From: "L-Soft list server at Indiana University (1.8d)" To: "ARTF@MemoryAlpha.nil" File: "LOISCLA-GENERAL-L LOG9906B" ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 15:58:18 +1000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jenny Stosser Subject: First and middle names (was Re: Help requested for new fanfic) In-Reply-To: <79C7BC7656CBD21190910008C7FA82ED372424@mxsemrstl01.emotors .com> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 05:10 PM 07/06/99 -0500, Mr. D8a wrote: >>>From MR. D8A's work email > >Just did a quick and dirty search of various web sites and found zip, zilch, >nada, nothing. In my own experience of Supermandom I can find no reference >to Martha's middle name and until the advent of L&C:TAOS I never heard word >one about Lois' parents, though recently they apparently have appeared in DC >as Sam and Ellen. > > >MR. D8A A.K.A. James In the comics, they were Sam and Ella (not Ellen), and Sam was an old soldier (and for a long time thought Clark was a wimp because he hadn't been in the army). -*-This message is umop ap!sdn (Jenerator or Some1Else on IRC) -*- JenerEight on AIM -*- ICQ: 11477318 Photos of David (6) and Megan (3) on the Stosser Family HomePage: Please sign our guestbook! ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 11:07:37 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: More fanfic help. MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hey guys! Again. Having done so well on the Detroit question (Hi, Rachel! Thanks again!), I'm now on the hunt for a FoLC from New England, who can give me some idea of locale, scenery, local color, social habits, etc, etc, of the typical New Englander. Be warned if you're of a mind to answer this one - I'm going to have a *lot* of questions. Probably obscure and pretty dumb ones among them. I'm especially going to be interested in any myths and legends, local lore...specifically on witchcraft, paganism, that type of thing. In the benevolent sense. No dark magic or satanic fire-dancing, thanks! I figure I should do just a *leetle* more research on the subject than watching the XF episode, Bunghoney, one more time. Actually, although New England would be my preferred choice of locale, I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who lives in a part of the States which has that kind of history in its past. No harm in keeping my options open. So, if you're steeped in New England/Otherwise lore and up to the risk ;), please contact me *privately*. I'll be delighted to hear from you. LabRat :) Doc. Klein's LabRat "What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet." -- Woody Allen, Without Feathers, 1976. "I won't eat anything that has intelligent life but I would gladly eat a network executive or politician." - Marty Feldman. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 12:01:21 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: Re: Mad Dog Lane & 'The Search for Truth and Justice' In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII > > << My question here is Why? She should have gone after Superman, like a hunter > stalking big game, not like a gaga groupie.<<< > > She did go after Superman like a hunter. Remember in Neverending Battle > when she almosts foams at the mouth when Perry tells everyone that Superman > is fair game? "But he's MINE!" I understood the original question to suggest that Lois should have been suspicious of Superman's motives and should have wanted to find out his 'angle', been convinced that he wasn't really as 'goody-two-shoes' as he seemed. When did (first-season) Lois ever believe that anyone was perfect? This, by the way, is what my Alt-story (if it ever gets finished... okay, Yvonne, okay, I'll get to it! ) argues. Wendy ---------------------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 12:17:31 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: Re: Info on US life, please In-Reply-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII >> This seems a bit anti-competitive to me. > > Well, see, the snacks are the theater's main source of profit -- or so > it's been explained to me. They don't make too much on each ticket, > supposedly, but they make it up in outrageous mark-ups on the snacks & > drinks. If you bring your own, you're depriving them of revenue, so > they're pretty careful about it. And they're *all* like that, so the > competition doesn't help... I see the reasoning, but don't buy it, as you Americans might say . By the way, what I meant by 'anti-competitive' is that it prevents other shops in the vicinity of the cinema/multiplex from selling sweets or popcorn to people going to the cinema. I'm not sure whether such behaviour would be permitted over here under competition/restraint of trade law. It *is* different from bringing your own food into a restaurant, since a restaurant's main business is selling food. Incidentally, someone much earlier in this thread queried restuarants allowing people to bring in their own drink. This is quite common in some Indian restaurants over here, particularly in areas with a high proportion of student residents; the restaurant doesn't bother with an alcohol licence, and gets more custom since customers know they don't have to pay extortionate prices for their pint! Wendy ---------------------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 07:29:44 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Sandy McDermin Subject: Re: Review: Little Man, Super MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Debby wrote: > Review of Little Man, Super Bought time. I was beginning to get a complex to build onto all my other complexes which makes me wa-a-ay complex. Anyway, this is one half of the Debby Stark/Sandy McDermin mutual admiration society. But, before I jump into the part where we talk about how wonderful *I* am, I just wanted to say that I did bop over to "Politics and Prose" (P&P) to hear Richard Belzer aka Inspector Henderson talk about and read his book. It seems that this book tour he's on is being filmed for a ... film. So, everyone there, by our very presence, was agreeing to be in it. (P&P is not a big store and it was very crowded.) The guy with the camera did sweep by me a few times, so I may end up in this film. Didn't count on that, but I did count on seeing a very funny guy, and he didn't disappoint. He was funny and a little crude, but that was okay cause we were mostly all adults except.... When he made his entrance, Belzer went straight for a woman who was holding an infant in one of those little sling carriers on the front of her chest. He pulled the baby out and began whispering to him/her about all the conspiracies he was there to talk about: the JFK assassination, Roswell, etc. -- clueing the kid in early. When he gave the baby back, he/she started crying and Belzer says, "Whip out that breast lady, cause I don't want any crying while I'm reading." He was funny, and very lean, and all in black in hot weather, and *really* into that conspiracy stuff. He truly believes it. Told us he read six or seven papers a day (because he has the time while acting), and listens to Pacifica radio. He said he may be on the new "Law and Order" spin-off as his "Homicide" character, Detective Munch. He also offered another little factoid. He worked as a real, honest-to-god journalist for a few years in the Connecticut area. He named several Connecticut papers. So, he was actually more of a journalist than L&C. Now on to Little Man, Super: > I laughed, I cried... mostly I laughed. This sounds serious. > And I'm glad I did! It's long--and worth every word--and, best of all, my > headache's gone :D I'll put that on my web site: Sandy's Fanfic Cures Headaches! And then, rather than having the FBI after me for posting "indecent" material, I'll have the FDA. > I liked the many, many details: peas; Perry's wallet and his pleasure at > sharing its contents with the children; what the kids were wearing, how they > argued and called each other names, and how they ignored every warning their > parents had given them about doing certain things; Clark talking to the sports > section (though Lois didn't have a similar pastime that I recall... too busy > being a mom?); phrases like "No one would call Superman to save them from big > city living. They wore it like a badge of honor" and so many more little > things that made the story come to life. Coming from the Queen of Detail, this is quite a compliment. As for L&C's children, I enjoy that they're "no angels". I like to put a little pepper in their personalities. > Everything struck me as being totally > authentic - as though Sandy had spied on this family like Fosse observing > Gorillas (but with better luck when it comes to dealing with humans) Bob Fosse observed gorillas? Wow! And, a director too! > and she took extensive notes. Actually, some of those children's experiences were my own.... Yes, I ran around in a cape and red magic-markered sneakers. Uhh ... not really, but I know what it's like being a kid in a bar being fed slim jims, peanuts, and nickels for the juke box. > Everything about this story was fun to read. I'm glad the not too scary A > plot, Yes, I didn't want it to be scary because it was a child's story and really about him. And, frankly, children tend to see people differently -- even "bad" guys -- not having built up all the defenses we have. Or, at least, that used to be the case. > They story centers around young Jonny Kent's attempts to come to terms with > problems he can't identify. This struggle was told in a poignant yet amusing, > immensely interesting manner. I cheered for him every step of the way... and > want to read more stories about him and his family. Lois's and Clark's > innermost thoughts, particularly Clark's near the end, were revealing and > right on. I'm glad you liked those end thoughts because that's exactly how I think he'd feel. After all, he's Jonny's father and wouldn't want him put in any danger -- ever -- super or not. It's different when it's *your child* and not yourself (as, finally, Martha and Jonathan could reveal to Clark). And, he'd feel guilty about building up a mystique, a persona, from which his children may have no real means to escape.... When you have no choice but to follow in your father's footsteps, you may get a bit resentful. > Drawbacks? Hmm... I would have added a comma, closed a quote and broken a > paragraph here and there, but those are about the only gripes I have. What! I beg your pardon. I resemble this remark! (Actually, I have a cleaner copy of the manuscript on my C drive but have been too lazy to send it to Genevieve for uploading. No doubt, I found some of these mistakes later, but not all of them, so don't hesitate to let me know of anything particularly egregious.) > Rating: *****, 5 out 5, A+ Actually, that's 4.0 + one of those little gold stars they stick on. > I strongly recommend this story as a sample of fine writing and finer > storytelling. >From your lips to a hundred folcs ears. I thank you for taking the time to both read it and praise me to the hilt for it. I appreciate your good opinion very much as I may have to live on it for a while. Affectionately, Sandy ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 08:46:28 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Ann E. McBride" Subject: Re: Alt world fiction MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I hope somebody can help me. I think I either read or read about a fanfic that takes up where Chris Mulder's "Meet Me in Kansas City" left off. It has ( if I'm not dreaming) the scene where Clark's mother makes his Superman costume, only Lois is there, giving her opinions. Does anyone know the title and/or author? Thanks, Ann ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 13:59:19 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: Re: Alt world fiction In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Anne, You've read the teaser for the fanzine! That's an extract from Chris's MMIKC sequel, only available through the fanzine, which is available from Eileen at a knockdown price (donation) of $25. Sorry, I don't have the website address for the fanzine details, but I'm sure someone else (Anne? Eileen? Kathy?) will supply them. By the way, the extracts from Sheila's and Chris's stories look fantastic. Who could possibly resist this purchase? Wendy > I hope somebody can help me. I think I either read or read about a fanfic > that takes up where Chris Mulder's "Meet Me in Kansas City" left off. It has > ( if I'm not dreaming) the scene where Clark's mother makes his Superman > costume, only Lois is there, giving her opinions. Does anyone know the title > and/or author? > > Thanks, > > Ann ---------------------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 11:24:32 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Peggy Mueller Subject: Re: NEW: MY JOURNAL - Day 1 (SPOILERS) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit >>I thought at first that Clark's hairless state was >>peculiar to Kryptonians, but I've noticed that other television >>characters suffer from the same malady -- Captain Kirk, for example. I >>don't know if he's ever tried black coffee. > >I think in Dean's case it's due to his Asian background. I don't know about >Shatner since he's... Canadian ;) (Maybe he's part Native American? I knew a >sunny-blond Cherokee named Cherry one time) > OOps! Debby, I always assumed that Clark was smooth for the same reason that Captain Kirk was smooth--the producers made him shave for the show! When I read your story, I thought your comment about the coffee was a mischievous reference to that-- my mistake! Guess I'd better check things out before sticking my foot in mouth again. Peggy, ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 12:27:38 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Peggy Mueller Subject: Re: Mad Dog Lane & Cat Grant MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Zoomway said: >Unlike Cat, discussed in another thread, we did see two opposing and battling >sides to Lois Lane from the very beginning of the series. Yes, and this is exactly why I'd like to see Cat's character developed further. In particular I'd like to know why she's so predatory toward men. Is she just a party girl who's out for a good time, or is she pursuing some other, hidden, agenda? In her confession to the priest, I got the impression that she didn't want to miss out on anything in life--that she just wanted to have a good time. But if that's the case, if she's just a party girl, why did she feel it was necessary to mislead the whole office into believing that something had happened between Clark and her? Why did she have to maintain her "reputation?" And why did she continue to pursue Clark after he had clearly said no? Sexual harassment, like sexual assault, is not about sex--it's about power. So ... is she on a power trip?? If that's true, then why did she lie to Clark about their "relationship" when he had amnesia? That didn't seem like a power trip to me, it seemed kinda pathetic--desperate, in fact. Maybe Cat isn't as self-assured as she appears. Maybe it's all bravado and it's her insecurities that make her pursue men so desperately. Maybe she has such low self-esteem that she needs a constant stream of lovers to reassure her that she's a desirable person. Maybe she had a father who rejected her, and is really just a little girl trying to get Daddy's attention by exhibiting inappropriate sexual behavior. Or maybe, like Lois, she had a bad experience in the past--an experience that makes her want to show men that she can love 'em and leave 'em too. Does she, perhaps, really despise the men she pursues? Or is she just a thrill-seeker, a lusty woman who doesn't have moral, religious, ethical, social or hygienic objections to trying out every man she meets? (And if so, why?) Any opinions? Peggy :-) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 10:50:27 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Reynolds, Raymond H." Subject: Feedback:Killer on the Roof MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" I tried to send this feedback directly to the author, but the e-mail address is no longer valid. I'm posting it here in the hope that the author sees it. S P O I L E R S P A C E Killer on the Roof By Dear PeacheZ, Just wanted to write and tell you that I liked your story. It has a kind of cute flavor to it. Even with the villain lurking in the background, it had a light banter type feel to the dialog. I didn't get the impression that Lois or Clark was really worried about the stalker, even when they found out it was Lex. It seemed as though they were more concerned about being stuck in the cabin when they would really rather be elsewhere, or at least Lois wanted to be elsewhere. Lois took the revelation pretty well this time around. Granted she stalked around the bedroom and asked a lot of questions, but overall, I think she reacted much better than a lot of other revelation scenes have played out. I also liked that you finally had Lois tell Clark that she loved him. Clark's answer of "I know" was priceless. His off hand comment of "I love you too." was too much. It carried the light bantering tone right through to the end. Thanks for writing and if you have any more stories in the works I'll be looking forward to them. Sincerely, Ray Reynolds ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 14:29:43 -0600 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin Klingler Subject: Re: Alt world fiction In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Wendy wrote regarding Anne's question: >You've read the teaser for the fanzine! That's an extract from >Chris's MMIKC sequel, only available through the fanzine, which is >available from Eileen at a knockdown price (donation) of $25. Sorry, >I don't have the website address for the fanzine details, but I'm >sure someone else (Anne? Eileen? Kathy?) will supply them. > >By the way, the extracts from Sheila's and Chris's stories look >fantastic. Who could possibly resist this purchase? I sure can't! Thanks for putting the teaser's up on your web site, Anne! (Since I haven't seen her respond to this, that URL for anyone who missed it is: ) I'm very excited to get my hands on this fanzine and read these stories from the authors who I've really come to admire. Thanks for contributing, guys! And I have to speak up here and thank Eileen for all her hard work on this project. It's for a really great cause, and I hope everyone else out there will think so to and get their copies of this fanzine! It's sure to be a great compilation. I personally can't wait to get mine. :) Erin :) _________________ ELK on IRC Visit my 1999 Official Kerth Awards Website! ***** "The truth is, no one knows how long they've got. Anyway, it's not the years that count, it's the moments...right now, as they happen." _________________ ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 16:02:05 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Lara Blasingame Subject: Help Posting Fanfic Hi All, I am trying to post my first fanfic and I have absolutely no idea how to go about that. Could someone please help me! You can aide publicly on the listserv or privately to Thanks (in advance) Lara Blasingame ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 18:16:02 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Peggy Mueller Subject: Re: Mad Dog Lane & 'The Search for Truth and Justice' MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Debby said: >I think that Lois had trouble with men because none of them could live up to >her high standards. --snip interesting discussion of Lois's "heroes"-- >In finding Superman to be less than her ideal, she was able to broaden her sights and see Clark --snip-- >Someone else can tackle Scardino (who was brought into play to... show how >dumb >Clark was acting, I guess), or Deter (who was brought in to give Clark someone >to threaten to beat up and really mean it...?). > I think you already implied the answer to the Scardino question in your post . By the time Dan came along Lois had grown up enough not to expect perfection in a man and was willing to accept the fact that the paragon she had been longing for just doesn't exist. As you said, she had "broadened her sights" enough to be able to see Clark, and with Clark, other "ordinary" men. In Deter's case, I think it was a case of classic transference, as Deter himself discussed with Superman. Peggy :-) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 17:36:00 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Dennis A Arendt Subject: Need Help MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Can anyne tell me where to find the Elseworld story "Speeding Bullets"? I've checked the archives. thanks, Brenda ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 18:47:18 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: The Zoomway Subject: Re: Need Help MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 6/8/99 5:36:15 PM Central Daylight Time, d.arendt@WORLDNET.ATT.NET writes: << Can anyne tell me where to find the Elseworld story "Speeding Bullets"? I've checked the archives. thanks, >> I wrote the Elseworld "Speeding Bullets" adaptation, but it's only available in the fanzine. Maybe you're talking about Sheila Harper's S5 episode "Faster Than a Speeding Bullet" (which is excellent, btw ;) and is available at the fanfic archive. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 18:23:52 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: Re: Help Posting Fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Hi Lara, First - do you have a PC or a Mac? I can help with the PC. Irene --- Lara Blasingame wrote: > Hi All, > > I am trying to post my first fanfic and I have > absolutely no idea > how to go about that. Could someone please help me! > You can aide > publicly on the listserv or privately to > > > Thanks (in advance) > Lara Blasingame > _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 20:26:54 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kathy Brown Subject: PROMO> S6, Ep 10, "Mirror, Mirror" Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" PROMO: Season 6, Episode 10, "Mirror, Mirror" Airing Sunday, June 13, 1999 ____________ ANNOUNCER: Lois and Clark's hopes of being returned to normal died with Dr. Nick Trifyllis. Now they have to accept what has happened . . . ____________ Lois: "You're going to have to be silent a lot longer than that before you can go for the Guiness record." Clark: "What?" Lois: "You can't avoid this forever, Clark." Clark, looking away: "There isn't anything to talk about." Lois, challenging: "Isn't there?" Clark: "Trifyllis is dead; his soul exchanger has vanished; and we're stuck. What else is there to say?" ____________ Lois slams the door closed and leans her forehead against the steering wheel, her hands tightening on the plastic. Clark, over the ominous cracking sound: "Honey?" Lois releases the steering wheel and lifts her head, her eyes glittering with tears. Lois, whispering: "I can't do this. I have to control myself every single minute. I can't let myself get angry or upset or I could really hurt someone." ____________ ANNOUNCER: . . . and find a way to go on with their lives ____________ Clark: "Do you want me to wean her?" Lois: "Do you dislike it that much?" Clark: "No, it's just . . . I thought it might be easier on you if you didn't have to see me doing what you can't. I mean, it's your body." Lois: "That's just it, Clark. It isn't. Not any more. And the sooner we get used to that, the better." ____________ Perry: "Sounds like you have a busy afternoon planned." Lois: "Afternoon?" Perry: "Afternoon. As in, after *you* get the jet story finished, and *you*--" "--investigate the group that's protestin' the school improvement project." Lois: "But, Perry . . ." Perry, turning around slowly: "You have a problem with my story assignments?" Lois opens her mouth, then shuts it with a snap. Clark didn't argue about assignments--darn him! ____________ ANNOUNCER: Meanwhile, Lex continues to clean house . . . ____________ Lex (to Lindy Barrows): "I appreciate willingness in my staff. Now that the Trifyllis brothers have been good enough to remove themselves from the picture, we only have one loose end left to trim off. . . ." ____________ Lex (to Enrico O'Reilly): "A loose end at SATAN leads back here. Offer him the usual severance package." ____________ ANNOUNCER: . . . and Superman begins to lose his powers. ____________ Lois jerks around guiltily, holding the razor she normally uses on her legs. Clark stares at the shaving foam on her face, and his mouth drops open. Clark, stammering: "What're you--? How--?" "Lois, what's happened to your aura?" ____________ ANNOUNCER: But time is running out for Lois and Clark, and they may not live to find a way to reverse the exchange. ____________ As if in slow motion, Lois sees the bullet begin to spiral through the barrel toward them, and she flings herself over Clark-- --and everything goes black. ____________ ANNOUNCER: This Sunday, join S6 for the conclusion of the soul transference trilogy... "Mirror, Mirror" by Sheila Harper Coming June 13 to a monitor near you! OR ____________ Receptionist: "Weird story, if you ask me." Clark: "Beats covering dog shows." ____________ ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 21:26:50 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Sandy McDermin Subject: Re: Little Man, Super, and other things. MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Debby wrote: > Review of Little Man, Super And my caffeine-deprived twin wrote: >>Bought time. Did she (the caffeine-deprived one) really write "bought time" rather than "bout time?" That's what she gets for trying to answer someone early in the morning, B.C.(before coffee). Laurie said: >>Anyone who hasn't read this story really should. Thank you, Laurie (the name available one). I'll put this on the back of my book jacket.... Now, let's see; which one should I choose off my shelf? Oh! "Disturbances in the Field" might do! Here I go; I'm putting it on there.... "Anyone who hasn't read this story really should." All joking aside, I agree with you, Laurie -- not only about my own story. Schwartz's book is a real good read, and I recommend it too. (Love the explanation for what "disturbances in the field" are, what role they play in the way we mentally process our world, and finally, what an incredible and unpredictable impact they can have when their more extreme variations challenge us.) I looked on Amazon and the book's out of print. :(. However, I got a nice hardback copy from a library sale last year. Maggie said: >Let me step up and second that motion Debby! this was a truly lovely >wonderful story! Sandy creates her own little Universe for the Kents >and it's just a great place to go, hang out and have some tea. I >wholeheartedly hope there are more installments to these adventures > >;o) Well, I'm not planning any. I'm kinda feeling worn out by the Kents. I don't have anything fresh to say about them -- unlike Debby, thank god. Genevieve said: >Anticipating the next question >Little Man, Super by Sandy McDermin is available on Sandy's >webpage . >I don't think it's on the main fanfic archives yet. Thanks Genevieve. I'll send you a re-edited copy to upload sometime this week -- I hope. As for the fanfic archives, the reason "Little Man, Super" isn't there (although it could be and I would love to ordinarily) is that I want people to go to *my* web site so that they get a chance to read the other stories (or at least be aware of them) -- especially since the plots are so integrated. Be that as it may, "Love as a Blonde" *may* be taken off the site soon, so I hope those who want it have their copies. Sandy ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 21:26:55 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin H Subject: Question on Lois and Clark fan magazine MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi! I was many magazines for L&C Fans are there??? :) I have one, Molly has one, and Scott has one..are there any more? Thanks :) Erin Editor of FoLC Planet ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 06:01:24 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: Re: My Journal, Day 2 (Wednesday) Intro In-Reply-To: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 10:10 PM 06/07/1999 -0400, you wrote: >Debby, > >It has definitely been worth the wait for something new by you. :D >My Journal >is fascinating.... I'm dying to find out what's up with Lois ( or the lack >thereof). >Keep 'em coming. > >Ann Thursday... Things start getting surprising, I hope :) Debby off to work, drat... in Albuquerque, where it will be cooler (and drier) than most of the country east of the Mississippi :) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 22:47:35 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Raymond, Melody" Subject: Sponsoring Dean Cain in St. Louis MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Attention all Dean Cain Fans I would like to bring you another update to the announcement made last week about being able to participate in sponsoring Dean in the Joe Torry Giving Back the Love Foundation Celebrity Basketball Game on July 10th in St. Louis. I want to thank all of those who have already donated, we appreciate it very much and we are sure that Dean will also appreciate it. Remember this is helping kids who are less fortunate then we are. I want to let you all know that we are very close, we have $825.00. If we raise the $1,000.00 by June 10th, we will be able to have the sponsorship printed in the program book for the events. If you are planning to send a donation, please email your name and address and the amount you are sending to Sue ( as a pledge and tell her when you are mailing it. She will be able to add it to the total for our goal and the money can be received after the 10th. Send donations to: Sue Kiaman, P.O. Box 10966, St. Louis, MO 63135. If you live outside the US please send a check, money order or cash in US dollars and email Sue about it. Thanks again, to everyone who has and will participate. We want to make this trip to St. Louis memorable not only to us but particularly for Dean and in the process help a very good cause. Melody This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psm. 118-24 ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 00:01:43 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kathy Brown Subject: Request for Story Editor Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Hi everyone, Amy Mina would like to have an editor or two look over her fanfic-in-progress, and offer constructive feedback. She's not on this discussion list, so I offered to make the request on her behalf. If you can help her out (and I know what a great, helpful bunch of FoLCs we are!), please write her privately at the email address below. Thanks! Kathy >From: amy mina >To: >Subject: story editor from list >Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 21:15:30 PDT >Mime-Version: 1.0 > > >Dear Kathy, > >I would be very grateful if you could post a request for a proof reader or >two on the reading list. Just let them know that is isn't quite finished, >and I'm not positive when it will be, or if I'll just send it to them in >parts. Just have them email me at Thanks! > >Amy Mina _________________________________ Kathy Brown Editor-In-Chief Lois & Clark Fanfic Archive KathyB on IRC _________________________________ ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 13:53:40 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: Re: PROMO> S6, Ep 10, "Mirror, Mirror" In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII WHAT a promo!! It looks like the l-o-n-g wait for the conclusion to this story is *really* going to be worth it - as if I ever doubted it would be! (Okay, I know the wait wasn't so long really, but you've kept me on the edge of my seat, Sheila!). Counting the hours until Sunday evening... what time US east coast time does the story go up on the website? Wendy > > ANNOUNCER: . . . and Superman begins to lose his powers. > > ____________ > > > Lois jerks around guiltily, holding the razor she normally uses on her legs. > Clark stares at the shaving foam on her face, and his mouth drops open. > > Clark, stammering: "What're you--? How--?" "Lois, > what's happened to your aura?" > ---------------------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 14:02:27 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: Re: Alt world fiction In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII On Tue, 8 Jun 1999 14:29:43 -0600 Erin Klingler wrote: > Wendy wrote regarding Anne's question: > > >You've read the teaser for the fanzine! [snip] Who could possibly resist this purchase? > > I sure can't! [snip] > And I have to speak up here and thank Eileen for all her hard work on this > project. It's for a really great cause, and I hope everyone else out there > will think so to and get their copies of this fanzine! It's sure to be a > great compilation. I personally can't wait to get mine. :) And I'd like to add, since she is clearly too modest to do so herself, that one of those great writers who have contributed to the fanzine is Erin herself! So get your orders in! There's a treat in store. Wendy ---------------------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 09:20:23 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Ann E. McBride" Subject: Re: Mad Dog Lane & 'The Search for Truth and Justice' MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 6/8/99 6:12:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time, gremlino@PATHWAY.NET writes: << n Deter's case, I think it was a case of classic transference, as Deter himself discussed with Superman. >> I agree about the transference but there was also the very strong influence Deter himself was exerting to get her to love him while at the same time minimizing her contact with Clark. I think he didn't want her to see Clark so that she wouldn't remember him or their relationship. It's kind of interesting how Lois, who cannot be considered to be the most publicly loving, kind, or affectionate person, inspires all this single-minded devotion in so many different men, i.e. Lex, Scardino and Dr. Deter. Clark is in a different category because he actually sees the real Lois whereas the other men just see the public persona. Ann ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 06:31:40 PDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Sue Modolo Subject: Fiction Couple Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed I am currently writing a fiction, not LNC, that I hope to post on the net and I need a good name for a married couple. So if anyone has any good suggestions, well please email me. Thanks. I know that you guys have good imaginations. Sue ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 08:47:49 -0600 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin Klingler Subject: Re: Alt world fiction In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Wendy wrote: >And I'd like to add, since she is clearly too modest to do so >herself, that one of those great writers who have contributed to the >fanzine is Erin herself! So get your orders in! There's a treat in >store. Awwwww, you're too kind, Wendy. I'm blushing. :) As for your "great writer" comment...shyeah, right. I feel *very* outclassed by the group that wrote for the fanzine, but yes, there is one from me in there. ;) For anyone who's interested, there is a preview of it on my fanfic page of my website. (URL below) It's called HiM: The Video. It'll give you a bit more info on it. TTYL! Erin :) _________________ ELK on IRC Visit my 1999 Official Kerth Awards Website! ***** "The truth is, no one knows how long they've got. Anyway, it's not the years that count, it's the moments...right now, as they happen." _________________ ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 16:03:35 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: Re: Alt world fiction In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII On Wed, 9 Jun 1999 08:47:49 -0600 Erin Klingler wrote: > > Awwwww, you're too kind, Wendy. I'm blushing. :) As for your "great > writer" comment...shyeah, right. I feel *very* outclassed [snip] Yeah, right! (as you say!) *Three* Kerth awards this year, including the award for Best Story - that makes a great writer in my opinion! Wendy ---------------------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 11:05:58 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Organization: Subject: Re: PROMO> S6, Ep 10, "Mirror, Mirror" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > Counting the hours until Sunday evening... what time US east coast > time does the story go up on the website? Well, Wendy, I don't know when Alyssa will manage to update the "official" site, but I aim to have the "mirror" site ready to go by 7pm EDT (which is midnight your time, I'm afraid) I'll post a note to this list when I've got it up. Remember, you've got two places to check for the latest S6 developments :-) I've got the updated schedule for our remaining episodes up, as well... > (Okay, I know the wait wasn't so long really, but you've > kept me on the edge of my seat, Sheila!). Hah, if you think that was bad, just check out the teaser for Sheila's story for the fanzine! I'm dying over here! -- ------------------------------------------------------- Pam Jernigan | ChiefPam on IRC | ------------------------------------------------------- "I heard about Superman at the UN. I don't mind him wanting to take over the world, really, but he sounded a little ... well ... nuts." --Dr. Klein, "Blast from the Past", IRC Round Robin ------------------------------------------------------- The FoLC Obsession Page has moved to: ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 13:58:04 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Ann E. McBride" Subject: Re: Mad Dog Lane & Cat Grant MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 6/8/99 12:23:41 PM Eastern Daylight Time, gremlino@PATHWAY.NET writes: << Maybe Cat isn't as self-assured as she appears. >> I think you are on to something here. Lately I have been rewatching season 1 episodes and am beginning to come to the conclusion that Cat and Lois are two sides of the same coin. They are both talented writers, at the top of their respective areas, attractive women who don't seem able to attract and keep the right kind of man. Neither one seems to have any real friends, male or female in sight. And instead of recognizing each other's talents, they snipe at each other constantly in what appears to be an unconscious effort to make themselves feel better. There is a lot of jealousy involved between the two of them as well. I forget which episode, but there is on where ( I think it is Witness) Cat says to Lois, "I'm as good a writer as you, but you're Perry's little darling" (or something to that effect.) Cat then goes on to tell Lois that it would be nice for Lois to admit that she was afraid; that she was normal. At some point Cat also hints that she thinks it's unfair that Lois has both Superman and Clark. I think that Cat was so insecure that she couldn't stand the thought of everyone knowing or even thinking that she had been rejected by Clark. That may be why she spread the stories, although there was also probably some desire to irritate Lois as well. It was pretty obvious from the beginning that although Lois didn't want Clark for herself, she didn't want anyone else to have him either. As you say, it would have been interesting to see her character developed more on the show, but I can see why the powers that be wrote her out of the show. As competition for Clark's attention, she wasn't even in the ball park. Mayson, on the other hand, was good competition for Lois. She was much more Clark's type and therefore a potential rival. I guess I better quit. Ann ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 14:22:40 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Peggy Mueller Subject: Re: Mad Dog Lane & 'The Search for Truth and Justice' MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit >I agree about the transference but there was also the very strong influence >Deter himself was exerting to get her to love him while at the same time >minimizing her contact with Clark. I think he didn't want her to see Clark >so that she wouldn't remember him or their relationship. > Good point, Ann. Also your point about Lois inspiring that kind of devotion in Deter. One thing that's always puzzled me about the Deter eps was whether or not the doctor's attempt to isolate Lois from her old life was the treatment plan he used on *all* his patients, or if it was just a way to keep Lois for himself. It seemed to be the *opposite* of how you would get an amnesia patient to recover, so I thought at first that it was just a trick, but they kept talking about Deter's brilliant "methods," so then I began to wonder if his "treatment" was supposed to be legit (within the context of the show). I never could make up my mind on this issue because, if the whole thing was just a plot to keep Lois away from Clark, then, as you said, how did Lois manage to inspire that kind of devotion in Deter--and so quickly? I read a fanfic--I forget which one--where Deter was related to Luthor, and *that* plot made a lot more sense than FMN and OW. Cheers, Peggy :-) ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 19:13:17 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Yvonne Connell Subject: Re: PROMO> S6, Ep 10, "Mirror, Mirror" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Another great promo, Kathy/Sheila. You write these so well, it's just like watching it on TV...well, actually it's better, because you don't have those annoying adverts (commercials) to put up with. Just as well I'm on a course on Monday, otherwise I'd probably spend the morning at work reading the story instead of doing what they pay me for! Thanks again, Yvonne ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 18:34:36 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Lara Blasingame Subject: NEW Fanfic: Revisiting the House of Luthor (Part 1 of 5) Title: Revisiting the House of Luthor Part: 1 of 5 Author: Lara Blasingame Rating: PG to PG-13 Feedback: All feedback, public and private is welcome I have been a FOLC since the very beginning. However, I did not have access to an Internet server until about eighteen months ago. Since that time, I have truly enjoyed the fiction written by fans from all over the world... from such authors as Wendy Richards, Demi, Zoomway, CC Malo, Julie Mack, Pam Jernigan, Sheila Harper, Lab Rat, Jenni Debbage, Chris Mulder, Irene Dutchak... the list could go on and on. I would also like to thank all of the writers of TUFS and Season 5/6 for their story contributions. I suffered from serious withdrawal when L&C was cancelled by "that" network. The author's tireless efforts helped alleviate some of my symptoms. In fact the very first story I ever found was Season 5's Episode 10. I was, at that point, hooked on fan fiction. Now, without further ado, a little bit about my story. Deborah Joy Levine and Dan Levine scripted a great program in the first place. The dialogue, especially, between Lex and Superman was a brilliant piece of writing. I just thought it might be fun to give the story a new direction... so I rewrote it. And, since I have no one to answer too... I reworked large chunks of the program. You'll notice that I plagiarized... I meant "borrowed" much of the dialogue from that program, as well as from a few others. This could be described as a "what if... " story line. My intention is not to infringe on anyone's copyright... Warner Bros., DC comics, the original authors, TNT, etc... I just wrote this piece for fun and to see if I could do it. Feedback is greatly appreciated (positive or negative). You can e-mail me privately at if you want to... just be constructive in your criticisms. ' ' These symbols indicate thoughts " " These symbols are used for dialogue (obviously) and for emphasis Revisiting the House of Luthor By Lara Blasingame Rated PG-13 Submitted June 1999 Her life had spiraled into an endless parade of disappointments lately. Lois was absolutely miserable. The Planet - her life's blood, her saving grace, her friend when she didn't have anyone -had been destroyed, and it looked as if the deed had been done by a co-worker. Jack, the newspaper's newest employee and a former child delinquent, had been charged with the crime. The evidence linking him to the bomb was found in his lunch box. His Superman lunch box. The police had apparently found their culprit. But, had they? Lex seemed to think so. Yet, her gut was singing a different aria. Why would Jack jeopardize his chances of having a normal, crime-free life? It didn't make sense. A lot of things lately didn't make a whole lot of sense. She crawled into bed and tucked herself in. She just wanted to be alone. No more talk about the master bedroom or whether or not to build a 12 or 15 car garage. `Why would two sane people need 15 cars? If you drove a different car everyday, it would take you over two weeks before you'd drive that particular vehicle again. Ridiculous.' "What's ridiculous is that I am even contemplating the logic behind having that many automobiles. Now, I'm talking to myself. That's a sign. But, hey, maybe I'll learn to enjoy it." She stared at the ceiling and her thoughts began to drift, once again. The stillness of the night chilled her to the bone. She just couldn't seem to relax. She thought about her new job at LNN. Everyone treated her with indifference. The former newspaper reporter was accepted professionally. After all, she still had a lot of worthwhile contacts and a reputation for being a hard-bitten newswoman. But personally, everyone treated her like the office mole that was bent on revealing her colleague's deepest and darkest secrets to the man in charge... Lex. Her co-workers knew that she had no previous experience working in television. Everyone looked at her with clouded eyes. They just assumed that she had gotten the job because she was sleeping with the Boss. Well, almost sleeping with the Boss. She had insisted that they wait until their honeymoon. She wanted it to be special. Special? It's funny. Now, that she stopped to think about it - did she have any romantic feelings for Lex? She admired him. Lex employed half the city. He gave generously to many worthwhile charities. And he had asked her to marry him. The third richest man in the world had asked for her hand in marriage. No one had ever done that before. A girl couldn't help but feel flattered. But, did she want to make love to him? Did she want him to... `Hmmm. Of course I do. Don't I? Oh, this can't be good.' Now Superman on the other hand. "Woof... what a body," she sighed out loud. Her sigh turned into a reflective tone. `But, he doesn't want you Lois. He rejected you. He even seemed bitter about the whole situation. So, out of character. Just like... just like... Clark. Clark was so upset with her. He had told her that he was in love with her. But, she couldn't say that she felt the same way. Sure she loved him, but like a brother, a best friend. Clark was someone she could tell all of her secrets. Someone she could depend on no matter what. Someone she wanted to be partners with for the rest of her life. That wasn't love. Was it? `It doesn't matter anyway. He's mad at me, too. I sure do miss him...' "Who are you trying to kid? Lex is right. I should just call Clark and say hello." Lois looked tentatively at the phone sitting in its cradle. She made no effort to pick it up. `What's going on? Why are you so nervous? He's your best friend. You tell him everything.' "Yeah, well, we haven't exactly been getting along lately. I can't believe the way he's been acting. All he ever does is tell me how evil Lex is. Does he think I'm that naive? I know he's no boy scout, but he isn't evil. Is he?" Her thoughts and comments began flowing faster than she could process them in her mind. Maybe she should talk to Clark. He usually had a way of making her think more clearly. She gingerly picked up the phone and dialed his number. `Well, no one will ever accuse me of not making an effort in this relationship... I mean partnership. I meant partnership. Why do I keep doing that?' *** RING *** "Hello?" "Hi Clark. It's me." "Hi. How are you?" Not expecting his lack of enthusiasm. Lois tried her best to sound as upbeat as possible. "Terrific. You?" Trying to match Lois' enthusiasm, Clark bravely moved on. "Great." `Well he's certainly in a chatty mood.' Lois thought to herself. "So, how's the rest of the gang?" "Perry is actually coming out to stay with me for a few days. We're a little worried about Jimmy he.... uh... he moved out of his apartment." "He's okay? I mean... I mean you would think if he were in any kind of trouble he would call me... or you. Wouldn't he?" Clark was quick to reassure her... not wanting her to worry. "Yeah, I'm sure he would." However, he quickly changed the subject. "How's your new job?" "Oh, you know... settling in. You?" "I'm busy... exploring my options." "I'm sure you find something." He sounded so unsure. Lois had hoped to convince him to work with her... even if it was at LNN. At least, they would be partners. She missed him so much, but he had made it quite clear that he was not going to work for any organization headed by Lex Luthor. In her revelry, the conversation began to drag. "Yeah... well, it's getting kinda late, Lois. I guess... I'm gonna go to bed." "Me too... Clark?" She found herself not wanting the conversation to end. "Yes?" "I miss you." She had to let him know that. This was killing her. Clark was going to confess everything again if he didn't hang up soon. "I miss you, too, Lois," he confessed as he hung up the phone. `Sure it was hasty, but at least I didn't say anything I'd regret.' He took solace in that... even though his heart was breaking. Lois stared at her phone as the dial tone rang in her ear. `That had to have been the lamest, dumbest... most heart-wrenching conversation that we've ever had. He must really hate me.' She hung up the phone and slumped further into her bed. Lois looked at the bedroom window and starred at what little of the sky she could see from her cozy nest. Her thoughts drifted back to her partner. He wasn't even going to come to her wedding. `Why is he doing this to me... to us. We're partners. We're best friends. It's not supposed to be like this!' Lois suddenly jumped out of bed and proceeded towards her closet. ************************* Clark turned off the lamp and rolled over to cuddle with... his pillow. "Well, it looks like its just gonna be the two of us tonight." He laughed, even though this was the lowest moment in his life. His heart was breaking. Unfortunately, Lois Lane would always be the possessor of the other half, and she was all set to love somebody else... Lex. The thought made him cringe. "How can she love him? How can love be that blind?" He started to laugh once again. The very idea of her loving his alter ego and not recognizing him for who he really was... that was a whole other issue in itself. Lois had told Superman that she would love him... even if he had no super powers at all and was just an ordinary guy. "Hmmmph." Clark realized that he wasn't going to get much sleep. He was too busy worrying about Lois... fretting about Lois... loving Lois. He made his way into the living room and turned on the radio. He slumped on the couch and shut his eyes. "You are listening to KVIL 103.7 on your stereo dial... Where we play lite rock and love songs until dawn... So, sit back, relax and unwind..." The music began to filter throughout the room. Clark sighed. Another lonely night at home. `We're partners... we're best friends. Can't she see we're meant to be together? It's not supposed to be like this!' *** KNOCK, KNOCK *** "Huh." Clark turned his head sharply towards the front door. It was Lois. He grabbed a tee shirt and his glasses on the way. "Hi, Clark. Do you mind if I come in?" "Lois. What are you doing here? It's after midnight." "I know... I know. I just couldn't sleep and I was hoping that we might be able to talk." "Um... sure. Come on in." He made his way back to the sofa and Lois sauntered in after him. "Would you like something to drink?" "No...Thanks! I would rather just talk." She wanted to talk. His pulse rate quickened. "Okay." The two just stared at each other in silence. They used to talk about everything. Now... well, now things seemed different. Neither one could envision a life without the other one in it. The future seemed so bleak. Lois got up and began frantically pacing around the living room. She looked like she had a lot to say, but no words escaped from her lips. "Lois?" "Hmmm..." "You wanted to talk?" "Hmmm? Oh... yes. I don't know where to start. Wait a minute... yes I do. I wanted to tell you that our phone conversation had to be, without a doubt, one of the lamest I have ever participated in. Even my Mother puts up more of a fight." "What do you mean?" "I mean... a small forest creature shows more emotion than you did a little while ago." Clark had no intention of putting up with Lois' abusive comments. That's not what he wanted to hear. "Look, Lois. If you just came over to insult me... oh, never mind." "What?" "I just can't do this anymore. I just can't accept what you're doing with your life." "So, you're just giving up on me... on us. What about being partners and best friends? How can you just throw that away?" Clark's anger began to dissipate. "I can't." "So, what are you saying?" "I'm saying that I can't stand by and watch you marry Luthor. It's wrong. Can't you see that? How blind can you be?" Lois found herself becoming more defensive with each passing moment. "I'm not blind..." "Yes, you are." "Am I?" "Yes." Clark simply said. "Do you love him? I mean really love him. Do you want to share your highs and lows with him? Do you want to make love to him? Is he the last person you want to talk to before you go to sleep at night? And do you want him to be the first person you see in the morning?" Lois couldn't believe what she was hearing. "How can you even ask that? I'm marrying him. Aren't I?" "Yeah... but do you really want to?" Clark slowly stood and made his way across the room. All they could manage to do was to stare at each other. The angry tension in the air slowly subsided. All they were left with was an aching need to find answers to all of their questions. The only sound in the room was the radio playing... "... soft hits from the 70's, 80's and 90's. Right now, it's foggy and 38 degrees. Tomorrow... partly cloudy with a chance of rain; highs in the lower 60's. But, for now, sit back and relax to the smooth sounds of Sting's When We Dance...." Without thinking, Clark gently pulled Lois into his embrace. They began to sway to the music as it filtered into the room. If he loved you Like I love you I would walk away in shame I'd move town I'd change my name ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 18:39:55 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Lara Blasingame Subject: NEW Fanfic: Revisiting the House of Luthor (Part 2 of 5) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Title: Revisiting the House of Luthor Part: 2 of 5 Author: Lara Blasingame Rating: PG to PG-13 Feedback: All Feedback, public and private is welcome When he watches you When he comes to buy your soul On your hand are golden rings Like he owns a bird that sings When we dance Angels will run and hide their wings... Lois took her hands off Clark's shoulders and gingerly wrapped them around his neck. Their bodies slowly began to meld together as he gently stroked her silky hair. A sense of urgency filled the room, once again. But, this time, the urgency was fueled by an underlying passion. Still in love with you... I'll go find a place to live Give you all I've got to give When we dance Angels will run and hide their wings I will love you more than life If you'd only be my wife Lois gently laid her head on Clark's chest. She could feel all of the warmth he had to offer her. Clark felt his heart beating faster than he thought was possible. Was this their way of saying goodbye? After she was married, everything would change. Things between them had already started falling apart. If I could break down these walls And shout my name from Heaven's gate... For the past year, the Kansas farmboy and local super hero had done his best to break down Lois' self-imposed blockades. He managed to gain her trust, her friendship, but not her love. Clark's heart sank as the words of the song rang all too true. He won't care for you this way He'll mistreat you if you stay... Lois tensed in Clark's arms as she listened to the stanza. Could it be true? Would Lex hurt her... intentionally? She tried half-heartedly to convince herself that it was just a song. Come and live with me We'll have children of our own I would love you more than life If you'd go and be my wife Lois lifted her head and looked at Clark. She saw him looking down at her with such passion that it scared her. She had seen that look before. One of love, friendship, desire... But where? Certainly not from Lex. Superman? Maybe... Clark saw the questioning look in Lois' deep brown eyes. He gently placed his hand on her cheek. She wasn't even startled by his small gesture. Lois took her hand from around his neck and placed it on top of his. The intensity of the moment overwhelmed them both. Clark pulled her closer. He hesitantly leaned over and hovered above her lips, as if asking her permission. Lois felt his warm breath mingle with her own as she closed the distance between them. The kiss was tentative, at first. As if they were saying farewell. Yet within moments, the kiss bore a sensation neither one was truly prepared for. He hungrily nibbled at her lips awaiting an invitation to continue his exploration of her mouth. Lois could feel her heart beating faster and faster, unable to contain her desire for... her desire for... Clark. She let him have entrance into her mouth, as their tongues began a slow tangle. Clark took his hand from her cheek and placed it on the small of her back as the music faded into the background. All that they could hear were the beating of their two hearts and the soft moans of pleasure that escaped from their lips. The warmth of.. "Hey, all of you out there in radioland. Have I got a deal for you. Just come on down to Larry's Autorama for the best deals on cars and...." The moment was shattered as their lips slowly pulled apart. Lois backed out of his embrace and sat down on the couch. Clark stood where he was, watching the emotions that played out on her face. As she sat down, Lois grabbed a nearby pillow and placed it her lap. Then, the tears began to fall. "Lois, please don't cry." "Clark, I'm engaged to be married, and I was just in a liplock with someone who isn't my fianc=E9e." Clark made his way to the couch, but was well aware that Lois was silently asking for physical distance. He just wanted to be there for her. He'd do anything for her. "Lois..." "No, Clark. That's not fair to either one of us. I've just been so sad lately, so confused..." "Lois please let me..." Undaunted by Clark's attempt to cut in, Lois Lane steamed ahead. "I came over hoping that we might clear some things up. I never intended on..." "Me neither, but Lois, I can't help it. I lo..." "Please, Clark. Don't say it again. I don't think I can hear that right now. I have to go." "Don't go. I don't want you leaving like this. "I have to." And in a split second she was gone. Clark decided to let her go. She was going to have to figure this out all by herself. ************************* Clark awoke early the next morning to prepare for the arrival of Perry White. The former editor and chief was returning to his old stomping ground in order to help Clark find a truant Jimmy Olsen. Clark was very concerned about Jimmy, but all that he could think about were the events that had taken place the night before. Even though Lois had left abruptly, Clark couldn't help but wonder if progress had been made during their "discussion." If only he could prove that Lex was indeed `a thief, a gangster, a psychopath, a murderer...' Maybe Lois would realize what a mistake it would be to marry Luthor. And maybe, just maybe, she might be able to see Clark for who he really was. His thoughts were interrupted by someone rapping on his front door, as the Chief enthusiastically entered his home. Before they were even able to stow Mr. White's luggage, Jimmy, the former gopher and amateur photographer, walked through Clark's entryway with a recently "liberated" Jack following close behind. The gang greeted each other with open arms. ************************* Over pizza, Jack revealed that a couple of brothers, Pete and John Black, had been assigned to Juvenile Hall. During an assigned work break, they had bragged to some of their cohorts about planting evidence in some guy's crib. The duo claimed that they were the ones responsible for the Daily Planet's demise. The brothers had received their instructions and a large cash payment from someone they called "The Boss." Evidence? While at this point, merely hearsay... it was still a place to start. Perry assigned himself the task of digging into the Planet's finances and insurance policies. He couldn't fathom the idea that the paper had been in trouble. It had been too powerful for too long. It had a reputation for honest journalism and gave its readers more exclusives than its competition. Perry also intended on spearheading a campaign to find someone to invest both his or her time and money into the resurrection of the Daily Planet. Clark planned to find all that he could about the infamous figurehead known as "The Boss." Jack and Jimmy were to uncover all they could about the Black brothers and the former Daily Planet Board of Directors. The four had a lot of work ahead of them, so they split up to investigate. ************************* During the next few days, Perry, Jimmy, Clark and Jack had uncovered plenty. Via a conference call, they each relayed their findings. "The Black brothers would do just about anything for money; including framing someone. I think they'll talk... if they're properly motivated," Jimmy explained. "Yeah... Well, I found out that the Planet Board of Directors had originally objected to the sell of the paper to Luthor. But, all of the sudden... they had a change of heart. Apparently, each Board member was paid a "large cash inducement" and voted unanimously to sell the Planet. They were also driving brand new Ferraris..." Jack proclaimed with a smirk. Perry chimed in "I checked into the Planet's insurance policies. There was more than enough money to rebuild the paper. Luthor obviously had no intention on rebuilding." "The Boss." The evidence on him or her was merely circumstantial. Just about every criminal element paid protection money to a shady character known as "The Boss." Most didn't even know who he or she was and those who might were too afraid to tell. Even if the road to "The Boss" didn't lead to Luthor, he was still a prime candidate for insurance fraud. But, would it be enough to bring him down. ************************* As the days dragged on, Clark began to feel less and less confident about his "discussion" with Lois. He hadn't heard from her since "that" night. `Maybe it doesn't even matter what we find. Maybe Luthor is what she wants.'= Clark dejectedly sat on his couch, alone for the first time in days. Sure, he enjoyed having the guys stay with him. But, it had given him little time to think about what had happened between him and Lois. He would give anything to talk to her again. *** RING *** "Hello?" "Mr. Kent I presume." "Yes, who's this?" "My name is Mrs. Cox. I am an assistant to Lex Luthor." Without skipping a beat, she continued, "Let me get straight to the point. I was wondering if you could pass a message along to your friend Superman." "I guess... what's the message?" "Mr. Luthor would like to talk with him in regards to Ms. Lane." "Lois... what's wrong?" "Just please give him the message. Thank you and goodbye." Clark was dumbfounded. His first thoughts were slightly morbid, but he quickly squashed the panic that he felt inside. `Why would Luthor do anything to harm her... right now. They're getting married tomorrow. No, he probably just wants to taunt me. After all, he is the one who's marrying Lois. I'm sure he'd love nothing more than to harass me about that.' In a spilt second, he wrote the guys a note saying that he would be back later, spun into the Suit, and was off in a flash to meet with Luthor. ************************* Superman arrived at Lex's high-rise within minutes of Mrs. Cox's phone call. He was led to the billionaire's wine cellar and cautiously made his way down the basement's winding staircase. Lex was sipping wine, as a devilish grin passed over his lips. "Come in... Come in... Come in! Don't be shy. You know they say civilization was invented so that men could cooperate in the making of wine." "What do you want, Luthor?" "A favor." "A favor? From me? You must be joking?" "No... But wait. Here me out. Lois Lane, my fianc=E9e, should be deliriously= happy about the prospect of our forth-coming wedding, but unfortunately she's not. She misses her friends at the Daily Planet, particularly Clark Kent." `She does miss me,' Clark thought to himself. "So?" "So... well, you and Clark are friends. He was able to bring you here..." Lex allowed his statement to trail off as if he was asking a question. "I'm not following you, Luthor." Lex couldn't believe that the local superhero was dimmer than he had originally thought. "I would like you to use your influence to convince Clark to attend our wedding. Of course, you're invited too." Superman couldn't get over the arrogance displayed by the man who stood before him. "Huh?... You live in a fantasy world Luthor. Neither Clark nor I will ever do anything to support your marriage to Lois." "I see... well than I have no further use for you." Lex proceeded to express more wine from the barrel. All of the sudden, Clark found himself standing in the middle of a jail cell. "Bars won't hold... me ... Luthor." Clark suddenly felt an aching twinge throughout his body. Every muscle tensed. He found himself in a somewhat familiar fog. Only one thing could cause so much pain... Kryptonite. He lifted his head and looked towards Luthor. The jail cell now glowed bright green. "Oh... I think they will. I live in a fantasy world. Perhaps. But, my fantasy is about to come true." Luthor left his captive to die a most horrible death. ************************* The next morning Lois awoke to a bright, sunny day. But inside, she felt as if a dark cloud hung directly over her. For days, all Lois could think about was the "kiss." Even now, she could still feel the intense passion that had embodied both of them. The look of love that had shown in his almond shaped eyes. She could even hear his words as she continued to lie in the bed. `Do you love him? I mean really love him. Do you want to share your highs and lows with him? Do you want to make love to him? Is he the last person you want to talk to before you go to sleep at night? And, do you want him to be the first person you see when you wake up in the morning?' She couldn't get over how his words had affected her. He knew her so well, but... Lois turned her head slightly and stared at the phone. Willing Clark to call her. She cautiously reached for the phone. You would have thought it was going to bite her. Lois picked it up and listened for the dial tone. `Well... it's definitely working.' The phone was placed back into its cradle. She wanted, so desperately, for Clark to help answer those questions. Unfortunately, a nagging little voice, deep down inside of her, kept reminding Lois that Clark played a huge part in her bewilderment. Lois, once again, reached for the phone. This time... she actually managed to dial Clark`s phone number. The phone rang several times and Lois found herself talking to... Clark's answering machine. "Hey... Clark. It's me. I just wanted to call and say that I... that I... um... I'm going to miss not seeing you at my wedding. I care for you so much. I just... I just... Well, um, I better go. Take care. Okay?" Lois hung up the phone and began to cry. It didn't matter how she felt. It was too late. She had already accepted Lex's proposal. She would have to find a way to make it work. `Clark was probably at home. He just didn't want to talk to me.' ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 18:44:13 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Lara Blasingame Subject: NEW Fanfic: Revisiting the House of Luthor (Part 3 of 5) Title: Revisiting the House of Luthor Part: 3 of 5 Author: Lara Blasingame Rating: PG to PG-13 Feedback: All feedback, public and private is welcome She slowly got out of the bed and made her way towards the bathroom. It was time to get ready for her wedding. ************************* Clark continued to lie on the floor of the jail cell. He could feel himself getting weaker and weaker. The intense pain continued to course throughout his body. But, all his thoughts were focused on his love, Lois, and her impending marriage to Luthor. He had to find a way out. "Please, don't marry him Lois. Please..." he screamed just before his body spasmed once again. A man stood at the top of the stairs and smiled in the direction of the Kryptonite holding tank. Slowly, Luthor made his way down into the wine cellar. All of his dreams were coming true on the very same day. In a short while, he would be married to one of the most tenacious and beautiful women in the world... Ms. Lois Lane. On top of this momentous occasion, he had the great pleasure of being able to kill his archenemy... Superman. "What a spectacular day! And, how are we feeling today." Superman raised his head slightly and saw Luthor opening the cell door. "Oh... still feeling a little green around the gills are we? I, on the other hand, am feeling wonderful? `She's beautiful, therefore, to be wooed. She is woman. Therefore, to be won.' That's Henry V." Luthor hovered over Superman like a vulture waiting for its "dinner" to die. Lex couldn't let this "Superman" perish without taunting him first. `After all, the torture makes the killing part so much more enjoyable,' Luthor reminded himself. "Oh, I know it must be tough? Lying there, seeing me all decked up like this? On my way to marry Lois Lane while you lay there helplessly and suffer." Luthor pranced around the cage. All of the sudden he broke out into song. "And tonight. `Tonight, tonight, won't be just any night...' Lex suddenly stopped singing and stared off into the distance... as if he were deep in thought. "I love Lois. I do. I really do. But, she's just a little too independent. Don't you think? Well... I'll take care of that." "Clark Kent knows where I am!" "Well... yes. I'll have to kill him too. But, that reminds me." Luthor held up two cummerbunds. "The red or white? The red for passion or the white for purity. Well, I agree. Definitely the red..." The menacing billionaire took the white cummerbund and wrapped it around Superman's neck... cutting off the flow of oxygen and pinning his head to the cold, concrete floor. "Luthor..." was all that Superman could say before he reluctantly choked for another breath of air. Lex bent down and whispered into his ear, "Oh... how strange. How strange to hear you say my name and know that it may be for the last time." He quickly stood back up and indulged in one more reflective moment. "Am I making a mistake? Will the pain of losing the challenge that you represent be worse than the pain of constantly losing to you? Nah..." And with that, Lex closed the cell door and locked it. He dangled the keys before the super hero's eyes and placed them on a nearby barrel. `So close... yet, so far away,' Clark thought to himself. "I'll be back when it's over. Then, you and I can have a nice heart to heart. Have a nice death! Tonight, tonight..." Luthor bounded up the stairwell to greet his guests before the ceremony commenced. And, then there was silence. All Clark could hear was his labored breathing and all he could think about was "his" Lois. ************************* Lois stood in front of the full-length mirror. She saw herself in a beautiful wedding gown, but all she could concentrate on was the frown that had become a permanent fixture on her face. Her lips began to quiver and, slowly, the tears began to fall. "What's happening to me? This should be the happiest day of my life." She quickly grabbed a tissue and blotted her cheeks. She tried to take some deep, cleansing breaths. But, nothing seemed to help. "Ten minutes, Mrs. Luthor," a voice from the hallway alerted Lois to the impending nuptials. The gravity of the situation at hand hit her like a ton of bricks. "Mrs. Lex Luthor," she called out the name that would soon be a part of her identity. Somehow, it didn't sound quite right. "Lois Lane-Luthor." "Lois Luthor-Lane," she grimaced at every oral suggestion. "Lois Lane... Kent," her heart leapt into her throat. That name combination just seemed... to work. "Lois Lane," the tears began to fall once again. "Oh Mom, what am I gonna do?" Ellen Lane stepped into the full-length mirror's reflection and gently placed her arm around her eldest daughter. "Honey, if you're not sure..." "No... It's too late." "No, it's not. You do what your heart tells you to do." The women stared at each other's reflection as the time to wed drew to a close. ************************* Clark lay in his guilded cage still dressed as his alter ego. He eyed the keys that Lex had carelessly placed on top of the barrel. They were so close. He willed himself to sit up slightly. Superman took Lex's discarded white cummerbund from around his neck and threw the fashion accessory in the direction of the loan wine vat. To his dismay, Clark could hear strains of music as it filtered its way down into the dismal cellar. The Wedding March. He had to get out and stop the wedding. `She can't go through with this... she can't...' he thought as beads of sweat broke out on his face. ************************* Lois Lane stood behind the huge, wooden doors. They slowly opened in front of her. She witnessed an expectant crowd of on-lookers as she made her way into the room. The Wedding March was being played as she traveled down the beautifully decorated aisle. Suddenly, one by one, images of Clark Kent clouded her mind. His first day at the Planet... how she reacted towards him after being sprayed with the pheromone compound... when he resigned from the Planet during the Winter of '93 heat wave... the tenderness of his goodbye kiss... Clark's kisses. Even now they totally overwhelmed her. She suddenly shook herself from her revelries. Lois looked up and saw Lex Luthor smiling at her as she lethargically approached. His smile didn't have any effect on her. It never had. ************************* Superman repeatedly tried to utilize his super breath in order to recover the jail cell keys. The music was starting to deafen him and his urgency to escape hit a fever pitch. "Please, Lois, I love you. Please don't leave me... I ... can't `not' have you in my life." Clark's words died on his lips as he made one final attempt to retrieve the keys to his freedom... his future. ************************* "Dearly, Beloved. We are gathered here today to join this man and woman in holy matrimony," the ArchBishop proclaimed. `Holy matrimony,' Lois' subconscious cried out. `You can't do this... you don't love him... you are totally in love with someone else. Oh, Clark!' The ArchBishop made the final plea for those who might oppose to this union. Lois wanted to speak, but was still too wrapped up in her subconscious' plea to stop the wedding. ************************* Perry, Jack, Jimmy and members of the Metropolis Police Department pulled up in front of Lex Towers. They had evidence. Enough evidence to put Luthor away for several lifetimes. Arson, fraud, perjury, theft, murder... this was just a short list of charges against the world's third richest man. For the MPD, this arrest would be unprecedented. No single man or organization had ever gotten away with so much criminal activity. This would definitely be a feather in the city's cap. Perry was elated that his former employees were able to bring down a criminal mastermind. However, his thoughts were with Lois. The Chief made his way up the front steps and turned to see everyone else lagging behind. "What the sam hill is taking you so long? We've got a wedding to stop. Get a move on!" And with that final statement, Perry entered Luthor's high- rise. ************************* "And do you Lois take this man to be your wedded husband from this day forward, in sickness and health, to love and to cherish from this day forward till death do you part?" "I... I... I can't." "Lois..." "Perry..." "Stop the wedding. You can't marry this man!" "What... is there an echo in here? I just said that." Lex found himself in a dubious situation... a situation in which he had very little control. "What's the meaning of this?" Detective Henderson made his way through the crowd of gun yielding party crashers... or more precisely, members of the Metropolis Police Department. "This is a warrant for your arrest for arson and other crimes too numerous to mention." Lois glanced over at Luthor and saw his features take on a haunted look. A look of pure evil. A look that he had been successful in hiding... until now. Lex uncharacteristically began showing a total lack of self-control. He mouthed off idle threats as Henderson approached with the handcuffs. Luthor turned to Lois and kissed her hand. He expressed his regrets at the untimely interruption and then suddenly lunged himself at the police officers. Lex narrowly escaped the wedding hall. ************************* Superman tried one last time to latch onto the keys with Lex's cummerbund. The tip of the garment wrapped itself around the key ring due to some reserved super breath. Clark was able to gently tug the precariously wrapped item towards the jail cell. He picked up the keys and slowly got off the floor. His weak body continued to spasm. As he unlocked the cell door, Clark heard the door, at the top of the stairs, being unlocked. He exited the cage and found he was too tired to get away and too weak to defend himself. He judiciously hid behind the wine barrels hoping that the intruder would not find him. Lex frantically made his way into the cellar, yielding an axe. "Sorry, Superman. No time to chat. I'll just take my pound of flesh and be on my way..." Lex found himself talking to an empty cage. His eyes widened and began screaming at the top of his lungs. The "Boss" quickly fled from the premises. Clark huddled in the corner and managed a sigh of relief. ************************* Perry, Jimmy and Jack escorted a very confused Lois Lane out the front doors of Luthor's high- rise. All she could do was cry. "I've always been such a good judge of character." "Don't blame yourself, Lois. He fooled all of us." "Not me," Jimmy and Jack chimed together. "Where's Clark?" "Right here." Lois turned around to find her partner standing in close proximity. Their eyes met and they ran towards each other. Each clinging onto each other as if they'd never let go. Members of the MPD had surrounded Luthor Towers. One officer could be heard barking on a loud speaker warning Lex to surrender. "Look... he's gonna jump!" Lois and Clark's embrace abruptly ended yet they continued to cling to one another. They simultaneously looked up to find Lex Luthor teetering on his penthouse balcony ledge. They watched in baited breath as he jumped off the ledge and plummeted towards the concrete. Clark tried to levitate, but nothing happened. He had no powers and watched as Luthor fell to his death. The crowd that had gathered gasped as Luthor hit the concrete. Lois buried her head into Clark's chest and began to cry. The last few weeks had taken an emotional toll on Lois. She just needed to be with Clark. Clark looked down at the woman that he held. She needed him. He looked up at Perry; "I'm going to take her home." "Okay, son. You two try to get some rest. I know that the last several weeks have been pretty taxing on both of you." Clark watched a worried expression come over Perry's face. "Thanks Chief. For everything." ************************* Over the next several weeks, Clark and Lois hardly left each other's side. They talked and laughed. The conversations were kept light. No one mentioned the events that had led to Luthor's demise. The wounds were still too fresh, but the healing process had begun. They would heal together. Lois was reveling on how her relationship with Clark had changed. They seemed to be closer than they had ever been. Yet, Clark seemed more reserved, more tentative. As if he was now the one with self-imposed borders. Sometimes she would glance in his direction, and he almost looked sad... as if he had lost the love of his life. She stopped daydreaming long enough to look at the clock. "Oh my... Clark's gonna be here any minute." Lois applied lipstick and blotted her lips with a Kleenex. A slow smile spread across her face. She had been smiling a lot lately. She scampered across the room to put on her shoes. Perry had asked both of them to meet with him in front of what was left of the Daily Planet building. ************************* The former employees of the newspaper stood under what was left of Daily Planet globe. "I wish that they would just go ahead and tear this place down," Jimmy said as they made their way towards the boarded up entrance. ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 18:48:10 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Lara Blasingame Subject: NEW Fanfic: Revisiting the House of Luthor (Part 4 of 5) Title: Revisiting the House of Luthor Part: 4 of 5 Author: Lara Blasingame Rating: PG to PG-13 Feedback: All feedback, public and private is welcome "Yep. Too many memories. But, you know kid... there is a lesson to be learned here," Perry White droned on. "Why am I not surprised," Jack smiled. "We should appreciate what we've got, when we've got it." Lois looked over towards Clark. She had never appreciated her partner for the man he was, but that was about to change. Perry continued on, "But, what I just hate is that Luthor got his way on this one thing. I wish that I'd been able to find someone to rebuild the Planet." "You have." Perry turned around to find Franklin Stern, a local entrepreneur, standing in front of a covered object. "I've changed my mind. And besides, one more nail in Luthor's coffin is fine be me." Stern signaled to his men, and they pulled the tarp down to reveal a new Daily Planet globe. "Perry, I would like to talk to you about some of my plans. I want to take the Daily Planet into the next millennium." A jubilant Perry sauntered over to Stern as he described his plans regarding expansion and modernization. Clark looked at the globe, but redirected his attention towards Lois. "I've never seen anything more beautiful in my entire life." Lois turned around to find Clark looking at her. "You never gave up... on the Planet... on your friends... on me." "I couldn't. You just named probably everything in this world that's precious to me." "I don't think that I have ever... or will ever meet anyone quite like you." "Lois." "Clark, let me go first. There's something I want to tell you." "No, not this time. Lois, I'm so sorry about a lot of things. I wanted to bring Luthor down, but I never wanted to hurt you. I shouldn't have said anything about the way I felt toward you. It put you at an incredibly awkward position..." "No, Clark, I lo..." "The truth of the matter is that it wasn't true. I'm not in love with you." "You're not?" "Lois, I would have said anything to stop you from marrying Luthor." "Oh... Oh... Well, if that's how you feel." "I want the same thing you want... friends... partners... forever." "Forever." "What did you want to say, Lois." "Oh, nothing... what you said... somthing like that." Their gazes locked as their individual hearts began to break. Suddenly, Clark snapped his head up as his super hearing kicked in. Someone was in trouble. "Lois... I've got to... I've got something I need to do. I've gotta go." Clark took off across the street making his way towards the alleyway. Lois spun on her heels and watched as Clark ran across the street. "Clark, don't go. That's not what I wanted to say. I love you." Lois whispered under her breath. She watched Clark suddenly stop. His back stiffened as he slowly turned back around. Their gazes locked, once again, as he made his way back over to a very stunned Lois Lane. "What did you say?" "Huh... how could you have possibly heard..." "Please Lois... what did you say?" Overcome with shyness and scared to death to reveal what she had just admitted, Lois cast her eyes down towards the concrete. "Lois..." "Oh Clark... I can't." "Lois... please talk to me. Trust me." "Clark, I... I... I love you. I don't want..." Clark shut his eyes. His heart leapt with joy, but the cries for help were deafening. He had to get out of there. Placing his hand on Lois' cheek, Clark leaned over and kissed her. The kiss was passionate but, unfortunately, short-lived. "Lois, please believe me when I say I love you, too. You have no idea how much... I've got so much to tell you... but I've got to go..." "You've what?" "I have to... I wish I didn't, but it's a matter of life and death." For the first time in his life, Clark Kent considered, for a brief moment in time, not to answer an urgent cry for help. Yet, in the end, he knew that she would understand. `Oh the road to understanding... now that will be a bumpy one,' Clark thought to himself. "Hey, kids. Guess what?" Perry bellowed as he approached the preoccupied couple. "Stern has plans to get the Planet up-and-running by the end of the month. Great shades of Elvis, we'll be back in business." Perry's enthusiasm seeming very much out of place. "That's great, Chief. Listen I have really got to go! Lois, I'll talk to you later?" Clark searched her eyes but only found confusion. "I'll come by later. Okay?" "Fine." Clark spun on his heels and ran toward the alleyway allowing his super hearing to focus in on where the cries for help were originating. Meanwhile, Perry chattered incessantly about Franklin Stern and his grand plans for the Daily Planet. Lois understood that he was directing his chatter in her direction, but she was unable to respond to his spirited commentary. Her brain was processing information faster than she would have thought possible. Her eyes darted after Clark and watched as he entered the abandoned alley. Then, without warning, she heard a sonic boom. `Only a low flying jet and a local superhero could achieve such velocity. And, there certainly aren't any airstrips located in downtown Metropolis. Clark heard my whispered confession from across the street. His reason for leaving abruptly meant the difference between life and death.' The puzzle pieces of Clark Kent's life fell right into place. `Clark Kent is Superman. Superman is Clark Kent.' "Oh my... how could he... why would he... I can't believe he would do this to me... to us..." Lois' mumbled rage caught Perry off-guard as he focused in on her flushed face. "Lois, honey... are you alright?" "Huh?..." "Are you alright?" "Yea... I'll be fine. Once I get my hands around his grubby little neck..." Perry tried to suppress a grin. Somebody was in serious trouble. `When Lois Lane gets a bee in her bonnet... watch out. Poor sap won't even know what hit him.' "Uh, Lois... is it anybody I know?" Perry was riding on a hunch. A hunch that said that the `sap' in question was probably a good friend of his and the other half of the Planet's most heralded investigative reporting team. `Poor boy.' "Not for long!" Lois looked up to find a smile on her mentor's face. She understood that he was only trying to help, but she didn't think he knew any stories involving Elvis and men from outer space. "Listen, Perry, I appreciate what you're trying to do, but I've got to get out of here." "Lois, wait..." Lois trotted off in the direction of her Jeep half-heartedly turning around to give Perry the `old brush off.' "I'll call you next week, and you can tell me all about Mr. Stern's plans. Okay?" Without waiting for a response, she turned the corner and headed for the metered parking area. ************************* Lois stalked around her apartment like a caged animal. She was mad at him, mad at herself, and mad at the entire situation at hand. "How could I have been so stupid? A pair of glasses. What a dope." For a better part of the afternoon, Lois had been chastising herself, as well as, the man in Spandex. She had been unable to concentrate on anything else. Her attention had been diverted briefly by an encyclopedia salesman. After an uninterrupted tirade from Lois, the salesman decided that he would no longer try to solicit his products to the inhabitants of this apartment building, more precisely the inhabitant of this particular apartment. "Clark is Superman. Clark is Superman. I can't believe..." "Can't believe what?" Hovering outside of Lois' living room window was the before mentioned superhero. "Oh Clark... so nice of you to drop by." Clark cringed as he heard the vehemence in her voice. He was unsure if he should ask to come in or fly off and set-up camp in Australia? Africa? The Antarctic? "Can I come in?" "Oh... like I could stop you. You're faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a loco... "Lois, please. I know you're upset. Can't we just talk about this?" "Whatever... do what you want." Lois turned around and headed for the couch. More precisely, headed for the back of her couch. She had to put some distance between herself and the man who was cautiously entering her humble abode. Superman was unsure of where to start, but he knew that Lois would probably feel more comfortable talking to Clark. He spun quickly, changing into the suit and tie that he had been wearing before. Lois slowly turned around to find herself face to face with Clark Kent. "But, how did you..." Lois' anger subsiding a bit in awe of what she had seen, or rather hadn't seen. "It's a spin move I've perfected in order to save time when changing into the Suit. I can show you sometime if you'd like?" Clark stuffed one hand into his pocket and ran the other hand through his hair. He looked exactly like a whipped puppy dog. She shrugged her shoulders and got back to the matter at hand. Lois Lane was not going to let him off the hook that easily. "So..." "So..." Clark took a deep breath and wanted to get the proverbial ball rolling, but he had no idea where to begin. "So... let me get a few things straight. Did you or did you not tell me you loved me not two minutes after telling me that you didn't love me?" Without waiting for a response, Lois began firing off more questions. "You're Superman, right? You're from another planet? Anything else I should know about? Because you know now would probably be a good time to tell me." Crossed arms and indignant, Lois was going to be a force to be reckoned with. If it hadn't been such a soul-wrenching situation, Clark would have been grateful for her tirade. She was definitely getting her spunk back. Lois had lost so much during her engagement to Luthor. Her confidence had been severely shaken. Now, it seemed as if her confidence was shaken, once again, but this time she was able to handle or at least mask the insecurities that plagued her. Clark had to set the record straight. Their friendship and any future relationship depended on the outcome of this day's events. "Lois, why don't we sit down," Clark said as he motioned in the direction of the couch. Lois waited until Clark sat down and purposely put as much distance as she could between them by sitting at the opposite end of the sofa. Moments passed by as Clark mentally prepared himself for what surely lay ahead. "Well, let's start with the Superman issue. How did you figure it out?" Lois looked at Clark as if he had lobsters crawling out of his ears. "Oh I don't know... could it have been the fact that you heard me whisper something from across the street? Or was it because you suddenly had to leave in the middle of our intimate conversation? How you're always leaving abruptly with an urgent facial expression plastered on your face." Lois took a deep breath to calm her nerves, but to no avail. She was mad, and she wanted him to feel her wrath. "Could it have been the sonic boom I heard after you left?" She closed the distance between them, briefly, as she gingerly removed the glasses from his face and placed them on the coffee table. "Or could it have been a pair of glasses? You take your pick." Clark was shell-shocked. Not so much by her revelation, but by the detailed account of her findings. He knew how intuitive "Mad Dog" Lane's investigative skills were when it came to catching the bad guys. Unfortunately, he was the one on the hot seat during this interrogation. "I had hoped to be the one to tell you about my extracurricular activities, but you've seemed to have single handedly figured them out already." Clark looked up at Lois and her expression softened for a millisecond. Maybe there was hope for them yet. Lois' expression hardened almost immediately, "Why didn't you tell me?" "I've wanted to tell you, but it's not as easy as it sounds." "I'll bet..." Clark glared at Lois. "Now hold on! When we first met you treated me like horse droppings and idolized a guy who wore tights. You hardly gave me the time of day. It was easy not to tell you the truth. But lately, as we've gotten closer, I've wanted to tell you everything. But you were marrying Luthor. I couldn't have you know "that" about me." Slightly deflated, Lois stared off into the distance. "I didn't know he was evil, Clark." "I know you didn't, but I couldn't let you know the truth. If, God forbid, Lex had found out about my dual identity, and then realized that you knew about it... I can't even imagine what he would have done to you." Clark slowly inched his way across the couch to close the distance between them. "Lois?" "What?" It was now or never. "I want you to know everything. You know that... don't you?" "I guess so. I've just got a lot to think about." She finally found enough courage to look into her partner's eyes. "I suppose we've both made a lot of mistakes. I guess the first thing I want to ask you is..." "What?" "... Why you lied about loving me?" For a moment, Clark was astonished by her question. It wasn't about Superman at all. It was about Clark. "Well... I just didn't... I mean, I didn't want..." He couldn't believe how tongued-tied he had become. "I just didn't want our friendship to end." "Huh?" "I just didn't want you to feel awkward around me. That's all." "Oh..." "I guess I was a little hurt, too. You had already turned me down, and then proclaimed to Superman that you would love him even if he was an ordinary man." "Oh Clark..." "No Lois... please don't say anything. I seem to be on a roll here." A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he continued on, "I knew if I couldn't have you as a lover, I had to keep you as a friend. You don't know how much I care about you. I couldn't "not" have you in my life." For the first time, Lois sat in stunned silence, her anger slowly dissipating. He was laying it all on the line. She was going to have to do the same. "Oh Clark... I was going to do the same thing." ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 18:51:57 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Lara Blasingame Subject: NEW Fanfic: Revisiting the House of Luthor (Part 5 of 5) Title: Revisiting the House of Luthor Part: 5 of 5 Author: Lara Blasingame Rating: PG to PG-13 Feedback: All feedback, public and private is welcome "Huh?" Lois put her hands in her lap and began to crack her knuckles. Somehow this managed to calm her nerves... a little. "During my engagement to Lex, I found my thoughts returning to you. I was so confused. I was betrothed to one man, and having fantasies about another. And the closer the wedding got... well the more unsure I got. I was slowly losing my best friend and it was killing me. Yet, I had promised myself to someone else." "Oh... well I'm glad Perry got there in time to stop the wedding." "He didn't stop the wedding, Clark. I did." "You did? But, I thought Perry and Inspector Henderson..." Lois finally allowed herself a small smile. "Oh, they crashed the wedding alright. But, I had just told Lex that I couldn't marry him." The name, Lex Luthor, still managed to send a chill through Clark. And for a guy who didn't worry about temperature changes or getting sick, this was an especially significant phenomenon. "Why? I mean I'm glad that you did... I just..." Wondering whether or not she was willing to share all her secrets, Lois Lane did something she rarely did... bared her soul to another. "Because of you." "Me? But you said that you didn't..." "I know what I said." Lois glared in Clark's direction. "Are you going to hold that against me for the rest of my life?" Bemused by Lois' comment and satisfied with the thought of spending the rest of his life teasing her... loving her... caring for her... "No, Lois. I won't kid you about this for the rest of your life. Twenty... thirty years tops." "Hmph... As I was saying..." Lois continued on in a slightly exasperated tone, "... I was walking down the aisle and all I could do was think about you. Our first story together... how I reacted to Miranda's formula... the time I thought you were leaving Metropolis for good... our goodbye kiss." Lois Lane found herself blushing at that final thought. "I was going to marry Lex, because I thought it was too late to back out, but I was not going to let our friendship end. I couldn't let it end. It was... is the most important thing in the world to me. I planned on hounding you until you agreed to be my friend again. I couldn't "not" have you in my life either." Clark reached down and gently picked up her hand. "I don't want to be your friend anymore, Lois." Looking up into her brown eyes, he saw only confusion. "What I meant to say is... I don't seem to be very good at this, do I?" "What did you mean, Clark." Her uncharacteristically soft speaking tone gave him enough courage to continue, "I want more." Another set of "three little words" that made Lois' stomach do a flip. "Oh..." was all she could manage. "Lois, I have always wanted more, but I thought that we had plenty of time for our friendship to cultivate into a relationship. But when you agreed to marry Luthor... Well, I was slowly losing you to another man. I had waited too long to cultivate anything. I knew I had to tell you how I felt whether it was the right time or not. I had to try." Lois felt her eyes began to tear, "Clark, I am so sorry that I turned you down, initially, and then made a fool of myself over Superman. I was so flustered. I've cared for you for so long... I just didn't realize how much... up until now that is..." she said as a lone tear ran down her cheek. Clark couldn't stand it any longer. He closed the distance between them and gently wiped the tear from her moist cheek. "Please don't cry. Look on the bright side. At least we were both able to figure out everything... just in time." Clark began to grin, "Of course, the last month has been terribly painful, full of self-doubt and confusion, but I figure that we can only go uphill from here." Lois began to chuckle and the tears vanished, "Given how well my past relationships have gone... Yeah, I'd have to say things will only improve." "Relationship... is that what we have?" "Well, yes... I mean I thought..." Clark saw a flash of insecurity pass over her delicate features. "Lois, honey, don't. I just wasn't sure if you were ready for relationship right now. I'm just glad that I no longer have to pretend that I'm not head- over-heels in love with you. Take as much time as you need. I'll wait for you." And, he would wait. Lois suddenly stood up, placing her hands on her hips, "So, do you want to be my boyfriend... or not." Her stone-cold features impetuously broke out into a full-blown smile. Clark grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her down to sit on his lap. He was so happy that he began to laugh out loud. "I would love to be your boyfriend. So does this mean we're going steady?" "Oh you!" Lois said a she playfully slapped at his chest. "Lois," Clark began in a quieter tone, "You have made me the happiest man on Earth. I love you so much." Their gazes locked as they slowly leaned closer together. Clark reached up to place a hand on her cheek and slowly closed the gap between them as he put his lips on hers. The kiss was all it should be... full of passion and tenderness... a kiss that one lover gives to another. After several moments, they broke apart gasping for air. Lois looked into his rich brown eyes and saw her future. "I love you too, Clark Kent." "What about Superman?" "What about him... I mean... what about you. I hate talking about you in the third person." "Mom does too. I even get a little confused sometimes... and he's me!" Clark began to run his fingers through Lois' silky brown hair, "What I meant was... is it okay that I am Superman, too?" "Oh that! Well... it certainly will take some time to get used to the whole idea. For a year now, I've thought of you as two different people. There is so much that I don't know. But, I think it's something I can probably get use to." Lois lowered her eyes for a moment, "Besides... I think it's kinda sexy." "Really?" In his attempt to lower his pulse rate, Clark began to rattle off his life history. "Well... I was born on another planet. But you already know that much..." Lois quickly interrupted, "Clark... don't get me wrong. I want to hear all about your alter ego, but I'm more interested in the mild mannered reporter right now." "Really?" "Yes, really. I'll `interview' Superman later." All she could do was giggle. "I have much more important things on my mind right now." Clark's smile slowly disappeared when he saw the passionate look that his partner was giving him. "Who's Superman?" "That's a good boy. Now come to Momma." And he did. ************************* The interview eventually took place... but that's a whole other story. The End :) ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 21:04:45 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Sandy McDermin Subject: Re: Alt world fiction MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Wendy Richards wrote: > > On Wed, 9 Jun 1999 08:47:49 -0600 Erin Klingler wrote: > > > > > Awwwww, you're too kind, Wendy. I'm blushing. :) As for your "great > > writer" comment...shyeah, right. I feel *very* outclassed > [snip] > > Yeah, right! (as you say!) *Three* Kerth awards this year, including > the award for Best Story - that makes a great writer in my opinion! > > Wendy Oh, I think there are a few good writers who haven't won a Kerth. Some write nfic, a few have been inadvertently overlooked, and others left folcdom before the Kerth's were a twinkle in anyone's eye; so unfortunately, they're not around to interact and promote their work. Sometimes because of this, I feel these authors' efforts lose out when new readers are looking for good stories. For better or worse, the L&C fanfic archive tends to draw a new reader's attention to the stories which have won Kerths. I guess I can understand that since there are so many stories now, and an overwhelmed reader has to begin somewhere. It's the logical place to begin. But, it still smarts when the rest of us have to cajole people to look beyond the Kerths and pull our work from the bottom of their pile. The author of Kerthless but, hopefully, quality work, Sandy ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 19:21:22 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: Re: NEW: MY JOURNAL - Day 1 (SPOILERS) In-Reply-To: <003601beb1c3$681fb4c0$7731e7d0@gremlino> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 11:24 AM 06/08/1999 -0400, Peggy wrote: >>>I thought at first that Clark's hairless state was >>>peculiar to Kryptonians, but I've noticed that other television >>>characters suffer from the same malady -- Captain Kirk, for example. I >>>don't know if he's ever tried black coffee. >> >>I think in Dean's case it's due to his Asian background. I don't know about >>Shatner since he's... Canadian ;) (Maybe he's part Native American? I knew a >>sunny-blond Cherokee named Cherry one time) >> >OOps! Debby, I always assumed that Clark was smooth for the same reason >that Captain Kirk was smooth--the producers made him shave for the show! >When I read your story, I thought your comment about the coffee was a >mischievous reference to that-- my mistake! Guess I'd better check things >out before sticking my foot in mouth again. I think Dean's hairlessness is due to his genes. If he shaved, I don't think he would have been embarrassed as he seemed to be in that interview :) I don't know about Shatner's chest. Nor, actually, do I wish to... ;) Debby Charter member, Cat Grant Fan Club (was Teri Hatchr a secret member...?) ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 19:53:38 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: Re: Cat Grant... The woman behind the fashion statement (was... s... Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 03:48 PM 06/06/1999 -0400, you wrote: >[snip]So, while there >may have been deeper facets to Cat Grant, I am still left wondering how she >had the time or energy to exploit and explore them. > > ("Doesn't "we" (oui) mean "yes" in French?" "Not in >Smallville." ;) Even though I don't share it (no surprise there), I find your opinion interesting. It comfirms, to me, that it's difficult to move beyond the easy stereotypes TV gives us--indeed, that TV uses to train us in how to see the world. I'm glad that fanfic has given us all, writers and readers alike, the chance to explore characters and to breathe life into them. I enjoy doing that a great deal. Debby ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 19:38:24 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Cindy Haste Organization: SYMVIONICS, Inc. Subject: Little Man, Super MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Note to Self: Stop reading fanfic in cubicle at work. Fellow cell mates are becoming obviously alarmed by the lunatic frequently giggling to herself. I read the Author's Notes, and with the hint that Little Man, Super had a spoiler for another story at the site, decided to read that one first, only to discover that the story I needed to read first was part three of a trilogy. Bummer :). A few uninterrupted days later, taking time only to satisfy my boss' ridiculous obsession for my actually producing work related materials while he pays me and to eat an occasional meal, I finished all four stories. All four stories in the series (although I know Little Man, Super can stand alone for younger or the more sheltered reader) were funny, exciting and moving. My heart was racing so fast toward the end of Taken that I was contemplating the need for a paper bag to breath into to stop myself from hyperventilating. The word "RUN" kept playing loudly through my mind. Little Man, Super is the latest reason my co-workers pass my cubicle carefully. I muffled the giggles as best I could, but "gopher world" isn't sound proof. Having had the urge to simultaneously cuddle and chastise little boys of my own I empathized with Parents facing dilemmas worse than any I'll ever face. That earring my son wants seems so normal now. My thanks to both Sandy McDermin, a talented Author, and to all of you on the list who "ordered" me to the site by your reviews. ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 22:35:50 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Stephani E. VanWert" Subject: Re: Request for Story Editor MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Would someone also be willing to edit for me? ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 22:47:46 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Stephani E. VanWert" Subject: Re: Little Man, Super MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit what are all four stories called? I want to read them all! ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 21:53:55 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Sheila Harper Subject: Re: Alt world fiction Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 09:04 PM 6/9/99 -0400, Sandy McDermin wrote: >Oh, I think there are a few good writers who haven't won a Kerth. >The author of Kerthless but, hopefully, quality work, >Sandy Sandy, don't expect that situation to continue beyond next year's Kerth awards. Even if you don't win, I'll be utterly shocked and more than a little disappointed if you don't get a Kerth nomination out of "Little Man, Super." (That, BTW, is all I ever got out of "A Shot in the Dark," even though I got more praise for it than for all my other stories put together.) I thought "Little Man, Super" is the best thing you've written. Jonny's p.o.v. was utterly, utterly real: I never doubted for a minute that he was a seven-year-old. And his relationship with his sister and his parents was perfect. You've always had a good handle on writing a well-plotted, suspenseful A-plot, so I was expecting that, but I thought your characterization surpassed anything you'd done before. Jonny's dilemma was so poignant, but also realistic for Superman's son, and the resolution followed naturally once his parents knew what was going on. There were some lines that still make me smile, particularly Francine's recognition of Clark: "this man was Jonny Superman's father -- a big girl size version of the handsome and charming little boy sitting in her kitchen nook." I liked it. A lot. And you don't have to hope your work is good quality. It is. Sheila ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 20:04:36 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Cindy Haste Organization: SYMVIONICS, Inc. Subject: Re: Little Man, Super MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit "Stephani E. VanWert" wrote: > what are all four stories called? I want to read them all! Keeping in mind that three are nfic, and you need to be over 18 to read them they can be found here. If you're under 18, wait and consider reading the stories a birthday present to yourself. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 00:40:13 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kathy Brown Subject: Fanfic Archive on "Summer Vacation" Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ** Fanfic Archive on "Summer Vacation" ** Just to let everyone know, the L&C Fanfic Archive will be on "summer vacation" for the next month. A few stories will continue to be posted over the next few weeks, since I have asked Lauren to space out the handful of stories we had in queue so you are not completely fanfic deprived . But I will not be assigning new stories for editing until early to mid-July when I return from my vacation. (Funny how that works, the archive vacations at the same time I do. ;)) If you have any Archive related questions/problems in the meantime, feel free to write Demi . To go along with this, I will be off-line for much of the next month. If you have stories to submit to the Archive, you can send them to me, but they will just be sitting on my ISP's server until I get back in town to check my mail. Thus, you may want to just hold onto the story to ensure nothing gets lost. If you haven't heard anything back on your submission by the 3rd week of July, better write me to follow up at that time, to be sure I got the story. ** S6 and other stuff ** As Pam mentioned in her last message, the schedule for the remaining three S6 episodes is up on her mirror S6 site. Pam will be posting this Sunday's episode to the fanfic list (as well as her site), then the next episode will be ready in mid July. (Yeah, yeah, I know; we are making you wait a month between eps ... but considering we've added 2 episodes to our schedule over what was originally planned, we figured you'd be willing to suffer. ) I will be going NOMAIL on this list for the next few weeks; thank goodness for the website which archives all these posts; otherwise I'd never get caught up. :) If you have anything that you need me to see from this list, please send it to me privately, preferably after the first week of July. And I'll still be around until Friday morning, so if it's an emergency, catch me in the next 24 hours. :) Talk to everyone soon, and have a great month! Kathy (who is taking a driving vacation around the western US ... staying with Erin for a few days ... and hoping to hook up with Sheila as well!) _________________________________ Kathy Brown Editor-In-Chief Lois & Clark Fanfic Archive KathyB on IRC _________________________________ ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 02:09:30 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Maggie Subject: Re: Sandy's Fiction...... MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit yes, I am up at 2 am don't ask why Ahem...the Official Kerth Groupie (and ever so proud of it!) speaks........(babbles is more like it....) ******warning......DroolALERT......******** Sandy, you, er, *forgot* to mention that you are in the Fan Fiction Goddess Hall of Fame, and I for one, assure you that is an Award of the Highest Honor (it's right up there with the wizard granting you heart, but below getting your third wish >from a genie <--maggie-logic!) I know this award reflects the Pinnacle of Fan Fiction achievement, because well, I created it! ;o) And *I* being a fan fiction addict and all, happen to be an Expert! just my 12 pennies........ (with the way I babble, 2 cents would never be enough for me.) Maggie who looked forward to Little Man, Super before it was posted like some people looked forward to Star Wars (aka supermags on IRC) My rationale is that there are people starving all over the world, so I don't bother to waste food by attempting to prepare it. And the world thanks me for that! --My friend Margaret on Cooking :o) ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:40:47 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: Re: Alt world fiction MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sheila wrote: >Sandy, don't expect that situation to continue beyond next year's Kerth >awards. Even if you don't win, I'll be utterly shocked and more than a >little disappointed if you don't get a Kerth nomination out of "Little Man, >Super." It's certainly already sitting in my Kerth 2000 nominations file, so that I don't forget it when the time comes. ;) LabRat :) Doc. Klein's LabRat "What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet." -- Woody Allen, Without Feathers, 1976. "I won't eat anything that has intelligent life but I would gladly eat a network executive or politician." - Marty Feldman. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 10:56:59 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: Re: Alt world fiction In-Reply-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Sandy replied to my posting: > Oh, I think there are a few good writers who haven't won a Kerth. Absolutely; I would never doubt that for an instant! > > Some write nfic, a few have been inadvertently overlooked, and others > left folcdom before the Kerth's were a twinkle in anyone's eye; so > unfortunately, they're not around to interact and promote their work. > Sometimes because of this, I feel these authors' efforts lose out when > new readers are looking for good stories. For better or worse, the L&C > fanfic archive tends to draw a new reader's attention to the stories > which have won Kerths. I guess I can understand that since there are so > many stories now, and an overwhelmed reader has to begin somewhere. [snip] Well, one other place to start is Pam Jernigan's very helpful Fanfic Recommendations Site - I've made a number of contributions to that site based on personal favourites, and I'd encourage other readers to do the same. And Sandy, you know I admire your work ;) Wendy ---------------------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 06:26:24 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: No Name Available Subject: Re: Alt world fiction MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 06/10/1999 4:42:09 AM Eastern Daylight Time, labrat@UKF.NET writes: << It's certainly already sitting in my Kerth 2000 nominations file, so that I don't forget it when the time comes. ;) >> Ooh, and I was wondering how'd I'd remember the most wonderful stories I've been reading. What a novel idea. Naturally, Little Man, Super was on the top of my (well, non written down) list! --Laurie (the Ord one) ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 04:26:19 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: My Journal, Day 3, Amendment, Introduction Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" TITLE: My Journal Day 3, Thursday, May 5, Amendment, part 0 of 4 AUTHOR Debby Stark, RATING PG-13 FEEDBACK Comments welcome in all forums No Editing please (though you can fix typos) SUMMARY Read Days 1,2 and 3 before Day 3 Amendment. All portions of this story are or will be available on my site, Clark Kent's adventures in Metropolis continue. There are no attachements for this episode. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 04:26:00 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: My Journal, Day 3, Amendment Part 1 of 4 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" TITLE: My Journal Day 3, Thursday, May 5, Amendment, Part 1 of 4 AUTHOR Debby Stark, RATING PG-13 FEEDBACK Comments welcome in all forums No Editing please (though you can fix typos) SUMMARY Read Days 1,2 and 3 before Day 3 Amendment. All portions of this story are or will be available on my site, Clark Kent's adventures in Metropolis continue. There are no attachements for this episode. All characters below belong to DC Comics and Warner Brothers unless they are my own creations. Story by Debby Stark, Submitted on June 10, 1999 My Journal Thursday, May 5, late - Amendment This is an amendment to my last journal entry. It's an amendment because it's almost midnight and today isn't over yet. I'll just put down the basics, go to bed, flesh it out in the morning, and send it before I head for work. I'm certain now it will be intercepted, but I'm equally certain my encryption and compression codes will not be broken. I also have this funny feeling that if I'm a little late getting into the newsroom, I'll be forgiven. How's this for a summary in 25 words or less? I didn't go to the ball game; instead, I was kidnapped. Yes, your farmboy-scholar-warrior-journalist has at last been abducted! And it wasn't an ordinary, run-of-the-mill, demand-ransom, Stockholm-syndrome-inducing kidnapping - no! I think I'm still a little dizzy from the experience - metaphorically speaking only because, of course, I wasn't hurt. Which they don't know and I'm *not* about to tell them. This evening I discovered it's easy to fake a fear of being injured and then to follow up by "suffering" from strains, pains, etc. Watching TV pays off: I'm a better actor than I thought! Enough babbling. Besides, this is called *journalizing,* and I'm *allowed* to babble here. After washing dishes and hiding away my computer, I was out on the sidewalk at seven, waiting for Jimmy and his big friend. I was wearing my relaxing-in clothing. Before you say "So what?" this does come into play peripherally later on. For relaxing I have two pairs of comfortably worn jeans, a T-shirt (with the Smallville Post logo and " - the Tricounty's window to the world" over the left upper pocket area), and a roomy plaid shirt. I wore that shirt rather than my T-shirt because I expected it would be cool and I should dress for the weather. I was right about the temperature since it did rain again, a breezy sprinkle about 10:30 as I was returning - or rather, being returned home. So I was comfortable and anxious to get to the game and have some fun cheering for both teams (I was that desperate). Finally I saw an unassuming, dark-green Chevy van turning the corner up the block to my left, from the south. It wasn't quite the color Jimmy had mentioned, but I hoped it was the right vehicle anyhow since it was ten minutes after seven already. Sure enough, it pulled to a stop out in middle of the street, almost in front of me. It couldn't park since cars were already lined up on both sides of the street, but the traffic was light, its stopping out there didn't bother anyone. I stepped into the street between two cars, tentative, prepared to turn back and wait some more. As I walked out, a very large man opened the driver's side door. Most people have to step down out of vans; he rose. This could only be Jimmy's friend. I wondered why he didn't simply unlock the passenger-side door and signal that I could get in, but perhaps he thought it better to meet me out on the street first. I remembered his reported penchant for hugging, too; he probably didn't want to try that inside his van. Jimmy was nowhere in sight, but as the van's windows were dark, the sky dusky and the street in deep shadows, I figured he was sitting in back and I'd see him soon enough. I was almost right. Jimmy's dark-complexioned friend was easily five inches taller than me and broader and a lot heavier, just as Jimmy had described. He wore sunglasses, despite it being so late in the day, and nondescript clothing. Not exactly going-to-a-baseball-game clothing, but what do I know? Otherwise, he did indeed look like he could play football. He looked like he could be a whole team on his own. Jimmy said he works in several capacities with the Metropolis Symphony Orchestra. That might make an interesting story to tell sometime, or so I thought when I first heard about it. Now I have no idea if it's true. As we approached each other, I smiled and held out my hand. "Hi. I'm Clark--" And that's as gentlemanly as I was allowed to get. He took my hand in his big mitt and yanked me forward - *not* to give me a bear hug but to pull me around and slam me into the side of the van. If he did this to disorient and stun me, he succeeded in the latter, but I was not so surprised I forgot I better *act* stunned. Why I didn't fight back, I don't know. Maybe because I tend to sidestep potential fight situations. It wouldn't have been a fair fight in any case, just one that was over fast. On second thought, that's not a bad thing. I did yelp, "Hey!" and I gasped. He twisted my right arm around and grabbed my left, pulling it behind me, too. I worked up an alarmed gasp and struggled uselessly. As I put on this show, another, much smaller man, opened the van's sliding side door and jumped out. This swarthy fellow was wearing a baseball cap pulled low over his eyes and he also wore sunglasses. Together, Jimmy's friend(?) and the baseball cap man, in a swift performance, handcuffed my wrists with plastic handcuffs I'd only seen before on TV, put a gag in my mouth and tied it there securely, and pulled me away from the car a few feet. Baseball Cap Man took my glasses off, folded them and put them in my shirt pocket, snapping the pocket shut, while Jimmy's friend put some kind of padding over my eyes and taped it into place. All these moves, from grab to blindfold, took less than twenty seconds. After that, my chances to stop the assault in a normal fashion were pretty much nil. I should mention here that I have no trouble seeing through my eyelids, though it's something I have to desire to do. That's a good thing or I think I'd have a lot of trouble sleeping. Of course the blindfold made no difference at all. So, securely tied up, I was aimed toward the van's open door and pushed into the dark interior, though not until Baseball Cap Man made sure I wouldn't trip over the threshold. This sign of care was another thing that made me decide it was a good idea to continue playing along. I'm sure that at any point I could have made the handcuffs look as if I'd found some sharp point (in reality, my thumbnail) to slice through the plastic. The rest of the escape would be easy because I'd take them by surprise. I do wonder why no one on the street raised an alarm. There were pedestrians and drivers all along the avenue and surely my abduction had been witnessed by at least one person. Does this kind of violence happen so often in this city that witnesses are accustomed to it? Do they shrug and look away? Are they apathetic or, worse, afraid? Have they lost hope? Do they need inspiration? I don't know, and I don't know what to do about it. As soon as I was inside and on the carpeted floor, Baseball Cap Man got in and pulled the sliding door shut with a slam. I presume that Jimmy's friend returned to the driver's seat, for moments later we were on the move at a leisurely pace. I remembered I should still be "struggling." This renewed activity prompted Baseball Cap Man to pat my shoulder and warn, "Now, quiet down, young man." This was my cue to add some anguished, panicked sounds. In response, he thrust a finger into my shoulder and said sternly, "This is a gun. You *will* be quiet or you'll hurt yourself." I cringed away from the "gun" and stopped thrashing about. This was good because I had no desire to actually kick anyone or do any other damage, and the van's movements made it somewhat difficult to coordinate *not* hurting anyone. Also, despite everything - and there had been a lot of "everything" already - I didn't feel any anguish. I'm not sure why. I *should* have been upset. Maybe after seeing what happened to those dozens of people on the freeway this morning and doing so little for them, I just couldn't feel very worried about myself in comparison. Also, I was still curious about what the heck was happening and why it was happening to *me*. I've never thought myself so important as to merit this kind of attention! Jimmy was sitting at the far end of the van, watching me. He looked resigned, grim. I'm glad he didn't look merry or I think a lot of my fascination with my plight might have worn off then and there. He didn't say a word - to me. He and Baseball Cap Man spoke in whispers they probably expected the noise of the van to cover. However, neither of them said anything that gave me a clue about what would happen next. Jimmy was worried about my mental state. Baseball Cap Man in response relaxed his "gun," squeezed my shoulder, and kept his hand there, a comfort. Bad guys aren't supposed to do that kind of thing, so what was I supposed to think about all this? We drove around the downtown area of the city for about 25 minutes, taking rights and lefts and crossing our own path several times. Because I've seen so little of Metropolis, I didn't recognize most of what I glimpsed through the thinner spots of the van's lead-based paint. I do remember it all, though, if I need to, I think I can find the building we pulled into. (continued) ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 04:26:07 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: My Journal, Day 3, Amendment Part 2 of 4 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" TITLE: My Journal Day 3, Thursday, May 5, Amendment, Part 2 of 4 AUTHOR Debby Stark, RATING PG-13 It was some kind of parking garage. We slowed down and began winding our way downward. In time, we stopped. Baseball Cap Man opened the van's sliding door and Big Friend came around to help me out so I wouldn't trip. They didn't drag me or throw me out like I've seen on TV adventure shows. I've always thought that was needlessly cruel. I made a show of being unsteady on my feet and wincing and all that. With a man on either side of me (and Jimmy trailing behind), I was walked through an entrance with a metal door and push bar; down a long, dusty, concrete corridor; and through some undecorated, poorly lit rooms and a few more generic doors and corridors. They don't show this boring detail in TV shows, though I've observed that most kidnapped people easily find their way out of buildings; rooms they are kept in are inevitably close to exit doors and parking lots. Not in my case. Finally we came to yet another generic room reminiscent of a concrete bunker, and there we stopped. Big Friend left quietly at that point. We had lost Jimmy back early in the last corridor. Baseball Cap Man maneuvered me into a wooden chair, ordered me to sit and informed me that he would be watching me closely. Then he walked over to a table and chair, both set off to my right and somewhat behind me, and sat down. He picked up this evening's edition of the Planet, opened it and began to read. He was turned away from me, apparently not the least bit worried that I'd give him any trouble. I suppose he was right not to worry. While all this walking to nowhere had become boring, at last I had the chance to take a good look around... at nothing. The walls were thick and beyond them were similar rooms, corridors, and fill dirt. I suspect I was still in the sprawling basement of the parking structure which was definitely part of a much larger building, perhaps a complex of buildings. Maybe it was a mall. Maybe these rooms were supposed to be storage areas and no one was using them. I tried looking up, through the ceiling, but what I saw was confusing and difficult to decipher. Water and electrical conduits, floors, walls and sidewalks with reinforced concrete, and a lot more dirt. Normal things, I'm sure, but too normal to help me recognize where I was. On TV there are always clues. In real life, there is the overwhelmingly ordinary. About twenty minutes later, a pretty young woman entered the room and said to my watcher, "Can you help me stand him up?" I could hear him put down his paper. "I don't think you're supposed to be here yet." "I know, I know, but it's for something else. Come on, help me?" "All right...." He helped me to my feet. I realized I had been acting too passive and cooperative up to this point, which wasn't realistic, so I decided to show them I wasn't intimidated. I started by shrugging off his hold and backing away from him and the short-statured woman. To add to the tension, I made sure to knock over the chair and swear at them a bit through the gag (I'm sure it sounded like swearing, anyhow) before letting myself be rounded back up again. My momentary rebellion didn't change anything, not even their expressions. It occurred to me that they'd done this kind of thing before. The man stood behind me, hands gripping my shoulders. She stood before me, took my glasses out of my shirt pocket, handed them to the man behind me, and began unbuttoning my shirt. Wow. Wait a minute, this kind of thing wasn't supposed to happen, was it? I tried to shrink away, which wasn't an act. The last woman to undress me was *Mom*! (I was ten, and I had come to realize recently that she was more than one of my very best friends - she was a *girl*! Besides, back on that summer day, I didn't think I needed any help undressing because there was nothing wrong. I was covered with mud, yes, she as right: it happens when helping friends dig a swimming hole. My clothing was not ruined and I didn't need to remove it since I was going right back outside after dinner. Besides, my clothes were just "seasoned" or "marinated," words Mom had used herself the evening before, in a different context, but still....) My arguments hadn't swayed Mom, the swimming hole was never finished, and I had no (normal) way to tell this woman stripping me now to stop it! Not that she wasn't worth taking one's clothes off for, I suppose. She was pretty. She had hair cut in a page-boy style, nice eyes, a pert nose and full lips. But that's not the point. She had a businesslike look on her face as she finished the unbuttoning quickly and opened my shirt. The man let go of me long enough for her to slip it off as far as the handcuffs would allow. Then she unsnapped my jeans. I really could have been out of there in a second. But before I had to figure out how to do that and not give anything away - *any*thing - the man behind me spoke up. "Stop right there." "But I need to--" "No, you don't." She looked around me at him. "Yes, I do." The man, into whose hands I realized I was pressing, turned very fatherly and protective: "No. You. Don't." The young woman frowned at him, determined to.... Did she really want to do that or was it just another in a long succession of teases? I reminded myself I should be making some noises and shaking my head at her to indicate my real distress and confusion about all this. She frowned up at me next, sighed in exasperation, rolled her eyes... and backed down. "All right, but if they don't fit, don't blame *me*, *I* tried." "You won't be blamed, they'll fit." What will fit? The young woman dug into a pocket and pulled out a yellow cotton tape measure. At this point I heard people in the distance, beyond the closed door and down the hall. One of the people was Jimmy. "He was *great* this morning! He couldn't have passed a better test if we'd planned it ourselves." A woman's voice - the voice of the woman who talked to Jimmy on the phone on Tuesday! "Phase One him" woman! - said, "His coverage was insipid--" "No, it wasn't." "--like the theatre article." "That's different! What did you expect? Even Steve's having a hard time getting the information you want on that." "Anyone could see Perry's rewrites--" "So? He never rewrote you?" "--and that fake interview with Henderson--" "It wasn't fake. Henderson likes him. Everyone likes him. I got a picture of them talking together." "Autographed? I bet not." "Of course not. But he gave me some plastic handcuffs to use so there wouldn't be any rope burns. *He* thinks Clark will work out, too." I heard them stop. The woman said quietly, "Henderson never used to give interviews and handcuffs to anyone but me...." "Well, you're weren't there, were you?" The woman had no retort for that. Other than that they were obviously talking about me, *why* were they talking about me? What will I work out for? Why wasn't she wherever "there" was? The woman in front of me measured the lengths of my arms and wrote the results on a slip of paper. "*Well*," the woman down the hall continued, more tersely, more urgently than before, both in her renewed walk (it sounded like she was wearing running shoes) and her speech pattern: "*I'm* the one who decides if he'll work out. *I'm* the one who's responsible! He'd *better* be worth all this! I'm really busy!" "He's got everything you've been looking for! Heart and soul - he proved that in the theater. Courage - stopping that mad professor who didn't have a bomb after all and then interviewing him. And this morning! This morning was awful! It was the worst accident I've ever seen, but he was a hero! He didn't even flinch--" She stopped again. "A hero who doesn't flinch? It sounds like he has no conscience - maybe he *likes* violence--" "No! I saw him helping plenty of people, really *helping* them. And except for when he did that, he didn't look happy at all. He just didn't let the headless corpses and the body parts and the babies screaming bother him enough to keep him from working. Neither did I." "That wouldn't bother any *good* reporter." "Well, that's what I'm saying." The woman in front of me slipped her measuring tape around my waist. It tickled. I am ticklish sometimes and I didn't like her finding that out. She chuckled, hesitated as she adjusted the tape, touching me unnecessarily.... Then she noted what she got - numbers and absolutely *nothing* else - and jotted these down, too. "You really are *some*thing...." she added with a pleased-sounding sigh. Wow. No - I told myself then - *not* wow. Hers *wasn't* a compliment, not with me in that position. I swear I could have left any time I wanted to, but as long as the fellow behind me was watching out for my interests (in a warped sort of way considering the part he'd played in kidnapping me) and he wouldn't allow the woman to do whatever she wanted, what kind of reporter would I be if I left in the middle of the biggest story of my life? A really dumb reporter, that's what! Besides, I told myself, I could ignore what was essentially harmless ogling. But I also found myself wishing I were having even ten percent as much fun as she was having. If I had thought a little harder and foreseen this situation, I might have come up with a way to control it. But I didn't. I don't like being a victim in any form whatsoever, particularly when I've been careless and gotten myself into the situation. (continued) ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 04:25:05 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: My Journal, Day 3, Amendment Part 3 of 4 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" TITLE: My Journal Day 3, Thursday, May 5, Amendment, Part 3 of 4 AUTHOR Debby Stark, RATING PG-13 Jimmy and the other woman began walking again, very close. Their conversation was far more interesting to concentrate on. She said, "All right, so he didn't faint. I'm not impressed. This is all just too important for me to waste any more time--" "Well, it's been all *your* idea." "--on any more men who just aren't up to the task. I'm not asking for much. I never do." "Right. Then *I* could do what you want." "You're not tall enough and you don't look the part. Look, it's almost nine already and he should be--" They opened the door (it was to my left) and enter the room. I turned my head as though I forgot I couldn't see them. She stopped in her tracks. She could sure see me. "--naked - I mean...." She blinked. "*ready.*" The little blond woman in front of me zipped her tape measure from around my chest, where she had been lingering beyond any reasonable length of time, unless she was trying to get measurements during both my inhales and exhales. The new woman - small statured, too, and dressed in black from head to toe; a knit cap pulled down over her forehead; brown, chopped-off-looking hair sticking out from under the cap in back; the skin of her face smudged with camouflage paint - roared: "What *are* you doing?!" The measuring woman quickly ran her tape from my waist to my heel, then took my left thigh circumference. She had to be some kind of expert to be so efficient when she wanted (or was forced) to be. "Nothing," she said. The woman in black (I was beginning to suspect who she was) marched up, grabbed the measuring woman by her right arm, and dragged her out into the hall, reaching back in to pull the door closed with a slam. Baseball Cap Man said, "Well." He positioned the chair behind me, bumped the backs of my legs lightly with it and said, "Sit." I sat down. Note, dear great-grandchildren, that he didn't make any move to redress me. Jimmy, over in the corner, didn't move, either, and didn't say a word. He looked like he *wanted* to talk, but his eyes alone communicated his alarm: he was staring at the door as though he feared it would open again and a small, strong hand would snake out, grab him and drag him away next. After a few moments, during which time his fears didn't materialize, he whistled a silent "whew," looked at Baseball Cap Man and shrugged helplessly... but with just a touch of a smile about his lips. I got the impression this kind of outburst was not exactly new to him. As for the women, I wouldn't be surprised if I found out tomorrow that everyone from Hobbs Bay to Green Hills heard the one in black yelling, "He is *not* ready for a suit yet! *I* have *not* decided he's ready for *any*thing!" Measuring Woman's voice was quieter. "So? I'm not measuring him for *that* suit. *You're* the one who wants him at that ball, remember? Tuxes are going fast and I couldn't believe his measurements--" "Yeah, right. Like you couldn't believe Claude's or Fred's, either." "Or Robert's or Bill's--" "There's been no Robert." "Well, they all look alike after awhile. Except him, he's--" "I'll decide, that, too!" "*You'll* scare him off! Hey, I just saw the chance to get some work done *and* have a little fun--" "Don't play games, Maxine, especially with me. I don't have time for it. This is a deadly serious business." Maxine (Max?) snorted. "Someday everybody's going to get deadly tired of you being deadly serious all the time, Lois." By gosh, I thought, I'm right! It's her! She's not as tall as I thought she'd be. Lois Lane, queen of the underground (or not), held her head high and said, "They can be replaced." "No, they can't, *we* can't." Measuring Woman tried this calmly: "All we want is results and until we get results, don't blame us if we--" "'We' is *you,* pawing everyone--" "I was getting his *measurements*--" "--and the we who are *working* are getting results every day!" "Oh, yeah?" "Yeah! Yes! And we - including *you* - *have* to move carefully. I know we've had some failures, some setbacks, and I take full responsibility for every one of them. But that means I can't let you do something stupid like... like...." She waved in my direction. "Well, I didn't hurt him." "That is *not* the point--" "Besides, *I'm* responsible for getting him into at least *one* suit--" "Well, I hope you got what you came for because you're not going back in there." With this, Lois Lane somehow looked bigger and meaner. Maxine, who was about the same size and sounded just as feisty, backed down, relying instead on swagger. "I don't need to. I got his measurements. I can get his phone number later - if you don't *kill* him first." Uh.... Maxine tossed her head in defiance and marched away, quickly. Lois Lane could do nothing about it but growl. She stood there then, all alone, seething, clutching and unclutching her hands. I almost felt like a voyeur watching her. But she soon regained her composure, or enough of whatever her normal level is, I suppose, and she turned back toward the door to the room in which I was being held. She took a deep breath, let it out, loosened her shoulders, and opened the door. She entered with a brisk, no-nonsense stride and stopped in front of me. Towering somehow, despite her size, she gave me a long, hard look. I wonder if she would have done that had she known I could see her. "Clark J. Kent," she pronounced dramatically. It almost made me wish I had a more poetic name. "Born in Smallville - or should I say... adopted there." What could I do? I nodded. The information is in the public record, but not very many people know it. Mom and Dad didn't talk about it much when I was young, or so I'm told. It didn't matter to me until I was in my teens, about the time I hit puberty and hit it differently than we expected. We worked that out; no need to go into it here. As far as I know, friends and neighbors never asked about Mom's "playgirl sister who lived in another state." The public certainly doesn't know the truth. Unless.... My stomach tightened with the realization that there was the eensy-weensy, microcosmic, although highly unlikely possibility this Lois Lane knew something she shouldn't.... She began to pace as she told me about myself. "Only son of farmers Jonathan and Martha Kent." More public record. I began to relax because a lot of what she went on to say she could have easily gotten from Jimmy and from calling references on my resume, which now also seems to be a public record, too. "You were raised and schooled there. In high school you excelled in all your courses and participated, reportedly with 'gusto,' on the football, baseball, track and gymnastic teams. You were offered several sports scholarships but turned them down to go to Kansas State University, where you graduated with a BA in Journalism." Had I not been preoccupied with my fears, I might have guessed she would pronounce my alma mater's name in a derisive manner. Many Metropolitans don't seem to think highly of anything or any place that's not Metropolis. Instead, she sounded almost bored. She only perked up a bit with the high school sports mention. I don't know why. After that she rushed to the end. She stopped and counted current information off on her fingers. "You're in good health; you're 26; you've traveled a lot. You worked for a weekly newspaper and now," she opened her hands, giving me some credit, "you're struggling to make a place for yourself at the Daily Planet while..." she turned her hands down, "living in a hovel." She had very expressive hands. I could only nod and try to say, predictably, "Who are *you*?" "Me?" She leaned forward. The stench of sewer gas permeating her clothing was impossible to ignore. (Where does *she* live?) She also sounded like she had a cold, and, this close, she looked tired under her camouflage paint. "I'm your new best friend. Indeed, I've been your best friend for a few days now. Yes, my spies have been watching you. I have spies *every*where." She paused to let this soak in. It didn't have a chance to soak far or restart my fears, because as she stood tall again and continued her "explanation," she practically told me her "spies" hadn't seen anything important. "You live a tragically boring life - working, eating, sleeping, surfing the net," her voice softened, "watching soap operas, waiting for calls that don't come, weeping in your Rice Krispies...." She seemed to recall where she was. "But I'm going to change all that." She put her hand on my left shoulder as though the connection would help me absorb her information, and with each of the next several words, she pressed: "As Your *Best Friend*... I'm going to teach you the best ways to survive in this city, the best ways to get the best stories and advance in your career, and the best ways to make this city a better place to live." She let me go and pointed at me now. "You will learn that it is in your best interests to listen to me and do *precisely* what I tell you to do." The blindfold probably did not hide my frown. "Unless you *want* to write for the Ladies Home Journal for the rest of your life." I shook my head without further prompting. I guess she's never been tempted to sell her work to any publication of lesser status than the Planet. I'll have to find out. I noted that Jimmy nodded, probably agreeing: the LHJ shouldn't be in my future. (continue) ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 04:25:43 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: My Journal, Day 3, Amendment Part 4 of 4 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" TITLE: My Journal Day 3, Thursday, May 5, Amendment, Part 4 of 4 AUTHOR Debby Stark, RATING PG-13 "Excellent. I think we're beginning to understand each other." She patted my cheek, or rather that part of the gag covering my cheek, and looked over my head at Baseball Cap Man. "Stand him up. Let me get a good look at him." Uh-oh, I thought, not again.... I was helped up to my feet, and she got a real look... from a distance. I was glad about that. I'm not sure exactly why though. I'm sure I've got a healthy libido, but her *not* acting like Maxine was a relief. In time, she told me, "I like you, Kent." Her voice softer, but I'm almost sure it was a pretense to lull me. "You have a lot of...." She let her eyes wander. A moment before she had assessed me; now she just seemed to look, I guess. I suppose it's something to do with not being surprised like she had been earlier. She was in control again and able to proceed the way she had planned. Maxine was wrong. This Lois Lane person does play games, her own games. Considering how long she took to decide what to say, it seemed appropriate and expected for me to squirm a bit. I didn't have to fake that. She concluded: "...attributes I think I can use." I didn't say anything. "I'll be in touch...." She paused and widened her eyes ever so slightly at herself. "--with you. I'll communicate with you - you'll hear from me again, soon - by means *you'll never expect*." She talked herself back into control. I don't think she actually lost it but I think she thought she had. "You'll learn to expect the unexpected from my vast organization. Keep your nose clean, follow every direction I give you without question, don't tell anyone about *any* of this - I'll know *instantly* if you do - and we'll get along very well, and, in the process, we'll save the world. Understand?" The "we'll save the world" bit sounded and still sounds okay. But then the first thing I thought was, I need more details about everything else she said. I couldn't understand anything without those details, without being taken into her confidence. Therefore, I could only shake my head. She muttered. "I'm not surprised...." In a normal voice, she said, "Well, you will." She then addressed the man behind me: "Take him back." She watched him redress me quickly. She didn't help. Maxine would have, so I'm glad that Lois Lane and her fatherly assistant were there instead. Then the man guided me out of the room, past the clammed-up Jimmy, where we met Jimmy's Big Friend. He must have gone out to eat because had about him the unmistakable scent of cheese and pepperoni. It reminded me that I wasn't going to get any popcorn and hotdogs tonight. Darn. As we moved, I strained to listen for any conversation between Lois Lane and Jimmy, but all I heard was her saying, "Damn, I've got my work cut out for me...." Sprinting, Jimmy soon caught up. He accompanied us as I was taken home in much the same manner and along the same route as we had embarked. Outside the flophouse, I was set on my feet between two cars (the same two as earlier) and my glasses were returned to my shirt pocket. The plastic handcuffs were cut off me and kept, so I don't have them as proof. Baseball Cap Man advised, "Zip yourself up," and then he jumped in the van. They roared away while I was ripping off the blindfold and gag and then checking my zipper - I was sure she hadn't touched it, but.... I was right, it was a false alarm, but my ripping and checking gave them plenty of time to escape. If anyone noticed any of this, they didn't approach me to talk about it. What could I have said? What *can* I say? I have to tell Mom and Dad about this. I don't want to, but I really can't *not* tell them. Dad's right. It *is* safer on the farm. But... it's more interesting in the city. I thought my apartment had escaped untouched last night, until early this morning, when I discovered the suit and shirt I wore to work yesterday were gone. At about 4 a.m., not long after I finally got to sleep, the sound of what at first I assumed were mice skittering down the hall woke me. This was disappointing. While I don't seem physically to need much sleep, I think it's critical for my weary mental well-being. Irritated, I glanced through the wall and saw the noise was being made not by innocent mice foraging for crumbs, but by that not-so-innocent rat, Maxine, foraging for.... It's hard to believe but it's true: I actually found myself clutching at the thin sheet on my bed. I realized what I was doing and stopped immediately because it was a totally stupid overreaction. She won't come in here, I informed myself, since she knows I'm not defenseless this time and Lois Lane would probably kill her if I identified her. Well, Maxine didn't try to come in at all. She was returning my suit and shirt, hanging them on the door knob. I retrieved them as soon as she was gone. They were cleaned and pressed and wrapped in plastic. I'm of two minds about this. They broke into my apartment - *again* - and took something belonging to me. They have *no* right to do that. On the other hand, not only am I worthy of being kidnapped for use in arch criminal Lois Lane's schemes, I'm worth being bribed, too. I suppose being the object of two women's attentions also has benefits I haven't figured out yet. This is the strangest thing that has ever happened to me in my whole life. I have to get to work. I wonder what Jimmy and Mr. White and everyone else will say, if anything? But most of all, I wonder what I've gotten myself into. [to be continued] [Your real author thanks my proofers and creative consultants Pat H., Jeanne P., Sandy McD., and Steve H.] ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 11:46:30 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: Re: Alt world fiction MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I wrote: ><< It's certainly already sitting in my Kerth 2000 nominations file, so that I > don't forget it when the time comes. ;) >> And Laurie responded: > >Ooh, and I was wondering how'd I'd remember the most wonderful stories I've >been reading. What a novel idea. Naturally, Little Man, Super was on the >top of my (well, non written down) list! > I learned the hard way, Laurie, after having no time to read even the nominations this year and having to rely on my memory most times. I felt very guilty because that tended to mean that I voted for the stories I'd read most recently and am certain I missed a few that should have been first on my list. Never again, I cried! Now, every time I read a story I adore, it goes in my file. It's getting kinda full in there, I have to say. ;) LabRat :) Doc. Klein's LabRat "What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet." -- Woody Allen, Without Feathers, 1976. "I won't eat anything that has intelligent life but I would gladly eat a network executive or politician." - Marty Feldman. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 12:20:26 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: Re: My Journal MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit S P O I L E R S P A C E Not really a spoiler, just an observation, but I'll be ultra-careful anyway, just in case. Okay, so I'm finally finding a spare moment to catch up on My Journal - having been driven to the brink of insanity either avoiding the previous list comments or sucumbing to temptation (I've had enough hints about this one to have been slavering for long enough waiting on its arrival) and wishing I hadn't as they only made me more insane . And I'm reading it and I'm thinking that there's something...wrong with it. Something...odd. Something just a little off kilter. And I'm dashed if I can figure out what the heck it is. Then, halfway through part two - it hits me. It's like a really, really *great* story. But not by Debby. A great writer certainly. But...not Debby. It doesn't have Debby's touch about it. Her style. The little nauances of narrative that I've come to expect from Dawning. And I think, "That's strange..." And then, of course, someone whaps me upside the head with a two by four and hisses, "Well, duh! Course it's not *Debby* coming through on the page, you moron. It's Clark, isn't it!!" And then I sat back and stared at the screen in complete and total awe for several moments while I marveled at this exceptional and amazing talent. Kudos, Debby! You sucked me right into Clark's Journal. Now I feel like a voyeur. ;) LabRat :) (Who must have been on a roll to have gotten past Clark's encryption code. And without even figuring out how I did it either. Darn, I'm good. Maybe I should join Lois in the Underground. :D) Doc. Klein's LabRat "What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet." -- Woody Allen, Without Feathers, 1976. "I won't eat anything that has intelligent life but I would gladly eat a network executive or politician." - Marty Feldman. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 21:57:47 +1000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: jem Subject: Re: NEW: MY JOURNAL - Day 1 (SPOILERS) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Actually, my father (who is half Italian half English) also does not have any chest hair - oh wait, I remember now, he had three :) Some men are hairy and some are not - I don't think it has to do with ancestry just genetics. At least, that's my theory :) jem -----Original Message----- From: Debby To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Date: Thursday, June 10, 1999 11:54 AM Subject: Re: NEW: MY JOURNAL - Day 1 (SPOILERS) >At 11:24 AM 06/08/1999 -0400, Peggy wrote: >>>>I thought at first that Clark's hairless state was >>>>peculiar to Kryptonians, but I've noticed that other television >>>>characters suffer from the same malady -- Captain Kirk, for example. I >>>>don't know if he's ever tried black coffee. >>> >>>I think in Dean's case it's due to his Asian background. I don't know about >>>Shatner since he's... Canadian ;) (Maybe he's part Native American? I knew a >>>sunny-blond Cherokee named Cherry one time) >>> >>OOps! Debby, I always assumed that Clark was smooth for the same reason >>that Captain Kirk was smooth--the producers made him shave for the show! >>When I read your story, I thought your comment about the coffee was a >>mischievous reference to that-- my mistake! Guess I'd better check things >>out before sticking my foot in mouth again. > >I think Dean's hairlessness is due to his genes. If he shaved, I don't >think he >would have been embarrassed as he seemed to be in that interview :) > >I don't know about Shatner's chest. Nor, actually, do I wish to... ;) > >Debby > >Charter member, >Cat Grant Fan Club >(was Teri Hatchr a secret member...?) ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 08:01:33 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Ann E. McBride" Subject: Re: Mad Dog Lane & 'The Search for Truth and Justice' MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 6/9/99 2:21:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time, gremlino@PATHWAY.NET writes: << how did Lois manage to inspire that kind of devotion in Deter--and so quickly? >> Very good question, but if you look at the other men in her life, it was typical. Clark fell for her the first time he saw her at his interview. Lex fell for her on their first date, if not at the White Orchid Ball. Scardino fell for her the first time he saw her. So maybe Deter was just being a normal guy ( not that any of these guys are really normal) and fell for her like the rest. Even the guy who picked her up as Wanda Detroit fell for her. << I read a fanfic--I forget which one--where Deter was related to Luthor, and *that* plot made a lot more sense than FMN and OW. >> >> And so it was all part of the plot to separate Lois and Clark? It does make sense. Ann ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 08:14:48 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Ann E. McBride" Subject: Re: Alt world fiction MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 6/9/99 9:06:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time, smcdermin@EROLS.COM writes: << The author of Kerthless but, hopefully, quality work, >> No way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just read "Little Man, Super" and boy was it ever. I can't believe you haven't won a Kerth. Your characterizations were dead on. You must have little boys around the house. Jonny reminded me so much of my sons when they were that age and had the bit between their teeth, magnified of course by a healthy dose of Lois genes. I now have to go back and read Love as a Blonde. At any rate, great story. Ann ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:42:37 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kate Crane Subject: Kerthless Writers MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 6/9/99 6:06:12 PM Pacific Daylight Time, smcdermin@EROLS.COM writes: << But, it still smarts when the rest of us have to cajole people to look beyond the Kerths and pull our work from the bottom of their pile. The author of Kerthless but, hopefully, quality work, >> I know it must be hard to write for the thankless, such as myself, who find such happiness in the wonderful world of LnC fanfic. So, I offer my undying gratitude to all of you wonderful writers out there, Kerthless or not. I am constantly amazed by the quality of writing, free for the asking, produced by you. And, unlike my love of the tv series, where I am a low-maintenance fan, I am not a low-maintenance fanfic reader. I can quickly tell if a fic is worth the read. I keep holding my breath (well, not really), fearful that the excellent writers may eventually tire of this occupation. And then, what will we do? Sandy, I particularly haved enjoyed your fics! I am not a big reader of nfics that lack an A plot, so I want to rave about your delightful trilogy, as well as Little Man, Super. I love the world you have created for our little family. Thank you. Kate, (the Maryland one) ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 11:30:32 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Peggy Mueller Subject: Re: FANZINE ALERT PREVIEW MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Well, Anne, I've ordered my copy, and I'm really looking forward to reading it! Thanks for the hint on where to find it! > Peggy :-) ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 11:50:15 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Peggy Mueller Subject: Re: Mad Dog Lane & Cat Grant MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit --snip Ann's insightful comments on similarities between Lois and Cat-- >I think that Cat was so insecure that she couldn't stand the thought of >everyone knowing or even thinking that she had been rejected by Clark. That >may be why she spread the stories, although there was also probably some >desire to irritate Lois as well. > Yes, that sounds like a good explanation for Cat's behavior. My first impression of Cat was that she's one of those people who breezes through life without taking it very seriously, but she may have been more complex than she appeared. I'm intrigued by those books Clark spotted on her bookshelf. Did she put them there just to impress people? Or did she really "read," like she told Clark, and if so, *what* did she read? I'm looking forward to reading how fanfic authors interpret her character. Cheers, Peggy :-) ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 18:18:54 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: NEW Fanfic: Revisiting the House of Luthor In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Lara... FINALLY after the end of a very long day attending exam boards, giving students their exam results and writing urgent documents, I got a chance to read your story. A great end to a tiring day! First, can I thank you for the compliment in your introduction; I'm very glad that you enjoy my work and if it's inspired you to write your own stories, then I'm honoured. Second, I liked this story very much! I thought it was extremely well written, and in particular I loved the way you filled in the gaps in the episode. S P O I L E R S P A C E The story was very well written, nicely paced, containing plenty of reflection and inner narrative as well as the core dialogue and actions from House of Luthor. I've always thought that there was too much left to the imagination in BatP/HoL; that's fine, since we can all put our own interpretations on what happened and why it happened - and a number of us have done so in writing! I particularly liked the way in which this story reflected on both Lois and Clark's emotions during the weeks in which this episode takes place; the scene where Lois decides to phone Clark is really nicely done. The revelation near the end is also excellent; it was an unexpected twist, since I'd assumed up to then that the story would simply leave the relationship as 'friends and partners', within continuity, or perhaps at most deal with some of the outstanding 'angst'. But here we have an intelligent Lois (rather than the Lois who is fooled by 'Cheese of the Month'), and a Clark who stands up for himself when he is faced with Lois's knowledge of the truth. I've no idea whether this was your first fanfic, Lara, but I would urge you to write more! And do send this to the Archive, please. Wendy ---------------------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 19:44:25 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Yvonne Connell Subject: Re: Alt world fiction MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sandy McDermin wrote: > Oh, I think there are a few good writers who haven't won a Kerth. Of course there are, and I don't think anyone would claim otherwise. Kerths are just like any other award or competition - they highlight a few lucky people amongst the many who produce high-quality work. Only one person can win an award, so that by definition, an award scheme cannot possibly acknowledge everyone who is good (whatever 'good' means ;) ). > so > unfortunately, they're not around to interact and promote their work > Sometimes because of this, I feel these authors' efforts lose out when > new readers are looking for good stories. Sandy, I can't agree with this sentiment. I wrote...I think...3 stories and posted them to the archive before I ever joined this list or went on to IRC. So I wasn't around to interact (I think I was in contact by email with just one Folc), and I couldn't do anything to promote my work (not that 'promoting' is something which comes naturally to me anyway). Yet I received a Kerth nomination, and a good few feedback emails about my stories. I'm not trying to blow my own trumpet here, nor devalue your work in any way what-so-ever - I'm just trying to say that I think readers, new or old, will find the stories they like whether or not they are highlighted in the Kerth section. Obviously, from the replies you've received to your message, your work is enjoyed and respected by many people. When I first found the archive - and what a moment of pure joy that was - I dipped into the section where stories are categorised, but very soon graduated to a systematic trawl through the A to Z author listings. My decision to read a story was based on the brief description in the index, and then the author's note if there was one. If I found a story I liked, then I would go back and try other stories by the same author. If the Kerths had been up and running back then, I suppose I probably would have used that as my starting point, just as I did with the category listings, but I wouldn't have limited myself to that section for very long - I was too hungry :). > But, it still smarts when the rest of us > have to cajole people to look beyond the Kerths and pull our work from > the bottom of their pile. I'm sorry - and surprised - that you've found that you have to cajole people to read non-Kerth work. Who are these people who only read award-winning work? I'm pleased to see Cindy has posted the URL for your stories, and if my ISP actually lets me log on, I'll march straight over there and begin downloading. Best wishes, Yvonne ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 14:46:34 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: John Debbage <106532.433@COMPUSERVE.COM> Subject: The Universal Union Part 2 of 4 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Title: The Universal Union Part: 2 of 4 Author: Jenni Debbage Rating: PG Feedback: All feedback, public and private is welcome, though typos an= d grammar I would prefer to be private. Summary: Conituation of Lois' meeting with Kal-El and the reason for his visit to Earth. Chapter two The Proposal Lois blinked once and then her eyes opened wide. She started to spe= ak but no sound left her mouth. Blinking twice she tried again. "Excuse me!?" Taking hold of her trembling hands, Kal was at least relieved that s= he didn't draw them from his grasp. "I'm sure hearing that must be quite a= shock and I will explain, if you let me........." He remained as qui= et and calm as his speedily beating heart would allow as he awaited her permission to continue. She acquiesced with a small nod of her head. Ka= l needed no other encouragement. "As I told you, my Uncle had no direct heir, so when I was born he named me as his successor. I have an older sister, but under our law only males can succeed to the position of First= Lord. Since I was a child I have known that one day I would rule Krypton= and I have been raised to fill my responsibilities. One of these is to marry and provide an heir for my world. And so I have been searching for= someone I could share my life with......... a soulmate as it were." Lois was entranced by the tale. It was like the fairytales that she= had read as a little girl. "And you have been travelling around the galaxy looking for this girl?" "No! I came straight here to Earth. My choice was already made som= e years ago." "When?" Lois could not forbear to ask. "I think it was the day you fell and cut your knee when you were roller-skating, I believe that is the term used by Earthlings. Anyway yo= u started to cry and your mother heard you and came outside. The poor woma= n must have been ill, because she wasn't too steady on her feet and I have = to say that she wasn't very sympathetic, because she told you that you only had yourself to blame because you weren't wearing your protective pads. = I remember, you stopped crying and stuck your little chin in the air and carried on practising until you had mastered the sport. I thought that y= ou were very brave and determined and you must have been about twelve years old." "You saw that?!" Lois asked wonderingly. Kal simply nodded. "Well= don't feel too sorry for my mother because she wasn't ill she was just drunk. It happened a lot back then when she and my dad were splitting up= ." "She must have been very unhappy." Kal still defended the woman. "I suppose so," Lois muttered grudgingly. "But she made us all miserable too." "I'm sorry, Lois. I realise you didn't have a very happy time growi= ng up. But now your destiny lies in your hands." "Yes and you don't know how much I struggled to gain my independence= ." "But I do! I told you that I know a great deal about you.........."= This statement caught Lois' attention and slowly she understood what= Kal-El was trying to tell her. "Have you been spying on me? And how ca= n you do that? And why would you do that?" Lois' voice began to rise a= n octave or two. = Taking a deep breath Kal began his explanation. He understood that= he had to get this right or his dream of sharing his life with Lois would= be shattered. "Yes, I have been watching you occasionally, though I hav= e tried not to be invasive. I can do that because our scientists and protection services have probe satellites scattered throughout the galaxy= . = As to the reason why............ I have loved you, Lois, from the moment= I saw you. I was only thirteen, yet my feelings have never changed and I would be honoured if you would be my wife." = Lois was aghast. "How can you love me? You don't even know me......." "Lois, I told you that..........." "No!! You've been spying on me. That's not the same as knowing someone." The agitated young woman jumped up from her seat and began pacing, wringing her hands together as she strode back and forward. From his cha= ir Kal-El watched in trepidation. Quietly he added a few words. "Well, it feels like I know you. And admit it Lois, you feel that too........." But Lois was not prepared to be placated......... not yet. "NO!! = You don't know how I feel." She swung round to face him. "And what happens now? Do you kidnap me? Do you carry me off back to Krypton?" "NO!!" This time it was Kal who cried in shock, standing to look at= her directly. "You are free to go anytime you wish." "Oh yeah," Lois took another few turns about the space ship studying= the walls closely. "And how do I get out of here? You may not notice bu= t there is no door." "Why would you need a door? If you want to leave, just walk through= the wall." "Through the wall?!" Lois sounded disbelieving and then she remembered her entry. "Of course, through the wall." Strangely though, Lois did not avail herself of this piece of knowledge. Instead she bore down on the object of her wrath. "And what would your fine, highly advanced Kryptonians think of your Neanderthal Earthling wife?" "They would be very happy to greet you." This simple snippet of information had the effect of silencing Lois and for a few minutes silence reigned in the small craft, the only sound that of two fast beating hearts. Lois stared at the young man before her= and then took two further paces about the room, ending back where she started in front of Kal-El. "But why would you come all this way for me? Aren't there any suitable girls back on Krypton?" "I'm not allowed to marry a Kryptonian, even if I wished to, which I= don't. I want to marry you." "Why can't you marry a Kryptonian?" Lois sensed a story in this and= she was desperate for anything that would give her time to think. "That's quite a long story, Lois. Are you sure you want to hear it?= " = Kal-El was attempting to keep the hope that was beginning to grow in his heart from spilling into his voice. The fact that Lois had not already r= un away was surely a good sign. Meanwhile Lois had reseated herself and she patted the chair next to= her to indicate that Kal-El should sit down. "Please tell me. I should= like to understand." Kal-El did as he was bid and made himself comfortable on the chair b= y Lois' side. "Over two hundred years ago, life on my planet was not so= peaceful as it is now. There was a ruler and there was a council but the= re were also great divisions between the noble houses. The House of El was still the foremost royal line but because of marriages between the noble families there were many who claimed that they also had a right to the throne and when the First Lord died leaving no direct heir the scene was set for a horrific contest. A number of claimants put themselves forward= , but finally there were only two who were prepared to dispute the throne; the rightful head of the House of El and the supposed heir, Lord Rad-Nor,= who did have royal blood within his veins due to his grandfather's marria= ge to a daughter of the House of El. The aristocracy divided between the tw= o factions and a civil war began that was to last thirty bitter years, killing off many innocent Kryptonians and almost destroying the planet. = Finally a new son of the House of El arose and he turned the tide in favo= ur of the ancient line. The people, tired of war and destruction, saw him a= s their saviour and they rallied behind him and in one last cataclysmic battle the House of Nor was finally defeated. Young Lord Kal-El was duly= invested with the title and position of First Lord," here Kal blushed at the mention of his namesake, "and, united at last, the nobles and the people of Krypton began to rebuild their lives and their homes. But when= peace and prosperity were restored, the High Council passed a decree whic= h stated that the First Lord must never again marry into the noble houses o= f Krypton, for this gave too much power to these nobles. From that day forward the First Lady has been chosen from other worlds." Lois remained quiet as she pondered these words. At last she found her voice. "And this is why you chose me?" "Only in so far as I knew that I would marry an off-worlder. My preference was always for someone from Earth. Ever since I was a small b= oy my interest has been caught up in the happenings of your world. Did you= know that Earth is considered as Krypton's sister planet? It's why I spe= ak your language so well. Our people have a gift for languages but English,= being the prevalent tongue of your world, is taught to all our children."= = Kal-El stopped speaking and searched Lois' face for some sign of how she was reacting to his words, but all he could discern was a slight interest= for his story. He cleared his throat and began again, holding her gaze with his own. "But all that faded from my mind. From the first moment I= saw you I knew my search was over. I wanted no other. Lois, I can't explain it........ but whenever I set eyes on you........ I knew that we were meant to be together." Their eyes remained locked on each other as each acknowledged the truth behind his words. "But I know how much you a= re shocked by all this and I appreciate that for you it has all happened so fast and that you have no frame of reference. I only ask that you think = on what I have told you before you make any decision. However, I must warn you, if you agree to come with me then our lives will not be ordinary or easy, but they will most certainly not be dull. I can promise you though= that I will love and cherish you till the day I die." "Kal, you cannot think that I would seriously consider your proposal= ?" A small smile curled his lips at the edges and his eyes began to crinkle. "Yes, Lois. I do." And as his bright smile grew wider, Lois found herself returning the grin. "Admit it, Lois. You are seriously considering my proposal." Lois was about to contradict that statement when truth won out. "O= h my god! I think I must be going crazy. You're an alien! And you're asking me to go into outer space! That could be dangerous for me......" "Lois," he interrupted, "I would never put you in danger. Believe m= e, you will be quite safe." "But how can you know that. No earth person has ever travelled through deep space before.......... have they? Have any of your people ever been here before?" "No Lois. You will be the first Earthling on Krypton. But you will= be quite safe. Kryptonians have been travelling in space for aeons and never come to any harm and we are human beings too. Kryptonians and Earthlings are 99.75% the same and we are physiologically compatible, all= our scientists agree on that. Krypton's atmosphere is slightly denser an= d you may need to take medication until you become acclimatised. You will certainly need to use sunblock when you are out of doors in the beginning= , but since it will be winter when we return, the risk of sunburn will be minimal. Believe me, Lois, Krypton cannot cause you serious hurt. No-on= e back home would have agreed to my coming here if that were so." "Hm-mmm." Lois considered this for a few seconds, intrigued by the information. "What's different about the .25%?" Her question seemed to have disconcerted Kal and he would not meet h= er eyes. "Perhaps we could talk about that later. You haven't given me an= answer yet." His prevarication alerted Lois. There was something here she was determined to discover. You didn't try to distract Lois Lane when she wa= s in pursuit of information and if they were going to have a life together then he had best start learning a few things about her now. Oh my, she *was* seriously considering his proposal. "And I won't. At least not until you tell me what it is you're trying to hide." Reading the resolve in her face, but with his heart daring to hope, = he decided to come clean. "It's only a very small difference. It really doesn't affect you and me, but........." "Go on Kal." Her voice was soft but insistent. "It's a blood thing. The difference I mean. Earthlings and Kryptonians have different blood groups. You have a similar thing on ear= th sometimes. I think your physicians refer to it as the Rhesus syndrome an= d our differing blood types will cause much the same reaction. Kryptonian doctors are already working on the problem. They have tapped into earth medical files for advice........." "They can do that?" Lois was amazed. "Yes. They use their combined telepathy boosted by our artificial intelligence machines. Anyway, they are quite confident that they can solve this problem. All they need is a little blood from you and from me and they can formulate a= serum that will correct the problem." "Who will need this serum, Kal?" = For a few moments it seemed that the young man would not answer, the= n steeling himself he went on. "Our children." "Children! Our children!" "Yes, Lois. There must be children. It is the duty of the ruling couple to provide an heir for Krypton." "But your uncle couldn't." "No. But then he had a brother who could provide an heir. I only have two sisters and the succession cannot pass through the distaff side = of the family." Lois digested this piece of information before replying. "What if = I can't give you a child?" Her voice was very low and due only to the powe= rs that he had developed here on earth could he make out her words. "Would you put me away like the council asked of your uncle?" "Never, Lois." Kal was quick to reassure her. "Besides it won't be= a problem. Since my aunt and uncle's dilemma the scientists have made infertility a priority and many childless couples have recently been help= ed to have a family. And I'm perfectly healthy and according to your medica= l files you don't seem to have a problem." "Your doctors have already checked me out?" It was a question she already knew the answer to. "But I've never tried to have a baby. In fa= ct I've never........" Here she felt her cheeks blush with embarrassment. = "I've never before........" "I know Lois. You've never........ neither have I. We're both ......... virgins." "We are?!" Somehow Lois had thought that a prince, he must be a prince, even if that wasn't the actual term that was used, would have access to anything he wanted; mistresses, concubines, whatever they were called on his planet. "Haven't you ever........ slept with........made love with anyone? I would have thought that a young man in your position= would have had lots of offers........ Listen to me! This is really none= of my concern. You don't have to answer." "But this is your concern. And you're right, without sounding too vain I have had many opportunities. Yet they just didn't seem right. = Growing up, Lois, for me you have always been *the one*. I saved myself for you. I wanted us to learn together. Was that wrong?" "No!" This time it was Lois' turn to reassure and in her haste she forgot her earlier prevarication. "No, I'm glad that we will learn together." The glow that burned in Kal's eyes left Lois in no doubt that he wa= s looking forward to this particular schooling, yet slowly the soft brown eyes darkened with a troubled shadow. For a long moment he held her gaze= with his own, then his eyelids fluttered down and his voice when he spoke= had lost its enthusiasm. "Lois, I'm sorry. I never meant to bombard you= with all this in one night. I had planned to ask you out on a date. I believe that this is what normally occurs here on Earth when a couple is courting." Here he was interrupted by a startled giggle from his hoped f= or intended. "Excuse me, did I say something wrong?" "Oh no! But courting' is an old expression. I haven't heard that o= ne in years. It's sorta sweet though and you are courting me." = "All in one night it would seem. So many things have happened to yo= u this night and it's unfair of me to expect you to accept my proposal without some time to think it through......" "No, Kal. That's not necessary.........." Gentle fingers closed Lois lips as Kal insisted. "Yes it is, sweetheart. If I were to carry you off now without a chance for you to reconsider, away from my influence, someday you might come to regret your= quick decision and that would break both our hearts. I never want to hur= t you and that is why I'm taking you back home." At Lois attempt to object= he hurriedly went on. "Please, Lois, trust me on this. Your life will b= e changed forever. Take some time alone to think about what you really wan= t. I promise I will not disappear. When you have an answer that you can b= e sure of, I will be waiting. = = ***** ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 14:46:12 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: John Debbage <106532.433@COMPUSERVE.COM> Subject: The Universal Union Part 1 of 4 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Title: The Universal Union Part: 1 of 4 Author: Jenni Debbage Rating: PG Feedback: All feedback, public and private is welcome, though typos and grammar I would prefer to be private. Summary: This story is quite a bit different from my usual family saga. It i= s a story of Lois and Kal-El and though this tale begins on Earth if it continues, and this will depend on how well it is received , it will be a= story of what might happen if our couple's lives were lived on Krypton. = In my galaxy Krypton was not destroyed but lives on and prospers. Please read and hopefully enjoy and I look forward to your comments both public and private. = A Universal Union Chapter One The Meeting Lois Lane was feeling atypically frightened. With hindsight, she wondered why she had ever allowed herself to be entrapped in this highly vulnerable position. Lois was a wholly independent, liberated young woma= n of the eighties who had been taking care of her own decisions since her parents had participated in a particularly messy divorce when she was 14 years old. At the time she had felt totally abandoned as her mother had found solace in a mixture of alcohol and nerve pills and her father had immersed himself firstly in his profession as a doctor and secondly in hi= s predilection for pretty young assistants, which Lois reflected was the cause of her parents' troubles at the outset. Had this rejection from he= r father, the most important male figure in her young life, had some bearin= g on the situation in which she was now floundering? Everything in her nineteen year old life had seemed to be progressin= g famously. Lois loved writing and had wanted to be an investigative reporter from the time she had first written an article exposing an exam= cheating ring among her fellow students at her junior high school. That piece had brought her derision from some of her more guilty classmates bu= t also high praise from her English teacher who had gone on to encourage he= r in her ambitions. The dedicated young girl had worked hard at her grades= and coupled with her obvious talents her efforts were rewarded when she w= on a prestigious scholarship to Metropolis University's School of Journalism(one of the best in the entire country). And only a few weeks= previously, she had been the recipient of the Lex Luthor Award for Excellence', an accolade which was awarded personally each year to the pupil most likely to succeed in their chosen field. Since the honours' banquet, when Lois had been introduced to her patron, Lex Luthor had show= n an unusual interest in the beautiful student and Lois in turn had been intrigued by the highly successful man. Lex Luthor was perhaps the most powerful man in Metropolis, he was most definitely the richest, and furthermore his empire was swiftly aspiring to be the largest in the U S. Whatever the reasons Lois found herself vaguely attracted to the handsome and charming older man. = Certainly she was flattered by his complimentary attention and he had always proved himself to be a gentleman. That was until this evening. = Possibly, by accepting his invitation to an intimate dinner Lois had sent= him the wrong signals, or maybe it was just the large amount of wine whic= h he had consumed over dinner that was causing him to act like a complete moron. = At first Lois had felt able to control the situation and had explain= ed hurriedly that, though flattered by his attention, she did not view Lex a= s a sexual partner. In fact, she was much too engrossed in her studywork t= o have time for any form of romantic relationship. This information had caused him some amusement and clearly had the opposite effect than the on= e she had wished by giving him the added incentive of the predatory male hunter. That she was unequivocally his prey became apparent when, on attempting to take her leave, she had found the doors of his luxurious stretch-limo firmly locked against her. Now his deceptively strong hands= were pressing her back into the soft leather of the seat as his mouth trailed wet kisses down her neck towards the edge of her low-cut black dress, apparel which she had chosen especially to appear older and more sophisticated, a choice that she was now regretting. Lois struggled desperately against her seducer but to no avail. Sh= e considered calling for help to the chauffeur, who sat immobile in the driver's seat, but she knew instinctively by the concentrated way the man= was ignoring what was happening in the back of the limo that he had been = in this position before and that he would turn a blind eye to his employer's= rape of his female companion. Because rape it was most likely to be as Lois heard the shoe-lace straps of her evening dress rip as the garment was torn away from her body, leaving only her lacy silk bodysuit, which w= as destined to follow her dress in the crazed man's pursuit of his desires. Suddenly Lois felt a cool breeze drift over her exposed skin, though= in her dazed state it took her some seconds to assimilate the fact that t= he car door had been wrenched open. An anxious face appeared momentarily i= n the opening, before her attacker was pulled bodily off her and dragged ou= t onto the roadway. Lex, taking a minute or two to regain his bearings as = he switched from attack to defence, was no match for the athletic young man who confronted him. Nevertheless, he attempted to put up a fight, an exceedingly short one and was soon lying unconscious on the grass by the roadside. His driver, who also it seemed doubled as his minder, came around the car to face the unknown rescuer and ended seconds later in a heap beside his boss. The young man, instantly dismissing his fallen opponents from his mind, stretched a gentle hand inside of the vehicle and enquired solicitously into Lois' state of health. Gratefully, she took the proffered hand and holding her torn frock closely to her body she accepte= d the stranger's aid to exit the limo. She surveyed the two bodies lying o= n the ground with a dawning look of horror. "Don't worry," her knight informed her. "They are not permanently damaged, just knocked out, though both will have very bad headaches when they awake." Lois didn't much care what state her tormentors were in, but she was= relieved that they weren't dead. Killing Lex Luthor might cause the youn= g man a great deal of trouble with the authorities. Lois turned her attention back to the stranger as he spoke to her again. "Are you all right? He hasn't hurt you?" Striving to calm the young man's concerns Lois assured him of her well-being. "I'm fine. A little shaken and a whole lot humiliated, b= ut other than that I'm fine." Dark searching eyes were turned on Lois. "You have absolutely no reason to feel ashamed. It is that monster who is solely responsible for= your predicament and believe me if I were on K........." He hesitated fo= r a moment then continued. "If I were at home, I would make him pay for yo= ur suffering." Though surprised by his intensity, Lois did not doubt the truth of h= is words. Who was this young man? The two turned away from the scene and the girl tried to study her rescuer's face as, with her knight errant clo= se by her side, she began walking in the direction of her dorm. On closer inspection she realised that he was not such a stranger as she had supposed. In fact, she had noticed him about the campus quite frequently= in the last few days, accompanied always by two other young men who appeared, by the way they shadowed him, to act as his bodyguards. These same men she noticed now on the edge of her peripheral vision, tracking their charge as they continued on their way across the park. To be honest, Lois had taken an unnatural interest in the stranger since she had come to the conclusion, as she surreptitiously surveyed him= , that he in turn was watching her. It was weird, but she did not find thi= s circumstance disconcerting or even annoying. She came to look for his observance and felt slightly bereft when he was not about. On the few occasions when she had caught his glance, he did not look away but instea= d offered her a friendly smile which she found impossible not to return. = And he was very good-looking, with his gleaming dark hair and his wa= rm chocolate- brown eyes and a smile that rivalled the early summer sunshine= . = Lois frequently had found her eyes roaming over every inch of his well sculpted body. He was constantly attired in unrelieved black, but the colour only added definition to an already beautifully defined body. Squinting a glance at him from behind the curtain of her silky fall = of chestnut hair she offered an embarrassed thank you. "I haven't thanked you for your assistance. I don't like to think of what might have happen= ed had you not been there." = The thought of her probable plight made her shiver and on seeing thi= s the young man placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, but he did not le= t it linger for fear that she would feel further threatened after her ordea= l. However his words were comforting. "I would never let anything bad happen to you, Lois." For a moment she basked in complete contentment, enjoying the unusua= l experience of feeling cherished. Then it dawned on her that this strange= r knew her name, even although she was certain they had never been introduced. "Who are you? And how do you know my name?" "I know a great deal about you. And I want you to know all about me= , but my explanation may be long and incredible." A frown wrinkled his forehead as he pondered a private dilemma, then clearly deciding to risk everything, he reached out a hand to stop her continued forward momentum.= = "Will you come with me and allow me to tell you my story? I promise you that you will be completely safe." His hand dropped from her arm but still remained stretched out to he= r. Lois couldn't believe the fact that her hand seemingly of its own violation slipped inside his. Moments later, to her complete amazement h= er feet were lifted from the ground and she was flying, held gently in the stranger's embrace, above the tops of the trees of the campus towards the= river. It was a very short flight and when they alighted by the doors of= an old abandoned warehouse down at the Metropolis docks, Lois was so bemused that she felt she must certainly be dreaming. However, the grating noise of the rusty doors as they slid aside sounded very real, bu= t the sight that met her eyes as she was ushered inside was of nothing that= had any origin on Earth. A large glowing orb filled her vision and as she was propelled towar= ds the ethereal object it appeared to enclose her and she found herself standing inside a solid interior made of silver metal which contained chairs and tables fashioned of the same material. "Oh my lord," Lois whispered gaspingly. "I'm inside a space ship an= d I've just been rescued by E T." "If you are asking if I am an extra-terrestrial, then the answer is yes. I am not of Earth." "Who are you?" Lois asked breathlessly. "I am Lord Kal-El of the house of El and when I return home I will ascend the throne of Krypton." "K......... Krypton?! Is that a country?" It never once crossed Lois' mind to disbelieve his words. The young man smiled at her shy questioning. "No. Krypton is a planet. It is far from your world, on the other side of this galaxy." "And you can travel all the way here?" "Yes. My people are a very advanced race. There is much we can do that here on Earth is only thought of in science-fiction. For instance w= e have discovered how to travel many times faster than the speed of light. = Our artificial-intelligence systems are far more advanced than those on your world. In medicine we have eradicated some terrible diseases and learned to control others. We have not conquered old age and death and = we would not wish to. Down that path lies stagnation. Wisdom comes with ag= e and the old must always give way to the young. However, we have extended= our life span a little and our old people live healthy lives. My race is= also telepathic, but again we are encouraged to use our voices. None of our physical attributes should be ignored and in some the voice is an extraordinary gift. My planet is very beautiful and the seasons are kind= to us. Yet for all that Kryptonians are not as selfless or content as th= ey should be. We too have our Lex Luthors." Lois nodded, listening intently to all he had to say and trying desperately to understand. Somehow she knew that it was very important that she learn all she could about this far off world and the young man w= ho was destined to be its leader. = "And you will be Krypton's king?" "King is not a word in our vocabulary, I will be named as First Lor= d of Krypton, but the role is the same." "Is your father the....... First Lord............?" Lois' questioni= ng tailed away as she realised that if the answer to this particular questio= n was yes then it probably meant that her new friend's father had passed away. "No, my uncle holds that position for the moment, but he and his wif= e never had any children. My poor aunt suffered a number of miscarriages which must have been very sad for her and it couldn't have helped when th= e Council suggested that my uncle dissolve the marriage. But Uncle Zor wou= ld have none of it; he loved his wife and having travelled all the way to Zircon to win her, he wasn't about to give her up for anything. Accordin= g to Uncle that was a very dangerous journey, a great deal more fraught tha= n the one that brought me here to Earth, although this was a much longer trip, Earth is not being attacked by the marauders from Taurus........." Lois eyes widened, scepticism at this strange story at last beginnin= g to creep into her mind. For the moment, in confusion and anger, she had forgotten the mode of transport used to arrive at this destination. = "Taurus!! That's one of the star signs in the Zodiac and I don't really believe in Astrology either. Just who are you and what game are you playing?" Kal didn't appear angered by her sarcasm. Actually he was prepared for it. Lois' reaction to his revelation had been much better than he ha= d hoped for. It wasn't surprising that she should have some doubts. After= all, it wasn't every day that a girl was almost raped by her escort and rescued by an alien from outer-space and was about to receive(though this= she didn't realise yet) her first proposal of marriage. = Glaring in concentration at two metal chairs that sat close beside each other, Kal blinked his eyes and Lois almost jumped out of her skin a= s soft colourful cushions appeared on the furniture, making them seem a who= le lot more inviting. Oh, my lord! Who was this man?! Lois allowed herself to be led to the now comfortable chairs and, as her legs were threatening to shake, she sank gratefully into the pillows. Ka= l settled himself next to her and when he spoke his voice was level and comforting. "Indeed, you are correct. The earth's astronomical signs were named= for star constellations by a people who lived long ago and were more mythological and superstitious than the earthlings of today. Who knows, perhaps they were visited by early space travellers and that's where the= names originate." Kal's explanation struck a chord with Lois as she remembered that there were those on earth who believed that their world had been visited = by extra-terrestrials in the dim and distant past. There were hundreds of novels written on just this subject, claiming proof for such strange claims. "After all there were many star systems so much older than ours, whi= ch have unfortunately perished with age. " Her new friend continued with his= reasoning. "As a matter of fact some of our chroniclers deem that Krypto= n was peopled by these travellers many eons ago when they were forced to abandon their homes due to some such natural cataclysm. And that theory would explain why our planet has advanced so quickly, relatively speaking= ." Lois couldn't argue with something she knew absolutely nothing about= and so she chose to abandon this line of enquiry as another more pressin= g question came to mind. "Do all Kryptonians fly?" She didn't recall Kal mentioning this attribute when he was relating the story of his planet. She noticed that= it brought a wistful smile to his face. "I'm afraid not, Lois. Even I can't fly back at home," he sounded disappointed about this lack. "It seems that Earth's yellow sun and weak= er gravity gives us powers that we do not possess on Krypton and flying sadl= y is one of these abilities. I've really enjoyed being able to fly." A sense of sorrow too overcame Lois as she asked her next question. = = "Are you going home soon?" A lump formed in Lois' throat and she closed her eyes to hide her tears as she anticipated the answer. "Quite soon now, I believe. You see my quest here is almost complete." Kal's voice was soft and held a slight quiver. This was the moment of truth and his happiness for the rest of his life depended on th= e next few moments. "Why did you come here?" Lois' small voice enquired. Staring into the deep brown eyes that regarded him so soulfully, Kal-El's breathing almost stopped and when he spoke his voice shook with emotion. "To find you." ***** = = ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 14:47:02 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: John Debbage <106532.433@COMPUSERVE.COM> Subject: The Universal Union Part 4 of 4 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Title: The Universal Union Part: 4 of 4 Author: Jenni Debbage Rating: PG Feedback: All feedback, public and private is welcome, though typos an= d grammar I would prefer to be private. Summary: Part 4 is the conclusion of this first episode of this story= . = As this is a completely different story line I wasn't quite sure whether to proceed. If you would like to hear more = = adventures of Lois and Kal-El please let me know. = Chapter Three The Odyssey = = = At the outset of their voyage, Lois had been delighted to discover that the flimsy seeming orb craft had only been a shuttle and that once they had left Earth's atmosphere they had transferred to a much larger an= d solid looking space cruiser. Lois had been mesmerized and saddened to watch the small blue planet, which had been her home, recede in the ship's vast windows and she had be= en grateful for the comfort of Kal's strong arms. He had said little but simply held her close as she sobbed her heart out in an unexpected attack= of homesickness. Later, when the spacecraft's powerful engines had power= ed up and there had been little to see but shards of technicolour lights arrowing passed the view ports as they flew at hyperlight speed across th= e galaxy, she had allowed him to lead her away. Yet, easing her heavy hear= t, she carried his whispered promise. "Someday, Lois, I will take you back." ***** The journey had lasted longer than Lois had supposed and yet when sh= e considered the many thousands of miles she had been told they would trave= l before reaching their destination, the odyssey took no time at all. But given the fact that the Earth woman was a fraction nervous of her landfal= l on her future home, Lois could have wished their trip to last a good deal= longer. The couple had taken the interim time to explore their blossoming relationship by teaching each other of their respective worlds. That Loi= s should wish to accumulate all the knowledge of Krypton that she possibly could was understandable, but she was surprised that Kal should also be = keen to listen to her tales of Earth, after all they had left that world behind and Kal had already acquired a great deal of data on her old home= . = The fact that Earth was her home and so was instrumental in moulding her into the woman she was today was reason enough for Kal to avidly listen t= o all she had to tell him of her formative years. = On a wider level, he was also interested to learn at first hand the role of a maturing female in Earth's more autonomous society. Although K= al understood that his people's more formal and reserved personalities could= never totally adapt to the chaotic democracies of Earth, he hoped, in tim= e, to introduce a number of customs from Lois' home. Kryptonian society was= based on a meld of tradition, logic and a strict adherence to the laws se= t by the ruler and his council, all tempered by a innate belief in honour a= nd fair play. = Kal-El might be the most important person on Krypton but with that privilege came an overwhelming sense of responsibility for those under hi= s rule and he would never for one moment consider shirking that responsibility nor would he expect his council or the lesser nobles to renege on their duty to care for those who came under their jurisdiction.= = That there were certain lords who lacked his commitment to care for his subjects both angered and saddened the heir apparent, but thankfully they= were in the minority. In the future the young leader hoped to hold thes= e ignominious aristocrats accountable for their mistakes and, in the worst= cases, their crimes. But he would have to go carefully. Many of these renegade lords were from powerful and established houses and would look unkindly on any interference in their territories, from a young and novic= e First Lord. Kal would always remember his father's watchword; caution, o= n a long journey take small steps. It was strange that foremost amongst, what Kal considered, his opposition was the House of Nor, ancient enemy of the Els and that they should be led by an unscrupulous and ambitious peacock who went by the na= me of Rad-Nor. Once again Kal-El and Rad-Nor were in confrontation, almost = as if history were repeating itself and Kal could only pray that the disastrous outcome of the past would not take place in the future. All o= f these hopes and fears the worried young man confided to his lover and helpmeet as they journeyed towards their destiny. And yet their voyage did not completely consist of learning and serious discussion. There was much joy in experiencing their burgeoning= = feelings for each other both emotionally and physically. As each became familiar with the touch of hands and lips, they discovered a shared passi= on that had in the past only existed for them in dreams. These all consumin= g desires excited and inspired them, yet the intensity of their feelings scared them a little too and so both Lois and Kal were content to wait until they were pronounced husband and wife before crossing completely th= e intimacy threshold. Meanwhile, Lois took advantage of the time to meet and interact with= the ship's company, the only members of her new world available to her fo= r the moment. In this undertaking her evolving skills as a journalist were= put to good use. She found that she had a talent for encouraging people = to talk to her and for finding out specific facts of their position amongst the ship's crew and more importantly about their families back on Krypton= . = Apart from the senior officers on board most of the crew were young and, = as to be expected on a ship which travelled into the outer reaches of space,= adventurous. Lois found them to be, on the whole, highly competent and more earnest in nature than the youth of Earth and yet as she came to kno= w them better she discovered in some a gentle and droll sense of humour. = In fact, the closer in acquaintance she became to her new people she uncover= ed many of the same traits that belonged to earth humans and, as on her home= planet, she found those she liked above others. One particular young man found favour with Lois. He had been one of= Kal's bodyguards when she had first noticed the strange trio in the university campus. She had discovered that his name was Ching, that he w= as a lieutenant in the Kryptonian Security Forces and assigned to guard his young lord with his life. This task he was happy and honoured to do as,= only a few years older than Kal and a son of an imperial service family, the two had grown up together and their bond was deep. The other of Kal'= s shadows was named Poli and though his term of duty had only begun at the outset of this voyage, he was as committed to the care of Kal as his partner but went about his duties in a more light hearted manner than the= serious minded Ching. Now, because of the obvious joy that Kal found with Lois, the well trained protectors ungrudgingly extended their care to this beautiful you= ng earth woman and if at first their motives had been purely to please their= lord, they soon found themselves captivated by this unique girl. Somewha= t shocked in the beginning by Lois' forthright and independent manner, qualities not normally appreciated in a woman on Krypton, they were soon won over by her integrity and courage. And if Kal's fears for their home= planet were ever to regretfully materialize then the first lady might require all of these attributes. And so the getting to know you process continued for both Lois and t= he Kryptonians as the ship sped through the endless tracts of space. At suc= h a phenomenal speed the earth woman was at first surprised that they did n= ot crash into the myriad planets and stars that swept by them on their journey. However, it was explained to her that their course was set at t= he outset of the voyage avoiding all charted objects and that collisions wit= h chance meteorites and space debris were prevented by the projected force field that protected the craft. Lois, soaking up this new information, was reminded again of her TV viewing of such sci-fi programmes as Star Trek and the blockbuster movies= in the Star Wars series. But this was not science fiction, this was reality and the amazed girl frequently was tempted to pinch herself to check that she wasn't dreaming. ***** Yet all journeys end and landfall was fast approaching as Lois paced back and forth across her room. The quarters assigned to her had been small, space being at a premium on such a craft, yet very comfortable. = Besides, they were further enhanced by being situated next door to Kal-El= 's domicile with thankfully an adjoining door. Kal's cabin was slightly bigger than her own, but it was more lavishly furnished and unlike many o= f the other quarters it had its own bathroom which he generously shared wit= h his future bride. During the time spent aboard, Lois had worn a similar uniform to the= crew, though instead of the logo of the craft in which she travelled, the= shield of the house of El had proudly adorned her suits. But for her introduction into the society with which she was to spend the rest of her= life, she was gowned as the first lady. Her dress of electric blue clung= to her body until it dropped below her waist, then spread out in yards of= swishing silk to reach the floor. A simple necklace of pale blue gem stones circled her neck and she wore tiny matching earrings, while a scatter of the same gems nestled in her hair. She was dressed to suit he= r role and she felt very grand if a little self- conscious. Strangely though, she had been given no shoes and she sincerely hoped the weather o= f Krypton would be mild as the dress would afford her little protection. = Just as she mused over this fact, the adjoining doors slipped open and Ka= l wandered through, his arms full of a swathe of dark blue material. "Here, Lois, slip these on. You'll freeze to death if you go out li= ke that." As he spoke he unfurled a cloak of heavy velvet and crossed to drape it over her slight shoulders. When the cloak was in place, it was revealed that he also held blue soft leather boots and gloves which would= cover much of her bare arms. Once she pulled on boots and gloves she discovered that both these accessories and the cloak were lined with something that felt very warm and.....furry. Lois was horrified. "Kal, I can't wear these. They're fur." She explained when he looked puzzled at her unexpected outburst. "Fake fur, Lois." He explained patiently. "Earth is not the only planet that believes in conservation. Or to be more exact, cloned fur. = It's an exact copy of the real thing but that material has never touched = an animal. It was grown in a test tube." "Grown?........... In a test tube?" Lois was intrigued. "Yes. Many things on Krypton are produced that way and though I wou= ld love to indulge in a scientific discourse, unfortunately we don't have th= e time." Kal extended a hand to Lois. "The ship is on its final descent a= nd we should land momentarily. Our family and friends are waiting to greet us. Are you ready for this, Lois?" He asked concern showing clearly in his soft brown eyes. The answer to that was that Lois was terrified, but she wasn't prepared to indulge her fears. Always an achiever and an independent spirit, she bore a despised pity for those who dwelt on their fears and thus magnified them. Lois believed in facing her devils, so she stuck he= r little chin in the air and placing a hand on Kal's proffered arm the coup= le prepared to face the welcoming committee. ***** To be continued ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 14:46:48 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: John Debbage <106532.433@COMPUSERVE.COM> Subject: The Universal Union Part 3 of 4 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Title: The Universal Union Part: 3 of 4 Author: Jenni Debbage Rating: PG Feedback: All feedback, public and private is welcome, though typos an= d grammar I would prefer to be private. Summary: Left alone with her thoughts Lois has to decide what answer = to give to Kal-El. = ****= * Lois had been flown back to the campus and, after alighting in the stand of trees behind her dormitory block, Kal had walked with her to the= entrance like any other young man escorting his date safely home. The tw= o body guards remained in the shadows, ever watchful of their precious charge. Who knew, perhaps Lex Luthor and his man were still on the campu= s waiting to serve retribution on their earlier attacker, but the area was quiet and empty. Luthor and his minder had obviously slunk off into the dark. By the door way the two young people said goodnight, Kal silently asking for and being given permission to kiss his love. Very gently Kal caressed Lois' lips with his own, almost afraid to use this physical contact to affect her judgment in his favour. However, when Lois leaned= into his embrace, the young man was unable to resist deepening the kiss a= nd for the first time in her nineteen years Lois felt her knees grow weak. = Thankfully, Kal's arms remained around her, holding her upright until she= had regained her equilibrium. With a last lingering touch of his fingers= tenderly brushing her cheek, he released her. Then Kal was = gone, striding towards his friends and the cover of the darkness to laun= ch himself into the night sky, leaving Lois alone to her deliberations. = Once in the safety of her room, it was perfectly clear to Lois by th= e tumultuous thoughts that chased themselves round and round in her brain, that she would get little sleep this night. Had she really almost said y= es to Kal-El's proposal? He was a stranger........ from a strange world. H= ow could she agree to go with him? And yet when she was with him, when she had looked into his beautifu= l eyes she had felt so sure of her answer. But now, back in the familiar reality of her room, listening to the sounds of her room-mate breathing softly as she slept, she wondered if insanity ran in her family. Perhaps= , she had dreamt the whole thing? But no, that wasn't possible. Hadn't Karen, her room-mate, pounced on her immediately she had set foot in the door, demanding to know how her date with Lex had gone, eagerly insisting= on details, details that she had not felt comfortable about relating and = so she had airily dismissed the queries, much to her friend's disappointment= . = But then it followed that if her date with Luthor was a reality then so w= as her rescue. She did not wish to dwell on the Luthor problem, mainly because her heart and head were filled with pictures of the monumental events that ha= d followed. However, she could no longer ignore the fact that she had repulsed one of the most influential men in Metropolis, possibly the *mos= t = powerful* man in the city and that he had been totally vanquished in the process. Somehow she knew that Lex Luthor would not take humiliation wel= l. Would he try to take revenge on those who had laid him low? Of course, Luthor could never prevail against Kal, besides, her rescuer would no longer be here on Earth. Did that mean that she would become the vengefu= l man's target? Or would he attempt to pursue his seduction? Neither scenario found favour with Lois and that was assuming that she turned dow= n Kal- El's proposal and decided to remain on Earth; to remain on Earth and= continue with the life she had mapped out for herself. = But that would mean she would never again see her love; never lose herself in those lovely eyes; never bask in the brilliance of his smile; never feel his strong arms hold her close against his heart or drown in t= he sensations that his kiss had evoked in her. These terrible thoughts plunged her into deep despair. Boy! She really was in love with this phenomenal stranger. Stranger! Her heart cried out against that title. = =46rom the first moment, when she had placed her hand in his as he had dr= awn her from the limo, perhaps even from the moment she had first become awar= e of his presence on campus, she had felt she had known him. She was certainly more comfortable in his company than in any other she had ever known. Walking into his arms she had experienced the overwhelming impression of coming home. Yet in accepting his proposal she would be turning her back on her home, her world. Could she do that? Was it fair= of Kal-El to expect her so to do? Be fair, Lois, she chided herself. Wasn't that the very reason that= Kal-El had brought her back to her dorm? She had been on the verge of giving him her consent but her young lover had sensed her unease and had insisted that she spend sometime alone. In his unselfish wish that she b= e content with her choice, he had given her time to think through her momentous decision and all it meant to her future. Think, Lois, think. You're a potential journalist, use the skills that you've acquired to help you make a considered choice. Your family, can you leave them behind.... forever? Her father was probably not an issue; she had never been close to him, had in fact disapproved of him fo= r many of her growing years. And he had certainly disapproved of her; firstly she was not the son he had so much desired and secondly she had n= ot followed him in his career, the one path which might have lead to a close= r understanding between them. Now they hardly ever met and when they did they were decidedly ill at ease in each other's company. Sadly, she woul= d not miss her father overmuch. = Then there was her mother; through the years she had shed many tears= over the lack of her mother's attention. It wasn't that Ellen Lane didn'= t love her daughter. Lois was sure that somewhere in the unhappy woman's heart there was love for her children but she was so wrapped up in her ow= n problems and addictions that her daughters had somehow faded into the background. Yes, it would be hard to leave her mother, but she had to admit, she had long ago learned to live without her mother's care. Which brought her to Lucy and here tears slowly filled her eyes. Lo= ng ago they had aided and comforted each other as they struggled to come to terms with their parents' battling. Over the years, while Lois had buil= t a wall around her inner self to enable her to cope with her dysfunctional= family, Lucy had hidden herself away from the feuding. In the end, whenever she felt old enough to face life on her own, she had run as far and as fast as she could from the source of her unhappiness, abandoning even her one friend, her sister. Occasionally, Lois would receive a pho= ne call or perhaps a letter from her wayward sibling, but there was now litt= le contact between the two. This circumstance saddened Lois, but was an extremely slim chance of reconciliation with Lucy enough reason for turni= ng her back on happiness? Because Lois could no longer ignore her feelings; true happiness for= her lay with Kal-El. Not complete happiness. No! There would be too much of herself left behind on Earth; her family and her friends, though there was no one who was really close; her ambition to be an independent journalist and this was probably the hardest dream to abandon. Only a clear picture kept repeating in her mind, of an older Lois, editor of a t= op world newspaper (perhaps The Daily Planet)at the height of her career, going home at night to a lonely apartment, feeding her fish and watching silly romantic soaps and missing every day the love of her life...... her= soul mate. = And what would her life be like on Krypton? Her mind seemed to beco= me a blank page when she considered that. To be honest, she really had no idea. Kal had tried to paint a picture for her but though her heart had absorbed every word her brain had trouble assimilating the facts. From what he had told her, she would find it difficult to adjust to the traditions of Krypton. Well, maybe the Kryptonians would find it difficu= lt to adjust to her. And maybe a blank page was not a bad thing. She and Kal-El could write the story of their shared lives.... together. That was the important point; they would be together. Whichever way= that Lois looked at the choice she had to make, if she were totally frank= with herself, there really was no choice at all. Her heart had spoken an= d her heart from now until the day she died belonged to Kal- El. Still she couldn't sleep. She was filled with excitement and expectancy and fear too. Lois Lane admitting that she was afraid had to mean something. Kal-El had turned her life upside down and this Earth woman had every intention of returning the favour on Krypton. Grinning i= n anticipation, Lois Lane went off to pack. ****= * = It was much later than Lois had anticipated when she was finally ready to return to the warehouse in the docks. Sleep had finally claimed= her with the rising sun and she had remained comatose, as only the mental= ly exhausted can, for many long hours. The room was quiet and dim when she finally struggled back to consciousness in the midafternoon. Karen had obviously decided to leave Lois to rest and gone off to her classes. Tha= nk goodness she had the presence of mind to kick her bulging back pack under= her bed. If her friend had spotted that, she might have found herself rudely awakened and facing an unanswerable interrogation. In the beginning Lois had been tempted to pack up all her belongings= , but the realization that most of her clothes would not be suitable for we= ar on Krypton had given her pause. Finally she had determined to take with her only a few essentials and her most treasured possessions; the few pieces of jewellery given to her by her father at various birthdays and Christmases; her grandmother's needlework pillow; the teddy bear that Joe= , her high school boyfriend, had won her at the summer fair; the dress her mother had bought her for her graduation day and Lucy's too few letters. = All in all a meagre treasure trove for nineteen years of living, Lois reflected. That done she had laid down on her bed to rest and, more exhausted by the night's happenings than she was willing to admit, she ha= d fallen into a dreamless sleep. Yet she had awakened in a positive frame of mind. She would go to K= al tonight and tell him that she accepted his proposal. That being so, this= might be her last day on Earth and she had some goodbyes to make. Her first plan had been to leave letters for her family and room mate, but wh= at could she say......... sorry, but I'm leaving........don't worry about me........ I'm only running away to outer space with a glorious extra-terrestrial. They would think she was crazy and have her committed= . = Of course, they would have to find her first. A weak laugh escaped Lois = as tears clouded her eyes. Leaving would be difficult but staying behind wa= s impossible. = Sometime during her soul searching Lois had finally admitted that sh= e loved her family, even though none of them were any good at family relationships. Nevertheless, she was not oblivious to the fact that her disappearance would upset them, she just didn't now how to ameliorate the= ir pain. In the end she had settled for a phone call to each of her parents= and sister and, thankfully, the gods had been kind, because she had manag= ed to contact each one. In Lucy's case she had dug through her letters and dialled the most current number and though the girl had moved on she had been given a forwarding address and phone number which had proved to be correct. Strangely these last conversations had been warmer, more friendly th= an was normal. Perhaps she, knowing that this was the last time she would speak with them, was kinder, less judgmental than previously. Whatever t= he cause, Lois was grateful for the closer connection. When there was no more to be done, Lois took a last walk around the campus that had been her home for the last year, lingering in her most favourite places. She had spotted Karen and a number of her friends as they had spilled from the college buildings at the end of the day's classes, yet she had chosen not to join them. Saying goodbye in person would be too painful. Karen would find the solitary letter she had left behind, telling her friend farewell and assuring her that wherever Lois went she would be well and happy. With a wistful smile and a determined squaring of her shoulders, Loi= s hoisted her heavy back pack into a more comfortable position and headed f= or the taxi rank. Once inside the cab, she gave the address of the unused warehouse. If the taxi driver thought her destination a strange one for = a bright young college girl, he forbore to mention it and during the ride h= e kept up an inconsequential conversation with the pretty student with tear= s in her eyes. And now the orb and her future lay before her as she stood amongst t= he debris of the long abandoned building. She had an uncomfortable desire t= o turn and flee, but the thought of the smile that would light Kal's eyes when she told him of her decision lifted her failing spirits. During the= night, Lois had acknowledged the fact that her decision would cause her grief no matter which option she chose. This was no time to renege on he= r resolution. Seizing her courage in a firm grip Lois entered the craft. ****= * Kal-El was sitting alone by what clearly on Earth would be termed a desk, reading from screeds of computer-printout. At first, he was unawar= e of her entrance, so she took a chance to surreptitiously study her future= husband. He was even more handsome than she remembered, but his beauty w= as not only physical. In the short time she had known him she had come to realize that Kal-El possessed that most precious of gifts, a beautiful soul. Unable to contain her Cheshire Cat grin at her review of his physica= l attractions, Lois announced her presence by voicing a sudden concern. "Y= ou know you really should do something about security. Anybody could just walk through those walls." = At the sound of her voice Kal jumped in surprise but an answering smile brightened his face and set his eyes twinkling. "Hi, Lois." He stood as he greeted her, attempting to hide his eagerness and keep the conversation light. In no way did he mean to press her for an answer. = "That's not possible. Since your visit last night the craft is programme= d to recognise your aura and allow you entrance. Besides, the ship is also= cloaked. No one but the crew and yourself can actually see it." Lois gaped in awe at the technology that could manufacture a selecti= ve cloaking facility, but decided that a conversation about Kryptonian scientific accomplishments was not what she had in mind. Crossing the room, she enquired on a more personal level. = "Whatcha doing, Kal?" Sensing Lois' skittishness, Kal was content to let her set the pace. = "Homework," he indicated the papers he held with an airy wave of his hand= . = "Reading up on your country's constitution." "Light reading, huh?" She now stood by his side and not willing to yet meet his eyes, Lois concentrated on the reading matter before her. A= gasp of laughter escaped her lips, quickly stifled at his startled glance= . = "Your mind not on the job, flyboy? Or is this another Kryptonian skill, reading things upside down?" Kal looked down at the papers and slowly he joined in her laughter, both finding escape from their stressful twenty-four hours in nonsensical= camaraderie. When eventually their giggles stilled they found themselve= s standing so close together their bodies were almost touching. The moment= of truth had arrived. As Kal's glance alighted on the overstuffed bag th= at Lois had dropped by the wall on entry, he dared to hope. "Then, your answer is yes?" The trepidation in Kal-El's voice was evident and the longing in his gaze held her spellbound for a moment in time. Then stretching out his hands to her he whispered, "Will you marry= me?" Lois found that her hands, with a will of their own, sought out his and were soon taken in a gentle yet strong clasp and pulled against his chest. Through the black silk of his tunic she could feel his heart beating erratically. Her own heartbeat echoed his as instinctively she moved into his embrace and returning his earnest gaze she heard her determined reply. = "Yes!" The moment she voiced her thoughts she knew that she meant them with all her heart. Soulmates instinctively recognised each other. = Seeing the awe that held him mesmerised she thought that he might not hav= e understood, so she reiterated her answer. "Yes, I will marry you and I will go with you, anywhere you shall go I shall go." And Lois echoed tha= t long ago text from the Bible. = = = = She was caught up in his arms and pulled hard against his muscled chest. His lips sought hers and after first tentatively brushing her lip= s, his mouth claimed hers in a kiss that threatened to steal away her very breath. Long moments later the two broke the kiss recalling that they needed to breathe but they still clung to each other for support. Lois w= as aware that if she left the shelter of the strong arms that surrounded her= she might collapse onto the floor. Thankfully Kal showed no intention of= letting her loose. Instead he picked her up and carried her back to the chairs, which seemed to have conveniently metamorphosed into a two-seater= couch, much more comfortable for holding each other like this. For a lon= g moment Lois and Kal held each other close, contented just to enjoy this time when they had chosen to be together for the rest of their lives. It was a momentous occasion, especially for Lois. She had made a decision that would alter her life beyond anything she had ever planned, anything she had ever considered possible. Until last night her ambition= had been to make her way in the journalistic field; to be the best report= er that she could and to hopefully win a Pulitzer prize one day. And now sh= e was throwing it all away for an unknown life on another world. The life = of First Lady and all that might entail. And all because she had fallen und= er the spell of a pair of melting brown eyes and the face and body of the Adonis that went with them. Before meeting Kal, she had poured scorn on her friends who had desired nothing more in life than to find a husband a= nd start a family and yet here she was happily shedding all her ambitions fo= r much the same concept. Even after her night of intense deliberation she was still not sure how this could have happened to Lois Lane, the most liberated of women. Lois' ambivalent feelings were etched clearly on her face as Kal watched the play of emotions chase their way across her lovely features. = She had said yes, but obviously she had some lingering doubts. This didn= 't shock him, as he was asking her to give up everything that she was famili= ar with for a life on a far off world, linked to that of a stranger. Kal understood that although Lois' heart had recognised him as her life mate,= her mind was still having reservations. = He chose to try to soothe her troubled unspoken meanderings. He always would place Lois' well being above his own, even if it meant that = he might lose her. Cupping her face tenderly with his hand he raised her fa= ce to his and began quietly, "Lois, I know that I expect a great deal of y= ou and I thank you for placing your trust in me, but I feel that it's only fair if I explain to you what our life together will be like." When she had given him her full attention he proceeded a little more forcefully. = "As I have said, you and I will be expected to have children and especial= ly a son, as only a boy can inherit the leadership. Which means that if at first we produce girls then we have to keep trying for a male. = Fortunately, our researchers are working on ways to aid in the reproducti= on of a certain gender, so hopefully you will not have to go on endlessly producing babies. As to the rest; you will be expected to be my consort and help me in the rule of my people, to comfort me and to strengthen me = to do my duty." These last words were stilted as though they had been repeated to him many times in his past. "And I hope that you will find none of these requirements a burden, but I do understand that you want mo= re >from your life than to simply be a wife and mother. The next part of my explanation is what *I* want from our marriage and is something that we m= ay have to keep to ourselves until my rule is established. I have tried to describe a little of the lifestyle on my world and I know that you are intuitive enough to have realized that life for women on Krypton is not a= s liberated as on Earth. Women on my planet are valued, but only as wives,= mothers or sisters and any man treating a lady with disrespect will be severely disciplined. However, watching you here on Earth, I have long since concluded that, relegating females into their customary roles as we= do on Krypton, we are sadly losing out on so much talent and potential an= d with your help I intend to change all of that. It won't be easy, Lois. = There will be those who will be suspicious of change and will seek to resist it. That is why we will have to wait until the people have accept= ed our rule and have learned to trust us before we can begin to introduce reform. But on this I am determined. Will you help me, Lois?" The fact that Kal-El had begun to talk of us' and we' was music to Lois' ears. She had begun to think that her life as his wife would be ju= st the sort of marriage that she abhorred. Now he had thrown her a challeng= e; a chance to bring some of the best of Earth's culture to a planet so far away. Lois Lane could never resist a challenge, with her eyes sparkling she raised her hand to his cheek and gently stroked her fingers across hi= s lips and when a kiss was pressed to their tips she leaned up and whispere= d almost against his mouth. "With all my heart." Then sealed her affirmation with a kiss. = = ***** ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 19:57:42 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Yvonne Connell Subject: Re: Alt world fiction MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sandy, Just went over to your site and discovered that you're the author of one my all-time favourite fics - Something's Missing . I've always loved how this story creates such an all-embracing world for itself, and how the 'n' parts are a completely integral part of the story. Keep up the writing, Yvonne ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 13:23:01 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: Re: NEW Fanfic: Revisiting the House of Luthor (Part 1 of 5) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Hi Lara, This is going to take me a little time to edit all 5 parts but here goes with part 1. My comments will be in (brackets) so they stand out >from the story. Take care, Irene P.S. Please let me know if you approve of my comments and suggestions. --- Lara Blasingame wrote: > Title: Revisiting the House of Luthor > Part: 1 of 5 > Author: Lara Blasingame > Rating: PG to PG-13 > Feedback: All feedback, public and private is > welcome > > I have been a FOLC since the very beginning. > However, I did not have > access to an Internet server until about eighteen > months ago. Since that > time, I have truly enjoyed the fiction written by > fans from all over the > world... from such authors as Wendy Richards, Demi, > Zoomway, CC Malo, Julie > Mack, Pam Jernigan, Sheila Harper, Lab Rat, Jenni > Debbage, Chris Mulder, > Irene Dutchak... the list could go on and on. (Thanks for the mention, I'm blushing here in front of my computer!) > > I would also like to thank all of the writers of > TUFS and Season 5/6 for > their story contributions. I suffered from serious > withdrawal when L&C was > cancelled by "that" network. The author's tireless > efforts helped alleviate > some of my symptoms. In fact the very first story I > ever found was Season > 5's Episode 10. I was, at that point, hooked on fan > fiction. > > Now, without further ado, a little bit about my > story. Deborah Joy Levine > and Dan Levine scripted a great program in the first > place. The dialogue, > especially, between Lex and Superman was a brilliant > piece of writing. I > just thought it might be fun to give the story a new > direction... so I > rewrote it. And, since I have no one to answer > too... I reworked large > chunks of the program. You'll notice that I > plagiarized... I meant > "borrowed" much of the dialogue from that program, > as well as from a few > others. This could be described as a "what if... " > story line. > > My intention is not to infringe on anyone's > copyright... Warner Bros., DC > comics, the original authors, TNT, etc... I just > wrote this piece for fun > and to see if I could do it. > > Feedback is greatly appreciated (positive or > negative). You can e-mail me > privately at if you want to... just > be constructive in your > criticisms. > > > ' ' These symbols indicate thoughts > " " These symbols are used for dialogue > (obviously) and for emphasis > > > Revisiting the House of Luthor > By Lara Blasingame > Rated PG-13 > Submitted June 1999 > > > Her life had spiraled into an endless parade of > disappointments lately. > Lois was absolutely miserable. The Planet - her > life's blood, her saving > grace, her friend when she didn't have anyone -had > been destroyed, and it > looked as if the deed had been done by a co-worker. > > Jack, the newspaper's newest employee and a former > child delinquent, had > been charged with the crime. The evidence linking > him to the bomb was > found in his lunch box. His Superman lunch box. The > police had apparently > found their culprit. > > But,(comma not necessary here) had they? Lex seemed to think so. Yet, her gut > was singing a different > aria. (I found the previous two sentences a little awkward. I would suggest " Lex seemed to think so, yet her gut was ...") Why would Jack jeopardize his chances of > having a normal, crime-free > life? It didn't make sense. A lot of things lately > didn't make a whole lot > of sense. > > She crawled into bed and tucked herself in. She > just wanted to be alone. > No more talk about the master bedroom or whether or > not to build a 12 or 15 > car garage. > > `Why would two sane people need 15 cars? If you > drove a different car > everyday, it would take you over two weeks before > you'd drive that > particular vehicle again. Ridiculous.' > > "What's ridiculous is that I am even contemplating > the logic behind having > that many automobiles. Now, I'm talking to myself. > That's a sign. But, > hey, maybe I'll learn to enjoy it." > > She stared at the ceiling and her thoughts began to > drift,(delete this comma) once again. The > stillness of the night chilled her to the bone. She > just couldn't seem to > relax. > > She thought about her new job at LNN. > > Everyone treated her with indifference. The former > newspaper reporter was > accepted professionally. After all, she still had a > lot of worthwhile > contacts and a reputation for being a hard-bitten > newswoman. But > personally, everyone treated her like the office > mole that was bent on > revealing her (colleagues')colleague's deepest and darkest > secrets to the man in > charge... Lex. > > Her co-workers knew that she had no previous > experience working in > television. Everyone looked at her with clouded > eyes. They just assumed > that she had gotten the job because she was sleeping > with the Boss. > > Well, almost sleeping with the Boss. She had > insisted that they wait until > their honeymoon. She wanted it to be special. > Special? > > It's funny. Now,(delete this comma) that she stopped to think about it > - did she have any > romantic feelings for Lex? She admired him. Lex > employed half the city. He > gave generously to many worthwhile charities. > > And he had asked her to marry him. > > The third richest man in the world had asked for her > hand in marriage. No > one had ever done that before. A girl couldn't help > but feel flattered. > > But, did she want to make love to him? Did she want > him to... > > `Hmmm. Of course I do. Don't I? Oh, this can't be > good.' > > Now Superman on the other hand. > > "Woof... what a body," she sighed out loud.(The word "sighed" doesn't seem to work here. I would suggest "mused") > > Her sigh turned into a reflective tone. `But,(delete this comma) he > doesn't want you Lois. He > rejected you. He even seemed bitter about the whole > situation. So,(delete comma) out of > character. Just like... just like... Clark. > > Clark was so upset with her. He had told her that he > was in love with her. > But,(delete comma) she couldn't say that she felt the same way. > Sure she loved him, but > like a brother, a best friend. Clark was someone she > could tell all of her > secrets. Someone she could depend on no matter what. > Someone she wanted to > be partners with for the rest of her life. That > wasn't love. Was it? > > `It doesn't matter anyway. He's mad at me,(delete comma) too. I > sure do miss him...' > > "Who are you trying to kid? Lex is right. I should > just call Clark and say > hello." > > Lois looked tentatively at the phone sitting in its > cradle. She made no > effort to pick it up. > > `What's going on? Why are you so nervous? He's your > best friend. You tell > him everything.' > > "Yeah, well, we haven't exactly been getting along > lately. === message truncated === _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 13:35:32 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: Oops, Hit the wrong button. MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Sorry everyone, for posting my editing notes to the list instead of to Lara herself. Please ignore and also, please forgive me. Irene _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:44:13 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Hazel Subject: Re: The Universal Union Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Jenni, I happened to check my e-mail after you'd sent parts 1 and 2 but not 3 and 4. I almost had a fit when I came to the end -- were you going to make us wait before she even left the planet?! A surge of desperation sent me slamming on the check key -- ah, there we go. The rest of it -- not that it was that much more. Spoilsport. Of *course* we want to read more -- don't be silly. S P O I L E R S P A C E It's fun to watch you weave the names we know into your story, and I find myself wondering where Zara will enter the picture, if she will at all. I also wonder if you realize that you are setting up Tempus' alternate universe -- literally "no Lois and Clark." Who will stop the Messenger from blowing up, Lex from taking over the city, all the other villains and masterminds who were thwarted by a brilliant journalist and a certain superhero? Of course, Kal's promise to bring Lois back sets up a nice sequel for just a scenario afterwards... :) Two comments, if I may, both on Krypton science: It's hard to believe that a world as scientifically advanced as you have painted Krypton has not found a way to prevent miscarriages. Today, in our world, a child can be brought to term from twenty weeks; a fetus that has certain defects can be operated upon in utero. Your references to genetic manipulation to ensure a male instead of female child, even if it was developed after the fact, do point to expertise in this subject, as do the "cloning" of Lois' fur (more on this below). May I offer a different suggestion? Perhaps, for whatever reason, Kal's aunt and uncle couldn't *conceive.* This if far different from being able to carry a pregnancy to term. And while we today have IVF, GIFT, etc., the stratified society that you suggest would certainly prohibit any donated sperm or eggs into the mix, and their own personal material might not be up to the task. :) My other comment is on Lois' "horror" at being offered something with fur. I was a bit taken aback and thought this a bit extreme. Is this really the general attitude? And in a world with no endangered species, would people really be so anti-fur, leather, etc.? If you carry that too far, Kryptonians will "logically" :) be vegetarians too. I was brought up to believe that G-d gave us this world to use, although not to abuse, so I see nothing wrong with leather shoes and the like; maybe that's why this seemed so strange to me. This is just a personal opinion, and feel free to ignore it. :) One other thing -- does a story that begins with an attempted rape really qualify as PG? *Please* keep it up, Jenni. I look forward more to your portrayal of Krypton and Lois' effect on the world than on her relationship with Kal, which will prolly be rather straightforward. :) I hope you post more soon! Hazel ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:52:16 CDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jessi Mounts Subject: Re: Little Man, Super Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed I haven't read the other three? stories related to Little Man, Super because they're nfic and I'm under 18 (pout). So I haven't read Little Man, Super either. Can someone tell me whether or not the story would make since without having read the other three? Jessi _______________________________________________________________ Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 14:13:37 PDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: genevieve mactavish Subject: Re: The Universal Union Part 4 of 4 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed "To be continued" Continue it soon.. it was a great stroy, and I can't wait for more!!!! Jeni _______________________________________________________________ Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 17:06:49 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Ann E. McBride" Subject: Re: Little Man, Super MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 6/10/99 4:52:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time, jessi914@HOTMAIL.COM writes: << I haven't read the other three? stories related to Little Man, Super because they're nfic and I'm under 18 (pout). So I haven't read Little Man, Super either. Can someone tell me whether or not the story would make since without having read the other three? >> Yes, it makes sense without the other three, because it's the only one I have read and it made perfect sense.. It's also a terrific story, so go read it ! Ann ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 14:26:19 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Robert Brekke Subject: NEW Fanfic: Revisiting the House of Luthor Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Just finished reading, I and I have to say, loved it. You don't know how many times I watched that episode and wanted to blow up the tv. Especially at the end when Clark says "I don't love you", what's with that!! Anyways thank you for ending it the way I wished it had ended. Keep up the great work... Rob ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 11:53:40 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Organization: Subject: Re: Alt world fiction MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > Well, one other place to start is Pam Jernigan's very helpful Fanfic > Recommendations Site - I've made a number of contributions to that > site based on personal favourites, and I'd encourage other readers > to do the same. Thank you, Wendy :-) That's what it's there for ... and I'll join you in encouraging others to send me their recommendations; I can't read all the stories myself, so I'll take whatever help I can get. (For instance, I'm a bit late, but I'll be recommending "Little Man, Super" next time I do an update :) About the Kerths ... much as I love them, they aren't *strictly* about quality, there is also an element of a popularity contest; writers who are well-known and well-liked are somewhat more likely to get votes. For a brand-new fan, however, they are a good place to start reading -- facing 1000 stories in the Archive (and finding the stories which aren't there) is quite a daunting challenge. -- ------------------------------------------------------- Pam Jernigan | ChiefPam on IRC | ------------------------------------------------------- "I heard about Superman at the UN. I don't mind him wanting to take over the world, really, but he sounded a little ... well ... nuts." --Dr. Klein, "Blast from the Past", IRC Round Robin ------------------------------------------------------- The FoLC Obsession Page has moved to: ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:51:23 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: TA Merrill Subject: Re: Little Man, Super MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Yes Jessi, Little Man, Super can stand alone. I've read all of the set and , while great stories of their own, they are only relevant to this story to introduce you to the Kent children. TerriAnn _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 19:20:41 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: No Name Available Subject: Re: Little Man, Super MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 06/10/1999 4:52:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time, jessi914@HOTMAIL.COM writes: << I haven't read the other three? stories related to Little Man, Super because they're nfic and I'm under 18 (pout). So I haven't read Little Man, Super either. Can someone tell me whether or not the story would make since without having read the other three? >> Oh, Jessi, don't deprive yourself of this wonderful story just because you haven't read the earlier ones. You'll still enjoy it very much--all you'll miss is a couple references to earlier events. --Laurie ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 19:24:57 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: ninety-six and i planted poppies Subject: Re: Alt world fiction Sandy wrote: <<>> Yvonne wrote: < Sandy, I can't agree with this sentiment. I wrote...I think...3 stories and posted them to the archive before I ever joined this list or went on to IRC. So I wasn't around to interact (I think I was in contact by email with just one Folc), and I couldn't do anything to promote my work (not that 'promoting' is something which comes naturally to me anyway). Yet I received a Kerth nomination, and a good few feedback emails about my stories. > I have to agree with Sandy. I'm not big on reading stories that authors promote too heavily themselves, but hearing good things from others is what usually convinces me to read something. Often the people promoting others' stories are people who know the author, at least on-line. And if the author isn't around lists or IRC to make those friends, an excellent story can slip by unnoticed. When I first discovered on-line folcdom, the archive was much smaller than it is now, but it looked big to me ;) Over a hundred stories were written about this quirky little show? Wow, I was impressed! So I started with the Themes section of the archive, found authors and themes I enjoyed, and worked my way out from there. Now, however, with over 1000 stories archived, it's likely that readers will never make their way out of the Kerth stories and their authors. I joined the loiscla list and began reading fanfic at about the same time, and I know I initially gravitated towards stories by names I recognized from the list; Zoomway, Debby Stark, etc. If I liked the points made in someone's post, I'd give a story of theirs a read. If I read a post that annoyed or bothered me, I was likely to stay away from their stories. (So I guess being part of the list could work against someone, too ) < I'm not trying to blow my own trumpet here, nor devalue your work in any way what-so-ever - I'm just trying to say that I think readers, new or old, will find the stories they like whether or not they are highlighted in the Kerth section. > I think this this would be true, if people had unlimited time to read fanfic. I know I don't. I know I can't always keep up with newly released fanfic; I don't know how people new to folcdom can possibly bring themselves up to date with everything that's been written. So they have to pick and choose. How would you find a story you like without reading it, and if you start out solely with Kerth-winning stories and authors, you may never get to non-Kerth stuff. < Who are these people who only read award-winning work? > I don't think anyone consciously only reads award-winning work. But it may be something that just happens. For instance, when Kerth nominations opened, I tried to read everything. But I couldn't. However, when the list of nominated stories came out, I figured I could at least read those, so that I voted fairly. Pam wrote: << About the Kerths ... much as I love them, they aren't *strictly* about quality, there is also an element of a popularity contest; writers who are well-known and well-liked are somewhat more likely to get votes. >> I have to (unfortunately) agree with this, too. If you look down a list of the names of Kerth-winning authors, you'll recognize nearly all of them (with perhaps a few exceptions from the 98 Kerths where authors had already left folcdom). In some ways, this is understandable; if you make a friend through the list, you'll want to read her fic. There are so many stories now, it's easy to skim over unfamiliar names when you scan a list of archived stories. Not Kerthless for long, I'm sure. (And I seem to remember that you were nominated for Charity Begins at Home, weren't you? Nominated for your only eligible story- that's pretty good.) -Christy ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 18:02:27 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Peggy Mueller Subject: Re: Mad Dog Lane & 'The Search for Truth and Justice' MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit >gremlino@PATHWAY.NET writes: > ><< how did Lois manage to inspire that kind of devotion in Deter--and so >quickly? > Ann writes: >>> Very good question, but if you look at the other men in her life, it was >typical. --snip (discussion of how virtually every man Lois meets falls in love with her)-- How true! I guess that Lois has (how did Cat put it?) "something the rest of us don't" ? (LOL! Well, *I* sure don't! ;) Cheers, Peggy :-) ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 21:32:18 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Peggy Mueller Subject: Re: NEW: MY JOURNAL - Day 1 (SPOILERS) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit From: jem >Actually, my father (who is half Italian half English) also does not have >any chest hair - oh wait, I remember now, he had three :) LOL! > >Some men are hairy and some are not - I don't think it has to do with >ancestry just genetics. > >At least, that's my theory :) > And I thought that all men have hair on their chests unless they shave them! Boy do I feel sheepish. :-) Peggy :-) ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 20:28:15 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Lara Blasingame Subject: NEW Fanfic: Revisiting the House of Luthor -Reply Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Hey Wendy, Thanks so much for the kind words about my story ...... Yes, this was my first fanfic. I have a short vignette that I may post... soon :) I wanted to take a minute to say how much I enjoy your writing. I have always been hesitant about commenting on other peoples work... not because I didn't want too... Just wanted to take a second to let you know that I am reading "It's A Super Life" for the third time and have read the prequel at least three times. WOW... is all I can say. Your story (the name escapes me right now) about TOGOM is a favorite of mine as well. You give such detailed descriptions of the characters. I love the way you flashback in some of your fics... always very seamless. After writing 1 1/2 stories, I admire the quantity and quality of stories that you have produced. Kudos. Lara ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 20:31:02 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Lara Blasingame Subject: NEW Fanfic: Revisiting the House of Luthor -Reply Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Hey Rob, I hated the ending. The show had a lot of romantic tension... we see L&C's relationship developing into something much more... and then... and then... Clark flies off :) Thanks for the kind words, Lara ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 18:59:31 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: Re: My Journal In-Reply-To: <000301beb333$51e1a940$608701d4@default> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 12:20 PM 06/10/1999 +0100, Labrat, excellent author on her own, wrote: >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > >S >P >A >C >E > >Not really a spoiler, just an observation, but I'll be ultra-careful anyway, >just in case. > >Okay, so I'm finally finding a spare moment to catch up I know how *that* feels... >on My Journal - >having been driven to the brink of insanity either avoiding the previous >list comments or sucumbing to temptation [snip] I'm reading it >and I'm thinking that there's something...wrong with it. Something...odd. >Something just a little off kilter. And I'm dashed if I can figure out what >the heck it is. >Then, halfway through part two - it hits me. [snip] >"Well, duh! Course it's not *Debby* coming through on the page, you >moron. It's Clark, isn't it!!" I hope so. :D Howeveer, it's also a limited POV. I can't tell you everything that happens as I can using the 3rd person POV, even using CK's x-ray vision :) He's telling you what he knows and how he understands life to be, and guessing about the rest, as we all do. I really enjoy writing 1st person POV. It allows one to delve deep into a character, but it does have certain limitations, too, even when the POV character can lift mountains. >And then I sat back and stared at the screen in complete and total awe for >several moments while I marveled at this exceptional and amazing talent. Calm down, calm down... okay, thanks :`D >Kudos, Debby! You sucked me right into Clark's Journal. Now I feel like a >voyeur. ;) > >LabRat :) (Who must have been on a roll to have gotten past Clark's >encryption code. And without even figuring out how I did it either. Darn, >I'm good. Maybe I should join Lois in the Underground. :D) Well, once the journal entry is home in Smallville, it can be kept unzipped and unencrypted :) Now, how you got to be a decendent of CK... that's what he'd like to know ;) >Doc. Klein's LabRat > Debby who just put up a new, typo-free(?) version thanks to Pat H :) However, they weren't horrid typos, so you all can fix 'em if you like :) ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 22:23:48 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Sandy McDermin Subject: Re: Alt world fiction MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Yvonne Connell wrote: > > Sandy McDermin wrote: > > Oh, I think there are a few good writers who haven't won a Kerth. > > Of course there are, and I don't think anyone would claim otherwise. > Kerths are just like any other award or competition - they highlight a few > lucky people amongst the many who produce high-quality work. Only one > person can win an award, so that by definition, an award scheme cannot > possibly acknowledge everyone who is good (whatever 'good' means ;) ). Well that's a very good point. What does it all mean? Is it truly about "the best fanfic written by the luckiest person?" If so, we'll have to change some designations: The best comedy written by the luckiest person who happened to write a comedy! I truly apologize for being facetious, but the point is the Kerths must mean something beyond luck, or why go to all the trouble of nominating and voting? We could just hold a lottery. When you have over 1,000 stories on an archive -- when you have countless stories across the internet on varies webpages -- and, at the same time, you have a competition which chooses the best of that lot for the year, then ipso facto, we're drawing attention to those stories and those authors. And, as you imply, it's very subjective. It's not like a spelling bee or a math contest where someone says 1 + 1 = 2 and someone else says 1 + 1 = 3. (We know that that latter person's not the best and will probably end up working for the Congressional Budget Office.;) Frankly, I'm very ambivalent about the Kerths. I want to win an award. Who doesn't want to win an award? But, I know that the results of competitions focusing on creative work are somewhat a matter of taste, involve factors beyond the work itself, and are a little bit self-perpetuating. It inevitably leaves out good work which may not get attention at first -- but rather -- attention at last. And that's too bad. > I'm sorry - and surprised - that you've found that you have to cajole > people to read non-Kerth work. Who are these people who only read > award-winning work? I answered this above, but it bears repeating. I didn't say no other authors get read but that stories awarded Kerths are obviously highlighted and receive attention not only because of their worth but because of that very recognition. Planted Poppies said: > If I read a post that annoyed or bothered me, I was likely to stay > away from their stories. (So I guess being part of the list could > work against someone, too ) No-o! That can't be. >(And I seem to remember that you were nominated for Charity Begins > at Home, weren't you? Nominated for your only eligible story- that's > pretty good.) Well, "Love as a Blonde" was nominated the first year," she mumbles ... "by one person." (I asked Leanne how many nominations it got.) I pulled it, however, because it was in a category (comedy) with 4 short (good) stories, which all together, were less than half the size of LaaB. (Apples and Oranges.) Plus, mine was nfic, which not everyone could read, while all the others were regular fiction. I thought it was doomed, and I didn't feel like I was disappointing a lot of nominators cause there was only one. (By the way, thank you whoever you are. I offer you my most heartfelt and very belated apologies.) So, I guess you can call me a masochist. Sandy ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 23:35:49 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Karen Ward Subject: REVISED: NIGHTMARE ON HYPERION AVENUE - INTRO Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed" TITLE: NIGHTMARE ON HYPERION AVENUE PART: Introduction AUTHOR: Karen Ward RATING: PG-13 . . . along with a serious WHAM warning FEEDBACK: Any and all, public or private. SUMMARY: Tragedy strikes Lois and Clark when an old nemesis comes back to haunt them . . . again. Well, FoLCs, after many months of editing, writing, editing, rewriting, editing, and editing, I've finally come to the point that I feel comfortable enough to let this story back into circulation. Just so there's no misunderstandings, this story deals with dark issues, and has a *very* big WHAM in it . . . in case you haven't heard. ;) This version is quite a bit different from the original which I posted to this list, and I urge anyone who was unsatisfied with the earlier NIGHTMARE, to read this version. I can't make any guarantees, but I think you'll find some differences. ;) I also want to apologize to all those people I reassured would have copies of this story within the next week . . . three months ago. ;) I just kept thinking of more things I wanted to do with it . . . not mention the intervention of RL. . . . Anyhow, I hope it was worth the wait! :) Sincerely, Karen :) "All things considered, I think I'll stick to reading." -I'm not sure, but I couldn't have been the first. ;) ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 23:35:57 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Karen Ward Subject: REVISED: NIGHTMARE ON HYPERION AVENUE, Part 1 of 8 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed" TITLE: NIGHTMARE ON HYPERION AVENUE PART: 1 of 8 AUTHOR: Karen Ward RATING: PG-13 . . . along with a serious WHAM warning FEEDBACK: Any and all, public or private. SUMMARY: Tragedy strikes Lois and Clark when an old nemesis comes back to haunt them . . . again. _______________________________________________________ Foreword: First of all, I'd like to extend a warm thank you to my story editor, Irene Dutchak, for selflessly donating her time to root through this fic for rough spots. It meant more to me than words can say. I'd also like to extend a special thank you to Mandy Crustner, without whose support and encouragement I doubt I would have ever managed to finish this fic. She graciously took the time to read this monster not just once, but *two* times, pointing out to me more typos than I thought a single person was capable of. Another extra special editorial thanks goes out to Rachel TenHaaf who also allowed herself to be victim to this story and volunteered to edit it even though she'd already read it. Thanks so much, Rachel! Despite all the wonderful editors I had, including the many members of the Loiscla Fanfic Discussion List, I must add that the blame for any remaining typos, unresolved issues, or confusing passages, belongs solely to me. In continuity, this story takes place after my other fanfic 'Tomorrow's Past', which I wrote in response to being very disappointed with the series finale of my favorite television show. However, it isn't necessary to read 'Tomorrow's Past' to understand this story. All you need to know is that Lois and Clark are still under the impression that they are "biologically incompatible for reproduction". Being familiar with the episode 'Virtually Destroyed' might (it's debatable ) make this story easier to follow. Finally, if you find anything in this story to be racist or prejudicial, or just outright offensive, I assure you that I did not do it on purpose! As a friend pointed out to me recently, life is way too short to go out of my way to offend perfect strangers. If you do have a bone of contention concerning this story, or anything contained within it, don't hesitate to let me know. Any such error was likely due to my naivete and I'm always glad to be enlightened. WARNING!!!!! WARNING!!!!!! WARNING!!!!!! Before you begin this story, you should be warned that it deals with very serious subject matter. It contains a huge WHAM; however, you can rest assured that I did everything within my power to set things right. This story is for my mother, the strongest person I know. Now that you've made it through the longest foreword known to humankind, congratulations! You get to read this beast! ;) * denotes emphasis ** denotes sounds NIGHTMARE ON HYPERION AVENUE By Karen Ward **Swoosh!** A well-aimed gust of wind caused the basketball to veer left and align itself with the hoop at Centennial Park. "Yes! Another three-pointer!" Ted Rickman, the Daily Planet's newest college intern and Clark Kent's recently adopted protege, exclaimed. "That's three in row, Clark. That makes it 15 to 6." Clark picked up the basketball and tossed it back to Ted. "Are you sure you can take any more?" Ted continued. "Maybe you'd better forfeit before the score gets too embarrassing. I wouldn't want you to go home and not be able to look your wife in the eye, now would I, Kent?" Ted's eyes twinkled with mischief as he casually tucked the basketball under his arm. "Are you kidding? Of course you would! But I'll have to forfeit anyway." Clark eyed the sky, noting that twilight wouldn't be upon them for at least another hour. "It's getting too dark to play." "Yeah, sure, Kent. Whatever you say . . ." Ted was skeptical of Clark's excuse. Though he'd detected humor in Clark's voice, he'd been playing the best basketball of his life; surely Clark was too embarrassed to keep playing. "Seriously," Clark added, "Lois and I have a double date with the Whites tonight, and I don't want to be late for dinner with the boss." Clark glanced at his watch. "I'd better get going." "A double date with the Whites? Why? Are you and Lois looking for a raise?" Ted needled. "No," Clark laughed. "But I wouldn't be surprised if that was on Lois's agenda too. They're attempting a reconciliation and Lois has this notion that we should be their mediators, so to speak, to make sure that things run smoothly. At least, that's what she says . . ." "Oh, I see. And what do you think her real motives are?" "Well . . . you know Lois . . ." Clark grinned. "Ah, yes, I do. You think she's just being nosy?" "Well . . ." Clark adjusted his glasses reflexively. "Between you, me and the fence post, yep." Ted laughed. "She must be really something to be dragging you away from the TV tonight. I can't believe you're going to miss the Metros versus Bills football game. You love the Bills -- almost as much as I do!" "She's something, alright." Clark chuckled. "What's so funny?" "I was just thinking . . ." Clark hesitated, uncomfortable with revealing the direction his thoughts had gone. "What?" "Well . . ." "Come on, Clark, you've got to tell me now. I can tell by the glint in your eye that it's something good." "I probably shouldn't say this, but . . . let's just say that, in other areas, she'll more than compensate me for missing the football game." Ted laughed. "I'm sure she will, Clark. I'm sure she will." * * * That evening, a lean figure loomed in the second-story window of his one-room apartment. The meager glow of street lights seeped through the slit between the curtains, forming a thin slice of light on the wall across from the window. Every now and then the light would brighten and slide up the wall while a set of headlights passed by on the street below. A pair of binoculars rested at the figure's side in his right hand, while his left hand reached to clear the drapes from his line of sight. The expanding opening between the curtains allowed a stream of streetlight to sweep across the man's front, illuminating the red and blue logo dominating the front of his t-shirt, and glinting off the locks of blond hair that framed his forehead. He raised the binoculars to his eyes and focused them on an upstairs bedroom of the brownstone at 348 Hyperion Avenue. The straight line of his lips transformed into a satisfied smile as he realized that his timing was perfect. It was one of the rare occasions that the couple across the street had left the drapes drawn, providing a clear view through the patio door leading to the upstairs master bedroom. He watched an attractive young brunette hustle around the room in a revealing black slip. She dug into her closet, yanked out a short burgundy kimono, scurried over to a full-length mirror and held it up in front of her. She wrinkled her nose in disgust and flung the satin dress onto the heap of clothing strewn beside the mirror as she scampered back to the closet to find another outfit. * * * "Lois, aren't you ready yet?" Clark Kent, one half of the hottest reporting team in Metropolis, stood at the base of the staircase, hands cupped around his mouth, shouting to his wife in the upstairs bedroom. "If you don't hurry up, we'll be late. The reservations are for seven-thirty. We have five minutes. What's taking you so long anyway?" "Hold your horses, Clark, I'm coming!" Lois Lane, ace reporter and the other half of the hottest team in town, hollered back. She lifted a shiny, burgundy kimono in front of her slender figure and considered her reflection in the full-length mirror on the back of their closet door. She looked pensive for a moment before she scowled at her image and threw the dress aside. "Lois, if I hold my horses any longer they're going to . . . let's just say my horses are getting *very* impatient!" "Well, tell your horses that if they keep up their patience, I'll make sure it's worth their wait!" "That would be fine with me except it's not just my horses that are getting impatient. If we keep Perry and Alice waiting any longer they're going to think we stood them up." Clark approached the mirror by the vestibule and adjusted his crimson tie. "When people are attempting a reconciliation," he shouted toward the ceiling, "the last thing they need is for us to cause them stress by being late for dinner." "I know! I'm coming!" Clark ran his hands down the front of his charcoal suit, smoothing wrinkles. For what seemed like the millionth time, he pushed back the sleeve covering his watch and grimaced when he saw the time. Curious as to what was keeping his wife, he drew his glasses down to the tip of his nose and his x-ray vision began to penetrate the ceiling into the bedroom. "What do you think you're doing, Mr. Kent?!" The sound of Lois's voice from the bottom of the stairwell startled Clark, causing his glasses to slip further down his nose before he could clumsily shove them back into place. "Uh . . . I was just . . . uh . . . " He felt as if he'd been caught with his hand in the proverbial cookie jar, except he hadn't been reaching for cookies. He realized, however, that Lois had no reason to believe that his motives were purely innocent. Clark relaxed and gave up on his explanation when he noticed the corner of his wife's mouth twitch, betraying her mock seriousness. "Don't worry, Kent, I'll let you get away with it this time. But if I ever catch you doing that again, I'll just have to give you some strict lessons on respecting other people's privacy." "If they're anything like the lessons I gave you on self confidence, I'll be looking forward to it." Lois chuckled as she retrieved her jacket from its hook by the door. "Oh, they'll be a lot more rigorous and intensive than that!" She grinned when she turned and saw his eyes wide in appreciation of her knee length, black, satin dress. "You look . . . wow!" Clark managed. She adjusted one of the spaghetti straps with her right hand as she held her jacket to him with the other. "I take it you think it was worth the wait then?" Clark's gaze didn't waver as he nodded his agreement. Upon recovering his wits, he accepted her jacket and slipped it over her shoulders. "It was awfully nice of Perry and Alice to invite us to dinner," he said, changing the topic in order to keep his mind off what he'd rather be doing with his wife at the moment. "I just hope we get back in time to catch the Metros' game tonight. They're playing the Bills, you know." "Are you kidding?! Of course I know. You've only spent the last week talking about this 'big game'." "Yeah, well, it *is* a big game. The winner makes the playoffs and I'm really pulling for the Bills. Not that I have anything against the Metros, it's just that I've always sort of like the Bills for some reason and . . ." Lois grabbed his arm and began hauling him outside. "Honey, you're babbling. That's my job. Besides, you can rant about football all you want with . . . what's-his-name?" "Ted." "Right. You can rant all you want to Ted at the office tomorrow, but, right now, we're late for dinner with our boss so I think we should be going." Clark stopped just short of the door, also halting Lois who had a firm grip on his forearm. "Hey, I've been ready for over half an hour . . . and you got home before I did. Who's the one who spent over an hour doing who-knows-what when she looked beautiful to begin with, huh?" Clark teased. "Well, if I could get ready at superspeed I'd have been ready a long time ago too." Smiling, Lois turned to Clark and began poking his chest to emphasize her point. "But I'm just a measly little human being. I have to do things at regular speed." "That's no excuse." A sly grin crept onto Clark's face as he opened the front door for his wife. "I offered to help you get dressed but no-o, you wouldn't let me, would you?" "If I recall correctly, your offer was to help me get undressed. And it's not that I didn't appreciate your offer, but you know very well that if I'd let you, we'd have never made it out the door tonight." * * * Wheeling a large metal cart, a nurse rumbled down one of the halls of the Metropolis Asylum for the Criminally Insane. She reached the end of the hall and turned to face a thick, cast iron door. With her eyes trained on the keypad next to the door, she began to punch in a series of numbers. After a succession of clicks and a giant clang, she heaved the heavy door open. Inside the padded room a small man was huddled in the corner. His hands were at his head, each clasping a clump of unruly brown hair. His chin rested on his knees as he stared blankly at his feet. He remained completely still when the nurse wheeled the shiny silver pushcart in, and didn't flinch when she began to croon, "Hello there, Jaxon. How are you today? You're looking well. You'll never guess what we've got for you today." Jaxon's blank expression didn't waver as the nurse continued to address him. "The doctor thought it might be helpful to get you playing with computers again, so he got you this." The nurse gestured to the contents of the metal cart that now sat in the center of the room. "Pretty neat, huh, Jaxon? How would you like to try out your new computer?" Jaxon remained motionless in the corner while the nurse removed the safety cover on an outlet and inserted a plug that ran >from the cart. She pushed a red switch on the power bar and the monitor sprang to life. "There we go, that should do it. It'll just take a second to load and that should give us time to get you in a chair and ready to go." The nurse retrieved a wooden chair from one side of the room, and Jaxon from the other. Once Jaxon was settled in the chair in front of the computer, she began to guide his unresponsive hands across the keyboard. "There's lots of fun games you can play on the computer . . . there we go. Tetris. Why don't we give that a try?" Sparks began to fly from the processor as Jaxon's fingers passed over the keys. A violent electrical shock sent the nurse sprawling to the floor, unconscious. Jaxon's fingers remained fixed on the keyboard and his attention on the monitor as electricity assaulted the computer. Jaxon's mouth formed a sneer until the current of electricity finally ceased. He began to chuckle as he rose >from the chair and knelt over the fallen nurse to feel for a pulse. Soon roaring laughter echoed though the room and he turned back to the computer. * * * ". . . and then the King said, 'You Hound Dog, you! If that's what you wanted, you should have just said so!'" Clark and Alice chuckled at the conclusion of Perry's latest Elvis tale, while Lois, after coercing her lips into small smile, fixed her husband with her best 'I-need-to-get-out-of-here' stare. Although Lois enjoyed her boss's company, she thought she'd more than met her quota of Elvis yarns for the day. Unfortunately for Lois, Perry interrupted before Clark could register her silent plea. "So are you two up for some dessert? I sure am!" "Uh . . . I don't know, Perry. I'm pretty beat," Lois responded, trying to sound sincere. "It's been a lovely evening but I really think Clark and I should get going." Then, to Lois's great relief, she noticed Clark's face take on a familiar far-off look. Recognizing the chance to not have to sit through another dose of Elvis stories, she pounced on it. "Don't you think so, Clark? You look beat yourself. We should get going." "Uh . . . yeah." Clark forced a yawn. "I'm wiped. We'd better be going." Clark pulled his wallet out of his pocket and slapped a few bills on the table. "That should cover dinner." Clark and Lois pushed their chairs out and stood up before Perry and Alice could protest. "We're sorry to leave so abruptly, but Lois and I really have to be getting to bed. We'll see you at the office tomorrow, Perry." Clark turned to Alice, "And thank you for such a lovely evening, Alice." Lois was barely able to say, "Bye, guys," before Clark grabbed the crook of her arm and bolted for the door. After regarding the young couples' rapidly retreating forms, Alice turned to Perry to inquire about his star reporters' hasty exit. "What was that all about? Do they do that often?" "Alice, Honey, Lois and Clark are still newlyweds. Don't you remember what that was like?" Alice grinned sheepishly at her ex-husband as realization dawned. "I sure do. Say, Hound Dog, why don't we follow the younger ones' example and turn in early ourselves?" Perry grinned back as he stared into Alice's sparkling eyes. His gaze remained solid as he shouted, "Waiter! Check please!" * * * Outside the restaurant, Lois and Clark sprinted down the street, veered into a secluded alley and stopped. "Wha . . . what is it? What . . . did you hear?" Lois gasped for breath. It's an alarm at the Metropolis Asylum. I should check it out. I'll meet you at home, okay, Hon'?" Lois nodded and spoke between breaths. "Okay." Clark gave Lois a peck on the forehead, spun into the suit, and leapt into the air. * * * Lois eased her Jeep to a stop at the curb in front of her brownstone and opened the door to get out. As she approached the door, the sudden sensation of her nerves prickling into rapt attention stopped her momentarily. Her subconscious was invaded by the familiar feeling of uneasiness that told her something was up. She looked around the street, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. "Hmph." She shrugged if off and went inside. * * * From the second floor of 343 Hyperion Avenue, a blond man watched a silver Jeep Grand Cherokee come to a halt in front of one of the brownstones across the street. Once again, his eyes tracked the movements of an attractive brunette. From his darkened apartment, he watched her as she approached her front door and sighed when the young woman suddenly stopped, crinkled her brow, and gazed around the street. He smiled at the satisfaction of knowing that Lois couldn't possibly guess what was about to happen to her. * * * Continued in Part 2 ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 23:36:06 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Karen Ward Subject: REVISED: NIGHTMARE ON HYPERION AVENUE, Part 2 of 8 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed" TITLE: NIGHTMARE ON HYPERION AVENUE PART: 2 of 8 AUTHOR: Karen Ward RATING: PG-13 . . . along with a serious WHAM warning FEEDBACK: Any and all, public or private. SUMMARY: Tragedy strikes Lois and Clark when an old nemesis comes back to haunt them . . . again. _______________________________________________________ * * * After changing out of her evening wear and into a comfortable pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, Lois flopped down on the living room couch and clicked on the T.V. She spent a few moments surfing the channels before she settled on the Buffalo versus Metropolis football game. She didn't really want to watch it, but somehow, it made her feel closer to Clark. At times like this she looked for anything that would make being alone a little easier to bear. Halfway through the second quarter, as she was about to doze off, a news update startled her back to full consciousness. "This just in." The voice of the anchorman droned from the television. "A nurse is in critical condition after a convict by the name of Jaxon Xavier escaped from the Metropolis Asylum for the Criminally Insane tonight." Lois gasped. "How? . . ." Reflexively, she began running scenarios through her mind as to how Jaxon, in his comatose state, could have regained consciousness and escaped. "As of this moment," the voice continued in the background, "Metropolis Police are not sure as to how Xavier escaped from the asylum, but reports suggest that the building's security systems were breached through a computer terminal. Superman . . ." Lois perked up at the mention of her husband. ". . . arrived moments after the Asylum security discovered Xavier's empty cell, but was unable to immediately locate the villain. At this hour, Xavier remains at large and police are warning people to be on the lookout. He is not to be approached and should be considered extremely dangerous. If you should spot him, please notify the proper authorities immediately. Stay tuned to LNN for further updates on this matter." The football game reclaimed the screen as LNN's news logo faded from view. Knowing that her Superman was on the case, Jaxon's escape didn't cause her much worry, so she refocused her attention on the football game. "Since when did you start watching football?" Clark's teasing voice was accompanied by a gust of cool evening breeze and the rattle of the window being shut. "Well, I figured one of us had to watch it and since you weren't here . . . . Did you find Jaxon?" Superman approached the couch and, after a brief red and blue whirlwind in the living room, Clark sat down beside Lois. "Actually, no." Clark rested his elbows on his knees and wrung his hands in his lap. He stared at the floor as he muttered, "I scoured the city but I couldn't find him anywhere." Noticing Clark's distress, Lois laid a comforting hand between his shoulder blades. "Honey, it's okay. You'll find him. Actually, *we'll* find him. It'll make a great story to figure out how he recovered his mind >from the virtual world." "Yeah . . . sure. With all the people in Metropolis it's worse than . . . trying to find a needle in a haystack," Clark mumbled as he continued to gaze at his hands. "Clark, what's wrong? You're usually a little more optimistic than this." Clark turned to face Lois, opened his mouth to speak, hesitated, and decided to say, "No . . . it's nothing." "Clark." Lois sat facing her husband and grasped his hands in hers, forcing him to give her his full attention. "I know you better than that. Something's wrong and you're going to tell me what it is. Now, talk." "Well . . . " Clark paused. "I guess I'm just worried about Jaxon's escape. He . . . he could come after you again." Clark lowered his stare to his and Lois's intertwined hands. "That's not it." Lois withdrew her right hand and used it to nudge Clark's chin upward, urging him to make eye contact with her again. Clark met her gaze, sucked in his breath and slowly released it again. "Sometimes I think . . ." Clark wasn't sure that this was a feeling he should share with Lois. He *was* sure that she wouldn't like what she was about to hear. "What is it?" Lois persisted. Once again diverting his eyes from Lois's, Clark decided to take the plunge. "Sometimes I think you would have been better off marrying Lex." Clark looked up to gauge Lois's reaction. Lois's jaw dropped as anger began to stir within her. "Clark, that is the most incredibly stupid thing I have ever heard you say! And considering some of the stupid things you've said--" "What do you mean, 'stupid things' I've said?" Clark pulled away as Lois's words cut into him. "Does 'Cheese of the Month Club' ring any bells?" "Oh." Clark felt hard-pressed to argue with that. "Clark, after all we've been through, how can you say I'd be better off with Lex, of all people?" Lois was thoroughly appalled. "Well, think about it, Lois. In the past two years, we've uncovered two of Lex Luthor's illegitimate sons, and who knows how many more there are?" Clark looked away because he knew he couldn't face Lois when he uttered his next words. "At least we know you would have been able to have children with him." Clark was surprised when his statement was met with silence. However, he knew he'd crossed the line when he looked up to see Lois's horrified expression. "Look, Lois, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I was just . . ." "You were what? Feeling sorry for yourself?" The rage began to bubble inside Lois, threatening to spill over. "Hey! You have no right to be upset! *You* were the one who asked what I was feeling. You practically forced it out of me!" "I have no right to be upset?!" Lois blurted in disbelief. "My husband tells me that we shouldn't have gotten married and *I* have no right to be upset?!" By now, Lois had risen from the couch and was stampeding the room, waving her arms about in fury. "No, Lois. That's not what I meant." Lois stopped and faced Clark, who was still sitting on the couch. "Well, what *did* you mean?" "I . . . I don't know," Clark mumbled. "Well, let me know when you figure it out!" With that, Lois stormed up the stairs and slammed her bedroom door with enough force to rival that of Superman. After the bang of the door, Clark was left in an unsettling silence. His gaze remained fixed on the staircase where he'd last seen his wife's retreating form. After a moment, he dropped his face into his hands and groaned in frustration. Upstairs, Lois had sprawled out on her bed. Her face was buried in a pillow, smothering her sobs. * * * Through his binoculars, the blond man watched in smug satisfaction as Lois stormed into her room, slammed the door and flopped down on the bed. He was sure that she and Clark had been fighting. As usual, he hadn't been able to see into the living room. That view was blocked by hedges. However, the hedges didn't block the glow of light emanating from the living room window. There were shadows moving about the room and he was positive that there had been two people in that room, arguing. By the manner in which Lois had entered the bedroom he knew that something had angered her. He assumed it had been Clark. He hadn't seen Clark come home, but that didn't surprise him. Somehow, he rarely saw Clark come home. He figured that the Kents must have a hidden entrance somewhere. Anyhow, that didn't matter now. Lois and Clark had just had some sort of argument, and, obviously, Lois had been deeply hurt by it. He smiled again. This would be the perfect opportunity. He had to take it. * * * Somewhere, deep in the shadows of Metropolis, Jaxon Xavier crouched behind a dumpster in a dark alley, struggling to find his breath. He still bore the same vacant grin he'd had when he escaped the asylum. It was cemented to his face. After hacking into the Asylum's security system through the computer terminal the unsuspecting nurse had provided, Jaxon had known it would only be a matter of time before his absence would be detected. He also knew that it wouldn't be much longer before the big Boy Scout in blue would be scouring the city for him, not to mention a couple of nosy reporters. He'd have to do something about those three . . . . * * * Lost somewhere between sleep and consciousness, Lois rolled over in bed to face her husband's empty side. She made a little groan and snuggled the side of her face further in her pillow. Suddenly, the whine of the alarm clock shattered Lois's restless semi-slumber. "Shut it off, Clark," she moaned into her pillow. When the awful shriek continued, she forced her eyes open. She promptly pressed them shut again when she saw that Clark wasn't there, that he never had been. The memories from last night's confrontation came flooding back to her and stripped her of any inclination to get out of bed. However, she forced her body up and off the mattress and eventually made her way to the bathroom and into the shower. After pulling on a white short-sleeve blouse and a brown business skirt with matching blazer, she began to trudge down the stairs but stopped dead at the sight of her husband floating over the couch. He was asleep, but it didn't seem to be doing him any good. Occasionally, he would stop tossing and turning to mumble something incoherent. Then he would start flopping around again, almost like a fish caught in a net, only the net was suspended four feet over the living room sofa. * * * Dressed as Superman, Clark stood alone in the dark forest. The mist was thick and it engulfed him, threatening to swallow him whole. A breeze tugged gently at his cape. He could hear the distant howl of wolves. He was looking for something, but he couldn't remember what it was. No, he was beginning to remember now. It wasn't something; it was someone. But who? He was sure it was a woman. He'd been searching his whole life for her, yet somehow he knew that the search was futile because even when he found her, he could never have her. **Crunch.** **Crunch.** **Crunch.** Clark spun around to find the cause of the noise. The dried leaves and twigs that peppered the forest floor had crunched under someone's footsteps. His eyes widened. *She* was there. Her slim figure emerged from the fog and she walked steadily toward him. A slight gust of wind tussled her short, chestnut hair. She gazed at him with all the love and longing of her being. But he could see something else in her eyes. It was regret, and maybe even a bit of hurt. "Lois! There you are," he spoke. "I've been looking for you." "I know, Clark . . . I know." Her voice was low and dreary. She continued to move closer and stopped only inches away. She reached for his hands and clutched them. Her hands felt almost as icy as her expression had suddenly turned. "Clark, there's something I have to tell you." Her lips formed the words carefully while her eyes seemed to plead with his for understanding. "What is it, Lois?" Clark asked tentatively. He was becoming wary of Lois's behavior. She spoke quietly, yet confidently, as if she'd memorized what she was about to say, but didn't really want to say it. "We've made a terrible mistake." "I know, Lois. Last night I said some things I shouldn't have and I'm sorry --" "No, Clark. You were right." "-- that I said them but I wasn't in the best mood and . . . what did you say?" Clark thought she'd said that he was right, but this was Lois who was talking. She never said that. Especially referring to the subject that he thought she was referring to. "I said you were right, Clark." Her eyes held his solidly as she spoke. "I . . . I don't think I understand." Clark was terrified of what he was about to hear. But he knew he wouldn't be able to disagree with her. "I'd be better off with someone else." Her voice was shaking, but she continued nonetheless. "We have no right to be together. We should . . . we should get a divorce." There was silence. Even the wolves had ceased their howling as Lois and Clark searched each other's eyes. It was Clark who broke the moment by releasing her hands and looking down. Clark was in despair. He knew that she hadn't wanted to say it, and furthermore, she didn't want to go through with her suggestion. But he also knew he had no right to stop her. The longer they stayed together, the more she was torn apart by the fact that, because of him, she would never be able to bear children. He could never do that to her, and it broke his heart to think that he almost had. "I know, Lois. I'm . . . I'm an . . . alien. I was wrong to think that I had a place here, that we could have a life together. I should never have dragged you into this. I'm so sorry if I've hurt you . . . can you ever forgive me?" "I'm afraid she can't, Kent," an arrogant voice called out >from the haze. "The hurt you've caused her is unforgivable." Clark thought the voice was familiar. He squinted to see who it was, but he couldn't make out the approaching figure. "You've hurt her more than any other man. More than Claude, more than even me." The voice was unmistakable, and the figure descended from the fog. "Luthor! What are you doing here?" Clark stepped defensively in front of Lois, blocking her from Lex Luthor's path. "It's okay, Clark." Lois moved to Clark's side and touched his arm. "I asked him to come." "You?!" Clark was dumbfounded. "Yes, me." Lois left Clark's side, went to Luthor's, and took his hand in hers. "But why?" Clark was horrified at how warmly Lois seemed to be regarding his enemy. "You said it yourself, Clark. You said I'd be better off with Lex." Lex and Lois turned from Clark and began walking back into the mist. "Yeah, but I didn't mean it. I was just trying to prove a point!" Clark pleaded with her. "Come back, Lois! Please! You're making a mistake!" Clark's cries fell on deaf ears as the retreating pair was engulfed by the mist. * * * "NO!! Please, Lois, don't go!! NOOOOO!!!" he screamed. Clark was facing Lois, who was still watching from the middle of the stairwell, when his eyes shot open. Their eyes locked momentarily, and in that instant, Lois's heart ached with pity as she could see all the hurt and pain that was burning inside of him. More than anything she wanted to rush to him, to take him in her arms and tell him that everything was all right, but her pride wouldn't let her. Instead, Clark watched as she fixed her face with a stern look, marched down the remaining stairs and retreated into the kitchen without saying a word. Slowly, Clark floated himself back down to the sofa. He sat up, and took a deep breath. His emotions were a mixture of relief and pain. He was glad that it had only been a dream and hadn't actually happened. Yet, from that dream, he'd realized something. He was going to have to talk to Lois today. Nothing in the world scared him more than what he had to say to her. He knew that he had promised never to do it again, but he had no choice. He could almost hear his heart begin to break. * * * Continued in Part 3 ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 23:36:18 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Karen Ward Subject: REVISED: NIGHTMARE ON HYPERION AVENUE, Part 3 of 8 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed" TITLE: NIGHTMARE ON HYPERION AVENUE PART: 3 of 8 AUTHOR: Karen Ward RATING: PG-13 . . . along with a serious WHAM warning FEEDBACK: Any and all, public or private. SUMMARY: Tragedy strikes Lois and Clark when an old nemesis comes back to haunt them . . . again. _______________________________________________________ * * * "Hey, C.K.!" Jimmy Olsen's cheery voice met Clark as he made his way down the ramp of the Daily Planet newsroom, forty-five minutes late for work. Clark was preoccupied as he negotiated a path to his desk with Jimmy close on his heels. "Hi, Jimmy." The words barely escaped Clark's lips. Immediately after the morning's silent, yet eventful encounter with Lois, Clark's superhearing had tuned into a neighbor's radio broadcasting the report of a serious traffic accident. What had started as a simple fender-bender on the downtown expressway had quickly escalated into a twelve car pile-up. The accident left many people trapped and injured inside their cars. Luckily, it had been morning rush hour and the cars were barely at a crawling pace when the accident had occurred, but even that pace was enough to cause substantial damage. Clark had arrived about 10 minutes after the accident -- too slow according to his standards -- and managed to free seven people from their vehicles. Rescue workers had already retrieved six people and had been working on the rest by the time Superman was on the scene. Some had suffered severe, yet non-life-threatening, injuries, while others had only superficial wounds. It was the one fatality that tore at Clark's heart. Long ago he had come to terms with the fact that there would be times when he would be a nanosecond too late, or that he couldn't be in several places at once, but this time it had gotten to him. There had been a four month old baby in one of the cars. The child's parents had survived. They each had experienced some lacerations and a couple of broken bones, but they had survived. The driver of a Ford pick-up truck had rode up on a guard rail, trying to avoid the imminent collision, and landed upside down on the back half of a sedan. Strapped in a car seat in the back, the poor infant had not stood a chance. "Whoa! Earth to Clark." Jimmy noticed Clark's 'absence' and became concerned for his friend. "What's up, C.K.? You have a rough night? You don't look so good." "Ah . . . yeah, I guess you could say that." "Lois said you went to cover that big accident downtown. It must have been pretty gruesome, huh?" Clark had stopped listening to Jimmy at the mention of his wife's name. He hadn't dared to look in the direction of her desk when he came in. He didn't think he could handle seeing her yet. It was scary enough just *thinking* about what things were going to be like with her today. "Uh . . . C.K.?" "Oh . . . uh . . . yeah, Jimmy. It was pretty gruesome. Actually, speaking of the accident, I really have to do the write up for it . . ." "Hey! Have you seen the Chief today? He's in the best mood!" "OLSEN!! GET IN HERE NOW!" "And it looks like I'd better get a move on before his mood changes! See ya around, C.K." Jimmy winked before he took off toward the Chief's office, and Clark sent out a silent thanks to Perry White for providing him with a means of escape. He really didn't feel like dealing with Jimmy's exuberance today. He had enough to deal with already. So he turned his mind back to his impending confrontation with Lois. He figured the sooner he got 'it' over with, the less it would hurt both of them. He couldn't do it now, though. The middle of a busy newsroom was not the best place to discuss an Earth-shattering event in their personal lives, even if the entire newsroom was bound to hear about it soon enough. He'd have to find a time when he and Lois could steal a few moments alone. However unlikely that may prove to be, it would have to wait until then. So, for the time being, Clark switched on his computer and began typing up the report of the morning's accident. "Hey, Clark! That was some game last night, huh?" Clark swiveled in his chair to find the owner of the animated voice. It was Ted Rickman, the handsome young intern from Metropolis University who, as he had the night before, regularly joined Clark in a friendly game of one-on-one. In the month Ted had been at the Planet, he and Clark had become good friends. Because Clark was "such a good people person", as the Chief had put it, he had been assigned to show the young man around during his first week. In the beginning, Ted had seemed a little awed, and maybe a bit intimidated to have the famous reporter, Clark Kent, as his tutor. But once he had been subject to Clark's friendly personality, Ted's shyness had soon faded. In fact, he and Clark had soon discovered they had a lot in common. Football in particular. They were both the only Bills fans in Metropolis . . . or so they joked. "Actually, I missed it." "Oh, Clark! You missed the greatest game of the century! The Bills were down by five with three seconds left and . . . " Clark tuned out Ted's voice when he remembered who *had* been watching it. 'That was odd', Clark reflected on catching his wife watching the game, 'Lois hates football.' For some reason, totally beyond him, she had been watching it anyway. Maybe his enthusiasm for the sport had been rubbing off on her somehow. He quickly dismissed that idea. Lois was her own person and if she didn't like something, that was it. She didn't like it. It didn't matter who you were, there was no influencing that woman on her tastes. Clark knew that better than anyone. And that was one of the many things that he loved about her, her individuality. It was also one of the things he'd miss about her . . . ". . . and then Jones intercepted the pass and ran 57 yards for a touchdown! It was awesome, Clark! I can't believe you missed it!" "I wish I hadn't," Clark ruefully admitted. "What were you doing anyway? You've been looking forward to the game all week. There would've had to be some kind of international crisis to tear you from the tube last night!" "Something like that." Clark's eyes seemed to be focusing on nothing in particular. Being somewhat more attentive to Clark's body language than Jimmy had been, Ted decided that Clark probably wanted to be left alone. "Well, I guess I'd better be getting back to work. I can hear about a dozen people calling 'Copyboy' right now. I'll see you later, Clark." "Sure, Ted." Clark returned to Earth long enough to smile at his friend before he went on his way. And then it happened. He hadn't meant to, but as he was turning back toward his computer, Clark's eyes had accidentally spotted *her* desk. Sure enough, she was there, working away at what was bound to be her next Kerth Award winning story, if not Pulitzer. She would type for a few minutes, scrunch her eyebrows, and begin leafing through one of the files she had strewn on her desk before going back to the keyboard for a few more minutes. Clark couldn't help but watch as she went through that routine a few times. It was like watching an artist create a masterpiece. Half of the time you had no idea what was going on, and you were sure that she didn't either, but the other half was simply amazing as she put all the pieces together, weaving them into an ingenious piece of writing. It wasn't long, however, before Lois's 'radar' kicked in and she diverted her attention from her work to see who was watching her. 'It's amazing how she does that,' Clark thought. And to his utter dismay, Clark inadvertently smiled when her eyes met his. He hadn't meant to do it; it was just a reflex. What really caught him off-guard, though, was when she smiled back. He certainly wasn't expecting that! Lois didn't forget arguments like last night's in less than twenty-four hours. It was unheard of! Besides, he couldn't have her forgiving him that fast. It would make 'it' way too difficult for him, not that it wasn't already. So, before he could get himself into any more trouble, he turned back to his monitor to continue to work on the accident story. It took a couple of seconds before Clark could collect himself enough to resume writing, but his fingers eventually found their way back to the keyboard, and he returned to his morning task. Which will soon be an afternoon task if I don't get a move on, Clark noticed as he glanced at the clock in the upper right corner of his monitor. His resolve to finish his story quickly vanished when he felt a pair of hands come to rest on his shoulders. He didn't have to look to see whose hands they were; only one person's touch could send shockwaves pulsing through his body like that. She leaned over and spoke softly into his ear, "Hey there. Pretty rough morning, huh?" "Uh . . . yeah." Clark almost choked on the words, his throat was so dry. His mind was racing in circles. He wanted to turn and take her in his arms and hold her for the rest of his life. He wanted to tell her about the accident this morning, and how it had hurt so much to not have been able to save that helpless little baby. But he knew that he couldn't. He knew that was another thing he was going to have to get used to living without. "Clark," Lois maneuvered herself around his chair, pushed the keyboard out of the way, and sat down on his desk so she could face him, "about last night . . ." "Lois, I--" "No, Clark. Let me go first. I really need to say this to you." Knowing that there was nothing anyone, not even Superman -- especially not Superman -- could do when Lois wanted to be heard, Clark just nodded, and she continued in a quiet voice. "All morning I've been thinking about last night, Clark, and . . . and I'm sorry. I was really insensitive and . . . well, I shouldn't have been. I know how much you want a family, and how hard it must be for you considering our . . . situation. And knowing you, the hardest part is probably that you think that you're somehow robbing me of something by being with me . . . something that I didn't even think I wanted until I met you. I just want you to know that, no matter what you may think, just being with you has given me more than I ever imagined I could have. Clark, I never thought I could love anyone as much as I love you . . . never thought anyone could love me as much as you do. And I won't let anything, or anyone, ever take that away from me. Do you hear me, Clark Kent?" Lois's serious tone began to wane as a smile crept onto her face. "You are stuck with me for the rest of your life whether you like it or not!" And that was that. Once again, Lois had stopped him before he could do the most idiotic thing he could ever have imagined doing. Only once, just after Lois's supposed abduction by aliens orchestrated by Bob Fences, did Clark catch her off guard by breaking up with her for "her own good". That hadn't lasted, however. From then on, Lois's 'radar' seemed to also be able to detect whenever he was getting noble on her, and she would squelch his worries about how being with him was unfair to her even before he knew he was having them. Knowing this, all Clark could do was chuckle. "What's so funny, Mister? You shouldn't be laughing. *The* Lois Lane -- better known as Mad Dog -- just apologized to you, Clark Kent. This is a momentous event. You shouldn't be laughing. You should be on your knees, kissing my feet, and thanking me for my selfless act of kindness." Clark's grin widened. Without a word, he got down on his knees, gently took her left foot that dangled about four inches above the floor, and removed her plain black pump. With the whole newsroom watching, having noticed Clark's strange actions, he leaned forward and gently touched his lips to the top of Lois's nylon-clad foot. Before Lois could catch her breath, he looked up into her wide eyes and declared with absolute sincerity, "Thank you, Lois." Not really knowing what was going on, as usual, but being absolutely enthralled by Clark's performance, the entire newsroom erupted into a thunderous ovation. Still entranced by Clark's strange yet wholehearted expression of gratitude, Lois didn't even noticed the commotion that had suddenly spread through the newsroom, and was almost oblivious even to Perry White when he emerged from his office in a huff. "What in Sam Hill is going on out here?! Why aren't you all working on your assignments? This is a newspaper, people, not a Broadway performance! Now get to work!" At the sound of the Chief's voice Clark quickly rose to his feet and Lois hopped off his desk, both feigning innocence, yet barely noticing their boss's presence in light of each other's. As soon as the occupants of the newsroom seemed to be returning to their respective tasks, and the Chief had safely retreated to his office, Lois grabbed the lapels of Clark's jacket and kissed him hard on the lips. Before Clark had a chance to register this turn of events, and make his contribution, his wife broke off the kiss and winked at him. "Mr. Kent, for that little display just now, you're going to get a *very* special treat as soon as we get home!" With that, Lois strode back to her desk and sat down to work, only briefly glancing back at her grinning husband to give him a seductive smile and a wink. Clark returned his focus to the write-up of this morning's accident with grin on his face. Throughout the whole exhibition, there was one person in the back of the newsroom who wasn't cheering. One person who found the whole display utterly revolting. These recent events weren't going to help his plan. It wasn't going to be as easy as he thought it was. But before he could start devising the necessary alterations to his schemes, someone shouted "Copyboy!" from deep within the newly resumed bustle of the newsroom. * * * Clark hit the 'return' key on his keyboard sending his latest piece to his boss's office. After Perry had reappeared from his office to instruct Lois and Clark that their next assignment was to cover Jaxon Xavier's escape, Clark had finally been able to finish and polish up the accident story. Now he could focus his attention on locating his partner who, as expected, was still seated at her desk, examining the contents of one of the file folders piled on top of it. Clark pushed himself to his feet, approached his wife, and leaned on the front portion of the chest-height partition that surrounded the front and left sides of her desk. "What are you working on?" "Huh?" Deep in thought, Lois was startled by her husband's voice. "Oh, I'm just doing a background check on the nurse that was in the room when Jaxon escaped. I thought there might be a connection there, but there doesn't seem to be, at least not that I can see." "Maybe we should be checking the computer for connections . . . it might have been sent by an accomplice, or programmed to short out when the nurse pressed a certain key." "Here you go, partner." Lois pulled a file from the pile on her desk and handed it to Clark. "This is a list of all the companies and stores that provide the Asylum with their computers and all the other electronic equipment they have there." Clark held up the folder and smiled. "Always one step ahead of me." "I know," Lois smiled back. "Someone has to be." Clark's smile faded slightly as he allowed himself to get lost in Lois's gaze for moment. Finally, he forced himself to notice the other files stacked on his wife's desk. "What are all these?" "Information about, guards, prisoners, nurses, doctors, and anyone else at the asylum who might have connections to Jaxon, or to computers in general." "I see you've had a busy morning." "Actually, Ted got these for me. He's been very helpful around here." Clark grinned. "He must have had a good teacher." "Which means his teacher's teacher must have been even better." Lois winked. "And being the great teacher that I am, I instruct you to get to work." She handed him a small stack of files >from those on her desk. "See what you can find in these." "Yes, Ma'am." * * * Continued in Part 4 ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 23:36:27 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Karen Ward Subject: REVISED: NIGHTMARE ON HYPERION AVENUE, Part 4 of 8 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed" TITLE: NIGHTMARE ON HYPERION AVENUE PART: 4 of 8 AUTHOR: Karen Ward RATING: PG-13 . . . along with a serious WHAM warning FEEDBACK: Any and all, public or private. SUMMARY: Tragedy strikes Lois and Clark when an old nemesis comes back to haunt them . . . again. _______________________________________________________ * * * "Ah ha!" "What?" Lois looked up from her file to see what Clark was exclaiming over. After dividing up the files, they had relocated to the conference room where there was more desk space to spread out their information. After an hour of perusing the files, and ruminating on the various ideas they had bounced off each other, Clark pointed to a sheet of paper from the file he was looking at. "You know that little computer store downtown, the one that supplied some of the computers at the asylum, including the one that Jaxon used to breach the security system?" "Helen's Computer Depot? It supplies computers to a lot of schools, corporate businesses, and some other large institutions." "That's the one. Anyway, the owner, Helen Carter, went to Metropolis University." "Yeah . . . so did I." "She went at the same time she'd been dating Lex Luthor." "So . . ." "So . . . she dropped out before she was finished. Do you know why?" "Clark, I'm not the one with x-ray vision . . ." Lois eyed the file under Clark's hands. "Sorry. She dropped out after her freshman year when she found out she was pregnant. I guess she didn't have the means to support herself through college and raise a child at the same time." "And this is important how exactly?" "Her child is the same age as Jaxon . . . *exactly* the same age." "It could be a coincidence." "It could, but this article," Clark gestured to a piece of newsprint in the file in front of him, "is from an edition of the campus newspaper printed while she was there." Clark held up the article for Lois to read the headline and raised his eyebrows. "'The Hottest Couple on Campus'. Obviously this was before I got there to teach them what *real* news is." Clark turned the article around to read an excerpt, "'. . . and the handsome, young, millionaire, Lex Luthor, has found interest in a striking freshman from right here at Met. U. by the name of'--" "Helen Carter," Lois finished for him. "Uh huh. You know what they say about too many coincidences . . ." "It means it's not a coincidence." "Exactly. It says here," Clark gestured to another sheet of paper in front of him, "that her son, Jack Carter, died of SIDS when he was three months old. The official birth certificate listed the father as John Smith." "Ha!" Lois snorted in disbelief. "She might as well have listed him as John F. Kennedy! It'd be more believable!" "Apparently, she was so broken up about her son's death that she moved to Switzerland to live a life of luxurious seclusion. This was around the same time that she ran into a rather substantial inheritance. None of her friends or family heard from her again until she came back to Metropolis five years ago and set up her computer business. That was also around the same time that Jaxon Xavier turned up at Lex Labs, working on a new computer program for Luthor. He was fired shortly after for 'reasons unspecified' and opened up his Virtual Reality Center, which, by the way, purchased it's computer equipment from Helen's Computer Depot." "This whole story reeks of Lex to me." "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" "That Lex had a little too good of a time at one of those wild college parties and got his girlfriend pregnant. Then, being the irresponsible creep that he was, he paid her off to say that the child was someone else's. After all, he couldn't bear having his image tainted. Of course, paying her off was probably his last resort after trying to force her to abort the child. Then, I imagine that, if she knew Lex at all, Ms. Carter decided it would be safer to raise her child as far away from him as she could. So she faked her child's death and moved to Switzerland. And when she came back to Metropolis, she set up her little computer business, and shortly after that, a little business for her son. Is that what you're thinking?" Clark nodded. "Then I guess I am thinking what you're thinking," Lois assented. "Unfortunately, all these coincidences mean nothing unless we find concrete proof." "And if there is any, we'll find it." "I don't know about you, Lois, but I just got the sudden urge to go computer shopping. Maybe we should pay a visit to Helen's Computer Depot?" Lois rose from her seat at the table. "Sounds like a plan to me." * * * "May I help you, Ma'am?" a young man asked Lois as she browsed the 'Entertainment Software' aisle of Helen's Computer Depot. "Actually, yes. My husband's birthday is coming up and, well . . . he's just a little kid at heart and he loves to play video games. There was one in particular that he wanted, but I can't remember the name of it now . . ." Lois let her voice trail off as she placed a finger to her chin and tried with all her might to look like she was struggling to remember something. "Doom-something was the name of it, I think." Meanwhile, Clark was roaming the 'Educational Software' section. Finally coming to a stop at the end of the aisle, he picked up a box containing the latest CD-ROM version of 'Jeopardy!' and held up. Looking very much like he was inspecting the description written on the back of the package, Clark lowered his glasses slightly, looked through the box, and focused his vision behind a door marked 'Employees Only'. Meanwhile, Lois continued to distract the employee. "What kind of computer do you have, Ma'am?" "It's an IBM, I think. I don't know. It's got this little rainbow-like symbol on it that looks kind of like an apple with a bite out of it." "Then it's probably an Apple." "No, it starts with an 'M' . . . .MacDonald . . . MacIntyre . . . " "Macintosh?" "That's it!" "Well, then we'll have to look over here." While the patient employee led her down the aisle to where the Macintosh games were located, Lois snuck a glance at her husband two rows over and whispered, "Find anything yet?" Clark pushed his glasses back into place, turned to his wife, shook his head and shrugged. Placing the box back in its spot on the shelf, Clark turned and began moving towards the exit. "Damn!" "What was that?" The employee turned back to Lois. "Um . . . uh . . . ham! I just remembered that I was supposed to get ham at the supermarket but I forget. I'd better get there before it closes!" Lois spun on her heels and bolted for the door. "But the supermarket . . ." Lois's figure disappeared out the door. ". . . doesn't close for another two hours." The employee shook his head and went to wait on another customer. * * * Lois exited the store only seconds after her husband and found him waiting for her just outside. "'A little kid at heart?' And I 'love video games?'" "Well, you're definitely still a kid at heart, Boy Scout. And I'm sure I've seen you playing games on your computer when you were supposed to be working on your copy. I just embellished the truth a little." Clark gave her a disbelieving look. "Okay then, next time you can provide the cover while I x-ray the office." Clark chuckled, put his arm around his wife and gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze. Lois finally gave up on her serious face and allowed herself a snicker. "So you didn't find anything at all?" "Nope. I x-rayed every square inch of her office, but there was nothing that could incriminate Helen Carter in Jaxon's escape, and even less that could connect her to Lex Luthor." Clark touched the small of his wife's back guiding her towards the Jeep. "You know, Lois, it always amazes me how well you do that airhead bit . . . " "Watch it, Buster!" Lois warned. "Hey, it was a compliment. It must be really hard for a genius, such as yourself, to pretend to be such a ditz." "Well, if I really was a genius, I'd know where to find some concrete evidence to connect Ms. Carter to either Lex or Jaxon. There had to be something in that office that we could use." "I did get her home address. Did you know she sublets an apartment across the street from us?" Lois stopped in front of her Jeep and turned to Clark with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Was she in her office when you x-rayed it?" "Yeah . . . " Clark was speculative of the look on his partner's face. "Did she look busy . . . like she was going to be there for a while?" "Yes . . . wait a minute, Lois." Clark eyed her suspiciously while she turned away from him, walked around the Jeep, and got into the driver's seat. Warily, Clark opened the passenger side door and got in with her. "Lois, just what, exactly, do you have in mind here?" She just turned and smiled at him after she stuck the key in the ignition and turned it on. But Clark didn't need an answer. "Lois, we are not going to break into this woman's house just for a story, even if we do think she's Jaxon's mother." "It's not like we've never done it before." Lois pulled away >from the curb and merged with the late afternoon rush hour traffic. "Lois." "And we wouldn't get caught, not with Superman on the lookout." "Lo-is." "I know, I know. It's a bad idea. But you can't blame a girl for trying. Besides, I have other ideas about what we can do with our time this evening." Clark quirked an eyebrow at the hint of suggestion in her voice and smiled as he relaxed into his seat. "Just don't forget to pick up the ham on the way home." * * * The skyscrapers cast long shadows over Metropolis, warning the city of the evening's approaching darkness. The same shadows also provided cover for a young man in a long, black trench coat as he scurried down the street, periodically checking over his shoulder. He sported a Metros' baseball cap with the peak pulled low to shield his face from the passing public. When he spotted the female half of a particular reporting team, he froze in his tracks and hurriedly took refuge behind a newsstand. She was exiting Helen's Computer Depot -- his destination -- to meet her male companion waiting by the door. He watched them walk down the street and load into a silver Jeep Grand Cherokee. He breathed a sigh of relief when the vehicle pulled away from the curb and disappeared into a line of traffic. Pushing through the front door to Helen's Computer Depot, the man's eyes lit up at the sight of the single story electronics store laden with the latest in computer technology. There were shelves upon shelves of various computer paraphernalia. Everything from the machines themselves, to cartoon-themed mouse pads, multicolored printer paper, and geometrically-designed storage containers for floppy disks and CD's. In the far right corner, a twenty-seven inch television was mounted to the ceiling displaying the twenty-four hour news coverage of LNN. Below the TV, and immediately to the left, was an door marked "Employees Only". The man browsed the room, attempting to look inconspicuous while he waited for the employee on duty to either exit the room, or become occupied by another customer. He became anxious as the seconds ticked by, stretching into minutes before another customer finally came in. When the man was sure that the employees was immersed in showing the customer the latest edition of the Pentium processor, he headed straight for the door marked "Employees Only". "Excuse me, Sir." A thin, young man in a business suit emerged from the stock room and blocked his entrance to the door. "You can't go in there." "Uh . . ." the man was tempted to chew him out for his obvious ignorance, but thought better of creating a scene. "I'm sorry, Sir. I'm looking for Helen Carter. I thought she'd be in there." "Oh. Is she expecting you?" "Well . . . no. But I'm sure she'd like to see me. Could you get her for me, please?" The employee began eying the man speculatively. "Do I know you?" "No, I don't think so. I . . ." his words trailed off as he followed the other man's attention which had been diverted to the television overhead. Jaxon Xavier's face appeared in a box in the corner of the screen as the anchorman spoke stoically, ". . . as of this hour, the escaped inmate remains at large. The Metropolis Police Department has asked this station to advise viewers to be on the lookout for this man. If you have any information concerning his whereabouts, please notify the authorities immediately. Do not approach him if . . ." The employee looked at the man and then back at the face in the upper right corner of the monitor. Before he had a chance to consider his options, the man turned and bolted out the front door, and back into the alley from which he had come. * * * The evening's twilight was barely noticeable above the glow of the world's largest city as Lois and Clark made their way, hand in hand, up the front steps to the entrance of their brownstone. "Well, this has been one of the most emotionally demanding twenty four hours I've ever had." Clark smiled ruefully at his wife as the pair entered their house and began shedding their coats. "Well, don't plan on having any more emotionally demanding days for a long time, okay?" "Don't worry, I won't!" "However . . . " Lois let her voice trail off and grinned wickedly at her husband. Facing him, she placed a hand on each of his shoulders and began to gently knead his deltoid muscles. Clark leaned closer, his warm breath caressing her lips, and whispered, "However?" Lois answered him with her lips on his, but broke off the kiss before it could escalate and continued in a low voice, "However, I don't think you should rule out physically demanding." Clark pushed off his wife's brown jacket and, once again, his mouth met hers, this time hungrily. Clark enveloped Lois in his arms as she moved her own arms to encircle his neck, each trying to pull the other closer. As their tongues thrust in and out and swept around each other's mouths, Lois ran a hand through her husband's thick black hair while the other remained wrapped around his neck. Clark's hands roamed over Lois's back, longing to feel the silkiness of her skin, rather than that of her blouse. His hands soon slid their way down her back, under the waist of her skirt, until he could feel the small bump of her tail bone. Lois shivered as Clark's touch grazed the sensitive area sending a wave of pleasure coursing through her body. He then drew his palms across her waist, up her sides, and toward the front of her torso where the buttons of her blouse were located. As Clark fumbled with the top buttons, Lois slid her hands under Clark's blazer and attempted to push it from his shoulders. Clark dragged his eager hands from their task to allow the jacket to fall to the floor. Immediately, Lois began tugging at Clark's tie and soon it joined his blazer in a heap by their feet. Clark moved his lips down to her chin and began to blaze a trail of open-mouthed kisses along her jaw, eventually making his way to her neck. Lois tilted her head to give him better access and moaned with barely suppressed desire. "Mmm . . . Clark. I'd pick this over breaking and entering any day." Clark grunted his agreement as his lips moved back up their original path until they returned to hers, mercilessly. Again, Clark reached for the buttons near the collar of Lois's blouse and had opened the first three before he suddenly stopped and reluctantly drew his lips from hers. "What is it?" Lois asked, slightly dazed and disheveled. Apparently not hearing his wife's question, Clark continued to superhear the police bulletin that had caught his attention. Knowing Clark would answer her when he was finished listening, Lois didn't prod. A moment later, Clark's focus returned to the woman in front of him and he regretfully began to explain. "It's Jaxon. He was spotted in Helen's Computer Depot downtown a few minutes ago. I'd better--" Lois cut him off by landing a short, but thorough, kiss on his lips. "Go, Clark. But be careful." "Don't worry, Honey." Before Lois could tell him to hurry back, a gust of wind swept through the living room, rustling various light-weight objects, including Lois's hair and partially-opened blouse. Feeling utterly disappointed at her husband's need for departure, yet excited at the prospect of having one less crazed lunatic to worry about, Lois straightened her clothing, smoothed her hair, and headed back toward the door to return to Helen's Computer Depot. She couldn't wait to fit this into her and Clark's story. However, she barely had her hand on the doorknob when the phone interrupted her exit. She contemplated letting the answering machine take the call before she finally decided to get it. She mumbled a few obscenities about being subject to Clark's unerring conscience and its effect on her as she grabbed the receiver. "Hello!" "Hi Lois! It's Ted. Is Clark there?" the voice spoke from the other end of the line. "No, Ted, I'm sorry. He just stepped out. Would you like me to leave him a message?" "No, that's okay, Lois. I'll try again later. Thanks! I'll see you tomorrow." "Bye, Ted." For some reason, a sliver of apprehension had begun to embed itself in Lois as she replaced the phone in its cradle. She immediately shook the feeling off and started heading back toward the door again. This time she had almost made her way though the vestibule before she paused, looked down, and took in her apparel. Realizing her capacity for frequently finding herself in the jaws of death, she decided that her short sleeved blouse, tight knee-length skirt and black pumps were not suitable attire for fighting bad guys and went upstairs to find something a little more appropriate for the occasion. As Lois descended the stairs after changing into a pair of slacks, a mini T-shirt and sneakers, the doorbell rang. "Ugh! I'll never get out of here!" she grumbled to herself. When she peered through the peep-hole and found Ted Rickman on the other side, the uneasy feeling came flooding back to her. Not having any logical reason to substantiate feeling this unsettled, Lois ignored her instinct and opened the door. "Hi Lo--" "Hi Ted! I was just on my way out. What can I do for you? Can it wait until tomorrow?" Lois was doing her best to be polite considering she was anxious to get Ted on his way and out of her hair. "Actually, I was just wondering if I could borrow some sugar." "Sugar?" Lois was surprised at this and took a beat to digest it. She thought people only borrowed sugar from their neighbors in those family sitcoms on television. "Yeah. I had just started whipping up some batter to bake a cake when I realized that I didn't have enough sugar and you know how frustrating that can be." "Yeah, sure." Lois smiled to herself knowing full well that she couldn't remember the last time she had actually attempted to bake a cake, if ever. But, being in a hurry to get downtown, she didn't feel the urge to share this information with Ted. "Let me go see if I can find some. I didn't realize that you bake," Lois stated as she led the way to the kitchen. "Oh, yes! Please don't tell anyone though. If the guys at the office found out I'd never hear the end of it." "Okay," Lois chuckled. "My lips are sealed." Lois entered the kitchen with Ted close on her heels and moved over to the cupboard where the sugar was kept. With her back to her guest, she opened the cupboard and reached up toward the sack of sugar sitting on the second shelf. As her hands reached their destination she felt something cold and sharp press against the front of her neck. She froze as she immediately recognized the familiar sensation. It wasn't the first time she'd been held at knife-point. * * * Continued in Part 5 ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 23:36:37 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Karen Ward Subject: REVISED: NIGHTMARE ON HYPERION AVENUE, Part 5 of 8 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed" TITLE: NIGHTMARE ON HYPERION AVENUE PART: 5 of 8 AUTHOR: Karen Ward RATING: PG-13 . . . along with a serious WHAM warning FEEDBACK: Any and all, public or private. SUMMARY: Tragedy strikes Lois and Clark when an old nemesis comes back to haunt them . . . again. _______________________________________________________ * * * With a whoosh, Superman landed in front of Helen's Computer Depot in downtown Metropolis. He entered the store and immediately strode over to a nearby police officer who was questioning one of the employees. "Which way did he go?" Clark interrupted in his patented Superman voice. "The employee who recognized him said he ran out the door and turned right. And a few other witnesses said they saw someone running in the general direction of Hob's Bay." "Thanks, officer." Superman launched into the air toward Hob's Bay. He soared over the all too familiar section of the city, x-raying every decrepit building and alley. He even looked underground in the abandoned subway tunnels that hadn't caved in during the various encounters he'd had there with other members of the Luthor family. Surprisingly, it took barely five minutes of searching before he spotted a familiar figure negotiating a corner at an all-out sprint in one of the alleyways below. He hesitated as he was about to swoop down to intercept Jaxon. An odd sensation began to nag at his consciousness. Deep in the pit of his stomach he could feel that something wasn't right. It had almost been too easy to find Jaxon. He quickly scanned the immediate area but didn't detect any danger so he shrugged it off and dove into the alley below. * * * "If you so much as breathe the name Superman . . . well, you're a brilliant woman, I'm sure you get the picture." Lois shuddered at the mixture of sarcasm and iciness in Ted's voice. Unfortunately, the subtle movement caused Ted to increase the pressure he used to press the edge of his weapon to Lois's neck. One of Ted's arms gripped Lois's waist, while the other held the knife to her throat. Lois could feel that the blade was very close to breaking her skin and squeezed her eyes shut, willing her husband to hear her silent cry for help. "Oh, Lois, don't be frightened. I'm not going to hurt you. That's not part of the plan." "Plan?" Lois choked out. "Tsk tsk. I can't tell you, Lois. Then it wouldn't be any fun." Lois's voice threatened to crack, but she kept it steady as she spoke her next words. "Well . . . if you're not going to hurt me, then why have you got a knife to my throat? Don't you think you're contradicting yourself here?" "Oh, Lois. Don't you understand? This is the only way. I'm not blind, I've seen you and your husband together, and I just didn't think you'd submit willingly." Though Lois was ravaged with terror, and she was pretty sure she knew what the answer would be, she forced her lips to form the question. "Su- . . . submit to what?" * * * Jaxon's lungs burned as he approach the corner of the alley between Seventh and Lincoln, but he knew he had to get away quickly. The Big Blue Boy Scout was bound to be after him by now. He stole a backward glance as he rounded the corner but was knocked out cold when he collided, head-on, with the Man of Steel. Clark bent down and scooped up Jaxon's unconscious body, a little smug at how easy it had been to catch him, and took off toward the closest police precinct. * * * "Now listen, Lois." Ted's grip on Lois didn't flinch as he spoke. "You can make this easy on yourself and do as I tell you, or you can put up a fight and make it very painful. It's your choice." Ted slowly released his hold on her waist, but kept the knife firm on her neck. "Turn around, slowly." Lois began to turn giving the appearance of compliance, but suddenly grabbed Ted's knife-wielding hand. Unfortunately, she had underestimated Ted's quickness and, before she could twist his arm into hyperextension and knee him in the groin, he had backhanded her across the face with enough force to knock her to the kitchen floor. Lois supported herself with one elbow and, partially out of shock from Ted's agile, yet powerful, movement, and partially because of the pain that now radiated down the left side of her face, she touched her cheek. She was surprised that she didn't find any traces of blood when she pulled her hand back, but could tell from the resonating numbness that she would definitely have a shiner. This guy was obviously stronger than he looked. Either that, or well-trained in hand to hand combat. "Get up, Lois!" Lois's head shot up toward her captor when his icy voice interrupted her thought. She tentatively slid herself along the floor to the nearby counter and, using it more for emotional than physical support, lifted herself into a standing position. Lois's lips were pursed tightly but her mind screamed, "Clark, I need you!" Keeping the blade directed at her, Ted took two steps toward her. "Now, take your shirt off," Ted ordered. "I don't think so! I'm a --" Lois cut her protests off abruptly when Ted took a relentless grip of Lois's right wrist with his empty hand and lifted his weapon in a threatening manner. "I don't think you're in any position to argue here, Lois. Now do as I say!" Ted dropped her hand and took half of a step back to watch. Lois tried to swallow but her esophagus refused to comply. She could see the menace lurking in Ted's eyes and knew that her customary verbal barb wasn't going to help her out of this situation any better than her physical prowess had. Not in one piece, at least. But she wasn't sure she could live with herself if she didn't try. She closed her eyes, focusing all of her energy on Clark. She knew he would rescue her. He had to. It was the only way she could think of surviving her current predicament. In a whisper so quiet that Ted couldn't even detect from mere inches away, Lois declared, "I love you, Clark," and aimed a swift kick at Ted's knife-wielding hand. * * * Superman was still battling the sinking feeling in his gut when he landed at the main entrance to M.P.D.'s west precinct and deposited the now-conscious Jaxon Xavier into the custody of a police officer. Anxious to get home to Lois, and see to her safety, Clark turned to leave. "Superman! Wait!" Clark briefly considered pretending not to hear the detective's call, but his conscience got the better of him and he turned back. "Superman, I'm Detective Williamson. May I ask you a few questions about your encounter with Jaxon Xavier before you go." "Uh . . ." Clark couldn't come up with a substantial reason to refuse the detective. "Sure, officer." * * * Ted deftly caught Lois's ankle and jerked it up, causing her to tumble backwards, hitting her head solidly on the counter on the way down. "When will you ever learn, Lois? You aren't going to outwit me. You might as well just lie back and enjoy yourself. It'll be much less painful for you that way." Lois struggled to sit up and rubbed the back of her head wearily as her vision began to swim. "I'll . . . never . . . never let you . . ." Lois lost her battle with the enveloping darkness before she could finish her declaration. "Yes, you will, Lois. Yes, you will." Ted quickly went to work on shredding Lois's clothes. He slashed the buttons from her blouse, and eagerly spread it open. Using his blade to outline the lattice trim of Lois's brassiere as he admired her stark beauty. "Nice . . . very nice." * * * Relieved that Detective Williamson hadn't kept him more than ten minutes at the police station, Clark soared over Metropolis, eager to reach his Hyperion Avenue home. He was about to alight in an alley two blocks from his house when the fire of gunshots distracted him. He groaned in frustration before reluctantly taking off in the direction of the sound. He was anxious to see to his wife's well-being, but couldn't bring himself to ignore the urgent call of the gunfire. * * * Lois wasn't sure where she was. She was engulfed by a fog so thick it nearly cut off her air supply. She couldn't breathe, and the more she tried the harder it became. She was searching, hoping, praying for a refuge from the mire she was in. As she searched desperately for the light of day, she thought she heard someone groan, and struggled to locate the source of the noise. "Oh, Lois . . ." There it was again. It was a man, and it almost sounded to her as if he was in pain. Maybe it was Clark. She had to help him; she had to get out of this fog and see if Clark was all right. "Lois," she heard the voice moan again, louder this time as the fog began to lift. Reality came flooding back mercilessly as she felt the cold linoleum against her back. She heard someone panting against her neck and instantly knew that it wasn't Clark above her. She felt hot flesh pressing against her in places that, since she'd been married, only Clark had touched. Her eyes shot open and met the clouded, dark eyes of Ted Rickman. In that second, the events of the evening came flooding back to her. She was about to make a move to escape, but the numbing pain that shot from wrists up to her shoulders kept her from moving. Her arms had been tied behind her back and were trapped beneath their combined weight. She noticed that Ted, though looking directly at her, was too engrossed to realize that she had awakened. She covertly glanced around, noting they were still in the kitchen. She saw Ted's abandoned weapon on the counter began calculating how long it would take for him to reach it once he finally realized she was awake. Considering that her hands were tied behind her back, and that Ted Rickman had the advantage of being on top, she didn't think she'd be successful in putting up a physical resistance. What if she called for Clark? Maybe, just maybe, he'd be in the vicinity, and would come to her rescue before her captor could find his weapon. Before she could deliberate further on the matter, Ted realized she had regained consciousness. "Ah, Lois. I'm glad you seem to have decided to join the land of the living. However, I can assure you that it won't be for long." Lois saw the coldness in Ted's gaze and knew, without a doubt, that he had every intention of making sure that she didn't survive to make him pay for what he'd done to her. Ted noticed her eye the knife on the counter. "Tsk, tsk, Lois. Don't you be getting any ideas, now. You know it's no use. You'd only make things more painful for yourself." Lois knew that she had to make her move now, before Ted had the blade back in his possession. She closed her eyes and began to focus all of her inner strength on the only person she could think to get her out of this, the only person she'd ever let herself depend on for help. Willing him to hear her plea, "Help, Superman!" she screamed desperately. * * * After breaking up a gang shootout in Suicide Slum, Clark landed in an alley near his Hyperion home. Being careful not to be seen, he spun into his street clothes. As he emerged from the alley, approached the front steps and dug into the pocket of his blazer for his house keys, his earlier uneasiness came rushing back in full force. Then he heard the scream. Without a second thought, Clark sped through the vestibule, grabbed the handle and ripped the front door from its hinges. He was at the source of the scream in less than a second, but found himself frozen again by what he saw. Ted Rickman's head snapped up when Clark burst into the kitchen. The young intern was straddled over Lois's near-naked body. He hurriedly zipped up the fly to his jeans, rose to his feet, and grabbed the knife from the counter as Clark approached him. Tears of relief began to streak down Lois's cheeks when she saw that Clark had arrived. But, when Clark's glance met her eyes, he saw a fear like none he had ever seen before. In that instant, all the blood in Clark's body rushed to his head and, before he knew what he was doing, he had evaded Ted Rickman's attack, single-handedly hoisted him by the neck, and slammed him against the wall. Seconds ticked by and Clark didn't notice the clink of the knife hitting the floor upon dropping out of Ted's listless hand. He was oblivious to the light shade of blue that was coloring his captive's face. He barely even heard his wife's pleas. "Clark! Stop! You're killing him!" Lois could scarcely recognize the face of her own husband as he choked the life out of her assailer. Although she had to admit that she wouldn't mind seeing Ted Rickman dead, she knew she didn't want her husband to be his murderer. She was sure that Clark would never forgive himself for violating the very thing that he stood for, life. "Clark, please!" Lois pleaded earnestly. "I hate the guy as much as you do . . . more, actually . . . but you don't want to do this!" As Lois's words registered in his mind, Clark's firm grip of Ted's throat gradually relented enough to allow Ted to gasp for breath. He glanced at the knife on the floor, and let go of Ted completely when he bent to retrieve it. Ted slumped to the floor, still struggling to regain his breath. Clark knelt beside Lois, who had managed to recover a sitting position, and quickly cut through the ropes binding her arms behind her back. He didn't say a word. Lois was relieved to have her arms free, and began flexing them in an attempt to get the circulation going. Before she could rid the numbing sensations from her arms, Clark had gathered her clothes and was knelt beside her, helping her to dress the best he could with what remained of her clothing. She could tell by Clark's rigid movements that he was just barely containing the ire simmering inside him. He had a very slim hold on his self control and Lois was loathe to test it. Clark replaced the weapon on the counter and turned back to Ted, hauling him up by the arm, heedless to Ted's moan of pain when he nearly wrenched Ted's arm from its socket. When Clark finally spoke, his glare remained fixed on Ted and his voice held the rage that was etched on his face. "Call the police, Lois." As Lois scrambled to her feet, afraid that her husband might not hold his restraint much longer, she was momentarily stalled by wave of dizziness that accompanied a searing pain in the back of her skull. When the disorientation passed, she hurried to grab the cordless phone from the counter and dial 911. * * * A heavy sigh escaped Clark's lips as he sat, restless, in Metro General's waiting room. While the police had been questioning Clark, Lois had been supplied with ice packs for the back of her head and left cheek and, not undeterred by the investigating officer's urging to take her time, had also answered her share of questions. Soon Lois had been ushered to a waiting ambulance where Clark sat silently beside her, holding her hand during the ride to the hospital. Clark had been reluctant to leave her side once they reached the hospital, but Lois had reassured him that she'd be fine on her own while the doctor examined her. Now, Clark slumped back into the seat as he reflected on the millions of questions that the police had just bombarded him with, particularly the one about explaining how one of the double doors inside the vestibule had been ripped off its hinges. "It's amazing what adrenalin can do to a person," he had told them. His responses to their questions, however, were the least of his worries. How was he ever going to live with himself? Lois had been raped, and he had been unable to rescue her. He wasn't sure that he could ever face her again. But, despite the overwhelming magnitude of his failure, he knew he couldn't bear to be anywhere but by her side. "Mr. Kent?" Lost in self-condemnation, Clark was heedless to the nurse's voice calling to him. How could he have let it happen? He'd known something had been terribly wrong, but he'd ignored his instincts in pursuit of Jaxon Xavier. Sure, he'd had a personal vendetta to settle with Jaxon, but the last thing he had ever wanted to do was to settle it at Lois's expense. How could she ever forgive him? "Mr. Kent?!" The nurse's voice finally startled Clark from his thoughts. "Yes?" "The doctor is finished examining your wife. Would you like to see her now?" "Oh," Clark realized that the nurse must have been standing before him for a few minutes now. "Yes. I'm sorry. I was a little preoccupied." "That's okay, Mr. Kent. Considering the circumstances, that's perfectly understandable." Clark managed a small smile for the sincere nurse before lifted himself from the chair and followed the nurse down the hall. "She's right in there, Mr. Kent." The nurse pointed to a door to Clark's right. "Go on in," she said politely before slipping way, sensing the couple's need for privacy. He approached Lois's door cautiously, almost afraid of what he'd find on the other side. The door was ajar, and he knocked lightly. When there was no answer, he poked his head in. His heart skipped a beat at the sight of his wife sound asleep. He carefully pushed the door open and approached her bed. His heart nearly stopped at what he saw there. Lois's beautiful face was marred by an ugly bruise on her left cheek. She looked dreadfully pale, and her expression was contorted in anguish. Clark's heart sank when he thought to himself, once again, that he could have -- *should* have -- prevented all the pain Lois had suffered in the past few hours. How could he have been so ignorant? He nearly lost his resolve to face her as he took in her weary pallor. However, as he was about to turn to leave, Lois stirred and her eyes fluttered open. "Clark?" Lois asked groggily. "Yes, Honey? I'm here." Lois blinked as her cloudy mind began to clear. "Hi." "Hi." Clark wasn't sure what else to say. "Sit down." Lois patted the bed beside her as she dragged herself into a sitting position. Clark perched himself on the bed beside her, keeping a careful distance for fear of crowding her. "So, what'd the doctor say?" "She said, other than a few bumps and bruises, I'm basically okay. I've got a mild concussion so she wants to keep an eye on it overnight, just in case." "Oh . . ." Clark's mind tried furiously to think of the right thing to say. He desperately wanted to take her in his arms and hold onto her for dear life, but after what had happened that night, he didn't think Lois would want him to touch her. Besides, he'd just failed her in the worst possible way. Even if she did let him hold her, he didn't deserve the luxury of her embrace. "Is there anything I can do for you?" "Hmm . . . did you file the story on Jaxon yet?" "Huh?" Clark hadn't been expecting that. "No, not yet." "I'd really appreciate it if you would. I don't want to have any catching up to do when I go back to work." Clark searched her face and voice carefully, but found no trace of teasing there. He didn't know what he'd expected, but that was the last thing he thought she would request. "Honey, are you sure that's -" "Yes, Clark, I'm sure. You caught him. I don't want another newspaper scooping us when we've got the inside track on his capture." "I . . . okay," Clark didn't think now would be a good time to argue with his wife. "Okay, I'll see you later." "Wha - . . . you mean, you want me to write it up now?" "Yeah, now, Clark. If you wait any longer, either we'll get scooped, or Perry will assign it to another reporter. Personally, I don't think another reporter could do it justice." "But, Lois, I . . ." Clark took in the drawn expression on Lois's face and opted, once again, not to argue. "Alright. I'll be back as soon as I'm done." "Actually, don't bother, Clark. It's late and I'll probably be asleep. You might as well go home and get a good rest yourself." "But, Honey --" "I'll be fine, Clark. I'll see you tomorrow, okay? When you come to pick me up?" Clark looked sadly into his wife's eyes and saw something there he'd thought never to see her direct at him again. Distrust. "Clark?" Lois prodded when he didn't immediately answer. "Okay," Clark choked. "I'll see you tomorrow." Clark had to muster all of his strength to hold back the urge to lean over and kiss her before he got up and left the room. * * * Continued in Part 6 ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 23:36:46 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Karen Ward Subject: REVISED: NIGHTMARE ON HYPERION AVENUE, Part 6 of 8 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed" TITLE: NIGHTMARE ON HYPERION AVENUE PART: 6 of 8 AUTHOR: Karen Ward RATING: PG-13 . . . along with a serious WHAM warning FEEDBACK: Any and all, public or private. SUMMARY: Tragedy strikes Lois and Clark when an old nemesis comes back to haunt them . . . again. _______________________________________________________ * * * The tears began to flow even before her husband had fully disappeared out the door. Lois had expected that it might happen, but nothing prepared her for the brunt of it. There was no question that Clark would be disgusted by what Ted Rickman had done to her, but to see that wary look on his face . . . . There was no doubt that she repulsed him. She'd seen the horror the second she'd looked into his eyes, and, faster than she'd ever thought possible, she began resurrecting the emotional walls her husband had so patiently torn down. It was Clark's facial expression, however, that told the depth of his distaste. Throughout his entire visit, Clark had not touched her -- not even once! Usually he was very tactile with her, touching her shoulder or the small of her back, and taking her hand in his every chance he could get. In the brief time he'd been in her hospital room, he hadn't so much as laid a finger on her. It wasn't fair! Why did this have to happen to her and Clark when their life together was just beginning? How would they ever get through this? How could Clark even look at her again? How could she face him? How could she face herself? Drawing her knees to her chest, Lois lost herself in a vortex of self loathing as sobs wracked her body. * * * When Lois's eyes cracked open the next morning, the bright sunshine stabbed into her skull, reminding her exactly where she was and why she was there. When she turned from the blinding light of the window, she spotted a vase of red roses on the stand beside her bed. Curious, she carefully raised herself into a sitting position, fighting off the wave of dizziness and nausea that assaulted her, and reached for the card that sat next to the flowers. Tears of relief stung her eyes when she read the note. "I love you," it said simply in the easily recognizable scrawl that was her husband's. Of course he still loved her. He wasn't capable of any other emotion -- not where she was concerned, at least. "What in the world got into me?" Lois reflected on her state of mind the night before. After all they'd been through, Lois knew that Clark would never turn her away after something like this. That wasn't his style. "Then why was he so distant last night?" she wondered to herself. And then it hit her! He was feeling guilty about what Ted Rickman had done to her. He'd most likely convinced himself that it was somehow his fault for not being able to save her from being raped. That attitude was more characteristic of the Clark she knew. Satisfied that she had her husband figured out, Lois returned to berating herself for almost falling into a trap of self-pity. How could she have let herself do that? If she allowed herself to fall victim to the dark emotions last night's tragedy had evoked, then she would be letting Ted Rickman get the best of her. As far as she was concerned, there wouldn't be much point in surviving the incident if she couldn't put it behind her. So, she shoved her emotions to the side and focused her attention on finding a way to convince her husband that Ted Rickman's actions weren't his fault. But, before she could get very far, there was a soft knock at her door. "Come in," she answered. Dr. Diann Wilson, Lois's physician, pushed the door open and approached the bed where Lois was sitting. "How are you feeling today?" "Well, my head hurts a bit, but I'm okay other than that." "I can't say that I'm surprised. You have a nasty goose egg there." Lois stifled a small chuckle, "Yeah, I do." "Do you mind if I take a look?" "No, go ahead." Lois leaned forward to let the doctor inspect the back of her skull. Applying gentle pressure, Dr. Wilson carefully palpated the bump on her patient's head. "Well, it appears that the swelling has gone down some. I think it's safe to let you go home." "That's good, because I told my husband he was going to have to pick me up today." The doctor noticed the roses sitting on the night table. "Are those from him?" Dr. Wilson gestured to the flowers. "Yeah," Lois smiled. The doctor smiled in return, and after a brief pause said, "You're a very lucky woman, you know." Lois's gaze turned wistful, "I know." * * * Clark arrived at the hospital an hour later, encouraged to see Lois up and around. She met him in the hall as he was on his way to her room. "Hi, Clark!" she said brightly, flashing him a smile. Clark smiled back reflexively and, before he could dwell on his wife's transformed demeanor, she pulled him down for a sound kiss on the lips. "How are you?" Lois asked. "Shouldn't I be asking you that?" Clark was more than a little confused at Lois's chipper mood. Lois laughed as she hooked her arm through his and began leading him back to her room. "I'm feeling much better, thanks. I can't wait to get home and get back into the swing of things." Clark couldn't help but chuckle, his wife's bubbly countenance rubbing off on him. "You've been away from work for half a day, Lois. I hardly think that would qualify you as being 'out of the swing of things'." They arrived at Lois's room where she took the bag of clothing Clark had brought along and began to get dressed. "That's half a day that I could have spent tracking down more evidence against Helen Carter. I've still got a funny feeling about her, you know. Oh, and I read your piece on Jaxon's capture in the paper this morning. It was good. Not perfect, but you still blew the competition out of the water with you quotes from Superman. Anyhow, that's not what I was talking about." Clark, by now lost on Lois's tangent, couldn't remember what she was talking about to begin with. "Huh?" "When I said I wanted to get back on track, I wasn't talking about work. I was talking about us." Lois, now fully clothed, was searching for something in the bag Clark had brought her, "Did you bring a brush?" At Lois's words, Clark's face turned serious again. "Lois," Clark started, but a knock at the door halted him from speaking any further. Dr. Wilson entered Lois's room. "Oh, hi, Mr. Kent. I see you made it on time. It's a good thing too, because your wife was about ready to leave without you." "Good morning, Dr. Wilson," Clark smiled reluctantly, disappointed at the interruption. "Anyhow, I just wanted to remind Lois that she's to come straight back here should she experience and further nausea or dizziness, and that I expect to see her next week for a check-up. You won't let her forget that, now will you, Mr. Kent?" Clark smiled again, this time genuinely as he couldn't help but be infused with the doctor's cheerfulness, "No, of course not." "Alright, guys. That's enough," Lois mocked. "I'm ready to go, so let's get outta here, Clark. No offense, Dr. Wilson." "None taken," she guffawed, before turning serious again. "Don't forget to --" "I know, I'll come back if I don't feel well." "Good. And next week --" "I'll come in for a check-up. I won't forget." "I'm not worried about you forgetting, Lois." Dr. Wilson gave Lois a reprimanding stare. "I'll be here." Dr. Wilson turned her look to Clark. "She'll be here, doctor. I won't let her . . . 'forget'." After exchanging thanks and goodbyes with her doctor, Lois grabbed her husband's hand and led him out to the Jeep. The ride was silent as Clark drove them back to their Hyperion home. Lois wanted to wait until they were home and relatively settled before she set out to broach the subject of last night's events. So she sat placidly, having nudged Clark's right hand >from the steering wheel and taken it in hers. Clark, on the other hand, wasn't sure what to think. His wife had undergone such a drastic change in mood from last night, and he wasn't completely sure that the way she was acting right now wasn't a just a front. Afraid to risk an emotional outbreak, at least until they got home, Clark said nothing either. They arrived at the brownstone shortly thereafter, and remained silent as they entered their home. Clark finally turned to Lois as they hung up their jackets. "Hi. Welcome home," he said softly, not sure what else to say, and managing a slight smile for her benefit. "Hi," she matched his smile with one of greater magnitude. "You feeling okay?" Clark had no idea what else to ask, he just knew he had to be strong for his wife. Right now wasn't the time to let his worries bubble up the forefront. "Yeah, I'm fine," Lois maintained her smile. The urge to enfold her in his arms overwhelmed Clark, and he reached for her. The unexpected feel of her husband's strong arms enveloping her caused a tightness to begin welling in her throat. She wasn't going to let it get to her, though. No, she was going to move past her hurt so she could assuage Clark of his. But, when she felt a single wet tear drop onto her neck, all her resolve to be strong vanished and she soon found herself crying openly in her husband's arms. "Oh, Clark . . ." A mixture of relief and guilt swept over Clark as he breathed in the sweet floral scent of Lois's hair, and he was helpless to prevent the lone tear that slipped down his cheek. He was relieved that she was alive, safe, and in his arms again, yet guilt stricken that he had been too late to save her from such a violation. He continued to deplore himself for ignoring his instincts when he should know by now that they were usually dead on where Lois was concerned. He would never be able to bear the thought that he could have prevented the tears that she now shed onto his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Lois. I'm so sorry . . . " * * * Neither of them were sure how long they had been standing just inside the threshold of their home, holding each other. Eventually, keeping one arm around Clark's neck and the other around his waist, Lois pulled away enough to look at Clark's face. She removed the arm that was around his waist and used the pad of her thumb to wipe a trace of moisture from his cheek. When she'd smoothed it away, she moved her hand to mirror her other one already around his neck, while Clark shifted his arms to completely encircle her waist. "Honey --" Clark's voice broke, forcing him to take a beat to collect himself and try again. "Honey . . . I am *so* sorry. I --" Before Clark could launch into a long, yet sincere apology for not saving her, Lois placed her hand over his mouth and cut off his speech. "Clark, it's okay. It's not your fault. You were needed elsewhere. I understand that you can't be everywhere at once. Besides, I should know better than to let virtual strangers into the house." "No, Lois. It's *not* okay. I should have come sooner. I knew something was wrong -- I could feel it -- but I ignored it . . ." Clark's voice rose and octave as it strained with emotion and threatened to crack again. "I . . . I just wish . . . I should have . . ." The lump in Clark's throat boiled over and he dissolved into tears. Lois pulled herself closer to her husband and nestled her face into his neck. Her body shook along with the sobs that wracked his body. She was taken aback by the ferocity of Clark's reaction to last night's events. She didn't think she'd ever seen him cry before, and briefly wondered if he'd ever done so before in his life. She'd known he would be upset with himself for not being faster, but this was much more than she'd expected. What had happened last night had opened a wound in her husband, and she was going to do whatever it took to make it stop bleeding, even if it meant cauterizing it. But she hoped it wouldn't come to that. "Shh," she crooned softly. "I'm here, Honey. It's okay . . . I'm okay." Suddenly Clark's sobs lessened and he raised his head to look at her. Lois met his gaze and Clark's moist eyes searched hers for a moment before he croaked, "Are you?" "Yes, Clark, I am. Now that I'm home, and you're here with me." Clark continued to gaze into his wife's eyes as he let out a shaky sigh. However, Clark's tearful outburst had Lois more than a little worried. Though she knew Clark to be an sensitive person, he was not one to cry. She wanted to broach the subject with him, but was loathe to aggravate him any further. She sensed that Clark's emotional well-being was intricately balanced at the moment, and she was afraid verbalizing the issue may very well be the thing to send him hurtling over the edge. Before Lois could decide whether or not to question Clark's mental state, Clark brought a hand up to cup her right cheek. Her left one was still slightly swollen from the blow she'd suffered from Ted Rickman. Gazing into his eyes, Lois leaned into Clark's touch. It was the same caress that had given away his alter ego to Lois so long ago. A caress that would always be so special to them. It was a symbol of his trust and need for her, but most of all, it signified the undying love that had steam rolled into their lives picking up strength after they had broken through the barrier of his secret identity, and continued to grow stronger with each passing moment. It was a love that they each cherished and held onto so tightly that sometimes it hurt. Sensing his need for physical reassurance, Lois pulled Clark's face towards hers and began to kiss each of his tears away. When she was satisfied that she had removed them all, she placed a feather-light kiss on his lips and laid her head on his left shoulder. Clark gently pressed his cheek to her forehead and sighed deeply. "What do we do now?" Lois lifted her head to face Clark. "Now? Now, we get on with our lives. And first on the list is making sure that Ted Rickman spends the remainder of his pathetic life behind bars." Clark, unintentionally letting go of his guilt for a moment, gave an ironic chuckle, shook his head and gazed at his wife in awe. "I can't believe you." "What?" Lois looked quizzically at her husband. "What do you mean?" "I mean, you are the one who was . . . uh . . . violated. You are the one who deserves to be comforted yet, here you are, comforting me. I may be able to bench press buses, punch holes in asteroids, and lift space stations into orbit with my bare hands, but you, Lois, are the strongest person in the world. And, Lois . . ." Clark's voice threatened to give out with emotion again. "Yes?" Lois urged. Clark lowered his head to gather his resolve, and then lifted it again to look intensely into her eyes. "I love you *so* much . . . so much it hurts." "Oh, Clark." Lois reached a hand to cradle his cheek, a mirror of his special touch for her. "I love you, too." Lois guided his head toward hers and, almost hesitantly, touched his lips with her own. Upon contact, all their apprehension vanished as the couple soon found themselves devouring each other's mouths. Lois pulled back, breathless, but kept her face less than inch from Clark's. "I need you, Clark. I need you to make love to me. Now." "Are you sure that's --" Before Clark could finish his protest, Lois pulled his mouth back down to hers, mumbling against his lips, "I've never been so sure of anything in my life." * * * Clark lay in bed, wide awake at 6:00 a. m. Lois, partially soothed by their lovemaking, had finally let her exhaustion lull her into a restless sleep. Clark, however, had hardly blinked since then. Usually one of his favorite pastimes was watching his wife sleep. He adored the way her face and body relaxed when fatigue claimed her. With her expression unguarded and the tension of the day finally drained from her limbs, his Little Tornado seemed so vulnerable in her sleep, yet never more beautiful. He felt it was a testimony to the complete trust she had in him. Last night had been different. Though she'd fallen asleep quickly, it had soon been clear to Clark that she was not relaxed. She'd rolled often, never staying in the same place for more than a few minutes. Her face had been constantly contorted in an expression of anguish and the ugly purple bruise marring her left cheek hadn't faded in the least. And once, after she'd rolled onto her side with her back to Clark, he'd slid a hand around her waist, spooning himself against her. However, instead of her usual sigh of contentment at this action, he'd felt her body tense with fear. He'd tried to murmur reassurances in her ear, but his warm breath on her face had actually caused her to flinch. In the time since they'd been married, she'd never reacted to his touch like this, even in her sleep . . . especially in her sleep. And, because of this, he knew that, despite his wife's composed demeanor and outward display of inner strength, she'd been deeply wounded. Ted Rickman had broken her trust -- the trust that Clark had worked so long and so hard to establish in her. Though Clark figured that, in her head, Lois knew she could trust him, he wasn't sure that her heart still knew it. Now, Lois was once again curled up on her side with her back to Clark while he lay facing her, wishing with all of his might that he could think of some way to soothe her pain. * * * Continued on Part 7 ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 23:36:55 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Karen Ward Subject: REVISED: NIGHTMARE ON HYPERION AVENUE, Part 7 of 8 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed" TITLE: NIGHTMARE ON HYPERION AVENUE PART: 7 of 8 AUTHOR: Karen Ward RATING: PG-13 . . . along with a serious WHAM warning FEEDBACK: Any and all, public or private. SUMMARY: Tragedy strikes Lois and Clark when an old nemesis comes back to haunt them . . . again. _______________________________________________________ * * * The shrill sound of the alarm clock seared the morning silence, alerting Clark that it was 6:30 a. m. and time to get up and go to work. He numbly rubbed his eyes and groaned as he realized that he had, in fact, finally dozed off . . . five minutes ago. Lois stirred and Clark reached over her to shut off the alarm clock before she started to reprimand him for not doing it sooner. Even as Clark was retreating from her side of the bed, Lois was snuggling deeper into her pillow and pulling the covers closer. "Lo --" Lois started at her husband's whisper, causing him to break off his words and pull back the hand that had been going to nudge her shoulder. Lois rolled onto her back and cracked her eyes open enough to see her husband propped on his left elbow, watching her warily. She came more fully awake when she realized that she'd never seen her husband look at her in quite that manner before. "What, Clark?" "Uh . . . I just wondered if you wanted me to call Perry and tell him that we won't be making it into work this morning" "Oh. Uh . . . no." Lois pushed back the covers, got out of bed, and began padding across the room. "No, I'm all right. Besides, we can't stay home today. We have a follow up to do on Jaxon Xavier's capture." Lois reached the closet and began pulling out a business suit to wear to work. "Then we have to go down to that computer store again and see if we can talk to . . . what's her name . . . Jaxon's mother?" "Helen Carter." "Right. We have to talk to her. Maybe we can spook her into revealing something." Lois's voice and actions were laden with weariness, and Clark could see it clearly. However, he figured that work would probably be the best thing she could do right now. It might take her mind off the traumatic event from two nights before. Even if she tried to sleep some more, she wasn't likely to get any rest. "Alright. I'll go make breakfast while you shower." * * * When Lois and Clark entered the newsroom that morning, the tension was palpable. Everywhere they looked, they met the questioning gazes of their co-workers. Though everyone was itching to know, not one of Lois and Clark's fellow employees had the nerve to ask what had happened the night before last. All they knew was that the Planet's latest intern had been arrested for rape and that, somehow, Lois and Clark had been involved. Whether they had simply been the first onto the scene as reporters, or if they had happened to stumble across the crime in progress was still a mystery. Although, the shiner on Lois's face was a good indication of which was more likely. Perry White was the sole person privy to the story behind Lois's bruised cheek. It irked him that Lois had insisted on working today, but he knew better than to argue with her when she had her mind set. He just hoped that the tragedy hadn't affected his star reporting team more than they let on. Lois and Clark, however, had not had any trouble settling down to work. They had retreated to the conference room to pore over the police reports of Jaxon's siting and subsequent capture two nights ago. They still hadn't found solid evidence connecting Helen Carter to Jaxon or Lex. "This report says," Lois gestured to the file in her hand, "that, according to one of the computer store's employee on duty at the time, Jaxon came in looking for Ms. Carter." "And why would he being going to see her, unless our theory is right?" "I know . . ." Lois grabbed the pencil that was perched behind her ear and used it to tap the papers in front of her. "Hmm . . . maybe we should just try the direct approach." "What do you mean?" "I mean maybe we should just go down there and talk to her. Maybe we can spook her into revealing something. We've done it before." "Okay . . ." Clark hesitated. "Uh oh. I know that tone." "What tone?" "It's your 'Lois is grasping at straws and I'll humor her just to avoid upsetting her' tone. If you don't agree with me, Clark, why don't you just tell me?" "No, Lois. It's a good idea. We should do it." "Then, what is it?" "What's what?" "That tone." "What tone?" "Clark," Lois admonished. "I don't know what you're talking about, Lois. I didn't use any tone." Clark was genuinely baffled by Lois's questioning. "There you go again." "What?" "Oh, I get it now." "Get what? Lois, you're not making any sense." "You think that because of what happened to me I'm not up to investigating. Well, let me tell you something, mister. I'm not a China doll. This sort of thing happens to people all the time and they get on with their lives. So will we." "I believe you, Lois. Have I done anything to make you think otherwise?" "Well, no. But you implied it." "Lois, even if I thought you weren't up to working today, would there be any point in me telling you? You'd work anyway, wouldn't you?" "Of course I would." "See. There's no point in discussing it then. Let's just go back to the Computer Depot and see if we can talk to Helen." "Fine," Lois sniffed while rising from the chair and picking up her files. "Fine." Clark let out an exasperated groan before he pushed out his chair and joined her in retreating from the conference room. * * * On the ride to Helen's Computer Depot, Clark mentally replayed his latest conversation with Lois. He came to the conclusion that, if he wasn't invulnerable, he might very well like to clobber himself over the head with a baseball bat. What had he been thinking? Obviously Lois was far from recovered from recent events, and, rather than going on the defensive, he should have been more understanding to her behavior. He supposed that, after Lois's exuberant display yesterday, he'd been caught off guard by the hundred and eighty degree turn her mood had taken today. But that was no excuse. Lois had just suffered one of the most horrible ordeals imaginable -- all because of his own stupidity, he reminded himself -- and he should have known one night wasn't enough for her to recover. Though he knew the car ride to an interview was no place to broach a topic as dire as Lois's well-being, he thought it could at least use some addressing. "Lois?" When there was no response from the driver's side, Clark took a breath and plunged on anyway. "Lois, I'm sorry about the way I acted later. I'm just . . . well, there's no excuse, really. I should have been more understanding." Lois rolled her eyes, but Clark didn't notice. "You've been through . . . a horrible thing. And I haven't been much good in the way of support. And, well, the least I can do is be understanding if you're not . . . uh . . . in the best of moods." Lois took her eyes from the road long enough to give Clark a murderous glare. Clark shivered involuntarily at the look from his wife. He wasn't sure what he'd said earn her wrath, but he decided that, for now, it'd be best if he didn't say anything else. From his experience, silence from Lois Lane should be feared more than any of her most outrageous outbursts. * * * Helen Carter bent over her desk, pretending to study the inventory list her store's clerk had just brought to her. She was contemplating the events of the night before last, reveling in the aftermath of a well executed plan. Yes, Ted Rickman had been a good choice of employee. Ted had fulfilled his duties with the utmost of thoroughness. He had been hired to show Lois what it felt like to be used to satisfy a man's yearning for power and then to be tossed aside like a rag doll. Helen knew better than anyone what that felt like. Lex had had more than his share of power hunger, and he'd not hesitated in showing just how much that was. Even back then Lex's pockets were deep, so when she'd threatened to go to the police, she'd found herself the recipient of a very lucrative bribe offer. Who cared if Lex had walked away clean from his encounter with her? She'd become a rich woman, especially after she'd told Lex she was pregnant. She wasn't stupid, however. As soon as she'd amassed enough funds, she'd faked her child's death, moved to Europe and made herself virtually untraceable to anyone. If she was going to get even with Lex, she would have to find a private place to put her plans into motion. She'd enrolled Jaxon in the best schools she could find, training him from Day One to fulfill her life's ultimate goal of exacting her revenge on Lex Luthor. What better way to do that than with his very own illegitimate son? A son he didn't even know existed. Even though Lex had been behind bars at the time, she had figured her plan to have Jaxon gain control of the world, and then expose the identity of his father would be enough to see Lex die of embarrassment. What better way to humiliate the greatest criminal mind of this century than by having his illegitimate son beat him at his own game. But Jaxon, being the incompetent idiot that he was, couldn't even do that right. She'd set everything up for him, given him the computer equipment he'd needed and the access to Lois Lane, but he'd still been unable to pull off his part of the scheme. However, he was her son. She almost felt ashamed for having him take the fall for her crimes, and breaking him out of that asylum to be her decoy in this one. Unfortunately, after Jaxon's initial failure, Helen's chance to avenge herself was ruined when Lois Lane had, once again, entered the picture. Lois Lane, with help from Superman and Clark Kent, had proceeded to cause Lex's second and final death, preventing Helen >from getting the chance to do it. So if someone was going to pay for what Lex did to her, it would have to be Lois. And, so far, her plan had gone off without a hitch. Her useless son was back behind bars and the only threat to her discovery was Ted Rickman. He'd been paid well to remain silent. Even so, when faced with the horrors of prison life, some people tended to talk. She'd soon have to make sure that Ted Rickman was silenced for good. Just as Helen had begun to work out a plan for eliminating Ted Rickman, there was a knock at her office door. Her employee stuck his head in. "Ms. Carter? There are some reporters here to see you. Lois Lane and Clark Kent. They'd like to do a story on the expanding computer market and want to interview you. Is it all right if I send them in?" Helen smiled to herself. She loved getting away with her crimes, especially when it was right under the victim's nose. "Sure, Derek, send them in." Lois came in first, followed by the man who Helen could only assume was Clark Kent. "Good afternoon, Ms. Carter." Clark extended his hand to Helen. "Good afternoon, Mr. Kent, Ms. Lane." Helen smiled demurely as she took his hand. She couldn't help but notice how delectable this man was in person. "And please, call me Helen." She was also somewhat amused to notice that Ms. Lane didn't bother to offer her a greeting. "Have a seat," Helen gestured to the swivel chairs that were placed on the other side of her desk. "Ms. Carter," Lois began as she sat down, "we'd like to ask you some questions about the business you run here. Do you mind?" "Of course not, Ms. Lane. I'd be delighted to answer your questions." "Good, then we'll get started. How long have you been in the computer business?" Lois pulled out a note pad and pencil as she spoke. "Let's see now . . . I've tinkered in the business for a long time now, but I didn't get serious about it until I opened this store. That was about five years ago." "Do you know Jaxon Xavier personally? We noticed that you supplied his Virtual Center with equipment." "Well, I did business with him, so I've obviously met him. I heard about what he did to you Ms. Lane, and I'm very sorry. If I'd known that he was going to use that equipment to harm you . . . well, I wouldn't have sold it to him," Helen lied through her teeth. "That's alright, Ms. Carter--" "Helen. Please call me Helen, Mr. Kent." "Ah . . . Helen, that's alright. We know you wouldn't want to harm us." Helen smiled at Clark. "Helen --" "That's 'Ms. Carter', Ms. Lane." Lois raised her eyebrows at Clark before continuing with her question. "Ms. Carter, we couldn't help but notice that you also supply the Insane Asylum with its computer equipment." "Yes. I supply a lot of places with equipment." "Don't you think that it's a bit coincidental that you supplied computers to both Jaxon Xavier's Virtual Center and the Asylum where he was imprisoned?" "I don't think I like what you're implying, Ms. Lane. Just what are you implying?" "I think you know." "Look, Ms. Lane, if you're here to interrogate, you've come to the wrong place. I run a legitimate business so you're not going to find anything corrupt here. If you're looking for that kind of story, you'll have to go somewhere else. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do." Helen got up to usher her interviewers to the door. "We know who --" "Thank you for your time, Helen." Clark received a killer glower for interrupting his wife. "We'll be going now." Helen watched, fuming, as the couple made their way out of her office. She didn't think that it was possible that Lane and Kent could have figured her out. She'd been very meticulous in eliminating any connections her criminal actions may have brought to her. She was going to have to alter her plans once again. Rather than reveling in the thought of the pain she'd inflicted on Lois Lane, she was going to have eliminate her and that scrumptious husband of hers. No amount of revenge was worth it if she was caught. * * * "Why'd you do that, Clark?!" Lois demanded as soon as they had returned to the street in front of the computer store. "Do what?" "Why'd you cut me off like that? We had her right where we wanted her. She was getting nervous. Couldn't you see that?" "No, Lois, she was getting angry. I would too if someone was accusing me of doing something I didn't do." "She was guilty, Clark! It was written all over her face!" "Even if she was, she wasn't going to tell us anything, Lois. Even you must have been able to see that." "What do you mean 'even' me?" "Lois, please, don't start." "No, Clark, I'm starting. It sounded to me like you were implying something about my interviewing abilities." "Lois, I didn't mean to insult you. I just meant that sometimes, when you get it in your head that you're right about something, you tend not to listen to reason." "Oh, so you're saying I'm unreasonable." "No, Lois, I'm not," Clark replied, exasperated. "Look, you seem a little tired right now. Why don't we call it a day and head home early. Perry will understand." "I wish you would stop this, Clark." "Stop what?" "You keep making assumptions about how I'm feeling. You're not letting me think for myself. You're treating me like I'm some helpless infant." Passers-by began to take notice as Lois's voice raised in volume. "I'm not helpless, Clark. And I'm certainly not an infant. Just because I was raped does not mean that I've suddenly turned into a china doll. I won't fall to pieces if someone says the wrong thing to me. And I certainly won't shatter just by doing my job!" Clark was speechless at his wife's outburst, and a little embarrassed at the number of people who had witnessed it. Lois gawked back at her audience. "What are you looking at?" she demanded of them before she stalked off down the street and got into her Jeep. Clark smiled sheepishly at the crowd. "She's . . . uh, rehearsing for a play." Clark hustled after her before he had to suffer any further curious stares. * * * Concluded in Part 8 ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 23:37:04 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Karen Ward Subject: REVISED: NIGHTMARE ON HYPERION AVENUE, Part 8 of 8 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed" TITLE: NIGHTMARE ON HYPERION AVENUE PART: 8 of 8 AUTHOR: Karen Ward RATING: PG-13 . . . along with a serious WHAM warning FEEDBACK: Any and all, public or private. SUMMARY: Tragedy strikes Lois and Clark when an old nemesis comes back to haunt them . . . again. _______________________________________________________ * * * When the hottest team in town stormed into the newsroom after their disastrous interview, it was obvious to Perry White that all was not right. Lines of fatigue were etched on Lois's face as she continually gave Clark the cold shoulder. Clark, meanwhile, was following her around like a puppy with his tail between his legs, apparently trying to earn back her approval. Perry decided that some intervention was called for. Besides that, he had some important news he'd just learned from the Metropolis P. D. He opened his office door and bellowed, "Lane! Kent! My office! Pronto!" He watched, satisfied, as Lois and Clark made a bee-line for his office, making a rare show of taking his orders seriously. "What is it, Chief?" Lois asked as she entered his office, closely followed by Clark. "I received a fax from Inspector Henderson this morning. Ted Rickman was involved in a brawl in his holding cell this afternoon. He was killed." "Alright, Chief, we're on it." Lois turned to go. Clark opened his mouth to protest, but Perry beat him to it. "No, you're not, Lois. These things happen all the time. Even if I wanted to assign my top reporting team to this story, you're way too close to do it." "But, Chief --" Lois began. "No, Honey, that's not why I called you two in here. I thought it was only fair for you to hear that information about Ted, but I called you in here to tell you two to go home." "What?!" Lois was incredulous. "You heard me. I'm sending you and Clark home and you're not to come back until you've worked out whatever it is that you need to work out." "But, Chief--" "No buts, Lois. Now get on out of here." Lois gaped icily at her boss before turning and storming back into the newsroom. Clark watched her retreat to her desk and begin to hastily pack up her things before turning back to Perry. "Thanks, Chief. I've been trying to get her to go home all day." "You're welcome, son. You just make sure she talks to you, okay? She's putting up a valiant effort to look fine, but she's not." "I know, Chief." "Okay. Now get on out of here and don't come back until you're good and ready." Clark nodded before turning to catch up with his wife. * * * The air was thick with tension on the drive back to 348 Hyperion Avenue. Neither Lois nor Clark had bothered to speak since retreating from Perry's office and calling it a day. Lois refused to talk to Clark at all, while Clark simply didn't know what to say to her. It seemed to Clark that, no matter what he said or how he said it, she would find it offensive one way or another. He wasn't sure exactly how things had gotten to be the way they were either. Yesterday Lois had made a rare show of being cheerful, but today, her mood was about as stable as an active volcano. One minute they had been interviewing a suspect and the next they had found themselves in the middle of a full-blown argument. As far as he was concerned, Lois had been her usual tenacious self during the interview while Clark had provided his typical cautious attitude. Lois, apparently, saw things differently. Clark decided that he was going to try broaching the subject with her again as they entered their home. "Lois, we need to talk." Clark hung up his overcoat and reached for Lois's. Lois sighed resignedly. "You're right, Clark. I --" "Well, I certainly hope I'm not interrupting anything important." Lois's coat hit the floor as the couple turned and stared in shock at their intruder standing across the room. "I told you she was guilty," Lois mumbled to Clark as he stepped defensively in front of her, keeping a careful eye on the shiny black handgun that was pointed in their direction. "Look, Ms. Carter, I don't think --" "Save it, Mr. Kent. It's a waste of breath." "What do you want with us, Helen?" Lois asked. "I think you know, Lois. Weren't those the same words you said to me earlier? Ironic, isn't it?" "You're Jaxon Xavier's mother, aren't you?" "You're right, Lois. I thought you might have figured that out. There's no other reason for a couple of reporters like you to be snooping around my store." Helen sidestepped the sofa as she kept the gun trained on Lois and Clark and approached them. "I can't help but wonder just how much you two know about me?" "It was your equipment that allowed Jaxon to escape from the asylum, wasn't it? You were responsible for his escape, weren't you?" "Oh, Lois," Helen cackled. "Do you think that's all I was responsible for?" "Well . . ." Lois snuck a glance at her partner who was furiously trying to find a way to get them out of the situation without revealing himself. "We weren't sure. Just how much are you responsible for?" "That's a bit bold, don't you think -- asking the villain to admit her guilt? Well, since you're both about to die anyway, I might as well have the satisfaction of telling you. If you think I broke Jaxon out of jail for the sake of motherly love, you're even more stupid than I thought. He's been a pawn in my schemes all along. Even the Virtual Reality Center was my doing. That boy hasn't had an original thought in his pathetic life. If I didn't think I'd need him, I would have left him in the asylum where quacks like him belong. But he proved to be a very useful distraction. The boy actually did something right for once by getting caught. Of course, he didn't know that was why I broke him out." "What do you mean he was a distraction?" Lois asked, wary. "You remember Ted Rickman, don't you, Lois? Yes, of course you do. The man was quite cooperative when I offered him a very lucrative reward for his services. As a matter of fact, I made sure he was paid handsomely just this afternoon. You know, men as unscrupulous as him don't come around very often. I'm almost sorry I killed him." Clark's attention snapped back to Helen when he realized the implication of her words. "Did you hire him to rape Lois?" Clark demanded, his dark eyes clouding with ire. "Mr. Kent, why this sudden change in demeanor? I could have sworn you were the gentle type, even to your foes. Anyhow, to answer your question, yes, I hired him. He'd make a great actor, don't you think?" "Clark, relax," Lois whispered warningly as she felt his body grow even more taut. "We'll get out of this and then Helen will pay properly for her crimes." Clark didn't say anything. He kept his angry gaze fixed on Helen. His only movement was the involuntary twitching of his jaw muscles. Helen resumed approaching Lois and Clark, "Well, I know it's a bit cliched to ask, but I'm curious if either of you have any last words." "Actually, there is one thing you should know," Clark's demeanor lightened subtly as Helen stepped within a leg's length of Lois. "What's that, Mr. Kent?" Lois's right foot connected with Helen's gun-wielding hand, knocking the weapon into the air where Clark's hands had been waiting to snatch it out of harm's way. Before Helen's brain had a chance to process what was happening, Lois's fist landed cleanly on Helen's left temple, knocking her out instantly. Clark stood over Helen's limp body and answered, "Never get within kicking distance of an angry Lois Lane." Lois chuckled as she picked up the phone and began dialing the police. "You are so corny, Clark Kent." Clark smiled at Lois in return. "And you wouldn't have me any other way." * * * For the second time in two days, Clark Kent stood at the front door and watched a squad car carry a criminal away from his home. Things were as they should be. Ted Rickman was dead, and Jaxon Xavier was, once again, rightfully behind bars. And now, thanks to the information Lois and Clark had learned from Helen Carter's impromptu confession, the police were sure that they'd be able to find enough incriminating evidence to convict Helen Carter for one lifetime, if not more. Yes, Clark was pretty sure everything was right with the universe for the time being. Almost everything, anyway. Lois approached him from behind as he closed and locked the front door. "Do you think we're finally going to have a chance to be alone now?" Clark turned to his wife. "I hope so. I really think we should talk." "You're right. You go soundproof the house while I disconnect all the phones," Lois joked. Clark smiled, but then his demeanor turned somber again. "I don't really know how to say this, Lois, but . . . I know you say you're fine, but I don't think you are." Clark held is breath as he waited for his wife to explode into another explanation as to why she really was fine, and why Clark shouldn't make assumptions about her feelings. "I know I was a little on-edge before. I shouldn't have blown up at you in the street like that. But I'm fine now, Clark. Really, I am." "It wasn't just that, though, Lois. Last night . . ." Clark hesitated. "Last night, after we made love, you were . . . different." Clark wasn't sure exactly how to word what he was about to say. "What do you mean?" "I mean, after you went to sleep, you seemed like you didn't want me to be there. Whenever I tried to put my arm around you, you'd flinch and pull away. And the expression on your face . . . . It nearly killed me when you kept pulling away from me like that, but to see you looking so pained . . . I just don't think I could handle another night like that." Lois was horrified by Clark's words and their implications. Insecurity began to take root in Lois's subconscious as her thoughts ran wild. If he couldn't handle another night with her, how could he possibly spend the rest of his life by her side? "You couldn't handle another night like that? Are you . . ." Lois's voice quivered, and she took a beat to recover it. "Are you going to leave?" A lone tear slipped down her cheek. "What?! No, Honey, of course not!" Clark reached for her and she welcomed the shelter of his arms. "You know I'd never do that," Clark whispered into her hair. "I'm so sorry, Clark. I didn't mean to pull away from you last night. I didn't know --" "It's not you're fault, Honey. You don't have to apologize. You should never have had to go through what you did. I should have gotten there in time. I should have saved you. I don't blame you if you don't trust me anymore. How can you?" "Clark," Lois raised her head from his shoulder to meet his eyes, "of course I trust you. After all that we've been through, how could you doubt that?" "You didn't see the way you looked last night, Lois. I don't blame you for it, though. I'm supposed to be Superman, protector of the innocent. If you can't count on me to protect you, how can you count on me for anything else?" "Clark," Lois was distraught at the self-loathing tone in her husband's voice, "we both know that you can't be in two places at once. I once told you that whatever you can do is enough because the fact that you even try gives people hope. You may not have been there to stop Ted Rickman, but you got me through it. Throughout the whole ordeal, it was the thought of you that kept me going. The thought that you would be there to comfort me when it was over, that you would still love me no matter what happened, saw me through what was probably the worst thing that's ever happened to me. Before I met you, I don't know if I could have handled going through something like that. But, now, you give me the will to live even when I'm not sure that I want to anymore. Sure, I may have physically been able to survive something like that before you, but my heart would have died a long time ago." "Lois . . ." Clark, overwhelmed with emotion, was unable to articulate a response. Lois squeezed her arms tighter around her husband and buried her head in his shoulder. "I love you, Lois." "I know. I love you, too." They embraced for a moment, before Lois pulled back, remembering her concern over the intensity of Clark's emotional outburst the night before. She chose her words carefully, not sure how her husband would react. "Clark, the other day, after we got home >from the hospital . . . well, you weren't yourself." "What do you mean, Honey?" "I mean, you cried, Clark. Not that there's anything wrong with crying, but I've never seen you do that before. I knew you were upset, but I've seen you upset before, and you never reacted like that." Clark paused, not sure how to phrase his next words. "I guess I . . . I just couldn't shake the thought of you . . ." Clark trailed off, unable to finish. "Of what, Clark?" "Of you . . . dead," Clark choked on the last word before breaking to compose himself. "If I had been a couple of minutes later, or if I hadn't come at all . . . what if I had been fighting a typhoon in Japan, or diverting a mud slide in . . . in Egypt?" "Egypt?" "Just go with me, Honey. What if I hadn't been able to get to you this time, or any other time, for that matter? I can't stand the thought that I can't protect you all the time. I know we've been through a lot and we've gone over this before, but it doesn't get any easier . . . you didn't even have to go looking for trouble this time, it came to you!" "I know it's hard for you, especially since you're . . ." Lois outlined an S on her husband's chest, ". . . Superman, but it's a risk everyone takes by caring about someone. There's always a chance that something might happen to a loved one, but that's just a part of living. Opening your heart to someone means leaving yourself vulnerable to hurt, but it's a risk worth taking. You taught me that." "You're right, and I know that. It's just that . . . why is it that every homicidal lunatic with a vendetta picks you as a target? It's like some sort of big cosmic joke, but it's not funny to me. And it's not fair." Clark pouted. "It certainly seems that way, doesn't it?" "Honey, it *is* that way." Lois chuckled at her husband's uncharacteristic cynicism. "Well, maybe it's just one more reason why we're made for each other. I'm a target for criminals, so I need you to save my life whenever they 'dangle me over the jaws of death'." Clark couldn't stifle the laugh his wife's morbid humor provoked. "You know, I never looked at it that way before." Lois continued to chuckle as she took her husband in a another hug. The couple's demeanor mellowed as they took a moment to relish the embrace. "Lois?" Clark finally broke the hug, another concern on his mind. "Yes?" "As long was we're being open, can I say something?" Lois smiled at her husband, the eternal gentlemen. "Of course. That's what being open's all about." Clark smiled briefly before continuing. "Lois, when you say you're fine . . . well, it's kind of hard to believe. I know that what you went through must have been awful, and I can't even begin to imagine what it's been like for you, but if you ever want to talk about it, I'll be here for you. I don't want you to feel that you have to put up a front for me. If something's bothering you, I don't want you to hold it in because you're afraid of upsetting me . . . or for any other reason, for that matter." "You're right, Clark. I shouldn't keep my feelings hidden. I admit that, at first, I probably tried to push them aside a little too hastily, and I won't kid you, what happened the other night did hurt me --" "*Us*, Lois. Whatever hurts you, hurts me too. We're a team, remember?" Lois smiled, "Yes, I remember." Lois traced a seductive line down her husband's jaw. "How could I forget? Anyhow, as I was saying, what Ted Rickman did to me, to *us* . . . well, it hurt. I've never felt so powerless, or so worthless in my entire life." Clark cringed at Lois's admission. "But, when it was over, and you were there comforting me, loving me, I knew that I was going to be okay. You held my hand all the way to the hospital, and then the roses the nest morning . . . . I knew that I was cherished, no matter how used I felt. I think it comes down to one basic decision. Do we let this tragedy ruin our lives, or do we put the event behind us and live happily ever after? If we let it ruin our lives, then Helen Carter wins. She gets to have her revenge after all, even though she didn't get away with it. Personally, I vote for getting on with our lives. You know how I hate losing." Clark smiled at Lois's attempt to lighten the moment before his expression turned serious again. "I agree with you, Lois. I want to put it behind us too, but I think that's going to involve a lot of communication. I want . . . *need* to understand what you're going through so I can be there for you. I want to be the best husband I can be, but I need your help to know how to be that husband." Lois lovingly pushed back the stray lock of hair that had a habit of finding its way onto Clark's forehead. "You already are the best husband I could ever dream of having. But, to ease your mind, I'll promise to share my feelings with you from now on if you promise to stop berating yourself for not rescuing me sooner." "I . . . " Clark hesitated. "That's not going to be easy for me." "I know. It's not going to be easy for me either, but I'm willing to try if you are." Clark looked meaningfully into his wife's eyes and smiled as he came to his decision. "You've got yourself a deal." "Great! Let's get started then. I'm gonna tell you what I'm feeling." "You are?" Clark was surprised at Lois's eagerness to start sharing her thoughts with him. "Yep. Right now, I'm feeling that I'd like to show the most wonderful man in the world . . . " Lois moved her hands to her husband's rear before rocking her hips suggestively against his. ". . . just how much I love him." * * * When Clark woke the next morning, more soothing to him than anything Lois had said or done the night before was the fact that Lois was still cozily snuggled in his embrace. The anguish on her face from the two nights ago had been replaced by contentment. He thought she'd never looked more radiant. THE END AFTERWORD: For those of you who've managed to get this far without giving up on this monstrosity, if you've read an earlier version of this story, you may remember it having a different ending. Don't worry, you're not going crazy. That ending is still around somewhere. In fact, it may even show up in a sequel one of these days. ;) On an aside, the events depicted in this story do not necessary reflect my personal views of the issue dealt with within it. Every woman (or man) copes differently with such a tragedy; some are lucky enough to have the support of wonderful human beings such as Clark Kent along the way - real life Superpeople. However, there's no predicting how any one person may react to the tragedy, and, therefore, no telling which, if any, coping strategies work best. I merely applied my knowledge of Lois Lane's character (which I consider to be fairly extensive ), and perhaps combined it with a bit of personal experience, to come up with what I thought was the reaction most appropriate to Lois. I don't by any means believe that my choice was the only one, or even the right one, I merely wrote down what came out. If you don't agree with my depiction, then I certainly don't blame you, and I'm always eager to hear others views on the subject. As always, comments and criticisms (preferably constructive - I can handle flames too, but I tend not to respond well to them ) are welcomed and appreciated! :) ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 23:34:50 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Juli E. Hale" Subject: Re: The Universal Union Part 4 of 4 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit S P O I L E R S (maybe) Hi Jenni, I absolutely think you should continue writing this series!! It's a wonderful premise to have Lois on Krypton instead of Clark on Earth--there are all kinds of possiblilities (which I feel sure you know that since you're the one who thought of it :). For instance, since Kal-El promised to take Lois back someday, it would be interesting to see Kal-El meet the Kents, etc. Anyway, your story moved very quickly, and I really enjoyed it. At first, I was surprised that our Lois would so quickly decide to leave with Kal-El, but then I thought that was probably in character for her since she was only 19 and hadn't as yet come up with "her rules" or been burned by men like Claude. I would like to know what she told her family in those last phone calls. Do they know that she's on another planet or do they think that she has just disappeared? Loved it, Juli Hale ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 23:45:04 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Sandy McDermin Subject: Re: My Journal, Day 3, Amendment Part 4 of 4 (SPOILER) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Debby wrote: * * * * * * * * * SPOILING * * * * * * * * * * * * > Well, Maxine didn't try to come in at all. She was returning my suit > and shirt, hanging them on the door knob. I retrieved them as soon as she was > gone. They were cleaned and pressed and wrapped in plastic. > I'm of two minds about this. They broke into my apartment - > *again* - and took something belonging to me. They have *no* right to do that. > On the other hand, not only am I worthy of being kidnapped for > use in arch criminal Lois Lane's schemes, I'm worth being bribed, too. Arch criminal Lois Lane, scheming to kidnap innocent men off the street so she can have her evil, villainous, and wicked way with ... THEIR DRY CLEANING! > This is the strangest thing that has ever happened to me in my whole > life. And, that's sayin' something! (I could see Clark innocently thinking this and not even considering the irony.) > [Your real author thanks my proofers and creative consultants Pat H., Jeanne > P., Sandy McD., and Steve H.] I think the list can now see why I "allowed you to convince me" to do a little proofing. Ha, I guess I have my own evil, villainous and wicked ways too. Sandy ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 00:22:24 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Juli E. Hale" Subject: Re: REVISED: NIGHTMARE ON HYPERION AVENUE, Part 8 of 8 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Two feedback messages in one night. Phew!--I think that's a record for me? S P O I L E R S The revised story was well worth all the extra editing!! The end result was exceptionally well-written--I thought it was very complete. This time I felt like there were no loose ends. Most importantly, I think that Lois' reaction to the rape, and Clark's consequent reactions were much more believeable. You handled a very touchy subject in a mature, thought-provoking way. This time we see many of the insecurities and repercussions that such an event would cause. (Not to mention a well-developed A-Plot) Very well done! Juli (who has now met her feedback quota--by approxamately 200%) :-) ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 08:39:52 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: Re: My Journal MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Debby wrote: >At 12:20 PM 06/10/1999 +0100, Labrat, excellent author on her own, wrote: Gee, thanks, Debby. >>S >>P >>O >>I >>L >>E >>R >> >>S >>P >>A >>C >>E >> >Howeveer, it's also a limited POV. I can't tell you everything that happens as >I can using the 3rd person POV, even using CK's x-ray vision :) He's telling >you what he knows and how he understands life to be, and guessing about the >rest, as we all do. I really enjoy writing 1st person POV. It allows one to >delve deep into a character, but it does have certain limitations, too, even >when the POV character can lift mountains. Yes. One of my pet peeves has always been reading a story written in 1st person POV or that deals with a flashback situation, where the writer includes something that the person just couldn't possibly have seen, or heard or known about. Drives me nuts. They are fun to write though - a real challenge to get right. >LabRat :) (Who must have been on a roll to have gotten past Clark's >>encryption code. And without even figuring out how I did it either. Darn, >>I'm good. Maybe I should join Lois in the Underground. :D) > >Well, once the journal entry is home in Smallville, it can be kept unzipped >and >unencrypted :) Now, how you got to be a decendent of CK... that's what he'd >like to know ;) Dunno, about that one. My memories of early life are hazy. Lots of squeaking, fights at the food bowl, that kind of thing. But I have definitely decided to join the Underground. Living in the sewers being my natural environment I reckon it could work. ;) (And no cracks there about writing nfic, guys. That wasn't what I meant.) > LabRat Doc. Klein's LabRat > ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 11:28:59 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: NEW Fanfic: Revisiting the House of Luthor -Reply In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII On Thu, 10 Jun 1999 20:28:15 -0500 Lara Blasingame wrote: > Thanks so much for the kind words about my story ...... Yes, this was my first fanfic. I > have a short vignette that I may post... soon :) > Lara, I will reply privately to your very complimentary comments; I just want to encourage you _publicly_ to post your vignette soon. You'll have a keen readership waiting for it ;) Wendy ---------------------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 11:44:05 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: Re: The Universal Union Part 4 of 4 In-Reply-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII As someone who was privileged to read the draft of The Universal Union before Jenni posted it here, I'd like to say that I also think it's a stunningly original story, and that it promises to be another enthralling series, as good if not better than Jenni's existing series about the Kent family. S P O I L E R S P A C E I was intrigued by Hazel's observation that, with Kal-El taking Lois to his world, we now have Tempus's preferred universe in which no Utopia can occur. I have no idea whether Jenni intended this universe to be one in which Utopia was ever going to come about - but it's certainly a thought, and I'd like to see Jenni deal with this in a later segment of the story. For the moment, I (like Hazel and Juli) am waiting for more! Wendy ---------------------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 07:37:22 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "C.C. Malo" Subject: Re: My Journal, Day 3, Amendment Part 4 of 4 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Gosh! What happens next??? SPOILER * * * * * * * If I'm ever reincarnated, I want to come back as Maxine with her tape measure. Carol ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 09:03:13 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carolyn Schnall Subject: Re: NEW: MY JOURNAL - Day 1 (SPOILERS) In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" OK FoLCs: An OT answer:) I am admittedly behind in my posts reading but I think I can answer this one regarding Captain Kirk. In the sixties on TV most of the men who took their shirts off were not hairy (Robert Conrad in the original The Wild Wild West as an example). So, when Gene Roddenberry, Star Trek creator, wanted William Shatner to take off his shirt, he decided Kirk would not be hairy and Shatner had to shave. This was covered a few months ago when the Sci-Fi channel reran Classic Trek with Shatner and then Nimoy giving intros. Interviews with other actors were included and one of the gals mentioned that Shatner hated having to shave his chest because it itched when it grew back. The actress who mentioned it might have been Majel Barrett Roddenberry or Sherry Jackson or Grace Lee Whitney. I wondered about this for years without knowing the truth until recently because when Shatner was in T.J. Hooker, he was definitely hairy and I wondered naively if men's hair growth changed as they matured. As far as I know, Shatner is not Native American, but he is Canadian and I believe his background is Eastern European Jewish. It is also funny because when I saw Life Goes On last Saturday, it seemed to me that Dean's arms and legs were less hairy than in L&C. Well, now you all know where my mind was! Last evening, I went to see Lion King on Broadway, and yes, I know it is Disney, but it is a hot ticket. Interestingly enough, the actor playing Simba as an adult, Jason Raize. looks a great deal like Dean, which is an interesting choice for a Disney production. Jason Raize is really terrific in the role and has a smile you can see in the back row of the theater. He appeared in a production number early in the show and I spotted him in the rear of the stage because of his resemblance to Dean, and his hairless chest! OK, enough OT:) Thanks, Carolyn > ###################################################### > WARNING! THIS MAIL SENT BY AN UNVERIFIED USER! > READER BEWARE!!! > ###################################################### > >At 11:24 AM 06/08/1999 -0400, Peggy wrote: >>>>I thought at first that Clark's hairless state was >>>>peculiar to Kryptonians, but I've noticed that other television >>>>characters suffer from the same malady -- Captain Kirk, for example. I >>>>don't know if he's ever tried black coffee. >>> >>>I think in Dean's case it's due to his Asian background. I don't know about >>>Shatner since he's... Canadian ;) (Maybe he's part Native American? I knew a >>>sunny-blond Cherokee named Cherry one time) >>> >>OOps! Debby, I always assumed that Clark was smooth for the same reason >>that Captain Kirk was smooth--the producers made him shave for the show! >>When I read your story, I thought your comment about the coffee was a >>mischievous reference to that-- my mistake! Guess I'd better check things >>out before sticking my foot in mouth again. > >I think Dean's hairlessness is due to his genes. If he shaved, I don't >think he >would have been embarrassed as he seemed to be in that interview :) > >I don't know about Shatner's chest. Nor, actually, do I wish to... ;) > >Debby > >Charter member, >Cat Grant Fan Club >(was Teri Hatchr a secret member...?) ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 17:14:36 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: Re: REVISED: NIGHTMARE ON HYPERION AVENUE, Part 8 of 8 In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Karen, Great work! And I know how long this has taken you, and how much agonising, so you deserve all the plaudits you will undoubtedly get. This story is extremely well written; the characters are portrayed just as I imagine them, and I can really 'hear' the dialogue - which is extremely funny in places, by the way. The atmosphere, whether at the Planet, in the Jeep, at home or somewhere else, is always well described, and Karen does an excellent job of conveying the characters' thoughts and emotions. I really loved 'Tomorrow's Past' when Karen circulated it, and this revised story confirms to me that Karen is a very talented writer. S P O I L E R S P A C E This version does handle the rape episode and its aftermath better. I was very pleased (and relieved for him!) that Clark gets there in time, not to prevent the rape, but to deal with Rickman and take Lois to hospital. This time, also, there was no doubt about what had happened (unlike in the previous version when events only became obvious to the reader subsequently). Again, the scene itself was handled sensitively but not lightly. The handling of Lois's own emotions afterwards, and Clark's tortured guilt, were again careful but honest. You would expect characters to be feeling pretty raw, tortured, questioning of their relationships and so on; but I felt that Lois's ultimate response made sense. I did notice the absense of the final 'twist' to the tale; it was a cute ending to the original story, but I think that Karen is right to think that it makes more sense for this, if it happens, to be included in a sequel at some point in the future. Incidentally, something which didn't occur to me first time around: in this story Lex Luthor was a millionaire while in college! Did you intend this to be inherited wealth, or was he simply a very precocious, and hard-working, child? This intrigues me a little, since in the show very little was ever said about how Lex made his millions. There was a hint, in HoL, that he didn't start from a position of riches... Nice work, Karen! And if you have the energy, after finishing this, I'm looking forward to your next story. Wendy ---------------------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 09:44:53 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: Re: REVISED: NIGHTMARE ON HYPERION AVENUE, Part 8 of 8 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii S P O I L E R S P A C E * * * * Hey Karen, I am so proud of you. I can't believe the perseverance you have shown in bringing this story to its finished form. Having seen only a small part of your struggle with it, I wouldn't have blamed you for scrapping it completely. But instead, you stuck with it and turned it into a highly polished piece of fanfic. And, addressing all those other readers on the list, Karen pored over all the emails received in response to her first version of this story. She really, really paid attention to everyone's concerns which is to be applauded. You have done a great job of maintaining the parts of your previous attempt that worked, while strengthening those parts that were a little awkward in the previous incarnation. I miss the twist ending from your previous version and definately hope that you write a sequel, starting it about one to two weeks after this story ends. (But I'll understand if you want to take a break from this one for a while. vbg) Dialogue was really well handled. I could hear the characters speaking these lines. (And no, I don't normally hear voices!)And I felt you did a much better job of building suspense this time around. Once again, well done, Karen. I can't wait to read your next effort. And to those on the list who haven't read it yet, I highly recommend you look for Tomorrow's Past in the archive. I still say, Karen, that you have developed the most unique way of dealing with Tempus in that story that I have ever read! Take care, Karen. Hope you have a nice time visiting Metropolis, Illinois. Take lots of pictures! All the best, Irene _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 23:38:51 +0200 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Sarah Sandberg Subject: SV: The Universal Union Part 4 of 4 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Jenni, Coming out of hiding here for a short while.... Just wanted to tell you = I loved The Universal Union, and YES we want more.... One thing though. S P O I L E R=20 S P A C E You wrote.. "that life for women on Krypton is not as liberated as on Earth. Women on my planet are valued, but only as = wives, mothers or sisters and any man treating a lady with disrespect will be severely disciplined." This a little generalizing I think. There are lots of places on Earth = where women are treated just like that. I somehow get the feeling that = when you have Kal-El talking about Earth, he's really talking about = America. That bothers me a bit. That's the only comment I have. Everything else is great. Sarah (who is now crawling back under the rock she came from) ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 22:57:52 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Yvonne Connell Subject: Re: Alt world fiction MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sandy McDermin wrote: > Well that's a very good point. What does it all mean? Is it truly > about "the best fanfic written by the luckiest person?" If so, we'll > have to change some designations: The best comedy written by the > luckiest person who happened to write a comedy! I truly apologize > for being facetious, but the point is the Kerths must mean something > beyond luck, or why go to all the trouble of nominating and voting? > We could just hold a lottery. > Sandy, you're right. I just expressed myself badly - 'lucky' was a poor choice of word. > Frankly, I'm very ambivalent about the Kerths. I want to win an award. > Who doesn't want to win an award? But, I know that the results of > competitions focusing on creative work are somewhat a matter of taste, > involve factors beyond the work itself, and are a little bit > self-perpetuating. It inevitably leaves out good work which may not get > attention at first -- but rather -- attention at last. And that's too > bad. I think, essentially, we agree, Sandy. Competitions in a creative field are, as you say, subjective, although one hopes that the nomination/voting process deals with this to some extent. > Well, "Love as a Blonde" was nominated the first year," she mumbles ... > "by one person." (I asked Leanne how many nominations it got.) I > pulled it, however, because it was in a category (comedy) with 4 short > (good) stories, which all together, were less than half the size of > LaaB. (Apples and Oranges.) I have to say, I was mystified when I heard that some people had withdrawn their stories from the awards. Now I understand why, so thanks for the explanation. On the other hand, would it have mattered if you had left the story in the competition? If it lost as you expected it to, then as far as I can tell, there's no stigma attached to that, and if, against the odds, it had won, that would have been a good thing, wouldn't it? Regards, Yvonne ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 18:50:48 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Karen Ward Subject: Re: REVISED: NIGHTMARE ON HYPERION AVENUE, Part 8 of 8 In-Reply-To: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed" Hi, FoLCs! :) /me comes out of hiding again to respond to these kind comments >Great work! And I know how long this has taken you, and how >much agonising, so you deserve all the plaudits you will undoubtedly >get. Thanks so much! :) And it seems to me that "agonising" was a very appropriate word choice! ;) >This story is extremely well written; the characters are portrayed >just as I imagine them, and I can really 'hear' the dialogue - which >is extremely funny in places, by the way. The atmosphere, whether at >the Planet, in the Jeep, at home or somewhere else, is always well >described, and Karen does an excellent job of conveying the >characters' thoughts and emotions. Thanks *so* much, Wendy! :) Dialogue has always been one of my favourite aspects of writing. :) >I really loved 'Tomorrow's Past' when Karen circulated it, and this >revised story confirms to me that Karen is a very talented writer. Oh wow! A plug for my other story, too! You *are* too kind! :) >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > >S >P >A >C >E > >This version does handle the rape episode and its aftermath better. I >was very pleased (and relieved for him!) that Clark gets there in >time, not to prevent the rape, but to deal with Rickman and take Lois >to hospital. This time, also, there was no doubt about what had >happened (unlike in the previous version when events only became >obvious to the reader subsequently). Again, the scene itself was >handled sensitively but not lightly. "The scene" is definitely the most difficult thing I've ever written, and I wouldn't be surprised if it remained so for the rest of my life! Not only was it painful to write the first time around, it didn't get any easier any of the subsequent times. Not to mention, it was, without a doubt, the most rewritten scene of the entire story. >I did notice the absense of the final 'twist' to the tale; it was a >cute ending to the original story, but I think that Karen is right to >think that it makes more sense for this, if it happens, to be >included in a sequel at some point in the future. I would have liked to have kept that ending, but I kept thinking of more aspects of it that I wanted to explore, so I decided that either I'd spend another two years writing Nightmare, or I'd split it into two stories. I think I'm happy with my decision. ;) >Incidentally, something which didn't occur to me first time around: >in this story Lex Luthor was a millionaire while in college! Did you >intend this to be inherited wealth, or was he simply a very >precocious, and hard-working, child? This intrigues me a little, >since in the show very little was ever said about how Lex made his >millions. There was a hint, in HoL, that he didn't start from a >position of riches... Oops! I hadn't meant to imply that Lex was in college (as I had orignally indicated) at the time he was dating Helen. I thought I had changed that aspect; I'll have to go back and check. Thanks for pointing that out. :) >Nice work, Karen! And if you have the energy, after finishing this, >I'm looking forward to your next story. Hehe . . . I seem to have lots of energy after finishing this -- it's been quite a relief, actually. :) I just hope RL permits to get some more writing done soon. :) Thanks again for your comments, Wendy! They were *greatly* appreciated! :) Sincerely, Karen :) who'd also like to plug Wendy's upcoming sequel to "Big Boys Do Fly" -- you're in for a treat, FoLCs! :) ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 18:50:55 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Karen Ward Subject: Re: REVISED: NIGHTMARE ON HYPERION AVENUE, Part 8 of 8 In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed" >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > >S >P >A >C >E >* >* >* >* >Hey Karen, Hi, Irene! :) >I am so proud of you. I can't believe the perseverance you have shown >in bringing this story to its finished form. Having seen only a small >part of your struggle with it, I wouldn't have blamed you for scrapping >it completely. But instead, you stuck with it and turned it into a >highly polished piece of fanfic. Certainly your generous support has had a great deal to do with my perseverance with this story! :) You didn't actually read it *again*, did you? ;) >And, addressing all those other >readers on the list, Karen pored over all the emails received in >response to her first version of this story. She really, really paid >attention to everyone's concerns which is to be applauded. Thanks! :) However, I'm afraid I can't take too much credit here. If everyone's concerns hadn't been expressed so constructively, and so intelligently, I doubt I ever would have been able to do it. >I miss the twist ending from your previous version and definately hope >that you write a sequel, starting it about one to two weeks after this >story ends. (But I'll understand if you want to take a break from this >one for a while. vbg) Hehe . . . well, there is a sequel in the works. However, I most definitely need a break from dark issues for a while! ;) >Once again, well done, Karen. I can't wait to read your next effort. >And to those on the list who haven't read it yet, I highly recommend >you look for Tomorrow's Past in the archive. I still say, Karen, that >you have developed the most unique way of dealing with Tempus in that >story that I have ever read! Oh, wow! :) What a day! Yet another plug for Tomorrow's Past. :) With such positive comments from two such wonderful writers, you guys are gonna make me think I can actually write. ;) >Take care, Karen. Hope you have a nice time visiting Metropolis, >Illinois. Take lots of pictures! Thanks, and I will -- not mention St. Louis! :) And thanks again for all your supportive comments, Irene! :) I'm on cloud nine right about now. :) I imagine I've got enough here to stay there for a while too. ;) Take care, Karen :) ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 05:04:07 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: Re: My Journal, Day 3, Amendment Part 4 of 4 (SPOILER) In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 11:45 PM 06/10/1999 -0400, you wrote: >Debby wrote: >* >* >* >* >* >* >* >* >* >SPOILING >* >* >* >* >* >* >* >* >* >* >* >* >Arch criminal Lois Lane, scheming to kidnap innocent men off the >street so she can have her evil, villainous, and wicked way with ... > >THEIR DRY CLEANING! Dashed and darn (this is a family list...), my secret's out...! >> This is the strangest thing that has ever happened to me in my whole >> life. > >And, that's sayin' something! (I could see Clark innocently thinking >this and not even considering the irony.) I've always liked Deborah Joy Levine's comment that her CK was a world traveler but not jaded. I figure that was because he had so much fun (98% of the time), did so many interesting things and met so many interesting people. Also, he's had zero experience with phantom dry cleaners. >> [Your real author thanks my proofers and creative consultants Pat H., Jeanne >> P., Sandy McD., and Steve H.] > > >I think the list can now see why I "allowed you to convince me" to do >a little proofing. Ha, I guess I have my own evil, villainous and >wicked ways too. Yes, writers, there's the secret: when readers point out typos (and do it in a thoughtful manner, like Sandy did and other before her have for me), thank them very much and tack on the tantilizing "Wanna see the next part? Just let me know..." >Sandy Debby next part: Sunday - repercusions from "Thursday Night" So much to write, so much to read.. ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 05:30:38 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: Re: My Journal In-Reply-To: <003b01beb3e0$121ba380$8c9f01d4@default> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 08:39 AM 06/11/1999 +0100, you wrote: >Debby wrote: > > >>At 12:20 PM 06/10/1999 +0100, Labrat, excellent author on her own, wrote: > > >Gee, thanks, Debby. Well, it's true! Right, Labrat fans? > >>>S >>>P >>>O >>>I >>>L >>>E >>>R >>> >>>S >>>P >>>A >>>C >>>E >>> >>Howeveer, it's also a limited POV. I can't tell you everything that happens as >>I can using the 3rd person POV, even using CK's x-ray vision :) He's telling >>you what he knows and how he understands life to be, and guessing about the >>rest, as we all do. I really enjoy writing 1st person POV. It allows one to >>delve deep into a character, but it does have certain limitations, too, even >>when the POV character can lift mountains. > >Yes. One of my pet peeves has always been reading a story written in 1st >person POV or that deals with a flashback situation, where the writer >includes something that the person just couldn't possibly have seen, or >heard or known about. Drives me nuts. They are fun to write though - a real >challenge to get right. Agreed. But sometimes writers have problems with 3rd person POV. I get distracted when an author changes POVs twice, sometimes three times in the same paragraph. Some authors can get away with it smoothly. Others... (making up a sample here) "I love you," Lois said. She thought Clark had beautiful eyes. Clark did, too. He enjoyed Lois's outlook on life. Lois always had a comment about everything; good, bad, indifferent, she had interesting opinions and she knew it was despite her parents' fighting. He cooed as he kissed her, "Your the tops, toots." Always bugs me. >>LabRat :) (Who must have been on a roll to have gotten past Clark's >>>encryption code. And without even figuring out how I did it either. Darn, >>>I'm good. Maybe I should join Lois in the Underground. :D) >> >>Well, once the journal entry is home in Smallville, it can be kept unzipped and >>unencrypted :) Now, how you got to be a decendent of CK... that's what he'd >>like to know ;) >Dunno, about that one. My memories of early life are hazy. Lots of >squeaking, fights at the food bowl, that kind of thing. Clark's future wife: "Clark, dear, I have something to tell you - I'm pregnant and I'm going to have your rodent..." Clark: "Heh... well, we'll love it just the same, huh?" >But I have >definitely decided to join the Underground. Living in the sewers being my >natural environment I reckon it could work. ;) (And no cracks there about >writing nfic, guys. That wasn't what I meant.) I'm glad you cleaned up for your lab work :) >LabRat >Doc. Klein's LabRat > Debby hoping Dr. Klein doesn't test foods or cosmetics on his rats... ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 19:20:31 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: Re: My Journal, Day 3, Amendment Part 4 of 4 In-Reply-To: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 07:37 AM 06/11/1999 -0400, you wrote: >Gosh! What happens next??? > >SPOILER >* >* >* >* >* >* >* > >If I'm ever reincarnated, I want to come back as Maxine with her tape measure. > >Carol You have my permission :) Debby ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 22:36:48 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Sandy McDermin Subject: Re: Alt world fiction MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Yvonne Connell wrote: > > Sandy McDermin wrote: > > Well, "Love as a Blonde" was nominated the first year," she mumbles ... > > "by one person." (I asked Leanne how many nominations it got.) I > > pulled it, however, because it was in a category (comedy) with 4 short > > (good) stories, which all together, were less than half the size of > > LaaB. (Apples and Oranges.) > > I have to say, I was mystified when I heard that some people had withdrawn > their stories from the awards. Now I understand why, so thanks for the > explanation. On the other hand, would it have mattered if you had left the > story in the competition? If it lost as you expected it to, then as far as > I can tell, there's no stigma attached to that, and if, against the odds, > it had won, that would have been a good thing, wouldn't it? > > Regards, > Yvonne You left off the most important part of my explanation. Love as a Blonde is nfic which I had no intention of neutering -- especially since it's a sex farce. That means, of all of the people who could vote in the category to which it had been nominated, a certain percentage couldn't (or *wouldn't*) read it. I was, in effect, being asked to allow it to "compete" under a basic inequity. Why would I agree to that? I wasn't interested in taking up space. Love as a Blonde is also a good story. It deserved to have a fair shot at it -- just as the n-fic in their own category had -- or it shouldn't have been there at all. Sandy ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 23:21:27 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Eileen F. Ray" Subject: L&C Fanfic Writing Session Saturday, June12, 1999 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi everyone, Skip week is over and we hope you can join us Saturday, June 12, 1999, for our fanfic writing session. This week's premise: Having reached the end of his rope professionally and personally, Morgan Edge decides he has only one chance to prevent Mindy Church from turning into fishfood ;), namely uncover Superman's secret identity! Meanwhile Lois and Clark receive some surprising news from Dr. Klein about Lois's pregnancy. In addition we would still like to hear from you if you have any story premises of your own that you would like us to explore together. You can either email them to me at: Or better still, just bring your ideas with you when you join us this Saturday or for our weekly "story bouncing" sessions on Wednesdays on#L&CFicOrg, starting around 9:00 PM EDT. We generally meet Saturdays starting at 3:30 PM EDT and try to start writing fairly soon thereafter. You can come and join the fun at any time, however. We are usually there for several hours since writing a story takes time. Since #L&CFanfic is on occasion "invite only" please message if you want to join us. If an official "inviter" is designated, we will let you know. Some of us should be hanging out on #Loiscla. A note on procedure here ;) : When people need to be caught up on the story in progress after being bounced off IRC or just joining the session late, please try and avoid pasting the story directly into the channel window. Please do that in a private message or dcc-chat window instead. Hope to see you all there! Cheers, Eileen P.S. Because of family obligations I'll be a little late on Saturday, but I know things will get off to a great start ;) and I will join in later ;). EFR ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 10:26:13 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: Re: My Journal MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit >Debby > >hoping Dr. Klein doesn't test foods >or cosmetics on his rats... Not by policy, no. But I think I've previously mentioned Eric. He's the hamster in that cage under the window there. We don't talk about him much anymore. And then only in whispers. Bernie told him not to do it, but I guess GlamPharm just made him an offer he couldn't refuse on testing that shampoo. All the kibble he could eat, probably. He's had this glazed look in his eyes ever since and keeps up awake through the night singing sea shanties. Although, personally, I think that's got less to do with the shampoo than that those monkeys have been slipping him pina coladas again. > LabRat :) Doc. Klein's LabRat "What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet." -- Woody Allen, Without Feathers, 1976. "I won't eat anything that has intelligent life but I would gladly eat a network executive or politician." - Marty Feldman. ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 14:12:56 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: Re: Nightmare on Hypernion Avenue MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit S P O I L E R S P A C E Well, as you know, I enjoyed the original. Still not got much time to spend on new fanfic right now, but knowing how much heart and soul Karen has put into this one, I just had to set aside some time this afternoon to catch up. >From the list posts, I figured I had a treat in store. And I wasn't disappointed. Now, I realise the original was just the teaser for a much more involved and emotional experience. The dialogue is snappy, the story zips along at a fast pace and the various strands of plot are skillfully and smoothly interwoven. The descriptive passages are clear and detailed and the issues of the plot handled sensitively. The scene with Lois' attack was very well portrayed. In fact I've only one quibble. There *might* be a sequel? Surely, you jest? That was a typo right? You meant when the sequel is posted, didn't you? I rather liked that twist ending. I never thought it made light of the situation, but rather it seemed to round things off somewhat neatly. I didn't especially miss it here, but I do like the idea that there is more on this to come and I look forward to seeing its resurrection at some point in the future. All in all, thanks for a satisfying afternoon, Karen. I was doubtful that NOHA could be improved on, but you proved me wrong. Yup, that Kerth 2000 file is getting mighty full these days... Oh, and I'd add my recommendations for those who haven't to read Tomorrow's Past. Quite possibly one of the most original post FH takes that I've read and a darn good story too. LabRat :) Doc. Klein's LabRat "What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet." -- Woody Allen, Without Feathers, 1976. "I won't eat anything that has intelligent life but I would gladly eat a network executive or politician." - Marty Feldman. ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 16:06:21 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Yvonne Connell Subject: Re: Alt world fiction MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sandy McDermin wrote: > You left off the most important part of my explanation. Love as a > Blonde is nfic which I had no intention of neutering -- especially since > it's a sex farce. That means, of all of the people who could vote in > the category to which it had been nominated, a certain percentage > couldn't (or *wouldn't*) read it. I was, in effect, being asked to > allow it to "compete" under a basic inequity. Why would I agree to > that? I wasn't interested in taking up space. Love as a Blonde is also > a good story. It deserved to have a fair shot at it -- just as the > n-fic in their own category had -- or it shouldn't have been there at > all. > Ah...I see. Perhaps if the nfic awards get off the ground, then stories like LaaB will be able to compete more fairly - assuming you wanted to take part, of course. Yvonne ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 12:48:21 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Sarah Wood Subject: Lex's age MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 I haven't yet had time to read Nightmare On Hyperion Avenue -- or many of= the other fanfics sent out recently -- but I've been reading the spoilers= and discussions nonetheless, and it's clear I have a treat in store. Regarding the discussion about Lex being a millionaire in college: In the= Pilot episode Lois interviewed Lex. We learn that his parents both died when he was fourteen, and that he took over his first "big company" when = he was twenty-one. There were rumors that the buyout was coerced, that the Board of Directors were given substantial-- ("gifts" might have been her next word, but he cut her off.) Lex could have been in his senior year of college when he was twenty-one.= Sarah Wood Fanfic & episode transcripts at ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 13:15:36 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Norman Mayes Subject: Re: Lex's age MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Here are questions which have been bugging me. How old was Lex in the series? and old was he when he had children? He seemed rather young to have the number of full grown children that he did. Also how many wives did he have? ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 13:50:46 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kate Kent Subject: Re: Lex's age MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hey FoLCs, long time no post. But I just felt the need to put my two cents in. As for Lex's children and Marriages. In "Madame Ex" we learn that Lex, as far as anyone else knows, was married once to Ariana Carlin. They have no children, at least that's what we are told. As for Lex Jr. as appearing in the Lex Files, I always assumed that Ariana would be the most logical guess. For a deformed child like that to grow up in seclusion without parents giving too shakes, both parents would have to be quite evil. I think Ariana fits in that category. Plus, we know that Ariana and Lex were married on a cruise ship. Which means they traveled together. So the idea of Little Lex Jr. being born and kept in AU doesn't seem to far fetched. However, the next question posed would be where did good old Xavier from "Virtually Destroyed" come from? He seemed very similar in age to Lex Jr. didn't he. So I turn to my psychology background...hey, I've been to therapy enough to call it a background I would have to say Lex has a lot of issues. He's also not the faithful type. I almost think his marriage to Ariana was half lust and half sick partnership because she was a lot like him. So it makes sense for him to have a side bar relationship, possibly with one of his employees. The product of this little fling is dear old Xavier. This was prolly just before or during his engagement to Ariana (after all, Xavier and Lex Jr. do look the similar age but they are a season apart) and couldn't marry her. So he sends them away. I would tend to think this occurred just before his engagement to Ariana because then it would make sense for him to tell people that his child and his mother had been killed, leaving him free to catch another fish as it were. And there we have it TA DA. Just my two cents. I really should forward this to all those people who used to ask me how I could watch L&C since it's plot lines were a bit shady. Easy, if it's shady, you can shade in what ever colours you like to it. *grin* -Kate aka KatieBugz on IRC, formerly Lois_Lane - - - - "I seem like I got it all figured out, but believe me, I screw up plenty" - Fran Drescher ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 19:42:40 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: Re: fanfic recommendations MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit S P O I L E R S P A C E For those of you who enjoy nfic - and are of the required age to appreciate it - may I recommend a story which just hit my mailbox this morning from Debby's mailing list. "What If I Never Left Krypton' is by an entirely new writer, D. Field and, incredibly, this is her first posted fic. The subject of what may have happened to Lois and Clark's relationship if Clark had been raised on Krypton has been covered before, but I have to say that this is the best take on the subject I've read so far. The prose is crisp and at times quite poetic, the dialogue sharp, witty, and easy to read, the characters real and the story exciting and I found myself constantly having to guard against the temptation to skim ahead to find out what happened next. Waffy moments abound. I was delighted to discover when I finished that the writer plans this one as part one of a trilogy. At times, especially as she has seeded in the odd line of dialogue from the show throughout but with a different spin on them to suit the particular situation, I was reminded of Chris Mulder's Meet Me In Kansas City. For me, this story held the same air of magic. What more could you want? Oh, yeah....the nfic bits are pretty hot too. LabRat :) Doc. Klein's LabRat "What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet." -- Woody Allen, Without Feathers, 1976. "I won't eat anything that has intelligent life but I would gladly eat a network executive or politician." - Marty Feldman. ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 16:51:49 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: No Name Available Subject: Re: Lex's age MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Kate wrote: <> Remember in Madame Ex, the ship's captain told L&C that Lex and Ari got married in I forgot my point....LOL, whatever! Mols ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 18:18:50 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Organization: Subject: Re: Nfic Awards (was Alt world fiction) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > Perhaps if the nfic awards get off the ground, then stories > like LaaB will be able to compete more fairly That's a good point ... anyone out there willing to get things rolling on a Kerth-type award for nfic stories? :) What do we want to call them? What stories would be eligible -- all of them, or just the ones published in 1998? What should the categories be? I think this would be a fun summer project -- who's up for it? I'm willing to help but I can't take charge -- for one thing, I haven't read nearly enough nfic :-) -- ------------------------------------------------------- Pam Jernigan | ChiefPam on IRC | ------------------------------------------------------- "I heard about Superman at the UN. I don't mind him wanting to take over the world, really, but he sounded a little ... well ... nuts." --Dr. Klein, "Blast from the Past", IRC Round Robin ------------------------------------------------------- The FoLC Obsession Page has moved to: ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 20:33:13 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Maggie Subject: OT: Printing Page Numbers? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi! I need some technical assistance, pretty please? Word is *refusing* to print page numbers on my fanfic and I'm about simmer my computer in Red Kryptonite for dinner. Any tips on what I may have unknowingly pressed to incur my puter's wrath and how to to get my numbers back would be greatly appreciated....... signed, Numberless in Metropolis aka Maggie :o) (aka supermags on IRC) My rationale is that there are people starving all over the world, so I don't bother to waste food by attempting to prepare it. And the world thanks me for that! --My friend Margaret on Cooking :o) ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 02:12:36 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: Re: OT: Printing Page Numbers? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Maggie wrote: >I need some technical assistance, pretty please? >Word is *refusing* to print page numbers on my >fanfic and I'm about simmer my computer >in Red Kryptonite for dinner. > >Any tips on what I may have unknowingly pressed >to incur my puter's wrath and how to >to get my numbers back would be greatly >appreciated....... > Oh, Maggie. I'm sorry I have no advice to offer - I was just surprised to see that someone else has the same problem. I gave up trying to persuade Word to number pages years back. It tells you it has, right? And they are on the screen, but not when you print? Sigh. I got around it by going online and bypassing the need to print fanfic because I posted it instead. Or sent it by email. Suddenly nos. were superfluous. Hope someone can ease your frustration. LabRat :) Doc. Klein's LabRat "What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet." -- Woody Allen, Without Feathers, 1976. "I won't eat anything that has intelligent life but I would gladly eat a network executive or politician." - Marty Feldman. ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 02:10:10 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: Re: Nfic Awards (was Alt world fiction) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Pam wrote: >That's a good point ... anyone out there willing to get things rolling >on a Kerth-type award for nfic stories? :) What do we want to call >them? What stories would be eligible -- all of them, or just the ones >published in 1998? What should the categories be? I think this would >be a fun summer project -- who's up for it? I'm willing to help but I >can't take charge -- for one thing, I haven't read nearly enough nfic >:-) I thought the Nfic Kerths were already a project in planning, Pam. Weren't the Usual Suspects ;) supposed to be organising them for....July? Or something like that. Erin? LabRat :) Doc. Klein's LabRat "What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet." -- Woody Allen, Without Feathers, 1976. "I won't eat anything that has intelligent life but I would gladly eat a network executive or politician." - Marty Feldman. ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 02:08:05 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: Re: fanfic recommendations MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit >For those of you who enjoy nfic - and are of the required age to appreciate >it - may I recommend a story which just hit my mailbox this morning from >Debby's mailing list. "What If I Never Left Krypton' is by an entirely new >writer, D. Field and, incredibly, this is her first posted fic. > Quite a few FoLCs have mailed me to ask where to get this one. For anyone unaware, to sign up to Debby's mailing list simply mail her at with your request to join. Include an age statement and a declaration that you will not distribute stories received to a third party without the writer's prior permission. You can then get WIINLK - and other previous nfic stored in the archives - from Joyce Fitch. LabRat :) Doc. Klein's LabRat "What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet." -- Woody Allen, Without Feathers, 1976. "I won't eat anything that has intelligent life but I would gladly eat a network executive or politician." - Marty Feldman. ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 22:04:11 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Karen Ward Subject: Re: Nightmare on Hypernion Avenue In-Reply-To: <000f01beb4d5$6ff7d820$858801d4@default> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed" >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > >S >P >A >C >E :) >In fact I've only one quibble. There *might* be a sequel? Surely, you jest? >That was a typo right? You meant when the sequel is posted, didn't you? Um . . . yeah. That's what I meant. ;) Seriously, I have every intention of writing the sequel, but, with me, sometimes intentions don't come to fruition -- at least not for a very long time. ;) I'll see what I can do. ;) >I rather liked that twist ending. I never thought it made light of the >situation, but rather it seemed to round things off somewhat neatly. I >didn't especially miss it here, but I do like the idea that there is more on >this to come and I look forward to seeing its resurrection at some point in >the future. Thanks! :) That's the plan. ;) >All in all, thanks for a satisfying afternoon, Karen. I was doubtful that >NOHA could be improved on, but you proved me wrong. Yup, that Kerth 2000 >file is getting mighty full these days... ;) Thanks, LabRat! :) >Oh, and I'd add my recommendations for those who haven't to read Tomorrow's >Past. Quite possibly one of the most original post FH takes that I've read >and a darn good story too. Oh, wow! :) I don't think I'll ever figure out what I did to deserve such praise. I'm not knockin' it, though. ;) Thanks *so* much for taking the time to comment on the new Nightmare, LabRat! :) I seem to be stuck with a perma-grin now. People keep asking me what's so funny. ;) Thanks again! :) Karen :) ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 22:54:42 -0500 Reply-To: Barbara Knutson Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Barbara Knutson Subject: Re: Nfic Awards (was Alt world fiction) In-Reply-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT On 12 Jun 99, at 18:18, Pam Jernigan wrote: > in 1998? What should the categories be? I think this would be a fun > summer project -- who's up for it? I'm willing to help but I can't take > charge -- for one thing, I haven't read nearly enough nfic :-) -- I'm glad you put that smiley there, Pam, 'cause I missed it on the first read, and was going "how can anybody *ever* have enough nfic?" :} :} :} :} :} Barbara looking forward to actually having time to *read* some one of these eons......*sigh*... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WAFFYBarb on IRC One-half of TheWAFFys - now in our 2nd year of married bliss! Barbara: Jon: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 23:49:59 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Maryann James Subject: Re: Nfic Awards (was Alt world fiction) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit i have a question... do you have to be 17 or 18 to get on the nfic list? ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 23:50:48 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Hazel Subject: Re: My Journal, Day 3, Amendment Part 1 of 4 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" S P O I L E R S P A C E Ah, Debby, you make me leap for my e-mail program on Sunday and Thursday mornings -- please keep it up! I love how the mystery keeps twisting around itself, and those references to measuring for a suit -- without mentioning *which* suit (it can't be *the* Suit!!) -- are even more intriguing that your persona-non-grata who still has a reserved desk and contacts among the staff... :) I found it a bit surprising that Clark considered being "afraid" *worse* than being "apathetic." He's such an understanding guy that I'm sure he could understand the former, while the latter would prolly be beyond his comprehension. I also note that any Lois of your creation has a Maxine in her life, whether it's a maniac wielding a tape measure and dry-cleaning suits or a pregnant guppy. :) One thing that bothered me, though: Maxine. You told the story through Clark's eyes, a guy who could actually see and hear what was happening and had the power to extricate himself at any moment if he felt the need to do so. But when I read it -- and reread it to make sure I wasn't overreacting (not that rereading it was any kind of torture ), I couldn't help picturing the following: Take an ordinary guy. Someone who is friendly and outgoing, a good journalist, etc. etc. -- in short, everything that Clark is, only *without* the superpowers. Reassuring hand on the shoulder notwithstanding, a non-superpowered guy would be in a panic at being kidnapped -- he's been blindfolded, gagged, hands handcuffed behind his back, he's been told that there's a gun pointing at him, and as far as he knows, Jimmy is nowhere in sight, so there's no friend to look out for his interests. He's led deep into a building he can't see, he doesn't know where he is... and after sitting in a chair for several minutes, with nothing to do except let the panic settle in a bit more, he hears someone come into the room and say, "Can you help me stand him up?" And after a bit more dialogue between his kidnappers, the newcomer starts undressing him. I can't help it, Debby. A non-super kidnappee in these circumstances -- still blind, still gagged, still handcuffed -- would only be able to conclude that it was a prelude to something akin to rape. Maxine taking *pleasure* at her tactile contact comes across as pure sadism. Even after the other kidnapper stopped her from removing his jeans, would an ordinary person know what that thing was that kept moving across his chest? I'd hate to imagine the terrors that a fertile imagination would create out of circumstances like that. >From Lois' reaction, Maxine wasn't sposed to be there, so I'll assume that this wasn't part of Phase One or Two or whatever -- that Lois wasn't trying the sink-or-swim method with this potential whatever-it-is she's looking for: "Well, if he's not a gibbering wreck by the time we take him back home, he just might be the right guy for the job." At least, I hope she wasn't. Lois rightfully tore into Maxine for doing it, but I can't believe that Lois would employ someone capable of so heartlessly terrorizing someone who was helpless to stop her. Am I overreacting here? Hazel ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 23:50:50 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Hazel Subject: Re: The Universal Union Part 4 of 4 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Wendy wrote: >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > >S >P >A >C >E > >I was intrigued by Hazel's observation that, with Kal-El taking Lois >to his world, we now have Tempus's preferred universe in which no >Utopia can occur. I have no idea whether Jenni intended this universe >to be one in which Utopia was ever going to come about - but it's >certainly a thought, and I'd like to see Jenni deal with this in a >later segment of the story. Actually, Wendy, I personally couldn't care less about Utopia; I always thought that was one of the more ridiculous aspects of LnC. :) No, my point was about the Metropolis of the *present*. Tempus, in his alt-universe, robbed the world of a crusading Lois and an actively-using-his-powers Clark. Kal, by swooping Lois off *beyond* the sunset, has essentially done the same thing. So what happens in their absence? Just from what I've picked up reading ep synopses and some of the scripts (and a *lot* of fanfic!), Lois and/or Clark are personally responsible for (in no real order): the saving of the colonists' transport to Prometheus; preventing Lex from turning an entire section of the city into Toast; Lex being unable to start up his nuclear plant (and quite possibly blowing Metropolis off the map); stopping Lex (or his kin) from brainwashing the leaders of the world into doing his bidding; Bob Ga- I mean, Fences being stopped from blowing islands off the map; Miranda unable to permanently perfume all Metropolis into insanity; stopping a computer nutcase from shutting down America in a worse crisis than the direst predictions for Y2K; and prolly many more that escape me at the moment. Not to mention the entire world getting wiped when a 17-mile wide asteroid hits the planet. Hmmm. Don't think there's much reason to worry about Utopia after *that*. :) Hazel ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 23:26:10 -0600 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin Klingler Subject: Re: Nfic Awards In-Reply-To: <006501beb53c$dbb3a000$629501d4@default> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit LabRat wrote: >I thought the Nfic Kerths were already a project in planning, Pam. Weren't >the Usual Suspects ;) supposed to be organising them for....July? Or >something like that. Erin? Don't look at me. I've only read a half dozen nfics, so I'm hardly an expert on the genre. :) When we were hashing out the 1999 Kerth categories, we decided that one single nfic category would be insufficient to cover the many, many great nfics written, with authors who very much deserved to have their due rewards for their efforts. So we decided we should leave out the nfic category and give the nfic writers an awards show of their own. That was what we came up with. We also decided to put some space between the regular Kerths and the nfic ones since there was likely to be a burnout amongst the fans and coordinators, so we thought maybe late summer would be an ideal time; however, no decision had been made. There had also been some talk as to the names of the awards, maybe naming them something different than Kerths. Merriweather, perhaps? It seemed that Zoom had a rather colorful suggestion for it on IRC late one night as well, but this is a family list. Anyway, just wanted to tell you what I knew. :) Erin _________________ ELK on IRC Visit my 1999 Official Kerth Awards Website! ***** "The truth is, no one knows how long they've got. Anyway, it's not the years that count, it's the moments...right now, as they happen." _________________ ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 02:21:50 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: No Name Available Subject: Re: Nightmare on Hypernion Avenue MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Speaking of that story can someone please send me all 8 parts of that story again! I accidentally deleted it :( Thanks. Alexis ;-.) ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 09:11:19 +0000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Chris Carr Subject: (O.T.) Printing page numbers MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Please forgive me for posting this to the whole list, but since there have already been two messages about this I can only assume that people are interested. Hope so anyway. Re Maggie and LabRat's observations that Word sometimes refuses to print page numbers: Yes, Word often does that to me, too. I'm not entirely sure *why* it does this, or why my solution seems to work, but... To check if your problem shows similar symptoms to mine: check on Page Layout view (one of the tiny little buttons on the bottom left of the text window) and see if your page numbers are appearing there. If they are, go into Print Preview. Zoom in to the place where you think your page numbers *ought* to be. Is there nothing there? (If there is, the following almost certainly won't help. If there isn't, carry on...) If you go to File: Page Setup you will get all the margin settings that you are using for your document. Although, on the face of it, these probably look like they won't overlap one another, it is worth playing around with them a little. I like to print my page numbers on the bottom centre of the page, and I find that if I move the bottom page margin up a little, and the footnote margin down a little, something seems to happen. If it doesn't work first time, keep trying: it should come right eventually. (It's a very hit-and-miss affair.) Good luck! Chris ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 10:24:07 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: Re: Nightmare on Hypernion Avenue MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit >>S >>P >>O >>I >>L >>E >>R >> >>S >>P >>A >>C >>E > >perpetually grateful for> :) Like I said last night, Karen, I'm only kind to dogs and strangers. Fanfic writers are on their own and have to earn it. > >>In fact I've only one quibble. There *might* be a sequel? Surely, you jest? >>That was a typo right? You meant when the sequel is posted, didn't you? > >Um . . . yeah. That's what I meant. ;) Seriously, I have every >intention of writing the sequel, but, with me, sometimes intentions >don't come to fruition -- at least not for a very long time. ;) I'll >see what I can do. ;) > Just so long as you're on it, that's all I ask. With the conclusion to Caped Fear still *not* concluded or posted I have lost all credibility in urging fellow writers to writer faster. >>Oh, and I'd add my recommendations for those who haven't to read Tomorrow's >>Past. Quite possibly one of the most original post FH takes that I've read >>and a darn good story too. > >Oh, wow! :) I don't think I'll ever figure out what I did to deserve >such praise. I'm not knockin' it, though. ;) I'll tell you. You wrote a couple of excellent stories. Easy. Now - go do it again. ;) > LabRat :) Doc. Klein's LabRat "What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet." -- Woody Allen, Without Feathers, 1976. "I won't eat anything that has intelligent life but I would gladly eat a network executive or politician." - Marty Feldman. ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 10:27:18 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: Re: (O.T.) Printing page numbers MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thanks for the advice, Chris. With Word as temperamental as it is, it comes as no surprise that this method might solve the problem. LabRat :) Doc. Klein's LabRat "What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet." -- Woody Allen, Without Feathers, 1976. "I won't eat anything that has intelligent life but I would gladly eat a network executive or politician." - Marty Feldman. ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 07:38:37 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Rowan Fuller Subject: Re: Nightmare on Hypernion Avenue MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Has someone sent you those stories by now. If not I'll mail them. ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 21:50:47 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: Re: OT: Printing Page Numbers? In-Reply-To: <006601beb53c$dc6c41a0$629501d4@default> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 02:12 AM 06/13/1999 +0100, Labrat wrote: >Oh, Maggie. I'm sorry I have no advice to offer - I was just surprised to >see that someone else has the same problem. I wrote to Maggie about this with 2 possible solutions. >I gave up trying to persuade Word to number pages years back. I use Word97 at home and at work, so... >It tells you it has, right? And they are on >the screen, but not when you print? I've never had this problem... maybe you're printing in Draft mode? I don't know that that would make a difference--I never print in draft mode ;) >Sigh. I got around it by going online >and bypassing the need to print fanfic because I posted it instead. Or sent >it by email. Suddenly nos. were superfluous. Hope someone can ease your >frustration. Yes, one needs more information, like what version of Word (I understand there is one for Macs, for example) and what the user is doing. I've had to learn a lot fast, and often by stumbling through to the right solution. It's not that I don't like to read instruction books (not that we had one), but more that I when something bizarre happens, the program's makers tend to give the process a name (i.e., sticky space? hard space? nonbreaking space?) that is not descriptive of the problem, so one can't find the solution. It's like looking up a word in a how-to-spell-it book but not knowing how to start spelling the world ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 09:39:29 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Sandy McDermin Subject: Re: Nfic Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Erin Klingler wrote: > Don't look at me. I've only read a half dozen nfics, so I'm hardly an > expert on the genre. :) When we were hashing out the 1999 Kerth > categories, we decided that one single nfic category would be insufficient > to cover the many, many great nfics written, with authors who very much > deserved to have their due rewards for their efforts. Frankly, I couldn't understand why n-fic needed to be relegated to one category. Why not have a subset of categorie*s* (plural) within the Kerths? This would have been my first preference, for whatever it's worth, and it would have saved on having to organize two events. > There had also been some talk as to the names of the awards, maybe naming > them something different than Kerths. Merriweather, perhaps? It seemed > that Zoom had a rather colorful suggestion for it on IRC late one night as > well, but this is a family list. A group of us -- not on IRC -- were discussing this many months ago when we discovered there would be no n-fic category.:( A couple of clever names were bandied about for a separate award. I'm partial to "The Naked Kerths," myself ... the actress said to the bishop. Whether another awards thingy happens or not, I'm glad to see the issue discussed here, since some of us don't go on IRC. If it needs to be discussed on IRC for the sake of ease, I would suggest a certain date and time be selected so that the people who *do* read and write it can be there if they so choose. Sandy ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 16:05:29 +0200 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Niklas 'Hawk' Jonsson Subject: NEW: Alt Premiere Notes... Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hey. Sitting here in the depressing Swedish climate, looking at dark clouds and moaning about this &%=A4#@=A3$! humidity, I decided to come on out of lurkdom and inflict my first LoC fanfic upon the unsuspecting list instead of becomming even more depressed by writing on NC-17 fics dealing with child abuse, rape and lots of other depressing things. It's the first in a series-in-progress where I decided to re-write a number of episodes in order to fit our favorite heroes into my own messy crossover universe ( Marvel/DC/World of Darkness/Ally McBeal/ X-files/Highlander/Witchblade/Spawn/FX-the series... Hey, I did say it was messy. :D ). So, unless these notes have scared you off by now, feel free to jump right in and read the *very* imaginative named "Premiere". ;) ( Yes, I admit... Comming up with names is one of my many weak spots. :D ) Feedback, critique, flames or whatever, accepted at:, ICQ:21771860 or the guestbook at - Niklas "Hawk" Jonsson --<< Sent By >>-- Niklas "Hawk" Jonsson ICQ:21771860 "All I want is a warm bed, a kind word and unlimited power!" - Ashleigh Brilliant ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 16:05:51 +0200 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Niklas 'Hawk' Jonsson Subject: NEW: Alt Premiere 1/7 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Title: Lois & Clark - Premiere Author: Niklas "Hawk" Jonsson Summary: Clark Kent arrives in Metropolis, becomes a reporter at the Daily Planet and Hawk's own version of the first episode from the show takes place. Clark is different, the world is different and the situation between our two reporters is certainly different from the show. Disclaimer: The usual mumbo-jumbo, you know the drill. Most of the characters aren't mine and I got large chunks of the story from the show even though I've added a few of my own touches. Hey, that's why it's called fanfiction! Read and enjoy, but please remember that I am an illiterate Swede so there's hordes of grammatical and other mistakes all over the place. I'm no expert in English names for chemical compounds either, but I hope you get the general idea. Niklas, Erik/John, HawkTech, HawkSoft Europe, Le Mat and The Pro are mine, all mine. Touch without permission and you die, get it? Thanks: First and foremost to the astonishing Julie Gibson who did an *amazing* amount of work going through this story, finding and offering corrections for my various grammatical mistakes. Heaps of thanks, a couple of big kisses and a bunch of rib-cracking hugs go out to her. Also to my family, friends, relatives, feedbackers, schoolmates, people I've bumped into on the bus, the people fighting for animal rights, vegetarians, meat-eaters, everyone I've ever met, everyone I've ever seen, everyone I haven't seen and the rest of you as well. :) P-hew, that should cover everything... :D Updates'n stuff: New stories, updated stories and sequels, can always be found first at Hawk's Galaxy and, the two first places I upload my stories to when I'm finished with them. Feedback, comments, corrections or whatever, accepted at, ICQ:21771860 or the guestbook at Hawk's Galaxy ( ). "....." = Speech *.....* = Screams/Emphasis /...../ = Thoughts */.../* = Telepathy/Projected thoughts ~.....~ = Translations +.....+ = Sounds/Radio/Telephone/Computers *** = Changing Point Of View --- = Time passes without change in POV He looked out of the window, the bus was getting closer to Metropolis. After travelling across most of the world perhaps he could find a place to call his own here. He relaxed and leaned back, the young girl next to him was sound asleep at last. She had spent hours talking to him, he had responded with an occasional grunt or a few neutrally spoken words. He looked at her more closely, she really was quite beautiful. Had he not felt such a tingle of anticipation from finally coming to Metropolis, he might have responded in another way, even made a few moves himself. But he was not in the mood, not even willing to make an effort despite her being a very pretty girl. He thought back on the last couple of years, he couldn't really believe that he had spent so much time away from home. He had visited his parents often, of course, but it was years since he had stayed at home for more then a week or two when it was time for harvest. He had seen so much, met so many interesting people, been at so many really great places but had still not found anywhere that felt right for him. He looked down at the girl again, he had seen many women as well but not found *THE ONE* yet. He remembered several fondly and he had a lot of happy memories of past relations. Rachel, Lana and others from his home in Smallville, back in Kansas. Jiribah, the princess he met in England, who taught him ballroom dancing. Jeanette from Paris, who helped him improve his French to a level normally reserved for native Frenchmen. Mariko in Tokyo, Sally in New York, Gretchen in Berlin, Natasha in Moscow and even more. Sometimes it seemed as if he found at least a girl in every place he visited. Animals, children and girls always seemed to sense something different in him, something that made him irresistible. Children would often come to him and start talking or cuddle up against him even though they had never seen him before. He always seemed to be able to know what animals were trying to tell him and they always seemed to enjoy his presence. Girls and women, as well for that matter, always seemed to treat him differently from other men, even other attractive men. They seemed to be able to trust him completely at first sight, some seemed to be able to shrug it off and some of them got angry with him for some reason. He had several times been yelled at for doing nothing more then to enter, say, an elevator or sitting next to someone on a bus. They would first look closely at him, start smiling and then blink a couple of times and then stare at him. Some simply looked away but the worst kind was the ones that started screaming and throwing things at him. The girl next to him suddenly moved in her sleep and rolled over against him. Her head against his chest felt good but he was not in the mood for this at the moment, perhaps later. He concentrated on her and discovered that she was awake, she was only pretending to sleep. He shook his head and sent her a few messages, she would probably think they were her own thoughts. */What if he's a murderer? Perhaps he's one of those creeps that rape women? Maybe he's gay?/* She suddenly twisted away >from him and he could feel her fear, perhaps he had overdone that a bit so he sent her into a calm mood. He rarely used these powers because it felt too much like intruding on people's privacy. He could actually read people's minds like books if he wanted to, that felt wrong somehow so he had not done that since he discovered that he could actually do that. Another thing he could do was to sense what emotional state and physical condition people were in, he didn't even have to actually see people. He could feel them even through walls and different altitudes as long as they were no more then a couple of meters away. He could send messages to people as well, most people seemed to think that it was their own thoughts, at least no one had said anything about it so far. He had used it many times to clear up troublesome situations. Like the one time that he had managed to convince a terrorist that he forgot to load his gun so he ripped out his clip to replace it with a new one. He had then managed to knock him down without anyone getting hurt. Things like */There's something wrong here, I better run!/* had saved several people from falling objects or gotten them out of the way from speeding cars. He managed to get by by doing odd jobs here and there, his only "real" work was the things he wrote. He had started writing to his parents about the places he visited around the world and his mother had edited his letters a bit and then sent them to the local newspaper and they had started publishing them! After reading what the paper called "Kent abroad" he had started writing real articles that he sent along with the letters to his parents and the newspaper had continued to publish them and even paid him a little for it. He'd even done some freelancing for newspapers in the places he visited, he had gotten a couple of job offers, but he hadn't felt like staying at any of those places. He had other ways of getting money as well, if he was really short on cash he could always fish up a pearl or something like that. Fishing for pearls with his incredible powers was easy, for variation he sometimes dug up a diamond or two but those were harder to sell. Once he found a *huge* diamond, almost as large as his own fist. He had not managed to part with it though, he had thrown it in his old tree house along with a few other memorables from his travels. He supposed he could become rich by selling it or if he used his powers to make money constantly but that also felt wrong somehow, he only resorted to *that* when he really needed the cash like when he bought a laptop computer for himself or when his parents' barn had almost burned to the ground. He was so different from everyone else, not only because he had all these powers that apparently no one else had. He had discovered during his travels that most people wanted money, fame, men/women, fancy titles, expensive things and much more. All he really wanted out of life was a place to call *his* home, perhaps also meeting *the one* he would like to ask to become his wife. He had for sure met a lot of possible ladies but he had never really felt that any of them was *the one*. His parents were worried about that sometimes, his father was the one that expressed it the most but he knew that even if his mother put up a brave face about it, she wanted even more than his father that their beloved son would finally find someone who would "trap him, tie him up and drag him screaming to the altar" as his mother once said. He smiled at the memory and took a deep breath, he made a face and looked out of the window again. He had felt the air going from bad to worse and he was really surprised to see that the bus had already entered Metropolis. He shook his head in amusement, he had been so deep into his own mind that he never even noticed that they had went into the city. He had once been to Metropolis as a child when he went to school, he and his classmates had been to a couple of museums and exhibits before going back to Smallville. He had really liked the trip and the city even though, horrified, he had exclaimed that "This air sucks!" as soon as they had gotten off the bus. He smiled at that memory as well and tried to concentrate on the city. The bus was going to drop them off more or less in the center of Metropolis and he had no idea whatsoever about what to do once he got off the bus. He jumped off with everyone else from the bus, the girl he had been sitting next to smiled at him and he smiled back. It felt good being in Metropolis somehow, he did not know why, but he felt good just standing there outside the bus. He got his suitcase and talked a bit with the girl now that he no longer felt depressed. She was in Metropolis to visit her sister who lived just a couple of blocks away. He got her name, Tanya, and a tiny note with the phone number to Tanya's sister so he could reach her to the end of this week, perhaps he wanted to go out on a date? He smiled and said that he might take her up on that, waved goodbye and walked down the street where he saw a couple of cabs waiting for customers. "Hey! I never even got your name!" screamed the girl as he reached for the door on one of the cabs. "Clark Kent!" he screamed and waved again before he sat down inside the cab and asked the cabby to take him to a good and preferably cheap hotel. "Sure thing buddy, nice girl." the cabby commented. Clark smiled at him and winked before leaning backwards against the seat, he wasn't really tired but he felt drained somehow. He had been awake for more then 29 hours by now but the excitement of once again going to Metropolis had kept him awake. He could manage without sleep for longer periods then this and he was sure that he could stay awake for 50 more before he would get really tired but he would not do that. Even though he wasn't really tired he would try to sleep some as soon as he had called his parents. He could visit them, he could be there in a couple of minutes but Metropolis felt so good that he decided to stay here and use the phone instead. The cabby dropped him off not too far away from central Metropolis, in front of a small hotel that he claimed was both good and cheap. Clark did not have his hopes up too high, but some of the places he had stayed at in Asia and Africa had been worse then *anything* that Metropolis could throw at him. He was pleasantly surprised by the fact that the hotel actually seemed to be better then what he had expected for the money he paid for his room. Sure it was small but it was well kept and the bed looked marvelous. He had spent the last couple of days in New York where he visited Sally Jameson, a girl he had met down in Australia a year or so ago. Back then they had a short romance but now they were just good friends so he had slept on her couch. She had been down to Australia in order to get over the fact that her boyfriend had left her and he had just come down from Japan in order to see what it was like "down under". They had met each other while scuba diving and they had spent two weeks together before Sally had to go home to New York. She didn't have a boyfriend at the moment so there had been no problems with him sleeping on her couch for a while. Clark took out some spare change and picked up the telephone in order to call his parents. The phone was picked up almost at once on the other end. "Martha Kent." said his mother in the other end. "Hi mom, it's me." "Jonathan, it's Clark!" his mother screamed in the other end. He smiled and moved the phone away from his ear. "How are you, Clark? I haven't heard from you since Jamaica almost a week ago!" she asked nervously. "Yeah, I left for New York the day after and spent a couple of days with Sally, you know the girl I met down in Australia? Yesterday I decided to leave and now I'm calling from Metropolis. How are you and dad?" Clark heard a click and then, "Hi son!", his father had picked up the extra telephone. "Hi, Dad. How are things at home?" "Well, your mother is trying out her talents as an artist. I don't know what she's into now, she goes from one to the other faster than you!" his father said. "I'm doing modern art, Clark. Your father is to dense too understand it. Are you still coming home for dinner, Clark?" his mother asked. "Yeah, Mom. I wouldn't pass up the chance of your home-cooked meals for anything in the world!" Clark said truthfully. His mother was a truly great cook, she could make just about anything. He was not that bad a chef himself but rarely got the chance to make any food except when staying at some girl's place or when taking a temporary job at a restaurant or something like that. "What are you going to do in Metropolis, son?" his father asked curiously. "When are you going to stop travelling around the world?" his mother put in. Clark leaned against the wall but decided against it and instead jumped up into the air and floated on his back. "I'm looking for a job, a real permanent job! I called Professor Carlton and asked him for a favor. I remember him saying that he once gave a real scoop to a young reporter named Perry White. Well, Perry White is now the editor at the Daily Planet so Carlton arranged a meeting for me. I'm going to show him some of my work and see if he agrees to hire me. If he does I'm really going to try and live here for a while, perhaps get myself an apartment instead of living in cheap hotels all over the planet." Clark explained to his parents. "Work? Apartment? In Metropolis? What's so great about Metropolis, son?" asked Jonathan. "Put a sock in it, Jonathan! If our son finally has decided to settle down, I for one will not tolerate you trying to scare him off!" Clark heard his mother explaining to his father in the background. He smiled, when Martha decided to do something, not even his powers were enough to prevent her from doing whatever she wanted. "I'll call you later and I'll for sure show up for dinner as I promised, bye Mom and Dad." he finished. "Bye, son." "Bye, Clark." Clark hung up and got some change back from the machine. --- The next day Clark went out to spend some time in the streets of Metropolis, the meeting with Perry White was not until the next day. He picked up a copy of the Daily Planet and took a seat on a bench in a small park where he sat reading *the* paper and munching on a danish he had picked up from a small bakery he had walked by on his way to the park. He browsed through the paper and then read the front page and the editorial again. Mr. White was a great writer but the thing that really got Clark's attention was a story by Lois Lane. He often bought the international Daily Planet so this was not the first time he had come across articles by Lois Lane. He liked her work. This time it was about a series of mysterious car thefts all over Metropolis. Clark nodded, he presumed that now when Lois Lane was on the case it was only a matter of time before this mystery was solved. She seemed to have a strange talent of doing what no one else managed to do. He had read about her knocking down robbers, working undercover with terrorists, busting weaponsmugglers and other dangerous assignments. A gang of thieves with a liking for fancy cars was no big deal compared to her story about the "Red death and jolly evening" society, a close-knit band of terrorists that had almost managed to kill the mayor of Metropolis a couple of years ago before Lois revealed their plans. He shook his head and left the paper on the bench in case someone else wanted to read it later. Clark jumped onto a bus for central Metropolis, he wanted to check out the big city. He took an available seat but only had it for two stops because then he turned it over to an old lady who got on the bus only to find all the seats taken. She declined at first but Clark rose and helped her onto the seat and then stood up for the rest of the way. Some people looked strangely at him but he ignored them, big city folks might not be the most polite people on earth but he was raised in Smallville, a place where everyone knew everyone and that made him what he now was. He saw a slimy fellow also standing after a couple of more stops reaching for another man's pockets and Clark rolled his eyes. He waited until the thief had his hands down the other man's coat before Clark reached out and tickled the thief who jumped and got his hands stuck in his victim's pocket. The furious would-be-victim spun around and delivered a straight right in the face of the creep. The thief fell backwards and Clark reached out to keep him from falling and hurting himself seriously. "If you ever try something like that again I'll tear you apart you no-good slime bucket!" the angry victim screamed to the man in Clark's hands. Clark smiled and at the next stop he jumped off the bus leaving the semi-conscious thief sitting on the floor of the bus. Clark took in the surroundings and smiled again, he had jumped off the bus just over the street from the Daily Planet. He looked at the huge globe, the logo of the Daily Planet and the large building itself. But he had nothing to do there today, that was for tomorrow. He checked out the area around the building and bought himself a hot dog with everything on it from a stand. /Not bad, not bad at all!/ he thought to himself while eating and walking. Clark picked up a guidebook to Metropolis that he had picked up in New York and decided to check out the Zoo, looking at animals was always a good way to spend a couple of hours. He hailed a cab and was just about to jump in when a short, bearded man in filthy clothes jumped into the cab and said, "Thanks!" with the voice of a girl. "Go!" she/he said only now with a man's voice and slammed the door shut behind her/him. Clark leaned down and looked into the window, it certainly looked like a bearded man only there were some odd things about him. Clark adjusted his vision a bit in order to get a better look but the cab drove off and left him standing there looking confused. He shrugged and hailed another cab that he managed to get into without any strange men/women stealing it from him. He spent most of the day looking at animals and they looking at him, Clark could feel their curiosity. Animals always noticed him, always seemed to know that he did not quite fit in among the other two-legs. He called Tanya and went to a date with her in the evening, they went to see some old movie that she had to study for some class in college. He had seen it before but sat through it all and explained it to her. She wasn't stupid, she was actually very bright but Clark gave her a few hints about what to write about it. They had a quick drink at a pub and they said goodbye after that. Clark kissed her goodnight but did not invite her into his hotel room, he was too exited about the coming day to invite her up to his room and so he walked her home to her sister's instead. *** --<< Sent By >>-- Niklas "Hawk" Jonsson ICQ:21771860 "All I want is a warm bed, a kind word and unlimited power!" - Ashleigh Brilliant ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 16:07:19 +0200 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Niklas 'Hawk' Jonsson Subject: NEW: Alt Premiere 2/7 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Lois Lane paid for her chocolate and jumped into the elevator that just came down. Two men dressed in fancy clothes walked out. She snorted, accountants or perhaps members of the board. She did not recognize them so they were not reporters anyway, she pressed the button for the newsroom and waited for the doors to close. She saw them starting to close and started to smile, if she got the elevator to herself she might be able to get rid of that pebble that somehow had managed to find it's way into her right shoe. When the gap between the doors had closed down to an inch, a hand found it's way between the closing doors. Another hand joined the first and the doors were pulled open. She gulped down a quick breath and prepared to stare murderously at whoever it was. A man stepped inside and she gulped down another quick breath, he nodded at her and stared at the chart. He apparently found what he was looking for and reached to press a button but let his hand drop to the side. Apparently he was going to the newsroom as well, he glanced to her side and she quickly looked away. /God, is he a *hunk* or what?/ she thought to herself. She hoped that she had not blushed, it didn't feel like it anyway but, gosh, was she close! She glanced at him again, he stared at the numbers over the door and did not notice her looks at him. His trenchcoat was a little worn and a single shiver went through her body, when she saw what must have been a hole from a bullet on the left side of it. The man was gorgeous with that black hair and strange face, he looked like an American but he had some other traits as well, both Asian and European. He glanced in her direction again and she once again pulled her eyes away from him. He shrugged and looked at the numbers again, she felt a drop of perspiration crawling down on the side of her face and hoped that the elevator would stop and more people jump in so she wouldn't have to face him alone. She briefly considered pressing another button and jumping off at another floor, but he stood next to the buttons and getting closer to him was totally out of the question. She made a face, that... that *man* was driving her mad. /What right does he have to look *so* good?/ she screamed to herself. She got annoyed at herself, she was a reporter, *the best* reporter at the Daily Planet. She had faced armed men and women more times then she could count! /106 times.../ said a little voice in her head and she growled inwards at it. The elevator finally stopped and she sighed with relief and rushed into the newsroom to get away from that man. *** Clark gulped down several mouthfuls of air, that woman had been *the* most beautiful he had ever seen! He corrected himself mentally, he had seen and even had relationships with women that were more beautiful but there was something special about this one. He briefly wondered if he had blushed in the elevator but didn't think so. He relaxed and tried to keep his mind off of her, he knew that he *had* to find out just who *she* was. She apparently worked here though. If this meeting went all right, he would make a point in finding out just who *she* was. Even if it didn't go all right he would sure try to find it out anyway. Clark looked around in the huge newsroom, people were running around all over the place and more people were sitting at their desks writing. He saw *her* again, she emptied a bagful of something in a desk drawer and then sat down in front of a computer. /*She* works here!/ Clark smiled but tried to keep her out of his mind, he needed to concentrate on the meeting ahead. A young man came out of another elevator with his hands full of papers in a dangerously swaying pile. "Ehh, excuse me?" he said to the young man. "I wonder if you could show me were to find Mister Perry White?" Clark asked. The young man nodded and balanced the pile of paper in his left arm and pointed to an office with his right. "His office is right over there, if he's not there, just follow the screams." the young man said and walked down among the desks with his load of papers. Clark walked over to the office and knocked on the door. "Just a minute, I'm on the phone!" he heard a voice through the glass door. He saw a man in his 50's or around that sitting behind a desk cluttered with papers and with a phone to his head. He could hear occasional words from within the office even without his enhanced hearing. It seemed that he could have gotten this appointment on a better day then today, Clark guessed that Mr. White was arguing with someone on the phone about something. He turned around and looked over the newsroom again from this angle, he smiled and drank deeply of the general mood and sense of excitement. "All right, come on in but this better be good!" Clark heard from within the office. He made a face to the world in general and took a deep breath before entering the office. "What bad news do you have then? I'm warning you right now, if you are from the IRS you might as well start running because I'm mad enough to risk the Jailhouse Rock at the moment!" said the man firmly and rubbed his forehead. "My doctor says my blood pressure is too high and that's not strange considering what I have to deal with! One more setback and I'll be ready to be buried in Graceland!" he finished and leaned back. "Pava leaves." Clark said without thinking. "Pava Leaves? Where the *heck* are you from to get a name like that?" Perry White asked. "No, no, no. The Ulongu tribe eats Pava leaves to relax, it puts them in a meditative state of mind and it's supposed to be very healthy. I know it made me feel good anyway. I'm Clark Kent, I believe Professor Carlton called about me?" Clark asked. "Pava leaves? Meditative? Oh, Clark Kent, yes now I remember. Boy, Professor Carlton. I haven't heard from him in years!" he said and looked into space for a moment before returning. "He said you were a *very* good writer, otherwise I'd told him to take a hike. And you'd better be one because I just now got a phone call from one of my top reporters who has ended up in a hospital for eight weeks! So pull out something you have written or I'll kick you out my very own self! This is *the* Daily Planet, we deal with war, crime, international emergencies, murder..." Perry said but trailed off when Clark sensed that someone entered the door behind him. "Chief, I fixed the broken horn on your golf cart!" someone said and Clark smiled behind the cover of his left hand. "Not *now*, Jimmy." Perry said. "But..." came the answer but it was cut off at once. "I said *not* now, Jimmy!" Perry said and became red in the face with anger. Clark heard the door closing behind him and he removed his hand from his face and adopted a calm, neutral face. "Yes, now where was I... Oh yes, Kent, I..." he started but got cut off again as someone else entered. "Chief, I think there's a story here. The papers I got from that man this morning reveals that the space shuttle Messenger was sabotaged and that he knew about it! I really think there's a story here, Chief." a wonderful female voice said excitedly. Clark rose from the chair and faced *the* woman from the elevator. "Lois! Can't you see I'm in the middle of something here?" Perry said from behind and sighed. "Lois Lane - Clark Kent." he said simply and Clark put his hand forward in greeting. She simply ignored him and was fully concentrating on Perry. "Nice to meet you... But, Chief, that man was one of the men who built the Messenger, Samuel Platt and..." her attention was brought elsewhere by that young man that had given Clark the direction to Perry White's office standing outside knocking on the window. Lois mumbled "Gotta go, Chief!" and practically ran out of the office without having even glanced in his direction once! Clark shook his head and sat down again. /So *that* was Lois Lane!/ he thought bewildered, now he knew who she was. Perry shook his head, rubbed the side of his head with his right hand and sat down in his chair again. "She is supposed to be working on a mood piece of an old theater about to be razed down at 42nd street, but is she doing that? *Noooooo*, I tell you, if that woman wasn't the best damn reporter I've ever seen I'd... Now pull out some of your work and do it quick before I send you packing!" Perry said irritably. Clark blinked and reached down into his portfolio for something to show Mr. White. He pulled out a random paper, there were no piece that he was especially proud of, so any one of them would do just fine. "The *Borneo* Gazette? Mating rituals of the knob-tailed *Gecko*?! What in all of Graceland is this? You'd better have a real article somewhere in there or I'll put my Blue Suede Shoe so far up your..." he left the rest unsaid. Clark blushed, he had been sure that he had left that particular article at the hotel he was staying at. He pulled out a few random articles and checked them over so it was something that would be accepted as a real article. He handed over his work about the raid in Jamaica that had been published in several papers on Jamaica, front page material. He also handed over a piece he had written about the sloppy standards of a Russian nuclear powerplant that he had published in a Japanese magazine and along with that a English translation of that article. He also handed over a piece he had written about a huge fight at a football match in Florida, he had went by himself to see the game and had been just ten meters away from the fight when it broke out. He had written about it and it had been accepted in several large Florida newspapers. Perry White browsed through the Jamaican one and started to smile, he handed over the rest without even looking at them. "Clark Kent, welcome to the Daily Planet." he said simply and put his hand out for Clark who grabbed it thankfully and shook it. *** Lois slammed the phone down and looked over to Perry's office, he was still busy with someone in there. She had not really noticed who it was, she had been fully concentrating on this story. She could feel a tingle in the spine, she knew there was a story here and she intended to write it! She thought back and remembered that she had been assigned to another piece, she was supposed to write some stupid mood piece on an old theater about to be razed. Since she wasn't in the mood for it, she sent a message to Perry about it and also announced that she was taking the rest of the day off to shop for her and her sister who temporarily lived at Lois' apartment since her former boyfriend had kicked her out. She pulled her things together and stepped into the elevator just in time to see *that man* walk out of Perry's office. Had he been the one Perry had been talking to when she intruded? She truly hoped not, she had ignored whoever it was and that guy was *certainly* not someone to ignore. The elevator doors closed so she missed finding out what exactly he was doing in the newsroom and why he had been in a meeting with Perry. *** As Clark walked up to the elevators in the lobby, he encountered the young man who had directed him to Perry's office yesterday. The young man introduced himself as Jimmy Olsen, wannabe reporter and handyman. He offered to show Clark around the place and Clark gladly accepted. He was very good at judging people and he liked Jimmy at first sight. They stepped out into the newsroom and Jimmy walked him around, showing him all the stuff he needed to know and introduced him to a couple of people here and there. "Don't look now but you are being watched." said Jimmy mysteriously but with a smile. "Over there to your right by the coffee machines are Lois Lane and Cat Grant, Lois is probably the best reporter ever born and Cat is into gossip. They don't really like each other so if you ever bump into them I'll give you a little advice, don't mention either of them to the other unless you want to be way over your head. Lois is strictly work, she is stubborn like no one else and she has a very short temper. Cat now, she is one *major* babe. Rumor has it that she makes a notch in her garterbelt for every man she takes to bed and that she has had to replace it several times already." Jimmy said while walking away from them. Clark tried to sneak a look at them out of the corner of his eye but could not really see them without turning his head around. He saw what must have been Lois Lane standing next to a tall woman with red hair, both of them looking in his direction. He could try and tune them in with his excellent hearing but the noise all over would probably make it impossible to hear what they were saying. Jimmy showed Clark to his new desk, the one that had been vacated by the hospitalized reporter. He left his stuff there and decided to grab a cup of coffee. He turned around to walk in that direction and came face-to- face with a *gorgeous* woman with red hair, probably that Cat Grant Jimmy had been talking about. "Hi. New in town?" she asked sweetly. He looked her quickly up and down and decided to keep his eyes on her face instead of her more or less non-existent clothing. She shot her arm forward up against his face and he swiftly took hold of it to kiss her hand. "Yes. Clark Kent, newly hired reporter here at the Daily Planet." he answered and placed a swift kiss on her hand before dropping it. "Catherine Grant, ol' toothless employee here at the Daily Planet." she replied and moved closer. "If you want, I could give you a personal tour of this place and the rest of this grand city." "Miss Grant..." Clark tried but was interrupted. "*Cat*." she said firmly with a sensual tone to her voice. "I'll have to take a raincheck on that, I'd like to get settled in here first. Perhaps later... Cat." he said firmly and carefully removed his tie from her hands. He dodged her and moved along to the coffee machines where he poured himself a cup of hot coffee and dumped in four lumps of sugar. He tried some and was pleasantly suprised at the taste. / Not bad at all! / he thought and moved down to his new desk. He checked out the computer, the hospitalized reporter had a password protection but Clark pulled out a floppydisk >from his portfolio with a very good codebreaker that he put to work. *** Lois pretended to read her article in today's paper, she had infiltrated the car-jackers and her story was front page news. Normally she *would* have read it but today she kept an eye on the new guy. *He* had been hired on the spot by Perry yesterday, she had not been able to get her hands on anything he had written yet but she had managed to hack into the Planet's personnel database. Clark Kent from Smallville, Kansas. She had searched other databases for entries about him and had come up with a suprising amount of stuff. At first she thought that Clark Kent from Kansas was some kind of phony identity but she had found articles about him. Apparently he had been a *very* promising football player back in Smallville, the sports section of the Planet had even mentioned him a couple of times back then. They all predicted that whatever team who managed to get Clark Kent would win the Superbowl, that was how good he had been. The guy had practically single-handedly put Smallville's football team on the top of the league. The last she had been able to find about him in the sports section was a small notice that Clark Kent had stopped playing football to travel for a while and that was more then five years ago. So he had not started playing again for some reason. One long shot into the new joint police records to see if he had a criminal record spitted out some rather interesting information. As far as the police was concerned he had never committed a crime in his whole life but he turned up several times as a crime witness and he was recorded several times as having stopped robberies, fights and even two rapes. A check of his passport after some more hacking turned up a horde of information, he had traveled across most of the known world and even been twice in some places. At first she thought that his parents must be rich as hell but a check on them showed that they were simple farmers back in Smallville. The new guy had gotten Richard's desk and was trying out the computer, she was just about to get up and move over to help him out. She had hacked into Richard's computer and she knew the password. She took several deep breaths and moved over towards his desk but stopped. He was running some sort of program from floppy and after about seven seconds he had broken the code and gotten access to the computer. He snickered and put the disk away, Lois saw him browsing through the computer checking things out. Apparently he knew his way around computers like a true pro, she shook her head and returned to her desk. She looked through his personnel file again and shook her head once again. According to this he spoke more than ten languages fluently! She looked and found the line "Knows his way around computers" in the middle of the comments Perry had written about him. She looked up and saw Cat Grant /The *slut*./ walking up behind him. She put her hands on his chair and leaned forward over his right shoulder. Lois strained to hear what they were saying but Perry suddenly appeared from out of nowhere. "I see here that you want a 'task force' for your story about the Messenger? Where do you think I can find someone available to act as your 'task force' Lois?" he asked curiously. "What about Peters?" "Working on the arms treaty." "Johnson?" "Police corruption." "Meyers?" "The majors faulty taxation. Sorry Lois, you are on your own on this story." he said simply and walked into his office. She growled and ran after him, she entered his office behind him and closed the door behind her. "Look, Chief, I need at least one *good* reporter." she said. "You can have Jimmy, he's the only one available!" he replied. "*Get* real, *Jimmy*?" she said and threw her hands in the air. Perry looked as if he was about to give her a piece of his mind when he suddenly turned his head to the computer when he heard the beep that announced that a new story had been sent for his approval. "That's strange, I wasn't expecting a new story for at least another couple of hours. There's no one in here writing anything I've assigned but..." he pushed a few buttons and suddenly smiled beamingly. "Kent! I told him about that story of the theater you were supposed to write. He apparently went on his own and wrote a piece on it! I hadn't even planned on giving him an assignment yet and here's a great one. I just found your 'task force', Lois. Take Kent!" he said with a pleased smile. "Kent? That... *hack from Microville*?" she asked faintly. Perry stared at her. "Lois, have you been hacking into personnel again? I told you to stop doing that!" he said and shook his head in frustration. "I need a *real* reporter, not a newbie I have to potty train and keep from doing beginner's mistakes!" she said in a strained tone of voice. "You can have Kent and Olsen or you can do it on your own, take it or leave it." Perry said and waved at her to get out of his office. Lois was steaming, she found Clark attractive, *very* attractive but the man made her lose track of what she was doing. Besides, Cat had probably already sunk her claws into him so deep that she'd have to pry them out with a crow-bar before she could manage to drag him out of the office. Jimmy was cute but what she might need later on was a *good* photographer, Jimmy had promise but he had a lot to learn. He showed some promise as a writer as well but not enough for her to consider using him as a temporary partner. That left Kent, an unknown equation that made her lose track of what she was doing. She took a deep breath and walked pass Kent's new desk, she could make a try but she would probably have to do it herself. "You are coming with me!" she said firmly and boxed his arm just to make sure he knew who she was talking to. She never expected him to even pay attention to her with Cat sitting on his desk leaning on his monitor but before she had walked more then eight steps he was beside her with his trenchcoat on. She almost missed a step in suprise. "Do you mind if I ask where we are going?" he asked politely. "We are going to talk to a man named Platt who says that the Messenger may have been sabotaged." she said quickly and tried to concentrate on not missing any more steps. She suddenly got angry and turned around to face him. "Let's get something straight here, I did not work my buns off to become an investigative reporter for the Daily Planet just to babysit some *hack* from noweresville. And one other thing, you are not working *with* me, you are working *for* me. You are lowman, I am top banana and that's the way I like it. Comprende?" she spluttered and pointed her finger at him while waving the other arm around like a helicopter. "You like to be on top, got it." he said simply. He looked a little hurt by her sudden storm of insults but seemed to be able to shrug it off more or less at once. She made a face and saw him smiling a bit at her. "*Don't* push me, Kent. You are *way* out of your league." she said and almost ran into an elevator that had just stopped to drop of a reporter coming in to type down some story. She spun around and saw a reflection of Kent on the doors when they closed, he was *smiling* smugly and shaking his head slightly. She felt just about ready to spit venom, crossed her arms and stomped her foot all the way down. The other people in the elevator who had learned to recognize the signs of an *angry* Lois Lane pushed buttons and got off the elevator as soon as possible. People who waited to jump onboard on floors they stopped at took one look at her and backed away from the open doors. She knew that most of the building knew her by sight, she had been awarded reporter of the month at least twenty times and pictures of her along with a copy of some articles had been on billboards all over the building. She also knew that even those that did not know what she looked like had heard about her temper and heard enough to stay away when they saw someone with black hair stomping feet with arms crossed. She fumed, later today she would be able to hear whispers whereever she went. "Look out, Lois is *angry* today.", "Do whatever she wants and do it the way she wants." or as the braver ones would say while scrambling for cover, "Take cover! Incoming!". *** --<< Sent By >>-- Niklas "Hawk" Jonsson ICQ:21771860 "All I want is a warm bed, a kind word and unlimited power!" - Ashleigh Brilliant ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 16:08:07 +0200 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Niklas 'Hawk' Jonsson Subject: NEW: Alt Premiere 3/7 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Clark followed the *mad* Lois out on the streets where she hailed a cab and scurried into it with the grace of someone who did that a lot. It reminded Clark of something and he looked more closely at her face. She suddenly turned her head around and stared at him. "*WHAT*?" she growled at him and he knew where he had seen her before. "It was you! You were dressed as a man with a beard and everything. You stole a cab from me yesterday." he accused with a boyish smile. "I didn't *steal* your cab, I simply borrowed it." she said smugly. Clark only shook his head and leaned back, this was one *strange* woman. The cabby said something in a heavily accented English that was almost impossible to understand, Clark recognized the accent though. ~You're from Greece, am I right?~ Clark asked. ~Ahhh, it is so *good* to hear a decent language again. I have not been able to speak anything but English with anyone except by telephone since leaving Athens two years ago.~ the cabby said. ~What were you trying to say before?~ Clark asked. ~I was wondering were you wanted to go, the lady only said *drive*. She is a feisty one ehhh?~ the cabby asked and winked. Clark smiled and winked back at him. "*What* am I missing here, could you speak a *real* language so I can understand it as well? Farmboy, what's he saying?" Lois asked. "He was only wondering were we would like to go, that's all." Clark said and smiled at her. She mumbled something that did not sound like something a lady would say and then gave the address to the cabby. ~She *is* a feisty one, they make good wives once you've tamed them.~ the cabby said in a neutral voice. Clark choked a bit on that and laughed out loud, he had to remove his glasses to wipe away a few tears. ~I'm not sure I would like to be the one who tames *her*.~ he said when he was back in control of himself. The cabby laughed as well. ~Me neither!~ he said and laughed again. Clark did not dare to look at Lois at the moment but instead concentrated on looking out of the window. "*What* are you guys talking about? Why are you *laughing* all the time?" Lois growled. "He told me a joke from Greece, as simple as that." Clark said neutrally and really tried to keep himself from smiling or laughing. "What was it?" she asked at once with a suspicious look in her face. "It doesn't translate." he lied simply and looked out of the window again. They continued in silence for the rest of the trip, both of them looking out of their respective windows and the cabby sneaking looks at them in the rear mirror smiling all the time. The man, Platt, turned out to live in what must have been one of the worst slums in Metropolis, it wasn't as bad as Bombay or some other places Clark had visited but it certainly was worse then anything he had expected to see in Metropolis. Lois jumped out of the car as soon as it pulled over and left Clark to pay the cabby. ~She is a *very* beautiful woman, young man. You are one lucky guy. Once you've tamed her that is...~ the cabby said and winked. Clark smiled and handed over the money for the trip and a few bucks extra for tip. He got out and took a few quick steps to catch up with Lois who had already entered the building without waiting for him. Clark smiled, she was determined to put him in his "proper" place but he could feel her general mood. She was attracted to him but was angry for some reason, not really at him but herself, but she took it out on him. He could take a closer look at her mind and find out but he preferred to stay away from that. Looking at other peoples thoughts was a kind of rape in his opinion. He browsed through the building with his x-ray vision because it looked just about ready to fall apart. It seemed stable enough though. /No need to "suggest" to Lois that we leave just yet./ She found the door they were looking for and started knocking irritably until it opened an inch or two. "Yes?" they heard someone say from within. "Dr.Platt? It's Lois Lane, from the Daily Planet." she said in a neutral tone of voice, Clark could feel her calming down. Following a story seemed to make her forget to be angry at herself. A man's face appeared and his eyes looked them both over suspiciously before opening the door completely. "I thought you'd be alone, Miss Lane." he said suspiciously. "Who are you?" he asked Clark with a crowbar in his hands. "I'm Clark Kent, reporter at the Daily Planet." he said and held out his hand. Platt looked him over closely and finally let out a breath he was holding. "Yes... Yes, I can feel that you are telling the truth. Please sit down, both of you." he said and walked over to a table filled with papers, pencils, strange objects and a plate with a slice of old pizza lying on it. Clark looked around in the apartment, the few chairs that he saw had papers, books or something else on them. One of them featured a rat eating on a piece of bread. Lois did the same and shook her head. "I don't think so." she mumbled. "Doctor Platt, why do you believe that the Messenger may have been sabotaged?" she asked and readied her notepad. Clark settled for looking at the apartment, there were books all over the place. Mostly about physics, electronics and a huge pile of various manuals from NASA. He only listened to what the two were saying with one ear while he *quickly* browsed through a couple of the books he picked up and every paper he could lay his eyes on. ... installed cooling devices!" Platt said irritably. Clark rewinded the conversation he had just heard while he read. "To.. freeze the ion particles?" he blurted out and stared at Platt. Platt spun around to take a suprised look at him, Lois did the same but rolled her eyes in a shut-up-mr.hack-from-nowhere-you-dunno- what-you-are-talking-about manner. "Exactly Mr. Kent! The frozen ions would turn the Messenger from an able space craft into a pile of burning junk!" he said and Clark saw Lois' jaw fall all the way to the floor in suprise. "It's all in my report, shortly after turning it in I was fired from my work. Before I even got home I was dragged into a moving car and shot full of drugs, I can't remember much of the following days but when I resurfaced from the influence of the drugs no one took me seriously anymore." Platt said sadly. Lois realized her mouth was open and closed it swiftly. "Do you have a copy of that report?" she asked. "Of course, what kind of scientist would I be if I did not keep my reports?" he said and started running around the place pulling out papers from the strangest places. When he pulled out several of them >from an old shoe, Lois got tired of the whole idea. "Why don't you put it together and then send a message to the Planet when you are ready, hmm?" she asked sweetly and stalked out of the apartment. Clark rolled his eyes and gave Platt a card with the phone number to the Planet where he scribbled down the number to his own desk on the back. "Let us know as soon as you are finished, if I can't be reached, try for Lois or else Jimmy Olsen." he said and ran out after Lois who screamed into her cell phone at some operator at a cab company. "You'd *better* make sure to send a cab over *real* soon or I'm going to write an inside article about your lousy service and imply some things that will put the IRS and the police on your backs!" she finished and hung up. A visit to EPRAD, the manufacturer of the Messenger really didn't pay off. Dr. Baines, the woman in charge was a very attractive young lady, but she didn't grant them access to anything they wanted when Lois asked for it. Clark walked closer after studying just about everything in her office. "No exceptions?" he asked silently and smiled at Dr. Baines. She swallowed and put her hands behind her back, fiddling all the way. "I'll see what I can do." she said breathlessly and stared at Clark with her eyes wide open and an adoring look on her face. He saw Lois rolling her eyes in the corner of his eye and tried very hard not to grin at the Daily Planet's star reporter. After getting that promise >from Dr. Baines, they left her office and Lois mumbled to herself while walking out of the plant. "A very attractive woman, young for her position." he said pleasantly, perhaps if he got Lois to talk she would loosen up a bit. "A *typical* male reaction, as soon as a semi-attractive woman shows up your brain shuts down." she snapped sourly. "Trust me on this, Lois. I'm *not* your typical male." he said and tried to keep the edge out of his voice, never before had he been so tempted to use his mind-reading powers on anyone. She was really *angry* at something and it had something to do with him. He could not figure out what it was he had done that could have made her so angry though. "No? Just because she's... okay looking..." "*Very* okay looking." "... you automatically assume she's telling the truth." "And you assume she's not? Does everyone have an angle? No honest people left in the whole world? That's pretty cynical, Lois." "It's realistic, Clark, at least I don't go through life disappointed." --- Back at the Planet, their attention was caught by a sudden explosion down in the sewers. A man came crawling out of a manhole all covered in dust. "John! John!" he screamed down the manhole and collapsed. Clark didn't hesitate, he ran forward to the manhole, smoke billowed out >from it but he showed no hesitation at all. He jumped down into it before anyone close by could try and stop him from doing so. His inhuman vision soon got results, he found a man lying down there. He picked him up and in the cover of the smoke he floated up to the hole where he raised the man up to street level and then pretended to use the ladder to get himself up. He blinked several times in order to make his eyes water and he pretended to cough while staggering away from the crowd. A woman in the crowd shouted that she was a nurse and she took care of the two men lying on the street, Clark noticed that the crowd was mostly centered on the woman checking over the two men and so he managed to walk away without anyone really noticing him, except for Lois Lane. "Are you *crazy*, Kent? What if there had been another explosion, what if the fumes had been toxic, what if the tunnel had collapsed?" she asked incredulously. He pretended to be out of breath and leaned against the wall breathing heavily. "Nobody else seemed about to do anything, that man down there was still breathing when I got him up. If he had been down there any longer I don't think he would have made it." he said and coughed again. He took a final deep breath and pretended to stagger towards the entrance with Lois forced to follow him. He spent a few minutes washing up before taking the elevator up to the office where he was greeted with cheers and claps of hands. He looked confused and then nodded. /Lois. She must have told the others about my little "adventure"./ he thought and made a face. He kept pretending to stagger a bit and made his way over to his desk, he glanced at Lois's desk and saw that she had already begun writing a story about the sever accident. "Hey, CK! Nice work, I heard you saved the day." said Jimmy while sneaking up on him. "It was nothing, Jimmy. I just went with my instincts." he said and coughed again for effect. "Kent! Why did you pull a stunt like that?" asked Perry White who showed up from out of nowhere. "I... I just did, Sir. I can't explain it. I just did what felt was right!" he said faintly. "Judas Priest! Another Lois Lane! Teaming you guys up perhaps wasn't one of my better ideas." he said while shaking his head on his way back to his office. Clark looked around and walked over to Lois's desk where he sat down on an available corner to look at what she was writing. "See anything you like, handsome?" he heard a voice from behind. He rolled his eyes and made a face. /Cat!/ he thought sourly. "If you don't mind, Cat. I'm trying to read here..." he said and tried to focus on the monitor. She crossed her arms and leaned on his shoulders, he could feel her breathing down his neck. Lois had smiled slightly when he had rolled his eyes and made that face but now she looked angry again. He made his right hand into a fist and raised it in level with Cat's head at his right shoulder. "*Cat*!" he said and clenched and unclenched his right hand, she backed off and he could hear her walking away in a state of shock. He shook his head and continued to read, he could see Lois staring in surprise at him, but with a hint of a smile on he lips. /She must *really* dislike Cat, I wonder why?/ he thought and stopped reading. "Very good, Lois, very good indeed. But there's only one 'i' in 'Ions'." he said and borrowed her keyboard to make a few changes in her story. *** Lois pulled back in suprise and she could hear Jimmy behind them taking a deep breath before he made himself scarce. /*Nobody* besides Perry had ever even *dared* to suggest changes in one of my stories!/ she thought with her eyes wide open. /*No* man had *ever* refused Cat Grant anything!/ she thought with an inner giggle. She looked at the changes he made and nodded inwards. He was *good*, he might even be better then she was but that was something she would never *ever* ever confess to *anyone*! She could see people looking wide-eyed at the two of them, she could see them anticipating an explosion from her. Perry who heard the sudden silence from within his office walked to the door and saw Kent typing away at her keyboard. Her editor shivered suddenly and rolled his eyes. "There now, what do you think, Miss Lane?" Kent suddenly asked and Lois turned her attention to the monitor again. She browsed through the article and almost growled. He had changed a few words here and there, added a few sentences and now it was a masterpiece. It had been *good* before but now it was *great*! She let out a sigh, rose >from the chair to a chorus of gasps in the office from people expecting a temper tantrum and offered Kent her hand. "Congratulations." she said silently and held out her hand . His eyes opened wide and he gingerly took her hand. Probably expecting some sort of trick she thought. "Your changes turned my article from good to great, I can't argue with that. But learn this, Kent. If you *ever* do something like this without my permission again, I *will* skin you alive!" she finished with a half-growl. She retrieved her hand from a surprised Clark Kent and sat down again to more gasps >from the spectators. She stared at the shocked faces and scared them into action again. She also saw Perry in the corner of her eyes. He was holding on to his doorpost and shook his head in silence for a while before he recovered. "Kent! Get *in* here!" he said and staggered to his desk in order to sit down. Kent obediently walked into his office but did not close the door as he should have done. She could hear everything they said since the rest of the office was still in a silent shock. "*How* did you do *that*, Kent? If it had been anyone else she would have had his or her hide in her collection right about now! Even *I* don't try to change her work before thinking *at least* twice about it!" he said with a note of respect in his voice. "Well, I just reacted again. I didn't even think about it until I heard the gasps and saw everybody staring at me. By then it was too late, so I continued doing some changes. She must have *really* liked what I did. I don't have any other explanation, sir." Kent said with a note of wonder in his voice. "Kent, you have got a *serious* impulse control problem." said Perry, still a little stunned from the previous events. She shook her head and picked up the telephone when it started to ring. It was Mitchell, her date for tonight's event, Lex Luthor's party. She knew what was up as soon as she heard Mitchell sneeze. She sighed. Mitchell was rather cute but he was also a hypochondriac, if he even suspected that there was the slightest chance of him getting sick he stayed at home. If he had started to sneeze he'd probably not eat anything but various pills and natural remedies for a week and not leave his apartment in two! She pretended to be understanding but could not resist to add, "Don't call me, I'll call you.", in the end of their conversation. She rubbed her forehead, Lex Luthor was *big* news. She had tried to get him to agree to an interview for the longest time now, but the only result was refusals from one of his secretaries that she felt so close to by now that she wondered if she ought to send her a gift for Christmas this year. Tonight was her *big* chance to meet Lex Luthor in person, he would have a harder time refusing her then! /But I *will* not go alone, that slut, *Cat*, will tease me forever if I come alone!/ she thought and shook her head in defeat. She would have asked Jimmy, she was desperate but she knew that he already had a date for tonight. She saw Kent returning to his desk and saw him typing away on his computer. /Kent.../ she thought and walked over to him. "I don't suppose you have a tuxedo?" "I could get one... Why?" "Do you have any plans for tonight, Kent?" she asked and saw his eyes open wide. "What?" he asked suspiciously. "Well, my date for tonight's party at Luthor's got sick so I..." she left the rest unsaid and waited for his response. "Yes?" he asked innocently. /Incredible! Is he really so dense or is it just an act?/ "Well... Do you want to take his place or *not*?" she growled at him. "So... This is a date?" he asked sweetly. "Date?" she tasted the word. "Oh, *oh* you mean like in *Kansas* where you meet my parents and then try to give me a hickey in the vacant lot behind the Dairy Freeze? No, this is not a *date*, this is business!" she said, her voice dripping with contempt. *God*, but he was gorgeous. She could smell him even from this distance. "Oh, I don't know. I thought I might turn in early tonight." he said with a smile. /This... This *man* drives me crazy!/ she mentally screamed in her mind. "Turn in early? Instead of going to a party hosted by *Lex* Luthor!?" she asked him with her voice under tight control. He smiled at her. "Well, since you ask so nicely I suppose I will accept your... 'Suggestion' to accompany you to this *grand* event." he said cheerfully with a smile that could melt ice. She was *not* about to melt though! "Good, meet me there!" she said and stormed out of the newsroom. Since he was such a good reporter she'd leave it up to him to decide *when* to meet her there. If he had to wait? *So what*? He deserved it for treating her like this! *** --<< Sent By >>-- Niklas "Hawk" Jonsson ICQ:21771860 "All I want is a warm bed, a kind word and unlimited power!" - Ashleigh Brilliant ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 16:08:32 +0200 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Niklas 'Hawk' Jonsson Subject: NEW: Alt Premiere 4/7 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Clark soared high over the city, he floated "on" his stomach and was keeping an eye out for Lois Lane down in front of "Luthor's Tower". Clark had spent 30 minutes in the library reading everything there was to know about Lex Luthor, a fascinating man indeed. Clark had his doubts about how he could have gotten so much power when he literally started from scratch as a kid. He *could* have gotten where he was today by following the law but Clark doubted that *very* much. But it appeared that Luthor tried to pay for any crimes in his past. Lex Luthor spent *huge* amounts of money doing good deeds. He also never gave any personal interviews. According to the gossip at the office, Lex had turned Lois down at least fifty times this year alone! Clark had then flown home to Smallville, for a talk with his parents, before returning here to wait for Lois Lane to show up for the event. Suddenly he spotted her jumping out of a cab and he quickly swooped down to the corner of the building and walked quickly up the stairs. Lois stood stomping her left foot impatiently looking over the street so she did not see him closing in on her >from behind. He stopped a few paces away and looked her over, she wore a *stunning* blue gown and she must have spent a fortune on her hair. "Good evening, Lois." he said and saw her spin around in suprise. He looked her down and up and nodded to himself. "Lois, you look *stunningly* beautiful. If Lex Luthor doesn't grant you that interview tonight he *must* be out of his mind!" Clark said truthfully. She blushed but regained control over her body after a second or two. "How did you know about that, Kent?" she asked curiously. He smiled and offered his arm to her with a flourish. "After listening to some gossip at the office and then reading some about Lex Luthor I figured that your main reason for coming here was to get a chance of talking to him in person." he said as they were walking into the building. "Well... I guess you are right, I'm not really that fond of big fancy parties like this. If anyone other then Lex Luthor had hosted this party, I most likely never would have went through all the trouble of going here." she said truthfully. "Oh 'aint I the lucky bastard." Clark said with a smile. "What was that?" she asked, a snappish tone creeping into her voice. "If someone else had hosted this evet, I never would seen you like this. Uou look breathtaking, Miss Lane." he said and tried not to drool at the sight of Lois Lane in that beautiful outfit. "You don't look so bad yourself, farmboy. You might get a shot at that hickey after all if you play your cards right." she said teasingly. "Take care, Miss Lane. We uneducated farmboys can be suprisingly direct sometimes. If you talk like that I think a hickey or two will be unavoidable." he said and entered the elevator together with about fifteen other people. "Clarkie!" he heard a voice behind him exclaim, he turned around and came eye to eye with Tanya. "Hi." he said weakly, he could feel Lois's good mood evaporating for every second that passed. "How nice to see you again. Oh where are my manners? Clarkie, this is Darryl Walsh. Darryl, this is Clark Kent." Tanya said and introduced the man she was with. Clark politely shook hands with the young man standing next to Tanya. He was slightly familiar but Clark could not quite recall where he had seen that face before. He had bright red hair and he supposed that women thought he was beautiful. What really caught Clark's eyes though were Darryl's eyes. Clark had seen that same look only once before, he had been interviewing an old Russian in a prison cell. The man had committed more then fifty murders that could be proven and confessed to committing at least two hundred more! He had spent more then thirty years killing people for fun, twenty in prison and when Clark had met him he was scheduled for execution. He had accepted what fate had in store for him, he had abandoned all hope and his deeds were clearly written all over him. Darryl Walsh had that same look in his eyes. The sort of eyes that had seen too much, knew too much. "Well, Clarkie. Aren't you going to introduce me to the lovely lady you are with?" Tanya asked and Clark pulled his eyes away from Darryl. "Sure." he replied and tried to keep his eyes away from Darryls. "Tanya - Lois Lane. Lois, this is Tanya. We bumped into each other on the bus to Metropolis." he explained quickly and felt Lois' mood improve a little bit. The ladies shook hands and exchanged polite words about each others clothes and hair. Lois turned to Darryl and Clark could feel her surprise. "Darryl Walsh, 'the hermit'! You don't need any introduction, I've read about you and your family." she said breathlessly. Clark suddenly remembered everything he had read about the strange family. They lived in a huge mansion outside Metropolis, an ancestor of Darryl's had fought bravely in the War of Independence. Ever since the mansion was built shortly after the war it had been very closed, nothing much reached the outside world about the strange Walsh family. Every male member of the family got named Darryl Walsh, Clark had never read anything about the rest of the family. In the Civil War, a Darryl Walsh had fought for the North and received much praise for his successes. Walshes had fought in both World Wars and the Vietnam War as well, always with great success. "Mostly lies and gossip, Miss Lane." he said neutrally. "One should not believe everything there is to read in the papers." he said with a slight smile. He turned away from Lois and took a good look at Clark who felt himself shiver when the man's eyes measured him. "I'm sure we'll be seeing each other again, Mister Kent. Have a pleasant evening with the lovely lady at your side." he said and offered his arm to Tanya who turned to Lois. "I'm sure you'll have a nice time. He's a *great* kisser!" she finished with a whisper, Clark winced. Lois mood went from average to lousy in a split second and then before he could groan, it went to above average for some strange reason. "*Is* he now?" he heard her mumble to herself. "Do you always kiss girls you bump into when traveling?" she asked him with a smirk. "Why don't you follow me on a vacation and find out?" he asked with a slight smile and a twinkle in his eyes. She boxed his ribs and he pretended to be in pain. He saw her rub her knuckles though. "Aouch, are you wearing a bullet-proof west or anything, Kent?" she asked and tried to clench her fist unsuccessfully. "That really hurt!" she said and frowned. He took her injured left hand and put his fingers on a couple of pressure points. "Brace yourself." he said and pushed. She gasped and her eyes went wide open in shock. She ripped away her hand from him and cradled it in her right hand. "Is that better?" he asked anxiously. "Of course it's not..." she fell silent in the middle of the sentence and raised her left hand again, she clenched it without any problems and her eyes went even bigger than before. "How did you do *that*?" she asked incredulously. "I spent a lot of time in Asia learning various acient ways to make life better." he said simply and offered her his arm again. "Forget it, Kent! I'm going to find Lex Luthor and get that one-on- one within an hour. If I fail, you have my full permission to get me drunk and give me as many hickeys as you want!" she said and stalked off to find her prey. Clark smiled and walked around in search for something to drink, if she was going to continue teasing him like this he would probably need something to cool him off. Perhaps a glass or two of chilled champagne down the front of his pants would help. *** Lois searched the room from one end to the other and back again without finding Lex Luthor. He had not made his entrance yet according to the people she met. She saw Clark all over the place, he danced with pretty ladies, talked with Jimmy whenever his date was out dancing with somebody else since Jimmy wasn't much of a dancer and she saw him talk with that strange man Darryl Walsh once. Darryl was a strange one, his eyes were a weird sight. She had seen eyes like that before, the eyes of someone who had seen horrible things too often. The eyes of a cold-blooded murderer was the closest thing that popped into her head but Darryl's were different. She couldn't explain exactly how they were different though. After Luthor she'd definitively try and get a interview with this Darryl Walsh. The room was filled with important men and women, she saw John Miller standing in a corner of the room chatting with Niklas Jonsson. John was the founder and sole owner of HawkTech, an up and coming company in the computer industry, he had recently acquired more then half of the stocks in Microsoft after Bill Gates mysteriously decided to retire. There were rumors that the feared assassin Le Mat had broken into his home and threatened Bill Gates to sell his shares, but Bill hadn't bothered to tell anyone his reasons for selling. Niklas Jonsson owned HawkSoft Europe, a company that was an independent part of HawkTech. She absently looked between the two of them and noticed the many similarities between John Miller and Niklas Jonsson. Their faces resembled each other, they had exactly the same nuance of blonde hair, piercing blue eyes and their noses were a dead match for each other. If she hadn't known better, she would have thought that they were twins. There were some things that set them apart though, John was almost 10 cm taller then Niklas, not because he actually was, but because Niklas wasn't standing straight, his knees were bent and his back was slouched. John had the build of an professional athlete while Niklas personified the nickname "Nerd". Two stunning women were chatting pleasantly and moved to block the route to the two famous persons whenever someone tried to get into the corner to talk with them. John and Niklas finished their conversation and smiled at each other before they joined the two women and walked off into separate parts of the room with the ladies. She saw Clark again as well, he was chatting pleasantly with a Japanese couple in their own language! He was just plain *incredible*, too strange to be considered normal. An interview with him might turn out to be just as interesting as one with Lex Luthor, John Miller or Darryl Walsh. She paced the room once again while waiting for Luthor to make his appearance, this time when she saw Clark he was dancing with Cat Grant! She almost growled out loud, before seeing this she had been determined to ignore Kent for the evening and concentrate on Lex Luthor. That was no longer possible, not with Cat around him. "Mind if I cut in?" she asked sweetly and when Cat turned around to see who it was, Lois ducked under her arms and grabbed hold of Clark. He looked a bit suprised but not at all disappointed, he had *that* smile again. The one she had learned meant that he had said, was about to say something funny or had seen something amusing. She danced along and tried to keep track of her feet, he did not seem to have any problems with that. "You are *very* good at this, where did you learn how to dance?" she asked curiously. "A Nigerian princess who studied ballroom dancing taught me a long time ago, I'm just glad I can remember some of it at least!" he said with a smile. He pulled her closer and she was about to protest when she saw Cat dancing with Jimmy close by. Instead of putting Kent in his proper place she drew him closer and put her arms around his neck. He seemed even more surprised and the smile wavered for a moment until she saw him notice Cat dancing near them. His smile then got even bigger and he whispered in her ear. "Someday you just *have* to tell me what you've got against Catherine Grant. I'll play along though, no worries." he said kindly and started taking fancier steps that she had a hard time keeping track of. He mumbled instructions to her that she had to strain to hear, his helpful advice made the whole thing easier and she even managed to make some fancy steps of her own with his help. Cat looked furious when people started giving her and Clark space to dance on and cheering them along. Lois started to get nervous, if everybody were watching then someone was bound to notice him whispering instructions. She looked up with the intention of asking him to stop but noticed that he did not move his lips! He was a Ventriloquist as well. He was smiling pleasantly but his instructions kept on coming without even a twitch of his lips. Clark finished with a final instruction and made a couple of last fancy moves and then stopped just as the music did. The whole crowd around them was cheering silently and politely clapping hands when they stopped dancing and Lois blushed furiously for a moment before she was back in control of herself again. She was about to give up on Lex Luthor and instead offer Clark Kent her heartfelt thanks when he suddenly bent downwards and whispered in her ear. "There he is, Lex Luthor himself." he said and glanced in the direction of the stairs. Lex was stopping every now and then and said a few words to various people, some of them he talked to in foreign languages. She took a step away and looked down to check out if everything still was in proper order. "I will get this interview if it's the last thing I ever do!" she said determined and stalked away. She saw Clark out of the corner of her eyes, becoming surrounded by gorgeous women who wanted to dance with him. He smiled and winked at her before he took the hand of one of the women and swirled out on the dance floor. *** Clark spotted Lois approaching Lex and saw them dancing, his little pointers came in handy because Luthor turned out to be just as good a dancer as he was, perhaps better. He overheard them talking and Luthor even agreed to an interview. Clark smiled, when Lois Lane wanted something, she certainly seem to get it most of the time. He danced a couple of dances and then excused himself, he found Jimmy and made certain to stay around him over at the food. Clark filled a plate and wandered around talking to Jimmy about various things, after a while something got his attention. Lex Luthor was walking around alone, without Lois Lane. He checked the room and soon spotted her, she was walking up the stairs to the door Lex had entered through. He shook his head in bewilderment and followed her, he reached her just as she was trying to pick the lock of the door. "And what are you doing then, Miss Lane?" he asked Lois who jumped at his surprising appearance. "I'm picking the lock to this door, stand there and look big so no one can see me working." she said testily and fiddled with the door. "Working?" he said with a smile. "I didn't know you did breaking- and-entering for a living." he said pleasantly while covering her >from the rest of the room. "I'm being a reporter, you should try it sometime." she said and gave a sigh of satisfaction when the lock gave in and snapped open. She slipped inside and Clark followed. "I think Luthor might consider withdrawing his interview when he finds out that you are snooping in his office!" he whispered to Lois who looked at everything with a piercing gaze. "Shut up, farmboy! Just look around, this is reporting at it's best!" she said and walked into another room. Clark shook his head in amusement and bewilderment. He looked at the wonderful things Luthor had on display, there were quite a lot of them. Ancient weapons, old sabers, daggers, muskets and a small cannon on a stand. A well preserved knight's armor complete with shield and sword stood prominently displayed. Clark leaned closer to inspect a marvelous crossbow with the year of it's making ingrained in it, 1238. Clark shook his head and continued looking at the marvelous artifacts on display. He was so concentrated that he never even noticed that there was someone else in the room until suddenly he had the point of a sword against his throat. He looked down at the sword and identified it. "Macedonian." he said simply and looked to the man holding the sword, Lex Luthor. "It once belonged to Alexander the Great, he used it when he defeated King..." Luthor tried to explain when Clark interrupted him. "...Darius the third and was proclaimed King of Asia." he said simply. "You surprise me, I'm not often surprised." he said and turned the sword over to Clark who tested the edge and the feel of the weapon. "Alexander was a great tactician with a simple strategy, 'Always seize the high grounds.'." Luthor continued. "Lex! I hope you didn't mind, you have a beautiful home." Lois said when she came into the room from the one she had explored. "This is Clark Kent, the newest reporter at the Daily Planet." she introduced Clark who shook hands with Lex Luthor politely. "Not at all, but you could have asked me and I'd been glad to show you my home. Have you seen the view?" he asked and opened a door out to a huge balcony with a press of a button on his desk. It was raining outside but there was a roof on the balcony protecting them >from the weather. "The highest building in Metropolis! I must confess that I like the feeling that everybody in the city has to look up in order to see me." he said proudly. "But let's go down to the others, I have a little suprise for everybody that I think you will enjoy." he said with a greasy smile. Clark tried to shake off the feeling that Luthor was not to be trusted, but it stayed. Clark couldn't make himself fully trust the man for some strange reason. /I've been reading to much./ he tried to tell himself. /If he was still doing illegal things he would not be doing so many good deeds!/ he shouted inwards to himself. He followed Luthor and Lois down to the big ballroom deep in thoughts. Perhaps he ought to keep an eye on Luthor for a while, perhaps he really was an evil man? Clark shrugged it all off as the work of the "green-eyed-monster", he was probably only jealous of Luthor because Lois seemed so totally fascinated with the man. Luthor talked about the failed attempts to launch the Messenger and complete the space station, Prometheus, for a while and Clark was wondering what he might be getting at. Luthor then told everybody of his plans to build a space station of his own and a really impressive hologram of the planned station was shown. Clark stared at the text written on it. /Space Station Luthor./ The man had a huge ego, no doubt about that, but many people had that. This didn't necessarily mean that he was a criminal. He saw the rich computer nerd, John Miller, staring at the hologram as if it was a personal insult to him. He whispered something to himself and Clark absently tuned in to what he was saying. "Memo to self: Find out just how far along the 'Space Station Luthor' project is." he said and looked closely at the hologram. "Project blueprint appears to be identical to HawkTech's small space station project, check for leaks and spies." he finished and shook his head in frustration. Clark looked more closely at John, there was something about his face, especially the nose and mouth that reminded him of someone from his past. He desperately searched his memory for anything to give him a hint of where he had seen John Miller before. He somehow found himself looking back to a time a couple of years back when he had been in Japan, studying Martial Arts with some of the best in the world. He recalled having practise interupted when he was studying the Kage-Mori branch of Ninjutsu by a new arrival, someone who looked almost exactly like John Miller did. His name hadn't been John Miller though, at least it hadn't been the name he supplied. When he arrived, Sensei Hatsu Yakamoto had sent one of his students to give the new arrival a little scare and get a brief evaluation of how good he already was. The student, a young man named Tameaki Iwata, had assaulted the newcommer with a knife. Tameaki had gotten a kick in the stomach for his careless attack and suddenly found himself facing a cautious opponent with two knifes in his hands. Temeaki had ended up in dire need of medical treatment with both his shoulders out of action and a broken nose. Hatsu had talked with the newcommer who he apparently knew >from before, then given him the task of taking out Katherine Yakamoto, the old masters daughter. This time it had been the new guy who had been in need of medical treatment, Katherine by far surpassed everyone except Hatsu in skill, but the new guy hadn't known that. He had been admitted as a student and introduced to the others as Erik Jonsson. When Clark left two weeks afterwards to continue with his travels, Erik still studied hard. They hadn't really talked, but they had sparred once. Clark had the edge since his powers rendered him invunerable and tireless in adition to his slightly superior training, but he had still been hard pressed to defeat Erik who fought with determination and a speed that Clark had been hard pressed to match without drawing too much upon his superhuman powers. Clark then remembered something and looked down at John Millers left hand and his eyes widened as he saw the faint outlines of a scar there. He knew that scar, he had witnessed when Katherine Yakamoto had thrown a knife at Erik Jonsson in a dodging exercise. He had stepped out of the way, but hadn't managed to move his arm and hand fast enough. The knife had went straight through his left hand. Clark was now looking at a scar that perfectly matched that incident. He was now relatively sure that Erik Jonsson and John Miller was one and the same. John/Erik walked over to a girl standing on her own a few meters away and they both swept out on the dance floor after John/Erik had looked one final time at the hologram with a scowl on his face. The party continued after Luthors speech, but since Lois was apparently tired of the whole thing and wanted to leave, Clark gave in to her wishes and followed her home. She absently held on to his arm while walking, she claimed to need the fresh air to think. Clark laughed and tried to tell her about what fresh air really was like. She snapped at him and told him that she had indeed felt better air but this was all that was available. Clark shrugged and thought about flying off with her, that would definitively get her attention. He resisted that idea and kept her company in silence. She absently walked into the house and all the way to her apartment without even noticing him. She pulled out a set of keys and started unlocking several locks on the door, she pulled it open, walked into her apartment and had still not noticed him even though she still held on to his arm. "Why, Miss Lane, what are you doing?" he drawled with a smile and saw her suddenly jump. /She really had forgotten all about me!/ he thought. "Lois? Are you home already?" someone yelled from another part of the apartment. A young girl came running from within, dressed in a bathrobe and with her hair still wet. She looked a lot like Lois although she had a more brownish/redish hue to her hair. "Wow!" she said with an obvious hint of surprise when she saw the two of them, Lois still holding on to his arm. "Perhaps you want me to go out for a while so you can be alone?" she asked with a knowing smile. "*Lucy*!" Lois screamed and blushed. Clark smiled and winked at Lucy who looked him up and down. "You really picked a good one, Lois. Hi, I'm Lucy Lane, Lois's sister." she said and held out her hand in greeting. "Nice to meet you, Lucy. I'm Clark Kent, reporter at the Daily Planet." he said and kissed her hand. She looked a bit surprised at that, perhaps she had expected a simple handshake. "This is *not* what you think, Lucy! It's simply business, just that!" Lois said with a note of panic in her voice. "Yeah *right*, sis. I'll be ready to go in a minute or so." she said and tried to scurry away but Lois stopped her. "No need to, Lucy. I was just about to go home. Nice to meet you." he said and turned to Lois. "I had a really great time, Lois. Perhaps we ought to do this again sometime, without you trying to get a fancy interview that is." he said with a smile. "Good night to the both of you." he finished and walked out of the apartment, closing the door behind him. *** --<< Sent By >>-- Niklas "Hawk" Jonsson ICQ:21771860 "All I want is a warm bed, a kind word and unlimited power!" - Ashleigh Brilliant ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 16:09:54 +0200 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Niklas 'Hawk' Jonsson Subject: NEW: Alt Premiere 5/7 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" "Wow, Lois. What a hunk!" Lucy said and winked at Lois. "Did you have a good time, sis?" "I did actually, I *nailed* the interview with Lex Luthor!" she said with a huge smile on her lips and a sparkle in her eyes. "Not that, sis. How was your date?" Lucy asked and rolled her eyes. "Oh, that." Lois said. "Well it was... He was very understanding, I only went to get that interview, but he was very nice. We even danced a bit and he was *so* nice to me. He whispered instructions to me all the time and when people started looking at us dancing I noticed that his lips were fixed into a friendly smile. He is one of those people that can talk without moving their lips, ventro- whatever it's called. He made one mistake though, I was just about to give up on Luthor and start having fun with him instead, when Clark pointed him out to me. Had it not been for that I might had kicked you out of this apartment myself." she said with a embarrassed smile. "How do you manage to work at all with him nearby, sis? He is *such* a great looking man!" Lucy said with a dreamy smile. "I don't have time for things like that, sis, and with a man at my work?" she finished incredulously. "You remember what happened last time..." she finished in a subdued tone of voice and a single tear appeared in her left eye. Lucy embraced her and tried to comfort her sister, Claude was one of the few things that could break Lois's well built defenses. *** Clark jumped out of the elevator and came face to face with Jimmy. "Good morning, Jimmy. Where are you going?" he asked cheerfully. "Hiya, CK. Dr. Platt called, I'm on my way to pick up his report." he said and jumped into the elevator before the doors could close. Clark walked over to get a cup of coffee when someone tapped him on his shoulder. He turned around and suddenly found his hands intertwined with Cat's. She spun around and forced him to follow so he would not break her fingers. They danced around for a few seconds before he could get away from her. "Miss G... Cat, not at work!" he said and rolled his eyes. "But Clarkie, we never finished that dance yesterday." she said, clearly disappointed. "How about that tour now, cutie" she asked. "Perhaps another time, Cat. I'll have to take a raincheck. Some of us have to work you know?" he asked with a slight smile. "All work and no play, ehhh? Don't wait too long, Clarkie." she said and walked away with her hips swinging. Clark rolled his eyes at her and enjoyed the show. He had met some quite pushy and forward women before but Cat was worse then any of them. She was beautiful though, perhaps he should agree. But that would make Lois so mad that she would never ever consider him as something else then a complete jerk. He still hadn't managed to find out exactly what had made the two women see each other as enemies. He shook his head and filled a cup with coffee, he saw Lois sitting by her desk and so he filled a cup for her as well. He did not have to worry about getting fat, or bad teeth so he had real coffee with milk and several lumps of sugar while Lois drank that decaf that made Clark want to vomit on the spot. He sneaked up behind her and put the cup on her desk while reading what she wrote. "Thanks." she said absently and tapped along on the keyboard. She was writing a background on Lex Luthor, Clark frowned a bit. She was preparing for the interview with him. He didn't like the thought of Lois and a ladies man such as Lex Luthor alone but there was nothing he could do about it. He walked over to his desk and absently sipped on his coffee while reading some of the material from EPRAD about the Messenger. When Jimmy arrived later with the report from Dr. Platt, Clark groaned. The report seemed to have been written on what was available with whatever was available. One page had been written on an old restaurant menu with a child's crayon! Clark could have used his powers to do this really fast but not with Lois sitting next to him talking by herself about men and their strange habits. She finally threw her hands in the air and growled. "Tired, Lois?" he asked teasingly. She stared at him and let out a sigh. "I guess so, this doesn't make any sense at all! I wish I knew a place with good Chinese takeout." she wished out loud. He suddenly smiled and flashed her a huge grin. "I know of a place, I'll be right back." he said and put on his trenchcoat. "Don't you want to know what I want?" she asked. "Hmm, I'll bring an assortment." he said and walked into the elevator. He hoped that no one noticed that he went up to the roof instead of down to the lobby. *** Lois jumped when she eight minutes later noticed Clark setting down boxes of food on the desk. There were no visible logos on them and Clark didn't carry them in a bag. "That was quick." she said and opened one of them. She picked up a little white ball with her hands and took a bite. "I took a shortcut." he said with a smile and opened another one of the boxes. She chewed the sample and was pleasantly suprised by the taste. "Mmmmm, this is out of this world!" she said and leaned back while putting the rest of the ball into her mouth. Clark shrugged and started eating from all the boxes. Lois stopped talking and ate everything in sight, she sunk back in her chair when finished and enjoyed the feeling. "You just *have* to tell me where you got this, Clark. This was *the* best Chinese food I've ever had!" Lois said in a begging tone of voice. "I don't think so." he said simply. "If I keep this to myself you have to go through me when you want some and then we can eat together." he said with that strange smile of his all over his face. She shook her head at this strange man, but secretly thought that it was a good idea. Perhaps she should start eating Chinese more often? Lois hoped that she did not blush again, what would people think if they saw her blushing whenever this man said something like this? Clark reached over and offered her a fortune cookie, she cracked it open and looked at the piece of paper inside the delicious cookie. "It's in Chinese!" she said and rolled her eyes, why did the silly buggers write in Chinese instead of in English? She was about to lash out to the world in general when Clark reached over and grabbed the piece of paper from her hand. "Oh, don't tell me you read Chi..." she tried but was cut off. "'A good horse is like a member of the family.'." he said and returned the note to her without cracking the smile she knew he had hidden somewhere within. Sometimes she thought of him as a walking smile. "I hate those, that is not a fortune!" she said and rolled her eyes again. Then that smile blossomed and he stared at her with a sparkle in his left eye. /He looks *so* good when he does that./ she thought and swallowed a breath of air. He was distracting her from the story again, she never used to behave like this before he started at the planet. "You are a strange one, Kent. But I've got you figured out now." she said with a smug smile she had to force along to achieve, she needed to put him at a disadvantage before he swept her off her feet. "Really? It didn't take you very long." he said, still smiling. "I *am* an investigative reporter, it's my work to figure things out in a hurry." she said and felt the smile becoming more natural. He just kept staring at her and smiled, he looked so much like a happy puppy when he did that. She had to grab on to her dress in order to keep her hands from touching him. /He was impossible! Is there nothing that will keep him off my back?/ she thought and rolled her eyes. "Don't fall for me, farmboy. I don't have the time for it." she said and returned to the report from Doctor Samuel Platt. /Geez, I sound like such a snob, he must think that I'm crazy./ she thought and tried to keep a blush off her face. "On your feet, Kent. We'll go over to Platt again. Perhaps he can help us piece this mess together." she said and put all the papers in her bag. *** Clark felt that something was wrong as soon as they found the door open, Platt had almost as many locks and bolts on his door as Lois did. "Lois, wait." he said and tried to come up with a reason for him to go in alone. "Cut it out, Kent. I've seen it all. War, crime, famine..." she said and kicked a rat out of her way. He almost smiled but the creepy feeling kept him from it, there was definitively something very wrong here. It was then he saw the sparks coming from a chair turned away from the door. He looked down and saw feet in a bowl of water and heard a strange sizzle from the chair. He caught up with Lois just as she walked around the chair and saw Dr. Platt sitting in the chair with his feet in the water and electrical wires connected to him. Clark lowered his head, Platt was dead. He did not have a pulse anymore, he would have heard it even from where he stood. Lois gasped and turned to Clark for comfort, he put his arms around her but she recovered within two seconds. She calmly looked the corpse over and studied everything in sight before she retrieved her phone >from a pocket. The police arrived later and after looking everything over gave the simple conclusion suicide. Clark groaned inwards and Lois did more then that, Clark had to drag her away from the shocked police officers before any of them recovered enough to take her into custody. Some of the things she said shocked even Clark and he had heard a *lot* of filth during his travels. "All right, Kent. You can let go. I'm calm now." she said when he had her out on the street. He looked her over carefully and stepped away from her to stand in front of the doorway into the building. She stared suspiciously at him and rolled her eyes at him. "Not much more we can do tonight, Kent. Let's go home and we can start early tomorrow. I'll pick you up." she offered and clearly expected no objections from him. Clark flashed a weak smile despite the horrible murder of Dr. Platt. He believed that it had been suicide about as much as Lois did, that is, not at all. --- "There has to be some way I can use my gifts and still live a normal life, Mom. I don't think I can just step aside when people need my help, I just can't!" Clark said into the telephone. "If someone finds out about you they will drag you off to some laboratory and dissect you like a frog!" said Jonathon and Clark chorused him. It wasn't the first time his dad had used that argument in order to make him not use his powers in public. "I know, Dad. But what else can I do? I *have* to help people who needs me but I don't want to give up my chances of a normal life either." he said and shook his head, he had said that a lot of times and he had then been unable to come up with a solution for it. Now he thought he might be onto something that could solve this. "But I have an idea. Mom, do you still have that sewing machine?" he asked. "Yes, Clark. Why?" she asked curiously. "I think I need some kind of outfit." he said hesitantly but never got around to explain further because there was a knock on the door. "Mom, Dad, it's Lois, I have to go." he said into the phone. "Is she there? Well, well now..." he heard his Mom say in the voice she always used when he talked about his girlfriends. "Take care, son, and be careful!" Jonathon piped in. "Bye, I love you both." Clark said and hung up on them. He walked to the door and opened it, Lois was just about to knock a second time but she froze and stared at him in silence. "Hello, Lois?" he said hesitantly. She shook herself. "I said nine, I thought you'd be naked... um, I mean ready." she said and whipped her eyes up to his face. Clark looked down and saw that he only wore a towel. His parents had called while he was still in the shower. "Oh, make yourself at home. This will only take a second." he said and walked into the bathroom. His state of (un)dress didn't bother him at all, he had lived for a whole month with a tribe in Africa where he had been completely naked most of the time. *** Lois stared at Clark as he walked into the bathroom with only that towel covering his private parts. She gulped down air in a throat that felt completely dry. She looked into a shelf for a glass she could drink something from and was greeted by a incredible sight. Several sorts of cookies and candy of all sorts. She stared off towards the bathroom door in a state of shock. She found a glass standing on the bench that looked clean enough and opened the refrigerator looking for a soda. What she saw made her open her mouth in shock, candybars, chocolate, jam, biscuits and a few high- fat takeout leftovers. She closed the door and put down the glass, this guy was incredible. /How can he eat all this and still look like *that*?/ she asked herself. She turned to the bathroom door and it opened, revealing a dressed Clark Kent coming out looking as if he had had several hours to make himself ready. She stared at him so hard that he looked down to see if anything was wrong before she turned away from him, preparing to leave. She was overwhelmed with curiosity though so she spun around. "Explain something to me... You eat like an eight year old but you look like Mr. Hardbody. What's your secret and can I have it?" she asked and stared at him. /How did he dress so fast?/ she wondered. "I never gain any weight so I don't have to watch what I'm eating." he said with a nervous smile. It was so unfair, he could eat all that and look like he did while she had to work out once a day and still watch what she was eating in order to keep her weight. *** Clark sneaked up behind Lois, he had just talked to Mrs. Platt and her daughter, Amy, and found out some surprising things. She was still doing a background on Lex Luthor, the talk of the newsroom was all about this interview, Lex Luthor had never given anyone a personal interview and he rarely answered questions about him as a person. Now Lois Lane of the Daily Planet had nailed an interview with him. She kept on writing without noticing that he was just behind her and he tried to keep his eyes on what she was writing instead of her but it was impossible. "Lois, what would you say if I asked you out tonight?" he whispered in her ear. She jumped and he could hear her pulse racing, she was probably just as suprised as he was. This was not something he had planned but he had blurted it out and now it was to late. She spun around in her chair and faced him with a stunned look on her face. "Clark, I would... I say... yes." she said and looked almost as suprised as he must have done. "Great! I'll pick you up at... eight?" he asked hesitantly. "Yes, that will be... Oh no, what am I thinking? I can't go, I have something else to do tonight." she said and looked both disappointed and happy at the same time. "Luthor?" Clark asked, a little hurt by her rejection. "Yes, I just have to do this interview, Clark." she said silently. Clark understood her, but it would take ages before he dared to ask her out again. He thought about Luthor and made a face without thinking. "Clark!" she said. "This is the most important interview of my life, I would have done anything to get it!" she said and looked a little hurt as well. He was just about to tell her that he understood but his feelings got the upper hand. "*Anything*, Lois?" he asked with a sneer. She pulled back and stared in shock at him, he was just about to ask for forgiveness when she stood up. "I have three rules, I never get involved with my stories. I never let anyone else get there first and I *never* sleep with anyone I work with!" she said and stormed off in a rage. Clark closed his eyes and breathed long, deep breaths of air while leaning his head back for a couple of seconds before he felt ready to face the world again. He returned to his desk under the watchful eyes of the newsroom. No one could have heard what they were talking about except Lois's last screamed words about not sleeping with anyone she worked with. The gossip mill would have a lot to talk about today, he absently thought. "Kent! Get down to the police headquarters and demand to speak with a guy named Henderson. According to my sources, there's a guy here in Metropolis that has hired The Pro!" Perry came from out of nowhere and almost scared Clark out of his clothes. "'The Pro'?" Clark asked. "Who is 'The Pro'?" Perry stared at him and shook his head. "The Pro is an assassin, a highly skilled professional. Rumor has it that he's really hired by the government but that he takes jobs on the side from people willing to pay his price. If he really is here in town, we can expect some truly spectacular assassination really soon. See if the police know anything, it's a long shot but get on it right now!" Perry said and waved him away. --- --<< Sent By >>-- Niklas "Hawk" Jonsson ICQ:21771860 "All I want is a warm bed, a kind word and unlimited power!" - Ashleigh Brilliant ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 16:11:04 +0200 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Niklas 'Hawk' Jonsson Subject: NEW: Alt Premiere 6/7 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Clark spent the whole evening down at police headquarters without any results. Henderson was silent and no one else was willing to say anything about The Pro. Clark gave up and decided to try at a library. But didn't find anything about The Pro anywhere. At last he went up to the newsroom and used his skills as a hacker on the police network. Five minutes later he was able to pull out a file on The Pro. Clark stared in shock at the information. According to the police database, The Pro had committed more then a hundred assassinations and murders that they knew of. No one knew who he really was and the descriptions of him varied from time to time. They had fifteen different drawings of him with different hair colors, beard in some pictures, clean shaven in others and one with a huge wart on his nose. Clark looked closer at the assassinations, he did not seem to have any particular mode of operations. Some were shot with a sniper rifle from a very long distance, some were shot at close range, some had been strangled, some had been knifed, some had been beaten to death in close combat, some had been poisoned, some had been in the middle of explosions, some had been hit by cars and one had been struck dead by the landing gear of a low flying airplane! The Pro apparently managed to bypass extremely advanced security measures like they weren't even there, do his stuff and then sneak away without anyone noticing him. No information about current whereabouts, aliases or anything that could help finding him. The man was a ghost, a deadly ghost. The final note on the document was a shock to Clark. "The Pro is not to be apprehended, keep under surveillance but do not interfere. Notify The Lark if spotted." he parroted. Clark spent two more hours looking for information about The Lark without success, it was obviously a codename for something, but for what? A quick check at Interpol increased the list of assassinations made by The Pro with about fifty more spectacular assassinations. Here the final note was a bit different. "The Pro is not to be apprehended, stay away from him at all costs! Notify The Golden Eagle if spotted." No information about either The Lark or The Golden Eagle anywhere at the Interpol database. Clark spent a few more hours putting together information about the various assassinations connected to The Pro without any real results. The victims were more often then not big time criminals, corrupt politicians, financial tycoons suspected of economical crimes and people like that. But then there were others, like a mother of four children that was clean according to the police, she had been beaten to death and her children strangled. A chief of police who had been pushed off a bridge, a stern judge who had been beaten to death with his own club, a reporter who had gotten his own articles stuffed down his throat until he choked to death and many more that apparently were in no way connected to any criminal activities. Clark leaned back and rubbed his eyes, he had stayed up all night browsing through all he could find on The Pro. He could have used his incredible speed to do it but he never even thought about doing it that way despite being all alone in the newsroom. He put all his work in a pile and leaned forward on his crossed arms to rest a bit, he did not need to sleep but he needed some rest. *** Lois walked into a strangely silent newsroom and walked all the way to her desk before she saw why it was so silent, even Perry whispered his instructions. Clark had his head on his crossed arms and was snoring lightly, apparently no one had dared to wake him up yet. Perry noticed her and picked up a thick folder from Clark's desk before walking over to her. "The poor thing must have been working all night, I don't know where he got all the information and I'm sure that I don't want to know either because it looks as if he got some of it from some sort of police or intelligence agency. According to my sources, The Pro is in town, Lois. Something is about to happened and we are the only paper in town with this knowledge!" he said excitedly and waved the folder in front of her. "When you've finished with this sabotage story I want you and Kent working full time on what The Pro is doing here!" he said in a more normal tone of voice. Lois heard a grunt and Kent apparently woke up. He stared around and smiled while blushing, he blinked a few times and then he looked as if he had slept a good night's sleep in a proper bed instead of a few hours in a uncomfortable chair. He got up and walked over. "Chief, Lois, I wonder if anyone of you know anything about something called 'The Lark' or 'The Golden Eagle'?" he asked hesitantly. Lois shrugged, she had never heard anything about it. "Where did you find out about that, Kent?" Perry asked quietly while glancing around the newsroom. "When I was looking at information about 'The Pro', if the police spot him they are not supposed to arrest him. They are to keep an eye at him and notify 'The Lark'. Interpol agents are told to stay away from him and notify 'The Golden Eagle' if they spot him." he said just as quietly. Perry looked horrified and shocked. "Both 'The Lark' and 'The Golden Eagle' are nicknames for an unlisted telephone number in D.C., the only thing answering is a machine that doesn't give any information at all, its just the beep. The only ones with access to that answering machine is the President of the United States and some of his trusted advisors! Any message left at that machine is sure to reach the President with a minimum of fuss!" he said in a strained tone of voice and Lois understood why. If the president of USA was in any way involved with "The Pro", it was knowledge that could be fatal. "But how can the president be so exposed? Any police with a tad of brains can puzzle out that 'The Pro' is involved with the president after reading the report on this assassin." Clark said doubtfully. "I doubt that anyone in the police knows anything about this number, ordinary policemen probably don't have access to any information about 'The Pro'. The chief of Police probably do and if they know anything about 'The Lark' or 'The Golden Eagle' it's probably only the number they are supposed to call. I know only because I once had to call it myself, a dying man revealed it to me and asked me to call it. He then said who had access to that number. You have not heard this from me and don't even dare to ask why I had to call that number!" he finished in a stern tone of voice. He looked around again and resumed his normal voice. "Now finish this story and start working on 'The Pro' later!" he commanded and stalked off to shout orders to other reporters. Clark sneaked a look at Lois but did not know how to ask for an apology after the things he had said to her yesterday so he just walked away. He sat down at his desk where he tried to access The White House private network, it was probably one of the largest, perhaps the largest central of information in the world. It was also supposed to be secret, Clark only knew about it because he had found a file about it when he hacked into the Pentagon a couple of years ago. He almost gave up at once upon seeing the first screen that greeted him, it was scrambled beyond belief. He clenched and unclenched his fists a couple of times and then started working. He was so engrossed in his work that he didn't even notice Lois and Jimmy leaving the newsroom. *** Jimmy worked on the lock and after just a couple of seconds he managed to pick it open. "That's amazing, Jimmy! Where did you learn how to do that?" Lois exclaimed wonderingly. She was not bad at picking locks herself but she was not even close to being this good. "Reform school." he said off handedly. "It was a bum rap." he finished and held the door open for her to enter. *** Clark worked the keyboard like a madman, pages of code were flying by at superspeed but to no avail. Every time he unscrambled a screen and managed to crack the code he ended up with another scrambled screen and another code. He kept on working though, sooner or later he'd find a way through this mess. When he heard the door open he slowed down to normal speed again but kept his eyes on the screen and kept on tapping on his keyboard until he suddenly felt cold metal pressed against the back of his head. "One 'rong move'n ya'll be feedin' the fish t'night." said a heavily accented voice silently from behind him. A hand reached out for the keyboard and Clark blanched at the sight of the hand. It was a pattern of old scars and parts of the flesh had been exposed to enough heat to burn away some flesh. A few keys were tapped and the scrambled screen was replaced by a blank one as he was disconnected >from a computer system he wasn't supposed to know existed. "Stop yar foolish attempts o' hackin' this system. If ya ever try somethin' like this again, Mistah Kent, Ah'll make sure ya'll regret it for the rest o' yar life! Neither ya or yar parents will outlive yar next attempt by more than a day or two at the most. Ah also know o' yar intrusions into the police'n the Interpol. Don't try anythin' like that again either'n forget that this monologue ever took place." he whispered and then the cold metal was pressed even harder against his head. "Don't move, don't turn 'rond'n ya'll be all right. Try anythin'n ya'll die." said the man behind Clark and he could feel him moving away. When he was half-way to the elevators Clark threw himself to the floor and tried to catch a glimpse of the unknown man only to see him run towards the elevators completely dressed in black with a hood over his face. Clark ran to catch up with him but the unknown man somehow sensed that Clark was moving, spun around and started shooting. Clark threw himself to the floor and shuddered in shock as sudden fiery explosions tore the office to pieces. Each bullet from the gun exploded with the power of a hand grenade. The gunman moved into a waiting elevator, kicking away a small wedge holding the doors open on his way in. He then crossed his arms over his chest when the doors closed, standing and somehow managing to convey utter smugness with his stance. Clark got up from the floor and reached for the fire extinguisher with a curse, he couldn't follow the perp because he now had company. Perry and the others who had been having a meeting in a conference room peeked out just in time to see the doors close on the gunman in the elevator. "Clark! Great shades, what happened?" screamed Perry and stared at the destruction in his newsroom. "Dunno, Chief, a terrorist perhaps?" he said hesitantly and managed to extinguish the last flame. "He just walked out of the elevator and started shooting before he jumped back in." lied Clark smoothly. "Where's Lois and Jimmy?" asked Perry suddenly. "Do you know where they are?" "No..." replied Clark slowly. "I assumed they were in there with the rest of you." said Clark who had been escused from the staff meeting. "No." said Perry and frowned. "I'm not suprised about Lois, but Jimmy usually tells me when he's going somewhere." Clark looked over at Lois desk and sighed as he saw what she had pulled out before she left. /Information about Antoinette Baines, EPRAD and the Messenger./ "I have a hunch, Chief, I'll go check it out." he said and shrugged into his trenchcoat when the last of the burning flames had been taken care off. *** "Well, Lois, such a shame that you didn't bring along your hunk of a partner, he is a *very* attractive young man. If I stay in Metropolis after this, I might just ask him out. I can't wait to see what he's hiding underneath that trenchcoat of his." said Toni with a faraway look in her eyes. A small smile appeared on her lips as she scratched her chin with the pistol. "Stay away from him you, certified *slut*." snapped Lois and stared darkly at Doctor Baines. "Lois... Such bad language. I really expected more from a respected reporter like you." "When you are talking with trash, you have to talk in a language they can understand." snapped Lois and spared a glance at Jimmy who was still unconscious. "What did you do to him?" "Nothing compared to what I'm going to do with you..." whispered Toni and smirked at Lois. +crash+ Both their heads wipped towards the sudden noise and saw a door coming flying through the room as a dark shape rushed into the room and rolled into cover. /Clark!/ thought Lois as she saw his face for a split second. Toni gestured for her handyman to take care of it and he moved over in the direction Clark had taken with his UZI prepared. "Clark! Watch out!" screamed Lois before she was silenced by the butt of Toni's pistol. "Silence." snapped Toni and aimed her gun in the direction Clark had taken. Lois heard a strange sizzling noise from above and looked up. She frowned as she saw the chain of a large winch suddenly melt as if some sort of acid was eating through it. She opened her mouth to comment on it when it suddenly broke and came falling down right onto the head of Toni's henchman who dropped to the floor, unconscious. "Drop it." said Clark suddenly and Lois wipped her head around to see Clark standing behind Toni with a large pistol in his right hand directed at the back of her head. "I still have my gun directed at sweet little Lois Lane here." snapped Toni. "If I'm dying, I'm going to take her with me." she snarled and turned her head around to look at Clark. "Can you handle that, Kent? Being responsible for the death of two women?" she asked with contempt. Clark's eyes were practically glowing as he stared at Toni, he spared a glance down at her and his eyes softened for a moment. "No." he replied after a few seconds. "Besides, this is only a lighter." he said and pulled the trigger. A small flame appeared out of the guns barrel and flickered out as Toni exhaled with obvious relief. He shrugged and put it back into one of his pockets. "Very droll, Mister Kent. I'm afraid that you will have to join your partner here. Sit down and don't move." she ordered. *** "Told Perry I needed a task force... *Task force*! What do I get? Amateurs. I still can't believe you came barreling in here like a 500-pound gorilla. If you really thought we were in trouble, *why* didn't you call the police? *Don't* tell me, I already know! Because you're like every other man in Metropolis! You've got this testosterone surplus that says 'I can do it myself!'. Baines has to kill us now, I don't know why she hasn't done it already." snarled Lois behind his back. He sighed and tore the lock away from the chains he had been secured with. "Lois I've somehow managed to..." he started to say. "Mess everything up? No kidding!" she snapped at him. "Now hold on a second. I'm not the one who snuck in here..." he tried to interrupt. "What are you saying? Are you saying that this is *my* fault? At least I had the guts to come in here..." her tirade silenced for a second. "What am I saying? This probably is my fault..." she admitted silently. "Oh God..." she breathed. "I sometimes do things... You know, like jumping into the pool without checking the water level first. But... Clark, it's the only way I know how to do it. How to get the job done. How to get the respect that I want, the respect I deserve!" she admitted with an emotional voice. He thought about trying to tell her again that he had managed to liberate himself but stayed silent for some reason. "You remember when I told you about my three rules?" she asked. "Well... I've broken every one of them." she admitted. "I somehow manage to *always* get involved with my stories..." "You slept with someone at work?" he interupted, his voice tinged with disbelief. "Yeah..." she admitted. "It wasn't... Jimmy, was it?" he asked as the image of her and Jimmy being intimate invaded his mind. He looked over at Jimmy, the kid was still breathing at least, even if he hadn't regained consciousness yet. He was more or less all right though, it wasn't anything serious. "Don't be ridiculous!" she snapped. "It was a long time ago when I first started at the Daily Planet..." she explained. "Claude. He was French. I must have been in love with him, or thought I was... anyway. One night, I told him about my story... And the next morning when I woke up, he was gone. So was my story. He won an *award* for that! He didn't even thank me for my input." she complained bitterly. He thought about what she had said for a moment or two. "I guess when you're in love with somebody, it doesn't matter how smart you are or how many rules you set for yourself. You're still vunerable." he said, trying to make her feel better. "We're only human... Oh what difference does it make now anyway, we're just gonna die!" she wailed. "Lois... You know what you said, about respect? I just want you to know that everyone on The Planet... *everyone*, thinks you're just about the *best reporter they ever met... Perry told me that at the day I was interviewed." he said, a smile coming to his lips as he recalled their first meetings. First the taxi incident, then in the elevator and when she barged into Perry's office. He had fallen in love with her on the spot, he already cared more about her then anyone else he knew with the sole exception of his parents. "He did?" she asked silently. "Yeah... Not that it really means anything coming from a *hack* from Nowheresville, but, I think you're pretty terrific too." he admitted. "Oh Clark... I'm sorry! About everything! I know it's too late for apologies, but I never meant..." she sobbed out but was interrupted as Toni walked into the room again. "Well, I hope you'll forgive the accommodations... Then again, I never was much of a hostess." she said and looked down at the three of them. "Answer one question... *Why*?" asked Lois, all traces of her sobbing a few moments ago had just vanished out of her voice. She was now cool and collected again, a reporter in every inch of her body. He knew without seeing her that despite the fact that she was tied up like she was, she would look as regal as a queen in her own castle. "It's simple, Lois... *Profit*. Outer space is no different then any other new frontier, it will belong to them who gets there first... and seize the high ground." explained the bad doctor. Something she said made Clark remember something though. /Seize the high ground? Luthor! I knew there was something was wrong with that guy!/ he thought. "You're in league with Luthor!" he exclaimed. "It was his plan, wasn't it? He ordered you to sabotage the Messenger so the Prometheus project would fail. Then he would put his own station up there and earn billions from creating his own vaccines in a zero gravity laboratory!" "Clark! That's preposterous!" exclaimed Lois. "Are you really *that* jealous?!" asked Lois, disbelief plain in her voice. "Actually, Lois, he's right... More or less." admitted the doctor. "*Very* good, Mister Kent. But you got a few facts wrong. He didn't order me to do anything. I came up with the idea, suggested it to him once I had him in my bed and he agreed. He loaned me a henchman..." she said and pointed at the still unconscious man lying partly buried underneath a pile of iron chains. "... And he helped raise me into a position of power here at EPRAD so I would be able to arrange everything we had planned together. Then you three came along, I'm afraid I'm going to have to do something about that." she said. "It's a lovely evening. Sorry you won't be around to enjoy the rest of the it... But accidents do happen." she said and smirked down at them. "Accidents?" asked Lois slowly, still somewhat shocked by the doctor's revelations. "Yes... You see, while dismantling the orbital maneuvering system... DeMonoMethalHydrogen leaked... and mixed, with the NitrogenPetroOxide... Unfortunately, the blast killed three *nosy* reporters who didn't bother to read the signs..." she said and sighed theatrically. Clark just looked coldly at her as she slowly bent down and placed a single kiss on his lips. "See you later... not." she whispered and then scurried out of the room as the two liquids were slowly pouring out of two large barrels, slowly running down towards a drainage where they would mix. Clark tore the chains away from his hands, spun around and tore the chains away from Lois as well. He grabbed her arm and pulled her up into an upright position. "Clark! How did you?!" she asked but Clark cut her off. "Missing link... Come on!" he snapped and bent down to pick the unconscious Jimmy up from the floor as he pushed Lois along towards the exit. +fzzsst+ /Oh hell.../ he thought as he heard the sizzle as the two fluids mixed behind them. +kaboooooooooooooooooooooooom+ As he heard the blast, he took off into the air, keeping them a meter or so above the ground. One arm around Jimmy and the other one around Lois's waist. He kept them ahead of the actual explosion and touched down into a large mud puddle when they were at a safe distance from the billowing flames from the EPRAD facility. "Ah! Oh! Aouh! What happened?" yelled Lois as she dried muddy water out of her face. The filthy liquid dripping from both her face, hair and clothes. He supposed that he himself looked about the same, he sure as hell felt drenched anyway. But he figured that the water would cool them down and give them some protection from the heat, so he had touched down there on purpose. "I don't know. I guess the force of the explosion must have carried us here." he said doubtfully, not really comfortable about lying to hide his mysterious powers. "Look!" she exclaimed and pointed towards a helicopter that had just taken off. He zoomed in and saw Toni at the controls. Before he was able to come up with some excuse to run away or at least destroy something on the chopper with his Heat vision, it exploded. +kabooooom+ "Oh!" she exclaimed. "Ah!" he yelled and felt like screaming. /Luthor! I just know it!/ "*Ouuuuuhhh*." groaned Jimmy who turned around and looked at them with glazed eyes. "I feel *bad*." he said and fixed his eyes on Lois. "The next time you want someone to come with you, call for the National Guard or the Army." he said and Clark chuckled despite their situation. He helped Jimmy and Lois to get back onto their feet and hugged them both closer to himself, keeping his arms around their shoulders. "What a team we are!" he exclaimed and chuckled again. "No offence, CK, but count me out okay? I want to live long enough to become a reporter. Doing those obituaries the chief wanted seems pretty appealing to me at the moment." "All right, Kent and Lane. Sounds pretty good doesn't it?" he asked and looked down at Lois. "*Lane* and Kent, farmboy." she told him firmly but with a smile on her lips. --- --<< Sent By >>-- Niklas "Hawk" Jonsson ICQ:21771860 "All I want is a warm bed, a kind word and unlimited power!" - Ashleigh Brilliant ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 16:12:22 +0200 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Niklas 'Hawk' Jonsson Subject: NEW: Alt Premiere 7/7 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" "What do you mean we can't write anything about Luthor?" asked Lois. "I heard what she said!" "Hard facts, Lois! Hard facts is the name of this game. I am *not* going to have an article in my newspaper saying that the most powerful man in Metropolis is responsible for this mess. Until you two has some good, *solid* evidence against him, Luthor is not to be mentioned or implied in your article." said Perry firmly. "I might not like the man myself, but until there is proof to suggest otherwise, he is *not* going to be mentioned in your story. Am I making myself clear?" asked Perry and stared them both in the eyes. "Yeah." said Lois. "Yes, sir." replied Clark after a moments hesitation. "Good. Now get out there and rewrite the article." ordered Perry and sat down at his desk. As Clark stood up, he noticed a small package on the desk. "'Pava leaves.'." Clark read out loud as he examined the scribblings on the box. He smiled and left the room without saying anything else. Perry had arranged for a small celebration that was slowly starting to gain some momentum in the newsroom. Neither he or Lois would be able to join in it for a while longer though, they had to rewrite the story first so that Lex Luthor wasn't mentioned or implied in it. Clark felt like screaming, the man was a horrible monster who should be in jail! But nothing had been found that could be used against him, the man was nothing if not cautious. --- "Were you scared Jimmy?" asked Anette from sports. "Scared? No. No, ladies, not at all. I was... I was more concerned with the larger issue." stuttered Jimmy, surrounded by gushing women as he told them his version of what happened. Clark smiled but kept his mouth shut, Jimmy deserved his five minutes of fame. "Unless we got out of there alive, the colonist launch could blow up as well." he said and managed to sneak his arms around Dana from research and Brenda from accounting. "I just spoke to ground control over at EPRAD, they went back over the colonist launch vehicle with a fine-tooth comb. Found the same coolant problem in the protective vense and fixed it. Launch is all set for tomorrow morning." reported Perry and his announcement was followed by wild cheers from everyone in the newsroom except Lois and Clark who were a little subdued due to the fact that Luthor seemingly had gotten away with what he had done. "It's a no-go for you, Lois, no reporters allowed." said Perry silently when he had made his way over to the two of them. "But, Chief. Imagine the Daily planet getting an *exlusive* personal account on being *on* the colonist transport!" Lois said with a voice that was somewhere between whining and persuasive. Clark suppressed a grin and the urge to shake his head. "No can do, Lois." said Perry and shrugged. "All right, another time. Maybe." she replied and Clark was instantly on the alert. She looked as if she agreed and had decided to stay out of it, but he felt her resolve and knew without even looking into her head that she somehow would be onboard the launch vehicle, no matter what. "Mhm. Now, Clark, you'll be pleased to know that Platt's widow and daughter are back onboard." said Perry and turned towards him instead. Clark blinked and rewound what Perry had just said. "Thank you very much, sir. I appreciate that." he said after a moments hesitation. He looked after Perry as he left without saying anything else. He was just about to follow him and tell him about his 'suspicions' when Lois stepped in front of him. "Anyway, Clark... I just... Well, I want to thank you for all your help getting us out of there." said Lois and he instantly forgot everything about telling Perry as she smiled shyly up at him. He stood straighter and smiled down at the lovely woman. /God, she's gorgeous!/ he thought and decided that he should respond in some way to what she had just said. He felt tongue-tied around her, his mind worked slowly and thoughts of her invaded his mind every few seconds. "I'm glad it worked out." he said and was proud of the fact that he managed to say that without stuttering or hanging his tongue out to drool at the sight of her right next to him. "And..." she began and slowly moved closer to him. "One other thing..." she practically purred and he felt his mind slowly close down as she leaned slightly towards him. "If you *ever* breathe a word of anything I told you in there, I will *deny* it and I will..." she told him in a no-nonsense way. He relaxed as his mind shifted into proper gears once again and he interrupted her with a smile on his lips. "You can trust me, Lois." he told her and looked into those deep eyes. "Right... I've heard *that* one before." she said, plopped a party- hat onto her head and joined the party. He chuckled and grabbed a glass of bubbly as he followed her example. --- "I don't know about this costume thing, Clark." said his fathered doubtfully when he had told his parents about his idea. After finishing up the story, and getting tired of the festivities, he had left for Smallville to discuss the idea he had. "It'll work! It has too. If I have an effective disguise, I won't have to worry about people finding out about me." he told him, trying to sound sure of himself even if he himself had started to get a little doubtful about the whole idea. "Come on, let's get started." said Martha and he relaxed, his mother fully supported him in this and she had bought a carload of cloth to make a costume out of. --- "Mom... Do I even *want* to know why you had the whip and *this*?" asked Clark and held up a black leather whip and a dark brown leather pouch for male genitals. That was when he saw something he never had seen before, not even when he had walked into his parents bedroom without knocking when he was seven. His mother blushed, turned red as a tomato and looked at the floor for a split second. "Mom?!" he exclaimed. He knew that his mother had been pretty wild in her youth, but the pouch couldn't have been more then two or three years old. He blushed himself as he tried to get the mental image of his father with the pouch and whip out of his head. He dropped both objects and absently wiped his hands off on a yellow cape they had discarded as a *bad* idea. --- "I look like a bandit out of the wild west in neon pink tights, Mom!" he complained and removed the cloth covering the lower part of his face. He even had a holster with two fake revolvers. --- "A trenchcoat? I look like the sort of man who might jump out of the bushes and display my... private parts!" he said and removed the black hood from his face. *** "What about that one?" asked Martha and closed her eyes for a few seconds. "I don't know." replied Clark through the door. "What do you think?" he asked as he came out and looked at himself in the mirror. Martha nodded approvingly, this was the best one yet, the cape especially looked great on him. "Well, one thing is for sure, nobody is going to be looking at your face!" she exclaimed. "Mom!" he protested and blushed slightly. "Well, they don't call 'em tights for nuthin'!" she told him and giggled. She looked him over once again. "I don't know, there's something missing... Something..." she trailed off as she suddenly got a flash of inspiration. She pulled out the box of memorables and opened it. "What's that?" asked Clark curiously. "The baby blanket we found you in so long ago... And this." she said as she held up the strange insignia, the 'S' shield. A few minutes later, it was attached to the suit and she nodded firmly. It was perfect. "Your folks would be proud of you... We sure are." she told him and gave him a fierce hug. Ever since last year when they moved the shuttle he had arrived in and found the strange globe, she sometimes thought of his real parents. He never talked about it, but she knew that he often thought about them. He returned the hug and stroked her back, knowing somehow that she needed comfort right now. "Thanks, Mom. I'm not... so sure about the cape though..." he said slowly as they parted and he looked at the mirror again. "Oh really? I love it! It will be great when you're flying." she told him proudly. "Hey, you two, come on in here! Launch vehicle is about ready to go up." yelled Jonathan and they walked into the living room where he was looking at the news. It was live from the launch. "Colonists are just about all onboard." he told them quietly and looked at the screen as if he was mesmerized. He hadn't even noticed what Clark was wearing yet. "Historic occasion. Remember when you were a kid, Clark? When we watched the first moon landing?" he asked and turned around. He blinked in suprise and fell silent as he saw Clark in his uniform. "What do you think?" asked Clark and smiled broadly. "That's my boy!" exclaimed Jonathan and practically beamed with pride. "Oh, that's right! What if somebody recognizes you?" asked Martha worriedly. She didn't want anyone to find out about her little boy. "I don't think they will, Mom. Because it won't... be... me." said Clark and removed his glasses. She and Jonathon shrugged and all three of them turned around to watch the launch her son and that woman reporter had saved from disaster. When the launch was halted, Jonathan turned around to say something to Clark, but both of them only found empty space and the door closing. They smiled at each other and turned around to watch the TV. *** Lois couldn't believe her eyes when the strange man suddenly appeared. /What... the... hell... is... this?/ she wondered. /Candid camera?/ He grabbed the bomb and tore it apart with his bare hands. "Hey, get away from that! What kind of a lunatic are you? That's a bomb!" she exclaimed in suprise but fell silent as he suddenly put a part of the bomb into his mouth and swallowed. She thought her eyes were going to pop out of their sockets when he suddenly burped with a hand covering his mouth. "Excuse me." he said and smiled slightly. /Holy.../ her mind felt sluggish and she was unable to do anything except ask one question. "What the *hell* are you?!" He shrugged and walked out to meet the colonists who had walked out in force to find out what was going on. "There was a bomb... He... He... He... ate it!" she exclaimed and indicated the weird man with the tights and red cape. His eyes locked on Amy Platt and he crouched down in front of her. "Hi." he greeted her and Lois's heart melted as she saw how the girl locked eyes with him and smiled slightly. "Hi. I like your costume." she told him. /Me too... Damn! What *a* butt!/ thought Lois as the cape flopped aside and revealed buns of steel to her hungry gaze. "Thank you. My mother made it for me. What's your name?" "Amy. Amy Platt. Who are you?" asked the little girl and looked him over. "I'm a friend..." he said hesitantly. "Can you teach me how to fly?" asked the girl. /Yesyesyes. Me too?/ "Not fly. But once this lab is operational, walk. That's very possible." said the wondrous man calmly. +Attention colonists. The mission has been scrapped. Prepare to disembark.+ came the message from ground control through the loudspeakers followed by a chorus of protests and exclamations of disappointment from the colonists. "That's it then. It's all over." said one of the colonists. "Why?" exclaimed Lois. "Once the thrusters has been fired, they have to be replaced." said Platt's former wife. "We loose our launch window." explained the first colonist. "Yes." agreed the Platt widow. "We just have to forget about Space Station Prometheus." "No. You don't. There's nothing wrong with this transport vehicle or the station. You only need to get there." said the caped crusader confidently. "How are they supposed to do that?" asked Lois. "Easy. I'll give them a boost." he said flippantly and walked outside, closing the door behind him. *** "I still don't believe it! A man who flies!" exclaimed Perry and looked at the pictures he was holding. "But, Chief, it's all over the TV." said Jimmy. Cat once again looked him over and thought about him. He was cute, but for some reason, she hadn't approached him just yet. She didn't know why and it annoyed her to no end. "Oh, Jimmy, don't believe everything you see on TV! I'll tell you one thing though, whoever pulled off a hoax like this is... is a..." grumbled Perry but fell silent, staring in shock out through one of the windows. Cat followed the direction of his gaze and almost fainted as she saw the flying man approaching the window with Lois in his arms. "Great shades of Elvis!" exclaimed Perry and Jimmy started taking pictures with the camera he was holding. +click+ +click+ +click+ +click+ "I see it, but I don't believe it." said Cat as the flying couple landed right in front of Lois desk. One eyebrow shot up and her mind raced. Cat wasn't a great believer in coincidence, it could have been pure chance, but she didn't think so. This guy knew where Lois worked... "What? A man who flies?" asked someone behind her. "No. Lois Lane. Finally, literally, swept off her feet. Too bad he's an alien." she said flippantly to cover the way her mind was working at the moment. Not many people knew it, but she had the highest IQ of anyone in the building. If it hadn't been for a little incident in the principal's office during her studies, she would probably have been working at Star Labs as a scientist right now. She didn't really mind though, her current occupation was much more fun anyway. If she had continued with her studies, she probably would have ended up as a total geekette, buried in her research. Once she left school, she had turned from a closed-up shy ass-kisser into the woman she was today. After she colored her hair red, she hadn't regretted a single thing in her life except for the fact that it took her so long to realize what a waste her life had been until she was kicked out of school for seducing a teacher on the principal's desk. "I-I think, considering that I saw you first, you owe me an exclusive." stuttered Lois and Cat emerged from out of her ponderings to concentrate on the flying man and Lois Lane. She smiled a little at the fact that the normally unshakable Lois Lane was reduced to stuttering in the presence of this guy. "Is that the rule?" he asked and something clicked in Cats mind, she *knew* that voice. "Well, no. But I'd appreciate it very much." said Lois breathlessly. He only smiled and took off, slowly flying towards the window. "Wait a minute! How do I find you?" screamed Lois after him and ran towards the window. "I'll be around." he said and suddenly vanished with a 'woosh'. "Real smooth." exclaimed Jimmy as Cat made her way over to Lois Lane, hoping to get a clue to if Lois had realized what she just had, the identity of the flying man. "Did you find out what the 'S' stands for?" she asked and looked closely at Lois. "Super..." she breathed. "Superman! Oh. Oh." she exclaimed and stared at the window being closed with eyes large as teacups. "Hey, hey, hey, let's get back to work! We've got a newspaper to run!" yelled Perry and everyone started to walk back towards their desks except for Lois who was still staring at the window. Cat shook her head in disgust, Lois had no clue whatsoever. /What is she? Galactically stupid?/ Cat looked over at Clark's empty desk and smiled to herself. What would she do with what she knew? She looked over at Lois again and shook her head again. Lois reminded her too much of how she herself had been before she realized how wrong she had been. She had disliked Lois from the moment she saw her, buried in her work, no social life. Lois Lane was a constant reminder of how she herself had been, it brought up a lot of bad memories. Lois apparently sensed her dislike and they had developed a instant hate of each other on the day they met. *** +clap+ +clap+ +clap+ Lex applauded mockingly as Clark walked into his office after Lex had opened the door for him. "Astonishing debut... Superman!" said Lex and Clark raised an eyebrow at him. "Haven't you heard? That's what they're calling you, it's international news." explained Luthor with a smile on his face. "So, to what do I owe this 'honor'?" he asked, trying hard but failing to keep the sarcasm out of his voice. "I came to tell you I know who you are... Who you. *really*. are. I suppose on it's face it was a good plan. Destroy Prometheus so that you could put your own space station in it's place. Then not only would you make billions from the patents of the vaccines developed, but you would also be the supposed 'savior' of the space program." said Clark firmly, crossing his arms over his chest as he stared at Luthor. "Well, it's an interesting theory, 'Superman'. But, I'm afraid that's all it is." "You are also responsible for the death of at least three people. Commander Latterman... Samuel Platt... Doctor Baines... Those probably aren't the only skeletons in your closet." "So you've become both my judge and executioner?" asked Lex mockingly. "Like any other citizen on the planet, I must obey the law. I am not above it. You seem to believe that you are." "I hold... a certain position in this city." he replied with a pleased grin. "Yes... And there is *nothing* that would please me more then to see you dethroned and behind bars like any... common... criminal. That day will come." "I trust not. But... As they say... Let the games begin!" "Oh, one more thing... If you ever need to find me, all you have to do is look up." +woosh+ --- "Morning, Lois." said Clark when he walked up to her the morning after. "Clark! Where've you been?" asked Lois cheerfully and grabbed his arm, pulling him with her over towards the elevators. "Around." he replied. "Well, not that it's anywhere near as exiting as the stories you covered on the Smallville Press, but, Superman was in the newsroom and I just about nailed down the exclusive." she told him with a pleased grin that went from ear to ear. "Well, congratulations." "Clark, you should have seen him! Up close, he is the most... magnificent figure of a man that I have ever..." she said dreamily and trailed off as her eyes glazed over. "Sounds like he made quite an impression on you?" Clark asked and tried to hide his pleased grin at her reaction. "He did... Mm. *Why*?! Are you jealous?" she asked suspiciously and looked at him. "Of Superman? Should I be?" he asked flippantly. "Puh-leaze!" she exclaimed. "Where are we going?" he asked as the elevator doors opened for them. "Terrorist shoot-out on sixth. ... And, Kent, I'll ask the questions." she told him and sighed a happy little sigh as the doors closed on them. THE END! --<< Sent By >>-- Niklas "Hawk" Jonsson ICQ:21771860 "All I want is a warm bed, a kind word and unlimited power!" - Ashleigh Brilliant ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 10:34:26 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Organization: Subject: Re: Nfic Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sandy commented: > Frankly, I couldn't understand why n-fic needed to be relegated to one > category. Why not have a subset of categorie*s* (plural) within the > Kerths? This would have been my first preference, for whatever it's > worth, and it would have saved on having to organize two events. I should probably answer this, as it's at least partly my fault ... for the original Kerths, I suggested a bunch of categories, and since I'm not widely read in nfic, I naively assumed that one category would be enough. Plus, nfic stories were allowed in all other categories ... but as you've pointed out, they have a limited readership and are therefore handicapped to a degree. (Though I note that some nfic stories did win their categories) The 1998 Kerths were, ahem, a learning experience in many ways. When we were gearing up for the 1999 awards, we discussed the nfic situation. One category wasn't enough, given the wide range of nfics out there. But if we did enough sub-categories to do the genre justice, we'd pretty much be duplicating the non-nfic categories. One of our goals, to make the whole thing workable, was to *reduce* the number of categories, not double them :) so we decided to split it off into a totally separate award. Which is what we're gearing up for now, I hope, because there are a lot of good stories that haven't been given the recognition they deserved. That's one of the hazards of writing for the over-18 crowd, of course, but that's all the more reason to award the best of the genre. As for what to call the awards ... Kerths? Nfic Kerths? NKerths? The Snorkel Award? > Whether another awards thingy happens or not, I'm glad to see the issue > discussed here, since some of us don't go on IRC. I think this list is definitely the place to discuss things, at least until some coordinators are chosen (or drafted ) and then they can arrange things among themselves. E-mail has several advantages over live chat; you can think about what you want to say & keep on track easier. People seemed to really enjoy the IRC awards ceremony, we might want to do that again. Although that raises a question: should we try to limit the attendees to those over 18? Or would that be an unnecessary hassle? Questions to think about, later :-) -- ------------------------------------------------------- Pam Jernigan | ChiefPam on IRC | ------------------------------------------------------- "I heard about Superman at the UN. I don't mind him wanting to take over the world, really, but he sounded a little ... well ... nuts." --Dr. Klein, "Blast from the Past", IRC Round Robin ------------------------------------------------------- The FoLC Obsession Page has moved to: ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 08:42:21 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: My Journal, Day 4, Introduction Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" TITLE: My Journal Day 4, Friday, May 6 AUTHOR Debby Stark, RATING PG-13 FEEDBACK Comments welcome in all forums No Editing please (though you can fix typos) Also available as Word97 .doc and .RTF on my site, SUMMARY Read Days 1, 2, 3 and 3 Amendment before Day 4. Clark Kent's adventures in Metropolis continue. There will be no attachments to this installment. Next time, yes :) Debby ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 08:45:11 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: My Journal, Day 4, part 1 of 3 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" TITLE: My Journal Day 4, Friday, May 6, PART (1 of 3) AUTHOR Debby Stark, RATING PG-13 FEEDBACK Comments welcome in all forums My Journal by Debby Stark Friday, May 6 I mailed my Amendment home this morning before heading for work. I attached it to a simple note in Vietnamese, because Dad knows enough of that. "Read everything" my note said. Assuming they have time to do this, I won't have to waste any of my time tonight explaining what's happened over the last few days. And I *will* be going home, *no* one's stopping me. Life before Metropolis used to be so simple, and now suddenly there's so much to think about. For example, I'll have to be careful about how I leave town in deference to Lois Lane's spies, and for the same reason my trip home won't be for as long as I want. After all, I don't know how competent her spies really are. They haven't found out anything important about me - yet, but they may try harder with her decision to make me part of her plans. Is my acceptance of my cleaned suit tacit agreement to their intrusion into my life? But what else can I do with it? Throw it defiantly in a rain puddle out in the street and jump on it for good measure? That would sure send a message - that I'm stupid, and I'm not. How about this: if they bring it up - "But we cleaned your suit for you!" - I'll reply politely "Thank you - that's part payment for you *kidnapping* me!" That should shut them up, particularly since they no doubt think they had the upper hand throughout the ordeal. Will they consider my communicating with my own parents an abrogation of an agreement (not to talk) that I didn't sign off on? Will they threaten Mom and Dad? How far does Lois Lane's influence reach? As far as Kansas? How many people are under her command? Are Mom and Dad in trouble if I don't figure out what to do about all this? Will Maxine return? Will Lois Lane punch her out to keep her in line? Will I have to defend people I don't like? In the harsh light of day, what was new and bizarre last night - I might as well throw in "titillating", too, for a few moments of it *were* even though they should never have been - has suddenly become distressing and very, very dangerous. On my walk to work I tried not to see the troubled, hopeless city around me or feel how small and helpless I was in the big picture. During this walk I came to several decisions about what I have to do to regain control of my life and the optimistic outlook I'd been enjoying only yesterday morning. First, I have to play along. I don't have a choice there. Since I didn't stop the abduction before it got started, when Jimmy's Big Friend grabbed me, I have to take responsibility for everything that followed. Everything. I could have stopped it at any time thereafter, but I didn't. I can *say* it was my "investigative reporter's instincts kicking in," but since I'm not really an investigative reporter and that's not the direction I'm trying to move my career in, my failure to foresee what might happen last night and act to forestall it was simply stupid. The fact that that part of the experience was titillating makes my inaction even worse. I don't like being hard on myself - who does? But someone has to be since I can't talk to anybody but Mom and Dad, and they'll probably be all soothing and comforting. Second, "playing along" means to some degree doing the predictable, like going to work and trying to interact normally with my colleagues, some of whom will no doubt be watching me on Lois Lane's behalf. I think that predictability can also include my trying to figure out who is responsible for what happened to me last night. What they won't know is that I'll be trying to find out all I can about this Lois Lane person. Who she is, why she came to the Daily Planet, and what happened to force(?) her to leave and become the ratty little person she is now. I'm also going to act nervous and suspicious for a while, as though I'm defenseless and under a lot of stress. That part sure will be easy! Third, I'll keep to myself all the advantages I have, like my skills and my knowledge that Jimmy is deeply involved. Mr. White may be, too. Include Inspector Henderson, and no doubt other people I've met recently. From what I've overheard, they've all been watching me one way or another. I'm *not* paranoid, it *is* happening. The only ones who will know what I know are Mom and Dad, and you who read this, my dear great-grandchildren - always assuming I manage to find someone who's not a nut case to form a family with. At this rate, who knows? I used to be optimistic about that, too. To ensure my/our privacy, after last night's adventure, I did write the little all-inclusive virus I mentioned before. I attached it to my amendment and I'll send it along with all future journal entries. Anyone not using the proper decryption program will activate it. After it reads how fast their system is, they'll get a warning: "You have xx seconds" (where xx is determined by their processor speed) "to close down the program attempting to read this private message or pay the penalty." If they scoff, they'll find critical files being devoured. I'm calling it *The Godzilla Virus.* I hate having to do that, but I have no choice. While I'm forced to change my life to take their devious actions into account, I refuse to surrender. But I don't hate them. If they confine their focus to me and don't threaten anyone I love, I can be upset and angry at them - even intrigued - but I can't hate them. Well, on the bright side, there's probably a story in this, maybe even a book. Would an expose work or should I novelize it? Who will ever believe my life? Maybe I should consider science fiction. All of these conclusions sounded great this morning - if you like sobering thoughts - but I didn't get answers to any of my questions today. If anything I only thought up more questions. But today was even busier than yesterday. I arrived at work right on time. I was not feeling very chipper. I hadn't felt like eating breakfast, and doing that often affects my mood. I was acutely aware of being watched by everyone in the packed elevator -- even by people I didn't know. I felt the same way when I reached the newsroom. It probably wasn't true, but it felt like it. I did have the presence of mind to follow a pack of my coworkers out of the elevator and into the kitchen area to grab a croissant and a guest cup full of coffee. Mad Dog Memorial Coffee *is* strong coffee. I have yet to find out why it's named that. I took this to my desk, way in the back at the end of the filing cabinets, and settled in. I observed everyone I could see and a few I shouldn't have been able to see. I also listened in on conversations, spot checking on my colleagues around the big room. I used to do this kind of thing only by accident. A few days ago the "accidents" became more frequent, unconsciously prompted, I guess. Now it seems I do it on purpose all the time. That's not a good thing, it's not fair. But I did it anyway. It took me about three long minutes to finally admit that no one was paying any attention to me. If I hadn't come in, few people would have noticed except perhaps those with whom I've been working, and no doubt Steve and Eduardo could have gotten along without me. So much for *that* moment of fame. I plummeted from paranoia to depression... not a long drop. I missed my duck. I decided at that point, while contemplating my computer, to find out who Lois Lane is. I decided to start simply: enter her name in the search function of the Planet's on-line morgue. Then I stopped. What if they're monitoring me here, too? It would be incredibly easy to do since the computer I use at work is networked to every other computer in the Pit and, for all I know, throughout the building and maybe further. Assuming that's the case, will they wonder why I'm searching for Lois Lane? Yes, they will, because there's no good reason for me to be curious about her. I'm sure that was her last night, but we weren't exactly formally introduced. I don't even know if she's using an alias, though several come to mind: La Zorra, MegaMaid, Sewer Rat Avenger... nah. However, I *have* heard of her in several contexts, most obviously on Wednesday, when Dr. Platt barged in begging to see her. *Why* did he want to talk to her specifically? I pulled up the files I had collected on him, the Prometheus and EPRAD and began searching through them again. I didn't recall seeing her name during my first read through yesterday... and that remained the case today. He had not thought to talk to her because she had worked on the story of the Prometheus in the past. Okay, investigating it from that angle didn't work, but I thought up another angle: Dr. Platt expected there to be trouble with the Messenger and he suspected the cause would be sabotage. He also expected Lois Lane to be able to help him, which must mean she had done something earlier that had caught his attention. (It doesn't matter that she's been gone from the Planet for "months now," as Mr. White said, because Dr. Platt hasn't been reading the paper lately.) (I hope that wherever he is, he is still capable of reading; I don't want to think of him in the past tense.) He must have thought Lois Lane would be sympathetic to his cause and capable of helping him because... she had made a name for herself as an investigative journalist? Could be. Perhaps he thought his story would interest her because it hints at a conspiracy. He hinted to me on Tuesday that he thinks EPRAD's problems have not been entirely of their own making. Have they been helped along by an outside force? Like... the competition? As you know from what I wrote in this journal yesterday, Luthor Scientific is EPRAD's main competitor in the space business. Is LS a legitimate business or does it take after another arm of Luthor Industries, Luthor International Environment Conservation Unlimited? You know I don't trust them. I wondered as I sat there at my desk if Dr. Platt thought Lois Lane might have questions about Luthor Scientific, too. Would Luthor go so far as to commission acts of sabotage against EPRAD? Wouldn't he be the first one people suspect? Or does he cover his tracks too well? Does Dr. Platt think Lois Lane is, was the reporter most qualified to investigate Luthor for the crisis Dr. Platt perceives to be in the making? Why? Did she have experience investigating Luthor before she left the Planet? Well, my questions gave me the lead I needed. Investigate Lex Luthor's space plans further and maybe "stumble across" a link to Lois Lane and begin to compile a picture of her through her work. Before I could dive into this, though, I saw Jimmy Olsen, arch assistant conspirator and highly skilled assessor of mental stability. "I've heard that Kansas is the armpit of America," he claimed on Wednesday. I bet he was trying to see how angry I'd get. Would Lois Lane want someone who blew up over every little thing? He sauntered past the open end of the rows of filing cabinets, but it didn't matter to me where he was. He could look over my shoulder, physically or by a tracking program, and all he would see was me working on a logical extension of what I was working on yesterday. Jimmy doubled back, and I tried to look all innocent and not really nervous. "Hey, CK!" He approached with his hands in his pockets, relaxed, a look of mild concern on his equally innocent face. I bet he's had a lot of practice feigning innocence. He said, "Where were you last night? We drove around the block at least three times and didn't see you at all." Early this morning, when I couldn't sleep, I thought about what I'd do in just this situation. Sure he's untrustworthy and I have no clue what he and his friends are up to, but he likes sports and he's been helpful at work - when not baiting me or dissing Kansas behind my back. Unless that was some form of testing. His defense of me to Lois Lane last night was compelling - but, of course, he had helped put me in the position to need defending. The benefits of having him as a friend, though, seem at the moment to outweigh the drawbacks. I sat back and sighed, shaking my head. "Jimmy, if I told you...." He pulled his hands out of his pockets as though expecting to have to use them to ward off something, and he looked a touch apprehensive. Did he think I had forgotten or decided to ignore the warning not to say anything? Was he preparing to head me off somehow? Would he spring over my desk and tackle me, pushing me back, my chair rolling into the filing cabinets behind me with a crash? Would he hurt himself? It was easy for you last night, when you were sure you were safe, wasn't it? Aloud I continued, " wouldn't believe me. This is one *weird* city." He relaxed, running his hand through his hair in a self-comforting move. "Yeah, it is." Before either of us could explore this new discovery of mine, we heard his name being shouted from every corner of the room. He is apparently the person charged with setting up the television and he had been slacking off on the job. Everyone wanted to watch the special morning launch of the Messenger, which was taking up to the Prometheus three replacement crew members, supplies, and the last components of the station. I was among those who gathered around to watch after Jimmy rolled the television into place and hooked up the satellite feed from the dish I understand is up on the roof. I stood in the back because I'm taller than many and I could hear perfectly well in spite of the chatter in the room. I'll be including clippings that detail what happened next, though you must know already, dear great-grandchildren, assuming the explosion made it into the history books. I can't see why it won't, wouldn't have; it was history in the making and it was horrific. Commander Laderman, his crew and passengers died instantly. A score more on the ground were injured. Launch Complex C was effectively destroyed, shutting down a third of the EPRAD's Future City site in a matter of moments. Everyone in the newsroom was stunned into silence until someone cried out, "No!" And as though a dam had broken in the Pit, everyone had something to say. I found myself silently comparing the event to the smash up on the freeway the day before. What could I have done had I been there beforehand, with some inkling that a disaster was in the cards? What could I have done afterward instead of just watching? I don't know. Something, anything. (continued) ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 08:46:03 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: My Journal, Day 4, part 2 of 3 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" TITLE: My Journal Day 4, Friday, May 6, PART (2 of 3) AUTHOR Debby Stark, RATING PG-13 FEEDBACK Comments welcome in all forums Over all this Mr. White's voice boomed, drowning out even Carmen Alvarado's on-site live report which many were straining to hear. "All right, people, all right! Calm down! We have a job to do!" Everyone wanted to work on this story, yes, he understood, but that wasn't possible. Those reporters who already had stories were to continue working on them. If they needed guidance (or, I suppose, if they were distraught and unable to focus), they should ask him for help; his door was open. Those with time on their hands were to report to Eduardo - Pronto! As people six people (including me) converged on him, Eduardo pointed at the conference room. "Everyone, in there." He looked up at Mr. White. "I'll need photographers and the helicopter, too." Mr. White nodded and said, "You can have whatever you need." Eduardo took it, and in the conference room he began assigning segments of the developing story to reporters. Needless to say - but I will anyhow - I was ordered to find Dr. Platt and bring him in to the newsroom. We would keep him under wraps until he could tell his complete story to us, and, in time, to the police. Jeanne, an intern with a minor in science would assist me, and Jimmy would go along to photograph the doctor in his habitat. We found Dr. Platt's habitat (I can't help it, that rhymes; Dr. Platt did strike me at first sight as being a sort of mild wild animal in need of feeding and grooming) in a tenement on the edge of Hobbs Bay, a district of the city notorious for its high crime rate but low rental costs. Unfortunately, we didn't find Dr. Platt. At first glance it looked like his apartment - which was easy to get into as his door was ajar - had been ransacked. Jimmy and Jeanne immediately speculated that the Metropolis Star had gotten here before us and had kidnapped him. Or almost as bad, he had been taken by some fast-moving commando-conspiracy group on orders from the New World Order. Neither of my colleagues could say exactly who is in the Order other than just about every rich and influential person in the World and it had all started back in ancient Egypt. I didn't know this, and I've been to Egypt. I'll have to check it out. I found enough proof now, though, to convince them of the more mundane: Dr. Platt simply lives in a cluttered fashion. There were signs of order in the stacks of papers and journals in the main room, bedroom and bathroom. I think that if the place had been turned over during a search by either the Star or people who meant to harm the doctor, it would have looked a lot worse. There would have been no scientific papers left, and there might have been blood everywhere. "They" might have killed him or made it look like he committed suicide and left his body behind. On further investigation, Jeanne found that Dr. Platt probably ate at least some breakfast because the oatmeal in the pot on the stove was still moist when she lifted the lid. Jimmy discovered that the TV worked, if one overlooked the alarming red tone of the picture. The set itself was warm, meaning it had been recently watched and Dr. Platt had had the presence of mind to turn it off. We concluded that he was eating breakfast, watching TV and saw the explosion. He fled because he believes he's in danger for having made his prediction public. He may be right if the explosion was caused by sabotage and not, for example, by poorly manufactured parts. I thought about calling the police at that point, but Dr. Platt had only been missing for about an hour. I did find a phone in his apartment, picked it up and got a dial tone. I noted his number and decided to call him periodically. After all, he might calm down and come back. If he remains missing, I'll ask Mr. White about the advisability of informing the police of what we know. I told my colleagues that Dr. Platt told me he gave Dr. Antoinette Baines, Director of the Prometheus Project, a copy of a report. (You'll recall that he said the report outlined his suspicions of wrongdoing in the construction of the Messenger.) Jeanne wrinkled her nose. "Baines! I've been trying to talk to her about her work - for the paper and for my thesis, 'Women in the Space Program.' But she doesn't like to talk, and it'll be harder than ever to make an appointment with her now." I said, "Well, if we can find the original of his report, maybe we can use information from it to get her attention." They thought that was sneaky. Jimmy said, "You're catching on, CK." Jeanne nodded, "We'll make an investigative reporter of him yet." But we didn't find anything useful. On my own, using some speed, I probably could read every piece of paper in the entire apartment in a day... and still come up empty handed. We found more than enough proof that the man is intelligent, but he's a pack rat and, according to Jeanne, he "eats like an eight year old." On the way back to the office, we received a cell phone call from Eduardo, who told us Dr. Baines was at EPRAD's science complex on the southern edge of the city. She was going to give interviews - first come, first served! "Get one, Clark!" Jeanne executed a skillful U-turn as soon as traffic along Schnall Boulevard was light enough to allow it. Actually, from what I saw of the boulevard, I doubt the traffic is ever light there. Jeanne simply warned, "Hold on!" and in moments we were heading south again. Since we survived, I didn't say anything, but Jimmy praised her driving skills. She said that's how they drive in Italy, her favorite foreign country. She's visited several times and learned a lot that she can use here in Metropolis. We weren't first to arrive at the complex but ninth, and more reporters were on our heels. We checked in, were given temporary ID badges, and told to wait in the massive lobby featuring big windows for solar heating, a fountain generating negative ions, and soothing paintings to encourage mental relaxation. I recognized these things because I've read up on them for use on the farm. I was surprised the Planet didn't have any reporters on site already. I've since learned that that almost everyone in the media expected Dr. Baines to be out at the launch site, where the situation was still critical and her guidance surely needed. Only second-tier and stringer reporters had been hanging around the science complex. Quickly bored and not under strict orders, Jimmy and Jeanne wandered off and cornered an assistant director, who, flattered, took them away on a tour. I resisted the temptation to do the same when I saw other administration and PR people siphoning off reporters from the crowd. I stayed in the lobby and waited for Dr. Baines. I caught a glimpse of her on TV this morning, before the explosion. She was in an EPRAD control room, being questioned rapid fire by a horde of reporters. She presented a strong image and answered every question with the quiet patience of an elementary school teacher addressing special education students. A little later, when cornered by many of those same reporters, she appeared unruffled by what had happened, though considering the timing, only minutes after the explosion, maybe she was still in shock. In person, she's tall, dynamic, and even prettier. Her generic lab coat and severely pulled-back blond hair couldn't disguise her beauty and youth, both a surprise in one holding such a high position. Both must also fool a lot of reporters into thinking she's easy to manipulate. Quite a few of them, women included, jumped up and tried to surround her when she came into the lobby. Security people moved in quickly, but I have the feeling she could have beaten everyone off with one hand while signing memos with the other. She was handed a clipboard with what I assume was the most recent sign-up sheet on it. Ignoring calls for her attention from the growing crowd, she began to peruse the list. I wondered if she would ignore the first-come rule, too, and whether I should work my way to the front to try to catch her attention. Before she could announce any decisions on who she would talk to, the cell phone which hung at her side rang. She pulled it up, turned away, and said, "Baines." A man's voice (am I becoming a nosy parker or what?) said, "Perfect! It was perfect! It was so much more than I expected!" In the same preoccupied tone of voice she'd used to identify herself, she replied, "I can't talk now." "Ah, I understand, the center of the attention! If only they--" She frowned, said firmly, "I'll talk to you later," switched off the phone, and hung it back on her belt. She turned and surveyed us as though nothing at all had happened, but it was obvious that she wasn't pleased with the anxious, ragtag mob she confronted now. Was I the only other one who suspected the exact opposite, that something had happened, something important? Yes. Was there anything I could do about it? No. Stymied again. Drat. I wondered how I could communicate to Jimmy and Jeanne, who had returned during this pause, that I had a hunch we should keep an eye on the very interesting Dr. Baines? She looked at us all one by one, seeing each of us panting for an exclusive. I'm sure I looked just as eager as everyone else. It was a good thing she couldn't see what I was thinking. I sure wondered what was on her mind. Sometimes I wish I could trade a couple of my more useless abilities for some good, basic mental telepathy. Freezing breath? Why do I need that? It used to be good only for chilling the occasional bottle of beer. Sure I used it yesterday at the freeway carnage site and it was more helpful than not, but how often will I face that kind of situation? "I only have..." she started to say. Everyone quieted to listen. "I only have a short time. Is there anyone who...?" She consulted the list again. "I haven't talked to anyone from the Planet recently. They're always so polite...." This prompted derisive noises from many in her audience. I recognized her divide-and-conquer strategy. "Who's here from the...." She didn't seem to have to search, which was a good thing since I didn't have the presence of mind to wave my hand wildly. She pointed at me. "You." Yes! Now I wonder why she chose me. I have some suspicions, but I'll tell you my thoughts on this as my tale unfolds. There was a mass sigh of disbelief and indignation - the Planet was a known factor, but I certainly wasn't; the new kid didn't deserve this privilege. I received a lot of jealous looks. I've never been in the position to be the recipient of those before, but somehow, incongruously, they only emboldened me. I checked with my colleagues first though. Jeanne said quickly, "I want to call in what the Assistant Director told us." And Jimmy said, "I'll go with you," by which he meant me. I nodded; both plans were fine with me. Whereas before I might have walked around it, I forced the crowd to part before me. Jimmy trailed behind at a respectful distance, grinning like a victorious fool, which I, a professional journalist, wasn't allowed to do. I introduced myself and shook Dr. Baines's hand. She looked almost pleased to meet me, "almost" because I don't think she was actually pleased with anything at the moment, and I doubt she wanted to be here talking with me or anyone else. Maybe she meant her remark about Planet reporters being polite. Maybe she didn't expect me to waste her time. I certainly didn't plan to give her any trouble, at least not on our first meeting. I had to be careful because I wanted to come back. "I'm pleased to meet you, Mr. Kent. I admire your newspaper. Let me show you the hangar where we're going to bring the remains of the Messenger so we can find out exactly what went wrong...." There were more groans behind me. They didn't get to go - ha-ha! I told her I would be very interested to see that and asked if my photographer could come along and take pictures. She looked at Jimmy and her pleased expression faltered somewhat. Had she expected she and I would be alone? That sure would have put a different spin on the interview. But she recovered gracefully. "Yes, of course." She looked at him, "But you can only take pictures with my permission. We perform a lot of proprietary research here." She took us outside the main office building and to a company parking lot, where a driver was waiting in a golf-cart-style run-about. "Take us to Hangar 9," she told him. It turned out to be about half a mile away, on the southern edge of the site. As we zoomed along, she told us how EPRAD was reacting to this morning's disaster. "Naturally, we're all still in a state of shock. I don't have to tell you what a catastrophe the explosion was. Commander Laderman...." She looked grim. "He was one of our best. Three kids, his wife...." We pulled to a stop in front of a gigantic structure reminiscent of the hangars in which blimps are sheltered. Inside, it was mostly empty, waiting, and our voices echoed. Jimmy was allowed to take pictures here. As he did that, I began the interview. I asked her when she expected the first of the wreckage to arrive at the hangar. She said she expects that to start on Monday. "Can we take a look at it?" "Sorry," she said automatically as she watched Jimmy walking about probably trying to figure out how to best capture the immensity of the hangar. "No press allowed." (continued) ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 08:45:27 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: My Journal, Day 4, part 3 of 3 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" TITLE: My Journal Day 4, Friday, May 6, PART (3 of 3) AUTHOR Debby Stark, RATING PG-13 FEEDBACK Comments welcome in all forums For some reason I wasn't surprised. If she knows more about the catastrophe than she reasonably should know ("It was perfect!" had to mean something after all), then of course she won't want the press, and especially science reporters, anywhere near the hangar on Monday. At that point I could have argued the public's right to know, but, I told myself, if I'm right in my suspicions, she'd drop her almost pleased tolerance of me and kick me out. However, if I *didn't* try, she might think it odd. I said, "No exceptions?" She gave me a brief, provocative look and one corner of her mouth twitched upward slightly. I've received this kind of look from older women before, but I've never known what to do about it (other than not let my imagination rule the day). As Dr. Baines gave me that look, I decided to pretend I knew what she was trying to communicate. People like to be cooperated with. She said, "I'll see what I can do." I smiled. "Thank you. On Wednesday, a man named Samuel Platt visited our offices with..." careful, Kent, careful "an incredible story about the Messenger being in some kind of danger. I know you've had some small problems in the past - large projects *do* have problems - so we thought he was taking advantage of that and just being an alarmist...." She frowned, thinking. "Platt...." "Thin, unkept, manic, in his 50s...." Her brow relaxed somewhat. "Ah, yes. I've been wondering what's happened to him. A real waste of talent. Seems that the pressure of building the space station - he was on our A team, you see - along with his divorce, finally got to him. He started drinking and taking drugs. It went from bad to worse." During our interview on Wednesday, Dr. Platt said he thought he had been drugged at one time but now he avoids suspicious foods. He didn't mention anything about drinking and there was no odor of alcohol on his breath or his clothing. We had seen only rubbing alcohol in his apartment. This could mean he ran out of money to spend on it, but I don't think so. "He wouldn't go to Employee Health or talk to any of our staff psychologists. We kept him on as long as we could...." She sighed, "But, after he set fire to one of the laboratories, we had to let him go." Interesting. He had said nothing to me about a fire. Did he not realize he'd done it--or did he not do it at all? "That's completely understandable," I said to her. "He mentioned something about having submitted a report to you about coolant devices installed to freeze the ion particles?" "Coolants? No, I don't recall any report about coolants." She herself was incredibly cool. Why? I think she should have been pleased to receive a clue about what might have caused the disaster. "I could check my records." "I'd appreciate that. I'd like to include your preliminary findings in my story. If you could give us a call...." I had some generic Daily Planet business cards in my pocket. I pulled one out and jotted down my name and extension number on the back. She took my card, glanced at it politely, and tucked it into the pocket of her lab coat. Then she continued the tour, telling us more about the hangar and the attached loading dock area. This required another fifteen minutes or so and I found it interesting. We parted with another handshake and smiles. Almost everything went into my article. All the facts, of course, but nothing I overheard and none of my impressions, hunches or suspicions. While looking over what I wrote, Eduardo asked me for all the details I hadn't included. I told him about my approach to Dr. Baines and what I hoped she'd seen: a polite, perhaps slightly dull, definitely Kansas-centric reporter. That made Eduardo nod and say, "Good, good...." When I mentioned Dr. Baines's smile, he smiled, too, but his smile was sly. "She thinks she has you, a reporter for the best newspaper in the world, right in her pocket. We'll let her continue to think so, for now." I nodded. *This* was like TV. "I can manage that. So do you think Dr. Platt was right?" "Well, let's say I think there's a bigger story here than we're likely to learn from EPRAD's press releases." By the way, at this point Dr. Platt was still missing. I called his apartment, but there was no answer. When Eduardo and I took my story and Jimmy's pictures to Mr. White, I informed him of my wish to contact the police. He nodded grimly and said it was a good idea and he would take care of it. After we left his office, I heard him page his secretary to get Inspector Henderson on the phone for him. I hope the doctor is found safe and unharmed soon. I don't care about the story; I just want him to be okay. I called his home again before beginning this journal entry and, again, there was no reply. At about 2:30 I decided I had earned a good lunch. I warned Pat that I was leaving for a while and I was told to have fun. There is a money machine in the lobby, so I stocked up ($20) and went for a walk. I headed south for no other reason other than I hadn't seen much in that direction yet. There are a lot of shops, the area is colorful, and this after noon it crowded with happy people who didn't seem to be letting the troubles of the world bother them. I found a delicatessen and ordered a huge sandwich with all the trimmings and a vanilla cream soda. I sat at a table in a nearby plaza and enjoyed the sunshine and the atmosphere. When I was finished, I figured I still had some time left so I continued strolling along. I came across Max's Tuxedos, Rentals and Sales. I'd forgotten that Mr. White said it was south of the Planet. What if I had found time to go there yesterday morning as planned? Would Maxine have been foiled or would she have wanted to remeasure me? I wondered how she would react if she saw me now, me with a full stomach and a good outlook on life at last. The shop's door was locked. A sign on it said: "By Appointment Only." Drat. Then again, if the shop has been flooded with orders for formal attire due to the White Orchid Ball, perhaps this was the only way to manage the onslaught. Mr. White called on my behalf, though, so maybe that was like having an appointment. As this could be the only chance I'd have to visit the shop, I knocked. A small, wiry old gentleman (who turned out to be Max) rushed to the door and frowned at me through the glass. In a heavy accent he said, "We're not open!" "I know, sir, but my boss, Perry White, called about a tux for me. I'm Clark Kent." The man brightened. "Oh! Mr. Kent!" He unlocked and opened the door wide. "You're almost too late!" He introduced himself as he pulled me into the shop. He had the suit ready for me; he said he was hoping I would drop by "*some* day" to try it on. As I was the only customer in the shop and I didn't feel any pressure to get back to my desk, we agreed we would spend a little time doing the fitting properly. "Such nice broad shoulders and strong arms.... You *are* in good shape, young man. I couldn't believe your proportions." He paused amidst his zipping around with his measuring tape and called toward the back of the shop. "Maxine! He's here! The one with the proportions? Come see him!" Flattered despite myself, I smiled, "Sir, that's not necessary--" "On, no, it's all right. You will see. My granddaughter, she's a very nice young woman." He smiled as he wound up his measuring tape. "Are you married? Gotta girlfriend? I don't think so." Sympathetic. "You're new in town, eh? You have this accent from somewhere else, am I right? I know how it is. I used to be from out of town, too." "I wouldn't have guessed." "Ha!" He slapped my arm, a friendly gesture. "You have a good sense of humor! You know, you can't go wrong meeting a nice girl who can sew and cook, *and*," confidentially, "she likes children very much. She needs a good man to help her see what life is really about, no more dreaming...." I could almost hear him add, "You, maybe?" So could his granddaughter, who appeared at last, pushing aside a curtain in the doorway of the far wall. "*Grand*father!" "Don't worry, don't worry, don't worry. This is Clark Kent. He is a man with a good job. Mr. Kent, my granddaughter, Maxine." We shook. Her hand felt a little clammy and I could feel her heart rate increase as we touched. She was alarmed, not turned on. I smiled but in a totally noncommittal manner. "Nice to meet you." "Yes...." She took her hand back. "I suppose a man with a good job...." She looked at her grandfather, " a *very busy* man...." "Even busy men slow down now and then. Look at me! I'm going to retire next year. I'll be 75. I'll go sit on the beach all day. What are you, Mr. Kent? 25? 26? That's a good age to *start a family*--" "Grandfather...!" I suppose I could have taken the hint and began romancing Maxine right there, even with her chaperon present. She looked like she'd had a hard day; her hair was frazzled, her makeup worn, her lipstick chewed off. I bet she would rather have gone home and taken a hot bath than stayed and enjoyed a conversation with me. How would her getting involved with me, or me giving indications I wanted a relationship, sit with one Lois Lane, Queen of the Underground? Should I try? Would Maxine get in trouble? Would I? Did it matter? Would doing the wrong thing force Lois Lane to communicate with me again, this time telling me what was going on? All of that sounded too complicated, so I simply said, "A day spent sitting on the beach is certainly tempting!" Max sighed, "Watching the children play...." "Um, I'd love to do that some day, but I'm so busy these days, especially lately. Something incredibly strange has come up...." A dead calm fell between us. Max didn't say anything about how being married is incredible, and Maxine didn't whine about his trying to run her life. This was perfect. I looked at her as though I recognized her, as though there was something about her.... Her blue eyes widened ever so slightly and she inhaled a little more sharply than she probably wanted to. But then I looked away, confused by myself, and shook my head: "Nah...." that's dumb, I'm wrong, I'm paranoid.... Her exhale was markedly relieved. Max laughed. "Well, yes, *of course* you're busy now! Later, in a few weeks, maybe you won't be. I will have this ready for you tomorrow morning, all right? Maxine will bring it to you." He slipped the jacket off me and indicated I should remove the slacks. " As I waited for Maxine to *leave*... which she did after I paused and made it abundantly clear, without having to say a word, that I'd keep the slacks if she didn't go.... I told him that sounded fine. She still makes me very uncomfortable and I'm not sure why since I got a little revenge and it felt good. I returned to the office then and spent the rest of the day helping Eduardo go over and incorporate EPRAD and Congress of Nations statements into articles for the morning edition. The CoN has announced a press conference for tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. and I'm supposed to be there. I talked to Pat about my working hours. She advised me I should plan to be working part days on Saturday while taking off Sundays and (she checked the office calendar for this) Wednesdays. This is open to change, she told me, depending on what's happening on the news front. I'll get paid overtime after 40 hours. If I have any more questions about it, I'm supposed to talk to either Mr. White or Personnel. I can't think of any questions at the moment. Now I'm home (the flophouse) typing this up. I'll stick it on a diskette and take it home (the farm) with me. Expect an amendment to this day's journal entry. Mom and Dad always have something interesting to say. [to be continued] [Your real author thanks my proofers and creative consultants Pat H., Jeanne P., Sandy McD., and Steve H.] ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 10:53:18 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: PJ Piasecki Subject: Re: Nfic Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 6/13/99 8:36:02 AM CST, jernigan@BELLSOUTH.NET writes: << Which is what we're gearing up for now, I hope, because there are a lot of good stories that haven't been given the recognition they deserved. That's one of the hazards of writing for the over-18 crowd, of course, but that's all the more reason to award the best of the genre. >> So what is the plan for these awards? Will it only be open to stories from the last year, or everything up to this date? I hope its the latter, because I'd like to first in line to nominate Sandy's "Love As a Blonde" for the comedy catagory! It's still one of my all-time favorites. Piper ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 11:17:16 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Maggie Subject: Re: OT: Printing Page Numbers? Eureka! MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Super-duper-extra-Dean-Flavored-Thanks-with-a-cherry-on-top to all the FoLCs who sent me tips to solve this little conundrum! Debby, Chris, Laurie, Eileen :o) You have no idea the extreme levels of frustration I was feeling and the evil thoughts I was having about Mr. Gates, and that office assistant's like Look! If I type in "printing Page Numbers" do you think I want to know add line numbers!?!?! I know how to format them, I know how to insert them, all I wanna do is *print* them buster.....(sorry, my latent Lois tendencies are showing again ) Anyway, I changed the margins for the Headers/Footers and my page numbers printed perfectly! Labby--yes, you and I were having the exact same problem! Glad to know I was not alone in my misery Debby--yes! exactly like looking for a needle in a barn full of hay stacks.... FoLCs are the Best! positively super I tell you! Maggie happily printing her Arial 7 pt, 2 columned, front and back, page numbered fanfic now......... (aka supermags on IRC) My rationale is that there are people starving all over the world, so I don't bother to waste food by attempting to prepare it. And the world thanks me for that! --My friend Margaret on Cooking :o) ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 11:45:04 +0500 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Bob or Chris Mulder Subject: Bye for a while ... MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Dear FoLCs, I've got to go Nomail for a while. I can't keep current with the posts and have a backlog of @1500 messages I've got to clear out. Plus, I'm trying to catch up on my fanfic reading, and I've got one or two stories of my own that I'm working on, so I'm going to say good-bye to you nice people until I can get a bit more caught up. Take care, and keep those great discussions going. :-) --Chris ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 11:53:22 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Sandy McDermin Subject: Re: Nfic Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Pam Jernigan wrote: > > Sandy commented: > > Frankly, I couldn't understand why n-fic needed to be relegated to one > > category. Why not have a subset of categorie*s* (plural) within the > > Kerths? This would have been my first preference, for whatever it's > > worth, and it would have saved on having to organize two events. > > I should probably answer this, as it's at least partly my fault ... for > the original Kerths, I suggested a bunch of categories, and since I'm > not widely read in nfic, I naively assumed that one category would be > enough. Plus, nfic stories were allowed in all other categories ... but > as you've pointed out, they have a limited readership and are therefore > handicapped to a degree. (Though I note that some nfic stories did win > their categories) You know, I actually went back to the website and checked on this when I wrote my first message. It seems only one n-fic -- *as nfic* -- won a category other than ... the nfic category. Ironically enough for me, it was the roundrobin.;) All other nfic not nominated in the nfic category had non nfic versions posted. So, there was a version everyone could read in those cases, and therefore the stories didn't face the nfic problem that Love as a Blonde, for instance, would have. > When we were gearing up for the 1999 awards, we discussed the nfic > situation. One category wasn't enough, given the wide range of nfics > out there. But if we did enough sub-categories to do the genre justice, > we'd pretty much be duplicating the non-nfic categories. One of our > goals, to make the whole thing workable, was to *reduce* the number of > categories, not double them :) so we decided to split it off into a > totally separate award. Well, I don't think you really needed to *double* them, but I understand. > As for what to call the awards ... Kerths? Nfic Kerths? NKerths? > The Snorkel Award? I still think the Naked Kerths is the best I've heard thus far. (I can't remember who suggested it. It might have been Debby or Genevieve.) It plays off of the title of that series on Bravo: Naked Hollywood. << Which is what we're gearing up for now, I hope, because there are a lot of good stories that haven't been given the recognition they deserved. That's one of the hazards of writing for the over-18 crowd, of course, but that's all the more reason to award the best of the genre. >> >So what is the plan for these awards? Will it only be open to stories from >the last year, or everything up to this date? I hope its the latter, because >I'd like to first in line to nominate Sandy's "Love As a Blonde" for the >comedy catagory! It's still one of my all-time favorites. >Piper Piper, I really appreciate that. But, the truth is, the story was nominated for 1998 and it was my decision to withdrawal it. As much as it deeply pains me to say it, I don't think I should get a pass on that. Sandy ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 12:11:16 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: No Name Available Subject: Re: Nightmare on Hypernion Avenue MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit No one has sent me those stories so you can if you want! =) ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 11:22:25 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Diyan Smith Subject: Re: Nightmare on Hypernion Avenue MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Don't forget that when you've been delete happy you can always visit the archives: > Speaking of that story can someone please send me all 8 parts of that story > again! I accidentally deleted it :( > > Thanks. > Alexis ;-.) > ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 14:58:32 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Karen Ward Subject: Re: Nightmare on Hypernion Avenue In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed" Sorry I've been slow to reply here, guys -- work's been busy and I haven't had a chance to check my email till now. Anyhow . . . >Don't forget that when you've been delete happy you can always visit the >archives: > > Yes, and if, for any reason, anyone can't reach the list's archives, just email me personally and I'll be more than happy to pass it along. :) Yours, Karen :) ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 12:45:34 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: Re: My Journal, Day 3, Amendment Part 1 of 4 In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 11:50 PM 06/12/1999 -0500, Hazel wrote: >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > >S >P >A >C >E > >Ah, Debby, you make me leap for my e-mail program on Sunday and Thursday >mornings -- please keep it up! You'll note another installment today :) (Sunday) >I love how the mystery keeps twisting around >itself, and those references to measuring for a suit -- without mentioning >*which* suit (it can't be *the* Suit!!) heh-heh-heh... ;) >-- are even more intriguing that >your persona-non-grata who still has a reserved desk and contacts among the >staff... :) You'll find out more about her soon. (MJ04A) >I found it a bit surprising that Clark considered being "afraid" *worse* >than being "apathetic." He's such an understanding guy that I'm sure he >could understand the former, while the latter would prolly be beyond his >comprehension. You're probably right. I can't remember the context, other than he hasn't been afraid often in his life up to this point, or apathetic, either, for that matter. His life has been mostly happy-go-lucky :) Reality bites... >I also note that any Lois of your creation has a Maxine in her life, >whether it's a maniac wielding a tape measure and dry-cleaning suits or a >pregnant guppy. :) :D >One thing that bothered me, though: Maxine. You told the story through >Clark's eyes, a guy who could actually see and hear what was happening and >had the power to extricate himself at any moment if he felt the need to do >so. But when I read it -- and reread it to make sure I wasn't overreacting >(not that rereading it was any kind of torture ), I couldn't help >picturing the following: > >Take an ordinary guy. Someone who is friendly and outgoing, a good >journalist, etc. etc. -- in short, everything that Clark is, only *without* >the superpowers. Reassuring hand on the shoulder notwithstanding, a >non-superpowered guy would be in a panic at being kidnapped -- he's been >blindfolded, gagged, hands handcuffed behind his back, he's been told that >there's a gun pointing at him, and as far as he knows, Jimmy is nowhere in >sight, so there's no friend to look out for his interests. He's led deep >into a building he can't see, he doesn't know where he is... and after >sitting in a chair for several minutes, with nothing to do except let the >panic settle in a bit more, he hears someone come into the room and say, >"Can you help me stand him up?" And after a bit more dialogue between his >kidnappers, the newcomer starts undressing him. > >I can't help it, Debby. A non-super kidnappee in these circumstances -- >still blind, still gagged, still handcuffed -- would only be able to >conclude that it was a prelude to something akin to rape. See, proofer Pat, you were right! :D I deal with this in MJ04a (that's a bit of spoiler, isn't it?) >Maxine taking >*pleasure* at her tactile contact comes across as pure sadism. Even after >the other kidnapper stopped her from removing his jeans, would an ordinary >person know what that thing was that kept moving across his chest? I'd hate >to imagine the terrors that a fertile imagination would create out of >circumstances like that. True! But CK didn't have to imagine so much as an ordinary guy would. He had to, though, imagine what an ordinary guy would do. Mostly he thinks that an ordinary guy would be feeling pain so that's what he tries to mimic. If I had written this from a 3rd person POV, I might have realized what you're saying now as I wondered what observers would think about CK's inaction and as I tried to describe that reaction as an onlooker. Or if I put Jimmy in his place, an ordinary fellow if there ever was one :) >>From Lois' reaction, Maxine wasn't sposed to be there, so I'll assume that >this wasn't part of Phase One or Two or whatever -- that Lois wasn't trying >the sink-or-swim method with this potential whatever-it-is she's looking >for: "Well, if he's not a gibbering wreck by the time we take him back >home, he just might be the right guy for the job." At least, I hope she >wasn't. You might be surprised (I hope you will be :) >Lois rightfully tore into Maxine for doing it, but I can't believe that >Lois would employ someone capable of so heartlessly terrorizing someone who >was helpless to stop her. Well, she takes what she can get... which will be explained later in comparison to... no, I better not say ;) I wish I could, but I can't :D >Am I overreacting here? Not at all! I appreciate all the observations you and other readers make :) I hope I can keep inspiring you :D Debby ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 12:47:13 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: Re: Nfic Awards In-Reply-To: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 11:26 PM 06/12/1999 -0600, Erin wrote: >There had also been some talk as to the names of the [Nfic[ awards, maybe naming >them something different than Kerths. Merriweather, perhaps?... I think MerryWhoopie would be more appropriate... Debby way behind on reading Nfic, too... ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 15:05:48 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: PJ Piasecki Subject: Re: Nfic Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 6/13/99 9:54:37 AM CST, smcdermin@EROLS.COM writes: << But, the truth is, the story was nominated for 1998 and it was my decision to withdrawal it. As much as it deeply pains me to say it, I don't think I should get a pass on that. >> Well, Sandy, whatever my 2 cents are worth (penny & a half, or so) I would say that the Naked Kerths are a new event, totally separate from the Kerth Awards. Nothing else nominated for the comedy category for the Kerths would have been eligible for the soon-to-be-coveted NK award. So I think you should *definitely* get a pass. Piper ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 13:07:51 -0600 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin Klingler Subject: Re: Nfic Awards In-Reply-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sandy wrote: >I still think the Naked Kerths is the best I've heard thus far. (I >can't remember who suggested it. It might have been Debby or >Genevieve.) It plays off of the title of that series on Bravo: Naked >Hollywood. > But, the truth is, the story was >nominated for 1998 and it was my decision to withdrawal it. As much as >it deeply pains me to say it, I don't think I should get a pass on >that. One suggestion might be to make all nfics eligible since that's what we did that very first year that we had the Kerths. (Except those stories that were nominated or won a Kerth in the 1998 awards, of course.) Another suggestion: Sandy, you seem to have a lot of suggestions, plus you've clearly shown your interest in having an nfic awards. How about you organize it then?? Erin :) _________________ ELK on IRC Visit my 1999 Official Kerth Awards Website! ***** "The truth is, no one knows how long they've got. Anyway, it's not the years that count, it's the moments...right now, as they happen." _________________ ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 15:12:53 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Organization: Subject: Re: Nfic Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Piper asked: > So what is the plan for these awards? That's what we're trying to figure out, Piper :-) I don't think anyone's officially in charge, yet, we're just throwing ideas around. It ought to be someone who's very widely read in the genre, which leaves me out :-) > Will it only be open to stories from > the last year, or everything up to this date? I hope its the latter, That's what I'd vote for too; maybe make it all stories posted before 12/31/98 (to clear the field for next year's awards ;) since nfics didn't really get a fair shake in the original Kerths. Maybe disqualify any that actually did win Kerths? I don't know, it's just a thought :-) I mentioned elsewhere that I thought nfic stories had won in a few categories, and Sandy replied: > You know, I actually went back to the website and checked on this when I > wrote my first message. Ah, that's more reliable than my erratic memory, then. > So, there was a version everyone could > read in those cases, and therefore the stories didn't face the nfic > problem that Love as a Blonde, for instance, would have. Which is exactly why we ought to have a new awards process, to fix that problem :) > the truth is, the story was > nominated for 1998 and it was my decision to withdrawal it. As much as > it deeply pains me to say it, I don't think I should get a pass on > that. It's your decision, of course, but I'd put LaaB in the same category with all the other nfics nominated that year ... their eligibility should be judged as a class; and my first instinct would be to declare them all eligible. But that decision falls to whoever ends up coordinating this :) So, anyone interested? The hardest part is collecting nominations, from what I've heard from Erin and Leanne, since the field is wide open -- and people send in nominations along the lines of "the one where they go on their honeymoon, by whatsherface," which could describe any number of stories ;-) Oh, and even before that you have to have categories defined -- you can use the previous Kerth categories as a starting point, but that list may need tweaked to fit the field. (Are there any "next-generation" nfics??) Sandy? Debby? Anyone? Anyone? I'd be glad to help out as a technical advisor of sorts, since I've been involved in the two previous Kerth processes, but I am not that widely read in nfic, so I'm not qualified to judge which story goes in what category. -- ------------------------------------------------------- Pam Jernigan | ChiefPam on IRC | ------------------------------------------------------- "I heard about Superman at the UN. I don't mind him wanting to take over the world, really, but he sounded a little ... well ... nuts." --Dr. Klein, "Blast from the Past", IRC Round Robin ------------------------------------------------------- The FoLC Obsession Page has moved to: ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 15:15:13 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kate Crane Subject: Re: OT: Printing Page Numbers? Eureka! MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 6/13/99 8:04:43 AM Pacific Daylight Time, maggie13@BELLSOUTH.NET writes: << Anyway, I changed the margins for the Headers/Footers and my page numbers printed perfectly! >> Ok, so what did you change them to? Kate ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 20:23:58 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Yvonne Connell Subject: Re: Nightmare on Hyperion Avenue MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Karen, > > >S > >P > >O > >I > >L > >E > >R > > > >S > >P > >A > >C > >E > Coming in late as usual... In particular, I thought the way you handled the aftermath of the rape was very sensitive and touching. Clark's extreme distress, and then Lois' concern for him despite her own terrible demons was quite simply devastating. This was a tough story to write - as you said yourself - but the work you put into the story was well worth it. Best of all, there isn't a hint that the story was hard to write; on the contrary, it flows (seemingly) effortlessly along. Best of luck with the sequel, if you can face writing it :) Regards, Yvonne ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 17:54:32 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Mandy Crustner Subject: Re: Nightmare on Hyperion Avenue MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit S P O I L E R S P A C E * * * * * Just in case :) Another great job, Karen :) I read through this again this morning and though I loved the original versions I read through, found this one to be even better (I didn't know how that was possible, but you accomplished it ). You dealt with the very hard to deal with subject wonderfully and made me feel the emotions you were conveying. I wanted to say thanks for letting me be a part of this story early on, it was a joy! Also, just had to point out that I still love the foot kissing scene in the Daily Planet, it's classic LnC in my opinion and something I would have loved to see played out :) Thanks for the Super read, Mandy Who's with LabRat, this one's going into my 'Kerths 2000' file! ;) ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 19:40:32 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Organization: Subject: Season 6 Ep10 is on the web :-) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I'm posting part 3 of Sheila's three-part drama to this list, but, if you prefer, it's also available on my website: with several yummy pictures to enhance your viewing pleasure Happy reading :-) -- ------------------------------------------------------- Pam Jernigan | ChiefPam on IRC | ------------------------------------------------------- "I heard about Superman at the UN. I don't mind him wanting to take over the world, really, but he sounded a little ... well ... nuts." --Dr. Klein, "Blast from the Past", IRC Round Robin ------------------------------------------------------- The FoLC Obsession Page has moved to: ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 19:16:47 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Organization: Subject: NEW S6, Ep10--Mirror, Mirror 1/6 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit STORY TITLE: Mirror, Mirror (Episode 10 of Season 6) PART: 1 of 6 AUTHOR: Sheila Harper RATING: PG FEEDBACK: All feedback welcomed, on this list or privately. DESCRIPTION: Lois and Clark lost their chance of returning to normal when Dr. Nick Trifyllis died. Now Metropolis may lose Superman, too. MIRROR, MIRROR Written by Sheila Harper Edited by Lynda Love PREVIOUSLY ON LOIS & CLARK: "Dr. Trifyllis?" Lois called. "Your door was open. Are you still here?" Clark followed her into the room, catching her hand. Something was wrong. He tipped his glasses down and began to scan the apartment. "Lois, wait," he said-- --when a white blaze of light seized them and held them rigidly in place. Then the light vanished, and they crumpled onto the floor. ***** "Wha-what happened?" Clark asked-- --and recoiled at the sound. High-pitched, unmistakably feminine . . . what had happened to him? Ignoring the pain in his head, he raised up on one elbow and looked down at himself. A suit dress? Nylons? He ran a disbelieving hand down his chest, over an all too familiar shape. Horrified, he lifted his gaze to his double's. "Lois?" The image of himself nodded, and he groaned, "Oh God, not again," ***** "Someone's searched his apartment--someone who didn't care who knew it, either." Lois dropped down on the couch next to Clark. "I couldn't tell if anything's missing, but Nick wasn't there, and I didn't see any bloodstains," she added. Startled, he jerked around to look up at her. "I didn't think of that. God, if he'd been killed--" "--we might be stuck like this. Forever." ***** The next morning, Clark put his foot through a second pair of nylons. "That's it," he said, standing up and throwing the cobwebby fabric into the trash. "No dresses, no pantyhose, and *no* heels." He pulled a brown jacket and slacks out of the closet. "Is this a work outfit?" he asked, holding it up so Lois could see it from the bathroom. She wrinkled up her nose. "I guess." He waited for her to explain, and she continued, "It just . . . makes me look frumpy. Never mind. Wear either the white or rose shell with it." He looked at her side of the closet helplessly. "Rose shell. That's a pink shirt, right?" ***** Clark bolted out of the ladies' room and hurried down the ramp to the pit, his blush clearly visible without the protective cover of Lois's usual makeup. Lois was waiting for him so they could go to the staff meeting. "You're blushing," she said, curious. His cheeks burned redder. "Don't ask," he said. ***** "And when can I expect to see some copy on that school improvement press conference you covered yesterday, Lois?" Perry continued. Clark was about to answer when Lois, who had returned to doodling on her notepad, absently said, "I'll have it on your desk in an hour." Briefly closing his eyes in prayer, Clark leaped in with a further explanation. "Clark's proofing it for me before I send it to you, Perry." Under cover of the table, he poked Lois in the leg. ***** Lex flopped back in his chair. Not only did Dr. Trifyllis have the Zelig stone, but, based on those letters Enrico had dug up, he probably had the disk with the encrypted clone files that his brother had stolen, *and* he might be able to tie Lex to the murder through Enrico. The millionaire ground his teeth. ***** Alex's eyes blazed furiously. "Why don't you just take out a damned ad in The Planet while you're at it, Nick? God! Don't you get it? Those guys'll *kill* you if they find you!" He stormed across the small living room and looked out the front window for a minute, then turned back, his light gray eyes swimming with tears. "They already got Chris, Nicky. I don't want to lose you, too." ***** "Can you give us the owner's name?" Clark asked. He gave the burning wreckage a last look, then followed the patrolman. "For what it's worth. The plates are registered to Nicholas Trifyllis, New Troy." Clark suddenly stumbled, and Lois caught him. Their brown-eyed gazes locked; then as if with one mind, they turned to look into the ravine. Far below, the car continued to burn. ***** ACT 1 "Dead?" Lex Luthor bit back the anger he could feel pounding in the veins in his forehead, but the stress in his voice was audible as he continued, "Did you get the stone?" "No, sir." Lindy Barrows' voice sounded calm, almost detached, over the phone line. Rage, blind and uncontrolled, boiled up, stealing away his breath. Dimly, he remembered a time when setbacks were little more than an inconvenience, when his control was so absolute that even a personal defeat generated little more outward expression than an incautious snip of his pruning scissors. What was happening to him? He had begun to lose control of his newly regained empire, and now he was losing control of himself. Lex took a long, slow breath. Shrieking at her would only drive her away, and then he wouldn't have the information he needed to deal with this new situation. "What happened?" he asked through clenched teeth. "I located Trifyllis's car at a body shop," she reported. "I staked out the shop, but someone picked it up--apparently when I took a restroom break--because it was gone when I returned. The only address the owner had was in Metropolis, so that was a dead end. On the off-chance that Trifyllis was staying with a relative, I checked information, and found an address for an A. Trifyllis." "Alex?" Lex broke in, interested. "Maybe. I don't know. No one was home, and no cars were there. I intended to wait until they returned, but my scanner picked up a state police call on a car wreck. When they ran the plates, it was for Nick Trifyllis, so I went to the scene of the accident. They hadn't hauled the car or bodies out of the ravine, and police were everywhere, so I didn't have a chance to search either the bodies or the vehicle." Her detached, impersonal report had quieted Lex's fury, and he was thinking again. "All right," he said. The encrypted clone files hadn't been in any of the zip disks Enrico had brought, so Nick Trifyllis had to have them. "Search the address you found. They probably left the Zelig stone, the device, and the files at home. If you *don't* find anything, pretend you're a girlfriend and get a look at the car and their effects." "Yes, sir," she said and rang off. Lex swiveled back to face the expanse of sky visible above his balcony. There was still hope. ***** Clark was silent as he and Lois walked back to their Jeep. Looking into the ravine, he had been so appalled by the end of his chances of returning to normal that he didn't feel his usual compassion for the frightened scientist who had died in the burning wreckage--just anger that the man hadn't first managed to undo the harm he had done. Lois finally had to drag him away, and he stumbled blindly away from the car wreck. His gaze slid downward, past smoothly swelling breasts, down long, slender legs to small, neatly shod feet. He clenched one slim hand into a fist. He couldn't do this. In every way he defined himself, even during those frightening years when his powers were first appearing and he didn't know if he was even human or not, he had clung to one thing: he was a man. Dimly he remembered an echo of one of his earliest conversations with Lois: And now that had been torn from him. Vulnerable to all the ills and injuries humans were prone to, stripped of his enormous speed and strength, banished--he cast a quick, aching glance upward--from the sky that had been his retreat and his joy: those were problems he had faced before and could deal with again. But not this. Dammit, he *wasn't* a woman! Clark tripped on a half-buried root, and Lois shot one hand out to steady him. For a moment, he stared at her hand--*his* hand--grasping his arm. "Are you okay?" she asked. His night-dark gaze lifted to hers, and he studied her face--his *own* face, which looked oddly backwards, a mirror image of his normal reflection--and slowly nodded. They split up to enter the Jeep, and he cast a couple of quick glances back at his wife. He should have realized it earlier, but since he thought of his own body as being the "right one," it hadn't occurred to him that being trapped in his body was as distressing to Lois as being trapped in hers was to him. And yet, that was what she'd said: his body was too big and awkward, and she had to constantly think of how to control it. He opened the passenger door and stepped into the Jeep, his anger and despair fading into the background as concern for how Lois was handling Trifyllis's death came to the forefront. She slammed the door closed and leaned her forehead against the steering wheel, her hands tightening on the plastic. At the ominous cracking sound, Clark asked, "Honey?" Lois released the steering wheel and lifted her head, her eyes glittering with tears. "I can't do this," she whispered. "I have to control myself every single minute. I can't let myself get angry or upset or I could really hurt someone." She raised one hand and studied it, flexing and extending the fingers. "Clark, you've had a lifetime to learn to control yourself--not just your powers--so you can live among humans without hurting us. But I don't have that kind of control . . . and I'm afraid--" She broke off what she was going to say as she blinked back tears. "This is a nightmare. I hurt you once when I was Ultra Woman--and I have even *less* control of *this* body. What if I--" Her voice cracked, and she stopped, her head lowered, her shoulders shaking. "Oh, honey!" His heart breaking for her, he reached for her and pulled her head down to his shoulder. "It's okay, it's okay," he murmured, rubbing her back. "We can still get switched back. Nick probably left the machine at his brother's house. We can go there and find it. It'll be okay, sweetheart. Don't worry." Lois lifted her head, her eyes tear-reddened. "Do you really think so?" "I really do," he told her earnestly. The idea had come to him while he was comforting her, but the more he thought about it, the more sure he was that it was right. "He was *hours* ahead of us. He probably got in last night and stayed at his brother's place, and that's where the--the facilitator'll be." ***** Lois drove with her usual aggressive flair through Carsonville, frightening the locals off the streets while Clark shielded his eyes with one hand and prayed they didn't hit anyone. "What if the thingamajig *isn't* at Alex's place?" she finally asked, wisely choosing to slow down when a police car pulled in behind her. "It will be," Clark told her. "How do you know?" An almost-smile quirked one corner of his mouth. "Because we'll get through this--like we always do. And because you make a lot better woman than I do." She shook her head. "You shouldn't make bad jokes to keep my spirits up." "Why not?" "Because--" she turned back to her driving-- "you only do that when things are *really* bad." ***** Alex Trifyllis lived in a run-down apartment house in the low-rent district of Carsonville. "Are you sure this is the right place?" Lois asked, peering at the old building through the windshield. Clark didn't even glance at his notes. "Apartment twelve." "Be sure you lock up," she said and shut off the ignition, muttering, "This is the kind of place where we'll come back and find the Jeep jacked up and all four wheels, the spare, and both bumpers gone." Ignoring her grumbling, he hopped out of the vehicle, strode across the sidewalk, and disappeared inside the building. Lois quickly locked the Jeep and dove into the apartment building after her husband. Inside, the corridors were dimly lit and branched off oddly, but she didn't have any trouble locating Clark. There were some definite advantages to having super powers, she noticed, turning the corner and running up the stairs two at a time. By the time she reached the top, she had caught up to Clark, whose face was faintly flushed but who was breathing evenly. "Twelve?" she asked. "Over there," he said, and they started down the hall. At that moment, the door of apartment twelve opened, and a small, slender dark-haired woman in jeans and a casual top stepped out, turning back to close the door behind her. When the woman looked down the hall, Clark stopped abruptly, and Lois barely held back a gasp. Even in casual clothing, it was the woman from the police drawing; she was sure of it. "What are you doing in that apartment?" she demanded. The woman stopped, a puzzled frown furrowing her face. "What are you talking about? My . . . boyfriend lives here." It was Lois's turn to stop dead. Was she that mistaken? She glanced at Clark to see what he thought, but the sight of his face--*her* face--just reminded her why she thought she recognized the other woman. There was something indefinably Lois-like about both the drawing and the woman facing them. "Alex Trifyllis?" Clark asked. "Why, yes," the woman said. "Are you friends of his?" "No," he said, "we're newspaper reporters--" "--and we've come to interview him for a story we're doing," Lois broke in. The woman stared at them for a moment. "Reporters? Oh, I know! You must be Lane and Kent. I've seen your pictures." Clark lifted his eyebrows in surprise and glanced over his shoulder at Lois. "Pictures? Are you from Metropolis?" Lois's look-alike laughed lightly. "No, but I read all the tabloids. That was some mess you went through trying to get married, wasn't it?" Lois rolled her eyes. Clark enjoyed collecting the crazy articles about them, but the so-called news stories still left her feeling unclean. "Just makes you appreciate it more when you finally get there," she said with a fake jocularity that was intended to be a conversation-stopper. The other woman, however, seemed unconscious of the intended meaning. "Oh, and everything worked out okay with your baby, didn't it?" "What?" Lois and Clark asked at the same time, moving closer to her, flanking her on either side. "What about her?" he continued, his voice urgent. The woman looked back and forth from one face to the other. "I mean, you got her back from Social Services okay, didn't you? The papers never said . . ." Her voice trailed off. Lois blinked, finally making the connection. "Oh, the court case last fall." Then, because she couldn't stand misinformation being spread, she continued, "It never was a case of getting her *back*--" This time, it was Clark's turn to interrupt. "--it came out fine. What did you say your name was?" "Li-Lindsey," she said. "Lindsey Bailey. But if you want to talk to Alex, you came at the wrong time. He's gone." "Do you know where?" Lois asked. Lindsey shook her head. "No, I stopped by to meet him for lunch, but he wasn't home." Clark caught Lois's gaze from behind Lindsey's head and quickly drew one finger across his throat in a cut-it-short gesture. "Thank you, Ms. Bailey," he said. "You've been very helpful, but we've taken enough of your time," Lois added. Obviously dismissed, Lindsey started down the hall, but when Lois and Clark didn't follow, she stopped and asked, "Aren't you coming? He isn't home." "I know, but we're--" Clark looked toward Lois, his eyes pleading for help. "We're--uh--leaving him a note," Lois finished, and Clark dug a notebook and pen out of his purse and held them up for Lindsey to see. "Bye," Lois added. "Yeah, well . . . bye," Lindsey said and slowly turned away and started downstairs. Lois lowered her glasses on her nose and watched the woman drive off in an economy car that had been parked down the street. She zoomed in on the plates, then wrote the number down on the notebook Clark was holding. She tore off the page, folded it, and tucked it into the breast pocket of her suit jacket. "Just in case," she said. He nodded and pulled the cell phone out of her purse. "What're you doing?" Lois asked as he punched in a short number. "Turning in that plate number to the police and reporting that we may have seen a woman wanted in connection with a murder in Metropolis." Lois was relieved. She hadn't been sure how well her intuition would work in a different brain. "You didn't trust her either?" "Not as far as I could throw her--and that's not very far now," he said, a faint smile lifting the corners of his mouth. ***** The woman kept an eye on the rear-view mirror as she drove her economy car away from the curb. But no one appeared on the sidewalk to try to stop her; no police car suddenly pulled in behind her with flashing lights and siren. It looked like they'd bought her story. She let herself relax a little. *That* was an unexpected meeting. What were Lane and Kent doing in upstate New York instead of Metropolis? And were they really interested in Alex Trifyllis, or were they after Nick, as she was? Good thing she'd completed her search before they arrived. Speaking of which . . . She flipped open her small cell phone and dialed the number with her thumb. "Hello. Mr. Luthor? . . . Yes, sir, it's Lindy Barrows . . ." ***** CONTINUED IN PART 2/6 ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 19:18:01 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Organization: Subject: NEW S6, Ep10--Mirror, Mirror 2/6 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit STORY TITLE: Mirror, Mirror (Episode 10 of Season 6) PART: 2 of 6 AUTHOR: Sheila Harper RATING: PG FEEDBACK: All feedback welcomed, on this list or privately. DESCRIPTION: Lois and Clark lost their chance of returning to normal when Dr. Nick Trifyllis died. Now Metropolis may lose Superman, too. MIRROR, MIRROR PART 2/6 Super powers were useful for the odd bit of breaking-and-entering, too, Lois thought with satisfaction as she watched the tumblers line up. It had hardly taken her longer than using a key would have, and she opened the door and let Clark walk in first. "That's a handy talent, too," she said as she followed him in and closed the door behind them. He grunted absent agreement. "Keep an ear out in case Alex comes back." "Got it." She turned to face the room and gasped. "What a pig sty! You don't think he lives this way, do you?" Clark shrugged. "Maybe that woman ransacked it." "Is that what you think she was doing here?" "Looking for something? Sure. Maybe those files that Chris Trifyllis was going to send to Alex." Lois shook her head, surveying the room in disgust. "Well, what does the thing look like?" "Gendell said it looked kinda like a camcorder--one of the bigger ones because Nick balanced it on his shoulder." He moved toward one of the back rooms. "You check the living room and kitchen," he suggested. "I'll get started on the bedrooms." "Okay." Lois prowled through the front room, examining everything with x-ray vision, just to make sure the device wasn't hidden inside or under the furniture. But as she continued to scan every inch of the living room without seeing the device, she felt a sinking sensation in her belly. She turned to the eat-in kitchen and hesitated, afraid to look and find confirmation that the device wasn't in the messy apartment. What were she and Clark going to do if it wasn't here? ***** Lois had checked the kitchen, living room, bathroom, linen and hall closets, and stacks of clothes in the hallway when Clark finally emerged from the second bedroom. "No luck?" she asked, though his set, frustrated expression was answer enough. He shook his head. "I can't think where . . . That woman didn't have anything with her, did she?" "Just a purse, and it wouldn't have held a compact camcorder, much less what you described." Clark shoved one hand into his slacks' pocket and carelessly raked the other hand through his hair. He sighed and shrugged in frustration. "I don't know where to look next." Lois blinked away tears as she watched her husband's familiar gesture--made almost unrecognizable when performed by her body. "I think we need to find out who was in that car." He lifted his gaze from where he had been contemplating his shoes. "Okay." ***** "The ambulance just left with the bodies," the helpful young trooper said. He was directing the towing operations now that the car had been examined. "Bodies?" Lois perked up, but Clark felt a heavy, sinking sensation in the pit of his stomach. He'd hoped one or the other of the brothers had survived, but that chance seemed to be disappearing. "Yes, Mr. Kent. We pulled two of them out of the wreckage." "Were you able to ID them?" Lois continued. The officer shook his head. "No, they were pretty much--" He glanced at Clark and moderated whatever he was going to say-- "in pretty bad shape. It'll probably take dental records or DNA tests to be sure." "That only works if you have something to compare with," Clark said. "Did you find anything besides the car registration that showed who they might be?" The trooper seemed a little surprised by "Lois's" knowledgeable, business-like attitude. "Actually, ma'am, we did. There were a couple of suitcases in the trunk, and they weren't too damaged. The contents indicated that our John Does are probably . . ." He glanced at his notes then continued, "Nick and Alex Trifyllis." The state patrolman suddenly seemed to realize what he'd said, and, flustered, he stammered, "That--that isn't for public release yet. The captain doesn't like unconfirmed information getting out." Clark briefly closed his eyes. *Both of them.* A muscle in his jaw flexed as he clenched his teeth, getting himself under control. "Was there anything in with the luggage?" he asked, his voice hoarse with strain. "Electronic equipment, video camera, laptop computer?" "I don't know," the officer responded, belatedly becoming cautious. "Why?" Lois jumped in. "The man we're looking for is a real hacker, and he'd have had a computer with him--even on an overnight trip." The trooper shrugged and shook his head in an I-don't-know gesture, and Clark thanked him before he and Lois returned to their Jeep. "Now where?" he asked. She took a deep breath. "Home." ***** Lois glanced over at Clark, who had been staring out the window for the past hour. Hiding, she thought. Well, she hadn't exactly been eager to talk, either--but that was because she'd been thinking through the ramifications of what had happened. "You're going to have to be silent a lot longer than that before you can go for the Guiness record," she said. He slowly turned to face her. "What?" "You can't avoid this forever, Clark." He looked away. "There isn't anything to talk about." "Isn't there?" she challenged him. "Trifyllis is dead; his soul exchanger has vanished; and we're stuck. What else is there to say?" He sounded resigned, but she saw a flicker in his dark eyes that told her he wasn't as calm as he pretended to be. She drove down the freeway thoughtfully, casting brief glances at her husband. As hard as it was to look at him and see her own body, it was much worse to glance in the rear-view mirror and see Clark's reflection instead of her own. "How about how hard it is to answer to your name instead of mine. And how much I hate not being able to call you by name." She frowned. "I thought that it was hard to be in a super-powered body. Worse to be in a male one. But that isn't the worst part." He glanced at her, his expression concerned. "What is?" "Losing my *self.* I have to pretend to be someone else all the time. It's like I lost my history and my name--everything that makes me *me.*" Clark's faint smile contained more than a touch of irony, and as she reviewed what she'd said, she suddenly understood. "That's nothing new for you, is it? Hiding your real self, pretending not to be who you really are . . ." "Except with you." "And your parents." He dipped his head in acknowledgment, then said, "I'm sorry, honey. Instead of sulking in my corner, I should have realized that *you* needed to talk about it." "And you don't? Clark, even though you couldn't let anyone else know that you're really Superman, and you've had to pretend to be vulnerable and everything else, at least you could still be *Clark.* Now you won't be Clark or Superman--or even a man." His hands fisted in his lap. "I know." He looked out his side window again, then turned back to face her. "And you won't be Lois or a woman--or even human." The sarcasm in his voice betrayed the raw nerve she had hit. "Does it help to hear me say that?" he demanded. Lois bit her lip. Face set, she stared down the freeway in front of them. "Maybe not. But it makes me realize what I'm--*we're*--going to have to deal with." She took a deep breath. "I think we should tell your parents." "What? Are you crazy?" he exploded. "Let someone else know that--? No." "I'm not talking about 'someone else,' Clark. I'm talking about your parents." She glanced over at him and saw his jaw set mulishly. "Do you honestly think we can keep it from them? It'd be like my parents and hiding the fact that you're Superman. Is that the kind of relationship that you want with your parents?" His voice was low. "No." Clark was silent for so long that she would have thought he was ignoring the problem again, except for the way that his fists clenched again and again. At last he whispered, "I can't . . . It's too--" His voice dropped off, but her super hearing picked up his nearly inaudible, "embarrassing." Embarrassing to be a woman? She started to fire up angrily, but then she remembered how embarrassed he had been when he was shrinking, and how hard it had been for him to share that with her. She sighed. "Besides, if we told them, that'd be at least one more place where we could be ourselves." "All right," he said at last. "We'll tell them when we get back." Lois nodded and turned back to her driving, but she didn't feel her usual triumph over forcing Clark to concede the rightness of her position. It had finally occurred to her that his acquiescence meant that he had given up hope of getting changed back. END ACT 1 ***** ACT 2 "Mr. Luthor? It's Lindy Barrows." "Yes, Ms. Barrows," he said, putting the phone on speaker. "I need to have you send one of your lawyers to Carsonville, New York." He straightened abruptly. "A *lawyer*? Why?" "The state police picked me up for questioning in the murder of Chris Trifyllis." Her voice was calm and steady, but he thought he detected an underlying bit of stress. Lex sank against his chair, thinking. "The New York police? Why?" "Apparently someone called in my rental car plate and reported that I matched a police drawing of one of the people who were seen leaving Chris Trifyllis's house." He hissed angrily. "Lois Lane and Clark Kent." He should have realized when she mentioned meeting them earlier that they'd try to wreck his plans. "I don't know how they would have managed it. They never saw me go to my car." That wasn't a problem for a man with super vision. With Nick Trifyllis dead in a car wreck and no trace of his soul-switching device, Lex's dream of taking over Superman's body was fading, but it also meant that there would be no witness to pick Lindy Barrows out of a line-up. He could still keep using her, and he didn't have so many operatives that he could afford to waste them. "I'll get a lawyer up there." ***** "Martha! The kids are home!" Jonathan called as Lois and Clark unlocked their front door and walked into the house on Hyperion. Lois eagerly took Laura from Jonathan's arms. "How's M--my little girl?" she asked, cuddling the baby close. Martha walked in, wiping her hands on a towel. "Hi, honey," she said, reaching up to give Lois a kiss. She opened her arms to give Clark a hug. "Hi, Lois." Clark held back a second, not wanting to get too close to his mother in case she guessed their secret--then understanding exactly what Lois meant when she said it would ruin his relationship with them. The emotions of childhood came back to him with a rush, when a hug from his mom would make the hurt bearable at least. He walked into her embrace and put his arms around her, burying his face against her shoulder. "Mom," he whispered--and saw Lois's head snap around even as Martha drew back to look at his face. "We have something to tell you," he said. ***** He and Lois sat side-by-side on the couch with Laura playing at their feet while his parents watched from the chairs on the other side of the coffee table. Clark reached for Lois's hand, seeking comfort and courage. Jonathan waited patiently, but Martha was perched on the edge of her chair, her eyes bright with excitement. "Are you . . . ?" Clark gave Lois a sideways glance, then looked back at his mother. "Are we . . . ?" Martha raised her eyebrows and smiled. "Expecting?" He choked, and Lois shook her head and laughed. "No, thank God, although . . ." she waited until Clark looked at her curiously, "it might be interesting." "Don't even think it," he said, appalled, then turned toward his parents. "Lois and I were in an accident a couple of days ago." "Lois and . . . you?" Jonathan repeated. "Yeah." Clark glanced at his wife again. "I'm . . . Clark, and this is Lois. We were hit by a ray that . . . exchanged our bodies." Martha had one hand to her mouth, and Jonathan was frowning behind his glasses. "Lois?" he asked tentatively. Lois nodded. "He's right, Jonathan." She squeezed Clark's hand. "It's been a pretty horrible few days." "But . . . how did this happen? Why haven't you gotten changed back?" Martha asked, bewildered. Clark bent over to pick up Laura and kept his head down, blowing kisses with his daughter while Lois gave a short but complete account of what had happened during the past few days. But when his mother asked, "And how are you dealing with it?" he stood up and announced, "Laura needs to be changed," and fled upstairs. He had Laura in a clean diaper and was fastening her clothes back when his father said from the doorway, "Running away isn't gonna solve anything, Clark." "And what good is talking gonna do?" His father's gaze shied away for a moment, and Clark half-laughed. "I can't look at myself in the mirror, either. Dad, I don't know how to *be* a woman," he added passionately. "What's worse, I don't know how to be Lois. Most of the time, it's all I can do just to be *me*." Jonathan walked into the room and held out his arms for his granddaughter. "Then you'll just have to be the best *person* you know how to be, won't you?" ***** "So, what's the men's room like?" Martha asked. Lois gaped at her for a moment, then laughed. Trust her mother-in-law to find the quickest way to lighten an intense discussion. "Don't tell Clark, but I don't know," she admitted. "So far, I've just ducked out and flown home when it was necessary." At Martha's giggle, she continued, "Well, I don't have the aim part down very well, and I didn't want to answer any questions about why Clark was suddenly using a stall every time. Besides," she said sheepishly, "that's more than I want to know about the guys who work there." At that, Martha's giggle became a guffaw. "That also explains the beard." She studied Lois for a moment. "Clark never could grow a decent beard, honey. You're just going to look scruffy if you don't shave." "I know, but I can't aim my heat-vision to shave, and I don't want to burn the house down while I'm practicing." "I'd almost forgotten . . . Clark nearly did that when he was learning to shave." "Yeah, he told me," Lois said. "But I also got some first-hand experience. You should see the burns on our bathroom wall." Martha giggled again, and thinking it over, Lois decided that it was kind of funny. "You might think about taking a mirror out and practicing in the ocean," her mother-in-law suggested. "At least you wouldn't burn something up out there." "Fish beware?" Smiling, Lois looked upstairs, wondering what was keeping Clark and Jonathan so long. She was almost tempted to lower her glasses and take a real look, but she decided that was at least one invasion of privacy that she could avoid. Martha must have noticed her preoccupation because she said, "I already gave Laura a bath. They may be putting her to bed." Putting her to bed. Their bedtime ritual always included breastfeeding. Lois's smile vanished, and, concerned, Martha reached for her hand. "What is it, Lois?" She shook her head, her eyes blurring with tears. "Nothing. It's just--nothing." Blinking the tears away, she forced a smile. "Really, it's nothing." Martha gave her a look of exasperation. "Honey, you aren't as good at hiding when you're upset as Clark and Jonathan are--and they haven't been able to fool me for longer than you've been alive. What's the matter? Is something wrong with Laura?" The tears came flooding back. Lois didn't think about how odd it must seem to Martha to see her "son" crying. She just buried her face against the tiny woman's shoulder and let the tears fall. "I'm jealous, Martha," she whispered. "Clark's been--he's been nursing Laura since we got switched, and that was my special thing with her, and now he's doing it and I can't anymore, and I must be the meanest, most horrible person in the world for feeling like this. . . . But I'm angry and--and jealous . . . and it hurts." Her mother-in-law patted her back as she must have done with Clark so many times and murmured, "Shh, shh, oh, sweetie, it's okay. You're not a bad person, honey." She continued to whisper soothing nonsense to her son's wife. After a moment, Lois calmed down and raised her head. She swiped at her eyes and sniffed. "I'm sorry," she said hoarsely. "I didn't mean to dump all that on you." Martha squeezed her shoulder. "It's okay, honey. That's what family is for." She hesitated, then said, "For what it's worth, Clark's probably feeling the same way about the flying . . . because that's always been *his* special thing." Lois looked at her in astonishment, and Martha added, "You know, Lois, you kids really should talk." ***** "Here you go," Lois said and handed Laura to Clark, then went across the room to put up the books she had read to their daughter. When she turned back, Clark was in the rocker with Laura sitting on his lap, tugging at his T-shirt. But he made no move to unfasten his clothes, and it occurred to her to wonder if he were embarrassed to feed Laura in front of her. Martha was right: they were both worried and upset and afraid to hurt the other by sharing how they felt. . . . She sighed. But it wouldn't do any good to force him to do something that made him uncomfortable. "I'll go close up the house," she said. She returned a few minutes later, successfully resisting the temptation to putter around downstairs until Clark was done. Without Nick Trifyllis or his machine, it would probably take months--at best--before Dr. Klein could duplicate the results, which meant she and Clark had better start treating each other's bodies like their own instead of like temporary loaners. And that meant they had to deal with some issues that they had both been avoiding. He looked calm, even serene, with the baby suckling contentedly in his arms, but he had given Lois a quick, nervous glance when she entered the room, and he had drawn his shirt down a bit, covering himself a little more. From the door, she could hear the swift thump of his heartbeat, and she half-smiled, suddenly realizing how many times the sound must have given her away to Clark. She sat next to the rocker on the cushioned bench-top of Laura's toy chest and slid one large finger into her daughter's small hand, but she didn't say anything until Laura's fist relaxed in sleep. "Can I burp her?" she whispered. His dark eyes searched hers, and he nodded. She carefully took the baby >from his arms and lifted her daughter to her shoulder, bouncing Laura slightly and rubbing her small back until a bubble of air slipped out with a soft "bur-rup." She laid Laura down in the crib and covered her with a light blanket, then stood for a moment, looking down at their baby. "She does better when we're both here." "So do we," he said. "Maybe that's why." Lois turned and held her hand out to Clark. "C'mon, we need to talk." ***** CONTINUED IN PART 3/6 ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 19:18:50 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Organization: Subject: NEW S6, Ep10--Mirror, Mirror 3/6 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit STORY TITLE: Mirror, Mirror (Episode 10 of Season 6) PART: 3 of 6 AUTHOR: Sheila Harper RATING: PG FEEDBACK: All feedback welcomed, on this list or privately. DESCRIPTION: Lois and Clark lost their chance of returning to normal when Dr. Nick Trifyllis died. Now Metropolis may lose Superman, too. MIRROR, MIRROR PART 3/6 In the darkness above the city, Lois and Clark drifted side-by-side, joined by the unbreakable grip on his slender wrist and forearm that he had always used on her. She looked down, and he asked, "Is she okay?" "Her breathing hasn't changed." Her enhanced vision pierced the rooftop far below them. "And she's still sleeping." "Okay." He relaxed, letting the peace that he always found in flight soak into his soul. "Thank you for this," he said after a moment. "Your mom reminded me that you probably missed it," Lois said. "I have. Like you've missed . . ." He hesitated and looked away. "Nursing Laura?" "Yeah." She took a deep breath. "I can't do anything about that." "Do you want me to wean her?" "Do you dislike it that much?" "No," he said, "it's just . . . I thought it might be easier on you if you didn't have to see me doing what you can't. I mean," he added helplessly, "it's your body." "That's just it, Clark. It isn't. Not any more. And the sooner we get used to that, the better." She dashed a sparkle of tears from her eyes. "Let's go home." ***** In their bedroom, the bedside lamp glowed softly while Lois lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. Clark slid under the covers and lay on his side facing her, one hand supporting his head. "If we're stuck like this, then what're we gonna do about . . . you know?" "I don't know." She rolled over to face him. "I can't even sleep with my head on your chest. You're not shaped right, and it just doesn't feel like *you.*" "I know." He swallowed hard. "I miss holding you, but when I do . . . it isn't you." He studied his slim hand resting on her strong forearm, then looked up. "But, Lois . . . it doesn't matter what the outside looks like. I still love you." Her eyes flooded, and Lois closed them against the tears. She felt the soft brush of his mouth against hers, and she nearly sobbed aloud, her lips parting under the gentle pressure of his. "I love *you*," she whispered. ***** The sound of running water awakened Clark, and blinking sleepily, he lifted his head to look in the bathroom. The light showed through a one-inch crack in the door, and he saw a figure moving there. "Lois?" he called. "Yeah, I'm home," she said. He listened for a moment. That was water running into the sink, not the shower. He crawled out of bed and stumbled across the dark room to the bathroom door. "Honey . . . ?" She jerked around guiltily, holding the razor she normally used on her legs. Clark stared at the shaving foam on her face, and his mouth dropped open. "What're you--? How--?" he stammered, then grasped her forearm. "Lois, what's happened to your aura?" She shook her head. "I don't know. I went out to the ocean to practice with my heat vision--you know, to see if I could aim it to shave--and I finally managed to hit myself with it, except . . . Clark, it felt hot on my skin, and that didn't seem right. At least, I don't remember you ever saying that it felt like it was burning you, so I quit, and--" "Lemme see," he said urgently, grabbing a towel and wiping the shaving creme off her face. Her skin looked red, but it wasn't blistered. He ducked his head against her bare shoulder. "Thank God," he murmured. "It's only first degree--like a sunburn." "But it shouldn't've done that, should it?" she said quietly. Clark shook his head, studying her face. "Are you losing any other powers? Flying? Strength?" "I don't think so. And the razor still doesn't work on my beard." She held it up, and he saw the pits on the blade. His brows drew together as he considered that. "That means at least part of your aura's still there. Maybe it's just failing against super-powers." "Clark . . ." "Yeah?" "You don't think . . . ? Does this mean my . . . soul is destroying your body?" Lois said in a small voice. He took as much of her in his arms as he could reach. "I don't think so, honey. You're not feeling sick or weak, are you?" When she shook her head, he continued, "Well, see? You're not hurting my body. And I don't feel hot or sick, so I don't think I'm hurting yours." He considered. "Except . . ." She had started to wipe the remaining traces of shaving creme off her face, but she stopped at that. "Except?" "I feel kinda . . . I don't know, blah? Tired, maybe?" Lois grinned. "Uh-oh. Treadmill for you tomorrow, sweetheart. That's how I get when I don't work out for a few days." Clark looked at her in astonishment. "Lois, you're on the run all day long. What do *you* need exercise for?" She laughed. "You don't know how great it is to hear you say that. I guess some good comes out of the worst situation." ***** "C.K., are you growing a beard or something?" Jimmy asked as Lois stirred two packets of creamer and three packets of sugar into the black brew euphemistically known to The Planet staffers as coffee. She took a sip and smiled. Substitutes were never as satisfying as full-sugar, full-fat. She looked up and saw him apparently waiting for an answer. "I'm sorry, what was that, Jimmy?" "I was just wondering if you were trying to grow a beard." "No, I--" She stopped and touched her face gingerly, feeling the tenderness of the faint burn. At least this time she had a ready-made explanation. Constantly trying to come up with excuses for 'super' behaviors had gotten old in a hurry. "I got sunburned, and I can't shave for a few days." Jimmy peered at her face. "Wow, that's a first for you, isn't it? I mean, you *never* get sunburned." "No, not a first," Lois said, wondering if Clark ever *had* gotten a sunburn, "but the first time in a long time." She picked up her coffee and automatically headed toward her own desk. "Clark!" Perry poked his head out of his office. "What are you doin' with that jet sabotage story?" She looked around for her husband--an instant before she realized Perry was talking to her. "Umm, calling STAR Labs to see what Dr. Klein discovered and . . . going through a stack of research, looks like," she added, noticing the pile of folders on Clark's desk. "A'right," Perry growled. "I want the follow-up on that story before you go harin' off after your missin' witness. Speakin' of which, what did you two come up with yesterday?" "Apparently, he was killed in a car wreck just before we got there." Clark's voice at her shoulder made her jump. "Apparently?" Perry asked. Lois picked up the story. "The bodies hadn't been ID'd yesterday, so we're checking with New York on it this morning--" "--and then the MPD on Chris Trifyllis's murder--" Clark broke in. "--and Owen Preece, to see what else he knows about the files that Chris apparently gave to his brother Nick--or Alex--both of whom are missing." "Sounds like you have a busy afternoon planned," Perry said. "Afternoon?" Lois asked. "Afternoon. As in, after *you* get the jet story finished, and *you*--" he handed a folder to Clark-- "investigate the group that's protestin' the school improvement project." "But, Perry . . ." Lois began. He turned around slowly. "You have a problem with my story assignments?" Lois opened her mouth, then shut it with a snap. Clark didn't argue about assignments--darn him! "No, Perry." "Good," the editor said. He waited, looking at both of them. "Don't you people have somethin' to do, or do I just pay you to stand around and shoot the breeze?" They hurried toward their desks, bumping into each other as both of them made a dash for Lois's desk. "*My* chair," Clark whispered as he slid into it just in front of Lois. "Oh, yeah." She straightened up, then paused, looking down at him curiously. "How'd you get there before me, anyway?" He smirked at her, enjoying his moment of triumph. "Musical chairs champion three years running at the Smallville Junior High School carnival." She rolled her eyes and started back to Clark's desk. "I should've known." ***** Beth waited just outside the door of Nick Trifyllis's apartment while his landlady looked in each room, calling, "Mr. Trifyllis! Yoo-hoo!" as she went. Unless he really was unconscious or injured in the bedrooms or bathroom, as she had told his landlady in order to get into his apartment, he definitely wasn't there. "He's not here, but I don't see anything wrong," the heavy, fiftyish woman said when she returned to the front door, her eyes suspicious. "He's probably just at work." Beth shook her head, although she didn't have the faintest idea whether he was at work or not--or even *where* he worked. "That's why I was checking here. He's been in danger ever since he saw his brother's killers," she said, repeating her earlier excuse. "I'm sorry for disturbing you." Walking back to her car, she could feel the other woman's gaze boring into the back of her head. Frustration at getting no answer by phone and no response to repeated knocking at his door had driven her to get help from his landlady, but now she was afraid that she might have done something that Lex would find out about. And she still hadn't found that person who might be willing to help her defeat Lex. ***** Clark stopped by his desk and bent down to brush a kiss across Lois's cheekbone. "I'm off to cover that protest," he told her. She nodded and pointed to the phone receiver at her ear. "It's Dr. Klein--I'm on hold. Then I'll start through the research Courtney dug up--unless something else--" she made a loosening-the-tie motion-- "comes up." "Be careful." "You too," she called after him. He looked back and smiled, then strode up the ramp to the elevator. Dr. Klein was still waiting for results on his tests and said he would call when he had anything, so Lois picked up the stack of research for the jet sabotage story and went to the conference room where she could spread out. Racing through the pages in each file at super speed, she was engrossed in her reading and didn't hear Jimmy approaching the conference room. "CK?" She jerked around, thankful that she had just been fanning through a stack of papers rather than moving papers and files at super speed. "Oh, Jimmy, hi! What d'you need?" she asked breathlessly. Jimmy raised his eyebrows. Apparently he was starting to notice "Clark's" odd behavior. "Call on line one. And I've got that research on Asabi that you asked for," he told her, holding out a file. "Asa--? Oh, yeah. Terrific! Thanks, Jimmy," she said, reaching for the file with one hand and the phone with the other. He nodded and left the room as she said, "Hello . . . Clark Kent here." "Mr. Kent, this is Officer Williams, with the New York State Police." ***** Clark stepped off the elevator, frowning thoughtfully. Before he started toward the ramp, Lois grabbed him by the arm and hustled him across the pit toward the conference room. "What is it?" he asked. "We need to talk," she said, almost vibrating with tension or excitement. At the conference room, he automatically reached for the door and held it open for her, and she entered ahead of him. He was closing the door when it suddenly occurred to him how it looked. He sighed. No matter how much he tried to remember to act like Lois, he kept doing what he always did. He leaned against the wall, thrusting his hands into his pockets--but they just kept sliding down his thighs. Clark frowned. Why couldn't clothing manufacturers put pockets in women's slacks? He started to fold his arms over his chest, but the yielding softness against his hands flustered him, and he lowered his arms and gripped the back of a chair instead. "What's going on?" he asked. "Clark, we're not giving up!" Lois announced, pacing restlessly along one side of the conference table, about to explode from the strain of holding in her news until they could get someplace private. "What?" He shook his head, confused. "Ever since we saw Nick Trifyllis's car in that ravine, we've given up. Even what we told Perry this morning was just . . . going through the motions." "Okay . . ." He eyed her narrowly. He recognized that I-have-not-yet-begun-to-fight attitude of hers, and more often than not, it resulted in success, but . . . "I don't see what we can do that we haven't already done." "We've been following a trail someone else left for us," she said, "and we've come up with exactly what they wanted: Nick is dead; the device is lost or destroyed; case closed, end of story." "But the device wasn't at his house or at his lab --" Clark began, seeing her reasoning. "--or at his brother's house or in the car *or* the ravine where the car went off the road." "The state police were that thorough?" he asked, raising his eyebrows in surprise. "No, but--" she glanced toward the door to make sure Perry wasn't about to burst in-- "Superman was." "I thought you were checking with Dr. Klein about the oil sample." "He hasn't called back yet, but that New York trooper did." "And?" "He remembered you asking about electronic equipment, and he wanted to let us know that they didn't find any. And that started me thinking." "So you buzzed up to New York to check for yourself," he said with amusement. "And examined the ravine and the car, and there's nothing that even looks like it could have been a piece of high tech equipment." He began to pick up her excitement. "Then what did the police say about the bodies?" "Ah hah!" She grinned. "According to the medical examiner, those bodies were long dead--like over 72 hours--before they went over that embankment. In fact, she thinks they might have come out of someone's morgue in the first place." Clark hugged her and laughed. "He faked it. Thank God, he's still alive!" Lois hugged him back, effortlessly lifting him off his feet. "Now all we have to do is find him." END ACT 2 ***** ACT 3 Writing and editing an 800-word article on a protest demonstration was forty-five minutes' work for Clark. Writing it in Lois's style rather than his own nearly doubled the time, particularly when she was sitting next to him and kept reading aloud particularly interesting bits of information she discovered in the research for the jet sabotage story. When, for the sixth time, she said, "That's odd. Listen to this," he groaned out loud. "Honey, *please*. I've gotta finish this story before I can think about that one." She looked up from the stack of pages on her lap. "Oh. Do you want some help?" His fingers flew over the keyboard. "I'm sending you what I've got so far. Could you check it over for me, please?" He added softly, "Make sure it sounds like you and not me, okay?" Lois grinned as she got up to go to Clark's desk. "Do you mean you're giving me *permission* to edit your copy?" He grinned back. "I'd say that it looks like *you're* giving *me* permission." She rolled her eyes. "Cute, Kent." But he saw that she was grinning as she walked across the aisle to his desk. It was amazing, he thought, how different they both felt after they realized that Nick Trifyllis wasn't dead. He had just received the edited article back from her when her phone rang. She picked up the receiver and absently said, "Hello," as she continued reading the jet sabotage research. Out of the corner of his eye, Clark saw her perk up. "Oh, you did? Good!" She started to scribble notes on a pad, writing at super speed. Troubled by her careless use of super powers, Clark got up from Lois's desk and strolled to his. Bending over, apparently reading her notes, he blocked the sight of her hand from the rest of the room. "Thanks, Dr. Klein," she said at last and hung up. Looking over pages of transcription, she shook her head. "No wonder you don't bother with a tape recorder," she said softly. He shrugged and stroked her right hand. "But I don't speed write in public, either." Her eyes widened, and she looked around nervously. "Oops." She grimaced. "It's hard to remember to hold back." He half-smiled. "I know. ***** "Thank you, sir," Lindy said, sitting in the visitor chair in front of Lex Luthor's desk. "The lawyer had my alibi worked out and ID in hand when he arrived, and I was out within thirty minutes." "I pay them for results. I'm glad to hear that they're continuing to deliver." Lex leaned back in his chair and eyed the operative consideringly. "Are you ready for another assignment?" "That's what you pay *me* for, Mr. Luthor." He smiled, a terrifying shark's smile. "I appreciate willingness in my staff. Now that the Trifyllis brothers have been good enough to remove themselves from the picture, we only have one loose end left to trim off. . . ." ***** Lois and Clark had gone back to the conference room, where they sorted information about the jet sabotage while Perry looked at Clark's story. Jimmy's three-way cross-referenced list hadn't turned up anything, so they compared the people who had the technical know-how with the ones who had physical access and the ones who were involved in lawsuits or corporate takeovers. After two hours, they had eliminated some possibilities, but while there were nearly three dozen people who had the skills, the opportunity, or the motive, no one appeared in all of the lists. "I think it's Luthor," Clark said. "He's getting back into the airline business in a big way, and destroying his competition by sabotage has been the way he's done business as long as I've known him." "Clark, we can't write a story based on nothing but speculation. Perry'd stick us on dog show stories and high school graduations until Laura goes to school." At the mulish set of his jaw, she added, "And you know as well as I do that we never found any publishable evidence back then. What makes you think we'll find it now?" Clark sighed and pressed the heels of his hands against his eyes. "All right. Back to Jimmy for some background info?" he suggested, lowering his hands. Lois nodded. "I'll write up the stuff Dr. Klein gave me, which'll make Perry happy, but otherwise . . ." She shrugged. "We're done until Jimmy gets us some more information," he said, then added, satisfied, "so it's time for *our* investigation." "And I know just where to start." ***** CONTINUED IN PART 4/6 ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 19:21:01 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Organization: Subject: NEW S6, Ep10--Mirror, Mirror 4/6 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit STORY TITLE: Mirror, Mirror (Episode 10 of Season 6) PART: 4 of 6 AUTHOR: Sheila Harper RATING: PG FEEDBACK: All feedback welcomed, on this list or privately. DESCRIPTION: Lois and Clark lost their chance of returning to normal when Dr. Nick Trifyllis died. Now Metropolis may lose Superman, too. MIRROR, MIRROR PART 4/6 "House of Astrology?" Clark read incredulously while Lois bit her lip to keep from laughing. He looked at the window display, at the dangling crystals, teak carvings, and a tall brass urn with a long tube extending >from it. "What is that thing?" Lois asked, pointing. He glanced down at the urn. "A hookah. A water pipe," he explained. They pushed open the door to the tinkle of chimes and a waft of incense. Clark breathed deeply, closing his eyes. "It doesn't smell the same--nothing does right now--but I think it's amber." He wandered toward the teak carvings. "You recognize the smell?" Lois asked. "I like amber," he said, rubbing his thumb over a small teak carving, enjoying the feel of the smooth wood. She shook her head and strolled toward the books she saw in the next room. A dark-haired man, head bowed submissively and palms pressed against each other, suddenly appeared from the back room to block her way. "How may Asabi serve you?" he asked. He glanced at his customers, a flicker of recognition in his eyes, but his expression remained closed. "You could tell us what Lex Luthor is up to these days," Clark said. "I cannot say," Asabi said smoothly. "I did not return to Mr. Luthor's service when he returned to the world. . . . Since I do not have the information you want, perhaps you would be interested in a book or . . . a good luck charm." He gestured toward his books with one hand and toward the teak carvings with the other. "I understand Nick Trifyllis got a book on astral projection from you," Lois said. Asabi bowed his head, hesitating before he answered. "A regular customer." "With an interest in soul transference?" she continued. Something flashed in the older man's eyes, but he corrected her, "With an interest in helping slow learners. He has often spoken of his desire to help others." "Did he ever tell you about his research? How he planned to help slow learners?" Clark asked. "Certainly," Asabi said. "He hopes to share *understanding* from one mind to another." He shook his head. "Perhaps you should read his dissertation. He has often said that he has been interested in the subject from his student days." Not by as much as a flicker of his eyelids did Clark show that he had already read Nick's dissertation. "His interest in psychic phenomena wasn't related to his research?" Asabi shrugged. "Perhaps. But the technical details of his work are beyond my humble understanding." He extended his hands as if to say he had told them all he knew. Clark gave Lois a quick glance and caught her looking back at him. He lifted his shoulders, and she nodded briefly. They had been reporters long enough to know when an interview was going nowhere, and right now was definitely time to look elsewhere. ***** " . . . we only have one loose end left to trim off . . . Owen Preece." Lex's voice on the recorder was more ominous for being so calm and unconcerned. Owen stared at the recorder, his expression both fascinated and appalled. "Preece? Why him?" a woman's voice asked. "Enrico said Preece was acting suspicious when he went through Trifyllis's files. And I don't want him to put two and two together about my request for information on what Trifyllis had been working on and his death," Lex's voice continued. "Are you sure, sir? You don't think two deaths in the same department within a few days might make the police suspicious?" The woman's voice was as calm as if they were discussing meatloaf recipes. "Make it look like an accident--no, better yet, a suicide," Lex said. "Leave a note confessing to Tryfillis's murder. That should put an end to the investigation into Chris Trifyllis's death." Beth Luthor turned off the recorder. "Well?" Owen slowly lifted his gaze, his face ashen. "Why did you play this for me, Mrs. Luthor?" he asked hoarsely. She took a deep breath. It was now or never. "I need someone to help me bring Lex down. Someone that he can't buy. Someone that knows about computers, so we can get into his records. And that sounded like you." "Why don't you just take this tape to the police?" "He'd get out of it. He'd say the tape was a fake, and he'd hire enough experts to prove it. All that it would do is force me into the open, and I'd be dead before I could ever testify against him. He'd see to that." She knew she was pleading, but she couldn't stop herself. "Will you help me?" He looked at her with disbelief. "Are you crazy? You just tell me that someone is going to kill me, and you want me to hang around and play policeman with you? How much good do you think I'd be to you *dead*?" "I'll hide you," she told him earnestly. "But I need somone with your computer skills." Owen nearly laughed in her face. "You're going to hide me from *him*?" He shook his head. "Thanks for letting me know what's going on, and I wish you luck, but I'm not going to risk my life to put your husband in jail." He stood up. "If you'll excuse me, I have some arrangements to make." ***** Lois frowned thoughtfully as she drove the Jeep toward the Planet. "I think you're right. Asabi knows more about Nick Trifyllis's process than he's letting on. But I'm not sure he knows where Nick is. He didn't react strongly enough to his name." "Whether he knows anything or not, he's not gonna say anything," Clark said, "so we'd better start looking from a different angle." She gave him a quick glance. "What d'you think? Backtrack the brother?" He nodded. "He probably had the contacts to come up with the cadavers for the car wreck." "As well as fake IDs and a hole to disappear into." At his nod, she continued, "But I'd better write up the information from Dr. Klein, or Perry'll take us off the payroll." Clark rolled his eyes. "Why can't we ever get just one story at a time?" he complained. "Either it's so slow that we might as well shut off our computers and go home, or we've got stories burying us like an avalanche." Lois smiled. "Maybe you should take it up with someone higher up." "Perry? Nah, he'd give us more stories if he could." "I was thinking of someone a little higher than that," she said, her thumb pointing upward. "Oh." He grinned. "What makes you think I'd have any clout with heaven?" "Pure heart?" she suggested. He laughed. "I don't think the thoughts I have about you are usually considered . . . pure." "But we're married, so that's allowed." "Good thing." Clark gave her a wicked grin. But his smile faded as he noticed that Lois had tilted her head to listen to something beyond his hearing. She swore softly and pulled over to the side of the street. "Honey, I've gotta go," she said. He grasped her forearm. "Be careful," he told her urgently. "You aren't completely invulnerable now." "I know." She leaned over and closed her eyes briefly as she kissed him. Then she straightened up and opened the door. "I'll be back later." ***** "Lois Lane and Clark Kent just left my shop. They were asking questions about Nick Trifyllis," Asabi said. Lex turned away from the computer and picked up the receiver, shutting off the hands-free speaker function. "What do you think they were after? They were in New York. They must know he was killed in that car wreck." "They were wanted to know about his research. One of them mentioned 'soul transference.'" Lex frowned. "That wouldn't have been in his research notes. Were they looking for the stone?" "They never mentioned it. However, I sensed a peculiar energy from them . . ." Lex waited, but when Asabi said no more, he continued, "The stone was lost with Dr. Trifyllis's device, and they can't connect us with the Trifyllises' deaths in New York. Keep me informed if they return." As he hung up, Lex scowled at the Daily Planet on his desk. Page three had an article by Clark Kent following up the initial story on the PanGaea jet that Superman rescued. Not only was Kent investigating some of the shootings Lex had ordered, but now he was also sniffing around the PanGaea jet and making noises about sabotage. Luthor jabbed at a call button, and Enrico O'Reilly entered and shut the door behind him, but he waited across the room from Lex's desk. Luthor raised one eyebrow, and O'Reilly clenched his jaw, resisting. Eventually he moved forward to the visitor's side of his boss's desk. Although Lex didn't actually smile, he relaxed at his aide's submission and said, "A loose end at SATAN leads back here. Offer him the usual severance package." ***** After Clark drove back to the Planet, he found Lois's notes from her conversation with Dr. Klein on his desk, and he began to read through them as he walked back to her desk. He smiled to himself. She had written a complete transcription of the conversation--which meant that he could write the story--if he had her notes and his own from before. He stopped a moment, then headed back to his own desk. By the time Clark had finished a rough draft of the article and sent it back to his own computer, Jimmy had dropped another stack of folders on the desktop next to his keyboard. "Background on those names, Lois," he explained. "Thanks, Jimmy," Clark said and watched his friend walk away. If he and Lois couldn't get switched back, there was a relationship that probably wouldn't survive. All the more reason to finish this story and get back to finding Nick Trifyllis. He set his jaw and, picking up the stack of folders, went to the conference room. ***** Lois strode into the Daily Planet newsroom, fiddling nervously with her tie, wishing she had worn a clip-on today because she wasn't sure she retied it right. She took advantage of that extra half foot of height to look for Clark, but he wasn't at his desk. Then it occurred to her that she was looking for her six-foot husband, not her five-and-a-half-foot self, and she checked her own desk. No luck. She lowered her glasses to peer over them and quickly eliminated Perry's office and the copy room but finally struck paydirt in the conference room. "Hi, honey," she said, carefully closing the conference room door behind her. Clark jerked around. "Oh, hi. Are you okay?" She nodded. "I'm fine. I didn't have any trouble, but all I did was bring in another jet. Another PanGaea. With a frayed rudder control cable." "Really? Accidentally frayed?" he asked, his eager interest apparent in his body language. "I don't know. The outer edges were all dirty and greasy," she offered. "Were they rusted or corroded?" "I didn't look that closely." Her mouth twisted a little. "You'd've looked, wouldn't you?" He stood up and grasped her upper arms, his expression earnest with his desire to reassure her. "Honey, don't worry about it. The investigators know what they're doing, and if someone cut the cable, they'll find it." "I know. It's just . . . It's hard enough trying to control the powers *and* a body I'm not used to when I don't know the thousand and one things you've learned that make Superman so effective." She looked down into his troubled face and, taking a deep breath, straightened up. "I'm okay, honey. I just want to finish this plane sabotage story so we can get back to looking for Nick Trifyllis." "All right." Clark turned back to the table. "I wrote up a rough draft of what you found out from Dr. Klein, and I just got started on the background info we asked Jimmy for." He gave her a rueful smile and held out the folders. "You wanna take a look and see if there's anything?" "Cover me," she said, smiling faintly and nodding toward the door with her head. He grinned and shook his head at her facetious comment but got up and kept an eye on the newsroom through a crack in the blinds. Behind him, Lois whipped through every page in the pile of folders, and three seconds later, she set them down. "I think we've got something." Clark moved to stand beside her. "What is it?" "These two." She pulled out two folders. "A pilot who was fired for insubordination and a mechanic for PanGaea Air. They both belong to something called . . . SATAN." He lifted his eyebrows. "Satan?" "Stop Air Traffic Accidents Now." She frowned. "Vicious acronym for such a harmless sounding organization." "Maybe they aren't as harmless as they sound." ***** Beth drove numbly away from the LexCorp Information Technology Center. She still couldn't believe that Owen Preece had turned her down, that he hadn't seen how much safer he would be if he could put Lex in jail. That only left her with Nick Trifyllis--if he was still alive. And after what she'd heard in the conversation she had played for Owen, she wasn't sure any more. Maybe she should go back and collect the bugs she'd planted. As she stopped at a traffic light, she glanced at the monitor sitting in the top of her open purse. The two lights were off--and if Nick didn't go back to his apartment or lab, they'd probably stay that way. But they weren't hurting anything where they were, she decided, and she couldn't afford to ignore any possible source of help. She would leave them where they were for a few weeks. ***** At Lois's computer, Clark had found a website for SATAN, and he was scrolling through it, frowning as he read. "It says that they originally organized to protest unsafe transportation practices, and . . ." He clicked on a link for an update on current activities. ". . . and it looks like they're urging a boycott of PanGaea Air." Lois leaned over his shoulder. "Does it say why?" He paged through several screens. "Yeah. Safety violations. Inadequate maintenance schedules. Forcing pilots to fly too many hours with too little down time between. That sounds familiar. . . ." He paged through the folder lying open on his desk. "Here it is. That's what that pilot who got fired said PanGaea was doing." She speed read through the pages in the file. "He claims that's *why* he was fired. He refused to fly when he had too many hours without time off. PanGaea says he was fired for insubordination." Clark shook his head. "I don't know. I don't think that someone who refuses to fly when he isn't fit is the kind of person who would put 300 people at risk by sabotaging both of a jet's engines." Her brows snapped together in a question. "What difference does it make whether it's one or both engines?" "A plane can fly and land with one engine," he explained. "It would've stopped the flight, but they wouldn't have called Superman for help." Lois reached for the phone and pressed one of her speed-dial numbers. She smiled and shook her head. "You know the oddest things. . . . Yes, Dr. Klein?" She spoke with him for a few minutes, and when she hung up, she told her husband, "I wondered why the first oil sample didn't show any sign of tampering, but the second one did." He guessed where she was headed. "The samples were taken from different engines?" "Got it in one," she said, pointing her finger toward him. "One was sabotaged, and the other--the other suffered a mechanical breakdown. Too much wear with too little maintenance." "Sounds like we should have a talk with this pilot," Clark suggested. "And the mechanic," she added. ***** According to the name card above his mailbox, Tony Morales hadn't moved from his small apartment after he was fired by PanGaea. When he opened the door, Lois and Clark saw a smiling, athletic man in his mid-thirties, the kind of person, Clark thought, that he'd like to shoot hoops with. But as soon as they introduced themselves, the pilot's smile vanished and he lowered his eyes, thinking, apparently. After a moment, he looked up and opened the screen door. "I've been expecting something like this," he said. "You might as well come in." His small apartment was as clean as Clark had kept his, and he was clean shaven and tidy in a short-sleeved Henley shirt and jeans, his brown hair neatly combed. He didn't look like most unemployed men that Clark had seen. "What do you mean, you were expecting this?" Lois asked. "Let's not fence, Mr. Kent. In a way, it's almost a relief." Lois's surprised gaze flicked toward Clark, and he asked softly, "You didn't expect the other engine to give out, did you?" Tony Morales shook his head. "*Never.* I wanted to let people know what was going on at PanGaea, so they'd be forced to clean up their act, but I *never* intended to hurt anyone." "What about the frayed control cable today?" Lois asked. He seemed ashamed to meet her eyes. "It should've been caught in pre-flight. That flight should never have gone out." "After the last time, when the second engine failed because of shoddy safety procedures . . . and you *still* risked it?" Clark heard the judgmental tone in his voice and wished he could have taken it back. Nothing was guaranteed to shut up a source faster. Morales was quiet for a long moment. "Superman saved the first one, so we--I thought . . ." Clark noticed the slip, but he was too angry to take advantage of it. Lois gave him a quick, sidelong glance and picked up the interview. "He was your backup system," she stated. "Why did you tamper with a second plane?" "Because no one was discussing PanGaea's safety violations. The only thing anyone was talking about was sabotage." Clark's anger had vanished, and now he only felt tired. God save him from stupid, well-meaning people, he thought. If only Morales had come to them in the first place, they would have investigated his allegations--and probably nailed PanGaea for it. But he had taken the law into his own hands, and now he--and his accomplice--would pay for it with prison time. Clark got out his notebook and pen. He had a story to write. ***** CONTINUED IN PART 5/6 ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 19:21:25 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Organization: Subject: NEW S6, Ep10--Mirror, Mirror 5/6 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit STORY TITLE: Mirror, Mirror (Episode 10 of Season 6) PART: 5 of 6 AUTHOR: Sheila Harper RATING: PG FEEDBACK: All feedback welcomed, on this list or privately. DESCRIPTION: Lois and Clark lost their chance of returning to normal when Dr. Nick Trifyllis died. Now Metropolis may lose Superman, too. MIRROR, MIRROR PART 5/6 "He got the formula off the Internet," Lois repeated in disbelief as she and Clark walked to the Jeep after their interview. "Yeah, but most people wouldn't have realized that the compound could be added to the lubricant in a jet engine. Or that the friction would increase the temperature enough to burn it off and hardly leave any residue. It's not exactly like putting up the directions for making a pipe bomb," Clark said. "He said 'we.' What d'you think?" "It's the mechanic," she stated with certainty. "They're both in SATAN. Both have a motive, especially Morales, but the mechanic has the access." "I'd've bet anything it was Luthor . . . but you're right. Next stop, Derek Chambers?" he asked, mentioning the mechanic by name. "D'you have an address?" He nodded, and she opened the driver's side door of the Jeep. "All right. Let's get this story wrapped up." ***** "Not at work *or* home?" Lois asked in disgust as she rang the doorbell at Derek Chambers' house for the fourth time. "Why can't people be easy to find?" Looking hard at the door, she reached for her glasses, and Clark grasped her wrist. "Lois, please. People have a right to private lives." She rolled her eyes. "You and your rules. I bet Waldecker drove you nuts." A half-smile quirked the corner of his mouth. "Resplendent Man? He never could understand that the powers were to be used to help people, not take advantage of them." She sighed. "Okay. I get it. But I don't think we should wait to interview Chambers. We've broken the story, and we're still ahead of the police. If we wait, we'll risk losing the exclusive." "You think?" He laughed. "Perry'd kill us if we did." "*You.*" She bumped against his hip. "Then it's back to the Planet, I guess." "How 'bout we write this one from home? That way we don't have to get someone to watch Laura," he said. "Fine by me," Lois said as she started to step off Chambers' porch, but the arrested expression on Clark's face stopped her. "What is it?" "I just realized how to find Nick Trifyllis." He dug through Lois's purse until he found the cell phone. "I hope we're not too late," he muttered, flipping through his notebook for the number for the lab where Nick worked. ***** On the other side of Derek Chambers' front door, Enrico O'Reilly stayed still, hardly daring to breathe. A pool of blood slowly spread across the floor from the gunshot wound in the back of the airline mechanic's head. O'Reilly watched the viscous red fluid inch toward his shoes, but he couldn't risk moving and making a noise that would alert those nosey reporters to his presence. Besides, they seemed to think the computer geek's brother was still alive, and he wanted to find out what they knew and where they thought he was. END ACT 3 ***** ACT 4 Superman shot through the window of the master bedroom at 348 Hyperion and spun into jeans and a dark T-shirt, rushing to get ready for the stakeout at the lab. Only then did Lois realize that her daughter was standing on unsteady legs, clinging to the bedspread with one hand, and grinning and squealing as she watched her 'father.' "Oh . . . super," Lois muttered and reached down to pick up Laura, wincing as she did so. "Honey, is that you?" Clark called from the bathroom. "Yeah," she sighed, turning her head to avoid smeary handprints on her glasses. They really needed to talk about this whole Daddy and Superman thing. But first, she needed to figure out how to clean and bandage the stinging bullet wound on her shoulder without Clark knowing about it. ***** The Jeep was parked halfway down the block from the lab complex so Lois and Clark had a clear view of the side entrance where deliveries were made. "I should let you handle my mother all the time," Lois said, her mouth pursed with a suppressed grin as she wrote her story on the notebook computer on her lap. "She didn't complain more than three times about your calling at the last minute." Clark turned away from the window, where he had been watching the door to the lab complex. "Don't even think it. She just liked the idea that we trusted her enough to leave Laura with her while we were on an all-night stakeout." "Oh god, you don't really think it'll be an all-nighter, do you?" she groaned. Clark's body didn't usually get tired like hers did, but with her aura fading, she wasn't sure if that was true any longer. "I don't know." He looked back to watch the lab entrance. "The secretary said the people from the kennel were supposed to be there before six. If Trifyllis is with them, that'll be it. But if we have to follow them to him . . . I don't know how long it'll take, and I don't wanna risk losing him." "Neither do I. But if it's a public shelter, they may not know anything about him. We could end out staking it out for days, waiting for him to show up and collect them." Clark shook his head. "The secretary said it was some sorta private kennel. If he doesn't do something tonight, I'm betting they'll have an address for him." "I hope so. Good thing you remembered what she said about his animals." She looked at their article for a moment, then saved what she'd written so far, closed the lid, and turned the computer off. Clark smiled faintly. "Thank God for chatty secretaries." He looked over at Lois. "Aren't you gonna write any more?" "I want to talk to you about something first." "I recognize that tone," he said nervously. "What?" She eyed him with amused exasperation. "Clark, even *I* don't recognize this tone. These days, I don't recognize *any* of my tones." He grinned and looked back at the lab complex. "Okay, you don't have a tone. What d'you wanna talk about?" "Laura." His head jerked toward her, his expression concerned. "What about her?" She hesitated. "When I got back from that shootout at the New Troy Mercantile Bank, Laura was in our room, and I . . . sort of . . ." "Changed in front of her? I wondered." At her shame-faced nod, he shrugged. "It happens, honey. But she's pretty little still. She'll forget. You'll--*I'll* just have to be more careful so she doesn't see Superman up close any more." That was as far as they'd gotten last time. "I don't think that'll be enough." He frowned. "To keep her from recognizing that Daddy and Superman are the same person? Why not?" "Honey, you know as well as I do that your Superman disguise is as situational as it is physical. Despite the obvious resemblance--" she smiled as she said it, since he didn't resemble Superman in any way at the moment-- "no one guesses because Clark Kent's an ordinary man, and Superman's a super-powered alien." "Yeah, but what does that have to do with Laura?" "Because Daddy flies her around and super-speeds down the stairs after changing her when we're running late." She paused, then admitted to some of the responsibility, too. "And . . . Superman changes into Daddy in front of her. When she's seen Daddy do the same kind of things that Superman does, and the pictures of Superman look just like Daddy . . . You tell me." He looked out the window at the lab complex. "You're right," he finally said. "And until she's old enough to understand how important it is not to tell anyone, she can't know." Clark sighed and looked at his slender hands. "I'm gonna miss floating when I'm watching football." Lois smiled at his doleful tone, but she covered his hand with hers and hurried to reassure him. "Honey, I didn't mean you have to stop using your powers at home. Just in front of Laura. If she's asleep or out of the room or if you're doing something that doesn't show--" she adjusted her glasses-- "there's no reason you have to stop being yourself. The last few days, I got a good look at how hard it is for you to hold back at work. I couldn't do it. And I can't imagine how you could pretend to be powerless at home all the time, either." The relief on his face made her feel guilty for even bringing up the issue. "I'm glad." A tiny smile lifted one corner of his mouth. "I was starting to feel sorta like Samantha on 'Bewitched.'" "Oh, no, Clark! I don't want to make you feel guilty for being who you are. Besides," she added in a small voice, "I don't think we could get everything done if you didn't use your powers." "I know. I was afraid it'd put too much of a burden on you." He smiled, teasing her a little. "I guess I can learn to use pot holders when I cook. If I have to." Her smile froze. If they didn't get changed back quickly, she was going to *have* to use pot holders. Thank God he just gave her a good excuse for it. Clark turned his hand to clasp her larger one and lifted it to his lips for a brief kiss. "You know, we're talking like we're about to be changed back any minute." She smiled, trying to raise his spirits. "Aren't we?" Her gaze sharpened suddenly, and she straightened up, feeling her heart begin to thud heavily with excitement. "Look over there." He turned quickly. "That van? See if either Trifyllis is there," he said, pantomiming lowering a pair of glasses. It only took a second to concentrate in the special way that let her look through objects. "Three men. Two of them look like the pictures Jimmy turned up." She heard the quick surge of Clark's pulse. "Show time," he said. Lithe in jeans and sneakers, he got out of the Jeep and ran lightly across the street, using the van to shield his approach. Lois ran after him and quickly caught him, even without super speed, then slowed to match his casual pace. She glanced at her watch. With any luck, the front door would still be unlocked and the helpful receptionist would be there. She was. Clark went up to the front desk and said, "Hi, I'm . . . Lois Lane, and this is my partner, Clark Kent. I asked you about--" "--about Dr. Trifyllis's dogs. I remember." 'Lois' may have been the one talking to her, but the young woman couldn't take her eyes off 'Clark'. "Weird story, if you ask me, but I guess you guys can't always be writing about the NIA. Anyway, you're barely in time. The people from the shelter are already here." Even as she chattered, she pressed a button on her panel, and a moment later, a security officer strolled into the lobby. "Hi, Carl. Could you please take Ms. Lane and Mr. Kent back to the kennels?" "Thank you," Clark said, ever polite. "Sure," the receptionist said absently, her gaze on his six-foot spouse, adding, as they turned away, "Partner, huh? Some girls get all the luck." ***** "'Weird story'?" Lois asked softly as they followed the portly security officer to the back of the building. Clark shrugged. "I told her we were doing a series on lab animals: where they come from, how they're treated, what happens to them." She rolled her eyes and elbowed him. "Don't mention it to Perry or he'll give it to us on a slow news day." He elbowed her back, grinning. "Beats covering dog shows." Ahead of them, Carl opened a door at the end of the hall and held the door as he gestured them into the kennel. For the first time, Lois remembered to wait and let Clark enter in front of her. "Couple of reporters to see you, Andy," the security man announced and closed the door behind them. A tech in a light green lab coat was in back with two other men in coveralls. "Be right with you," he hollered over several dozen dogs that started barking at the unexpected visitors. When he continued in a quieter voice, Lois could clearly hear him say, "You've got leashes and a cat carrier, right?" "Nick Trifyllis?" Clark said, and one of the men froze. "We're Lane and Kent, from the Daily Planet, and we need to talk to you." The small, thin man in coveralls studied them, his eyes sharp and penetrating. "You're Lane and Kent?" he asked. Lois moved to stand by Clark. Driver's license photos rarely looked like the person, but still . . . "Yes. But you're not--are you Alex?" "Where's Nick?" Clark added. Lois didn't miss the swift flicker of Alex's eyes, and she faked a cough, bending down a little and covering her mouth with her fist as she scanned through the floors above, looking for Nick's lab. "Nick? Alex? Who are you talking about?" the man countered. The other man with him, a crew-cut blond who was as big as Lois, chimed in, "You must have the wrong people. We're here to pick up some animals." Clark glanced up at Lois, and she looked at him hard, then lifted her gaze upward without moving her head. At his faint nod, she turned back to the men. "Are you sure you aren't Alex? You look like the picture of him." Lois tried to listen for Alex's heartbeat, but she didn't have Clark's knack of sorting it out from other sounds. Alex smiled a little. "You know how pictures are. Catch 'em at the right angle, and it could be anybody." "O-o-o-kay," Lois said. "Sorry to bother you. We'll wait outside and let you get on with . . . whatever you're doing." She took Clark by the arm. "C'mon." Outside the kennel, with the door closed behind them, he asked, "Okay, so what'd you find?" "Nick's in his lab." "Does he have the facilitator?" "I just took a quick look." It had taken everything she had to see into the lab three floors above. "Let's get him." He clapped his hand on her shoulder, and she couldn't hold back a wince. Shocked, he jerked back. "What is it?" "A scratch," she said, her hand cupped over her shoulder. "Lemme see," he said, but she shook her head and turned away from him. "Lo-is. What happened?" "A bullet graze at the bank holdup," she admitted. His eyes were bleak; a muscle in his jaw flexed as he clenched his teeth; his breathing was uneven. "Let's go get Nick and get changed back." ***** Carl, the security officer, heard the side door open, and he turned down the hallway to see a smallish man with dark hair starting up the stairs. "Sir!" he called. "Can I see some ID?" The man turned around and started back toward him. "Sure. I've got my badge in here somewhere." He felt in his pockets while the security officer waited. "Oh, here it is." At his words, Carl looked down expectantly--and missed the swift headbutt that crumpled him to the floor. The intruder looked down at the security man's larger form for a second, then grabbed him by the heels and dragged him into the shadows under the stairs. He dug in his pocket and found a small tablet, which he placed under his victim's tongue. Emerging from under the stairs, he glanced at his watch. He had thirty minutes. ***** Nick Trifyllis continued to copy his research onto yet another zip disk. Alex had said he could have fifteen minutes--no more--and it looked like it was going to take every minute of that. He stared at the screen. If only there was a way to get hold of some of the money Mr. Gendell had promised him. He was going to have to start all over again, and if Alex was right, it couldn't even be in his own field, so he would need some money to get started with. "Dr. Trifyllis?" Startled, he jumped. He remembered that voice, and he slumped lower in his chair as he groped for the cognitive facilitator he had brought with him. He didn't trust locks--on cars or houses--any more, so it was never more than a few feet away from him. "It's Lois Lane and Clark Kent. From the Daily Planet. We need to talk with you." Daily Planet? Was this a trick--or had he used his device on an innocent couple? He peeked around his monitor, his facilitator held in front of him like a gun. "What do you want?" The woman continued, "We came to see you three days ago, and we were hit by some kind of ray that knocked us unconscious. . . . Dr. Trifyllis, please. We need your help." He remembered the dogs' and cat's misery, and there was something of that same distress in her voice. He peeked around the monitor again. The couple was standing at the door, holding hands. Illogical though it might be, he couldn't imagine a pair of killers holding hands while they waited, and he emerged from behind the computer, facilitator clutched to his chest. "You aren't the people I saw leaving my brother's house." It was a statement rather than a plea for assurance. The man, big, athletic, shook his head. "No. We were covering the murder for our paper, and we came over to interview you." "Oh god, I'm . . . sorry," Nick said. "I'm not." Three heads jerked toward the corner where a compact, dark-haired man emerged from behind a file cabinet, a .357 pistol held in his fist as if it had grown there. ***** Clark measured the distance from himself to the gun, calculating whether he could make it in a human-seeming leap, and just how he needed to grab the gunman's hand so a stray bullet wouldn't hit anyone else-- --when he suddenly realized that he not only didn't have super powers, but he didn't have a man's strength and reach. And if he knew his wife, she was running the same calculations through her head--but she was no longer invulnerable to bullets. He clutched her hand. "Don't," he muttered under his breath. "Distract him," she whispered back. "You'll get *hurt*." She ignored that as completely as the gunman seemed to be ignoring them. "You're the computer geek's brother. I saw you driving to his house," he said to Nick, the pistol unwavering in his hand. "That must be the machine I've been looking for. The one with the white rock?" Nick seemed confused, his hands sliding over the facilitator as if he were assuring himself that it was still there. "I'm sorry, what? White rock? Yes, that's what's in this device." The small, dark-haired man gestured with his free hand. "Hand it over." Clark exchanged one frantic glance with Lois. They *couldn't* lose the facilitator, not now. She pantomimed her eyes rolling up into her head, and Clark took her hint and let himself fall to the floor in a graceless heap. The gunman jerked toward the sudden motion, the pistol switching instantly >from Nick's midsection to Lois's. "What happened to her?" "Low blood sugar," Lois said and squatted beside Clark's limp body, forcing herself not to flinch away from the weapon now aimed at her head. She looked over the top of her glasses at the pistol, a faint shimmer in the air the only sign that she was using her heat vision. The metal of the gun heated rapidly, and the gunman started to drop it, his finger clenching on the trigger when he let it go. As if in slow motion, she saw the bullet begin to spiral through the barrel toward them, and she flung herself over Clark, wincing in anticipation of the pain just as a blaze of light caught them both. Distantly she thought she heard a dog barking-- --and everything went black. ***** CONCLUDED IN PART 6/6 ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 19:22:18 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Organization: Subject: NEW S6, Ep10--Mirror, Mirror 6/6 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit STORY TITLE: Mirror, Mirror (Episode 10 of Season 6) PART: 6 of 6 AUTHOR: Sheila Harper RATING: PG FEEDBACK: All feedback welcomed, on this list or privately. DESCRIPTION: Lois and Clark lost their chance of returning to normal when Dr. Nick Trifyllis died. Now Metropolis may lose Superman, too. MIRROR, MIRROR PART 6/6 Clark drifted toward consciousness. At the feel of Lois's body under his, he frowned, wondering how he could have been so tired that he fell asleep without rolling off her first. Then he realized that they were both fully dressed and his cheek was pressed against the floor, not a pillow, and memory came flooding back. The gun . . . He jerked his head up and saw Lois lying beneath him--her dear, beautiful face; her slender, sexy body; her coffee-dark eyes opening and focusing on him--and he hugged her tight, his face buried in her dark cloud of hair. "Oh, sweetheart, we're back," he whispered. Her arms tightened around him. "Are you okay?" she asked. "The bullet . . ." "Missed me." "I'm sorry," a man's hesitant voice interrupted. "I was aiming at him--" The speaker broke off and took a step back as Clark shot to his feet and turned to face him in one swift motion. Belatedly, Clark realized that his expression had been threatening, and he forced himself to relax. "Dr. Trifyllis? What about the man who shot at us?" Nick nodded toward a couple of bodies lying on the floor nearby. Eyebrows drawing together in a puzzled frown, Clark asked, "What happened?" He turned back and helped Lois to her feet. "I--I was going to use the facilitator on him--to try to knock him unconscious. But he jerked away when he shot at you, and I got you two instead. So I tried again . . . only Lucky came in . . . and I got the two of them. I just switched them back." They stared down at the large mixed-breed dog and the unconscious man. Clark jumped when he felt Lois's finger touch the bare skin of his side. Her mouth close to his ear, she murmured, "The bullet didn't miss." He looked down and saw her finger poking through a hole in his T-shirt. Horrified, he met her gaze. "If Nick hadn't missed and switched us . . ." She gave him a crooked smile and suggested, "Maybe we should get this gun-happy creep tied up before he wakes up." ***** Clark was securing the gunman's feet with duct tape when Alex and his large friend burst into the lab. "Nick!" Alex called. "What's the hold up?" "This guy--" he pointed to the man Clark was tying up-- "tried to steal my invention." The burly blond pushed forward. "I toldja they were fakes," he said to Alex as he reached down and grabbed Clark's shoulder. "No, no, not *him*," Nick said as Clark got to his feet, shrugging off the other man's hand. "The guy on the floor." Alex stood back, trying to take in the situation. "So now there's three more people who know you didn't die in that car wreck." He swore. "You're never gonna get those killers off your trail if everyone knows you're still alive." Lucky was beginning to stir, and Nick squatted down to rub his ears. "I think that's one of them," he said, nodding toward their attacker. "He said he saw me drive up to Chris's house." Clark looked down at the gunman, then over at Nick. "You thought I was *this* little guy?" Lois elbowed him. "Put him in a suit and glasses . . . at a distance . . . walking with someone who looks like me . . . it could happen." She bent down and started searching for the man's wallet. Alex scooped up the gun that the man had dropped. "This is the guy that killed Chris?" He held the weapon in a hand that trembled, the muzzle wavering toward Lois and Nick as much as the gunman. Clark stepped between Alex and the others. "Put the gun down, Trifyllis." "He killed my brother," Alex choked out. "Nick *thinks* he did," Clark said softly. "If he did, he'll pay for it. But are you gonna throw your life away on a guess?" Alex hesitated. "Get outta the way." "If you kill him," Clark continued, "you'll never be able to prove who sent him--and you'll be letting the person who ordered your brother's death go free. Is that what you want?" Alex's face was tense and white, his eyes wide as he stared at the face of the man at his feet. "No," he said at last. His hand relaxed on the gun, and Clark grabbed it from him. As calmly as if she hadn't had a gun pointed at her for the second time that evening, Lois held out a driver's license and an employee's ID card. "Enrico O'Reilly," she said. "He works for LexCorp." ***** "Do you think that was wise?" Lois asked. She and Clark were alone in the lab with O'Reilly tied at their feet while they waited for the police to arrive. "To let 'em go so Nick can still pretend to be dead? I don't know." It was Clark's turn to use the laptop to work on their stories. They sat side-by-side on the examination table, their arms touching lightly, the underlying attraction between them sparking in the air like electricity. "But I know I couldn't promise that I--or even Superman--could keep him safe, so . . ." He pointed the toe of his basketball shoe at their prisoner. "I hope this guy is too busy defending himself against a murder charge to remember that Nick was here." He shrugged and pressed 'save' as he leaned over and nuzzled his wife's neck. "I'm just glad that we're back to normal." "Mm-*mmm*, me, too," she sighed. "*And* that you got rid of that Zigfield rock-thing." "The Zelig stone? Yeah." Nick had been reluctant to admit that something besides his invention had been responsible for the soul switching, but he finally gave in under the weight of Lois and Clark's questions. After a pointed reminder of what he had done to them, Nick had quickly given up the stone, and Clark had taken the first opportunity after the other men left to hurl the deadly thing into outer space. "It won't bother us any more." "Good. I love you, Clark, but that doesn't mean I want to *be* you." She snuggled closer to him. "Speaking of being back in our own bodies . . . since Mother's set to watch Laura all night, how about we sneak off and play hooky after we file our stories?" He grinned. "Go to that deserted island in the South Pacific?" "Oooh, I have some fond memories of the palm tree on the beach," she whispered against his lips. "You leaned me up against it, and--" His eager kiss cut off her words, and one of his hands slid into her hair, cupping the back of her head. "God, Lois," he murmured, breaking off the kiss and pressing his forehead to hers. "We're never gonna get this story finished at this rate." "We can't have that," she replied, but her hands were sliding over his chest, teasing him. On the floor, their prisoner began to squirm, drawing their attention. "I see he's decided to join the rest of the world," she continued. Enrico's eyelids flew open. His gaze fastened on their faces, and his eyes widened in a look of horror then slammed shut, and he whimpered. Clark raised his eyebrows and looked at Lois. "Maybe he *won't* remember Nick was here." ***** Beth parked down the street from the rooming house and, sliding a cassette tape into her pocket, locked her sporty little car. When she had seen that one of her bugs was picking up activity, she had bolted from the penthouse, risking a ticket as she sped across town to Nick Trifyllis's lab. Even so, she had arrived just in time to see the surviving Trifyllis brothers get into a van parked outside the lab complex. Before she could hail them, the van had roared into the street, leaving her no choice but to follow as best as she could. She rubbed her damp palms against her slacks as she walked down the street. After Owen Preece's refusal, she couldn't afford to fail again. Once people knew that she was recruiting a team to work against Lex, *he* would know it, too. The desk clerk just stared at her when she asked about her three "friends," so she used her snooping device to listen at each door until she heard someone say, "Nick" and "Alex." She slipped her tiny cassette tape into the personal recorder, thumbed up the volume, and rang the doorbell. Inside the room, she could hear a low-voiced, "Get outta sight," and a confused scrambling sound. After a moment, a big, blond man who looked like a construction worker opened the door. "Yeah?" "I'm Beth Luthor, and I have a proposition for your friends. I want their help to get the man who had their brother killed." She flicked the "play" button and Enrico O'Reilly's voice rang into the empty-appearing room: "One curious computer geek out of the way." Nick and Alex Trifyllis emerged from an alcove, and she stopped the recording. "Interested?" she asked. ***** "I just missed Preece at work, Mr. Luthor, but he hasn't come home yet either," Lindy Barrows said into her cell phone. "Hold a moment," Lex told her, muting the line as he switched to the incoming call. "Mr. Luthor?" The president of the Lexor Industrial Bank didn't have to identify himself. "Michael, what can I do for you?" Lex said, leaning back in his chair and drawing on his cigar. "Mr. Luthor, we've had some kind of computer glitch . . . and $300,000 was mistakenly transferred from the LexCorp account to . . . Well, we're not exactly certain *where*." Lex sat up. "A third of a million dollars vanishes, and you don't know *where*?" "Not exactly. However, Owen Preece came in today and withdrew exactly $300,000 in cash from his personal account." The bank president continued speaking, but Lex had quit listening. If anyone could arrange such a glitch, it was Preece: he had the access codes and the knowledge, and if he was using cash, he would be nearly impossible to trace. "I'll call you back," he said and switched back to Lindy Barrows. "Our bird has flown," he said. "Start looking for how he got out of the city." Another incoming call flashed, and Lex switched to that line. "Yes?" he snapped. By the time he hung up, his fury had been replaced by a satisfied smirk. His dream of taking over Clark Kent's body and powers may have burned up in a ravine in upstate New York, but the new weapon was functional, and there was a certain seductive appeal to killing that super thorn-in-his-side instead. ***** Blissfully content, Lois snuggled into her husband's arms, rubbing her cheek against the solid curve of his chest and looking up at the dusting of stars in the southern sky. A dozen yards away, the waves whispered onto the beach. "This is so much better," she sighed. "Sand and all?" he asked, amusement in his voice. His hand strayed down her bare back to her waist, and he brushed a kiss across the top of her head. "Yes--anything. It doesn't matter. I'm just glad we're back to normal. You handling the flight plans . . ." "*You* giving Laura the house special *and* dealing with your mother when we stopped by . . ." he put in. Lois grinned at Clark's teasing reference to breastfeeding, but she rolled her eyes at the mention of her mother. Dealing with Ellen Lane was one of those tasks she would as soon let Clark keep. "Perry sure was happy when we dropped by the Planet to file our stories, wasn't he?" Laughter rumbled in his chest under her ear. "He was muttering something about radio ads and fireworks, I think." "I heard 'Kerth' come up a few times while he was reading the plane sabotage story." Her smile faded, and she lifted her head to look at her husband's face. "But, Clark, what was he doing at the Planet that late at night? I thought he was going to cut back so he and Alice could spend more time together." He shook his head. "He was. He did. But something must've come up. Maybe Alice went to visit the boys, and he's at loose ends without her. Or maybe he fell back into his old habits after that terrorist-hostage situation at the Lexor last month when he was sleeping at the Planet during the crisis, and he just hasn't stopped to realize what he's doing again." She laid her head back on his chest. "I used to think that all people had to do was see what they *should* do and decide to do it and that was it. Never have to deal with that problem again. But the older I get, the more I realize that we just fight the same battles over and over." His arms tightened around her. "That's because the battlefield keeps changing. You win the fight in one area, and then things change, and you gotta figure out how to make it work in different circumstances." Lois was silent for a long moment, listening to the surge of the waves and to the steady thump of her husband's heart. "That's how it was with me being jealous of Superman," she said at last. "What? How could you be--?" He stopped, biting back his question, then rephrased it. "What were you jealous of?" "At first?" He nodded, and she continued, "Being left behind. Missing out on the action." She rolled on top of his warm, solid body and crossed her arms on his chest, resting her chin on the back of her hands so she could see his face. "I killed that dragon a long time ago . . . I thought. Until the last few weeks." "When Superman's been so busy," he said softly. "Yeah. It seemed like you were always taking off to do something brave or important and I was stuck at home washing spit-up rags or wiping baby food off the high chair or changing diapers. I thought . . . you were escaping >from the ordinary, boring routine, and I was jealous." "Honey--" he began, but she put a finger on his lips to shush him. "Let me finish," she said. "Except . . . these past few days I realized *again*--" she half-smiled-- "that being Superman also tears you away from things you want to do. Being with Laura and me. Doing the ordinary things that--that connect you to everyone else on this planet. All those things you wanted when you created Superman. And besides," she added in a low voice, "you don't feel very brave or heroic when you carry a dead baby out to its parents." "Sweetheart," Clark whispered and gathered her close in his arms. "I wish you didn't have to go through that. You didn't even get to talk to me about it afterwards." "No." She sniffled and shook her head. "I started to--and then someone called for Superman, and I had to go--like you've had to do a thousand times. I know it doesn't change anything, Clark. We'll be in the middle of an important conversation or fixing dinner together, and you'll still have to go. But I can't imagine being jealous of it any more." She managed a watery laugh. "Besides, I *hated* always having to play catch up at the Planet." He lifted her up to kiss her, offering love and acceptance and comfort in his touch. "I learned a few things, too," he said, "about making you raise Laura alone when I'm gone so much as Superman." "Oh, Clark, I'm sorry," Lois said, shame-faced. "I shouldn't have said that." "No, honey, I'm glad you did. I needed to hear it--even if I did end up getting a first-hand look at what you were talking about." He was silent for a moment, his warm brown eyes searching her face. "When I take care of Laura by myself, I use super speed to do a lot of chores or heat vision to warm her bottle--" At her expression, he broke off what he was saying, and a faint smile pulled at one corner of his mouth. "I know. No more folding laundry or putting groceries away at super speed in front of her." He sighed and then resumed what he had been saying. "Anyway . . . I hardly ever get tired, either, so I didn't realize how hard it is for you to juggle so many things when I'm off being Superman . . . or how tiring it is." She smiled. "I've gotten pretty good at it, but it's nice having you recognize the effort." "Yeah, but I think I can do more than just acknowledge it." Lois lifted her eyebrows, waiting, and Clark continued, "I'm gonna start fixing extra meals on my days off. Stuff that can be stuck in the freezer, so all you have to do is pop it in the microwave and heat it up. And if Laura and I do the grocery shopping on the day I watch her each week, you won't have to run to the store after work as much." She looked at him in surprise. "You've really been thinking about this." He nodded and brushed a strand of hair away from her cheek. "And it's ridiculous for you to get stuck cleaning house if some emergency calls me away. Even with the townhouse and a nine-month-old in daycare, we make enough money to afford to have someone come in once a week to clean the downstairs and the bathrooms." She was already shaking her head. "We can't do that, Clark. We can't risk having a stranger coming into our house. What if she saw something? What if she found the secret closet with your spare suits?" "I can lock the secret closet. That's not a problem. And if the house cleaners come by when Laura and I go to the store, what're they gonna see?" "I don't know." He seemed to have thought it through, but the whole idea still seemed too risky. "Let me think about that one, okay?" "Okay." He cupped her jaw with one large hand, his thumb caressing her cheek, his eyes dark and serious. "Honey, I love you. I don't ever want you to feel like you're getting 'stuck' with something in our marriage." Lois smiled and stroked the dark hair away from his forehead. "I love you, Clark Kent." She kissed him, slow and sweet, but when she lifted her head, her grin was impish. "But I hope you aren't too literal about my *not* getting stuck with things." "Why's that?" he asked. "Because I've gotten used to being stuck with you." Clark laughed against her mouth and rolled them over so she sprawled on the sand under him. "Well . . . that's okay." "Good. So let's take advantage of my mother being stuck babysitting." She pressed her hips against his, and he sighed with pleasure. "Maybe we should let someone know we're gonna be late for work." His last word trailed off as Lois traced the edge of his ear with her tongue. She laughed softly. "What d'you think I was doing at my computer while you were filing our stories?" ***** Under the graphic of a door knob with a "do-not-disturb" sign hanging from it was a short message: "All work and no play makes Lois and Clark a very dull couple. It doesn't do much for a marriage, either. So we're playing hooky this morning. See you after one." Perry White read the message on his computer screen and started to laugh, but something stopped him. He stared at the words thoughtfully, then reached for the phone. "Hi, Alice. I'm takin' off early this afternoon . . . Yeah, about five . . . Wear somethin'--sexy . . ." FADE TO BLACK THE END ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 18:10:07 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: Re: Nfic Awards MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii --- Pam Jernigan wrote: > Piper asked: > > So what is the plan for these awards? > > That's what we're trying to figure out, Piper :-) I > don't think > anyone's officially in charge, yet, we're just > throwing ideas around. > It ought to be someone who's very widely read in the > genre, which leaves > me out :-) (big snip) > So, anyone interested (in coordinating)? The hardest part is > collecting nominations, from > what I've heard from Erin and Leanne, since the > field is wide open -- > and people send in nominations along the lines of > "the one where they go > on their honeymoon, by whatsherface," which could > describe any number of > stories ;-) Oh, and even before that you have to > have categories > defined -- you can use the previous Kerth categories > as a starting > point, but that list may need tweaked to fit the > field. (Are there any > "next-generation" nfics??) Sandy? Debby? Anyone? > Anyone? I'd be > glad to help out as a technical advisor of sorts, > since I've been > involved in the two previous Kerth processes, but I > am not that widely > read in nfic, so I'm not qualified to judge which > story goes in what > category. I can't believe I'm volunteering to do this, but I would be willing to help - the word "help" is underlined here, people - coordinate this. But I really would not have my feelings hurt if anyone else were more interested in helping. (Trust me on this one!) I would like to suggest to Erin and Leanne that they please sign on as technical advisers however. Their experience would be invaluable. Irene _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 21:10:53 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kate Kent Subject: FoLCing it, My mini-fest in NYC MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hey FoLCs- Well, now that I'm finally done with my first year at University maybe I'll get to post more. I do miss chatting with FoLCs *me gives you all a HUGE huggles* but alas, I think a college education will do me well in the end. Sure all my role models never finished school and if my screenplay is optioned...OK, well I'd still finish college...eventually *wink wink* I know I know, my entire family is rolling over in their grave. Yikes! OK, can we say tangent Anywho, today I had the opportunity to meet up with a FoLC in NYC. I've always had such positive experiences with FoLCs that I jumped on the opportunity when fellow FoLC Carolyn offered a trip out in the city to exchange a comic book I was selling. So I thought I'd just post our little story. I'm sure Carolyn will post her version but as Lois says "There are no new stories, only new angles" anyway. So, you'll get to read it from both our perspectives. Since that is what the list posts are all about, getting different angles to the same 88 eps. God bless nit picking. Anywho, I am Kate, and this is my story: I met Carolyn at the Tramway in New York City on this Sunday afternoon. Despite being a diehard jeans fan, I decided to go all out and where a skirt (I know, those of you who know me your jaws are dropping. I've become very grown up my first year of college *takes a small curtsey* We of course did something very typical of New York gals, we ate and shopped. I am very proud to say that when we went to the WB store after a nice dinner at California Pizza Kitchen (yes, they have one in NYC) I didn't buy a thing. I'm very controlled these days. See, I'm getting old you know. I'll be 19 on wed. HA! I'm growing up *sigh* We also got the pleasure of the Puerto Rican Day parade while we shopped (Borequa!! no, I'm not Spanish, I'm Jewish, but I went to school in Brooklyn so I inherited some Spanish spirit) Carolyn was very nice to me and bought me a S-man keychain to replace the one I mentioned loosing a few weeks ago, thanks hon *smooch* Then after that we went to barnes and noble for some starbucks. Yes, we are soo cliche and we love it! After discovering we are both big sci fi buffs, we headed upstairs to the sci fi section. Again, I showed incredible restraint, I know, I'm fabulous. Anywho, we were heading for the checkout and past the journals. I was just saying how I always write in composition notebooks when I spot the CUTEST journal with yiddish words printed all over it. I was like, WOW! So I scooped it up and bought it. Then we walked towards uptown and back to the tram. All and all, we ended the day deciding to get together again. We also had sore throats from talking sooo much. We're both chatterboxes, which incidently in my book is a high compliment. I Love to talk!! Anywho, my mom is insisting to use the phone so I gotta go. A special shout out to Carolyn for a lovely day. My message to all you FoLCs, KEEP ON FESTING!!! Ok, TTFN Love Kate aka KatieBugz Formerly Lois_Lane on IRC - - - - - - -- - "I seem like I got it all figured out, but believe me, I screw up plenty" - Fran Drescher ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 01:05:53 -0500 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "M.F. & J.B. Williams" Organization: The Skywatcher Subject: REMOVE MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Please REMOVE me from the LOISCLA list server ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 07:46:07 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Yvonne Connell Subject: Re: My Journal, Day 4, Introduction MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit S P O I L E R S P A C E Dear Clark, Being blessed with a computer with a very slow processor speed, I was luckily able to read your warning message before shutting down the document. I was also able to read some of the text of the document - enough to make me realise that you wrote the encryption progam yourself. I'm surprised, knowing what a fair-minded fellow you are, that you have written the program so that people with faster computers have less time to shut down before damage starts to be done than those of us with slow computers. Surely you could make a calculation based on their processor speed so that xx (the time in seconds before the virus activates) could be constant? BTW, don't bother asking me where I obtained a copy of your journal, because I won't reveal my sources - I think you can respect that as a journalist. Suffice to say, those of us in our group are your friends. Best of luck tracking down Lois Lane, A Friend. ---------- > From: Debby > To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU > Subject: My Journal, Day 4, Introduction > Date: Sunday, June 13, 1999 3:42 PM > > TITLE: My Journal > Day 4, Friday, May 6 > AUTHOR Debby Stark, > RATING PG-13 > FEEDBACK Comments welcome in all forums > No Editing please (though you can fix typos) > > Also available as Word97 .doc and .RTF on my site, > > > SUMMARY Read Days 1, 2, 3 and 3 Amendment before Day 4. Clark Kent's > adventures in Metropolis continue. There will be no attachments to this > installment. Next time, yes :) > > Debby > ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 09:18:24 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Phillip Atcliffe Subject: Re: The Universal Union Part 4 of 4 In-Reply-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Jenni, Nice story! I hope you're planning on a long series, because there's a _lot_ of ways that you could take this, both on Krypton and on Earth. And I always enjoy seeing Luthor getting clobbered. One very minor nit-pick: > The journey had lasted longer than Lois had supposed and yet when she considered the many thousands of miles she had been told they would travel before reaching their destination, the odyssey took no time at all. [...] < "Thousands of _miles_" won't get you to Mars, much less Krypton "on the other side of the galaxy." Make that "...the tens of thousands of light-years she had been told..." Like I said, a minor point, but also one that emphasises Lois' isolation. BTW, why am I ever so slightly wary of Kal-El's other bodyguard? Ching, no problem, but whatisname...? Call me paranoid, but I wonder.... Astronomical Phil ------------------------------------------------------------ "Sic Transit Gloria Barramundi" (Or, So Long and Thanks for All the Fish!) -- not Douglas Adams, but me: Phil Atcliffe ( ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 18:49:52 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: Nfanfiction (was Re: fanfic recommendations) In-Reply-To: <006401beb53c$db042620$629501d4@default> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 02:08 AM 06/13/1999 +0100, Lab wrote: >>For those of you who enjoy nfic - and are of the required age to appreciate >>it - may I recommend a story which just hit my mailbox this morning from >>Debby's mailing list. "What If I Never Left Krypton' is by an entirely new >>writer, D. Field and, incredibly, this is her first posted fic. That story is now available through the list. >Quite a few FoLCs have mailed me to ask where to get this one. For anyone >unaware, to sign up to Debby's mailing list simply mail her at > with your request to join. Include an age statement and a >declaration that you will not distribute stories received to a third party >without the writer's prior permission. You can then get WIINLK - and other >previous nfic stored in the archives - from Joyce Fitch. But DO NOT WRITE TO JOYCE to join. She'll just tell you to write to me. I'm the buffer here :) She does a *tremendous* job and I don't want her to worry about processing members, too. Also, when you write, be sure to state that you understand the nature of the stories, that they are sexually graphic (not kid stuff) (or stuff for Congressmen, for that matter) Again, DO NOT BUG Joyce - bug me. If you bug Joyce, you'll get in big trouble with me and you won't get any stories. :) Debby heard on KFI radio "Life explained here. Your life may vary." ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 06:15:31 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Irene D." Subject: Re: Nfanfiction (was Re: fanfic recommendations) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii At 02:08 AM 06/13/1999 +0100, Lab wrote: >>For those of you who enjoy nfic - and are of the > required age to appreciate >>it - may I recommend a story which just hit my > mailbox this morning from >>Debby's mailing list. "What If I Never Left > Krypton' is by an entirely new >>writer, D. Field and, incredibly, this is her > first posted fic. Just let me add my two cents here. When I received the first draft of this story after volunteering to edit, I thought 'Oh no! It's a New Krypton story' - not my most favourite genre. Those stories have to be handled extremely well for me to enjoy them. Let me tell you, Dawn did a wonderful job with this story and I'm already waiting (im)patiently for the next one in the series. So, if you're on Debby's list, and you received this story and placed it at the bottom of your to-be-read pile, move this one to the top of the pile immediately. You don't want to miss it. And Dawn, please keep writing. I can't wait for the next one. All the best, Irene _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 14:49:35 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: LabRat Subject: Re: What If I Never Left Krypton MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Irene wrote: >And Dawn, please keep writing. I can't wait for the next one. > And more tuppence worth from me. I'd urge everyone who has read WIINLK and enjoyed it to please take the time to write Dawn and tell her so. (I'm not certain that she is on this list, although I could, of course, be wrong there.) Her eddress is on the story. New talent like this needs to be encouraged and Dawn definitely deserves the praise. LabRat :) Doc. Klein's LabRat "What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet." -- Woody Allen, Without Feathers, 1976. "I won't eat anything that has intelligent life but I would gladly eat a network executive or politician." - Marty Feldman. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 10:15:14 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: adena Organization: MailCity ( Subject: Remove Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Please REMOVE me from the LOISCLA list server. --- adena Get your FREE Email at Get your PERSONALIZED START PAGE at ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 15:16:36 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carolyn Schnall Subject: Re: FoLCing it, My mini-fest in NYC In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Hi Kate and FoLCs: Just wanted to agree with everything Kate wrote here, and to say we had a blast!!!! I was the spendthrift at WB and at B&N since I found a ton of Sman stuff (mostly t-shirts, a new pen, a notebook, a crew hat) at WB and several books, one of them recommended by Kate, at B&N. Smooch back:) We also saw at B&N, a $65 dollar box set of the very first Sman comic and a figurine that comes with it! Neither of us bought it (hoping for a sale price, personally)! This was my first fest (not counting people in my life who were L&C fans before I was!) and we had a total ball. We covered a ton of territory both geographically and L&C-wise. What a kick to be able to do this person to person. Kate, you totally impressed me and I am looking forward to doing this again! I think there are other NYC FoLCs out there, so maybe it will be a larger mini-fest next time! So, Happy Birthday Kate!!!! Thanks, Carolyn >Hey FoLCs- > >Well, now that I'm finally done with my first year at University maybe I'll >get to post more. I do miss chatting with FoLCs *me gives you all a HUGE >huggles* but alas, I think a college education will do me well in the end. >Sure all my role models never finished school and if my screenplay is >optioned...OK, well I'd still finish college...eventually *wink wink* I know >I know, my entire family is rolling over in their grave. Yikes! OK, can we >say tangent > Anywho, today I had the opportunity to meet up with a FoLC in NYC. >I've always had such positive experiences with FoLCs that I jumped on the >opportunity when fellow FoLC Carolyn offered a trip out in the city to >exchange a comic book I was selling. So I thought I'd just post our little >story. I'm sure Carolyn will post her version but as Lois says "There are no >new stories, only new angles" anyway. So, you'll get to read it from both >our perspectives. Since that is what the list posts are all about, getting >different angles to the same 88 eps. God bless nit picking. Anywho, I am >Kate, and this is my story: > >I met Carolyn at the Tramway in New York City on this Sunday afternoon. >Despite being a diehard jeans fan, I decided to go all out and where a skirt >(I know, those of you who know me your jaws are dropping. I've become very >grown up my first year of college *takes a small curtsey* We of course did >something very typical of New York gals, we ate and shopped. I am very proud >to say that when we went to the WB store after a nice dinner at California >Pizza Kitchen (yes, they have one in NYC) I didn't buy a thing. I'm very >controlled these days. See, I'm getting old you know. I'll be 19 on wed. >HA! I'm growing up *sigh* We also got the pleasure of the Puerto Rican Day >parade while we shopped (Borequa!! no, I'm not Spanish, I'm Jewish, but I >went to school in Brooklyn so I inherited some Spanish spirit) Carolyn was >very nice to me and bought me a S-man keychain to replace the one I mentioned >loosing a few weeks ago, thanks hon *smooch* Then after that we went to >barnes and noble for some starbucks. Yes, we are soo cliche and we love it! >After discovering we are both big sci fi buffs, we headed upstairs to the sci >fi section. Again, I showed incredible restraint, I know, I'm fabulous. >Anywho, we were heading for the checkout and past the journals. I was just >saying how I always write in composition notebooks when I spot the CUTEST >journal with yiddish words printed all over it. I was like, WOW! So I >scooped it up and bought it. Then we walked towards uptown and back to the >tram. All and all, we ended the day deciding to get together again. We also >had sore throats from talking sooo much. We're both chatterboxes, which >incidently in my book is a high compliment. I Love to talk!! Anywho, my mom >is insisting to use the phone so I gotta go. A special shout out to Carolyn >for a lovely day. My message to all you FoLCs, KEEP ON FESTING!!! Ok, TTFN > >Love >Kate aka KatieBugz >Formerly Lois_Lane on IRC >- - - - - - -- - >"I seem like I got it all figured out, but believe me, I screw up plenty" - >Fran Drescher ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 16:28:54 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin H Subject: Re: FoLCing it, My mini-fest in NYC MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi! You guys are so lucky..i have never met a FoLC where I is very depressing at times!! No one understands my obsession..people call me "The Superman freak"..and I'm proud to be called that! Anyway. I live in NJ..and i can see NYC from where i live. I absolutely adore if you guys wanna hook up and have another mini-fest, i'm all for it!! Any other NYC/NJ FoLC's out there?? Peace, and happy FoLCing! Erin~Jean << Hi Kate and FoLCs: Just wanted to agree with everything Kate wrote here, and to say we had a blast!!!! I was the spendthrift at WB and at B&N since I found a ton of Sman stuff (mostly t-shirts, a new pen, a notebook, a crew hat) at WB and several books, one of them recommended by Kate, at B&N. Smooch back:) We also saw at B&N, a $65 dollar box set of the very first Sman comic and a figurine that comes with it! Neither of us bought it (hoping for a sale price, personally)! This was my first fest (not counting people in my life who were L&C fans before I was!) and we had a total ball. We covered a ton of territory both geographically and L&C-wise. What a kick to be able to do this person to person. Kate, you totally impressed me and I am looking forward to doing this again! I think there are other NYC FoLCs out there, so maybe it will be a larger mini-fest next time! So, Happy Birthday Kate!!!! Thanks, Carolyn >> ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 15:55:41 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Mandy Crustner Subject: Bobby Bigmouth MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hiya! :) I need to know how do Lois and Clark usually get in contact with Bobby? Is there some number they call, or do they put word out on the street, or what? Was this ever dealt with in the series? I know one time we see Bobby on a pay phone talking to Lois and then one time he's in some sort of soup kitchen, but how do they usually find him? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! Mandy (aka Moonlight on IRC) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 23:30:05 +0200 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?D=E9bora_BOBO?= Subject: Michigan State MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0017_01BEB6BD.D57A7880" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0017_01BEB6BD.D57A7880 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hello ! I'm going to leave in East Lansing,Michigan State soon and I want to = know if there was someone on the list who lived in Michigan and could = give me some information. =20 Please e-mail me. ------=_NextPart_000_0017_01BEB6BD.D57A7880 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Hello !
I'm going to leave in East = Lansing,Michigan=20 State soon and I want to know if there was someone on the list who lived = in=20 Michigan and could give me some information.
Please e-mail me.
------=_NextPart_000_0017_01BEB6BD.D57A7880-- ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 18:20:10 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Liz A." Subject: Re: FoLCing it, My mini-fest in NYC MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi Erin :) > can see NYC from where i live. I absolutely adore if you guys wanna > hook up and have another mini-fest, i'm all for it!! Any other NYC/NJ FoLC's > out there?? /me raises hand I live about 15 min by train from the city. I absolutely love the city, especially the WB store I should be going back this weekend to get the silver S-sign watch that they had, I love it. The one thing I wanted the most was the standing superman, lol, it wasn't that expensive either; but if I would have bought it, my mom would have killed me and I was also taking the bus home, so that wouldn't have worked, lol. I can picture it: the little old lady standing because I had to sit with Supes, lol ;) Liz :) ICQ# 23588950 SuprBrwne on IRC ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 19:03:02 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Rich & Dawn Subject: Re: fanfic recommendations MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 19:42:40 +0100 > From: LabRat > Subject: Re: fanfic recommendations > > S > P > O > I > L > E > R > > S > P > A > C > E > > For those of you who enjoy nfic - and are of the required age to appreciate > it - may I recommend a story which just hit my mailbox this morning from > Debby's mailing list. "What If I Never Left Krypton' is by an entirely new > writer, D. Field and, incredibly, this is her first posted fic. I want to thank LabRat and others who have written me about my story. I really appreciate all of the comments and positive feedback I've gotten. And a special thanks to LabRat for recommending it! > The subject of what may have happened to Lois and Clark's relationship if > Clark had been raised on Krypton has been covered before, but I have to say > that this is the best take on the subject I've read so far. The prose is > crisp and at times quite poetic, the dialogue sharp, witty, and easy to > read, the characters real and the story exciting and I found myself > constantly having to guard against the temptation to skim ahead to find out > what happened next. Waffy moments abound. > > I was delighted to discover when I finished that the writer plans this one > as part one of a trilogy. At times, especially as she has seeded in the odd > line of dialogue from the show throughout but with a different spin on them > to suit the particular situation, I was reminded of Chris Mulder's Meet Me > In Kansas City. For me, this story held the same air of magic. Well, that's my intention, but right now I am at a loss for words :) I was very nervous about sending the story out, and really didn't know what to expect. I was hoping for a couple of "nice story", and since I got those >from my editors (thanks again, Irene & Carolyn!) I figured that was it :) And to have Chris' MMIKC mentioned, I'm stunned. Thanks again, LabRat. I consider this quite high praise coming from one of the great ones! > What more could you want? Oh, yeah....the nfic bits are pretty hot too. > > > LabRat :) > Doc. Klein's LabRat > Thank you!! Dawn ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 19:13:20 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Subject: Re: My Journal, Day 4, Introduction In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 07:46 AM 06/14/1999 +0100, Yvonne (my sister-in-law is named Yvonne :) wrote: >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > >S >P >A >C >E > >Dear Clark, > >Being blessed with a computer with a very slow processor speed, I was >luckily able to read your warning message before shutting down the >document. I was also able to read some of the text of the document - >enough to make me realise that you wrote the encryption progam yourself. CK thinks: Godzilla's working - already taking "r"s on a random basis... >I'm surprised, knowing what a fair-minded fellow you are, that you have >written the program so that people with faster computers have less time to >shut down before damage starts to be done than those of us with slow >computers. CK thinks: au contraire. mystery writer must be using a Packard-Bell... >Surely you could make a calculation based on their processor >speed so that xx (the time in seconds before the virus activates) could be >constant? CK thinks: mystery writer's Packard-Bell must be a 486... too bad: bye-bye come y2k... >BTW, don't bother asking me where I obtained a copy of your journal, >because I won't reveal my sources - I think you can respect that as a >journalist. Suffice to say, those of us in our group are your friends. CK thinks: next mystery writer will claim "This is who we are." Open the pod bay door, HAL... gosh I miss Millennium; season two was terrific... >Best of luck tracking down Lois Lane, CK thinks: clue after clue... none of them adding up. I'll ask Mom and Dad what they think about it tonight... > >A Friend. ck thinks: I hope so! I need all the friends I can get. Maybe I can interview mystery writer sometime CK ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 22:31:04 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kate Kent Subject: Re: FoLCing it, My mini-fest in NYC Special ATTN: ERINFOLC and Silvrbrwne (Liz) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hey all y'all, I am always open for a fest. Hey Erin, if you live a long the path train, we could make it happen! Festin' it Metro/NYC Style all the way! As for Liz, babe, we need to get together. A year ago I tried to organize NYFF, New York FoLC Fest and was unable to do it because I was too busy graduating HS. How about we make my dreams a reality. They don't call me DreamKate for nuttin. This is a shoutout to all FoLCs in the Tri-state area. I'd like to play a trip to Great, it's somewhere in NJ. All I know is that there is a bus from port authority in Manhattan. Also, coke has a special deal for 2 for one tickets when you go on a weekday. Anyone who's interested in having fun with FoLCs please respond. There's nothing better than a fest to boost a summer. Great Adventure isn't set in stone, just an idea and a fun place to go. Let your voices be heard, post your thoughts :) -Kate aka KatieBugz formerly Lois_Lane on IRC - - - - "Honey, you don't need to loose weight to impress a guy, that's what control top is for" - Fran Drescher