From: "L-Soft list server at Indiana University (1.8d)" To: "ARTF@MemoryAlpha.nil" File: "LOISCLA-GENERAL-L LOG9805E" ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 05:07:54 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Stark Subject: Re: Badfic Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" That was so bad I could taste it (the story, not the chicken, I'm mostly a vegetarian). All I have left to say is more--MORE! Yes, write more, right now. Your fan, Debby fan who suggests you post it to the general fanfic writers lists to show all those people who write for "anime" and "transformers" yeah, "huh?" what *real* fanfic writers can do! ...okay, when *real* fanfic are drunk maybe, but still! ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 05:53:47 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Stark Subject: Re: once a month... Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 10:24 PM 5/28/98 -0400, Gary wrote: [snip] >Well this Nfic reader is mildly confused... I was complaining on IRC how all the nfic that doesn't have an A plot seems all the same to me. This excludes Molly's brilliant, creative efforts, of course. Why not try something different? I typed. Why not... Clark interested in sexual intercourse only, oh, 20 minutes each month? Perhaps due to the ensuing uproar, I failed to add that he'd be interested in cuddling, but beyond that... it just wasn't his time of month. At my initial suggestion, IRCers were appauled and proceeded to tell me that their sex lives were thrilling, not boring! But for L&C it's the same thing every time, said I. Yawn city. L&C are happy, fulfilled, satisfied, gushy--every time. They have perfect sex every time. Like Zoom and Mr. Zoom (hey, that's what she claimed). You see, L&C's perfection is not interesting to me; I don't find it newsworthy. For me, it's a dead end. Where's the conflict and adventure if it's perfect every time? Okay, admittedly, I'm *way* behind in my reading, and my wish for, well, something truly interesting to happen to L&C while they're having fun may have been answered. So, that's the story... which is: where's the story? Debby ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 11:01:44 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: No Name Available Subject: Re: Fanfic Review, "Meet Me in Kansas City" Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Chris wrote: << I hope you all didn't mind that I shared some of my thought processes and behind the scenes stuff with you. This was a lot of fun, and I look forward to reading more discussions about other fanfics.>> I agree- this is a lot of fun and personally, I like that you shared your behind the scenes stuff with us. I know I usually put a lot of myself in the characters that I write, and I'm sure other people do, too, and it's nice to hear *where* it is. When you don't know someone very well (or not at all), you can't know where they put their personal experiences and feelings in the story. I think it enriches the story when you as a reader know what the author was thinking when they wrote it. Sandy wrote: << Jeez, why can't I drum up this interest in my own work? Ah-h-h well, what can I say. It's my lot in life. Always doing for others. Never thinking of myself....>> Since I'm a big fan of Sandy's writing, I went back to check the stories of hers that I have saved, and, besides the S5 episode, they're all nfic. Hm... Is it okay to discuss "tame" portions of nfic on the list or not? Or maybe I'll have to reread the S5 episode... -Christy ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 11:08:58 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Gary Subject: NFIC rated (Re: once a month...) In-Reply-To: <> MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 05:53 AM 5/29/98 -0600, you wrote: >At 10:24 PM 5/28/98 -0400, Gary wrote: > >[snip] > >>Well this Nfic reader is mildly confused... > >I was complaining on IRC how all the nfic that doesn't have an A plot seems >all the same to me. This excludes Molly's brilliant, creative efforts, of >course. Why not try something different? I typed. Why not... Clark >interested in >sexual intercourse only, oh, 20 minutes each month? > >Perhaps due to the ensuing uproar, I failed to add that he'd be interested >in cuddling, but beyond that... it just wasn't his time of month. > A meeting of 'Men Who Want to Cuddle' Anonymous: "Uh, Hi, my name is Clark, and I like to cuddle." "Hi, Clark!" >At my initial suggestion, IRCers were appauled and proceeded to tell me that >their sex lives were thrilling, not boring! > Well, mediorce sex is better than no sex at all... >But for L&C it's the same thing every time, said I. Yawn city. L&C are >happy, fulfilled, satisfied, gushy--every time. They have perfect sex every >time. Like Zoom and Mr. Zoom (hey, that's what she claimed). > I wouldn't say it's perfect, more like NHL Hockey, the fastest thing on ice. If you count only the duration of coitus, then they do only have 20 minutes each month. And yet somehow they're sweaty, breathing heavy and shivering? And speaking of stealth orgasms...anyone who can tell me what the true name and use of the mini-soccer balls the guy had in "The Source" will get a guaranteed to win a Kerth Award (n)fic idea. >You see, L&C's perfection is not interesting to me; I don't find it >newsworthy. For me, it's a dead end. Where's the conflict and adventure if >it's perfect every time? > I agree, they don't fight enough. >Okay, admittedly, I'm *way* behind in my reading, and my wish for, well, >something truly interesting to happen to L&C while they're having fun may >have been answered. > There have been a few good ones, such as "F**k the Kerths". >So, that's the story... which is: where's the story? > >Debby > > =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | Gary A. Rudick | | "You decide what you feel heaven is worth" - Deborah Gibson, TWYH | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 13:08:36 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Sandra McDermin Subject: FR: "MMIKC," "YEMK," + "the kitchen sink" Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii > I can almost "see" Lois studying fiercely in her room trying to drown out her parent's bitter arguments until she, too, finally opted out by leaving, putting a distance between herself and anyone who could hurt her. Dysfunctional families sometimes produce super-achieving children just for these very reasons.< Gary said: >>>I can see the public service anouncement now... "Help your child do well in school, fight with your spouse in front of them."<<< Ha! Well, since Chris brought up something personal with regard to her story, I'll bring up something personal regarding my response to Genevieve's story. Although my family does not mirror Lois' specifically -- nor my upbringing -- I did have somewhat of a dysfunctional childhood (who hasn't?) and I did use school as an escape. I was a pretty high achiever, but I don't think it had as much to do with natural intelligence as it did with self-protection to get away from "family problems" and the less-than-ideal environment I was raised in. Reading was a big escape for me too -- to the point where my grandmother once threatened to throw all my books away. Imagine that, having a grandmother complain that her granddaughter was reading too much! Well, to give my grandmother her due, I think that she was afraid I would have no social skills if I didn't interact with anyone.... And, she was right. I have no social skills. By the way, if you want to know a little bit about my feelings about my upbringing, you'll find it in the Marigold character in "Charity Begins at Home". A good friend of mine read the story and saw the connection immediately. (And, there I was thinking I was being clever.) Here are two excerpts that I think tipped my friend off: >> "I don't mean to sound so melodramatic," Marigold continued with a coy smile, "but I grew up on the mean streets of New York and dragged myself out of the gutter through a combination of stubbornness and smarts. Midwest State University was like another world to me, and, I must admit, I both resented the people I found there *and* the life they lived. At the root of it, I suppose, was a certain amount of jealousy." Marigold's eyes, which had been primarily focused on Clark swept over Lois. "You see, most of the people I met there had something I wanted." Lois raised a brow, fancying that she could guess just what that something might be ... *or who*. "Such as," she innocently prompted. "*Oh*, stable families, a sense of community, a safety net of love and caring." "Marigold, you would never have become the dynamic, successful person you have without the obstacles you faced growing up. Adversity isn't *all* bad," Clark reminded her.<< BIG SNIP >>.... Clark told me of your past -- of the rough times your family had while you were growing up, the handouts they had to take. I thought you *of all people* would understand the need these people have." "I understand it, and when I was growing up, I resented it. I resented always having to ask for things, always having to be grateful. The government, the rich, even your so-called "do gooders", they talk about the importance of charity, and then they turn around and condemn the very same people they claim to want to help -- condemn them for being lazy, shiftless, morally bankrupt, you name it," she said, her bitterness fighting with her tears. "When I finally clawed my way out of poverty, I promised I would never look back....<< *********** Chris said: >><< I could use it. I just bought some new furniture. New furniture, but *no* computer. What in the world's wrong with me? >>"Meet Me in Kansas City" came about for a lot of reasons. I've always liked the Clark character more than the Superman character,<< Same with me. I liked that about your story. >> A very "early years" story didn't feel right to me, and besides I don't think I could compete with Margaret Brignell's stories in that vein. They are really great. She has a wonderful "feel" for what young boys and men are like, as I've told her before, and I'm glad she shares that with us.<< I agree. I thought about doing something along these lines, only dealing with Clark and Lois' son -- a little boy who begins to suspect that he's Superman's son (not *Clark's* son but Superman's) and charmingly tries to follow in his "father's" footsteps. I thought I could make it cute and funny -- a little Super"man" rescuing birds and puppy dogs -- but with an underlying bit of melodrama over his mistaken belief that the daddy he has always known is not really his daddy. >> One other thing in the Pilot that I will mention as a clue which I think helps prove Lois has already begun to trust Clark: when she tells him that she's broken all three of her rules. She didn't have to do that, and she certainly didn't have to go into the detail that she does. It's obviously not an easy thing for her to talk about and yet she tells this guy, whom she's only know for two days, one of the most intimate details of her life. Why would she do that if there wasn't already some connection between them? << Well, actually I chalked up Lois' "gregariousness" here to the fact that she was very angry and let herself get carried away. You know how it is when you're very upset about something and you let yourself go on and on, saying more than you ever meant to. I do that *all* the time. Anyway, as you point out, Lois was very regretful the next day. >>Sandy and I had a great time talking over L&C, fanfic writing and writing in general one afternoon. I wish I'd been able to spend more time visiting with more FoLCs.<< Yes, I enjoyed that a great deal to. I especially liked that we were able to talk one on one. To be perfectly honest, I'm a pretty shy person, and I don't do crowds well. >>I can understand what you're saying there, Sandy. Maybe you're right about that, but when I was writing it and seeing in my mind what Lois was seeing, it didn't seem too far-fetched to me that she would believe him. I could picture her getting all these "clues" together on some subconscious level and then having it all gel while Clark was telling her about his home planet, etc. I felt that all the details he was able to give her--his parents' names, the name of the planet, the red sun vs. yellow sun stuff--would lend a certain authenticity to the whole story.<< But, you know -- sometimes people who are "off the deep end", so to speak, have a very rich, detailed imaginary life. They can describe that spaceship down to the last rivet. (I keep thinking of those cult members who killed themselves to get to "the next level".) >>I'm glad you shared with me what worked for you, Sandy, and what didn't because it's a great way for me to learn. I also very much appreciated what Zoom, Donna, Erin and Melissa had to say about MMIKC. As Erin so rightfully put it, we writers "LIVE" for feedback. :-) I hope you all didn't mind that I shared some of my thought processes and behind the scenes stuff with you.<< Well, I think this kind of discussion -- as well as discussions about outlines, POV, character sketches, writing from a "personal" POV vs. journalistic writing -- is what *makes* a writing list. It doesn't even matter if you're not writing about L&C. I'm very happy that you showed up. Sandy ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 13:58:49 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: No Name Available Subject: Re: FR: "MMIKC," "YEMK," + "the kitchen sink" Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit In a message dated 98-05-29 13:07:44 EDT, you write: << I agree. I thought about doing something along these lines, only dealing with Clark and Lois' son -- a little boy who begins to suspect that he's Superman's son (not *Clark's* son but Superman's) and charmingly tries to follow in his "father's" footsteps. I thought I could make it cute and funny -- a little Super"man" rescuing birds and puppy dogs -- but with an underlying bit of melodrama over his mistaken belief that the daddy he has always known is not really his daddy. >> So, Sandy, are you going to write this one or leave it for someone else? I'm just curious cause it sounds like one I'd very much like to read; as you know, I don't write. --Laurie (who also read a lot as a kid, and whose mother actually told her as a teenager that she didn't have any social skills) ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 14:12:28 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Gary Subject: Re: FR: "MMIKC," "YEMK," + "the kitchen sink" In-Reply-To: <> MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 01:08 PM 5/29/98 -0400, you wrote: >> I can almost "see" Lois studying fiercely in her room trying to drown out >her parent's bitter arguments until she, too, finally opted out by leaving, >putting a distance between herself and anyone who could hurt her. >Dysfunctional families sometimes produce super-achieving children just for >these very reasons.< > >Gary said: >>>>I can see the public service anouncement now... >"Help your child do well in school, fight with your spouse in front of >them."<<< > >Ha! > >Well, since Chris brought up something personal with regard to her story, >I'll bring up something personal regarding my response to Genevieve's >story. Although my family does not mirror Lois' specifically -- nor my >upbringing -- I did have somewhat of a dysfunctional childhood (who >hasn't?) and I did use school as an escape. I was a pretty high achiever, >but I don't think it had as much to do with natural intelligence as it did >with self-protection to get away from "family problems" and the >less-than-ideal environment I was raised in. > Me too, except I was raised in an ideal environment, so I guess that makes me overly emotionally sensitive. I remember in kindergarten figuring that if you don't do well in school you get yelled at and if you do well you are pretty much left alone. And, frankly, that's the way I like it. >Reading was a big escape for >me too -- to the point where my grandmother once threatened to throw all my >books away. Imagine that, having a grandmother complain that her >granddaughter was reading too much! Well, to give my grandmother her >due, I think that she was afraid I would have no social skills if I didn't >interact with anyone.... And, she was right. I have no social skills. > > Same here. Most kids get grounded for punishment, I got thrown out of the house. Being sent to my room wasn't punishment for me, I'd just read a book. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | Gary A. Rudick | | "You decide what you feel heaven is worth" - Deborah Gibson, TWYH | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 16:44:47 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: The Zoomway Subject: Re: once a month... Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit In a message dated 98-05-29 07:54:04 EDT, debby@SWCP.COM writes: << At my initial suggestion, IRCers were appauled and proceeded to tell me that their sex lives were thrilling, not boring! >> Whoa, I gotta make a serious correction here What Debby said was that "orgasms" were boring I don't think anyone on the channel would have been 'appauled' had Debby said that sex or 'perfect sex' or whatever could be boring, but the orgasm -- well, I can't imagine that being boring, sorry, I just can't. It's not like climbing Mt Everest, you don't desire it just once to prove you can make the conquest Sex itself can be like 'Everest' (there's a metaphor for ya ;) in that sometimes you're not in the mood, but you don't want to let your partner (excuse the expression) down. The "big O" is not always achieved. But with Clark ("making you happy makes me happy") Kent and Lois ("If you only knew how different you are from other men") Lane, I get the feeling Clark tries to make sure Lois achieves that elusive event as often as possible >>>They have perfect sex every time. Like Zoom and Mr. Zoom (hey, that's what she claimed).<<< Deb, thanks for giving me an excuse to use one of may favorite Lois Lane lines regarding Clark Kent ;) Elise: "Look, Ms. Lane, if you've found the perfect man, then I'm happy for you." Lois: "No, he's about as far from perfect as you get, but I'll tell you the difference between him and Calvin. I know that he puts my happiness above his own." That about sums up how I feel about my husband, though I wouldn't have distanced him quite as far from "perfect" The point is, I can't think of many women who wouldn't rather have a "generous" lover even over a handsome lover, or well built lover, etc. And by generous I mean a man who makes sure that his partner gets just as much out of the lovemaking as he gets out of it because it means a lot to him that she be satisfied too, because he loves her. >>>You see, L&C's perfection is not interesting to me; I don't find it newsworthy.<<< Fortunately I don't read nfic for "newsworthiness" However, the same could be said of a lot of "vignette" style fanfic. If it has no A plot, where is the story? But straight B plot fanfic is very popular whether it fits in one e-mail or twenty, and I think that it then becomes a credit to the story teller regarding how much joy is garnered from the vignette more than what actually is transpiring in the vignette. There's a ton of revelations stories in the archive, and so you could as easlily say "another revelation -- yawn" but how the stories get to that point is what makes them singular and worthy in and of themselves. I've read outrageously funny nfic, very lusty nfic (believe it or not, not all nfic has a 'lusty' quality ;) bizarre nfic and nfic where Lois and Clark seem way out of character, but I don't lump all of the nfic into a heap no more than I would lump all fanfic into a heap. When you do that, you're leaving out the most important element, the writer. >>Why not try something different? I typed. Why not... Clark interested in sexual intercourse only, oh, 20 minutes each month?<<< Well, I may be remembering the incident incorrectly since Julie was writing nfic at the time, and I like to give my attention to the writer's efforts (wooo ;), but to me it seemed as if you were saying that sex was boring and that limiting it to once a month for say 20 minutes would somehow make it more special. To me, each time Lois and Clark kissed, they seemed to be as deeply involved and into that moment as they were the first time they kissed, and I feel their lovemaking would be the same way. It is not 'boring' to them. It is only one of many ways they express their love for each other. (who now understands how Lois could go psycho and trash a super market She was heard screaming "Just once a month!" as she turned over the vegetable bins, and screamed "Only twenty minutes!" as she defrosted the entire freezer section ;) ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 18:08:54 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Annette Ciotola Subject: Re: once a month... Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit In a message dated 5/29/98 4:46:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Zoomway@AOL.COM writes: << >>>They have perfect sex every time. Like Zoom and Mr. Zoom (hey, that's what she claimed).<<< Deb, thanks for giving me an excuse to use one of may favorite Lois Lane lines regarding Clark Kent ;) Elise: "Look, Ms. Lane, if you've found the perfect man, then I'm happy for you." Lois: "No, he's about as far from perfect as you get, but I'll tell you the difference between him and Calvin. I know that he puts my happiness above his own." That about sums up how I feel about my husband, though I wouldn't have distanced him quite as far from "perfect" The point is, I can't think of many women who wouldn't rather have a "generous" lover even over a handsome lover, or well built lover, etc. And by generous I mean a man who makes sure that his partner gets just as much out of the lovemaking as he gets out of it because it means a lot to him that she be satisfied too, because he loves her. >>>You see, L&C's perfection is not interesting to me; I don't find it newsworthy.<<< >> I just want to throw my $.02 here. Talk about a discussion going full circle with a discussion. This excerpt comes from one of my all time favorite fanfics. I think Chris hit it head on about the definition of a perfect relationship in MmiKC. I don't know if this exactly fits in with this discussion but here goes *********************************** She kept her voice low and level, as if she were just telling a story. "It's easy to get caught up in the moment, you see, and you can forget that 'being perfect' isn't the same thing as being perfect for you." Lois reached forward with her other hand, placing it at his waist on his right side. This time she heard a slight, sharp intake of breath as she touched the damp fabric of his shirt. His eyes hadn't left her face, as if he were trying to see into her soul, the way he had on the night they'd first met. This renewed openness on his part greatly encouraged her. "That's what makes the inevitable disappointment that much harder to bear, and it may take a while to understand that while a Mr. Perfect is just a dream (and would probably drive you insane if he *were* real), there's someone else who may be as far from 'perfect' as you can get but ... he'll be kind to you, and gentle with you. He'll tease you and protect you, and make you laugh ... and he *will* be perfect, because he'll be perfect for you. And then you'll know that *he's* the one you want in your life." ********************************* There is a difference between having the perfect (looking) relationship and having the perfect significant other. This difference is finding the one that's perfect for you. So, yes, maybe Lois and Clark seem to have the perfect relationship (or perfect sex every time) but to me that just means Lois and Clark are perfect for each other and that's what I like reading about. It's what keeps me coming back for more. I don't think it is at all boring. Did I make any sense? Anne :) (who someday hopes to find the man (Dean?) who is perfect for her) /me snaps outta her fantasy! ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 18:05:12 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: NO 1 Vicky Subject: Re: Meet Me in Kansas City Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit In a message dated 98-05-28 05:45:11 EDT, you write: > At 02:28 PM 27/05/98 -1000, Jamee Jones wrote: > >Hi! > > > >With all this talk of the fic "Meet Me in Kansas City" I'm dying to read > >it. I went to the archives and for some reason I can't get to that > >page. It will only load as far as the "L's" then it comes up netscape > >error. If possible can someone email this fic to me? I would greatly > >appreciate it! :) > > > >Thanx, > >j-me > > Are "me-toos" permitted on this list? > How about me-threes? My internet access is screwed up and I can't even get to the archive. ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 19:44:13 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Anne Carlson Subject: Re: Carom/Carob Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit In a message dated 98-05-28 22:31:26 EDT, you write: << Jeez, why can't I drum up this interest in my own work? Ah-h-h well, what can I say. It's my lot in life. Always doing for others. Never thinking of myself.... >> I was going to spend some time rereading "Love As a Blonde" and "Taken". I really enjoy your stories, Sandra. They are included in some of the few fanfics that I have saved on disk. I just feel like I have to do some research in order to jump into your "Graduate Course of Fanfic Reviews". You have brought up some very interesting points in the two stories you have reviewed so far. Unfortunately, with report cards coming up and classroom business to attend to, I can't delve into this discussion like I want to do. Just two more weeks! ( My current chant ) I catch up soon! Anne ( ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 20:31:11 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Sandra McDermin Subject: Re: FR: "MMIKC," "YEMK," + "the kitchen sink" Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii In a message dated 98-05-29 13:07:44 EDT, you write: << I agree. I thought about doing something along these lines, only dealing with Clark and Lois' son -- a little boy who begins to suspect that he's Superman's son (not *Clark's* son but Superman's) and charmingly tries to follow in his "father's" footsteps. I thought I could make it cute and funny -- a little Super"man" rescuing birds and puppy dogs -- but with an underlying bit of melodrama over his mistaken belief that the daddy he has always known is not really his daddy. >> >>>>So, Sandy, are you going to write this one or leave it for someone else? I'm just curious cause it sounds like one I'd very much like to read; as you know, I don't write. --Laurie (who also read a lot as a kid, and whose mother actually told her as a teenager that she didn't have any social skills)<<<< Well, I would very much like to write it, but, not being around children, I'm not too confident about my ability to write them (even if I did manage to bluff my way thru two other stories which had children in them.) My first problem is I'm not very familiar with the "mental" ages of the average child. (Of course, *this* child would have to be very precocious.) That is, the child in question would have to be old enough to have some kind of complex thoughts about "his" parentage, i.e., be able to grasp the general concept of illegitmacy -- even if he has it wrong. He would also have to be old enough to act upon his desires, i.e., get his hands on and dress in a "Tiny Tots" Superman Halloween costume and act out the role. However, he would also have to be young and innocent enough not to find this activity ridiculous or "uncool". What age would this be? 8? To be honest, this story idea didn't start out this way. If you want to see how it started out, here is the text of a scene I began and abandoned quite a while ago. Only recently, have I revisited it and thought about changing it to fit what I have outlined above. ****** Jonny heard the older girls giggling, but he refused to acknowledge them. His best friend, Wyatt, was pulling his collection of action figures >from a makeshift toybox and setting them up for a dastardly attack on Jonny's. He tried to concentrate, but the girls high pitched voices demanded his attention. "That's what I heard Mrs. Lankowski say," Rebecca informed her playmate. "She told my mom that Jonny isn't Mr. Kent's son. She said he's Superman's illegal kid." "Illegal kid! What's that?" Wyatt's sister Kathleen asked. "You know! When a lady has a baby without being married." "*Stu-u*pid! Mrs. Kent is married!" "Well, I asked my sister and she said, like, illegal means that the mom and dad aren't married *to each other.* She said, like, Superman is the dad and Mrs. Kent is the mom." "Like, really!" Kathleen giggled, her eyes widening. Jonny closed his ears to the words flowing passed. He grimaced, feeling a sharp tingling in the corners of his eyes. "Really!" Rebecca assured. Jonny swallowed heavily, looking over Wyatt's head to the whispering girls before lashing out at the action figures laid out in front of him. They tumbled over at the swipe of his hand. "He-e-y!" Wyatt protested, but Jonny was already climbing to his feet and barreling towards the two girls. "You're a liar, Rebecca!" Jonny shouted as he pushed passed them and ran toward home. Hauling open the back door of his house, he slammed it behind him with every ounce of his strength causing his mother to spill the soft drink she was pouring and quickly drawing his father's eyes from the words of the Planet's sports columnist. "What the...?" Clark said, as Lois called to their son, making tentative movements to follow. The pounding of the stair steps told them he wasn't listening, and Clark got up to scrambled after him, leaving Lois behind. The shut door of Jonny's room looked just as unyielding as its occupant could be, however, this was not an obstacle to such a father. ***** That's it. I never got any further than that. Sandy ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 20:30:26 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Subject: Re: once a month... Comments: To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 >> You see, L&C's perfection is not interesting to me; I don't find it newsworthy. For me, it's a dead end. Where's the conflict and adventure i= f it's perfect every time? << Well, you know, that's interesting... I was thinking about this in a broader perspective (and I may be twisting Debby's meaning too far out of= context; my apologies) and I disagree. 'Perfection' is what I look for, it's what I search out. I suffered through the less-than perfect times on the show, I loved the moments when= perfection was achieved, however fleetingly. A perfect kiss, a perfect moment of understanding, perfect harmony between L&C. Perfection isn't permanent, but for me, it's the goal. Some people love to see L&C fight,= I understand that, and that's fine. But I much prefer them when they're "i= n synch" (That's probably why I don't overmuch care for the Holy First Season - I can see the potential for a perfect match but they can't, and they flail around hurting each other and themselves. It's a taste thing ) So I like fanfic that takes the characters through a journey that lets them achieve a moment of perfection, and I also like fanfic where the journey is unseen and all we get is a vignette of perfect joy, or comfort= , or understanding, or trust. (although I think I'm overusing the word 'perfect' here; this'll turn into badfic if I'm not careful ) PJ (who wants to contribute a fanfic review if only she could get time and motivation together all at once...) !^NavFont02F04C1000FMGJHG8DMG8FHKC3DD72 E-mail from: Pam Jernigan, 29-May-1998 / ChiefPam on the IRC ~~~~~ ~~~~~ "Are you under the care of a qualified psychiatrist, Constable?" = -- "The Ladies' Man", Due South "Women and cats will do as they please and men and dogs = should relax and get used to the idea." -- Robert A. Heinlein ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 22:25:32 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Gary Subject: Vignette Fanfic: Watch Out MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Clark Kent leaned against the doorway and watched his wife putting her jewelry on. He checked his watch. His new watch. Lois had given it to him for his birthday. A birthday that they were about to celebrate with dinner. Lois looked over at her husband. "I'm almost done." Clark stopped staring at his watch. "I'm not in a hurry, just looking at my present." "Do you like it?" "I'm not sure." "Oh?" "I mean, I liked my old watch, but I've tossed it aside in favor of this one." "I don't think you've hurt its feelings, Clark." "No, it's not that, but I didn't want a new watch, wasn't expecting one. But..." "But?" "But I like this one, not because it's better or new, but because it's a gift, from you." "Aww, that's sweet." "No, it means I'm whipped." Clark sighed. "Well that can be arranged for later tonight." Lois giggled. "And that's another thing. You enjoy that more than I do, too." "What?" Lois wasn't sure she heard Clark right. "I give and I give but..." "But what?" "I don't know..." "You don't know?! Clark what are you saying?" "We're gonna be late for our reservations." "Why would you want to eat with a woman who is smothering and selfish in bed?!" "Are you going to cry now?" Lois did just that and ran into the bathroom and slammed the door. "Fine. I wasn't hungry anyway." Clark changed into the suit and went on patrol, and he took his old watch with him. ************ "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus" By John Gray PhD Chapter 6: Men Are Like Rubber Bands "When a man loves a woman, periodically he needs to pull away before he can get closer." "A man automatically alternates between needing intimacy and autonomy." "To a certain extent a man *loses* himself though connecting with his partner." =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | Gary A. Rudick | | "You decide what you feel heaven is worth" - Deborah Gibson, TWYH | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 19:34:04 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Leanne Shawler Subject: Re: FR: "MMIKC," "YEMK," + "the kitchen sink" In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" >At 01:08 PM 5/29/98 -0400, you wrote: >>> I can almost "see" Lois studying fiercely in her room trying to drown out >>her parent's bitter arguments until she, too, finally opted out by leaving, >>putting a distance between herself and anyone who could hurt her. >>Dysfunctional families sometimes produce super-achieving children just for >>these very reasons.< >> >>Gary said: >>>>>I can see the public service anouncement now... >>"Help your child do well in school, fight with your spouse in front of >>them."<<< >> > >Same here. Most kids get grounded for punishment, I got thrown out of the >house. >Being sent to my room wasn't punishment for me, I'd just read a book. Ye gods. Sandra gets yelled at by her gran for reading too much and Gary's getting sent to his room is a luxury .... And I didn't get yelled at (re: this -- there was some yelling f'sure) but was often asked "Don't you *ever* get your head out of a book?" and "Don't you *ever* leave your room?" and if I couldn't read, then I daydreamed. I did a lot of that in the car (when I wasn't singing *very quietly* along to ABBA) because we weren't allowed to distract Dad by talking/yelling/etc. I outwitted my brothers in countless car games of "giraffe" (hey, who needs to talk when you're *daydreaming*!) ... Heck, even when we went camping, when I hit my teens I was less interested in trekking over the same old grounds (we almost always went to the same place) than I was in re-reading "Jane Eyre" in a stuffy tent. (I'd read outside until the March flies drove me inside. Nasty buggers.) *Anyway*, being sent to my room wasn't a punishment for me either. So Mum had to resort to making me feel bad by saying "I'm very upset and disappointed in you" etc etc .... Oh, and I was one of those who always had to do her best in school -- although I hardly ever came first in anything. (French and Ancient History) Leanne (who emigrated to the US from Australia with 24 or so boxes, easily half of which were books she "couldn't" give up) Leanne Shawler aka Volterra on IRC ( Web Design: Home Page: Midnight Dreaming: The Original Anthony Warlow Home Page: ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 20:43:36 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Stark Subject: Charity Begins on L&C Fanfic List (was Re: Carom/Carob) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 07:49 PM 5/28/98 -0400, Sandra McD wrote: [big snip...] >Jeez, why can't I drum up this interest in my own work? Ah-h-h well, what >can I say. It's my lot in life. Always doing for others. Never thinking >of myself.... > >St. Sandra Dear St. "S": I just finished reading Charity Begins at Home (S5, #19) (I *said* I was behind in my reading...). I have only one comment. Wow. More? Stupendous. More??? Geesh. Okay. I enjoyed all the detail. I enjoy the long, newsy, character-growing, action and emotion and comedy-in-the-right-doses stories you write. You obviously put a lot of time and thought into these efforts--to your readers' delight. Your Lois is comical... but while this would be handled in a back-handed manner by some (paid) writers, making Lois a buffoon and the butt of jokes, you show us that in facing potential disaster that she is a strong and resourceful person. The jokes (i.e,. the shower) may seem to be on her (she was sure it would be a big joke), but somehow she fades aside so no cream pies hit her. Instead, she rises under your patronage to see a silver lining: her realization that the gifts were for a real baby--*her* real baby. Before this all the other writers have had her happy at being pregnant--but only now, in this one moment of this one story, did I have the feeling that Lois at last realized what the heck was going on and that it was really miraculous. Add to it that all the women around her really did like her and really wanted to be there for her. That was so sweet! Later on in the story she expressed this realization to Clark, doubling my reading pleasure. I know we would never have seen anything like this wonderfulness for Lois on the show (unless they contracted you to write it). Thank you. Your Clark is big hearted. We already knew this, of course, but you reminded us of this basic trait of his in several different, ingenious ways. You bring up, expand upon and use the idea that he set up the Foundation to distribute the wealth his image had generated (the show should have dealt more with this...). The money will go for only good things even though there might come a time when L&C need help. When he was affected by the red Kryptonite, he became super acquisitive... not for himself but out of worry for the future of his family (and even then, in fighting the RK's influence, it was like he was, deep down inside, confident about that). His RK-induced solution was to try to assure financial stability, though in several unorthodox ways. Finally--and *at last*, in all the series--he faces his own gullibility and wow has he been dunderheaded, gullible over the years, and *not* all the time because of having a big heart... However, this time it was because of his basic trust of people. Lois explores this, contrasting him with herself (though she doesn't sound self pitying, whew). Then she brings him back around in an honest, nonpatronizing, strengthening manner. She also tells him what to do but in the end it's his decision. Great stuff. S5 and TUFS writers have written many excellent scenes showing how and why L&C make great partners and this was yet another of them. I'm glad you had lots of women in the episode, allowing all of them at least a few lines that reminded us of their complex characters: Cat as savvy reporter and social observer; Betty as fun at parties--but quick to jump to her friends' defense (I could almost hear her accent); Alice as having come back to life and having fun at the party. Martha... lightly drawn (I liked the brief scene in Lois's Jeep), and thank you for not overwhelming us with her. Ellen... trying her darndest, holding her tongue when saying something mean would have hurt others, and at last finding a job that really does suit her strengths: her organizational skills and her fierce loyalty, both traits that would scare Lex and Mindy combined. The Foundation is safe in her hands. Bravo all around. You did very well with Jimmy. As I read the various short scenes that he was in, I thought that I should encourage you write a story focusing on him. Consider yourself encourage. And, hey, think about write a story for Perry, too. :) I like how you write complex plots yet manage to make them all seem simple and flowing. There's a kind of frenetic energy in the atmosphere you build. I feel like I'm being pulled along and there's almost too much to see--and yet I want to see it all. This is particularly true, for example, in the scenes with Lois at the Daily Planet, trying to get her investigation in gear, shouting at Jimmy, and Jimmy trying to second guess her to save time. Your scenes with Clark and Superman don't have this same flavor, which is good since neither of them are/he isn't that kind of person despite his superspeed. Dislikes...? The Red Kryptonite plot made me nervous at first, but I realized eventually this may be because I wasn't in the mood to read about anyone suffering. This reticence on my part made me stretch the reading of #19 out over several days, and each time I'd return to it hoping that L&C would figure out quickly what was going on and get all that over with and get to the shower/party ;) To my delight, you used Dr. Klein very well in solving the mystery; the scenes at the lab saved the A plot for me :) Well. I hope you're happy now. I am :) Debby who notes that there was just a commercial on Fox for Mad TV on which they're going to do some kind of parody of Superman... (on Saturday night's show, 5/30). ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 23:15:23 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: No Name Available Subject: Re: Charity Begins on L&C Fanfic List (was Re: Carom/Carob) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit In a message dated 98-05-29 22:43:59 EDT, Debby wrote: << I enjoyed all the detail. I enjoy the long, newsy, character-growing, action and emotion and comedy-in-the-right-doses stories you write. >> See, Sandy, I told you this when you sent me the first part--this is why I don't write. I can't do what you do so well--paint a moving picture in words. :) --Laurie ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 05:33:31 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Stark Subject: Re: once a month... Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 04:44 PM 5/29/98 EDT, Zoomway wrote: >In a message dated 98-05-29 07:54:04 EDT, debby@SWCP.COM writes: > ><< At my initial suggestion, IRCers were appauled and proceeded to tell me >that their sex lives were thrilling, not boring! >> > >Whoa, I gotta make a serious correction here What Debby said was that >"orgasms" were boring I said, and I quote from my log: > some day L&C are *not* going to have perfect sex... then it will be interesting. then a few moments later, I said: > What if, due to being an *alien*, Clark needs all the foreplay and Lois has to slow down? then, a few moments after that, an IRCer who I won't identify here said... <____> I've read nfics where L&C don't have "perfect" sex. In fact, i kind of did that in "_______" a little, where Lois muses that it wasn't the most intense orgasm she's ever had, but it doesn't take away from the tenderness she feels for him. to which I replied, using the word "orgasm" for the first time: > that's still sort of boring, __, that she has an orgasm every darn time... Just setting the record straight from my POV and log. IRC connections and speed may have caused Zoomway to get these words in a different order. Hey, she might even have seen different words. >I don't think anyone on the channel would have been >'appauled' had Debby said that sex or 'perfect sex' or whatever could be >boring, but the orgasm -- well, I can't imagine that being boring, sorry, I >just can't. Good for you. I didn't say that I thought you would find it boring for yourself or that L&C would find it boring. I perhaps should have added that I find the predictability of their perfect sex lives boring. [snip] >I get the feeling Clark tries to make sure Lois achieves that elusive event as >often as possible Good for him. That's normal and to be expected and it's not even boring. But what if he failed? What if he had a string of failures? What if Lois wasn't in the mood? What if it the results weren't so predictable, such that the only thing that seems to change (in those Nfics I've read) is the setting? What affect, if any, would some failure to perform, to satisfy have on their relationship? >>>>They have perfect sex every >time. Like Zoom and Mr. Zoom (hey, that's what she claimed).<<< >Deb, thanks for giving me an excuse to use one of may favorite Lois Lane lines >regarding Clark Kent ;) > > Elise: "Look, Ms. Lane, if you've found the perfect man, then I'm >happy for you." > Lois: "No, he's about as far from perfect as you get, but I'll tell >you the difference between him and Calvin. I know that he puts >my happiness above his own." I'm sure she reflected long and hard upon that thought (for at least... 20 minutes?) after she realized that he let Lex take her away in Double Jeopardy. :p >That about sums up how I feel about my husband, I'm glad for you. Your great feelings for Mr. Way don't change my opinion about the predictability of many of the nfic stories I've read. >>>>You see, L&C's perfection is not interesting to me; I don't find it >newsworthy.<<< > >Fortunately I don't read nfic for "newsworthiness" However, the same could >be said of a lot of "vignette" style fanfic. If it has no A plot, where is >the story? But straight B plot fanfic is very popular whether it fits in one >e-mail or twenty, Yes, I know. I'm happy for the writers and the readers. >and I think that it then becomes a credit to the story >teller regarding how much joy is garnered from the vignette more than what >actually is transpiring in the vignette. There's a ton of revelations stories >in the archive, and so you could as easlily say "another revelation -- yawn" And sometimes I have. Ditto with the wedding stories. >but how the stories get to that point is what makes them singular and worthy >in and of themselves. Most Nfic stories, from what I've read, don't go real far to reach any point but the two main characters being really happy at the end. In the other, non Nfic stories, the author usually tries to tell a story and rarely start out with "Well, this story doesn't have an A plot at all--enjoy!" >I've read outrageously funny nfic, very lusty nfic (believe it or not, not all >nfic has a 'lusty' quality ;) bizarre nfic and nfic where Lois and Clark seem >way out of character, but I don't lump all of the nfic into a heap no more >than I would lump all fanfic into a heap. When you do that, you're leaving >out the most important element, the writer. Don't count me in that "you". I admire all unpaid fanfic writers because it takes a great deal of courage to post any story but most particular Nfic stories. However, in posting, writers must realize that people are going to read their stories and that people are going to form opinions about them. I've formed an opinion about what seems to me to be the typical, predictable outcome of Nfic stories: two happy people who have perfect sex nearly all the time, and it would be 100% of the time if Jimmy or someone didn't rush in and threaten to reveal things. Now whether you & Mr. Way could withstand this kind of challenge with the same applomb as L&C, well... >>>Why not try something different? I typed. Why not... Clark >interested in sexual intercourse only, oh, 20 minutes each month?<<< >Well, I may be remembering the incident incorrectly since Julie was writing >nfic at the time, and I like to give my attention to the writer's efforts >(wooo ;), but to me it seemed as if you were saying that sex was boring and >that limiting it to once a month for say 20 minutes would somehow make it more >special. What I said was (and I don't expect you to remember this, I just want to help your memory and help the other readers along): > hmm, what if... Clark's sex drive was cyclical and he was interested, *really really interested* only about 20 minutes a month? hmm... I didn't say "sex was boring", I said that Lois having an orgasm every time was sort of boring. I didn't say limiting CK's being really, really interested to 20 minutes a month would make it more special, I said "what if...", continuing on my earlier "what if"s. Perhaps I should have enlarged upon what "it" could be--anything from cuddling to the intercourse and an orgasm for him--but IRC was slow for me that night. >To me, each time Lois and Clark kissed, they seemed to be as deeply >involved and into that moment as they were the first time they kissed, and I >feel their lovemaking would be the same way. It is not 'boring' to them. And did I say that this was? No. I said that her having an orgasm every time was sort of boring. Indeed, perfection is boring. On the other hand, striving for perfection is not boring and telling stories about the striving, the efforts, the set backs, the little victories and the big ones... all that, that's what I find interesting. >It is only one of many ways they express their love for each other. Yep. I'd never argue that. > (who now understands how Lois could go psycho and trash a >super market She was heard screaming "Just once a month!" as she turned >over the vegetable bins, and screamed "Only twenty minutes!" as she defrosted >the entire freezer section ;) Yes! That's it! See how interesting *that* is? What if, on top of Clark not telling her first that he was Supes before proposing, he waited until after the wedding (the 2nd one, not the chicken one) to mention that he was "*really really interested* only about 20 minutes a month? hmm..." Would she divorce him? Would she love him any the less? Would she... learn to cook? Debby finally reading something interesting ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 14:13:59 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: No Name Available Subject: Re: once a month... Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit << (who now understands how Lois could go psycho and trash a super market She was heard screaming "Just once a month!" as she turned over the vegetable bins, and screamed "Only twenty minutes!" as she defrosted the entire freezer section ;) >> Debby wrote: < Yes! That's it! See how interesting *that* is? What if, on top of Clark not telling her first that he was Supes before proposing, he waited until after the wedding (the 2nd one, not the chicken one) to mention that he was "*really really interested* only about 20 minutes a month? hmm..." Would she divorce him? Would she love him any the less? Would she... learn to cook?> And of course, some months those 20 minutes would have to come at some pretty inopportune times -- at the Planet, during a Super rescue, when Lois & Clark are having dinner with Sam or Ellen... -Christy ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 16:35:52 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: The Zoomway Subject: Re: once a month... Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit In a message dated 98-05-30 07:33:51 EDT, debby@SWCP.COM writes: << I said, and I quote from my log: > some day L&C are *not* going to have perfect sex... then it will be interesting. >> But see, there have been stories where that has been true, but if you had nothing but stories where they never had 'perfect sex' (whatever that is exactly ;) then that would be likewise boring. It's why I loved the mild blooper they left in Soulmates where Clark (dressed as Superman) sets Lois on the bed, and then he starts to make his move, only to find his cape is caught on his boots and Dean has to strain a bit to try and free the cape and Teri finds it amusing. It demonstrates, in a genlte way, some of the foibles one might encounter bedding a superhero who is dressed in full turnout gear >>then a few moments later, I said: > What if, due to being an *alien*, Clark needs all the foreplay and Lois has to slow down?<<< Clark's 'alieness' has definitely been used in nfic stories. However, if you're going to set up a scenario where sex sounds or seems more entertaining for just Clark, or at the very least sounds like Lois has to 'do all the work' so to speak, then there would have to be a likewise sufficient payoff for Lois if we're to have the woman who attacks Clark in elevators or while cooking breakfast be believable >>then, a few moments after that, an IRCer who I won't identify here said... <____> I've read nfics where L&C don't have "perfect" sex. In fact, i kind of did that in "_______" a little, where Lois muses that it wasn't the most intense orgasm she's ever had, but it doesn't take away from the tenderness she feels for him.<<<< Actually that's true, and very good, though it's the same as Lois's "great date" with Clark ... "it wasn't the wildest or the funniest ..." It doesn't always have to reach the "pie in the sky summit" but that it is the two of them, I think that's why it makes it 'perfect' even if it isn't the most 'intense' every single time. Julie wrote one where Lois literally passed out and it scared Clark, so that was 'intense' but not necessarily something Clark would like to see happen often >>>to which I replied, using the word "orgasm" for the first time: > that's still sort of boring, __, that she has an orgasm every darn time<<< As was discussed above, the "big O" isn't always created equal and just because one occurs doesn't necessarily mean it was 'perfect' and even that is subjective in itself. Maybe it's perfect for Lois because it is Clark, and vice versa, and nothing reaally more deep than that ;) >>Good for him. That's normal and to be expected and it's not even boring. But what if he failed? What if he had a string of failures? What if Lois wasn't in the mood? What if it the results weren't so predictable, such that the only thing that seems to change (in those Nfics I've read) is the setting? What affect, if any, would some failure to perform, to satisfy have on their relationship?<<<< Have you read Sheila Harper's nfic version of A Shot in the Dark? I'm assuming you haven't from the above paragraph and you really might want to give it a read. Lois was paralyzed by a gunshot wound, but of course Clark still loves her, and is still sexually attracted to her, but he's afraid to make a first move, and Lois reads that as disinterest, and that he no longer finds her sexually attractive. It's a sensitive subject handled exceptionally by Sheila. However, you ask what if Clark tried "but what if he failed" ... I think the fact that he tried means he didn't fail ;) >>I'm sure she reflected long and hard upon that thought (for at least... 20 minutes?) after she realized that he let Lex take her away in Double Jeopardy. :p<<< Wow, until you typed in 'Double Jeopardy' I thought you were talking about the first season finale >>>Most Nfic stories, from what I've read, don't go real far to reach any point but the two main characters being really happy at the end. In the other, non Nfic stories, the author usually tries to tell a story and rarely start out with "Well, this story doesn't have an A plot at all--enjoy!"<<<< Since when? I mean we had a long thread here on Meet Me in Kansas City, and that very long story has no A plot and yet fans voted for it repeatedly in I believe six categories and it won in every single category it was nominated for. Lois and Clark as a television series was character-driven, as opposed to say Mission Impossible, which was probably as plot-driven as you could get, and so L&C fanfic mostly becomes a character study just as was the case on the series. To me, everything else was backdrops and props on the series. If the characters don't ring true in a fanfic story, then I don't care about the A plot because for me, the author missed the boat. At it's best, Lois and Clark would have a 'premise' that the writer wanted to explore, and so an A plot (whether deep, flimsy, or humorous) would be built to accommodate that desired premise exploration. Premise: How would Lois and Clark interact in a situation of forced intimacy? Exploration: Honeymoon in Metropolis. Premise: How would Clark and Lois react if Lois suddenly started chasing after Clark? Exploration: Pheromone, My Lovely. Once Lois and Clark started building their romantic relationship, then a premise could be reused, but the bar was lifted higher in order to explore the added dynamic of their relationship. The forced intimacy premise was used again, but with Lois agreeing to date Clark, and thus the idea that she's 'interested' in the guy with the glasses, The Phoenix becomes more intense. I have read some good plots or well-drawn villains in fanfic, but as with the series, how well this works for me in any given story, is how well the writer captures the characters from the series. A few writers freely admit that their Lois and Clark only bears a cursory resemblance to the couple from the TV series, that's fine, but if that's what they want to do, why not just rename them Tilly and Gus? >>>However, in posting, writers must realize that people are going to read their stories and that people are going to form opinions about them. I've formed an opinion about what seems to me to be the typical, predictable outcome of Nfic stories<<<< I think there are fans who don't like certain genres, you don't like nfic because the few you've read were 'predictable' from your point of view. I don't like 'deathfic', but I did read one that I found quite good. Fan tastes are just gonna be vary ;) >>>Yes! That's it! See how interesting *that* is? What if, on top of Clark not telling her first that he was Supes before proposing, he waited until after the wedding (the 2nd one, not the chicken one) to mention that he was "*really really interested* only about 20 minutes a month? hmm..."<<<< Oh boy, then have we got a badfic for you It has the 20 minutes and everything! Woo hoo ;) (and charades! ;) ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 14:18:56 PDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "K.C. Boyd" Subject: Re: FR: Content-Type: text/plain Sandy wrote: >Well, since Chris brought up something personal with regard to her story, I'll bring up something personal regarding my response to Genevieve's story.< What story? I thought I had read all of chris's stories and I have no Idea what started this conversation. A very confused K.C. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 14:22:08 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Sara Kraft Subject: Re: once a month... Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" > >And of course, some months those 20 minutes would have to come at some pretty >inopportune times -- at the Planet, during a Super rescue, when Lois & >Clark are having dinner with Sam or Ellen... Hmmmm... At the Planet: "Lois, I'm hungry, Let's go out to lunch. *Now*" "Now? It's 9 in the morning?" "Yes, now. RIGHT NOW" Now THAT would be interesting. Sara --------------------- Sara Kraft ~~~ Triumph is just a little umph added to TRY. ~~~~~ ----------------------------- ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 08:43:29 +1000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jenny Stosser Subject: Re: once a month... In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Gary: there's a story written by Mackteach where Lois has a headache and is just *not* interested, even though Clark is very interested... Ask for "Read my lips". Mind you, I had permission to show the story to Joe and he *still* didn't get the point -- Jenny Stosser -*- -*- (Jenerator or Some1Else on IRC) -*- My ICQ# is 11477318 -*- This message is umop ap!sdn -*- Photos of David (5) and Megan (2) on the Stosser Family HomePage: Please sign our guestbook! ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 18:46:25 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Stark Subject: Re: NFIC rated (Re: once a month...) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 11:08 AM 5/29/98 -0400, you wrote: [snip] >A meeting of 'Men Who Want to Cuddle' Anonymous: >"Uh, Hi, my name is Clark, and I like to cuddle." >"Hi, Clark!" prologue: location: Daily Planet, Perry's office Perry - I've got an assignment for you, Clark. I want you to investigate this new outfit, [tosses local weekly newspaper on desk; it's opened to the tiny-print "Personals" pages] Cuddlers Anonymous. Sounds suspiscious to me. Clark - Me, Chief? Perry - Yep. I took a poll of all the women in the office. 98% of them think you're the most cuddleable man in the building. Clark - Huh? Perry - Yeah, yeah - but I came in a close second! If anyone needs to be cured of this, um, affliction, it looks like it's you. Get out there and investigate. Lois - But put in some practice first, eh? >>At my initial suggestion, IRCers were appauled and proceeded to tell me that >>their sex lives were thrilling, not boring! >Well, mediorce sex is better than no sex at all... I'm not going there... [snip] >And speaking of stealth orgasms...anyone who can tell me what the true name >and use of the mini-soccer balls the guy had in "The Source" will get a >guaranteed to win a Kerth Award (n)fic idea. I beleve the man's name was Wick and I believe the soccer balls may have been a variant on the Chinese "Baoding" iron balls. They are metalic and have a kind of bell inside. The user takes both in one hand and rolls them around. They touch various accupressure points and promote healing. The bell inside sounds like "bao-ding" while the balls are moving, and the metal of each exterior, clashing together, also makes an interesting sound. For the show, I suspect they used some other kind of no-sound ball-shaped prop. >>You see, L&C's perfection is not interesting to me; I don't find it >>newsworthy. For me, it's a dead end. Where's the conflict and adventure if >>it's perfect every time? >I agree, they don't fight enough. I don't want them to fight unless it's a logical consequence of what's happening in the story. I would like to see some "conflict" as a way of showing that the story is dealing with people who are different from each other and not in predictably sync 110% of the time. Debby who will read all the stories eventually... hopefully before installing Win98 :) ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 21:18:00 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Mar Smith Subject: Re: FR: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit The story in question (Chris') is "Meet Me In Kanas City" ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 23:57:18 -0300 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Vanessa Subject: Re: NFIC rated (Re: once a month...) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 18:46 30/05/98 -0600, you wrote: >At 11:08 AM 5/29/98 -0400, you wrote: >>And speaking of stealth orgasms...anyone who can tell me what the true name >>and use of the mini-soccer balls the guy had in "The Source" will get a >>guaranteed to win a Kerth Award (n)fic idea. > >I beleve the man's name was Wick and I believe the soccer balls may have >been a variant on the Chinese "Baoding" iron balls. They are metalic and >have a kind of bell inside. The user takes both in one hand and rolls them >around. They touch various accupressure points and promote healing. > >The bell inside sounds like "bao-ding" while the balls are moving, and the >metal of each exterior, clashing together, also makes an interesting sound. >For the show, I suspect they used some other kind of no-sound ball-shaped prop. > Actually they say that the ball will have stronger effect if you can roll both of them with one hand rapidly and it makes no sound. Maybe they had this guy rolling these ball to give us an idea of his persanality as a very smart person or something like that. I don't know if you ever rolled these balls, it's not that easy. Vanessa. ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 10:51:44 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Gary Subject: Re: once a month... In-Reply-To: <> MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 08:43 AM 5/31/98 +1000, you wrote: >Gary: >there's a story written by Mackteach where Lois has a headache and is just >*not* interested, even though Clark is very interested... Ask for "Read my >lips". Mind you, I had permission to show the story to Joe and he *still* >didn't get the point >-- Yes, I've already read that one, it is very well done. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | Gary A. Rudick | | "You decide what you feel heaven is worth" - Deborah Gibson, TWYH | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 11:10:25 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Gary Subject: Re: NFIC rated (Re: once a month...) In-Reply-To: < r> MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 11:57 PM 5/30/98 -0300, you wrote: >At 18:46 30/05/98 -0600, you wrote: >>At 11:08 AM 5/29/98 -0400, you wrote: >>>And speaking of stealth orgasms...anyone who can tell me what the true name >>>and use of the mini-soccer balls the guy had in "The Source" will get a >>>guaranteed to win a Kerth Award (n)fic idea. >> >>I beleve the man's name was Wick and I believe the soccer balls may have >>been a variant on the Chinese "Baoding" iron balls. They are metalic and >>have a kind of bell inside. The user takes both in one hand and rolls them >>around. They touch various accupressure points and promote healing. >> Close. Chinese? Yes. Are they meant for hand use? Well, that is what you are supposed to tell naive folks when they ask what they're for, although I supposed it is a legitimate purpose all by itself. However, my hands never felt better using them. (Not that I've used them. ;-) >>The bell inside sounds like "bao-ding" while the balls are moving, and the >>metal of each exterior, clashing together, also makes an interesting sound. >>For the show, I suspect they used some other kind of no-sound ball-shaped prop. >> > 'bao-ding' is the sound they make not a Chinese word, right? The Chinese word or term I've heard of is "ben-wa", I don't know the translation. Although Clark probably would know. >Actually they say that the ball will have stronger effect if you can roll >both of them with one hand rapidly and it makes no sound. Maybe they had >this guy rolling these ball to give us an idea of his persanality as a very >smart person or something like that. I don't know if you ever rolled these >balls, it's not that easy. > >Vanessa. > I think flipping a coin would've demonstrated his character more clearly. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | Gary A. Rudick | | "You decide what you feel heaven is worth" - Deborah Gibson, TWYH | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 10:28:57 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Farah Meitzen Chisham Subject: thanks! Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" I am working feverishly and thanks to all who responded! farah :) ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 12:01:40 PDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Peace Everett Subject: Re: Desktop Themes In-Reply-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"; X-MAPIextension=".TXT" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Well, I don't have any sort of formal theme, but the wallpaper on my computer is a black and white version of the wallpaper on my homepage (linedrawings of Lois & Clark) and my screensaver, courtesy of VuePrint, is screencaptures of L&C (mostly them kissing ). I don't have sounds on my computer, and I prefer my cursors to be the Windows default (I've found the others... distracting ;) Peace A FoLC Named Peace Come visit me, and read my Lois & Clark fanfic ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 12:09:34 PDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Peace Everett Subject: Re: Desktop Themes In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"; X-MAPIextension=".TXT" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable > p.s. I just need to have a L&C screensaver to complete the whole thing.= So if > anyone of you have one, please help me and tell me where to find one, = please. > Thanks. > --- > Joan aka dmj and > >color schemes. I do not however, have a screen saver idea but I would > >LOVE to have one (It would just drive my family crazy!) so if you ever > >do find one it would be great if you could send it my way . . . :) > >-Caroline Amberson Okay, I'm way behind on reading my email, but I'm noticing a number of people wanting an L&C screen saver. I have a program called VuePrint which I downloaded from Among other things, it has a screensaver option -- you point it to any subdirectory = on your harddrive and it goes through and displays every image it finds in that subdirectory -- with a number of different options as to how it disp= lays them. I have mine set to random order, random location, so that the effect is like someone tossing photos out onto a tabletop. It looks pret= ty cool, and I can change the pictures any time I want. The program is shareware -- you have to register it, which costs about US$40, if I'm remembering correctly. But it's a program I use a great deal, so I consider it to be worth the price. :) Peace ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 14:27:20 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Frances Coogan Subject: New badfic - LnCgoPC Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit LnCgoPC (or for the benefit of the abbreviationally challenged, "Lois and Clark go Politically Correct"). This is an intentional badfic of the PC variety (politically correct, not personal computer - they're all that, aren't they? Personal computer, that is, not politically correct. Which isn't to say that all fics aren't politically correct, but not that they necessarily all are, either). Good. So now that's clear. .... Or not... But seriously, this isn't. Serious, that is. Just the product of a hot Sunday afternoon after reading badfic and spotting the politically correct dictionary on the bookshelf. I hope you enjoy it, and if not, well, it's mercifully short! LnCgoPC Lois gasped as she pushed aside the nontraditionally ordered garbage can behind the substandard housing to reveal the terminally inconvenienced body of Joey Bermuda. "Oh God, Clark. He's metabolically different!" Clark rolled over the nonviable person and exposed the bullet hole a few inches below his left shoulder: "And it wasn't an anomoly, either. Look: he's been terminated with extreme prejudice!" "I bet it was Mindy Church. She's not the cerebro-atmospheric individual she looks! Not that she'd do it personally, of course, but it could be a member of her career-offender cartel." "You can't be certain that she's ethically disoriented, Lois." "Oh yes I can. You may be taken in, but you're differently logical. I sense the nondiscretionary fragrance of a rodent-American every time I'm around her!" At that moment Clark's superhearing picked up the sound of a distant radio. "I gotta go!" he exclaimed. "A plane's about to fail to maintain clearance >from the ground and if I don't go now there'll be an energetic disassembly!" "Okay, go!" Lois urged. "I'll go talk to those persons across the street presenting themselves as commodity allotments within a business doctrine. Maybe they saw or heard something." "Okay. Be careful." "You too." They kissed briefly before Clark ducked behind the crumbling wall to spin into the suit and fly off. ***** When Clark returned to the office two hours later, Perry was finishing one of his work-harder-to-increase-subscriptions talks: "... and anyone temporally challenged, or generally not pulling their weight, will be joining our career alternative enhancement program. There's no room at the Planet for people of torpor. Got it?" he concluded. Everyone mumbled motivationally dispossessed responses, and Perry crossed to Lois's desk, where Clark also now joined them. "How's the story on Joey Bermuda's arbitrary deprivation of life going?" Perry asked. "Er ... it's in the early stages of finalization, Chief," Lois assured him. "Oh. That bad." He returned to his office. "I saw how you averted that controlled flight into terrain on the TV news," Lois commended her husband. "Nice work." "Yeah, it's a good job I heard the radio report. A few more seconds and the plane would have had a sub-optimal coming together with a nuclear plant and probably caused a super-prompt critical power excursion! So did you find anything out?" "Not much. It seems everyone around is optically challenged and aurally inconvenienced. Hardly surprising really, given the number of undocumented residents and people with pharmacological preferences in the area, but one involuntarily undomiciled person did say he saw a differently hirsute, skin- color genetically dominant world majority man acting suspiciously last night. He seemed to be talking to a female member of the mutant albino genetic- recessive global minority; but she was just waiting in a limousine." "So it could be Mindy." "Yes. It's funny - I didn't know Joey was out." "I checked on the way back. He was on the list of self-released clients of the correctional system." Clark was thoughtful. "Or maybe the health-alterer helped break him out so that he could carry out the preemptive counterattack." "Preventing him from telling us what he knew about Kryptonian viruses," Lois added. "I think you're right. I talked to Mindy, who claims to be a knowledge-base non-possessor on the subject, but that's a total counterfactual proposition." "But we've achieved a deficiency when it comes to proving she's terminologically inexact, so we'll just have to keep her under surveillance. How about we have a break and go help my parents exploit Mother Earth?" "Good idea," Lois agreed, and they headed for the storage cupboard. "It's so nice to have a flying superperson as a significant other," she enthused as they flew out the window. The end - unless anyone needs a glossary Frances. ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 15:00:15 -0400 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Genevieve Subject: Re: Fanfic Review: "Yet Each Man Kills" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit So many posts I want to respond to, and so little time. I think I'll answer Sandy's comments on my story, and take on the "twenty minutes" things some other day... Sandra McDermin wrote: > > As soon as S5 was in the can, so to speak, I wanted very much to go onto > the TUFS website and read Genevieve's solo effort and her work with Pat. For myself, I'm looking forward to finishing up TUFS, so I can read all of S5. I've read a few stories, but no where near all of them. I did read Sandy's story "Charity begins at Home," and have to agree with Debby's assessment of it. It was an incredible story. Sandy has a gift for comedy, which showed up in Charity as well as in Love as a Blonde. After reading Charity, I was feeling very humble. (See, *I* can say it without stuttering! ) On to what Sandy said about Yet Each Man Kills. For anyone who hasn't read it yet, you can find it at my website or at the TUFS website . > First off, I thought Genevieve's "Yet Each Man Kills" was a good, tight > story, with A and B plots that complemented each other very well. > Different from most fanfic I've read, Superman and L&C are confronted with > a credible, real-life problem (spousal abuse). I must admit, I think these > type of "A" plots are harder to write because you can't wrap them up as > easily with magic or superpowers. Genevieve shows this nicely by providing > us with a believably ambiguous ending. We aren't sure if the people in > trouble here will end up living happily ever after just as we can't be > certain in our own lives. Some of people didn't like the ambiguity -- I received a few comments >from people that wanted to see an ending scene with the two women at the abuse support group. But I deliberately left the ending ambiguous, because if I *had* written it, it probably would have disappointed them even more. You see, I don't think there was a happy ending at all. I suspect Sarah (who is being taken off to the hospital after being beaten up by her husband) goes home with her brute of a husband, when he shows up at the hospital, saying how sorry he is, and how much he loves her -- and he does love her, as much as he's able. And Ellen will find the leaflets about counseling sessions that Lois stuffed in her purse; shake her head, muttering something about "daughters who don't know enough to mind their own business"; and tear them up. OK, I admit I like angst, and sad stories, and gritty reality. One of the reasons I didn't include those scenes in the story was so those FoLCs who like happy endings could imagine one. Sandy went on: > Today, I got an e-mail from Genevieve that contained the following: "I was > surprised I didn't get more 'Sam and Ellen would never act that way' posts > for YEMK." Uh oh. I guess I'm going to live up to your expectations, as > I did have a little trouble with the Sam and Ellen portrayals. In your > efforts to contrast and compare between couples and show the full range of > spousal abuse, I did think you made Ellen seem more submissive than I would > have expected and Sam more unthinking. No doubt, Sam had been unthinking > in the past, and was disrespectful to his wife, but I thought he was > turning over a new leaf.... Ah, see, that was where I had problems. I saw Sam *appearing* to turn over a new leaf, but I never quite believed it. Zoom recently posted that there was supposed to be a "Sam sees Clark and Jonathan together before the Clone wedding, and realizes he's missed something." in INPY, but it got cut. It wouldn't have mattered. I can see Sam trying to build a relationship with Lois, his adult daughter and one who is his intellectual equal, but I couldn't see any good reason for him to try to get back with Ellen. So I looked beyond the obvious and saw something that no one else in the world would probably see. I've never really trusted Sam Lane. Well, that's not true. I trusted him in RFAS, when he handed Lois a tape and said "write your story." At that point, I thought he was actually seeing his daughter (maybe for the first time), as an adult, as someone he could count on. But ever since then, there has just been something phony about him, something that made me feel he had ulterior motives, or a hidden agenda. After RFAS, we next see Sam Lane in HIWTHI, the third season Christmas episode. Lois and Clark have just gotten engaged, and Sam is trying to come back into her life. (To check out her new finacee, maybe? Who knows?) Sam shows up, but not alone. He had brought *his* fiancee with him. Now, if he had brought a normal fiancee, say, a forty-year old sensible woman, it would only have been slightly embarrassing for everyone. If he had brought a young woman -- sort of a Mindy Church type -- every would have been *very* embarrassed, but they might have rolled their eyes and put it down to middle-aged men's foolishness. Does Sam do either of these normal things? No. He brings a robot, Baby Gunderson, and introduces *it* as his fiancee. Is he making a comment about Ellen here -- I'd rather be with a robot than *you*? Or about Clark -- there are two new fiancees at the family get-together. Or about Lois -- you're not the only one who can get engaged. Baby Gunderson obeys his every command perfectly. And what does he ask her to do? I can't remember exactly, but doesn't she go stand in the closet? Look foolish all lit up like a Christmas tree? Doesn't he tell her to be quiet at one point? And she does. Instantly. Without question. If what Sam wanted is instant, unquestioning obedience, he's found it. And he seems to delight in ordering her about, telling her to do things that would embarrass a real person, and dominating her. And yet that doesn't satisfy him, because we never see Baby Gunderson again. What is it that Sam wants that she didn't give him? Could it be that it isn't obedience he wants, but rather, he wants a challenge? Someone he can hurt when he tries to dominate her? (And, yes, I am aware of the corollaries that could be drawn to Lex Luthor, here.) Sam wants the challenge of controlling a person, making them think what he wants them to think. And Sam does it, to some extent, by bullying. A controlling partner doesn't like to see his victim leave him; he likes to have someone to control. Baby Gunderson has no emotions, provides no challenge, so he gets rid of her -- it -- and looks around for a real person. And as Lois's wedding approaches, he runs into Ellen again and again. And he becomes suave and charming and somehow, convinces Ellen to come back to him. Isn't it in FMN where they are in Africa or something? Why would Ellen agree to go back to Sam? In one year we go from Sam and Baby Gunderson (HIWTHI) to Sam and Ellen (Mxymas)? In between we saw that Ellen was still very bitter against Sam, still looking for revenge. ("Your father will pay for all the loose flowers and greens, Lois -- he owes us for years of neglect.") It doesn't make much sense. Those of you on AOL who are enjoying the new "Gossip" folder on the message boards -- there seems to be a good deal of discussion about someone who is a less than a perfect husband, quite a bit like Sam, actually, cheating on his wife and treating her abominably. Everyone is wondering why his wife stays with him. We can ask the same question in our fictional world too: why would Ellen go back to Sam? My view of Ellen is actually based on someone I know. She's about the same age as Ellen, and her husband left her for a younger woman a few years ago. Listening to her talk for a number of years now made me realize something: she believes her entire life has been a failure because her husband left her. She has a good job, years ahead of her, but all she's interested in is: 1) taking her ex for everything he's worth and 2) getting another boy-friend as quickly as possible, and making sure everyone knows that she has male companionship again. She was brought up in the fifties to feel that her goal was to get married and "be a good wife and mother." She got married in the 60's, had children, made a home, and enhanced her husband's career. When he left, it was a way of saying that everything she had done was a failure, that *she* was a failure. Her entire vision of her own self-worth and her self-esteem were tied up in what *he* thought of her, and how society saw her as a wife. Does Ellen feel this way? I think so. She put up with a lot from Sam when Lois was a child, enough so that Lois swears she won't put up with it from *her* husband. When Sam asks Ellen, "Can we try again?" Ellen must have jumped at the chance, seeing an opportunity to redeem her life, to prove that the 20 years she spent with her husband weren't a failure, to show that she *can* be a good wife. And what's more, she's *grateful* to him for giving her a second chance. So Sam and Ellen are "trying to get back together again." How sweet. The "happy-ever-after" crowd was pleased. I don't remember the two of them in STG, particularly, but the scenes in Mxymas and Family Hour did not make me think that the reunion was particularly successful. In Mxymas, we see Ellen Lane come in to the Daily Planet, all bothered and upset. What was it Sam had done? Stood her up at the train station, where they were supposed to be going on a wonderful trip together. Ellen is in a state, furious. When Sam does finally show up, she's all smiles and happy. I know we were just supposed to say "Oh, look. Myxptlyk has been defeated, all's right with the world, everyone is happy," but I didn't. I looked at Sam, smiling at Ellen, and at Ellen, who was so pitifully grateful to him, and said, "You no good so-and-so! What do you mean by standing her up like that? And then you just come in here, and expect her to take you back?" I didn't see a Waffy ending or a wonderful Christmas for them -- I saw a controlling husband, masterfully manipulating his wife's feelings. I guess maybe it could be considered a happy ending -- Ellen is happy: "You did come; you do care." And Sam is joyfully thinking, "Boy, I really had you going. I had you in the palm of my hand, sweetheart. Just wait till next time." Like I said above, I don't trust Sam. The episode that pulled it all together for me was Family Hour. I was surprised, the day after it aired, to see that everyone on LOISCLA thought the Ellen scenes were hilarious. I didn't. I hadn't been so embarrassed for a character since Jimmy had stood naked on a nightclub's stage. I thought it was terrible how everyone -- even Jonathan and Martha to a degree -- had treated Ellen with such disrespect. Whispering about secrets in front of her, giving lame excuses when she tried to call them on it, making her feel like an outsider in her own family. And I felt such sympathy for her. I saw Ellen being victimized by her own family, with Sam as the instigator, and Lois as an unwilling accomplice. I saw Ellen trying to regain her role as wife and mother, no matter the cost or the humiliation. And I didn't think it was funny. I wanted to try to help her, somehow. I can already see Zoom, reaching for her keyboard to tell me it was all done for humor or sight-gags or something. And, as far as the writers were concerned, it probably was. And many people probably did see Sam turning over a new leaf. But that wasn't the way I took it, and that is where the ideas in YEMK came from. ============= OK, I'll be posting all of that over on LOISCLA, and if anyone wants to discuss it, let's do it over there. Now to get back to the fanfic side of things: I had worked all of that out in my head before I ever started YEMK. But when it actually came to writing YEMK, I couldn't say all of that. That's an essay for the List, not a scene in a fanfic. I had one scene to get Sam across as a spousal abuser. Sandy quoted part of that scene, saying that it seemed abrupt. She's probably right. I worked hard on that one scene, re-writing it a number of times, and I was never really satisfied with it. I tried to make it obvious from the beginning of the scene that Sam and Ellen were fighting when they arrived, and that things were already tense between them before the final put-down at the dinner table. And it had to be something big, something that would cause Sam to drop his "public veneer" in front of Lois, and finally open Lois's eyes. So I had Sam say something really nasty, nastier than I think he would have been, but I wanted the readers to realize what was going on, and I was afraid to be too subtle. Ellen's reaction -- mental confusion, avoiding a confrontation -- was what made Lois realize that something unhealthy was going on. I couldn't think of a way to get all the examples from the show into the story. A montage might have done it, when Lois is "staying awake, thinking far into the night," but Sandy's already complimented me on not wandering too far from the story line. >I haven't read all of TUFS so perhaps the > relationship had backslided from 4th season. I will have to > read more of TUFS, however, to see if there is some evolution > in their relationship which is playing out here. No, it wasn't brought out in TUFS. (Continuity hasn't been one of TUFS strong points, IMO.) I did ask one of the other writers who had Sam and Ellen in her story to include a scene with the two of them sniping at each other and embarrassing everyone else in the room, but it didn't come off as strongly as I'd hoped. And then, everything I'd said about Sam and Ellen was negated in the very next TUFS story ("Forever and Ever, Amen"), when Linda said: "Since her parents had gotten back together, Lois realized that Ellen Lane had since dropped her analyst and her medications, and the resulting woman was a lot more fun to be around than Lois could ever remember." So I guess you'd have to consider YEMK as a stand alone story. I also know that I'm not touching on this aspect of Sam and Ellen in the TUFS last episode, which is still unfortunately called "Full Circle." Sam and Ellen are together, putting their best foot forward, and, if they have problems, keeping them out of the public view. > All in all, a great job though. I enjoyed it. Thank you kindly. And thank you for your comments. This was an interesting story for me -- I'd written one in-betweenie before, but it was the first complete story I'd written. I knew I was going to be going against most people's view of Sam and Ellen when I wrote it, but that's never stopped me before, but being in the minority has never stopped me before. I had a lot of fun writing it. The "A" plot was easy; the abuse "B" plot was one I'd worked out well in advance. But sitting down and writing a fanfic was very different from just day-dreaming it. For one thing, one of my editors is an English teacher -- I now keep a grammar book and a dictionary right next to the computer. It's amazing how many basic grammar rules I had forgotten in the 25 years since I've graduated from high school. I had a terrible time coming up with the names in the story. The main characters, the Chiswicks, was easy -- I wanted a name with historic implications, and Chiswick House is the name of the very first Shelter for Battered Woman. But all the other names were driving me crazy until I glanced at a children's book my daughter left on the floor. It was "Peter Rabbit." The names because easy after that, and were fun to think up, as all of them had something to do with Beatrix Potter. The Department stores because "MacGregor's" and "Benjamin's"; one of the bad-guys was actually named Jeremy Fisher, which I though would give it away. I even went so far as to get a biography of Beatrix Potter and use both her married names. I had a lot of fun with some of the little details I could put into the text. I enjoyed thinking of ways Clark could use his powers unobtrusively, like heating up the potatoes after the Big Fight at the dinner table or putting a blanket over Lois at super-speed as he left to do Superman stuff. (That was one *hard* paragraph to write!) Nobody ever mentioned these little things. I don't know if they weren't noticed, or if they were noticed, enjoyed and then forgotten in the light of the whole story. > Oops. This has gotten so long that I think I'll do "Paradise Lost" a > little later -- *if* people are interested in continuing this sort of > thing. Don't be shy. Your post got long? Look at this one! A true exercise in Narcissism, telling you all what I thought about my little story. Rest assured, Sandy, Pat and I are eagerly awaiting to hear what you have to say about Paradise Lost. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Genevieve ( ; ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 14:00:00 PDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Peace Everett Subject: Re: New badfic - LnCgoPC In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"; X-MAPIextension=".TXT" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Oh, Frances, That's so bad... and I mean that in the best possible sense ;) Peace ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 16:18:25 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Sandra McDermin Subject: Re: Fanfic Review: "Yet Each Man Kills" Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii >>For myself, I'm looking forward to finishing up TUFS, so I can read all of S5. I've read a few stories, but no where near all of them. I did read Sandy's story "Charity begins at Home," and have to agree with Debby's assessment of it. It was an incredible story. Sandy has a gift for comedy, which showed up in Charity as well as in Love as a Blonde. After reading Charity, I was feeling very humble. (See, *I* can say it without stuttering! )<< I can't think of anything funny, or self-deprecating, to say, so I'll just say thank you. >>The episode that pulled it all together for me was Family Hour. I was surprised, the day after it aired, to see that everyone on LOISCLA thought the Ellen scenes were hilarious. I didn't. I hadn't been so embarrassed for a character since Jimmy had stood naked on a nightclub's stage. I thought it was terrible how everyone -- even Jonathan and Martha to a degree -- had treated Ellen with such disrespect. Whispering about secrets in front of her, giving lame excuses when she tried to call them on it, making her feel like an outsider in her own family. And I felt such sympathy for her. I saw Ellen being victimized by her own family, with Sam as the instigator, and Lois as an unwilling accomplice. I saw Ellen trying to regain her role as wife and mother, no matter the cost or the humiliation. And I didn't think it was funny. I wanted to try to help her, somehow.<< Genevieve, I'll respond later to some of your other comments. But, I just had to say here that I couldn't agree with you more. I, too, felt very sorry for Ellen in "Family Hour". (She almost seemed to be fulfilling the part of the goofy sidekick.) I've played Ellen for laughs, but I've tried to avoid making her a total buffoon. In LaaB, I was walking a *very* fine line, (but everybody was a bit ridiculous in that story). Even so, I had her begin a new exciting relationship in that one, and, in CBaH, a new, exciting career. >>Rest assured, Sandy, Pat and I are eagerly awaiting to hear what you have to say about Paradise Lost.<< Maybe I should wait until I see you guys and enjoy your fine company before commenting. (Le-e-tle joke, there.) I liked Paradise Lost. The only major problem I've had with it is that everytime I type the title, it comes out "Paradise Lois". Well, off to visit "Mr. Calder" as I mentioned to you earlier. Feed those kids!!! Sandy ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 17:22:24 EDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Anne Carlson Subject: Re: NFIC rated (Re: once a month...) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Hi All, I had to take a break from writing report cards to comment on Debby's disscussion of Nfic. I remember catching up with the Dawning Series last fall. I wrote her an e-mail asking if she was planning to go nfic with her story since she got so close in Dawning 16. She said no, that others could handle that genre. She prefered to have a well developed story line and let the readers use their imaginations beyond that. We, fortunately, have quite a few writers that use their imaginations quite well. It's fun to read about the escapades of our favorite couple. Must I must agree, however, with Debby's point about completely mapped out stories' use of nfic. Whether there is an A plot or not, the longer plots are much more tantalizing with the nfic than the short stories. I noticed that Peace posted her nfic with Piper "Heir Return" on Zoom's list yesterday. Well, talk about confict and resolution....that one certainly focuses on the problems that L&C could experience. The nfic was amazing. Demi's story, "Heavens Prisoners" is all A plot - but boy, what a ride. So, I suppose I am agreeing with Debby's POV about the light and airy nfics that are nice but not memorable. Maybe seeing Clark turned-on for 20 minutes a month might make are interesting story...... Back to work :( Anne ( ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 00:00:55 +0500 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Bob or Chris Mulder Subject: Itty bitty fanfic (1) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Hi, FoLCs, I spent part of the weekend cleaning up old computer files and rearranging things on my hard drive--something I've been meaning to get to for a long time. It's not yet as tidy as I'd like it to be, but that's not your problem and you probably don't want to hear about it anyway. While I was moving things around I came across a couple of short little fics that I'd written a couple of years ago while I was in the middle of writing DoL. I had shown them to Pam back then and we'd talked about the possibility writing a story together which would include a lot of everyday kinds of things in L&C's married lives. Whether we would have included these or not, I don't know. They would more than likely have to be re-written to fit whatever storyline we came up with. In the meantime, I guess there's no reason not to share them with you all. :-) So, I've dusted them off, and polished them up a bit. Hope you enjoy them. Both are from Lois's POV, as you'll see. ================== Lois Says (1) by Chris Mulder I'm reading a silly, but entertaining book while the man I love sleeps next to me. The night is quiet, thankfully, and I'm guarding his sleep. He's been out too often lately, trying to do too much, and I don't care that he's Superman, or that the world needs him. He's my husband, Clark, and tonight *I* need him. Here--with me. I'm married to the most selfless person I've ever known, so sometimes I have to be selfish for him. He's entitled to a good night's sleep once in a while and I've found that if I sit or lie close to him and rub his back or play with his hair he sleeps so deeply that his superhearing has a harder time waking him up. He doesn't know that I do this, and I don't do it very often, but I'm doing it tonight. This really is a very silly book and I put it aside, turning my full attention to Clark. Moving over even closer to him I concentrate on keeping a steady rhythm as I stroke his hair. I cannot put into words how much I love this man. The emotions rush up from somewhere deep inside me and flood my being before I can identify or catalog them, never failing to bring tears to my eyes and a tightness to my chest. I love him so much, more than I ever thought I'd be capable of loving anyone. Being with him, listening to his voice, feeling his touch, his kisses ... all of these things are such a part of my life now that Iwould do *anything*, go to *any* lengths to keep what we have. I have become very protective of him and of the time we spend together. I know he has to fly off to be Superman. I understand that he's needed not just for what he can do but also as a symbol of hope for people all over the world, and I support him wholeheartedly. Having said that, though, I must admit that at times I resent that same world and all those people--interfering with the life Clark and I are trying to build together. So, I was thrilled to discover that I can (on occasion) override his superhearing. It was a dark and stormy night. Nah, just kidding! It was actually a beautiful late-spring night and Clark had flown back all tired and dirty from helping out at a huge forest fire. He'd been pretty busy all that week actually, and as a newlywed (well, we'd been married about nine months), I was getting a little fed up. I had planned to give him a piece of my mind, but when I saw how exhausted he looked all the fight went out of me. I helped him get cleaned up and tucked him into bed then lay next to him, stroking him until he fell asleep. I could still feel a tenseness in him, though, just below the surface, as if he considered himself always "on duty," so I kept on rubbing his back and combing his hair with my fingers until gradually, oh so gradually, he slipped deeper and deeper into dreamland. I imagined that I could see him sinking farther into the bed with each breath, his body giving up the fight to be alert "just in case." He slept for six hours that night, hardly stirring, and I'd won a small victory. I'm smiling to myself now, remembering other times, other nights. When he's sleeping like this he looks so innocent and sweet. It's easy to forget that he can be the biggest tease I've ever known--that those eyes canpositively gleam with mischief and that that mouth can shape the most infectious grins. There was another night, another book, and I was trying to read. Clark was dozing next to me when he suddenly sat up. "What is it?" "A siren." I couldn't hear anything, of course. It's interesting to be around him when he does this. His eyes take on an intense look and I know, that to him, it's as if the siren and attendant vehicle are right there with him. He concentrated on it for a few seconds and then settled back down on the bed. "It's okay. False alarm." "Oh." He lay on his side watching me. "Whatcha reading?" "It's a book Lucy gave me. She was raving about it, but I just can't get into it." He twisted his neck a little so he could see the cover. "Well, I can see what there is about it that appeals to Lucy." I laughed at the rather disgusted look on his face. "You don't have any romance in your soul?" He glanced again at the overly endowed couple writhing in libidic ecstasy on the cover of my book. "That's not romance." He reached out to lay a hand on my arm. "You should work on your book again." I was surprised, but pleased, that he remembered my "novel." "Weeelll, I've tried to go back to it, but the plot seems just too ridiculous now. Besides, they say you should write about something you know and I don't know about unrequited love anymore." I leaned down and kissed the tip of his nose. That gleam I've come to know so well was starting up in his eyes. He laid a hand on my stomach and said quite innocently, "So what would you write about now?" Someone's in a playful mood, I thought, as I tossed the book onto the floor and turned towards him. I affected a contemplative attitude as if I were seriously considering any number of options. "Oh, I don't know. There's always the hero saves the heroine storyline, but that's been done ... and done. I could do one where the heroine saves the hero for a change." "That sounds very PC." "Yeah. I'd have to decide what kind of couple I'd want to write about, the setting, what sorts of adventures they'd have, all that stuff. And ..." I leaned towards him provocatively, "I'd probably have to do some research, gather background material, try to immerse myself in my subject matter ... you know what I mean?" The gleam in his eye became even more pronounced. "Oh, I hope so." I felt my nightgown strap slip off of one shoulder and watched him watching it. I stroked his chin with one finger tip and moved even closer to him. "Research can be so time-consuming and tedious though, don't you agree? Having the right kind of assistant can mean the difference between success ..." I lightly kissed his lips, "... and failure." I sat back up and pulled up the strap on my nightgown. "I'm not sure if I can find the time or the help that I'll need. Too bad." I pretended to reach for the book and felt him snake his arm around my middle, pulling me back towards him. "Let's don't be too hasty here. I'm sure we could come up with something." He had rolled me onto my back, and as I lay looking up at his laughing eyes I could feel the giggles rising up inside me, but I was determined to play the role that I'd set for myself, so I kept my voice as serious as I could. "You really think so, Clark? I'd have to spend a lot of time on it, you know." He was nodding as he slipped that strap off of my shoulder again. "Yes, I do, Lois. You know that I'd support you in anything you wanted to do." He kissed my shoulder. "I'd want to use primary sources, of course," I said as I ran my hands up his arms and linked them behind his head. "Of course," he said, and I felt the other strap going the way of its predecessor. He kissed that shoulder, too, and then raised his head to look into my eyes. "Just how detailed does this ... research ... have to be?" "Ohhh, pretty detailed." My hands were moving over his shoulders now. "I might have to dig pretty deep ... to be sure that I get all the material I'll need." He kissed the hollow above my collar bone. "I do want my first book to be good, Clark." His voice was getting husky now. "So do I, Lois. So do I." He was kissing his way down my breastbone, and I started running my hands through his hair. "I'm so glad that you agree with me, sweetheart. Thank you." He was pretty involved in what he was doing and made some noise which I supposed I could interpret as signifying agreement. It was getting harder to focus on the conversation, so I figured I'd better throw in the punch line now. "I'll advertise for a research assistant tomorrow then. Of course I'll need someone big and strong ..." He looked up in surprise. It was all I could do to keep a straight face. "... to help me carry all those books and other stuff, you know. And he and I may have to work late some nights. You won't mind, will you Clark?" It only took him a moment to realize he'd been had and by then the jig would have been up anyway because I was giggling all over the place. "You ... you heartless wench, you." He was laughing, too, as he rolled onto his side, pulling me towards him. "I'll show you how to conduct research." And he did. You know, it's funny. I've been researching that novel for months now, but haven't written a single word. I'm such a stickler for getting the details just right. ================ That's it for this one. The other one will be coming along in a separate email. :-) --Chris ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 21:14:39 PDT Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Caroline Amberson Subject: Re: FR: Content-Type: text/plain >Being sent to my room wasn't punishment for me, I'd just read a book. >*Anyway*, being sent to my room wasn't a punishment for me either. >So Mum had to resort to making me feel bad by saying "I'm very upset >and disappointed in you" etc etc .... Oh, and I was one of those who >always had to do her best in school -- although I hardly ever came >first in anything. ---------------------------------------------- Sorry, I don't know exactly who said these things (I just got back from vacation and had SO MUCH email to sift through) but I can relate. When I got in trouble as a child my mom sent me to my room with one condition: no reading whatsoever. I thought she was a messenger from Satan himself on those occasions, and often took every opportunity to tell her so. This brilliant course of action usually resulted in only more punishment. -Caroline Amberson p.s. Can anyone tell me the last time that the archive was updated? ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 00:18:30 +0500 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Bob or Chris Mulder Subject: itty bitty fanfic (2) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Hi again, Here's the second one ... ================== Lois Says (2) by Chris Mulder It was the kind of day that just sucked--start to finish, all day long--the kind of day where you tell yourself, If one more bad thing happens, I'm going to kill myself. And then, one more bad thing happens and you think, Well, that must be it now, because what else could possibly happen? Later on, you wish you hadn't asked yourself that question. The topper for that day was going to the dentist for my 6-month check-up. I wasn't going to go, because I figured with the kind of day I was having, I'd probablyget hit by lightning while sitting in the chair. That was until I realized I'd better get all this stuff over with because I didn't want to have any bad karma hanging around to slip over into another day. An hour and a half later, I slammed the front door of our apartment with despairing anger. I wanted to tell Clark all about it, but he wasn't there--no note, so he'd probably gotten sidetracked from work, rather than from home. Damn! I needed to talk to him. I wanted to be held and sympathized with. I needed to vent, so where was the ventee? As if on cue, I heard the soft "whoosh" of a landing and looked towards the balcony door. For a moment, as he walked through the door, I was distracted from my internal litany of disaster by the thought of how much I loved him, how proud I was of him ... how nicely that flashy suit showed off his-- "Hi, Lois! I'm glad you're home. I've haven't seen much of you all day." Yeah, that had been part of the problem. "I know ... I hardly recognized you." He laughed, and hugged me. "Let's see if we can refresh your memory a bit." He was leaning in for a kiss, but that was too easy. If I let him kiss me, I knew I'd get distracted. After all I'd been through today, I'd earned a rant, and, by god, I was going to have one. "I could hit you." "Excuse me?" He was smiling still, but his eyes were wary. "You have perfect teeth, Clark, absolutely perfect teeth. When I think of how many times you used to use the excuse that you had to see the dentist or were just coming back from the dentist when, in actual fact, the poor man would have to go on the dole if his livelihood depended on you, and ..." "What did the dentist say, Lois?" "Don't use that patient tone with me, Clark Kent." At that point I launched into my vent. I can't really remember now all that I vented about. The dentist thing stands out in my memory, but I think there was also a story-related rant (there usually is), and another inter-personal problem rant about one of the other reporters at the "Planet." The rest of the day is kind of hazy now, which is probably a good thing. I do remember Clark standing there and patiently taking it all. Eventually I got through my entire program and was back to the dentist thing. By now we were in the bedroom. Clark was on the bed--at some point he'd changed into jeans and T-shirt. I had been stalking around, going from bedroom to bathroom and back again, slamming drawers and closets, and throwing things on the floor as I changed clothes. "And to top it all off, Dr. 'I-love-to-drill' Blanchard found a cavity, so now I'll have to go back ..." "That's too bad, Lois." "It's *terrible!* You don't know, Clark! It's just terrible: they put some awful-tasting stuff on your gum which is supposed to numb the spot where they're going to give you the Novocain, but it doesn't work. And then they stick you with this syringe and you feel like ...! And the noise from the drill, not to mention the smell! You don't know how bad burning tooth enamel can smell, Clark. It's so bad that you think there should be smoke pouring out of your mouth." I could see him starting to grin all of a sudden. "What's so funny?" I demanded, hands on my hips and my head thrust forward in the classic confrontational posture. "I am talking about pain here, Clark." "I'm sorry, honey, but I just got this mental image of a tiny fire engine and miniature firemen ..." "I could hit you ... except then I'd have a broken hand, and I'd have to go to a hand doctor ... It's not fair." I threw my dress at him. He caught it without half trying. "And that's another thing ... Why do you have to have such great reflexes?" He stood up from the bed, holding my unfortunate garment. "The better to catch flying dresses with, my dear." I watched him walk to the closet and hang up the dress. "It's not fair." I was half grumbling to myself by now--still angry at the world, but it was more of a smoldering kind of anger. The "world" wasn't there, though, and my poor, hapless husband was bearing the brunt of my anger instead. "And why do you have to be so strong?" He walked over towards me. "The better to put up with you, my dear." He smiled at me and I wanted to smile back, but I wasn't over my day yet. "Why can't you get cavities, too?" I asked, in a half-pouting, half-pleading voice. He shrugged slightly and his smile got even wider. His eyes were gleaming with suppressed laughter as he slid his hands around my waist on their way to the small of my back. "It's not fair," I repeated. He shook his head. "No," he agreed softly as he kissed the tip of my nose. "It isn't." "You might as well stop kissing me because I don't like you anymore." "Okay." He pulled me even closer, and started nibbling on my ear. I had to suppress a sudden giggle. "And that won't work either." I pushed against his chest, but not very hard. I could feel him smiling against my neck. "Really?" he breathed into my ear. "Well ..." I snaked my arms around his neck and moved as close to him as I could. "I can't tell yet. It might ..." "I guess we'll have to keep trying then, until we find something that *will* work." He looked down at me lovingly and all of a sudden I couldn't remember why I'd been angry. "Hmmm, I guess." He leaned in again for a kiss, and this time I allowed myself to be distracted ... it seemed the least I could do. Much later, as I was lying next to him, contentedly tracing the outline of his arm and shoulder muscles with my finger, the memory of something he'd said earlier popped into my mind, and I chucked softly. "What are you laughing about?" "You," I said, as I started laughing harder. "You ... and your tiny fire engines." ============= That's it ... hope you got a chuckle or two out of these. :-) --Chris ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 00:31:14 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Pam Jernigan Subject: Lois's backstory Comments: To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Hey, can someone refresh my memory...? When did Ellen & Sam get divorced -- how old was Lois? Was she in high school? And I've a vague memory of a comment Lois made in Lucky Leo= n, that she had a big fight and moved away from home -- when was that? = And how do I reconcile the girl who was in chess club & math club & never played hooky (PML) with the one who dated the quarterback and was friends with the popular kids (IASWAA)? :-/ Thanks for any and all responses! :-) PJ !^NavFont02F017A0007MGHHH7C4A0D E-mail from: Pam Jernigan, 01-Jun-1998 / ChiefPam on the IRC ~~~~~ ~~~~~ "Are you under the care of a qualified psychiatrist, Constable?" = -- "The Ladies' Man", Due South "Women and cats will do as they please and men and dogs = should relax and get used to the idea." -- Robert A. Heinlein