From: "L-Soft list server at Indiana University (1.8d)" To: "ARTF@MemoryAlpha.nil" File: "LOISCLA-GENERAL-L LOG9806B" ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 04:03:32 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Frances Coogan Subject: Post length question Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Marie (KampmeyerM) and I have just completed a truly dreadful badfic based on Abba songs (I'm ducking), so could someone please tell me the maximum length of post to prevent those who can't take attachments having problems. Thanks. Frances (wondering how many people will say 0Kb to stop this atrocity taking place). ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 10:19:44 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Gary Subject: URL reminder Comments: To: Lois and Clark The New Adventures of Superman MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" >RFC 1738 Uniform Resource Locators (URL) December 1994 > > >APPENDIX: Recommendations for URLs in Context > > In addition, there are many occasions when URLs are included in other > kinds of text; examples include electronic mail, USENET news > messages, or printed on paper. In such cases, it is convenient to > have a separate syntactic wrapper that delimits the URL and separates > it from the rest of the text, and in particular from punctuation > marks that might be mistaken for part of the URL. For this purpose, > is recommended that angle brackets ("<" and ">"), along with the > prefix "URL:", be used to delimit the boundaries of the URL. This > wrapper does not form part of the URL and should not be used in > contexts in which delimiters are already specified. > > Examples: > > Yes, Jim, I found it under type=d> but you can probably pick it up from>. Note the warning in net/instructions/overview.html#WARNING>. > ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 10:58:01 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Lydia Esterline Subject: Season 5 & Question Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" I have to say I really enjoyed the season 5 fanfic, it help fill the horrible void that was left when one of the few shows, I take time to watch (and my most favorite)went off the air. You all did a Super terrific ;)! Job! Sorry to add this to the list. I need to change the address I sub to on this list. Where do I send this too? Thanks! lyds ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 11:21:45 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Subject: Post length question Comments: To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 >> could someone please tell me the maximum length of post to prevent those who can't take attachments having problems. << I think the limit has usually been around 18-20k (save the file to plain ASCII text format to see how big it is). I got that from Rhen's old guidelines, when she sent out the fanfic in e-mail parts... that seemed t= o work for the biggest number of people. PJ !^NavFont02F0136000EMGJHG65MG67HH~A478 ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 08:45:46 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Leanne Shawler Subject: Re: URL reminder & Cherryh novel In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" >> >> Yes, Jim, I found it under > type=d> but you can probably pick it up from >>. Note the warning in > net/instructions/overview.html#WARNING>. >> And the point of the URL reminder is???? The person who posted the URL did the right thing by putting it on a separate line -- and for the record, I have *never* seen anyone post URLs in this way. Oh and while I'm here, I've been meaning to respond to your response about my opinion on the Cherryh book. Just so you know, reiterating your opinion doesn't change mine. Respectfully, Leanne Leanne Shawler aka Volterra on IRC ( Web Design: Home Page: Midnight Dreaming: The Original Anthony Warlow Home Page: ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 14:18:51 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Frances Coogan Subject: ABBADfic Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Thanks, Pam, for the length info - I hope the single post doesn't cause anyone problems. WARNING. This is really bad. I joked about writing a badfic containing lots of ABBA song names; Marie offered to write it with me. For the last week we've been e-mailing various versions and additions around and we think we have the full set of titles included (they're capitalized so the uninitiated will spot them) - some of them more than once! The only rule was that we couldn't split up the titles with other words - we allowed punctuation. We haven't included the Swedish, French German or Spanish versions, or the solo pieces, and we've omitted the parts of titles in parentheses. We'd like to know if we've missed anything (Anyone have a copy of Alska Mig?), and any blame is to be jointly shared - we have our escape planned . The disturbing thing is that it almost makes sense ... Here goes: ABBADfic by Frances Coogan ( and Marie de Castro (, last seen heading south with assumed names, fake passports, dark glasses and turquoise satin flared jumpsuits. At the baseball game in downtown Metropolis the score read Metropolis V, Hamlet III. "PARTS 1 & 2 are nearly over..." the commentator was getting excited: "...and HERE COMES RUBIE JAMIE, he's about to ..." Lois dutifully turned her attention away from the TV screen and back to her husband. " .... and then BANG! A BOOMERANG hit me on the head as soon as I landed in the Australian outback," Clark was recounting to Lois on his return to the office after extinguishing a nasty bush fire. "You don't expect to find yourself UNDER ATTACK when you respond to SOS calls!" "So who was this MAN IN THE MIDDLE of nowhere who hit you?" "Oh, just some guy SITTING IN THE PALMTREE. He yelled 'WATCH OUT', but only after he'd hit me!" "What did you say to him?" "I yelled back at the guy: 'PUT ON YOUR WHITE SOMBRERO next time and be one of the good guys!'" "What? I thought you were in Australia!" "He was a Mexican tourist. I guess that's why he wasn't too good with the boomerang." Lois groaned: "Agh. Good job you're invulnerable. Anyway, I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU. ONE OF US has to keep things going while you're doing your SUPER TROUPER routine." "A new story?" "TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE, actually." Clark was impressed. "Two stories? Sometimes I WONDER how you do it. You really are the best." "THAT'S ME!" Lois exclaimed, giggling immodestly. But she frowned when she saw Clark's mind was elsewhere: "HONEY .... HONEY.... are you listening to me?" "What? Yeah. Oh, sorry, Honey. What's wrong with Jimmy?" "Probably HEAD OVER HEELS with his Juliet of the week," Lois responded indifferently, but Clark decided to get to the bottom of it: "Jimmy!" He called the young man over. "What's up?" "Oh, hi, CK. Nothing. Just .... WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE ME?" "You .... what?" Lois now took an interest if only so that they could return to the story more quickly. "Well, there are these six women ...." "Six?!" Clark scolded. "Jimmy! didn't you ever hear of ONE MAN, ONE WOMAN? DOES YOUR MOTHER KNOW?" "Hey, CK, MY MAMA SAID PEOPLE NEED LOVE, but LOVE ISN'T EASY, you know," Jimmy insisted defensively. "One of my first loves was my music teacher, RIKKY. ROCK 'N ROLL, ER... wasn't her style. I was taking piano lessons at the time, really getting into some INTERMEZZO, NO. 1, I think, by some dead composer. She kept saying ANDANTE, ANDANTE, Jimmy, like I was going way too fast or something. She was just so cute! I couldn't help it. But WHEN I KISSED THE TEACHER, she really started to ROCK ME! Boy, did I learn a lot then! Anyway, you gotta fill the HOLE IN YOUR SOUL, and I will pick one. But these six are all in love with ME AND I feel like I'M A MARIONETTE being pulled this way and that .... You see there's CASSANDRA - THE GIRL WITH THE GOLDEN HAIR - we went to see a ROCK N ROLL BAND; ELAINE - the DANCING QUEEN; NINA - PRETTY BALLERINA from the dance company; CHIQUITITA - wow, talk about KISSES OF FIRE! SHE'S MY KIND OF GIRL. Then there's ...." Jimmy's list of girlfriends was curtailed abruptly when he noticed the two young ladies who had strolled up >from behind and now regarded him with smouldering looks. He stammered as he reached for an explanation: "HEY .... HEY .... HELEN! .... Come back! .... SUZY! HANG AROUND for a minute! .... MAMMA MIA! .... Girls! .... " Jimmy ran off to attempt to resolve his dating problems. "I'd say there's some DISILLUSION there," Lois commented wryly. "Yeah," Clark agreed. There's one MAN IN THE MIDDLE of a heap of trouble! I reckon he's met his WATERLOO with that lot, but he's been living in a DREAM WORLD." "CRAZY WORLD, more like. WHEN ALL IS SAID AND DONE, I think it's best if he can just MOVE ON. Anyway, back to the stories - if you still want to hear about them." "Oh, I DO I DO I DO I DO I DO!" "I don't know," Lois teased. "Maybe I should just keep these stories for myself, and you could try your own research, and when the Kerths come around .... well, THE WINNER TAKES IT ALL!" "No, Lois, BABY, ANGELEYES, MY LOVE, MY LIFE! You know THE NAME OF THE GAME - we're partners. GIMME! GIMME! GIMME!" "Why are you repeating everything?" But Lois relented quickly: Her threat had only ever been a playful one: "Okay, but YOU OWE ME ONE. ME AND BOBBY AND BOBBY'S BROTHER had a meeting while you were in Australia and the word on the street is that when the ruler of Eurovisionia got into town last night all his jewels were stolen on ARRIVAL." "What?! THE KING HAS LOST HIS CROWN?! Weren't his SOLDIERS there to safeguard them?" "Well, that brings me to the other part of the story. Bobby reckons some of THE VISITORS touring with him may have been involved in that string of thefts. They've been getting away with lots of MONEY." "MONEY?" "MONEY, yeah. There's no proof, of course, or that they're connected to the theft of the jewels, but travelling with the royal party is a good way to move around without attracting suspicion. Think about it. Every couple of days ANOTHER TOWN, ANOTHER TRAIN .... so no one is any the wiser." "But KNOWING ME, KNOWING YOU, we can get to the bottom of this," Clark said confidently. "I tried to get Bobby to keep GIVIN' A LITTLE BIT MORE , but he was out of information, and I was out of breadsticks. Sometimes he keeps me bouncing around like a RUBBER BALL. MAN, I hate it when he does that! But I can't start BURNING MY BRIDGES with him; he's my best source! So, SHOULD I LAUGH OR CRY?" ***** "Lois! Clark! Get in here!" Perry bellowed. "What is it, Chief?" they asked in unison. "I need you to follow up this story at the zoo." "WHAT ABOUT LIVINGSTONE?" Lois asked. She usually didn't whine about stories, but she was getting tired of the same old grind. Almost every SUMMER NIGHT, CITY beat wanted out of their fair share of articles and left Lois and Clark hanging. "Well, it's like that movie says, HASTA MANANA!" said Perry. "Uh, Chief, I think that was Hasta La Vista," countered Clark. "Oh yeah, right! Anyway, get out there, or we'll have to pay THE PIPER before we know it! If only I didn't have to go to that confounded wedding tomorrow." "HE IS YOUR BROTHER, Chief," Clark gently reminded his editor. "You have to go." "Yeah, well. Anyway, you can make things easier by just doing as I say. Now, SCARAMOUCHE!" "But Perry..." "Lois, quit your whining. You are not the boss: I AM. THE CITY beat is just too swamped right now. Now get to it!" Lois and Clark jumped to their feet to begin the story of a lifetime. ***** RING RING. "Hello?" Lois answered the telephone. "Yes, I understand. We'll be right there." She replaced the receiver. "There's a surprise," she told Clark. "King FERNANDO will see us. He's been trying to keep the jewel theft quiet. Come on, let's go: The zoo story can wait!" ***** "So did you notice anything unusual about THE DAY BEFORE YOU CAME to Metropolis?" Clark asked King FERNANDO as he and Lois sat across from His Majesty. "Nothing at all, Mr Kent," FERNANDO assured him, "but it would not take SO LONG for someone to remove the jewels from my rooms." "You seem remarkably unconcerned," Lois commented suspiciously. She suppressed a gasp as she caught sight of something and hoped the king had not noticed her. Apparently not, since he continued: "Well, I didn't want to go ON AND ON AND ON with the police reports and publicity. You know how it is." "Yes." Lois's response was abrupt. "Well, we're sorry to have bothered you. Come on, Clark." "What? Oh, yes." The two got up, Clark not quite understanding why. But they were halted before they could exit: "Wait!" The king was holding out two copies of a music CD with a photograph of a TIGER on the front. "Please, take this with my compliments - a selection of traditional songs from my country." "Wow." Lois's deadpan voice was matched by her forced smile. "An honour to meet you, Your Majesty," Clark added as they left. "Oh, and THANK YOU FOR THE MUSIC." ***** "It hasn't been stolen!" Lois excitedly told her husband as soon as they reached the street. "The crown - I SAW IT IN THE MIRROR!" "Are you sure?" Lois's look told him he was silly to have questioned her: "This isn't JUST A NOTION, you know," she snapped. "Okay, you're sure. So it must be an insurance scam." "Makes sense. If he has contacts here - and if he's related to the thefts too it suggests he may have - he can leave the jewels and go back to that TROPICAL LOVELAND of a country of his to make a claim." "But if he's that sloppy about keeping the crown out of sight the missing money may be there, too. Let's call the police." "Agreed. He probably didn't count on a visit from such an EAGLE-eyed reporter. He'll think I AM JUST A GIRL doing a bit of writing. Come on - I don't want him SLIPPING THROUGH MY FINGERS!" ***** With most of the king's entourage in Metropolis Prison and the king himself, released JUST LIKE THAT, FREE AS A BUMBLE BEE for the sake of diplomacy, on his way home, Lois and Clark relaxed in their living room with the Eurovisionian CD playing in the background. "So," Clark asked, "do you want to TAKE A CHANCE ON ME not stepping on your feet?" Lois glanced over at the CD player. "Sure," she replied. "We may as well DANCE WHILE THE MUSIC STILL GOES ON." .... And as they danced they found themselves humming along to some of the tunes: "DUM .... DUM .... DIDDLE ...." As they tired of dancing, they sat back and Lois turned on the TV. "What's on?" asked Clark. As she thumbed through the pages she mumbled: "On 34 it's KING KONG. SONG of the South is on 42..." "Are you happy, Lois?" Clark looked into those beautiful rich, dark, chocolate eyes. "I mean Really HAPPY? HAWAII was our first choice for our honeymoon and we never really made it there. Would you want to visit there someday? Or maybe try King FERNANDO's place for some dinner and DANCING. QUEEN ELAINE is world-renowned for her hospitality..." "HEJ GAMLE MAN," said Lois softly, incorrectly using a recently-learned Swedish phrase from Clark, "I know our life is like a MERRY-GO-ROUND sometimes, "but anywhere with you is fine with me. We can go to Eurovisionia, or even SANTA ROSA. When I'm with you I feel like AN ANGEL. PASSING THROUGH MY ROOM at the Planet was the best thing you ever did for me. I never knew how much I could LOVE. LIGHT of day dawned on me slowly." "Oh, Lois, you don't know how I wanted to--" Lois stopped him in mid-sentence. "It's all right now, Clark, but back then, remembering, even in the rough parts I always thought I would have been okay or that I *was* okay. But IF IT WASN'T FOR THE NIGHTS that I felt like CRYING OVER YOU, I wouldn't have known what I was missing." "But Lois, now we're AS GOOD AS NEW. OUR LAST SUMMER together was wonderful. And we are finally working on a HAPPY NEW YEAR together being married. We know each other THE WAY OLD FRIENDS DO after years together. Sort of like an old pair of shoes." "You're comparing me to an old pair of shoes?!" Her ire was piqued and she lunged for him. "Uh, bad metaphor," he said as he ducked. He hauled her over his shoulder and started to carry her upstairs. "And where do you think you're taking me?" she laughed. The giggles had gotten ahold of her. "To a place where you can LAY ALL YOUR LOVE ON ME, as opposed to that anger of yours!" "But how about Superman?" Lois protested. "What if there's a crimewave?" "Forget Superman. For tonight, this is where I AM. THE CITY can wait!" "And what makes you think I want to be LOVERS after that crack you just made?" she queried, curious as to his response. "Oh I'm just GONNA SING YOU MY LOVESONG until you give in." "But you can't sing!" "Oh, why don't I LET THE MUSIC SPEAK for itself. Then you'll give up pretty quickly, huh?" "No!" she laughed as he bounced her onto the bed, a MEDLEY of sensations rushing through her. "We'll find out. VOULEZ-VOUS?" "What does that mean?" "We'll find that out, too..." THE END ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 12:48:41 PDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "K.C. Boyd" Subject: Re: Batchelor Party... Fanfic Request Content-Type: text/plain Hey If it's not too much trouble, I would like a copy of Bachelor Party too. K.C. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 16:09:22 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Sandra McDermin Subject: Requests for Fanfic from this List -- Housekeeping Type Post Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Hi Guys: I just noticed that someone posted a request for the Bachelor Party fanfic. Earlier today, someone kindly posted that fic to the fanfic discussion list. So, what people should do who want fanfic and can't find it on the L&C fanfic websites (TUFS, S5, L&C, Zoomway's, whatever) is to go to *this* list's archive, which is on the web at the following address: and do a *search of the archive*. Only at that point, once finding that the story is not there, would it be necessary to ask the list for the fic. Perhaps everyone subscribed cannot take advantage of this option for various computer-related reasons that escape such an internet idiot like myself. But, for those who can, you'll find it a wonderful resource. Sorry, to jump in here with this, but I, myself, have used this method a number of times quite successfully. Sandy ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 13:30:22 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Leanne Shawler Subject: Re: ABBADfic In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ROTFL!~!!!!!!!! I *love* it! Has anyone forwarded this to AbbaJames yet? Oh and there were a lot of B-sides and "previously unreleased material" until those big compilation Cds, weren't there? Great stuff!!! Hmm, maybe I could do a Duran Duran one .... any co-author takers? Leanne Leanne Shawler aka Volterra on IRC ( Web Design: Home Page: Midnight Dreaming: The Original Anthony Warlow Home Page: ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 17:21:27 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Cristin J Whitley Subject: L&C Musical Part 1/3 Lois and Clark: The Musical Adventures of Superman By: Cristin Whitley ~ indicates a song. All song titles can be found at the end of the story. *Author’s note: This is my version of a LnC musical. I didn’t come up with the idea. I have no clue who did. This has been done before. Lois, Clark, Superman, all songs, and just about everything I’m typing belong to someone else in someway or another.* Scene 1 Setting: The Daily Planet *This is back before Clark was Superman, and he is currently developing a HUGE crush on a certain female reporter.* In walks Lois Lane, the Planet’s star reporter. Following her we see Clark Kent (a.k.a. “Hack from Nowheresville”). CLARK: So, Lois, what are you doing after work today? LOIS: I’m going home... alone. I told you already, Farmboy. I don’t have time for a relationship. So, you can forget about it. Lois walks away, leaving Clark all on his lonesome. CLARK:~I know she got everything she wants I know she got everything she needs I know she needs me more than she knows She came on so sweet and kind I wonder if I'm on her mind She always turns away I know I'll get her one of these days~ Scene 2 Setting: The Kent’s Home in Kansas *This is quite a bit later when our Clarkie is having troubles hiding his powers and goes to his mommy for some advice.* Clark and his mother are having a conversation in the kitchen. CLARK: Mom, people are starting to notice my powers. What should I do? I can’t just stand around and let people get hurt. MARTHA: Clark, I think you need a disguise. You could be a hero! People would love you! CLARK: You mean like a costume? People would recognize me! I’m not a hero, Mom. I’m just a farmboy. MARTHA:~There's a hero If you look inside your heart You don't have to be afraid Of what you are There's an answer If you reach into your soul And the sorrow that you know Will melt away And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And you'll finally see the truth That a hero lies in you It's a long road When you face the world alone No one reaches out a hand For you to hold You can find love If you search within yourself And the emptiness you felt Will disappear And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And you'll finally see the truth That a hero lies in you Lord knows Dreams are hard to follow But don't let anyone Tear them away Hold on There will be tomorrow In time You'll find the way And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And you'll finally see the truth That a hero lies in you Martha holds out a red cape to Clark and smiles. He looks at her again and decides to go try it on. ***Cristin Whitley :o)****** I love Superman!!!!! FoLCs Forever!!! SUPERfan on IRC ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 17:24:42 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Cristin J Whitley Subject: L&C Musical Part 3/3 Lois and Clark: The Musical Adventures of Superman By: Cristin Whitley ~ indicates a song. All song titles can be found at the end of the story. *Author’s note: This is my version of a LnC musical. I didn’t come up with the idea. I have no clue who did. This has been done before. Lois, Clark, Superman, all songs, and just about everything I’m typing belong to someone else in someway or another.* Scene 5 Setting: Lois’ apartment *Before she can get married, Lois wants to make sure her chances with Superman are shot. So, she calls him to her apartment to ask him how he feels about her.* LOIS: Superman, I’m sure you’ve noticed that I like you. I always have. Before I marry anyone, I just want to know something.... How do you feel about me? I know I love you. If you love me too, then we could be happy with each other. So, tell me, what’s in your heart??? SMAN: Lois, you may think you love me, but you don’t even know me. No one knows the real me. ~ Leave my heart out of this You're too much to resist I don't have the strength to pull away No is getting hard for me to say I'd love to be the way your heartache ends But 'til it does we can't be more than friends I'm only trying to do what's best It's gonna hurt you more unless You leave my heart out of this.~ Superman flies out the window. Lois remains in the same spot. She’s either in shock or still reveling over his singing talents. Scene 6 *This is after Lois ditches Lex. We are into the point where she finally decides to see Clarkie for the god he really is.* CLARK: ~You see this guy this guy's in love with you Yes, I'm in love who looks at you the way I do when you smile I can tell we know each other very well how can I show you I'm glad I got to know you, 'cause I've heard some talk they say you think I'm fine Yes, I'm in love and what I'd do to make you mine, tell me now, is it so? Don't let me be the last to know. My hands are shaking don't let my heart keep breaking, 'cause I need your love I want your love say you're in love in love with this guy, if not I'll just die.~ LOIS: ~Unbelievable Describes your smile so sweet Inconceivable That you’re a part of me The innocent look in your eyes Love without compromise for me It’s a mystery What did I do to deserve you Only God’s hands could have made you And brought this dream to life Always swore that I would never fall I guess miracles happen after all And what did I ever do to deserve you~ Scene 7 Setting: Lois and Clark’s wedding *In my own fanfic world, Lois and Clark only had one wedding and this is it!* LOIS and CLARK: ~I do swear that I’ll always be there. I’d give anything and everything and I will always care. Through weakness and strength, happiness and sorrow, for better, for worse, I will love you with every beat of my heart.)~ LOIS:~From this moment life has begun >>From this moment you are the one Right beside you is where I belong >>From this moment on~ CLARK:~From this moment I have been blessed I live only for your happiness And for your love I’d give my last breath >>From this moment on~ LOIS:~I give my hand to you with all my heart Can’t wait to live my life with you, can’t wait to start You and I will never be apart My dreams came true because of you~ CLARK:~From this moment as long as I live I will love you, I promise you this There is nothing I wouldn’t give >>From this moment on~ LOIS:~You’re the reason I believe in love~ CLARK:~And you’re the answer to my prayers from up above~ BOTH:~All we need is just the two of us My dreams came true because of you >>From this moment as long as I live I will love you, I promise you this There is nothing I wouldn’t give >>From this moment I will love you as long as I live >>From this moment on.~ THE END SONGS: (in order of appearance) Spin Doctors Pocket Full Of Kryptonite More Than She Knows (Eric Schenkman/S. Lambert/G. Clark/J. P. Fitting) Carey Mariah Music Box Hero Barlow Gary Open Road Superhero (Barlow/Martin/Lundin/Skinner) Brooks Garth Ropin The Wind Shameless (Billy Joel) Jewel Non Album Tracks Love Me Just Leave Me Alone White Bryan The Right Place Leave My Heart Out Of This Bacharach Burt Non Album Tracks This Guy's In Love With You White Bryan The Right Place What Did I Do (To Deserve You) Twain Shania (Guest Vocals: Bryan White) Come On Over >>From This Moment On ***Cristin Whitley :o)****** I love Superman!!!!! FoLCs Forever!!! SUPERfan on IRC Please send any comments!!! ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 17:23:04 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Cristin J Whitley Subject: L&C Musical Part 2/3 Lois and Clark: The Musical Adventures of Superman By: Cristin Whitley ~ indicates a song. All song titles can be found at the end of the story. *Author’s note: This is my version of a LnC musical. I didn’t come up with the idea. I have no clue who did. This has been done before. Lois, Clark, Superman, all songs, and just about everything I’m typing belong to someone else in someway or another.* Scene 3 Setting: Flying above Metropolis *By now, Clark has been Supes for a while and Lois has developed quite a crush on him.* Superman and Lois are flying after he saves her life. LOIS: Superman? SMAN: Yes, Lois? LOIS: Who are you really? Why are you here? Where did you come from? What.... SMAN: (Interupting her babble) Lois, I’m exactly who I appear to be. As for why I’m here.... I’m here to help. And I don’t know where I came from. All I know is I’m here to stay. ~(To be your superhero ...) I can't sit and wait For you to say If there's room inside your heart I'm not used to playin' That silly game Turn me down or let me start You have to believe I'll make things right Open your arms, give up the fight CHORUS For all that you want, For all that you're feeling There's a place where you can go For all that you need, I will be waiting To be your superhero I'm sure that you've heard this before so many times (So many times) Girl look inside my heart and you will find You'll find your superhero I'll be the one to hold you I'll never let you go I'll always understand you baby To be your superhero LOIS: Wow! After Superman’s singing debut, Lois and he fly back to the Planet where he leaves her. Scene 4 Setting: Lois’ Apartment *At this point Lois and Lex will soon be getting married.* Clark has just approached Lois’ apartment door and, before he can knock, Lois comes out. LOIS: Clark! What are you doing here? CLARK: Lois, I need to talk to you. LOIS: I am kinda trying to prepare for a wedding. So, make it quick. They enter her apartment and sit down. CLARK: Lois, you can’t marry Luthor. He’s a bad guy. You don’t know him like I do. He’s..... LOIS: (Interupting) Oh, and how well do you know Lex? Clark, I have things to do, and I don’t appreciate you taking up my time for this. You’re my best friend, Clark, but Lex is the man I love. I don’t want you saying these things about him! Do you have anything nice to say, or can I go back to my errands now??? CLARK: Lois, I love you. ~ Well I'm shameless when it comes to loving you I'll do anything you want me to I'll do anything at all And I'm standing here for all the world to see Oh baby, that's what's left of me Don't have very far to fall You know now I'm not a man who's ever been Insecure about the world I've been living in I don't break easy, I have my pride But if you need to be satisfied I'm shameless, oh honey, I don't have a prayer Every time I see you standin' there I go down upon my knees And I'm changing, swore I'd never compromise Oh, but you convinced me otherwise I'll do anything you please You see in all my life I've never found What I couldn't resist, what I couldn't turn down I could walk away from anyone I ever knew But I can't walk away from you I have never let anything have this much control over me I work too hard to call my life my own And I've made myself a world and it's worked so perfectly But it's your world now, I can't refuse I've never had so much to lose Oh, I'm shameless You know it should be easy for a man who's strong To say he's sorry or admit when he's wrong I've never lost anything I've ever missed But I've never been in love like this It's out of my hands I'm shameless, I don't have the power now I don't want it anyhow So I got to let it go Oh, I'm shameless, shameless as a man can be You make a total fool of me I just wanted to you to know Oh, I'm shameless, I just wanted you to know Oh, I'm shameless, Oh, I'm down on my knees...shameless~ LOIS: Clark, I told you. I love Lex. Not you. Lex. ~ I tried to forget you But you tied bells to your name They jingled every time I thought of you Without shame Well, I'm trying to be unlovable Why couldn't you do the same? What's the matter? Did your love need a home? Alright then Love me just leave me alone What's the matter? Did your love need a home? Alright then Love me just leave me alone Love me just leave me alone Love me just leave me alone~ After hearing this, Clark leaves. Lois, too upset to do her errands, settles down on her bed for a good, long cry. ***Cristin Whitley :o)****** I love Superman!!!!! FoLCs Forever!!! SUPERfan on IRC ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 17:00:00 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Beverly Latham Subject: new fanfic NEBS: PROMISES [1/8] Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/enriched; charset="us-ascii" Hi gang, Okay, I'm desperate. I didn't want to send this out until I had the next section installment ready for final editing, but I can't seem to get motivated to completely finish the first draft of the next one. Soooo, I thought it might help me get back on track if I sent this one on to the list for some feedback. You'll understand why that might help . . . eventually. < Beverly :-) ******************** "Characters in this story are copyrighted by December 3rd Production, Warner Brothers, and ABC. No infringement is intended in any part by the author, however, the ideas expressed within this story are copyrighted to the author." AUTHOR'S NOTES: This third installment of NEBS called PROMISE most definitely falls closest in emotional content to just after the episode WHINE, WHINE, WHINE. THE NEVERENDING BATTLE FOR SANCTUARY SEASON TWO: PROMISES by B.B. Medos [] "Embarrassed? Does he think that because he couldn't defeat some robot that that changes the way I feel about him? Clark, that's not what attracts me. It's . . . it's his intelligence and caring. He's . . . he has integrity and an innate goodness. I mean, he's . . . he's a lot like you." -- from METALLO "Alright, that's it! I don't have time for this, you creeps!" That snarled warning given, the small brunette cornered against the back of the warehouse by the three very much larger, muscular and rather dangerous looking men spun to the right in a tight circle and kicked out at the same time. The men smiled gleefully, thinking she'd missed her intended mark, namely them, completely. Then her booted foot made contact with a four-by-four brace pole underneath some shelving at her side, knocking it completely clear of its position, and their eyes widened in sudden alarm. Without the support, the enormous barrels secured on the shelving rocked slightly then fell to the floor with a thunderous rumble as the shelf gave way. More precisely they dropped directly onto two of her adversaries, effectively removing them from the action. The remaining 'creep' tore his widened eyes from the sight of his fallen comrades, or rather their arms and legs sticking out from the pile of barrels they were buried under, only to be met with another horrifying sight. A two-by-four coming in the direction of his head. He slumped to the ground unconscious. Lois Lane stared down at him long enough to determine he was going to stay that way, then tossed the board down beside him and dusted her hands off. A large portion of the side of the warehouse exploded inward and she whirled, tensed to confront a new danger, only to relax with a soft welcoming smile at the sight of famous blue tights and red cape. Before either could voice a greeting, her head swung back around at a noise from the opposite side of the warehouse. As the wide doors opened slowly to reveal a large squad of police personnel, Superman strolled slowly towards her, shaking his head as he surveyed the scene he'd found, drawling with amused wonder in his voice. "That's the police." "About time." His eyebrows rose at her disgusted mutter. "Considering I barely beat them here, I think they did pretty well." He glanced down at the man at their feet, who was beginning to moan softly as he regained consciousness. "Although, now I'm not sure why we bothered. Have you ever heard the phrase damsel-in-distress?" "What?!?" Her head shot around and she glared at him, primed to snarl some more, even if it was Superman receiving the effects of her temper. It had been that kind of day and she still had things to do. Then she caught the teasing glint in his eyes and shrugged. "Yeah, and if I ever find one, I'll be sure to call somebody . . . IF I need any help." She savored his incredulous expression for a moment then teased some more. "Oh, relax, I'm sure there'll be other times I'll need rescuing . . . by somebody or other." Grinning impishly when his mouth actually dropped open, partly in surprise and partly in horror, she patted his arm reassuringly. "Besides, someone has to clean up the mess here, you know. Won't want you to feel left out." "Gee, thanks." His eyes widened after the sarcastic words because Lois had already turned away and hurried over to speak to Police Inspector Henderson. Leaving him standing talking to thin air! That certainly didn't happen to him very often. Particularly with Lois Lane. Another moan from near his feet drew his attention again and he bent to check the man out. Seconds later he'd uncovered the other two men from the pile of barrels and turned them over to waiting officers. By the time he finished helping the police search the premises using his special skills, Lois had completely disappeared. He frowned, uncertain whether to be concerned or not. Lois disappearing suddenly could be perfectly innocent. Or it might not be. The trick to staying sane was knowing which it was at any given moment. His expression must have given him away because a voice at his side spoke up. "If you're looking for Lane, don't bother." Inspector Henderson shook his head, ruefully. "She gave me her statement then bolted out of here almost as fast as you do. Let me tell you, Lois Lane anxious to leave the scene of a crime is unnerving. This could be the end of civilization as we know it." He chuckled. "Or the beginning of it." Superman watched as the Inspector gave some instructions to one of his officers, then asked as casually as he could manage. "Did she say what the rush was?" "What? Yeah, she did. Of all things, she's late for a date." Henderson grinned as Superman's eyes widened in what could only be called alarm. "Exactly. Scary thought, isn't it?" Henderson blinked as a sudden burst of wind almost blew him over as Superman exited the building with absolutely no warning. He turned to his Lieutenant and managed to gasp out. "What did I say?" "Clark?" "Hmmm?" Her head tilted so she could see his face more clearly, Lois checked to make sure he was even listening to her. He'd been extremely quiet all evening and she wasn't in the mood to be ignored again. "Clark!" His gaze swung downward to connect with hers. "What?" "Finally!" She grinned as his blank expression let her know he had absolutely no idea what she'd said mere seconds before. He was normally an extremely attentive date, when he wasn't running off on her and he hadn't even been doing that much lately. Tonight, though, the man's body didn't have to leave, his mind was a million miles away for some reason and she'd put up with it as long as she was going to. They'd almost walked all the way back to her apartment from their movie date and he'd barely opened his mouth the entire way. "Want to tell me what's wrong?" "Wrong?" He frowned, apparently honestly not understanding what she was talking about. "Nothing's wrong. The movie was great. Why would you say anything was wrong?" Her eyebrows rose because she suspected he wouldn't be able to tell her what movie they'd seen if she pressed the issue. "Primarily because you aren't paying ANY attention to your date. Not a good sign, Clark." "Oh . . . Sorry." He grinned and the hand at her waist tugged her closer to his side. Then he shrugged. "I've been thinking about something. Guess I lost track . . . " Lois laughed at his sheepish expression. "I noticed. Want to talk about it?" "There's not really anything--" "Clark!" Her sharp tone told him he'd better explain his distracted behavior, fast, or he was going into her doghouse. Big time. He smiled and shook his head. "Okay, but it's really nothing important. I was just thinking about what happened to you at the warehouse today." "Is that all?" "Don't try to act innocent with me, Lois Lane. Superman told me you took on three men all by yourself." She shrugged. "Well, it wasn't like I had much choice, you know. You'd gone to call the police. What was I supposed to do, hope Superman would wander in by accident?" "No, I suppose not." Clark sighed then mused softly, with an almost smile. "Do you realize that was the first time in weeks you've gotten into any trouble? I think it might be a record for you." "And this is a bad thing?" She was looking at him as if he'd lost his mind and he grimaced. He stared down at her intently, the soft lights of the street lamps glinting off his glasses as he tilted his head. "No, it's not a bad thing, but weren't you the one complaining just today at the Planet that the news was boring lately? That there haven't even been any disasters, natural OR man-made, in weeks." Lois threw up her hands in surrender. "Okay, okay. I see your point. At least, I think I do." Her brow wrinkled because she was truly puzzled now. Clark rarely brought up work on their dates. Usually he made a point of steering her clear of anything remotely connected to their jobs. And he was complaining because she hadn't gotten into trouble? It was so weird it was almost frightening. He must be bugged about something. She opened her mouth to ask him what was really bothering him, but they reached the front steps of her apartment building and she decided it could wait. Once inside, she automatically started pulling out things for coffee without asking him if he was staying. Abruptly, it hit her they'd fallen into a predictable pattern on their dates in the last few weeks and she nibbled on her bottom lip uncertainly before glancing over at him. "You ARE staying for a little while, aren't you?" "Sure." His eyes met hers. "I mean, if you want me to." "Of course, I do. I mean, if you want to." "Lo-is." Those two syllables said it all. He was exasperated with them going in verbal circles. Suddenly the whole thing became extremely funny and she giggled. When he eyed her oddly, she only laughed harder. Finally, she was able to catch her breath and explain. "Clark, sometimes I think we're WAY too comfortable with each other." "And this is funny to you?" "Well, no." She shrugged when he frowned in reaction. "But the way we're acting IS." His frown became more intense. "And how are we acting?" Eyeing his extremely masculine, irritated expression, she sighed, knowing it was probably a bad idea to even broach the topic given the strange mood he already seemed to be in that evening. "I'm not sure you want to hear this." "Lo-is!" "Oh, okay--but don't say I didn't warn you--we're acting like an old married couple stuck in a rut, IF you must know." Clark opened his mouth to dispute her words, then abruptly stopped and snapped it shut. He slowly sank down onto her couch, deep in thought. For the last week or so, things had been so quiet around Metropolis, around the world even, he and Lois had been able to spend time together almost every night after work. It had truly been an enjoyable change, but she was right, they HAD fallen into a rather predictable routine. Lois brought the tray with their coffee mugs and a plateful of assorted cookies over to the couch, sat down at his side and handed him a mug. When he didn't respond immediately, she shook her head. "Well, at least being ignored is something NEW. Or am I boring you into a stupor?" "What?" He blinked at her and took the mug. Then her words registered and he grimaced. "I'm sorry. You ARE NOT boring me. I was just thinking about how much time we've spent together this last week or so. It has been different and I guess we HAVE gotten into a rut." "I'll say." Studying his face for a moment, she sighed. "So, you're not bored with me, but are you . . . tired of dating me?" [continued in part 2 of PROMISES] ******************************* Beverly Latham ******************************* ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 18:48:34 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Susan VanCott Subject: Person whose address starts with "folc" Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Okay, somebody emailed me about my story, "Purple Haze" All I remember is that their address started with the four letters "folc" As I was opening the email, my computer burped, and ate the email. Sadly, I was unable to retrieve the email; it was fully digested. So I would greatly appreciate it if whoever sent it would send it again. And to anyone who this does not concern who opened this email anyway, I'm sorry for wasting your time and mailbox space. Peace, Love,and Superman, ~~>Susan<~~ ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 18:00:00 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Beverly Latham Subject: new fanfic NEBS: PROMISES [2/8] Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/enriched; charset="us-ascii" "Will you stop saying things like that! I could never be bored with you OR tired of you." His eyes met hers openly and honestly. "NEVER." She smiled softly after his fervent reassurance, then tilted her head to look at him more closely. "But something's wrong, isn't it?" He started to deny it but she glared him into silence. "Look, if you don't want to talk about it, that's fine, but, please--don't tell me nothing is wrong. I know you too well." Clark took a sip of coffee to give himself time to think of an explanation she'd buy. Nothing came to mind, so he stuck with the basic truth because he did need to talk about it. "The only thing wrong is things have been so quiet lately I feel useless." "Useless? Clark, you're not useless. That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Why do you feel useless?" "I don't know. I guess, I've gotten used to action and always being on the go and now . . . " Lois watched his face, unsure whether to try to tease him out of his mood or be sympathetic. She sighed and reached over to squeeze his hand after he set his cup down on the tray. "We ARE going through a slow period at work right now and I understand how you feel. Believe me, it's happened before." "Not like this." "Worse than this." He looked skeptical and her head bobbed up and down, emphatically. "Yes, Clark, much worse than this. The winter before you came to Metropolis, there was a month or so there I thought the paper was going to close down. The only thing happening in Metropolis was snow, and even that wasn't enough to be news. Perry was close to committing suicide from sheer frustration. Of course, he didn't. He amused himself by making the rest of us even more miserable." Clark chuckled, knowing she was probably quite accurate about Perry's reaction. He understood what she was saying about work, but it didn't help. Not completely. He shrugged. "Still--" "Neither one of us is useless and you know it." An impish grin spread across her face and she leaned towards him. "Especially not you." Mesmerized by her sparkling eyes, he smiled in spite of his black mood. "And why is that, Ms. Lane?" "Because, Mr. Kent, you've kept me from being bored during this slump. That's a difficult job and I appreciate your efforts." He couldn't hold back an amused chuckle when she leaned over and expressed her gratitude by kissing him gently on the cheek. As she pulled back, he agreed softly. "And an important one, because it keeps you from driving everyone else crazy." "Let's not get carried away, farmboy." Clark laughed out loud at her mutter and Lois grinned in response. Reaching down, she picked up the tray and carried it back to the kitchen. Feeling as if he'd suddenly awakened from a long sleep, his eyes followed her graceful motions in amazed silence as she moved around the kitchen putting things away, guiltily realizing he really hadn't been paying her much attention all evening. He hadn't even noticed how great she looked, and she did look gorgeous, even in ordinary blue jeans and a simple white blouse. Of course, now that he was paying attention, he honestly had to admit there wasn't anything simple OR ordinary about the way the blouse and jeans hugged her body like a second skin. Lois did love tight clothing. When Lois returned to the living room and perched at the other end of the couch, cross-legged and facing him, he frowned slightly, then leaned back and grinned at her. "I suppose you're right." "I'm always right, but to what are you referring this time?" He ignored her teasingly purred brag. "About keeping each other from being bored. That's probably why we've gotten into such a routine lately. Misery loves company. More or less." "Mmm." Lois pulled her knees up and hugged them, then studied her nails absently, musing softly. "Like I said, we're too comfortable with each other." Noticing his frowning reaction to her words, she hastily amended. "Not that it's a bad thing." All she got from him was a grunt and she rolled her eyes. Leaning forward with her arms braced on her knees, she insisted. "It's NOT a bad thing. From my standpoint, it's a great thing." "What do you mean?" "I mean comfortable is nice for a change. Very nice." He continued to look extremely skeptical, so she sighed and tried again. "In the past, my relationships with the male of the species have been full of tension. I always ended up trying to act the way they expected, or what I THOUGHT they expected. It's nice to know I can be myself with someone, that they can see both the good and the bad and still LIKE me. That's what I mean by comfortable. With you, there's no pressure." Clark smiled his agreement, finally understanding what she meant. He felt the same way about her. He'd always felt relatively relaxed around Lois. Then his eyes narrowed. For some reason, her last words didn't sit well. "No pressure?" "You know what I mean." Lois actually blushed and his eyebrows rose. His voice lowered to little more than a rumble. "No, I don't think I do. Please explain what you mean by NO pressure." "Clark!" Seeing he wasn't going to back down, she relented. Just a little. "Okay, there IS pressure, just not nearly as much as with other men." She hadn't backed down far enough to his way of thinking and his eyes narrowed as he scowled at her. In fact, he was pretty sure she'd only made things worse. Somehow their discussion had gotten turned around and suddenly his male pride was on the line. Again. Not at all surprising around Lois, but that didn't make him feel any better. In the middle of his mental grumblings, it occurred to him she was right. Especially lately. He'd unconsciously slipped back into their old familiar friendship even though they were now officially dating. His friendship with Lois was just as comfortable and reassuring to him as it was to her. Clark's suddenly booming laughter almost made her bounce off the sofa in surprise. Eyeing him suspiciously, she straightened. "What's so funny?" "Us." She didn't look convinced and he chuckled. "We HAVE been in a rut, but not necessarily the way you meant earlier." "Oh?" His brown eyes were dancing behind his glasses as he grinned at her and Lois suddenly realized she wasn't nearly as comfortable as she'd thought she was. Nervously, she started to get off the couch. She couldn't move and her eyes widened as she realized why. Clark was holding her feet in his lap. Why he was holding them and how they'd gotten there in the first place, Lois had no idea. One second her feet had been in perfectly safe and neutral territory on the couch between them. The next, his fingers were wrapped around her ankles as they rested on his thighs. Swallowing, she attempted to slowly ease them off his lap. Apparently, he wasn't ready to let go. His thumb rubbed the skin above one shoe, ever so softly. Her breath hissed out in reaction. "Stop doing that!" "Doing what?" Twinkling brown eyes told her he knew exactly what she was referring to. Lois refused to play his game. Instead, she tried tugging her feet away again. They were her feet, after all. Clark tugged back harder and she ended up sliding down the couch until her neck was cushioned on the arm. He chuckled at her startled expression as he slipped one shoe off, then the other. Tossing them on the floor, he turned back to challenge with a masculine grin. "Still feel like we're in a rut?" "Ha! Ha! Very funny. Now, can I have my feet back?" He actually appeared to give the matter serious thought before shaking his head deliberately back and forth. His attention returned to her feet. Holding both of them cradled in his hands, he studied them intently. She stared at him, astonished by his behavior. "Clark?!? I want--" "You have beautiful feet." Ever so slowly, the fingers of one hand rubbed up and down along the top of one foot, in a soft caress. Lois shivered and swallowed, uncertainly. "I don't think this . . . I'm not . . . I mean, they're just feet." "They're gorgeous just like the rest of you. And such a contradiction--like the rest of you." Picking up one foot in both hands, he began massaging the arch with his thumbs. She bit back a moan of pure bliss and tried to concentrate on his words instead of his actions. It was difficult. The evening had taken such a bizarre and unexpected turn, she wasn't sure what to say or do next. Wide-eyed, she watched his slow, sure movements, frozen in place by both the exquisite warmth and tenderness of his hands and the look on his face. "What do you mean by contra--" His thumb pressed on a particularly sensitive spot on the pad of her foot and the moan finally slipped out. "Ahhh . . . " Smiling knowingly, Clark continued to firmly rub in slow circles. Glancing in her direction, he shrugged. "The contradiction is that your feet look just as fragile and delicate as you do--but I've seen you take down men twice your size with one kick. Like today." "Oh!" Lois blinked after her soft whisper. She wasn't sure if she was responding to his incredible statement or the pleasure-pain he was causing with his hands. He transferred his attention to the other foot and she whimpered. "Ooohhh, god, Clark . . . that feels wonderful." "So lay back and enjoy it." "But--" "LO-IS." Under his exasperated look, Lois forced herself to close her eyes and do as he ordered. Finally, she sighed softly. "I still can't believe you're doing this, but I'm not complaining. Thank you." "You're welcome. Now, shut-up and enjoy it." Without opening her eyes, Lois stuck her tongue out at him then had to struggle to swallow a giggle when he tickled the arch of her foot. "Hey, cut that out!" Clark chuckled at her one-eyed glare and obediently went back to work on her foot. She settled back against the cushions happily. Smiling, he continued the foot massage as he watched her blissful expression of contentment. His smile faded slightly as he realized she was back to looking comfortable while he was becoming distinctly uncomfortable. He turned his attention back to the foot in his hands but instead of concentrating on massaging muscles and nerves, he was only conscious of the combination of silky skin under his fingertips and soft moans of delight reaching his ears. He swallowed hard before turning to stare at the open window, wondering distractedly where an interruption was when he needed it. Suddenly, he was angry with himself. Talk about being in a rut. For months now, one of his biggest worries was that his constant running off was going to drive Lois farther and farther away and now he was WISHING for an excuse to run? Not likely. Lois needed him and he needed her. It was that simple. God, did he need her. Without conscious thought, his gaze returned to her foot and tracked back up to the soft smile on her face. The second his hands stopped their wonderful massage, her eyes popped opened to find him watching her intently. Their eyes met and held. "Are you finished?" "I don't think so." "Huh?!? What do you mean?" "I'm still climbing out of the rut." Her mouth dropped open in surprise as he 'climbed' closer by scooting down the couch under her legs, then twisting sideways to lean over her semi-reclining form. Her eyes widened even more as he propped his elbow on the back of the couch and looked down at her. "Lois, I'm sorry. I have been acting stupid, haven't I?" "What--" "Instead of accepting and enjoying our time together, I've been questioning it. Even worse, I haven't been enjoying it." He smiled, determinedly. "But not any more." She licked her bottom lip nervously, even though her eyes were starting to twinkle. "Clark, I didn't mean . . . " "I know, Lois, but I do." She didn't challenge his husky whisper. She couldn't, because he murmured the words practically against her mouth, literally stealing her breath away as he leaned over her. His other arm drifted around her waist and completed the job of shifting her the rest of the way into his lap without his mouth ever stopping its assault on hers. Lois completely forgot about disagreeing. She moaned instead as her arms slid around his neck. Clark couldn't make himself stop nibbling at her mouth. His arms instinctively tightened to keep her cradled against his chest even as he fought his way through an incredible rush of desire. Somehow she found enough breath to whisper against his lips. "What just happened?" [continued in part 3 of PROMISES] ******************************* Beverly Latham ******************************* ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 19:00:00 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Beverly Latham Subject: new fanfic NEBS: PROMISES [3/8] Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/enriched; charset="us-ascii" Clark tore his lips away from hers reluctantly and lifted his head. After a few seconds, he smiled. One hand came up to brush her hair back before cupping her cheek and his eyes glittered into hers as he confided with a soft chuckle. "I'm not sure, but I'm certainly not bored anymore. I like it. Now, come're." She didn't move but sat studying his face. He stared back, a little puzzled at her serious expression, and gave her a lop- sided grin. "Am I making you uncomfortable?" "Oh, no . . . it's just . . . " "What?" His thumb stroked the side of her face as he whispered the question. Her brow wrinkled and her head moved from side-to-side. "It's just, I . . . I don't know what it is, but sometimes when I look at you I get the strangest feeling. It's like . . . " Her words trailed off and she bit her bottom lip, then shrugged. Clark smothered an impatient groan at her soft words. Not now. He smiled instead. "Define strange." Her eyes widened in surprise and she grinned. "I'm not sure that would be a good idea. Especially the mood you're in." "This is sounding better every second. We should definitely explore this feeling." The second he rumbled the husky words, Clark wondered where in the world his mind had vanished to. Was he intentionally trying to get himself in trouble? Briefly he considered changing the subject and their current positions, but the soft and very sexy answering smile on her face promptly drove any remaining sane thoughts out of his head. The only thought he could grasp was how soft and moist her lips looked. And, more importantly, they were only inches away from his. He tugged her face towards his with a sigh. This time Lois didn't hesitate but met him half-way. Before Clark could react, her arms were wrapped around his neck and she was nibbling her way around his jawline. She giggled against his ear at his moan of pure pleasure. "I think you have sensitive ears. You always melt whenever I get anywhere near them." Clark gritted his teeth. He knew for a fact the woman didn't know what she was talking about, once again. His ears were quite sensitive, thank you very much, but the rest of him was just as sensitive, if not more so, and he had certain proof he wasn't melting. Quite the contrary. Lois grunted in surprise and lifted her head to look at him when he shifted their positions sideways suddenly and they ended up lying face-to-face on the couch. Clark grinned back at her because the change allowed him room to breath. Literally. Then Lois ruined everything. She leaned farther away from him to get an even better look at his face and almost fell off the couch in the process. His instinctive reaction of snatching her back against his chest kept her from falling, but it also molded her soft curves against him. He promptly decided he should've let her fall on the floor. That idea struck him as so odd, even given his current state of mind, not to mention body, that he closed his eyes and let out an agonized groan of pure male frustration. "Are you okay?" He didn't answer and Lois continued to eye his strained face, uncertainly. "Maybe we shouldn't . . . " "No!" Clark opened his eyes and sighed when he saw her eyes widen in surprise at his snarl. He knew she was probably right. They were playing with fire and he was tempting fate, but the very thought of letting her go made his arms tighten even more in reaction. Stupid or not, he wasn't budging, and no one was going to make him. He smiled. Lois frowned. Watching her, Clark just as quickly realized there was someone who could make him move and it suddenly became of primary importance to make sure she was content to stay right where she was. Gathering her against his chest, he rumbled persuasively. "I just want to hold you a little while." He almost groaned again at his own words. Weak Kent. Very weak. Did he honestly think she was going to buy that one? Apparently the idea didn't bother Lois as much as it did him because after searching his face for a long moment, she grinned and nodded, before snuggling closer. Clark smiled back and leaned closer to nibble at her mouth, murmuring softly. "That's good, because I'm not sure I have the will-power to move at the moment." Lois sighed as she tilted her head for him to work his way around her face. "Hmmm." His answering rumble tickled her ear and she giggled and twisted away from him. His rumble changed to a outraged grumble. "Be still." "It tickles." Clark lifted his head, fully intending to scold her playfully, but found himself staring into dancing brown eyes. All teasing left his expression as he gazed at her delighted expression. His hand moved up to touch her cheek tenderly a second before his mouth covered hers. Lois whimpered as his lips molded hers, surprised as much by the look of hunger she'd glimpsed in his eyes as by the intensity of the kiss itself. And by her own reaction. Her fingers fisted in the material of his shirt as she tried to find an anchor in the storm of sensations he was creating. There was only one problem with clinging to him. He was both her anchor and the cause of the storm. It was confusing, but at the same time felt so right. Sighing, Lois gave up trying to figure it out and her hand slid up his chest and around his neck. Clark groaned and his hands moved to her waist to hold her motionless. Incredibly, impossibly, Lois was a flame, powerful enough to singe him. Singe? He was already on fire, rapidly blazing almost out of control. He did not like being out-of-control. Struggling against the contradictory, instinctive impulse to find relief from the heat by pulling her even closer, Clark pushed up on both arms and held himself above her on the couch. Staring down at her dazed expression, he almost changed his mind. For an eternity, they stared at each other before he forced himself to stand up and walk towards the open window where he dragged in huge gulps of air. Lois sat up and slowly brought her own breathing under control. She stared at him in silence before moving to his side. "Clark? Did I do something wrong?" His shoulders slumped and he turned to face her. "Of course not. Never think that. It's not you. It's me." Her eyes widened at the raw emotions in his voice. "You? I don't understand . . . " Clark managed to smile softly as he held her gaze. "Don't you?" "No, I . . . oh . . . well . . . " When she blushed, bit her bottom lip and looked away, Clark chuckled, wryly. "Yeah, well . . . Maybe it would be better if I said goodbye before I start putting pressure on both of us." He moved to step around Lois, but her hand on his chest stopped him mid-stride. "Do you really have to leave?" "What are you saying?" "I . . . " Lois stared at his raised eyebrows then shrugged. "I just don't want you leaving this way. It doesn't FEEL right." "Amen to that." Her eyes widened at his low mutter and she sighed. "Look, all I mean is, I don't see why you have to rush off. Nothing happened." "And I want to keep it that way." "You do?" "Of course I do." Clark saw the surprise on her face after his snarled assertion and abruptly regretted his words. "Hell, I didn't mean that the way it came out." "So--you want something to happen?" "I . . . " Clark closed his mouth to keep himself from saying anything else and his eyes to block out the sight of her suddenly amused expression. He silently counted to ten and prayed for patience. And sanity. Both seemed to be in very short supply for some reason. Finally, he opened his eyes, fixed a grin on his face and grabbed her hand to tug her along behind him as he walked towards the door of her apartment. "What I want is to leave before I dig myself any deeper into what is sure to be major trouble." "At least we seem to be out of the rut." Clark groaned at her soft whisper and turned to face her as he reached the door, tilting his head to see her face better. Seeing the laughter sparkling in her eyes, he smiled in response. "I think I almost prefer the rut to this. It WAS so nice and comfortable." Stepping closer, Lois grinned at him impishly. "Are you saying I'm making you uncomfortable, Clark Kent?" Clark tried to frown at her after the teasing, but he couldn't seem to manage it. Instead he smiled as he leaned back against the door. His arms slid around her waist and pulled her against his chest. "You know you are, Lois Lane, AND you're enjoying it. You always do." Settling against him with her arms around his neck, Lois chuckled. "Well, you know--it does keep me from being bored." Her words were still lightly teasing but the husky way she whispered them wasn't. Clark groaned as another shaft of desire shot through his already over-stimulated system. "God . . . Lois . . . I wish you wouldn't talk like that. It makes leaving extremely . . . " Clark gave up trying to talk when she stretched upwards to place her mouth over his. For the longest, he stood passive, allowing her to nibble at his mouth while he mentally counted to ten again and told himself all the reasons he should leave. It didn't work. His brain was refusing to cooperate and his body didn't want to in the first place. All his attention centered on the warmth of her lips as they slowly and thoroughly caressed his. His hands flexed at her waist, digging into her soft curves in reaction to her continued assault. Lois whimpered softly as she snuggled closer. With a low, husky growl deep in his throat, Clark stopped struggling and instinct took over. Crushing her against his chest, his lips devoured hers while his hands skimmed along the curves driving him crazy. Long breathless moments later, Lois blinked when he lifted his head and used both hands to push her back from his chest with an agonized groan. "Clark?" "I can't do this." His hand moved to cup her cheek. "I'm sorry, but I just can't. I thought I could, but I can't. Not now and not like this. Goodnight." Then he was gone. Lois blinked and stared at the door he'd just closed, practically in her face. "What the hell did that mean?" Slowly, she reached up to turn the locks then leaned against the door as she tried to collect her wits. It didn't help. The entire evening had simply been too strange for words and her thoughts appeared to be permanently scattered. She'd never seen Clark act like this. It didn't really make any sense, all things considered. Granted he was different from any man she'd ever gone out with, but still . . . tonight's behavior was downright odd, even for him. First he'd been withdrawn almost to the point of ignoring her completely. Then he'd been . . . Intense. There was no other way of describing the feeling. Even more amazing, it had been a sexual intensity. More intense than they'd ever gotten before, that was for sure. Lois smiled as she realized she'd liked it coming from him. Actually, she'd more than liked it, she'd craved it. And wanted more. Somehow, almost instinctively, she didn't think hearing that would make him feel any better, even if he was the one who'd been intense in the first place. Fantastically intense. Wonderfully intense. The last few weeks had been great and she'd been happier than she'd ever been in her life. Just enjoying life. Just being with Clark. It was amazing. No pressure, just like she'd told him earlier. On the other hand, that didn't necessarily mean she wanted things to stay that way. In fact, she was quite happy with the developments of the evening. Or she had been until he'd panicked. Her eyes widened at the thought. Incredible as it seemed, she recognized panic when she saw it. Clark had panicked. More importantly, she had no idea why. [continued in part 4 of PROMISES] ******************************* Beverly Latham ******************************* ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 20:34:21 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Sandra McDermin Subject: Fanfic Review: Various and sundry comments on "First Impressions" Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii I just finished reading "First Impressions" and glanced briefly over some of the editors comments. (I must admit I read the first part of the story several days ago, so all of this is not fresh in my mind.) First off, I'm not a great Regency fan, therefore, my comments may not be appropriate. However, I have read a great deal of Austen. And, since you seem to have utilized some of the style and social settings of those novels, maybe I won't be too off the mark. In any case, despite my ignorance, I think you did a great job. There were a handful of times, or so, when I thought the language was more modern than appropriate. For instance: >>"She's run off?" Kent asked. Lousia turned and found him standing in the doorway. "Looks like it. There are some clothes missing...."<< Instead of "Looks like it", one might say "I'm afraid that is the only conclusion one can draw...." Or, something like that. (I don't want to bore people with this type of thing.) However, if *you* want to be bored by it, Leanne, I will send my nitpicks to you ; ). Also, there were one or two occasions -- as when you used the word "remiss" and later when you used the words "salacious" and "veritably" -- when I out and out thought they were the wrong words to use. They conjured the wrong meaning. Let's get to the meat of the thing. Unlike some of your editors, I had no problem with the lack of Kent in the beginning of the story and the impression the reader gets that Luther is good while Kent is less desirable. The story *is* called First Impressions after all, which gives one the impression (forgive me) that these initial opinions will be proven wrong, i.e., you can't tell a book by its cover. Furthermore, isn't this how these novels are usually structured? One usually views the action through the female heroine -- not through the hero. Therefore, the male always seems to be a mystery. As I recall, Austen received the same sort of criticism with regard to Pride and Prejudice. None of her readers liked Darcy, straight off, and they couldn't imagine what their beloved Elizabeth would see in him. However, this only made Austen's point. We saw Darcy *through Elizabeth's eyes* and only learned of his full worth as she did. As for your Luther character, another feature of these type of books is that "young" men who appear good and kind, or fun and exciting *at first* always end up being less than what one hopes. I had no problem with the "personality switch" for lack of a better phrase, as I knew this is how these things usually go. Turning to Catherine, her relationship to Kent was initially unclear, and I was surprised to find that she was his ward. She might have been better presented as a young widow, although I do recall in "Northanger Abbey" that one of the young women in that novel was pretty conniving -- not to mention the forwardness of Lydia Bennett, who was just plain stupid. Killing off Lucia did seem rather dark for this type of story. Almost as if we had slipped from a Regency to a Gothic or maybe to a Thomas Hardy novel.... In his work, all women who are sullied -- whether their fault or not -- must pay! I must agree with your editors that Kent's growing love (and Louisa's to a much lesser extent) should have been more fully explored. Granted, in P&P, we don't really know Darcy's thoughts until he confesses his love to Elizabeth and then he tells her how he had become drawn to her despite his internal struggle over the inferiority of her connections! (The marriage proposal to end all marriage proposals --> barring Mr. Collins'.) However, *this* was towards the end of Volume I of three Volumes. Anyway, we don't really know the full extent of Kent's struggle over his initial feelings. He tells no one that I can remember. One last thing, when you were going back and forth with Pam, you mentioned about reading an L&C fic where Lois could only reveal the true nature of Lex by marrying him.... Um, that wasn't my story, was it? If so, I must clear up one thing, she didn't marry Lex for that reason, she *stayed* married to Lex for that reason. Well, I truly did enjoy "First Impressions" especially since it was so refreshingly different. As I was reading it, I became a bit inspired and started to write my own "take off" on L&C. Not a Regency, however. Another time period farther in the future. Frankly, I did not see your story as a "soulmates story" (as defined by this list), nor do I see mine -- if I ever finish it -- as one. As you mention, soul mates, if there is such a thing, do not necessarily end up the same way in each lifetime. Souls, supposedly, make journeys with each other through many lifetimes and, in some, they are not always lovers nor do they likewise end up living happily ever after.... Until the next time. Sandy ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 20:00:00 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Beverly Latham Subject: new fanfic NEBS: PROMISES [4/8] Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/enriched; charset="us-ascii" So, why was he panicking? His behavior had almost reminded her of a nervous bride on her wedding night. Which was ridiculous. Wasn't it? It also reminded her of something, or someone, else but her thought were so muddled she couldn't place-- The sound of a loud knock right in her ear almost made her jump out of her skin. With a soft yelp of surprise, she spun around to attack the source. Then she started breathing again and felt like screaming in pure frustration. Checking through the peephole, she was more surprised to find Clark on the other side of the door, looking a little sheepish. And very tense. Her eyes narrowed as she opened the door. "Forget something?" Clark grimaced at her sarcastic tone. "Listen, I'm sorry. I know I'm acting crazy tonight but I do have a reason. I'm not sure you'll understand it, but it is a reason. We need to talk." Lois stared at him, then whispered incredulously. "Talk?" "Don't say it like that!" Her eyes widened. "Like what?" "Like you think I mean something else entirely. I don't. We need to TALK." "Okay, talk about what?" "I . . . Can I come in?" Her eyebrows rose. "If I let you in are you going to stay?" His eyes widened and she sputtered. "TH--THAT is not what I mean!" Then she chuckled ruefully as she let him walk past her back into the apartment. "I hope you know this is the weirdest date I've EVER had in my life!" Clark rubbed his hand over his hair and nodded. "The feeling is mutual." "This is supposed to make me feel better?" "We need to talk." "You keep saying that and, frankly, it's starting to get on my nerves." "You and me both." "Clark!" At her frustrated wail, he sighed. "Look, this isn't going to be easy on either of us, Lois. Please don't make it any more difficult than it is." Lois stared at him. Whatever it was, he was very serious. Frowning, she crossed over to where he'd backed himself against her couch and placed her hands on his chest. "You're scaring me." "If it'll make you feel any better, I'm scaring myself, too. Considerably." "No, that most certainly does not help. I'm not sure I want to hear this. Not now. Maybe not ever." "Lo-is! I can't stop now. I've finally gotten up enough nerve to tell you this and I have to finish. Please." Closing her eyes, she shook her head. "No, I most certainly do not want to hear this. I know I'm being unreasonable, but go home." "But . . . " Stopping, he studied her face. She was serious. "Why not?" Wide brown eyes stared into his. "Because you're getting ready to tell me something that's going to change everything between us, aren't you?" "Well, maybe . . . but . . . It's not a bad thing. At least, I don't think it is. It's just . . . " "God, just when I thought things were finally right in my life . . . this has to happen." "But, Lois, it's not what you think. I mean . . . " He looked confused for a moment, then smiled slightly. "At least, I don't think it is. With you, one never knows. It won't be that bad, I promise." Her heart was pounding and she swallowed hard, suddenly only more terrified instead of reassured. Over the years, she'd learned to survive by trusting her instincts and her gut was suddenly in knots. "No, I don't want to hear this tonight." "But . . . " "Clark, please. Not tonight. I don't think I can deal with this tonight. Can't we just . . . wait?" Meeting eyes that were suddenly filling with tears, his shoulders slumped before he tugged her into his arms. "Okay, but when we finally do talk about this and you want to kill me for not telling you sooner, remember this night, Lois Lane." Eyes wide, she looked up and nodded. "I will. Thank you." He kissed the top of her head, then straightened to walk to the door. Once there he glanced back over his shoulder as he walked out the door for the second time that evening. He shook his head, almost sadly, then turned to walk down the hallway. Lois slumped against the doorframe, uncertain whether she felt relieved that she'd gotten her way or terrified by the disappointment that had been on his face. "Don't be ridiculous!" Lois continued striding into the conference room and placed the book she'd borrowed back on the shelf. When there was no answer from Clark, she turned to face him. He was standing just inside the closed conference room door with his arms crossed on his chest, watching her with narrowed eyes and, more importantly, effectively blocking her exit. Intentionally, no doubt. Only when he seemed certain he had her undivided attention did he speak. "It is NOT ridiculous in the least. You HAVE been avoiding me for the last two days. Every time I get within three feet of you, you bolt away. Admit it." "I will do no such thing. Besides, look who's talking." His eyes narrowed and she shrugged. "I have to go home right now because--" "Uh-huh." "Clark, I'm not avoiding you. Not this time." "Ah-ha!" Lois rolled her eyes. "Okay, I admit that at first I might have--" "--avoided me." "--not wanted to--" "--talk to me." "Will you stop that! I've never seen you act this way." Exasperated she studied him through narrowed eyes then sighed. "That's part of the problem, you know. The way you're acting isn't helping one bit." "Me?!? What did I do?" "You're hovering." His eyes widened, incredibly almost becoming larger than his glasses, and she nodded, trying to make him understand. "Yes, you are. I feel like you're going to pounce at any second and it's irritating." "Not nearly as irritating as being avoided. I told you we needed to talk. Lois, it's important. Very important." He ran a frustrated hand through his hair. "I knew I shouldn't have let you talk me out of it the other night." "Well, I'm not. I . . . was tired." Since she knew he wasn't buying that one, she rushed on. "So, okay, maybe I have avoided talking about . . . whatever it is you want to talk about, but I haven't been avoiding you." "Yeah, right." "And I'm certainly not today." "Fine, then you'll go out to dinner with me tonight so we can talk." "But I can't." "Excuse me?" "I have to meet someone." "I thought you said you had to go home." "I do." His expression changed, becoming harder. "I saw you talking to Scardino so you don't have to hide it if that's it." Her mouth dropped open then she frowned. "I'm tempted to let you stew for that comment, however, I absolutely refuse to go through all that again. I told Dan to get lost, more or less, and I meant it. He does work in Metropolis you know. Sometimes I am going to meet up with him. It's part of the job. Both our jobs." "I'm sorry." Clark sighed. "I really shouldn't have said that." "No kidding." She shook her head. "I'm going home to eat dinner with Mom, you big dope." "Your mother is here in Metropolis?" Lois leaned back against the edge of the conference table, looking depressed in the process. "Believe me, I'm as surprised as you are. She showed up on my doorstep last night. I afraid she may never leave. She's in one of her moods." His gaze became speculative. "Okay, she's invited to dinner, too." For a second, her eyes widened at the possibility, then she shook her head, vigorously and determinedly. "No, I don't think so--" "Look, I can guarantee I won't try to talk about . . . well, you know, in front of your mother, so you can stop worrying about that." His mouth kicked up in a grin and he added. "That's definitely a given, so why not?" "You don't know my mother, that's why not." "I'm going to have to meet her sooner or later." "Not if you're lucky." "Particularly if I'm lucky." Lois had to tell herself to keep breathing. She wasn't entirely certain if it was the look in his eyes or the way his voice lowered but something definitely affected her ability to draw in a breath. Or maybe it was the way his hand came up to cup her cheek as he stared into her eyes meaningfully. Blinking to break the spell, she whispered. "Clark, I don't think--" "Relax, it won't be that bad." "Sez you." Reaching over with his other hand, he picked up a phone from the table behind her and dialed a number from memory. "No, you don't understand--" His thumb covered her mouth before she could hiss out any more protest. "Hello, Mrs. Lane? This is Clark Kent . . . Ummm? Oh, yes . . . well, I hope at least some of what she told you was nice. She hasn't always had a high opinion of me." His eyes glittered with amusement behind the glasses as he listened to the words coming over the receiver. "R-e-a-l-l-y?" Lois' eyes widened and she attempted to snatch the instrument out of his hand. Clark chuckled and shook his finger in her face as he backed a step away from her. "I'm glad to hear that, at least. Mrs. Lane, the reason I called was to invite you out to dinner with Lois and I tonight. When she told me you were in town, I couldn't bear the thought of you sitting home alone." He glanced back at the woman beside him when she made a choking sound. She was sitting with her eyes closed and hands clutched in a prayerful attitude. He rolled his eyes to stare at the ceiling. "Great. Eight okay with you? Hmmm . . . See you then." He placed the phone back on the table and turned to find Lois staring at him with a dazed expression. When she didn't move or speak, he tapped her on the nose. "See? Piece of cake." "My god . . . what have you done?!?" He studied her face intently after her hoarse whisper, then shrugged as he turned to open the door. "I'm not sure, but I can tell you what I'm not going to be doing." Lois swallowed and managed to ask. "What's that?" "I'm not going through another evening without being able to get near you." A date . . . with Clark . . . and her mother. What was she thinking?!? What was SHE thinking? More like what was HE thinking? SHE hadn't had a whole lot of say in the matter. And of all the times for her mother to decide to be agreeable. It was unbelievable. It was also typical Ellen Lane. Completely unpredictable. Thank god, she hadn't passed that trait down to her daughter. Lois frowned as she stared at the clothes in her closet without really seeing them. Her mind was not on getting ready for her . . . correction, their date with Clark. It was on the two people in the other room. Two people who happened to be getting along like old chums who'd known each other for years. How did he do that?!? Her mother had never liked any of her dates. So why the heck did Ellen Lane decide to like Clark Kent the moment she set eyes on him. The sound of laughter drifted through the bedroom doorway and Lois made a face. She was simply dying to know what was being said on the other side of the wall at that very moment. Except she didn't have time. She had to get ready. Maybe just one peek. "Lois, are you almost ready?" At the question, Lois guiltily jumped away from where she'd edged closer to the bedroom door, then muttered. "Almost, Mom." "Well, there's no rush. I'm thoroughly enjoying talking to Clark." With a low groan, Lois began changing clothes faster than she ever had before in her entire life. One way or another, she was never going to survive the evening without going insane. She just knew it. [continued in part 5 of PROMISES] ******************************* Beverly Latham ******************************* ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 21:00:00 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Beverly Latham Subject: new fanfic NEBS: PROMISES [5/8] Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/enriched; charset="us-ascii" She survived. Even more amazing than that, she actually enjoyed herself. As Clark escorted them back into her apartment three hours later, Lois kept asking herself how it was possible. She never enjoyed herself around her mother. It was a contradiction in terms. It made absolutely no sense and yet . . . Tonight it had happened and she didn't have a doubt in her mind as to how. Clark Kent. More specifically his wholesome, middle-America, farmboy charm turned on at full blast. Even more amazing, her mother had lapped it up like a cat served a full bowl of cream. Lois just wasn't sure why. Not why Clark had been wonderful to her mother. Of course, he probably didn't know how to not be wonderful, or polite. He'd apparently been born totally nice and polite then had another layer of it ground into his head by the Kents just for good measure. He was so sweet at times to people who certainly didn't deserve any consideration at all, it actually worried her. One of these days, he was going to be hurt and hurt bad. He wasn't invulnerable, after all. That, however, wasn't her biggest concern at the moment. No, it wasn't Clark's behavior that baffled her, it was her mother's. Why had Ellen Lane been . . . well, to put it bluntly, nice in return? And she was still purring at him. "Clark, thank you for a lovely evening." "You're very welcome, ma'am." "Will you please stop with the ma'am business? I meant it when I told you to call me Ellen." Lois gritted her teeth, although, if she was honest, she wasn't entirely certain whether she was holding back a groan or a giggle. The evening had been refreshingly enjoyable, yes, but the syrup flowing in a steady stream around her head was starting to give her a definite ache between the eyes. "Alright. Ellen, I enjoyed myself. We'll have to do this again sometime." He turned to grin at Lois with a rather triumphant sparkle in those soft brown eyes. "I guess I'll say goodnight now, Lois." Before she could open her mouth, her mother purred some more. "Oh, don't do that. Really, it isn't necessary. I'm exhausted and I'll say goodnight instead. You two take your time." Lois stared at her departing back in amazement, not even hearing Clark's polite response. That did it. She turned to follow her parent out of the room to demand an explanation when Clark's hand on her arm brought her to a full-stop. "I think she wants to be alone." She rolled her eyes, exasperated with both of them, as he leaned one shoulder on her front door and tugged her around to face him. "Well, too bad, because I going to find out why she's acting so--" Abruptly aware of the way he was watching her intently, she stopped in midstream. "Oh, Clark, I'm sorry." "For what?" "For being totally impolite by not thanking you." Clark blinked in the glare of the blinding hundred watt smile she suddenly directed his way. His hand came up slowly to tilt her face up to his even more. "You're welcome, but for what are you thanking me?" "Oh, just being you." He looked like he was going to say something, then changed his mind and his head dipped towards hers for a long kiss. When he finally lifted his head, Lois laid her cheek against his shoulder and sighed, contentedly. Her voice filtered up, whisper soft. "I don't think I've had such a good time in my mother's company in years," her head came up until she could gaze directly into his eyes, "and it only happened tonight because of you." "Well . . . I'm not sure--" "I am. You're incredible." Clark stared at her so strangely after the soft words, she finally whispered. "What?" "You . . . " His voice was little more than a hoarse croak. He swallowed and tried again. "You've never looked at me like that." "Like what?" "Like you normally look at Superman." Her eye widened, then she grinned and her eyes sparkled. "Well, tonight, you're my knight in shining armor, not him. Get used to it." "Mmmm . . . with pleasure." He grinned back and took a moment to hug her tightly against his chest, then his brow wrinkled slightly. "Although, to be honest, I'm still not sure what I did that deserves such high praise. Not exactly." "You rescued me from dragon lady Lane, that's what." "We are talking about the mother, not the daughter, right?" "Don't ruin the mood." Chuckling after her grumble, he whispered back. "Wouldn't think of doing so. I would like to point out, however, that she didn't strike me as being a dragon lady. Any more than you do. At least, most of the time." Lois made a strange noise in her throat. "Give her time." Clark tilted his head to stare down at her pensive expression. "I'm serious, Lois. I liked her. A lot. You're probably so much like her, you can't see her good points." "Oh, gee . . . thanks a heap. The mood is definitely ruined, Mr. Kent." His shoulders shook with laughter in spite of her extremely sour frown which he suspected was real. He tried to tease her out of her irritation, anyway. "Oh, well, being a knight in shining armor was nice while it lasted. So much for gratitude." "I'm still grateful. Honest. I just don't like being reminded how much like her I am. It's depressing." She sighed as she played with the lapel of his jacket. "But you're right." "For what it's worth, it's perfectly normal to have some friction with your parents for that very reason. Everybody does sooner or later." She nodded, then leaned back to stare at him, puzzled. "So what's your secret, Mister All-American?" "Huh?" When he continued to blink at her as if startled by the question, she clarified. "How come you get along so well with your parents? It's not normal. Your words, not mine, my dear knight." "Oh, I don't know. Mom and Dad are special, I guess." "Their son, too, I think. No, actually, I know he's special." Clark swallowed hard in the face of the smile she was giving him. It would be very easy for his imagination to decide it was adoring. Which would lead that same lately very over-active imagination to move on to other ideas he wasn't quite ready for. He straightened. "I think it's time I left. We both have to work tomorrow." "You don't have to leave yet." When he looked doubtful, she nodded, encouragingly. "Honest. Mom's probably already asleep. There's no reason we can't sit down and talk. Would you like some coffee or something?" For a second, he looked like he might give in both to the suggestion and the soft inviting light in her eyes, then shook his head. "I don't think so." "But--" "No. I'm not going to tempt . . . " He paused as if uncertain, then his next words came out in a rush of air, " . . . either one of us. Not until we have our talk." His tone didn't brook any argument and Lois stared at him in surprise before whispering. "This . . . talk-- it's that important to you?" "Yes, it is." When she continued to stare at him, his hand came up to cup her cheek. "Lois, it's very important to me. To both of us." He glanced towards the doorway leading to her bedroom. "However, I realize with your mother here, this isn't the best time to . . . well, to start this particular discussion. You have enough to deal with at the moment. It can wait." He smiled. "Once she leaves, I'll invite you over to my apartment for a home-cooked meal and we'll do it then." Torn between growing apprehension at his insistence and honest amusement at his phrasing, she gave him a hesitant grin as her eyes widened innocently. "Do IT?" "LO-IS!" "Well, you said 'it,' not me!" Then she giggled uncontrollably as her own words registered. Clark attempted to keep his own laughter in check as he huffed. "You know very well that is not what I meant!" Abruptly she straightened and sobered. "Actually, I don't. Is that part of what you want to talk about?" "Ah . . . no. Not exactly." Lois frowned. "Not exactly? What the heck does that mean?" "Lo-is. Please, just trust me and wait until we can really have this talk without interruptions. Okay?" When her frown deepened he sighed. "You do trust me, don't you?" Staring into his suddenly very intent gaze, she shivered. "Yes, I do. You know I do. You're just being so strange about all this. It's . . . you know how I get about anything I don't understand." "Yeah, you go nuts." She made a face. "That wasn't what I was getting at." Then she grinned, reluctantly. "But you're right. Can't you tell me something--just so I won't think it's something bad?" Her eyes met his, suddenly wary. "It isn't something bad, is it?" His gaze held hers steadily and her heart-rate sped up for no reason that she understood. "For someone that didn't want to talk about it, you're suddenly asking a lot of questions, Lois Lane. Trust me and wait. Please. Just trust me." After searching his eyes, Lois nodded. Clark smiled then leaned down to brush his lips across hers in a soft goodnight caress. When she leaned into the kiss, his good intentions went up in smoke and his arms slid around her shoulders to gather her closer to his chest. Seconds, but it could have been hours, later, he pushed away from her, almost frantically, with a mumbled. "Goodnight, Lois." Once the door was closed and locked behind him, Lois smiled and hugged her arms around her waist as she wandered across the room to her stereo. This new side of Clark she was discovering was mesmerizing. Fun, too, when she thought about how he seemed caught between being hesitant and shy one minute and almost amazingly aggressive the next. Maybe once they got this all- important talk out of the way, he'd settle down to one or the other. Of course, if the aggressive side won, she might have her hands full. With Clark, of all people. She giggled at the incredible thought. In the process of bending over to select a CD to listen to, her head jerked up with an almost pained expression in her eyes as she abruptly realized he never had reassured her that it wasn't something bad. "Damn you, Clark Kent. How could you do this to me?" Lois shoved the CD into her stereo with more force than it deserved and continued mumbling under her breath as she set the controls. "For that matter, let's include all men while we're at it. Trust them? The whole rotten bunch can't be trusted, yet I'm supposed to give my trust, unconditionally? I think not!" As the soft music filled the room, she sat down by the window to stare broodingly out at the lights of the city. Finally, she sighed, long and low. The problem was she did trust him. More than she'd ever trusted anyone else in her life. Except Superman. Possibly more than she trusted Superman. She just wasn't sure she trusted life itself not to throw trouble her way. She did have a way of attracting trouble. "Are you okay, honey?" Lois turned from the window at her mother's soft question. "Oh! Yes, I'm okay. Clark just left. I was . . . thinking about something he said." As she pulled the belt of her houserobe tighter around the waist and sat down on the sofa, Ellen watched her daughter's face, curiously. "Bad?" "Why would you--" "You had a pretty ferocious frown on your face when I came in the room, honey." Lois shrugged. "No, not bad. At least, I don't think so. More puzzling. He said we need to talk about something important as soon as . . . " She stopped, glanced at her mother then continued, "possible, but he won't tell me what it is." Ellen's head tilted as she thought it over. "Think he's going to ask you to marry him?" "Clark?!? Ask me--" Lois sat up straighter in the chair, her eyes wide at the startling idea. "Oh, god, I never even considered that possibility. I mean, he has been acting strange lately, but . . . if that was it, I think I'd know . . . surely he's not . . . " Then she shook her head. "No, that's not it. It couldn't be." "He couldn't ask you to marry him?" "I didn't mean it that way." Lois frowned as she turned back to face her mother. "You almost sound disappointed." "I think I could be. Clark is a very . . . " Ellen paused as she searched for the right word then smiled triumphantly, "nice man." Lois burst out laughing, her eyes twinkling. "That he is. Of course, I doubt he'd appreciate hearing either one of us say that. Not at all." "Most men wouldn't." Ellen chuckled and waved one hand in the air to emphasis her point. "Oh, look, I know having your mother, or anyone else, actually say the man is your life is nice could be considered the kiss of death, but with Clark . . . well, it's not an insult. It's honest." Her voice became musing, harder and quite a bit sarcastic. "And, believe me, I don't say that very often about ANY man." "Me neither." Lois promptly groaned, or sighed, she wasn't sure which, when she heard her own voice sound like an exact echo of her mother's. Then she gave up and shook her head. "And you're right. Clark is so nice it's almost scary. I think at first it did scare me. A lot. No one could possibly be that nice. At first, I tried to scare him off in return but he . . . wouldn't scare off." "Probably because he adores you." Lois blinked. She couldn't have heard her mother's soft whisper right. Ellen Lane did not believe in love. She turned startled eyes towards the sofa. "W--what?" "You heard me, honey." "How do you-- but-- Mom! You're the last person I'd ever expect to believe-- I mean, say--" "The truth?" Ellen watched, amused, as her daughter's splutterings subsided into heavy breathing as she tried to regain some oxygen, then continued sounding almost regretful. "Honey, I may not believe love lasts for everyone, but I do believe in it. And I can certainly recognize it when I see it. Ten minutes after I met him I knew that poor man is so head over heels in love with you . . . " Lois was sitting so still and quiet all of a sudden, Ellen glanced at her then sighed. "I suppose, the big question is whether you're in love with him?" [continued in part 6 of PROMISES] ******************************* Beverly Latham ******************************* ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 22:00:00 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Beverly Latham Subject: new fanfic NEBS: PROMISES [6/8] Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/enriched; charset="us-ascii" "I think so." Her mother's eyebrows rose. "You THINK so?" "I want to love him." "You WANT to?" Lois shifted in the chair nervously. "Well, I do. I do want to love him. More than I've ever wanted anything before in my life. What's not to love? Oh, he can be strange at times, but he's also the most wonderful person I've ever known in my life. He's simply too nice not to love. How could I not love him?" Ellen tried again. "Honey, either you do or you don't. Which is it?" "I do." "But?" Wide brown eyes glared at her parent. "Why do you say but? Did I say but? No, I did not say but because there is no but. I love Clark." Lois sank back into the chair with a soft sob-like noise. "Oh, god, I just said I loved Clark, didn't I?" Ellen shook her head, looking thoroughly confused. "Yes, you did and you didn't sound all that convincing. If you ask me. Which you didn't. More like you're trying to convince yourself. Honey, what is going on in that head of yours?" Lois frowned in her direction again. "So, I'll work on it." "Lois!" Her daughter took a deep breath and smiled, the kind of soft smile that made most people relax when they saw it on Lois Lane's face. If they didn't know her very well. People that knew her well would recognize the iron-willed determination behind the seductive smile and start worrying. Ulcer-grade worrying. "Relax, Mom. I do love Clark. Really, I mean it. I love him. I think I've known it for weeks but I've been . . . denying it. My track record with men isn't all that great. It's just . . . well, for one thing, I've never said it out loud before. It startled me to hear myself actually say the words." Her mother chose to trust her instincts and began worrying anyway, even though she believed her daughter was being honest about loving Clark, not because of what Lois had said but because of what she'd seen with her own eyes that evening. The two were probably more in love than even they, themselves, realized. Ellen frowned. She just didn't believe she'd heard a complete explanation of the situation between them and it was frustrating. She most certainly did not relax. She did decide to change tactics, however. She stood up and walked over to where Lois was sitting. Leaning over, Ellen gave her eldest child a hug and smiled down at her ruefully when Lois seemed surprised by the action. "We'll talk about it some more tomorrow but I want you to know I'm very happy for you." Lois looked up at her with a considerable amount of doubt showing in her face and Ellen sighed. "Honey, I may not believe in love lasting, but I do believe everyone should experience the real thing at least once in their lives." Almost reluctantly, Lois returned the hug then watched her mother leave the room, not fooled for a second. Now, she not only had to deal with a boyfriend who was acting strange, even for him, but a nosy, possibly matchmaking mother. She frowned and muttered towards the open window. "Great. Just great. Do I scream 'Help! Superman!' now? Or wait until I'm really to kill myself?" "You have an incredible view, Lois." Pausing in running a brush through her hair as she finished getting ready for work, Lois glanced over towards her mother's position at the living room window. "It's okay, I guess, but it's not that spectacular. I wish I could see more of the city." "Oh, I'd have to say it's pretty extraordinary." Puzzled by the note of sarcasm in the words, Lois moved over to see what in the world she was referring to. Then she gasped. "Mom! That's not a view, that's Superman!" "I'd figured that much out all on my own." After her dry observation, Ellen's eyes widened as she watched the grinning individual in question wave at Lois, then her daughter throw open the window and step back to allow him into the apartment without a milli-second of hesitation. The same individual who'd almost given her a heart attack because he'd been hovering in thin air directly outside the window like an enormous brightly colored butterfly when she'd first glanced out to see if the clouds the weather had promised the night before had arrived. Her gaze ran slowly down over his extremely tight outfit and back up to met her daughter's surprisingly anxious expression. "And I still say it's an incredible view to find outside your window first thing in the morning." "Mom!" Ignoring the embarrassed hiss from Lois, Ellen leveled her most intimidating frown on the figure in blue and red. "Do you always hover outside my daughter's window like that?" Superman's mouth quirked and his eyes sparkled devilishly. "Only when it's closed. She usually leaves it open." Ellen's eyebrows rose while Lois stared at him in horror after his honest explanation. For a second, she looked extremely guilty then seemed to catch herself and straightened to meet her mother's eyes defiantly. "He's a friend." "Uh-huh." After a distinctly disbelieving glance at both of them, Ellen questioned thoughtfully. "He can't use the door like everyone else?" When they both looked at her like the idea had never occurred to them, would never occur to them in a million years, she chuckled and shook her head. "No, I suppose not. What was I thinking?" Lois swallowed and shook her head in an attempt to get her brain to working again. Glancing first at her mother, then into his smiling eyes, she began a belated introduction at the same time she wondered why she thought it was necessary. "Superman, this is my mother, Ellen Lane." "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Lane." "My pleasure, I'm sure." Ellen's very quiet murmur brought her daughter's eyes back to her face. When their gazes met, Lois shifted nervously and Ellen's eyes narrowed, but she didn't comment. Instead she tilted her head towards Superman to inquire. "And what brings you by so early in the morning?" "Mom!" "No, it's okay." Superman smiled at the younger female then shrugged as he directed his answer to the older one. "I wanted to give Lois some information about an arrest I helped the police with just a little while ago. We turned up something related to those warehouse robberies you've been investigating." He grimaced. "I've got an appearance to make this morning at the dedication to the new library and archives building but I thought you and Clark should know about this before work. Things seem to be developing fast." Lois nodded, looking considerably relieved, then grinned at her mother. "See, it's about work." "I never said it wasn't." Ellen's steady gaze met her daughter's again until Lois looked away, then Ellen smiled at Superman. "It really is nice to finally meet you, considering how much reason I have to be grateful to you for saving her neck all the time, Superman. Thank you." His eyebrows rose slightly then he nodded as he glanced towards the woman they were talking about. "Like she said, she's my friend. I've only done what I had to do." Ellen stared at him in silence as their eyes met, shocked to the core as she recognized the silent message in his eyes and the wealth of meaning behind what he didn't say as much as what he did. She'd seen the same expression before and knew exactly what it meant, of that she had absolutely no doubt. In many ways, she might have even been expecting something along these lines. Yet, nothing had prepared her for the undeniable, completely unshakable impression she was left with because of the simple intensity behind his unexpectedly serious comment. He would willingly die for her daughter, not because it was the right thing to do but because he loved her. It was as simple and as complicated as that. Blinking at the moisture suddenly clouding her eyes and the confusion filling her thoughts, Ellen murmured an excuse that they needed to talk business and hastily left the room. Once she reached the safety of the bedroom, she sat down heavily on the bed and stared blankly into space with only one clear thought in her mind. God, no wonder Lois was confused about being in love. "You love him." A handful of popcorn froze in mid-air half-way to her mouth as Lois stared at her mother in surprise and considerable puzzlement. Where had that come from? They were both curled up on chairs in her living room in the middle of watching a late-night movie on one of the classic movie channels and hadn't even been talking much. Just enjoying the time together. Besides it'd sounded more like statement of fact than question. "Haven't we already had this conversation?" Ellen's head turned towards her daughter. "Ah . . . no. I'm talking about Superman this time, not Clark." "Wh--what?" "You love Superman." Her eyes widened with alarm, then Lois shook her head as she dropped the popcorn back into the bowl between them, completely losing her appetite for it. With as casual a shrug as she could manage, she hedged. "Of course, I love him. Who doesn't?" "I'd say quite a few people might not." Ellen laughed lightly after her dry remark, then shook her head. "And that kind of love is not what I meant and you know it. You're in love with him." "I already told you I love Clark. Why are you saying this?" "He loves you, you know. Superman, I mean." After the quiet words, Lois opened her mouth then just as quickly shut it, twice, because she couldn't seem to force any words past her throat. Finally, she whispered. "That has nothing at all to do with anything." The look Ellen gave her was patently disbelieving, yet almost sympathetic at the same time. "Of course, it does. It's very difficult not to respond to being loved by someone like him. Even when you know deep in your heart it's not right." She sighed, then continued. "Believe me, honey, I know." Blinking, Lois gaped at her parent. "What do you mean you know? And what's not right?" Then she paused, frowned and spat out with an indignant huff. "There isn't anyone else like him!" Ellen smiled. "No, not specifically, I suppose." "Mom . . . " "Honey, do you honestly believe I stopped loving your father?" "I--I don't . . . " "I love him. I'll always love him." Leaning forward, Ellen tilted her head to study her daughter's face intently then whispered. "But even more important than that to what we're talking about now . . . I know he loves me." "But . . . if you love each other . . . " Lois swallowed hard as she forced the question out. "Why?" Ellen didn't pretend to misunderstand. "Being in love with someone doesn't mean you can love them forever. Or even live with them. Sometimes the two are completely contradictory." "I see what you mean." Lois looked down at her lap as her shoulders heaved in a long breath. "I do because I suppose that's exactly what I've come to realize about him. I love him . . . but it's not enough." Her head came up and presented watery eyes to her mother. "But I'm not sure I understand how this situation is like yours and Daddy's." "Because your father used to look at me exactly the way Superman looked at you this morning. As if he would die for me . . . as long as something more important didn't claim his attention first." "Oh, god . . . " With a low moan of pain, Lois shot up out of the chair and across the room only to stop uncertainly in the middle of the floor. When her mother's arms went around her shoulders she turned blindly into the comforting shoulder offered, sobbing. Ellen's own eyes filled with tears as she steered them both down onto the sofa. Then she simply held on and waited. "I--I don't underst--stand . . . why I'm so upset. I know . . . I mean, I thought--I've already made my decision--" Ellen listened to the sobs mixed in with the muffled words and closed her eyes against the remembered pain which almost robbed her of breath as she pressed the dark head down onto her shoulder. Finally, she was able to whisper. "But have you allowed yourself to grieve for what you've lost?" The head came up and Lois gazed blearily at her parent. "But I haven't . . . I mean, it's not like--" Her shoulders heaved again, then her head tilted as she eyed the empathetic expression on her mother's face with amazement. "You're the first person who's understood." Ellen's eyebrows rose and Lois continued. "Most of the time, everyone else treats my relationship with Superman as a joke . . . " "Everyone?" Lois sat up straighter as she thought about it. "Well, maybe not Clark. But then he's Superman's friend too." Suddenly, Lois chuckled. "Of course, criminals seem to take it quite seriously." Then she sobered again. "Which I suppose is a large part of the problem." "Hmmm . . . " Lois glanced at over then whispered, a little hesitantly but not as hesitantly as she might have before. "Mom, can I ask you a question?" "Of course, honey." "Is it possible to love two people? The same, I mean." Ellen frowned as she gave the idea serious thought. "Well, I don't know . . . it would be a little strange, but I guess so. Why do you ask?" "Oh, nothing." Ellen simply stared at her and Lois shrugged. "It's just . . . I'm so confused by all this. Mom, I meant it when I said I love Clark. I do. I love him for all the right reasons. I know that. In a lot of ways, I think I love him MORE than I love Superman. Amazingly, there are more reasons to love him. I'm convinced I'm not just settling for loving Clark because I can't have Superman and yet . . . " "Sometimes you wonder why you still love Superman if that's truly the case?" "I tell myself that it's impossible to not love Superman." "I have noticed that attitude." Lois grinned at the amused, almost indulgent, look on her parent's face. "Well, he IS Superman, for goodness sakes. How can one ignore that?" "Rather difficult, I must say. He wears it so well." Lois blushed, then giggled. "Yeah, there is that." Abruptly, she frowned. "And that's just it, I see the body . . . the powers . . . all of it, but for me that's just part of a package. He IS a wonderful person." "You can't help loving him." "Exactly." Lois' shoulders slumped as she sought her mother's gaze. "But is that fair to Clark?" Ellen's brow wrinkled as she tried to understand the sudden question. "Now I don't understand. Is what fair to Clark?" "Not being able to give him all my heart." "Oh . . . I see." Ellen thought about it. "Have you ever thought about asking Clark, himself, how he feels about that?" "Mom! I've been avoiding admitting to myself that I still love Superman and besides I haven't even told Clark that I love HIM, yet." "Then maybe it's time you did, honey." [continued in part 7 of PROMISES] ******************************* Beverly Latham ******************************* ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 23:00:00 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Beverly Latham Subject: new fanfic NEBS: PROMISES [7/8] Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/enriched; charset="us-ascii" "Instead of drinking more of this stuff, why don't you take a nap?" Lois only ignored him as she sipped determinedly at the steaming mug of coffee in her hands, so Clark tried again. "Better yet, why don't you just go home and get some sleep?" Her gaze, bleary though it was, slowly turned his way. In the dim light penetrating the car windows, he could tell she was giving him a patented Lois Lane glare, the kind specifically designed to intimidate all who dared cross her path and perfected on her so-called partner just so she could bully him around. The full effect of this particular one was considerably ruined by the enormous yawn which slipped out before she could manage to swallow it. Giving up on intimidation, she shrugged and muttered. "Partners do not desert partners on stake-out." Clark rolled his eyes, then looked over towards the warehouse they currently had under surveillance. He fiddled with his glasses for a long moment as he studied the structure intently before turning back to continue their argument. "I'd agree, but nothing has happened all night, nor does it appear likely to. Besides, it's almost three in the morning." He gave her an exasperated, but coaxing smile. "I don't think you're going to miss anything." Lois frowned, again choosing to ignore his persistent request in favor of what she considered more important matters. "Bobby Bigmouth was sure they'd be moving some of the stuff tonight. He's not usually wrong so I don't understand--" "Stop changing the subject, Lois Lane." "I am not--" Clearly seeing his eyebrows bob above his glasses, even in the low light, she made a face. "Clark, I'm not that tired, just a little sleepy. This coffee is perking me right up." "Yeah, and if you were any more perked . . . " His voice trailed off when the glare was turned his way again. He tried a different approach, asking softly. "Don't you trust me?" "What?!?" A little surprised by her startled reaction he stared at her then doggedly continued. "I think I could handle a simple little stake-out on my own, partner." "Clark Kent, that is not the point." Now, she was the one sounding exasperated. "I'm not going home and I'm not taking a nap and that's final." He frowned back at her, but before he could start in again, she turned sideways in the seat to face him and whisper impishly. "So talk to me, partner, and keep me awake." Clark stared at her grin in horror like most people would eye a snake then turned to bang his head lightly against the car door frame, muttering under his breath. "One of these days, Lois Lane, you're not going to get your own way." "I heard that." When he looked back, her grin widened. "But you know I always get my way." *And probably always will.* Defeated by his own traitorous thoughts, Clark shook his head and decided to play along. With any luck, simple exhaustion would settle their disagreement anyway. What he couldn't figure out was why she was so tired in the first place that she absolutely refused to risk even taking a short nap, apparently for fear she wouldn't wake up until the middle of the next day. Or the next week. It wasn't like her at all. "Your mother left today, didn't she? I mean, yesterday?" "Yes, she did." "You sound almost disappointed." "I am in a way." His eyebrows rose again and she shrugged. "Okay, I admit it, for once, I actually enjoyed her visit. At least most of it." He continued to stare at her, waiting for a more detailed explanation and she smiled. "If you must know, she's the reason I'm so wasted tonight. We stayed up talking almost all night. The last two nights, in fact. It was . . . nice." His eyes narrowed at her soft giggle after the last word, then he whispered. "That's great, Lois." Wiggling to get more comfortable against the door, Lois glanced over at the warehouse as she mused. "Oh, Mom is still going to drive me crazy at times, I'm under no illusions about that, but it was wonderful to clear the air between us." "Just curious, but what in the world did you two talk about that took all night? Two all nighters, at that." Lois blinked at him owlishly, then suddenly grinned again. "Oh, this and that." When Clark eyed her, curiously, she giggled. "You know, the normal kind of girl talk." When he almost looked sorry he'd asked, she shook a finger in his direction, her own eyes dancing. "If you must know, Mr. Nosy, we talked about you and Superman, at least part of the time." His eyebrows almost shot off his forehead and she nodded, sagely. "Now aren't you sorry you asked?" "Yep." Clark stared at the warehouse in silence, then asked the obvious question before he could stop himself. "So what did your Mom say about me?" "Are you sure you want to hear this?" Meeting Lois' enormous grin, he almost groaned out loud. Why in the world was he torturing himself? "No, but tell me anyway." This time, she didn't hesitate. "Mom thought you were nice." "Oh, god!" Lois watched him place his head in both hands and shake it >from side-to-side. She giggled uproariously, in her groggy state thinking the sight was absolutely hilarious. "Hey, I think you're nice, too." "Yeah, and you're drunk." "I am not!" "Punch-drunk with exhaustion and caffeine, then." "Well, okay, I can accept that. It is true." Clark looked up from his hands and frowned as he tried to follow the conversation, which suddenly seemed an impossible task. Was exhaustion catching? "That you're drunk?" "No, silly, that you're nice." "Give me strength." Although she was still smiling, Lois straightened and huffed, pretending to be indignant. "She meant it as a compliment. One of the biggest my mother gives. Honest, Clark." "Uh-huh." "If it's any comfort she didn't feel the same way about Superman." "Huh?" Clark's head snapped around in her direction and he stared at her, thoroughly puzzled. Lois was no longer smiling, but leaning back against the corner between the door and the seat, staring absently into space, lost in thought. Either that or she was asleep with her eyes open. He wasn't sure he wanted to know more, but knew he was going to ask anyway. "What do you mean?" "Mom was not at all impressed with Superman. Not like she was with you." She stopped and yawned, then snuggled down against the seat some more. "Oh, she was impressed with him, naturally, just like everyone. At least, outwardly. But I don't think she liked him otherwise all that much. In fact, I don't think she thought he was nice . . . " Her words trailed off and, for a moment, he thought she'd fallen asleep, then he heard another soft whisper. "She thinks he's much too self-centered and I'd have to . . . agree . . . " In the aftermath of her startling words, Clark blinked several times before refocusing on her face. Her eyes were closed. When the steady rhythm of her breathing let him know she'd finally fallen asleep and wasn't going to reveal anything more, he reached back behind the seat to pick up a blanket. Lois murmured a slurred thank-you and snuggled under it contentedly as a very thoughtful Clark tucked it around her. "You could've woken me up!" "Why?" "It should've been a joint decision to end the stake-out and you know it." "Uh-huh. Like you'd have woken me up. Yeah, right. Lois, nothing was happening and I saw no reason to stay once the sun came up. People would notice." Clark grinned and couldn't resist adding, knowing he'd probably regret it. "Your snores if nothing else." "I do not snore!" "I'll remember to turn the tape recorder on when you fall asleep on the next stake-out." He watched her stomp down the steps into his living room realizing he had to do some fast talking or she'd be stomping right back out the door. "Lois, I'm teasing. Of course you do not snore." She tossed an extremely irritated look over her shoulder and stormed over to the kitchen counter. "Well, cut it out because I'm not in the mood." "No joke." Clark sighed. "Would blueberry-walnut pancakes help improve your mood?" Her eyes widened as she straightened from looking in a cabinet. She smiled. "They might, at that." "Coming right up." He watched her look in another cabinet and frowned. "Are you searching for anything in particular?" "Yeah, coffee." Since Lois knew full well he kept his coffee in the fridge, or she should, Clark promptly deduced she definitely did not need more caffeine. He stalled. "There's some orange juice in the fridge." "I want coffee." The snarl in the words let him know she meant business, so he tried another distraction as he poured two glasses of juice himself. "And I'll make some for you. Fresh ground. French press." He watched her eyes glaze over in anticipation and grinned, knowing he'd calmed the beast, at least temporarily. He handed her a glass of juice and made a shooing motion. "Now, get out of my kitchen and let me work, woman." For a second when she scowled his way, he thought the last word might have been just a tad too much in her present mood and began hastily devising a defense tactic. Then Lois abruptly chuckled and drifted over to the living area. "God, I love a man who knows his way around the kitchen." Clark's eyes sparkled behind his glasses as he turned back to the counter, muttering softly. "First, I'm nice and now it's because I can cook. Will it never end?" "I heard that. Neither one are insults." "So you keep saying. Personally, I'm not convinced." Lois watched him slam a large plastic bowl down on the counter and winced, suddenly realizing he wasn't entirely pretending being miffed. She sighed. "I knew I shouldn't have told you that nice bit. Clark, that was my mom's comment. You know how moms are. Are you going to tell me your mother has never said anything about me that I wouldn't like?" He turned to stare at her, then grinned. "Point taken. Mom has said several times how nice you are." Lois frowned. Somehow it didn't sound quite the same said that way. Then she shrugged. "See?" He didn't respond but seemed engrossed in gathering the ingredients for their breakfast, so she wandered over to the stereo and found a station to listen to. She sat down on the couch and watched him, not for the first time fascinated in spite of herself that he actually seemed to know exactly what he was doing. "Are you sure you don't need me to he--" The incredulous look he gave her over his shoulder stopped that question in mid- word. "Fine, I'll just sit here and enjoy the music." He ignored that too in favor of stirring the pancake mix so she made a face at his back before leaning back and closing her eyes. It did feel good getting out of that car. "How many pancakes would you like?" Clark glanced her way after the question, then turned to put the bowl of pancake batter in the fridge with a resigned sigh. Luckily it would keep until later. More specifically, it would keep until Lois woke up again this time. [continued in part 8 of PROMISES] ******************************* Beverly Latham ******************************* ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 21:26:45 PDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Caroline Amberson Subject: Computer problems Content-Type: text/plain Just a quick question: has anybody else's computer decided to freeze solid every time they access 'Bachelor Party'? For some reason mine just sticks whenever I go to that particular email. I hope your computers aren't doing this, it's frustrating! -Caroline Amberson ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 00:00:00 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Beverly Latham Subject: new fanfic NEBS: PROMISES [8/8] Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/enriched; charset="us-ascii" Lois opened her eyes and promptly closed them against the bright light flooding the room. After a second, she took another peek through slitted eyelids, thoroughly confused at what she was seeing. How in the world did all those windows get in her bedroom? Rubbing her eyes to get rid of sleepers, she squinted against the glare until she finally made some sense out of what she was seeing. Those weren't her windows, they were Clark's. So why the heck were they in her apartment? Shaking her head to clear it as she sat up, she frowned as she thought the situation through. Well, of course, they weren't in her apartment. They were in Clark's. And apparently so was she. Specifically Clark's bed. Her eyebrows shot up. When had this happened and more importantly why didn't she remember? The last thing she remembered was being on a stake-out in the warehouse district the night before with Clark. No, that wasn't right. Clark had finally given up on the stake-out around five o'clock in the morning and brought her by his apartment for breakfast. Only she didn't remember eating breakfast. "Good morning, sleepyhead." Her head snapped around to find him grinning at her from the archway leading to the kitchen. "Wh--what? Oh . . . morning." "Ready for your coffee now? I have some made if you are." He'd already turned back towards the kitchen before she could force her baffled brain to respond, so she scrambled out of bed, pausing only long enough to make sure she was adequately covered. She was still wearing the sweatshirt and jeans from the night before. Well, of course, she was. What else would she be wearing? "Clark, how did I . . . " Her voice trailed off as she met his amused grin. She frowned and fixed him with stern look while attempting to maintain her dignity in the process. "I do not remember going to bed." She certainly didn't remember getting into his bed. Somehow, she just knew that would've made an impression on her. "I don't suppose you do." Her eyes shot up to clash with his and he smiled. "Relax. You fell asleep on the couch while I was fixing the pancakes so I let you sleep. Then I moved you to the bed." "Oh . . . " She accepted the mug he handed her, then frowned. "Well, you didn't have to do that. I could've slept on the couch. I have before, you know." "I know, but for some reason you couldn't seem to get comfortable this morning and I was afraid you were going to fall off on your face." He shrugged and turned to pour another mug of coffee. "So I moved you." He didn't add that as soon as he'd picked her up, she'd settled down, snuggling into his arms like a sleepy, warm kitten. Or that he'd stood for the longest watching her sleep in his bed, more tempted to join her than even he cared to admit. Instead he simply smiled at her and waited for the explosion he suspected was coming. No explosion. Instead she sat down at the table and murmured softly. "Ah . . . I hope you got some rest, too." His eyebrows rose in surprise at her subdued tone. "I got enough." Lois played with the handle of the mug, distractedly, having the distinct feeling he was leaving something out of the explanation but not knowing what exactly. "Oh . . . well, I suppose I should head home now." "You still haven't had anything to eat." "That's o--" Her protest ended abruptly when he sat an enormous plate of pancakes on the table in front of her. Her eyes widened as she stared at the light, fluffy, and very tempting sight. Clark grinned at the sound of a stomach growling because he knew it wasn't his. "Mom's favorite recipe. Loaded with blueberries and walnuts. Still want to leave?" "Oh, do be quiet and let me enjoy these in peace without having to listen to you gloat!" Picking up the fork beside the plate, she dug in as he sat down across from her at his own plateful. Taking a moment to savor first bite of the delectable concoction, she closed her eyes and sighed. When she opened them, it was to find Clark staring at her with the strangest, almost strained look on his face. Immediately recognizing the look, she grinned and purred. "I think I'll stay." "That's good . . . " He cleared his throat before muttering. "You are a menace, Lois Lane." Lois giggled. "Only when I want to be." "Which is most of the time." "Can't argue with that." Clark gestured to the plate. "If you're not going to eat those, I'm taking them back." "Just try, farmboy!" Chuckling at her snarled challenge and the way she pulled the plate closer, he shook his head. "On second thought, I don't think I'm that brave. Or that dumb either." They both fell silent to finish off the food in front of them, then lingered at the table, talking quietly over more mugs of coffee. Finally, Lois glanced at the clock and her eyes widened in surprise. "Gracious, it's almost noon. I can't believe you let me sleep that long. I really should be going home." Her nose wrinkled. "At the least, I need to change clothes." His hand shot out to capture hers. "Stay, please. This would be the perfect time for us to have that talk." Blinking at the low, insistent words, Lois stared at him. "But, I . . . I don't think . . . I'm sure we both have . . . " His grip on her hand didn't relax but his other hand came up in the air with the index finger raised. "Neither one of us has to work today. Saturday, remember? Or tomorrow, remember?" "But the warehouse robberies--" "I've already called in to check the police reports for last night. Nothing happened. At least nothing that was reported to them." Another finger came up. "And since we didn't see anything else going on during the stake-out, there isn't anything new to report to Perry." "Well, I--" Yet another finger shot up. "Your mother left Metropolis yesterday. So, you can't use her as an excuse." "I was not--" Clark ignored her hiss, smiled and raised another finger. "If you really need to change clothes, there's the stuff you left here after our last stake-out." Her chest heaved in a long sigh. "I don't seem to have many avenues of escape, do I?" "Nope." Her suspicious gaze met his. "You know, Kent, I could easily believe you planned this." "Who me? You're the devious one, Lane, not me." Lois studied his twinkling eyes and was not reassured. "Humph." "Is that a yes?" "Would it make any difference if it was a no?" "Not particularly. I'd just follow you home and hang around outside your door until you talked to me." "Alright, alright. Can I take a shower first?" "Sure. I already put some extra towels out after my shower." Lois made a face as she moved towards the bedroom. "Not devious, huh?" Clark waited until she was out of sight then smiled as he began cleaning up the table. "Devious, no. Determined, yes." Lois wasn't sure what she expected when she finally convinced herself to leave the security of the bathroom after finishing her shower, but what she found surprised her. What she found was Clark standing with his back against the wall beside the windowseat in his bedroom, staring out at the sky and looking for all the world as if he'd lost his best friend. Or was about to. It was enough to make her want to turn around and head right back into hiding. As she stared at him, undecided, his head turned in her direction. She froze . . . or melted, she wasn't sure which. The look in his eyes was enough to draw her over to his side like a magnet, her own misgivings totally forgotten. "Clark?" Without saying a word, his hand came up to cup her cheek and he tugged her face up so their lips could meet in a kiss that was so incredibly gentle and hungry at the same time she shivered down to her toes. When he lifted his head and she realized his arms were wrapped around her waist, Lois stared at him, confused as much by him stopping as the kiss itself. "What was that for?" Clark smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes completely. "I guess just in case." "In case? In case what?" "Just in case it's a while before I can do that again, I suppose." "Huh?" "Oh, nothing." He tilted her face up with his thumb. "Lois, I love you. You know that, don't you?" "I . . . " Swallowing hard, she nodded. "Yes. I mean, sometimes I've thought you did. Then other times, I wasn't sure-- "Because I have a tendency to act like an idiot?" "I didn't say that." Her eyes twinkled as they met his, then her gaze dropped to his chest and she played with the fabric of the shirt he was wearing before whispering. "Clark, there's something I need to tell you." "Lo-is--" "No, I mean it." He tensed like he was going to argue and she met his eyes again. "Please, I know you have something important you want to talk about, but I need to say this first." His eyes closed then he nodded. "Okay." "I love you, too." His eyes flew open to connect with hers and she grinned. "See, that wasn't so bad. Was it?" "Hmmm, no." "Clark--" She couldn't say any more because his mouth came down on hers again. After a moment of enjoying it, she whimpered softly against his lips. "Please, there's more--" His head came up. "More?" "Uh . . . yes," Not knowing exactly how to deal with the puzzled, almost wary, expression in his eyes, she looked back down at his shirt and plunged ahead before she lost her nerve completely. "I do love you. I think I've known it for a long time, but wouldn't let myself admit it. Even to myself." "Lois, I understand--" "No, I don't think you do. Clark, I don't want to hurt you, but I have to be honest here. I also love someone else and it's tearing me apart. I don't know what to do. It's so strange." Silence. Then a very low, deep voice growled close to her ear. "Scardino?" Lois was so surprised by the question, her mouth dropped open and her head snapped up. When she then glared at him through narrowed eyes, the scowl on his face cleared slightly. "I take it that wasn't who you were talking about?" "Well, of course not. Dan is a jerk." "I've always thought so." "Now you listen to me, Clark Kent. Dan is a jerk, yes, but he's a relatively nice jerk for all that, if you must know the truth. Sometimes, he isn't even as big a jerk as" here her eyes narrowed on him, significantly, before continuing in a huff, "someone else I know." He looked sheepish and she gave a quick nod. "Right. Exactly. However, apparently he is not the kind of jerk I fall in love with, so will you get over it?!?" "Okay." His subdued tone seemed to mollify her irritation somewhat and she sighed as she leaned against his chest to whisper. "Listen, you adorable jealous idiot, if you'd think about it instead of reacting, you'd know exactly who I'm talking about." Clark stared at her, looking totally puzzled, then his face cleared abruptly. "Oh . . . oh. OHHH! Yes, I see what you mean." He swallowed and shook his head. "I forgot about . . . which all thing considered really IS strange--well, I suppose under the circumstances--if it has to be anyone, then--" He almost sounded and looked relieved. Lois eyed him strangely as she murmured with quite a bit of surprise. "Clark, you're babbling." His mouth snapped shut, then he grimaced. "Yes, I suppose I am. It's okay. I understand you still have strong feelings for Superman. I'm okay with that. Really." "No, you're not. You never have been in the past." "Now look, Lois, I know whether--" "But, don't you see, it's not fair to you and I know that. That's why it's driving me nuts. I DO love you. In fact, I think I love you more than I love him, but that doesn't change the fact that I love him, really love him, and I know how much that's always bugged you in the past." "Lois--" "But, Clark, no matter how much I try to convince myself that the way I feel about him isn't real, it doesn't work. He might be a fantasy figure to others. He might even be unreal to them, but he's real to ME! Very real. I don't want to ruin what we have . . . or could have because I can't let go of that. I can't hurt you like that. I care too much for you to let that--" His fingers placed softly on her lips stopped the words. "Will you let me get a word in here?" Blinking at his indulgent, almost amused, expression, Lois nodded. Clark studied her face, considering what she'd said. "All of which brings me to what I need to talk to you about in the first place." Her eyebrows rose, but she remained silent, watching him closely. "I've thought about this and how to do this for a long time and, first, I want you to promise me something." "What?" "No matter how you feel about what I tell you in the next few minutes, the next twenty-four hours are mine." Her eyes widened. "WHAT?!?" "Just that. The next twenty-four hours belong to me. Do you promise that?" "Clark! This is--That's the most--" When he simply continued staring at her intently, she blew out a breath. "Oh, alright. I guess so. Yes, I promise." "Lois, this won't be easy. In fact, it's probably going to be very difficult, but I want your promise anyway. No matter how angry . . . or hurt you feel at first, you can't push me away for twenty-four hours. I want that long to explain my side of things. Then you can do whatever you want and I'll accept it. I probably won't like it, but I'll understand." "But, Clark--" She stopped and closed her eyes before opening them to searh his face. "You're scaring me, again." "I know. Please. Trust me. That's all I'm really asking, you know." "No, I don't. I don't understand any of this." "You will in a second." He took a deep breath and glanced over at the clock, then back at her. "It's almost one o'clock, remember that, okay?" Lois frowned, but nodded. "One o'clock, right." "Right. Okay, here goes nothing. Or everything . . . I AM Superman." THE END . . . [hahahahaha . . . okay, just THE END of PROMISES and coming soon I hope - TIMELESS] ******************************* Beverly Latham ******************************* ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 02:25:34 -1000 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jamee Jones Subject: Re: Fanfic Review: Season 5 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Pam Jernigan wrote: > >>>In preparation for doing a Season 6, I started wondering just how > involved people were with our extended plot lines in Season 5... I > didn't > really see much discussion of our "episodes". > > So, tell me... Did you tune in each week to see if Lois could get > pregnant? > Did you like the way we brought Lex back? What did you think of the > clone story? Did you enjoy the Intergang saga? Could you follow it > all? > Did you care? > > Would you like to see the same sort of extended plot in Season 6, or > is > that just too much trouble for you to keep track of? Your answers may > > well influence the way we write it, so if you've got an opinion, by > all > means share it! :-)<<< > > > Well for me, I am only on episode 17 of S5. But that is only > because of lack of time! I would love nothing more than to sit there > and read them all at once!:) I found out about this only a 2 or 3 > months ago. I first stumbled across the TUF's episodes, so I read > those first. I wanted to finish one story line at a time so I > wouldn't get confused. But when I caught up to the TUF's recent > episodes that were coming out over thier news group, I began to start > on S5's cuz I just couldn't wait. > I have learned from this list that all writers 'live' for feedback, > and I feel really bad that I haven't done this. The fact is that I am > not a writer and I feel like I don't know how to comment worth > anything, especially compared to all the writting evaluation stuff > going on over the newsgroup by people who really seem to know what > they are talking about. So I lurk and I read and I enjoy! But I > kinda feel guilty for constantly 'taking' and not giving back! I do > hope the writters don't think their fics are not thoroughly enjoyed > because we lurkers don't give much feedback! I, myself will try > harder to say what I think of episodes I read. I may not make much > sense, but I will try! One question, is it better to post this to the > list or send it to the writer? I wish I could say more about what I read so far of S5 other than that I enjoyed it ALOT and found it to be a little more beleivable than TUFS. (allthough, I totally enjoyed Tuf's too and have some favorites by them, I do not want to hurt anyones feelings!) I'm trying to think back and not get any of Tuf's ep's mixed up with S5's. But I'll try, so here goes: If I remember correctly I liked the realism of Lois pregnancy, how they made her get sick like real pregnant women get! I'm tired of these stories where everything is so perfect! (maybe I'm bitter, I puked my guts out for 9 months! ) I loved the 1st two eps Back to the Future and (?) a very good answer to the 4th season and a wonderful Idea of giving Clark a cycle! So simple yet so ingenious! "Faster Than a Speeding Bullet" ---now I meant to comment on this one! I absolutely loved it! I really got involved in the characters and what they were going through. Actually I sobbed! I couldn't stop thinking about it all night! I loved how Clark got to see his little boy and, if i'm remembering correctly, form a relationship with him and then, not having a choice, having to go back in time knowing that he had to go save the Premethius first and wouldn't be back at the same time to concieve his son, and not know if that exact son would ever be concieved. (make sense?) The part that really got me, was when Lois was rocking CJ after Clark left to go back in time, crying not knowing what was going to happen to her son. That was so devastating! What a tear jerker! Maybe it's just cuz I'm a mom, but I think that story was my favorite! I also loved Eine Klein Nachtmusik and how they finally told Dr. Klein that Clark is superman. I love Dr. Klein and his commical way and his loyalty to supermans secrets. I really felt like they could trust Klein, and I always thought that Klein should eventually know, especially if Lois became pregnant. The writer captures the way Klein is, I could just imagine it as if it were a real show! Good job! The one thing I had a hard time with was in "It's a Wonderful Lifetime" . I couldn't beleive the intensity of Lois' anger towards Clark. I do think they should fight like all imperfect couples do, but not so quickly over something that Lois should understand is going to happen >from time to time. It could and should be a stressful thing to them >from time to time, but I just think that Lois wouldn't be like that to Clark, and say those things about how he was not being where he was supposed to be. I know it may be hard to fingure out what this 'perfect' couple could possibly fight about that would make make Clark actually walk out, so I see why that subject, obviuosly the most stressful matter in their marriage everyday, would be one to use. I can, however, see Lois' harsh words along with his bad day, and the always feeling like he can't save everyone, especially his loved ones, upset Clark enough to just want to get away for awhile. I just think that Lois's anger happened too quickly and too dramaticly and that maybe Lois should of had some other more horribly stressful things going on besides what was mentioned in the story. Even though there were a lot of 'little' things that did happen I don't think that all the stories so far of their relationship let me believe that those things were enough. But other than that, I really did enjoy the story line! I'm sorry I can't give a response to your other questions. I'm still waiting to find out more about what's going on with Lex, (I guess a clone would be a good way to bring him back, since it seems to be something they can easily create now in L&C world--I still am waiting to find out if Lex was truthful about that or not) and intergang. And of course I was excitedly reading to get to the part where Lois finds out she's Pregnant, and I am enjoying reading about Clarks wonderful caring, incredibly concerned personality (wondering if such a man really exists! *sigh*) and Lois' typical "Leave me alone, I'm fine!" attitude! Though sometimes I have a hard time believing the danger she puts herself in now that she is pregnant. But that's just Lois I guess! I would love to see a Batman Crossover. They would mention Batman or Gotham city sometimes in the t.v. eps, and I have always thought that would be a great story. I would love for them to have to work together sometime. I read a tufs one, and it was okay, but too many things were unbeleivable to me in that one. I would love to see another one, especially written by our s5 writters! Well, now I've written my longest post, and am sorry for babbling on! But you asked! j-me(who will from now on try to do this after she reads the story so she won't have to talk so much!) --sorry for the long post!--- ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 09:29:38 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Gary Subject: Re: Fanfic Review: Season 5 In-Reply-To: <> MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 04:29 PM 6/7/98 -0400, Pam wrote: >Would you like to see the same sort of extended plot in Season 6, or is >that just too much trouble for you to keep track of? > > I think a "last time on S5" summary of the ongoing events would've been helpful in remembering more of both plots. I found myself going back and rereading previous eps since I couldn't remember what happened, and it takes away from the enjoyment of an ep when it refers to something you don't remember. If S6 is going to be an extended half-season, then I think it would be really helpful. After all, the highly rated show ER does it... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | Gary A. Rudick | | "You decide what you feel heaven is worth" - Deborah Gibson, TWYH | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 22:11:34 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jon Neil Subject: NEBS: Promises I just received a fanfic called "Promise" but part one never made it to my e-mail, can someone e-mail me privately with part 1 of Promises. Thanks Cassie ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 13:05:44 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Frances Coogan Subject: Re: ABBADfic Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit In a message dated 08/06/98 20:32:36 GMT, Leanne writes: << I *love* it! Has anyone forwarded this to AbbaJames yet? >> I don't know him, but you can send him a copy if you like (or get him to ask me or Marie) << Oh and there were a lot of B-sides and "previously unreleased material" until those big compilation Cds, weren't there? >> I spent the late '80s scouring 2nd hand record shops for songs like Elaine, You Owe Me One and the Medley, etc! << Hmm, maybe I could do a Duran Duran one .... any co-author takers? >> I can't remember enough of the song names - should have paid more attention to the VH1 Duran Duran weekend - but it would be fun to read: From memory, Save a Prayer, Rio, The Reflex and Wild Boys? I'm sure I'll recognise the others when I see them. And didn't they do A View to a Kill? I can see a fic emerging from those 5 alone! Frances (now determined to get back to the serious(ish) fics...) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 19:04:50 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: New fanfiction (not badfic, I hope!) In-Reply-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII I'm just about to post a short-ish piece called 'A Guest >from the Blue' to the list. This piece is a little different from the few fanfics I've so far sent to the archive, and that's why I'm posting it here first. It is in some ways not a 'Lois and Clark' story; the main characters are Clark and Lucy, with Lois making some occasional appearances. I wrote it out of curiosity: I simply wanted to see how Clark and Lucy (who rarely appeared together in the series) would interact. Feedback welcome! (especially views as to whether I should send it to the archive or file it in my PC's recycle bin!) Wendy ---------------------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 19:32:37 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: A Guest from the Blue: 1/4 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII - A Guest from the Blue - Part 1 of 4 His feet propped on the coffee table, Clark reached for the can of beer and the popcorn he had set out on the table before sitting down. Using his laser vision to change the TV channel over to the ball game, he leaned back on the sofa, fully relaxed. he thought, smiling to himself. A sudden knock on the front door made him sit up. He swivelled in the direction of the door and X-rayed; the identity of the unexpected caller surprised him. He grabbed his glasses and put them on as he strode over to answer the knock. The slight young woman on the other side appeared to be taken aback when Clark answered. "Er... hi, Clark - is Lois in?" Clark gave his sister-in-law a friendly smile, wondering what she was doing at their house. Lucy and Lois had never really been close since the Johnny Corbin affair. In addition, while Clark had always been inclined to treat Lucy as a member of Lois's family and therefore by extension of his own, he had never been sure of Lois's own attitude towards her sister. Lois considered that Lucy was wasting her life on dead-end jobs and that her taste in men was execrable; this was a view she had frequently expressed to Clark. As such, Clark wasn't sure whether Lois even liked Lucy any more. Of course, as Lois would have told Clark if he had ever asked her, if Clark had siblings of his own he would understand the love-hate relationship so common in families. "Hi, Lucy. No, I'm afraid she's away for a few days. But come -" Lucy's face fell and she interrupted him. "No, it's OK. I'll go." She turned to leave, picking up the rucksack which had been leaning against her feet and which Clark hadn't noticed before. He reached for her arm, taking it gently. "Hey, what's the hurry? At least come in and have a drink." With his free hand, he took the rucksack from her and drew her into the house. Closing the door behind them, he put the rucksack on the floor and took a proper look at his guest. What he saw in her face and her appearance made him more than just curious as to the reason for her visit. "Lucy, what's wrong?" he asked, concerned. "It doesn't matter," she insisted stubbornly. "I was looking for Lois... I guess I'll come back when she's back >from wherever she is - or do you have a phone number where I can get her?" "Sure, I can give you her number," Clark promised in an easy tone. "But you look to me like you're in some kind of trouble. Can't I help?" ************* "So what is it this time?" Lois asked in a long-suffering tone later that evening, when Clark had called to say that he wouldn't be able to fly out and see her as he had suggested he might, since Lucy was now staying at the house. "She's split up with her boyfriend," Clark explained. "*Another* one?" Lois groaned. "How many has she got through now? Although come to think of it, I didn't like this latest one anyway." "Neither does Lucy, now," Clark observed wryly. His mind drifted back to his conversation with Lois's sister. Although they had met on many occasions over the years Clark had known Lois, he and Lucy had never really got to know each other on anything more than a superficial level. He half-suspected that Lucy was a little jealous that Lois had a successful relationship with a man who loved her as much as Clark did. Lucy's track record with men was, as Clark well knew, pretty poor. So, while Clark had always treated Lucy with casual friendliness, her attitude towards him tended to be more diffident. Hence her reluctance to stay once she knew Lois wasn't around: she had desperately needed to confide in someone and the brother-in-law she felt she barely knew and didn't feel altogether comfortable with did not seem like an adequate substitute. It had taken Clark quite some time to overcome Lucy's reluctance to talk. He had made her coffee, and since she had eyed his popcorn with rather more than casual interest, he had returned to the kitchen and quickly thrown together some sandwiches. He would have made her a hot meal, but didn't want to wait the time it would take to prepare at normal speed, and didn't want to make her suspicious by doing it at super-speed. She had wolfed down the food so quickly that he knew his instincts had been correct. After some small-talk about how Clark's and Lois's jobs were going (fine), where Lois was (in California covering the final stage of the President's re-election campaign as part of a small team of reporters guaranteed privileged access to the candidate), and the state of the weather, Clark had finally broached the subject of Lucy's visit. She had initially tried to pretend that she had just been in the neighbourhood and had decided to pay a call on her sister; Clark had glanced pointedly at her rucksack, making it clear that he didn't buy that explanation. Eventually, she had cracked. "I... I need somewhere to stay for a few days. I was hoping that Lois wouldn't mind..." Clark gave her a straight look. He had half-guessed as much, but was still surprised at her reluctance to ask *him*. "Of course you can stay here, Lucy, but tell me - why couldn't you just ask me? Did you think I'd have a problem with it?" "Not really, I guess..." Lucy tailed off, avoiding Clark's eyes. "Hey, come on, Luce - you'll have me thinking you don't like me," Clark teased. "No, that's not true!" Lucy protested. "It's just - I guess... well, I didn't think you'd want me hanging around. I mean, you guys have been married less than a year - you don't want in-laws getting in the way." "Lucy, don't make excuses," Clark replied evenly. "You're Lois's sister; that makes you part of the family. You're welcome here any time, whether Lois is here or not. Now, tell me what's really going on, please?" Lucy looked up at Clark, and he saw the confusion in her face. She turned away again and played with the TV remote control. "I don't dislike you, Clark, of course not. I just feel like... well, I know Lois always says I'm terrible with relationships and really irresponsible and all, and you - you're such a straight kind of guy I always kind of figured you... you probably think I'm some kind of tramp and not the kind of person you really want as a sister-in-law -" Clark stopped her before she could say any more. "Lucy, I've never heard such rubbish in my entire life! Have I *ever* given you any reason to think that?" he demanded. "Nooo," she admitted hesitantly. "Well, I don't! And neither does Lois, by the way, in case that was your next thought. Look, you've made a few bad choices with men, but let's face it, so have lots of people. Even Lois, as she would tell you herself if she was here - remember Lex?" Clark pointed out, even though the very thought of Lois's former fiance had a tendency to make him shudder. Lucy shrugged. "Well, I've made yet another 'bad choice', Clark. And it's got me in even bigger trouble this time." "I guessed there was a problem," Clark replied. "Going to tell me about it?" Switching his attention back to the present now, Clark explained to Lois about Lucy's now ex-boyfriend, Paul. Lois, remembering small-time criminal Johnny Corbin, feared the worst. Paul, it seemed, was a violent alcoholic and compulsive gambler, who had lied continually to Lucy about his habits. He couldn't hold down a job, and Lucy's modest earnings from her secretarial job had kept them both. She had tried to persuade Paul to give up drinking and gambling, and he had promised her that he would - until, that was, the next occasion on which he came home to their apartment drunk and broke and began to beat her up. Finally she had had enough, and two days ago she had thrown him out, threatening him with the police if he ever came near her again; he had seen the fury in her face and believed her. It was only after this that Lucy had discovered the reality of her situation. Before he'd left, Paul had stolen her bank card and had withdrawn all the money in her account within a couple of hours. The rent on the apartment had not been paid for two months: Lucy had left the money with Paul to give to the landlord, but clearly he had gambled it. So she was penniless and homeless; and the final straw, that morning, was that she had also lost her job. Paul had tried to approach her employer for a loan, and her boss had been so angry that all Lucy's protestations that the relationship was over were ignored. She had been given the wages due her - enough to rescue some of her personal belongings which her landlord had seized in lieu of rent - and had been shown the door. "So why did it take her until this evening to come here?" Lois demanded, amazed and angry. "I think she was ashamed," Clark replied carefully. "Ashamed?" Lois almost shouted. "Ashamed that she was physically abused by a lying, thieving, brutal..." "Lois, come on, how many articles have you written on spousal abuse?" Clark chivvied her. "Don't you know that no matter what the circumstances, the most common response is for the woman to blame herself for her partner's violence?" "I guess," Lois replied, in a quieter voice. "But why on earth would she not *call* me? I'm her *sister*, after all." "Yeah," Clark agreed. "But you're a sister who's a highly successful career woman, earning a decent salary, and in a happy marriage. Next to you, Lucy feels she's failed." "Oh God," Lois whispered. "Just like I did for years, when my father made it clear that I hadn't lived up to his expectations." Clark could hear her swallow in an attempt to hold back tears. "Clark, I'm going to get the first plane back tomorrow." "No," Clark responded firmly. "Lois, you have a job to do out there. Lucy isn't on her own here - I'm here, and I can help her. You'll be back in a few days, and she'll still be staying here then. I've told her she's welcome here for as long as she wants to stay." "But you just told me that you found it difficult to get through to her, Clark," Lois protested. "At first, yeah," Clark agreed. "But once she did talk, she seemed to trust me enough to tell me everything." And she had, Clark remembered. From the arguments to the cruel things Paul had yelled at her when he was drunk, to the way he'd lashed out at her physically. He had never hit her anywhere the bruises would show, Lucy had explained. He had beaten her upper arms, her legs, her breasts, her stomach... places which hurt, but weren't visible. Clark's stomach had churned as Lucy had rolled up her sleeve to reveal black, purple and yellow marks on her upper arm. Frowning, and taking care that Lucy didn't notice, he had lowered his glasses to X-ray her clothing: her chest and stomach showed signs of similar, older bruising. Trying not to let his fury show, he had quietly questioned Lucy as to whether she had ever sought medical help, concerned that she could also have sustained internal injuries. "She never saw a doctor or went to the emergency room," Clark told Lois. "I think doing that would have forced her to admit that it was happening - as long as she told no-one, she could pretend it wasn't real." "You're upset, aren't you, honey," Lois observed, recognising the tautness in her husband's voice. "Yeah," Clark admitted. "Lois, I'm not a violent person, you know that. But tonight I wanted to go out there and find that Paul guy and give him just a taste of what he gave Lucy." "Will you?" Lois asked. "Find him, I mean." "I don't know," Clark replied. "I asked Lucy if she wanted him arrested - she said no. I think now that she's finally away from him, she wants to forget it happened. If we find him and he's arrested, she'll have to make statements and testify, and she doesn't want that." "So - are you two going to be all right on your own?" Lois asked eventually, as the conversation drew to an end. "What do you mean, sweetheart - you don't trust me with your sister?" Clark teased. "We'll be fine. I think, talking to Lucy tonight, her biggest problem is low self-esteem - pretty typical in abuse victims, of course. If I can work on her a bit, convince her that she is an attractive and desirable person, that might help her realise that she is a far more worthwhile person than she's letting herself believe." "Clark Kent, you are such a boy scout," Lois teased. "But just you be careful - I don't want you making my baby sister fall in love with you!" "Hey, come on!" Clark protested, embarrassed. "That's hardly likely, Lois!" "Really?" she replied. "I might not be the only Lane who's a sucker for brown eyes, a great body and the flying, you know!" Clark lay back on the bed, smiling now. "Well, I'm not exactly planning to do the latter with her, you know - especially as she doesn't know... what *you* know!" "That you're Superman, you mean," Lois whispered, knowing Clark could hear her. "Yeah, that," he agreed. "Lois, don't worry. I'll take good care of your sister." "I know you will, honey," she replied. "I miss you." "I miss you too, sweetheart," Clark assured her. "And you know I'd be out to see you if I could." "Probably best not to," Lois conceded. "After all, it's not just that Lucy might notice you're gone. What if someone here sees you, or hears you in my room? We don't want to raise suspicions." "OK, honey," Clark agreed. "Goodnight, Lois - I'll call you tomorrow." "Yeah. Give Lucy my love," Lois replied. "Love you." "Love you too." Clark replaced the receiver and lay back on the bed, thinking of Lois. But the picture which came into his mind was the scared, tearful face of his sister-in-law when she had finished telling him about her life with Paul. He had held her then, almost as he would have a small child, and tried to comfort her. Then, sensing that she would sleep now, he had gently urged her to her feet and guided her to the spare bedroom. Showing her the location of the bathroom, he had left her to it and returned downstairs to fetch her rucksack and make her a hot, milky drink. On his return, he had found her in the bedroom, staring into the mirror. She hadn't looked up when he had entered. "Clark, life's just so unfair," she had said, in a bitter tone. "I love Lois, and I wouldn't want to take anything away from her, but... why did she get all the good looks and I ended up like... nothing?" She swung away from the mirror and had tried to leave the room, as if immediately regretting her words. But Clark had put out his hand to stop her. "Lucy, now's not the time for this discussion," he had told her gently. "But let me assure you, you are a very attractive woman, in your own way as beautiful as Lois." She had given him a disbelieving look, which he had countered with a smile. "You're just saying that to make me feel better," she had muttered then. "I'm not, actually," he had insisted, still smiling, although inside he hadn't at all felt like smiling. He had wanted to strangle the man - or men - who had so completely destroyed this lovely young woman's belief in herself. She had looked at him again, met his eyes briefly, and something in them had appeared to convince her. "I was wrong about you, Clark," she had commented then, with a flash of the spirit which had characterised Lucy when he had first met her. "You're not such a boring old stick after all. You're a pretty great guy." "Glad you think so," he had replied, giving her a flash of the Kent grin which Lois loved so much. "Come here." He had tugged her towards him and hugged her. Dropping a brotherly kiss on her forehead, he had murmured, "Sleep well. We'll talk again tomorrow." ************* "Hey, Jimmy!" Clark called, seeing the Planet's young researcher/photographer pass close to his desk. "Do me a favour?" "Sure, CK. What do you want?" Jimmy strode over, smiling; Clark noticed that the smile was not actually directed at *him*, but at an attractive blonde secretary who was walking past. He waited until he had Jimmy's full attention. "Jimmy, can you find out anything for me about a Paul Bailey, until recently at..." Clark gave the address of Lucy's old apartment. "Dunno where he is now, and as far as I know he's unemployed." "Geez, Clark, you sure give me a lot to go on, don't you," Jimmy commented sarcastically. "Anything else you know?" Clark shrugged. "Alcoholic, small-time gambler, possible petty thief, occasional abuser of women." Jimmy's eyes widened. "Nice guy. Some company you keep, CK. So I take it you know one of his victims?" "Victims?" Clark queried. "Yeah - abuser of women? He beat up someone you know?" "Yeah, a friend of ours," Clark admitted, on a sigh. "So what're you going to do?" Jimmy asked. "Report him to the police?" Clark shook his head. "Probably not. I just want to know where to find him... if necessary." Jimmy straightened up. "I'll do what I can." As Jimmy sauntered off, Clark turned his attention back to his computer screen, but found it very difficult to concentrate. Injustice had always made him angry; violence, especially perpetrated by a stronger person on a weaker one, made him absolutely furious. Despite having finally told him to leave, it was clear that Lucy was still frightened of her ex-boyfriend; she had mentioned in passing to Clark the previous evening that she was very glad she had never told Paul about her sister, let alone where Lois lived and worked. If Paul had known that, Clark guessed, Lucy would not have come to Hyperion Avenue looking for help. That morning, he had X-rayed into Lucy's bedroom as he had made breakfast; she was still fast asleep and he had decided to let her sleep. He had left her a note, including both his and Lois's mobile phone numbers, and tucked a spare key to the house in the envelope. After a moment, he had also taken fifty dollars from his wallet and stuffed that in as well, then left the note where Lucy would see it. Instead of going straight to the Planet, he had driven Lois's Jeep to the address Lucy had let slip the previous evening, and paid a visit to her ex-landlord. Clark had offered to pay the outstanding rent in return for the restoration of Lucy's confiscated belongings. A simple matter, he had thought, and he had his cheque book all ready. But the landlord, a greasy, fat little man, had insisted that it wasn't simply a matter of the overdue rent. There would also be interest due, penalty payments and a charge for storage. "Storage?!" Clark had expostulated. "It's only been here since the day before yesterday." "Doesn't matter," the landlord had replied, in between chewing gum. "Still a storage charge." Clark had taken a deep breath and restrained himself from picking up the man by his collar. He reached inside his wallet and removed his Press card. "In case you haven't heard of me," he informed the landlord coldly, "I'm Clark Kent and I write for the Daily Planet. My wife, Lois Lane, is the sister of the woman whose belongings you are illegally holding on to. Now, I'm sure you wouldn't like to see an expose of bad rental practice in the Daily Planet, with you cited as one of the worst, would you?" The landlord had quickly changed his tune and accepted a cheque for the outstanding rent. He had then let Clark into Lucy's old apartment; Clark had looked around in dismay at the gloomy, poky two-room place his sister-in-law had been renting. He was sure that Lois had never been there; if she had, she would have had Lucy out of there long ago. The electric fittings and appliances looked dangerous, and Clark didn't even need his X-ray vision to spot the damp and the worn window-frames. He had loaded Lucy's things into the Jeep and driven back home; after checking that Lucy was still asleep, he'd unloaded them into the house at super-speed and gone to work. Now, as he tried to concentrate on the op-ed piece he was supposed to be writing on the forthcoming election, his mind was still on that appalling building he'd seen. He knew that many people in Metropolis lived in terrible conditions, in buildings which deserved to be condemned. But Lucy hadn't been paying rock-bottom rent. That landlord was making a fortune out of a building which was dangerous, with fittings nowhere near up to code. And how many more like him existed? Perhaps he ought to do an investigation after all... ************** Continued in Part 2 ---------------------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 19:41:31 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: A Guest from the Blue: 2/4 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Continued from Part 1 When Clark got home that evening the first thing he noticed was the smell of cooking coming from the kitchen. He went to investigate, and discovered Lucy busy chopping vegetables. She looked up at his entrance. "Hi Clark - I hope you don't mind, but I thought I'd see to dinner." "Why would I mind? But I have to admit, I'm surprised you can," he teased. "Hey, just because Lois could burn water..." Lucy retorted. "We're really not alike at all, Clark. I told you that last night." Clark smiled. "I think you're more like Lois than you think, Lucy. Let me get changed, and I'll come and help." Barely a couple of minutes later - Clark had changed clothes at almost human speed - he strolled back into the kitchen "So what'd you do today?" Lucy shook back her long hair and replied, "Well, I was going to try to get the rest of my things, but I noticed you beat me to it. So how much do I owe you - I know old man Corelli won't have let you away with less than twenty per cent over the odds." Clark grinned. "You may know him, but you obviously don't know me well enough. I paid him what he was owed, no more. And you don't owe me anything - you're family. Besides, I'm going to get a story out of it, which makes it all well worth while." "A story?" Lucy was intrigued. "Yeah - crooked landlords renting out rooms in buildings which aren't up to code, tenants who can't do anything about it because they can't afford to live anywhere else. Most of it's illegal, but there's not enough enforcement of building regulations. Perry - that's Lois's and my editor - agrees it'd be a great investigation." "How will you do it?" Lucy asked. "You need evidence for that kind of story." Clark leaned against the central worktop, his arms folded. "Easy. I pretend to be looking for accommodation - I answer ads and talk to the landlords, with a hidden tape recorder, take pictures with a hidden camera." "They'll never believe you're looking for that sort of place!" Lucy exclaimed. "No? Think I look too smart, do you?" Clark grinned. "Not once I've messed up my hair - " he ruffled it to demonstrate, "and wear some old clothes, not shave for a day or two - no problem." "Sounds fascinating," Lucy said, clearly interested. "I wish I could help. Hey, couldn't I pretend to be looking for a place to stay as well?" Clark wasn't sure about this suggestion. To start with, he knew what he was looking for, so he would be able to ask the right questions, but also - and this was something he certainly wouldn't tell Lucy - he'd intended to use his super-powers to check out buildings before talking to their owners. He hesitated before replying - he didn't want Lucy to think he felt she couldn't do the job. "Maybe you could talk to some of the tenants. Find out why they live there, what they pay, what problems they have getting their landlords to fix problems and so on. Think you could manage that?" Lucy's face lit up. "That sounds fantastic - I'd love it. I always envied Lois when she was doing her undercover investigative stuff - it sounded so exciting." "Yeah, it can be," Clark agreed. "But it's sometimes dangerous too. Lois has almost got herself killed a number of times. So you be careful, OK?" "OK, OK, big brother-in-law," Lucy said wryly. "But speaking of Lois, I called her today. What did you say to her? I expected her to be mad, and to say 'I told you so' and all the usual things she says to me when my love-life goes wrong, but she didn't. She just said she loved me and that I was to let you look after me. What have you done to my sister?" She stared at Clark incredulously. He laughed. "I guess Lois has softened a little. But anyway, she's worried about you. I told her what Paul did to you." Lucy looked away. "I guess you had to. But I just want to forget it, OK?" Clark took the hint, changing the subject. But later that evening he raised another question which had been puzzling him. "Lucy, why do you pretend that you're ditzy and not all that bright? I've been watching you - that's not true at all. You've carried on an intelligent conversation with me for the last couple of hours. You have a very sharp mind - just like Lois - and you're quick on the uptake. So why the 'dumb brunette' act?" She was taken aback at Clark's observation. "I... suppose... well, guys don't like women to be smart, do they? So it's easier not to be." "Lucy, where on earth do you get that notion?" Clark was incredulous. "Look, believe me, I should know what guys like. And let me tell you, an awful lot of us find intelligent women very attractive. Like I've always found Lois attractive." "Yeah, well, I bet her brain wasn't the first thing you found attractive about her," Lucy retorted. "Maybe not - I did see her before I spoke to her," Clark acknowledged. "But I very quickly realised how intelligent she is, and that appealed to me even more." "Well, maybe you're like that. But the kind of guys I'm attracted to don't think like that," Lucy muttered sullenly. "Maybe you're attracted to the wrong kind of guy," Clark suggested softly, looking straight at Lucy, the intensity of his gaze compelling her to meet his eyes. "That's what Lois always says, but..." she looked away from him, "decent guys, guys like you, aren't attracted to women like me." Clark stretched his hand across the expanse of sofa cushion to take her chin in his grasp, forcing her to look at him again. "Lucy, I don't know why you should say that. I told you last night that you are a very attractive woman. I'll elaborate. You are very beautiful, you're witty, intelligent, good company and you have a great body. Of *course* guys like me would be attracted to you." She stared at him, her blue eyes widening in shock. "Clark, are you... flirting with me?" she asked shakily. He laughed gently. "No, I'm not. You know I love your sister very much. But that doesn't mean that I can't appreciate all your good points, and tell you that you're under-valuing yourself. You want to know what men think; well, I'm the nearest thing to a brother you've got, so I'll tell you." "You - really think I'm... beautiful?" Lucy asked in disbelief. "Yes," he assured her quietly, sounding all the more sincere for his lack of force. "But someone's obviously got you convinced you're not - and that all your other good qualities are worthless too. That's a - damn shame, and I want to do something about it." Lucy stood up and walked to the other side of the room, trying to take in Clark's words. "Paul used to say... that I was ugly, and stupid, and that if I didn't have him no-one would want me," she whispered. Clark stood too, but remained where he was, watching her. "Of course he would. That's the classic technique of controlling men. He wanted you to believe that, so that you'd stay with him and put up with his behaviour." Seeing that his words were having an impact, he added, "Look why don't you go down to the library tomorrow? I know a couple of very good books on spousal abuse - both physical and psychological - Lois and I used them when we wrote articles on the subject. Reading them might help you understand what happened, and help you deal with it." "Yeah, maybe," Lucy conceded. Abruptly changing the subject, she said, "Clark, you said you're the nearest thing to a brother I've got. What about you - do you have sisters?" He shook his head. "I'm an only child - didn't Lois tell you?" "Maybe - I can't remember. I guess when the two of you got engaged I was going through another of my 'I hate Lois' phases, and I didn't really pay much attention. So how come there's just you? Your parents really seem like the type who'd love lots of kids." Clark silently finished for her. "Yeah, they would have done. But they couldn't have kids of their own. I'm adopted." "Oh." Lucy's expression was pensive. "You know, sometimes when we were growing up I used to wish I had been - then I might have had parents who actually wanted me." thought Clark. Just then, his super-hearing kicked in; a bomb appeared to have exploded in one of the city's largest hotels. He had to go. Trying to sound convincing, he told Lucy that he'd just remembered an important file which he'd left at the Planet and which he needed first thing in the morning. "Don't wait up," he told her as he ran out the door. "No," she said, to his departing back. She shook her head and went into the study. Clark's comments about patterns of abuse had sunk in, and she booted up the computer and connected to the Internet, spending the next hour or so searching for relevant articles. ************ "So Lucy thinks you've got me all softened up, huh?" Lois lay back on the bed in her hotel room and smiled at her husband, who lay propped up on his elbow beside her. His discarded red and blue suit lay on the floor. Clark trailed a finger along Lois's jawline. "Yeah, looks like it. Of course, I told her she had to be wrong - Mad Dog Lane is as terrifying as ever -" Lois stopped his teasing with a slow, sultry kiss. "I'm glad you ignored what I said last night and came here anyway. I was really beginning to miss you." "Miss you too," Clark murmured, in between kissing her. "So, are you serious about this rental investigation?" Lois asked, some time later. Clark assured her that he was. "It's not just because of Lucy, though that's what really does make me angry. When I saw what the place she'd been living in looked like, to say nothing of the state of the wiring, I just saw red. I want to see that landlord and others like him held to account for what they do." Lois hugged her husband. "You've always been like that - caring about the little people, the ones who can't stand up for themselves. I remember that first Kerth award you won - for your retirement home investigation -" "Yeah, the one you thought you should have won for your gun-running story," Clark remembered, grinning. "Yeah, well, that's just it. Sure, mine was a great story and it deserved to be nominated, and I'm still mad that it wasn't. But you wrote about something that affects really vulnerable people, and that article showed that the person who wrote it really *cared* about the issue. That's why you won, and you deserved to win," Lois said softly. Clark's smile widened. "Excuse me? Am I still talking to Lois Lane - the person who always has to be the best?" He tickled her with his super-breath. "Maybe Lucy's right and you have gone soft." "Well, if I have - stop that, Clark! - it's your doing. But you've changed too," Lois retorted, squirming as he continued to blow gently on her vulnerable spots. "Four years ago you'd never have been so up-front about telling a woman how attractive she is. You were too shy and retiring." "Probably," Clark agreed. "Still, one big difference between now and then is that I was in love with you. I like Lucy - a lot more than I ever did before, I admit. But I'm not in love with her." "You'd better not be!" Lois threatened. "Oh yeah? And what would you do if..." Clark teased. "You don't even want to think about it, farmboy!" Lois assured him. "I have methods of revenge that even your super-powers can't protect you against!" She climbed onto her hands and knees and advanced upon him, then suddenly pounced, running the tips of her fingers very lightly up the soles of Clark's feet. He jumped, and floated several inches off the bed in shock. "Caught you!" Lois laughed. "Cute, Lois. Really cute," Clark replied drily, then rolled on top of her. ************* The following evening, Clark returned home to find Lucy in the study, busy typing up the interviews she had conducted that day with tenants of the run-down buildings. He had managed to fit in about three undercover visits that day, in between some work he'd had to do at the Planet and a couple of Superman rescues. He hoped that he wouldn't need to spend too many more days going undercover on this story, because the sight of an unshaven Superman had caused a couple of raised eyebrows. Lucy had been suitably impressed at his disguise that morning, so much so that she had insisted on taking a couple of photographs, "just so that Lois can see what she's missing", which had made Clark smile. He had then taken her to the Planet and provided her with a tape recorder and a mobile phone, and sent her off with the instruction to call him if she had any problems. She hadn't got in touch during the day, which Clark hoped was a good sign. They spent the evening discussing the results of their research so far. Clark had managed to get what he hoped would be a couple of good photographs. These, and his tape-recorded conversations with landlords, together with his own descriptions of the apartments he had been offered for rent, he thought ought to make a hard-hitting piece. Lucy had managed to interview several tenants, and got a few horror-stories which Clark knew would be excellent as side-bars. "And if that doesn't make the city council pay some attention to its own building code, I don't know what will!" he commented to Lucy. Clark was very impressed with Lucy's work, and said so. It wasn't just the interviews, although she had managed to ask the right kind of questions and had persuaded the tenants to talk openly to her. She had also made a number of good suggestions for writing up the material, not all of which would work in the context of the story Clark was envisaging, but which were good ideas nonetheless. Saving the file he had been working on and switching off his laptop, Clark leaned back in his chair and looked quizzically at Lucy. "What do you intend to do about finding a job?" he enquired. Lucy looked flustered, and she nervously ran her hand through her hair. "I'm trying, Clark - I spent most of yesterday replying to ads in the paper and I sent off several copies of my resume. Really, I don't want to be under your feet here for long if I can help it -" Clark cut her off. "That's not what I meant - you're welcome to stay here as long as you like. I meant are you applying for secretarial work, or have you thought about trying something different?" "Like what?" Lucy didn't see what he was getting at. Clark gestured towards the paper, tapes and other paraphernalia scattered around the room. "You did a good job today. The interviews were just what I needed, and you really managed to gain their confidence. You also had some great ideas about the presentation of the story. Have you ever thought about journalism?" Shaking her head, Lucy glanced down at the interview typescripts. "No, that was always Lois's ambition. I was never particularly ambitious as a kid, and I guess I just drifted into whatever job came along." She looked pensive. "Now that I'm older, I suppose I would prefer to have a career rather than having to wait at tables or take dictation for some guy who thinks that feeling up my skirt is part of what he gets in return for my salary." She paused, then looked at Clark. "But do you really think I could? I don't have any qualifications or experience." "Depends," Clark replied. "You'd have to be prepared to start at the bottom - do a little research, gofering for people - like Jimmy did. He's had some bylines of his own now and Perry often teams him up with other reporters. I'd give you a reference on the basis of what you've done today." "Would you?" "Sure. I'll have to do some asking around - I don't know if there's any openings at the Planet right now. Maybe another newspaper might need somebody." Clark stood up, stretched, and added, "I'll check it out for you. Meanwhile, want a coffee?" "Yeah, but I'll get them," Lucy agreed. She made for the kitchen, and Clark strolled over to switch on the TV. Tuning to LNN, he saw there was coverage of the President's campaigning that day; he stood and watched it for a few minutes. "Hey, that's Lois!" Lucy exclaimed, returning to hand him a mug of coffee. Clark smiled. He had recognised the slim brunette woman as soon as he'd spotted her, and had raised his glasses to take a close-up look with his super-vision. The camera had caught Lois in the act of asking the President a question about an old associate who had just that day accused him of some underhand share dealing about ten years before. Clark thought; Just then, the picture changed to a disaster scene; a plane had crashed somewhere in the Rocky Mountains and emergency services were having problems getting to survivors. The bitter cold was an added complicating factor. Clark knew he had to go and help. He thought frantically for an excuse, then just decided that he would be as honest as he could - he didn't have time to dream up the pathetic stories he used to use with Lois. Putting his coffee down on the table, he turned to Lucy and said, as calmly as he could, "I have to go out. I can't tell you where I'm going, but it is very important, or I wouldn't go. Don't wait up for me." Without waiting for her reply, he hurried towards the door and pulled it behind him. "What was *that* all about?" Lucy muttered? "And does he still do that to Lois?" ************* Lois dragged her thumbnail along her husband's chin and grinned. "I quite like the new look." "Think it suits me, huh?" Clark grinned back at her. It was much later, and after having spent nearly three hours rescuing victims of the plane crash and helping the emergency services locate the flight recorder and other important instruments, he had decided to pay another quick visit to Lois's hotel room. She had let him in the window, delighted to see him. "Not bad - rough and rugged." She kissed his darkened cheek. "But all the same, I think you'd better get rid of it before too long. I don't know if Metropolis is ready for a Superman with designer stubble." Clark pretended to look disappointed. "What if I just tell them I felt like a change of image? You know, maybe I should ask Mom to design me a new costume - black leather might look good, don't you think?" Lois growled deep in her throat, the thought of her husband dressed in nothing but black leather doing interesting things to her insides. "Maybe. But strictly for private viewing only." She leaned back in Clark's arms. "Seriously, though, you should 'shave' - or whatever you call that thing you do with your eyes - as soon as possible. You don't want anyone noticing that Clark Kent and Superman both seem to be growing a beard at the same time." "Yeah, I know," Clark agreed. "I only need to do another couple of visits, and if I get them done early tomorrow, I can shave immediately afterwards." Reaching up to kiss Clark, Lois said, laughing, "Then I'd better make the most of your new look while I can!" ************* Continued in Part 3 ---------------------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 19:54:53 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: A Guest from the Blue: 3/4 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Continued from Part 2: The following morning, Clark told Lucy that he'd had to meet a source for another story he was working on. He hated lying about his whereabouts, but he had long recognised that it was the only alternative to letting his secret become known. She appeared to accept the explanation, however. "Superman was on the news last night," she commented. "A while after you left, he arrived to help at that plane crash - I saw it on the news." "Yeah?" Clark was cautious. Lucy looked straight at him, her expression hesitant. "Clark, does it bother you - I mean, I know Lois used to have an awful crush on Superman. She really idolised him, and it looked for a while as if he was pretty keen on her too." Clark groaned inwardly. He'd had the same sort of questions from colleagues at work when he and Lois had got engaged. He decided to be as honest as possible in the circumstances. "It used to, a little, when I first knew Lois and all she thought of was Superman, and she barely noticed me. But that's all ancient history. She's still... fond of Superman..." he thought in amusement, "and he's a friend of ours. So it's not a problem." "I'm glad," Lucy replied. "Because you're a really great guy, Clark Kent, and I just hope my sister appreciates you." She crossed the kitchen and reached up to plant a kiss on Clark's cheek. Clark responded by pulling her into his arms for a bear-hug. "You're not so bad yourself, Lucy Lane, and I just hope *you* realise it," he told her mock-sternly. She backed away a little, looking down at her feet. "I... guess I have been a little down on myself, and Paul didn't exactly help. But I'm taking your advice, and thinking more positively now. I even read a couple of those books you mentioned. And I guess I'm ready to move forward." "Great," Clark said sincerely. "Just let me know if I can help." "Well..." she began, giving him an impish grin. "I need to meet some different men from the type I usually get involved with. Just to get to know some guys as friends to begin with, I guess." Clark nodded. "Well," she continued, "you mentioned Jimmy Olsen yesterday - he's still at the Planet?" "Yeah - you want to meet up with him?" "Maybe. When I met him first a few years ago... well, we didn't get on too well. I thought he was a little... juvenile. But I guess that was a while ago and he might have changed - from what you and Lois have told me about him I suppose he must have." Lucy looked inquiringly at Clark. "Jimmy's grown up a lot in the last few years," Clark confirmed. "He's still got a great sense of humour, but he's a responsible member of the Planet newsroom now and Lois and I think very highly of him. If you want some occasional male company - and you think I won't do! - you could do a lot worse than Jimmy." "Oh, don't worry, I know I could do a lot worse," Lucy said drily. "Problem is, I frequently did." ************* A few hours later, Clark stood in his bathroom in the house on Hyperion Avenue, staring into the mirror. As he did, the dark stubble on his face began to disappear as if by magic. He smiled as he examined the result of his handiwork. Walking into the bedroom to get dressed again in his business suit, he reflected on his morning's work. Not bad, even if he said so himself. He had managed to view three more apartments to rent, and got some more great material for the story. He had also brought Lucy with him to the Planet again before going out, and this time had re-introduced her to Jimmy. He had noticed the surprise on Lucy's face when she saw how much Jimmy's appearance had changed in the four years since she'd seen him. He'd matured physically, but he also dressed less casually for work these days, now that Perry was less inclined to use him as a messenger boy and sent him on assignments more often. Jimmy also appeared to be impressed by Lucy. Clark knew that when they'd first met Jimmy had thought Lucy to be even more attractive than her sister. But in temperament they had simply not been suited. Even though he knew that Lucy wasn't looking for another relationship at the moment, Clark thought that the passage of time, and the changes in both of them, might mean that things could be different this time. He had been pleased to hear Jimmy making a date to take Lucy to the movies at the weekend. It was just what his sister-in-law needed. It was all very well Clark telling her that she was attractive and desirable, but he was married to her sister! Not someone who could be interested in Lucy. Jimmy, on the other hand, was available, good-looking, and definitely interested in getting to know Lois's younger sister better. Clark thought to himself, as he made his way back to the Planet with his tapes and research notes. ************* Later that afternoon, Clark found himself flying slowly over Metropolis, conducting one of his Superman 'patrols'; with Lucy staying at the house it wasn't as easy to get out in the early evening, so he'd decided to take advantage of some free time after he'd rescued the occupants of a burning building in the Hobb's Bay area of the city. Nothing much appeared to be happening that the emergency services couldn't deal with, and he was just about to head back to the Planet when he heard the sound of a woman's screams. He flew in the direction of the cries, and soon saw the source. In an alley in one of the less desirable areas of the city - in fact, near where he had been looking at apartments that morning - a woman was being attacked by a larger, quite vicious-looking man. Clark landed silently behind the man. "Need any help, miss?" The man swung around. "Butt out, mis....ter," he tailed off as soon as he recognised the super-hero. But Clark wasn't looking at him. Instead, he was staring at the woman. Lucy. Her face was puffy and her nose and mouth were bleeding. He turned to the man, anger burning inside him. "I've never had much time for bullies," he observed coldly. The man tried to make a run for it past Lucy, but found that Superman was again blocking his way. Clark reached out and grabbed the man by the collar of his scruffy denim jacket. "I'll let the police deal with you," he drawled, having heard the sound of a siren not far off. The man looked past Clark to Lucy. "Just you wait, you bitch. I'll get you. You'll be sorry you threw me out." "No chance. It was the best thing I ever did!" she shouted back at him. Clark stared in sudden realisation of the identity of his captive. Gritting his teeth, he flew off and delivered Paul Bailey to the police officers who had stopped to investigate an alarm a few blocks away. He promised to come to the police station to make a statement later. He then returned to Lucy. She was standing where he'd left her, her arms wrapped around her body, seemingly unaware of her surroundings. "Lucy? Are you all right?" She swung around and glared at him. "Who asked you to interfere?" "What?" Clark stared in amazement. "You were being beaten up. And you look badly hurt - you should let me take you to hospital." "Stay out of it!" Lucy shouted. "I don't want your help." Clark couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Lucy, that was Paul, wasn't it? The ex-boyfriend who abused you. Why were you even talking to him?" Lucy's eyes widened in shock. "How do you know about any of that?" Clark realised his error and attempted to cover up for himself. "Oh, uh... Clark Kent's a friend of mine. He told me what had happened to you - he asked if I could look out for your ex-boyfriend." "Well, it's none of your damn business!" Lucy shouted. "And Clark shouldn't have told you anything about me. Look, go away and leave me alone - you're not wanted here." Clark was very reluctant to leave. "You're hurt. You need medical attention." She marched past him. "I can look after myself. Get lost, Superman!" Clark was left standing as, appalled, he watched his sister-in-law walk off, out of the alley, and away. After a moment or two, he floated off the ground and drifted up in the clouds, watching to ensure that she was safe. He continued to watch as she boarded a bus, and later alighted not far from Hyperion Avenue. Glad to see that she was home, Clark returned to the Planet. ************ Concluded in Part 4 ---------------------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 20:04:30 +0100 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Wendy Richards Subject: A Guest from the Blue: 4/4 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Continued and concluded from Part 3 Lucy was upstairs when Clark returned home, and deciding that he would wait until she was ready to talk, he went into the kitchen and prepared a casserole. Some time later, as he was taking the casserole out of the oven to check on it, Lucy burst into the kitchen. Clark quickly placed the dish on the worktop, hoping that he had been fast enough to prevent Lucy noticing that he had been holding a hot dish with his bare hands. Lucy's face was puffy with developing bruises, and her lips were swollen. Clark felt furiously angry at Bailey, and very glad that he had found out, while at the police station, that the man was wanted on a number of charges of theft as well as assault and battery. But Lucy was also angry; Clark realised that another characteristic the Lane sisters shared was a furious temper. "Who said you could go around broadcasting my business to all and sundry?" Lucy demanded angrily. Clark maintained a judicious silence. "Superman - that red-and-blue freaky friend of yours. How come he knows all about me and Paul?" Clark sighed. "Lucy, I'm sorry if you think I betrayed your confidence. I told you, Superman's a... friend of ours. I thought that you seemed scared of Paul, and I wanted to make sure that he couldn't get near you again. Superman was the obvious person to find him." "It was *none of his business*!" Lucy shouted. "I made it his business, Lucy," Clark replied. "If you think I did wrong, then I apologise. But Superman told me what happened, and it sounds like you were in a lot of danger. You look as if you were badly hurt." He reached out to tilt Lucy's chin, to take a proper look at her injuries. "Can I put anything on that swelling for you? You'll have a nasty bruise tomorrow." Lucy pulled away. "Look, I appreciate your concern, Clark. But I wish you hadn't said anything to Superman." She walked across the kitchen, putting distance between them. "I didn't intend to meet Paul. He found me - I think someone told him I was in the area. He threatened me, hit me a little - he was angry that I threw him out. But I could've handled it. I could've... got away," she whispered. Clark realised that Lucy was actually embarrassed that Superman had had to rescue her, but diplomatically chose not to say anything about that. "Well, from what I've heard, the police already have enough on him to put him away for a few years, regardless of anything he did to you. So you won't be seeing him for a while." He was pleased to see the expression of relief on Lucy's face. She came back over to him, deliberately putting on a more cheerful expression. "So, what can I do? This smells great." She reached out to take the lid off the casserole dish. "No, don't -" Clark yelled, rushing towards her. It was too late; Lucy screamed in pain as her hand touched the burning hot lid. Clark snatched the lid out of her hand and put it on the worktop, then grabbed Lucy's arm and hustled her towards the sink. As he ran the water, he quickly and discreetly froze the area of the burn with his super-breath, then held her hand under water for several minutes. "Thanks, Clark," Lucy gasped when she'd recovered from the shock. "I can't believe I did that!" As Clark gently patted her hand dry with a paper towel, subtly blowing more freezing breath on the burn, Lucy suddenly stared up at him as something occurred to her. "Clark - when I came in, I definitely saw you holding that dish, and you *weren't wearing gloves*! How come you didn't get burnt?" Clark closed his eyes briefly. Lois had warned him several times about being careful with his super-powers while Lucy was around, and he was well aware from his own observation that the younger Lane sister was not stupid. But he had let himself be caught out, and on something as silly as this... He took a breath, and exhaled slowly. "Lucy... there's something I should tell you," he said heavily. "But you have to understand that no-one else must know about this. I know I can trust you, and I'm depending on your discretion." Lucy nodded, although she was completely baffled as to what Clark was going to tell her. He released his hold on her, and stepped back. Keeping his eyes fixed on hers, Clark removed his glasses and laid them on the counter, at the same time brushing his hair back >from his forehead. Lucy gasped. "*You're*... Superman?" She was staggered. "Clark... I'd never have imagined... Oh my God... does Lois know?" Clark raised one eyebrow and gave her an ironic 'what do you think' look. "Superman's my brother-in-law!" she whispered in disbelief. Then, burying her head in her hands, she muttered, "And I told you to get lost and mind your own business!" "You weren't to know, Lucy," Clark reassured her. "And - now that you know - I didn't betray your confidence. It was stupid of me, this afternoon, to reveal how much I knew. It was just a hell of a shock realising that the woman I'd gone to help was you." She shrugged. "I over-reacted. I *was* scared, and I had been calling for help, but I knew that Superman - you - knew Lois and you - if you know what I mean - and I didn't want you knowing that I'd been stupid enough to run into Paul..." "Why not?" Clark asked gently. "We know you're not stupid enough to consider taking him back, so why would I think badly of you?" Lucy shrugged again. "I guess I feel so... well, that I was crazy ever to get involved with him, and you've been helping me to forget that it ever happened, and... you really seem to think a lot of me, Clark. You make me feel better about myself than almost anyone else has in my entire life. And seeing Paul today just kind of dragged me back to the way things were." "No, it didn't," Clark insisted. "You proved that you've moved on, become stronger. If you hadn't, you'd have wanted him to take you back. But you didn't - you fought him, and you put him out of your life permanently. I'm proud of you for that." He moved closer to her and pulled her lightly into his embrace. "You seem to be making a habit of this," Lucy said shakily. "Why not? I can hug my sister-in-law if I want, can't I?" Clark replied. "Besides, I always wanted a younger sister. Looks like I finally got one." Lucy nodded. "I'd have liked a big brother too - not that I ever told Lois. She had enough problems what with knowing Dad had wanted her to be a boy." She hugged Clark back briefly, then giggled. "I can't believe I'm hugging Superman!" Glancing up at Clark then, she added, "You and Lois don't have to worry. I can keep a secret, and I won't tell anyone about this. I promise." "OK," Clark replied. "Now, let me do something about these injuries." "What?" Lucy demanded, puzzled. "Come and sit down." He guided her towards the island worktop, and easily hoisted her up so that she was sitting on the edge. "Close your eyes. This might hurt a little, but I'll be as gentle as I can." He focused his heat vision on the cuts on Lucy's face and lips, sealing them deftly. Then he blew, gently, with his freezing breath on the bruised cheek, and again on her burnt palm. Testing the sites with a light touch of his finger, he said, "There. They aren't completely healed, but they should be a lot less painful now." "Wow!" she exclaimed. "That's amazing! Can I call you the next time I cut myself chopping vegetables?" Clark laughed. "Well, don't make a habit of it." Thinking of something else now, Lucy observed, "Well, I understand now why you're not jealous of Lois's interest in Superman any more!" "Yeah, well, it's a bit difficult to be jealous of myself," Clark laughed. "Although I did manage it for a while." He briefly explained his triangular relationship with Lois before she had found out his secret. "I should have told her a lot sooner, I know that now. The ridiculous thing is that it wasn't even that I didn't trust her. I would have trusted Lois above almost anyone I knew. It was... wondering, never sure, whether she could prefer me, Clark, to the super-hero creation." He sighed, remembering what he now thought of as his folly. "And all the time she *did* want me, but was put off by knowing that I was hiding something from her." He smiled. "Anyway, your sister is extremely tenacious, as I'm sure you know, and she eventually told me what I should have told her long before. She figured it out herself, and has never let me forget it since!" Laughing, he added, "I have once or twice reminded her that she knew me better than anyone else in Metropolis during those first couple of years, and yet she was fooled for all that time by a pair of glasses." Lucy studied Clark's face; he had not replaced his glasses since removing them to let her see the truth. "You do look very different without them. And in that suit too... well, I can imagine that not a lot of people look at your *face*!" She blushed, a little embarrassed. Clark laughed. "That's exactly what my Mom said when she made the suit!" Over dinner, they talked about Clark's *alter ego*, Clark being quite happy to answer Lucy's questions about his double life and his Kryptonian origins. He did have to leave at one stage when he heard a cry for help; as they were chatting Lucy noticed Clark's head tilt to one side and his expression became distracted in what Lois would have called his 'listening' mode, had she been there. Standing up abruptly, he apologised and said, "Someone needs me. I'll be back as soon as I can." As he hurried towards the door, Lucy commented, "I guess that's what you were up to the last two nights when you rushed out with some lame excuse." Clark, about to pull the door behind him, glanced back and said, "Yeah - sorry about the stupid excuses. At least you understand now." A slam of the door, and he was gone; Lucy heard a faint 'whoosh' a split second later. A mere second later, Clark landed near the back entrance to a shopping mall, just in time to prevent a gang rape. The middle-aged woman, who had been set upon by a gang of youths who had first stolen her purse and credit cards and then decided to assault her, was very grateful for her unexpected rescue. After restraining and securing the would-be rapists, Clark then had to spend a few minutes calming the understandably distressed woman before the police arrived. Having assured the arresting officers that he would be happy to give evidence for the prosecution if necessary, he returned to the house. He entered via the bedroom, changing into jeans and a T-shirt en route, and went to rejoin Lucy in the living-room. "Wow. I guess Lois is used to this, right?" Lucy asked as Clark strolled down the stairs as casually as if he had been in the house all along. "It took her a while, but yes... and she's a lot better than I am at thinking up excuses to cover my disappearances," Clark agreed with a grin. "The job helps - at least most of the time I can excuse my absences by coming back with another 'Superman saves someone' story." "It sure explains how you and Lois manage to get so many Superman exclusives!" Lucy laughed. She then glanced away >from Clark and twisted her hands together, in a manner which Clark now recognised as meaning that she wanted to ask him something but was embarrassed about it. "Lucy? What is it?" he enquired. "Oh, nothing... well, it's just that there's one thing I always really envied Lois for - being able to go flying with Superman. I always wondered what it would be like," she said apologetically. "How can you claim that you're nothing like your sister?" Clark asked, in a voice of exaggerated patience. Smiling, he held out his hand towards her, saying, "Well, now's your chance to find out." He led her towards the stairs, explaining, when she eyed him curiously, "It's easier to take off from our bedroom - less chance of anyone noticing." Upstairs, he stood back from Lucy and spun, leaving her open-mouthed. Clark again grinned to himself, remembering Lois's reaction when he had performed that same movement in front of her for the first time (twice, since they now both remembered their trip to 1966 with H.G. Wells). He quickly caught Lucy up in his arms and flew up and out of the bedroom window. After a lazy flight over Metropolis, Clark re-entered the house through the same window and lowered Lucy lightly to the floor. She twisted in his arms and hugged him, reaching up to kiss his cheek. "Thanks, Clark, that was really wonderful. I'll always remember it." Neither of them heard the bedroom door open. A voice from the other side of the room enquired acidly, "Just what is going on here? Superman -" "Lois!" Clark exclaimed. Depositing Lucy in a chair, in a flash he had caught Lois up in his arms, spinning her around, and kissed her passionately. When she was able to get her breath back, Lois whispered urgently, "Lucy! What will she think...?" "It's OK," Clark reassured her. "Lucy knows I'm Clark." "*What*?" Lois exclaimed incredulously. "What on earth's been happening?" "Not what you obviously thought, Lois," Lucy drawled from her chair. "I asked Clark if he'd take me flying, that's all." Clark, who by now had changed his clothes, commented, "I didn't know you were coming back tonight, Lois - why didn't you tell me?" "Do I need to?" Lois asked, still a little confused by the unexpected turn of events, including finding her husband and her sister together in her bedroom. "Not really, except that once I left Lucy back here I was going to fly down to California to see you," Clark replied calmly. "Oh," Lois replied lamely, wondering how she had managed to allow Clark to wrong-foot her like that, when it was she who had every reason to be suspicious. "Hey, Lois," Lucy called in amusement. "Don't you trust Clark or something?" Stung, Lois retorted, "Of course I trust him!" "Well, then?" Lucy stood and faced her sister. "I'm going to make coffee. See you both downstairs in a minute." Clark regarded Lois with a faint smile which didn't quite reach his eyes. "*Do* you trust me, Lois?" Flinging herself into Clark's arms, Lois exclaimed, "Of course I trust you! I know you'd never do anything to betray my trust. But you have to understand that it was a bit of a shock to walk into my bedroom and find my husband with his arms around my sister, and kissing her - " "Hey, I wasn't kissing her, honey," Clark protested mildly. "*She* kissed *me* - a peck on the cheek, no more." "Yeah, I realise that now," Lois said apologetically. "You have to realise how it looked, though." Clark nodded, but gently pointed out again that he valued their relationship, and loved her too much, to even look at another woman in a romantic way. "I guess I know that," Lois admitted, showing her husband in gestures how much she returned his love for her. "So - you and Lucy are really getting on well now?" "Yeah - she's a really lovely person, Lois," Clark assured her. "And though I know it'll take a while, I think she's starting to recover from the effects of that *animal* she lived with." "Thanks to you, no doubt," Lois said softly, before noticing that her husband had that faraway expression on his face again. "Oh no, not now?" "Afraid so, honey," Clark said regretfully, stepping back >from her and spinning into his Superman attire again. "I'll try not to be too long; in the meantime, you should go and talk to Lucy." ************ As they sat together sipping coffee, Lucy filled Lois in on the recent events in her life. "And you know, Lois, I really hope you appreciate Clark - he's such a terrific guy. He's really helped me the last few days. I don't just mean by letting me stay here and getting my stuff back for me and making sure Paul can't come near me any more. Clark's really helped me to see that I need to have more confidence in myself." Lois smiled; that was so like her Clark. "Yeah, he's pretty wonderful. You don't have to tell me that." Lucy gave her elder sister a direct look. "But you thought he and I were... you know, upstairs. You should know both of us better than that, Lois." "Yes, I should," Lois admitted. "And I didn't really think anything was going on - it was just a surprise, that's all." "Yeah, well, I guess it's the first time you and I have ever seemed to share the same taste in guys, hey Lois?" Lucy teased. "Not that we do, really - I mean, Clark's great and all that and I love having him as a brother, but I don't fancy him." "No?" Lois almost seemed offended. "You don't think he's attractive?" Lucy laughed. "Sure he is. He's one of the best-looking guys I know. I've always thought that - I never could understand why you weren't interested in him when he first joined the Planet. He'd be attractive even if he wasn't also Superman. But I meant that *I'm* not attracted to him in a sexual way." She smiled at Lois. "Hey, I love Clark to bits for what he's done for me in the last couple of days. And I just hope that some day I might find someone who loves me as much as Clark does you." Lucy pulled a face and looked away. "You know I haven't exactly chosen very well so far." Lois reached for her sister's hands and squeezed them. "Who am I to talk, Luce? You say you couldn't understand why I wasn't interested in Clark at first - *I* can't understand it either. I haven't exactly had great taste in men either." She grimaced. "You know all about Claude. But I never really got to tell you about Lex, did I?" Lucy shook her head. "Oh, if we're going to have this conversation, we should have some wine," Lois decided. Seeing Lucy's enquiring look, Lois added, "Oh, don't worry, Clark said he'd be a while - he wants to take some time and do a patrol, now that you know who he is and I'm back." Sipping her wine a few minutes later, Lois continued, "Clark first - well, you remember what I was like when we met. I thought he was just a hick from some small town somewhere - of course he wasn't, but I wasn't in the mood to look beyond the external. He didn't try to get my attention in any flashy sort of way, like Lex did, and I guess it took a while before his humour, and his gentle caring, and his loyalty made an impression on me. I don't even know when it happened, but by the time Lex asked me to marry him, I really cared for Clark a lot." She paused, then resumed. "And then, of course, there was Superman. Well, what woman is *not* going to be impressed by him? And he... seemed to have a special affinity for me. He even told me that he cared - that I was special to him. I guess I always knew there was never really going to be a future there, even before he made it clear to me that it wasn't possible. And Lex... I didn't know anything about what he was really like then. I thought he was what he appeared to be: a rich, powerful man who was also a great philanthropist." Lois shook her head in disbelief. "It was his power, more than anything else, which attracted me to Lex. I didn't actually love him... I guess I was looking for security." "Clark must have been hurt when you got engaged," Lucy suggested. "I knew - or at any rate, I'd guessed - that he cared about you. I could see it the first time I saw the two of you together." "Yeah, Clark was hurt," Lois admitted, "and that's something I hate to remember. What's worse was that he tried to tell me what he knew, or suspected, about Lex, but I wouldn't listen. I just accused him of being jealous. It was a pretty horrible time, actually, what with the Planet going under - I didn't see Clark or any of the others for ages. Then when I did call Clark, it was really awkward - neither of us knew what to say to the other. So I didn't call again. I didn't realise until afterwards that Lex had deliberately been trying to cut me off from my friends." "He sounds even worse than Paul," Lucy commented. "I mean - I know he was evil and he had people killed, but in terms of how he tried to control you, that sounds terrible." "Looking back, it was," Lois reflected. "I *thought* I was happy at the time; I could have everything I wanted, I had a great job at LNN, a man who appeared to be devoted to me - but I didn't have my friends. And I remember one evening we were discussing the house Lex was having built for us, and he was deciding how many cars we needed to be able to park in the garage, and I was thinking, 'what am I *doing*? This is crazy!' But... I couldn't seem to admit I'd been wrong. Not until we were right there in front of the Archbishop - Lex was horrified when I said no. But then the police arrived, and it was all over." "Yeah, Mom said it was kinda crazy," Lucy commented. "You know," Lois added slowly, "I've often wondered what I would have done if Clark had come to me as Superman and told me what he knew about Lex. I'm sure I'd have believed him. Not that I was accusing Clark of lying or anything, it's just that Superman had more reason to *know* what was really going on. But I guess that was hard for Clark as well, since I'd rejected him as Clark and then practically begged him as Superman to love me. I'm not surprised he didn't want to see me as Superman again." "So," Lois concluded on a sigh, "I really messed up there. If I hadn't changed my mind at the last minute, or if Clark and Perry and the others hadn't worked so hard to get the evidence against Lex, I'd have been married to probably the worst criminal in the world. So much for *my* taste in men! And then there was Dan..." "Yeah, tell me about Dan! I never met him," Lucy responded. "I remember calling you at work one day and Clark answered your phone - he told me you were out with this Scardino guy and he didn't sound at all impressed." "Well, Clark never liked Dan, but this time I think it really was all jealousy. He thought that we were getting along really well and that if Dan hadn't come along and messed things up we'd have been together. But that wasn't really true." Lois gave a wry smile. "If Clark hadn't been so... scared to confide to me, to explain what was really going on his life, Dan's coming along wouldn't have made any difference. It was Clark I wanted, but as I tried to tell him, I didn't want someone who wouldn't talk to me, *trust* me." She gave a short laugh. "That's ironic - I eventually discovered that *Dan* wasn't telling me the whole truth either. As for Clark, I eventually found out that what he wasn't telling me is what you found out tonight. The irony there is that it was his *not* telling me which was driving us apart. Once I knew, I could cope with his running off, because I knew why." "I did wonder why you suddenly stopped complaining about Clark's abrupt disappearance," Lucy said with a grin. "Especially when he ran off twice with lame excuses while I was here!" "Well, anyway, just because I finally chose Clark, don't take me as a model of how to choose men!" Lois observed dryly. "So you don't think there's no hope for me?" Lucy asked, only half-joking. "Of course not!" Lois insisted. "You'll find a great guy one of these days." "Well, I'd like to get my life back on track first," Lucy suggested. "But one of these days... if I could meet someone who'd make me even half as happy as Clark's made you, Lois, I'd love it." She nudged her shoulder against her elder sister's. "Never take him for granted, Lois. You're very lucky." *************** "So you think Lucy's going to be all right?" Clark murmured to Lois much later, as they cuddled together in bed. "Yeah - well, we Lanes are pretty indestructible," Lois teased. "You may knock us down, but we bounce back." She kissed her husband. "Thanks for getting Lucy an interview with the Research department, by the way. She's really excited about it - and the reference you gave her was excellent." "I'm convinced she can do the job," Clark replied calmly. He trailed his hand along Lois's thigh, causing her to squeal in shock. "What's wrong, honey? Should I stop doing that?" "No - oh no, please don't stop," she gasped, as his hand found an even more sensitive spot. Clark grinned and continued his exploration. "Anyway, there's another little development you might like - Lucy's going to the movies on Saturday with Jimmy." ] "Jimmy!" Lois momentarily forgot the effect Clark's hand was having on her, and stared at him incredulously. "But they *hated* each other!" "Well, I wouldn't say that," Clark said, smiling. "They were both younger... I think now they might have grown up enough to take each other more seriously. Anyway, it's not a date, as such. They're just going to see if they can be friends. But who knows... *we* started as friends, didn't we?" "Well, if it is going to be like that, I just hope Lucy doesn't take as long as I did to see that friends can also be lovers," Lois replied, grinning. "I hope she learns from my mistakes." Clark ceased his caressing and met Lois's eyes. "Yeah, I heard you talking to Lucy about Lex. And Dan. I didn't mean to listen, and I flew away again after a minute or so. But I did hear what you said about Superman not telling you the truth about Lex. And about *me* driving you to Dan because I wouldn't talk to you." Lois stared at Clark. She hadn't meant him to overhear her conversation, and she wouldn't have wanted to hurt him for the world. "Clark -" she began, apologetically. "Hey, honey, it's OK," he soothed her. "I know I made a lot of mistakes, and if I could do things over again I'd do a lot of things differently. Including telling you about Superman much sooner." "We both made mistakes," Lois conceded. "But we've got each other now. And Lucy's right. I will *never* take you for granted, Clark." "Nor I you," he promised. "You are so special to me, Lois, and I thank God every day for you." Lois, tears springing to her eyes, flung her arms around her husband and kissed him deeply. "I love you," she whispered against his mouth. "I love you too," Clark replied as the kiss ended. Holding Lois's deep brown eyes with his, he repeated, "I love you, I love you, I LOVE YOU!." They laughed, and Lucy, passing by their bedroom door on her way to the bathroom, heard Clark's declaration and their laughter, and grinned. "Just like a couple of kids!" - The End - ---------------------- Wendy Richards ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 18:54:45 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Christine L Bastone Subject: copy of messages Hi Everyone, I somehow lost about two weeks worth of messages, is there any way to get a copy of them? PLEASE let me know, I am so upset!!!! Thanks, ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 22:49:15 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Deborah A. Myers" Subject: Re: Fanfic Review: Season 5 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Oh Pam, I have to come out of lurk mode for this. I loved the whole season 5 stories. To be honest, I liked having the continuity. It really made the whole season come together for me. I would look forward to each episode just as I did the TV show. It was fun meeting old characters and seeing out beloved Lois & Clark in new situations. So if I can cast my vote or give my opinion- I say continue in the same manner. I can't wait for season 6. Bravo to all of the S5 writers and coordinators. You all really got me through a season that I thought was going to be dismal. Boy, did I run my mouth. Oh, well, back to lurk mode. Deborah (Deb0603) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 21:31:08 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Leanne Shawler Subject: "Survival Guide to Electronic Fanfic" Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" This is forwarded from another fanfic list I'm on ... for writers *and* readers of fanfic ... > >http://BUCKAROO-BONSAI-TREE.MIT.EDU/Interrim/margaret.htm > Leanne Leanne Shawler aka Volterra on IRC ( Web Design: Home Page: Midnight Dreaming: The Original Anthony Warlow Home Page: ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 22:55:43 -1000 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jamee Jones Subject: Re: NEBS: Promises MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Jon Neil wrote: > I just received a fanfic called "Promise" but part one never made it > to > my e-mail, can someone e-mail me privately with part 1 of Promises. > > Thanks > > Cassie > Hi Cassie! I just noticed you wrote this post (I'm so behind on my email!) Did somebody send it to you yet? I recieved it so if you still need it I will send it to you. I still haven't asked for those chapters of Meet Me in Kansas City yet! I almost forgot! I'll have to try and do that tonight! So how have you been? What have you been up to? Thanx a bunch for those pics! I really appreciate it! I think recieving 4 at a time is fine. It didn't take that long. But probably no more than that. And yes, I would love to keep recieving pics! I don't have much time to surf the net, so it's fun getting them through email! The only one I had seen of the ones you sent was the first one of him kneeling in his costume in front of a red screen. What is the weather like in Oregon around the last of Sept/ begining Oct? And what about the last of Oct/ begining of Nov? We are having a problem getting our tickets on the dates we wanted.:( So I'm still not sure what month we will be comming. ( Too bad we can't fly the Superman Express! ) Living here in Hawaii, we hardly own any jackets or pants! I hate to buy new stuff that we won't wear again, so I'm gonna raid my mom's and mother-n-laws' closet. I'm gonna try and shop the thrift store for my son. You know, I can't even find a jacket at a regular store here for him! I hate to buy him a new jacket though, cuz he'll never use it again. If I can find a nice medium one (not too thick) I'd buy it. We do have some cold days and especially nights up the mountain, where I live. Maybe I can try a catalog or something. It wont be snowing or anything at that time of year will it? It would be great to see, but I don't want to drive through it, or try and have clothes for it. Well, I've talked your ear off enough, so I'll let you go! bye! Jamee ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 23:13:38 -1000 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jamee Jones Subject: Re: ABBADfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Frances Coogan wrote: > > > I can't remember enough of the song names - should have paid more > attention to > the VH1 Duran Duran weekend - but it would be fun to read: From > memory, Save > a Prayer, Rio, The Reflex and Wild Boys? I'm sure I'll recognise the > others > when I see them. And didn't they do A View to a Kill? I can see a > fic > emerging from those 5 alone!<< > > I don't know enough Abba songs to truly appreciate that one! But it > was great how you fit them all in! Great work! Duran Duran was more > during my days, so I'd enjoy reading that one! Off the top of my head > I can only think of 3 more songs: Hungry like a Wolf, Girls on Film, > and Planet Earth! I don't know, seems like it would work to me!:) j-me ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 23:17:02 -1000 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jamee Jones Subject: Major Boo Boo!!! MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I am soooo sorry!! That letter was not supposed to go to the list!!!! How incredibly embarrassing! Like you all want to hear about my vacation plans! My goodness, I cant' believe I did that!!! sorry again! jamee ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 06:47:27 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Regina Gilchrist Ash Subject: request re: S5 Well, I tried sending this out yesterday AM, but messed up on the email addy and sent it to Farah's old address. Let's try this, again: I have a big favor to ask of someone...Since school is out, and I have time to read all of S5 that I've missed (Pam, this is why I haven't answered your survey question) which is everything since about episode 7 (with a little selective reading along the way when the author was someone I "knew")...I need a list of ep titles. I think I've saved them all on disk, but some listed ep # and then title and some listed only titles. *OR* someone could post a current URL where I could find all 22 (?) of the eps and save some typing. I checked the address I had on file, and it only had eps 1-10 and then I got a msg saying this site no longer existed (see, I'm way *behind*...but it's time to catch up!) Pam (since you asked) et al: you wonderful ppl who kept the season going...the parts that I had read, I loved! I actually enjoyed it more than the series (except I missed *seeing* TH & DC together.) You maintained the chemistry, wonderfully, and did a better job of keeping it real than the series writers (except TM, maybe) ever did. I really hope all of you taleneted writers decide to continue to entertain the masses next year. Thanks, FoLC, Regina -- Regina Ash ( ************************************************ "Science, sufficiently advanced, is indistinguishable >from magic." -Arthur C. Clarke *********************************************** ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 08:27:11 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Donna Lehman <102262.2435@COMPUSERVE.COM> Subject: Re: Fanfic Review: Season 5 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Season 5: I have wanted so much to respond to this request from Pam but just didn't= know how to go about it and Deb has said all exactly how I have felt. I have really enjoy this entire season and YES I even looked forward to eac= h ep just like TV and when there was a preempt I was dissappointed. Just ke= ep it up. And like I mentioned to Pam before, a Season 5 Episode synopsis guide would be good for many of us to remind us of what happened and whic= h ones were our favorites so we could read again. About Lex..I wasn't too thrilled about these eps, but maybe I should read them again......I have = a hard time imagining any Alt episode on paper (or screen) so these were ha= rd for me to grasp. Anyway I loved Season 5 and continue on in the same LNC story line. I am an avid reader. Donna ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 08:29:51 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Mar Smith Subject: Re: request re: S5 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Regina - here's the address : Mar- ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 22:23:58 PDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Peace Everett Subject: Re: "Survival Guide to Electronic Fanfic" In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"; X-MAPIextension=".TXT" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Leanne wrote: > This is forwarded from another fanfic list I'm on ... for writers *and* > readers of fanfic ... > > > >http://BUCKAROO-BONSAI-TREE.MIT.EDU/Interrim/margaret.htm I just finished reading this on Leanne's recommendation, and I have just two things to say: Thank you, Leanne! and Everyone else -- go read this! This FAQ is an excellent "how-to" guide on writing, posting, and reading fanfic. I highly recommend it. :) Peace A FoLC Named Peace Come visit me, and read my Lois & Clark fanfic ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 16:13:48 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "K.M. de Castro" Subject: Re: request re: S5 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit For Regina, and any other FOLC interested: I just happened to make this list up the other night. I've also included the TUFS listing. Enjoy! Lois and Clark Fanfic: Season 5, Fall 1997-Spring 1998 Episode Title Air Date 1.Back to the Future Sep 28 BTTF.TXT 2.Time After Time Oct 5 TIME.TXT 3.Reconstruction PG-13 Oct 12 RECONSTR.TXT 4.Faster Than A Speeding Bullet PG-13 Oct 19 FTASB.TXT 5.In Vitro Veritas Nov 2 IVV.TXT 6.From the Ashes Nov 9 ASHES.TXT 7.The Prodigal Son Nov 16 PRODIGAL.TXT 8.The Cat in the Hat Comes Back Nov 23 CAT.TXT 9.Whisky Galore Nov 30 WHISKY.TXT 10.Eine Klein Nachtmusik Jan 4 KLEIN.TXT 11.Oh Give Me A Home Feb 1 HOME.TXT 12.It Happened One Weekend Feb 15 IHAW.TXT 13.A Flickering Flame Mar 1 FLAME.TXT 14.It's A Wonderful Lifetime (1 of 2) Mar 8 IAWL.TXT 15.Second Time Around (2 of 2) Mar 15 SECOND.TXT 16.Nightmare Over Metropolis Mar 29 NIGHTMAR.TXT 17.A Matter of Trust Apr 5 TRUST.TXT 18.Through the Looking Glass Apr 19 GLASS.TXT 19.Charity Begins at Home Apr 26 CHARITY.TXT 20.Reformation May 3 REFORMAT.TXT 21.Doctor Goose May 10 GOOSE.TXT 22.It's Time May 17 ITSTIME.TXT #1 "The Cure For What Ails You" Matt Schiller, Jeff Brogden September 21 #2 "The Trask At Hand" Craig Byrne, Kat Picson October 5 #3 "Life In The Fast Lane" Julie Mack, Craig Causer October 12 #4 "Mxysplit" [Part 1 of 2] Sheila Harper October 19 #5 "All Mxyed Up" [Part 2 of 2] Sheila Harper November 2 #6 "Light of Dey" Linda Mooney November 9 #7 "To Catch A Falling Star" Beth Washington November 16 #8 "Parasite" Matt Combes November 23 #9 "The Ex-Files" Julie Mack November 30 #10 "A Very Smallville Christmas" Beth Freeman December 14 #11 "The Odd Couple" [Part 1 of 2] Allison Word, Craig Byrne December 28 #12 "Past And Present Danger" [Part 2 of 2] Allison Word, Craig Byrne January 4 #13 "Relativity" Kat Picson January 18 #14 "Stranger Things Have Happened" Julie Mack February 8 #15 "The Flash" Kyle Harper February 22 #16 "World's Finest" Matt Combes, Craig Byrne March 8 #17 "Yet Each Man Kills" Genevieve Clemens March 15 #18 "Forever And Ever, Amen" Linda Mooney March 29 #19 "Paradise Lost" Pat Peabody, Genevieve Clemens April 19 #20 "Then Came You" [Part 1of 2] Jeff Brogden April 26 #21 "Two Become One"[Part 2 of 2] Jeff Brogden May 3 #22 "Avenging Angel" Kat Picson, Craig Byrne, Matt Combes May 17 #23 "Behind Every Woman..." Kat Picson, Craig Byrne May 24 Have fun with your summer reading! Marie ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 02:08:14 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Jason G. Vaughn" Subject: LnC card set Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Hi guys I am in big trouble. My mom lost her job and we are $400 in the hole. So I'm am forced to sell my LnC card set. it has gotten wet but is in a plastic case. It got a few spots and 1 foil card got stuck to plastic. I have all the regular cards and a few foils. please e-mail me at SupermanJV@AOL.COM. Thanks, Jason ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 08:29:18 -0600 Reply-To: Erink Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erink Subject: need help: Dr. Klein MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi guys :) Something for a fanfic has been bugging me. Maybe someone can help me out. Does anyone remember what the first ep was that Dr. Klein was in? And when it was that he started taking a firm hold in the series?? Thanks! Erin :) ___________________ (aka ELK on IRC) "The truth is, no one knows how long they've got. Anyway, it's not the years that count, it's the moments...right they happen." CK to LL in BY ******* "You bet your sweet little chumpy I am." _________________ ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 15:27:24 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carmille Caluag Subject: Soulmate Chronicles Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit I love the Soulmate Chonicle series. I was wondering if anyone has all three stories. I've been looking for the third one for quite a while now. I was hoping someone could help me. I would appreaciate any information that can help me. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 17:08:34 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: The Zoomway Subject: Re: Soulmate Chronicles Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit In a message dated 98-06-11 15:28:03 EDT, you write: << I love the Soulmate Chonicle series. I was wondering if anyone has all three stories. I've been looking for the third one for quite a while now. I was hoping someone could help me. I would appreaciate any information that can help me. >> I can actually be useful here The third one, The Sea Hawk (the first two were The Falcon, and then The Lone Rider 'prequel' ;) , is one that Julie and Annie put in a lot of extra work on recently (heck, I know, I was there ;). They have an interesting twist in this particular story ;) Now by "Soulmates Chronicles" I'm assuming you mean the above stories I mentioned or I'm really embarrassed For clarity's sake (which means I'll probably make things more confusing ;) The Soulmates Chronicles are 'soulmate' stories that try and follow the definition of Lois and Clark as soulmates as defined in the honeymoon episode. That is "Two lovers destined to meet and fall in love, over and over again..." That a secret identity is part of Clark's destiny, and so on. The chronicles also go with the notion that Wells is keeping track of them *after* the curse was removed from their love. We try and put Wells in the story to help as narrator and keep the characters straight, and because he's kind of a cute character by himself anyway ;) The whole Soulmates Chronicles idea started by Annie Lansbury asking a simple question on the IRC late one night and it kind of mushroomed from there ;) Since the chronicles are a genre by themselves, they don't interfere with anyone else's soulmates stories or create 'time overlap' problems because the chronicles are simply a specific, self-contained "book of stories" by themselves. Though within that 'book' we try and avoid time overlaps Oh well, I hope that cleared things up ;) ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 17:13:14 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kate Crane Subject: Re: Soulmate Chronicles Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit So where can we get our hands on the Sea Hawk???? ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 16:52:41 -0600 Reply-To: Erin Klingler Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Erin Klingler Subject: Jimmy on today's TNT ep MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi all :) As I'm sitting here watching The Phoenix on TNT, I'm reminded at how much I love Justin Whalin's character interpretation of Jimmy. Every single time I see the part in the ep when Jimmy walks up and interrupts CK and LL and he holds his hands up in the air: "It's okay, guys, I'm not the principal." and then, after LL leaves, he says: "Nuthin'. I didn't say nuthin'." I just crack up! I just love his casual, easygoingmanner. And even though he portrays his character as kind of footloose and fancy free, I can also seehim being very caring and a very good and loyal friend to LL and CK. (i.e. TOGoM) We talked here a while back about what characters we like to write about. Well, Jimmy is definitely one of my favs. (Along with Dr. Klein...but that's another story ) His character really seems to have so much to delve into. Anyway, just felt like sharing my thoughts. Erin :) ___________________ (aka ELK on IRC) "The truth is, no one knows how long they've got. Anyway, it's not the years that count, it's the moments...right they happen." CK to LL in BY ******* "You bet your sweet little chumpy I am." _________________ ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 18:49:12 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Layney Dixon Subject: Re: Charity Begins on L&C Fanfic List (was Re: Carom/Carob) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Yeah...where is "The Sea Hawk"? Does anyone know? Or is Tempus on the net, teasing the FoLCs? ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 18:49:06 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Layney Dixon Subject: Re: Season 5 Review Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Okay, reviewing the whole series is a tall order, so I have some non-cohesive points. *Season 5 was fantastic. It filled a void that TPTB left me with and refueled my interest in the LnC reruns on TNT. Like others, I looked forward to each episode the same as I did with the TV series. I was always disappointed by a pre-emption (although sometimes meant that I wouldn't stay up all night reading:) *I loved the concept of Clark having a cycle and the marvelous realism of Lois's pregnancy. *I understood the idea of the Lex clones and thought that it was ingenious, but had difficulty picturing it in my head. Did Lex actually go to jail ever or was that a clone? And was it him that took Lois in INPY or was that a clone too? Also, where was he all those years...I can't believe that he was holed up in Suicide Slum and no one ever recognized him. I would like to see a little more of those missing years of Lex. *I adored the fact that Lex got married. I could truely believe his marriage of convience to Beth, although I think that Beth should wisen up a bit in Season 6. I don't remember which ep. focused on Beth's mistrust of Lex ( A Matter of Trust, I believe...duh), but I was intrigued by her relationship with her husband. Beth is clearly no dummy, so she must know about Lex. I would like to see her one up him and put him in his place. *The scene when Dr. Klein learned who Superman really was...classic. I could see and hear him as I read the pages...marvelous. I think Klein should be incorporated more into the next season...maybe have him babysit. (Uh is 5:00. LnC back in an hour) (Ok, had my fix...what was I saying? Oh yeah...S5) *I enjoyed when Clark and Jimmy were investigating together (they snuck into a lab) and Clark almost revealed his identity when Perry saved them from a dog taking a bite out of crime. More Perry and Jimmy involvement, por favor. *Alt Eps. I don't know about anyone else, but I love when Tempus gets into the swing of things. And that alt. ep where he and Luthor were indirectly entangled...that introduced a whole new web of deception, I think. I wouldn't mind seeing how the Alt. Lois and Alt. Clark deal with that whole ring of thieves. ...also, HG is always a fave. *What I would like to see, and what S5 hinted at, is Lex's interest in the baby, Laura (I think that is her name). I got really excited about S6 when "It's Time" hinted about it. *I also would like to see a few more disruptions b/t LnC...maybe once not have a story end so happily. Maybe Lois will have postpartum depression or she'll feel Clark is more interested in the baby and turn to another for attention (I know everyone hated Dan Scardino, but he mixed things up a bit). *And another thought, I would like to see Clark and Lex mix it up a bit. We all know that Lex is still in love with Lois. I'd like to see a bit of confrontation in that direction as well. *One more thing, now that Ms. Church is in trouble, who is going to be Lex's foil. I would like another woman...someone who doesn't bother to act like an entree at a buffet. Ok, I think that is it. I tried to say more than "It's the BEST thing since (affordable) internet service" but the truth is that I think that it is. KUDOS to all of the writers. S5 was absolutely fantabulous!! (And to the TUFS are my summer reading. I am sure that there will be much to say about your virtual season as well.) Layney ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 18:12:59 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Leanne Shawler Subject: Re: Soulmate Chronicles In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" >In a message dated 98-06-11 15:28:03 EDT, you write: > ><< I love the Soulmate Chonicle series. I was wondering if anyone has all >three > stories. I've been looking for the third one for quite a while now. I was > hoping someone could help me. I would appreaciate any information that can > help me. >> > Zoomie responded: >I can actually be useful here The third one, The Sea Hawk (the first two >were The Falcon, and then The Lone Rider 'prequel' ;) , is one that Julie and >Annie put in a lot of extra work on recently (heck, I know, I was there ;). >They have an interesting twist in this particular story ;) > >Now by "Soulmates Chronicles" I'm assuming you mean the above stories I >mentioned or I'm really embarrassed For clarity's sake (which means I'll And I wrote one that's not part of Annie Lansbury's group of Chronicles, which was posted to the list ... and I've heard other independent stories are in the works too ... oy, archivists, is it time for a new category?! :) Leanne Leanne Shawler aka Volterra on IRC ( Web Design: Home Page: Midnight Dreaming: The Original Anthony Warlow Home Page: ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 20:00:40 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Stark Subject: Re: URL reminder & Cherryh novel Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 08:45 AM 6/8/98 -0800, Leanne quoted... >>> Yes, Jim, I found it under >> type=d> but you can probably pick it up from >>>. Note the warning in >> net/instructions/overview.html#WARNING>. >And the point of the URL reminder is???? The person who posted the URL did >the right thing by putting it on a separate line -- and for the record, I >have *never* seen anyone post URLs in this way. I get a email publication that tells about upcoming ufo-oriented shows on TV and the author always makes his announcements in the above-noted manner (URLs in the paragraphs). I've asked him to maybe put the URLs at the end, separate (particularly the continually repeated/very same URLs) because I find the paragraphs impossible to read with the URLs in them, and I skip them. He ignored me; I continue to skip. >Oh and while I'm here, I've been meaning to respond to your response about >my opinion on the Cherryh book. Just so you know, reiterating your opinion >doesn't change mine. I still haven't read the book. Someday, I'll take a vacation for a year and catch up on everything :) Debby who, with a new monitor, can now *see* her email :) ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 00:00:17 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jon Neil Subject: Meet Me in Kansas City HELP I am missing Chapters 33-36. Could the author or some other compassionate FoLC send them to me privately??? PLEEEZ. I can't even start the story till I have it all. Thanks Cassie ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 03:23:15 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Lansbury 1 Subject: Re: Soulmate Chronicles Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Hello, My name is Annie Lansbury and I, too, will try and explain what is happening with the SoulMate Chronicles. This was a section of a previous post.... << I love the Soulmate Chronicles series. I was wondering if anyone has all three stories. I've been looking for the third one for quite a while now. I was hoping someone could help me. I would appreciate any information that can help me. >> These are the SoulMate Chronicles we have written in order of their conceptions: 1. SoulMate Chronicles: The Falcon 2. SoulMate Chronicles: The Sea Hawk (soon to be distributed) 3. SoulMate Chronicles: The Lone Ranger 4 SoulMate Chronicles: The Tai ( Tentatively titled and still in the planning, outlining and research stage. Story set in Japan.) At this time several more stories are being seriously discussed and I hope will be written in the future. I love this premise and am very pleased and excited so many of my friends and fellow writers have joined me in writing them. The major premise of the SoulMate Chronicles is... two souls who are destine to meet and fall in love during different incarnations on earth and anywhere in the universe (not only on planet earth). I also, love the character of H.G.Wells as do many of the other writers. He plays an important role as the Chronicler of each lifetime these souls inhabits. Wells with the aid of his time machine and the Soul Tracker is able to trace each incarnation these souls inhabit. The dream of having these stories come to life is due to the hard work of the talented writers and of our wonderful editor, gwalden. I take great pride, as they all do, in this collection of stories. I would like to invite anyone who would like to write their own SoulMate Chronicle to please do so. You are more than welcome to add you story to this collective work of many others or if you would like to join us, the invitation is always there for you. If I can be of help don't hesitate to ask. Annie Lansbury ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 09:22:55 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Regina Gilchrist Ash Subject: S5 notes for the authors et al I told you all the other day that I had a lot of catching up to do on S5...well, I've just finished ep 18, so I've been reading quite a bit (considering I had to start with ep 7)...All I can say is...please keep writing! "Through the Looking Glass" (ep 18) was wonderful. Contrary to what another fanfic reader-fan wrote, I *do not* like to see long and drawn-out angst between our hero and heroine. I like the controversy, but I want them *together* during the skirmishes. I skim over the stories where they are apart from each other for what I consider too long (remember the non-wedding ARGGGH!...well, that's how I feel about fanfics when they are separated for too long. It just works better for me when they are working together.) Another example of a great A-plot from S5 that kept our heroes together but was still a *wonderful* story is "Oh Give me a Home" (ep 11)...not only were L&C together, but it worked in other favorite characters (loved Martha and Jonathan in it) and some new characters who really show promise for use in the furture...I'd like to see more of the side characters worked in. The recent fanfic "A Guest from the Blue" (by Wendy Richards) did a very nice job of working Lucy into a storyline...while still maintaining "that loving feeling" b/t L&C and retaining my interest. I'm not saying much about the first 6 eps because it's been so long since I've read them, but I remember falling in love with them, and have been such a fan of Sheila's fanfics (as well as Barb's, a FoLC named Peace , Kathy's, Leanne's, Pam's, et al...I apologize to those I'm omitting...I'm going on memory, here :) from the first ones I read...I plan to go back to re-read when I'm thru ep 22. I hope that all of you decide to work on a season 6 and bless these "mere mortals" of us who don't have your gift for storytelling. I'd love to see *at least* one other alt-L&C story. It would be like have another almost blank slate to draw from, with a beginning to their relationship. I definitely want to read about the exploits of our L&C with their new addition to the family...and the start of their foray into parenthood. I, too, would like to see Beth Luthor realize who and what her husband really is...and maybe see him be bested by a "little female"-besides Lois, that is :) I hate to say it, but I'm getting tired of Tempus. I thought the tv version overused him a bit in the 4th season. I still love HGWells, tho', and could see him being used in some very creative ways. Well, this is longer than I thought it would be, (is this enough feedback, Pam???) but I wanted to write some of this down while it was still fresh. On to eps 19-22...THANKS, AGAIN! Regina -- Regina Ash ( ************************************************ "Science, sufficiently advanced, is indistinguishable >from magic." -Arthur C. Clarke *********************************************** ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 06:28:54 PDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "K.C. Boyd" Subject: Re: new fanfic NEBS: PROMISES [1/8] Content-Type: text/plain >AUHOR'S NOTES: This third installment of NEBS called PROMISE< Where do I got to get the other installments. I tried to search the archives, but it didn't work. K.C. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 11:04:23 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kate Crane Subject: Re: Soulmate Chronicles Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit We keep getting explanations about the soulmate chronicles, but can anybody tell us where to find THE SEA HAWK..........PLEASE. help us, we beg you Kate ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 10:05:52 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jeff Brogden Subject: Missing response MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Just a quick note. I have this terrible feeling that I may have missed responding to one (or heaven forbid - some) of the people who have sent me notes about the stories I did for both S5 and TUFS. I try very hard to send a personal reply to every single note sent to me. I figured - if someone is kind enough to take time out of their life to write me, the least I can do is write back; let them know I appreciate what they did. I've had some medical problems lately, and I can't get past the feeling that I might have missed some messages in there somewhere. So, if you sent me a note about one of my stories, and I didn't write back, I am truely, truely sorry. Please accept my apology. I've agonized over what to do, I've search through all my email. This public announcement seemed to be the best I could think of. Send me another note if you like, I will try my darnest to make sure you get a response! Thanks! ================================================================= Jeff Brogden ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 11:20:38 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Crystal Wimmer Subject: Re: Soulmate Chronicles Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit In a message dated 6/12/98 8:05:08 AM Pacific Daylight Time, KCrane1865@AOL.COM writes: > We keep getting explanations about the soulmate chronicles, but can anybody > tell us where to find THE SEA HAWK..........PLEASE. > help us, we beg you > Kate this story has not yet been released. it is still in the editing process. when it is released, it will be announced, I assure you. please be patient! ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 13:34:24 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Sandra McDermin Subject: Fanfic Review: Montrose's Toast Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Just when I was about to post my thoughts about "Paradise Lost" (and I think Genevieve's gonna kill me for procrastinating), I began perusing the fanfic archive and came across "Montrose's Toast". I remember someone mentioning this story since there are so few male L&C fanfic writers and the author, in this case I believe, is a male. (Funny how the TV show was the exact opposite. As a matter of fact, I wanted to post a very funny shortish essay on the issue of female writers in Hollywood, but I wondered if it wouldn't be appropriate because it's not about L&C. It *is* about writing, however. Please tell me if you're interested. I think a group of *predominately* female writers would enjoy it ... and the males would get a tickle too.) Oh well, I'm straying here.... Back to "Montrose's Toast". Another reason I had wanted to read this is that I had not a clue what Montrose's Toast was. It's an intriguing title, if for no other reason then that it begs the question ... "Huh?" First off, I want to say that the story itself, by Phil Atcliffe, (this is a guy, right?) definitely reads quite easily and hits the flavor of the L&C relationship on the head. I was easily whisked back, as if in one of H.G.Wells' time machines, to the period when Lois and Clark were still circling each other in their courtship dance, and Lois didn't know the big secret. As for the writing, it had the feel of something written in the "stream of consciousness" mode. Thoughts tumbled one after the other without break at times. There definitely were many sentences which could have been tightened up in terms of periods, semi-colons, or colons. Still, you hate to put such a damper on creativity. Beyond writing technique, the characterizations were very good. I was a little taken aback at times by Clark, however, and I wondered if that had anything to do with the male point of view as opposed to the typical female view I am used to reading. For instance, I was especially surprised by Clark's behavior when he takes Lois off to a secluded location after he tells her the big secret. Once there, in a fit of emotion amidst their intense conversation, the following occurs: >> ....Suddenly, he was behind her and his hands were on her waist. Before she could make a sound, whether of surprise, joy or protest, he lifted her high above his head. She felt like a ballerina, but this was no dance.... Almost in spite of herself, she began to relax. Her head fell back, her back arched and her limbs stretched out until she found, to her surprise, that she was in a very ballerina-like pose, but quite comfortable and secure. Her response to his impromptu pas de deux seemed to encourage him, and she saw the horizon begin to sweep past as he began to slowly turn around, his feet a few inches above the sand. He was... flaunting her, almost, displaying her, although to whom or to what, she couldn't say. His voice had become slightly louder, but no less intense, taking on a challenging note as he spoke on, and she began to understand as she listened to him, whomever he might be addressing now: "I want to shout out to the whole damned universe, Here She Is! This is Lois Lane, the woman I would have to share my life. *This* is the one! *She* is the reason that I was sent hundreds of light-years; *she* is the only woman who has ever truly touched me; *she* is the other half of my soul..." And then, as before, he seemed to run down, as though, having said something that he'd been wanting-- had *needed* to say, for far too long, his outburst had emptied him of almost all emotion and all of what little pretence he had ever used with her. He set her down on the sand and stepped back, finishing what he was saying in a much-diminished voice, "...she is the one I love..."<< Boy, I never saw Clark quite like this, and I hesitate to say it's out of character. To hold Lois up, like a trophy? Hmm. **** Another interesting, but funny, difference I noted (and this is just an observation) was the complete absence of any description of what Lois was wearing. In comparison, Clark's wardrobe is described in detail. For instance, on their first date, as in Lucky Leon, Lois leaves work early to get ready and Clark declares her "lovely". That's all we know -- which is fine. As for Clark, >>She'd been expecting him to be in a suit, or even a tuxedo, so an ensemble consisting of a black leather jacket over a black roll-neck sweater and black pants was something of a surprise, but it *did* suit him. He looked mysterious, even a little dangerous -- somehow un-Clark-like, even though he still had that familiar, reassuring presence -- and the sight of him sent a pleasant thrill down her spine.<< Other Comments: 1) Lois' winning bid on Clark was $20,000. How would she be able to "throw away" this kind of money? Does anyone remember how much she was willing to bet on Superman in ILTY? 2) Mayson is described as the following, ";... Mayson, who was attractive, self-confident and not at all reluctant when it came to expressing her interest in Clark...." Self-confident? I certainly would not call Mayson that, at least in terms of her personal life. To the contrary, she seemed very needy which calls to mind other personality quirks that I can identify with. 3) The author has Clark doing an interesting "Super" trick that goes against the canon of the show as I understood it: >>Suddenly, even though Clark hadn't moved, Superman was standing there, slightly to his... own left? Lois was totally confused -- one minute, Clark was flying with her as only Superman could; and the next, Superman was there, large as life, right next to him!<< In other words, Clark was moving so fast, he could make himself appear to be standing beside himself *in* his Superman costume. I don't think he could do that, or knew he could. That would have certainly solved his problem in the episode where the Kents had to create a hologram to make it appear as if Clark and Superman were two people, and the later episode where Alt-Clark served the same purpose. 4) >> "I-- I can't find the words to say everything that I feel. I know hundreds of languages, but I can't find the words -- not in English, not in Kryptonese, not in *anything*. I-- I don't know how to tell you..."<< Clark doesn't know Kryptonese, although it *does* bear a remarkable resemblence to English. 5) >>"....for she knew that *she* was the important stakes in his great gamble. He could lose his privacy, his identity, his friends and family, but that would only be secondary to his losing her; *that* would be his true loss, to which all else would only be added sorrow -- painful, but as nothing to the real wound.<< Lois, my dear! You flatter yourself. Surely the loss of Clark's family would be no less painful than losing you! Different, yes. But, secondary? 6) >>Before Lois could respond to this unusual statement from someone who normally worked on the Eleanor Roosevelt principle ("If you can't say anything nice about anyone... come sit by me.")<< Oops. St. Eleanor would have never said this or even thought it.... This particular quote is associated with *Alice* Roosevelt Longworth -- St. Eleanor's second cousin by marriage, or some such distant cousin. Alice was TR's very acerbic daughter (who disliked Eleanor and certainly FDR). By the way, Alice also said: -- I have a simple philosophy. Fill what's empty. Empty what's full. Scratch where it itches. -- My father always wanted to be the corpse at every funeral, the bride at every wedding and the baby at every christening. -- You can't make souffle rise twice. -- I've always believed in the adage that the secret of eternal youth is arrested development. As for Montrose's Toast, we do learn to what that refers. But, I'll leave it to you to read this very interesting story to find it out. I certainly had fun reading it. Sandy ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 17:29:48 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kate Crane Subject: Re: Soulmate Chronicles Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit In a message dated 98-06-12 11:21:49 EDT, you write: << this story has not yet been released. it is still in the editing process. when it is released, it will be announced, I assure you. please be patient! >> Thank you for clearing that up!!! Kate ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 19:52:17 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Subject: Re: Soulmate Chronicles Comments: To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 >> We keep getting explanations about the soulmate chronicles, but can anybody tell us where to find THE SEA HAWK..........PLEASE. << You can't get it, 'cause it ain't finished yet Well, alright, the first draft was finished, but some of the authors (Lan= s & Mack??) are doing extensive rewrites. When they're satisfied, then the= story will be distributed, and no doubt it will show up on this very list= =2E Sorry it isn't better news... And, on another note, my sincere thanks to everyone who's written about their opinions of Season 5... I will write individual replies, sooner or later but in the meantime, you can be assured that I appreciate your time. :-) PJ (new baby pics on my website, btw, plus a shot of my new haircut! ) !^NavFont02F0292000FMGJHG70MG72HI94DAFE E-mail from: Pam Jernigan, 12-Jun-1998 / ChiefPam on the IRC ~~~~~ ~~~~~ "Are you under the care of a qualified psychiatrist, Constable?" = -- "The Ladies' Man", Due South "Women and cats will do as they please and men and dogs = should relax and get used to the idea." -- Robert A. Heinlein ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 11:57:02 PDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Peace Everett Subject: Re: Fanfic Review: Montrose's Toast In-Reply-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"; X-MAPIextension=".TXT" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Sandy wrote: >As a matter of fact, I wanted to post a very funny >shortish essay on the issue of female writers in Hollywood, but I wonder= ed >if it wouldn't be appropriate because it's not about L&C. It *is* about >writing, however. Please tell me if you're interested. I think a group= of >*predominately* female writers would enjoy it ... and the males would >get a tickle too.) Yes, please do, Sandy -- I would like very much to read this. I've already sent my comments to Phil on his story, which I enjoyed very much, and I second Sandy's recommendation -- read this story -- it's a = good one! Peace ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 18:24:23 +1000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jenny Stosser Subject: Lois & Clark Aussie timetable for this week Comments: To: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" If you hadn't already figured it out... Melbourne and Hobart have TTNBM at 4pm on Sunday 13/6. The same ep airs in Perth on Saturday June 20, at 4pm, with, as I reported last week, STP showing about NOW as I write . My guess is that other states will pick up the series on or after Lois & Clarks, as I think that's the last ep that aired in most places. -- Jenny Stosser -*- -*- (Jenerator or Some1Else on IRC) -*- My ICQ# is 11477318 -*- This message is umop ap!sdn -*- Photos of David (5) and Megan (2) on the Stosser Family HomePage: Please sign our guestbook! ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 14:16:13 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carmille Caluag Subject: desktop theme help Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit I wanted to download the L&C theme but I lost the url of the site that contains it. I was wondering if anybody can give it to me. ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 07:17:18 +1000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jenny Stosser Subject: Re: desktop theme help In-Reply-To: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 02:16 PM 13/06/98 EDT, you wrote: > I wanted to download the L&C theme but I lost the url of the site that >contains it. I was wondering if anybody can give it to me. There are a number of l&c desktop themes. My website at has various items zipped that you can use in a L&C desktop theme There is another at, as well as one at (I think I have those two urls correct. ) Goodluck! -- Jenny Stosser -*- -*- (Jenerator or Some1Else on IRC) -*- My ICQ# is 11477318 -*- This message is umop ap!sdn -*- Photos of David (5) and Megan (2) on the Stosser Family HomePage: Please sign our guestbook! ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 17:20:08 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Laura Schwartz Subject: My Magazine Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit This isn't L&C related, but: Want to subscribe to a free online magazine called GirL!? It's for teen and preteen girls. To subscribe e-mail LCMANIAC . Don't worry, it's free. Issues are circulating now! Issues come out every 2 weeks. We have polls, quizzes, articles, advice, and want ads so that you can advertise anything you want (within reason!). We have over 450 subscribers. Go to The GirL! Homepage! ( to check out current issues of GirL! Starting soon, we will have contests with prizes from many different companies! ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 15:21:56 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jon Neil Subject: Re: desktop theme help Hope this is the one you wanted Cassie On Sat, 13 Jun 1998 14:16:13 EDT Carmille Caluag writes: > I wanted to download the L&C theme but I lost the url of the site >that >contains it. I was wondering if anybody can give it to me. > ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 04:31:14 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Lansbury 1 Subject: Re: Soulmate Chronicles Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Dear Carmille, It should be a matter of days before the distribution of Sea Hawk. I hope you enjoy once she read it. Please let me know your comments on this and all of the other SoulMate Chronicles. They have been a great 'labor of love' for me. Annie Lansbury ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 04:36:42 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Lansbury 1 Subject: Re: Soulmate Chronicles Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Dear Kate, I am very pleased to tell you that the SoulMate Chronicles: The Sea Hawk will be distributed in a matter of days. This series has been a 'labor of love' for me and I hope you enjoy reading all of them. Please let me know your comments after you have read The Sea Hawk. Annie Lansbury ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 11:54:48 +0000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Phillip Atcliffe Subject: Fanfic Review: Montrose's Toast - Reply, Part 1 Once upon a time, much to the benefit of my ego, Sandra wrote some nice comments about one of my fanfics, and I'd like to reply to some of her observations. Because of my srizonified mail software (and you get the trivia prize for today if you know where _that_ word came from -- even moreso if you know what it means...), this will have to be done in 2 or more parts. Okay, here we go. Sandra said: > Just when I was about to post my thoughts about "Paradise Lost" (and I think Genevieve's gonna kill me for procrastinating), I began perusing the fanfic archive and came across "Montrose's Toast". I remember someone mentioning this story since there are so few male L&C fanfic writers and the author, in this case I believe, is a male. [...] First off, I want to say that the story itself, by Phil Atcliffe, (this is a guy, right?)... < Yep. Male, a guy, all that... > ...As for the writing, it had the feel of something written in the "stream of consciousness" mode. Thoughts tumbled one after the other without break at times. There definitely were many sentences which could have been tightened up in terms of periods, semi-colons, or colons. Still, you hate to put such a damper on creativity. < The run-on stuff is usually deliberate, either because I feel that the character is babbling (internally or externally) or because I tend to write as if someone is reading the text aloud. _More_ semi-colons, etc?! It sometimes worries me that I use too many of them as it is. > Beyond writing technique, the characterizations were very good. I was a little taken aback at times by Clark, however, and I wondered if that had anything to do with the male point of view as opposed to the typical female view I am used to reading. < Quite likely. For example, a common plot twist in a lot of fanfic (and I _think_ it's pretty much exclusive to female-written stuff) goes like this: Clark tells Lois the big secret, she hits the roof, and he just stands there and takes it, unable to defend or justify himself while she rampages about and then stomps off in a furious huff. While it can be argued that this is in character, or could be, it's not the only possible response, and the continual repetition got on my nerves -- as did Lois' frequent accusation that Clark was laughing at her as she bounced back and forth between his two identities. Considering the pain that her Superman-is-a-god-Clark-is-a-schmuck behaviour put him through, this seemed like rubbing salt into the wound. So I had Clark do a little venting of his own. He suffers a tremendous amount of frustration because of the complications of his dual identity, and this is a chance to let some of it out -- probably rather more than he might have intended. Above all, I was out to lightning-rod the "usual" Lois-style rants and raves; too many stories, IMO, have her going on and on about how hardly-done-by she is, that Clark's lied to her for x years, etc., etc., and all that Clark ever gets to do is take it and grovel in apology until she calms down and forgives him. Whether this is a female thing or not, I don't know, and I won't even argue that it's in character, but I wanted to do something different. > For instance, I was especially surprised by Clark's behavior when he takes Lois off to a secluded location after he tells her the big secret. Once there, in a fit of emotion amidst their intense conversation, the following occurs: [Snip aerial pas de deux description] Boy, I never saw Clark quite like this, and I hesitate to say it's out of character. To hold Lois up, like a trophy? Hmm. < _Not_ a trophy. A prize, perhaps, but not one that he's earned or been given -- yet. Something (well, someone) of unequalled value that he wants to show to the universe, so that it knows just whom he's talking about. Like he said, _This_ is the one! This is Clark venting again. He's had it up to the ionosphere with hiding himself and what he feels, and now that he's started, he can't stop letting it all out until it's all got out. Here and now, in this private place where no-one who shouldn't know can hear, he has the chance to finally tell Lois (and the universe) everything that he's had to hold inside all his life; he's probably rather surprised at what comes out, but out it must come. > Another interesting, but funny, difference I noted (and this is just an observation) was the complete absence of any description of what Lois was wearing. In comparison, Clark's wardrobe is described in detail. For instance, on their first date, as in Lucky Leon, Lois leaves work early to get ready and Clark declares her "lovely". That's all we know -- which is fine. As for Clark... [Snip Clark's black-on-black outfit] Partly this is another male thing -- to paraphrase the old art cliche, I don't know much about women's clothes, but I know what I like. And, to be honest, I didn't think it was relevant. Lois can look gorgeous when she wants to (e.g., the end of SG ), so saying that was enough; I only described Clark's clothes to make the point that he was all in black. This is a camouflage thing -- if he's going to be doing super-stuff out of the suit, then he won't want to be seen. Besides, ISTR a few reactions on various lists to Clark in black, and I'm not above tossing in something for my readers' imaginations. FWIW, there's a quite short description of Lois "dressing to kill" in another of my stories, namely "Much Ado About..." Maybe that'll satisfy the clothes hounds..? More in Part 2... Phil -------------------------------------------------------------- "We gotta get out into Space, | A sentiment echoed by: If it's the last thing we ever do!" | Phil Atcliffe -- Return to the Forbidden Planet | ( ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 12:37:25 +0000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Phillip Atcliffe Subject: Fanfic Review: Montrose's Toast - Reply, Part 2 Moving right along, Sandra also wrote: > Other Comments: 1) Lois' winning bid on Clark was $20,000. How would she be able to "throw away" this kind of money? Does anyone remember how much she was willing to bet on Superman in ILTY? < I have to pass the buck on this one. The 20-grand figure comes from the original story (to which MT is a sequel) "Sold!", by Erin Dawn McInnis, and I had to work >from that. It bugged me, too, but was an even bigger problem when I wanted Clark to top the auction -- so Superman had to be knocked down for a measly _ten_ grand. Fortunately, no-one has objected to that (he said, bracing himself for a flood of "that's _stupid!_ messages ) and I could argue that, as Lois surmised, the atmosphere at the auction might have been dampened by her big bid for Clark. Auctions are funny things that way: something gets sold for a huge figure, and what follows can either be a bout of "auction fever", with everything going for large sums, or the exact opposite. I chose to have things depressed. > 2) Mayson is described as the following, "...Mayson, who was attractive, self-confident and not at all reluctant when it came to expressing her interest in Clark...." Self-confident? I certainly would not call Mayson that, at least in terms of her personal life. To the contrary, she seemed very needy, which calls to mind other personality quirks that I can identify with. < Depends on what you consider to be confidence, and how that confidence is expressed. It seems to me that Mayson's forthright approach to Clark indicates that she had enough self-confidence to make a grab for what she wanted. This is in stark contrast to Lois, who, as self-confident as she is professionally, was very tentative in trying for a relationship with _anyone_ (especially Clark). In my ignorance, the two women seem to be about equal in that respect; it's just how their different personalities affect their relationships with Clark. > 3) The author has Clark doing an interesting "Super" trick that goes against the canon of the show as I understood it: >> Suddenly, even though Clark hadn't moved, Superman was standing there, slightly to his... own left? Lois was totally confused -- one minute, Clark was flying with her as only Superman could; and the next, Superman was there, large as life, right next to him! << In other words, Clark was moving so fast, he could make himself appear to be standing beside himself *in* his Superman costume. I don't think he could do that, or knew he could. That would have certainly solved his problem in the episode where the Kents had to create a hologram to make it appear as if Clark and Superman were two people, and the later episode where Alt-Clark served the same purpose. < Spot the comics reader . The doubling up trick is an old one for characters with super-speed. The various Flashes use it most often, but Superman has been known to do it, too -- or, at least, he did before the Crisis. The modern Superman may not be able to carry this one off (and hence neither would our Clark), but it made for a funny scene, and, once again, gave Clark a chance to _do_ something rather than just be the target for Lois' recriminations. It wasn't intentional, but, looking back at the story, Clark comes across as trying (and, for the most part, succeeding) to keep control of the conversation, presumably in order to stop Lois from going off the deep end and getting away >from what _he_ wants to say. This bit is the first instance of that (if you don't count the "Quit thrashing about!" line before they get to the beach): Lois is giving him the I-don't-believe-it line, and he can't stand it, so he distracts her by a bit of gratuitous super-demonstration. 4) >> "I-- I can't find the words to say everything that I feel. I know hundreds of languages, but I can't find the words -- not in English, not in Kryptonese, not in *anything*. I-- I don't know how to tell you..."<< > Clark doesn't know Kryptonese, although it *does* bear a remarkable resemblance to English. < Again, I don't think this is really relevant. If anything, Clark is showing his larger world view here; he's Kryptonian (i.e., from another planet), so his inarticulateness is wider-ranging than just Earth, even if he can't speak anything other than Earth languages. It's more a matter of emphasis than anything else -- and, once again, it reminds Lois just who and what she's dealing with. 5) >>"....for she knew that *she* was the important stakes in his great gamble. He could lose his privacy, his identity, his friends and family, but that would only be secondary to his losing her; *that* would be his true loss, to which all else would only be added sorrow -- painful, but as nothing to the real wound.<< > Lois, my dear! You flatter yourself. Surely the loss of Clark's family would be no less painful than losing you! Different, yes. But, secondary? < Yes, secondary. This may be a male thing, but I know just how Clark is feeling (well, I should, shouldn't I? ). Lois, with perhaps a little author-given insight, has deduced this correctly. _She_ is the most important thing in the universe to him. His parents are very dear to him, but he's moved on from them. That's what men _do_ -- as in the old saying: "A son's a son till he takes a wife..." It doesn't mean that he isn't close to his parents, that he doesn't love them as much as he ever did, that he won't help them and ask them for help, but he's a man now, and he wants his _own_ family -- specifically, his own mate, which means Lois. More in the third (and final) part. Phil ------------------------------------------------------------- "I think... I think I am! | I think _I_ am: Therefore I am... I think..?" | Phil Atcliffe -- The Moody Blues | ( ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 12:46:02 +0000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Phillip Atcliffe Subject: Fanfic Review: Montrose's Toast - Reply, Part 3 To continue: This attitude can go further -- not always, but it can. When my wife went into hospital with our first child (she had a nasty case of pre-eclampsia), I had to consider what I would do if it came to a choice between her and the baby. It didn't take me long to make up my mind -- I didn't want the baby without my wife. Now, you can make of that what you will, but the point is that to many men, their mates _are_ the most important person in the world to them. A man can lose his parents, siblings and even children, but as long as he has his mate, he can carry on; lose _her, and the world has been shattered. This is by no means universal, but it's true, and I felt that Clark would (or could) be one of those men. 6) >>Before Lois could respond to this unusual statement from someone who normally worked on the Eleanor Roosevelt principle ("If you can't say anything nice about anyone... come sit by me.") << > Oops. St. Eleanor would have never said this or even thought it.... < Really? According to one source, she had it embroidered on a sofa cushion in her drawing room. And "Saint" Eleanor? Hmmm... not from the history (which, I freely admit, is pretty scanty) that I read. > As for Montrose's Toast, we do learn to what that refers. But, I'll leave it to you to read this very interesting story to find it out. I certainly had fun reading it. < Which was the whole idea. Thanks muchly, Sandra, for your interesting comments, and thanks to all who have ploughed their way through my ramblings in response. Phil, looking forward to doing some more writing over the summer ------------------------------------------------------------- Gravity is a Downer... So let's go flying! -- so sayeth Phil Atcliffe ( ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 18:44:14 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: The Zoomway Subject: Re: Review: Montrose's Toast - Reply, Parts 1 thru 3 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit In a message dated 98-06-14 06:56:51 EDT, P-ATCLIFFE@WPG.UWE.AC.UK writes: << The run-on stuff is usually deliberate, either because I feel that the character is babbling (internally or externally) or because I tend to write as if someone is reading the text aloud. _More_ semi-colons, etc?! It sometimes worries me that I use too many of them as it is. >> I have to admit when I read Montrose's Toast, it was the emotional impact and not the mechanics of writing I remember, and so how ever you wrote the story, it worked for me. I don't often notice a writer's mechanics unless it's truly bizarre or has a ton of typos or misspellings, etc. Fanfic, like the series itself, was/is about emotional moments to me, and not about the mechanics of television production. Besides, I think I'm the run-on sentence champ as it is >>>Quite likely. For example, a common plot twist in a lot of fanfic (and I _think_ it's pretty much exclusive to female-written stuff) goes like this: Clark tells Lois the big secret, she hits the roof, and he just stands there and takes it, unable to defend or justify himself while she rampages about and then stomps off in a furious huff. While it can be argued that this is in character, or could be, it's not the only possible response.....<<< I think how Lois (or Clark) acts, reacts, or interacts during a revelation scene, at least for me, depends on the circumtances. If Lois was told mid- first season, I think her reaction would be very different from how she would react second season after more history had passed between them and her once over-the-top obsession for Superman had shifted toward a true friendship. It doesn't necessarily mean the anger wouldn't be there, but perhaps the motive for the anger would be different. If we go with the series' revelation, Lois's anger came not so much from the truth, as much as the misuse of the truth. That is, Clark expected Lois to answer the most important question of her life based on a lie, or at the very least, not the whole truth. She had figured it out, and had Clark done the revelation instead of the proposal, I think the anger would not have been there. She was *expecting* a revelation, then she got a proposal, and it ticked her off. What's he trying to pull here? Does he *ever* plan to tell me? Again, the circumstances dictated Lois's reaction. Tempus Fugitive, Clark got a slap in the face and a *lot* of anger. Tempus reveled in making Lois feel stupid and she took it out on Clark. Later she apologizes after seeing Clark with his parents, and realizing how isolated his world is, and was growing up, but her initial reaction caused by Tempus wasn't a surprise. In Montrose's Toast, you actually had Lois's arguments expressed by Clark: "...a fair idea of how you'd react to being told the truth. I figured you'd be angry, and you are -- ...I also know, or can guess, that a good half of your anger is at what you see as my 'betrayal' of your trust....I've also seen how you react to situations like this in the past. You kick yourself for your supposed stupidity, and you lash out at the other person for what you *think* they've been thinking about you...." So you really had many of Lois's expected (and in some fanfics actualized) responses to the revelation, except they're defused because Lois isn't the one expressing them. The same technique was used (but with Lois) in We Have a Lot to Talk About. Rather than Clark saying he kept the secret partly because if she knew, she'd be a target, *Lois* says that instead, sort of filling in the blanks on his justification for keeping the secret from her. In this instance Clark's response is the defused one because Lois is carrying on both sides of the argument just as Clark does to some extent in Montrose's Toast. I have written Lois's reaction different in three separate stories, and in one, her reaction is tenderness and support feeling Clark literally trusted her with his fate. For me, it was how I saw the circumstances. Sandy wrote: >>Boy, I never saw Clark quite like this, and I hesitate to say it's out of character. To hold Lois up, like a trophy? Hmm. <<< Phil replied: <<_Not_ a trophy<< I agree, I didn't see Clark holding Lois aloft as a trophy, nor did I see it out of character. I think Clark could have easily done that scene in WHALTTA. I saw the scene as a proclamation, or declaration of all Lois meant to him; showing the cosmos that "this woman" was "the one" who meant *everything* to him. It's a wonderful scene, and I'd have loved to have seen it on the series. Sandy wrote: >>>> Another interesting, but funny, difference I noted (and this is just an observation) was the complete absence of any description of what Lois was wearing. In comparison, Clark's wardrobe is described in detail.<<<< Phil responded: >>>Partly this is another male thing -- to paraphrase the old art cliche, I don't know much about women's clothes, but I know what I like. And, to be honest, I didn't think it was relevant.<<< If not describing what women are wearing is an inherently male writing characteristic, then I'm in a *lot* of trouble I almost never describe Lois or Clark's clothing in a story unless (a) They're wearing something they wouldn't normally wear or (b) one is ogling the other appreciatively ;) I agree with your assessment, Phil, what Lois was wearing in the scene was irrelevent. Clark was the one not wearing what he normally would, or at least not what Lois expected. Describing Lois and Clark's clothes just to have a description of clothing is like describing the Daily Planet each time they step inside We *know* how Lois and Clark normally dressed on the series, and so unless they're wearing something they normally wouldn't, or it isn't being viewed through another character's eyes for some purpose, then it's totally superfluous to the story. It's one of the truisms of fanfic. The universe has been established, and whether it's the bridge of the Enterprise, or the news room at the Daily Planet, we know the setting, the people, and for the most part, what they'll be wearing, if only in the general sense based on what they wore more often than not on the series. The most I ever see clothing described is in "nfic" when it's being removed ;) Phil said, in response to Sandy mentioning a scene where Clark moves so fast that he's literally 'beside himself': >>Spot the comics reader . <<< Yeah, I told Georgia I knew that was written by a comic book reader ;) I like putting in some comic book characters that I think might make a transition to L&C's universe, if only in fanfic. Anyway, I liked the scene and think Clark could have accomplished it on the series, now whether the SFX department could, is another matter ;) >>>Again, I don't think this is really relevant. If anything, Clark is showing his larger world view here; he's Kryptonian (i.e., from another planet), so his inarticulateness is wider-ranging than just Earth, even if he can't speak anything other than Earth languages. It's more a matter of emphasis than anything else -- and, once again, it reminds Lois just who and what she's dealing with.<<<< Again, I agree, it wasn't about Krytonian language anymore than it was about English or Spanish, it was about Clark not finding the words in *any* language to express to Lois how much she meant to him. >>>Yes, secondary. This may be a male thing, but I know just how Clark is feeling (well, I should, shouldn't I? ). Lois, with perhaps a little author-given insight, has deduced this correctly. _She_ is the most important thing in the universe to him.<<< Actually Phil, I don't think you have to wonder if it is a 'male or female' point of view. I think it was made clear in the series that, as you say, Lois was "... the most important thing in the universe to him..." First season he says he could lose everything else, but the one thing he didn't want to live without, was Lois. If we go to 4th season, that feeling has not diminished, if anything, it has intensified "Lois, if I ever lost you, I'd be losing myself." Your depiction of Clark, and how important Lois was to him, was dead on the money. >>>A man can lose his parents, siblings and even children, but as long as he has his mate, he can carry on; lose _her, and the world has been shattered. This is by no means universal, but it's true, and I felt that Clark would (or could) be one of those men.<<< Ooh, I love that, and I agree. That is how Clark felt about Lois. >>>Really? According to one source, she had it embroidered on a sofa cushion in her drawing room. And "Saint" Eleanor?<<< The best Eleanor Roosevelt quote is "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." ;) The other quote is by Alice, but I had to look it up to make sure, so don't worry, if Americans have to run to a quotations book to make sure, the sentiment of the statement is much more important than who said it anyway ;) >>>thanks to all who have ploughed their way through my ramblings in response.<<<< Well, I loved your ramblings ;) In the end, some will try and acribe noticeable differences between how men and women approach a story and its characters, but since I have a very ambiguous nickname that many seem to assume is male, I've gotten compliments on fanfic with lines like "It's refreshing to see Lois and Clark from a male point of view" (I should shave more often apparently ;) I've seen so-called 'fanboy' fiction written by women, and very wafffy (yours included) romantic stories written by men. I think a given writer's assessment of the characters is what really counts in fanfic. In that point, you were 'spot on' ;) ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 19:13:12 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Eileen F. Ray" Subject: New Fanfic Alert: Three New Round Robins :) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Hi Everyone, The IRC round robin writers have been busy again so I'll be spamming the list with the results ;). The first story is "Sins of the Past" which focuses in on Dr. Klein and his connections to a deadly enemy from Lois's and Clark's past. The second is "Jury Duty" which details Lois's experiences when she tries to fulfill her civic duty ;). The third is "Stalked" which finds Lois and Clark up against a mysterious foe who is intent upon uncovering Clark's secret identity. We hope you enjoy them. Comments are welcome. Cheers, Eileen ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 19:13:18 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Eileen F. Ray" Subject: NEW FANFIC: SINS OF THE PAST: Part 1 of 3 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit SINS OFTHE PAST An IRC Round Robin by zoomway (; chrispat(; CrystalW (; Eraygun (; Lansbury (; Missytoo ( [zoomway] Dr. Klein stepped into his office shuffling through his mail. "MSA," he sighed. "I hate MSA meetings. The food is awful and that woman with blue hair is always hitting on me." He dropped the invitation into the round file. "Lab estimates...funding..." He sighed again. Then an envelope that had not been mailed, but merely had his name hand printed on it, stood out from the pile. He shrugged and unsealed the envelope. He pulled out a beige slip of paper. His eyes widened as he read. "Oh, God, they found me." He quickly refolded the paper, put it back in the envelope and tucked it inside his lab coat. He placed a hand on his forehead. "I thought they were all gone. I thought the bureau was gone!" He reached for the phone, only to have it ring just as he touched the receiver. He jumped back, momentarily startled. His heart was racing. "Calm down," he told himself and picked up the receiver. "Dr. Klein," he said, surprised his voice sounded so weak. "Klein. You know the drill. Tomorrow, the old place," a gravely voice said, and then disconnected. "It's them!" "It's who?" Teng, a lab assistant asked as he strolled into the room. "What?" Klein said, his eyes a bit wild. "Them, you said it was 'them'." "Oh." Klein thought frantically. "Them. Giant ants. Them was ants, were ants. Old movie. Phone trivia..." Teng smiled. "You're babbling, Doctor." "Babbling! That's it, I have to call Ms. Lane." Klein nodded, suddenly feeling he'd found an out. A rescuer. "Ms. Lane?" "Fan of old movies, a friend, a reporter, pit bull..." Teng laughed. "I know who Ms. Lane is, Doctor. I was going to say she should be here fairly soon. She left a message. Something about Superman .." Klein took a few calming breaths. "Yes. I remember now. Some technical information on Superman's flight capability for an article. A sidebar for the Metropolis Air Show." Teng nodded. "Yeah, that was it. Anyway, she'll be here soon. I have to get that data on the genetic construct project so I'll see you later...Dr. Klein?" "Yes, see you later," he said absently. [chrispat] Klein spent the next twenty minutes pacing frantically. When Lois finally arrived, he grabbed her by the arms. "Ms. Lane, you've got to help me!" "Dr. Klein! I'm a married woman. Please unhand me." He backed off, hands raised. "Oh. I'm sorry, but I'm in trouble... deep trouble." "Trouble? What do you mean?" He looked around furtively. "I really shouldn't be telling you this," he whispered loudly, "but I was involved in a top secret government project a few years ago. I quit, but now they want me back." "Well, what's wrong with that? Don't they pay well?" Klein rolled his eyes. "You don't understand. They want something I invented. I never told them I had made a breakthrough, but they must have found out somehow, and now they want it." Lois sighed with exasperation. Sometimes getting anything coherent out of Dr. Klein was like pulling teeth. "Well, what is it?" she demanded. He looked around even more frantically, going to the door to check for any eavesdroppers. "Ms. Lane. I invented a weapon that could kill anyone, even Superman, and now they want it." Lois recoiled in shock. "Who? Why would the government want to kill Superman!" [Eraygun] Dr. Klein sat down dejectedly and covered his face with his hands. "It's a long story, Ms. Lane." "I've got plenty of time, Doctor!" "Sshhh, keep your voice down, please." "Dr. Klein, you've just told me someone is trying to kill Superman!" Lois replied in a tight voice. "I think that's reason enough to raise my voice." Dr. Klein nodded in agreement and then led Lois to his private office. "So now that we're *completely* alone, will you please answer my question," Lois said as the door to the office closed. "Why does the government want to kill Superman and how are you involved?" Dr. Klein sighed. "This concerns a part of my life that I wanted to forget. But I guess you can't really escape your past." He took a seat behind his desk and motioned for Lois to take a nearby chair. "You see Ms. Lane, I used to work for a secret government agency that was responsible for tracking down UFOs and other unexplained phenomena. It was called ..." "Bureau 39!?" Lois interjected. "You've heard of it?!" [Lansbury] Lois looked at Dr. Klein as he lowered his head. "Dr.Klein, how could you have worked for *them*?" Before she had the chance to say another word, he looked at her and pleaded with his eyes for her to understand. "I was very young, just finishing my graduate study at MIT when a very well-dressed man came into the lab one morning. He knew all about me and all my research to date. I was very flattered he knew who I was. He told me he was from a 'special' government agency who wanted me to help in researching a problem they had. He promised me a lab full of every imaginable piece of equipment I could think of. I thought I had been handed the job of my dreams." Lois shifted in the chair. "What happened next?" "I finished my post grad work. I took the job and begin working on my second doctorate in nuclear physics." "They let you work and study?" "Yes. Then after a few years there I noticed some of my research and ideas were being used in the military. I was first appalled but soon got over it when I thought they were going to be used to protect and not destroy. I was such a fool, a fool living in a fool's paradise." Lois moved from her chair and came to lay a hand on Klein's shoulder. "Dr. Klein, how does all this affect Superman? What did you invent?" "I'm getting to that. It was when a man by the name of Trask came to work in my department that everything for me began to fall apart." Lois visibly cringed at the mention of Trask's name. "What did this Trask want?" [Missytoo] "Trask felt that Superman was the advance man for an alien invasion. He thought that all the good works he performed were just 'publicity stunts'. Of course, I had no idea what he planned to use my research for . . . It was a laser generator that utilized radiation from the sun's rays, and then amplified them into an intense energy beam." Klein sighed. "It was intended to be an alternate source of energy; a means to produce cheap electricity only much safer than conventional solar technology." "What made him think it would be harmful to Superman?" "I suppose the sun's energy was the most powerful force he could think of... small-minded little man..." Lois almost smiled. Dr. Klein's opinions and her own generally ran totally in sync when it came to evil-minded ne'er-do-wells. "What happened to the technology, Dr. Klein?" "I hadn't quite perfected it when this Agent Trask approached me about converting the plans to some sort of weapon. I told him that I would *never* consider making something eco-friendly into a government issued nightmare." "So what did you do?" "I refused to do the conversion plans and the next day discovered that my initial prototypes had been stolen." "They got everything?" "No, Lois. Just the prototypes. I hadn't quite worked out all the problems with the energy conversion, so the stuff they stole was flawed in its science. I took all my notes, and drawings, and anything I thought would be useful for them, and destroyed them, or changed them to disguise them, and I left. I never went back... even moved to another city. I never did get to finish my doctorate in nuclear physics." "So now they've contacted you again? Want you to finish it?" "I'm afraid so. No one could perfect it without my input. I had only figured out the corrections I needed to make that morning of the break-in. I distinctly remember that I was getting out of the shower and slipped on the floor, and bumped my head on the toi-...uh.. well, after I came to, I realized I had been pursuing the conversion from the wrong approach.. it all seemed so clear to me. I rushed to my lab and found it in ruins." Lois sighed, "Thank God the prototype was useless to them, and you never finished it." Dr. Klein blushed, and looked away from her, unable to meet her eyes. "Dr. Klein? You *didn't* finish it?" "Well.. er.. uh, actually... I did." "You what?!" "Well, Lois. Once a scientist, always a scientist... and if I *could* help provide the world with clean, safe solar energy, I owed it to humanity to finish it." Lois felt her mouth fall open in disbelief as both of them heard the sound of trotting feet in the hallway, and turned toward the door. A dark silhouette appeared in the window of the door, and they realized the doorknob was being turned in a very slow, quiet manner. [zoomway] Lois backed into Klein as he backed into the wall. They both stared at the doorknob as if to will it not to open. Then there was a soft rapping noise. "Lois?" Klein and Lois nearly collapsed with relief. Klein opened the door. "Come in, Mr. Kent." Clark smiled. "Hi, Doctor Klein, I heard Lois was.." Lois grabbed Clark by the lapels and kissed him firmly. "God, I'm glad you're you," she sighed. Clark smiled and adjusted his glasses. "Me too, at the moment anyway." Klein shut the door behind him as Lois hustled Clark to the far side of the room. Clark narrowed his eyes with suspicion. "Am I missing something here?" "Clark," Lois said as she scanned the office. "Bureau 39 is back." "What?" "Clark, don't say 'what' when you know 'what'." "Honey, calm down, I remember Bureau 39 all too well. Trask nearly killed me and my parents. How can they be back? What do they want?" "Superman," Klein said, staring directly into Clark's eyes, something Clark found unnerving until he realized that Klein was simply answering his question. "It's all my fault, Mr. Kent. I completed a project I'd started for them, but I'm afraid they want to pervert it as a weapon against Superman." "Clark," Lois continued. "It started as a cheap energy source, and then Trask stepped into the picture." Klein nodded. "He seemed to have this EBE obsession." "Extraterrestrial Biological Entity," Lois said softly. Both Clark and Klein looked at her. Klein smiled faintly. "That's amazing, Ms. Lane. I had no idea you followed UFOlogy." "I don't," she shrugged. "But I did watch The X-Files. I kind of liked seeing an attractive, professional woman with a worse social life than mine." Clark put his arm around her. "Honey, whatever this is, I don't think it can hurt Superman." "I'm afraid it can, Mr. Kent. I'm not one hundred percent sure, but its power is nearly infinite." Clark frowned. "Can it be destroyed?" Klein sighed. "Yes, but they have the prototype, and with a correction in its design flaw, they'll have what they need to mass produce their own." Lois looked up at Clark. "Dr. Klein used to work for them ... at least until he quit." "Now they want you back?" "Yes." Klein swallowed. "I'm trapped! You have no idea how powerful they are." Clark's expression darkened. "I have a pretty good idea how powerful they are." Lois knew Clark was getting angry. He had that 'determined' expression. She placed a reassuring hand on his chest. "I think we should find Superman." Clark nodded grimly. "With pleasure." Continued in Part 2 ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 19:13:23 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Eileen F. Ray" Subject: NEW FANFIC: SINS OF THE PAST : Part 2 of 3 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Sins of the Past continued from part 1 _______________________________________ [CrystalW] Mere minutes later, Superman was scouring the skies in search of signs of any out-of-place military setup. He knew he was being optimistic hoping to find something this obvious, but he wanted a head start on the meeting that was planned for the next day. Unfortunately, he found nothing. Although he thoroughly scoured the entire area surrounding the abandoned fuel depot where Dr. Klein had said he was to meet them, he found no lead lined bunkers or military equipment ... sure signs that Bureau 39 was setting up shop. He was slightly frustrated as he returned to STAR Labs, and landed near Lois and Dr. Klein. "Thank goodness Clark was able to find you," Klein said, rushing up to the superhero. Clark spared a glance for Lois. He knew that she had wanted to go with him while he 'searched for Superman', but Dr. Klein had been in no state of mind to be left alone. "I didn't find anything yet," he told them as Lois met his gaze. Dr. Klein became even more agitated at this news. A few moments later, they had agreed that it would be best for Dr. Klein to remain at STAR Labs overnight for his own safety. Clark checked with the night security guard, and ensured that he would keep an eye on Dr. Klein's office throughout the night. With that task done, he took to the skies once more, this time to follow Lois' progress back to the Daily Planet. By the time Clark had changed and returned to the newsroom, Lois was frantically trying to piece together the air show report for Perry. "I was supposed to conclude this with Dr. Klein's statement," she told her husband quickly. "I can't tell Perry why I didn't get the interview, and I have no clue what to fill in for its place. I can't tell him what's really going on. If I did he would want it in the evening edition, and I don't want every criminal in Metropolis knowing that it may be possible to kill Superman..." Clark stepped forward and pulled Lois into a gentle hug. He knew that she took any threat to him seriously, and he was certain that her babbling was a sign of her distress. Lois quieted and hugged her husband back. "I know I'm over reacting, I just know it, but I can't stand the thought of that man coming after you again. I can still see him when he pulled that gun on you. If it hadn't been for Rachel..." Clark rubbed her back and spoke soft words until she quieted. "Trask is dead," he reminded her when she was finally silent. "I know, but if the Bureau is still out there, then there is someone behind it." Clark didn't have an answer for that. Instead of trying to placate her with words, he released her, and bent over her keyboard. He added a few personal quotes regarding flight experiences to the article, and LAN-ed it to Perry. "Who needs technical information when you can have experience," he told her with a smile. Lois smiled in return, but he could tell by her face that she was still worried. [Eraygun] "Honey, I've been thinking. Superman isn't the only one who can look for those Bureau 39 holdovers." "What do you mean Clark?" "Well we're 'award winning investigative journalists', why don't *we* do a little checking around." Lois flashed a bigger warmer smile. "Great, but where do we start? This is a little out of Bobby Bigmouth's league." "I was thinking we might want to start with our NIA contacts." "Use one set of out-of-control, running amuck, rogue government agents to track down another?" Clark nodded. "Works for me," Lois said. "Who do you suggest we call first?" "How about Jack Olsen?" "Great idea." [Lansbury] "Now how do you suggest we go about getting in contact with Jack Olsen? Even Jimmy doesn't know where he is." Lois looked at her husband as he appeared to be in deep thought. "Clark, didn't you hear me?" "Sorry, honey. I was trying to think when the last time was Jimmy mentioned his Dad. Wait, didn't he say last week his Dad was going to be in Las Vegas this coming weekend to visit Jimmy's mother?" "He sure did. But this is Tuesday, the weekend is days away. There has to be another way." Lois was about to continue when Jimmy walked up to her desk. Both stopped to stare as he laid a folder on the top of her monitor. "What? Why are you guys staring at me? What did I do? What have you heard? Is Perry going to can me or something?" Each question came at them faster than they could answer. "Calm down Jimmy, nothing is wrong. We were surprised to see you, that's all." Clark walked around to stand next to Jimmy. "Hey weren't you going to show me the picture of the new lady in your life? How about doing it now?" Jimmy's concerned look faded as a huge smile appeared on his face. "She is the greatest, CK. I have her picture here in my wallet." Lois gave Clark a puzzled look. As Jimmy opened his wallet to pull out the picture. Clark used his super vision to scan the wallet for any address or telephone number for Jack Olsen. Jimmy was handing the picture to Clark as he came across what he was looking for. "She is pretty, Jimmy, I hope it works out for you this time." Clark was on his way out of the news room as Lois caught up with him. "What was all that about?" "I know where we can get in contact with Olsen." "Where?" Lois asked in a whisper. [Missytoo] "Nashville." "Nashville? Tennessee?" "Yup." "Ok, if he's in Nashville, he's probably investigating some kind of mind- altering sound waves infused into talentless recording artists' music to manipulate the poor deluded music-buying public." Clark took Lois by the elbow, and barely kept himself from laughing as he looked her straight in the eye. "Honey,... you're babbling again." "Oh.. well? Ever since Hank West's tragic death, I haven't been able to listen to any country music, you know that." "I know. You really liked his music. Why don't we have Superman fly down there and see if he can find him? It shouldn't take too long... I mean, how big can Nashville be?" "Okay, you go find Jack, and I'll go back to STAR Labs to sit with Dr. Klein. Maybe Jack knows someone who can help us." Clark sighed and kissed her on the forehead. "Honey? Maybe you'd let me escort you over to STAR Labs first, okay?" "Clark, don't be ridiculous. You know I'm perfectly safe at STAR Labs. The security guard said he'd look after Dr. Klein, and you *know* I can take care of myself." He sighed once more, then shrugged. He'd just follow her at a discreet distance then. "Okay, you're right... you go protect Dr. Klein, and I'll find Jack Olsen." He walked her to her car, tried to fasten her seatbelt for her, and she playfully smacked his hand. "You know that *I* know you'll follow me, just don't be too obvious about it, okay?" He laughed, then bent down and kissed her lightly. "Drive carefully. I love you." "I love you too, Clark. Now lemme get to STAR Labs so you can go find Jack." He nodded and stepped back, closed her car door and watched her drive out of the parking garage. The trip to STAR Labs was uneventful, and he waited until the security guard unlocked the front door and let her in before heading off to Nashville to find Jack. Lois thanked the security guard as he locked the door behind them. "I realize it's after business hours, but I thought Dr. Klein might appreciate some company." She felt the man behind her. She stepped quickly to the side, and turned into an automatic defensive posture. Unfortunately, the guard already had his 9mm pointed at her head. "Well, I guess that explains why you look different than you did three hours ago," she said. [zoomway] The man merely tipped his head to indicate Lois should precede him up the corridor. "You part of the Bureau 39 Drum and Thug Corps?" Lois asked as her eyes darted back and forth considering escape routes. "I expect a lot of exposition by this point in a kidnapping," she continued noting the security cameras were covered. They turned a corner and there was Klein, sitting at a conference table handcuffed to a chair. Men dressed in fatigues sat around the table, and turned to look as Lois was ushered in. "Ms. Lane," a man sporting a black star against his OD cap addressed her. "General," Lois said, noting the star. "You were a colonel the last time we met, Cash. I see you've been promoted." He stood in feigned gentle manners and bowed his head slightly. "It couldn't have happened in the regular Army, little missy, but--" " --but in the loony toon soldier corps you can be all that you can be," Lois said flatly. "Show her to her chair, corporal," Cash said through tight lips. Lois was seated and cuffed next to Klein. "I'm so sorry, Ms. Lane," Klein apologized. "It's all right," she said and then shifted her gaze to Cash. "I just hate to think how much of STAR Labs funding will have to be spent towards repairs after Superman takes it apart brick by brick to find us." Klein shrugged. "We're actually insured against natural disasters, war, crime, and acts of Superman. It was that red Kryptonite thing when--" "Stow it," Cash said, re-seating himself. "I believe you overcame your slight design flaw, Doctor." Klein glanced at Lois and then back to Cash. "Sorry," he said firmly. "I can't help you." Cash nodded thoughtfully. "Then I hope science can put Lois Lane back together again after we test the imperfect model on her." ***** Clark landed softly behind Jack Olsen, who was hiding behind a tree dripping with Spanish Moss. "Mr. Olsen?" Jack, all intent on his current mission to keep the free world free, swung around with a brutal roundhouse kick. A kick that dropped him moaning to the ground holding his ankle. Superman reached down his hand. "Sorry about that." Jack removed the starlight goggles from his forehead. "Superman? What are doing here?" "I need your help." Jack smiled. "I'd love to help you, but I've kind of got a situation here." "Terrorists in Nashville?" "As a matter of fact," Jack said, checking his spare clips. "Someone kidnap all the Elvis impersonators?" Clark said with a perfectly straight face. Jack laughed despite the tense situation. "You've gotten a sense of humor since the last time we met. Who is she?" Clark smiled. "Let's call that Superman's secret. How about I help you and you help me." Jack offered his hand. "Deal." [chrispat] Jack pulled Superman farther behind the tree. "Geez, they'll see you. Why didn't you consider something a little less eye-catching for a disguise?" Superman folded his arms across his chest and gave Jack his patented stern but patient stare. "My mother designed this costume. You have a problem with that?" "No, no. See those people over there picknicking? How about using that super hearing of yours on them?" "I don't eavesdrop on innocent people, Olsen." "They're not innocent. They're plotting to kidnap George Strait and demand the keys to Fort Knox as ransom." Clark couldn't help it. He laughed. "Yeah. I can just see all those country music fans rioting if the Feds don't give in." Jack looked hurt. "You think I'm kidding." "Uh huh." "Okay, okay. We think they're planning to bomb the White House and they're pretending to be tourists here until their material arrives. We need to find out where it's coming from and intercept it." Continued in Part 3 ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 19:13:27 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Eileen F. Ray" Subject: NEW FANFIC: SINS OF THE PAST: Part 3 of 3 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Sins of the Past continued from Part 2 ____________________________________ [chrispat] Well, if it's a case of national security, I guess I can do that." Superman listened. Just by chance the terrorists chose that moment to discuss their plans. [CrystalW] Clark zeroed in on the conversation, and was shocked to discover that the group was indeed planning on receiving a shipment of explosive materials. After only a few sentences, he realized that the group seemed highly reliant on its leader, a middle-aged man dressed in cowboy boots and too-tight jeans. With a quick whoosh, Clark plucked their "leader" from the center of the group, and deposited him in front of Jack Olsen. As predicted, the group scattered. The man Clark had captured didn't seem to be inclined to protect the others, and immediately began to name the ones who had been in the group. Clark immediately transported both Jack and the suspect to a local police station, where the man could be held while his statement was taken. Jack was not pleased at this involvement of the local police, but he finally gave his complete attention to Clark. "So, Superman," he said with a sigh. "What *are* you here for? Not that I don't appreciate the help, but I'm sure this isn't your usual method of assisting the government. Well," Jack prompted. "Tell me what you know about Bureau 39," Clark said bluntly. Jack looked taken aback for a moment, then answered, "That section of the Bureau has been closed for years. It was dismantled soon after Trask's death." Clark shook his head, and repeated his stern "Superman" look as he crossed his arms before him. "Now, tell me what isn't in the press releases." Jack checked both directions thoroughly, then spoke in a quiet voice. "There have been rumors, only rumors, that the Bureau has some additional ... interested parties," he told Superman. "There hasn't been any confirmation, but Cash disappeared a few weeks ago, and I know that he did work closely with Trask. If anyone would reinstitute the section, it would be him." Clark thought for a moment, remembering the colonel that Lois had injured more than slightly in their last encounter. He certainly hoped the man was not involved, but that was definitely their luck. "Do you have any idea where they might be, theoretically, if they were to reform the section?" "Judging from your line of questioning, you probably know more than I do. Is there a problem I can help with?" Clark thought a moment. Indirect questioning didn't seem to be bringing him any information, so he told Jack all that he *did* know about the possible weapon, and the history, while leaving out Dr. Klein's name. Jack didn't recognize the weapon, but some of the research mentioned rang a bell. They borrowed one of the police computers, and Jack quickly secured a line to his own government computer. He attached a small device to the modem line, and explained that it would scramble any secure information that he might need. After a few moments, he found what he was looking for, and turned to Clark with a look of alarm. "If this means what I think it does, your doctor friend may be right. Apparently, the Bureau has been utilizing this 'energy amplification' idea quite extensively, and they may have perfected it. If so, this is what you're looking at." He pointed to some mathematical formulas on the screen, which Clark quickly scanned. While mathematics had never been his favorite subject, he was familiar with most postulates and theorems. This was something new. According to this equation, the power of the weapon would indeed be unlimited. He turned to Jack with a worried look. "I need to find my friend and have him take a look at this," he told Jack. "Of course," he replied, and quickly downloaded the information to a disk. With the disk slipped into his sleeve, Clark took off at full speed, heading straight for STAR Labs, where he had left Dr. Klein. [Eraygun] Dr. Klein was hunched over at his lab workbench working on the energy extrapolator prototype while Lois sat nearby on the lab floor tending to the injured security guard, both under the watchful eye of one of Cash's minions. Suddenly the door to the lab swung open and *General* Cash strolled in, a cynical smile on his face. "I'm glad you decided to cooperate, Doctor, I'm sure you'll see this is all for the best." Klein began to respond, but Lois interrupted. "I'm sure he sees the same thing I do, Cash. You're an overgrown little boy looking for a new toy." "No Ms. Lane, I'm a patriot, trying to protect my country, my world from an alien invasion." "You mean Superman don't you? You sound just like that madman Trask," Klein interjected. "Trask wasn't a madman, he was a visionary. He knew that Superman was the advance man for more Kryptonians and they came here! He was right." "They also left, remember?" Lois replied flatly, and added with a trace of bitterness, "and Superman almost died making sure that they did." "It was all an act, little lady. They'll be back and this time we'll be ready for 'em. Once we have this little beauty here perfected," he said as he rubbed his hands on the gleaming weapon. "Of course we'll need to test it. And I know the perfect guinea pig." [Lansbury] Lois looked over at Klein. "Cash, this man needs medical attention. Why don't you let Dr. Klein help him?" "You think I'm a heartless beast, don't you, Ms. Lane?" "Well if the shoe fits," she said under her breath. Cash's head jerked around. "What was that you said?" Klein put himself between Lois and the general. "Come on, let me take a look at him. What harm will it do?" Cash looked down at the unconscious man and back to Klein. "Do what you can for him." Cash turned to leave the room but stopped at the door. "I'm going to tell my people if they see you do anything strange, they are to kill Ms. Lane." "You have my word I will only help this man." Klein knelt beside the man. Lois moved to make room for him. "Doctor, you are not to finish this weapon. Cash doesn't want it for only for killing Superman. I would bet my next paycheck he has plans to use this on the very people he says he wants to protect." "I have no plans to finish the weapon. But I have fixed it...." Just then the guard came towards them and stood closer to Klein. "Could you get me some water?" Klein motioned the guard to the other side of the room. "I need to clean out this wound." The guard looked at the blood on Klein's hands and moved towards the sink. "Listen carefully....I've fixed the weapon with a fail-safe trigger. If it's not set before firing it will explode." Lois looked at the doctor and was about to ask where the fail-safe was located but the guard stopped all conversation. [zoomway] The guard looked down at Lois, his stare unswerving. Finally Lois sighed loudly. "What!" "General Cash told us you're the one the alien chose to breed his hybrid army." Lois looked up into the dull wit of oppression. "Hybrid army?" Klein looked aghast as he dabbed water at the wound. "Ms. Lane is a married woman!" "The general said that's just a front." Lois shook her head. Propaganda of the salacious type. No doubt sparking what little imagination these men had. "Well, I tell ya, I do often mate with Superman, but I'm never in bed with him unless my husband is there too." "Oh, good lord," Klein wailed, overturning the water. The Neanderthal smiled or made the effort. "For real?" Lois now knew the way to distract her captor's attention. She stood up seductively. "It's pretty exciting," she said coquettishly, moving back and making it look more like a dance than a retreat. "It's sooo good." The guard leaned forward, only his oversized jump boots keeping him balanced. She eyed the device Klein had been working on out of the corner of her eye. "You'd be surprised how *really* different Superman is from ordinary men." The guard's eyes widened. "How diff'ernt?" "Well," Lois said, thinking this was one of those men who believed stories of women being abducted by baboon tribes. "That 'man of steel' me." The man's mouth went dry. "Yeah? Man of steel, I don't get it." Klein shook his head. "Even *I* got it." Lois backed up further. "I love when he rips off my *buttons*, Dr. Klein," Lois said, trying to decipher the various colored buttons on the machine. Klein began to perspire. "I..I'm sure you do, Ms. Lane." Lois began unbuttoning her blazer slowly as the guard kept advancing slowing. "Care to guess what *color* buttons, Dr. Klein?" "Not at this juncture, Ms. Lane." Lois sighed. "It's *fun* to guess. There are so many buttons to *choose* from." "Hmm? Oh! Yes! The red buttons are the most passionate," he said, looking over his shoulder. Lois made a sudden lunge for the device, but heard a bolt racked back. "I wouldn't try it, little lady," Cash cautioned, an automatic weapon pointed at Klein's head. Cash stepped forward. "If she hit that button, the whole place would have been blown to bits," he said almost casually. "Theoretically," Klein nodded. "You'd sacrifice your life for that invader?" Klein sat back, propping an elbow on his knee. "Superman is my friend, General. I'm not a brave man, but the world needs him more than it needs me, and a whole hell of a lot more than it needs you." Lois smiled. Klein was 'Superman's' friend. Maybe the only one Clark had in that persona. Cash looked at the man he had mistakenly left guarding them. "Take her into the next room," he said curtly. The man grabbed Lois' wrist, but she struggled. He twisted her wrist and she cried out. There was a crashing sound. Clark, his expression distorted by anger, took the weapon from Cash and broke it in half. He turned to the guard holding Lois. "You take your hand off her wrist, or I'll take *your* hand off *your* wrist." The stunned man relinquished his grip instantly and stepped away just to make it clear he was not in any contact whatsoever with Lois Lane. Clark looked down at Klein. "Are you all right, Doctor?" "I'm fine, Superman, but this man is badly hurt." Clark nodded and handed the other guard's gun to Lois. "Watch them, Ms. Lane while I get rid of this," he said, lifting the device. Lois watched as he flew out of the room through the hole he had created to enter. She smiled pointing the gun at gun at Cash. She was also glad that Clark had spared STAR Labs' insurance carrier a claim for extraneous repairs. There was the sound of a distant explosion and Clark re-entered. He lifted the injured man. "I'll get him to the hospital. I trust you and Ms. Lane can turn these men over to the authorities, Dr. Klein." "Yes, it's the most fun I've had all day, well, that and Ms. Lane explaining the joy of creating hybrid armies." Clark lifted his eyebrows and looked at Lois. Lois blushed. "It was ...nothing. You'd better hurry, Superman." As Superman departed, Lois helped the good doctor from the floor, and then impetuously hugged him. "Thank you," she said as she pulled away, looking into his puzzled eyes. "For being Superman's friend." Klein smiled warmly. "You're a pretty good friend to Superman too, Ms. Lane. You always have been." "I guess," she shrugged. "But I think that makes Clark a little jealous." "Understandable," Klein nodded. "If he'd just get married or something, his wife could take care of him." Lois laughed. "You're the first person I ever knew who thought Superman needed someone to take care of him." Klein sat in a chair; the adrenaline had left his legs weak. "We *all* need that, Ms. Lane, but Superman ..." he paused thoughtfully, "... needs it more than anyone. The problem would be finding the perfect woman." Lois swallowed. "That would be the hard part," she agreed, feeling a bit awkward, and hoping Klein wouldn't suggest a blind date with a lab tech. "Impossible," Klein smiled. "You're already married to Clark Kent." Lois felt her eyes tear. Klein continued, "Superman belongs to Metropolis. She's a pretty good wife, but she nags him a lot." Clark hurried in through the door followed by a couple of police officers. He put his arms around Lois. "Are you all right, honey?" "I'm fine," she said, her voice kind of small. "My hero, Dr. Klein, was here the whole time." Clark smiled as Klein blushed a deep red. "As long as it's not Superman. I'm so jealous of that guy," he said and reached his hand out to Klein. "Thanks for rescuing my wife." Klein shook his hand, still blushing. "It...was nothing. As long as she kept me from fainting, I could protect her." Clark laughed and he and Lois left the office hand in hand. The officers escorted Cash and his associate away. Klein sighed and picked up a whisk broom. Though it was woefully small for sweeping the large chunks of plaster, he needed something to do. As he knelt in the plaster dust, he smiled. "Lois Lane *and* Metropolis, some guys get all the breaks." THE END ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 19:13:35 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Eileen F. Ray" Subject: NEW FANFIC: JURY DUTY: Part 2 of 2 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Jury Duty continued from part 1 _______________________________ [chrispat] By the time the prosecutor finished with his statement, Lois was ready to pull the switch on the electric chair herself, but it was now the defendant's attorney's turn. He started out by describing his poor client's deprived childhood, and by the time he finished, the jurors were practically in tears of sympathy. "Geez," Lois thought. "How are we supposed to decide this one?" The judge then gave the jury some more instructions. They were to listen carefully to the evidence and make their decision based on the evidence only. Due to some information that the bailiff had passed on to him, he had decided that this jury would be sequestered. "What???" Lois burst out. The judge glared. "I believe you swore to uphold the constitution and obey the court's orders for the length of this trial, Juror 517." Lois subsided, muttering to herself. A whole week away from her job and Clark??? By this time it was four-thirty and the judge adjourned for the day. "You will be allowed to go to your homes and retrieve whatever personal belongings you need, but you are expected to report to the hotel by six o'clock. The bailiff will inform you where to report. You are not to discuss this case with anyone including each other until all the evidence has been presented." Lois groaned. This was even worse than she had expected. How as she going to be able to stand not even talking to Clark, her soulmate and conscience, about the case? She toyed with the idea of asking to be excused. After all there were two alternate jurors, but her sense of duty won out. She sighed as she headed home to tell Clark that they would be apart for at least a week. This was the first time they would be apart since she had spent that miserable time in jail. [zoomway] ***** Lois picked at her dinner. Even the flickering candlelight didn't help her mood. She and Clark were eating early because she had to be at the hotel by six. She glanced down at her small suitcase and sighed. Clark reached across the table and laid his hand atop hers. "It's not a high profile case, honey. If the evidence and witnesses are paraded through quickly, you might be looking at a very short trial." "But is that fair, Clark?" she said, reaching a thumb up to lock with her husband's. "Rich people, famous people, they get all kinds of attention, but this guy ... well, like you said, the evidence and witnesses will be 'paraded' through, and that's how the rest of his life will be decided." "Well," Clark said softly. "It almost happened to you too, and I think that might make you a bit more ... diligent... making your decision." "That's another thing," Lois said thoughtfully. "Why would any DA in his right mind, not that I've come to think any have a 'right mind', let me on a jury? Wouldn't they see me as having just a *few* prejudices in a case like this?" Clark nodded. "I wondered that too, but there's no accounting for arrogance." Lois shrugged. "I guess. Maybe he feels his case is so good that even I couldn't disagree with it." Clark popped part of a buttered roll into Lois' mouth. "Or it could be a goodwill gesture on the DA's part. Their office never fully recovered from your frame-up scandal." Lois wiped the butter from the corner of her mouth. "I hope my "fry in Hell" editorial wasn't instrumental." Clark laughed and shook his head. "Nah." Lois tugged on his hand. "We only have an hour, Clark." Clark looked up from his plate. "Time for dessert?" Lois nodded and continued to tug; he willingly followed. He put his arm around her and the couple began to walk up the stairs. "Just do what you always do, honey." "No baby oil?" "No, no, I meant with the case." "Ah, follow my heart?" "Exactly," he smiled, and snugged her up a bit. "Right now my heart says 'baby oil'." [chrispat] ***** Superman soared high over the city. He was looking for something...anything ... to take his mind off the large empty bed waiting for him in the brownstone. He hadn't gotten more than a couple of hours sleep in the three days since his wife had had to report to the hotel where she was sequestered with the other jurors. The sun rose, bathing him in its healing rays, but that did nothing to assuage the ache in his heart. He knew Lois was okay. Their nightly phone calls had assured him of that, but he missed her with every fiber of his being. The city was quiet. No emergency called for Superman's help, and finally he gave in to temptation. He had discovered Lois' whereabouts with his x-ray vision, and he flew to the balcony outside her room. Lois was roused out of sleep by a tapping noise. She looked around groggily and realized it was coming from the balcony door. She looked up and saw her husband smiling at her. Leaping out of bed, she ran to open the door and threw herself into his arms. For several moments they were lost in the sensation of being together again. Finally Lois tore her lips away from his. "What are you doing here? Don't you know this could result in a mistrial if anyone finds us together? I don't want this separation to be for nothing." Clark hung his head. "I'm sorry, honey, but I just couldn't stand it any more." Lois caressed his cheek. "It's okay. I feel sorry for the rest of the jurors. They don't have someone who can bypass the elevators." Clark grinned. "Yeah. Sometimes having superpowers comes in handy." Lois chuckled. "I don't have to be in court for another three hours. I still can't discuss the case with you, but I can think of a few other things we can do." She grinned wickedly and pulled him in for another kiss. "Have I told you lately how sexy you look in blue spandex?" ***** Three hours later, Lois filed into the jury box with her fellow jurors. Over the last three days, they had gotten to know each other pretty well in spite of not being able to discuss the case. As she sat down, she noticed an addition to the usual audience. Smiling back at her was her husband. [zoomway] Lois, suffering a pleasant love hangover, smiled at her husband, who seemed to have wangled a spot as reporter on this case. She wondered what hyperbole he must have used with Perry to convince him it was a worthy story, and not just like the four hundred and eighty-six other murders in Metropolis. As the most unspectacular murder trial in recent memory droned on, and even the defendant began to look drowsy, it was clear that more than boredom was at work. In fact, Lois noted, as she had trouble keeping her eyes open, everyone was falling asleep. Just before she succumbed to the urge, she realized she hadn't been affected by anything like this since ... the Sound Man. Soon everyone in the courtroom was unconscious, so in short order Clark was able to change into Superman unnoticed. He detected no odor or gases and no subliminal suggestions. Everyone was alive, but definitely asleep. He scanned the courtroom and found miniature transmitters. He took them out quickly with heat vision, just as men in sonic headgear burst into the courtroom. Clark turned and folded his arms, confronting the gentlemen. Clark sighed. "Planning on taking the defendant to freedom?" ", Superman," a nervous voice spoke from the jury box. "They're here for me. My appointment in Samara." Clark turned to the voice. It was Dr. Camden, in a full beard, seated with his finger on a small device. "Lenny found me. I ...I've been expecting this," he said, his wild, tormented eyes fixing on phantoms only he could see. "He blames me for what happened. He blames Clark Kent and Lois Lane, so I've tried to stay close to Ms. Lane, when I can, and to Clark Kent, but he ...he's very fast." Clark lifted a hand. "Whatever that is you're holding, Dr. Camden, it makes me nervous, so if you could just --" "I figured when Lenny made an attempt on Ms. Lane or Mr. Kent, I could be nearby, in disguise, ready to get the drop on Lenny, but he found out. He found me first." "Lenny Stoke is in prison, Dr. Camden, and these men aren't going to hurt you," Clark said, wrapping them up rapidly with the US and New Troy flags. "Nothing that happened is your fault. You can get help." Camden shook his head, his eyes tear-filled. "It won't stop. He'll always be there, always looking for me. I... I'm just too tired now." "Give me the device, Derek," Clark said softly, finally remembering the troubled man's first name. "I promise I can keep Lenny from hurting you." "S can I. I can end it now." So saying, Camden's thumb twitched. Everything seemed to move in slow motion. Clark made a move for Camden just as a hand from the side slapped the device from his hand. Clark caught the device and smiled at the most beautiful juror with the best reflexes in Metropolis. Clark stepped over to the jury box and lifted Dr. Camden out. He handed him to the guard who was groggily regaining consciousness. Another guard began escorting out the bound trio of Sound Man stooges, while the bailiff chased after the defendant, who was no dummy and had taken advantage of the chaos to make a break for freedom. His impetuous move in front of the jury got a mistrial declared, and Superman offered Ms. Lane a lift home. ***** Lois, clad only in Superman's cape, stretched happily on a remote beach in another hemisphere. She had become so tired of loudspeakers she'd insisted they spend some time where loudspeakers, trials, or clothing wouldn't be options. Clark, wearing only the lower half of his costume, and no boots, dropped a bunch of bananas next to his wife and piled some driftwood together. "I hope you don't mind if I start a fire the old-fashioned way," he said, and lit the wood ablaze with his heat vision. Lois propped herself up on an elbow. "*That's* the old-fashioned way?" "It is for me," he laughed. Clark snapped a couple of stout twigs and speared a banana for each of them, handing one to Lois. She sat up, resting her bare back against his bare chest and then held the banana over the fire. "You know," she said airily. "If it hadn't been for two solid hours of...getting reacquainted with you on the beach, there'd be some innuendo and symbolism here." Clark draped an arm around her, his eyes fixed on the fire and his head resting against hers. "Camden's going to be okay...well, maybe never completely okay, but he's getting treatment." Lois leaned her head back. "It was nice of the Planet to pay for it." "Well, after Clark Kent got such a great exclusive on Superman's heroics.." " -- and Lois' -- " Clark nodded. "Absolutely --and Lois' --, Perry made a good case for Camden to Stern." Clark kissed the top of Lois' head. "You know, I've dreamed of this, spending the night in your arms." "Really?" Lois laughed. "Yes. First it was Lois I dreamed of, then it was UltraWoman --" Lois elbowed Clark in the ribs. "Did you ask me how I felt about you?" "Actually," he said softly. "I'd like to know ... how you feel about me." "Hm," Lois said, tipping her head to the side as she continued to twirl the stick slowly over the fire. "Alive," she said after a long moment. "You made me feel joy, Clark, and without that, nobody is alive." Clark tossed his stick away and wrapped both arms around Lois. "Thanks," he whispered against her neck. "It's nice to know I give back what you've given me." Lois' eyes rolled back as she tossed the stick over her shoulder. "Bananas are overrated." ***** Lois and Clark drifted above the beach. The would spend the rest of the night at home, but the fishermen who found the skewered bananas the next morning, as well as a pair of red boots, had only an odd mystery. THE END ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 19:13:31 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Eileen F. Ray" Subject: NEW FANFIC: JURY DUTY: Part 1 of 2 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit JURY DUTY An IRC Round Robin Fanfic by Zoomway(; Chrispat(; ChrisM^(; Carol-A; Eraygun( [chrispat] Lois Lane was not a happy camper on this bright spring morning. As she moodily sipped at her coffee, her husband tried to cheer her up. "C'mon Lois. It won't be so bad, and you'll get to see how the courts really work." Lois slammed down her cup. "But Clark, that story we've been working on is just coming to a head. Why does it have to be now?" "We can table the story for a week , Lois. Just think of this as research." Lois thought about her conversation with Clark as she sat in the jury room listening to the woman who was giving instructions drone on and on. She'd already been here for two hours and hadn't even seen a courtroom. She thought she was going to die of boredom. Finally the woman droned to a halt and gave the prospective jurors a break. "Now, remember to listen for your name. If you are called, report to the courtroom ASAP." "Yeah, yeah," Lois mumbled and headed to the phone to call Clark. No sooner had she dialed than she heard the loudspeaker boom to life, listing all the jurors to be called to a particular courtroom. Sure enough, her name was called. She slammed down the phone and joined a stream of other jurors. ***** [Eraygun] "I can't believe my luck!" Lois grumbled as she was herded along the corridor to a waiting courtroom. "I've got a ton of work waiting at the office, and instead I'm here. In what looks like a casting call for low rent version of Perry Mason" she added as she eyed what she assumed to be lawyers in the case. "Isn't this exciting!" the older woman sitting next Lois whispered. "I've never been in a courtroom before." "Yeah, sure." Lois mumbled and nodded. "Have you ever been in one?" the chatty woman continued. "Once or twice." Lois replied warily. "Oh really you've been on a jury before?" the large man sitting on the other side of Lois chimed in "No I haven't." "Oh then you must have been, in a trial, honey." The elderly woman interrupted. "There's no need to be shy. Was it a fender bender?" "Well, er, actually...." "Shsssh!" The court clerk admonished. "The judge is speaking." [zoomway] Lois' mind numbed as the judge proclaimed this was the voir dire stage of jury selection. She was confident, however, that she would be chosen. Okay, so she had "issues" with Metropolis jurisprudence, and she had been on trial for her life and been framed, but still, justice prevailed. They'd certainly see her keen, discerning reporter's logic as ... valuable. The defendant's attorney looked so young. Reminded her of Clark when he first came to the Planet. His hair was so sloppy, but cute, she conceded. "What?" Lois suddenly asked, not realizing she'd been addressed. The young attorney cleared his throat. "I asked if you had any opinion on men accused of sexual harassment." "Yes," she said flatly, "I have an opinion." The attorney sighed. "You wouldn't mind sharing it with me, would you?" Lois narrowed her eyes. "Okay," she said, drumming her fingernails on the railing. "I think a man 'accused' of sexual harassment is just that, accused, but if he's guilty, I'd recommend a smaller version of the guillotine, if you get my drift." The attorney looked at the judge, who was hiding behind his hands. He looked back at Lois. "Have you ever been the victim of sexual harassment?" "That depends, I married my co-worker, but he didn't harass me. Well, he kind of bugged me sometimes, but in a good way. He was kind of green ... as a reporter, not a harassed, now Cat Grant, on the other hand .." "Dismissed." [Carol-A] Lois was taken aback. "So, what now?" she asked the attorney. The attorney turned back to her and sighed. "Now you return to the waiting area." Without another word, he returned his gaze to the juror seated next to Lois. With a huff, Lois grabbed her purse and stood to stomp out of the courtroom. She secretly wished for a latch on the door so she could slam it. In quick, long strides, Lois made her way back to the waiting area. She was not enjoying this, not one bit. "Maybe I'll have time to call Clark before they call my name again," she thought suddenly. She noticed a pay phone on her left and crossed the checkerboard-tiled floor to get to it. Tucking the receiver between her ear and shoulder, she fished in her purse for some coins. "Juror 517, please report to courtroom 3," the static-y loudspeaker requested. "That's just great," she griped. Slamming the receiver into its cradle, she hoisted her purse further up on her shoulder, then marched back the way she'd come. [ChrisM^] A traffic accident case awaited Lois in courtroom 3. It was a fairly simple case actually, which didn't take long to hear or decide upon ... once Lois had convinced the other jurors of the error of their ways, that is. Refreshed by that little interlude, Lois felt ready to face that first attorney again, if she should get another chance to. First, though, it was lunch time and another chance to contact Clark. She managed to find a pay phone that wasn't being used, and tried dialing the Planet. Unfortunately, Clark wasn't there. "I'm sorry, Lois," Jimmy told her with real regret in his voice, "the Chief sent him out on a story about an hour ago, and he hasn't gotten back yet." "What kind of story?" "I'm not sure ... something about an accident down at the docks." "Oh," Lois replied. Jimmy could hear the disappointment in her voice. "Do you want me to give him a message when he gets back, Lois?" Yes, Lois thought, how about Get me out of here ... or, I miss you ... or, Why aren't you there when I want to have lunch with you? "No," Lois replied instead, "I'm going to get something to eat and then I have to report back to the jury room to see if they need me again." "Okay, Lois. See you later." Yeah, Lois thought as she hung up the phone ... much later. Lois found a hot dog vendor plying his trade out in front of the courthouse, and had just sat down to eat her hot dog (mustard, no onions, in honor of her absent husband), when she heard a familiar voice behind her. "Well, isn't this nice?" Lois turned to see the elderly woman who had been next to her at that first case. Could this day get any better? "I'm sorry that you got dismissed from that case, my dear. It's so exciting." "Really?" Lois couldn't imagine what could be exciting about a sexual harassment case. "Yes, it is," her unwelcome companion assured her. Then she leaned closer to whisper conspiratorially to Lois, "The accused is someone very important in government circles, you see. Now, isn't that exciting?" "Well ..." "You don't mind if I sit next to you, do you?" the older woman asked, doing just that before Lois could respond. "Yes, this is just lovely. You and I can have a nice chat, dearie. I see you have a wedding ring on. How long have you been married?" For a second Lois' mind went numb, then she had an idea. Jumping up and reaching for her cell phone, she said, "You know, I just remembered that I have to call my office. Will you excuse me?" "Hurry back," chirped her new friend. Lois smiled fixedly, but kept on walking. It didn't matter that the battery on her cell phone had run out, she had just needed a plausible excuse to get away. Eating her hot dog as she made her way back into the courthouse, she prayed to every god she could think of that she wouldn't have to be on a jury with that woman again. It was going to be a looooong week. [chrispat] Lois reported back to the jury room after lunch. Nothing seemed to be going on, but she knew that she had to stay until 4:30. She looked for something to do. There were some ancient magazines scattered around and a TV was blaring in one corner of the room. Unfortunately it was tuned to a soap opera and when she tried to change it to LNN News, a fight nearly broke out. She backed away as one of the male jurors held back the little old lady who was trying to kick her. "Okay, okay. Watch your stupid soap. I'll find something else to do." She wandered around for a while and then settled morosely in front of a half finished jigsaw puzzle. She found one piece and then another. "Hey, I'm on a roll," she thought. When the loudspeaker blared forth her name, she jumped. She had completed almost the whole puzzle and thought, "One more piece, then I'll go." Ten minutes later, the loudspeaker announced, "Lois Lane, please report to courtroom 15 NOW!" She got up guiltily and scurried off to courtroom 15. As she entered, all eyes were on her and she slunk into her seat. The judge looked down her nose and snarled, "Thank you for gracing us with your presence, Ms. Lane." [zoomway] After being dismissed from that jury when asked her opinion of a man who would dump his wife for a younger woman, and giving it to the attorney in graphic detail, Lois went back to her puzzle. It was hard to remember where she had left off. Suddenly the puzzle started putting itself together ... at super speed. A Post-It note appeared on the puzzle: "The final piece is in the alcove." Lois pressed her fingertips to her lips to suppress a giggle, walked down the corridor, and found herself being "pulled" into the alcove. Suddenly her husband was wrapped around her like an arctic jacket. "Remind me never to dump you for another woman," he said, after finally breaking a long, lingering kiss. "Oh, you heard that." He nodded. "St. Nick, remember?" "Oh, Santa, to have just a half hour in your lap ..." The loudspeaker blared again. Clark's eyebrows rose and he quickly raised a warning finger when Lois showed signs of completing "Son of ..." with the inevitable epithet. Lois sighed loudly. "I'm doing an editorial on the value of replacing the jury system with computers." Clark kissed her forehead. "Be a good girl and I'll pack a Twinkie in your lunch tomorrow." Lois, feeling oddly depressed rather than refreshed by the 'run-in' with her husband, headed slowly for courtroom 11. Could a person feel claustrophobic in such a big place? The walls were already closing in, and she hadn't even been selected for a *real* jury yet. That traffic accident case didn't really count it was *too* simple. If her normal routine had to be disrupted it could at least be for something worth her time. She slumped into her seat and was ready for the same-old same-old, but this trial apparently had to do with a murder, and for the first time, an attorney seemed to want her on the jury. She was well-aware of Lois' 'ordeal' as a murder suspect, and wanted Lois on the defendant's side. [Carol-A] Lois sat in the jury box, watching as the standard preliminary courtroom procedures took place. She actually felt herself chomping at the bit for the case to begin, something she never would have expected to happen at the outset of this jury duty thing. After the judge got comfortable and the case was announced the judge asked the DA to make his opening statement. This oughtta be good, Lois thought. "Your Honor," the DA began, then turned toward the jury box, "ladies and gentleman of the jury." He indicated the defendant, a young man with crewcut blond hair and wild, clear blue eyes. "You have sitting before you the worst example of leniency with our youth. This young man has been in trouble with the authorities since he was 16 years old, but only now, after he has killed another human being, do we see him brought to justice. This young man has a long history of violence, from pushing his so-called friends through storefront windows to bringing firearms to school. He has also impregnated a young lady, then left her before she even gave birth." "What a jerk," Lois thought, glaring at the back of the defendant's head. "Rather than deal with this ruffian," the DA continued, "the schools expelled him. He was given opportunities to seek education elsewhere, but rather than take those opportunities, he turned his back on them and caused more trouble. After a while, authorities sent him to the Youth Home. There, he managed to behave himself until he got out on 'good behavior.' " The DA gestured with his index and middle fingers. "Now, only one month later, he's involved in drugs." The DA shook his head tragically. "One threat against his 'stash,' and the person who threatened it ends up dead." Continued in part 2 ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 20:02:21 EST Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: goldengrove unleaving Subject: Re: Fanfic Review: Montrose's Toast - Reply, Part 3 << This attitude can go further -- not always, but it can. When my wife went into hospital with our first child (she had a nasty case of pre-eclampsia), I had to consider what I would do if it came to a choice between her and the baby. It didn't take me long to make up my mind -- I didn't want the baby without my wife. Now, you can make of that what you will, but the point is that to many men, their mates _are_ the most important person in the world to them. A man can lose his parents, siblings and even children, but as long as he has his mate, he can carry on; lose _her, and the world has been shattered. This is by no means universal, but it's true, and I felt that Clark would (or could) be one of those men. >> I think that, for the most part, this is true. I was watching an interview of some author on a tv show once and (I don't remember how, but) they ended up asking the question if you, your spouse, and your child fell off of a boat and into the water and neither your spouse nor your child could swim, who would you help, knowing that you could only help one? The show's audience (I think it was a talk show but I can't quite remember) also answered the question and the majority of the audience, which was mostly made up of women, answered that they'd save their child, but a few men in the audience made a point of answering that they'd save their spouse. (I remember my parents answering along these lines as well.) Perhaps it's because I'm not a man, but I personally couldn't understand the "male" response. The person being interviewed, who maybe talked about this question in her book, said that the "child" answer was often accompanied with an explanation that the child was a hope for the future, and that the person would not want their child to have never gotten a chance to live. The author also explained that the "spouse" response came with the explanation that the person would be lost without their spouse, and that they need their spouse more than their child, if one had to and could possibly measure those things. -Christy Attalanta on IRC ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 20:27:42 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Eileen F. Ray" Subject: NEW FANFIC: STALKED : Part 1 of 4 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Stalked An IRC Round Robin by zoomway(; Mackteach(Mackteach@aol.c= om)=0Achrispat(; CrystalW(; BEraygun=0A(=; Lansbury(; DorDor( t) The wind was howling as the waves broke against the shore of the bleak li= ttle=0Aisland off the coast of Metropolis. Stryker's Island, or Alcatraz = East as it=0Awas sometimes called. Rolf wrapped a drab gray blanket aroun= d his shoulders.=0AThough the prison facility was heated, the sound of th= e wind gave him a chill. "I hate this place," he said as the sound of The Joker laughing maniacall= y=0Adown the hall overrode the forlorn wind. His cellmate, Bobby Justice, a man with a young punk rap sheet and an iro= nic=0Alast name, looked up from his game of solitaire. "You're kind of pr= issy to be=0Ain a place like this, Frenchie." "Rolf, not 'Frenchie'." Bobby threw the cards in Rolf's face. "If I want your name to be Frenchie= ,=0Ait's Frenchie." Rolf seemed to brighten. "Are you going to..punish me?" Bobby demurred. "Skip it," he said, sitting down on his bunk and moving t= o its=0Aextreme limit. "How'd you end up here anyway? Puke on the warden'= s poodle?" Rolf began fastidiously picking up the playing cards. "I was the camerama= n for=0ADiana Stride." Bobby now showed interest. "The 'Top Copy' babe? Oh man, was she really t= hat=0Ahot in person?" "I suppose," Rolf shrugged. "She was more 'lethal' than hot, mon ami." "So you got busted with her when she screwed up and said Clark Kent was= =0ASuperman?" Rolf sighed loudly. "She was 'busted' for trying to assassinate a state's= =0Awitness, you execrable toad, and she did not 'screw up'. Clark Kent *= is*=0ASuperman." "Shyeah, right, and I'm President Garner." Rolf looked up. "Enchante, Mr. President." Bobby's eyes narrowed. "You're serious? You really saw this? For real?" Rolf tidied the cards. "Yes, I *saw* Clark Kent open his suit. A gauche,= off-=0Athe-rack, 'country boy makes good in the city' Sears version of G= Q suit," Rolf=0Asniffed. "But, oh, what that man hid underneath. I still = don't know how he=0Adidn't chafe." Bobby leaned back, placing his hands behind his head. "I get out in two d= ays,=0AFr .. er ... Rolf. I'll find out for myself, and when I do, I'll b= e rich." "*We'll* be rich, mon ami, or I'll make sure Intergang makes your freedom= =0A...unpleasant ... you understand, n' est-ce pas?" ***** Lois checked the mirror again as she impatiently waited for Clark to arri= ve at=0Aher apartment. She sighed. It wouldn't be the first time they were late for an important= =0Aevent, and even though she knew Clark probably had a good excuse for b= eing=0Alate she really wanted to be on time for the Newspaper Guild's Ann= ual Banquet. Suddenly there was a =3D=3Dwhoosh=3D=3D as her window blew open and in fl= ew Clark. "Honey, I'm sorry, there was a fire down in Suicide ...." Clark began. "That's all right, I understand," Lois interrupted. "Just change. We're = going=0Ato be late." "I thought you disliked these dinners." "I do, but tonight is special," Lois replied. "Why?" "I just got a call from my friend Sara who works for the Metropolis Star = and=0Ayou'll never guess who's in town and coming to the dinner." "The Pope?" "Clark..." "Okay, I give up. Who's coming?" "Linda King. And I can't wait to see her." "But I thought you hated Linda." "Hate is too strong a word, Clark." Clark raised one eyebrow. "All right,= =0Amaybe it isn't too strong a word. Anyway, it's been a long time since= I've=0Aseen her and I want to catch her up on things." Clark chuckled and spun into his tuxedo. "I get it now," he said with a sly smile. "Get what?" Lois asked innocently. "You want to show off a little bit," he replied. Lois gazed at him for a moment, then smiled. She raised her hand to look= at=0Athe diamond that Clark had placed there, and then met Clark's eyes.= "Maybe=0Ajust a little," she told him. Clark shook his head with a smile. Lois was so supremely confident that = it=0Astill shocked him to see her needing to prove herself. He felt that= she=0Ashould know how wonderful she was, and proving it to someone that= she rarely=0Asaw seemed silly. Still, she was his Lois and he would do = anything to please=0Aher. "So, are you ready?" he asked her, taking her hand in his and also lookin= g=0Aclosely at the ring he had given her. "Yes," she smiled. As they approached the door, Lois' telephone rang. She glared at the dev= ice=0Abefore crossing the room to pick up the receiver. "Hello?" she gro= wled. She=0Awas greeted only by silence. She repeated her query a coupl= e more times=0Abefore she heard the line go dead. She replaced the recei= ver with an=0Airritated glance, wishing that she had let the answering ma= chine take the=0Acall. Then she dismissed the entire incident and took C= lark's arm as he=0Aescorted her from the apartment. ***** The Guild's banquet room was as plush as it had ever been. Reporters and= =0Aeditors from around the country mingled together wearing their best an= d=0Asounding their brightest. Lois and Clark blended well into the group of people, even as they stood = out.=0AThey were a stunning couple, recognized for both their writing and= their=0Aassociation with Superman. Lois kept an eye out for her rival as she accepted a glass of champagne t= hat=0AClark snagged from one of the circulating waiters. She recognized = most of the=0Apeople in the room, but did not see that one face that she = was searching for.=0ADespite her watchfulness, Linda approached when Lois= ' back was turned. She=0Ahad left Clark's side for a moment to answer a = question posed by another=0Areporter while Clark was speaking with someon= e else. Just as soon as she left=0ALinda saw her opening and slid in. "Clark, it's so wonderful to see you," she said as she offered him her ha= nd. Clark politely took her hand, pointedly ignoring the low neck of Linda's = gown.=0ALois had a much better gown, and besides, he had no desire to loo= k at another=0Awoman regardless of her attire. Linda may have noticed his uninterested though polite acknowledgment as h= e=0Asearched the crowd for Lois, but if she did she didn't allow it to bo= ther her.=0AShe launched into a conversation about how well her movie was= doing and how=0Adifficult it was to manage so many roles at one time. Just as Clark was wondering how to end the conversation without being rud= e,=0ALois returned and insinuated herself between Linda and her fianc=E9. Putting an arm around Clark, she pulled his head down for a demonstrative= =0Akiss. "Oh, *here* you are. You've got to try that punch. It's *so* goo= d." She=0Aaccented each sentence, completely ignoring Linda. Then she remembered that she was wearing shoes with narrow pointed heels.= She=0Ahad to be careful where she stepped with those. She had more comfo= rtable shoes=0Aoutside in the car. These were really just party wear ... = and excellent=0Adefense weapons if need be. She turned her head very slightly, gauging the distance to Linda out of t= he=0Acorner of her eye. Then she took one, two carefully measured steps b= ackwards. "Ouch! Biting the inside of her cheek to keep her expression even, she turned ar= ound=0Athen. "Linda!" she exclaimed. "I'm *so* sorry. I didn't see you t= here. I see=0Ayou found my fianc=E9." Looking at Clark, Lois knew that he was slightly embarrassed but at the s= ame=0Atime the sparkle in his eyes told her that he had also enjoyed her = little=0Astunt. She winked at him before turning back to Linda. "Really, it's been quite a while, Linda. *So* much has happened that I'm= sure=0Awe could talk for hours. Unfortunately ..." A waiter approached them and whispered in Clark's ear. Clark nodded, then= =0Ashrugged. Turning to Lois he said, "I have a phone call in the lobby.= I'll be=0Aright back." With Clark gone, Linda's interest in reminiscing about the past and talki= ng=0Aabout her movie dropped noticeably. She quickly excused herself, hea= ding=0Atowards the powder room with a pronounced limp, as Lois noticed no= t without a=0Atrace of satisfaction. After Linda had gone, Lois was left by herself for a moment. She idly won= dered=0Awho the caller was. Except for the people at the Planet, nobody k= new they were=0Ahere tonight. At least that's what she thought. She hope= d they weren't needed=0Aat the office. With Linda gone, she was determine= d to enjoy the rest of the=0Aevening. When Clark returned, he answered her questioning look with a shrug, but b= efore=0Ahe could speak, a voice behind them exclaimed, "Mr. Kent, Ms. La= ne, you're=0Ajust the ones I was looking for!" It was Nunk of The National Whisper. Lois and Clark turned. "What can we do for you, Nunk?" Lois looked at Clark, amazed at the calm way he was dealing with that pie= ce of=0Aslime. Nunk looked at both of them with a smile playing at his lips. "I hear yo= u two=0Aare going to tie the knot. How about some quotes about your enga= gement for my=0Anewspaper?" Lois took a step forward. "First, Mr. Nunk, I wouldn't call what you wri= te=0Afor a newspaper. Next there is no way in h..." Sensing Lois was about to do battle, Clark jumped in. "She means to say = there=0Ais no way in the whole world we would give you any details on our= =0Arelationship." "Come on, kids, let's be friendly about this. You either tell my readers = your=0Aversion or I will have to tell them mine." Both of them heard the= silent=0Athreat. Clark, who many saw as a mild-mannered man, instantly became angry at th= e=0Aprospect of someone inventing a story about them. "Nunk, we have no = comment=0Afor you now, nor will we tomorrow or anytime in the future." Continued in Part 2=0A ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 20:27:52 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Eileen F. Ray" Subject: NEW FANFIC: STALKED: Part 4 of 4 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Stalked continued from part 3 _______________________________ She had been feeling a little uncomfortable herself, although she couldn't put her finger on the reason. With a shrug, she walked back to Clark and handed him his coffee. He drank it without looking up, and without thanks. That alone told her how upset he was. Manners were as much a part of him as his brown eyes or ability to fly. He never went without them. "Clark ..." Lois put a hand on Clark's back. If those steel muscles could have been any harder with tension, they would have been. She was sure of it. He only responded when she spoke his name a second time loudly, almost into his ear. "C'mon, let's talk." Lois took the cup from his hand and put it on the table. "The conference room is available." Clark followed her to the conference room. When the door closed behind them, Lois breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back against the door. Clark looked at her. "Getting to you too, huh?" He perched on the edge of the table. She walked up to him and put an arm around him, resting her forehead against his chest for a moment. He responded, placing his chin upon her head as he so often did. They were silent for a moment, reveling in their togetherness and drawing strength from one another. Some of the tension passed. They didn't hear the knock on the door at first. Only the second -- or was it the third -- more insistent one registered with Clark. It was followed by Jimmy's head peeking through the half-open door before Clark had a chance to answer. Being used to the two "love birds" becoming oblivious to their environment on occasion, he had decided to open the door on his own accord. "Sorry, guys," he said, looking really apologetic this time. "But you have a visitor." The look on Jimmy's face told them that this was not going to be a pleasant one. And then Jimmy stepped back to admit their visitor. "Don't try to evade me this time," he said. "This you can't talk your way out of ..." Lois and Clark looked at Nunk. He was waving the tape in the air like the winning banner at a ballgame. "I have the proof to unmask you for the person you are. Or should I say the alien you are." Lois decided to take the plunge. "What exactly do you think you have to prove Clark wasn't born in this country?" She snickered at her own question but couldn't help herself. She loved the look it brought on both Nunk's and Clark's faces. Nunk was in shock at the question but Clark looked at her with eyes of love. "Lane, if I were you, I would watch that mouth of yours. It's going to get you into big trouble one...." Before he could finish, Clark placed his hand on his shoulder and gave a slight push downward. "Sit down, Nunk, before *your* mouth gets you into more trouble than you know what to do with." Nunk sat and looked into the steely brown eyes of a man who had lost all his patience. "Now is the time I show what I know. Before I came in here I asked Olsen to get Perry White pronto." Lois and Clark exchanged glances before turning toward the conference room door. Through the glass, they saw Perry heading toward them, followed by Jimmy and another man that neither of them could identify. Lois turned back to Nunk and caught the smug look of satisfaction on his face. "So that's Bobby Justice?" Nunk's smile wavered slightly. He looked at Lois suspiciously. "Yeah. You know him?" Lois shrugged. "Only what I've found out." "Yeah? What's that?" Clark picked up on what Lois was trying to do. "Nuh uh uh. You've got your information, we have ours." Lois and Clark both watched as Nunk placed the videotape on the conference table, lightly tapping it with his fingers. "This is gonna blow anything you have out of the water. Thanks to Bobby, I've got proof ... *super* proof." Lois and Clark again exchanged looks. Keeping her eyes squarely on Clark, she sighed. "Well, Clark. Looks like he's got you dead to rights." She winked. Clark's shoulders slumped. "I suppose he does, Lois. But, Perry's gonna want to see the tape for himself." "I suppose so. Let me set up the VCR ..." Lois walked toward the machine behind Nunk. And promptly tripped over some previously unseen obstacle right into Nunk's surprised arms. "Hey!" "Oh gee, I'm sorry ... let me ..." "Lady! Watch it! This suit is a C&R special! You're getting lipstick all over it ..." While Lois had Nunk distracted, Clark quickly lowered his glasses and focused on the videotape. As soon as he had finished, he re-adjusted his glasses and walked toward Lois. "Here, Lois. Let me help you." He helped Lois straighten, quickly catching her eye and nodding imperceptibly. Nunk smoothed the front of his suit and adjusted his tie. He looked at the two reporters before grabbing the videotape from the table. Clark ignored Nunk's actions. "We'd better remind Maintenance about that bump in the floor." Lois smiled at Clark. "Yeah. I always seem to trip over that same spot." Nunk was about to make some snide remark when Perry opened the door and marched straight up to him. "I don't know what you're trying to pull here, Nunk. But if you think I'm going let a sleazeball rag of a paper print lies about two respected members of the community, you've got another think coming." "Sticks and stones, White. Sticks and stones. This time I have proof." He waved the videotape in Perry's face, smirking at everyone in the room. He gave a "thumbs up" to Bobby Justice who just smiled. As Nunk placed the videotape in the VCR and pushed PLAY, he continued to gloat. "It's amazing what a little investigative research will produce ... along with a little discreet surveillance." "You mean spying, don't you?" Lois stood there with her arms crossed and Clark's around her. "Yeah, that too." As the tape began, Nunk turned to Perry. "Wait until you see this." Perry watched the tape for a moment before grinning and turning back to Nunk. "I'm waiting." Nunk looked back to the monitor and saw nothing on the screen except 'snow.' He pushed FAST FORWARD and saw that the rest of the tape was the same. Blank. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. He glared at Bobby. "What did you do?!" Bobby stammered. "It ... it ... wasn't me!" He pointed to Clark. "He did it! He's Superman!" Jimmy started to laugh. "CK? Superman? Man, you're way off!" Clark breathed a silent sigh of relief. He hadn't been completely sure if his quick zap of x-ray vision had erased the tape. He was now. He tightened his hold on Lois' shoulder slightly. She turned to look at him, a wide smile on her face. She interrupted the staring contest between Nunk and Bobby. "Why don't you tell all of us what you were in prison for, Bobby?" Nunk squinted his eyes at Bobby. "Yeah, dirtball. What were you in for?" Lois answered for Bobby. "He's a scam artist, Nunk. He's got a rap sheet a mile long. You can check it out with Inspector Henderson." Clark directed his question at the tabloid writer. "Isn't it ironic, Nunk? You being scammed and outwitted at your own sleazy game. Now that's justice. Lois chuckled. "And this time, justice's first name is Bobby." Nunk winced at the play on words before he headed for the door. He turned to glare at Clark. "This ain't over, Kent. I'll be watching you." His gaze took in Lois. "Both of you." He opened the door and stormed out of the newsroom, Bobby Justice following him. Lois and Clark stood in the conference room doorway and watched Nunk jab at the elevator call button, his hands over his ears to avoid listening to Bobby's pleas to believe him. They turned back as they heard Perry clear his throat. Perry handed Clark the videotape that Nunk had left behind. "I don't know what 'proof' Nunk had, Clark, but I can tell you that he was way off base." He chuckled as he left the conference room. "Clark is Superman ... can you imagine ..." Clark grinned sheepishly and closed his hand over the videotape, crushing it. For extra measure, he again focused his x-ray vision on it, making completely sure that anything that had been recorded was now erased. Lois came up behind him and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him from behind. Clark smiled and turned in her arms, embracing her. "Well, we dodged another bullet." He kissed the top of her head. "Yeah, we did." An idea came to him. "And I think I know how to avoid anything like this in the future." Lois leaned back in his arms and looked at him. "How?" "Magnets." "Magnets?" "Yeah. If a magnet is placed near a videotape, the tape will be erased. I'll put magnets all over my apartment." "That's sounds pretty far-fetched to me, Clark." "I think it'll work, Lois. I saw it done in a plot for a police show on TV." "You're getting ideas from television? Next thing you'll tell me, you've been offered a one-hour action adventure series." "Lois! I told you before ... Superman on television? ... not likely." "OK. So ... how big do these magnets have to be? Kitchen magnet size?" "No. Bigger. In this case, size does matter." Lois grinned and headed toward her desk. "Don't get me started ..." Clark chuckled. "I'll catch up with you. I'm gonna get rid of this tape. Permanently." His head turned at a distant cry for help. "On second thought, maybe you'd better hold on to this for now." He gave her a quick kiss and rushed off, undoing his tie as he left. Lois sighed. Putting the videotape in her bag, she murmured, "Just another day in the life of Lois and Clark," and focused her attention on the article on her monitor. THE END ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 20:27:45 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Eileen F. Ray" Subject: NEW FANFIC: STALKED : Part 2 of 4 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Stalked continued from part 1 __________________________________ Lois placed her hand on Clark's arm and gently pulled him towards her. "That goes for me too, Nunk. Clark, Perry is all ready and everyone is going to their tables. I suggest we leave Mr. Nunk to wade through the gutters to find copy for his next edition." They both turned to walk to their table without a look back at the man seething in anger at their remarks. As they approached their table, Lois asked, "Who was on the phone? Is anything up?" "By the time I got there, the line was dead. I figure if it's important they'll call back." "That's odd. Did the waiter say anything to you on the way to the phone?" "All he said was the man asked if Clark Kent was at the banquet and then asked to speak to me. Let's not worry about it and just enjoy the rest of the evening," Clark told her as he held out her chair. "Yes, that sounds like a good plan to me." Clark walked around to his chair when suddenly he heard a call for Superman. Lois glanced at him and knew what was about to happen. Lois loosened his tie and kissed him briefly. "Go," she whispered. Clark made a hasty retreat. Lois sighed as she sat down. She made the mistake of saying "The evening can't get worse" just as Linda hobbled over with her arm laced through Nunk's. "Lo-iz," Nunk hissed with a smile. "Have you met Ms. King? She seems to know an awful lot about you and Cla-ark." Lois put a napkin in her lap. "Nunk, Clark's name is one syllable, and yes, Ms. King and I have met ... several times." "May we," Linda didn't ask as she seated herself and Nunk pulled up a chair. "It seems you and Ms. King were rivals at one time," Nunk said, patting at his pockets. Lois brought a notebook out of her purse. "Wonder how that got there," she laughed uncomfortably. Nunk grabbed it quickly. "I wonder, too. Sort of like I wonder why all of Lamar's photos of you two don't come out." Lois shrugged. "Maybe you need a new photographer." Linda interlaced her fingers and placed them under her chin. "I can't believe a photo of Clark wouldn't come out wonderfully well, regardless of the photographic conditions." Lois smiled. "No one is denying that Clark is well-developed; it was the *film* we were discussing, Linda." Nunk opened the notebook in his lap, and began taking notes as the women spoke. "I can't imagine," Linda began as she arranged her silverware, "how you two got engaged. I mean you were so ... different. So ... night and day, Lois." Lois arranged *her* silverware (not a pretty sight) as if she were making cannon placements on a war board. "They say opposites attract, Linda. That's why I'm surprised you're here with Nunk." Nunk smiled, oblivious, and kept scribbling away. "Don't you ever wonder what Clark said to me when he escorted me to the train station, leaving you stranded in that restaurant?" Linda said and then glanced around in an exaggerated manner. "Sort of like now. Where *is* Clark?" Lois shrugged. "Well, since you're the only helpless blonde here, Linda, we can rule out an escort to the Greyhound station, but if you really must know, he had a call to make." Nunk laughed, but stopped quickly as Linda's eyes caught his. He knew directions to the handbasket when he saw them. "So," he interrupted. "You and Clark dated, Linda?" "As a matter of fact," Linda said, "if I told you what Clark told me when we were alone together..." "Yes," Clark said as he re-entered. "Tell them, Linda." Lois smiled up at him and then turned back to face Linda. "Please do. I can hardly wait." Linda flushed. "I, well .... er... he said that.." she began haltingly. Clark took Lois' hand in his. "I'm sure you remember me telling you that she was the best reporter in the world as well as an incredibly beautiful woman." ", well..." "And that I was the luckiest man in the world to be her partner." "Of course ... but..." "And that -- " "Enough with the lovefest already, this is getting us *nowhere*!" Nunk suddenly interrupted. Grabbing Linda by the arm he stood up from the table. "Look, you two, I intend to get the real story on this engagement and your relationship. The public has the right to the truth!" "You wouldn't know the truth if you tripped over it," Lois snapped. "Are you attacking my integrity?" "I would if you had any." Realizing he had no response to that, Nunk turned and left the table with Linda in tow. "Welcome back," Lois whispered as Clark sat down next to her at the table. "You look a little worried. What was the emergency?" "It was a burglary." "Well, that must have been simple enough. Did you catch the thief?" Clark sighed. "No, I didn't, and this particular burglary was a little too close to home." "What do you mean?" "It was in my apartment building." "Clark, not your place again?!" "No. Oddly enough, it was my next door neighbor. They tore the place apart as if they were looking for a secret hiding place or something." "Oh, Clark, you don't think they thought it was your apartment, do you?" "I don't know. Who would know enough to even want to search my apartment?" Lois thought about it for a moment, then suddenly had an idea. "Remember Diana Stride and that video they took? Everyone thought it was a fake, but we both know better, don't we? You sure had me and the rest of the world fooled." Lois grimaced as she remembered how she had fallen for that hologram press conference. "You know, I'm still mad about that. You could have told me...and don't give me that bull about you wanting me to love you as Clark. I already did by that time even if I hadn't told you." Clark had the sense to look guilty. "I'm sorry, Lois. I should have told you sooner, but it's water under the bridge now." Their whole conversation had been taking place in whispers, and they suddenly realized that the rest of their table companions were looking at them oddly. Clark spoke up. "Um, Perry, it looks like we're going to have to leave. An emergency with one of my neighbors has come up, and Lois wants to come with me. Is that okay?" Perry waved them off with a grin. Lois gave him her best smile. "Thanks, Perry. See you later." She grabbed Clark's arm and hauled him out of the banquet room. When they reached the car, Lois turned to Clark. "What are you going to do?" "Well, the first thing I'm going to do is get all my Superman stuff out of my apartment. Then I'm going to call Bobby and see if he knows anything." He pulled Lois into his arms for a kiss. "Do you know how much I appreciate having you on my side?" When Clark and Lois arrived at his apartment building, Lois was momentarily stunned to see the number of police officers milling about. It was difficult to convince them that Clark indeed lived there, but once they located Inspector Henderson they were allowed past the 'crime scene' tape, and up to Clark's floor. Lois turned to the police officer that Henderson had insisted follow them up. "Isn't this a lot of attention for a simple robbery?" she asked him in exasperation. The young officer blushed slightly as he explained that Superman had requested the special attention that the building was being given. Clark rolled his eyes, regretting now his impulsive request that would make investigating the scene so much more difficult for him. Once they arrived at Clark's apartment, the officer left them alone, although he assured them that he would be nearby. Clark closed the door behind him, and quickly removed his glasses. He had examined the scene quite thoroughly when he had been there, but he searched through the wall to ensure that he had missed nothing. After several minutes, time that had Lois pacing by the time he was done, Clark finally resigned himself to finding no more clues as to who had ransacked the apartment. It wasn't merely a matter of clothes being tossed about or valuables being taken that worried him. The walls had been beaten with a hammer in several places, as though someone wanted to know what was behind them. Every closet had been emptied, and the inner walls dismantled. The "thief" had been looking for something...and it wasn't money. With a sigh, Clark turned to Lois. "They haven't found anything I missed," he told her. "I think you may be right. It may have something to do with me." He sat wearily on the sofa, placing his head in his hands. Lois sat beside him, and put her arm around him. She remembered how she had wanted to comfort him when his own apartment had been robbed, and how inept she had felt at doing so. For a moment she just held him and was thankful that now she had that privilege. Several minutes later, Clark regained some of his composure. "What I don't understand," he told her, "is that if anyone knew enough to look for the suits, they should be smart enough to get the right apartment. It doesn't make any sense." Lois nodded, allowing her mind to sort quickly thorough the possibilities. "You need to move them, anyway. Maybe you should put them at my apartment." "Absolutely not!" he replied fervently. "If they know *I'm* connected with Superman, they most certainly know that I'm connected with *you*. That would be the next logical place to look." Lois nodded silently. He was right. "You're right that I need to move them. I'll take them back to Smallville for the time being. They can stay in the treehouse with my other things." Lois looked up in surprise. He wasn't willing to put her in danger, but he was willing to risk his parents? "Are you sure that's a good idea, Clark?" He sighed in reply, "I doubt they'll be in two places at one time. Whoever it is, is here. They won't be there." Lois smiled at his logic, wondering if her tendency to babble had rubbed off a little on him. She nodded, and watched him move the wine rack and reach inside for his suits. He did a quick spin, and was out the window with them before she knew what was happening. She smiled again, knowing that he had moved too quickly for anyone watching to detect, and relaxed to wait for his return. She wasn't aware of the video camera in a building across the street that was focused on Clark's living room. Clark had not been either. Continued in part 3 ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 20:27:48 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Eileen F. Ray" Subject: NEW FANFIC: STALKED: Part 3 of 4 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Stalked continued from part 2 _______________________________ ***** Superman was flying in the direction of middle America. He came to a sudden stop just inches away from the Kent farm. Not bothering to change he approached the house with the bundle of clothes under one arm. "Mom...Dad.." he called as he entered the house through the kitchen. He was surprised to find no one home. He placed a message on the kitchen table telling his parents he'd left some laundry for his mother to do. Remembering what he wrote made him chuckle to himself. He had written that washing colors, especially reds, made him nervous and he would be back in a couple of days to pick them up. He knew his parents would know what he meant. ***** Back in the apartment Clark glanced at Lois as she fixed them a cup of coffee. "Now, what's the plan?" "I think our best bet is to see what the next move is from the person or persons who's doing these things. Right now we have very little to go on." Lois handed him a cup as she sat down at the table. "Why don't we try and see if there's anyone out there that has anything against you." Shaking his head in agreement he said, "Maybe we need to talk to Bobby Bigmouth. Let's see what he's heard." Lois got up and went to the phone. She got Bobby on the first ring of the telephone. She set up a time and place while Clark sat quietly and listened. Next she placed a call to the local deli and ordered two of Bobby's favorites. "We had better go," she said. "By the time we pick up the order and head over to the park Bobby should be there." Clark had to admonish Lois twice against eating one of the eclairs. "You know he counts them, Lois." "I'm starving, Clark. We left the banquet. You don't need food. You don't know how cranky a person can get." Clark raised his eyebrows, opened his mouth, but obeyed Lois' raised hand. "I mean cranky from hunger." "Oh," he smiled. "There he is," Lois said, spotting Bobby drinking from a brown paper bag. "Bobby," Lois frowned, "I never figured you for the liquid lunch type." "Give me a break, huh, Lois. I have a Yoo-Hoo in the bag. It's bad for image." Clark laughed and handed Bobby the large white deli sack. "Maybe this is better for image." Bobby smiled. "You've always been the nicer of the two, Clark. You know Lois only had ice in her apartment one time?" "Look, Bobby ..." "A guy could waste away to nothing living with her ... oops, sorry. I guess you two are ... uh ... " "No," Clark smiled. "We're not living together." Bobby shook his head and looked at Lois. "Seems like a waste." Lois folded her arms as Bobby stuffed half a salami sandwich in his mouth. "Give, Bobby." "What am I, a slot machine?" he said through the salami. "Don't you believe in finesse?" "Only when it comes to hair spray, Bobby. Now give. What do you know about the burglary at Clark's apartment building?" Bobby wiped mustard from the corner of his lip. "It was somebody trying to look like an amateur, but they were looking for something specific. Rifled the place." "We know that much, Bobby," Lois said as she extracted an eclair. "Hey!" "You give us something we *don't* know, and I'll give it back." "You'd hold a man's eclair hostage? I can see love has mellowed you right out, Lois." Clark covered his mouth and lowered his gaze. Lois threatened to take a bite. "All right! Word came down from Stryker's Island that a cellmate of a certain Rolf 'punish me' LeBlanc set off for Metropolis the minute he got sprung. A grifter punk named Bobby Justice," Bobby said. "It pains me we share the same first name." Clark took the eclair from a rather deflated Lois and handed it back to Bobby. He patted his shoulder. "Thanks, Bobby. That helps." Bobby shrugged and split the eclair in half and handed half to Lois. "Consider it an engagement present." She smiled. "Thanks." He stood up with his deli sack and started to walk away, then looked back. "Congratulations. If any two people can make it work, it's you two." Lois munched on the eclair as they walked back to Clark's apartment. "Gee, whoever would have thought Bobby was such a sentimental softie," she said in between bites. Clark laughed. "True. I didn't think he had it in him." They walked along in silence for a few moments and then Lois stopped dead in her tracks and turned to face Clark. "What's the matter, Lois?" Clark asked. "Clark, I want to apologize for the way I spoke to you earlier this evening." "Lois, you don't have to do that--" "Yes I do. I was angry at you, but to be perfectly honest I was even angrier at myself for what happened with Diana Stride. I call myself an investigative journalist but it never once occurred to me that you might have a secret identity. I must have been galactically stupid." "Lois, you're being too hard on yourself." "No, I'm not." "Yes, you are," Clark said determinedly. Taking her into his arms he hugged her close to his chest. "No one else suspected either," he whispered into her hair. "But, Clark..." "You set impossible standards for yourself. It's one of the things I love about you," he interjected. "I know, but..." "Besides, you finally did figure it out, and it was the best day of my life when you did." Lois gave Clark a crooked smile. "I know, but sometimes I wonder if it took me so long to figure it out because I really didn't want to know the truth." Clark pulled away so he could look into her eyes. "Why didn't you want to know?" he asked. Lois reached out and caressed his cheek. "Oh...maybe I didn't want to see that Superman wasn't perfect...that he could have feelings and flaws. I felt safe loving him. He wouldn't expect anything from me, but you... you had all kinds of expectations and needs. I didn't think I could live up to that, so I kept you both separated in my mind. Now I realize how foolish that was. You are what had been missing from my life." She brushed his lips with hers. "I love you, Clark. All of you." Clark pulled her into a passionate embrace, neither of them aware of the camera that was recording every move they made. Bobby Justice grinned to himself. Those idiots he had hired to search Kent's apartment had bungled the job in a big way - first by getting the wrong address and then drawing so much attention that the police were now all over the place. But the tape of Kent taking the suits from a secret closet plus whatever he could get from their conversations on the video would be a start. He frowned. Maybe he if tried lip reading... ***** "You have got to be kidding!" Nunk said with the biggest smile of his life. Bobby relaxed back onto the fluorescent orange sofa that graced the trashy motel room. In a few days he would be able to afford any accommodations he wanted. He would probably keep the vibrating bed, though. That was a lot of fun. In truth, Nunk hadn't felt very confident in meeting the recent prison resident, but he had received tips from less reliable sources than this, and the videotape spoke for itself. At least it would after Bobby had provided a "transcription" of what was being said. Bobby had possibilities. "I'll get my men on it right away. I have snitches and sneaks all over, and now that we know what we're looking for we won't have any trouble getting enough shots to make the public sit up and take notice." Nunk was nearly salivating at the ease of this story. He had come hoping to get some smut for his wedding piece, but this was so much better. The next few days would be the hardest, he decided, as he paid Bobby and left the sleazy room. Once he had the documentation, he would blow the lid off the Daily Planet's top reporting team. They would see who the *real* reporter was. ***** Clark walked toward Lois adjusting his tie. He glanced to both sides with a rare feeling of unease. Something was out of place. He felt like he was being watched. He slid his glasses down a bit and quickly scanned the room. There was no one here that shouldn't be. The people surrounding him were the same coworkers that he had seen every day for the last three years. Nothing was amiss. He was so intent in his study of the room that he didn't notice Lois' absence >from her desk. She had just been there, he was sure of it. With the strangest feeling he scanned the room once more and nearly levitated when he felt small soft hands wrap around his face. As it was, he jumped several inches and whispered an expletive that was totally unlike him. "Well, good morning to you, too," Lois told him as she stepped back. Clark reached out and captured her hands, whispering his apology into her palms. "You caught me off-guard. I'm sorry." Lois accepted his apology with a smile and a less than restrained kiss. "Just don't let it happen again, farmboy, or I'll have your mother wash your mouth out with soap." Clark smiled, but his heart wasn't in it. He still had the strangest feeling that something was wrong, and he couldn't shake it. "Lois, have you noticed something different the last few days?" Lois shook her head, and turned to walk to the coffee maker. She poured them both a cup, and turned to hand one to Clark. She caught him staring, not at her, but at the room as a whole. He swept the room, clearly using his enhanced "vision gizmo", and did not appear pleased at what he saw. He had been antsy for the last few days, and she wondered if the robbery had affected him more than he let on. Continued in part 4 ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 21:43:38 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kate Crane Subject: Re: Soulmate Chronicles Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit In a message dated 98-06-14 04:39:34 EDT, you write: << I am very pleased to tell you that the SoulMate Chronicles: The Sea Hawk will be distributed in a matter of days. This series has been a 'labor of love' for me and I hope you enjoy reading all of them. Please let me know your comments after you have read The Sea Hawk. >> Annie, I am waiting with bated breath!! I love the Soulmate Chronicles and I thank you for sharing your time and talent. Kate ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 22:31:44 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Carmille Caluag Subject: Re: desktop theme help Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit In a message dated 98-06-13 23:33:55 EDT, you write: << jnc57@JUNO.COM >> thanks that was just what i was looking for ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 00:23:30 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Subject: Re: Three New Round Robins :) Comments: To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Well, I just read two of these... STALKED is more than a bit improbable. What really stood out for me was the bit about Clark's living room being taped from across the street. Um= , people, remember Clark's apartment? There are no windows in his living room. The only windows are in the bedroom, and they're facing a brick wall. One of the reasons he picked that place is that no one could see i= n. (I know that he was taped in T,A, but that's the alternate universe). An= d the ending didn't really solve the problem, either - Nunk may have lost t= he videotaped proof, but he *had* seen it... I didn't expect him to give up that easily. I guess it's not bad, for a round robin story, it'= s just that this group usually does better. :-) The bits with Bobby Bigmou= th were good. SINS OF THE PAST was better. Dr. Klein is of course a favorite :-) and h= e had some great lines. I loved the whole ending sequence: breeding hybri= d armies (I do sleep with Superman, but only when my husband's there...), colorful buttons, and Lois & Klein's discussion about Superman... good stuff. Good use of Jack Olsen (although when the peripheral bad guys started discussing their plan *just* when Superman tuned in his superhearing, I felt like doing an MST3K: "Hello, and welcome to plot convenience playhouse..." ) -- and using Col. Cash to revive Bureau 39= was genius; he's a natural. And the very end was lovely. I'll read Jury Duty soon, and may even comment on it = Thank you, IRC writers & editors, for all your hard work! :-) PJ = !^NavFont02F04DF0007MGHHKE013B4 E-mail from: Pam Jernigan, 15-Jun-1998 / ChiefPam on the IRC ~~~~~ ~~~~~ "Are you under the care of a qualified psychiatrist, Constable?" = -- "The Ladies' Man", Due South "Women and cats will do as they please and men and dogs = should relax and get used to the idea." -- Robert A. Heinlein