From: "L-Soft list server at Indiana University (1.8d)" To: "ARTF@MemoryAlpha.nil" File: "LOISCLA-GENERAL-L LOG9906C" ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 11:02:47 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: Re: Nfic Awards In-Reply-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII On Sun, 13 Jun 1999 15:12:53 -0400 Pam Jernigan wrote: > ... you can use the previous Kerth categories as a starting > point, but that list may need tweaked to fit the field. (Are there any > "next-generation" nfics??) Sandy? Debby? Anyone? Anyone? How about LadyBiker's 'Love Finds a Way' for a start? That's one I'll certainly be nominating! Wendy ---------------------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 07:32:28 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Sandy McDermin Subject: Re: Nfic Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Pam Jernigan wrote: > So, anyone interested? The hardest part is collecting nominations, from > what I've heard from Erin and Leanne, since the field is wide open -- > and people send in nominations along the lines of "the one where they go > on their honeymoon, by whatsherface," which could describe any number of > stories ;-) Oh, and even before that you have to have categories > defined -- you can use the previous Kerth categories as a starting > point, but that list may need tweaked to fit the field. (Are there any > "next-generation" nfics??) Sandy? Debby? Anyone? Anyone? I'd be > glad to help out as a technical advisor of sorts, since I've been > involved in the two previous Kerth processes, but I am not that widely > read in nfic, so I'm not qualified to judge which story goes in what > category. I don't think there's anyone who is widely read in n-fic these days as the "community" has scattered. In the past, almost all n-fic ended up on Debby's list and I was reasonably sure I knew of everything, if not read it all. Now, there are stories submitted to the boards designed by Beth as well as a few other password protected pages and unprotected sites. I'm wondering if there are stories at some of these places which didn't make it to Debby's list. I only have a password to Beth's site and -- even there -- I can't get to the old boards where most of the nfic is, although I've tried. You're right that the Kerth categories are a good place to begin but I would love to get a better feel for how much work we're actually talking about, what should be included considering past participation in the Kerths, and what this entire group consists of. I think that would be the first step -- with everyone's help, to take a thorough inventory. (It's silly to designate a category for which there are no stories -- unless someone wants to write real quick to fill it.) I began a list one time of the work gotten by way of Debby's list as well as some of the work on the nfic boards, but I am positive that's not all of it. (I'd be happy to share the list and I'm sure Debby and Joyce would share their's.) Erin said: >Another suggestion: Sandy, you seem to have a lot of suggestions, plus >you've clearly shown your interest in having an nfic awards. How about you >organize it then?? As for organizing, I think we should go with someone who's a little less of a lightning rod. The primary focus should be on the stories. Sandy ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 07:34:01 +0000 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Claire Hess Subject: Re: NEW: Blind Leading the Blind In-Reply-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Hi, Pam, Wading through the teeming tidepools of listmail that accumulated on me lately, I found this little gem from you. Wow! > Date: Thu, 6 May 1999 23:41:55 -0400 > From: Pam Jernigan > Subject: NEW: Blind Leading the Blind [G] > TITLE: BLIND LEADING THE BLIND > AUTHOR: Pam Jernigan ( > RATING: G > FEEDBACK: I would naturally prefer extravagant praise You deserve it, Chief, this was great, cum ordinaire for you. Your humour brings such wonderful insights, and I frankly always adore your Martha. > One matter I'd especially welcome > comment on, grammar-wise, is the use of ellipses. I thought I'd heard > that you should use four dots at the end of a sentence (ellipsis plus a > period), as opposed to three dots in the middle -- but my editor > disagrees, so perhaps I hallucinated that. Sandy really answered this with her cite-ations . My sources are Harbrace and Little, Brown; they also say that if the sentence is complete, there are four marks because the first one is the period, and the others the ellipsis. This means that if you are leaving the idea hanging, then you don't insert the period first; the sentence ends in the three dots. If you are indicating a pause between sentences, you may use the period and dots. Generally, however, the latter construction is used to indicate an omission from a quotation. Now for a few of my favourite parts: > ~~##@@##~~ Gosh, Pam, I thought you said this was a G rated story. > "Uh, Superman?" Lois was in her superhero's arms, where she generally > enjoyed being, although of course right now he was flying, so she was in > a carry position rather than a hugging position, but the flying tended > to make up for that. choking laff > He waved the > empty cup in the air, and she retrieved it. He mumbled something that > might have been "thanks" and she smiled, reluctantly. Even when he was > sick, he was polite. that's our Clark, I mean, Superman. Good thing Lois didn't hear me. > He seemed to have drifted back to sleep (drifted being > an unusually apt word, she realized with a half-smile) > Clark was wonderful, she could admit that freely, but she could tell > that he was hiding something from her, something important. He could > act so strangely at times. Yet she hadn't used her reporter's instincts > and skills to discover his secret; she'd subconsciously resisted the > urge to put the clues together. Yes, she supposed he was entitled to > privacy, although she didn't grant that right to many people. But in > this instance ... well, when it came right down to it, she realized, she > wanted him to tell her. She didn't want to pry this out of him, > whatever it was, she wanted him to trust her enough to share it with > her. Being locked out of an important part of his life was somewhat > painful, and a definite barrier. It would be hard to have a > relationship -- a romantic relationship, that is -- unless that barrier > were removed. It was hard enough for Lois Lane to trust as it was, > without also being aware that she was not trusted in return. Like this take on her strange oblivion. The way Teri played the end of Hard Copy, as though she was allowing herself to go back to sleep about the Clark/Superman connection, always seemed significant. You give a very plausible explanation for her continual failure to make the connection. Apart from the convention/conceit thing, of course. > She hung up the phone, well satisfied. The delivery boy would be > here soon, and ... he'd see a floating, incoherent superhero in her > living room. Not very good for either of their reputations. She > chewed on her lip, pondering her options, then remembered her > earlier success at repositioning her guest. It was worth a shot. > > Slowly, gingerly, she maneuvered Superman out of her living room and > into her bedroom. Funny, she'd fantasized a lot of ways to get him > into her bedroom, once upon a time, but this particular method had > never come up. He was mumbling again, but for the most part his > words were too quiet and slurred to understand. She ended up with > him over her bed, and, as a finishing touch, she applied a slight > downward pressure. He sank unprotestingly down onto the bed, giving > the scene a much more normal look. Well, if you could call that > outfit normal, which of course you couldn't, but that was the whole > point, after all, and-- Oh, LOL! Love that finishing touch! This is great!!!!! With the last line, I thought that Lois nearly put two and two together, but the delivery boy served the purpose usually given to Jimmy. Interruptus. > Now that the coin had come up heads, she discovered that > she had really been hoping for tails. "Oh, Clark...." she sighed, > and rolled her eyes at her own perversity. Neat insight. Lois with her 'safe' love for one who is "far above." (Whine, Whine, Whine) There are other ways to see her feelings, but this is a lovely expression of that hopeless love take on her attraction for Superman. > She gazed ruefully over to where Clark was lying on the > bed -- lying being the operative word. So handsome, so strong ... > and with so little time to live. "Hurry up and get better, you," > she muttered, "so I can kill you." LOL! Lois as we know and love her. > distracting things to do at 6:30am. Nice try, Martha. "You don't > have to make excuses for him, I know how he is. Anyway, this time > I know *where* he is, too. He's with me." > > "Oh." > > The line went silent for a longish stretch of time. Lois mentally > reviewed her wording and laughed. "Oh, not like that, Martha, > really." She grinned and couldn't resist adding, "If it had been > *that* I wouldn't have told you." Loved this! > Martha laughed, then, too, in relief. "So then why is he there, > Lois?" > > Lois sobered. "He's sick. Sort of.... > and he's kind of mumbling in his sleep, and he hasn't woken up, and > I just didn't know what to do...." Lois bit back a sob as the > explanation came rushing out a great deal faster than she'd planned. At last, ellipsises. The first one is added after the period you used on "Sort of." That's because a significant amount of your material is omitted. Your own ellipsis after "what to do" is probably too long by one, but that's your call. Is Lois trailing off or just standing around waiting for Martha to say something, but waiting in a non-vocal verbal manner? Incidentally, the emotion of the moment is sweet and far more significant than the trivial punctuation discussion. > (Sure, Clark was unconscious, and, when awake, he could see through > the bathroom door if he so chose, but she wasn't going to give him > any freebies, either way. If he wanted to see her naked, she > thought with a wicked little smile, he'd have to earn the > privilege.) Tea, he, he. > Martha got to the door of Lois' bedroom and stopped short at the > sight of Superman, almost causing Lois to run into her.>>> > Martha turned, frowning. "I thought you said that Clark was here?" > > Lois did a double-take, looking as confused as Martha felt. > >>>>>She swallowed nervously. "I > didn't know it was him at first, actually, I didn't know it was him > >>>> but like I said, he was > mumbling, and I finally put it all together...." She waited, > tensely, to see what Martha's reaction to all this would be. > > Martha's face softened as she took this in. How strange, to have an > outsider in on the secret, and yet, Lois was hardly an outsider. > Martha had long cherished a secret dream of Lois becoming one of the > family, in fact, so this could be all to the good. "So, you know > ... No one's ever really known, not outside of the family." As she > spoke, she moved forward, indulging her need to touch her son, to > smooth back his hair and check his temperature. "And you know that > really, underneath it all, he's still Clark...?" Wunnnerful, wunnerful! To quote L. Welk. Sorry to leave so much out. Really the entire interchange is superb. How Martha to hold back from rushing to her boy, and then take Lois knowing so calmly. The whole ending is so touching, that the story seems just too good to stop. Is there a sequel in it? Maybe not, but Thank You very much for this one, and as Chris said the other night, when are you going to write your romance novel? Thanks so much for a great story. Cuddle those precious little ones for and from me. Seeing Marissa on the same weekend that we attended the last of our "Letting Go of Your College Bound Child" seminars, (and made good use of the tissues provided) was a reminder of how quickly the time flies. It was good to see you, too. take care claire "Kent is a hack from Smallville. I couldn't make that name up." Lois Lane to Perry White; D. J. Levine, Pilot, Lois & Clark ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 05:56:54 PDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Anne Simmonds Subject: Re: Bobby Bigmouth Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed Hey Mandy: You wrote: >Hiya! :) I need to know how do Lois and Clark usually get in contact with >Bobby? Is there some number they call, or do they put word out on the >street, or what? Was this ever dealt with in the series? I know one time >we see Bobby on a pay phone talking to Lois and then one time he's in some >sort of soup kitchen, but how do they usually find him? Any help would be >greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! I believe that they did both. They had his # and they put word out on the street. So they either got him on the phone or he ended up calling them. Because there was a few times on the series when Lois answered the phone and it was bobby and she said "what took you so long?" But that is just the way I remember it. I could be totally wrong. I hope this helps!! Annobelle ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 15:23:27 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: Re: Nfic Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sandy wrote: >I don't think there's anyone who is widely read in n-fic these days as >the "community" has scattered. In the past, almost all n-fic ended up on >Debby's list and I was reasonably sure I knew of everything, if not read >it all. >You're right that the Kerth categories are a good place to begin but I >would love to get a better feel for how much work we're actually talking >about, what should be included considering past participation in the >Kerths, and what this entire group consists of. I think that would be >the first step -- with everyone's help, to take a thorough inventory. Well, I kind of like to think I am fairly widely read in the genre, Sandy. I began a personal fanfic index right from the first nfic stories I read - to complement my pg index - which helps me keep track when I want to revisit old favouries. This is now fairly extensive and includes nfic from Debby's mailing list, the nfic boards from 1-6, all the personal websites I could find in a year and a half and annesplace, among others. Every possible site for nfic I could find in fact. Although I doubt I've found 100% source, I must be pretty close by now I think. I'd willingly send it to an organizing committee to get them started on what's out there and been out there - if I knew who to send it to. Probably the only omissions it has are the occasional nfic which I really, truly hated and didn't bother to save on disk (and I can't actually remember there being any of those ) and the personal websites I haven't tracked down. But currently it details entries for the 565 nfic stories I have on disk. Which has to be a healthy starting point if not a totally comprehensive listing. Anyway, if anyone needs it or thinks it will help it's there. This, I hasten to add, applies to anyone thinking of organizing an awards event *only*. I just don't have the time to forward X amount of copies of a personal list to people wanting to track down nfic. Sorry! Besides which, as I've never detailed on the list the particular source, I've lost track of which personal websites I found many stories. So it probably wouldn't be of aid there anyway. Oh, and you beat me to it, Wendy. Naturally LB's nfic is the first thing I thought of when the words 'new gen' appeared. She's pretty much cornered the market there. ;) And I've been waiting on the chance to nominate Love Finds A Way for months now. LabRat :) Doc. Klein's LabRat Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag and begin slitting throats. -- H. L. Mencken, Prejudices. He spoke with a certain what-is-it in his voice, and I could see that, if not actually disgruntled, he was far from being gruntled. -- P.G. Wodehouse, The Code of the Woosters. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 10:50:02 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin H Subject: Re: FoLCing it, My mini-fest in NYC Special ATTN: ERINFOLC and Si... MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit OOH Great Adventure! I know where that is in NJ :) Wow, how awsome, I'd love that. If you need any help planning, let me know!! Erin ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 17:09:30 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: Re: Nfic Awards - Catagories MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Okay, so my earlier post on this subject got me curious as to what was actually *in* my nfic index, so I had a quick skim through and discovered that with its prompting I could mostly recall 99% of what was in there. Armed with this, I spent the next couple of hours forming it into tentative categories and came up with the following list of possibles. (Did I mention my compulsion for indexing and list making at all? ) I would stress that the list is purely subjective and only intended as a starting point for debate. Nor do I expect that there would be this many categories. I've just included every possible variable that occurred as I read through the list. Best Vignette - as this is by far the largest proportion of nfic, the criteria for this category would have to be fairly narrowly defined, otherwise most everything will end up in there. Best Dramatic Nfic (Aplot inc.) Best Humorous - more of these than I'd figured there would be. Best Use of Steam/Most Sensual Nfic Best Next Gen - again quite a few contenders here. The possible nominees would increase if the category was combined with pre-pilot nfic. There are actually a few nfic dealing with Lois and Clark meeting before Clark arrives in Metropolis. Most Original Idea Used In Nfic (trust me - as a category it actually works. And probably not in the way you're imagining right now. ) Best Overall Nfic Best New Krypton Nfic - lots of contenders. Best Elseworld Nfic - again, more than a few. Best Rewrite (nfic which deal with LNC's 'first time' - which are obviously different from the show's take on the subject - large category) Best Tag On (nfic following on from a scene/episode from the show. Quite a few of these.) There are probably more that I haven't considered which others might like to suggest. But anyway, I toss them into the melting pot. And one other item for debate which occurs to me. Whereas I totally agree that the only really fair way to proceed is to include all nfic from the year dot, since this would be the first award event and the first chance to include some deserving fic - logistically I can see it presenting some problems. Many of the 'old timers' on my list have left FoLCdom and it would seem superfluous to include nfic in the nominations where an award won would be either unable to be delivered since no forwarding eddress for the author is available or indeed would be less than welcomed by the recipient (I know of at least one writer who has insisted that her name be removed from LNC nfic she co-authored because she has lost interest in the show). This might be something that is worthy of giving thought to finding a solution to? LabRat :) Doc. Klein's LabRat Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag and begin slitting throats. -- H. L. Mencken, Prejudices. He spoke with a certain what-is-it in his voice, and I could see that, if not actually disgruntled, he was far from being gruntled. -- P.G. Wodehouse, The Code of the Woosters. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 13:40:31 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carolyn Schnall Subject: Re: fanfic recommendations In-Reply-To: <006a01beb6ba$69d82da0$dc24d8cd@fred> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Hi Dawn and FoLCs: It was completely my pleasure to help with the editing and I am always happy to be able to contribute something positive to the efforts of FoLcs:) So, you are welcome! Carolyn >> Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 19:42:40 +0100 >> From: LabRat >> Subject: Re: fanfic recommendations >> >> S >> P >> O >> I >> L >> E >> R >> >> S >> P >> A >> C >> E >> >> For those of you who enjoy nfic - and are of the required age to >appreciate >> it - may I recommend a story which just hit my mailbox this morning from >> Debby's mailing list. "What If I Never Left Krypton' is by an entirely new >> writer, D. Field and, incredibly, this is her first posted fic. > >I want to thank LabRat and others who have written me about my story. I >really appreciate all of the comments and positive feedback I've gotten. >And a special thanks to LabRat for recommending it! > >> The subject of what may have happened to Lois and Clark's relationship if >> Clark had been raised on Krypton has been covered before, but I have to >say >> that this is the best take on the subject I've read so far. The prose is >> crisp and at times quite poetic, the dialogue sharp, witty, and easy to >> read, the characters real and the story exciting and I found myself >> constantly having to guard against the temptation to skim ahead to find >out >> what happened next. Waffy moments abound. >> >> I was delighted to discover when I finished that the writer plans this one >> as part one of a trilogy. At times, especially as she has seeded in the >odd >> line of dialogue from the show throughout but with a different spin on >them >> to suit the particular situation, I was reminded of Chris Mulder's Meet Me >> In Kansas City. For me, this story held the same air of magic. > >Well, that's my intention, but right now I am at a loss for words :) I was >very nervous about sending the story out, and really didn't know what to >expect. I was hoping for a couple of "nice story", and since I got those >>from my editors (thanks again, Irene & Carolyn!) I figured that was it :) >And to have Chris' MMIKC mentioned, I'm stunned. Thanks again, LabRat. I >consider this quite high praise coming from one of the great ones! > >> What more could you want? Oh, yeah....the nfic bits are pretty hot too. >> >> >> LabRat :) >> Doc. Klein's LabRat >> > >Thank you!! >Dawn ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 14:29:19 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Juli E. Hale" Subject: Re: Nfic Awards - Catagories MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 6/15/1999 12:11:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time, labrat@UKF.NET writes: << And one other item for debate which occurs to me. Whereas I totally agree that the only really fair way to proceed is to include all nfic from the year dot, since this would be the first award event and the first chance to include some deserving fic - logistically I can see it presenting some problems. Many of the 'old timers' on my list have left FoLCdom and it would seem superfluous to include nfic in the nominations where an award won would be either unable to be delivered since no forwarding eddress for the author is available or indeed would be less than welcomed by the recipient (I know of at least one writer who has insisted that her name be removed from LNC nfic she co-authored because she has lost interest in the show). This might be something that is worthy of giving thought to finding a solution to? LabRat :) Doc. Klein's LabRat >> Since one of the biggest problems with an nfic awards is that voters do not have access to all eligible stories, why not post a notice to authors to submit nfic stories that they wish to have considered for an award? They could be gathered on one site, possibly protected from readers 17-, and voters can nominate/vote from there. This would solve access problems, as well as the one LabRat mentioned above. Implicit in this would be the author's permission to have their story nominated. Just a thought, Juli Hale -who enjoys the nfic she has found, but who has a sneaking suspicion that there are oodles out there she can't find :-) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 14:41:02 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: ninety-six and i planted poppies Subject: Re: Nfic Awards - Catagories << And one other item for debate which occurs to me. Whereas I totally agree that the only really fair way to proceed is to include all nfic from the year dot, since this would be the first award event and the first chance to include some deserving fic - logistically I can see it presenting some problems. Many of the 'old timers' on my list have left FoLCdom and it would seem superfluous to include nfic in the nominations where an award won would be either unable to be delivered since no forwarding eddress for the author is available or indeed would be less than welcomed by the recipient (I know of at least one writer who has insisted that her name be removed from LNC nfic she co-authored because she has lost interest in the show). This might be something that is worthy of giving thought to finding a solution to? >> Unlike LabRat, I don't think it would be "superfluous" to give an award to stories whose authors are no longer in folcdom. If the awards are for the best stories, they should be for the best stories, whether or not their authors are still around our list. To me, that would seem like discounting a film or book for an award simply because its writer/author has either died or stopped making films or writing. The award should be for the *work,* not the author's longevity as a folc or lack thereof. The award doesn't have to be "delivered" to be earned and valid. However, considering LabRat's example of an author who has insisted her name be removed from Lois and Clark fanfic- in that case, I think the author's wishes should be abided by, just as if an author who is still in foldcom wishes *her* stories not be considered. However, if the person has disappeared but left her stories, why not consider them? Just because an author has lost interest in the show, or in folcdom, or hasn't had internet access, that doesn't mean her stories should be discounted. Just a thought. -Christy ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 19:23:08 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Yvonne Connell Subject: Re: My Journal, Day 4, Introduction MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Debby wrote: >Yvonne (my sister-in-law is named Yvonne :) Ah, so maybe she gets the weird spellings I do? ie: Evon, Eevon, Eyvon...I think once I even had Ivan! > >S > >P > >O > >I > >L > >E > >R > > > >S > >P > >A > >C > >E > > > >Dear Clark, > > > >enough to make me realise that you wrote the encryption progam yourself. > > CK thinks: Godzilla's working - already taking "r"s on a random basis... > LOL!, Clark, but beware: maybe I'm just extra cunning, and letting you *think* Godzilla's working... > >I'm surprised, knowing what a fair-minded fellow you are, that you have > >written the program so that people with faster computers have less time to > >shut down before damage starts to be done than those of us with slow > >computers. > > CK thinks: au contraire. mystery writer must be using a Packard-Bell... > Nope, wouldn't touch them with a barge-pole. > >Surely you could make a calculation based on their processor > >speed so that xx (the time in seconds before the virus activates) could be > >constant? > > CK thinks: mystery writer's Packard-Bell must be a 486... too bad: bye-bye > come y2k... AST Pentium 133, actually. But then, since last time I looked, Microsoft still hadn't got all it's Yr2K issues sorted out for Windows/Office, we're all doomed anyway . > >A Friend. > > ck thinks: I hope so! I need all the friends I can get. Maybe I can interview > mystery writer sometime > Looking forward to it, Clark ;) Oh - and Clark? Take Perry's advice and get your hair cut - we prefer your hair short. Regards, A Friend ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 12:58:41 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: Re: Nfic Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Hey Labrat, Me again. Please do send this and anything else you can think of that would help to me. It sounds like you have taken a huge amount of work out of the process for Dawn and me. Thanks for your offer to help. Take care, Irene --- LabRat wrote: > Sandy wrote: > > >I don't think there's anyone who is widely read in > n-fic these days as > >the "community" has scattered. In the past, almost > all n-fic ended up on > >Debby's list and I was reasonably sure I knew of > everything, if not read > >it all. > > > >You're right that the Kerth categories are a good > place to begin but I > >would love to get a better feel for how much work > we're actually talking > >about, what should be included considering past > participation in the > >Kerths, and what this entire group consists of. I > think that would be > >the first step -- with everyone's help, to take a > thorough inventory. > > Well, I kind of like to think I am fairly widely > read in the genre, Sandy. I > began a personal fanfic index right from the first > nfic stories I read - to > complement my pg index - which helps me keep track > when I want to revisit > old favouries. This is now fairly extensive and > includes nfic from Debby's > mailing list, the nfic boards from 1-6, all the > personal websites I could > find in a year and a half and annesplace, among > others. Every possible site > for nfic I could find in fact. Although I doubt I've > found 100% source, I > must be pretty close by now I think. > > I'd willingly send it to an organizing committee to > get them started on > what's out there and been out there - if I knew who > to send it to. Probably > the only omissions it has are the occasional nfic > which I really, truly > hated and didn't bother to save on disk (and I can't > actually remember there > being any of those ) and the personal websites I > haven't tracked down. > But currently it details entries for the 565 nfic > stories I have on disk. > Which has to be a healthy starting point if not a > totally comprehensive > listing. > > Anyway, if anyone needs it or thinks it will help > it's there. This, I hasten > to add, > applies to anyone thinking of organizing an awards > event *only*. I just > don't have the time to forward X amount of copies of > a personal list to > people wanting to track down nfic. Sorry! Besides > which, as I've never > detailed on the list the particular source, I've > lost track of which > personal websites I found many stories. So it > probably wouldn't be of aid > there anyway. > > Oh, and you beat me to it, Wendy. Naturally LB's > nfic is the first thing I > thought of when the words 'new gen' appeared. > She's pretty much cornered > the market there. ;) And I've been waiting on the > chance to nominate Love > Finds A Way for months now. > > LabRat :) > Doc. Klein's LabRat > > > Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on > his hands, hoist the > black flag and begin slitting throats. -- H. L. > Mencken, Prejudices. > > He spoke with a certain what-is-it in his voice, and > I could see that, if > not actually disgruntled, he was far from being > gruntled. -- P.G. Wodehouse, > The Code of the Woosters. > _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 13:06:11 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: Nfic Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii I guess it's time to let people know that Dawn and I have volunteered (foolishly) to coordinate the nfic awards. I can already tell that we will have lots of help. Thanks, Pam for your offer to help. Erin has agreed to give us pointers as to how to proceed. And Labrat, I'm blown away by how organized you are! Please give Dawn and me a chance to get organized before you send us multiple emails as to what you want or don't want to see with these awards. If there are any other kind FoLCs who helped with the Kerth awards who would like to volunteer to help Dawn and me, please email with details. Take care, Irene _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 16:27:15 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Tylke, Judith" Subject: Re: Nfic Awards Comments: cc: "" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Irene, I can't use the irc from work but I can help with emailings, locating stories/authors, postings etc. (my work connection is a lan and free to me so I can use it as long and often as I like without worring about the $'s) so please let me know what I can do to help. I think Labrat, and others, are right the awards should be open to all nfic, unless the author has requested not to be included. I also like some of the catagories that have been mentioned, but I really like the idea of having a site where adults can get the nominated stories, or at least links to them, since there are referances to stories in the postings that I have been unable to find and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Let me know if I can help with whatever, my e-mail is JT > From: Irene D.[SMTP:sirenegold@YAHOO.COM] > Reply To: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic > Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 4:06 PM > To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU > Subject: Nfic Awards > > I guess it's time to let people know that Dawn and I have volunteered > (foolishly) to coordinate the nfic awards. > > I can already tell that we will have lots of help. Thanks, Pam for > your offer to help. Erin has agreed to give us pointers as to how to > proceed. And Labrat, I'm blown away by how organized you are! > > Please give Dawn and me a chance to get organized before you send us > multiple emails as to what you want or don't want to see with these > awards. > > If there are any other kind FoLCs who helped with the Kerth awards who > would like to volunteer to help Dawn and me, please email > with details. > > Take care, > Irene > > > _________________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Get your free address at > ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 15:51:20 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Lara Blasingame Subject: A Cute, Clean Joke Hey FOLC, My dad told me the funniest joke the other day.... Two guys were talking on the observation deck of the Empire State building. The first man said to the second man, "If you were to jump from this height, the wind current is so strong that by the time that you reach the 10th or 11th floor the updraft will suck you back into the building. The second man shook his head slowly. "That's impossible." The first man just smiled. "I'll prove it." He jumped off the building and when he reached the 10th floor the updraft sucked him back into the building. Within minutes, the first man had made his way back to the observation deck. "See... I told you it would work." The second guy didn't look overly convinced. "I've said it before... and I'll say it again. That's impossible." "It is? Well, how about I give it another try." The first man jumped off the building and was, once again, updrafted into a nearby window. He reappeared a few moments later with an even bigger smile on his face. The second man spoke first. "I guess you're right. That looks like a lot of fun. I want to go next." The man jumped off the Empire State building. He saw the 10th floor quickly approach... and pass... 9th, 8th, 7th floor... until he hit the pavement below. The first man watched as the man fell to the ground. A security guard approached the first man. "You know what, Superman? You can be a real jerk when you've been drinking!" Well, I hope you enjoyed that one as much as I did... Take care, Lara ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 17:18:14 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Rich & Dawn Subject: Re: What If I Never Left Krypton MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Irene wrote: > Just let me add my two cents here. When I received the first draft of > this story after volunteering to edit, I thought 'Oh no! It's a New > Krypton story' - not my most favourite genre. Those stories have to be > handled extremely well for me to enjoy them. Let me tell you, Dawn did > a wonderful job with this story and I'm already waiting (im)patiently > for the next one in the series. > > So, if you're on Debby's list, and you received this story and placed > it at the bottom of your to-be-read pile, move this one to the top of > the pile immediately. You don't want to miss it. > > And Dawn, please keep writing. I can't wait for the next one. And LabRat wrote: > And more tuppence worth from me. I'd urge everyone who has read WIINLK > and enjoyed it to please take the time to write Dawn and tell her so. (I'm > not certain that she is on this list, although I could, of course, be wrong > there.) Her eddress is on the story. New talent like this needs to be > encouraged and Dawn definitely deserves the praise. > Thanks, guys! I'm still overwhelmed by this reponse. I haven't stopped grinning since the story first went out :) And I am working on the sequel as RL permits, though I'm still a bit stunned by this and hope it can live up :) I've been on this list, just very quiet, since its beginning, but I'm on digest, so I get the posts a few days later. I want to again thank Debby & Joyce for sending the story out for me. LabRat suggested (thanks!) I edit it for the main archive, which I am working on, and I'm going to try to post it to Zoom's site as well. Of course, anyone who would like to read it came email me, with the usual disclaimers. Thanks again! Dawn ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 07:15:10 +1000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jenny Stosser Subject: Re: A Cute, Clean Joke In-Reply-To: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 03:51 PM 15/06/99 -0500, you wrote: >Hey FOLC, > >My dad told me the funniest joke the other day.... > > >Two guys were talking on the observation deck of the Empire State building. I'm not too sure why this counts as a "Clean" joke... I mean, I'd hate to be the man who had to clean the street below Jen -*-This message is umop ap!sdn (Jenerator or Some1Else on IRC) -*- JenerEight on AIM -*- ICQ: 11477318 Photos of David (6) and Megan (3) on the Stosser Family HomePage: Please sign our guestbook! ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 17:18:35 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Tylke, Judith" Subject: Re: What If I Never Left Krypton MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain I just read WIINLK last night, I stayed up till two am finishing it! It is a great story, I like the dialogue and the premise. Your love scenes were very well done and I'm looking forward to the next installment. Write on! JT > ---------- > From: Rich & Dawn[SMTP:rfield@ROANOKE.INFI.NET] > Reply To: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic > Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 5:18 PM > To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU > Subject: Re: What If I Never Left Krypton > > Irene wrote: > > > Just let me add my two cents here. When I received the first draft of > > this story after volunteering to edit, I thought 'Oh no! It's a New > > Krypton story' - not my most favourite genre. Those stories have to be > > handled extremely well for me to enjoy them. Let me tell you, Dawn did > > a wonderful job with this story and I'm already waiting (im)patiently > > for the next one in the series. > > > > So, if you're on Debby's list, and you received this story and placed > > it at the bottom of your to-be-read pile, move this one to the top of > > the pile immediately. You don't want to miss it. > > > > And Dawn, please keep writing. I can't wait for the next one. > > And LabRat wrote: > > > And more tuppence worth from me. I'd urge everyone who has read > WIINLK > > and enjoyed it to please take the time to write Dawn and tell her so. > (I'm > > not certain that she is on this list, although I could, of course, be > wrong > > there.) Her eddress is on the story. New talent like this needs to be > > encouraged and Dawn definitely deserves the praise. > > > > Thanks, guys! I'm still overwhelmed by this reponse. I haven't stopped > grinning since the story first went out :) And I am working on the sequel > as RL permits, though I'm still a bit stunned by this and hope it can live > up :) > > I've been on this list, just very quiet, since its beginning, but I'm on > digest, so I get the posts a few days later. I want to again thank Debby > & > Joyce for sending the story out for me. LabRat suggested (thanks!) I edit > it for the main archive, which I am working on, and I'm going to try to > post > it to Zoom's site as well. Of course, anyone who would like to read it > came > email me, with the usual disclaimers. > > Thanks again! > Dawn > ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 16:31:14 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Lara Blasingame Subject: Re: A Cute, Clean Joke -Reply Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Hey Jen, Hee! Hee! I never thought about that! How about... " A Joke Not Ridden with Obsenities." Will all that fit on the description line Lara ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 17:48:53 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kate Kent Subject: More on Festing re: motion sickness and expenses MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit First of all, to Laurie, you are not an old fogie. In my mind we are all young. I personally plan on getting older until I hit 29 and then stay there! I feel old today though, since tomorrow I'll be *gasp* 19! Anywho, here's some more notes on Great Adventure. First of all, I am terrified of roller coasters and get quite ill on them. But there are a whole bunch of rides at Great Adventure that don't involve being upside and loosing your lunch. Especially the water rides, which are my favorites. So please don't let a little motion sickness keep you from anything. This is of course me speaking, the one who's allergic to citrus and eats oranges, the one with asthma and likes to swim laps, and the one who has a fear of closed spaces and lives with her mother! OK, my 2 cents. Now on cost. There are a lot of offers out there for discounts on rides. I think Mickey-D's (AKA McDonalds) has a 10 dollars off coupon and Cokes has a two for one deal. I think also Fleet Bank (where I have an account) has a deal. I will find out more about these deals. Above all, Lois & Clark has taught me with dedication and love, anything is possible! -Kate the dreamer ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 00:14:52 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: Re: Nfic Awards - Catagories MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hey gang! Okay, deep breath and: > >Since one of the biggest problems with an nfic awards is that voters do not >have access to all eligible stories, why not post a notice to authors to >submit nfic stories that they wish to have considered for an award? They >could be gathered on one site, possibly protected from readers 17-, and >voters can nominate/vote from there. This would solve access problems, as >well as the one LabRat mentioned above. Implicit in this would be the >author's permission to have their story nominated. > Nice thought, Julie - and it would work - except that (speaking only for myself) I have *real* problems with self-promotion. I probably couldn't bring myself to actively mail stories to the organisers and say "Hey, include these!" I'd wait in trepidation for the email in response asking me why on earth I think anyone would *want* to include them. Dawn's stories, LB's, anyone else's stories - I'll nominate them for inclusion in a flash, but mine own - uhuh. I'm breaking out in a cold sweat even thinking about that one. And it would have to be a big site - 565 stories that I know of remember - and someone would have to figure out where all 565 came from, tracking down personal websites for many of them. Not to mention the nfic that I'm bound to have missed out of the equation. Although I know practically zip about setting up websites, so perhaps this isn't as much of a task as I'm assuming it would be. If it helps in some small way for both organisers and voters, Judith Tylke has offered to send out multiples of my nfic list to anyone who wants it. I think she's included her eddress in her post to the list this evening. I'm perfectly willing to do that. Then the organisers and everyone eligible to vote can take a look and see where there are obvious omissions to be tracked down and included. Would that work for anyone? Course it doesn't solve all of the access problems - someone mentioned to me today that several of the nfic out there is trapped in Zoom's mbs, apparently there is an access problem there. And people probably won't have the time - or inclination perhaps - to track down and read everything in Debby's mailing list archive. A lot of good fic could be overlooked that way. Is it just me or does this get more complicated the more you think about it? Christy - good point. Darned good point in fact. I was thinking primarily of the writers to be honest. I've gotten the impression in the past that more than a few of them who've since dropped out of FoLCdom would be none too happy to be reminded of their LNC fanfic. We know from the Kerths that writers sometimes have personal reasons for discounting their own work from the process - and that is their choice. But if a writer can no longer be contacted, I wondered whether it was our right to include their work without their permission or without giving them the opportunity to refuse to have it nominated. One thing that has occurred to me, however, is that this problem must surely have been encountered already by the Kerth committee. What was your solution, guys? Irene - not a lot of work no, just a thoroughly enjoyable couple of hours. I *love* listmaking; can keep me occupied for hours. As they say, simple souls.... And in that capacity I'd be happy to help - I'll reply to your email soon. But I did have to have a quiet hysterical attack at your comment about being impressed by my organisation. Years ago, after several fanfic and personal projects ended in a complete mess, I had to reluctantly face up to my failings and realise that organisational and problem solving skills are just not in my character. Trust me - you don't want me organising anything. The words 'disaster' and 'unmitigated' spring immediately to mind. Making up lists though - I'm in. I can do that. And anything else that is on a level with sticking the stamps on envelopes. LabRat :) Doc. Klein's LabRat Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag and begin slitting throats. -- H. L. Mencken, Prejudices. He spoke with a certain what-is-it in his voice, and I could see that, if not actually disgruntled, he was far from being gruntled. -- P.G. Wodehouse, The Code of the Woosters. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 19:14:29 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: Re: My Journal, Day 4, Introduction In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 07:23 PM 06/15/1999 +0100, you wrote: >Debby wrote: > >>Yvonne (my sister-in-law is named Yvonne :) > >Ah, so maybe she gets the weird spellings I do? ie: Evon, Eevon, Eyvon...I >think once I even had Ivan! She did complain about that one time. I know how she feels. Everyone assumes I spell my name Debbie, even when Debby is right there in front of them. >> >S >> >P >> >O >> >I >> >L >> >E >> >R >> > >> >S >> >P >> >A >> >C >> >E >> > >> >Dear Clark, >> > >> >enough to make me realise that you wrote the encryption progam yourself. >> >> CK thinks: Godzilla's working - already taking "r"s on a random basis... >> >LOL!, Clark, but beware: maybe I'm just extra cunning, and letting you >*think* Godzilla's working... But recall, size *does* matter! >> >I'm surprised, knowing what a fair-minded fellow you are, that you have >> >written the program so that people with faster computers have less time to >> >shut down before damage starts to be done than those of us with slow >> >computers. >> >> CK thinks: au contraire. mystery writer must be using a Packard-Bell... >Nope, wouldn't touch them with a barge-pole. Actually, the idea is: the faster the processor, the faster the program can be shut down, so the less time bad guys are given. Slow processor, slower shut down, Godzilla examines her claws and whistles a jaunty tune, giving bad guy more time. :) A matter of seconds in any case. >> >Surely you could make a calculation based on their processor >> >speed so that xx (the time in seconds before the virus activates) could >be >> >constant? >> >> CK thinks: mystery writer's Packard-Bell must be a 486... too bad: >bye-bye >> come y2k... > >AST Pentium 133, actually. But then, since last time I looked, Microsoft >still hadn't got all it's Yr2K issues sorted out for Windows/Office, we're >all doomed anyway . hee-hee-hee! Buy extra cat food... >> >A Friend. >> >> ck thinks: I hope so! I need all the friends I can get. Maybe I can interview >> mystery writer sometime >Looking forward to it, Clark ;) Just have to track ya down... And I know just the person who can do it. :) >Oh - and Clark? Take Perry's advice and get your hair cut - we prefer your >hair short. Step aside, Clark. Debby here: I like longer hair on CK so that's what he gets :) Short hair leaves nothing for a gal to run her hands through, comprende? If you like it short--write your own CK :) Debby Beatles fan ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 19:25:14 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: New fanfic - Starfire and Sunstorm Part Two - Martha 1 of 2 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Title: Starfire and Sunstorm Part Two - Martha Parts: Two Author: Irene Dutchak Rating: PG Feedback: All feedback welcome - both public and private. Summary: Sequel to "Firestorm" and "Starfire and Sunstorm Part One - Caroline" Part One of Two In order to understand this story, it is necessary to read “Firestorm” first as well as “Starfire and Sunstorm – Part One – Caroline”. Thank you, everyone, for the wonderful feedback after part one. Please send feedback to All standard disclaimers apply. Starfire and Sunstorm Part two – Martha Irene Dutchak 3 years later. "Honestly, Martha. You have no idea. One of my children keeps turning into a little monster. We know why, but we don’t know what to do about it...No, I don't blame her. But you know how Jon feels about her...No. No better. You'll see what I mean when you're here next week... I wish Jonathan were coming too, but we understand why he’s not... Oh well. Maybe we can finagle a girl's night out...I love you too, Martha. I can hardly wait... I'll tell them. Give my love to Jonathan. Bye." Lois hung up the phone and looked around the kitchen. Boy, had she ever gotten spoiled being married to Clark. He had rushed out in the middle of breakfast, leaving her with two sticky boys, one sticky girl, and a huge mess to clean up. She had been debating what to tackle first, the dishes or the food covered floor, when Martha called. She sighed. "Come on, Lane. You might as well stop putting it off and get to work." Sighing again, she started scraping plates into the garbage, and then stacking them in the sink. She unearthed her rubber gloves >from the back of the cupboard underneath the sink, and ran hot water onto the dishes. She picked up the dishcloth in preparation to plunging her hands into the hot, soapy water when she heard a very familiar whoosh. Thankfully, the rubber gloves were peeled off and re-interred once again in the cupboard under the sink. "Hi, hon. Sorry about that. Did you get the boys off to school okay?" "Yeah, we even got there two whole minutes early. Marty’s in the den watching a little TV." "I'm impressed. That's earlier than I’ve ever got there with them and I have a bit of an advantage over you." Clark grinned at Lois. "Why don't you get Marty ready, and I'll clean up in here in a jiffy." Lois beamed at Clark. "My hero. You've saved me from a fate worse than death." "Wouldn't be the first time." "Clark!" Lois couldn't help laughing. "Lois, you don't just love me for my cleaning skills, do you?" "I don't know, Clark. You’d look kind of cute in a French Maid's outfit. Black suits you." Clark laughed and swept Lois into a warm embrace. "I know which family member would look their best in a French Maid's outfit and it's sure not me. Maybe we should go shopping for one. You could hang it beside your harem outfit." Lois giggled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Oh well, I guess I'll just have to put up with the spandex if I want to ogle you." "Lois!" Clark blushed a deep red. Lois grinned. "I just love the fact that I can still make you blush after seven years of marriage." “There are lots of things that you still do to me after seven years of marriage.” Clark waggled his eyebrows at her suggestively. Lois kissed him firmly, effectively bringing their bantering to a halt. He participated whole-heartedly. A long moment later, she laid her head against his chest. “Mmm. Honey, I would love to continue this . . .discussion but we better get to work.” “I guess we’ll have to make plans for later.” Clark said huskily. Lois gazed deep into his eyes. “I guess so. Oh. Before I forget, your mom just called. She is really looking forward to visiting next week. And she sent you and the kids lots of hugs and kisses.” “You can deliver my hugs and kisses later – in private. In fact, I insist of it.” He grinned at her. “Clark, you have a one-track mind!” “Only around you, Lois.” Clark reluctantly let go of his wife. “I wish Dad would come too, but there’s not too much that will take him away >from his annual fishing trip. Marty is really going to miss him.” “I know. She adores him. Anyway, I’ll go get Marty and my stuff, and you can finish in here.” Thirty seconds later, they were all ready to head to the office. Martha arrived for her annual solo visit in due course. She would never admit it, but it was kind of nice to visit Metropolis without Jonathan once in a while. Not that she didn’t love him; she did, but this gave her more of an opportunity to do her own thing. Jonathan always tolerated being dragged through the Metropolis Museum of Modern Art, but it wasn’t really his style. And when it came to shopping. . . Martha had much more fun visiting the stores with Lois. For such a focused and busy career woman, Lois could get down and dirty with the best of them when it came to a good sale. But more importantly, Jonathan never wanted them to interfere. And >from the sound of things, Lois and Clark were hoping for some help. Without Jonathan’s presence, Martha could tackle the problem without a qualm. (Not that she wouldn’t dive right in if he were here too. It was just easier without him.) Martha was used to Clark needing her advice, but she positively loved the way that her daughter-in-law came to her with her problems. Lois was like her own daughter. She would have loved Lois in her own right, but then when you added into the equation Lois’s fierce devotion to Clark and to Martha’s grandchildren, well... Let’s just say, Martha would have done practically anything for Lois. Martha waited eagerly for Jon and Sam to get off the school bus. It had been too late when she got in the previous evening for her to have much of a visit with the children. Normally they would have gone directly to the day care at the Daily Planet, but with Grandma Kent visiting, the boys could come directly home. Marty would come home with her mom and dad later when they were done work. The yellow school bus rounded the corner and pulled to a halt in front of Martha. “Grandma!” “Hi Grandma!” “How are my boys?” Martha crouched down and gathered the two boys into her arms. “Good. I drew you a picture ‘cus I knew you were coming today!” Sam held up a purple and yellow squiggle. “That’s lovely, Sam. What is it?” “A fish so if Papa doesn’t catch any, he can look at this one.” “How thoughtful, Sam. I know he’ll love it.” Martha watched Jon as he hid behind his twin brother. She grew concerned as this was not normal behavior for him. He too was clutching a large piece of paper, stiff with paint. “Hey, sweetie. Do you have a picture for me too?” Jon nodded solemnly. “Here, Grandma.” He thrust the painting in her general direction. Martha turned it over and gazed down at Jon’s painting in amazement. “Oh, Honey, this is beautiful!” Jon had painted an extremely credible picture of a horse. Oh sure, the physiology had been simplified considerably, but there was a strong sense of the horse’s musculature in the drawing. And the perspective was bang on. Martha knew from her own art classes that the horse was one of the most difficult of all the animals to draw. She was positively taken aback that her six-year-old grandson could already draw a better horse than most adults could. Jon hesitantly took her hand. “Do you really like it, Grandma?” he asked wistfully. “I really do, Jon.” Martha grinned down at her small grandson until she suddenly remembered the proprieties involved in dealing with two children at once. She hastily added, “And I love your fish picture too, Sam.” “Grandma, come on. Let’s go home. We’re hungry for our snack.” Sam tugged impatiently at the hem of her top. “That reminds me. I have a surprise for you two. Can you guess what it is?” Sam and Jon looked at each other for a moment. They turned back to Martha and shouted in unison, “Home-made cookies!” Martha smiled. Sam and Jon were so much like Clark at that age. Almost better actually, because there were two of them. And for the next few hours she had them all to herself! Later that evening. The kids had become quiet very quickly after they had been tucked in. They were completely tuckered out. It was flattering to Martha how excited they got every time Grandma came to visit. Supper had been a riotous occasion with many incomprehensible jokes told by the children. Over half the punch lines remained unsaid because the kids were laughing too hard to get the words out of their mouths. Marty and Sam had told most of the jokes. Jon had been a little reluctant, but had finally been coaxed to tell his Englishman, Irishman, Scotsman, and cow joke. Evidently practically everyone he knew had heard him tell this one joke on numerous occasions. Martha made a mental note to remember the punch line so she could share it with Jonathan. How did it go again? Oh, right. It must be a Scottish cow because it had bagpipes underneath. It really wasn’t that funny a joke but the kids had roared with laughter over it – even Marty, who at the age of almost three needed to have everything spelled out for her. After supper, the children had insisted on taking her on a tour of their bedrooms, showing her every new toy, new book, new stuffed animal and more. They had all displayed their artwork to her. Then Jon and Sam had basked in her praise after reading simple stories to her. Marty had made herself dizzy doing a quick succession of somersaults – a newly mastered skill. Finally the children and adults had piled together onto the beat-up couch in the playroom, and Clark had read the children a couple of bedtime stories. After the stories were over, Martha had been impressed by how quickly the kids had got their pajama’s on, and their teeth brushed. Only Marty had needed a minimal amount of assistance. Martha sighed. It seemed like only yesterday when Clark had been that age, and now her grandchildren were growing up just as fast as he had. “Mom, Lois. I’m going to head out now on patrol. I shouldn’t be out long but you never know. You don’t need to wait up.” “Okay, sweetheart. Be careful.” Lois gave her husband a quick kiss. “I will. Mom, how about we take you out for lunch tomorrow? It’s hard to visit with the kids around.” “I’d love that. Hope everything’s okay for you tonight.” Clark lifted his head and listened. “It sounds quiet enough. But thanks, Mom.” Clark headed out the back door. A moment later, they heard the sound of his take-off. Martha turned to Lois. “You were pretty upset on the phone the other day.” “Martha, do mothers worry about everything all the time?” “Pretty much, honey. I always did. But the trick is not to let people see you worry. Always try to look calm even when you’re not.” “Thanks. I’ll try to remember that.” Lois sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair. “Where do I start?” “Just relax and talk. What is the biggest problem in your opinion?” “Martha, that’s easy. My child turns into an out and out brat.” “Well, what does he do that makes you say that?” Lois was obviously thinking hard. “You know what, Martha? I think I should just have everyone come over for supper on the weekend so you can see for yourself. It’ll be easier than me trying to explain.” She reached for the phone, checked her watch, and paused. “Do you think ten o’clock is too late to call?” “Honey, when you have a baby, anytime after eight o’clock is too late!” Lois giggled. “I remember. I’ll call tomorrow. I think I’ll ask Jimmy too. You haven’t seen him in a while.” “That would be great. I always enjoy his company. Now, to change the subject, Lois, did you see the picture Jon made for me? I was totally blown away by it! He has a wonderful eye.” Lois settled back in her chair as she indulged in one of her favourite activities – discussing her children’s merits. Martha kept herself busy the rest of the week. Her family enjoyed having her cook for them although, truth to tell, Clark was pretty close to being as good in the kitchen as she was. As for Lois, well, to be charitable, her culinary skills had improved. They had to. Too many times, Clark had to be away and wasn’t able to cook. And take-out was expensive! It was great once in a while for a treat, but they couldn’t afford to eat it all the time. Martha had spent one entire, glorious day browsing through art museums and small privately owned galleries. It was wonderful to be able to take the time to really look at a painting, and to try to understand what the artist was trying to express. Unfortunately, work had been too hectic for Lois to get away and go shopping with her, but Martha hadn’t let that stop her. She had discovered some wonderful boutiques that carried really unusual clothing. She didn’t actually buy anything as the prices were way too high, but she made mental notes of colour and fabric combinations, and fully intended to try and design her own clothes at home. She didn’t like spending money on herself, especially for things that she could make for a fraction of the cost. Martha did like spending money on her grandchildren however. She found a bookstore that carried high quality second-hand books. Through judicious browsing, she was able to locate some of her own favourite children’s books: “Black Beauty”, “The Wizard of Oz”, “Mary Poppins”, “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” and so many more. She even found a complete boxed set of all the Narnia books for only ten dollars. When she returned to her kids’ place with all these treasures, Clark had been even more excited than the grandchildren as he had so many fond memories of these stories. All of his childhood library had survived in great shape and had already been passed on to the children, but there just hadn’t been a lot of books to pass on. Martha and Jonathan hadn’t had the money available to buy Clark as many books as they had wanted to. Oh well. Martha reflected that it hadn’t seemed to have bothered Clark all that much to take books out of the library. At least now she had the money to indulge her grandchildren. Martha and Lois had hoped to go out by themselves on Friday evening. Unfortunately, Marty had come home from daycare that afternoon with a stomachache, and she only wanted her Mommy or Daddy to look after her. Then Clark had to leave suddenly. So instead of watching a romantic comedy with Lois, Martha took her grandsons to an indoor play centre. She spent a noisy couple of hours watching Jon and Sam clamber through tubes, swing on ropes, and tumble down slides. She treated them to stale popcorn and watery pop while she sipped her bitter coffee. The three of them had a wonderful time. Continued in second post. _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 19:29:46 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: New fanfic - "Starfire and Sunstorm Part Two - Martha" 2 of 2 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Title: "Starfire and Sunstorm Part Two - Martha" Parts: Two Author: Irene Dutchak Rating: PG Feedback: All feedback welcome - both public and private. Summary: Sequel to "Firestorm" and "Starfire and Sunstorm Part One - Caroline" Continued from part one. The next day dawned, sunny and warm. Clark set up the wading pool mid-morning and filled it with water so that it would be nice and warm later in the day. Of course the children weren’t content to wait until later to play in it. He was forced to refill it numerous times. Lois and Martha left the children at home with Clark and went to the local farmers market. Martha always liked comparing the quality and type of produce available in Metropolis versus what was available in Smallville. After checking the prices, she quickly concluded that she much preferred her own market. All the same, she and Lois picked up a ton of fresh vegetables. They had skipped breakfast in order to sample their way through the market. Martha had to admit that the apple fritters were excellent, although the corn fritters were only a pale imitation of what she could make. She ate a piece of baklava to get the bland soggy taste of the corn fritters out of her mouth. Lois skipped the baklava as she was waiting to get to the homemade fudge booth. They had a wonderful time browsing and nibbling their way from one end of the market to the other. By the time they were ready to leave, they each had about four bags in each hand. Luckily, most of them were for the dinner that night. Martha didn’t want Clark to have to make two trips on Monday when he took her home. When they arrived home, Clark handed off the children to Lois so he could help his mother get ready for the get-together that afternoon. It seemed like old times. Martha smiled as she reflected that Clark always used to speed through his chores so that he could spend time with her, helping her to make supper every evening. He had always said that he wanted to learn to cook, but Martha knew the real reason had been just that he wanted to be with her. Mothers and sons – everyone knows that they have a special bond just like fathers and daughters do. That was one of the reasons Martha had been so glad that Lois and Clark’s third child had been a girl. Oh, it was true, she had wanted them to have a girl that she could spoil too, but also, she had always wanted Jonathan to experience what that special bond was like. He had always loved Clark and they were very close, but he and Marty positively adored each other. Martha could tell that, even though Marty was glad Grandma was there, she really missed seeing her Papa too. Oh well, in another three weeks, school would be over and the kids would be able to come visit for a week or two. Marty would be free to follow her Papa around like a shadow the whole time if she so desired. Martha and Clark worked steadily for about an hour getting the salads, dessert and appetizers ready - no shortcuts allowed unless absolutely necessary when Martha was in charge of the kitchen. Anyway, Clark was never tempted to speed through anything when they were working together. It would have cut short their time for talking. Martha listened carefully to her son as he shared snippets of his daily family life with her. He shared with her his worry over Jon’s aberrant behaviour, but he didn’t seem to have any idea as to what to do about it. Clark should have been the first person to see all the ramifications of this problem. He really had no clue as to how to help his little boy. Honestly, for such a smart man, sometimes he was completely clueless about human nature. And Martha didn’t think that had anything to do with the fact that he was actually Kryptonian. No, she believed it was because Clark was completely like Jonathan in this one regard – not insensitive exactly but ... oh, she didn’t know how to describe it. She didn’t expect as much from Lois. Not that Lois wasn’t attuned to her son’s needs – she was – but she didn’t have the same kind of experience that Clark had. She fully intended to make some very pointed comments to him later. In due course, Jimmy arrived. Lois and Clark directed him to the backyard while they got the food and drink organized on trays. When he got outside, the kids swarmed all over him. He ran up and down the back yard giving the children turns at piggyback rides. After three turns each, he finally begged off. “Boy...I’m really out of shape. If I’m going to keep doing this, I’m going to have to start exercising.” He dropped into a lawn chair beside Martha, still huffing and puffing. “Uncle Jimmy, you just need to play with us more.” Sam grinned at Jimmy. Jimmy tousled his hair. “You’re right, pal. This sure beats jogging!” Martha leaned forward to address the children. “Why don’t you guys let Uncle Jimmy catch his breath? He can play more with you later. As for you three, there’s a plastic bag on the table over there. Marty, could you bring it here so we can see what’s in it?” Marty ran to the table and back again in a flash. Martha took the bag >from her and peeked inside. “What have we got here?” She reached in. “Bubble mix! There’s one for each of you.” Martha raised her voice to be heard over the chorus of excited thank you’s. “Okay, guys. Take it over there away from the grownups. Go see who can make the biggest bubble." As the kids turned away, Martha turned to Jimmy. “I’m just glad that they continue to be entertained by seventy-eight cent bubble mix! I’m not looking forward to the day when that’s not enough.” “I’m sure you’ll figure something out, Martha.” “Maybe. Listen, Jimmy, while Lois and Clark are still inside, I wanted to ask you about Jon. I gather you’ve seen him when he’s acting up.” “Yeah, I sure have.” “What do you think the solution is? Clark didn’t really seem to know.” “I have some ideas what to do to help, Martha, and I would bet that you do too. You know the problem is that Jon resents...” Lois and Clark emerged from the house carrying trays of food and drink. Jimmy fell silent. “Here we go.” Clark served Jimmy and Martha their drinks before putting the tray down on the patio table. “Here, Hon, let me take that.” He reached for the tray Lois carried and offered appetizers around. “Clark, is this dip the Hummous or the Baba Ganoush?” Martha asked as she pointed to a dish surrounded by cut up raw vegetables. “I used the Baba Ganoush, Mom, because I knew you wanted to take the Hummous home with you on Monday.” Martha grinned at him. “Your father thanks you. You know that’s his favourite. And somehow, Hummous is one thing I can’t make very well. I don’t understand why. It’s so simple, but mine never turns out.” Lois laughed as she helped herself to a few vegetables. “You know, Martha, it’s very reassuring to me that even you aren’t perfect in the kitchen. It gives me hope.” Martha giggled. Clark raised his voice slightly. “Kids, there’s veggies and dip here and there’s juice on the table for you.” A little stampede of children arrived. When they left thirty seconds later, the tray of vegetables looked a little skimpy, and there was juice spilled all over the table. Clark shook his head, laughing as he wiped up the spills. “They came, they saw, they ate. I should take this tray in to refill it.” “Nah,” Jimmy said, “just leave it for a while. Sit and relax for a minute.” Clark pulled a lawn chair closer to the group and sat down just as the doorbell rang. He laughed again. “Typical.” He started to get up when Jimmy interrupted him. “Clark, relax. I’ll go.” Jimmy jumped to his feet and headed into the house. He emerged a moment later closely followed by Bernie Klein and his daughter, Astrid. Martha regarded the little girl intently. She hadn’t seen Astrid for a good six months and she was surprised by how much she had grown. Astrid had lost most of her baby fat. She had grown into an unusually pretty little girl. Her hair was glorious – it gleamed with a brilliant coppery sheen in the sunlight. It hung halfway down her back in a neat ponytail. Bernie obviously took great pains with her appearance. She wore forest green shorts and a matching T-shirt. Martha was bemused as she noted that the hair band matched her outfit. “Hi, Unka Clark, Aunt Lois, Unka Jimmy, Mrs. Kent. How’r you?” Astrid jiggled from one foot to the other. Her eyes darted repeatedly back and forth from the group of children playing to the grownups. “We’re fine, Astrid. Thank you for asking. And how are you?” Lois regarded the little girl affectionately. “Fine, t’ank you, Aunt Lois.” Astrid’s eyes darted back to the children and then focused on Lois’s face pleadingly. Lois took pity on Astrid. “Go on, sweetie. Go play.” Astrid darted off without a word. Martha watched Jon as Sam and Marty ran from him to Astrid. He sat down in the sandbox and started digging halfheartedly. Martha had to force herself to swallow past the lump in her throat. She glanced at the others and saw that they had noticed the by-play too although no one said anything about it. “Bernie, I’m going to go fire up the barbecue and get the steaks. What can I get you to drink?” “Just a can of pop, thanks, Clark.” Bernie smiled at the others as Clark left for the house. “Martha, it’s great to see you again. How are you and how’s Jonathan?” “We’re fine, thanks, Bernie. You look well. And Astrid is obviously doing great!” Bernie’s expression softened as he watched his daughter play with her friends. “Thanks, Martha. We have a lot of fun together.” “That’s great.” “Bernie, I asked Martha to give us some more input and see what we can do about Jon. I hope that’s okay with you.” Lois glanced from the children to Dr. Klein. “That’s fine, Lois. Martha, we have all been racking our brains for a solution. We don’t want to have to separate Sam and Astrid.” Dr. Klein shook his head slowly. “Separate Sam and Astrid?” Martha was aghast. “You can’t do that! No, we have to help Jon accept this situation but we can’t do that by making Sam and Astrid miserable.” Clark emerged from the house with the tray of steaks and Dr. Klein’s drink. “Do you have any suggestions, Mom?” At Jimmy’s surprised look, Clark tugged as his ear. “Superhearing, remember, Jimmy?” Jimmy grinned. “You’d think that after three years, I would remember, Clark.” Clark laughed. “Hey, I like it when you guys forget and just act like I’m an average guy. It’s kind of like a compliment.” “Hey Clark. You are an average guy. You have a lovely wife, three great kids, and a house. All you need is the dog!” Dr. Klein was quick to point out. Lois got up, moved to Clark, wrapped her arms around his neck, and gave him a quick kiss. “I don’t know, Bernie. I don’t think he’s such an average guy,” Lois said huskily. “Not when he’s exceptional in so many ways.” She fluttered her eyelashes at him, vamping shamelessly. “Lois! Not in front of my mother!” Clark blushed brick red. Martha couldn’t stop giggling. She enjoyed the fact that Lois could still knock Clark off balance even after so many years of marriage. Of course, she did the same with Jonathan from time to time. She reflected that both her men would have been quite stodgy without their wives to influence them. The adults postponed the serious discussion and continued to enjoy their idle conversation while Clark barbecued the steaks. Martha and Lois got both the large and small picnic tables ready. Martha was pleased to see that the child size picnic table that Jonathan had made for the kids for Christmas seemed to get a lot of use. Finally it was time to eat. The kids took a few minutes to settle down but seemed to be doing okay. Martha noted that Sam jockeyed for a position beside Astrid as per usual. Jon sat sullenly beside Marty. He seemed to be on his best behaviour. She sure hadn’t seen him acting like a brat. Dinner went well. Martha glanced at Jon from time to time. He didn’t look happy, but he behaved. Jon and Sam finished first. They both tended to gobble their food. Typical boys, Martha thought. “Okay, boys. Go wash your faces and hands now. You can play some more with the girls when they’re done eating.” “’kay, Daddy.” The two boys started to race for the house. “Oh, Jon,” Martha called. He turned to face her. “Would you get the drawing you made for me? I bet your Uncle Jimmy and Uncle Bernie would like to see it.” His face lit up. “Sure, Grandma. I’ll be right back.” True to his word, Jon raced back out of the house in a flash carrying his picture carefully in his hands. He stood in front of the small picnic table, with his back half turned to Astrid and Marty, and held up the picture for the grownups to see. “Wow, Buddy. That’s great!” Jimmy enthused. Dr. Klein looked at Jon in amazement. “You painted this, Jon? It’s really well done!” Jon positively glowed. He was obviously thrilled by the praise he was receiving. Astrid craned her head to try and see around Jon. Finally, she got down from the picnic table, still holding on to her juice cup, and started to move in front of him to see the picture. Not watching the ground, she tripped over an uneven paving stone. Grape juice flew forward in a purple arc – all over Jon and his painting. Astrid landed heavily on her knees, scraping them badly. Bernie hastened forward to lift her to her feet. She bled profusely and wailed loudly. Lois hurried to her side. Clark grabbed a handful of paper serviettes in order to dry off his son. “YOU STUPID GIRL! I HATE YOU!!” Jon stamped his feet, emphasizing each word. “YOU WRECKED MY PAINTING!! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!” “Jon!” Clark started to move towards his son only to be stopped by Martha putting her hand on his arm. “Let me,” she said quietly. He stepped back, yielding his child to his mother. Martha moved forward slowly and stopped directly in front of Jon. Without saying a word, she picked him up, grape juice notwithstanding, and held him in her embrace. He lay rigid in her arms. After a long moment, he looked up into her eyes. His face crumpled, and he started to sob wildly. Lois moved towards him, only to have Clark stop her. Murmuring soft words of endearment the whole time to her distraught grandson, Martha carried him slowly into the house. Clark was tempted to use his superhearing to listen to his mother and his son, but he managed to resist the temptation. Bernie managed to calm Astrid down. She sat on his lap, snuffling quietly. Sam, her loyal playmate sat beside her, patting her arm gently. Upset by the commotion, Marty cuddled in her father’s lap. Jimmy and Lois worked on cleaning up the tables. Inside the house, Martha sat in the rocking chair in the playroom with her grandson on her lap. He had his face buried in her shoulder. She crooned tunelessly as they rocked. His sobs finally subsided. Martha tipped his tear stained face up to meet her gaze. “Feeling a little better?” she asked. He nodded. “Jon, I am so sorry that your picture got wrecked,” Martha said softly. “I made it special for you, Grandma.” He laid his head on her shoulder. She rubbed his back gently. “I know you did, darling. Do you think you could paint another picture for me?” “Yeah, I guess so.” “You really like to draw and paint, don’t you, Jon?” “I do, Grandma,” Jon said with a little more animation in his voice. “You’re very good at it. Did you know that, Sweetie?” “I am?” “Yes, you are. And that’s given me an idea. Would you like me to tell you about it?” “Yeah!” Martha smiled tenderly at Jon. “I think you and I should go shopping tomorrow and get you some real artist’s equipment. Would you like that?” “I sure would, Grandma. I’d be able to paint you a ton of pictures then.” “Okay. It’s a deal. Now, I think we should run you a bath and get you all cleaned up.” Jon looked down at his purple stained outfit and then looked at Martha’s clothing. “Grandma, I got you all dirty!” Martha laughed. “It’s okay, buddy. I’m washable. And there are some things more important than dirt.” Jon threw his arms around Martha’s neck and gave her a big hug. “Thanks, Grandma. I love you.” “I love you too, Jon.” Martha waited impatiently for the kids to fall asleep. She had some things she wanted to say to her son, and she didn’t want them to overhear her. Finally the house was quiet. Martha, Lois and Clark sat down around the kitchen table. Martha was the first to speak. “Lois, Clark, the way Jon acted today, is that what you meant when you said he acts like a brat?” Lois and Clark looked at each other. Clark spoke up. “I’ll admit that today he was provoked, but yeah. He’s rude to Astrid, and sometimes he’s downright cruel.” “Well, let me tell you something. I didn’t see a brat today. I didn’t see rudeness or cruelty. I saw terrible pain. Clark, you should be the first to understand. But your son is miserable, and you don’t see it!” “I do see it, Mom! I just don’t know what to do.” “Oh, I guess you’re right, Clark. I know that you and Lois see the problem, but I’m just so angry about what that poor child is going through . . . I could just spit!” Martha took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Lois placed her hand on her mother-in-law’s arm. “Martha, please. Clark and I want your help. You know that. We know the problem here. We really do. Sam has turned away from Jon to Astrid, and Jon resents her furiously. But we don’t know what to do about it.” “Okay, Lois. I’m calm now. But Clark, you should know what to do – you went through almost the same thing.” “I did?” “He did?” Clark and Lois spoke simultaneously. Martha sighed. “Clark, how did you feel before you met Lois?” “I felt . . . alone, alienated. I felt empty inside.” “And what made you feel a little better about yourself?” Clark suddenly understood where Martha was going with this conversation. “I started writing. I wrote about everything I could think of.” “But Martha, Jon’s only in grade one. He can’t write very well yet,” Lois pointed out. “I know, Lois,” Martha said patiently. “But he can draw. Your son is an incredible artist and I don’t mean for a six-year-old. I mean he’s an incredible artist, right here and right now. I can’t wait to see how his talent develops. I already promised him, we’re going shopping for proper equipment tomorrow – paint, brushes, an easel, paper, whatever I can think of. I know you were going to take me home first thing on Monday, Clark, but do you think you could take me after work instead?” “Sure, Mom. But why?” “I’m going to find Jon a good art teacher. I’ll need to find the right person. We need someone who is a talented teacher as well as good with kids. I’ll do a search on the Internet tomorrow. I should be able to find somebody by Monday. If not, I’ll keep working on it from home. But my grandson is going to take art lessons even if Superman has to fly him to Kansas every weekend for me to teach him.” Martha fixed Clark with a steely glare. Clark held his hands in the air. “Okay, Mom. I surrender. Jon will take art lessons, right, Lois?” “Right! Martha, I think it’s a great idea. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it.” “It’s okay, honey. At least you knew to call me!” Monday evening “Jonathan, I missed you. How was your fishing trip?” Martha threw her arms around her husband. “It was great, Martha, but I missed you too. How was your visit?” Martha thought about all that had gone on. She thought about Sam and Astrid and their strange, strong connection to each other. She wondered about Marty – what problems that little girl would have to deal with. She thought about Lois and Clark – about the love they had for each other, and for their children. And she thought about Jon and his wondrous talent. She could still see the look on his face when he met his art teacher after school. “Fine, dear. My visit was just fine.” End of part two. _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 19:52:35 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carol Figueroa Subject: best male MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_000C_01BEB768.9D919C40" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_000C_01BEB768.9D919C40 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable To all Dean fans This the first post I have made to this list but I felt the extreme = need. Has anyone else noticed that Dean has dropped to third place on = this list? I was very worried that he is going unnoticed by the group = in everyones hectic lives of family, school, kids etc. etc. Please if = it has been awhile since you have voted go back and vote your maximum = number of times. We want Dean to win this and voting is the only way. = I have the site in my favorites so I can check and vote often. =20 Thanks fans and keep Dean on top. Carol Figueroa just an avid fan ------=_NextPart_000_000C_01BEB768.9D919C40 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
To all Dean fans
This the first post I have made to = this list but=20 I felt the extreme need.  Has anyone else noticed that Dean has = dropped to=20 third place on this list?  I was very worried that he is going = unnoticed by=20 the group in everyones hectic lives of family, school, kids etc. = etc. =20 Please if it has been awhile since you have voted go back and vote your = maximum=20 number of times.  We want Dean to win this and voting is the only=20 way.  I have the site in my favorites so I can check and vote = often. =20
Thanks fans and keep Dean on = top.  Carol=20 Figueroa just an avid fan
------=_NextPart_000_000C_01BEB768.9D919C40-- ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 23:37:02 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kate Kent Subject: Re: NYFF MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 6/15/99 6:07:43 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes: > > Count me in! I'm interested. However, if we decide to go to Great > Adventure, I'll be driving as I'm less than one hour away by car. I can > take up to 3 other FoLCs who either can get to my house or have me pick > them up on the way. They'd have to be pretty close to the NJ Turnpike > (exits 11-7A) for me to get them, tho. That's the normal way to get to > Great Adventure from my house. OK great, now our plans are forming! Some of us can even get a ride from Bobbett. And I can personally vouch for her driving skills, she tackled Amherst, MA to pick me up for NEFF! We are on a role, Woohoo! Can anyone on other FoLC lists post a message to other boards. Calling all NYFFers! -Kate ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 08:41:18 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: PJ Piasecki Subject: Re: New fanfic - "Starfire and Sunstorm Part Two - Martha" 2 of 2 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi Irene - Just had to let you know how much I love this story, and to ask a question. I really love your characterization of Martha. She reminds me so much of my own mother - level headed, creative, loving, and able to step back far enough to see the 'big picture' when necessary. This whole series is really terrific, and I look forward to more from you. Now, the question. I wanted to go back and reread the first part of this story, S &S Part One, but it wasn't posted at the fanfic archive site. Or is it? Is it there and I've just completely lost my mind? And if not, why not? I have a feeling that your 'Firestorm' series is destined to be a classic, and I'd hate for new folcs to miss out. Thanks for a great read, and I look forward to the next chapter in the story. Piper ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 06:18:00 PDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Anne Simmonds Subject: Re: best male Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed Carol. What is the web address again? Anne ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 08:52:58 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Hazel Subject: Re: New fanfic - Starfire and Sunstorm Part Two - Martha 1 of 2 In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Irene, you do keep getting better and better as time goes by... As long as there's been so much talk of nominations for next year's Kerths, I might as well mention that you've cornered the market on Best New Author. :) S P O I L E R S P A C E I like the way you're giving "secondary" characters the limelight here - in this case, Martha. It's a pity that LnC didn't head off the potential problem with Jon before it blossomed into a real one, but it makes sense for them to be less than experts when it comes to parenting! One thing, though, that is either an error in your own continuity or foreshadowing of future disaster (and I know which one I prefer!) - there is no mention of Marty in Broccoli Dancing. I'm not fanatic enough to go read Firestorm in its entirety just for the purpose of seeing if she's mentioned there. :) Was she an afterthought to round out the family, or something a bit more ominous? Whatever the case, we're all waiting for part 3 (featuring Jonathon? Perry? Jon?)! Hazel ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 10:32:10 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kate Crane Subject: Re: best male MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 6/15/99 7:52:17 PM Pacific Daylight Time, fanofclark@ECSNET.NET writes: << This the first post I have made to this list but I felt the extreme need. Has anyone else noticed that Dean has dropped to third place on this list? I was very worried that he is going unnoticed by the group in everyones hectic lives of family, school, kids etc. etc. Please if it has been awhile since you have voted go back and vote your maximum number of times. We want Dean to win this and voting is the only way. I have the site in my favorites so I can check and vote often. >> I voted diligently for many days, despite the aggravation of a slow modem, and then asked myself, is this ever going to end? and gave up. So, does anyone know if there ever will be an actual winner of this contest declared? Kate (Maryland) ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 12:24:08 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin H Subject: Re: More on Festing re: motion sickness and expenses MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi Festers :) I can't go on fast rides or none of that either because i am in a wheelchair. BUT I do adore the t-cups and that thing that goes up and down..i don't know what it's called :) hehe. Anyway, I can get in for half price because I'm disabled, so I will just pay for my share. There is also a HUGE shopping center at our Great Adventure. We can also go to Menlo Park Mall that has a comic store ;) I can also make us official FoLC Fest T-shirts! If you need them, we also have great hotels that are cheap. So if anyone who lives in a different state wants to join us,feel free!! Erin PS- Wow, 19? I'm only going to be 16 in August!! BTW, HAPpY BiRthDaY!!!! ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 12:26:49 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin H Subject: Re: NYFF MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 6/15/99 11:44:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time, KateKent@AOL.COM writes: << OK great, now our plans are forming! Some of us can even get a ride from Bobbett. And I can personally vouch for her driving skills, she tackled Amherst, MA to pick me up for NEFF! We are on a role, Woohoo! Can anyone on other FoLC lists post a message to other boards. Calling all NYFFers! >> I'll post on the WBVL boards..I also have a van because of my wheelchair so i can bring some FoLC's in my van too :D Erin ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 12:20:50 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: No Name Available Subject: Re: New fanfic - Starfire and Sunstorm Part Two - Martha 1 of 2 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 06/16/1999 9:53:09 AM Eastern Daylight Time, zis-s@ACTCOM.CO.IL writes: << I might as well mention that you've cornered the market on Best New Author. :) >> Yes, I was thinking about this, too. :) --Laurie (the Ord one) ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 11:55:08 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Mr. D8a" Subject: Re: New fanfic - Starfire and Sunstorm Part Two - Martha 1 of 2 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" zis-s@ACTCOM.CO.IL writes: << I might as well mention that you've cornered the market on Best New Author. :) >> Yes, I was thinking about this, too. :) --Laurie (the Ord one) >From MR. D8A's work email Hands down, no contest, Irene Dutchak takes home the Gold, Silver, and Bronze for the Category of BEST NEW AUTHUR for Kerth 2000(assuming that there will be enough of the internet left to have one come March 2000 :-)). MR. D8A A.K.A. James My wife says that I get excited sometimes. I don't know why should would say such things. :o Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. Please visit and explore my house at: ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 10:17:32 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: Re: New fanfic - "Starfire and Sunstorm Part Two - Martha" 2 of 2 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Hi Piper, Thank you so much for the wonderful feedback. And I like Martha too. (I hope it shows.) As for your question, no, I have not yet submitted Part One to the archive. I planned on submitting all the parts (I'm not sure how many) at once. But you can find it in two places - Zoomway's fanfic msg board and in the Loiscla archives for the 1st week of June - (And as for the other part of your questions, have you lost your mind? I'm afraid I don't have an answer to that question! Just kidding.) Thank you again for your very positive comments. Take care, Irene --- PJ Piasecki wrote: > Hi Irene - > > Just had to let you know how much I love this story, > and to ask a question. > > I really love your characterization of Martha. She > reminds me so much of my > own mother - level headed, creative, loving, and > able to step back far enough > to see the 'big picture' when necessary. This whole > series is really > terrific, and I look forward to more from you. > > Now, the question. I wanted to go back and reread > the first part of this > story, S &S Part One, but it wasn't posted at the > fanfic archive site. Or is > it? Is it there and I've just completely lost my > mind? And if not, why > not? > I have a feeling that your 'Firestorm' series is > destined to be a classic, > and I'd hate for new folcs to miss out. > > Thanks for a great read, and I look forward to the > next chapter in the story. > Piper > _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 10:24:56 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: Re: New fanfic - Starfire and Sunstorm Part Two - Martha 1 of 2 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii --- Hazel wrote: > Irene, you do keep getting better and better as time > goes by... As long as > there's been so much talk of nominations for next > year's Kerths, I might as > well mention that you've cornered the market on Best > New Author. :) Hazel, I honestly don't know what to say. That is such a nice compliment. > S > P > O > I > L > E > R > > S > P > A > C > E > > I like the way you're giving "secondary" characters > the limelight here - in > this case, Martha. It's a pity that LnC didn't head > off the potential > problem with Jon before it blossomed into a real > one, but it makes sense > for them to be less than experts when it comes to > parenting! And if they had been expert, it would have really done a number on my story!! > > One thing, though, that is either an error in your > own continuity or > foreshadowing of future disaster (and I know which > one I prefer!) - there > is no mention of Marty in Broccoli Dancing. I'm not > fanatic enough to go > read Firestorm in its entirety just for the purpose > of seeing if she's > mentioned there. :) Was she an afterthought to > round out the family, or > something a bit more ominous? There is a little foreshadowing here but it's not ominous. (Sorry!) I think I've killed off too many nice characters so far! (I'm trying to cut back on that!) No, there is a quite different reason that Marty is not mentioned in "Broccoli Dancing". As far as "Firestorm", Marty is lumped into the category of "my aunts". > > Whatever the case, we're all waiting for part 3 > (featuring Jonathon? Perry? > Jon?)! I'm not sure yet who part three will be named after. I know what I want to have happen but I'm not sure who I want to have interact with the main characters more, if you know what I mean. Thank you for the wonderful commentary. I do appreciate it very much. Take care, Irene _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 10:31:14 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Vicki Krell Subject: Re: New fanfic - Starfire and Sunstorm Part Two - Martha 1 of 2 MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Now I'm sitting at my desk, reading these posts, trying to clean off my horrendous looking desk, and all I can think about is "hmmmmm, I wonder what kind of foreshadowing Irene means. Hmmm, wonder exactly WHAT the reason is that Marty isn't mentioned in Broccoli Dancing." I sure can't wait to find out!! Irene, I absolutely love this series and I hope that you have plans for a very long run! Vicki > One thing, though, that is either an error in your > own continuity or > foreshadowing of future disaster (and I know which > one I prefer!) - there > is no mention of Marty in Broccoli Dancing. I'm not > fanatic enough to go > read Firestorm in its entirety just for the purpose > of seeing if she's > mentioned there. :) Was she an afterthought to > round out the family, or > something a bit more ominous? There is a little foreshadowing here but it's not ominous. (Sorry!) I think I've killed off too many nice characters so far! (I'm trying to cut back on that!) No, there is a quite different reason that Marty is not mentioned in "Broccoli Dancing". As far as "Firestorm", Marty is lumped into the category of "my aunts". > > Whatever the case, we're all waiting for part 3 > (featuring Jonathon? Perry? > Jon?)! I'm not sure yet who part three will be named after. I know what I want to have happen but I'm not sure who I want to have interact with the main characters more, if you know what I mean. Thank you for the wonderful commentary. I do appreciate it very much. Take care, Irene _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 10:34:29 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: Re: New fanfic - Starfire and Sunstorm Part Two - Martha 1 of 2 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii --- "Mr. D8a" wrote: > zis-s@ACTCOM.CO.IL writes: > > << I might as > well mention that you've cornered the market on > Best New Author. :) >> > > Yes, I was thinking about this, too. :) > > --Laurie (the Ord one) > From MR. D8A's work email > > Hands down, no contest, Irene Dutchak takes home the > Gold, Silver, and > Bronze for the Category of BEST NEW AUTHUR for Kerth > 2000(assuming that > there will be enough of the internet left to have > one come March 2000 :-)). > MR. D8A A.K.A. James > > My wife says that I get excited sometimes. I don't > know why should would > say such things. :o > Thank you very much, Hazel, Laurie and James. But I have to tell you that you people are making me very nervous! I'm hyperventilating here. Seriously, thank you again. That is very nice of you three to say. But I have no idea how to respond to this compliment. There have been so many good stories assigned to the archive by newcomers. Please don't single me out. (Is it possible to get tongue tied while you're typing? If it is, that's what I am right now!!) Thank you again, Take care, Irene _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 10:36:49 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: Re: New fanfic - Starfire and Sunstorm Part Two - Martha 1 of 2 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii --- Vicki Krell wrote: > Now I'm sitting at my desk, reading these posts, > trying to clean off my > horrendous looking desk, and all I can think about > is "hmmmmm, I wonder what > kind of foreshadowing Irene means. Hmmm, wonder > exactly WHAT the reason is > that Marty isn't mentioned in Broccoli Dancing." I > sure can't wait to find > out!! Vicki, I would give you an answer to the above question, but I haven't got everything completely plotted out in my head. But I will reassure you again that I have no nefarious plans as far as Marty is concerned! > > Irene, I absolutely love this series and I hope that > you have plans for a > very long run! Thanks, Vicki. One thing that I am discovering as I write, is that I am just as longwinded at the keyboard as I am in Real Life! (g) So, as long as people are enjoying these stories, I will probably be writing them! Take care, Irene > > Vicki > > > > One thing, though, that is either > an error in your > > own continuity or > > foreshadowing of future disaster > (and I know which > > one I prefer!) - there > > is no mention of Marty in Broccoli > Dancing. I'm not > > fanatic enough to go > > read Firestorm in its entirety > just for the purpose > > of seeing if she's > > mentioned there. :) Was she an > afterthought to > > round out the family, or > > something a bit more ominous? > > There is a little foreshadowing here > but it's not ominous. > (Sorry!) I > think I've killed off too many nice > characters so far! (I'm > trying to > cut back on that!) No, there is a > quite different reason > that Marty is > not mentioned in "Broccoli Dancing". > > As far as "Firestorm", Marty is > lumped into the category of > "my aunts". > > > > Whatever the case, we're all > waiting for part 3 > > (featuring Jonathon? Perry? > > Jon?)! > > I'm not sure yet who part three will > be named after. I know > what I > want to have happen but I'm not sure > who I want to have > interact with > the main characters more, if you > know what I mean. > > Thank you for the wonderful > commentary. I do appreciate it > very much. > > Take care, > Irene > > > _________________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Get your free address at > > _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 13:38:41 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: No Name Available Subject: Re: More on Festing re: motion sickness and expenses MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 06/16/1999 12:24:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time, ErinFoLC@AOL.COM writes: << I can't go on fast rides or none of that either because i am in a wheelchair. BUT I do adore the t-cups and that thing that goes up and down. >> And as I told Carolyn, I can't do amusement park rides at all. Hey, I once took dramamine to do the Circle Line boat (this goes around Manhattan island)! I can barely tolerate elevators. I wasn't like this as a kid--it's something that's happened with age. :( And Great Adventure is expensive, not to mention several hours away. If you meet in Manhattan, let me know--that I'd consider. --Laurie (totally broke and horridly motion sick) P.S. Erin, where in NJ are you? I'll be in Lawrenceville (at the state college) for a conference in January. I think that's near Princeton --or it seems that way if I stay with relatives in New Brunswick. ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 13:41:16 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin H Subject: Re: More on Festing re: motion sickness and expenses MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 6/16/99 1:39:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Larus2407@AOL.COM writes: << P.S. Erin, where in NJ are you? I'll be in Lawrenceville (at the state college) for a conference in January. I think that's near Princeton --or it seems that way if I stay with relatives in New Brunswick. >> I'm in Monmouth dad works by Princeton!! teehee :) ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 13:49:33 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carolyn Schnall Subject: Re: Nfic Awards In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Hi FoLCs: Sandy wrote: >I don't think there's anyone who is widely read in n-fic these days as >the "community" has scattered. In the past, almost all n-fic ended up on >Debby's list and I was reasonably sure I knew of everything, if not read >it all. Now, there are stories submitted to the boards designed by Beth >as well as a few other password protected pages and unprotected sites. >I'm wondering if there are stories at some of these places which didn't >make it to Debby's list. I only have a password to Beth's site and -- >even there -- I can't get to the old boards where most of the nfic is, >although I've tried. > I am so glad you mentioned the password. I have it to but have not been able to access the July 1998 onward boards since then and I thought it was my doing something wrong that caused it. I hate to keep bothering people about this but I now realize I have missed about a year's worth of stuff and would like to get caught up. Any suggestions? Thanks, Carolyn ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 14:03:39 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin H Subject: FoLC Fest Mailing List!! MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi!! I created a FoLC Fest Mailing List so we can all keep in touch and have our own list! Click on the link, and if that doesn't work, than go to and look up the list ""...:) Bye! Erin ONE list E-mail Communities ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 16:26:22 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Tylke, Judith" Subject: Re: Nfic Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Carolyn, The lists are inaccessable to a lot of us and unfortunetly inquires to Beth and attempts to resign on to the 1-5 lists have proven futile, if you manage to contact Beth or Zoomway has a fix would you let me know? You can sign on to nfic 6 at this address, it lets you assign your user name and password but it's only good for that list, Good luck, JT > ---------- > From: Carolyn Schnall[SMTP:cschnall@MAIL.MED.CORNELL.EDU] > Reply To: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic > Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 1999 1:49 PM > To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU > Subject: Re: Nfic Awards > > Hi FoLCs: > > Sandy wrote: > > >I don't think there's anyone who is widely read in n-fic these days as > >the "community" has scattered. In the past, almost all n-fic ended up on > >Debby's list and I was reasonably sure I knew of everything, if not read > >it all. Now, there are stories submitted to the boards designed by Beth > >as well as a few other password protected pages and unprotected sites. > >I'm wondering if there are stories at some of these places which didn't > >make it to Debby's list. I only have a password to Beth's site and -- > >even there -- I can't get to the old boards where most of the nfic is, > >although I've tried. > > > > I am so glad you mentioned the password. I have it to but have not been > able to access the July 1998 onward boards since then and I thought it was > my doing something wrong that caused it. > > I hate to keep bothering people about this but I now realize I have missed > about a year's worth of stuff and would like to get caught up. > > Any suggestions? > > Thanks, > Carolyn > > ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 17:39:15 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Gillian B Tanz Subject: Re: NYFF Hey FoLCs :) I've been lurking recently but this sure caught my eye! :) I'd like to come too if it's OK. What dates are you guys looking at for Great Adventure? -Jill aka AlienDove- "Remember me?" my webpage: The truth is nobody knows how long they've got. Anyway, it's not years that count, it's the moments. Right now, as they happen." - Clark Kent in "Brutal Youth"~~**~~ "You still my girl?" "Always." - Angel to Buffy in "Enemies." On Tue, 15 Jun 1999 23:37:02 EDT Kate Kent writes: >In a message dated 6/15/99 6:07:43 PM Pacific Daylight Time, > writes: > >> >> Count me in! I'm interested. However, if we decide to go to Great >> Adventure, I'll be driving as I'm less than one hour away by car. >I can >> take up to 3 other FoLCs who either can get to my house or have me >pick >> them up on the way. They'd have to be pretty close to the NJ >Turnpike >> (exits 11-7A) for me to get them, tho. That's the normal way to >get to >> Great Adventure from my house. > >OK great, now our plans are forming! Some of us can even get a ride >from >Bobbett. And I can personally vouch for her driving skills, she >tackled >Amherst, MA to pick me up for NEFF! We are on a role, Woohoo! >Can anyone on other FoLC lists post a message to other boards. >Calling all >NYFFers! > >-Kate ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 22:05:02 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: Re: Nfic Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hey Carolyn, Judith and anyone else who may be interested: With a few exceptions almost all of the nfic posted to the nfic mbs is archived at annesplace. Certainly Julie Mack's wonderful vignettes are, along with the nfic of MissyToo, Peace and others. I'm not saying that you'll find everything on the mbs there, but last time I looked 99% of it was there. At least it's a start for those who haven't been able to access the mbs for a time. The URL is and you'll have to sign up for a password on site, but it's a simple enough process. Good luck and enjoy! LabRat :) Doc. Klein's LabRat Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag and begin slitting throats. -- H. L. Mencken, Prejudices. He spoke with a certain what-is-it in his voice, and I could see that, if not actually disgruntled, he was far from being gruntled. -- P.G. Wodehouse, The Code of the Woosters. ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 17:36:37 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kate Kent Subject: Re: NYFF & other events and MY BIRTHDAY! MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Woohoo, even more plans a forming. Erin has graciously invited to also car poll and has a van too. You go girl. Thanks to Mandy and Erin for posting to other lists. Bobbett has graciously offered some coupons for Great Adventure. I have tix/coupons that say: $11 off any day until 6/27/99 $10 off any weekday 6/28 - 9/6 $5 off weekends $11 off any day 9/11 - 10/31 Each coupon is good for 15 entries. - - - - - On a side bar, I am trying to go see Annie Get Your Gun...any NY area FoLCs interested? ----- OK, Today is MY BIRTHDAY!!! WOOHOO *me does a little dance* For those of you dying to know, I am 19..I know, I'm over the hill j/k I plan on keep going til I reach 29 and stay there for a few years. Anywho, I just thought i'd share. Also, I might have a job!! another woohoo, at Crunch Fitness, HA, maybe I'll get a free membership *crossing fingers* Well, time to celebrate some more in a world where I'm already 29 on my ID Love and Kisses Kate ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 17:41:47 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carolyn Schnall Subject: Re: Nfic Awards In-Reply-To: <02C301A4170ED211982B006094B93F951D85A7@FSCLAN07> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Thanks, JT: I appreciate the information and live in hope of resolving this soon. I am relieved to know that I have not been doing something dumb (duh!) and I am sure that this discussion will lead to a resolution:) It would be neat to get access to all the 6 boards (and any future ones) with the same password and few keystrokes. The need for security is apparent to us all, I think, (and a big part of my work here at Cornell) but no access for so many is difficult to understand. I'm sure Beth or Zoomway will help us all out:) Thanks, Carolyn >Carolyn, > The lists are inaccessable to a lot of us and unfortunetly inquires >to Beth and attempts to resign on to the 1-5 lists have proven futile, if >you manage to contact Beth or Zoomway has a fix would you let me know? You >can sign on to nfic 6 at this address, it lets you assign your user name and >password but it's only good for that list, Good >luck, JT > >> ---------- >> From: Carolyn Schnall[SMTP:cschnall@MAIL.MED.CORNELL.EDU] >> Reply To: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic >> Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 1999 1:49 PM >> To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU >> Subject: Re: Nfic Awards >> >> Hi FoLCs: >> >> Sandy wrote: >> >> >I don't think there's anyone who is widely read in n-fic these days as >> >the "community" has scattered. In the past, almost all n-fic ended up on >> >Debby's list and I was reasonably sure I knew of everything, if not read >> >it all. Now, there are stories submitted to the boards designed by Beth >> >as well as a few other password protected pages and unprotected sites. >> >I'm wondering if there are stories at some of these places which didn't >> >make it to Debby's list. I only have a password to Beth's site and -- >> >even there -- I can't get to the old boards where most of the nfic is, >> >although I've tried. >> > >> >> I am so glad you mentioned the password. I have it to but have not been >> able to access the July 1998 onward boards since then and I thought it was >> my doing something wrong that caused it. >> >> I hate to keep bothering people about this but I now realize I have missed >> about a year's worth of stuff and would like to get caught up. >> >> Any suggestions? >> >> Thanks, >> Carolyn >> >> ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 18:04:35 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Rich & Dawn Subject: "Krypton" & Nfic Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Carolyn wrote: > It was completely my pleasure to help with the editing and I am always > happy to be able to contribute something positive to the efforts of FoLcs:) > > So, you are welcome! Thanks again, Carolyn! And I can tell you many of us look forward to your stories and ET's (on the other list). And JT wrote: > I just read WIINLK last night, I stayed up till two am finishing it! It is > a great story, I like the dialogue and the premise. Your love scenes were > very well done and I'm looking forward to the next installment. Write on! Thank you, JT, and I'm sorry you lost sleep, but I do appreciate the compliment! And LabRat wrote: > Nice thought, Julie - and it would work - except that (speaking only for > myself) I have *real* problems with self-promotion. I probably couldn't > bring myself to actively mail stories to the organisers and say "Hey, > include these!" I'd wait in trepidation for the email in response asking me > why on earth I think anyone would *want* to include them. Dawn's > stories, LB's, anyone else's stories - I'll nominate them for inclusion in a > flash, but mine own - uhuh. I'm breaking out in a cold sweat even thinking > about that one. I agree with you, LabRat. I could nominate any of yours in a second (and will, and thanks for including me in that list ), but couldn't nominate myself. There are a lot of aspects to consider with this and all of the discussion so far has been very helpful. Thanks! Dawn ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 14:00:39 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Diyan Smith Subject: Re: Nfic Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > >Since one of the biggest problems with an nfic awards is that voters do not > >have access to all eligible stories, why not post a notice to authors to > >submit nfic stories that they wish to have considered for an award? They > >could be gathered on one site, possibly protected from readers 17-, and > >voters can nominate/vote from there. This would solve access problems, as > >well as the one LabRat mentioned above. Implicit in this would be the > >author's permission to have their story nominated. > > > Nice thought, Julie - and it would work - except that (speaking only for > myself) I have *real* problems with self-promotion. > Well, this problem has been brought up because of the awards, but--awards or no--it wd probably be a good idea to have one single forum where people can find nfic; either an archive or a page with links to where the nfic already is. Most G and PG stories eventually end up at the archive, but several people have pointed out that nfic is spread out and hard to find. So, an author submitting her or his story would be saying, "here is my work, you may read it," just as she or he does when submitting a piece to Debby's list or to Zoomway's board, and *not* saying, "here is my work, please nominate it for an award." However, as LabRat pointed out, organizing this proposed site wd be a project as big as or bigger than organizing the awards. > And it would have to be a big site - 565 stories that I know of remember - > and someone would have to figure out where all 565 came from, tracking down > personal websites for many of them. Not to mention the nfic that I'm bound > to have missed out of the equation. Although I know practically zip about > setting up websites, so perhaps this isn't as much of a task as I'm assuming > it would be. ~~~~~~~ > He spoke with a certain what-is-it in his voice, and I could see that, if > not actually disgruntled, he was far from being gruntled. -- P.G. Wodehouse, > The Code of the Woosters. > LabRat- I always watch for new quotes at the bottom of your emails; this one is great! -Diyan ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 16:49:56 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: TA Merrill Subject: Re: Nfic Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii On Wednesday, 6/16 LabRat wrote: With a few exceptions almost all of the nfic posted to the nfic mbs is archived at annesplace. Certainly Julie Mack's wonderful vignettes are, along with the nfic of MissyToo, Peace and others. I'm not saying that you'll find everything on the mbs there, but last time I looked 99% ofit was there. At least it's a start for those who haven't been able toaccess the mbs for a time. The URL is and you'llhave to sign up for a password on site, but it's a simple enough process. Good luck and enjoy! LabRat :)Doc. Klein's LabRat I get error messages for this URL instead of a site. Is anyone else heving this problem or am I just roadkill on the information superhighway? TerriAnn _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 22:49:18 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: PJ Piasecki Subject: Re: Nfic Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 6/16/99 5:46:40 PM CST, paounfiloun@YAHOO.COM writes: << I get error messages for this URL instead of a site. Is anyone else heving this problem or am I just roadkill on the information superhighway? >> I can't get through, either. Anybody have any suggestions? Piper ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 21:03:01 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Stacy Subject: Re: Nfic Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii I have no problem getting through. What I need to know, is where do you sign up for a password to access the nfics? Anyone know? Stacy _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 00:58:17 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: John Debbage <106532.433@COMPUSERVE.COM> Subject: Re: Universal Union MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Hi, I would like to thank everyone who took the time to e-mail me with feedba= ck on this story. I was a bit unsure about this new approach but it seems a= s if a lot of you liked it. I am writing a few more chapters and hope to post some more in the not too distant future. Thank you, Jenni Debbage ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 03:21:01 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Annette Ciotola Subject: Re: Nfic Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I guess this is my cue to speak up. The main web page is: The Nfic signup can be found at: If you have any more problems you can email me at Also for those of you who are just now signing up. The normal time frame takes about 24 hours to send out the password. I will be leaving Sunday for a two week vacation to the West coast. I do plan on having my laptop with me, however it may take longer to release the password due to all the site seeing I will be doing. I am just asking for ya to be patient an extra day or two, I will try not to get too backed up with it. Thanks and Enjoy! Anne :) ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 22:45:56 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Yvonne Connell Subject: Re: My Journal, Day 4, Introduction MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dear Clark, > > >> >S > >> >P > >> >O > >> >I > >> >L > >> >E > >> >R > >> > > >> >S > >> >P > >> >A > >> >C > >> >E > >> > > > But recall, size *does* matter! > Huh? You lost me there, CK. > Just have to track ya down... And I know just the person who can do it. :) > He seeks her here, he seeks her there, he seeks that d******d Folc everywhere? > Step aside, Clark. > > Debby here: I like longer hair on CK so that's what he gets :) Short hair > leaves nothing for a gal to run her hands through, comprende? If you like it > short--write your own CK :) Any chance of a black T-shirt or two? Your Friend (who still can't believe her Dad once threatened to throw her brother's university notes in the fire unless he got his hair was Hendrix fan at the time) ( ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 23:07:35 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Yvonne Connell Subject: A new type of fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Whilst strap-hanging on the Tube on the way to work the other day, I was thinking about my email conversation with 'Clark' (AKA Debby ), and had an idea for a new sort of fanfic. I suppose the best description would be a role-playing fanfic - where each participant plays a different character in the story. You'd have to come up with a plot whereby everyone has to communicate by email for some reason - maybe the Planet building has been bombed again and is temporarily shut while structural repairs are carried out? The idea would be that you take a starting point for your plot (like, who bombed the Planet?), and the story unfolds as the different characters contribute information they've discovered. What do you think? Is this a good idea, or have I gone off the deep end? Yvonne ( ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 04:22:12 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: The Zoomway Subject: Re: A new type of fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 6/17/99 3:09:16 AM Central Daylight Time, yconnell@UKF.NET writes: << I suppose the best description would be a role-playing fanfic - where each participant plays a different character in the story. >> Oh, this reminds me of something I'd meant to ask quite a while back of "old-timers" on the list. A fan once wrote a Lois and Clark play, and we acted it out on IRC. This was way back during second season, so either 94 or 95. I'm afraid I don't remember who wrote it or who all participated. I just remember it was a lot of fun. It might have been the first time Superman and Clark Kent were two separate actors We followed our dialog from the script and played in front of an audience on IRC, but that's all I can remember. So anyone who remembers more about it than I obviously do, please let me know ;) ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 10:38:00 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: Re: Nfic Awards Combo MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dawn wrote: >I agree with you, LabRat. I could nominate any of yours in a second (and >will, and thanks for including me in that list ), but couldn't nominate >myself. > Hey, Dawn - we're cookin'! Swapsies! Problem solved. (Oh and thanks for the vote of confidence too. ;) Diyan wrote: wd probably be a good idea to have one single forum where people can find nfic; either an archive or a page with links to where the nfic already is. Something I was thinking myself just last evening, Diyan. And cursing my lack of organisational/tech skills because I think it really is time we had an Nfic Archive where stories are centrally gathered and if I knew what the heck I was doing and how to get it up and running I'd take this one on myself. (It's kind of like list making, isn't it? I could have a *whole* lot of fun.)This is going to be the main problem for an awards event, I feel. It's going to be very difficult for voters to find the stories to nominate. A lot of good nfic is going to be overlooked - especially if it's on personal websites or slightly older. If there's anyone out there who has the ability to get a website going and is interested in taking on such a project, perhaps they might like to mail me personally and brainstorm out a solution? I'd be happy to help out with gathering and tracking down stories and research, mailing writers for permission to store their stories etc. You know - all the boring stuff that doesn't require much dexterity, intelligence or motor skills. I get bored easily, Diyan. I'm incapable of keeping a quote for any length of time. P.G. Wodehouse is a big favourite of mine - and this one reminds me of Clark's gruntled employee in Metallo. ;) LabRat :) Doc. Klein's LabRat Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag and begin slitting throats. -- H. L. Mencken, Prejudices. He spoke with a certain what-is-it in his voice, and I could see that, if not actually disgruntled, he was far from being gruntled. -- P.G. Wodehouse, The Code of the Woosters. ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 17:43:58 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: Re: best male In-Reply-To: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 10:32 AM 06/16/1999 -0400, you wrote: >I voted diligently for many days, despite the aggravation of a slow modem, >and then asked myself, is this ever going to end? and gave up. >So, does anyone know if there ever will be an actual winner of this contest >declared? >Kate (Maryland) I suspect the winner will be the person who sells your confirmed-as-working email address to spammers :( Debby thinking this is a job for Lois Lane to investigate... ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 04:21:34 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: NEW My Journal, Day 4 Amendment, Intro Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" TITLE: My Journal Day 4, Friday, May 6, Amendment, Introduction (0 of 5) AUTHOR Debby Stark, RATING P/PG-13 FEEDBACK Comments welcome in all forums No Editing please (though you can fix typos) SUMMARY Read Days 1, 2, 3, 3 Amendment, and 4 before Day 4 Amendment. Clark Kent's adventures in Metropolis continue. More. One Attachment, available on my site along with .doc (Word97) and .rtf versions of this story, ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 04:21:40 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: NEW My Journal, Day 4 Amendment, Part 1 of 5 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" TITLE: My Journal Day 4, Friday, May 6, Amendment, Part 1 of 5 AUTHOR Debby Stark, RATING P/PG-13 FEEDBACK Comments welcome in all forums No Editing please (though you can fix typos) All characters below belong to DC Comics and Warner Brothers unless they are my own creations. Story by Debby Stark, Submitted and posted to my site, on June 17, 1999 My Journal Friday, May 6, 11pm (Amendment) This flophouse has a back door, but I was sure that if Lois Lane was having me watched, her minions would be keeping an eye on it. Maybe I should have done the expected and snuck out that way just to play the game. Instead I used the front door and formulated a plan as I stood on the front stoop, observing the neighborhood from that vantage point. I hope I looked like I was considering my options: a faux Chinese dinner or faux Mexican? There were two men in a nondescript gray sedan parked to the north about half a block, in front of an abandoned, boarded-up market. This same car followed me earlier, from about the halfway point in my walk home from the Planet. They must have traded off with some other vehicle following me before then because that's the way it's done on TV, so the person being tracked won't notice. It worked; I don't recall a first vehicle. If I ever stake out someone for a story (like reporters on TV do), though, I won't stay in a car (if I ever get one). It's a dead giveaway. In this case, at about 7:30 and although it was nearly dark, I'm beginning to understand this neighborhood enough to know that the two men watching me stood out like sore thumbs. A person doesn't have to have ever had a sore thumb to understand that metaphor. I was dressed casually in my plaid shirt and jeans again, and I had slung over my left shoulder my light-weight backpack. In it were the copies of the editions of the Daily Planet in which I've now been published. I was sure seeing my stories in context would interest Mom and Dad more than clippings alone. I chose Chinese fast food, left the porch and headed south. I walked at a normal pace, taking in the grimy but colorful world around me. With my mind on my ultimate destination and the chance to rest, be myself and talk, the streets didn't look as bad as they did this morning, when even the rising sun couldn't brighten things up. I passed a locked-down shoe store that had bars on its windows. Those windows, in combination with the lighting along the street, reflected that the two men had gotten out of their car and were following me on the other side of the street. They, too, were dressed casually and they slouched along, obviously trying to blend in. One of the men may have been Baseball Cap Man from last night, but I'm not sure even now. The other fellow I didn't recognize at all, but they were both not only disguised but didn't get a good look at either of them. About two blocks from my flophouse, a herd of noisy adolescents, all boys dressed in gang attire, came a round the corner about half a block ahead of me on my side of the street. I don't know which gang they were part of; there must be dozens, maybe hundreds in a city this size. They moved (I want to use the word "bopped" as though they were dancing to an inaudible song they all shared) en masse along the sidewalk, forcing pedestrians aside. Some pedestrians looked annoyed and others were clearly fearful, but no one harassed anyone. When they reached me, I stepped aside, offering no resistance, my hands in my pockets. They passed me without pausing. Either I didn't present an interesting target or they just didn't see me; I didn't register. Sometimes that happens. Sometimes I think I look harmless. Sometimes I think I *am* harmless. Most of the time I'm right. Most of the time has to be 98 percent of the time. This will probably change as my byline appears on more stories - but that's all I want to appear. Investigative reporters (which I may be becoming despite myself) are not supposed to stir things up. We're supposed to discover and report on how others are stirring things up and promote public understanding of the brew. Lois Lane pops into my mind. I've now discovered (more on this later, in chronological order) that she really was an investigative reporter. I've also discovered that she may have had trouble distinguishing between making the news (stirring) and reporting it (more on this later, too). I don't want to have that problem. I have no intention of becoming a newsmaker. The clipping announcing my hiring by the Planet is the only story about me that I want to appear in the Planet, unless I get a promotion in a few years, or announce my wedding (my fiancee will probably take care of that), or they print a review if I write a book (books?), or when I retire probably 40 years from now. I want my stories to enthuse and maybe even enflame, if the cause requires that level of emotion - but I don't want to enrage anyone; that's counterproductive. Also, bad guys might start gunning for me. I like Mr. White's "face in the crowd" metaphor more than ever now. As soon as traffic allowed, the gang crossed the street - right in front of the two men following me. It seems that their faces stood out in the crowd; something about them attracted the gang's attention. "Who dey?" several of the members wanted to know, and the reflection in another window told me that they stopped to inquire about the presence of the two strangers in their hood. As I slipped into the nearest dark alley, I wondered if I should stick around to try to help assuage any tensions, but something told me that the gang would just have a little fun hassling the two and then move on. I don't believe that kids ever really want to get into trouble. Some have a misplaced sense of justice because they don't have guidance and don't have anyone inspirational to model their behavior after. I can say this because I've always had Dad and his male friends and his and Mom's male relatives back home (and of course Mom's and her female friends and all my female relatives are great role models, too, but different). I think that for a few kids things go wrong and they panic and that makes their situation worse. Maybe that's something the Planet should do a series on if it hasn't already recently. I also assumed that my followers knew at least as much about this neighborhood as I did - probably more, if they were natives of Metropolis. So they knew what they were getting into when they started following me. But I have no evidence that anything bad happened in this case. As I made my escape, I heard no screams, gunshots or other indications of mayhem breaking out, and when I returned hours later (or about 15 minute ago), I saw no blood on the street. I jogged deeper into alley. As I did so, I fit the other strap of the backpack over my right shoulder, shrugging it into place, ready to go. I took my glasses off, tucked them into my shirt pocket and snapped the flap shut securely. I don't like to fly with my glasses on because there's too much that can happen to them. They can fall off if I get careless or if I run into turbulence (this happened once before, but I managed to catch them). I don't seem to have problems with bugs or dust hitting me, somehow all that goes around me. Maybe that's because I build up sort of an air pressure shield in front of me when I fly fast. Whatever, I don't need the equivalent of a windshield. I *can* get wet if I fly through rain. I don't know what the difference is there, but I don't mind rain splatters at all since somehow I avoid bug splatters. As I reached the halfway point along the cluttered, stinking alley, I looked up to check my "path." I could see steam from a vent way up there (there's a grimy restaurant on the other side of that block of buildings) and, beyond the steam, a half-dozen stars blinked through the light pollution (I mean pollution caused by light, but there was also some air pollution the breeze hadn't blown out to sea yet). I leaped-- And heard: "Hey, buddy? You got a buck?" Talk about being jerked into reality! ("Reality" is: I've never met anyone else who can fly like I do.) I screeched to a dead stop in midair and looked around, panicking. The better course, now that I think back on it, should have been me actually *speeding up* and getting out of there as fast as I possibly could. 20-20 hindsight is a wonderful thing. Down on the greasy pavement, almost in front of me, I saw an animated bundle of rags. It was a homeless man. His soggy cardboard refrigerator box was not a "home." He was a black man with a sorrowful look on his face, though, frankly, I've seen much more wretched expressions on the faces of children in drought-ravaged Sudan. (I've already written about helping them drilling a well.) But here we were, in the greatest city in the wealthiest country in the world, me with a job and comfortable clothing and a place to stay, and him, living in a cardboard box, reeking of alcohol and cigarettes and other unsavory things. Yet he had the courage to actually ask for what he wants. Not many people do that. They seem to hope others will intuit what's needed and give, and when that doesn't happen, or when the giver guesses wrong, the receiver sometimes gets angry. I had a buck. I had $11 left from lunch. I intuited that he could use more than "a buck" though. I pulled out the ten as I tiptoed over to him, forgetting to actually land, which was the height of stupidity (I don't mean that pun) (but I'm not going to delete it). I gave it to him and said, "Please take care of yourself, sir." I *wanted* to tell him to "get something nutritious to eat and don't spend this on alcohol, cigarettes or drugs, please! Those things will kill you!" But I don't have the right to do that since he didn't ask me to adopt him. I did feel I had the right to add, "You are important," because everyone is important in some way or another. He stared at the bill and said in a voice that traded much of its heartrending tone for surprise, "You must be some kind of angel, brother...." Before I could contradict him, I heard what were undoubtedly my followers. They were running but hadn't reached the opening of the alley. I still had a few seconds. I used those seconds, quickly taking off upward. But just over the west-side building I stopped, hovering out of the glow of the lights below, and I looked back down. The homeless man was looking up. I'm almost sure he couldn't see me. Amazement creeping into his voice, he said, "Some kind of *angel*!" My followers were at the opening of the alley. They thundered in it, breaking out flashlights along the way. How interesting; they'd come prepared. What else were they prepared for? That question prompted me to I check them for guns, but I couldn't see any weapons on either man. That's good. If the gang had found them to be armed, the two might have been in big trouble. They were looking both ahead and downward around themselves. They caught sight of the homeless man right away, proving they know what to expect of the city better than I do. The taller of the two asked, "Did you see a man about this tall." He used his right hand to show my height, making us both about six feet tall. The other man said, "He was wearing a plaid shirt and blue jeans." The homeless man looked blank and as though he possessed a low intelligence level, an expression he was able to adopt easily. Then he looked upward, in my general direction. He pointed up, too. Uh-oh. I retreated a bit more, but, fascinated I guess, I stayed to watch them discover me. One of the men did look up. But the other one cuffed him immediately, said "Come on...!" and began running again toward the other end of the alley. His partner, duly chastened, followed him. They must have thought they would catch up with me on the next street. The homeless man watched them and, when they were out of sight, he fell back into his box, roaring with laughter. "Dey can't catch angels! Oh, no, dey can't catch angels!" He was right about one thing: they weren't going to catch me tonight. As I'm a passable ventriloquist, I threw a "Thank you, sir!" down at him. He stopped laughing abruptly, looked around and up. This time I'm sure he couldn't see me. He turned his gaze to the wrinkled $10 bill, sputtered at it, "I'll take care of you," and hugged it close. I don't know what that meant, but his "Oh, my, oh, my, oh, my" sounded heartfelt. I decided to check in on him on my return. I'll jump out of chronological-order story telling here to say that I did check. He was gone. I hope he's okay and that he used the money to purchase some warm, nutritious food, maybe at one of the shelters in this area. Maybe I can find him again and interview him about life on the streets. The flight home was okay. In my haste, I ran into and plowed through a thunderstorm over Cleveland rather than waste time going around it. Two lightning strikes singed my shirt, but I already planned to let Mom wash it, so she can see if it's salvageable. I could do all that myself. I know my way around a washing machine and I can thread a needle. But when I left home on Tuesday, she made me promise I'd let her do that kind of thing until I have my own apartment. It's hard to say no to Mom. I tried, but it was no use; she wouldn't hear of it. She reminded me that 1) the water for washing is better in the country; 2) a dollar not given to a laundromat is a dollar I can use to pay for a telephone call; and 3) I'd be so busy at my new job it woud be faster for me to fly my dirty clothes home than to wash them myself. How could I argue with any of that? Especially since I, too, assumed (or hoped) on Tuesday that I'd get a job quickly. Dad didn't help. He just smiled, shook his head and said, "Give up, son, she's stronger than you are." He's right. He's stronger than me, too. Not physically, but you know what I mean. (continued) ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 04:21:45 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: NEW My Journal, Day 4 Amendment, Part 2 of 5 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" TITLE: My Journal Day 4, Friday, May 6, Amendment, Part 2 of 5 AUTHOR Debby Stark, RATING P/PG-13 FEEDBACK Comments welcome in all forums No Editing please (though you can fix typos) She and Dad are the best people a person could know. It's hard to express what they mean to me, how I feel about them. I'd protect them with my life for all they've done for me, but I'm glad that none of us has had to worry about that. They are in good health. They're "semiretired" (which means they're still making money from farming but they're doing it the way they want to, not straining to survive like some younger farmers have to). But, the most important part, they're having fun. They are so inspirational. I sure was lucky to be found by them. It just occurred to me, Mom and Dad, that you're going to be reading this. The part above was for your great-great-grandchildren. I'll have to find a picture of us to attach to this so they can see you. Back to my story. Kansas is another time zone west of Metropolis, and the weather there this evening was fine. It was dusk when I landed in the back yard, within five minutes of when I'd told them I'd try to arrive. They were waiting for me on the porch, but instead of, say, meeting me halfway for a warm embrace, Mom pointed at me and then flipped up her hand in a "stop right there!" motion. I stopped. She showed me a sign she had made on their laser printer: "Did you check your clothes for bugs?" All I could think of was Dad's warning. I said, "Bed bugs?" Dad chuckled. Mom rolled her eyes and put her hand to her ear, cupping it. Bed bugs listening? Oh! Oh, of course! They had read my journal entries and knew about the bug I've assumed to be in the phone. I looked down at myself. I doubted I had "bugs" in my clothing, too, but if Lois Lane is that clever and desperate to keep tabs on me.... Mom crooked her finger: Follow me. We went through the kitchen - about which nothing has changed and it smelled great, as usual - and into the dining room. One of her best tablecloths was on the big table and atop it, centered among all the dishes and cutlery, was a vase of fresh flowers. I should get some flowers for this flophouse room; they would brighten things up. I could take some into the office for my desk, too. After all the violence I've been seeing in the last few days, the newsroom *needs* some brightening up. Not that the newsroom is violent, but I think everyone would appreciate flowers. I used to play light classical music at the Post, and if it was hot and dry out, I'd play a tape of the sound of a gentle creek. That would make the air seem cooler. I don't think I could get away with all that at the Planet though. Mom had laid some substitute clothing out over the back of a chair. She pointed at it and then she and Dad returned to the kitchen, leaving me alone. I changed quickly and inspected my old clothes. I suspect if my clothing was "wired," the wire would indeed look like a wire and possibly have been threaded through the shirt's collar or the band of the jeans. It would also require some power source (in the form of a button?) and an obvious transmitter of some kind (my pants' zipper? Whoa!) to transmit anything it heard. These last two things could be small, as anyone listening no doubt expected to be within close range, a few hundred yards max. There was no way they could foresee I'd put hundreds of miles between them and me. If such a device allowed them to simply follow me rather than listen in on conversations, the sizes and power requirements could be even smaller, yet surely I was still way out of range in Kansas. I'm just speculating here; I only know what I've seen on TV and who knows what they make up? Also, of course, the lightning would have fried anything electronic like that. I took my old clothes back into the kitchen with me. "I don't see anything suspicious, but thanks for thinking about that." "Well, son," Dad said as he took a covered bowl out of the refrigerator, "with that Jimmy character's father being a government secret agent and all...." I'd forgotten about that. Jimmy said he didn't have contact with the man, but Jimmy had also said nothing about his contact with Lois Lane. "It's always good to be cautious when you're facing a situation like this." Mom was stirring something in a pot on the stove. I wandered over to watch. I love watching her cook and helping when she'll let me. Gravy! She said, "You couldn't have prepared for this kind of situation, honey. Who could have? Here, stir this, it's almost ready." Oh, boy! "Thanks!" She patted me on the back. "We think you've done a good job." "That boss of yours seems to think so, too." "So far, yes." The gravy was smooth and silky. Dad jokes about her gravy being one big lump when she first tried making it back when they were newlyweds. She jokes back about giving him another big lump if he doesn't stop joking around about that. He hasn't stopped, but she hasn't lumped him. I said, "I brought you some newspapers in my back pack." "We'll look at them after dinner." Fine with me, because dinner was gravy and mashed potatoes, turkey and dressing, fresh broccoli and baby carrots, and the best pumpkin pie! Mom doesn't go all out like this every day. Welcome back home, Clark Kent! I didn't mention that I ate a big lunch. If I had, it wouldn't have mattered. They know I can pack a lot away, just shovel it in, and it doesn't seem to go to fat. I think flying must take a tremendous amount of energy, though it never tires me. We didn't talk about my Metropolis problems as we ate. Dad has had a standing rule ever since I can remember about that: absolutely no bad news during dinner because it's bad for the digestion. He's broken the rule only for only two things: to discuss tornado warnings announced just before dinner, and when Ronald Reagan and George Bush won their elections to the presidency. Instead Mom wanted to know what the newsroom of the Daily Planet looks like since I haven't written a detailed description, I've only e-mailed them the map. I will write a description some time; maybe I can take some pictures, if that's allowed. I told them how the Pit is easily as big as the barn and sometimes noisier. It smells of coffee and pastries, smoke on some people's clothing (no smoking in the building except in designated areas), fresh print and darkroom chemicals. The lighting is all fluorescent. Mom wrinkled her nose about that; full-spectrum would be better. She thinks the color scheme sounds interesting though. I explained how the windows look because that's not clear in my map. I've seen many of them open to encourage ventilation scheme. I told them about my desk and what Mr. White's office, the conference room and the kitchen look like. They want to visit Metropolis as soon as I find an apartment. I can take them in to work with me then. I'm sure that will be okay. Over pie, Mom said she thought when I landed I had looked tired but now I looked relaxed and that pleased her. I agreed that I was tired - I really was tired, mentally tired, but being at home is wonderful. It always gives me strength. I didn't realize that kind of thing could happened until after I returned from my second long trip all on my own, to Mexico. My first trip was to see the Colorado's part of the Rocky Mountains, and while it felt good to get back and see Mom and Dad again, it took getting out of the country to make me really appreciate home. I guess that's where my heart is: the farm. I wonder if I'll ever feel that way about Metropolis, if there's really anything here for me after all. My job is great, but beyond that, I don't know. Of course, I've only been here *three and a half days,* so it's much too early to be coming to gloomy conclusions. It would be nice to have a little, bitty clue though. At least I can say I have good, workable plans and some advantages that a lot of people don't have. But I didn't quite grasp this as I sat there at the table, playing with the fresh whipped cream Mom had heaped on my big wedge of pie. I'm not sure why I said, "I want to feel relaxed in Metropolis, too." "What do you think that will take, honey?" "A clean, quiet place to live for one," Dad said. "The flophouse is okay for now and it's not that dirty or noisy." "It might as well have a revolving door since anyone and his - *her* uncle can get in." "Anyone can break into a nice apartment, too, Jonathan." "I do want to get a bigger place, one with a guest room for you and enough storage space to put all my things," I said. I don't have a lot, but I can furnish a small apartment. I've already planned to borrow the truck to haul my bigger pieces of furniture. "But that's not critical right now." "Once you get your first paycheck..." Mom said. "Right, I can start looking then. Paydays are every other Thursday, so I'll get nearly a full check on the 19th." "That's a long time from now. Is your savings account holding out all right?" Dad longs to give me some money - not loan it to me, give it to me. If I were working for him, doing chores, that would be okay, but I'm not, so it's not. Besides, I have plenty in savings from working at the Post. "I'm watching my expenses. I'm doing fine." "Well..." "I *will* ask if I need to borrow any." He gave me a conciliatory "Umm" to tell me he didn't mean to be pushy. I know he cares tremendously, and he knows I'll ask if I need to because I have before. I've paid him back, too. That settled, he continued with his realistic assessment: "You have six months' probation on the job. That's a long time, longer than they should need - they should see already that you're a fine reporter." Mom nodded. "Yes." "But there's nothing you can do about that." I said, "No." Mom looked teasy. "The women you've met haven't exactly been the kind you want to bring home either, have they?" That made me smile a little. "No. Cat is really nice, but she's... too expensive. I need about ten paychecks before I even seriously consider asking her out. I like her, though, as a friend, and I think she sees me as a friend, too. I think all the other women in the office are either married or have boyfriends, or if they don't, I haven't been there long enough to figure out which ones those are and which I want to approach, if they are approachable." Mom was talking about potential girlfriends, you understand. The last approachable woman I knew was Lana, and I've known her since we were both in diapers. We were each other's first gang members. Lana's dad thought we were a couple of comedians and called us Rowan and Martin, until Lana's mom informed him that she didn't think it was funny. Later, with reruns of The Avengers, Lana and I on our own initiative became Peel and Steed, minus the black leather body suit and aerodynamic bowler. Other reruns turned us into Kirk and Spock (guess who felt more comfortable as Spock?). But now Lana's Steed/Spock partner (and husband) is another long-time gang member, Pete, and they don't fight crime or explore new worlds. That's up to me alone now. I don't think I could have asked her to marry me; it would have been like marrying my sister. I can't say that asking her didn't occur to me, though, because it did, but too late, about three seconds after Pete told me he was going to ask her and would I be his best man? He asked her; she accepted. I took him and a lot of other guys home when everyone (but me) got drunk at his bachelor party The ceremony in the little white Methodist church on the bluff was beautiful. I didn't catch the bouquet though Lana tried to trick me into doing so: "Hey, Clark! Catch!" Me: "Eeek!" Then again, none of her bridesmaids had been eager to catch it earlier, apparently having better things to do with their lives than get married. And now Lana and Pete are deliriously happy. If Pete hadn't shown up for the ceremony, though, would I have been next in line, being the best man/replacement? Did I want to be tied down anywhere (i.e., Smallville) at that time? As I mused, Mom said: "And then the one you met outside the office tried to rape you." "That's not the kind of woman I want anywhere near this house," Dad said firmly. "I'd take after her with a broom for what she tried to do and she'd thank her lucky stars it was *just* a broom after I rammed it up her--" "Martha!" "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It just makes me angry that she thought she could take advantage of somebody like that." I was so surprised by what she was saying that it took me a few moments to react. "Wait, wait, wait! She did *not* try to rape me!" Hey, I'm a *guy*, and that kind of thing doesn't happen to guys! She served herself her third sliver of pie and graced it with a small dollop of whipped cream. Slivers and small dollops don't have calories, I guess. Like she needs to worry about putting on weight, as much as she works around the farm. She was losing her frown, which probably made it easier to say smoothly, "Certainly she did," as though it were incredibly obvious. Well, it wasn't! "No, Mom, no way, *no* way." "Martha..." (continued) ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 04:21:50 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: NEW My Journal, Day 4 Amendment, Part 3 of 5 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" TITLE: My Journal Day 4, Friday, May 6, Amendment, Part 3 of 5 AUTHOR Debby Stark, RATING P/PG-13 FEEDBACK Comments welcome in all forums No Editing please (though you can fix typos) "Jonathan, if he'd been truly tied up, unable to escape despite how strong he is, and if that other fellow hadn't been there, do you think that woman would have stopped where she did?" He couldn't meet her eyes, glancing down at his own second helping of pie and looking as uncomfortable as I felt. "Well..." Except I also felt indignant *and* I could meet her eyes if she'd look at me. "Mom? Mom? I'm *right here...*" She looked at me. Her blue eyes were understanding - and challenging. "I know. Are you listening?" "Yes!" "Are you listening to *yourself?*" Huh? "What? Of course!" "Well, I read what you wrote and you seemed to think that you could have escaped easily. That you *should* have escaped." "Yeah, but..." "But you didn't. You say it was to protect us." Dad understood. "He does worry a lot about that, Martha." "Yes, I do. I could have broken those plastic handcuffs easily and walked right out of there, or gone through the ceiling even, but *none* of that's" - I tend to use this word a lot - "normal. If I'd done that, they would have started wondering about you two. I will *never* risk that." "Uh-huh. I'm not buying that. We're here in Kansas, safe and sound." She waved a hand, indicating the cozy dining room in the big house in the middle of thousands of acres of gently rolling Kansas farm land. "And you know that. You knew it then. I think you must have enjoyed what she was doing - you must have been disappointed when that man stopped her from--" "Mom, no! I didn't like it at all!" "You didn't?" "No!" "But you wrote that she was pretty. I think you said she was worth taking your clothes off for--" "No, I didn't! I wrote: 'Not that she wasn't worth taking one's clothes off for, I suppose.' That means *voluntarily* taking one's clothes off and does *not* mean I *wanted* to take my clothes off *for her!*" "Really?" "Really! I'll take them off for some woman, some day, yes." Good grief! What was I saying? "I mean - you know what I mean - but not *her,* she is *not* that woman." "Oh... So you didn't find it..." her eyes indicated she was searching casually for the right word, "...titillating?" That was shocking. Of course, it's the word I used in the journal entry I wrote here, this evening, before taking off for home, so she couldn't have read it. "Ah..." "Maybe 'exciting' is a better word, or 'fascinating', maybe 'morbidly fascinating.' Maybe you were morbidly fascinated." "Ah... Maybe... I don't know. It happened so fast..." which was true. Looking back at what happened, it seemed to take forever, but that's because I can remember and analyze every little detail. In reality, from that woman unbuttoning my shirt to reaching to do the same to my jeans took at most 30 seconds. This doesn't count the argument she had with the fellow behind me. "So... even though you could have escaped, you didn't..." I felt like hiding from her renewed attack because I couldn't understand why she was saying these things. " protect us and, I don't know, your job and, oh...." I didn't hide though because it looked like she did understand. This renewed my vigor a bit. "And my life and my future, my career, my peace of mind - everything - yes! That's *exactly* why I couldn't do anything, see?" "Oh... Then you didn't enjoy it." "No! Not then - not ever!" Only, in retrospect, there's the idea that the experience was titillating... no, retrospect doesn't count, retrospect is not what really happened. "That's what I've been trying to say!" A little voice inside me said: "...that's what I've been trying to say, too..." "Ah! So that's why it was an attempted rape." Her circular thinking makes me dizzy when I can't keep up. Instead of the relief I should have felt by her landing back at square one, I felt defeated. It was like beating my head against the wall. I could only rub my face and in the process hide my eyes, hide from her silliness. "Mom..." "Did she ask you if you wanted her to do those things to you?" "No..." "You didn't give her permission?" "No..." "Then why do you feel like *you* did something wrong?" "I don't..." "Are you listening to yourself?" "Martha..." She must have begun eating her pie because she didn't reply to him and she stopped goading me. This moment of peace was what I needed. I needed to stop ignoring the dots she was scattering in front of me and start connecting them. I knew I needed to see that she was right. I mean, I sensed she *was* right, if only because she usually is. She knows a lot more about people than I do. I *did* feel I had done something wrong by failing to stop that woman despite all the good excuses I had to restrain myself. That led to... in retrospective thinking only, because I hadn't thought that way during the attack... to fearing I had enjoyed the whole idea just a little - and therefore I had in some way willingly participated in the attack. I had been a willing victim. So it was my fault. But that isn't true. The whole thing *wasn't* my fault. I was caught in circumstances I couldn't control. I was forced to play along or worse things could happen than a little embarrassment for me. I know that intellectually. I came out of hiding, just a bit, preparing to say something, to affirm that intellectual understanding, but... but... my emotions were still messed up. "But I'm still upset..." "That's all right. You were almost raped." I hid again. "Mom..." "Unless 'upset' is the wrong word..." Wrong word? No. Well.... Maybe it was. If it was the wrong word, it meant I was describing it wrong to myself and open the field for different explainions. I'm a wordsmith, I should know the *right* word(s).... "Troubled? Dismayed?" yeah, but.... "Unhappy?" close but insipid. Closer still: "Annoyed...." That's it, that's it, "Irritated... angry... *pissed...*" Yes! Because it *felt* good. Naturally I began to automatically pull away from that conclusion as all kinds of warning lights blazed into my conscious. It shouldn't feel "good." Being pissed can lead people to take thoughtless action. I've seen pissed people (on TV) act dangerously, even cruelly. I've seen a few in real life do things they wouldn't do if they weren't upset. I can*not* afford to let the same thing happen to me. I'm so strong I can hurt people if I get angry and somehow lose control. Mom said, "I sure would be pissed. I *am* pissed." Dad said, "Me, too," without hesitation. This was surprising. Dad's usually the model of quiet and reserve. It takes a lot to piss him off, like some gross injustice or a legitimate threat to his family, friends or community. For example, two years ago he was on the front lines of the fight against a toxic waste recycling firm that wanted to build a plant only 25 miles upwind and upstream of Smallville. He didn't mince words describing what he thought about the plan. He was pissed. but he was in no way out of control or dangerous. The community stopped the plan. On the other hand, much earlier, in the summer of 1978, how did he react to me having just been exposed to a reunion of the cast of "Laugh In"? Those were trying times: I ran around the house for days on end repeating "Sock it to me!" because it was fascinating to say. This didn't piss him off, but it did fluster him. His solution was to stay out of my way as much as he could. He plowed a lot of fields that week. He left it up to Mom to figure out what was happening and warn me: "Clark, honey, please stop saying that. You're driving your father crazy." I was a weird kid: I actually *did* stop saying it. When Lana tried the words on for size in much the same way I had, her parents grounded her when she wouldn't stop. I think I'm like Dad. It takes a lot to piss me off, too. (Flustering me is a little easier to do.) Actually, I rarely get pissed, and I've never (well, not since I was maybe eight years old) gotten so angry that I've felt myself losing control, but I was a normal kid back then and nothing came of it. Losing that duck race was disappointing, remember, not infuriating. Jimmy tested me for how much pushing I can take before getting pissed. I know it wasn't a valid test, but I passed it in more ways than he understands. *Why* he tested me I still don't know, though I'm sure it has something to do with Lois Lane. I know now that she pisses people off. Am I expected to find myself pissed off (or flustered?) by her, too? As I sat there, I sensed that Mom and Dad were being quiet because they figured I had enough hints and could work out my problem on my own. (The observations about Lois Lane came just now as I'm composing this journal entry). I struggled to put all my insights together and understand why Mom's argument/explanation made me feel better than did the one I'd thought up over the past 24 hours or so. My thoughts go something like this and include the thinking I had time to do during my flight home. I think it all comes down to blame: basically, emotionally, I blame myself for not doing anything at any point to stop what happened to me. However, intellectually, I was precluded from doing anything out of the ordinary (cutting off 99% of my options) because the repercussions could have hurt people. Why does the first seem to outweigh the second? I couldn't have foreseen the plot against me since there were *no* clues. The only methods open to me to stop the abduction there on the street or to escape during my captivity would definitely have been "out of the ordinary." The "people" who might have been hurt include everyone I love, those who I work for, and even those who abducted me. I know that I acted appropriately. My responsibility was to protect myself and my friends and that's exactly what I did. There has been no need for me to take any blame. It's like a right I've claimed - the right to whine "I *should* have..." but it's the wrong right. I've been forgetting the rights that count, *my* rights, and one of them is the right to live in peace and not to be messed with. *My* rights were violated first. Finally, I try to take responsibility for all my actions, good or bad. That's probably the best lesson Mom and Dad taught me. But you know what? I've been overdoing it, taking *too* much responsibility for what happened. I think that's because no one in Lois Lane's gang has taken responsibility for *their* actions. Cleaning my suit was *not* an apology since they didn't ask my permission to do that, either (No "How can we make it up to you, sir?"). I need explanations and they haven't said a word. I don't count Lois Lane's instructions or claim that we'll save the world as "explanations." Their failure to treat me with respect left me wondering what *I* did wrong and convinced me I had to come to my self-restricting decisions this morning. Everything's out of balance, so is it any wonder I misinterpreted my role in the mess? No, it's not, and I'm not happy about that. Okay, I'm pissed about that. The weight on my shoulders no longer bears down on me but has shifted to support entirely intellectual argument. Which means... I win! Sort of. For the time being. Now, as I type this, I realize that if I remain pissed *at myself,* for my perceived failures, that means the whole experience really was a rape. Genders and sexual intent and all that don't matter. As long as I take the blame, I give them power over me and they can manipulate me at will. So I hereby reject all guilt feelings over what happened last night. I do accept *responsibility* for deciding to play along afterward, for pretending to be shaken up by it - no, I *was* shaken up but I'm not now. Now I'll have to fake the shakes so they'll think I'm still searching for my center. I further accept responsibility for not reporting the incident to the police or trying to talk to Mr. White about it, regardless of what side he's on. I hope none of these actions will cause harm to anyone. By this I mean, will Lois Lane feel free to continue kidnapping people because I haven't reported her to the police, even though I can't prove it was her? I'll do my best to foresee any repercussions and stop anything bad from happening. Finally, I take responsibility for waiting for Lois Lane's next move and seeing what I can do to influence her plans, once I discover what they are and decide if they need influencing. Hey, they might be brilliant, but even if they are, I refuse to be her clueless pawn. If I take care - *since* I'll take care and remember that I have a sense of humor, this may turn out to be fun. There at the table, I came out of hiding for real at last. "I think I understand." (continued) ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 04:21:56 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: NEW My Journal, Day 4 Amendment, Part 4 of 5 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" TITLE: My Journal Day 4, Friday, May 6, Amendment, Part 4 of 5 AUTHOR Debby Stark, RATING P/PG-13 FEEDBACK Comments welcome in all forums No Editing please (though you can fix typos) Mom just smiled and Dad followed her lead, though I don't think he quite understood what all had gone on. He would understand this though: I said, "And I've already gotten a little revenge on them." They wanted to hear all about it, so I told them about the chance meeting in the tuxedo shop and how magnificently (their word) I handled it. This reminded me to warn them about seriousness of the virus I'll be attaching to all my journal entries sent home to them. I've written Godzilla with several guards and she (the recent movie version of Godzilla was definitely female, not bisexual) should detect Mom's and Dad's computers and be okay, though any of their passwords will also disable (tame) her. Mom thinks this is a sign that I *am* recovering from the attack. Seeing this sign apparently freed her to ask embarrassing questions. "What do you *really* think about that Lois Lane woman? Did you get to do any research on her?" "Well, not today, what with the Messenger blowing up..." We all sighed about that. I just wish there was something I could have done, been there watching and sensed trouble in the making, or maybe rescued crewmembers just after the explosion. Something, anything. "That Dr. Platt, maybe he'll have clues about stopping it from happening again." "He may, but he's missing. "Oh, my..." "Well, I'll find him. I'll find Lois Lane, too. I already know a lot about her. She's..." how to put this... "complicated. And obviously domineering. As far as I can tell, she's uncompromising and no doubt totally pig-headed." I remembered I had a half cup of tea left so I washed down the last of my pie with it. "And she's probably the *ugliest* woman I think I've ever seen in my whole--" I ducked and caught the napkin ring Mom threw at me. Both she and Dad exclaimed, "Clark!" "Well," it was hard not to grin, "she was *trying* to be ugly. She succeeded!" I pressed my hand to my chest. "It's not *my* fault that she's a master of disguise!" "She couldn't have looked so bad that *you*, of all people, would think her ugly!" "Yeah, well..." Mom's right, I'm usually not that way, but.... I looked around the room and saw nothing I could use. I rose and went into the kitchen. Ah! A roll of paper towels. Hey, paper is paper. I tore off a sheet and then pulled an extra-soft charcoal pencil from a nearby decorated can full of pens, pencils, scissors, letter openers, screwdrivers and other useful tools. I returned to my chair, moved my plate aside, and sketched a picture of Sewer Rat Lane. It's not a great rendition, but if Mom saves it, you, dear great-grandchildren, will see why I'm trying to become a Great Writer and not a Great Artist. Mom's got that title and one per family is enough. As she watched me, she said encouraging things like "Next time, if you want a sketch pad and some drawing pencils.... Young people aren't easy to draw; they don't have facial wrinkles that you can follow like a map.... And you said she was wearing camouflage paint...." She let me labor over my masterpiece for about two minutes (I draw fast) and then snatched it away. "That's good, that's fine. Don't overwork it." "She's not ugly," Dad said when Mom showed him what I'd done. "She just looks... worn. Tired. Pale." "It's the paper towel." It was white. "I know that, but if she lives underground, maybe she doesn't get enough sunshine." That's a real possibility. Mom asked, "You didn't like anything about her, honey? I mean, since you'll probably see her again, it's nice to have something to look forward to." Good point. "Well...." I reviewed the adventure for the umpteenth time. "I like how she yanked Maxine out of there...." "She seems very protective." Dad said, "She sounded fierce and dangerous for such a small woman." I nodded. "She's a real spitfire for being such a runt." "Clark!" "Well, Mom, she only came up to here on me," I indicated my chin, so that would make her probably under five feet six inches. In other words, probably average for a woman of European descent. Mom looked exasperated. "But 'runt'? Try harder!" Okay, okay.... I sighed and exaggerated thinking hard. Actually, thinking up something attractive about her didn't take any time at all. "She has pretty eyes. They're very expressive." "I wondered if you'd say that. I noticed you really worked on them. What color are they?" "A deep, dark brown." I could visualize them clearly. I can do that now, too. I guess Lois Lane's eyes made a real impression on me. "I'd like to see them under better lighting conditions, like sunshine." Dad nodded and Mom grinned with delight. I have no idea why. Her eyes are various shades of blue, depending on the light, and Dad's are gray or green (the light again). Mine are a generic brown, which interestingly seems to match a good portion of the world's population. I hope Mom wasn't thinking, "Oh, her eyes match Clark's eyes," because so what? After all, as Dad said, "She might have been wearing contacts." Mom obviously didn't think that was romantic. "Jonathan...." "If she's a master of disguise--" "Why would she be wearing a disguise if she expected him to be blindfolded?" "I don't know. Maybe because she just held up a bank?" I said, "No banks were held up yesterday night that I know of." "There," Mom said. "You see?" "It doesn't matter. When she's in disguise, I bet that's the first thing she changes." I said, "Probably." "Besides," Dad said, "we already know what she looks like. Clark's drawing just confirmed it's the same woman." Je turned and reached behind himself. From the shelf in front of the glass-front display cabinet containing Mom's good tableware, he picked up a worn file folder with a quarter-inch stack of photocopy paper in it. "I didn't think you'd get much chance to do any research since everyone's watching you so closely." He handed me the file folder. "So I did a little snooping around on the net for you." I should have expected this. Mom's the artist of the family and Dad's the computer whiz. He used to think he'd never even learn to type - and he didn't care. He didn't want to learn because he didn't see any need for it. Hunt and peck was adequate. But then he found an accounting package he liked and two years ago he discovered how the net could link him to other farmers. To talk to them fast he had to learn how to type. One thing led to another, and he's been roaring through cyberspace ever since. The results of his research showed me what Lois Lane really looks like, almost. Dad found the first picture of her on a web site created by some young female fans in Metropolis. Site owner Charlotte and her friends should be commended for gathering a great deal of publicly available information together in one place, but unfortunately there doesn't seem to be very much. Their picture of Lois Lane, featured prominently on page one of the three-page site, is from the Spring 1995 yearbook of Metropolis University, where the woman majored in journalism and graduated at age 25. She had long, dark, curly hair and an intelligent, even challenging expression on her face. She made top grades and apparently did well on IQ and other assessment tests. She was a cofounder of the Metropolis University Romance Writers League, and a member of the New Troy Chess Association, the MU Math Mavens, and the MU Martial Arts Club. Her goal in life, according to her entry in the yearbook, was to "discover and name a complex mathematical theorem after myself and win, back-to-back, a Kerth and Pulitzer." In that same yearbook, she was voted "Most likely to knock the pinnings out from under polite society" and "Least likely to meet the man of her dreams." It seems like she was such a serious person, I wonder if she was surprised and delighted by what her peers apparently thought she was really like, or if she was disappointed, even hurt that they didn't know the real her at all. Do you want to know what my Midwest U yearbook said? My goal was to "visit every country on Earth" which was already in progress when I wrote that. My peers decided I would "make [my] career mediating compromises between irresistible forces and immovable objects." I'm not sure what that means other than it's challenging. Page three of the Lois Lane site was dedicated to some of her poetry. I glanced over the printout of that. I'm not particularly interested in poetry and frankly, hers was a good reason for me not to get started reading any full time. She wrote (and still writes? I hope not!) sad, heartbreaking sonnets that Mom said showed the influences of both Stephen King and Dr. Seuss. I'm not touching that one, but at least now, dear great-grandchildren, you know where I get my irreverent tendencies). According to the web site, Lois Lane worked part-time for the Daily Planet throughout her college years and when she graduated she moved right into a full-time position as an investigative reporter. At this point I'll insert the other information Dad found - on the Daily Planet's web site. "I sneaked in there using one of my pseudonyms," he told me before I could express my alarm at his entering that potentially dangerous place. "It looks like that girl got herself into a *peck* of trouble just last year..." She certainly started out well enough though. As a team member and, within her first year, working on her own, she did everything from infiltrating crime organizations to interviewing visiting heads of state. She did it all very quietly though. I doubt that many people outside the newspaper business grew used to seeing her name, but anyone inside it (like me) had to be astounded at the amount of copy she generated. I wondered out loud if she had time back then, before her troubles, for a private life. Did she have a boyfriend? Did she have hobbies? Did she write romance novels in her spare time? Work on math theorems? Practice martial arts? Or did she work day and night? Mom said it sounded like she was a workaholic and Dad said she could use some sunlight *and* fresh air. Lois Lane apparently did something terribly wrong, though, and she did it in a big way. "Months of research have uncovered a conspiracy within Luthor Enterprises that may lead to the very top of the organization" read the tag line of the article with Lois Lane's exclusive byline on the front page of the Sunday Daily Planet early last December. A week-long series of articles was promised, a sidebar announced, and each article would reveal increasingly outrageous news that the public had the right to know. The first article was shocking enough, with the author claiming to have found irrefutable proof that Luthor Industries has been circumventing Metropolis's antipollution laws. The laws are lax to begin with (Dad found an earlier editorial to this effect), but LI's actions, the article quoted a city official, "are a slap in the face of the citizens of Metropolis." I perused the printout of the article and at the end of it read, "Tomorrow: Danger spots around the city." There was no second article on the following day. Instead, there was a retraction printed on the front page, above the fold and in a black frame, over the names of the men (all men) on the Board of Directors of the Daily Planet Publishing Company Incorporated - *except* Lex Luthor, who is on the Board, too. They apologized for the "rash" actions of one of the Planet's reporters (Lois Lane's name was not mentioned, though there was a small, blurry, uncomplimentary, black-and-white picture provided) (this was also the second picture of her Dad found). They further regreted the unfortunate decisions made by the City Editor (Mr. White, also unnamed, no picture). The former was taking an unpaid leave of absence and the latter had been reprimanded. (continued) ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 04:21:17 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: NEW My Journal, Day 4 Amendment, Part 5 of 5 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" TITLE: My Journal Day 4, Friday, May 6, Amendment, Part 5 of 5 AUTHOR Debby Stark, RATING P/PG-13 FEEDBACK Comments welcome in all forums No Editing please (though you can fix typos) Charlotte and her friends were outraged, claiming that Lois Lane "was driven out of her home at Christmas!!!!!" Unfortunately that internet site's pages were last updated in February and only with opinions by 14 still angry but hopeless Lois Lane fans. Dad didn't find any more mention of the incident in the Planet's online archive. "I didn't have enough time to discover if she hired a lawyer to fight for her job back. If you ask me, 'unpaid leave of absence' translates to being fired." I nodded. "I think so, too, since she hasn't returned. Everyone in the Pit must want her back because that unused desk in the middle of the room has to be hers. They talk about her in whispers, too, like she's a legend. Or maybe they're afraid to talk about her. What she did - no, the reaction to what she did must scare them." That was confirmed by Steve's mention that Mr. White won't print his suspicions about corruption in building the Fine Arts Center unless Steve gets "absolute proof." The same for Dr. Platt's accusations on Tuesday afternoon. "You know, I bet the Metropolis Star didn't feel the same constraint. They should have reveled in the Planet's embarrassment." "That's what I thought, too," Dad said, "but they just had a brief mention of it in the Tuesday morning edition, back on page four." He pointed out a printout of the three brief paragraphs. I glanced over it. It was generic sans editorial comment. "I looked on the sites of other papers in Metropolis and it was the same thing." Mom said solemnly, "*Someone* with a lot of power feared she was getting too close to some big secrets." "Big secrets held by Lex Luthor's organization," I said. "I'm not exactly surprised. Everywhere you turn in Metropolis, there he seems to be. Was going underground - literally, I guess - her only option? Why didn't she fight what they did to her? I'm sure I would have heard *something* about it while I was at the Post. It would have been a great fight. It might have broken ground for freedom of the press, like the Pentagon Papers case. Unless she felt threatened..." If so, then she and I had something in common. "What about her family and friends?" Charlotte's site offered some information here. Lois Lane's parents are, or were alive, as is or was a younger sister. As last Februrary, Charlotte's connections (and who knows how good they are?) had no news on these people's whereabouts. Had they all dropped out of sight or just been laying low, working quietly at their normal lives? I sped read through the rest of printouts and there isn't anything I can add to what I'm telling you, dear great-grandchildren, other than, despite her poetry, she was a good writer and a hard-hitting reporter. Mom thinks her writing could have used a touch more heart. Considering the seriousness of many of the topics she covered, I don't know if anyone could have injected warmth into them. I sat back and sighed. "Wow.... Was she shut up and shut out for getting too close to some horrible truth, or were they right to throw her out because they found out she was... I don't know, coasting along on her laurels," because by then she had won two Kerths and been nominated for a Pulitzer and a Merriweather, "and she didn't do her homework, and the paper looked foolish for publishing insupportable material about a prominent citizen?" "I want to think the first," Mom said. She got up, stood beside me, put her arm over my shoulders and squeezed. "I like crime fighting reporters, like those who help bumbling scientists, a lot better than I like international corporate criminals." "Me, too. Thanks to Dad and you, I now have a lot better understanding of her and some ideas on what to look for next. And who." "Lex Luthor's a big target," Dad said. "I'll aim carefully. I know I'll be a lot easier to fire than Lois Lane was." "As long as you get some fresh air and don't become a workaholic." I could feel Mom smiling. She mussed my hair, an affectionate gesture that embarrasses me but I really love it. "*And* get a hair cut, hmm?" Oh, yeah. She had everything set up on the screened-in back porch. We do it outside because burning hair is, after all, burning hair, and it smells no matter how fast I cut it. I use two mirrors I made from what I think is an amalgam of titanium and who knows what from the remains of an old crashed satellite I found in the Canadian tundra. Whatever it is, it's not radioactive or dangerous to anyone, and it polished quite nicely. I use it to bounce my laser vision back at myself and precision cut my hair. The bigger mirror alone I use for the front of my head, then I switch to holding the smaller one and Mom holds the bigger one so I can trim my neckline. I have a third mirror, made of the same material, here in my flophouse room to use on what little beard I get. When we first started this (with less heavy-duty mirrors that didn't last very long), she checked out library books on hair styling for tips. It took a lot of practice, but we're good at it now. Since my hair grows slowly, we've only had to do this about every six months. We may have to do it more frequently if Mr. White seriously equates shorter hair on men with those men looking like serious reporters. We cut about an inch off the back, but on Mom's insistence left the front a bit long. "You look nicer that way, honey. Trust me on this." I trust her and Dad on everything. I didn't even look at the clean clothes she had put in a bag for me. After removing the newspapers I had taken along, I just put the clothes and a big new coffee mug (the logo on it says "Smallville - don't let our size fool you!") right into my backpack. It was about ten when we shared hugs and I left to come back here. I'll send this in the morning. Tomorrow's entry should be all about the White Orchid Ball. I hope I can pass myself off as a gentleman. [to be continued] For CK's rendition of Lois Lane noted above, see "Sewer.jpg" available at MyJournal [Your real author thanks my proofers and creative consultants Pat H., Jeanne P., and Steve H.] (continued) ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 07:29:00 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Sandy McDermin Subject: Re: Nfic Awards - Catagories MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit LabRat wrote: > << Many of the 'old timers' on my list have left FoLCdom and it would > seem superfluous to include nfic in the nominations where an award won would > be either unable to be delivered since no forwarding eddress for the author > is available or indeed would be less than welcomed by the recipient(I know > of at least one writer who has insisted that her name be removed from LNC > nfic she co-authored because she has lost interest in the show). This might be > something that is worthy of giving thought to finding a solution to? >> ninety-six and i planted poppies wrote: > Unlike LabRat, I don't think it would be "superfluous" to give an award to > stories whose authors are no longer in folcdom. If the awards are for the best > stories, they should be for the best stories, whether or not their authors are > still around our list. To me, that would seem like discounting a film or book > for an award simply because its writer/author has either died or stopped making > films or writing. The award should be for the *work,* not the author's > longevity as a folc or lack thereof. The award doesn't have to be "delivered" > to be earned and valid. I agree. I would hate to see some very good stories left out because the author is no longer active -- we'd miss out on a lot and the awards would be that much less rewarding because of it. As for those not wanting to participate and so indicating, well that's another ... um, story. (Speaking for myself though, after writing a story -- even as co-author -- I couldn't imagine wanting my name taken off of it unless I felt it didn't reflect my work or I didn't like the way it had turned out. It's still a creative product and it seems rather odd to disassociate yourself from *it* for lack of interest in participating in the group.) Annette Ciotola wrote: > I guess this is my cue to speak up. > The main web page is: > > The Nfic signup can be found at: > > > > Also for those of you who are just now signing up. The normal time frame > takes about 24 hours to send out the password. I must admit, I've stopped collecting passwords. I have so many of them now I can't keep them straight and it's become a separate project to manage them. Is all of the work available on this site also on Debby's list? Sandy ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 07:31:55 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "C.C. Malo" Subject: Re: A new type of fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Yvonne, this sounds like fun! As well as your plot, there would perhaps have to be a few ground rules -- but not many! e.g. Each e-mail would have to refer to one item or clue from the previous post as well as one from any earlier post in order to advance the plot. And a couple of basic agreements -- like "Lois doesn't get killed in mid story or have an affair with a Scardino wannabe." There could be 2 Cats -- the "Sleaze" Cat and the "Hidden Depths" Cat. Or ..... Carol ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 08:04:38 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Annette Ciotola Subject: Re: Nfic Awards - Catagories MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 6/17/99 7:30:17 AM Eastern Daylight Time, smcdermin@EROLS.COM writes: << Is all of the work available on this site also on Debby's list? >> As far as I am aware, they still are. However, I am not so sure about Julie Mack's vignettes or some of her other LnC stuff. I know *I* would like to throw some nominations her way. :) Anne :) (who also recommends reading Julie's new non LnC series. I've just posted the follow up to Back to Good, it's called Good Vibrations. You can check it out through her regular fanfic site. :) ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 09:00:49 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Tylke, Judith" Subject: Re: Nfic Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Carolyn, I do all the comp support for the Communications dept. here at FSC, both mac and pc format, and so know just how easily things can get bollixed even with security. The fact that we also need to safeguard the site from the under 18's just increases the level of difficulty. I take my hat off to Beth and those other troupers who keep the sites up, it's time consuming and often very frustrating. Beth may be on vacation or otherwise unavailable since the problem is widespread and no ones heard from her, but if someone has perhaps they could let the rest of us know. Having a light at the end of the tunnel is always easier then being in the dark. JT > ---------- > From: Carolyn Schnall[SMTP:cschnall@MAIL.MED.CORNELL.EDU] > Reply To: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic > Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 1999 5:41 PM > To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU > Subject: Re: Nfic Awards > > Thanks, JT: > > I appreciate the information and live in hope of resolving this soon. I > am > relieved to know that I have not been doing something dumb (duh!) and I am > sure that this discussion will lead to a resolution:) > > It would be neat to get access to all the 6 boards (and any future ones) > with the same password and few keystrokes. The need for security is > apparent to us all, I think, (and a big part of my work here at Cornell) > but no access for so many is difficult to understand. > > I'm sure Beth or Zoomway will help us all out:) > > Thanks, > Carolyn > > > >Carolyn, > > The lists are inaccessable to a lot of us and unfortunetly > inquires > >to Beth and attempts to resign on to the 1-5 lists have proven futile, if > >you manage to contact Beth or Zoomway has a fix would you let me know? > You > >can sign on to nfic 6 at this address, it lets you assign your user name > and > >password but it's only good for that list, > Good > >luck, JT > > > >> ---------- > >> From: Carolyn Schnall[SMTP:cschnall@MAIL.MED.CORNELL.EDU] > >> Reply To: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic > >> Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 1999 1:49 PM > >> To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU > >> Subject: Re: Nfic Awards > >> > >> Hi FoLCs: > >> > >> Sandy wrote: > >> > >> >I don't think there's anyone who is widely read in n-fic these days as > >> >the "community" has scattered. In the past, almost all n-fic ended up > on > >> >Debby's list and I was reasonably sure I knew of everything, if not > read > >> >it all. Now, there are stories submitted to the boards designed by > Beth > >> >as well as a few other password protected pages and unprotected sites. > >> >I'm wondering if there are stories at some of these places which > didn't > >> >make it to Debby's list. I only have a password to Beth's site and -- > >> >even there -- I can't get to the old boards where most of the nfic is, > >> >although I've tried. > >> > > >> > >> I am so glad you mentioned the password. I have it to but have not > been > >> able to access the July 1998 onward boards since then and I thought it > was > >> my doing something wrong that caused it. > >> > >> I hate to keep bothering people about this but I now realize I have > missed > >> about a year's worth of stuff and would like to get caught up. > >> > >> Any suggestions? > >> > >> Thanks, > >> Carolyn > >> > >> > ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 09:04:58 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Tylke, Judith" Subject: Re: A new type of fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain It might be really fun, count me in. JT > ---------- > From: Yvonne Connell[SMTP:yconnell@UKF.NET] > Reply To: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic > Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 1999 6:07 PM > To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU > Subject: A new type of fanfic > > Whilst strap-hanging on the Tube on the way to work the other day, I was > thinking about my email conversation with 'Clark' (AKA Debby ), and had > an idea for a new sort of fanfic. I suppose the best description would be > a role-playing fanfic - where each participant plays a different character > in the story. You'd have to come up with a plot whereby everyone has to > communicate by email for some reason - maybe the Planet building has been > bombed again and is temporarily shut while structural repairs are carried > out? The idea would be that you take a starting point for your plot > (like, > who bombed the Planet?), and the story unfolds as the different characters > contribute information they've discovered. > > What do you think? Is this a good idea, or have I gone off the deep end? > > Yvonne > ( > ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 17:56:29 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: Re: Nfic Awards - Catagories MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sandy wrote: Is all of the work available on this site also on Debby's >list? > And the answer is - as far as I'm aware, no. At least I don't recall ever receiving Julie's vignettes in my mail, nor many if not all of Peace's nfics (although most of these are of course also available on Peace's own site.) LabRat :) Doc. Klein's LabRat Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag and begin slitting throats. -- H. L. Mencken, Prejudices. He spoke with a certain what-is-it in his voice, and I could see that, if not actually disgruntled, he was far from being gruntled. -- P.G. Wodehouse, The Code of the Woosters. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 13:26:34 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Tylke, Judith" Subject: Re: Nfic Awards - Sites MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Hey guys, I've had trouble all am trying to get to numerous web sites. Once I get there I've had troubles with links and 'empty' pages. geocities gave me an error message that the cache was empty. Very bizzare, it may just be gremlins but if anyone else has the same troubles it's not just you. JT > ---------- > From: LabRat[SMTP:labrat@UKF.NET] > Reply To: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic > Sent: Thursday, June 17, 1999 12:56 PM > To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU > Subject: Re: Nfic Awards - Catagories > > Sandy wrote: > > Is all of the work available on this site also on Debby's > >list? > > > And the answer is - as far as I'm aware, no. At least I don't recall ever > receiving Julie's vignettes in my mail, nor many if not all of Peace's > nfics > (although most of these are of course also available on Peace's own site.) > > LabRat :) > Doc. Klein's LabRat > > > Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the > black flag and begin slitting throats. -- H. L. Mencken, Prejudices. > > He spoke with a certain what-is-it in his voice, and I could see that, if > not actually disgruntled, he was far from being gruntled. -- P.G. > Wodehouse, > The Code of the Woosters. > ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 14:11:10 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin H Subject: Re: NYFF & other events and MY BIRTHDAY! MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hey FoLC's :) I'm a Broadway Buff, I'd love to go see that play :D Yea, I posted the Fest to WBVL boards..we should get some more FoLC's to join us :D FoLC Festing rocks, Erin << Woohoo, even more plans a forming. Erin has graciously invited to also car poll and has a van too. You go girl. Thanks to Mandy and Erin for posting to other lists. Bobbett has graciously offered some coupons for Great Adventure. I have tix/coupons that say: $11 off any day until 6/27/99 $10 off any weekday 6/28 - 9/6 $5 off weekends $11 off any day 9/11 - 10/31 Each coupon is good for 15 entries. - - - - - On a side bar, I am trying to go see Annie Get Your Gun...any NY area FoLCs interested? ----- OK, Today is MY BIRTHDAY!!! WOOHOO *me does a little dance* For those of you dying to know, I am 19..I know, I'm over the hill j/k I plan on keep going til I reach 29 and stay there for a few years. Anywho, I just thought i'd share. Also, I might have a job!! another woohoo, at Crunch Fitness, HA, maybe I'll get a free membership *crossing fingers* Well, time to celebrate some more in a world where I'm already 29 on my ID Love and Kisses Kate >> ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 14:40:04 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Charlotte Fisler Subject: Re: NYFF MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > Count me in! I'm interested. However, if we decide to go to Great > Adventure, I'll be driving as I'm less than one hour away by car. I can > take up to 3 other FoLCs who either can get to my house or have me pick > them up on the way. They'd have to be pretty close to the NJ Turnpike > (exits 11-7A) for me to get them, tho. That's the normal way to get to > Great Adventure from my house. I'm about an hour west of Great Adventure and would love to be included if the timing is right. I will be out west in July beginning on July 9 until July 22, so let me know. I will probably drive by myself. My metro is not good for more than one person on long trips. Charlotte ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 13:46:58 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Mr. D8a" Subject: Re: A new type of fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" >From MR. D8A's work email Intriguing. I am not sure about the including the previous post idea. It may be difficult given the time lag on some systems response-times. It would require some coordination to accomplish things happening in sequence. I would recommend creating a new LIST on so only those that want to can participate. When a 'story' is finished then someone could paste it all together and post it to the LOISCLA-GENERAL-L. You would not necessarily need to have an email only scenario. This could be like the old fashioned radio dramas where the you would have an announcer(you could have fun with commercials:-) that would fill in what is going on at the outset of the story. The announcer will act as final arbitrator in any debates. The announcer also would be the only one who would know what was going on. Before an 'actor' did anything they would run it by the announcer first and then post to the LIST their actions and description of what is going on around them. The other 'actors' would then react and so on. Does what I say make sense or am I just babbling? MR. D8A A.K.A. James James who had to take a break from work and is not sure if he has had a brain cramp in the mean time. Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. Please visit and explore my house at: -----Original Message----- From: Yvonne Connell [mailto:yconnell@UKF.NET] Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 1999 5:08 PM To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Subject: A new type of fanfic Whilst strap-hanging on the Tube on the way to work the other day, I was thinking about my email conversation with 'Clark' (AKA Debby ), and had an idea for a new sort of fanfic. I suppose the best description would be a role-playing fanfic - where each participant plays a different character in the story. You'd have to come up with a plot whereby everyone has to communicate by email for some reason - maybe the Planet building has been bombed again and is temporarily shut while structural repairs are carried out? The idea would be that you take a starting point for your plot (like, who bombed the Planet?), and the story unfolds as the different characters contribute information they've discovered. What do you think? Is this a good idea, or have I gone off the deep end? Yvonne ( ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 14:25:55 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Hazel Subject: Re: A new type of fanfic In-Reply-To: <79C7BC7656CBD21190910008C7FA82ED54FCDD@mxsemrstl01.emotors .com> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Yvonne wrote: > I suppose the best description would be a role-playing fanfic - where each participant plays a different character in the story. You'd have to come up with a plot whereby everyone has to communicate by email for some reason - maybe the Planet building has been bombed again and is temporarily shut while structural repairs are carried out? The idea would be that you take a starting point for your plot (like, who bombed the Planet?), and the story unfolds as the different characters contribute information they've discovered.> And Mr D8A wrote: > >You would not necessarily need to have an email only scenario. This could >be like the old fashioned radio dramas where the you would have an >announcer(you could have fun with commercials:-) that would fill in what is >going on at the outset of the story. The announcer will act as final >arbitrator in any debates. The announcer also would be the only one who >would know what was going on. Before an 'actor' did anything they would run >it by the announcer first and then post to the LIST their actions and >description of what is going on around them. The other 'actors' would then >react and so on. Actually, this reminds me of the D&D games I played with my brothers and sisters when I was a kid. One person (my oldest brother by default, actually ) was "Dungeon Master"; he designed the world we were exploring, populated it with ghosts and beasties and things, and told us what was happening. ("Okay, you're in a room 20 feet by 20 feet, with a door to the west, and about six giant spiders staring at you from the webs on the ceiling...") The rest of us had our characters -- fighters, wizards, what-have-you -- who reacted to the various scenarios and tried to survive long enough to fight another day. :) We reacted to what our "DM" told us what was happening and rolled various dice to determine the outcomes. It was a lot of fun (if *very* time-consuming), and I can see it translate into e-mail mode with little trouble. However, I do agree that we'll need an equivalent of "Dungeon Master" for this -- someone who knows basically what's going to happen, someone who can set down a scenario and let the characters take it from there. I don't have time to volunteer as "List Master" for this, but I will gladly take a part if it ever actually blossoms from Yvonne's suggestion into reality! Hazel ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 16:27:43 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carolyn Schnall Subject: Re: Nfic Awards In-Reply-To: <006d01beb840$aec02bc0$909901d4@default> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Hey LabRat: Thanks for the information:) I am in the process of getting signed up as we Thanks, Carolyn >Hey Carolyn, Judith and anyone else who may be interested: > >With a few exceptions almost all of the nfic posted to the nfic mbs is >archived at annesplace. Certainly Julie Mack's wonderful vignettes are, >along with the nfic of MissyToo, Peace and others. I'm not saying that >you'll find everything on the mbs there, but last time I looked 99% of it >was there. At least it's a start for those who haven't been able to access >the mbs for a time. > >The URL is and you'll have >to sign up for a password on site, but it's a simple enough process. > >Good luck and enjoy! > >LabRat :) >Doc. Klein's LabRat > > >Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the >black flag and begin slitting throats. -- H. L. Mencken, Prejudices. > >He spoke with a certain what-is-it in his voice, and I could see that, if >not actually disgruntled, he was far from being gruntled. -- P.G. Wodehouse, >The Code of the Woosters. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 16:39:32 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Organization: Subject: Re: Nfic Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dawn modestly stated: > I could nominate any of yours in a second (and > will, and thanks for including me in that list ), but couldn't nominate > myself. And you know, I've gotta say, I could nominate myself, no problem except I haven't written an nfic, which does kinda disqualify me here I confess I voted for myself in the Kerths so even where I didn't win, I knew I had at least one vote... (John Doe might be a darn nice guy, but I'm voting for *me*! ) Oh, I have another suggestion for a name for these awards: nKerths. N could stand for "naughty" as in nfic, or "naked" as some prefer... but I guess that decision now lies with Irene & Dawn. Which reminds me -- thanks, you two, for stepping up to the plate on this :-) What makes FOLCdom so great, IMO, is the number of people who are willing to volunteer their time & effort to make fandom more enjoyable for everyone else. If we didn't have fanfic writers, editors, archive staff, video makers, list moms, web page keepers, awards organizers, etc, etc, we'd all have a great deal less fun. I agree with Diyan that it would be a good idea to have an nfic archive somewhere, but I know it would be a huge undertaking. -- ------------------------------------------------------- Pam Jernigan | ChiefPam on IRC | ------------------------------------------------------- "I heard about Superman at the UN. I don't mind him wanting to take over the world, really, but he sounded a little ... well ... nuts." --Dr. Klein, "Blast from the Past", IRC Round Robin ------------------------------------------------------- The FoLC Obsession Page has moved to: ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 21:43:09 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Yvonne Connell Subject: Re: A new type of fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Personally, I'm not that enthusiastic about having an arbitrator. Apart >from anything else, it's very time-consuming for whoever has to take on that role. I envisioned something even less structured, where the people taking part twist and turn the plot themselves, by throwing new information into the pot with their email posts. I agree that you'd have to start up a new list, but if that list could be archived like this one is, then that would be the ideal way for newcomers to get up-to-date with the story. Here's what I came up with after 10 minutes thought in front of my laptop: The Plot ******* The Daily Planet has been bombed, and as a result, all editorial staff are having to work from home until repairs are carried out and the building declared safe again. Printing operations have been contracted out to the same company who print the Metropolis Star for the duration. (I don't know about the US, but this is not unusual in the UK). Temporary premises have been hired for other departments (marketing, page make-up, circulation etc), but these are not big enough to accommodate the large editorial team, who as stated previously, are working from home and sending in copy via email. Perry is looking into the possibility of creating a couple of meeting rooms at the temporary premises, so that at least editorial staff can meet up once in a while - but nothing is certain yet. Naturally, the big question on everyone's mind is - who bombed the Planet and why? This will form the basis of our investigation. The time period for this scenario is sometime during the fifth season. That is, Lois and Clark are married and living in the house on Hyperion Avenue. Perry is separated from Alice, and Jimmy is still seeking the love of his life. Cat has recently been re-employed by the Planet as the paper's society columnist, and Lex Luthor has somehow returned from the dead yet again. Characters: ********* Perry Jimmy Lois Clark Cat Martha Jonathan Jimmy's Dad Lex Luthor Lucy, Jack, Lois' parents...anyone else??? The Rules ******** No killing off main characters No extra-marital affairs for Lois or Clark How To Play *********** (1) All plot-advancement must be done through the list. (2) Private discussion between characters is permitted, but see (1) (3) Depending on how this takes off, meetings may take place occasionally on IRC - if Perry can get the rooms sorted out, of course ;) (4) Each email must refer to at least one clue or item from a previous email, although not necessarily the most recent one. Regards, Yvonne ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 16:47:48 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Stephani E. VanWert" Subject: Re: A new type of fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit How do we pick who is what character? I'd like to play Lois ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 18:59:24 -0400 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Mary-Ann <727233@ICAN.NET> Subject: Re: A new type of fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit As someone was saying earlier this sounds really like D&D not that I've played D&D but I'm currently in something called "Simming" Which is Startrek Based Roll playing, and perhaps an arbitrator.. you might be reading too much into the roll, basically the players take on the roll of making the story go but the "Arbitrator" as someone was calling it would just make sure it was flowing along and push people in the right direction. If the people playing are the same people who are writing this amazing fanfic that ends up on the list then it really wouldn't be that hard. This is great tho I was just discussing the idea with SOMEONE on IRC about two weeks ago and they seemed pretty into getting something like this going. Hope they are on this list and can get in touch with you :) Okay thats my 2 cents worth and ya'll can hit the Delete button now ;) -Juliet79 > Personally, I'm not that enthusiastic about having an arbitrator. Apart > from anything else, it's very time-consuming for whoever has to take on > that role. I envisioned something even less structured, where the people > taking part twist and turn the plot themselves, by throwing new information > into the pot with their email posts. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 17:13:33 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Mr. D8a" Subject: Re: A new type of fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Exactly -----Original Message----- From: Mary-Ann [] Sent: Thursday, June 17, 1999 5:59 PM To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Subject: Re: A new type of fanfic As someone was saying earlier this sounds really like D&D not that I've played D&D but I'm currently in something called "Simming" Which is Startrek Based Roll playing, and perhaps an arbitrator.. you might be reading too much into the roll, basically the players take on the roll of making the story go but the "Arbitrator" as someone was calling it would just make sure it was flowing along and push people in the right direction. If the people playing are the same people who are writing this amazing fanfic that ends up on the list then it really wouldn't be that hard. This is great tho I was just discussing the idea with SOMEONE on IRC about two weeks ago and they seemed pretty into getting something like this going. Hope they are on this list and can get in touch with you :) Okay thats my 2 cents worth and ya'll can hit the Delete button now ;) -Juliet79 ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 23:29:07 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: Re: Nfic Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Pam wrote: >I agree with Diyan that it would be a good idea to have an nfic archive >somewhere, but I know it would be a huge undertaking. Well, like I say, - if no one else has any plans in this direction - I'm prepared to put in the time on sorting it out and maintaining it (hopefully with the aid of some helpers ) if I can just find someone who has the skills to set up a website in a fairly competent manner. They don't need to stay with the project thereafter - they can 'hand over the keys' as someone thoughtfully suggested to me privately, if they like. Other than that, there are one or two logistic problems that would need dealing with (finding a way to contact half of the writers for one), but they can be surmounted I think. But for the moment the project's stymied because I haven't the tech skills necessary to set up the site. In fact I know zip about websites, period, except that they provide me with a heck of a lot of fun on the occasions that I visit. LabRat :) Doc. Klein's LabRat Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag and begin slitting throats. -- H. L. Mencken, Prejudices. He spoke with a certain what-is-it in his voice, and I could see that, if not actually disgruntled, he was far from being gruntled. -- P.G. Wodehouse, The Code of the Woosters. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 19:55:41 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Roseann Buonadies Subject: Re: Nfic Awards - Catagories MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 6/17/1999 8:06:05 AM Eastern Daylight Time, AMCiotola@AOL.COM writes: << << Is all of the work available on this site also on Debby's list? >> As far as I am aware, they still are. However, I am not so sure about Julie Mack's vignettes or some of her other LnC stuff. I know *I* would like to throw some nominations her way. :) Anne :) >> I checked my nfic zip disk and Debby sent out a notice for two "sets" of Julie Mack's Bedtime series (Stories 1-12 and 13-24). I received them as two large attachments from Joyce. Hmmm... 565 nfic stories, is that right LabRat? Oh no!! Methinks me missed a few! Roseann (searching, searching, searching....) ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 01:07:54 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: Re: Nfic Awards - Catagories MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Roseann wrote: >I checked my nfic zip disk and Debby sent out a notice for two "sets" of >Julie Mack's Bedtime series (Stories 1-12 and 13-24). I received them as two >large attachments from Joyce. Aha! Yes, I'd forgotten about the Bedtime Stories condensed version, Roseann. I don't think they encompass all of Julie's vignettes (I think there are over 100 at last count, weren't they?) but they certainly will take in a lot of them. > >Hmmm... 565 nfic stories, is that right LabRat? Oh no!! Methinks me missed >a few! > 563. When I went over my index there were two duplicates. I don't doubt I've missed a few too. >(searching, searching, searching....) > Perpetually..... LabRat :) Doc. Klein's LabRat Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag and begin slitting throats. -- H. L. Mencken, Prejudices. He spoke with a certain what-is-it in his voice, and I could see that, if not actually disgruntled, he was far from being gruntled. -- P.G. Wodehouse, The Code of the Woosters. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 20:42:55 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Sandy McDermin Subject: Re: Nfic Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Pam Jernigan wrote: > >> Dawn modestly stated: > > I could nominate any of yours in a second (and > > will, and thanks for including me in that list ), but couldn't nominate > > myself. > > And you know, I've gotta say, I could nominate myself, no problem > except I haven't written an nfic, which does kinda disqualify me here > I confess I voted for myself in the Kerths so even where I > didn't win, I knew I had at least one vote... (John Doe might be a darn > nice guy, but I'm voting for *me*! ) Hey, at least you're honest. I'll be equally honest and admit that I would never nominate nor vote for myself unless I was running for election. I wouldn't vote for the competition either, of course. (I'm not that stupid-- uh, I mean, generous.) I'd just skip the category and hope for the best. > Oh, I have another suggestion for a name for these awards: nKerths. N > could stand for "naughty" as in nfic, or "naked" as some prefer... but > I guess that decision now lies with Irene & Dawn. Well, since we're going to be stuck with this name until the end of time, I hope it's a bit more democratic than that. > Which reminds me -- > thanks, you two, for stepping up to the plate on this :-) Yes, I *deeply* thank you as I was afraid I would have to volunteer if someone didn't do so quick, and then you would all discover how incredibly indecisive I am and how I end up running everything by election if not acclimation. Reminds me of a recent "Dharma and Greg" episode where Dharma's parents recruited "a village" to help make decisions on how to raise Dharma and Greg's almost adopted child. "The village" voted on everything including what kind of refrigerator the couple would buy -- a two door or no. (Frankly I didn't realize buying a refrigerator was a necessary part of becoming new parents and was going to mention that to the S5/S6 writers.... Okay, guys -- great birth -- but where's the new *refrigerator*, huh?) So, I thank you, Dawn and Irene, for protecting the n-fic awards from an extreme, neurotic version of "Roberts' Rules of Order." Roseann wrote: >I checked my nfic zip disk and Debby sent out a notice for two "sets" of >Julie Mack's Bedtime series (Stories 1-12 and 13-24). I received them as >two large attachments from Joyce. And LabRat responded >Aha! Yes, I'd forgotten about the Bedtime Stories condensed version, >Roseann. I don't think they encompass all of Julie's vignettes (I think >there are over 100 at last count, weren't they?) but they certainly will >take in a lot of them. No doubt we should give Julie Mack an honorary award for most prolific ... or most positions. Sandy (No, I never lived in a commune.) ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 20:50:26 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Roseann Buonadies Subject: Re: Nfic Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 6/17/1999 8:44:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time, smcdermin@EROLS.COM writes: << No doubt we should give Julie Mack an honorary award for most prolific . or most positions. >> I second the first, and would love to see a "count" on the second!!! Roseann ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 05:34:05 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: Re: A new type of fanfic In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 11:07 PM 06/16/1999 +0100, you wrote: >Whilst strap-hanging on the Tube on the way to work the other day, I was >thinking about my email conversation with 'Clark' (AKA Debby ), and had >an idea for a new sort of fanfic. I suppose the best description would be >a role-playing fanfic - where each participant plays a different character >in the story. You'd have to come up with a plot whereby everyone has to >communicate by email for some reason - maybe the Planet building has been >bombed again and is temporarily shut while structural repairs are carried >out? The idea would be that you take a starting point for your plot (like, >who bombed the Planet?), and the story unfolds as the different characters >contribute information they've discovered. > >What do you think? Is this a good idea, or have I gone off the deep end? This might be good by IRC with each player taking a character name and other players taking names like "SoundEffects" and "Background" "History" "Moves Plot Along" "Surprise!" Email would be good if players could promise quick turn around and to only type a few lines at best, but email limits things by assuming that a character (or event) wants to talk/type next. In either case, it would encourage creativity :) >Yvonne >( Debby ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 20:56:52 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Lori McElhaney Subject: Re: Nfic Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Re the nfic archive - I admit I've got mixed feelings about this. One one hand, I'd love to have a place to go and find any nfic I've missed, or reread a favorite I forgot to save. But, as a author of a few older nfics, and the parent of a teen - I just don't want my nfic web accessible. At least with Deb's list and Joyce distribution, I feel I have at least done something to keep it away from the under 18 crowd. I really don't feel the same with a webpage, even password protected. As much as I hate to admit it, I if I had wanted to read a story in my teens, I probably would have, despite ( or maybe because of ) the warnings. But maybe a compromise would be to list the stories, maybe with the ad blurb that accompied them to the nfic list, and then have the message for suscribing to the list and then get the story from Joyce? Lori << Pam wrote: >I agree with Diyan that it would be a good idea to have an nfic archive >somewhere, but I know it would be a huge undertaking. Well, like I say, - if no one else has any plans in this direction - I'm prepared to put in the time on sorting it out and maintaining it (hopefully with the aid of some helpers ) if I can just find someone who has the skills to set up a website in a fairly competent manner. They don't need to stay with the project thereafter - they can 'hand over the keys' as someone thoughtfully suggested to me privately, if they like. Other than that, there are one or two logistic problems that would need dealing with (finding a way to contact half of the writers for one), but they can be surmounted I think. >> ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 20:00:59 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: Re: My Journal, Day 4, Introduction In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 10:45 PM 06/16/1999 +0100, you wrote: >Dear Clark, >> >> >> >S >> >> >P >> >> >O >> >> >I >> >> >L >> >> >E >> >> >R >> >> > >> >> >S >> >> >P >> >> >A >> >> >C >> >> >E >> >> > >> >> But recall, size *does* matter! >> >Huh? You lost me there, CK. uSA-made Godzilla movie saying. I really liked that movie :) >> Just have to track ya down... And I know just the person who can do it. >:) >> >He seeks her here, he seeks her there, he seeks that d******d Folc >everywhere? He's sneaky and lives outside of Smallville :) >> Step aside, Clark. >> >> Debby here: I like longer hair on CK so that's what he gets :) Short hair >> leaves nothing for a gal to run her hands through, comprende? If you like it >> short--write your own CK :) >Any chance of a black T-shirt or two? If you like :) >Your Friend >(who still can't believe her Dad once threatened to throw her brother's >university notes in the fire unless he got his hair was >Hendrix fan at the time) I bet he's a stock broker now ;) >( Debby who is wondering what Lois's email to Lucy looks like... fanfic, anyone? Lucy, There's this new guy at work. He's from Kansas. I hate him. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 19:58:55 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: Nfic awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Just to let everyone know, Dawn and I will be starting a separate list to discuss the Nfic awards. It has been pointed out to us that Nfic is not to be discussed on the general fanfic list which is a rule that we fully agree with. However, we will be announcing the new list here. An age disclaimer will be needed at the time of sign-up. (So please don't send me any age disclaimers at this time!) You should see an announcement about the Nfic list in the next couple of days. All the best, Irene _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 23:32:45 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Sandy McDermin Subject: Re: Nfic awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit "Irene D." wrote: > Just to let everyone know, Dawn and I will be starting a separate list > to discuss the Nfic awards. It has been pointed out to us that Nfic is > not to be discussed on the general fanfic list which is a rule that we > fully agree with. > > However, we will be announcing the new list here. An age disclaimer > will be needed at the time of sign-up. (So please don't send me any age > disclaimers at this time!) > > You should see an announcement about the Nfic list in the next couple > of days. > > All the best, > Irene ******************** Au contraire. Although I might agree that discussing the awards themselves might be moved to another list and I leave you to it as I am not joining another list, I do recall the following messages from Farah. (I include the dates so that anyone who cares can read the entire message.) >From 1/17/98 [SNIP chatty part.] Please people, don't post any nfic stories on here. However, discussing nfic and recommending stories to others is okay. No one likes to recieve mail in their private inbox that says "You should *really* read this great Xena fanfic that I found" when they aren't interested in Xena at all. [SNIP other stuff regarding a particular example farah :) ************************** Also: >From 1/19/98 [SNIP another person's comments] Yes, but instead of putting ADULT in the subject line (which can be alarming to most parents to say the least). How about putting nfic in the subject line. This is *not* a liscense to post nfic stories. They are still not allowed, but in case someone wants to recomend nfic stories, place(example): nfic: 5 great stories this way, anyone who doesn't care to see any nfic postings can filter them. I think recommending stories is great, but I was wondering if it would be too 'nitpicky' if we could seperate the nfic from other fics? My favorite stories are : 1) Any of Debby's Dawnings, specifically 1 and 2 2) Zoomway's Counter Clarkwise 3) *Anything* posted on this list I know I am forgetting a few. I was working on one really cool one about time travel, but Sean decided the computer needed a fresh install. So that story is out the window -- it was based on a dream I had. It was very poorly written as well. Anyone that can crank out a story and post it has all of my respect. farah :) ********************* Was this decision changed? I'm not trying to cause debate. In fact, I'm trying not to revisit the one we had over a year ago. I just want to have the freedom to talk about ALL of my Lois and Clark fanfic stories on the Lois and Clark fanfic list as long as I am not quoting the details, nor even referring to the more "sensitive" parts. Sandy ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 22:42:45 -0700 Reply-To: Ara Swanson Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Ara Swanson Subject: Re: My Journal, Day 4 Amendment MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I was so excited to read the next installment that I made myself late to work printing it out so I could read it during slow moments during the day!! That being said, I am totally and hopelessly hooked (and loving every second of it). **************************************************************************** ********** * S P O I L E R S * * * * * * I love how Clark begins by trying to figure out Lois Lane, which he will soon find out is easier said than done. It's also interesting to note that he definitely leans toward the negative: >>Lois Lane pops into my mind. I've now discovered (more on this later, in >>chronological order) that she really was an investigative reporter. I've >>also discovered that she may have had trouble distinguishing between >>making the news (stirring) and reporting it (more on this later, too). >>I don't want to have that problem. I have no intention of becoming a >>newsmaker. This sounds a lot like he doesn't even approve of her as a reporter (until he learns the truth)! I have to admit, from the past few journal entries and Clark's opinions towards Lois, I was almost tempted to give up! I thought maybe this was going to end up being a depressing story, but after reading the sequence of Martha quizzing Clark about his "titillating" experience. I know I won't be disappointed. I am now hooked and can barely wait until Sunday to see what happens at the White Orchid Ball! You have me on the edge of my seat! I don't think I could even begin to guess what will happen next (and I love a good surprise)! Ara :o) PS--Are there any future plans for "Dawning?" ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 10:59:13 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: Re: Nfic Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Well, thanks to some insurmountable technical difficulties, this project is officially a dead duck in the water. You're on your own guys. Good luck! Bit of a moot point now, but nor, incidentally, was the intention in setting up this archive to replace any other nfic source - in fact the plan was to include links on the website to all of them. In the same way that the regular Fanfic Archive does not detract from fanfic being posted to and read >from other sources, but merely runs alongside them, it was hoped that a central nfic archive would complement personal websites and other nfic sources in much the same way. And no, I have no indication that Zoom is planning to close down her mb boards or that Debby is finishing up her list. In fact quite the opposite. And no one's happier than I am with that continuing commitment >from them and others. The *idea* was that although Debby has a fair chunk of nfic on her list and Zoom has others and there are others still scattered around on personal websites - no one source has *all* of the material available in one place and it might have been easier for Irene and Dawn and voters of the nKerths (nice idea, Pam) if there were. I'd like to thank everyone who offered their help in setting up the project. It was much appreciated. LabRat :) Doc. Klein's LabRat Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag and begin slitting throats. -- H. L. Mencken, Prejudices. He spoke with a certain what-is-it in his voice, and I could see that, if not actually disgruntled, he was far from being gruntled. -- P.G. Wodehouse, The Code of the Woosters. ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 06:13:39 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: The Zoomway Subject: The fanfic message boards at my site MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Beth put up a new folder. I'm sorry the board was down. I think the best way to keep up is to go to the message board page itself: And always look for the link that says "current folder" rather than bookmarking the fanfic page itself since often the only way to solve a message board crash is to simply start a new folder. Thanks for your patience ;) ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 06:19:08 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: No Name Available Subject: Re: Nfic awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 06/17/1999 11:34:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time, smcdermin@EROLS.COM writes: << I am not joining another list, >> It does get confusing and sometimes annoying to be on too many lists. Please just keep the topic in the subject line here... --Laurie (the Ord one) ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 08:11:21 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "C.C. Malo" Subject: Re: A new type of fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Yvonne wrote << I envisioned something even less structured, where the people taking part twist and turn the plot themselves, by throwing new information into the pot with their email posts.>> Yes, I like this. & also <> I'm less sure about this. I've enjoyed the exchange between you and Debby re My Journal. Maybe this new story could still go on this list as long as each post is identified first as "Yvonne's Story" followed by the correspondents, e.g. "Jimmy to Cat" Several people have suggested IRC as the way to go and I can see the logic of that. I'm not IRC literate [blush] although it's on my to do list, honest. Still I could assume a minor character who never goes to meetings, etc. & also <> It only took you 10 minutes to come up with this??? Your outline/guideline provides a great basis for the story. May I suggest, as well, Bobby Bigmouth, Scardino, Inspector Henderson and maybe Superman's lawyer from WWW ( forgot her name) ? A suggestion for assigning roles --Yvonne decides who she would like to write since the story's her idea, and then, perhaps, someone who won't be involved in posting could do a random match-up of names with roles, with the proviso that each writer can add a couple of names that s/he feels uncomfortable writing? Is there some way a time limit could be placed on the story -- I wouldn't want to see it turn into a neverending saga, but it's hard to know how to end them sometimes. Carol ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 08:19:33 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Donald Pulsipher Subject: Re: NEW My Journal, Day 4 Amendment, Intro MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Let me just start by saying WOW! Debby, your writing style is GREAT! I have read most if not all of the fiction you have written and I continue to be impressed. Keep up the awesome work! I can't wait for the next part..... -Don ----- Original Message ----- From: Debby To: Sent: Thursday, June 17, 1999 3:21 AM Subject: NEW My Journal, Day 4 Amendment, Intro > TITLE: My Journal > Day 4, Friday, May 6, Amendment, Introduction (0 of 5) > AUTHOR Debby Stark, > RATING P/PG-13 > FEEDBACK Comments welcome in all forums > No Editing please (though you can fix typos) > SUMMARY Read Days 1, 2, 3, 3 Amendment, and 4 before Day 4 > Amendment. > Clark Kent's adventures in Metropolis continue. > > More. > > One Attachment, available on my site along with .doc (Word97) and .rtf > versions > of this story, > ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 14:17:28 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Kelsey J. Croft" Subject: Re: A new type of fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I'm not a very good writer, but I'd like to get involved in this as well. Maybe play a small character. I used to play a game like this as well, with my sisters and friends. In that game we'd write down the different characters and put them into a hat, and then draw from it. One person would be the murderer, one person a detective, etc. We'd have to figure out who the murderer was, and the murderer would have to "kill" the detective before she got caught. It was always fun. Kelsey ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 11:22:57 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: Nfic awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii I want to thank Sandy for clarifying the situation re Nfic and the fanfic list. I had just been told that it was totally prohibited from the list and am relieved that is not the case. I don't want to join another list either! Until a name for the awards is officially chosen, Dawn and I will just title our emails as above - "Nfic Awards". After, we will use the name of the awards as the subject line. This will enable those list members who are not interested to delete these posts without needing to read them. On that note, I would like to solicit *tasteful* suggestions for an appropriate name for these awards. Dawn and I will organize a vote for an appropriate name. Rather than flood the list with suggestions, please email me directly at with your preferred name. No obscenities or anatomical names allowed. Dawn and I are still working on access problems and hope to have the bulk of them solved soon. Thank you everyone who already volunteered to help. We will definitely be getting back to you! Take care, Irene _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 16:05:52 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Sarah Wood Subject: Editors/proofers needed MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Hi Folcs, I've finally finished writing up my novelization of the episode "I've Got A Crush On You", and I'm looking for a few good proofers to watch the episode, read the transcript, and give me invaluable input. Any volunteers? Kathy, Genevieve, Georgia, Pam? You all had such helpful comments on my previous transcripts; I've got my fingers crossed that you can spare the time again. Let me know via private email please. Regards, Sarah Wood Fanfic & transcripts at ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 20:31:08 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Yvonne Connell Subject: Re: A new type of fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit James wrote: >Intriguing. I am not sure about the including the previous post idea. It >may be difficult given the time lag on some systems response-times. It >would require some coordination to accomplish things happening in sequence. I agree that there would be a time lag due to different time zones and the times that people actually respond to their emails, but I'm not sure it would be a serious problem. After all, real life doesn't happen in a nice tidy sequence, so why should this? Debby wrote: >This might be good by IRC with each player taking a character name and other >players taking names like "SoundEffects" and "Background" "History" "Moves >Plot >Along" "Surprise!" I think this sounds like great fun - I'd love to be "SoundEffects" ;) However, I'm averse to IRC because of a) cost and b) tying up my phone line for long periods of time. This was why I suggested only occasional 'staff meetings' on IRC - a purely selfish desire to meet my own ends . Someone else would have to set these up, because I'm an IRC novice. >Email would be good if players could promise quick turn around and to only >type >a few lines at best, but email limits things by assuming that a character (or >event) wants to talk/type next. What I had in mind was something which doesn't necessarily have to happen over a short space of time. It can run at it's own pace through emails, perhaps taking a week/fortnight/longer depending on how complicated it gets, how many people are involved and so on. Carol wrote: > & also <> I'm less sure > about this. I've enjoyed the exchange between you and Debby re My Journal. > Maybe this new story could still go on this list as long as each post is > identified first as "Yvonne's Story" followed by the correspondents, e.g. > "Jimmy to Cat" I'd prefer to run it on this list (takes care of the archiving problem for a start) - I was just a little anxious that non-participants might not want all these extraneous messages coming to their mailbox, and I wasn't sure what Zoomway would think of it. I guess if it gets off the ground, we could see how things go and take it from there. > > Several people have suggested IRC as the way to go and I can see the logic of > that. I'm not IRC literate [blush] although it's on my to do list, honest. > Still I could assume a minor character who never goes to meetings, etc. No need to blush - I was an IRC virgin until about 2 weeks ago, and I don't care who knows . > > & also < laptop:>> It only took you 10 minutes to come up with this??? Your > outline/guideline provides a great basis for the story. May I suggest, as > well, Bobby Bigmouth, Scardino, Inspector Henderson and maybe Superman's > lawyer from WWW ( forgot her name) ? > Good characters, Carol. Scardino, though? Hmm... Who would be brave enough to be him? ;) > A suggestion for assigning roles --Yvonne decides who she would like to write > since the story's her idea, and then, perhaps, someone who won't be involved > in posting could do a random match-up of names with roles, with the proviso > that each writer can add a couple of names that s/he feels uncomfortable > writing? I like this, too. > > Is there some way a time limit could be placed on the story -- I wouldn't > want to see it turn into a neverending saga, but it's hard to know how to end > them sometimes. > Agree with you. Maybe this is where an arbitrator could come in useful after all - he/she could announce external events - like, Metropolis suffers an earthquake, or the phone company goes into liquidation. He/she could then gently steer things to a conclusion if it looked like it was going to drag on too long. Alternatively, you could agree a time limit once the story had got off the ground and people had a feel for the pace of the thing. Yvonne ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 20:51:43 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Yvonne Connell Subject: Re: My Journal, Day 4, Introduction MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dear Clark > >> > >> >> >S > >> >> >P > >> >> >O > >> >> >I > >> >> >L > >> >> >E > >> >> >R > >> >> > > >> >> >S > >> >> >P > >> >> >A > >> >> >C > >> >> >E > >> >> > > uSA-made Godzilla movie saying. I really liked that movie :) 'uSA'? I see you've been testing out Godzilla on your own messages...or did the 'supertyping' just let you down? (yes, we know ALL about the superpowers) > >(who still can't believe her Dad once threatened to throw her brother's > >university notes in the fire unless he got his hair was > >Hendrix fan at the time) > > I bet he's a stock broker now ;) Systems manager with a very nice taste in business suits and sober-ish ties. What are your ties like, Clark? Glad to hear you got the haircut after all, Your Friend ( ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 14:37:34 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: Re: A new type of fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii --- Yvonne Connell wrote: (Huge snip) > Carol wrote: > > > & also < list,>> I'm less sure > > about this. I've enjoyed the exchange between you > and Debby re My > Journal. > > Maybe this new story could still go on this list > as long as each post is > > identified first as "Yvonne's Story" followed by > the correspondents, e.g. > > "Jimmy to Cat" > > I'd prefer to run it on this list (takes care of the > archiving problem for > a start) - I was just a little anxious that > non-participants might not want > all these extraneous messages coming to their > mailbox, and I wasn't sure > what Zoomway would think of it. I guess if it gets > off the ground, we > could see how things go and take it from there. As a non-participant, let me put my two cents in here. I would love to read the extraneous messages and see how the story is coming along. And if every email is labelled by the subject, those who don't want to read the story until it's done, can use their delete key. I envy those people who will be writing. I would love to join in but real life intrudes. Also, I think I'm going to be very busy with the NFIC awards. (slight understatement!) Have a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to reading the story as it develops. Irene _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 17:43:55 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: The Zoomway Subject: Re: A new type of fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 6/18/99 4:36:53 PM Central Daylight Time, sirenegold@YAHOO.COM writes: << I was just a little anxious that > non-participants might not want > all these extraneous messages coming to their > mailbox, and I wasn't sure > what Zoomway would think of it. I guess if it gets > off the ground, we > could see how things go and take it from there. As a non-participant, let me put my two cents in here. I would love to read the extraneous messages and see how the story is coming along. And if every email is labelled by the subject, those who don't want to read the story until it's done, can use their delete key. >> Well, this is a "fanfic" list and the proposal is "fanfic" so I see no conflict with posting it to the list if, as suggested, the ongoing story is marked accordingly ;) Just obey the "no higher than PG13" rule, and I see no problem. "Leadership is problem solving." -- Lord Nor (and my hair looks disturbingly similar ;) ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 05:20:18 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: Re: My Journal, Day 4 Amendment In-Reply-To: <026501beb951$628c3d40$8e41fea9@clswan> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 10:42 PM 06/17/1999 -0700, you wrote: >I was so excited to read the next installment that I made myself late to >work printing it out so I could read it during slow moments during the day!! >That being said, I am totally and hopelessly hooked (and loving every second >of it). Thanks! Someday I'll be so caught up that I'll be able to say the same about the works of other authors toiling away out there :) > >**************************************************************************** >********** >* >S >P >O >I >L >E >R >S >* >* >* >* >* >* > > >I love how Clark begins by trying to figure out Lois Lane, which he will >soon find out is easier said than done. No spoiler here: understanding Lois Lane is a very difficult thing for everyone ;) >It's also interesting to note that he definitely leans toward the negative: >>>Lois Lane pops into my mind. I've now discovered (more on this later, in >>>chronological order) that she really was an investigative reporter. I've >>>also discovered that she may have had trouble distinguishing between >>>making the news (stirring) and reporting it (more on this later, too). > >>>I don't want to have that problem. I have no intention of becoming a >>>newsmaker. > >This sounds a lot like he doesn't even approve of her as a reporter (until >he learns the truth)! I have to admit, from the past few journal entries >and Clark's opinions towards Lois, I was almost tempted to give up! I >thought maybe this was going to end up being a depressing story, but after >reading the sequence of Martha quizzing Clark about his "titillating" >experience. I'm glad you didn't give up :) I didn't want CK's problem to come off as he didn't like Lois Lane as much as she's a mystery no one will talk about but she's obviously on everyone's mind. He will probably learn more about her as time passes... ;) >I know I won't be disappointed. I am now hooked and can >barely wait until Sunday to see what happens at the White Orchid Ball! Sunday's edition will be "Saturday" during daylight, with the ball covered on Thursday. Unless someone sends me lotsa $$$ ;) 5A is sort of long (though longer ones are coming) so 5 and 5A together would be quite long. I don't want to burden the list - and do want to string out the suspense ;) You haven't seen anything yet :) >You have me on the edge of my seat! I don't think I could even begin to >guess what will happen next (and I love a good surprise)! I hope you'll find it surprising :) >Ara :o) > >PS--Are there any future plans for "Dawning?" I've forgotten so much that I've decided to reread the whole thing. This will give me an opportunity to correct typos ;) (but probably little else... maybe grammar and awkward sentences...) I'll be uploading better editions to my list as Word 97 .doc and .rtf formats eventually. *Then* I'll feel qualified to continue writing new material :) Debby who on Thursday evening, 6/17, uploaded a more typo-free version of MJ04A :) ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 05:38:22 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: Re: Nfic Awards In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 08:56 PM 06/17/1999 -0400, you wrote: >Re the nfic archive - I admit I've got mixed feelings about this. One one >hand, I'd love to have a place to go and find any nfic I've missed, or reread >a favorite I forgot to save. But, as a author of a few older nfics, and the >parent of a teen - I just don't want my nfic web accessible. At least with >Deb's list and Joyce distribution, I feel I have at least done something to >keep it away from the under 18 crowd. I really don't feel the same with a >webpage, even password protected. As much as I hate to admit it, I if I had >wanted to read a story in my teens, I probably would have, despite ( or maybe >because of ) the warnings. > >But maybe a compromise would be to list the stories, maybe with the ad blurb >that accompied them to the nfic list, and then have the message for >suscribing to the list and then get the story from Joyce? > >Lori Would be readers can write to me,, stating they are over 17.99 years of age understand the nature of the stories (sexually graphic), and they will not distribute any stories unless they have permission from the author(s) We've never had trouble, but I do keep all member declarations in case the guvment comes along and, to protect us all, wants to shut us down (it's almost easier to acquire a gun than to read a sexy story, when tells us something about our society) Also, in case anyone is concerned, I plan to keep "my" list up as long as Joyce is willing :) I don't know what effect Y2k will have, but it should be interesting. Debby who hasn't commented otherwise on this Nfic awards thing because I haven't had time to read any in about... 6 months or so :( (and I was behind then, too) ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 20:17:12 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: Re: NEW My Journal, Day 4 Amendment, Intro In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 08:19 AM 06/18/1999 -0700, you wrote: >Let me just start by saying WOW! Debby, your writing style is GREAT! I have >read most if not all of the fiction you have written and I continue to be >impressed. Keep up the awesome work! I can't wait for the next part..... > >-Don Thanks, Don! More on Sunday. It's a short one, but it will prime you for a long, involved one on Thursday, June 24 :) Debby ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 20:27:57 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: Re: My Journal, Day 4, Introduction In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 08:51 PM 06/18/1999 +0100, you wrote: >Dear Clark > >> >> >> >> >> >S >> >> >> >P >> >> >> >O >> >> >> >I >> >> >> >L >> >> >> >E >> >> >> >R >> >> >> > >> >> >> >S >> >> >> >P >> >> >> >A >> >> >> >C >> >> >> >E >> >> >> > > >> uSA-made Godzilla movie saying. I really liked that movie :) > >'uSA'? I see you've been testing out Godzilla on your own messages...or >did the 'supertyping' just let you down? (yes, we know ALL about the >superpowers) My right index finger was attacked by red kryptonite ;) >> >(who still can't believe her Dad once threatened to throw her brother's >> >university notes in the fire unless he got his hair was >> >Hendrix fan at the time) >> >> I bet he's a stock broker now ;) > >Systems manager with a very nice taste in business suits and sober-ish >ties. What are your ties like, Clark? Hand painted by Mom, of course! American gothic with a touch of Peter Max ;) >Glad to hear you got the haircut after all, >Your Friend >( Yeah, but still long enough to look sexy ;) A-hem :D Debby who dictates Sexy in my world :) ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 22:27:32 CDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jessi Mounts Subject: Re: A new type of fanfic Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed >Carol wrote: > > > & also <> I'm less sure > > about this. I've enjoyed the exchange between you and Debby re My >Journal. > > Maybe this new story could still go on this list as long as each post is > > identified first as "Yvonne's Story" followed by the correspondents, >e.g. > > "Jimmy to Cat" > >I'd prefer to run it on this list (takes care of the archiving problem for >a start) - I was just a little anxious that non-participants might not want >all these extraneous messages coming to their mailbox, and I wasn't sure >what Zoomway would think of it. I guess if it gets off the ground, we >could see how things go and take it from there. >Yvonne > This is only speaking for myself here, and I'm certainly not Zoomway , but as a non-participant, I'd love to have all the "extraneous" messages appearing in mailbox. I've been enjoying the exchange between Yvonne, and, um, Clark. More would great! Jessi _______________________________________________________________ Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 01:11:52 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: No Name Available Subject: Re: NEW My Journal, Day 4 Amendment, Part 2 of 5 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dangit! I accidentally deleted Part 4 of 5.. could someone please send that to me! Thanks! Alexis ;-.) ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 13:33:31 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pat Subject: OT: Tickets available for Chicago Cabaret Comments: To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi FoLCs, Apologies in advance to those of you who get this message twice; I'm sending it to the Lois&Clark and fanifc lists. 20+ FoLCs are planning to attend Cabaret in Chicago as a group on July 13 (a Tuesday evening). We have our tickets purchased, and a few other events planned as well. (It's kind of a mid-summer minifest in the Windy City :) Unfortunately, one of our number is going to be unable to attend, and asked me to offer her 3 tickets to the show for sale to other FoLCs. Please email me privately for details if you're interested; (prices, location, other activities, hotel info., etc.) we'd love to have a few more of you join us! ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 13:38:43 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pat Subject: Re: OT: Tickets available for Chicago Cabaret--addendum. MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi again FoLCs, I'm sorry; I just realized that my last note (on Cabaret tickets and minifest in Chicago) went out without my signature. Please send any and all questions to me privately at: Pat (who apparently needs to cut back on her late night partying!) ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 14:46:56 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: SuperMom Subject: What if scenarios TO: All the awesome fanfic writers FROM: SuperMom RE: What if? I've always wondered what if: ...Lois hadn't thought about taking the page to Star in "Just Say Noah"? ...Clark hadn't noticed the puncture mark on Lois' neck in "Contact"? ...The towel had slipped when Lois came to the hotel to pick up Clark in the pilot? ...The clone had NOT been exhausted (Uuuggghhh!)? ...Lois had stayed with Clark instead of Jimmy (can't remember the episode)? ...Lois hadn't dozed off during Lethal Weapon in "The Prankster"? ...Toni Taylor hadn't come over to fix dinner in "I've Got a Crush on You"? ...Spencer Spencer's henchmen hadn't come til the next morning in "Ordinary People"? ...Jimmy hadn't come back in "Super Mann"? ...X hadn't interrupted the virtual make-out session in "Vitually Destroyed"? ...Lois and Clark had skipped dinner with Jimmy and his dad to neck in "The Dad Who Came in From the Cold"? These are just some things that have made me go "Hhmmmm". Someone please take them and run (or better yet, write)!!!! ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 17:57:56 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Mandy Crustner Subject: Re: What if scenarios MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit SuperMom wrote: > I've always wondered what if: ...Lois hadn't thought about taking the page > to Star in "Just Say Noah"? ...Clark hadn't noticed the puncture mark on > Lois' neck in "Contact"? ...The towel had slipped when Lois came to the > hotel to pick up Clark in the pilot? ...The clone had > NOT been exhausted (Uuuggghhh!)? ...Lois had stayed with Clark instead of > Jimmy (can't remember the episode)? ...Lois > hadn't dozed off during Lethal Weapon in "The Prankster"? ...Toni Taylor > hadn't come over to fix dinner in "I've Got a Crush on > You"? ...Spencer Spencer's henchmen hadn't come til the next morning in > "Ordinary People"? ...Jimmy hadn't come back in > "Super Mann"? ...X hadn't interrupted the virtual make-out session in > "Vitually Destroyed"? ...Lois and Clark had skipped > dinner with Jimmy and his dad to neck in "The Dad Who Came in From the > Cold"? > > These are just some things that have made me go "Hhmmmm". Someone please > take them and run (or better yet, write)!!!! Well, these are firmly on my idea list now! ;) Oh, to find the time to write, though Mandy :) ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 19:12:41 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: No Name Available Subject: my new club MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi everyone! I think i told you guys a while ago about an LnC club i created on IRC. Anyways as a result of this club, called SOSL&C, my staff and i have created our first newsletter! YAY!!! Anyways, i am sending this email in hopes that some of you guys out there will be interested in reading it. =) If you are, just email me privately at and i will add your name to our already long mailing list. ;) Thanks. Alexis ;-.) {SOSL&C Club Prez} ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 13:05:12 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: Re: NEW My Journal, Day 4 Amendment, Part 2 of 5 In-Reply-To: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 01:11 AM 06/19/1999 -0400, you wrote: >Dangit! I accidentally deleted Part 4 of 5.. could someone please send that >to me! > >Thanks! > >Alexis ;-.) Me to the rescue :) Debby who has the most up-to-date versions available via email and in .doc and an .rft formats on my site ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 21:07:42 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: No Name Available Subject: Re: NEW My Journal, Day 4 Amendment, Part 2 of 5 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 6/19/99 6:05:26 PM Pacific Daylight Time, Debby@SWCP.COM writes: << Me to the rescue :) >> Thank you Me! LOL!! Alexis ;-.) ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 19:03:10 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: Nfic Awards - Name nominations - Deadline MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Dawn and I are arbitrarily setting a deadline of this coming Tuesday at midnight (in whatever time zone you are in) to get your suggestions in to us for names for the new Nfic awards. By Wednesday, we should be able to release a list of suggested names to the list and be voting on them. Are two days enough time for a name vote? I would like to remind you to email me at with your name suggestions. Please do not email the list. Also, again, no obscenities allowed. Thanks, Irene _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 05:22:09 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: NEW: My Journal, Day 5, Intro Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" TITLE: My Journal Day 5, Saturday, May 7 AUTHOR Debby Stark, RATING P/PG-13 FEEDBACK Comments welcome in all forums No Editing please (though you can fix typos) SUMMARY Read Days 1,2,3,3 amendment, 4, and Day 4 Amendment before Day 5. Clark Kent's adventures in Metropolis continue. MORE: this is a short one (well, short for me). The Amendment will be longer. Debby :) ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 05:25:58 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: NEW: My Journal, Day 5, Part 1 of 2 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" TITLE: My Journal Day 5, Saturday, May 7, Part 1 of 2 AUTHOR Debby Stark, RATING P/PG-13 FEEDBACK Comments welcome in all forums No Editing please (though you can fix typos) SUMMARY Read Days 1,2,3,3 amendment, 4, and Day 4 Amendment before Day 5. Clark Kent's adventures in Metropolis continue. All characters below belong to DC Comics and Warner Brothers unless they are my own creations. Story by Debby Stark, Submitted on June 20, 1999 My Journal May 7, Saturday Afternoon I have some time so I'm typing up this morning's adventures, then I'll put tonight's in another amendment. I'm getting used to this amendment idea. There's no rule that says a journal has to be day by day. I also scanned the picture of Mom, Dad and me that I have here at the flophouse. I'll attach it as "us.jpg", so, great-grandchildren, look for it. I slept in this morning, until about 7:30, and woke up feeling great. A visit home always does that. I didn't even have to worry about making any breakfast because I just heated up the leftovers that Mom gave me to bring back. Turkey, mashed potatoes, dressing, gravy, and some salad. No pie, but still great way to start the day. I had clean clothes to wear, and the walk to work was brisk and bracing. I even helped out someone who had a flat tire. It got tricky when the jack slipped, but the stranded woman didn't notice how I put the jack back in place because other motorists were yelling at her for blocking the street. She wasn't; she had pulled out of the way; and she didn't hesitate to yell right back at them. The residents of Metropolis certainly are a feisty bunch. Unfortunately, little has changed on the Messenger disaster front. I attended a brief budget meeting and confirmed I was on the team covering the Congress of Nations press conference at 10 a.m. at their headquarters on the riverfront. Mr. White mentioned that Inspector Henderson said he'll look Dr. Platt's disappearance and do so quietly. With Eduardo's blessing I continued researching the problems EPRAD has been having since they started working on the Prometheus program three years ago. He figures I have a new point of view and may see something others working on the story have missed. When I figured I had enough information, I wrote an article about the program's problems that I hope will make it into the Sunday edition. I planned to (and did) turn it in early in the afternoon, after the press conference. Knowing what I know now about what can happen if a Daily Planet staffer speculates in print about Luthor Enterprises, I was careful about mentioning Luthor Scientific and its original proposal. Something tells me, though, that the LS's period of mourning for the Messenger will be short lived and we'll be hearing from them by Monday at the latest. I bet they'll offer a lot of help to get the program back on its feet. My hesitancy in approaching the subject of Luthor Scientific means I'm censoring myself and I don't like that. However, I have a realistic excuse to exercise caution. Unlike when I investigated LIECU in the jungle, where "human and environmental rights" were far down the list under "increasing corporate profits" and "supporting bloated capitalist egos," I don't have any proof of wrongdoing by Luthor Industries here in Metropolis. If he's hiding anything, though, I'll find it - and I'll do a better job of ferreting it than Lois Lane did. I feel so competitive with her all of a sudden. I don't understand that. Well, during my research, I didn't find any mention of her. Maybe she wasn't assigned to the story. Then again, I think Mr. White probably let her find her own assignments. Maybe the space program didn't interest her, but that seems unlikely since it interests just about everyone I know. She was a mathematician in college. Sitting there at my desk, I mused about her probable continuing interest in science. That had to include the space program and the search for life in (and from) outer space, unless she's one of those skeptical scientists who have never seen a UFO and don't plan to see one... which really doesn't matter because she'll never discover any of *my* secrets. Just after nine, Maxine, undercover terrorist, sneaked past security. Actually, given her regular line of work, I bet she visits the building frequently to make deliveries. Mine wasn't the only tuxedo ensemble she delivered, but I think it was the last one on her list. She rushed up, stopped in front of my desk, opened one of the higher file drawers a bit and hung the plastic-wrapped black suit there. The suit and a clipboard were the only things she carried, thus my conclusion that I was her last delivery. Finally, she slapped onto my desk a photocopied sheet of instructions about the suit care and when the shop expected it back (don't destroy the suit and return it no later than 48 hours after customer takes possession). Strangely, I guess, I was pleased to see her; the distraction caused by her delivery gave me a momentary break from my down-beat research. Also, my new understanding of Lois Lane's plight on seems to give me tremendous power. But while I was willing to chat with her, she clearly didn't want to stay. She didn't meet my eyes. "Hi. Here. Sign this that you received it." She watched my hand take up a pen and sign her clipboard. "Thanks. Have a good time tonight. Bye." But she didn't get away clean. I proceeded to overhear some very interesting information. On her way back to the elevator, she ran into Jimmy, who invited her into the kitchen area for a cup of coffee. Cat was already there, and they all chatted briefly. Their conversation confirmed for me that Cat really is in on the conspiracy. So much has been happening that I haven't been thinking about her role, but I guess her (first?) assignment was to test my vulnerability to gorgeous women (I'm vulnerable but boringly self restrained). I can also link her comment "When will it *end*?" to Maxine's Thursday night listing of male names. This must mean I'm not the first man Lois Lane has kidnapped. Jimmy also said, "She really needs a good one for a change," which means Lois Lane has been unsuccessful in her quest. Cat said, "She's warping us all," which means everyone has been under a lot of pressure (applied by Lois Lane). It might also explain Maxine's actions, but probably not. I'd feel sorry for myself again, being caught in the middle of all this, if I thought they had any idea about what the heck they're doing. The conversation these three conspirators were having now wasn't easy for me to zero in on because of the normal Pit noise between me and them, but I caught enough to make me smile and then feel guilty about it - for about two seconds. Maxine asked, "Are things set up for tonight?" Cat said, "I don't know, I've been too busy covering the Ball." Jimmy said, "Oh, I'm sure she's ready. She's always ready, and when she's ready for tonight, if she decides to do it tonight, she'll let us know to get ready. Probably tonight. Or it could be tomorrow." Let's assume he was talking about Lois Lane. I wonder if she is interested in the White Orchid Ball, too, or if her getting ready is something to do with me. This isn't ego speaking here but I think it has something to do with me. There is now way Sewer Rat Lane is going to that Ball. Jimmy continued, "I've got a bigger problem. Do you know anything about Japanese monsters movies?" Maxine said, "Huh?" (continued) ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 05:25:49 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: NEW: My Journal, Day 5, Part 2 of 2 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" TITLE: My Journal Day 5, Saturday, May 7, Part 2 of 2 AUTHOR Debby Stark, Cat snorted, "Ask me about Akira Kurosawa or that sexy Toshiro Mifune, and we can have a dinner and a long, friendly discussion." Jimmy said, "Who? Write those things down for me and I'll ask you later." Cat laughed, "Too late, lover boy. Happy monster hunting...." I could imagine her patting him on the head as she left them. "I've *got* the monster," Jimmy sighed. "Or it's got me. I just need to know how to kill it before it strikes again...." Now you know why I was smiling as I worked, and why Jimmy had a hard time looking me in the face as our team took a Daily Planet news van to CoN headquarters. I acted relaxed toward him. I hope I came across as bouncing back >from my bizarre Thursday night experience. I chatted with him, or rather *at* him, about the possibility of us going to the baseball game at Metropolis Stadium tomorrow afternoon. I think it would be great; I need to do something mindless. "I need to relax from the weird things that happen in this city," I told him. He was noncommittal. I hope that doesn't mean anything, like Lois Lane may be planning a meeting with me tomorrow after one tonight. If that's what it means, she can make an appointment with me. The CoN press conference went as the more experienced members on our team predicted. It was presided over by this year's secretary general, a high-caste Indian woman, who announced that in the name of those who died in the tragic accident, the Prometheus program would continue on schedule. New crew members had already been chosen and the New Hope will be taking up more supplies than originally planned to make up for those lost in the explosion. This decision was no surprise to anyone, though many reporters shouted for more details about the steering committee's decisions. I interviewed one of the undersecretaries, and he reconfirmed the committee's desire to charge ahead. He was certain the public will understand and support the decision. "The world needs hope, *New Hope." The passenger carrier will launch as scheduled next Friday... the 13th. Upon arriving back in the Pit, Team Planet ordered out for lunch and we worked on the story until three. Mr. White stopped by my desk on one of his many tours around the Pit encouraging his people. He told me that his niece, Lola, got into town last night and is thrilled at the prospect of going to the White Orchid Ball. She's a big fan of Lex Luthor, world's most eligible bachelor billionaire. Mr. White sounded bored by the whole idea. "She's about your age, so I'd appreciate if you'd...." He paused, clearly not wanting to force me into an uncomfortable position. "Escort her?" "Well, no, she'll meet us there. Just sort of... keep an eye on her. You know...." I nodded, but I didn't know. I don't know. I had a guess. "She's from out of town. I'm from out of town." "She's nuts about Luthor. You're..." I shook my head. He continued, "...not. That's good. I'm sure you'll do a fine job. I bet you don't drink either, do you?" "Not very often, sir." "Good. I appreciate a man with a clear head, especially if he's escorting my niece." I could only nod again then go on to tell him I didn't look busy because I was awaiting word from Eduardo about my stories. Eduardo approved of my efforts. I'm pleased with them, too, though my effort to research Lois Lane on the sly remain stymied. What more I learned about Luthor only confirmed what I already knew, that he's a ruthless business man. This is not illegal. There is the possibility that people who work for him are doing illegal things, but all I've found are vague hints of that and vague hints cannot be published. As little as I know, I can already see that Lex Luthor presents a well crafted public face when he comes out in public at all. The Ball is one of those occasions, so maybe I'll get to see him live. Maybe I'll even get to meet him. I'll have to think up something to say, something that will impress him, change his outlook on life and encourage him to revise his vast empire's approach to doing business with the world. Or maybe I won't. Mom, Dad and my dear great-grandchildren, I'll give you all the details, but first I'm going down the street for some of that Chinese food I didn't get last night. [to be continued] [Your real author thanks my proofers and creative consultants Pat H., Jeanne P., and Steve H.] ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 15:13:50 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: Nfic Awards - Author Confirmations MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii I would like to ask Nfic authors of eligible work (Nfic fanfiction posted up until Dec. 31, 1998) to email me at to let us know if you wish to allow your stories to be considered for an award. Please, also let us know if you do *not* wish your stories to be considered. That would be a huge help for Dawn and me as that would be one more person that we don't have to email! Thanks for your help, Irene _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 20:07:49 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Ann E. McBride" Subject: Re: Nfic Awards - Catagories MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 6/15/99 2:31:51 PM Eastern Daylight Time, JuliHale@AOL.COM writes: << Since one of the biggest problems with an nfic awards is that voters do not have access to all eligible stories, why not post a notice to authors to submit nfic stories that they wish to have considered for an award? They could be gathered on one site, >> This is an excellent idea! I wish I had thought of it myself. Ann ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 21:53:19 -0400 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: The Bird & I Company Subject: Re: Remove MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Please remove me from the LOISCLA server for now. Thanks Sue ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 14:17:47 +0200 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: NKWolke Subject: Question for a fanfic :-) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8BIT Hi Folcs, I'm trying to translate a fanfiction of me and two friends of mine and it's about Lois investigating on a beauty farm. My problem is, I can't find terms for beauty treatments or body therapies anywhere in my dictionary (yeah, you're right, what kind of dictionary is that? ) Can someone help me out here? I need five or six words. One special question: What do you call it when somebody analyses your skin-type? Skin-type-analysis? And what skin-types are there? thanks in advance guys :-) Nicole AKA CKgroupie on IRC ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 14:00:01 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: Looking for a fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hey guys! Looking for a fanfic which is driving me crazy. Not the fanfic - being unable to find the fanfic. It has a scene where Martha is displeased with Clark's attitude over something and instead of ticking him off in front of Lois and Jonathan (?) suggests they take a walk in the park. Clark is very chastened when they return and it's obvious Martha has had a few home truths to say. Does this ring any bells with anyone? I hope. LabRat :) Doc. Klein's LabRat "They were doing the Dying Swan at the ballet. And there was a rumour that some bookmakers had drifted into town from upstate New York and that they had fixed the ballet. There was a lot of money bet on the swan to live that night." -- Woody Allen. "From the moment I picked it (a book) up until I laid it down I was convulsed with laughter. Some day I intend reading it." -- Groucho Marx. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 14:23:56 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: Re: Tracking Down Nfic/Nfic Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hey guys. Noticed a couple of posts over the weekend suggesting that a site gathering all of the eligible stories together to help voters see what's out there would be a good idea. I know that Dawn and Irene, together with some able helpers, are currently getting together just such a site. And because she is a lurker on this list, the FoLC currently working hard to get it up and running has asked me to post this info for her. I've seen the temporary setup and it's looking good. It will hopefully list all eligible stories and provide links to the sites where they can be found. So watch this space and look out for that URL appearing here in the coming weeks. LabRat :) Doc. Klein's LabRat "They were doing the Dying Swan at the ballet. And there was a rumour that some bookmakers had drifted into town from upstate New York and that they had fixed the ballet. There was a lot of money bet on the swan to live that night." -- Woody Allen. "From the moment I picked it (a book) up until I laid it down I was convulsed with laughter. Some day I intend reading it." -- Groucho Marx. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 06:50:04 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: Re: Tracking Down Nfic/Nfic Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Thanks Labrat, for the announcement. One point that you touched on that I want to reiterate - the web page lists titles only. It does not bypass passwords that are in effect. Thanks again, Irene --- LabRat wrote: > Hey guys. > > Noticed a couple of posts over the weekend > suggesting that a site gathering > all of the eligible stories together to help voters > see what's out there > would be a good idea. > > I know that Dawn and Irene, together with some able > helpers, are currently > getting together just such a site. And because she > is a lurker on this list, > the FoLC currently working hard to get it up and > running has asked me to > post this info for her. I've seen the temporary > setup and it's looking good. > It will hopefully list all eligible stories and > provide links to the sites > where they can be found. > > So watch this space and look out for that URL > appearing here in the coming > weeks. > > > LabRat :) > Doc. Klein's LabRat > > > "They were doing the Dying Swan at the ballet. And > there was a rumour that > some bookmakers had drifted into town from upstate > New York and that they > had fixed the ballet. There was a lot of money bet > on the swan to live that > night." -- Woody Allen. > > "From the moment I picked it (a book) up until I > laid it down I was > convulsed with laughter. Some day I intend reading > it." -- Groucho Marx. > _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 09:26:18 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Mr. D8a" Subject: Re: Looking for a fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" >From MR. D8A's work email It was in one of the 1999 Kerths, I believe. I'm wanting to say either drama or revelation, but I am not sure. MR. D8A A.K.A. James Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. Please visit and explore my house at: -----Original Message----- From: LabRat [mailto:labrat@UKF.NET] Sent: Monday, June 21, 1999 8:00 AM To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Subject: Looking for a fanfic Hey guys! Looking for a fanfic which is driving me crazy. Not the fanfic - being unable to find the fanfic. It has a scene where Martha is displeased with Clark's attitude over something and instead of ticking him off in front of Lois and Jonathan (?) suggests they take a walk in the park. Clark is very chastened when they return and it's obvious Martha has had a few home truths to say. Does this ring any bells with anyone? I hope. LabRat :) Doc. Klein's LabRat "They were doing the Dying Swan at the ballet. And there was a rumour that some bookmakers had drifted into town from upstate New York and that they had fixed the ballet. There was a lot of money bet on the swan to live that night." -- Woody Allen. "From the moment I picked it (a book) up until I laid it down I was convulsed with laughter. Some day I intend reading it." -- Groucho Marx. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 19:29:53 +0200 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Celia Carvalho Subject: Re: Tracked/Dog Boys - No Luck so far... Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii > Celia --> Dear Eilenn, I haven't thanked you at the time you mailed this to the list (21 May) because I kept trying to find the video with the English title you supplied. > You say you couldn't get tracked from HMV. This may be that in the UK this > film was called Dog Boys - you may want to try again for this title. I > can't promise that they have got it but they may as it has been shown on > British Television twice to my knowledge. You definitely won't get > Futuresport though as I went down to HMV and tried just last Saturday - > though they did say that it may be coming in later on in the year but they > couldn't be certain. --> Thanks for the tip anyway... I guess I wasn't paying attention to the titles. But I've searched and I've searched and I had no luck so far... > I do agree with you though - HMV is a really good store and I have always > found them really helpful both in store and ordering direct. --> Yes, they're very helpful indeed! But they can't find Futeresport or Tracked/Dog Boys for me! So, I've asked all my British penfriends' help. Maybe they'll find me something. Who knows? > Hope this helps. --> It sure helped. HMV didn't know about the English title "Dog Boys" either. So, they even thanked me and everything. I guess I'll just have to keep on looking and ask them from time to time. You're all very lucky - those of you who can access these videos with no problems...! Thanks, once again, Eileen! > Eileen --> Celia The FoLC fan from Portugal. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 11:48:25 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Raymond, Melody" Subject: Season 6 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Hi, Does any one know why Episode 10 "Mirror-Mirror" is not on the Season 6 website. I like to print it from there with the pictures. Also, can I have the website address to the archive for this list. I have been on vacation for 2 weeks and have missed some things. Thanks Melody ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 10:20:20 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Nancy Smith Subject: Re: Season 6 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Raymond, Melody wrote: > Hi, > > Does any one know why Episode 10 "Mirror-Mirror" is not on the Season 6 > website. I like to print it from there with the pictures. > > Also, can I have the website address to the archive for this list. I have > been on vacation for 2 weeks and have missed some things. > > Thanks > > Melody Hi, Melody I don't know why is isn't up on the site, either, but Episode 10 is on Pam Jernigan's Mirror site, if you want to try it--pictures and everything. If you don't have the address, go to the Dreambook on the Season 6 site. It's there if you look for it. Nan Smith ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 13:33:05 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Laurie Dunn Subject: Re: Season 6 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Our archive address is Pam has a mirror site to Season 6, and it is up to date. Did my good deed for the day. LaurieD ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 21:08:30 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Yvonne Connell Subject: Re: A new type of fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Can anybody who's interested in taking part in this 'role-playing' fanfic please email me privately ( I want to find out if there's enough people to make it viable before I go any further working out how it should run. To the non-writers out there: don't feel that you can't volunteer - this could be your chance to try out your writing skills in a fairly low-key way :) Yvonne ( ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 21:44:21 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Yvonne Connell Subject: Re: My Journal, Day 4, Introduction MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dear Clark, > >> >> > >> >> >> >S > >> >> >> >P > >> >> >> >O > >> >> >> >I > >> >> >> >L > >> >> >> >E > >> >> >> >R > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >S > >> >> >> >P > >> >> >> >A > >> >> >> >C > >> >> >> >E > >> >> >> > > > > My right index finger was attacked by red kryptonite ;) Oh, yeah? Well, I guess if the same miraculous substance can make you apathetic, transfer your powers to someone else, or amplify your powers so that they're unmanageable, then there's no reason why it couldn't also become so specific that it attacks just one digit ;) On the other hand (no pun intended) are you feeling? > Hand painted by Mom, of course! American gothic with a touch of Peter Max ;) Hmmm. Clark, I know you trust your Mom implicitly, and I'm sure she's a wonderful lady (and a talented artist, no doubt), but are you absolutely sure she's the right person to guide you on contemporary men's fashion? Your Friend ( ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 19:52:43 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Diyan Smith Subject: Re: My Journal, Day 4, Introduction MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > Dear Clark, > > >> >> > > >> >> >> >S > > >> >> >> >P > > >> >> >> >O > > >> >> >> >I > > >> >> >> >L > > >> >> >> >E > > >> >> >> >R > > >> >> >> > > > >> >> >> >S > > >> >> >> >P > > >> >> >> >A > > >> >> >> >C > > >> >> >> >E > > >> >> >> > > > > > > Hand painted by Mom, of course! American gothic with a touch of Peter Max > ;) > Hmmm. Clark, I know you trust your Mom implicitly, and I'm sure she's a > wonderful lady (and a talented artist, no doubt), but are you absolutely > sure she's the right person to guide you on contemporary men's fashion? > Clark's Friend, Ah, who cares about contemporary men's fashion? Let him set his own trend. Heck, if everyone knew what we know about him, everyone would wear whatever he wears, right? Clark, tell your mother that she makes great ties. I like them. -another friend ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 20:50:37 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Charlotte Fisler Subject: Re: Looking for a fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Its in Loises and Clarks, the alt world one. I have that section. The story was posted some time in april. The problem was that Clark was jealous of his alt world counterpart. Thats the good news now for the bad. My copy doesn't have an author, though, and what's worse, its missing the whole key section where Alt-Clark meets/rescues Alt-Lois. I read it but lost it somehow. It's a great story but only part one. I checked the archive and it doesn't seem to be there. Does anyone have it or know where it's posted? I want the whole thing too. Charlotte Hey guys! Looking for a fanfic which is driving me crazy. Not the fanfic - being unable to find the fanfic. It has a scene where Martha is displeased with Clark's attitude over something and instead of ticking him off in front of Lois and Jonathan (?) suggests they take a walk in the park. Clark is very chastened when they return and it's obvious Martha has had a few home truths to say. Does this ring any bells with anyone? I hope. LabRat :) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 21:00:18 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Charlotte Fisler Subject: Re: My Journal, Day 4 Amendment MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Just wanted to post a general note to tell you how great this story is so far. Debbie, your fiction is unique and special. You know, of course, that I love the details as I have told you that is one of the things I love about dawning. My journal has that and more. It is an utterly different, completely fascinating, look at Clark Kent's early days at the Planet. Now as to the suspense. Personally, I have never enjoyed suspense or mysteries. I like to know where I'm going before I begin a literary journey. This is simply my way and is not to be taken as a criticism of anyone else or the way they look at things. I only mention this to point out, that while I normally wait until a story is completed to begin it (I currently have sections 1-60d of On the run on my hard drive with only a bare glimpse now and then. They will have to stay there until the story is finished.) But for your fiction, I make an exception. I could have read almost all of Dawning in my usual manner since I came to it late, but by the time I read the first few I decided to follow your suggestions and read all @13 parts >from the archive almost in sequence. Yes, I cheated just a bit by skipping ahead to d9 and d10 - I had to know how you were going to let Clark in on what was going on. I was not disappointed. Imagine my joy when I found your FTP site and got an additional @10 parts. I was hooked by the time D22 came out. I literarly cheered out loud at NEFFS when Beth told us that it was out and rushed to get it as soon as I got home. I am reading my journal as it comes out too. In part because I can't wait for my fix, and in part because I trust your writing Debbie, so it is not necessary for me to know how it will come out. Your portrayals of Lois Lane and Clark Kent are uniquely yours, but underneath they have the same characteristics and sensitivity that I want to see in Clark Kent and Lois Lane. Re Dawning <> Debby who on Thursday evening, 6/17, uploaded a more typo-free version of MJ04A :)>> Debby you're probably going to hate me for his but I love the typos, etc. they give me a feeling for the way your mind worked in writing the series, kind of like stream of conciousness. Keep it up is all I ask, I'll deal with the typos. They don't in any way interfere with my enjoyment of the stories. Who cares about typos. Charlotte ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 20:05:53 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Mandy Crustner Subject: Re: Looking for a fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Charlotte wrote: > Its in Loises and Clarks, the alt world one. I have that section. The story > was posted some time in april. The problem was that Clark was jealous of his > alt world counterpart. > > Thats the good news now for the bad. > > My copy doesn't have an author, though, and what's worse, its missing the > whole key section where Alt-Clark meets/rescues Alt-Lois. I read it but lost > it somehow. It's a great story but only part one. > > I checked the archive and it doesn't seem to be there. Does anyone have it > or know where it's posted? I want the whole thing too. > > Charlotte I found it here : %26+Clarks&f=&a=&b= Hope this helps! :) Mandy :) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 19:11:44 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: Re: My Journal, Day 4, Introduction In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 09:44 PM 06/21/1999 +0100, you wrote: >Dear Clark, >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >S >> >> >> >> >P >> >> >> >> >O >> >> >> >> >I >> >> >> >> >L >> >> >> >> >E >> >> >> >> >R >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >S >> >> >> >> >P >> >> >> >> >A >> >> >> >> >C >> >> >> >> >E >> >> >> >> > >> > >> My right index finger was attacked by red kryptonite ;) >Oh, yeah? Well, I guess if the same miraculous substance can make you >apathetic, transfer your powers to someone else, or amplify your powers so >that they're unmanageable, then there's no reason why it couldn't also >become so specific that it attacks just one digit ;) On the other hand (no >pun intended) are you feeling? With the other fingers, of course! Hmm, I wonder if Red Kryptonite also causes one to make bad puns... >> Hand painted by Mom, of course! American gothic with a touch of Peter Max ;) >Hmmm. Clark, I know you trust your Mom implicitly, and I'm sure she's a >wonderful lady (and a talented artist, no doubt), This better be going some where... Dad doesn't take kindly to people who critique Mom... >but are you absolutely >sure she's the right person to guide you on contemporary men's fashion? I guess I could ask Cat Grant... But not Mr. White, since he wanted me to cut my hair. And not Jimmy; he thinks I should get an earring. I'd rather get a tattoo. You know, one of those press-on ones. Do you like bats? Or would an angry dragon be better? (there don't seem to be any smiling dragons) >Your Friend >( ukf? University of Kentucky at Frankfort? United Kingdom Fan? CK letting DS type due to trigger finger r.i.p. Nat Handy, a very nice boss and nicer friend :) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 19:05:13 PDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Moon Klutz Subject: Oolong fic in process, ideas? Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed Hey everyone, I could use some ideas on this, I'm stuck and with exams, my head isn't exactly flowing straight... Any help please? Luvs ya!~ Klutz After The Oolong By Klutz Ok, this is my first attempt at a FoLC fic, but I have written for other shows, so be nice! Anyways, usual disclaimers apply and well, read it! It's short! Luvs ya!~ Klutz Lois dumped the coffee filter into the garbage and kicked the cupboard door shut with one foot as she wiped her hands off. It had been a hectic few days what with Superman loosing his eyesight and all, but now that it was all over, she felt much better. Not to mention she had finally bought those long-needed groceries. She checked the toaster, but her bread still wasn't done. Lois leaned back against the cupboard and sighed, blowing a stay bit of hair out of her eyes. Mornings were fine and all, but did they have to start so early? She hadn't had her usual amount of caffeine yet this morning, and life in general was still a bit fuzzy. Her eyes swept over the counter and she noticed the Oolong tea again for the first time. 'Oolong…' she thought slowly. It hadn't struck her before, but now that she had the time to think about it, how had Jonathan and Martha Kent known that Oolong was Superman's favorite type of tea? Also, they had acted strange. Jonathan had practically dragged her out of the apartment, babbling something about tea and scones and how much Martha liked them a mile a minute. She could have sworn she heard a sigh of relief after the door closed, but then, how could she be sure? "Knock knock Lois, anybody home?" Lois snapped her head towards the door that was Clark! She mustn't have heard him while she was thinking. It *was * morning after all. "Just a second Clark!" She called, and pulled the pot off the coffee maker, pouring herself a quick cup before it was inedible. She took one sip, and spit it back into the sink. 'How could I forget it was still hot?' she thought angrily at herself, fanned her burning tongue and finally managed to undo all the locks and open the door, letting Clark get himself the rest of the way in. She poured herself a small glass of water and drowned it with a sigh of relief. "Morning Lois! Brought you a doughnut, and a few for me. Almost ready to go?" Clark asked cheerfully. Lois frowned at her coffee cup, which was still too hot to drink from. "Hm? Oh, thanks Clark. Yeah, I'm almost ready, I just have to wait for this coffee to cool off before I can finish it. Should give me time for that doughnut." He was already fishing the double chocolate glazed dip, and handed it to her just as she finished her sentence. He smiled as she took a bite, it was still fresh and warm right off the rack! "Hey, I didn't know you drank Oolong, Lois!" Clark said, reaching over and picking the can up off the counter and looking over it. "It's my favorite. Superman's too I think…" he trailed off and set it back on the counter, grabbing one of his plain cake doughnuts out of the bag. She swallowed and nodded to the orange-yellow can. "I've never had any before actually, I picked it up with your dad while Superman was here." She said shrugging. 'It's weird that he can eat all that junk in his coffee, but his doughnuts are plain! And then I have nothing in my coffee, and sugar-high doughnuts. Odd.' She thought on a different level. One part of her was listening to Clark, but her mind was on other things. 'How come he knew Superman's favorite tea and so did his parents, but I didn't and I never see Clark with Superman?' "Really, oh you should try it Lois, I'll teach the best way to have it sometime." He picked up her coffee mug and blew on it lightly. What was the white stuff? "I think your coffee has cooled down enough now Lois." He finished, and handed it back to her. "Thanks…" she said, looking at him oddly before taking a sip. She didn't think it would be done by now but… She paused, to drink. It was perfect! Her coffee was at the perfect temperature! 'Now how come that only happens when Clark's around?' she wondered, but let the thought slid. Drowning the cup in a matter of minutes, she grabbed her coat up off the chair by the door and beckoned for Clark to follow. "Come on Kent, we don't want to be late." She said briskly and he followed her downstairs. *** Lois wiped the last non-existent crumbs away from her mouth as the elevator doors slid open, and she and Clark stepped into the bustling City newsroom of the Daily Planet. She sat down at her desk immediately, and Clark walked over to the coffee bar for her third, and final cup this morning, which would most likely end up in that poor dying plant on her desk. Clark, while getting the coffee, thinking along the same lines, shook his head for the poor fern. It would never know what real water was like. *Sniff! Am I the only one who feels sorry for the poor plant here? * He dumped a few cubes of sugar and poured some thick cream into his coffee until it was a peachy color, then picked up Lois' plain cup of coffee, blew on it until it was at the right temperature, and brought it over to her. That's all I have so far.. I was thinking maybe one of those Clark vs Superman vs Parents lists, but that would just be so pointless in this one, so any other ideas? Klutz ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 22:34:41 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Charlotte Fisler Subject: Re: Looking for a fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit This is me answering my own e-mail. <> This is correct Thats the good news now for the bad.>> My copy doesn't have an author, though, and what's worse, its missing the whole key section where Alt-Clark meets/rescues Alt-Lois. I read it but lost it somehow. It's a great story but only part one.>> This is correct insofar as I do not have the author but I do have all the parts. What I forgot is that part 4 is a mime file and was in my download section. I decompressed it sometime or the other then lost it. I had to go through the whole process again tonight but I now have the whole thing. All the other sections were sent as text. Still would appreciate someone giving the author's name somehow my html / text files don't seem to have it Charlotte ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 22:50:01 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Diyan Smith Subject: Re: Looking for a fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit "Loises and Clarks" was written by Peggy Mueller and posted to this list on 16 April 1999. I first read it at the list archive because I didn't join the list until 20 April. list archive: -Diyan