From: "L-Soft list server at Indiana University (1.8d)" To: "ARTF@MemoryAlpha.nil" File: "LOISCLA-GENERAL-L LOG9710E" ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 29 Oct 1997 17:30:09 -0800 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Mercedes Galvez-Arango Subject: TAN: Quantum Leap Comments: cc: GALVEZ@PACBELL.NET MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT interesting ideas!!! GO FOR IT SOMEONE!!! MERC4DES ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 13:41:10 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Gary Subject: FANFIC:Star-Crossed Lovers Redux Part 1 MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" "Star-Crossed Lovers Redux" By Gary Rudick ( Part 1 - more to come if people like it... A dimly lit bridge somewhere in Metropolis over a river. A man jumps. Sam, realizing that he is falling, screams. Superman streaks across the sky and rescues Sam from certain death. "Jimmy? What are you doing falling off of a bridge?" Superman asks. "Superman?" Sam says looking at the hero in disbelief. "Oh Boy!" ************ Superman flew 'Jimmy Olsen' back to his apartment. "Are you sure that you're OK, Jimmy?" "Yeah, uh, I'm fine, Thanks, uh, Superman." Sam sputtered. "What were you doing out there?" "I'm not sure..." Sam stalled hoping Al would show up. Superman heard another cry for help and said before he left. "I'll have Clark check on you. Goodnight." ************ Sam found the key to Jimmy's apartment in his pocket and just let himself in when Al appeared. "Nice Place." Al said admiring the bachelor decor. "Al, where have you been!" Sam shout-whispered. "Calm down, Sam, I know you literally leapt into this one." Al punched some keys on the hand unit. "Al, I'm Jimmy Olsen and Superman just saved me!" "Yup, Ziggy agrees." "How? Superman is make believe, a comic book character..." "Ziggy says that you are in an alternate universe where Superman really exists and you're here to save Jimmy Olsen's life." "Well then why haven't I leapt already." "Ziggy doesn't know." Sam goes into Jimmy's bedroom and turns on the light. Al follows. The lights reveal a shrine to Lois Lane. Pictures of all types are plastered all over the bedroom walls. "Wow." "I think I know why you haven't leapt yet." "What?, Jimmy is a photographer." Sam said picking up Jimmy's camera and press pass. Al, admiring, a picture of Lois in a rather tight sweater, didn't answer but said, "I wonder if those are real?" "I'm sure they're spectacular, Al. Now why haven't I leapt?" "Hmm? Oh, sorry Sam. What I think is that Jimbo here has a crush on Superman's squeeze." "Squeeze?" "Yeah, Superman, or rather Clark Kent, is married to Lois Lane." "Oh Boy." "Exactly, a pimply-faced plaid shirt wearing kid can't compete with a Superhero so he decides to end it all." "So how do I stop it?" "Find him another girlfriend." Al says waving his cigar nonchalantly. "Better yet, have Lois find him another girlfriend, therefore changing the relationship dynamic for Jimmy and Lois to friends and away from romance." Sam blurts out. "I think that swiss-cheesed mind of yours is channeling Dr. Ruth again." ************ To Be Continued... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | Gary A. Rudick | | "You decide what you feel heaven is worth" - Deborah Gibson, TWYH | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 18:56:51 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Margaret Brignell Subject: Almost NEW fanfic: SwapMeet - Metropolis (Promo;) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" This was sent to Rhen back in February but never came out on the list (probably because it was only part of a story). If you'd like to see the whole thing on this list (I'm warning you it's humongous...almost mini-series caliber), just let Debby or I know and we'll cut it up into bite-size pieces:) ********************** This is the mirror half of a story called "SwapMeet: Burbank," subtitled "We're Not in Kansas Anymore..." by Debby Stark. Both sides of the story make up the full SwapMeet saga:) You need to *read both* to get the full picture:) The Burbank half of the story is available from Stories and from Debby at by email. Special thanks to Dory Weiss for the initial idea and to Lynda L and Lori H for helping us proof for major gaffs:) [Not to mention allowing themselves to be a springboard for more ideas:)] Margaret's disclaimer: All usual ownership statements apply. You should know that, unlike Debby, I've never met any of these people. To me they might as well *all* be fictional characters. (Guess why I got to write the Metropolis half of this story;) Please note: In the *real* Metropolis they spell according to the original British spelling. (This little known fact came to my attention during my recent sojourn there:) Finally, I apologize for any misinformation I may have inadvertently generated. Tabloids take note: This is a work of FICTION! ******************************* SwapMeet: Metropolis *or* We're Not in Kansas Anymore... by Margaret Brignell ******************************* Metropolis, New Troy Early Morning, Thursday Lois and Clark's Home Lois was bent over the keyboard of her laptop, fighting with the dinky little mouse button in the centre of the keyboard. Those things never seemed to let you place the little pointer where you wanted it the first time. She finally got the file transferred from Jimmy's floppy to the new folder she'd created on her hard drive, and was about to double-click on its icon, when she felt Clark's breath in her right ear. "What you doing, honey?" "Trying to install some kind of communications software Jimmy gave me. Are you finished with the bathroom? I need to wash my hair." "Uh huh, I'm done. What's the program supposed to do?" "Other than talk to the outside world, I don't know yet," Lois double-clicked the file icon. "Jimmy told me it's a self-extracting .zip file and just to double-click to install it. He says it's kind of neat. I guess we'll find out in a minute." The install window popped open on the screen and Lois clicked 'Next' on each screen until she hit 'Finish', accepting all the defaults presented to her. The application window zoomed out to fill the full display, while the laptop played some jazzy music instead of the usual modem connect sounds. "Hey, neat sound effects," Clark said as he read over Lois' shoulder as the following scrolled up the screen: ***Locally Originating InterStellar Communications Link Access*** that I missed this ep forst time around i didnt see it last week either I need to get the geek standing beside the cardboard cut out of Teri now <^Juliet> How do you guys catch the promo's? how do you know when the're gonna be on? glad you walked in with me, Skip ;) Tee: Yes that's about right I'm setting the VCR for Dean on Oprah tomorrow, though I understand it's a rerun. Yep, then we sound pretty much the same I think. Was there a promo tonight? *** Fishstic (~yggem@rolldown3-062.pern.not) has joined #loiscla "I wonder what that stands for?" Lois pointed at the #loiscla acronym that had just appeared at the bottom of the screen. "Looks like the initials for the name at the top-- must be a chat group of some kind." The text kept scrolling up the screen and made less and less sense as the abbreviations the members were tossing about proliferated. "I wonder who Teri and Dean are and what's a FoLC?" Lois frowned at the screen. "And TPTB, it sounds like yoghourt..." "And what the heck is a eyewatefta... IWWATFTDCIDDGWIHOA? I know a *lot* of languages, but that doesn't make any sense at all." "Jimmy didn't actually know what this program does, he thought it was cute that it had my name on it." Lois tapped the diskette labeled LOIS.EXE. "It checked out okay for viruses. Speaking of which, I should get into the shower." Lois pushed her chair away from the desk, stood, turned, and pointed her finger at Clark. "You get dressed and fix us breakfast and no trying to sneak into the shower with me." Clark made a futile attempt to look innocent. "Who? Me?" "Yes, you, and don't give me that innocent look. I know better." She pretend frowned at him. At least she hoped he'd take it as a mock frown. She was starting to feel edgy: 7:30 was approaching rapidly. Clark pouted. "Spoilsport." Lois sighed. His pout always made her weak in the knees. Did he know that? Probably. He didn't seem to have any problem anticipating what she was feeling most of the time. So she knew she had to keep her feelings about the headaches under control. "I have to get to work on time today. Now don't sulk, it's not a pretty sight." After giving him a peck on the cheek, she went upstairs to the bathroom to take her shower. As Lois got out of the shower, Clark snuck up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He snuggled her neck and said, "I could dry your hair for you so you won't be late." Resisting the impulse to let him, she said, "Oh, right! The last time you did that we didn't make it into the office until after coffee break! I had to come up with some really creative stories to explain to Perry why we were *both* late." A grin radiated across Clark's face as he remembered *that* morning, a little over a week ago. "It's just that your hair is I don't know, it just turns me on." "Since we got married, just about everything turns you on." Lois smiled dreamily, then batted his hands away and started pulling clothes out of the closet. "So what are you doing this morning-- for Perry I mean?" "Covering the mayor's speech at the new City Hall. What about you? What's so important that you have to be in to work right on time?" "I'm covering Dr. Klein's demonstration." Lois' voice was muffled as she pulled her navy blue dress over her head. "He's got some new whiz-bang gizmos he wants the world to know about. I'll be bored out of my skull, but Perry insists that I have to cover it. It's at 8:30 so I have to hurry if I want to finish my summary of the prison riots from yesterday before I go." It was just after 7:30 a.m. now and the headache she'd been getting around this time, almost every morning for the past week, struck. Lois moaned and clasped her head. Tears squeezed out from under her lashes despite the fact that, after almost a week of this, she swore she should have gotten used to it by now. Clark was at Lois' side in an instant and held her until she signaled, by slowly pulling away from his supportive arms, that the pain had subsided. He asked softly, "Was the doctor able to give you *any* idea what's causing these headaches?" Lois took a deep breath. "No. She did a full battery of tests but nothing seems to be wrong with me. Since I didn't have the headache when she saw me, I don't think she even believed that I was having them. She did a pregnancy test just to see if it was some kind of weird symptom, but that was negative too." Clark gently pulled her close again and hugged her. They'd been trying to get pregnant for months now. But every time Lois thought it might be a possibility, their hopes were dashed; her period came around like clockwork each month. Lois pulled away from his chest, keeping her head down so he couldn't see the pain in her face, and said, "Clark, it's just so weird. Why would I get intense headaches at almost the same time, almost every day, for just a few minutes? I've recovered from the damage caused by that whack on the head I got, months ago. I'm sure of that! I was perfectly healthy until last Thursday. Now this. It doesn't make any sense." "No, it doesn't." Clark stroked her hair. "I wish I knew what to do.... Are you okay now?" Lois nodded silently, pulled away from his arms, and finished dressing. She felt drained but it was over--for now. She hated feeling so helpless. "Come on. We're going to be late and we've both got appointments this morning." "But, Lois, what about breakfast...?" "I can't eat, my stomach's all... I don't think I can... Clark. I'll pick up something later, I promise. If we don't go now, I won't get my story in." "Okay, but you have to promise you'll eat the second after you submit your story." Lois nodded. She didn't think she'd be able to eat for at least an hour, but she didn't want Clark to worry. Clark won the toss to drive the car again. He'd won the toss every day for the past week. Lois suspected he did this on purpose so she wouldn't be driving right after one of her devastating headaches. He must have been rigging the toss, but she couldn't figure out how. Yet. She also wasn't sure if she thought this was sweet of him, or whether she just wanted to whack him behind the ear for trying to "protect" her yet again. Deciding that in whacking him she would only hurt herself and it wouldn't make much of an impression anyway, she sat back and tried to relax for the few minutes it took to get to the office. As they entered the Planet's parking garage, she remembered something. "Clark, we left the PC on, still logging that weird chat group. I hope we don't run out of disk space." Clark parked the car and turned off the ignition before turning to her and saying, "It's okay, with more than a gig of free space we don't have anything to worry about. We can drop by our place at lunch and shut it down. Why were you were logging the session, though?" "It was one of the default settings when I did the install. I just went with the defaults, it seemed easier. There were others for colour-coding the different types of responses and for making sure you didn't get kicked off because you were multi-tasking. I figure I can change the settings to what I really want, later." "Well, it's probably a good thing the session is being logged. I can quickly look it over and we'll have more clues about what those people are saying." "Good thinking." Lois smiled. "I'm glad one of us is on his toes." "And, while we're there, we could maybe do some other things, hmmm?" Clark tucked his finger under her chin to raise her lips to within easy kissing range. Lois tilted her chin to the angle he was suggesting. "Ummm...No. Remember, you have to pick up Mom at the airport this afternoon. You don't want to get too preoccupied, do you?" "Oh, I don't know about that." Clark grinned mischievously. "It might be fun to find out how preoccupied I can get." He leaned over, kissed her throat and purred, "Wouldn't it?" She pushed him back in mock horror, her hands on his chest. "Clark, I'm a married woman! We're not supposed to have *fun*. It spoils the image." Lois let him see that her eyes twinkled. She knew she hadn't been as much fun lately as she would have liked because the headaches were far worse than she'd let him know. She decided, since he'd been so sweet, to try harder to get with the program. "But maybe for *you* I'll take that risk." "Good, then it's settled. I get preoccupied, you get a tarnished image." Smiling, Clark lifted her hands from his shirt and caressed her fingertips with his lips. With this gesture, she knew he was going to have a very hard time waiting until lunch to get preoccupied. Metropolis, New Troy 9:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, Thursday S.T.A.R. Labs - Experimental Technology Wing The crowd of reporters in the lecture theatre were rustling papers, snapping gum and scribbling notes on what the scientists were saying. The press conference was about as dry and boring as a press conference could get. Dr. Klein was droning on about all the new projects S.T.A.R. Labs was currently involved with and thought the world should know about. Government funding was being slashed and management wanted the scientists to show that the Lab was spending the people's tax dollars wisely. Lois was doodling to keep the boredom at bay. Lois was more interested in the so-called "black projects," the secret ones, not the PR the Labs wanted everyone to hear, but she knew she wouldn't be able to get any information about *them* in this setting. The crowd of reporters was then escorted on a tour of the projects outlined in the briefing in the theatre. Lois was impatient. This felt like every class trip she'd ever taken in high school where you saw a lot but learned virtually nothing new. In between doodles, Lois had dutifully taken notes of everything that Dr. Klein had said in the theatre, but she was still surprised to see the VibroWhammy machine when they entered the Meteorological Assessments and Developments section of the Lab. She'd been among those groaning at Dr. Klein's attempt at humour when he'd said, "We're not called M.A.D. scientists for nothing." Now she began to wonder if it had been a joke at all. She was sure she hadn't heard any mention of the VibroWhammy during the press briefing. She scrabbled through her notes to see what she'd noted down, if anything, about the machine that had tortured her on the one hand but had helped her regain her memory on the other. She was beginning to regret her habit of putting her note-taking on auto-pilot whenever she was bored. She found it in the middle of the second page of her notes. The description in her notes matched the VibroWhammy, except that the machine had been referred to as the Storm Tamer. No wonder she hadn't twigged to its significance at the time. Lois waved her hand to get the scientist's attention. "Dr. Klein, this machine, where did you get this machine?" Dr. Klein seemed a little startled at the abruptness of the question but responded that his team had recovered it from Roweena Johnson's basement. Using Herkimer Johnson's notes, they had taken it apart, put it back together again, made some minor adjustments and were now testing its usefulness in the area of weather control. Hence its new name. Weather control? This sounded a little nuts to her. Who the heck would even consider trying to control the weather? She shrugged off her concerns over the long-term effects of such a machine on the environment, since it seemed highly unlikely that it would ever work. Her skepticism seemed justified by the fact that, so far, although the tests had established that the VibroWhammy (or Storm Tamer) was no longer affecting people's actions, the weather control tests had not been as successful as hoped. Nevertheless, Dr. Klein emphasized that daily attempts were being made by Clive Tisdell, one of his junior assistants, to get the weather control online. As Dr. Klein continued with his monologue on the purpose of each piece of equipment, Lois sidled over to the VibroWhammy. It didn't look any different than before, except for the two little levers on the left-hand side. She reached out and touched the nearer lever. She unexpectedly saw the news pit at the Planet--she was *in* the news pit but it wasn't the news pit. There were bright lights and people she didn't recognize and she was keying on a PC, but the monitor had a picture of a cartoon smiley face taped on it. Someone just behind her said "psst" and she saw a hand point towards the left where Clark was just coming out of the elevator. She heard several voices yell something that sounded like "gumdeen" and as Clark staggered backwards--the vision disappeared abruptly. She jerked her hand away from the lever. Wow, she thought, what caused that? Maybe I'd better have my head *re*examined. "Ms. Lane!" Dr. Klein shouted, distracting her. "I said no-one was to touch *any* of the equipment. It can be very dangerous to the uninitiated, so this means *you,* too." Shaken and confused by what she'd seen, she said, "Yes, sir, I didn't really touch anything--not hard--and I didn't move it. I just...I won't do it again." Klein nodded and smiled; she knew he didn't like trouble and it looked like he actually believed her explanation. Trying to appear calm, cooperative and normal again, Lois listened carefully to the rest of what Dr. Klein had to say, got a few personal quotes, and packed her notes in her purse. Nothing she'd heard though came anywhere near close to explaining what she'd seen, and she'd been uncertain how to pose a question about it, especially in front of her journalistic colleagues. This had been one weird morning: first that strange chat group, and now the VibroWhammy. Even though it was supposed to have been "fixed", it seemed to still have some special connection with her mind. Just thinking about what it had done to her, when she was in the throes of trying to regain her memory, was enough to give her another headache. Why was she being haunted by headaches? At the same time every day, like clockwork, but not on weekends... Come to think of it, when was this thing being tested each day? Hey! Maybe, just maybe, it was the VibroWhammy tests that were causing her early morning headaches! On her way out of the building she stopped to see the M.A.D. secretary, whose desk was in a open office area at the intersection of two corridors. She asked about seeing Clive Tisdell to learn more about the machine, only to discover he was out in the field at the moment. The secretary said he was a morning person and tried to get his field work done early. He'd be back early this afternoon. Disappointed at having to wait, but elated at the possible lead that could have the whole thing resolved well before 7:30 the next morning, Lois made a tentative appointment for 3:30 p.m. and told the secretary she'd confirm later in the day. She'd fill Clark in when they met up at Perry's status meeting, at 10:30. After signing out of the building, she headed back to the Planet Metropolis, New Troy 10:15 a.m. Eastern Standard Time Daily Planet Newsroom Lois wondered if Clark would make the 10:30 meeting. Perry had recently been watching his reporters more closely. There'd be some kind of directive from management about "waste" which would directly impact on any pay increases for supervisors. As a result, since Friday Perry had only accepted excuses about delays in interviews he himself had assigned as valid reasons for missing the meeting. She figured he'd accept and forgive her for stories that involved the President, or headless corpses, but not much else. Since Clark often had to miss Perry's meetings because of his extracurricular activities, these new restrictions had proved particularly hard to live with. So far this week Lois had been able to satisfy the Chief that Clark was working on something essential. Lois hoped that she wouldn't have to come up with any "brilliant" excuses for this meeting. Just as she was about to give up hope, Clark bounded out of the elevator and headed towards her. He was still looking buoyant. Lois recognized his frame of mind, and at any other time she would have loved to indulge it... but now she'd have to be strong, if they were going to make Perry's meeting on time for a change. Besides, she needed to talk to him about what she might have discovered at S.T.A.R. Labs. He walked jauntily over to her, his hands clasped behind his back. Bending deferentially across her desk, he humbly requested "Ms. Lane, may I see you in the junior boardroom?" A casual passerby would get the impression they were arranging a business meeting--but Lois knew better, and felt aroused at just the idea. Giving him her "watch it, buster, or we'll attract the wrath of Perry" look, she slowly rose out of her chair, carefully keeping her distance from him. Whenever he was in this kind of mood, just touching him would spark fireworks--for both of them. She wanted them to be behind closed doors before *that* happened. Despite herself, a smile spread across her face. She led the way to the boardroom, Clark was about to follow her but Jimmy rushed up and grabbed him by the arm. Lois stopped for a second to see if she should stick around then decided to get to the boardroom and wait for Clark. She noticed Jimmy was wearing his cameras, primed for action, and was glad to see he was taking Clark's advice about being more professional in his work. "Clark! I thought you should know, Perry's in one of his *moods*. You'd better not be late for the meeting this time, or you'll be sorry." "Right, Jimmy, I know. Lois and I will be there." "You'd better be. I don't think Perry's going to forgive you if you're late *again*." "Right! Got it. We'll be there. Now, I have to talk to Lois before the meeting. A new know." "Oh, right." Jimmy dashed off to warn someone else. Clark continued with his original plan to follow Lois to the junior boardroom. He closed the door securely behind him as he entered the room, and then quickly closed the blinds to give them some privacy. She noted that he avoided looking at her while he was busy with securing these gaps. When he was satisfied that they were truly alone, he turned, gazing at her with undisguised love in his liquid brown eyes. As usual, Lois felt weak in the knees from the intense passion she saw there. Her body responded to the intensity of his desire and as her breathing became heavier she implored, "Clark, I'd love to but..., Perry's meeting is in just a couple of minutes, we don't have time for...." Clark approached her, a matter of a few steps, embraced her and as his face drew close to hers he whispered, "I know...but I thought you'd like a little diversion after this morning." Then he pressed his mouth to hers, effectively preventing her from speaking. Responding to his initiative, she could feel the electricity between them. He always knew exactly what she needed. Clark's hands explored her as the kiss deepened. She felt lightheaded and a little disoriented. As their kiss broke off, she couldn't remember why she'd been reluctant to let this happen in the first place. She was about to ardently suggest that Clark get them home *now* so they could finish what they'd started, when she could have sworn she heard someone yell "Cut!" ********************* No! this isn't the end of this story. For the rest of this story and its companion piece, visit: Stories and download You can also obtain the full stories via email from for SwapMeet-Metropolis and for the Burbank half, via email, write ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 18:52:02 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Richard Field Subject: Looking for a story MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, I hope I've posted this to the right place. I am looking for Annemarie's story "Real Time". I sent a e-mail to the address I had for her and it came back with a fatal error. Let me know if you can help. Thanks! Dawn