desk. > > "What's that?" she looked at the rag sitting on her desk. > > Billy carefully opened the small bundle. > > Lois' heart leaped into her throat. There were three marble sized > pieces of kryptonite. "Where did you get that?" She fought the panic > rising in her. > > "I saw 'em this morning, in ah empty warehouse, where I slept last > night," he looked at her earnestly. "There is a lot more, pieces, > this size, scattered 'round. I hear 'bout a glowing rock that can > hurt Superman. I figured you'd know what to do." He gestured at the > Superman poison on her desk. > > ############ > Robert dragged the man out of the cold water. Checking for a pulse, > he began artificial respiration. The water logged man suddenly coughed, > then gagged. Rob turned him quickly on his side, as he retched the > water he had swallowed. He coughed for a bit, when the spasms passed. > He half carried the man to his cabin. Once he had the man dry and > tucked in the extra bed, he knew this was no swimming accident. The > bulk of the bruises and scrapes had been inflicted by somebody. > > ############ > Lois had Billy take her to the warehouse where he had found the > kryptonite. As she parked her jeep, she eyed the dilapidated > buildings. He leaped out of the vehicle before it came to a complete > stop. > He ran over to a garage type door, and he lifted it open. > > Walking over she looked inside, and in her immediate field of vision, > she saw over a dozen pieces of kryptonite. As she walked in she > picked up the kryptonite, she dropped the bits into her purse. A purse > she had lead lined, several years ago. Her eyes becoming accustomed to > the gloom, she saw more glowing pieces spread around the cavernous > building. When she had finished picking up all the kryptonite. She > had, including the pieces Billy gave her, thirty-eight marble sized > pieces of death for Superman. > > Billy had helped her find the some of the kryptonite, then he mumbled > something about being hungry, left. > > She got her flashlight from the jeep, she began her second circuit of > the building. She looked behind, around, and in the various crates > that were scattered at the edges of the room. Lois was fighting her > hysteria that was creeping up her spine. As she was moving along the > forth wall, she saw a flash of red. It was Clark's cape, it had been > torn off the suite. Trembling she continued to search along the final > wall. The light beam moved over a rag, lying against the wall. She > moved the light back, the blue color was familiar. It was another piece > of the suite, a sleeve and part of the back. In the fading flashlight > she noticed rust colored stains on the shirt. She carried the remnants > of his suite to the jeep. > > ************************* > > Sorry that's as far as my brain went last night. > Anita Dicker > ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 16:44:05 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Hodges, Sue" Subject: Re: Story: Escape (need help) Comments: To: timothy truitt MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain What a great middle! I agree with Timothy. It has the makings of a great one. Keep it up. -----Original Message----- From: timothy truitt To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Sent: 1/14/00 3:57 PM Subject: Re: Story: Escape (need help) Anita - keep writing on this - this has the makings of an excellent story merry Anita Dicker wrote: > Hello > I could not sleep last night, I suffer from chronic insomnia. This > story fragment kept running through my brain. So got up, and made > some notes. I worked on it a little this morning, to flesh it out > a little. Now if you are going to bang on me for grammar, tenses, > ect. E-mail me Privately at: > My problem I have no idea where to go from here. > (This is not the story that I have been working on for the past > several months.) > > ESCAPE > Anita Dicker > > There is a crash of brush, and the rasping breath of a dark haired > man as he ran. Branches slapped him in the face. He stopped in a > clearing, bent at the waist hands rest on his knees, trying to catch > his breath. His brown eyes searched for a way through the heavy > foliage. *Can't stop. Keep running. Gotta get away,* was all he > could think about, and the memory of intense pain, spurred him on. > Taking off into the woods he ran blindly. Abruptly there was no > stable ground underfoot. He tumbled down a steep embankment and fell > into a fast running river. The cold water made him gasp and he inhaled > some water. Choking he was dashed against some rocks and was knocked > unconscious. > > ############ > Lois Lane was worried. Yesterday, morning at 10:00 am, Clark had > given her the hand signal that Superman was needed. He whispered > "Gun fire." gave her a quick kiss and left. She had kept an ear > tuned to the TV monitors, on the other side of the news room. Nothing > had turned up, no appearance of Superman anywhere. That evening she > watched the news, the next morning, when he hadn't come home she kept > the radio on. There were no Superman sightings, at all. > > "Lois. Where's Clark?" asked Perry gruffly. > > "Oh, ah. He had to meet a source this morning," Lois answered airily. > > Perry White grunted accent, as he walked back to his office. > > Watching her boss walk away. *Oh Clark. Where are you?* she thought. > > ############ > Robert Baker cast his fishing line into a slow moving river, with the > flick of his wrist. He hadn't had much luck this morning, and he was > ready to call it quits. He looked around the nearly idyllic place, as > he slowly reeled in his line. The cabin he lived in was fifty yards > into the forest, and very remote. He was deep in the woods and he loved > it. > > Something splashed in the water. Squinting at the glare on the water, > it looked like floating log. As he continued to look, "Good lord, that > looks like a man!" he exclaimed to himself. He tossed his pole aside > and waded into the water. The river was not very deep at this point. > The water was at mid thigh and very cold. Reaching the unconscious > form, he grabbed the shoulders, and started to pull him to shore. Rob > wondered if it was a swimming accident. The man was only wearing > underwear. > > ############ > Lois kept glancing at the TV monitors on the far side of the news > room. No Superman, nothing. A feeling she could not put a name to, > she was on the edge of frantic. > > "Ms Lane." > > She glanced up at the scruffy looking young man. "Can I help you with > something?" she asked. > > "I understand that you're a friend of Superman's?" he was tense, > watching her. Billy was nervous, as he resisted the temptation to > flee. He had been living on the streets for a long time. > > "I'm one of his friends," Lois answered cautiously. > > He reached into his coat pocket, pulled out a dirty cloth, and placed > it on her desk. > > "What's that?" she looked at the rag sitting on her desk. > > Billy carefully opened the small bundle. > > Lois' heart leaped into her throat. There were three marble sized > pieces of kryptonite. "Where did you get that?" She fought the panic > rising in her. > > "I saw 'em this morning, in ah empty warehouse, where I slept last > night," he looked at her earnestly. "There is a lot more, pieces, > this size, scattered 'round. I hear 'bout a glowing rock that can > hurt Superman. I figured you'd know what to do." He gestured at the > Superman poison on her desk. > > ############ > Robert dragged the man out of the cold water. Checking for a pulse, > he began artificial respiration. The water logged man suddenly coughed, > then gagged. Rob turned him quickly on his side, as he retched the > water he had swallowed. He coughed for a bit, when the spasms passed. > He half carried the man to his cabin. Once he had the man dry and > tucked in the extra bed, he knew this was no swimming accident. The > bulk of the bruises and scrapes had been inflicted by somebody. > > ############ > Lois had Billy take her to the warehouse where he had found the > kryptonite. As she parked her jeep, she eyed the dilapidated > buildings. He leaped out of the vehicle before it came to a complete > stop. > He ran over to a garage type door, and he lifted it open. > > Walking over she looked inside, and in her immediate field of vision, > she saw over a dozen pieces of kryptonite. As she walked in she > picked up the kryptonite, she dropped the bits into her purse. A purse > she had lead lined, several years ago. Her eyes becoming accustomed to > the gloom, she saw more glowing pieces spread around the cavernous > building. When she had finished picking up all the kryptonite. She > had, including the pieces Billy gave her, thirty-eight marble sized > pieces of death for Superman. > > Billy had helped her find the some of the kryptonite, then he mumbled > something about being hungry, left. > > She got her flashlight from the jeep, she began her second circuit of > the building. She looked behind, around, and in the various crates > that were scattered at the edges of the room. Lois was fighting her > hysteria that was creeping up her spine. As she was moving along the > forth wall, she saw a flash of red. It was Clark's cape, it had been > torn off the suite. Trembling she continued to search along the final > wall. The light beam moved over a rag, lying against the wall. She > moved the light back, the blue color was familiar. It was another piece > of the suite, a sleeve and part of the back. In the fading flashlight > she noticed rust colored stains on the shirt. She carried the remnants > of his suite to the jeep. > > ************************* > > Sorry that's as far as my brain went last night. > Anita Dicker > ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 14:52:28 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kara Johnson Subject: Re: Story: Escape (need help) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii This is a great story- there are *so* many different directions that you could take it in.. but whichever you choose just keep writing! -Kara ===== | KarahJ or Kasspur on irc | | Karah82 on AOL Instant Messenger | ___________________________________________________________ I've learned that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 18:26:13 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Charlotte Fisler Subject: Re: Professional Rivals MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thank you. Charlotte << very waffy :-) Nicole -- AKA CKgroupie on IRC>> ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 18:00:20 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: Re: Perry's edits (was Re: Clark's Portfolio: #2) In-Reply-To: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 04:16 PM 01/14/2000 -0500, you wrote: [snip] No comment. You are welcome to your opinion and I'm glad you felt free to express it. Debby In the end, every person is another expression of the truth of being human. --Whitley Streiber, Dec. 1998 ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 22:31:38 -0600 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Brazil Red Subject: IRC Question MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thanks for the information from a previous message (that I have since deleted) on the software. It was that simple. But now I have a problem. When is everyone (or anyone for that matter) on? Am I just logging on at the wrong times or am I doing something wrong? Chatting minds want to know . BrazilRed