From: "L-Soft list server at Indiana University (1.8d)" To: "ARTF@MemoryAlpha.nil" File: "LOISCLA-GENERAL-L LOG9709D" ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 01:12:02 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: The Zoomway Subject: Re: Ideas In a message dated 97-09-21 19:38:08 EDT, jernigan@COMPUSERVE.COM writes: << I immediately thought of Zoomway's "If you can't beat 'em (Joe's Story)" and "Join 'em" by Kari Umbrect?? I still don't like the original (sorry, Zoomway! ) but the sequel is very nice, and fits nicely with the original. >> Hey, I caught hell for that story I told Joe it would happen, but he was willing to take any heat for the story, and I said "Okay, it's your baby", but I don't regret writing it even though it made some readers uncomfortable (okay, with Leigh I got a 14 page scolding ;) I followed his outline to the letter and never asked to change one thing he wanted, I just wrote what he asked of me, and since he was happy, I guess the reaming I got over it was 'almost' worth it I got positive and negative feedback on the story, but this, from part of Leigh Raglan's 14 page scolding was the much more typical response. "This is wrong! There is no way, shape or form that would cause Clark Kent to live a lie and a sexual relationship with Lois Lane as Superman!" I agree with Leigh on this, but reminded her that it was a story I was writing for someone else and to his specifications. She wrote back and told me I should have just refused, but there are fanfic readers out there that do have ideas, but they either haven't the time, or say they haven't the talent for writing, but would love to see an idea of theirs turned into fanfic, and I try and accommodate requests like that when I can. Most aren't nearly as specific as Joe. Angie, for example, wanted to see the date Lois and Clark made at the end of Individual Responsibility that we never saw on the screen. Her only request? That it take place in an Indian restaurant. So, I was pretty much on my own with how I wanted to handle that story (12:01) Or, Becky had just bought some Superman bubble bath and said she'd like to have a story involving a bubble bath, and so I wrote Dirty Bubbles. Some stopped reading that short story after the first paragraph indicated Lois was married to Lex Luthor It's not always easy writing a story to another person's expectations (hey, didn't L&C discusss expectations ;) but if they're happy with the end result, that's what makes it worth the shots when it's finished. I always send it to them first so that if there's anything they want changed, or done differently, I'm happy to oblige, it's their story and they deserve to have it say what they want in the way they want it said. There's two exceptions to the "on request" fanfic I'm willing to write. I won't write any story where Lois or Clark cheats on the other, nor will I write "death fic". I don't like either type and so I'd find it fairly impossible to write either type I sometimes forget the older fanfic I've written if it was written for someone else, and Joe's story was written back in 94 before Metallo even aired. I do believe though when a reader gets upset by a story if they think it goes contrary to the characters that the show established, that the series did a great job creating a universe and characters that are so well understood by the fans that said fans get upset if they feel that universe is upended. I personally don't think I have a problem with almost any type of fanfic (other than the cheating or death fic type) I like funny stuff, romantic stuff, and stuff that has a surprise or a twist to it. I don't like stories that ramble a lot (incluiding mine ;) with a zillion words of exposition. I think it was Moby Dick that did me in for that. I mean three pages describing the man's hat for crying out loud! I like stream of consciousness type writing if very well done, if not, it's about as rewarding and filling as a rice cake There is some fanfic that would make a horrible episode for the series, but is still great to read. It's like Stranger in a Strange Land. I think that would make a gosh awful movie, too much is in your head, but it's a mesmerizing novel to read if you like that kind of story. Most of the fiction I read, as you can probably tell, is science fiction and some fantasy. I have never read a romance novel of any type, or a western, or a James Bond type of intrigue/adventure novel. I think that's what I'd be interested in hearing on the fanfic list. What do the readers and writers read when they get an honest-to-goodness published novel? I'm curious truly because I remember in high school our English class had the choice of Fahrenheit 451, A Separate Peace and To Kill a Mocking Bird. I was the only female in the class to choose Fahrenheit 451 so I begin to wonder if I'm an anomaly among others of my gender Anyway, I'd really be interested in favorite novels, authors, genres, etc. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 01:41:12 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Demona Subject: Re: Ideas In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 01:12 AM 9/22/97 -0400, you wrote: >I won't write any story where >Lois or Clark cheats on the other, nor will I write "death fic". Nor will she write fic that I've been bugging her to write for months LOL Hi everyone! Yes I'm still alive!! Remember me? :) That reminds me of one of your other stories Squidgy, what was it called again? The one with IRC and Rapunzel? I know I asked for a sequel to that but I'm sure it's about as done as our co-compilation, or the one I'm doing with KathyB, or the other two I have started here, so I'm REALLY one to talk huh? *sigh* I absolultely need to take a few days off and write ;) That would be yummy! Demi (Who still absolutely loves Chris' Mulder's "meet me in kansas city" ;) _________________________________________________ Demi (a.k.a) Demona or --- L&C Site --- "Never underestimate the power of a star filled sky on a warm tropical night" - Perry White a la Zoomway _________________________________________________ ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 05:15:34 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: The Zoomway Subject: Re: Looking for Lois Lane In a message dated 97-09-21 21:20:26 EDT, debby@SWCP.COM writes: << Jack, being of a cunning intelligence and knowing Clark's big secret, as well as being Clark's friend, would figure out ways to help Superman get done with the job quicker. Or, "support Clark's Superman side," if you wish. Knowing Superman's proclivity for falling into traps, Jack would think of ways to help him avoid them. >> To quote alternate Clark "This is exactly what I was afraid of" That sounds awfully close to Batman and his boy companion Robin ;) I was glad Jack vanished. >>>Some argue that he hadn't had a steady relationship before, and this may be the case<<< "Flying is a piece of cake. I've been doing it since high school. What happens if I screw up? I lose a little altitude, but being in a relationship, that's completely new..." So, yes, that was the case. He never had a relationship by his own admission. >>>However, I don't think this translates into the relationship he wants being hard to maintain. If he had not yet had such a relationship of his own, let's look at the most influenial relationship he experienced through observation, that of Martha and Jonathan<<<< How much worth was his parents as examples when it came to a courtship? Clark didn't know what his parents dating history was like. If anything, I think Clark's idealized vision of his parents relationship sometimes caused some unrealistic expectations for him.. He wanted instant 'happily ever after', but because he only saw the "after" with his parents, he had absolutely no clue what they went through to achieve that. >>>Clark could have solve that by simply telling Lois the truth<<< Telling Lois the truth only solved part of the problem (his dashing off appearing to be a fear of commitment, etc) but it still didn't give him relationship skills, and no matter how good an example Jon and Martha were, Jon was never two people who had to balance a job, being a superhero and a marriage. Martha didn't have to adjust to something like that either. Lois and Clark were on their on with that scenario. >>blundered into his relationship with Lois Lane and came out looking like a heavily stressed chunk of granite<<< I enjoyed their "blunders". It made their bliss all the more well earned ;) >>hen, seeing that his mind was made up and that he was going to make his announcement the next day, Lois rushed out to find a better solution. Which, of course, she did. Hooray, Lois<<< I think ultimately the decision has to be Clark's. I know it's supposed to be 50/50 in a marriage,. but there are some points where one partner has the ultimate decision to make and stand by. If a wife doesn't want any more children, but the husband does, I say ultimately *she* makes the decision because she is the one who has to endure the pregnancy. Now, if both men and women could get pregnant, that would be different. The wife could say, "Okay, you want another baby? It's your turn to get pregnant." Lois had a great deal to do with the creation and the maintainance of "Superman", but when push comes to shove, Clark is the one all alone out there having to make the decisions by himself, often in a split second. Jon and Martha made great points about Lois and Clark losing their privacy and Lois being known from there on out as "Superman's wife", but Lois accepts what might befall her and Clark if the truth comes out, what she *can't* accept is what happens to Superman if the truth comes out. She's trying to let Clark know that the truth could be as bad or worse for "Superman" as the scandal. Superman's "fate" can be discussed and argued by all parties who might be effected by "the truth", but ultimately the decision can't be made by committee, it is up to one person--Clark Kent. >>It took her most of the episode to say this, too. Yawn.<<< Having been married 16 years, I can tell you that it takes a lot longer than "most of the episode" sometimes to tell your husband what's upsetting you. This phrase, "Well, if you don't know what's wrong, I'm certainly not going to tell you" didn't become a cliche from lack of use I know it seems ludircrous to people who aren't married, but it is so close to the truth it's scary. You feel that your spouse should *know* what made you upset, and if he doensn't automatically know, then he doesn't care about your feelings Like I said, it probably sounds silly to someone who isn't married, but someone who *is* married could see a lot of theirself in Lois "suffering in silence" waiting for lunkhead to pick up the signal ;) One reason Lois drew the whole thing out is because she thought Clark knew about his molecular structure "stablizing and slowing" the aging process and she was angry he never told her. >>>He could also, of course, *die* the next day, anyone can, but particularly a fellow who throws himself into battling dangerous criminals.<<< That's also true, and Clark makes that point. >>>That's not what was said, that much I recall. His body had already compensated. It had made up the difference, he had revitalized, he was the same as before.<<< Well, here's the dialog, make of it what you will, but to me it sounds like Clark did "lose something". "Dr. Klein said my body has already compensated for the age drain." "Compensated? Then you have lost something." "My friend is healthy. I'm sitting here with my wife. I haven't lost anything." "You gave up years." "I gave them up for a friend." "How many?" "I don't know. The truth is, no one knows how long they've got. Anyway, it's not the years that count, it's the moments. Right now, as they happen." You'll recall right after Superman came out of the machine (after resetting Carter Shank to infancy and Jimmy back to a 22 year old) he said "I feel okay" Lois asks Doodsen "Is he?" and she says "It's too soon to tell" Remember that Jimmy looked fine right after he came out of the machine and the rapid aging took a while to start. Superman looked fine right when he came out, but because of his long lifespan, then even the 100+ years it cost him to restore Shank (over restore him ;) and Jimmy was something his body could "compensate" (counterbalance). That is, suppose you have a 50 year old man (want one? ;) and you age him five years. It's not likely that it'll make that big a difference in his appearance. However, if you take an infant and age *him* five years, the difference is startling. What I'm getting at is say that Superman's lifespan was 200 years, but then you take about 130 from that (to restore Shank and Jimmy) and his lifespan now becomes 70 years. In other words, Superman still had 70 years left to him, and so the "drain" wouldn't show on him. Whereas, you take Jimmy, whose lifespan is about 70 to begin with and take 50 years of that away from him, then he has no "years" left to compensate the loss. He's going to be an old man. I don't know if any of that made any sense, but Lois and Clark's dialog seems to indicate Clark did in fact lose years. >>>That's my very point. I certainly expect them to *try*, on the ceiling, on the kitchen floor, or wherever they wanted, and have lots of fun at it! But to go into the marriage assuming they could have kids<<< Before they got married, Lois was in the alternate world and Wells helped her recall their previous adventure, and in that adventure Wells tells Lois that Superman's descendants create Utopia. Wells also assures her that she "will be" good at handling babies. Then if we go back to The Foundling, perhaps Clark read too much into Jor-El saying that Earth was chosen because of its compatability with Krypton and its people. Either way, even human couples assume they can have children until they start trying and nothing happens. >>>I suspect that he did know. I wouldn't expect Clark to rat on Lois because I would expect Perry to already know about it.<<< Okay, let's assume that for whatever reason not indicated in the episode, Perry knew Lois stole the story and so *he* sent her on that wild goose chase through the sewage reclamation plant. A lot of the impact is immediately lost. With Perry having administered the comeuppance, then there is no new found respect for Clark from Lois for standing up to her, and Jimmy, who stood up to Perry being inspired by CK, would be lost as well. What we get instead is Lois being drubbed by her boss. So what? That just dilutes Lois's "punishment" to a sight gag with no real importance or impact. Then again, Perry might take a more professional route to a comeuppance and suspend her 2 weeks without pay. It says the same thing the other scenario would say "the boss won't tolerate stealing" and since the "goose chase" scene loses its impact anyway when administered by Perry, then it might as well be a more standard punishment for misconduct. >>>Clark, sitting quietly at his desk, speaking from the heart, looking right at Lois (note that the newsroom is nearly empty). "Lois, I don't appreciate you stealing other people's stories."<<< Even if a more subdued scene had been feasible for the Lois of Neverending Battle fame, all we'd get really is an apology from her, and it still ices out Jimmy's part. I think the show handled it well and with good humor, and Lois knew she had it coming and learned a lesson about underestimating Clark Kent when he's the victim of story stealing ;) In fairness though, if you want to rewrite NB, that's okay, as long as I get to rewrite IGACOY ;) >>>Well, we know where to go to find out what CK's idle fantasies are... ;)<<< Are these sexual or non-sexual? ;) (what the heck, it's 4:00a.m., the gutter's open ;) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 05:44:03 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: The Zoomway Subject: Re: Ideas In a message dated 97-09-22 01:40:42 EDT, demona@WIZNET.CA writes: << Nor will she write fic that I've been bugging her to write for months LOL >> Demi, did Rachel put you up to this? Or "Penny Irksome" as I like to call her ;) I am working on that sequel you wanted to Cyber Link, Penny's undercover story (and that Seinfeld script ;) that nfic we're collaberating on (remember that one? ;) and a story just for me :P (and that writing stuff I do for money. I love a panicky network season, it's good for business ;) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 11:16:46 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kathy Brown Subject: Re: Reading (was Ideas) In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 1:12 AM -0400 9/22/97, The Zoomway wrote: > I think that's what I'd be >interested in hearing on the fanfic list. What do the readers and writers >read when they get an honest-to-goodness published novel? > Anyway, I'd really be interested in favorite novels, authors, genres, etc. LOL! You mean other FoLCs have time to ... gasp ... read??? Let's see, what do I read? Fanfic, List mail, Fanfic list mail ;) ... sense a theme? I read some magazines and the newspaper, but I can't remember the last time I picked up a book ... this is kind of embarassing. Oh! I just remembered. The last book I read was the Cherryh novel. ;) Kathy (actually, I read several books a day. They just have characters like Corduroy or Clifford as the protagonists or are written by Dr. Suess. ) ______________________ Kathy Brown KathyB on IRC ______________________ ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 11:50:52 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Gary Subject: Re: Reading (was Ideas) In-Reply-To: MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 11:16 AM 9/22/97 -0400, Kathy Brown wrote: >At 1:12 AM -0400 9/22/97, The Zoomway wrote: > >> I think that's what I'd be >>interested in hearing on the fanfic list. What do the readers and writers >>read when they get an honest-to-goodness published novel? >> Anyway, I'd really be interested in favorite novels, authors, genres, etc. > > >LOL! You mean other FoLCs have time to ... gasp ... read??? > >Let's see, what do I read? Fanfic, List mail, Fanfic list mail ;) ... >sense a theme? > > I'm reading "The NEW Male Sexuality - The Truth About Men, Sex, and Pleasure" by Bernie Zilbergeld, Ph.D. Author of Male Sexuality. And if you ask real nice I'll send the title of Chapter 2 to Debby for the nfic list... ;) P.S. Of course, technically, it is just nfic research... P.P.S. I need a hug! I never had a teddy bear, but I did have a Super Grover! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | Gary A. Rudick | | "You decide what you feel heaven is worth" - Deborah Gibson, TWYH | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 13:21:50 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Comments: RFC822 error: Incorrect or incomplete address field found and ignored. From: Pam Jernigan Subject: Re: Ideas MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Kathy wrote: >> Like the WHAM is OK as long as we get a satisfying WAFF at the end. <= < Or as Peace might put it, we don't mind the hurt as long as there's plent= y of comfort It also tends to be true that the bigger the WHAM, the bigger the WAFF, but it's not guaranteed. Anyway, in general, I think that it's not the idea that matters so much a= s the application of that idea. You can take one basic idea (Lois finds ou= t CK=3DSM) and create infinite variations on that theme... there are good a= nd bad revelation stories, but you can't say that the authors ripped each other off. I know I've written different takes on the same idea, and I don't *think* the resulting stories are repetitive. PJ !^NavFont02F02310018MGHHGSMGUHG42MG44HGD9HIy0631 E-mail from: Pam Jernigan, 22-Sep-1997 / ChiefPam on the IRC ~~~~~ Unreformed, unrepentent, sometimes unproductive but never uninteresting fanfic writer = Visit Sarah & Pam's Shrine o'Fanfic at: ~~~~~ Lois and Clark Season 5 Fanfic: ~~~~~ "The first thing she said to me was 'Herbie, get me to the Planet.' Naturally, I wondered which planet..." ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 12:50:10 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Adrienne Perez Subject: Re: Ideas In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 01:12 AM 9/22/97 -0400, you wrote: (Zoomway) >In a message dated 97-09-21 19:38:08 EDT, jernigan@COMPUSERVE.COM writes: > Most of the >fiction I read, as you can probably tell, is science fiction and some >fantasy. I have never read a romance novel of any type, or a western, or a >James Bond type of intrigue/adventure novel. I think that's what I'd be >interested in hearing on the fanfic list. What do the readers and writers >read when they get an honest-to-goodness published novel? I'm curious truly >because I remember in high school our English class had the choice of >Fahrenheit 451, A Separate Peace and To Kill a Mocking Bird. I was the only >female in the class to choose Fahrenheit 451 so I begin to wonder if I'm an >anomaly among others of my gender Anyway, I'd really be interested in >favorite novels, authors, genres, etc. > > Great question! I read novels to escape and relax so I really don't want to work too hard . So, artsy and highly stylized books don't do it for me. Neither do books with a lot of made up words or written in a dialect (I hated the Hobbitt and couldn't even finish The Lord of the Rings) Instead I like books rich in character and setting. To Kill a Mocking Bird is one of my favorites. I read very little science fiction but for some reason I've become attached to the Star Wars Books. I'm almost embarassed to buy them :). I love to read books that are set in an industry or culture I'm not familiar with. As a kid I used to like Arthur Hailey's books like Airport or Wheels. Chaim Potok's books describing Orthodox and Hasidic cultures and characters are long time favorites. When I find an author I like I tend to get "stuck" and then compulsively hunt down and read most of the author's works. In the last couple of years I've read most of the Jonathan Kellerman's Alex Delaware Murder Mysteries. My favorite author is Madeleine L'Engle. I have literally been reading and re-reading her books since childhood. She writes children's and adult fiction...nonfiction too. Her best known children's book is a Winkle in Time which is part one of a time travel trilogy. BTW anyone really into time travel should read "Time and Again" by Jack Finney. No complicated machines, just mind power. Well, this is most likely more information than you all wanted to know about me Fun question, Zoom! Adrienne ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 13:40:39 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Barbara Garonzik Subject: Re: Reading (was Ideas) In a message dated 97-09-22 11:49:39 EDT, gar8434@RITVAX.ISC.RIT.EDU writes: << I'm reading "The NEW Male Sexuality - The Truth About Men, Sex, and Pleasure" by Bernie Zilbergeld, Ph.D. Author of Male Sexuality. >> I'm not reading anything so cerebral. Just finished Shirley Busbee's novel "A Heart for the Taking." Loved it. Barb ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 12:48:47 CST Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kay Fike Jones Organization: Mississippi State University Subject: Re: Reading (was Ideas) In-Reply-To: <> Not much time for reading books anymore, but I did manage to fit one in about a month ago. It was a Tony Hillerman mystery. Can't remember the name of the specific book but his are always good. Kay II ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Kay Fike Jones News Writer Mississippi State University, USA ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 15:14:19 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Laurie Stroh Subject: Re: Reading (was Ideas) In a message dated 97-09-22 11:15:34 EDT, you write: << Kathy (actually, I read several books a day. They just have characters like Corduroy or Clifford as the protagonists or are written by Dr. Suess. ) LOL Kathy we must lead the same life.....other than L&C fanfic and the listserv (both of them) and the WB and ABC L&C boards(I'm on AOL) and an occasional newspaper or magazine (like USA TODAY or People or Country Weekly) the only books I get to read are geared for rugrats. Last night it was "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas"...don't ask me I didn't pick it. I did actually read a real book last week and bragged to my hubby that I read a book that had absolutely nothing to do with Lois and Clark...."See honey, I do have a life!" But you know what? The book was OK and all but I have read fanfic that was tons better and I had a very hard time not thinking of Lois and Clark while reading the book. I kept picturing Teri and Dean as the protaganists......I guess I'm just spoiled!! Laurie ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 15:46:02 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Laurie Stroh Subject: Reading In a message dated 97-09-22 01:12:43 EDT, Zoomway writes: << What do the readers and writers read when they get an honest-to-goodness published novel? I'm curious truly because I remember in high school our English class had the choice of Fahrenheit 451, A Separate Peace and To Kill a Mocking Bird. I was the only female in the class to choose Fahrenheit 451 so I begin to wonder if I'm an anomaly among others of my gender Anyway, I'd really be interested in favorite novels, authors, genres, etc. >> It's funny that you should mention "To Kill a Mockingbird" for that is one of my all time favorite books......if you've never taken the time to read it you should. It's not very long but oh so good and much better than the movie (which I enjoyed as well). Another favorite book of mine was "The Thorn Birds" even though she did spend a lot of time describing the Australian landscape....... Since going online last year and hooking up with all you wonderful *folcs* my reading of actual published material has dwindled to about nil.........but authors that I have enjoyed reading include Michael Palmer (he writes medical thrillers), John Grisham (if you don't know who he is you're really out of it), Judith Michael (a husband-wife writing team that write contemporary romance type novels) and Janet Daily (prior to discovering she is a plagerist!). To the person on the list that mentioned the children's book "A Wrinkle in Time" I just want to say that that was one of my favorite books as a that not a lot of people seemed to have read but one that I will always remember. Laurie ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 13:42:02 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Sara Kraft Subject: Re: Reading (was Ideas) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" >At 1:12 AM -0400 9/22/97, The Zoomway wrote: > >> I think that's what I'd be >>interested in hearing on the fanfic list. What do the readers and writers >>read when they get an honest-to-goodness published novel? >> Anyway, I'd really be interested in favorite novels, authors, genres, etc. Before I discovered fanfic, I liked (and still do, just don't have the time to read) reading Dean Koontz novels (horror/suspense). Now I read fanfic, fanfic and well...fanfic. But actually, I did pick up the Roger Stern novel "The Death and Life of Superman" and have started reading it. (I didn't realize at the time but I was wearing my 'S' shirt when I bought it. No wonder I got funny looks. Doh!). >LOL! You mean other FoLCs have time to ... gasp ... read??? No, not really. =) >Let's see, what do I read? Fanfic, List mail, Fanfic list mail ;) ... >sense a theme? Exactly! >Oh! I just remembered. The last book I read was the Cherryh novel. ;) I liked that one. That's one of the last books I read too. Unless you count school mandated reading. =p Sara Kraft ( ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 16:31:09 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Gary Subject: Re: Reading (was Ideas) In-Reply-To: <> MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" >>At 1:12 AM -0400 9/22/97, The Zoomway wrote: >> >>> I think that's what I'd be >>>interested in hearing on the fanfic list. What do the readers and writers >>>read when they get an honest-to-goodness published novel? >>> Anyway, I'd really be interested in favorite novels, authors, genres, etc. >> Okay, my all-time favorite is The Count of Monte Cristo by Dumas, Alexandre, 1802-1870 The Count of Monte Cristo or the adventures of Edmond Dantes, which was so much better than Tale of Two Cities...anyone else read both? (Both are historical novels set against the backdrop of the French Revolution - i.e. "Let them eat cake.") =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | Gary A. Rudick | | "You decide what you feel heaven is worth" - Deborah Gibson, TWYH | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 06:59:47 +1000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jenny Stosser Subject: Reading (was Re: Ideas) In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 01:12 AM 22/09/97 -0400, Zoomway wrote: > There is some fanfic that would make a horrible episode for the >series, but is still great to read. My sister in law, who is NOT a reader of anything much except the Tabloid magazines (makes me wonder why I buy my own Woman's Day each week, sometimes) just finished reading my L&C fanfic and wanted everyone here to know that she thinks I should submit it to TNT as the basis for the telemovie that they should make of it one day. My mother also thinks I should submit it to Warner Bros, or DC Comics. But she hasn't read it. I think the last thing my mother read was the newspaper. (/me wonders why she is related to so many non-readers, when she has at least two walls full of books which she will read over and over again, as well as two filing cabinets full of comics!) >It's like Stranger in a Strange Land. I >think that would make a gosh awful movie, too much is in your head, but it's >a mesmerizing novel to read if you like that kind of story. Zoom, this is weird. I love almost everything Heinlein's written, but I couldn't stand SIASL when I first read it about 15 years ago. My favourite by him would have to be Time Enough For Love, I think. >Most of the fiction I read, as you can probably tell, is science fiction and some >fantasy. I have never read a romance novel of any type, or a western, or a >James Bond type of intrigue/adventure novel. I think that's what I'd be >interested in hearing on the fanfic list. What do the readers and writers >read when they get an honest-to-goodness published novel? I tend to stay within the SF/Fantasy range when I'm reading books most of the time too. The *first* fantasy book I read was called The Broken Sword, and it was by Poul Anderson. I don't remember a thing about it, but I remember Dad choosing it out of his bookcase as one I was old enough to enjoy when I was twelve. I get the impression I'd been bugging him to let me read one of his books for a while before that. Oh, and before that, my all-time favourite books were the Krunkles of Narnia (I couldn't say Chronicles at the time). I still pull them out and reread them on occasion. At the moment I'm working my way through Anne McCaffrey's Pern books again (in no particular order). In recent weeks I've read DragonFlight, DragonQuest DragonsDawn, and now I'm halfway through Red Star Rising (released in the US as DragonsEye, I believe). These are probably my favourite books of all time these days (am I allowed to change my choice when I say "of all time?" ) - some years ago, I had 15 books signed by the author, and now I'm debating whether I should replace my copy of Dragonquest, which is literally falling apart at the seams! Other authors I enjoy include Misty Lackey (in particular her Valdemar series), Melanie Rawn, Katherine Kerr, David Eddings... hmmm, I've just noticed that most of my favourite authors tend to write in series! I wonder why that is? I also enjoy Isaac Asimov's junior adult stuff, Robert Silverberg's time travel stories, Oh, and when my parents moved out of the house I grew up in to a smaller place, I inherited Dad's collection of Analog magazines, which at the time was an almost complete run going back to December 1959. I managed to fill in the missing pieces via the Internet, so it now IS a complete collection. One day I might even get to sit down and read them all! Oh, yeah, I also collect comics. Have done since at least 1978 (that's the cover date on the first DC Comic I ever bought, but before that I was buying Australian black and white reprints with no date inside them), and as I said before I have two filing cabinets full of them now. I also read Woman's Day almost every week, and pick up the occasional other tabloid magazine. It's a nasty habit, but it's one of the few vices I have that actually costs money, so who cares!? I'm curious truly >because I remember in high school our English class had the choice of >Fahrenheit 451, A Separate Peace and To Kill a Mocking Bird. I was the only >female in the class to choose Fahrenheit 451 so I begin to wonder if I'm an >anomaly among others of my gender Anyway, I'd really be interested in >favorite novels, authors, genres, etc. I would have chosen the Bradbury book too, but only cos I've seen the movie of TKAMB and I've never heard of ASP. Oh yeah, Kathy mentioned that she reads a lot of Dr Seuss... I read quite a bit of the same "Ernie's BedTime story" and "Thomas and the... by Buzz Books". David has been helping me to get through the really hard words in those ones -- Jenny Stosser -*- -*- (Jenerator or MoiAussie on IRC) This message is umop ap!sdn -*- David is 5 and Megan is 2! Photos on the web-page! Visit the Stosser Family HomePage: ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 23:14:32 +0000 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Comments: Authenticated sender is From: Dom Melaragni Subject: Re: Reading (was Re: Ideas) In-Reply-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT I read way too least I used to.......for a while though I read a lot more fanfic than ordinary books. Now that I'm commuting again though, I've started picking up a lot of books again. I tend to read just about everything.......the author I have most of is Anne McCaffrey and probably Asimov but I hadn't read many of them in a while....... Favourite things lately have been Bill Bryson's Made in America and Tales of a Small Island and my current book, Maupins Tales from the City. And of course, who could forget the *fascinating* book I bought in Seattle and left there......had to buy another one to find out waht happened......Nadia the werewolf with interesting tendencies.....the UKers took to reading it as a bedtime story There was lots of barbaric longing Dom (wondering what to take off her shelf next ......or whether to look in the box of the last 3 year's comics......I did like that SUperman/WonderWOman....Whom Gods Destroy series) ================================================================= Dom Melaragni (FlakeyDom) The LnC drinking game and Fest pics ?8-)] Clark Kent smiley with the superhero squarejaw chin ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 20:46:04 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Georgia E. Walden" Subject: Re: Reading In a message dated 97-09-22 15:48:37 EDT, Laurie writes: << Since going online last year and hooking up with all you wonderful *folcs* my reading of actual published material has dwindled to about nil.... >> Whew - that's a relief. I thought I was the only one who had become a non-reader since getting involved with online fandom. My job requires I keep up with the rugrat literature (elementary school librarian) but for myself, there's nothing that interests me quite as much as Lois and Clark. I read for pleasure and right now, I get more pleasure from the various mailing lists than anything else. Before, though, I read constantly and skipped around: science fiction, fantasy, romance both historical and contemporary, mysteries, and the occasional thriller. I also like non-fiction - politics, linguistics, science, popular culture. I once read A HIstory of Warfare by John Keegan back to back with Desire by Amanda Quick and enjoyed them both. My most recent "real" book was A Writer's Journey by Christopher Vogler. It was recommended by someone on LOISCLA. ;) Georgia (guess I'd better try to track down Rag and Bone - I'm not an Anne Rice fan, but there are extenuating circumstances...) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 22:43:56 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Comments: RFC822 error: Incorrect or incomplete address field found and ignored. From: Pam Jernigan Subject: Reading (was Ideas) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 re: "Joe's Story", Zoomway wrote: >> I don't regret writing it even though it made some readers uncomfortable (okay, with Leigh I got a 14 page scolding ;) << So when Leigh only sent 5 pages worth of complaints over "Going to the Chapel", does that mean she liked it? >> Most of the fiction I read, as you can probably tell, is science fiction and some fantasy. I have never read a romance novel of any type, = or a western, or a James Bond type of intrigue/adventure novel. ...I begin to wonder if I'm an anomaly among others of my gender Anyway, I'd really be interested in favorite novels, authors, genres, etc. << Okay, you asked for it... my favorite genre is science fiction; favorite authors include Isaac Asimov, Anne McCaffrey and Lois McMaster Bujold (I *highly* recommend her to anyone who'll stand still). I'm quit= e fond of most of Tom Clancy's novels. I like selected books by Heinlein and Niven/Pournelle. I think H. Beam Piper is chronically underappreciated. Terry Pratchett writes hysterically funny fantasy book= s (Discworld). I've also long suspected that I was an atypical female = and one of the ways I knew I should marry my husband was the large overla= p in our libraries. I like some mysteries, mostly by Dorothy Sayers (Lord Peter Wimsey); I te= nd to go for historical settings there, and I like an element of romance and/or humor in the story, with a minimum of gore However... I confess, I also read romances, of several types. I started reading Regency romances (a popular subgenre set in England, mostly, in the early 1800s), especially those written by Georgette Heyer = in high school (G.H. is the classic author of regencies; her stories have no= sex but lots of humor and great characterization). A little later, after= my heart was first broken ( ) I read romances voraciously just t= o have something to fill the time, and since I could easily read three of them in a day, I wasn't too picky about quality. I still read them occasionally, when I can find time; they're fun (as long as I don't stumb= le into the ones that make me want to take the "heroine" out behind somethin= g and thrash her for idiotic behavior ). For these, I tend to read the "series" romance novels - they've got modern settings, and they're not to= o long. The thicker, historical romances tend to frustrate me too much - in= order to fill their page count, the author has to keep putting up artificial barriers between her protagonists - Maysons and Scardinos, and= Lex and Deter and worse... (But they're not usually as bad as Debby was in Dawning6 with WWW Waldecker popping up at the *worst* time!) I think that mostly covers it... PJ !^NavFont02F089C0023MGHHGeMGgHG81MG83HGDEMGE0HIHMIJHO9EA721 E-mail from: Pam Jernigan, 22-Sep-1997 / ChiefPam on the IRC ~~~~~ Unreformed, unrepentent, sometimes unproductive but never uninteresting fanfic writer = Visit Sarah & Pam's Shrine o'Fanfic at: ~~~~~ Lois and Clark Season 5 Fanfic: ~~~~~ "The first thing she said to me was 'Herbie, get me to the Planet.' Naturally, I wondered which planet..." ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 23:00:04 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Barbara Garonzik Subject: Re: Reading In a message dated 97-09-22 15:48:37 EDT, you write: << Janet Daily (prior to discovering she is a plagerist!). >> I didn't know this. Was she actually charged? barb ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 00:09:37 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Comments: RFC822 error: Incorrect or incomplete address field found and ignored. From: Pam Jernigan Subject: Re: Reading (was Ideas) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 >> Okay, my all-time favorite is The Count of Monte Cristo by Dumas, Alexandre, 1802-1870 The Count of Monte Cristo or the adventures of Edmond Dantes, which was so much better than Tale of Two Cities...anyone else read both?= (Both are historical novels set against the backdrop of the French Revolution - i.e. "Let them eat cake.") << I may have read them at some point - I vaguely remember doing A Tale of Two Cities in school - but for that time period I much prefer The Scarlet Pimpernel - a dashing hero who disguises himself as an ordinary man... a woman who loves the hero, but is married to the man - sound familiar? PJ "They seek him here, they seek him there..." !^NavFont02F0227000CMGJHH\MH^HIoBC15 ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 13:46:57 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Angela Garmaise Subject: Re: Fav books In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII I have to say that when it comes to classics, Les Miserable (the slightly shortened version) is my all time fav (Victor Hugo). When it comes to slightly more modern stuff.... don't get me started. I'm a vociferous reader, and will read absolutely anything I can get my hands on, especially during school holidays! Angie G. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 14:09:38 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Peace Everett Subject: Re: Reading Um, did someone mention Anne Rice? This came in today's PEOPLE email newsletter: PEOPLE ONLINE DAILY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1997 RAISING CAIN Even though his "Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman" cape has been retired, Dean Cain is not quite ready to let his feet touch the ground. Variety reports that the ex-Man of Steel has signed a deal to star in author Anne Rice's first original TV project, a pilot for CBS called "Rag & Bone." IN this supernatural drama, Caine will star as a former priest, now New Orleans cop, who encounters the ghost of a cop from the 1950s. Peace Come read my fanfic! and link to Season 5 - The Adventures Continue... A FoLC Named Peace - Kal-El: "My heart is waiting for me back on Earth. Lois is my heart. I was an outsider there.. incomplete.. until I met her." ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 15:06:16 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Laurie Stroh Subject: Re: Reading In a message dated 97-09-22 23:02:48 EDT, you write: << << Janet Daily (prior to discovering she is a plagerist!). >> I didn't know this. Was she actually charged? barb >> Well....she was discovered via the internet during some sort of romance readers/writers chat. She has admitted that she plagerized part of two of Nora Roberts books and Nora is not sure what she is going to do about it......there was a a short article in People Weekly a couple of months ago that talked about the whole thing. If you're interested I'm sure you could get a copy of the article from your library. Laurie ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 15:10:08 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Laurie Stroh Subject: Re: Reading In a message dated 97-09-23 00:43:46 EDT, you write: << Georgia (guess I'd better try to track down Rag and Bone - I'm not an Anne Rice fan, but there are extenuating circumstances...) >> I am not real familiar with Anne Rice's stuff but I was under the impression that Rag and Bone was not a book of hers but rather something she helped develop specifically for television. Perhaps someone on the list who knows more about her work could clue us in on this. Laurie ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 16:35:24 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Genevieve Subject: Re: Ideas Comments: cc: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" >I personally don't think I have a problem with almost any type of fanfic >(other than the cheating or death fic type) I like funny stuff, romantic >stuff, and stuff that has a surprise or a twist to it. This lead to an interesting discussion of Ruth's "A Winter Tale," (which I vaguely remember) "Puzzles" (which I don't remember at all), Gary's sequel (which I also don't remember -- I'll have to take a trip to the archives and refresh my memory), and "Molly", which I do remember, and I have to agree with whoever said it was totally implausible. The general consensus seemed to be, however, that cheating, deaths and divorces left a sour taste in many people's mouths. I'll speak up for the minority here, and say that *I'd* enjoy reading cheating or death fic types, assuming, of course that they are well done. I don't read for the WAFFs, particularly -- in fact, (dare I say it?) I find WAFFs kind of boring, especially WAFFs without WHAMs preceeding them. What I tend to look for is different takes on the characters, how they react in certain [WHAMmy] situations. Divorce, cheating, death -- they would all put our favorite characters under a lot of stress, and different aspects of their characters. What could cause Lois or Clark to think of divorce or cheating? And interesting questions, and I do think there are things that could. (I remember when I read "Molly" that that was the end of that marriage -- that Lois would never forgive him that.) I think there are a lot of aspects in both their characters which will not make marriage easy for them. It'll not be a bed of roses for either of them -- at least not if we take off our rose-coloured glasses of the perfect couple with the super-natural "bond." And it won't be clones, dishonest doctors, New Kryptonians, murder charges or time windows that cause problems in their marriage, but some of the character traits of Lois and Clark themselves. A death story is the end of Lois and Clark, but, while death is always the end of *someone's* story, everyone elses's stories continue. How the survivor copes, remembers, can make for interesting reading. I read Beauty and the Beast fanfic, and I much prefer the fanfic set after Catherine's death, to the "classic" stories. Perhaps, however, that's just because the ending to that series was so unsatisfactory. There's been very little fanfic written about one of the more interesting parts of the legend to me -- Superman's refusal to kill. How high a price will he pay the keep his hands clean, what would push him accross that line? How would he react after he killed someone, and how would Lois react? Would she blame him, comfort him, try to justify it in his eyes? One of the things that has surprised me is that in our ever-growing mountain of fanfic dealing with Alt-Clark, almost all of it, if not all of it, choose the WAFFy way, pairing him up with Alt-Lois or Clone Lois. Zoomway's latest even gave him back his secret identity with a seeing eye dog. No one has really examined what Superman would be like in the Alt-Universe. I have visions of a lonely Clark, living in a secure penthouse (sort of like Luthor's), putting communication satellites into orbit for the Rudolph Murdoch's of the world for a significant sum, and agonizing over whether to sign a contract with the Defense Department. Now it could be argued that those types of stories are not "Lois and Clark" fanfic, but just plain "Clark" fanfic, and perhaps they are. They don't lend themselves to WAFFs easily, that's for sure. But they could explore some unexplored areas. Peace said: >one of the first lines was "It was a year since the >divorce" or words to that effect. Well, I closed the file right then and >went to work *very* depressed -- just that thought really tore me up (who >me? too involved? nah... ;) A story that starts out talking about a divorce seems very optimistic to me, as you have the whole story left for the reconciliation. (WAFF, WAFF, WAFF!) Stories that *end* with the divorce are the depressing ones. Although occasionally, as with Rhett and Scarlett, one can only say "it's about time!" when the marriage *finally* breaks up. ======================================================================= Genevieve ( "Do you suppose they celebrate death days on the other side? Will the day we give up the ghost be a day of celebration in heaven, or are we just another log on the fires of hell?"--The Nightcrawler (Forever Knight) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 16:36:18 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Genevieve Subject: Re: Reading (was Re: Ideas) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Zoomway asked: > Anyway, I'd really be interested in favorite novels, authors, genres, etc. The replies have been fascinating; more proof that we are all "kindred spirits" in a way. A lot of you have mentioned books that I, too, would put on my "favorite books" list. For a quick read, I'll grab published "fanfic" -- the Star Trek, Star Wars, Quantum Leap or Forever Knight novels. Outside of fanfic, I still tend to read series books -- Science fiction/fantasy (MacCaffery, Marion Zimmer Bradley), or mysteries. I like to see the same detective over and over again, but changing -- finding romance, growing older and wiser. Dorothy Sayers has been mentioned, and I've been enjoying Elizabeth George's mysteries these last few years. And I'll read anything (no matter how bad) about King Arthur or Robin Hood. I like realistic novels that come in series too. Jane Duncan's "My Friends" series is one of my favorites, and I'm haunting used bookshops looking for them. The libraries are getting rid of them, and they are very hard to find right now. Someone mentioned Madeline L'Engle's novels. I love those as well. They too fit in the category of "series" books in many ways, since a major character in one will show up as a minor character in another. There is always a chance to find out something new about a wonderful character. Although I've always been disappointed that we found out what happened to Susy Austin in "A Severed Wasp", but there was not a clue about Vicky. Jenny, I grew up on my father's Analog/Astounding collection as well--his went back to 1946. It was fun comparing the serialized version in Astounding of "Dragonflight", "Citizen of the Galazy" or "Dune" for instance, with what finally was published. Lots of minor, but telling, changes. Sadly, my sister got the magazines when my mother sold the house. I've read all of Heinlein's novels, and enjoyed them. I love re-reading the juvenile novels he wrote in the 1950s. I agree that Stranger in a Strange Land was the beginning of his "weird" stage; my candidate for "best" Heinlein novel is "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress". I've always tended to go off the deep end over books; this obsession with Lois and Clark is nothing new--it's just the first time I've had anyone to share an obsession with. When I was 13 I read a copy of Frank Herbert's "Dune" to shreads; I think it was the only book I read for the entire year. Likewise in later years I wore out Elysyth Thane's "Williamsburg novels", the Lord of the Rings, Katherine Kurtz Deryni novels, and Atlas Shrugged. I'd write my own "mental fanfic" around these stories, the same way I do LNC. I don't read many romances anymore, and can't remember the last time I picked up a "bodice-ripper." But my all-time favorite book, which has kept that status for over 20 years now, is Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. This is a wonderful romance, but also about secrets, disguises (well, misleading public images, anyway) and self-discovery. I must re-read the whole thing at least two or three times a year. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Genevieve ( ; To find out anything you want to know about Superman (in comics, cartoons, television, or movies, from Bud Collyer to Dean Cain) -- check out THE SUPERMAN HOMEPAGE ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 17:52:04 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Becky Lewis Subject: Re: Reading MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=unknown-8bit Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit >From Georgia's post In a message dated 97-09-23 00:43:46 EDT, you write: >> Since going online last year and hooking up with all you wonderful *folcs* >> my reading of actual published material has dwindled to about nil.... >> > > Whew - that's a relief. I thought I was the only one who had become a > non-reader since getting involved with online fandom. Me, too, it's nice to know I'm not alone > > Before, though, I read constantly and skipped around: science fiction, > fantasy, romance both historical and contemporary, mysteries, and the > occasional thriller. > That sounds like me as well, as did the person who posted she tends to follow the works of an author she likes until she’s read them all. Personally, I found the timing of this question quite ironic, because I realized over the weekend that it had been months since I'd read a "real" book, so I put the library and the secondhand bookstore on my errand list. The library visit yielded two Star Trek novels and a novel by Mary Stewart of the “Crystal Cave” fame called “The Prince and the Pilgrim.” The used bookstore netted three of Lillian Jackson Braun’s “The Cat Who...” mysteries. Definitely a pattern...and by the way, I would have picked Fahrenheit 451, given the same choice! Becky ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 18:23:44 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Georgia E. Walden" Subject: Re: Reading In a message dated 97-09-23 15:12:22 EDT, you write: << am not real familiar with Anne Rice's stuff but I was under the impression that Rag and Bone was not a book of hers but rather something she helped develop specifically for television. Perhaps someone on the list who knows more about her work could clue us in on this. >> You're absolutely right, Laurie, as I would have known if I'd been reading every post instead of just skimming. ;) However, if the show does make it to air, I'll bet there'll be a TV tie-in paperback - the Anne Rice name is too salable for them to miss the opportunity. And usually those things have *pictures* (yeah, I'm shallow ) Georgia ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 20:49:45 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Susan E VanCott Subject: A fanfic idea Well, it's been a couple days since I saw Honeymoon in Metropolis again, and I had a kind of a thought. Did anyone else notice the similarities between HIM and Superman 2? L&C have to go undercover as a married couple in a honeymoon suite. The bellboy makes cracks at them. Okay, maybe there aren't THAT many similarites, but the big one is there: L&C being an undercover married couple at a honeymoon suite. I think it would be awesome to combine the movie and the ep. There were parts of the movie that I just didn't like, such as "Don't you know this is killing me?" prompting CK to erase Lois' memory of his secret. ARGHH! And there were some stupid lines such as, "I don't know why I did that." "Maybe you wanted to." "I don't think I did." Sheesh. But I loved Lois jumping into a river because she thinks CK=S. And the brush line. "Where's my brush? Where's my brush? God, not only have I lost my mind, I've lost my brush!" And the bellboy saying "Have a happy...whatever." The movie had the potential to be so much better. And I think that Teri's Lois would react better than Margot's Lois. And I think I would have to use the whole ice palace Fortress of Solitude. Sorry, but L&C wouldn't fit in a treehouse! And I think that Dean's Clark could have beat up that creep in the diner even without powers, although that would lose the scene in the end that was so funny. I think it's an even trade, not to have to see CK get beat up. And I bet I could have a little fun with the kissing contest Lois mentions in Superman 2.... Does anybody have any ideas for the story? ********************************************************* "Lois, get a grip!" "Ooh, believe me, I'd love to!" ;) ~~>Susan<~~ ******************************************************** ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 21:05:56 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Susan E VanCott Subject: Comb post: Re: Reading, Ann Rice, and evil ABC The most recent book I finished was Oedipus Rex for school. I of course couldn't stop thinking of "Oedipus Wrecks"... Actually, I've decided that the title of that ep wasn't really appropriate. See, if you don't know already, and Oedipus complex is being in love with your mother. Herkimer Smith wasn't in love with his mother, he just felt ignored. Well, at least that was my interpretation. I guess that the title was somewhat appropriate, but not exactly. And about that Ann Rice Rag & Bone thing... I can't wait! Dean as a cop, I can see. A priest turned cop, though? That's kind of strange, but fine with me! It sounds like a cool series. I have been looking around for little insults at ABC and Disney. In one day I found two! A thing about television said something about ABC's "TV is good" campaign. It seems that they have an ad that says "You've got billions of brain cells" or something like that. This article in the paper pointed out the obvious evil in that statement. It's like saying "What's a couple brain cells down the tube?" Or, more appropriately, ABC is saying "TV is power. The power to lull, to pacify. And when all eyes are glazed and all minds are jelly, the power to take." Hmm, do you think that ABC is starting an evil conspiracy to take over people's minds? And then, later, I saw an interview with Jaleel White (the guy who plays Urkel on Family Matters). They asked him how he felt to move from ABC, the station that gave him his fame and fortune, to CBS. He said he was really happy to make the move. Hehehehe! ********************************************************* "Lois, get a grip!" "Ooh, believe me, I'd love to!" ~~>Susan<~~ ******************************************************** ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 21:38:44 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Beverly Latham Subject: Reading, Writing & 'Rithmetic . . . oops wrong group [was Re: Ideas] Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 01:12 AM 9/22/97 -0400, The Zoomway wrote: >I got positive and negative feedback on the story, but >this, from part of Leigh Raglan's 14 page scolding was the much more typical >response. "This is wrong! There is no way, shape or form that would cause >Clark Kent to live a lie and a sexual relationship with Lois Lane as >Superman!" Ummm . . . I do seem to remember this one, yet can't quite place it. And at the moment, I'm too lazy to dig out a post where someone mentions the title. Although it's entirely possible that I'm thinking of another story. There is quite a lot of fanfic out there I haven't read. I do seem to remember a story where Superman ends up in bed with Lois before telling her . . . the secret, not that they're in bed, hehehe . . . thought I might want to clear that up. I would hope Lois might figure out the other on her own . . . er, where was I? but I thought that story was by another author. If I remember correctly, the one I read bothered me a little but not nearly as much as a couple of others that had Clark doing things totally out of character with OTHERS besides Lois . . . which is probably the redeeming feature of the above situation, at least for me. If we truly want to push the envelop, I can see Clark being tempted beyond his ability to resist under the right circumstances as long as we're talking about Lois. >Or, >Becky had just bought some Superman bubble bath and said she'd like to have a >story involving a bubble bath, and so I wrote Dirty Bubbles. Some stopped >reading that short story after the first paragraph indicated Lois was married >to Lex Luthor This I can very much identify with because I caught some flack, gentle though it was, over a similar kind of situation in one of my stories . . . and Lois was married to CLARK the whole time! I just let the reader think otherwise and almost came to regret it before the dust settled. Whew! Funny how people do react to things so very differently. >Most of the >fiction I read, as you can probably tell, is science fiction and some >fantasy. I have never read a romance novel of any type, or a western, or a >James Bond type of intrigue/adventure novel. I think that's what I'd be >interested in hearing on the fanfic list. What do the readers and writers >read when they get an honest-to-goodness published novel? I have an entire paperback collection of Agatha Christie mysteries. I think I have everything of hers that's been published in America. Along with hers, I've read quite a few other mystery writers over the years, but I prefer whodunits to any other kinds of mysteries. I also have around fifty STAR TREK paperbacks, with most of those being THE NEXT GENERATION, but I stopped buying them around four years ago . . . hmmm, now why does that seem significant? I bought a few of the STAR WARS novels but became really disappointed in them, extremely fast. The first three by Zahn were great, but after that I did not like the way they were developing the lives of the principles. To that add assorted sci-fi and fantasy books and I do mean assorted. My tastes in that genre sort of skip around quite a lot and I don't generally go with the authors considered The Classics. For that matter, my tastes in fiction have skipped around my entire life. I even had a Louis L'Amour phase. Westerns, for those that don't know. However, the bulk of my personal library are romances and now I'm gonna do a little ranting, more or less. Notice I said romances, mind you, not bodice-rippers. Personally, if anyone's bodice is going to be ripped, I think it should be Clark's. He does it so very well. Seriously, though, I've run across true bodice-rippers in the past and they almost turned me off romances completely because they ARE disgusting. A true bodice-ripper is not about love but about domination. This does not equal romance in my book. I'm not saying they aren't still being published, but for the most part, that's not what's out there nowadays in the mainstream romance genre and hasn't been for, oh, at least the last ten years or so. What is available is incredible both in sheer volume and variety. I'm always amazed when someone says they've never read a romance before because any love story in any format is a romance. Louis L'Amour had a romance in almost every one of his westerns if I remember correctly. The difference in terms of genre style is that romance specializes in exploring the emotions of the pair of, um, combatants as they discover each other. Instead of focusing in on the action taking place in, say, a mystery or adventure story, the primary focus in a romance is in on what's going inside the hero and heroine's heads and hearts. The key word there is primary, though, because the best romances are filled with action and, contrary to popular belief, it's not all sex. Oh, there are love scenes, but notice the change in phrasing. Loves scenes are as much about emotions as they are the physical action of sex. Big distinction. And, yes, it is exactly this distinction that makes romances an acquired taste that has to be developed just like with any other form of literature. This distinction is also why some of the most memorable genre-true romance stories do not translate well to the visual medias of movies and televisions, it's just too difficult to adequately depict getting inside peoples heads and showing their emotions. It can be done and has been quite well on occassion, but a lot of what truly makes it a romance is lost in the process. Think of all the things that we bemoan never got discussed and dealt with on L&C and then think about how much a lot of them were internal to the characters in the first place. There are simply limits on how much can be dealt with emotionally outside of the written word. One of the things I find truly interesting about romance as a seperate and distinct genre from other forms of fiction literature is that because it's about the emotions involved between the pair, the outside plots can take place in just about any situation, in any locale, and in any time-frame. You name it, it could be a romance. Hence, there are mystery romances, suspense romances, action-adventure romances, gothic romances, fantasy romances, sci-fi romances, time-travel romances. And then there are the historicals . . . gads, anything from ancient civilizations to early twentieth century on any continent. My personal favorites there are the English medievals. Love those knights. Oh, and then there are the Scots. Would I like Clark in a kilt? Ya bet ya, I would. Or a loincloth . . . or a toga . . . or, hmmm, time for some more historical research . . . /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Beverly Latham \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 21:52:32 -0400 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kassia Subject: Re: Reading, Ann Rice, and evil ABC MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Susan E VanCott wrote: > I of course couldn't stop thinking of "Oedipus Wrecks"... Actually, I've decided that the title of that ep wasn't really appropriate. Oedipus complex is being in love with your mother. Herkimer Smith wasn't in love with his mother, *I don't think that the title was the BEST that they could have come up I would have to agree.... > > And about that Ann Rice Rag & Bone thing... I can't wait! Dean as a cop, I can see. A priest turned cop, though? That's kind of strange, but fine with me! It sounds like a cool series. It definitely sounds quite promising....though I, too, am a bit skeptical of imagining Dean as a former priest....I'm sure we'd all love to share some 'confessions' with our Man of Steel! :) Tanya "Old news isn't news--it's history" ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 21:54:46 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Gary Subject: Re: A fanfic idea In-Reply-To: <> MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Hmmmm....Let's see honeymoon suite, ice palace, diner fight, and Clark gets to squeeze Lois' oranges...sounds like a fanfic waiting to be written! At 08:49 PM 9/23/97 -0400, you wrote: >Well, it's been a couple days since I saw Honeymoon in Metropolis again, >and I had a kind of a thought. Did anyone else notice the similarities >between HIM and Superman 2? L&C have to go undercover as a married >couple in a honeymoon suite. The bellboy makes cracks at them. Okay, >maybe there aren't THAT many similarites, but the big one is there: L&C >being an undercover married couple at a honeymoon suite. I think it >would be awesome to combine the movie and the ep. There were parts of >the movie that I just didn't like, such as "Don't you know this is >killing me?" prompting CK to erase Lois' memory of his secret. ARGHH! >And there were some stupid lines such as, "I don't know why I did that." >"Maybe you wanted to." "I don't think I did." Sheesh. But I loved Lois >jumping into a river because she thinks CK=S. And the brush line. >"Where's my brush? Where's my brush? God, not only have I lost my mind, >I've lost my brush!" And the bellboy saying "Have a happy...whatever." >The movie had the potential to be so much better. And I think that >Teri's Lois would react better than Margot's Lois. And I think I would >have to use the whole ice palace Fortress of Solitude. Sorry, but L&C >wouldn't fit in a treehouse! And I think that Dean's Clark could >have beat up that creep in the diner even without powers, although that >would lose the scene in the end that was so funny. I think it's an even >trade, not to have to see CK get beat up. And I bet I could have a >little fun with the kissing contest Lois mentions in Superman 2.... >Does anybody have any ideas for the story? > >********************************************************* >"Lois, get a grip!" "Ooh, believe me, I'd love to!" ;) >~~>Susan<~~ >******************************************************** > =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | Gary A. Rudick | | "You decide what you feel heaven is worth" - Deborah Gibson, TWYH | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 00:02:25 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Comments: RFC822 error: Incorrect or incomplete address field found and ignored. From: Pam Jernigan Subject: Re: Reading (was Re: Ideas) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 While wandering down memory lane, Genevieve wrote: >> Likewise in later years I wore out Elysyth Thane's "Williamsburg novels", << Have to chime in - I *adore* Elswyth Thane, especially the Williamsburg novels... okay, so I'm not so fond of Yankee Stranger, but then I generally dislike Civil War settings - must be a side effect of hating "Gone With the Wind" My favorites are "Ever After" and "Homin= g" - and I have to nominate "The Light Heart" as the most mis-titled book I'= ve ever come across, I found it *really* depressing - Genevieve, no doubt yo= u loved it I haven't read them in a while, since I've been unlucky in finding copies outside of libraries Oh, and reading "Tryst" by her was the most magical, wonderful, enchanted afternoon I've ever enjoyed - something in it really touched me= =2E = (If anyone out there has this book and would be willing to sell or lend i= t - please e-mail me :-) And while we're discussing novels that really captivate you and paint a reality more convincing than your own, I have to include "Trade Wind" b= y M.M. Kaye. >> more proof that we are all "kindred spirits" in a way. << It's funny... among my local FOLC group, a significant minority also love reading Georgette Heyer PJ !^NavFont02F04090026MGnHG3BMG43HG82MG84HJ82MJ84HJB0MJB2HKQ43F0 E-mail from: Pam Jernigan, 23-Sep-1997 / ChiefPam on the IRC ~~~~~ Unreformed, unrepentent, sometimes unproductive but never uninteresting fanfic writer = Visit Sarah & Pam's Shrine o'Fanfic at: ~~~~~ Lois and Clark Season 5 Fanfic: ~~~~~ "The first thing she said to me was 'Herbie, get me to the Planet.' Naturally, I wondered which planet..." ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 00:02:27 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Comments: RFC822 error: Incorrect or incomplete address field found and ignored. From: Pam Jernigan Subject: A fanfic idea MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 While flipping channels, Susan E VanCott wrote >> Did anyone else notice the similarities between HIM and Superman 2? <= < Yeah, I did, sort of... okay, mostly I noticed how much the blunt plot devices annoyed me. But actually, the storyline would work much better with Teri & Dean; I could never believe that the movie's Lois would be happy with "just Clark", which is what she got. Now there's a fanfic idea - if L&C determined that having sex would kill her, but there was a way to rid CK of his powers... would they do it? PJ rambling happily :-) !^NavFont02F01D30017MGHHG3DMG3FHG78MG7AHHD4C82D E-mail from: Pam Jernigan, 23-Sep-1997 / ChiefPam on the IRC ~~~~~ Unreformed, unrepentent, sometimes unproductive but never uninteresting fanfic writer = Visit Sarah & Pam's Shrine o'Fanfic at: ~~~~~ Lois and Clark Season 5 Fanfic: ~~~~~ "The first thing she said to me was 'Herbie, get me to the Planet.' Naturally, I wondered which planet..." ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 01:21:18 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Barbara Garonzik Subject: Re: Reading In a message dated 97-09-23 14:14:59 EDT, you write: << This came in today's PEOPLE email newsletter: >> How do you get this newsletter? Barb ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 03:40:48 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: The Zoomway Subject: Re: Ideas In a message dated 97-09-23 17:39:27 EDT, NightSky@EROLS.COM writes: << Divorce, cheating, death -- they would all put our favorite characters under a lot of stress, and different aspects of their characters. >> Rarer still among the "cheating" stories is the character not being able to get over it, get past it. Inevitably forgiveness follows the "gut-wrenching" agony. If Clark cheated on Lois, I would expect Lois to try, but fail at ever truly getting over the betrayal. Since cheating in general goes completely against everything we've seen established for Clark's character, it still becomes something pretty hard for me to swallow anyway, but supposing he cheated, I'd believe a story where Lois decides it's not fair to either of them to try and make it work anymore. I'm not a fan of "Friends" per se, but I did see the episode where one character wants to get back with his girlfriend after cheating on her, and she just can't forgive him. She can't get past it. It's the ultimate betrayal and in a manner is a humilation to the person who is cheated on (was she prettier, was she sexier, was she better in bed). If Clark or Lois were to degrade the other in this manner, then maybe not being able to make it work would be the most satisfying story for me, but ya know what? I wouldn't read it anyway For me L&C are special, and the problems they face aren't the problems everyone else faces. They have to work ten times as hard just to make some semblance of a relationship work, and for that reason alone they're more admirable to me and more "gut wrenching" moments can be achieved with them simply trying to make something work that nobody in the history of the world has had to try and make work. I'm not saying that devices or cliches like cheating or death of a character being used to elicit hand-wringing angst can't be good. I remember one of the much older fanfic stories about the death of a very aged Superman that was very touching and it worked well. As for a story with great impact without having to go the route of cheating or death in order to create a situation that tests the characters, there was Sheila Harper's "A Shot in the Dark" which I thought was excellent and challenged Lois and Clark even in a sexual sense (Lois had been paralysed by a gunshot wound) So I think for me something that challenges them while still keeping them in character works a lot better. Again, just for me personally. >>>There's been very little fanfic written about one of the more interesting parts of the legend to me -- Superman's refusal to kill. How high a price will he pay the keep his hands clean, what would push him accross that line? How would he react after he killed someone, and how would Lois react? Would she blame him, comfort him, try to justify it in his eyes?<<<< As long as it's not handled as abysmally as the season premier of Millennium. The revamp called for the loss of the wife and daughter so they worked out a separation plot line that will audience-test the reaction to a 'single' Frank Black and his new cohorts at the Millennium group. Anyway, for those of you who were fortunate enough to miss the premier, Frank's wife was kidnapped by a "talking head" whacko and then Frank finally finds her, the guy springs out of the darkness with a knife and attacks Frank. Frank gets the knife and kills the kidnapper. The wife is appalled...I mean guy, she is like totally bummed, he truly bent her aura with that one She told him that she couldn't live with him and needed some space about how she had to think of their daughter and if a man who would do what Frank did was a good dad. I told my husband after the wife's reaction "If a whacko ever kidnaps me and keeps me chained in basement, feel free to blow his !@#$ing head off!" ;) >>>Zoomway's latest even gave him back his secret identity with a seeing eye dog. No one has really examined what Superman would be like in the Alt-Universe<<< That *was* my take on how his life would be in the Alternate universe I had him facing a new protest group every day and having someone who has to schedule his appearances at charities, awards, etc. Having such a high profile person who attracts protesters had the neighbors on Clinton Street disappearing little by little and Clark is hurt when he discovers that fact. I had him losing his job at the Planet simply because his continued presence there was disruptive and the competing papers cried foul saying he was unfair competition. I think everyone has their own "motive" for certain story lines. I think right now you'll see stories where alt Clark finds alt Lois, and later there will be stories of a different nature about the alternate Clark and his world. I had a lot of issues I wanted settled for alt Clark. I wanted him to have a private life restored. I wanted Lois to do that for him because if not for her he'd have never lost that to begin with. I wanted a touch of a tribute to the silver age Superman, and so the "regular guy" became the disguise in the alternate world. I wanted the sexual tension established in Tempus Anyone and Lois and Clarks resolved by *that* couple. To accomplish that I had to make the alternate Lois hidden within (merged with) the Lois we've all seen for four years and thus retaining her memories. In reality there could be a lot of "takes" on the Alternate Clark. He could become a tyrant, a broken man, a recluse, a pawn for the military and dozens of other scenarios (many covered in the comics in Elseworld stories and annuals) >>>I have visions of a lonely Clark, living in a secure penthouse (sort of like Luthor's<<< I toyed with Clark living such an existence, but since I strongly felt Superman (once outed by Tempus) would be the target of various protest groups, and perhaps even radical groups (his apartment was blown up in my story) then I felt a highrise penthouse arrangement would be impossible. Who'd want to rent the rest of that building? Also, I didn't want to go the Batman-type "Dark Knight" loner for Clark. That too was done in the comics in "Speeding Bullets". I think that being more of a Lois fan, I tend to go more with stories that test her, rather than Clark. Those who are bigger Clark fans will do stories that test him. It's not *always* the case with me, since Counter Clark-Wise was a test of Clark throughout the story, but often I like highlighting Lois since the series is the only medium that has ever made Lois as important to the legend as Superman himself. >>>putting communication satellites into orbit for the Rudolph Murdoch's of the world for a significant sum, and agonizing over whether to sign a contract with the Defense Department<<<< Stories where someone who is "not like us" being outed and the aftermath of that has been a staple on TV. In "Bewitched" Samantha gives Darren a dream of what their life would be like if they told eveyone she was a witch. Well, almost immediately there were bleachers set up outside the Stephens' home. Bus tours included their home on their route. The military basically asked that Wizard of Oz classic question "Are you a good witch, or a bad witch?" Okay, they asked if she was an "American" witch. Samantha and Tabitha were moved to a military installation for protection and study. I can see all of this more or less happening to alt Clark, but I'd feel like I was ripping off American sitcom heaven to do it ;) There was also "Mork & Mindy" saying that Mork was an alien, holding a TV press conference, and doing a stint on Tom Snyder. An interesting take happened on "My Favorite Martian" Martin's nephew Andromeda visited him and he was very gungho Martian and didn't believe in pretending to be an "Earthling" He basically blabs that he's a Martian and proves it, and the planet goes into abject panic at the idea that there are aliens here on Earth. They literally are under seige in the episode. They are seen as a threat to everything from mom's apple pie to national security. These were all one-shot episodes, and so had nothing approaching a lasting impact on the balance of the series, but neither did *they* address tough questions. I've always felt if intelligent life were found somewhere besides Earth, there would be far reaching implications and many of them would be philosophical and religious. I battle between extremes when contemplating our government having covered up UFO confirmations. First, I can imagine the military trying to "spare" us the truth, for whatever reason, but I can't imagine a race of beings so intelligent that they can build spacecraft that can traverse the known galaxy being *caught* by the military. I proposed a story that would have Superman discovered as a complete and utter hoax perpetrated by a scientific consortium who wanted to run the ultimate test in "behaviorism" What if it were discovered that Superman was a normal infant who had been treated with some formula that would turn him into a "super" man as he grew? How would Superman be viewed after the truth came out? How would Clark view himself? >>>>Stories that *end* with the divorce are the depressing ones. Although occasionally, as with Rhett and Scarlett, one can only say "it's about time!" when the marriage *finally* breaks up.<<< With Rhett and Scarlet (as with a lot of romance of that genre and era) it is almost a done deal from opening to close that their "love" (if it can be called that) is doomed. With Lois and Clark, their destiny lies in another direction, at least for me, or they become just one more star-crossed set of lovers like Vincent and Catherine, Heathcliff and Cathy (wow, it might work if it were titled Cathy and Clark ;) where the angst flows like cheap gin at the Ace o' Clubs It's not that I have anything against melodrama or gothic "doomed" romance, but sometimes they are so unrelenting that you'd personally volunteer to kill them both just to have it over with. I don't like soap operas, and they tend to have cheating and death angst all the time....oh...and amnesia ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 04:33:32 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Peace Everett Subject: Re: Reading (was Re: Ideas) Hmmm.... what do I read when I'm not reading fanfic? Well, up until about a year ago (which is when I got into FoLCdom) I was working on a complete collection of the Star Trek novels -- at last count I had something like 200 from the various book series -- Classic, Next Gen, DS9, Voyager, Starfleet Academy, DS9 Boys. I've got a copy of the very first Star Trek novel ever published -- a children's novel entitled Mission to Horatius. I also have a numbered copy (First Edition) of Hamlet Prince of Denmark, the Restored Klingon Version , as well as a large number of Trek-related books. I've read almost all of Clive Cussler's books -- his Raise the Titanic hooked me and I thoroughly enjoyed all the others up to his most recent, which he must have been asleep when he wrote -- it lacks his usual style. I went through a phase of being really into Alistair McLean -- mainly because my brother was really into them, but I haven't read anything of his in ages. I also went through a phase of reading stacks of Harlequins, but I got over that real fast! I've read some of Marion Zimmer Bradley, but not recently. I have a whole stack of Barbara Hambly that I got at a garage sale and haven't gotten to yet. What else have I read recently? Dawning. Oh, wait, that's fanfic ;) Hunt for Red October. Lost Moon (on which Apollo 13) was based. Quantum Leap novels, which don't come out nearly often enough to suit me. People have mentioned some of my favorites from years gone by: Pride and Prejudice, The Scarlet Pimpernel, A Wrinkle in Time. As a teenager I got hooked on C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia and read the entire series through many times -- I still love those stories. A few years back I found them in Portuguese and got to brush up my skills in that language reading them again. Peace ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 05:47:12 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Stark Subject: Clark Fic Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 04:35 PM 9/23/97 -0500, Genevieve wrote: [snip interesting stuff about ideas...] >There's been very little fanfic written about one of the more interesting >parts of the legend to me -- Superman's refusal to kill. How high a price >will he pay the keep his hands clean, what would push him accross that >line? How would he react after he killed someone, and how would Lois >react? Would she blame him, comfort him, try to justify it in his eyes? If the world saw that he had done it, would 99% of the population be on his side but what would Lois and his folks think? Even if they thought it justified, how do they react to how he surely thinks about it? >One of the things that has surprised me is that in our ever-growing mountain >of fanfic dealing with Alt-Clark, almost all of it, if not all of it, choose >the WAFFy way, pairing him up with Alt-Lois or Clone Lois. Zoomway's latest >even gave him back his secret identity with a seeing eye dog. No one has >really examined what Superman would be like in the Alt-Universe. I have >visions of a lonely Clark, living in a secure penthouse (sort of like >Luthor's), putting communication satellites into orbit for the Rudolph >Murdoch's of the world for a significant sum, and agonizing over whether to >sign a contract with the Defense Department. I did this a bit in my Argh rewrite. I could see him bereft of real friends (everyone but the villains fawns on him) and he tires of that rapidly. Without anyone to pour his heart out to, which he'd had, in a way, with Lana and maybe the Langs, I could see him getting cynical and standoffish. I'd still rescue people, but I could see him delivering stern lectures, too :) >Now it could be argued that those types of stories are not "Lois and Clark" >fanfic, but just plain "Clark" fanfic, and perhaps they are. They don't >lend themselves to WAFFs easily, that's for sure. But they could explore >some unexplored areas. Clark Fic is an interesting term. I'd like to explore more of Clark's life and journeys/adventures before he decided to give Metropolis a try. Whenever I think up an idea for this, though, I tend to think: where the heck am I going to put Lois? Should I try to give her equal time? Does it matter? What could Lois have done at this age that wsa as interesting? Is this post to ask if it's all right to do pure Clark Fic? Would a general "okay" also apply to pure Lois Fic? Would I obey a general negative reply if I had a good idea? Is it too early in the morning (5:25am) to be asking such questions? ;) Debby trying to remember what reading hard copy is like so she can reply to the "what do you read" thread... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 05:47:14 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Stark Subject: Re: Reading (was Ideas) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" I recall that in either late junior high or early High School, we were given the choice of several novels to read as a group. I picked Moby Dick (no doubt and abriged version) but can't remember much about it, so it was probably in junior high (before it became "midschool") (before Dean was born)... For non internet-derived reading now...? Magazines and local newspapers I can skim through usually. I'm just finishing a 2-year-old copy of the British travel magazine "Wander Lust", which I picked up to get ideas for a traveling CK (with or w/o Lois). Great magazine! I read in the bathroom a lot ;) I have stacks of books I haven't read and will eventually (when there's no more electricity and internet access, I guess). For example, I have books on martial arts and Taoism; the Alien Nation novels; books by Spike Milligan and P. G. Woodhouse; and a collection of "Wrapped in Plastic," a magazine dedicated to Twin Peaks; some occult horror (Koontz, Skipp and Spectre, Reeves-Stevens). And more. Recently Read Fiction: "The Cat Who..." books by Lilian Jackson Braun. Light mystery with realistic cats as heros. The author really researches her topics, the things she has her hero become interested in, and I like her style. Also at the library sales room (a great place to get back issues of unusual magazines) I picked monthly SF and Mystery compilations in magazines. and Nonfiction: "The Secret School," by Whitley Strieber. I'll read anything by him, fiction or nonfiction. He has a site, too, :) I suppose we'll all be checking to see if Anne Rice has written anything for Rag & Bone yet... Debby ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 07:53:29 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Vicki Krell Subject: Re: A fanfic idea MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" And what was the deal with Margot Kidder's mouth? Was it just me, or did it look like she was wearing dentures? Her teeth looked too big for her mouth. And I agree, Dean's Clark would have beat the crap out of a protagonist, at least he did on the show when he was without his powers. Vicki -----Original Message----- From: Gary [SMTP:gar8434@RITVAX.ISC.RIT.EDU] Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 1997 6:55 PM To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Subject: Re: A fanfic idea Hmmmm....Let's see honeymoon suite, ice palace, diner fight, and Clark gets to squeeze Lois' oranges...sounds like a fanfic waiting to be written! At 08:49 PM 9/23/97 -0400, you wrote: >Well, it's been a couple days since I saw Honeymoon in Metropolis again, >and I had a kind of a thought. Did anyone else notice the similarities >between HIM and Superman 2? L&C have to go undercover as a married >couple in a honeymoon suite. The bellboy makes cracks at them. Okay, >maybe there aren't THAT many similarites, but the big one is there: L&C >being an undercover married couple at a honeymoon suite. I think it >would be awesome to combine the movie and the ep. There were parts of >the movie that I just didn't like, such as "Don't you know this is >killing me?" prompting CK to erase Lois' memory of his secret. ARGHH! >And there were some stupid lines such as, "I don't know why I did that." >"Maybe you wanted to." "I don't think I did." Sheesh. But I loved Lois >jumping into a river because she thinks CK=S. And the brush line. >"Where's my brush? Where's my brush? God, not only have I lost my mind, >I've lost my brush!" And the bellboy saying "Have a happy...whatever." >The movie had the potential to be so much better. And I think that >Teri's Lois would react better than Margot's Lois. And I think I would >have to use the whole ice palace Fortress of Solitude. Sorry, but L&C >wouldn't fit in a treehouse! And I think that Dean's Clark could >have beat up that creep in the diner even without powers, although that >would lose the scene in the end that was so funny. I think it's an even >trade, not to have to see CK get beat up. And I bet I could have a >little fun with the kissing contest Lois mentions in Superman 2.... >Does anybody have any ideas for the story? > >********************************************************* >"Lois, get a grip!" "Ooh, believe me, I'd love to!" ;) >~~>Susan<~~ >******************************************************** > =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | Gary A. Rudick | | "You decide what you feel heaven is worth" - Deborah Gibson, TWYH | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 10:14:22 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Alyssa Mondelli Organization: Brought to you by the legal firm of Deceive, Inveigle, & Obfuscate Subject: Re: Reading (was Re: Ideas) MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit > Hmmm.... what do I read when I'm not reading fanfic? Lots of nonfiction, especially nonfiction in narrative form. Jonathan Harr's "A Civil Action" and John Berendt's "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" are two recent examples that I adored. And travel narratives are one of my special favorites. Michael Crichton's "Travels" is an old friend; I'm currently reading Jeff Greenwald's "The Size of the World". Science fact and fiction... right now the shelf of things to be read in my (ha!) copious free time includes some theoretical physics, some speculative fiction, and several sf stories that I've been told I *have* to read. (Just finished "Ender's Game" yesterday - do I qualify as a true sf fan now? :->) I have a soft spot for mysteries dating back to junior high, when my friend Val introduced me to Perry Mason and we set out to find and read all 85 novels. (Never did, but we came darn close...) I've lost interest in Sue Grafton's alphabet series, but I still love Karen Kijewski's Kat Colorado mysteries (though the recent ones have been lacking) and Lillian Jackson Braun's The Cat Who... series. Authors I will follow anywhere: Barbara Kingsolver, Anna Quindlen, Dave Barry, Toni Morrison, Douglas Adams, David Simon. And my single favorite book? Norton Juster's "The Phantom Tollbooth". If you've never read it, your life is incomplete. Go find it in the children's section of your favorite bookstore or library *now*. ==Alyssa in St. Paul== ( on the IRC) shameless plug: See my Library page for even more book recommendations ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 19:04:37 +0000 Reply-To: Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Comments: Authenticated sender is From: Dom Melaragni Subject: Re: Reading, Writing & 'Rithmetic . . . oops wrong In-Reply-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT >Oh, and then there are the Scots. Would I like Clark in a > kilt? Ya bet ya, I would. The campaign continues Latest theory is...... Planet Hollywood are scheduled to open in Edinburgh soon. I'm considering writing to them to tell them that all the stars should be in kilts and btw, why don't they invite Dean .....a Flying Scotsman! Dom - go look at Jackie's website for lots of pictures of Dean in a kilt - ================================================================= Dom Melaragni (FlakeyDom) The LnC drinking game and Fest pics ?8-)] Clark Kent smiley with the superhero squarejaw chin ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 11:18:26 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Sara Kraft Subject: Re: Clark Fic Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Debby Stark wrote: >Clark Fic is an interesting term. I'd like to explore more of Clark's life >and journeys/adventures before he decided to give Metropolis a try. Whenever >I think up an idea for this, though, I tend to think: where the heck am I >going to put Lois? Should I try to give her equal time? Does it matter? What >could Lois have done at this age that wsa as interesting? Is this post to >ask if it's all right to do pure Clark Fic? Would a general "okay" also >apply to pure Lois Fic? Would I obey a general negative reply if I had a >good idea? Is it too early in the morning (5:25am) to be asking such >questions? ;) I've read several Clark fics and thoroughly enjoyed them. In fact, I think they were some what of a series by this wonderful lady named Margaret Brignell. I found that I was able to understand the present Clark much better with reading his background. Margaret writes Clark wonderfully, his emotions and mannerisms and such. I've also just finished reading "When a Great Man Loves a Super Woman" by Ben Pistorius, which was a Lois fic (of course as the title indicates, with a slightly different twist). So in answer to Debby's question, yes it's okay with me to do pure Clark fic and pure Lois fic. Sara Kraft (, who can't wait to find some free time in which to read TUFS #1 and the new Dawning. ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 11:18:16 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Vicki Krell Subject: Re: Reading, Writing & 'Rithmetic . . . oops wrong Comments: To: MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Dom, I keep trying to send you an e-mail but it never goes through. If you can, please e-mail me at Vicki.Krell@ASU.Edu. It's about flakes and the fanfic you wrote (at least, I THINK you wrote it!!). Thanks! -----Original Message----- From: Dom Melaragni [SMTP:dom-mel@DIAL.PIPEX.COM] Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 1997 12:05 PM To: LOISCLA-GENERAL-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Subject: Re: Reading, Writing & 'Rithmetic . . . oops wrong >Oh, and then there are the Scots. Would I like Clark in a > kilt? Ya bet ya, I would. The campaign continues Latest theory is...... Planet Hollywood are scheduled to open in Edinburgh soon. I'm considering writing to them to tell them that all the stars should be in kilts and btw, why don't they invite Dean .....a Flying Scotsman! Dom - go look at Jackie's website for lots of pictures of Dean in a kilt - ================================================================= Dom Melaragni (FlakeyDom) The LnC drinking game and Fest pics ?8-)] Clark Kent smiley with the superhero squarejaw chin ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 20:18:00 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Stark Subject: Re: Reading (was Ideas) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 12:48 PM 9/22/97 CST, you wrote: >Not much time for reading books anymore, but I did manage to fit one >in about a month ago. It was a Tony Hillerman mystery. Can't >remember the name of the specific book but his are always good. >Kay II Tony, an exOklahoman, lives here in Albuquerque and I've heard him speak (it was a brown-lunch-bag talk at the University: "What would you say if this were your last speech?). Funny guy--Excellent writer. His descriptions of the desert are marvelous. His mysteries are well thought out and riviting, and his characters are always interesting. The Navajos and the Hopi think he does a good job writing them into his novels. Debby who can recommend Tony Hillerman, too :) ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 20:18:45 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Stark Subject: Re: Looking for Lois Lane Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 05:15 AM 9/22/97 -0400, you wrote: >In a message dated 97-09-21 21:20:26 EDT, debby@SWCP.COM writes: [snip my scenario about Jack] >To quote alternate Clark "This is exactly what I was afraid of" That >sounds awfully close to Batman and his boy companion Robin ;) I was glad Jack >vanished. Only if Clark knew about it, but I think Jack would wisely have kept it to himself. I liked Jack. I like characters with promise (I'll make them promising) who enhance the main characters :) That's why I was disappointed as the number of continuing characters dwindled. >>>>Some argue that he hadn't had a steady relationship before, and this may >be the case<<< >"Flying is a piece of cake. I've been doing it since high school. What >happens if I screw up? I lose a little altitude, but being in a relationship, >that's completely new..." So, yes, that was the case. He never had a >relationship by his own admission. Ah, but he took Rachel to the prom. In Honeymoon in Metropolis, both of them admitted to not having lived with anyone. I suspect by "relationship" he meant the kind he wanted to have with Lois. I suspect he had quite a few girlfriends. After all, he didn't learn to kiss like he was able to (and he sure wasn't shy about endulging in it) from his mom... >>>>However, I don't think this translates into the relationship he wants >being hard to maintain. If he had not yet had such a relationship of his own, let's >look at the most influenial relationship he experienced through observation, >that of Martha and Jonathan<<<< > >How much worth was his parents as examples when it came to a courtship? Clark >didn't know what his parents dating history was like. If anything, I think >Clark's idealized vision of his parents relationship sometimes caused some >unrealistic expectations for him.. He wanted instant 'happily ever after', >but because he only saw the "after" with his parents, he had absolutely no >clue what they went through to achieve that. We know that he didn't know that his dad had to ask his mom 4 times. But as far as I know, that's all he knew about their history (which is a little hard for me to believe). However, having high expectations doesn't mean unrealistic expectations. Instead, to me it means he had hope. Unfortunately(?) for him, he tried his hopes on Lois, who's parents went through hard times. *That* part was hard on him. Was it hard because his parents' romance was atypical or because Lois's parents' romance was? Difficult to say... >>>>Clark could have solve that by simply telling Lois the truth<<< > >Telling Lois the truth only solved part of the problem (his dashing off >appearing to be a fear of commitment, etc) but it still didn't give him >relationship skills, and no matter how good an example Jon and Martha were, >Jon was never two people who had to balance a job, being a superhero and a >marriage. Martha didn't have to adjust to something like that either. Lois >and Clark were on their on with that scenario. I still don't see the difficulty. Once she knows why he rushes off, then what's difficult? She would still get into trouble all the time even if he weren't super because it's unlikely she'd give up her job just to get married. It's the same as before, when both of them were still willing to make the commitment. No, I still don't see why he had this trouble. I can understand her wariness, just not his. He must have thought he could make it work or he wouldn't have proposed to her. What made it so difficult after that? Was it Lois having to think about it and not saying yes right away? Maybe. But where did CK get that sulky attitude? (poor writing?) (yes) Was it Lois abandoning her independent ways and assuming he'd always be there to rescue her and thus throwing herself into dangerous situations? (Contact) Maybe. (that never made sense to me anyhow; a plot device --a "road block.") So to stop her from doing that, he dumped her. Huh? I guess all this is because "he didn't have any experience"... but his way of expressing his lack of experience sure never made any sense to me... >>>blundered into his relationship >with Lois Lane and came out looking like a heavily stressed chunk of >granite<<< >I enjoyed their "blunders". It made their bliss all the more well earned ;) What bliss? Those little bits wedge in between the villains explaining their next move? I think we can agree we would rather have seen more bliss than bandits. >>>hen, seeing that his mind was made up and that he was going to make his >announcement the next day, Lois rushed out to find a better solution. Which, >of course, she did. Hooray, Lois<<< > >I think ultimately the decision has to be Clark's. I know it's supposed to be >50/50 in a marriage,. but there are some points where one partner has the >ultimate decision to make and stand by. If a wife doesn't want any more >children, but the husband does, I say ultimately *she* makes the decision >because she is the one who has to endure the pregnancy. I agree. >Now, if both men and >women could get pregnant, that would be different. The wife could say, "Okay, >you want another baby? It's your turn to get pregnant." Amen (A women, too) >Lois had a great deal to do with the creation and the maintainance of >"Superman", but when push comes to shove, Clark is the one all alone out >there having to make the decisions by himself, often in a split second. Agreed, except this particular decision wasn't one made in a split second. >Jon and Martha made great points about Lois and Clark losing their privacy and >Lois being known from there on out as "Superman's wife", and they politely didn't mention that their own lives would be in jeopardy from then on... >but Lois accepts >what might befall her and Clark if the truth comes out, what she *can't* >accept is what happens to Superman if the truth comes out. She's trying to >let Clark know that the truth could be as bad or worse for "Superman" as the >scandal. Superman's "fate" can be discussed and argued by all parties who >might be effected by "the truth", but ultimately the decision can't be made >by committee, it is up to one person--Clark Kent. Who, from how I saw it, failed to take all of this into account. The effect on his own parents alone I feel should have prompted him to talk it all out with them before coming to any major decision. However, it made for "melodrama," and talking heads aren't interesting, so we got him going off to prepare and Lois rushing off to save the day (hooray!!) >>>It took her most of the episode to say this, too. Yawn.<<< > >Having been married 16 years, I can tell you that it takes a lot longer than >"most of the episode" sometimes to tell your husband what's upsetting you. >This phrase, "Well, if you don't know what's wrong, I'm certainly not going >to tell you" didn't become a cliche from lack of use ... >...One reason Lois drew the whole >thing out is because she thought Clark knew about his molecular structure >"stablizing and slowing" the aging process and she was angry he never told >her. Thus making my argument for her to simply ask him about it. Did she think he was purposefully keeping it from her? If not, all the more reason to simply ask him. But that wasn't dramatic enough. >>>>That's not what was said, that much I recall. His body had already >compensated. It had made up the difference, he had revitalized, he was the same as >before.<<< >Well, here's the dialog, make of it what you will, but to me it sounds like >Clark did "lose something". > >"Dr. Klein said my body has already compensated for the age drain." >"Compensated? Then you have lost something." >"My friend is healthy. I'm sitting here with my wife. I haven't lost anything." >"You gave up years." >"I gave them up for a friend." >"How many?" >"I don't know. The truth is, no one knows how long they've got. Anyway, it's >not the years that count, it's the moments. Right now, as they happen." I heard: "Dr. Klein said my body has already compensated for the age drain." She went on to say "You gave up years.... how many" He said "I don't know." >You'll recall right after Superman came out of the machine (after resetting >Carter Shank to infancy and Jimmy back to a 22 year old) he said "I feel >okay" Lois asks Doodsen "Is he?" and she says "It's too soon to tell" I go with Klein, who knows Superman pretty well, than Doodsen, who didn't know him at all. > Remember that Jimmy looked fine right after he came out of the machine and >the rapid aging took a while to start. Superman looked fine right when he >came out, but because of his long lifespan, then even the 100+ years it cost >him to restore Shank (over restore him ;) and Jimmy was something his body >could "compensate" (counterbalance). It doesn't matter, Jimmy and Shank are both human. Supes isn't. >That is, suppose you have a 50 year old man (want one? ;) depends ;) that is, if he's not wearing them ;) >and you age him >five years. It's not likely that it'll make that big a difference in his >appearance. However, if you take an infant and age *him* five years, the >difference is startling. What I'm getting at is say that Superman's lifespan >was 200 years, but then you take about 130 from that (to restore Shank and >Jimmy) and his lifespan now becomes 70 years. In other words, Superman still >had 70 years left to him, and so the "drain" wouldn't show on him. Whereas, >you take Jimmy, whose lifespan is about 70 to begin with and take 50 years of >that away from him, then he has no "years" left to compensate the loss. He's >going to be an old man. I don't know if any of that made any sense, but Lois >and Clark's dialog seems to indicate Clark did in fact lose years. No, that doesn't make any sense to me (though I can see it might make good fanfic). What was *said* was: "Dr. Klein said my body has already compensated for the age drain." and Dr. Klein was not only Superman's doctor but was the one Supes went to for the sperm count :) I trust in Klein. >>>>That's my very point. I certainly expect them to *try*, on the ceiling, on >the kitchen floor, or wherever they wanted, and have lots of fun at it! But >to go into the marriage assuming they could have kids<<< >Before they got married, Lois was in the alternate world and Wells helped her >recall their previous adventure, and in that adventure Wells tells Lois that >Superman's descendants create Utopia. Wells also assures her that she "will >be" good at handling babies. Too bad he didn't mention Soulmates or the adoption agency, or Tempus and the time machine trap, the baby from the future, etc. Wells' record wasn't that good... >Then if we go back to The Foundling, perhaps >Clark read too much into Jor-El saying that Earth was chosen because of its >compatability with Krypton and its people. I assume (for fanfic anyhow) that compatibility means that the atmosphere wouldn't kill the baby and probably the human inhabitants might adopt him :) I like the mystery. >Either way, even human couples >assume they can have children until they start trying and nothing happens. "even human," I agree! However, only Lois was human. >>>>I suspect that he did know. I wouldn't expect Clark >to rat on Lois because I would expect Perry to already know about it.<<< > >Okay, let's assume that for whatever reason not indicated in the episode, >Perry knew Lois stole the story and so *he* sent her on that wild goose chase >through the sewage reclamation plant. I wouldn't assume this. I'd have Perry take Lois aside and ask her if she's okay, she doesn't usually upset her coworkers like this. After some heming and hawing she'd breakdown (as she was wont to do) and admit to him (her father figure) that she had no idea what she was doing. He'd counsel her and let her off with a warning :) >>>>Clark, sitting quietly at his desk, speaking from the heart, looking >right at Lois (note that the newsroom is nearly empty). "Lois, I don't >appreciate you stealing other people's stories."<<< > >Even if a more subdued scene had been feasible for the Lois of Neverending >Battle fame, all we'd get really is an apology from her, That's bad? That would be a major step forward! :) >and it still ices out Jimmy's part. Maybe as part of the apology L&C could help Jimmy get the story :) >I think the show handled it well and with good humor, and >Lois knew she had it coming and learned a lesson about underestimating Clark >Kent when he's the victim of story stealing ;) In fairness though, if you >want to rewrite NB, that's okay, as long as I get to rewrite IGACOY ;) Gladly! When I have time ;) Until then, I'd rather just drop IGACOY from the canon ;) >>>>Well, we know where to go to find out what CK's idle fantasies are... >;)<<< > >Are these sexual or non-sexual? ;) Hey, you're the one arguing his having no relationship experience... what kind of fantasies does a guy like that have, hmm? > (what the heck, it's 4:00a.m., the gutter's open ;) It's 7:38pm here, though I started pretty early this morning myself :) Debby sitting through dreadful country music (I ran away from Oklahoma due in part to this) so Dean and Mindy *better* show up!!! ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 22:32:27 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: No Name Available Subject: Re: Ideas/books In a message dated 97-09-22 01:12:43 EDT, you write: << I was the only female in the class to choose Fahrenheit 451 so I begin to wonder if I'm an anomaly among others of my gender >> Maybe a minority, but not an anomaly (those are those things like singularities that Voyager is always encountering ). I think the first science fiction I read was as a small kid: The Magic Ball from Mars (yup, really a children's book) and then on to The WOnderful Mushroom Planet... The first adult science fiction--at about age 12 or 13 was Heinlein's Door Into Summer which was sitting around cause my dad had read it. That launched me into reading almost nothing but science fiction and I read many of the "classic" type stuff at age 14 or so--I remember combing the Jr High school library for some of it. My favorites? Zenna Henderson and Ursula LeGuin (but not her really newest stuff which isn't very science fiction-y). --Laurie (who is VERY behind on reading mail but who also went to hear Asimov and Arthur Clarke speak at a local college at age 16--only 26 years ago) P.S. I don't have time to read much anymore--it's all I can do to keep up with work, e-mail and fanfic... ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 18:39:41 +1000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jenny Stosser Subject: Re: A fanfic idea In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 08:49 PM 23/09/97 -0400, Susan E VanCott wrote: >Well, it's been a couple days since I saw Honeymoon in Metropolis again, >and I had a kind of a thought. Did anyone else notice the similarities >between HIM and Superman 2? L&C have to go undercover as a married >couple in a honeymoon suite. The bellboy makes cracks at them. Okay, >maybe there aren't THAT many similarites, but the big one is there: L&C >being an undercover married couple at a honeymoon suite. I think it >would be awesome to combine the movie and the ep. There were parts of >the movie that I just didn't like, such as "Don't you know this is >killing me?" prompting CK to erase Lois' memory of his secret. ARGHH! I loved that scene! I didn't like the resolution, but I did write a proto-fan (n?) fic after seeing the movie, where Lois discovers she's pregnant and doesn't remember having done anything to get that way, and how clark and lois dealt with it. >And there were some stupid lines such as, "I don't know why I did that." >"Maybe you wanted to." "I don't think I did." Sheesh. But I loved Lois Yeah, that wasn't delivered too well, was it. >jumping into a river because she thinks CK=S. And the brush line. >"Where's my brush? Where's my brush? God, not only have I lost my mind, >I've lost my brush!" And the bellboy saying "Have a happy...whatever." -- Jenny Stosser -*- -*- (Jenerator or MoiAussie on IRC) This message is umop ap!sdn -*- David is 5 and Megan is 2! Photos on the web-page! Visit the Stosser Family HomePage: ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 04:54:39 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: The Zoomway Subject: Re: Looking for Lois Lane In a message dated 97-09-25 00:48:26 EDT, debby@SWCP.COM (Debby Stark) writes: << Only if Clark knew about it, but I think Jack would wisely have kept it to himself. I liked Jack. I like characters with promise (I'll make them promising) who enhance the main characters :) That's why I was disappointed as the number of continuing characters dwindled. >> Jack was a "gimmick" that didn't pan out. I also think near the end of Fly Hard, the cryptic exchange between Jack and Clark gave the hint that Clark was aware of what Jack suspected. I really can't think of a reason for a juvenile boy to be Clark's confidante. Jimmy's, sure, but not Clark's. >>>h, but he took Rachel to the prom. In Honeymoon in Metropolis, both of them admitted to not having lived with anyone. I suspect by "relationship" he meant the kind he wanted to have with Lois. I suspect he had quite a few girlfriends.<<< I knew a guy who went to the prom with his cousin because he couldn't get a date Clark said he'd dated and had girlfriends, but if he excludes 'relationship' from either of those definitions, then it sounds like he knew girls he could go to the movies with or a school dance, but not someone who even qualified as a "steady". In COTOC he referred to Lois as the only woman who's ever really been in his life. I gotta say too that when he hugged Rachel, it was like two good friends, and not two people who had anything terribly hot going on >>>After all, he didn't learn to kiss like he was able to (and he sure wasn't shy about endulging in it)<<<< I learned to kiss playing "truth or dare" not in a relationship I can't speak for everyone, but kissing is something I learned before even had a date. The kissing I learned back then did help once I was in a relationship though I think before truth or dare, there was spin the bottle. >>>Was it hard because his parents' romance was atypical or because Lois's parents' romance was? Difficult to say...<<< No, the supposition was that Clark's parents were good examples. They were, but Clark didn't know what their courtship was like and due to that he had unrealistic expectations. He wanted the perfection he perceived his parents lived, but didn't know what hard times they may have had to go through to achieve that. >>>No, I still don't see why he had this trouble. I can understand her wariness, just not his. He must have thought he could make it work or he wouldn't have proposed to her<<< You still don't see why Lois had to adjust to the truth when she thought originally she was in love with a guy from this planet who only had one job? You make it sound like finding out the truth about why he was dashing off solved *all* their problems, like the "truth" was no more profound than discovering he slurped soup loudly. He also proposed without telling her the truth, that's an interesting concept of thinking "he could make it work" right there. >>>But where did CK get that sulky attitude? (poor writing?) (yes)<<<< Clark blatantly sulked all the way back in Requiem for a Superhero. It was apparently part of his character, or something he was most definitely capable of. I call that "continuity" not "poor writing" >>>and Dr. Klein was not only Superman's doctor but was the one Supes went to for the sperm count :) I trust in Klein.<<< Well, we'll agree to disagree on this. The dialog made it plain to me that Clark had lost years, what was uncertain was how many. >>Too bad he didn't mention Soulmates or the adoption agency, or Tempus and the time machine trap, the baby from the future, etc. Wells' record wasn't that good...<<<< Since Tempus was a villain who used time as a weapon, then Wells couldn't always have the answers because Tempus was always changing the questions >>>After some heming and hawing she'd breakdown (as she was wont to do) and admit to him (her father figure) that she had no idea what she was doing. He'd counsel her and let her off with a warning :)<<< That's fairly anticlimactic, and it doesn't give her co-workers any sense of importance, or that what they went though was valued in any way. Also it would be deep denial for Lois to tell Perry she didn't know what she was doing. A breach of journalistic ethics that big, she'd know what she was doing, or if she didn't, she had no business being a journalist. Perry giving her a slap on the wrist also would send a bad message to the rest of the reporters. That's why the best way to handle the infraction was to put it on a peer level because Perry to be fair to everyone who had suffered the infraction and to make an example of Lois's behavior being unacceptable, would have to suspend her a couple of weeks or something equally punitive. >>>Maybe as part of the apology L&C could help Jimmy get the story :)<<< It was courage standing up to Perry that Jimmy needed, not the story. >>>Hey, you're the one arguing his having no relationship experience... what kind of fantasies does a guy like that have, hmm?<<<< Um, you're not really saying that guys who aren't in a relationship don't have sexual fantasies, are you? I have this wild hunch that a lot of guys have sexual fantasies whether they're in a relationship or not >>>sitting through dreadful country music (I ran away from Oklahoma due in part to this) so Dean and Mindy *better* show up!!!<<<< Hey, because of my job I had to sit through the Tony Danza show, believe me, there are worse fates and there was *zero* chance Dean would put in an appearance there ;) (who kept looking at the clock wondering why time had slowed ;) ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 19:24:38 +1000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jenny Stosser Subject: Re: Reading (was Ideas) In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 08:18 PM 24/09/97 -0600, Debby Stark wrote: >At 12:48 PM 9/22/97 CST, you wrote: >>Not much time for reading books anymore, but I did manage to fit one >>in about a month ago. It was a Tony Hillerman mystery. Can't >>remember the name of the specific book but his are always good. >>Kay II > >Tony, an exOklahoman, lives here in Albuquerque and I've heard him speak (it >was a brown-lunch-bag talk at the University: "What would you say if this >were your last speech?). Funny guy--Excellent writer. His descriptions of >the desert are marvelous. His mysteries are well thought out and riviting, >and his characters are always interesting. The Navajos and the Hopi think >he does a good job writing them into his novels. > > >Debby > >who can recommend Tony Hillerman, too :) > Am I totally confused (probably! ) or is Tony Hillerman the guy who was in Blazing Saddles and in Magnum P.I? -- Jenny Stosser -*- -*- (Jenerator or MoiAussie on IRC) This message is umop ap!sdn -*- David is 5 and Megan is 2! Photos on the web-page! Visit the Stosser Family HomePage: ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 07:09:48 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Eileen F. Ray" Subject: Re: Reading I thought it was time for me to jump on the bandwagon before we moved on to a new thread ;) In a message dated 97-09-23 00:43:46 EDT, Georgia wrote: << Before, though, I read constantly and skipped around: science fiction, fantasy, romance both historical and contemporary, mysteries, and the occasional thriller. I also like non-fiction - politics, linguistics, science, popular culture. >> If you subtract the romance novels (I never could get into those ) this reading list sounds a lot like mine. (Gee I wonder why ;)) I love Science Fiction/Fantasy and I guess the first novels I read in 2nd and 3rd grade were by Jules Verne,( Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea, Mysterious Island and Around the World in Eighty Days etc.) After that I generally would read anything I could get my hands on. I read the classics ,Dickens, Twain, Hawthorne, Steinbeck, Faulkner etc. and more contemporary works such as To Kill a Mockingbird (which is one of my favorites). I would have to say that right now my reading is more heavily weighted towards the non-fiction side, I still love Star Trek though, I have all the books including the James Blish adaptions of the TV shows that came out in the 1960s. The last book I read was California Faults an collection of essays about the state of California (big surpise ;)) and right now I'm working on Locked in the Cabinet by Robert Reich, A Walk to the Western Isles by Frank Delaney and Ashes to Ashes Richard Kluger. I read more than one at a time for some reason it could be because I seem to spend so much time in airports ;) Cheers, Eileen ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 12:55:36 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Gary Subject: Re: Looking for Lois Lane In-Reply-To: <> MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 04:54 AM 9/25/97 -0400, you wrote: > >>>>Hey, you're the one arguing his having no relationship experience... what >kind of fantasies does a guy like that have, hmm?<<<< > >Um, you're not really saying that guys who aren't in a relationship don't >have sexual fantasies, are you? I have this wild hunch that a lot of guys >have sexual fantasies whether they're in a relationship or not > >>>>sitting through dreadful country music >(I ran away from Oklahoma due in part to this) >so Dean and Mindy *better* show up!!!<<<< > >Hey, because of my job I had to sit through the Tony Danza show, believe me, >there are worse fates and there was *zero* chance Dean would put in an >appearance there ;) > > (who kept looking at the clock wondering why time had slowed >;) > Uh, first of all I represent that! er...I mean resent that!... and from the Tony Danza show... Guy: "When are we going out on a date?" Gal: "In your dreams!" Guy: "In my dreams, we are *WAY* past dating!" Gary insomniac :( =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | Gary A. Rudick | | "You decide what you feel heaven is worth" - Deborah Gibson, TWYH | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 18:41:14 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Genevieve Subject: Sources for out-of-print books (Was Re: Reading) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" >After I sent Pam down memory lane, talking of Elswyth Thane's novels, Pam wrote: > > >Oh, and reading "Tryst" by her [Elswyth Thane] was the most magical, >wonderful, enchanted afternoon I've ever enjoyed - something in it really >touched me. > >(If anyone out there has this book and would be willing to sell or lend >it - please e-mail me :-) I don't have this one, but it was a wonderful book, and I've been looking for a different book by her for a while, too. So today, I went out on the Web to , which is a catalog of books available in a number of used book stores around the country. They didn't have "Tryst", although they did have the one I was looking for. ("From This Day Forward", in case you are wondering). I then went to BookPlace UK which list "in print" books in the UK, and they did have Tryst, Pam. They take credit cards, calculate the price in any currency for you, and weren't all that expensive. Anyone trying to find out-of-print books should check "Bibliofind" out. It really works. And, yes, Pam, I did like "The Light HEart." It was happy enough, the right two people ended up together at the end, it just took them a while. It was "Kissing Kin" I didn't like, where he *dies* and she ends up with second best. And I have a rather large collection of Georgette Heyer books, too. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 18:56:56 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Stark Subject: Re: Reading (was Ideas) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 07:24 PM 9/25/97 +1000, you wrote: >Am I totally confused (probably! ) or is Tony Hillerman the guy who was >in Blazing Saddles and in Magnum P.I? >-- >Jenny Stosser -*- Nope. I think that was John(?) Hillerman and he is a Texan who cultivated a British-style accent to get better acting jobs :) Tony Hillerman was an Oklahoman who didn't lose his accent but is a New Mexican now :) Maybe they are related distantly, but I don't know. Debby in Albuquerque ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 18:59:28 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Leanne Shawler Subject: Season 5: Episode 1 Comments: cc: Lois & Clark Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" A reminder that Season 5's first episode (we're not TUFS!) is due to air this Sunday. A notice will be posted to LOISCLA, the whole fic posted to the indiana fanfic list and uploaded to our website Sunday 5pm EST. The following "TV Guide" promo is brought to you by one of our editors, Diane Levitan! >Back To the Future(1 of 2) > >Lois and Clark must try to explain the baby left on their doorstep, and >figure out where- or when- he came from. Written by Barb. > Leanne Leanne Shawler aka Volterra on IRC *********************************************************************** Lois and Clark Season 5 Fanfic: *********************************************************************** Midnight Dreaming: The Original Anthony Warlow Home Page: *********************************************************************** ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 20:07:10 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Ethel \"Terri\" Addison" Subject: Re: Ideas (specifically: Lois's would-be reaction to Clark's cheating [as IF!]) Dear Fellow Authors: I definitely have a contribution to this discussion, but I won't have time to type it until this weekend. Will the topic still be open by then? Grateful and hopeful for your patience, Carol A. Editor, TSCG ~*~ "Help me out, here." LOIS & CLARK: THE NEW ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN (don't remember the ep. Sorry.) ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 19:56:32 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Ethel \"Terri\" Addison" Subject: About THROUGH SUPER-COLORED GLASSES Comments: To:,,,,,,,,,, Comments: cc: It's a frustratingly S-L-O-W process....It's not going to come out until the beginning of next year--at BEST! It's becoming obvious to me that I had NO IDEA what I was getting myself into. That doesn't mean I'm dropping the project (No WAY!), it just means that it's going to take longer than I told everyone it would. Sorry if that disappoints anyone. Sincerely, Carol A. Addison Editor, TSCG p.s. Keep sending me stuff! As soon as I finish this issue, I want to start on the next one without interruption. : ) p.p.s. I am still unable to take subscriptions. You will hear more from me as things progress, and I will eventually post an advertisement for subscriptions. Thank you for your continued patience--AND your INTEREST! Peace be with you, wherever you are. ~*~ ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 23:22:02 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: No Name Available Subject: Re: Clark Fic In a message dated 97-09-24 07:47:30 EDT, you write: << Clark Fic is an interesting term. I'd like to explore more of Clark's life and journeys/adventures before he decided to give Metropolis a try. Whenever I think up an idea for this, though, I tend to think: where the heck am I going to put Lois? Should I try to give her equal time? Does it matter? What could Lois have done at this age that wsa as interesting? Is this post to ask if it's all right to do pure Clark Fic? >> It's ok with me. SOme of my favorite fanfics fall into this category--your (that is Debby's) Carry Tiger to Mountain and Louette's story about Clark at 13. I'm much more interested in exploring Clark's struggles with his growing differences than Lois's more normal-human growing up. --L ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 23:24:34 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: No Name Available Subject: Re: Ideas (specifically: Lois's would-be reaction to Clark's >>I definitely have a contribution to this discussion, but I won't have time to type it until this weekend. Will the topic still be open by then?<< No offense meant, but I'm getting so much mail now and I'm so busy that I'm having trouble keeping up with reading it all. I subscribed to this list 'cause I thought I'd be getting fanfic. I, for one, would appreciate each of us thinking about whether an individual response is more appropriate than a group response before posting. --Laurie (who once again, spent several hours dealing with e-mail instead of working--or sleeping!) ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 02:22:08 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Julie Mack Subject: Fanfic: FOR NOW, Chapter 1 In our own ways, we are all Lois and Clark. We just go by different names. Dean and Mindy. Teri and Jon. You and I. He and she. This is dedicated to *all* the "Lois"s and "Clark"s out there. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it. ************ FOR NOW by Mackteach (Julie Mack) CHAPTER 1: A Close Encounter of the Unexpected Kind "Miss? Are you all right?" Her eyelids fluttered as she came to her senses. She looked around her. Her eyes still weren't focusing, but she could make out shapes, figures. She again heard a voice, the same voice that she had heard from a distance, but now it was closer. "Miss?" Her head turned towards that voice. It was soft and soothing, with a note of concern. And very masculine. Her eyes began to focus. She saw a face and deep brown eyes. As she became more aware, she focused on her surroundings and tried to remember. Where was she again? Oh yes, the airport. She had just gotten off from a long flight. Typically, the airport was crowded with people arriving and departing for that last bit of summer vacation. The baggage claim. That's where she was. Suddenly, everything came back to her. She had been reaching for her luggage when suddenly everything had gone black. "Miss?" This time there was more concern in the voice. She looked at him again. What she saw almost made her faint again. But, she wasn't the fainting type. She concentrated on what he was saying and tried to ignore the fact that his big strong arms were cradling her. How could a man be so gorgeous, she wondered. Seeing that he now had her attention, he whispered. "Are you all right? Can I help you with anything?" She swallowed and had to stop from pinching herself. "No, I mean, yes, I'm all right." She tried to stand by herself, but he insisted on helping. "Thank you. I'm fine." She was. Really. Just a bit woozy and dazed. She didn't know if it was from being this close to him or the .... "You hit me!" He stuck his hands into his jeans pockets and grinned sheepishly. "Yeah, I'm sorry, it was an accident. I didn't realize that my swinging her luggage off the belt would smack you on the head. Are you sure you're all right?" "Yeah, I'm okay. Just a bit woozy. By the way, I love your acting." "Thanks. Can I help you with anything, a ride home maybe?" "But...what about her?" "Her who?" "Her. Your girlfriend. She's right over there, isn't she?" He sighed audibly. "She's not my girlfriend. It's all a publicity stunt to help her break into the business. Her publicist is with her, see him? He's the big guy who looks like he'd have no problem chewing me up and spitting me out." He turned and gazed into her eyes. Something silent passed between them, an unspoken message that surprised both of them. "I'd rather be with you. That is, if you'll let me take you home." All she could do was smile and nod in agreement. His face broke into a smile that lit up the room. "Great. Wait right here." He headed over with the suitcase to where the woman was waiting. He talked to her and her publicist for a few minutes. She smiled and gave him a light peck on the cheek. She and her publicist turned and walked away, luggage in hand. He looked after them for a few seconds before turning towards her, a huge grin on his face. "OK, let's go." He picked up her luggage and took her hand. It took a few minutes to reach his car. By then, the long flight coupled with the knock on her head made her even woozier. He stopped and looked intently at her. He placed her suitcase in the back seat, lifted her up and carried her around to the passenger side of his Bronco. He carefully placed her in the seat and fastened her seatbelt, softly kissing her on the forehead before closing the door "If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up." He hopped behind the wheel. "This is no dream, beautiful." As he switched on the ignition he placed one hand on the wheel and the other one tentatively on her thigh. She looked at him and saw something in his face that made her real ize that she had nothing to fear. What was it? Hesitancy? Insecurity? She placed her hand over his and gave him a reassuring smile. "Do you trust me?" "I do. I don't know why, but I do." As they left the airport and headed down the freeway, she leaned back and closed her eyes. A sigh escaped as she let herself relax and enjoy the ride. "For you, I'd give her up and all of the girlie bars", he whispered coolly. "Just give her up. I'd be satisfied with that." "What about the girlie bars?" "Well, a guy's gotta have a hobby." She smiled and turned to look at him. She was rewarded with his smile. His hand reached up to cup the side of her face. Softly, he whispered, "Maybe I'll find another hobby." His hand moved into her hair and began to massage her scalp. "Hmmmmmmm." Her eyes closed as she drifted off to a light sleep. He was a careful driver but snuck occasional glances to look at the woman dozing in the passenger seat. Who was she? Why was he so attracted to her? She had said she liked his acting, so she obviously knew who he was. Instinctively, he knew that she wasn't one of those "groupie" types. He sensed a kindred spirit, someone he could talk to and get to know. He sensed a friend, a true friend. He needed a friend. He needed her. He exited the freeway and drove onto Pacific Coast Highway. He loved this road and this part of southern California. He had grown up here and knew it like the back of his hand. At the first opportunity, he pulled off to the side of the road, unwilling to continue on without talking to her. She felt the car stop and slowly opened her eyes. She was greeted by a pair of dark brown eyes gazing intently at her, a slight frown creasing his forehead. "What's wrong?" "Who are you?" "Who am I? I'm the gal you conked on the head, that's who!" Her teasing tone told him that she had forgiven him for the incident. He smiled, but was still cautious. "No, seriously, who are you?" She looked at him and realized that he was unsure of himself. So was she. She had never been as quickly attracted to a man as she was to him. She looked deeper into his eyes and saw something else. Mistrust. Who could have hurt you so badly, she wondered. She decided that in order to gain his trust, she would have to open up to him. "Who am I? Well, that's difficult to say. Let's see. Let's just say that I'm someone who wants to be with you. Enough?" "For now. I feel like I've known you for a long time. That's scary." "I know. I feel the same way. I don't usually drive off with a guy I don't know." "I need you. Now." "Here? Now?" "Here. Now." "But, we've just met." "You said you trusted me." "I do. But that was when you were taking me home." "What's changed? I'll still take you home. But, you should know that your home is with me now." He leaned over and placed his hand under her chin, gently stroking her soft skin, the words "with me" echoing in his eyes. "Just one question." "Yes?" "Can I have your autograph?" Again, her teasing tone put him at ease. He smiled. "Personalized, from head to toe, gorgeous." "Yeah? Autograph? Address? Phone number? Screen name? The whole thing?" "Everything. It's all yours. Just ask." "Oh, be careful. That's a lot you're offering." "But that's not all..." "It's not?" He pulled her close and whispered the first digit of his telephone number in her ear and proceeded to gently suck on her earlobe. She stifled a groan, closed her eyes, and gave herself over to the feelings and sensations that his touch created. He whispered the second digit and left a trail of kisses down her neck as both of their hearts begin to unify in beat. Of their own volition, her hands began an exploration of his upper body. His arms, his shoulders, his chest. Her hands buried themselves in his hair and pulled him closer. He slid his hands down her back and pulled her even closer, if possible. He couldn't seem to get close enough to her. She groaned as she realized the intimate closeness that they were in. She was convinced that even through the layers of clothing he could feel her heat and how aroused she was. He completed the final digits as he calmly unfastened the buttons on her blouse. He felt her body against his as he ran his fingers through her hair. Their breathing quickened. The glare from the Highway Patrolman's flashlight temporarily blinded them. "Sorry, kids, but there's no stopping along PCH. Too much of a chance of an accident of some sort." Seeing her state of disarray, he immediately turned off the flashlight and directed the conversation at him. "Um, that stuff is probably better done in the privacy of your home. Why don't you two head on home?" He cleared his throat and looked at her questioningly. She grinned. "Let's go home." Again, she was rewarded with his dazzling smile. "Right you are. Thanks, officer." "You're welcome. Anytime." The patrolman headed back to his car. He looked at her again. "Home?" She heard the hopefulness in his voice and returned his smile with one of her own. "Home." He started the Bronco and headed towards Malibu and his home. ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 02:22:50 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Julie Mack Subject: Fanfic: FOR NOW, Chapter 2 CHAPTER 2: Getting to Know You As the door unlocked and opened, he reached in and turned on the lights. "Come on in." He led the way into his home carrying her suitcase. He looked back and watched as she hesitantly stepped inside and looked around. He was proud of his home and hoped that she would be like it. "Can I get you something to drink? Water? Soda? Make yourself comfortable." He knew he was babbling, but he couldn't seem to stop himself. If I keep talking, then maybe she won't disappear, he thought to himself. He rambled on about his home telling her how he had remodeled it, painted it, and decorated it. She half-heard what he was saying, knowing that he was as nervous and unsure as she was. She looked around and was pleasantly surprised at what she saw. She had expected something, but certainly not this. This looked.....normal. Pleasant. Lived-in. Comfortable. She started to imagine herself sitting in the couch, cooking in the kitchen, waking up...... She shook her head to clear her thoughts. What was she thinking? There was no way that she could live out this fantasy. She had duties, responsibilities. This was just an short interlude, a break from her normal routine. Tomorrow she would be back on schedule. Tomorrow. But tonight was different. "You know, this is not at all what I expected." He looked at her with caution in his eyes. "What do you mean?" She silently sighed, noting that the barriers were again up around him. Stop it! she wanted to shout. I am not going to hurt you. "Just that I always pictured important people in large elaborate mansions. This isn't. This is...nice." She smiled to show him that she was being sincere and honest. He relaxed a little and gave her a cautious smile. "I'm glad you like it. I don't have too many people over." He walked towards her. "In fact, you're the first one who's not family." She took a step towards him. "Well, then, I'm honored. Do you have a Coke?" He stopped arms length away from her. He wanted to just reach out and embrace her, but didn't want to seem needy. He smiled warmly at her. "Sure, let me get it for you." He turned back towards the kitchen and was surprised to find her falling into step with him. He looked at her curiously. "I expect a complete tour, you know." Her teasing tone helped put him at ease. "Oh, absolutely. Now, this is the kitchen. And this is the refrigerator." "No, really? Do you actually have food in there?" "Yup, I do." "Um, do you have a phone I could use? I need to make a call." "Sure. Do you need some privacy?" "If you don't mind." "No problem, there's one in my den." He showed her where the den was and returned to the kitchen. As he got the ice cubes, his thoughts turned back to her. He didn't know the first thing about her. Why should he be jealous of whomever she was talking to? But he was. He didn't like the feeling, but he couldn't stop himself. He was jealous. Jealous of the fact that she had a life that he didn't know anything about. Jealous of the fact that there was someone else. He finished pouring the soda into a glass and headed back towards the den. He stopped at the doorway as he heard her voice. "...OK then, sweetheart. I'll see you tomorrow. I love you." His heart sank as he listened to her conversation. Who am I kidding, he thought. This would never have worked out. He entered the den. "Here's your Coke." She hung up the phone and looked at it for a moment. At the sound of his voice, she looked up and smiled warmly at him. "Thanks. I never acquired a taste for coffee, so this is how I get my caffeine." She reached for the glass he offered her, brushing her fingers across his. A jolt of electricity seemed to pass between them. He looked at her. She looked at him. Their gazes locked and neither was willing to be the first to look away. Still looking at him, she raised the glass to her lips and sipped. What are you thinking, she wondered. "Is something wrong?" "No, why do you ask?" "Just that you're staring at me." "Am I? Well, that's probably because you're staring at me too." He looked away. "Let me show you the rest of the house." "Actually, I'd rather sit and talk if that's okay with you." "Talk? Oh, yeah, sure." He led the way back to the living room and sat in his favorite chair. She sat on the couch, her leg up under her. After she had settled, he asked the question at the front of his mind. "Who are you?" She smiled and continued to sip her soda. "Does it matter?" "Yeah, it does. I don't know why, but it does." "Why?" "I don't know." "Yes, you do. Think about it." He took a deep breath and slowly let it out. "OK. It matters because I'm attracted to you. For some reason, you've gotten into my head and I think my heart, and I can't get you out. I've only known you for a couple of hours and already I feel like we should be together. I know, you think I'm crazy." "If you're crazy, then I'm certifiably insane." Her soft reply, almost to herself, startled him. "So, you feel it too?" "Feel what? An immediate connection? An immediate sense of belonging? A feeling like you're exactly what I've been waiting for all my life and never thought I'd be able to find?" "Yeah, all of that. And more." "Nope. Don't feel any of that. Not at all." She took another sip from her drink, her eyes twinkling over the glass. "Liar." She put her glass down and looked him squarely in the eyes. "I do not lie." He smiled and got up out of his chair and sat next to her. He reached out and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear, slowly moving his hand towards the back of her neck to pull her towards him. All the while, he looked deeply into her eyes, searching for a sign for him to stop. Seeing none, he continued to pull her towards him, intent on kissing her. As his lips barely touched hers, she whispered, "I just don't always tell the truth." She moved minutely forward, just enough to complete the touch and the kiss. His mouth closed over hers and his tongue began an intimate exploration of her mouth. She tasted of soda, with a lingering taste of chocolate. He loved chocolate. His tongue swept the roof of her mouth and touched her tongue, teasing it. He loved how she tasted and how she softly moaned at the back of her throat. He deepened the kiss as his hands began an exploration of her upper body. She lost herself in his kiss. She never thought that she could be kissed as thoroughly as this. Her tongue played tag with his and after a while she forced her tongue into his mouth to more fully taste him. She was drunk. She had never gotten drunk before, but was sure that this was how if felt. She was drunk on him. She moaned softly at the back of her throat. ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 02:23:10 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Julie Mack Subject: Fanfic: FOR NOW, Chapter 3 CHAPTER 3: We've Got Tonight Her moan startled her out of her reverie and back to reality. She pushed against his shoulders and broke off the kiss. She took deep breaths as she watched his reactions to the abruptness of the break off. He opened his eyes. Oh god, his eyes, she thought. I could get lost in those eyes. "Wha- What's the matter?" "Nothing. Everything. Oh god, I'm making a mess of this." She looked at him, avoiding direct eye contact. She didn't want to hurt him, but apparently there was no way to she couldn't do that. She hated the thought of leaving him all alone. Be honest, she reminded herself. It's the best way. She took another deep breath, slowly letting it out, forming her words in her mind before saying them out loud. "I am attracted to you like I have never been to any other man. I want you to know that. But...." She saw him start to retreat from her and hated what she had to say next. She hurried on with what she had to say, afraid that if she didn't get the words said, she never would. "But, I shouldn't be here. I mean, I can't be here. I don't belong here. This thing between us, it's magic. I'm too much of a realist to believe in magic. I'm sorry." With every word she spoke, he began to withdraw back into the shell that he had built around himself. His voice took on a formal, neutral tone. "Don't worry about it." At the cold informality in his voice, she looked into his eyes and again saw caution and mistrust. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears. "I don't want to hurt you. I know someone has hurt you in the past. I don't want to add to that. I don't want you to be alone." The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them. She is so beautiful, he thought. I could easily fall in love with her. He heard the longing and regret in her voice and wanted to reach out and comfort her. But her words came back to him. I don't belong here she had said. You do, he thought. I need you. He tried one last time. "Everyone needs a little magic in their life." Please hear me, he silently pleaded. I need you here if even for just a little time. She wiped at her eyes and gave him a shaky smile. "I know. Please believe me. I know." He gently took her hand and watched her face. "You told me when I first met you that you trust me. Do you still trust me?" "More than you know. But, I still can't be here like this." She willed herself to ignore the way his thumb was softly stroking the back of her hand. "Can you at least tell me why?" "Please don't ask me. I have my reasons." Her eyes pleaded with him to understand. She has her secrets, just like I do, he realized. "Will you at least stay and talk with me for a little while longer?" "I shouldn't...." She felt her resolve slipping away as her body began to react to his nearness. He heard the hesitation in her voice, and decided to press his small advantage. "I still haven't finished the tour of my home." He smiled. He watched as she mentally weighed her choices. He saw her facial reaction as she realized that the choice had already been made for her. "Well, how can a girl ignore that? I have a curiosity about other people's bathrooms." She smiled and he breathed a silent thank you. "Shall we continue?" He got up off the couch and reached out towards her. She placed her hand in his and again felt that jolt of electricity between the two of them. Their smiles got wider. "By the way, what's your name?" "No names. Just call me.....friend." "Friend. I like that. I don't have very many. In this business, you can't be too sure of anyone." "Well, since I'm not 'in the business' as you say, trust me on this. I'm your friend." "I know." They walked through his home, hand-in-hand. He told her about how he had remodeled this room and painted that room. She oohed and aahed over his bathroom and teased him about his very masculine and "jock mindset" den. They spent some time on the Internet, lurking and laughing over what people thought about his latest movie. They discussed the pros and cons of having a professional football team in Los Angeles. They returned to the living room and sat side-by-side on the couch and talked. She turned the conversation to his work and was glad to realize that he hadn't become "Hollywood". In her mind that made it easier for her to spend some time with him. He was real. Down-to-earth. The guy next door. The kind of guy you bring home to meet the parents. The more he talked to her, the more he wanted her. He was hooked. He knew it. She smiled at him, laughed with him, and teased him. He loved it. He asked her questions about herself, but she subtly deflected them and always turned the conversation back to him. He sensed that she was genuinely interested in his work and so opened up to her about the trials and tribulations of being a working actor. He told her about the insincerity and hypocrites he sometimes encountered. As he was telling her about a funny incident on the set, he noticed that she was staring at him. "What?" "Nothing. Just that you have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen on a man." He felt himself blush. He had never taken compliments very well. "Thanks. Your eyes are pretty spectacular too." "That's because I'm near-sighted." He chuckled and the sound turned her stomach into knots. "No, really." "Really. I'm near-sighted." He reached out to cup the side of her face. "Don't you know that friends are supposed to agree with friends." That simple touch again caused the electricity to jump between them. Can't you feel that, he thought. We do need each other. She placed her hand over his. I need you, she thought. "Yes, but friends can also disagree." He moved closer to her, his hand moving down and stroking the side of her neck. "Don't you know that the eyes are the mirrors to your soul?" She closed her eyes for a moment, said a quick prayer, and figuratively jumped in. "And what are my eyes saying right now?" She opened her eyes and stared directly into his heart. He gasped as he saw the yearning and desire in her eyes. The same yearning and desire he felt. His heart skipped a beat. "They're saying that you want me to kiss you as much as I want to kiss you." "Is that all?" "For now." Their lips and mouths came together and they both surrendered to the desire that they felt, their hands stroking and caressing each other through their clothing. The kiss went on for what seemed an eternity. When they both came up for air, they were awed by the emotions that had been contained in that one kiss. Longing. Desire. Hunger. Need. Love. "Wow. Friends don't kiss like that." Her attempt at humor diffused the tension in the air. They both nervously chuckled. "No, they certainly don't. Can we be friends?" The question instantly sobered them both. She reached out and placed her hands on either side of his face. "I think we already are, don't you?" He grinned. "Yeah. We are, aren't we. The next question is what now?" She smiled warmly. "Now? We leave things where they are and you call me a cab. It's morning and this Cinderella has to return to where she belongs." His smile left him. "So, this is it? Will I ever see you again?" He hated sounding so needy, but wanted her to know that he wanted to spend more time with her. Talking. Getting to know each other. Kissing. Doing more than kissing. "No, this is a big town. We'll probably bump into each other. But, reality has a way of waking a person up. You've got your life and I've got mine. The two don't necessarily mix." "But, friends stay in touch with each other." She placed her hand on the side of his neck and pulled him towards her until they were forehead to forehead. "We're more than friends. You know that. I know that. You are important to me." He sighed. "I need you." "I know. I feel it too. You and I are more alike than either of us realize. It's like we're .......peanut butter and jelly." She smiled. "Salt and pepper." "Bacon and eggs." "Black and...." "No, bacon and eggs. Let me make you breakfast before you call me a cab." "Can't I take you home?" "It's better if you didn't." "Why? What are you hiding? I still don't know anything about you, but you seem to have found out everything about me." His voice and tone got louder and harsher. He was scared. Scared that she would be out of his life and he would be left with the same feelings of loneliness and need that he always had. "You know everything about me that you need to know. I'm your friend. Probably one of your best friends. And more. You know that. Please, don't make this any harder than it already is." He resignedly sighed. "I'd rather have eggs and toast. Bacon has too much fat in it." She lightly kissed him, but broke it off before it became another soul-searing kiss. "Eggs and toast it is." She rose from the couch and headed towards the kitchen. He watched her walk out of the living room, trying to figure out what had happened over the past couple of hours. He got up and went to his den. He sat down at his desk and wrote on a pad of paper. He tore off the top page and brought it with him as he went towards the kitchen. She was in the kitchen cooking the eggs and softly humming to herself. This looks so right, he thought. Can't she see that? As if she had read his thoughts, she looked up and smiled at him. "I know. I would love nothing more than to cook for you every day. But...." "I know. Here." He handed the piece of paper to her. She put the spatula down and took the paper. "What's this?" "My autograph. Address. Phone number. Screen name. The whole thing." He tried to smile and make a joke of it. She laughed softly and his heart skipped a beat. "You remembered." "I always will." Their gazes locked and again an unspoken message passed between them. Trust. Friendship. Caring. Loyalty. He cleared his throat. "If you ever need anything, no matter wh--" "I know." She looked away briefly as she blinked back tears. "Your eggs are done." She placed them on a plate along with the lightly buttered toast. "The cab should be here in about ten minutes. I called while you were in the other room." "OK." An awkward silence descended between the two of them as they waited for the cab. The eggs and toast were left untouched. They tried to make small talk, but both of them were wrapped up in their own thoughts. Regret and longing did silent battle with responsibility and reality. The cab arrived. She reached for her suitcase, but he picked it up first. They walked silently to the cab. She turned towards him and raised her hand towards his face, stopping inches away. "Good bye.....friend." He looked deeply into her eyes and saw her unshed tears. "Oh hell," he growled. He grabbed her and pulled her closely to him. He kissed her. He kissed her with all the longing and desire that had been building up in him for the past few hours. He kissed her to let her know that he cared for her, that he wanted her in his life, that he needed her. That he loved her. Tears fell from her eyes as she poured her soul into the kiss. She returned his kiss with all the longing and desire that had been building up in her. She returned his kiss to let him know that she regretted not being able to share his life as completely as possible. She returned his kiss to let him know that he had a friend that he could trust. She returned his kiss to let him know that she cared for him, that she cherished him, that she needed him. That she loved him. The honk from the impatient cab driver startled them both. Still embracing her, he pulled his head back and searched her face. What he saw seemed to satisfy him. He kissed her again lightly, released her, and stepped back. He smiled brightly. "See you around, friend." She smiled and affectionately squeezed his hand. "Bye." She stepped into the cab. He shut the door and watched as the cab pulled away. He turned and slowly went back inside. He yawned. The long sleepless night coupled with the emotional roller coaster he seemed to have been on urged him to seek the comfort of his bed. He heeded the call. Several hours later, he awoke. By routine, he went to his computer and set it to retrieve his mail. As he cleaned up, his mind wandered back to the night. He thought of her. Her smile. Her voice. Her laugh. Her kiss. He wasn't sure how he was going to get through the day. He heard the tinny little voice from his computer telling him that the download was done. Download? He didn't usually get files in his mail, just short emails from his family. Curious, he went into the den. He saw that the downloaded file had been displayed on his monitor. He smiled. Suddenly, the day didn't look so dreary. He clicked on "Print". As he waited for the printout, he sat back and stared at the monitor. She was there. Or rather, a picture of her was there on his monitor. Underneath it, were words that went straight to his heart. "I will always be your friend. I love you." He sighed. It was enough. For now. ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 02:23:36 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Julie Mack Subject: Fanfic: FOR NOW, Chapter 4 CHAPTER 4: Could I Have This Dance? She watched as the groom waltzed his bride around the dance floor. Anyone watching her would only see her bright smile and a slightly wistful look. The same look that was on the faces of all the other single women at the reception. That's the way it was at weddings. You could almost read their thoughts. The married women looked on with world-weary eyes, knowing what was in store for the young couple. The single women looked on with hopefulness, seeing only the beauty of the moment. She sighed. She had resigned herself to the fact that she would always be a bridesmaid, but never the bride. How cliche, she thought. But, that was a decision that she had made. Not necessarily of her own choice, but based on the circumstances and situation. And her own perchance for picking the wrong guy. Every relationship that she was ever in had ended badly. She supposed that what they said was true. Some girls are just attracted to that type of guy. Unintentionally, her thoughts wandered back to him and their night together. She had never felt as comfortable and at the same time as uneasy as she had in the short time she had been with him. They had only shared a few kisses. But in those kisses, an entire relationship and connection had formed. Over the past couple of months, she had thought of him often. She had read the stories and heard the newscasts. She had even, believe it or not, bought the tabloids to read any little blurb that they had about him. His new movie. His girlfriend. She had to smile at that. She remembered his telling her that it was all a publicity stunt. Along with all of the articles, there were always pictures. Pictures of him. Smiling. Laughing. At a movie premiere. At a benefit dinner. Advertising some product. His career was going well and she was happy for him. If she really scrutinized her feelings, she would admit that she was proud of him. It's funny how a few hours can change a life, she thought. Hers would never be the same. Every guy she had met or been set up with since that night had all paled in comparison to him. Face it, you've been spoiled, she berated herself. You found the one guy who could work his way into your heart and you walked away from him. She sighed. She had had this internal debate with herself countless times before. She shook her head to clear her thoughts. She put on her best smile as she saw the mother of the bride walking towards her. He stood leaning against the doorway apparently watching the people. But he didn't see anyone else but her. She was talking to someone, he guessed the mother of the bride and she looked as beautiful and as breathtaking as the night he had accidentally hit her with a suitcase. He inwardly chuckled at that memory. Other memories came forward. He remembered a kiss in his car along Pacific Coast Highway. He remembered other kisses too. Kisses that gave as much as was taken. Kisses that touched him deep in his heart and soul. He remembered the feelings that came along with those kisses. Longing. Desire. Caring. Completeness. Friendship. Love. Over the past couple of months, he had thought of her often. He had cursed his computer several times over for automatically deleting the email of her picture. At least he had printed it out. And he had her voice. On tape. She had called, always when he was wishing that he could talk to her. Not that he ever did. She always called and left a message. Sometimes it was a simple "Hi Friend." Sometimes it was a funny joke. Sometimes it was to tell him that she was thinking of him. Sometimes it was a few words of encouragement just when he needed them. But always her messages ended with the same words. Words that he had memorized and needed to hear. "I'll always be your friend. I love you." Eight words. It was amazing how eight simple words could be so important to him. It was amazing how important she was to him. It's funny how a few hours can change your life, he thought. His would never be the same. His musings stopped as she moved towards the back of the room. He kept her in his line of sight, but made sure that she did not see him. He wanted to get closer to her. He heard the orchestra begin another song and people start to move towards the dance floor. He watched as several men came up to ask her to dance. She declined each invitation with a gentle smile and kind word. He smiled to himself, pleased that those guys had been rejected. He moved closer to her. As the last gentleman walked away, he came up behind her and softly whispered. "Care to dance with a ..... friend?" Her heart stopped for a moment as the familiar voice registered. She closed her eyes and willed herself to remain calm. Slowly, she turned towards the voice and opened her eyes. She saw a dazzling smile and those same deep dark eyes that she had lost herself in months ago. She let out the breath that she didn't know she had been holding. "Hello.....friend." "Hello yourself. You look beautiful." "Thank you. You look pretty good yourself." "Thanks." "Do you feel as awkward as this sounds?" He smiled. "Yeah, kind of. Would you like to dance?" "With you? I'd love to." He led the way onto the dance floor. Once out there, he turned towards her. She went directly into his arms. She wasn't surprised at how natural it felt for her to be there. In his arms. Dancing with him. As she went into his arms, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of completeness that came over him. This is where she belongs, he thought. I can't let her walk away from me again. "You're a great dancer." "Thank you. My mother insisted on my learning. I'll pass the compliment on to her." He smiled and looked directly into her eyes, gauging her feelings and emotions. What are you thinking, he thought. "You do that." She softly laughed and he fell deeper in love with her. She sighed loud enough for him to hear. "This is very nice. I haven't danced in a long time." "I would never have guessed. You're very good yourself." "That's because you have on your steel-toed dress shoes." Her eyes twinkled with mischief. Her teasing nature was infectious. "I sure do. Especially polished for the occasion." "Why are you here? Sorry, that came out sounding badly. I mean, why are you here?" He chuckled. "Same reason as you. Friend of the family. I went to high school with the groom." "Good friends?" "Were. We lost touch when I went away to college. You know how it is." "Yeah. I do. I only keep in touch with one friend from high school. And even that is only on special occasions." "But, didn't you just graduate a few years back?" She playfully punched his shoulder. "Flatterer. No, it's been a while. Are you happy?" The sudden change in conversation startled him for a brief second. "As happy as I can be. I could be happier. I'm happy right now." He looked directly into her eyes as he said his last statement, daring her to contradict him. Her smile wavered, but her gaze never left his. "I know. I see your picture in the magazines and papers. You look happy, but then I see your eyes and know differently." He grew serious. "Is it that obvious?" She shook her head. "Only to me. Only to a best friend." He nodded in agreement. "Yeah. My best friend." He lowered his voice to a whisper. "I need you." "Here? Now?" "Here. Now. Always. Forever." "I know." He was getting frustrated with her one-syllable responses. The music had changed and he didn't feel like dancing anymore. He took her by the hand and headed for the balcony. He looked for a quiet spot. He spied a bench at the far end of the balcony walk. He sat her down next to him. "Will you stop saying that. How do you know? What do you know?" She could see he was getting upset. She began to stroke the back of his neck in an effort to calm him down. Her soft touch seemed to have the desired effect. Once he was calmer, she answered him. "I can't. You know that as much as I do." "No, I don't. I don't know anything. All I know is that I need you and love you." "Don't...." "Don't what? Tell you how I feel? I haven't forgotten that night. I haven't forgotten how attracted I was to you. How attracted I still am. I haven't forgotten how I felt an immediate connection to you. Like we were meant to be together. I haven't forgotten how you reacted to my touch and to my kisses. I haven't forgotten how you smiled and my heart skipped a beat. I haven't forgotten how your laughter touched my heart. I haven't forgotten any of that. Have you?" As she listened to him, all the memories and emotions came rushing back. She looked down at her hands in her lap. She remembered. She remembered all of it. How his dazzling smile took her breath away. How his concern for her well-being touched her. How his kisses left her weak in the knees, wishing they would never end. How his eyes mirrored what his heart was saying to her. She remembered all of it. The warmth. The caring. The longing. The desire. The love. A tear fell down her cheek. "No, I haven't forgotten." Her reply to his question was so soft he had to lean forward to hear it. She raised her head so suddenly, that he almost didn't get out of the way. "But, that doesn't change anything. Reality is still here. You have your life and I have mine." "I still don't know why." She sighed. "My life is....complicated." He took her hands into his. "Life isn't easy. What makes your life more complicated than anyone else's?" "You don't understand." "Then help me to---" "Mommy! Mommy!" He turned to watch a little girl in pink lace come running up to them. She stopped in front of them and looked from one to the other. Her eyes twinkled with glee. She looked directly at him, the unashamed stare of a four-year-old who was trying to figure out if someone was a friend or a stranger. "Hello." He couldn't help but be charmed. He smiled back. "Hello to you too." "You talking to Mommy?" The child looked at her. Frowning, she turned back to him. "You make my mommy cry?" "No, honey. He didn't make me cry. He's my friend. Friends don't make friends cry. Friends make friends happy." "You happy, Mommy?" She looked at him and smiled. "Yes, sweetheart. I'm happy." "That's good." The little girl looked at him with a direct and serious look. "Mommy not happy for a long time. She cry when Daddy go away---" "Sweetheart, the gentleman doesn't want to hear about us." "Yes, I do." He got off the bench and squatted down in front of the little girl, level to level with her eyes. They're just like hers, he thought. "Daddy went away?" "Uh huh. He past when me was three. But me four now. Mommy says me a big girl." Pieces of the puzzle that was her were starting to fall into place. "And a very pretty girl too." "What do you say sweetheart? He just gave you a compliment." "Mommy, what'a copiment?" "It's something nice. Now, what do you say?" "Tank you." "Not to me, honey. Look the man in the eyes and say it." "Oh." She looked him directly in the eyes. "Thank you. Mommy?" "Yes, sweetie." "Me wanna hug from the man." "Do you want him to give you a hug?" "Uh huh. I like him." "You have to ask him." He quietly watched the exchange between mother and daughter. She's going to grow up to be a heartbreaker, he thought. But, she'll be okay. She's teaching her well. The girl turned to him and threw her hands wide apart. "Hug?" "Sure." He opened his arms and the child placed her arms around his neck. She walked right into his embrace. And into his heart. He was careful not to squeeze too tight. Being a four-year-old, she squeezed with all her might. He made some choking sounds and she immediately stopped. She pulled back and again looked directly into his eyes. A silent message went between them. He winked and she broke into a giggle. He gave her another quick squeeze and released her, standing up. The little girl went to her. She picked her up and placed her on her lap, heedless of how her dress was getting wrinkled. She wrapped her arms around her. The little girl stuck her thumb in her mouth, laid her head on her chest and promptly went to sleep. She looked up at him and grinned sheepishly. "Out of mouths of babes...." she whispered. He reached out and gently stroked the child's head. "She's beautiful. And special." He looked directly at her. "Like her mother." Her eyes watered and she broke off her gaze, planting a soft kiss on top of the sleeping child's head. She gently rocked her and lost herself in thought. He realized she was thinking and sat back down to wait. Well, part of the mystery is solved, he thought. He thought of the little girl and everything she had said. His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by her voice. "We need to talk. Let me put her down. Will you still be here?" He looked into her eyes and saw her warring emotions just below the surface of her calm exterior. He nodded. "I'll be here." She rose and carried the child back inside. The curtains to the ballroom were open so he could watch her as she gracefully moved across the dance floor towards a couple. She briefly talked to the woman who rose and went with her out the entrance. He felt a slight tug of fear as she left. He knew she would be back, but he hated not being able to see her. He let his vision take in the rest of the room. The groom was chatting away in a group of their fellow high school pals. It seems so long ago that we were all playing football together, he thought. Where had the time gone? He vowed to take more time to keep in touch with the few friends that he had. She stood at the entrance to the ballroom. She had changed from her bridesmaid dress to a pair of dress slacks and a silk blouse. She walked towards the bride and groom and briefly chatted with them. She hugged them both and headed back towards him. He stood up as she came out onto the balcony and walked towards him. He could see her smile and noticed that she seemed to walk with a lighter step. She held out her hand and he took it. "OK. My sister will take care of her for the rest of the day. I'm all yours." His smile made the bright day even brighter. "OK. Let's go." They went down the back entrance and headed towards his car. He suddenly stopped. "Where are we going?" "Home. Mine. I want to tell you about myself for a change." "Are you sure?" She cupped his face and lightly kissed him. "As sure as I'll ever be. All right with you?" He hugged her to him and kissed her thoroughly. "Uh huh. For now." ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 02:24:17 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Julie Mack Subject: Fanfic: FOR NOW, Chapter 5 CHAPTER 5: Book of Revelations He got into the driver's seat of his car and smiled. "Haven't we done this before?" Her laughter sounded wonderful to him. "Yeah, I seem to recall sitting next to you in a car. But, this isn't the same one, is it?" He started to back out of the parking space. "Yeah, I sold the Bronco. It got too recognizable. Luckily, my dad had kept the car I had in high school." He proceeded to tell her about how he had worked summers to earn enough money to buy the car. How he had continued to work to fix her up. She leaned back, letting his voice and his nearness wash over her, relaxing her. She smiled. When she asked him why there was no brand new sports car waiting for him when he turned sixteen, he looked at her with an indignant glare. "My parents raised me and my brother and sister as normally as possible. We had to do chores around the house to get extra money. We weren't the stereotypical 'business family'." She put a hand on his thigh and gently squeezed. "I know." He placed one hand over hers. "Yeah, you would." They traveled along for a while in companionable silence, enjoying the ride and each other's company. She gave him directions as they drove along. "That's it there. Third one on the left." He pulled up in front of a small, neatly kept California bungalow-style house. "Home." They got out of the car and walked up the front walk. He liked the neatly trimmed lawn scattered with toddler toys. He also noticed the flowers planted along the side of the house. Lilies of the Valley. He had always liked those flowers and the delicate scent that they gave off. She saw him stop and bend down to smell the lilies. "They're my favorite." "Somehow, I'm not surprised. They're mine too." "I know." "I still---" She placed a finger on his mouth to silence him. "Come inside. We'll talk there." She led the way. As soon as they were inside, she pointed to her left. "The living room is in there. Make yourself comfortable. I'll get us some sodas." She walked to the right, leaving him standing alone in the entrance. He headed towards the living room. He intended to sit on the sofa and wait for her return. But, as soon as he saw all the frames and awards on the baby grand piano, he was drawn towards them. He looked at them one by one. He looked at them and tried to fit them into the puzzle he was putting together in his mind. The puzzle of her. He saw pictures of her daughter. The formal baby portraits. The informal, candid ones of her sleeping and playing. He chuckled over the picture of the little girl with what appeared to be chocolate cake all over her face. He marveled at the mother-daughter portraits. He could see that they had the same eyes. The same smile. He smiled at the inner beauty of the two of them that the photographer was able to capture. He saw the awards. Letters of commendation. Certificates of appreciation. Scholar-athlete. Salutatorian. Math. He shuddered at that one. Honor Roll. Dean's List. And then he saw one, inconspicuous by its size. He picked it up. It was heavy. A marble paperweight more than an plaque. The words, engraved on the plate, jumped out at him. "Favorite Teacher. Voted by the Senior Class." He was impressed. He saw pictures of her. High school graduation. College graduation. Volleyball action shot. Nice legs, he thought. Glamour shots. He was again struck by how her entire face smiled. Her eyes, especially. He noticed something that made him stop and think. He looked again at the pictures of her and her daughter. Then he looked at the pictures of her from a few years ago. The eyes, he thought. Her smile doesn't reach her eyes anymore. He placed the picture frame down and saw one that he hadn't noticed before. A picture of a man. Formal. Serious. In uniform. With a black border. The little girl's words echoed in his mind. He went away she had said. When she was three. Last year. It was all starting to make more sense. He felt her beside him. "That's her father." He replaced the picture and turned to take the glass of soda from her. He slowly sipped it as he watched her move and sit down on the sofa. He had heard the sadness in her voice. But, he had also heard something else. What was it? Bitterness? Guilt? He walked towards her and sat down next to her. She looked at him and took a deep breath. "He was killed last year in the line of duty." He nodded silently, waiting for her to continue. He instinctively knew that she hadn't talked about him to anyone before. She needs this more than I do, he thought. He waited. "He was the one. The only man I had ever totally, completely, instantly, fallen head over heels in love with. And it was the same for him. We met at my school. He had been assigned there for the school year. But it wasn't enough. He wanted more action. So, he applied to the regular police department. He got assigned to the worst division in the city. He loved it." She stopped as the memories came flooding back to her. "What happened?" She didn't seem to hear him, lost among her memories. "I hated it. I hated the lonely nights. I hated the not knowing if he would be alive at the end of his shift. I hated it all. But I never told him. He was happy. So I never told him." She turned to look at him with sadness in her eyes. "I took the baby and moved out. He begged me to come back. He said he loved me. He told me that he had passed the exam, he was being moved to detectives. I...we came back." She sighed. "But it was still the same. He was assigned to Vice, and then Homicide. He loved the thrill. The action." She stared straight ahead, focusing on something only she could see. "One night, on a stake out of a homicide suspect, he was ambushed. Turned out that the suspect was also into the drug trade. He didn't have a chance. They found him in his car. Shot in the back of the head." She turned and looked directly into his eyes. "The day he was buried, I was buried too." "No, you weren't." He reached for her hands. She snatched them away. "Don't you understand? My heart died when I buried him. I can't love you! I won't love you!" She stood up as if to run away, but sat back down, her shoulders slumped in defeat. She whispered, "I loved him. With my heart and my soul. I have never loved anyone like that. Until you." He had been lost in his thoughts, thinking of reasons he could use to convince her that they belonged together. At her last words, his head jerked up and he looked at her. He saw her tear-stained face and never thought her more beautiful. He looked deep into her eyes. What he saw there convinced him that his was not a lost cause, in spite of what she had said. He kept silent and let her continue. "You know how I knew he and I were meant to be together? I looked into his eyes. You said once that the eyes are the mirrors into a person's soul. Do you remember that?" He nodded. "It's true. The first time I looked into his eyes, I knew. The connection was immediate. It was the same way with you. That night at the airport. I looked into your eyes and felt that same connection. That same bonding. I didn't think it was possible to fall in love at first sight. It's happened to me twice." She took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. "But, I won't fall in love with you. It's too painful. I have my daughter. I have my life here. I have my career. And I have your friendship. That's all I need." He listened to everything she said. He reached for her hand. "Who are you trying to convince, me or yourself?" She sobbingly sighed. "I don't want to be in love with you. I--" He cupped the side of her face and looked intently into her eyes. "I have been in love with you from the first time you opened your eyes and looked at me. It scared me. I didn't know what to do. I only knew that my life would never be the same. I've been going through the motions. I've only let a few people get close to me. My parents. My brother. My sister. I've played it safe, not wanting to hurt anyone. Not wanting to be hurt. I've never had a great love in my life. I've never had what you and he must have had, in spite of your problems." He removed his hand from her face and again clasped both of her hands in his. "Life isn't easy. Sometimes it isn't fair. I'm not a police officer. I'm an actor, and personally I think not a very good one." He smiled as he saw her eyes widen in surprise at his last statement. "I've been very lucky in my life and my career. I've met the right people, been in the right place at the right time, had the right audition when I needed it. I've been lucky. I guess luck is still with me, because I met you." "I can't promise that I won't die on you. Hopefully, we'll both live long lives. I can promise that I'll love you, I'll cherish you, and I'll take care of you as best I can." She listened to everything he said. As he talked, she felt the walls she had built around her heart begin to crumble. She wanted to love him. She wanted to be with him. If she were alone, she knew what she would do. But, she wasn't alone. She had responsibilities and obligations. He watched her as she debated with herself. He knew that what she wanted was fighting a losing battle with her sense of responsibility and obligation. He quickly spoke. "You've always put your needs second to everyone else. I know. I'm the same way. But, even the helpers need to be helped themselves. Take a chance." He saw that she wanted to grab at what he was offering, but was still unsure. He moved closer to her, his hand moving to stroke the side of her neck. "Don't you know that the eyes are the mirrors to your soul? What are mine saying to you?" He smiled and waited for her reply. She looked into his eyes. She physically shivered at the friendship, caring, and concern that she saw reflected in them. Beyond that, she saw something that convinced her to take what he was offering and hold it close to her heart. She saw love. She saw a second chance at complete happiness. She closed her eyes, said a quick prayer, and took a deep breath. She slowly opened her eyes, smiled, and let him see how she felt. He gasped. Her smile had reached her eyes. "They're saying that my sister is going to have an overnight guest." His smile widened and he drew her closer. "It's enough. For now." She met him halfway. As their lips met, she whispered against them. "I love you." "I know." ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 02:27:12 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Julie Mack Subject: Fanfic: FOR NOW, Chapter 6 (Finale) CHAPTER 6: The Eyes Have It He was awakened by a noise that sounded suspiciously like a thumb was being sucked. He cautiously opened one eye to see a pair of solemn brown eyes. The source of the noise was standing a few feet away from the bed, clutching a Winnie-the-Pooh doll close to her chest. She was studying him, her gaze never wavering. He sat up, opened his other eye, swung his legs over the side of the bed, and stared back, locking gazes with the little girl, looking directly into her eyes. She stared back, looking directly into his eyes. He had always won staring contests with his brother, and he wasn't above a little trickery to win. He winked. She continued to stare. "Does that taste good?" he asked. She continued to stare, slowly nodding her head up and down. The kid was good, he admitted. Nerves of steel. Then, as he was about to concede his defeat, she took her thumb out of her mouth, walked towards him, and proceeded to climb up the bed. He watched as she struggled, still clutching Winnie-the-Pooh. He almost reached out to help her, but something told him to let her do it by herself. After a few attempts, she finally succeeded in climbing up onto the bed. She then scrambled onto his lap, laid her head on his chest, stuck her thumb back in her mouth, and promptly fell asleep. His arms reflexively went around her, hugging her closer to him. He planted a soft kiss on top of her head, inhaling the sweet smell of shampoo. Trying not to wake her, he looked behind him and saw that the rest of the bed was empty. He brought one arm under the child's legs and stood up, cradling her. He gently placed her on the bed and brought the comforter up under her chin, tucking her in the way his mother used to do to him. The child snuggled deeper under the cover, clutching the doll and loudly sucking on her thumb. He gently stroked her hair and smiled. He was hooked. She had captured his heart as easily as her mother had. Thinking of her, he remembered back to last night and their lovemaking. They had both been so nervous, it was almost like the first time for both of them. In a way, it had been. She had been incredible. He had always enjoyed sex, but with her it was different. He had never been with a woman who was so responsive to his touch and to his kisses. It wasn't just about the physical act of joining with her, though. It was about the sharing that had occurred. The bonding. The promises. It was if admitting that she loved him had opened a dam of emotions in her. She shared everything with him. She told him her life story. She told him her dreams. She told him her fears. They had made love and cuddled and talked and made love again. The memory of her moans and cries as her orgasms came over her triggered a reaction from his body. He needed to see her. To prove that it hadn't been all a dream. That he really was here. With her. He reached for his shirt and pants. Taking another look at the sleeping child, he left the room. He found her in the kitchen, standing at the stove, softly humming to herself. He stood at the doorway and smiled. She felt his presence. She looked at him and smiled. "Well, there you are. Good morning." Her eyes smiled and sent him a message of love and warmth. He walked over to her and planted a soft kiss on her lips. "Good morning to you too." "Eggs?" "Sounds good, but---" "No bacon. I know. Too much fat." Her eyes twinkled with merriment. She put her spatula down and reached for a piece of paper. "Here." She held the paper out to him. "What is it?" "My autograph. Address. Phone number. Screen name. All of it." He laughed and her heart skipped a beat at the sound. "Touche. You remembered." "Yeah, I did." Her voice felt like a warm caress. "I had an interesting wake up call." "Oh, she found you. Who won the staring contest?" "She did. Is her gaze always that intense? I felt like I was being dissected and examined." She nodded and bit into a piece of toast, holding another piece out him. "Mmm hmm. I've told her to always look people in the eyes. That way she can tell if they're a good person or a bad person. Why? What did she do?" He described to her what had occurred. As he related the events, her smile got bigger and wider until she was grinning from ear to ear. She turned off the stove and walked over to him. She walked into his embrace and kissed him. Thoroughly. Deeply. Intensely. She kissed him to tell him that she was happy. She kissed him to tell him that she was his friend for life. She kissed him to tell him that she loved him. "What was that for?" "She likes you." "Yeah, well, I like her too." She shook her head as if she were talking to a child. "No, you don't understand. She likes you. What she did? The climbing into your lap and all that?" "Yeah?" "She's only done that with two people. Me --" He finished the sentence for her. "And her father." Her smile lost a little bit of its brightness. "Yeah. Her father." She moved to leave his embrace. "Hey, hey, hey. Not so fast." He held her close. "You okay?" She looked at him and saw the concern in his eyes. "Yeah. I'm okay. We've got to talk." "Okay." He released her and sat down at the kitchen table. She finished preparing his breakfast and came and sat down across from him. "Last night --" "Was incredible." She smiled. "Yeah, it was. I've never been like that with anyone. It was special. Magical." "But?" "But, it's time to face reality." "Even Cinderella got her Prince Charming." "Cinderella is a fairy tale." "And I'm not Prince Charming. But, I'm here. Now. In your kitchen. Eating your eggs and toast. Got any jam?" She got up and went to the refrigerator, returning with a jar of strawberry preserves. She sat back down and took a deep breath, slowly letting it out. "What now?" He spread the jam on his toast. "You tell me. I'll do anything you want. Except let you leave my life again." "I don't know if I can do this." He put down his knife and toast and reached across the table for her hand. "I love you." "And I love you." "That's enough. For now. I'm new at this love stuff myself. I don't know what to do next." At that moment, a loud yell of "Mommy!" interrupted them. They both grinned and got up from the table together. "Well, I know what's next. Rugrats." "Huh?" "Hello? Rugrats. Tommy. Chuckie. Phil and Lil. You know, the cartoon." "Oh yeah. Right. The cartoon." They both laughed as they watched the little girl come into the kitchen, still clutching Winnie-the-Pooh. "Mommy? Why you laughing?" He reached down and picked her up. She stared into his eyes. He winked. She giggled. "Mommy? The man is funny." "Yes, sweetie, he is. Should we keep him around?" Please say yes, he silently pleaded. "Okay." He quickly glanced at her and then at her mother. What he saw in both their eyes made him smile. He passed the girl over to her. "Well, you passed inspection, big guy. But...." "But?" "If you're gonna hang with us gals, you're gonna have to stay up to date with all the cartoons. Sweetheart, why don't you show the man where Nickelodeon is on TV and tell him all about Rugrats?" She put the girl down and she promptly walked over to him. She placed her hand in his and led him away, chattering about Phil and Chuckie. As he was dragged away, he turned back and said the one thing that made him perfect to her. "This doesn't change anything. I will always be your friend. I love you." With that he swooped up the child and ran out of the kitchen, silly noises and a little girl's laughter following their exit. She stood there, arms crossed, shaking her head and smiling indulgently. "And I love you. That's enough. For now." "....and, as it fades to black, the credits begin to roll. Well, waddaya think? Lights!" The lights came on in the screening room. The director looked anxiously at the producer. He stared silently at the darkened screen, apparently lost in thought. He removed his glasses and rubbed at his eyes. He turned to talk to the man sitting behind him. "And you wrote this?" He grinned lopsidedly. "Well, you know me. I never was very comfortable in front of the camera. The commercials, the television, the movies? They were all just a way to allow me to do what I really wanted to do." "And that is?" "Write. I've always wanted to be a screenwriter." "That's it? Just a writer?" "That's it." The producer shook his head. "Too bad. I always liked your work in front of the camera. But I can see that you're going to be in demand as a writer." He turned to the director. "This is good. Very good. Let's talk about how we want to distribute this." The producer and director got up and left the room, deep in conversation. They watched them leave. He turned to her and asked, "So?" She looked into his eyes and saw the uncertainty and the need for reassurance. She warmly smiled and cupped the side of his face. "I loved it. I love you. He's right you know. It's very good." "Really?" "Really. But, you don't need me to tell you that." "I know. But, I needed you to tell me." "I know." He leaned towards her and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. "Let's get out of here." She saw the love and desire in his eyes. She knew that she had the same look in hers. "Yes. Let's go home." "Home?" "Home." He stood up and reached for her. She placed her hand in his and again felt that familiar jolt of electricity. She carefully stood with his help. He placed his hand over her rounded abdomen. "You okay?" She nodded. "I have my daughter. I have you. I have this baby on it's way. It's enough." "For now?" "For always." She moved into his open arms and looked directly into his eyes. He smiled at what he saw. She really is beautiful, he thought. Especially when her smile reaches her eyes. "I love you." "I know." THE END Well, FoLCs, that's it. Again, I hope you enjoyed this little journey through Fantasyland (BTW, this was written *way* before a certain green twistie-tie ended up on a country music singer's finger ). Any thoughts, comments, compliments, or criticisms are welcome at ;) Julie (a teacher by choice, a FoLC by the grace of God) ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 04:32:04 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: The Zoomway Subject: Re: Reading, Writing & 'Rithmetic . . . oops wrong group [was Re: Ideas] >>>I haven't read. I do seem to remember a story where Superman ends up in bed with Lois before telling her . . . the secret, not that they're in bed, hehehe . . . thought I might want to clear that up. I would hope Lois might figure out the other on her own . . <<< No, sounds like a different story from mine. In my story Clark thinks he's lost his powers and goes to Lois for help as Superman. Faced with perhaps never having his powers again, and thus never being Superman again, he's ready to tell Lois that he's Clark after he gets angry during this brief scene from the story: Lois looked at him and her expression seemed to change rapidly from shock to anger. She grabbed his cape, and pulled it out slightly. "Is this all you think you are, Superman? A costume? A bag of tricks?" Clark felt his anger rising as well. That was exactly how he had viewed Superman, and it galled him that Lois pretended to see some other significance. "All right, Lois. You tell me. What am I without my power?" "Not 'what', Superman--'who'! Without the costume and the power you're still a decent man, a good person." She shook her head. "I've always cared about the man underneath the costume, Superman." This had angered Clark even more. Lois was coming perilously close to her 'I'd love you even if you were an ordinary' man speech from last year. "Okay, Lois. What kind of person am I?" He had asked this question in hopes she would more or less describe her partner Clark Kent, and then he would derive great pleasure in revealing to her--that is precisely who he was, and had always been. With his powers gone, he felt he had nothing to lose in making the revelation because his life as Superman would be effectively over. Lois placed one hand on the back of the sofa, and the other on her hip. It was a rather striking prosecuting attorney pose. "If the costume and the power define you, then let's hypothetically give them to someone else." "Give them to--" "Lex Luthor, for example." "That's not a fair example, Lois." Clark shook his head. "He abused power even when it was just in human terms. What about the decent people I know? Perry, Jimmy, you...Clark." "Okay, Perry then. I can tell you right now, Perry White would hate having your power and responsibility. He loves the Planet, but just like you, he's a decent guy and would go out and try to do the right thing, but he'd be miserable. You've never seen Perry when he's on to the 'big' story. He's like a kid, Superman, and the idea that he'd be constantly dragged away from that--" "Jimmy then." Lois Laughed. "Poor, Jimmy. He's at an age where he wants to prove himself, but doesn't quite have the experience to pull it off. He wants to make Perry proud, and at the same time make women fall at his feet. If he got your power he'd have all that overnight. As much as I like Jimmy, he'd probably become pretty obnoxious." Lois shuddered. "He'd probably try and make your costume look cooler too, like wearing a leather jacket instead of a cape." Clark smiled. She was right about Jimmy. "And Lois Lane?" Lois dropped onto the sofa. "She'd be the worst. She'd probably be resentful of people always needing her help. She'd probably have cards printed up saying 'get a life' and leave one with anybody she saved." Clark laughed. "I don't think you'd be that bad, Lois." "No, but I'd be close. I wouldn't want your job." "That just leaves--" "Clark." Lois smiled. "He'd come the closest to filling your shoes...well, your boots. I'm just afraid he'd be too sweet and compassionate to be truly affective." "What?" "Now don't get upset, Superman. You're sweet and compassionate too, it's just that I think Clark would go overboard a little." Lois thought for a moment. "Superman, do you remember what you said to Baby Rage after you restrained him for the police?" "Not precisely." "You said, 'I hope you enjoy showering in groups'." Clark winced. He had said that, and it did sound a bit mean- spirited. "I guess I did." "Clark would 'never' have said anything like that," she smiled. "In fact, knowing Clark, he probably would have talked to Baby Rage for two hours trying to get his life back on a positive track. Heck," she shrugged. "He even got a job for a kid named Jack who had burglarized his apartment! That's just the kind of guy Clark is." Oh, my God! Clark thought. She's right. He did act differently as Clark and Superman. ********************************* Remember I wrote this story way back in early 2nd season before there was any hint of romance really going on between Lois and Clark. The series at that point kept throwing Lois and Superman together, usually in the last five minutes of the episode At any rate, Joe had chosen me to write this story for him because he had read one of the first fanfics I'd written titled It's About Time where Clark comes to a similar realization that Superman does in this story, re: that Lois views both Superman and Clark as having different temperaments, personalities, character traits, etc. Only in the other story, he's "Clark" when he comes to this realization. In Joe's story he's "Superman" Confused yet? To make a short story shorter, the above scene continues and then Clark initiates a kiss, it intensifies and ...well... nature takes its course What cheesed people off is that Clark enters into an intimate, romantic relationship with Lois *as* Superman and doesn't tell her he's really Clark. If it had been a story I was writing for myself, I wouldn't have had Clark take that route, but that's what Joe wanted and the story was for him ;) I did have Lois concede that Clark and Superman shared many of the same positive traits, just that Lois felt they shared them to a different degree and that there was a bit more of an "edge" to Superman than to Clark and that Clark had more patience (hee hee ;) I hadn't read the story in a long time and so it was funny noticing I had Lois speculating how she'd cope if given Superman's powers >>I'm always amazed when someone says they've never read a romance before because any love story in any format is a romance.<<< I think those of us who said we never read a romance were referring to that genre of novel, not that we haven't run across a novel in some other genre that contained a romance. I've certainly run into romances in science fiction and fantasy ;) Oh, and my favorite author, as un-hip as it might be, is Dickens ;) (my favorite part of A Christmas Carol is where the ghost says to beware of the children he has hidden under his robe. One is named "want" and the other is named "ignorance". He tells Scrooge to beware of them both, but especially the boy named "ignorance" because written upon his brow is "doom" for all mankind...I just thought that was so cool ;) ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 08:56:58 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Farah Meitzen Chisham Subject: kool-aid fanfic Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" I found this on Yahoo and thought it was rather humurous: > > Kool-Aid Fan-Fic - a series of adventures featuring the Kool-Aid Man endlessly battling the forces of evil in the name > of all that is good (Kool-Aid). > Here is the url: farah :) ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 27 Sep 1997 07:43:27 +1000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jenny Stosser Subject: Re: Zoom's story/ies In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 04:32 AM 26/09/97 -0400, The Zoomway wrote: >No, sounds like a different story from mine. In my story Clark thinks he's >lost his powers and goes to Lois for help as Superman. Faced with perhaps >never having his powers again, and thus never being Superman again, he's >ready to tell Lois that he's Clark after he gets angry during this brief >scene from the story: > > Lois looked at him and her expression seemed to change rapidly >from shock to anger. She grabbed his cape, and pulled it out >slightly. "Is this all you think you are, Superman? A costume? A >bag of tricks?" ... Zoomie, zoomie, zoomie! Now that you've tantalised us with part of your story, I think you need to either tell us the names of both the stories you mention here or repost them both to this list. I don't think I've ever read either of the stories you mention here, and I suspect there are other's who would like to see them (again) too! -- Jenny Stosser -*- -*- (Jenerator or MoiAussie on IRC) This message is umop ap!sdn -*- David is 5 and Megan is 2! Photos on the Stosser Family HomePage: Please Visit! ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 18:59:37 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Julie Mack Subject: whoa! check this out.... I found this on the AOL Mindy McCready Message Board....... >>Subject: Re: Dean and Mindy Date: 25 Sep 1997 04:20:22 EDT From: Writer JCM Message-id: <> Hey gang, I have never posted here before but thought I would cruise through to see what is happening here....Boy was I in for a back-biting in all over the board?! Word up crew...I PERSONALLY talked to Dean a week ago(Mindy was signing autographs in another room) and he is blissfully for where they will be living..he says that they haven't decided but WERE leaning towards Nashville because it was a better place to raise a family ( and,no, Mindy isn't pregnant). He is not giving up his career...rather he is going to be choosier about the roles he takes and doesn't feel he needs to be in LA to do his job( most assignments are out of state anyway). Mindy also seems very happy about the impending marriage. She was giving him some pretty passionate kisses. They haven't set a date yet and are trying to find time between their busy schedules. I hope that clears up any of the fussing that have been going on. How do I know all of this...I interviewed Mindy and did a mini interview with Dean...... << What I find kind of interesting are the words used to describe Dean and Te....ooops! Sorry, force of habit! :/ I mean, Dean and *Mindy* (memo to self: It's Mindy, lunkhead, Mindy!)... >>...Dean *is* blisfully happy......<< >>...Mindy *seems* very happy....<< Ah, semantics! A wonderful thing..... ;) Julie ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 18:59:03 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Stark Subject: Re: Looking for Lois Lane Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 04:54 AM 9/25/97 -0400, Zoomway wrote: >Jack was a "gimmick" that didn't pan out. *Superman* is a gimmick. We can all thing of episodes where the gimmick panned out, and others where it didn't >I also think near the end of Fly >Hard, the cryptic exchange between Jack and Clark gave the hint that Clark >was aware of what Jack suspected. I really can't think of a reason for a >juvenile boy to be Clark's confidante. Jimmy's, sure, but not Clark's. So? Jack plays it cool and Clark stops suspecting him. Jack, in awe of him, tries to help. Maybe I'll fanfic this... :) >>>>h, but he took Rachel to the prom. In Honeymoon in Metropolis, both of >them >admitted to not having lived with anyone. I suspect by "relationship" he >meant the kind he wanted to have with Lois. I suspect he had quite a few >girlfriends.<<< > >I knew a guy who went to the prom with his cousin because he couldn't get a >date Clark said he'd dated and had girlfriends, but if he excludes >'relationship' from either of those definitions, then it sounds like he knew >girls he could go to the movies with or a school dance, but not someone who >even qualified as a "steady". In COTOC he referred to Lois as the only woman >who's ever really been in his life. I gotta say too that when he hugged >Rachel, it was like two good friends, and not two people who had anything >terribly hot going on Okay, I'll agree that Rachel was not the one with whom he stepped right up and got a good look at the intimacy threshold... yet, like it or not, according to Dean (in VD) Clark did it with *someone*... ;) >>>>After all, he didn't learn to kiss like he was able to (and he sure wasn't >shy about endulging in it)<<<< > >I learned to kiss playing "truth or dare" not in a relationship I can't >speak for everyone, but kissing is something I learned before even had a >date. The kissing I learned back then did help once I was in a relationship >though I think before truth or dare, there was spin the bottle. Well... okay. We'll have to fanfic CK learning how to kiss, too :) >>>>Was it hard because his parents' romance was atypical >or because Lois's parents' romance was? Difficult to say...<<< > >No, the supposition was that Clark's parents were good examples. They were, >but Clark didn't know what their courtship was like and due to that he had >unrealistic expectations. He wanted the perfection he perceived his parents >lived, but didn't know what hard times they may have had to go through to >achieve that. And I guess he didn't know how many roadblocks Lois, who clearly did not want to be in that relationship at all, would throw before him to make it so very, very hard, thus making his expectations unrealistic. [sorry, turning off sarcasm mode...] There. I don't think his expectations--a job, a home, a family--were unrealistic, mainly because he had attained nearly all of them by the end of the series. Clark got the job, he made a home for himself and then one with Lois (who was the one pushing him most for the relationship and who accepted him as Superman pretty well, so I don't see Superman as being a roadblock any more), and the family need not mean Lois giving birth, for CK also got all the other Lanes in the marriage deal. Of course, you may indeed mean all the villains, and I agree they made things difficult but in theory they should not have made L&Cs relationship itself difficult (forgetting the Frog thing). The only problem I saw in the courtship itself (other than it being, IMO, too short and marred by A plots) was Lois uncharacteristically deciding she could throw herself into any danger and Superman would be there to protect her. Then CK, thinking Lois being around Superman too much was endangering her, broke off his--CK's--relationship with her. If this is the "hard times" you mean, I agree. He had no clue about how stupid he would be seen to be by the chorus out here in the hinterland. His dumping Lois made no sense and Lois was right to dump him right back. >>>>No, I still >don't see why he had this trouble. I can understand her wariness, just not >his. He must have thought he could make it work or he wouldn't have proposed to >her<<< >You still don't see why Lois had to adjust to the truth when she thought >originally she was in love with a guy from this planet who only had one >job? You make it sound like finding out the truth about why he was dashing >off solved *all* their problems, like the "truth" was no more profound than >discovering he slurped soup loudly. He also proposed without telling her the >truth, that's an interesting concept of thinking "he could make it work" >right there. Yes, he's from another planet (a fact of life), and, yes, he proposed before he told her (not smart). However, I see that she seemed to have gotten over both things by the end of WHALTTA and by the end of OP had decided it was nicer to fly home with Superman than to do the ordinary thing with Clark and wait for the boat. I also see her as being flexible and capable of maturely assessing her situation and as realizing how good she now had it. Maybe the problem is that *he* didn't see it that way? That could be it. Maybe he really didn't believe he'd ever see his dreams fulfilled? >>>>But where did CK get that sulky attitude? (poor writing?) (yes)<<<< > >Clark blatantly sulked all the way back in Requiem for a Superhero. It was >apparently part of his character, or something he was most definitely capable >of. I call that "continuity" not "poor writing" Maybe he was more New Kryptonian than we realized... ;) I say it was poor characterization because writing Clark Kent as sulky, somewhat juvenile and immature person (IMO) was easier for a string of writers (hmm, how many writers did work on the show...?) to handle than someone with a complex, detailed character with a past full of world-wide experiences. Fortunately, we can handle such a person in fanfic :) [some snips] [re why Perry talking to Lois would have been better, IMO, than CK teaching Lois a lesson] >>>>After some heming >and hawing she'd breakdown (as she was wont to do) and admit to him (her >father figure) that she had no idea what she was doing. He'd counsel her and >let her off with a warning :)<<< > >That's fairly anticlimactic, and it doesn't give her co-workers any sense of >importance, or that what they went though was valued in any way. Have you ever been in an office setting where someone is having or causing problems and they are called into the boss's office for a little chat? It makes everyone left behind feel a lot better that management has clearly (finally) taken some notice of the situation. It tells those left behind (who are busy grinning at each other) that their work *is* valued and the trouble maker is going to be at minimum counselled about disrupting that work. >Also it would be deep denial for Lois to tell Perry she didn't know what she was >doing. But that's what she told Lucy. She had a good relationship with Perry, better than that with her father. She'd admit her problems and her fears to him. >A breach of journalistic ethics that big, she'd know what she was >doing, or if she didn't, she had no business being a journalist. Perry giving >her a slap on the wrist also would send a bad message to the rest of the >reporters. Not the Perry I know. He'd listen to her and let her get it out of her system, then he'd counsel and advise her (this is first season Perry I'm talking about here) and personally I think she'd feel better. She'd buckle down and work twice as hard to make up for it. Perry and the staff already know she's a hard worker and a good journalist. Thus they find her behavior toward Superman bizarre even for "Mad Dog Lane." They value her, but they'd like her to calm down on that one thing. Clark values her, but he doesn't have the experience working with her that all her peers do. So were I one of those (not Clark) left behind when Perry called Lois in for a little chat, I'd hope she'd come out still spitting fire (I think Perry would know precisely how to encourage that, too), but having gotten over her uncharacteristic behavior. The staff would know this, they'd feel it. She *might* even apologize to Jimmy and turn around and help him get a story even though, as you point out, what Jimmy needed was the courage to stand up to Perry. (As we know, Perry was waiting for this, too.) Lois might not be able to see this (for she has a good relationship with Perry), but helping Jimmy with a story (as he helps her with her stories) might be her way of apologizing. I do though understand that this would be unlikely to get on TV (other than on PBS), but I'd still like to have seen it done this way :) It might have been instructive to everyone. >That's why the best way to handle the infraction was to put it on >a peer level because Perry to be fair to everyone who had suffered the >infraction and to make an example of Lois's behavior being unacceptable, >would have to suspend her a couple of weeks or something equally punitive. I might agree with you if we saw this happen every day in the newsroom, peers handling infractions at peer level, but we didn't. It would be interesting if after that it became CK's job to act as judge and jury to his peers. He might be good at that kind of relationship. >>>>sitting through dreadful country music >(I ran away from Oklahoma due in part to this) >so Dean and Mindy *better* show up!!!<<<< > >Hey, because of my job I had to sit through the Tony Danza show, believe me, >there are worse fates and there was *zero* chance Dean would put in an >appearance there ;) At least you get paid for it (I assume). Also, I could fast forward :) > (who kept looking at the clock wondering why time had slowed >;) Debby who notes that a burglar in Santa Fe should consider a career change (or going into network TV programming) as he decided to steal a python... ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 21:32:15 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kathy Brown Subject: Re: Zoom's story/ies In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 7:43 AM +1000 9/27/97, Jenny Stosser wrote: >Zoomie, zoomie, zoomie! Now that you've tantalised us with part of your >story, I think you need to either tell us the names of both the stories you >mention here or repost them both to this list. > >I don't think I've ever read either of the stories you mention here, and I >suspect there are other's who would like to see them (again) too! These stories are on the Archive. They are called "If You Can't Beat 'Em" (Joe's story, written by Zoom) and "Join 'Em", the sequel that wraps it up very nicely (and I can't remember the author's name right now .. Kari?) Kathy ______________________ Kathy Brown KathyB on IRC ______________________ ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 27 Sep 1997 00:00:04 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Ethel \"Terri\" Addison" Subject: "...thinking about whether an individual response is more appropriate...." To ALL List Members (which is why I'm posting this to the list): I definitely have an opinion about this, too. I'm a very fortunate writer, as I have a live writers' group I can rely on to give me feedback. Other people on this list aren't so lucky. This list is the perfect opportunity for them to bounce ideas off each other, to read each other's thoughts and feelings on the L&C TV series, and to have ideas of their own spark as they read the posts by other people. If we start saying that the only thing allowed on this list is fanfic, and that all other messages should be sent to the individuals, a lot of opportunity will be lost for brainstorming. As ALL of my writers' workshop professors said, "You get ideas from the darnedest places--IF your mind is OPEN to them." Point #2: No offense meant, either, but list members can't be responsible for other list members' e-mail habits. I must admit that when I first got on e-mail, my mother hardly got to USE her new computer because I was hogging it all the time. I also still have LOISCLA Digests that date back to mid-July that I haven't even read. The latter is because I realized that other parts of my life were beginning to suffer because of my obsession with e-mail. So I now read only the messages pertaining directly to me (I don't even read family e-mail anymore unless my name is in the subject), so I can keep up with the things I consider to be more important--like my sleep, and so my health. If a member of this list is unable to care about himself or herself enough to tear away from the monitor and get the required Z's, that is not the list's problem. That is that person's problem. If I am wrong, or if I have spoken out of turn, I will accept a tongue-lashing from FARAH--and NO ONE ELSE. Sincerely, Carol A. ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 27 Sep 1997 01:12:25 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Kathy Brown Subject: TAN: Re: "...thinking about whether an individual response is more appropriate...." In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 12:00 AM -0400 9/27/97, Ethel \"Terri\" Addison wrote: >If we start saying that the only thing allowed on this list is fanfic, >and that all other messages should be sent to the individuals, a lot of >opportunity will be lost for brainstorming. As ALL of my writers' >workshop professors said, "You get ideas from the darnedest places--IF >your mind is OPEN to them." I agree that this list should be for fanfic discussion as well as actual stories. However, that's not how I interpreted Laurie's post. She didn't make that request in response to the "Reading" thread or the "Looking for Lois Lane" thread. She made it in response to a post that basically said "sorry I haven't posted lately, but I've been busy and I'll post again soon." IMO, her request was legitimate, and it's the same guideline that's been on LOISCLA from the beginning. Whenever you have this many people posting on a listserv, the mail volume gets difficult to deal with. When people are responding to a thread about L&C, great. But when we have people posting off topic or "me too" posts, it contributes unnecessarily to the mail volume. Some people even have to pay for the time it takes to download their messages. We don't have an FAQ yet, as far as I know. We are a new group, spun off from LOISCLA and feeling our way as far as rules go. Most of us have been on LOISCLA at one time or another, so I don't think it's unreasonable to use that list's rules as a starting point for our own. Combo posts, signal to noise ratio (i.e. "does everyone need to see this?"), not quoting someone's entire message in your response, keeping sig files short, no "me too" messages ... the list goes on. Or, for example, putting TAN on a thread that is off topic (short for TANGENT). >If I am wrong, or if I have spoken out of turn, I will accept a >tongue-lashing from FARAH--and NO ONE ELSE. You gave your opinion, and I'm giving mine. You want to be free to post what you want, so I'm sure you weren't intending to limit my right to do the same. Were you? Kathy ______________________ Kathy Brown KathyB on IRC ______________________ ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 27 Sep 1997 03:36:53 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Julie Mack Subject: Re: FOR NOW/A slight change Thank you to all the FoLCs who have commented on my fanfic. Your comments and encouragement have shown me that these other stories running around in my head will find a welcome home One slight change is necessary, though, in FOR NOW. The little girl should be about *two* years old.....not four. I'm slightly embarrassed about this seeing as I have a four year old and a six year old of my own. My two were talking in complete sentences and using *I* by the time they were three. All I can say is....duh! It's not a glaring mistake. Well, except to those Mommy FoLCs with their own little "rugrats". Thanks. At least the story stays the same Thanks again for all the kind words ;) Julie ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 27 Sep 1997 05:19:22 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: The Zoomway Subject: Re: "...thinking about whether an individual response is more app >>>This list is the perfect opportunity for them to bounce ideas off each other, to read each other's thoughts and feelings on the L&C TV series, and to have ideas of their own spark as they read the posts by other people>>> Well, there's things I agree and disagree with in this post. I do agaree that this e-mail list is more than just "fanfic". If it were not, then it would be rather empty most of the time I would hope with this though, that it would be kept on topic. The 'search for Lois Lane' did start out in that vein but drifted. I responded to Debby's latest post, but responded to it on LOISCLA where the "drifted" thread is much more in line with LOISCLA's function and topics. In fairness to Debby though, she posted in one of our "back and forth" debates about "Keeping the fanfic list alive" and she was right. At that point in time, there was little traffic of any kind on this list including fanfic. So little that some subscribers were writing asking if the list was down. I apologize for asking subscribers of this list what they like to read in the sense of professional, published works. I did not ask for a private e-mail response because I thought it would be fun for us to find out where we're alike and where we differ in our taste as far as fiction goes. I honestly didn't intend to cause an emotional upset for one of the subscribers. Something similar had been done on LOISCLA "what TV shows do you watch other than Lois and Clark?" And that thread caused no problem and subscribers enjoyed participating. It was discovered that fans of L&C are pretty esoteric in their taste since many who responded said they watached very little network television outside of Lois and Clark. >>>No offense meant, either, but list members can't be responsible for other list members' e-mail habits<<< This I agree with given the proviso that we're talking about subscribers obeying the rules when posting. Through the years running or co-running LOISCLA there have been attempts by some posters to cow fellow subscribers into posting only what to their mind is legitimate. This in turn forces me to post and remind them that LOISCLA is a dictatorship and I'm the dictator On this list Farah is the dictator and what she says goes. I bring up this point because there was a post made a couple of years ago where a poster made a comment that anything other than what she considered important was "clutter" and so that hurt the feelings of a lot of people who simply had "fun" with the things she relegated to "clutter" status. They suddenly became embarrassed or reluctant to post feeling their contribution would be judged unimportant. >>> If a member of this list is unable to care about himself or herself enough to tear away from the monitor and get the required Z's, that is not the list's problem. That is that person's problem.<<<<< I think from time to time we're all a bit guilty of giving a bit more time to the fandom than we should, but if it does start impacting a person's work and personal life then there's a problem. Right now with the new TV season I don't have nearly as much time to post (stop cheering ;) because I have way too many clients this time of year. I set aside two hours a day to read and/or respond to list mail (one hour of it is during lunch ;) and that's it. The rest of the day belongs to my work and my family. Fun stuff I had more time for before the new season started like reading and posting to MBs or writing fanfic or nfic on the IRC (not to mention just generally goofing around) have to be curtailed (waaaaaaahhhh! sorry, it was cry of sorrow ;) It's like Clark said, you have to learn to prioritize I may actually get a break on Saturday because my work is nearly caught least till Monday ;) For the time being, I think we should have a litte patience with each other and wait for Farah to post whatever rules this listserv has. This list isn't as broad-based as LOISCLA and realistically shouldn't be. That is topics like Dean and Mindy, or Teri's latest movie, soundtracks and on and on wouldn't have a legitimate place here. However I agree strongly with you that the list shouldn't just be fanfic stories. I think it should also be a forum for discussing fanfic and issues that might impact on fanfic (like copyright laws) and sharing ideas of fanfic, etc. >>>f I am wrong, or if I have spoken out of turn, I will accept a tongue-lashing from FARAH--and NO ONE ELSE.<<< Well I don't think I gave you a tongue lashing, but you have to be prepared for others to offer differing opinions once in a while ;) zoom ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 27 Sep 1997 05:26:55 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: The Zoomway Subject: Re: Zoom's story/ies In a message dated 97-09-26 21:31:44 EDT, you write: << >Zoomie, zoomie, zoomie! Now that you've tantalised us with part of your >story, I think you need to either tell us the names of both the stories you >mention here or repost them both to this list. > >I don't think I've ever read either of the stories you mention here, and I >suspect there are other's who would like to see them (again) too! >> The two stories I spoke of were "If You Can't Beat 'Em" (the one I wrote for Joe) and the other was "It's About Time" Another writer asked permission to write a sequel to the "beat 'em" story because she was so disturbed by Clark living with Lois intimately as Superman It was so long ago I don't even recall the author but I think the title was "Join 'Em". Any L&C fanfic I've written is at my site: I'll work on an index that will give a synopsis of the stories.....if I get some free time anytime soon ;) Zoom ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 27 Sep 1997 12:31:56 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Farah Meitzen Chisham Subject: rules will be appearing Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 05:19 AM 9/27/97 -0400, you wrote: >For the time being, I think we should have a litte patience with each other >and wait for Farah to post whatever rules this listserv has. This list isn't >as broad-based as LOISCLA and realistically shouldn't be. That is topics like >Dean and Mindy, or Teri's latest movie, soundtracks and on and on wouldn't >have a legitimate place here. However I agree strongly with you that the list >shouldn't just be fanfic stories. I think it should also be a forum for >discussing fanfic and issues that might impact on fanfic (like copyright >laws) and sharing ideas of fanfic, etc. >zoom Hey fellow folcs! Sorry I have been so lazy on this subject. I am in the middle of job finding and quitting my wonderful serving job that I have at a great resturaunt. For one, I created this list for fanfic posting, discussing fanfic or anything else regarding this subject may want to, or for general information like "the list at trearn is down again". What's so fun about this list is I haven't noticed anything that i would consider not being appropriate on this list. Well, except for something that happened early on ;). There has been alot of new subscribers recently .. and welcome to those who have joined in the last week! I will write a new welcome message for this list and will post it on the list. I have been really busy, but within the next month, my life should settle down. So keep writing and don't get frustrated. New lists have to have some time to get the kinks out. GOtta fly! farah farah :) ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 27 Sep 1997 14:59:37 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Margaret Brignell Subject: Re: Clark Fic Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 11:18 AM 24/09/97 -0700, Sara Kraft wrote: >I've read several Clark fics and thoroughly enjoyed them. In fact, I think >they were some what of a series by this wonderful lady named Margaret >Brignell. I found that I was able to understand the present Clark much >better with reading his background. Margaret writes Clark wonderfully, his >emotions and mannerisms and such. Why thank you:D I should point out that if it hadn't been for Debby, the "series" would never have happened:) (It all started with a few paragraphs to explain why Clark wears glasses. Then Debby asked if I didn't think something exciting should happen to Clark...and the rest as they say is history) >Sara Kraft (, who can't wait to find some free time in >which to read TUFS #1 and the new Dawning. Free time? What's that? Margaret Who'd be a second-stringer for the Weehawkin Gazette without the people who proof her work;) ****************************** Margaret Brignell Ottawa, Canada %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% My fanfic now available at: ****************************** ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 27 Sep 1997 13:59:05 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Adrienne Perez Subject: List Expectations was ("...thinking about whether an )i In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 12:00 AM 9/27/97 -0400, you wrote: > This >list is the perfect opportunity for them to bounce ideas off each other, >to read each other's thoughts and feelings on the L&C TV series, and to >have ideas of their own spark as they read the posts by other people. > >If we start saying that the only thing allowed on this list is fanfic, >and that all other messages should be sent to the individuals, a lot of >opportunity will be lost for brainstorming. I missed the first week this list was running but I don't know if there's been a real discussion of what people expected to get from the list. It is also early yet for a specific FAQ. I didn't write the post that Carol is apparently responding to...but I could have written something similar. I almost did. Right now I'm taking a wait and see attitude as to what this list will evolve to be. What I expected to be able to do was read and discuss fanfic. By discussing fanfic I mean talking about specific pieces or types of fanfic, the process of writing, characterization as it relates to fanfic, etc.. You know...literary stuff. I considered the Reading thread a nice one-shot way for peolpe to come out of lurkdom. I really hope this list doesn't turn out to be a mini-LOISCLA. By that I mean that I don't want to discuss "where the series went wrong", Sightings, birthday cards, nicknames for abc, etc. Don't get me wrong, I like like LOISCLA. I just don't need two. A suggestion for slow periods. Maybe some of the authors would be willing to repost their old fanfic and put it up for discussion. Sort of like reruns or maybe we can call it "Classic Fanfic"?! >Point #2: >If a member of this list is unable to care about himself or herself >enough to tear away from the monitor and get the required Z's, that is >not the list's problem. That is that person's problem. You're right. But as others have suggested many of us hope that other list members practice some self restraint in their posts. Such as: Kathy wrote: >Combo posts, signal to noise ratio (i.e. "does everyone need to see >this?"), not quoting someone's entire message in your response, keeping sig >files short, no "me too" messages ... the list goes on. My personal pet peeve is when a tread has gone on for a looonnngg time and is essentially just a debate between two people. >If I am wrong, or if I have spoken out of turn, I will accept a >tongue-lashing from FARAH--and NO ONE ELSE. > >Sincerely, > >Carol A. > Carol, if you insist on posting what are private issues with other list members to a public forum...then IMO you have to be prepared to receive a public repsonse. Adrienne ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 27 Sep 1997 16:34:11 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Jeanne Pare Subject: Reading At 1:12 AM -0400 9/22/97, The Zoomway wrote: > I think that's what I'd be >interested in hearing on the fanfic list. What do the readers and writers >read when they get an honest-to-goodness published novel? > Anyway, I'd really be interested in favorite novels, authors, genres, etc. Well, I know I'm responding to this a little late. I am just today catching up on my email. First, my 'puter was down for a few days. I had to go to court with my daughter Wed. night (She slipped and fell 35 feet down a 70 foot precipice in August-The Palisades- breaking her collar bone and some ribs. The police officer gave her a ticket for climbing (which she wasn't-It was 20 feet from a picnic table-no signs-we should sue, but I'm not that way). The judge thought this was very funny because in all his years as judge he had a case like this...Anyway, a good laugh for the judge...a wasted night for us). Thurs, night was "Back to School Night." When I was a child I would read all the Superman comics. I also loved Zorro and Robin Hood. The first novel I remember loving was Gone With the Wind which I read when I was 13. That started my joy of reading. I was very much into SF during my teens, reading authors whose names I have long forgotten. I remember particularly being entranced with The Lord of the Rings trilogy, but there were many others. During this time period I also read many of the classics (usually required reading). I especially liked Dickens, Cervantes (Don Quijote), and Edgar Allen Poe (I read the complete works..almost..even his essays). During my adult life I have always liked to read mysteries and historical fiction. I guess I have read every Agatha Christie available ( I tend to enjoy a certain author and read everything I can get my hands on written by that person). I also read a great deal of Taylor Caldwell, Tony Hillerman, and Michael Crichton. One of my present favorites is Lillian Jackson Baun (The Cat Who...) probably because it combines my love of murder mysteries with my love for my cats (I have 3 Tonkinese, a hybrid of Siamese). I was engrossed in Jean Auel's series on The Cave Bear, etc. I find her work fascinating, and I can't wait for her to come out with another book. These days (I'm in my third computer year :), I seem to read more non-fiction than fiction. If I get interested in an area I will search for information until it becomes exhausted. I love libraries and information books. Over the years I have read up on nutrition, linguistics, historical things that catch my fancy such as Andersonville (My great grandfather was a Civil War POW), and trivia. Presently, I seem to have my nose into computer manuals, and recently, grammar books (a few of you will get this joke) . The computer creates a whole plethora of endless information. It is both overwhelming and exciting. L&C fanfic seems to be my main area for pleasure reading nowadays. I sometimes think I should make myself read some of the classics instead, but in this life filled with stress it is so relaxing to just read something I really enjoy. Besides I love the interchange of ideas and discussions that we have on the internet, something you can't get with a book unless you belong to a book group or are taking a course. Jeanne Pare ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 27 Sep 1997 17:35:32 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Comments: RFC822 error: Incorrect or incomplete address field found and ignored. From: Pam Jernigan Subject: "...thinking about whether an individual response is more a MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 I've been thinking about this myself... Yes, we've maybe been *way* off-topic in talking about our favorite authors (although I've found it very interesting and even useful ) (a= nd the thread was quickly retitled to "Reading"). And I agree that you shou= ld take a second to think whether what you have to say needs to be seen by everyone. However, when I heard about this list, I was told it would be for both the distribution and *discussion* of fanfic, which is why I joined... if all you want is fanfic, you can always just go to Lauren's w= eb front end to the archive. I can really sympathise with having too much e-mail to read (that why I have chosen *not* to subscribe to LOISCLA), bu= t, well... just delete the posts that don't say "fanfic" in the subject line= , maybe. >> If a member of this list is unable to care about himself or herself enough to tear away from the monitor and get the required Z's, that is not the list's problem. That is that person's problem. << Well, I wasn't going to be quite that blunt but I agree. PJ !^NavFont02F034F0015MGHHI7DMI7FHJcMJeHJ51DF6A ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 27 Sep 1997 23:26:56 +1000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Rochelle Harrison Subject: Re: TAN: "...thinking about whether an individual response is more appropriate...." In-Reply-To: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Carole wrote: >If we start saying that the only thing allowed on this list is fanfic, >and that all other messages should be sent to the individuals, a lot of >opportunity will be lost for brainstorming. As ALL of my writers' >workshop professors said, "You get ideas from the darnedest places--IF >your mind is OPEN to them." I definitely agree here. It's tremendous fun being able to discuss the latest fanfiction you've read with other folcs. It's also nice for some folcs to have a forum in which to put forward any fanfic ideas they've had if they don't have time to write the story themselves. Writing fanfic is very time consuming so if all we were to post was the stories themselves, then the list wouldn't be very active, well at least not at the moment I don't think. I still have all the fanfics saved to read but I have read Zoom's fic and I must say I grinned because it seemed like a culmination of lots of things we've wanted to see in the show and I liked that. The ideas are limitless... Rochelle ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 27 Sep 1997 23:32:31 +1000 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Rochelle Harrison Subject: Re: whoa! check this out.... In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Julie noticed: >>>...Dean *is* blisfully happy......<< >>>...Mindy *seems* very happy....<< >Ah, semantics! A wonderful thing..... Hehe. Now I wonder if the writer would change the phrase if it was brought to her attention? Ie, perhaps she didn't realise it would be analysed and didn't choose her words that carefully. ! :) Rochelle ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 27 Sep 1997 20:08:27 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Debby Stark Subject: Re: "...thinking about whether an individual response is more app Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 05:19 AM 9/27/97 -0400, Zoom wrote: >...In fairness to Debby though, she posted in one of our "back and >forth" debates about "Keeping the fanfic list alive" and she was right. At >that point in time, there was little traffic of any kind on this list >including fanfic. So little that some subscribers were writing asking if the >list was down. Whew! :) Further in my own defense... ;) I think it's probably okay to talk about characters and the way they were developed on the show, but more how they can be developed in fanfic. (I hear you saying, huh?) Okay, on the other list, we might discuss "Lois did this and Clark did that", but on this list, it could be turned to "*since* Lois did this and Clark did that, would it be feasible for either of them to..." This might be particularly useful when it comes to the second-teir characters in the show (Jimmy, Perry and the Kents), and those seen even less often. I can see this happening on the list because it would possibly assist all fanfic writers. This might also go for situations and potential plots, particularly for those who think they can't write. They can use this list to present the idea. ("I'd like to see a story where in...") I'm reminded of other things that might be discussed off list: I'm currently watching the Pilot as I tape it for a friend and Jonathan is saying, paraphrasing, "Remember when you were young and we watched the moon landing?" That happened in 1968. CK would have been a mere tot on his father's knee and it would have been quite early in the morning, if I recall correctly (I was, um, 16 or 17). Somebody might want to write up this little scenario (what he family looked like, how CK reacted, etc), but maybe that writer is too young to recall what was really going on then, all the history, the feeling of the time, etc. This list is the perfect venue--for an advertisement. The writer could advertise for ideas and people who wanted to help could send the ideas to her/him, and help them out. Debby There was a bomb. He... he... he ate it. ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 28 Sep 1997 00:14:04 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Farah Meitzen Chisham Subject: Re: List Expectations was Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" >>If I am wrong, or if I have spoken out of turn, I will accept a >>tongue-lashing from FARAH--and NO ONE ELSE. >> >>Sincerely, >> >>Carol A. >> > >Carol, if you insist on posting what are private issues with other list >members to a public forum...then IMO you have to be prepared to receive a >public repsonse. > >Adrienne > I think what she meant was just a silly, funny jab at me. We had something come up regarding what is appropriate for this list in the first few working days of this list BD (before digest was enabled :). Is this right, Carol? :) farah :) ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 28 Sep 1997 00:17:13 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Farah Meitzen Chisham Subject: help.. season 5 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" >From: >Date: Sat, 27 Sep 1997 23:17:39 -0400 (EDT) >To: >Subject: Season 5 > >Dear Farah, >Hi!!!! I would really appreciate it if you gave me info on what I need to >subscribe to Season 5. Thanks Very Much!!!! >Michelle~ > Does anyone have any information regarding Season 5? There must be some kind of list that is sending out Season 5 fanfic of some sort? Can anyone help her out? farah :) ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 28 Sep 1997 00:32:41 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Ethel \"Terri\" Addison" Subject: Re: Ideas (Lois's hypothetical reaction to Clark's hypothetical cheating on her) On Thu, 25 Sep 1997 00:00:24 -0500 Automatic digest processor writes: >Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 03:40:48 -0400 >From: The Zoomway >Subject: Re: Ideas > >In a message dated 97-09-23 17:39:27 EDT, NightSky@EROLS.COM writes: > ><< Divorce, cheating, death -- they would all put our favorite characters under a lot of stress, and different aspects of their characters. >> Yes, the kind of stress the characters of my mother's soap operas go through on a regular basis....Next, we'll be suggesting that Lois gets possessed by a demon (no, I did not say a ghost with an inferiority complex) and Clark finding out that he was an ordained Catholic priest before the evil Stefano DiMera kidnapped him and tortured and brainwashed him into thinking he was Roman Brady....SHEESH. > >Rarer still among the "cheating" stories is the character not being able to >get over it, get past it. Inevitably forgiveness follows the "gut-wrenching" >agony. If Clark cheated on Lois, I would expect Lois to try, but fail at ever >truly getting over the betrayal. Of COURSE Lois would have trouble getting over it. From what I've seen of Lois's character and what I've heard of her past life, I think if she found out Clark had cheated on her, she would go off the deep end. Think about it: She was just starting to let herself fall in love with Lex Luthor when she found out he was a horrible crook and that he'd been hiding all sorts of terrible things from her. She found out later that one of her past boyfriends was a druid and was planning to use her as a sacrifice. And then there are those magical words: Dear Old Dad. There are more cases, but I can't remember them all. AND: Think about how bolistic she went when Clark hurt her by breaking off the engagement to "protect" her from harm. Lois has devoted herself to the belief that Clark is "the last good man." She holds that to be true, and if he ever did anything--such as cheating on her--to prove her belief to be false, that would be the last heartbreak Lois could take. It would send her over the edge, I think. Lois likes to put up a tough front, but she has always impressed me as a very vulnerable, easily crumbled shell. She's been hurt too many times in her life. Clark was her lifeline when she was drowning in a sea of confusion. >Since cheating in general goes completely >against everything we've seen established for Clark's character. EXACTLY! Never happen! (snip) >It's the ultimate betrayal and in a manner is a humilation to >the person who is cheated on (was she prettier, was she sexier, was she >better in bed). We saw these feelings come out in "The Heir" series, did we not? That's why that piece of fanfic was so effective. It held the reader because it dealt with ALL the feelings that REAL people in similar situations would have gone through--not just with the cheating thing, but also with the post-war emotional stress. >For me L&C are special, and the problems they face aren't the problems >everyone else faces. They have to work ten times as hard just to make some >semblance of a relationship work, and for that reason alone they're more >admirable to me and more "gut wrenching" moments can be achieved with >them simply trying to make something work that nobody in the history of the >world has had to try and make work. Yes! And we watch them because we WANT to see a couple that's making it work in this age of dime-a-dozen divorces and broken families leading to more broken families. They are there for the same reason romance novels are. We all want to believe that somewhere out there, we can find that special someone and have an all-consuming love that keeps us going through even the toughest times. We need to have that fantasy to strive for. Lois and Clark--the characters--give us a model relationship in which fights are as good as the romance, if for no other reason than the fact that they get things out in the open that otherwise wouldn't have been touched upon. It would be completely out of character for one or both of these characters to cheat. Now, in "The Heir" series, Clark's actions were believable because he was constantly kicking himself for them and resisting the suggestions of his "counsel" at first. THAT's how Clark would behave if someone asked him to do ANYTHING he felt was a betrayal of Lois. He'd resist it with all his might. He'd DIE before he'd see her hurt. And she loves him just as much. >I'm not saying that devices or cliches >like cheating or death of a character being used to elicit hand-wringing >angst can't be good. (snip) As for a story with great impact without having to >go the route of cheating or death in order to create a situation that tests the >characters, there was Sheila Harper's "A Shot in the Dark" which I thought was >excellent and challenged Lois and Clark even in a sexual sense (Lois had been >paralysed by a gunshot wound) So I think for me something that challenges >them while still keeping them in character works a lot better. I agree. "A Shot in the Dark" was another piece that I felt worked well. It worked on Lois's fragile sense of security, but from a very different angle. The story was told with compassion and frankness, but it accomplished all that while staying true to our characters--a tough thing to do. I think a good angst story would be one dealing with Lois and Clark's incompatibility as far as reproduction is concerned. I wrote a very angry nfanfic and showed it to Debby Stark. I, apparently, am unable to stay true to the characters when writing angst. I knew it before Deb gave me her comments; she just affirmed what I'd already decided. As I said, it's tough to do. >>>>There's been very little fanfic written about one of the more interesting >parts of the legend to me -- Superman's refusal to kill. How high a price >will he pay the keep his hands clean, what would push him accross that >line? How would he react after he killed someone, and how would Lois >react? Would she blame him, comfort him, try to justify it in his eyes?<<<< I would like to see this dealt with, as well. I realize it's another difficult thing to confront. I've often imagined Clark coming home from a natural disaster to be comforted by Lois after being unable to save all the people. I don't think I could write about him actually maliciously killing someone, though--partially because I have no idea what it feels like to be that angry. I think it would take an awful lot for me to do that. Heck, I can't even hit a pillow! (SNEE-IP!) > >I think everyone has their own "motive" for certain story lines. We all have to keep this in mind. It takes a lot of guts to show your work to any other person. It's like walking out onto the stage for the first time to play your first solo. Constructive criticism is great, but remember that these people are timidly sticking their necks out when they share their work with you, and if you're too rough on them, you'll never see their work again. > >>>>>Stories that *end* with the divorce are the depressing ones. >Although occasionally, as with Rhett and Scarlett, one can only say "it's >about time!" when the marriage *finally* breaks up.<<< > >With Rhett and Scarlet (as with a lot of romance of that genre and era) it is >almost a done deal from opening to close that their "love" (if it can be >called that) is doomed. With Lois and Clark, their destiny lies in another >direction, at least for me, or they become just one more star-crossed set of >lovers like Vincent and Catherine, Heathcliff and Cathy (wow, it might work >if it were titled Cathy and Clark ;) where the angst flows like cheap gin at >the Ace o' Clubs It's not that I have anything against melodrama or gothic >"doomed" romance, but sometimes they are so unrelenting that you'd >personally volunteer to kill them both just to have it over with. I don't like >soap operas, and they tend to have cheating and death angst all the >time....oh...and amnesia My sister was really into the Christopher Reeve Superman (she was a sucker for his blue eyes and sparkling smile), so last time she was here from Seattle, I had her sit and watch Lois & Clark with me. She lasted about two minutes. I had told her it was a very cute show with a lot of campiness. Unfortunately, it was at the "Lois is an amnesiac," point of the series. My sister walked away in disgust, saying, "It's a dumb soap opera!" Perhaps, in some parts of the series, this is true--okay, it's undisputed. However, there were things you'd NEVER hear on a soap opera, such as the Perry White/Jimmy Olson exchange about being "supporting characters on some TV show that's all about them." THAT was GREAT! That's the kind of stuff that I really enjoyed. And the one time they showed that Cat could actually be vulnerable! That impressed the daylights out of me! (When she protested Lois refusing to admit that she was scared because Lois had the perfect life and Cat needed to see her vulnerable for just one second.) Well, that pretty much does it for the comments I promised you. Hope I didn't offend or bore anyone. All IMHO, of course! Write on! Carol A. ~*~ ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 28 Sep 1997 06:51:36 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: No Name Available Subject: Re: "...thinking about whether an individual response is more In a message dated 97-09-27 05:19:50 EDT, Zoomway writes: << This list isn't as broad-based as LOISCLA and realistically shouldn't be. That is topics like Dean and Mindy, or Teri's latest movie, soundtracks and on and on wouldn't have a legitimate place here. However I agree strongly with you that the list shouldn't just be fanfic stories. I think it should also be a forum for discussing fanfic and issues that might impact on fanfic (like copyright laws) and sharing ideas of fanfic, etc. >> Thanks, Zoomie. You said what I meant to say but was too tired and frustrated to put well. I would very much like the two lists to be different. As I told both Zoomie and Kathy B privately, I didn't subscribe to LOISCLA on purpose due to the volume over there. I was really hoping this would be more focussed. Oops, gotta run. I'm late again. Is this what happens when you get old? --Laurie ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 28 Sep 1997 08:22:54 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Georgia E. Walden" Subject: SIGHTING: John Shea Comments: To: I don't usually do these, but since Lex has been on our minds lately... AMC (American Movie Classics) cable channel is showing a movie called "Magic Moments" (1989) this Sunday afternoon at 4:05 p.m. Eastern time. John Shea is the romantic lead, which is not his usual kind of role. He plays a David Copperfield-type magician in a story based on a romance novel by Nora Roberts. As those of us who read the genre know, it doesn't translate well to the screen, and this one is no exception, even though Roberts is one of the best in the field. For Shea fans, it's a nice opportunity to see him in action. If you miss it, don't worry - AMC repeats their movies often. Georgia ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 28 Sep 1997 09:47:05 -0600 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Alyssa Mondelli Subject: Re: help.. season 5 In-Reply-To: <> MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII > >Dear Farah, > >Hi!!!! I would really appreciate it if you gave me info on what I need to > >subscribe to Season 5. Thanks Very Much!!!! > >Michelle~ > > Does anyone have any information regarding Season 5? > There must be some kind of list that is sending out > Season 5 fanfic of some sort? Can anyone help her > out? Actually, we're planning to send out the Season 5 episodes through *this* list. They'll also be available in HTML and plaintext at the Season 5 web page (the URL below will get you there). Episode #1, "Back to the Future", should be up around 5:30 PM CST. I don't know what the other Season 5s are doing, but there are links to their pages on ours, so you can investigate on your own. == Alyssa in St. Paul == ( Web-hostess, Season 5 - coming to a monitor near you September 28th ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 28 Sep 1997 11:53:17 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: The Krafts Subject: Re: help.. season 5 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" >Does anyone have any information regarding Season 5? >There must be some kind of list that is sending out >Season 5 fanfic of some sort? Can anyone help her >out? The Krypton Club is sponsoring TUFS (The Unaired Fifth Season). They are currently sending it out on the same list as the newsletter. You can subscribe by writing Craig Bryne at Or there is the TUFS website at . Sara ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 28 Sep 1997 15:22:15 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Barbara Garonzik Subject: Re: SIGHTING: John Shea In a message dated 97-09-28 08:23:13 EDT, GWalden@AOL.COM writes: << AMC (American Movie Classics) cable channel is showing a movie called "Magic Moments" (1989) this Sunday afternoon at 4:05 p.m. Eastern time. >> Actually, I think it's Romance Movie Classics. Barb ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 28 Sep 1997 17:06:29 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Leanne Shawler Subject: S5: Prelim to Episode One Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Hi all! To follow is five parts (of five) of Episode One of Season 5, called "Back to the Future". Now as this is the first time I've done this, I'd appreciate any comments, etc. If you'd like to review this ep -- go right ahead! We're setting up a review section on our website (where you can read this ep right now) Coming soon, a promo for ep 2! Leanne Leanne Shawler aka Volterra on IRC *********************************************************************** Lois and Clark Season 5 Fanfic: *********************************************************************** Midnight Dreaming: The Original Anthony Warlow Home Page: *********************************************************************** ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 28 Sep 1997 17:06:38 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Leanne Shawler (by way of Leanne Shawler)" Subject: S5: Episode One (part 1 of 5) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" This story continues the legacy created by Deborah Joy Levine and all of the wonderful writers of Lois and Clark, The New Adventures of Superman. For four fun-filled seasons, we laughed, we cried, and we even screamed and threw things at the TV screen. But mostly, we fell in love along with Lois Lane and Clark Kent. Few TV series have captured the hearts and imaginations of its audience quite like Lois and Clark. As testament to its ability to completely enthrall its audience, the fans of L&C have been unable to let the series end. Season 5, coordinated by Leanne Shawler and written by a group of fanfic writers and editors, hopes to continue this tradition for the fans. This is the first episode in a 22 episode "virtual season" picking up where the series left off. We've borrowed Eugenie Ross Lemming and Brad Buckner's final scene to set the stage, and acknowledge that all rights to this scene and these characters belong to Warner Bros., ABC, TNT, December 3rd Prod., DC Comics, and any other owning entity. We borrow them purely for fun and the enjoyment of the reader. Finally, to the actors, the writers and the producers of Lois and Clark, we thank you for four wonderful years! ****** Back to the Future Season 5, Episode One by Barbara ( (with plotting assistance from Peace) (edited by Diane Levitan) Metropolis, June 15, 1997 1:00am Lois and Clark had hoped that once they were married, settled into their new brownstone, "putting down roots" as Clark had called it, they would finally be able to have a normal life. They would start a family, get involved in the PTA and Little League - just be 'Joe and Judy Regular'. But normal for Lois and Clark also meant continuing to be the Daily Planet's best news investigative team, which kept them tracking down leads at all hours of the day and night, and getting them caught up in the schemes of some of the world's most nefarious criminals. And, of course, normal meant keeping Clark's true identity a secret from the rest of the world. Then there was the question of whether they would be *able* to conceive a child. Okay, so normal was a relative term. At least they could do something about determining whether or not they could conceive a child. They had Dr. Klein running some tests and had even looked into what was involved in the adoption process. It all seemed like a logical plan. A logical next step to a normal life. So why did everything seem to be unraveling? It all started with their latest story. They had been investigating a string of mysterious deaths which led them to Klaus Mensa, a convicted con artist recently released from prison. Mensa was obsessed with developing his mind into the ultimate weapon and using it to control the people and objects around him. He was set on getting revenge on those he thought had double crossed him, and of course, one of those people just happened to be the business partner of Lois' father, Sam Lane. Sam Lane, the eternal dreamer, was working on the latest in his series of *medical* miracles. After the success of "Abs in a Bottle," he was now working on "Breasts in a Bottle," destined to go down in infomercial history. Then there was the "Bummer-Be-Gone," which would strip the wearer of unpleasant memories. But, by far, the greatest miracle Sam had been working on was his reconciliation with Lois' mother, Ellen, and his relationship with his two daughters. It was this reconciliation that helped Lois and Clark take a gigantic step when Dr. Klein's research determined they could not conceive a child. They decided to have Sam review Dr. Klein's test results in the hopes that he could find yet another miracle. As luck would have it, this only resulted in both Lois and Clark's parents being held as hostages and both of the Lanes finding out Clark's true identity. It had all turned out all right; their parents were rescued unharmed and Sam's "Bummer-Be-Gone" had even managed to rid them of any unpleasant memories in the process. So, while relieved that their parents were safely tucked away in their guest rooms, Lois and Clark were seemingly back where they had started. Back to wanting a normal life and no closer to being able to have one. As they lay in their bed that night, they tried to sort out the madness of the whole adventure. "Well," Lois sighed, "My parents are back to normal. Clueless that their son-in-law moonlights in tights." Clark chuckled. "I guess knowing I'm Superman brought them nothing but unpleasantness. So now that memory is gone." "Mmm. I don't think Mom remembers being mad at Daddy, either." "Mmm," Clark grinned, "Apparently not, because I caught them kissing on the terrace." Lois let out the breath she had been holding. "Oh, Clark, I'm sorry." "For what?" "I'm sorry that Daddy can't find anything wrong with Star Labs' data. He doesn't think we'll be able to have kids." "Honey, I have not, for one second, doubted in us. We live the impossible. Now, a child is something brought about by love, isn't it?" He paused, searching her eyes for understanding. "Well then that, above all else, has got to be possible for us." Lois held his gaze, lifting her head from his shoulder to thank him, once again comforted by his incredible faith in love. Looking into his eyes, she could see that all-too-familiar look. The look that meant he was going to be called away from her. "What? What are you hearing?" "I'm not sure." Looking around the room, as if to gain a better understanding, he sat up, looking a bit confused. "I can't actually *believe* what it sounds like." Clark climbed out of bed and began to head downstairs. Lois followed closely behind, anxious to see what had Clark so bewildered. As they entered the living room, they saw a light coming from the dining room, a light they both remembered turning off before going upstairs. Cautiously, Clark slid the pocket doors open and walked towards the bassinet that was sitting just inside. They were both stunned to find a baby, wrapped in Clark's S-shielded baby blanket, lying inside the bassinet. Noticing a small note left with the baby, Clark picked it up and began reading it aloud. "Lois and Clark, this child belongs to you." Overwhelmed with emotion, Lois reached down to pick up the infant, afraid to believe that the child could truly belong to them. Hearing their parents coming down the stairs, Clark quickly turned to try to make some explanation of what had just happened. "Son," Jonathan called, "Is everything all right?" "Everyone okay?" Sam asked. "We saw the lights," Martha added, moving towards the dining room. "Lois," Ellen called. Clark emerged from the dining room, suddenly unsure of just what to say. "Uh...uh...yeah...uh...everyone, everything is absolutely fine. Uh, Mom and Dad and...uh...Mom and Dad... Uh...we have something to tell you." Slowly, from behind Clark, Lois emerged holding a baby. Not quite knowing what to say, Clark simply grinned, presenting the child to the now stunned *grandparents*. Metropolis, April 2, 2079 8:00pm "Ah, what a beautiful evening." Passing up her usual wait at the bus stop in favor of an early spring stroll, Eva leisurely made her way through the now emptying streets of Metropolis. She lived only 15 blocks from campus, but she usually found it more convenient to make use of the city's public transportation than to try to carry an overloaded bag of evening work. She had decided to stay late tonight to finish up, opting for a quiet evening at home curled up with her latest mystery novel. With her work now left neatly on her desk until morning, she pushed her hands deeper into her coat pockets and headed for the park. "Might as well take the long way home and enjoy the walk by the river." From where he was standing in the shadows of the alley, he could just make out her last words, thanking the gods for his good fortune. Taking a quick glance around to check for passersby, he quietly followed her into the park. Lost in thought, Eva stopped and watched the moon as it danced across the water. It had been a long couple of weeks at work. Her department had just been awarded an enormous research project with quite a substantial grant. The project was going to be a great benefit to the university and had been sought after by all of the staff archivists. She was honored to have been chosen to coordinate the project with Lori. But then, who wouldn't be honored to work on a research project about Superman. Superman had done so much for Metropolis and the world in the past 80 years. She had heard all of the stories about his many rescues, peace missions and scientific discoveries over the years; but since getting into the project, she was truly amazed at just how much he had been able to accomplish. Looking around, she realized she was walking through an example of Superman's efforts. Twenty years ago, the harbor area was filled with run-down row houses used by drug dealers and rat infested warehouses used by Intergang. Spearheading a campaign of urban renewal, Superman cleaned up Intergang and the drug dealers while the city planners cleaned up the harbor. The neighborhood was now filled with vintage brownstones, apartment buildings, storefronts and even a city park. Even more amazing than Superman's efforts to change Metropolis, were his efforts to assist the world in peace. With the world moving and changing so rapidly since his emergence in the late 20th century, Superman dedicated himself to assisting emerging nations in their struggle for freedom. He was instrumental in helping the former Republic of China become a nation of independent democratic countries and had just returned from helping celebrate the fifth anniversary of peace in the holy lands. Turning back and looking out across the water, Eva couldn't help a small grin. As exciting as it was to work on a project about Superman, she had to admit that she was more excited about being able to work so closely again with her best friend, Lori. Lori had started at the university about a week after Eva. They had quickly formed a friendship, bonding together in their attempt to get used to their new surroundings. Lori was from a small town and adapting to life in a big city, and Eva had just returned to Metropolis after finishing up at her parents' alma mater in the south. Eva had always found it best to keep people at arm's length, but Lori was the type that would just sneak up on you. Before you knew it, you had told her your life story. She had rediscovered the city while introducing it to Lori and had rediscovered herself through their many late night chats. It felt good to have a best friend again. It felt good to fit in again. Lori had always amazed her; she approached life so completely differently, embracing and reveling in its many joys and pleasantries. No matter where they went, people seem to brighten in her presence. Eva had always marveled at this and had tried desperately to figure out just what it was that made people respond this way. She finally decided that it was just impossible to stay gloomy with someone so cheerful around. Somehow, that energy just seemed to rub off on you. Maybe it was something in that water they drank in that speck of a town she was from. Maybe she was just terminally happy. Whatever the source, Eva was glad it seemed to be contagious, because she hadn't felt so alive in years. Thinking back on those first few months, she remembered watching her best friend fall in love. Lori had been rushing through the halls of the history department to deliver some papers to the dean. As she rounded a corner, she literally ran into a young professor on his way to class. After hastily trying to sort out their papers, they hurried on their way. Even in her embarrassment, Lori managed to tuck one of his papers in her folder in hopes of meeting him again. He was all she could talk about for the next few days. After finally getting up the nerve to call him, they met for coffee and had been inseparable ever since. They were married after a brief courtship and had just had their first child. She would be returning to work in just a few days after her pregnancy leave. "That's what I've forgotten," her mind now back from its reverie. "I've got to get things going on her welcome back party. It's going to be so great having her back!" Smiling to herself, her thoughts now on decorations and hors d'oeuvres, she set off down the path towards home, still unaware of the figure in the shadows. Metropolis, June 15, 1997 1:15am Since there had not been time to discuss how they were going to explain the baby, all Lois and Clark could do was look at one another and hope that one of them would be inspired. Thankfully for Clark, Lois seemed to have formed a plan. He just hoped that even Superman would be able to survive this particular parting of the seas. "Isn't he adorable?" Lois grinned, holding the baby up for inspection. Finally coming back to her senses, Martha dared to ask what was foremost on all their minds. "Honey, where did he come from?" "Well," Lois paused, "I'm not sure. We just found him with a note saying that he belonged to us." "Someone just left a...a baby...on your doorstep?" Ellen stammered. Thankful for an easy out, Lois and Clark quickly agreed. "Yes," they said in unison. Martha moved towards Lois for a better look at the baby, tears welling up in her eyes. "Who could do such a thing?" "I don't know, Martha. I guess that's something Clark and I will have to figure out." Looking down into his big brown eyes, Martha could see the baby struggle to keep them open. "It looks like whatever he's been through has worn him out. Why don't we put him to bed and get some rest ourselves. We can try to figure this out in the morning." "That sounds like a great idea, Mom." Turning to Lois, Clark continued, using facial expressions to convey what his words could not. "Honey, why don't you guys take the baby up to our room and I'll bring up the bassinet." Understanding that he needed to hide a certain blanket and note, Lois tried to corral the parents towards the stairs. "Okay, Clark. Daddy, could you and Mom take a quick look at the baby, just to make sure he's all right?" "Of course, princess," Sam answered. "There's no telling what he's been through." "I'll get your bag, Sam," Ellen added. As they all began climbing the stairs, Clark ducked back into the dining room and quickly lifted the blanket. Looking around the room for a safe place to deposit it, he saw his Dad walk through the door. "Okay, son, they've gone upstairs. What's the real story." Relieved to be able to quit pretending, Clark let out a long breath. "I don't know Dad. I heard a baby whimper and we came down and found *him*. He was wrapped in this," Clark finished, holding up the blanket to reveal the familiar crest. "What else did the note say?" "Nothing." Turning around to pick it up, Clark lowered his glasses to give it a better look. "Wait a minute, there is something here at the bottom." Taking another glance, he could just make out the indentation of writing. "It's signed, H.G. Wells. He must have used some kind of ink that would disappear, knowing I'd still be able to see it." "Well, at least that explains a little more..." "I guess. I was just worried that someone else knew about me. I wonder where he got the blanket?" Thinking about what he'd just said and seeing the amused expression on his father's face, Clark waved him off. "Okay, stupid question. When *couldn't* he have gotten it." Grinning, Clark handed the blanket to his father. "Could you hide this in your room? Sam and Ellen don't know about this and I'd rather keep it that way for now." "Sure, son. Come on, we'd better get this bassinet up there before they come looking for us." ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 28 Sep 1997 17:06:53 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Leanne Shawler (by way of Leanne Shawler)" Subject: S5: Episode One (part 2 of 5) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Metropolis, April 5, 2079 8:20am Lori made her way up the familiar stairs to the third floor, hoping that Eva had not planned a big todo on her first day back. It had been hard enough leaving CJ at day care for the first time, the last thing she needed was to enter a room full of people twenty minutes late, with mascara lines under her eyes. Even though Clark had tried to assure her that they were gone, she knew they were still there. 'Maybe I can take the back stairs,' she thought. As she opened the door to her department, she could see that things were much the same as she had left them eight weeks before. Thankfully, there were no banners or balloons, just the gentle hum of the staff going about their day. Approaching her desk, she did notice something peculiar. Eva's desk had been next to hers since the day she started. She couldn't help but laugh every time she saw the silly little clown she always kept next to her phone. She had apparently won it at a carnival years ago and it had become a sort of good luck charm. It was missing. And come to think of it, no matter how busy Eva was at a given moment, her desk was always orderly. Not only was the clown missing, but there were files and papers everywhere. Looking around the room, she couldn't seem to spot Eva anywhere, but her chair was pushed out and there was a coffee cup among the disarray. Assuming she had just stepped away for a moment, Lori sat her things down at her desk and tried to get acclimated once again. She noticed a few coworkers approach with smiles just as the phone rang. "Hello, gorgeous." Whispering, she grinned. "I've told you to stop calling me here. What if my husband finds out?" She could hear him laugh. "Well, I won't tell if you won't." "Okay, but I have to warn you...he can be pretty intimidating. I know he takes my breath away with this little smile of his...sort of like the one he probably has right about now." "Well, Mrs. Kent, I'll take my chances. I'm sure even Superman couldn't resist you when you, standing there looking so coy." "Where are you?" "In my office. I just missed you and thought I'd use the video feature on the phone again." "Uh huh. I guess it's a good thing the trees on campus aren't lead lined." "Well they would just have to go if they were. And by the way, CJ is fine. He's asleep in the crib, just as we left him." "Thanks for checking. I miss him already." "So, I see Eva didn't embarrass you with a big party. Where is she? I would have thought she'd have you cornered with the photo album by now." "I don't know. I haven't been able to find her. She must be down in the stacks." "Well, I have a class in a few minutes. Just wanted to make sure you were all right. I had missed walking to campus with you. Meet me here at 12:00 and we'll have lunch with CJ." "Thanks. I hope I can make it that long without seeing him. I love you." "I love you too, sweetheart. Now...get to work." "Yes sir..." Lori had never seen a more devoted father than Clark Kent. She was convinced that he had just about every breath, and drool, of CJ's first eight weeks on film. She often teased him that CJ was only going to recognize his father if he had a camera or CD recorder attached to his face, so having pictures to show the office was not a problem. Weeding them down into a small album had been her biggest challenge. After hearing the 'oohs' and 'ahs' from the office staff, she knew Clark's time had been well spent. She had been so caught up showing off her son that she didn't realize Eva still hadn't made it to her desk. She had been going through the album with Jeremiah, the newest archivist on staff. "Ah, now here's one for the mantle. The whole family in front of the fireplace." Lori turned back to the album and laughed. "It ought to be, as long as it took to get that one. It took about 20 minutes for Clark to figure out how to work the timer setting. CJ and I almost fell asleep." "Well you certainly make a handsome family." "Thanks, Jeremiah. Have you seen Eva? I haven't seen her all morning." "Um...she's not here. She took a leave of absence. Didn't she tell you?" "What? When?" "She called Sylvia on Monday and said there was something personal she had to take care of and would be out indefinitely. I thought for certain she had spoken with you about it. I know you two were close." "I spoke with her that night and she never mentioned it. Where did she go?" "You'd have to ask Sylvia. I was helping Eva while you were gone, so Sylvia asked me to work with you until she returned." "I'm going to go talk with her and see what's up. I'll be back in a minute." Metropolis, June 15, 1997 1:55am Lois and Clark sat staring at the child sleeping peacefully in the bassinet beside their bed. Neither wanted to speak, afraid they might wake the baby or rouse themselves from an incredible dream. "Clark, is it just me or does he really look like you?" Lois whispered. "No, honey, it's not just you. He does look a lot like the pictures of me at his age. And there's a little more to the story. I couldn't tell you until your parents were asleep." "What? What do you know?" Lois cried, her need to find an answer overriding the need to suppress her voice. "'ll wake the baby." Whispering, Lois continued. "Okay, sorry. So...out with it..." "Well, the note was signed by HG Wells. He must have brought the baby here. Why, I have no idea." Clark could see the information as it was processed in her mind and could anticipate her response. "And as to who the baby's parents are...I'm afraid to even go there." Smiling, she looked back over at the sleeping infant. Exhausted by the events of the day and secure in the circle of her husband's arms, Lois drifted off to sleep. "Gee, I hope he's ours..." Pulling her tighter into his embrace, he placed a soft kiss on her forehead. "Me too, sweetheart, me too." Metropolis, April 5, 2079 12:15pm Lori watched as her husband gently rocked their son. This had become their lunch time routine. Clark would come home and bring lunch for the two of them and hold CJ while they ate. He always wanted to know every detail of their morning. While she ate one of the delicacies the world had to offer, she would fill him in on anything new CJ had mastered. Today, he had chosen Chinese from her favorite restaurant in new republic of Canton. "Honey, something weird is going on with Eva. Apparently, after she called me on Monday, she called Sylvia and said she had something personal to take care of and would be taking a leave of absence." "Really?" "Yes. She never mentioned anything like that to me. All she could talk about was how great it was that I was coming back and that I'd better bring lots of photos of her godson." "Maybe she got a call after she talked with you and didn't want to wake you or the baby." "Maybe." "Did she say anything else to Sylvia?" "No. Sylvia said she was really vague as to where she was going. Eva's always been a private person, so she didn't really think anything of it. She figured I'd know." "Well, if anything were wrong, she'd have told you. She probably just hasn't had time to call. I'm sure you'll hear from her soon." "I guess." "Come here," he whispered, motioning to her. "I have an arm that's really empty." Clark watched Lori as she walked back across campus, making sure she arrived at her building safely. He didn't want to worry her, but he was concerned with the way Eva had just left town. Over the years, he had come to think a lot of Eva as well, and he knew she would never just leave without letting Lori know where she was going. Just in case, he decided to call his grandfather at The Daily Planet to see if he could check things out. If something had happened to Eva, he'd be able to find out about it. Metropolis, June 15, 1997 3:00am Clark awoke from a dream he seemed to be having a lot lately. He was sitting in their bedroom watching Lois cradle their child in her arms. But something about this particular dream seemed so real. Reaching over, he found Lois' side of the bed empty. Looking around the room, he could see her sitting in the chair at the foot of the bed, gently rocking an infant in her arms. She looked up and caught his gaze, smiling gently. "I know...I thought the same thing when I woke up. I heard him whimper and thought I was still dreaming." Looking down at the baby sleeping in her arms, she simply shook her head. "He really is beautiful, isn't he?" Clark moved to her and kneeled by her side, still captivated by the image of his wife with the child. "You both are." "Clark, what do you think Wells meant that this child belongs to us? Why would he leave us a baby?" "I'm not sure." "Could this really be *our* child? Could Dr. Klein have been wrong?" "Lois, you know how much I want us to be able to have a child, but maybe we shouldn't..." "...get too attached? Yeah, I know." "Honey, it's just that wherever he came from, he has to go back." "I know, Clark, but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy him while he's here." Just then, the baby turned his head, slowly opening his eyes. Seeing the smiling couple, he grinned. Clark, no more immune to the baby than Lois, started making cooing noises and tickling him. "Uh, Clark...what was that about not getting attached?" Blushing slightly, he tried to explain. "Well, like you said. Might as well make him feel at home while he's here." "Uh huh..." Metropolis, April 5, 2079 1:10pm Lori returned to her desk, reassured after her talk with Clark. Seeing Jeremiah arranging the stacks on Eva's desk, she decided it was about time she did something productive. Besides, work would take her mind off of Eva. And CJ. Picking up her notepad, she slid her chair over next to him. "So, where do we start?" "Well, I was just about to move down to the stacks. Eva had mapped out how the project should be tackled pretty well. I've just continued working with that. Unless you want to change it?" "No. If Eva had a game plan, I'm sure it's a good one. Let's go. You can fill me in on what you guys have done down there." "Okay." The main office space for the historical society was located on the third floor of what had once been the main library. One of the university's benefactors had donated a considerable sum to fully fund a new library, with state of the art equipment and room to combine what had previously been squeezed into two facilities. This left the old space available for the university's many research departments to expand. Each had office space in the what had once been the open reference areas and storage space in what had been the stacks. This gave each department the ability to house projects that would have been impossible before. Their new project took up almost a single floor in the stacks, which was the department's total storage space before the renovations. Lori and Eva had been hired while the renovations were being made and had started just before it had been discovered that the new library would be delayed. As a result, the two ended up sharing a makeshift desk in the basement stacks. They spent their first four months working together, which gave them a lot of time to talk and they had quickly formed a strong friendship. They were almost disappointed when the renovations were finished and they joined the rest of the staff in the main office. They continued to work together off and on over the next three years, and both were thrilled to be working on this new project, as it would ensure they would be partnered for the next two years. Lori realized that she and Eva had sort of fallen out of sync since her marriage. She never realized how much being the wife of Superman would change her life. The moment she had met Clark, she knew that he was the one she wanted to spend the rest of her life with, but it had taken a while to incorporate his second job into their lives. She found herself avoiding inviting people over in case he had to leave - even Eva. Clark was really bad at making up excuses on where he had to go, and while he had gotten pretty good at excusing himself from his classes, he also had a grad student that could always step in. It was a little more difficult to leave in the middle of dinner in your own home. But, they had finally fallen into a routine. With a little help from Clark's parents and grandparents, they found that together their excuses were more plausible. Then there was CJ. From practically the moment he was conceived, she and Clark could hardly think of anything else. It was something they had both wanted for so long. Lori was an only child and Eva had become the sister she never had. They included her in the many events along the way and were thrilled when she agreed to be CJ's godmother. This had been a special time for all three of them, and that's why it hurt so much that Eva would just leave without so much as a word. Pushing these thoughts away, Lori made her way down to the stacks. Jeremiah began explaining what had been completed and what Eva had mapped out to be worked on next. Pointing to the boxes marked and filed on the shelf behind him, he explained what was in each section. "This is where we left off on Monday. Eva must have stayed late, because there was a revised todo list on my desk Tuesday morning. I simply continued working on what she had outlined. As I said, if you have another idea, we can change it." "What she has is fine. You two have gotten a lot accomplished while I was gone." "She does tend to be a workaholic. I usually had to force her to leave the office." Smiling, Lori nodded. "I know what you mean. I had to do that every day for three years. Thanks for taking over for me." "Anytime, dear." "Jeremiah, did Eva say anything at all about taking a trip? It's so unlike her to just leave." "I've tried to think back since Sylvia told me, but I can't remember anything. I left around 6:00pm...that's chess night. She was here when I left and said she would be leaving soon." "She called me about 7:30 and was still here. She must have gotten a call after that." "I guess so." "I hope everything's okay." "I'm sure she's fine. She would have told you if it wasn't." "That's what Clark said." "Well, he's a smart man. You should listen to him." Grinning, she added, "I'm sure that's just what he would say." "Actually, I sat in on a few of his lectures. He's incredibly well versed for a man his age. He seems to have traveled extensively." "Yes, he has. He would take the summers off and travel all over the world. He has some of the most remarkable stories." "I'd love to hear them sometime." "Well, sit next to him for two seconds and you will." He grinned. "I'd love that. From the lectures I attended, I can tell he's an excellent storyteller. And I'd love to hear his stories of Superman. They would make an interesting addition to our collection." Lori glanced up, uncertain of just how to take his comment. Seeing her questioning look, Jeremiah continued. "The lectures I attended were on the attempts at world peace in the past century. Superman figured prominently in the discussions and Clark mentioned having met him personally." "Yes, well, Superman is a friend of his family. By the way, Eva told me that we have something in common." "Really?" Jeremiah wondered. "What might that be?" "Our interest in Superman." "Well, I will admit to a certain fascination with the man of steel. I take it Clark doesn't mind your interest?" "Well, I overlook his obsession with Ultrawoman and he overlooks mine with Superman." "I see." Uncomfortable with getting into a discussion about Clark and Superman, Lori tried to steer the conversation back to safer ground. "Actually, there is one thing that Clark loves more than telling his tall tales...chess. Why don't you come for dinner and take him on? I'm not much competition for him...maybe you could be." "I'd love nothing better." "Great. I'll see what his schedule's like for the rest of the week. I will warn you, you may have baby cries interrupting your game." "It's been a long time since I've been around a little one. It would be refreshing." "Okay, but you've been warned. I'll let you know tomorrow." ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 28 Sep 1997 17:07:09 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Leanne Shawler (by way of Leanne Shawler)" Subject: S5: Episode One (part 3 of 5) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Jeremiah Thomas was a retired Ivy League professor who had returned to Metropolis to escape the harsh New England winters. Unable give up academia altogether, he had decided research would be a good change of pace. Eva and Lori were thrilled to have someone with his background working with them on the project. Lori really didn't know that much about Jeremiah, other than what Eva had told her during her visits. She got the impression that Eva had begun to think of him as a surrogate father. With his gray hair and beard, he did look remarkably like the picture Eva kept on her desk of her father. Eva's parents were both professors and were well in their 40s when they decided to have a family. When Eva was in high school, her parents had been killed in an explosion in one of the labs on campus. Lori had asked Clark's father about the explosion, and he remembered getting there in time to put out the fire, but too late to save anyone that had been in the lab. Eva had planned to carry on their work at the university, but finally decided there were just too many painful memories. She finished up her graduate studies and returned to Metropolis to get a fresh start. Lori couldn't begin to imagine how devastating it must be to lose both of your parents, but she was glad Jeremiah seemed to be a willing substitute. He seemed nice enough, and he must be a good judge of character, since he was so impressed with her husband. Smiling, Lori opened the box in front of her and began to lose herself in her work. Metropolis, June 15, 1997 5:45am Morning was announced at the Kent house not only by the gentle stream of light peeking through the blinds, but by the soft cries of the newest *Kent* making his presence known. Without thinking, Clark walked to the bassinet, picked him up and began hushing his cries. Lois slowly opened her eyes and waited for her mind to register what was going on. "Clark, is there an emergency?" Moving to the bed and sitting beside her, he smiled. "Well if you consider a hungry baby an emergency...yes." Snuggling close to Clark, she smiled and stared down at the baby. Comforted by being Clark's arms, the baby's cries were abated for the moment. His earlier comment finally registering, Lois stirred. "Clark, what are we going to feed him? And he'll need to be changed. We don't have any diapers." Turning, he tried to calm her. "Honey..." "And he'll need something to wear..." "Honey..." "And toys...and..." Grabbing her arm to get her attention, he tried again. "Honey." "What?" "Mom called the 24 hour pharmacy and had them deliver what he'd need. We can pick up anything else this morning." "Thank God for Martha," Lois sighed. "What would be do without your parents?" Before Clark could respond, there was a gentle knock at their door. Clark turned and looked to see who it was. Smiling at Lois, he gently handed her the baby and got up to open the door. "I guess you can thank her yourself." Clark opened the door to reveal a smiling Martha, peering at them from behind an overloaded tray. She had obviously been up for a some time, as the tray had everything from breakfast for Lois and Clark to a bottle and diapers for the baby. Clark took the tray from Martha and she quickly moved to sit by Lois, making funny faces at the infant. Through all of the commotion, the baby finally decided it was past time for breakfast, and time to let his dissatisfaction with the situation be known. What had started earlier as a soft cry, could now most likely be heard throughout Metropolis. Lois had never felt very comfortable around babies. Somehow, the cute little creatures that would smile and coo in other people's arms, would immediately begin to wail if she were to pick them up. So, she had made it a point to just avoid them. Since children were not something that had fit into Lois Lane's pursuit of a Pulitzer, this had seemed like a good plan. And it had worked just fine until she met Clark. Lately, she seemed to keep finding herself eavesdropping on the baby conversations in the office that she had once so studiously avoided. She would catch herself smiling at children as they passed on the street. And since they had gotten married, she had even started daydreaming of what it would be like to have a child. But nothing could have prepared her for the real thing. Holding the screaming infant, she was at a complete loss of what to do. Could she be the same woman allowed an interview with the President of the United States? The same woman who had earned three Kerth awards? She could get information on a story at a moment's notice, but she was completely helpless when it came to the child in her arms. 'Shouldn't there be manuals that come with these things?' she thought to herself. Martha recognized the signs of distress on Lois' face and quickly grabbed the bottle from the tray. Handing it to Lois, she smiled. "Here Lois, this will do the trick." Taking the bottle from her, Lois quickly stuck it in the child's mouth in an attempt to pacify it. Fortunately, he eagerly drew from the bottle, quieting his cries. Turning to a grinning Martha and Clark, she sighed. "It worked! You're a genius, Martha." Martha placed her arm around Lois. "At this age, they're pretty easy to figure out. They're either hungry or need a diaper change." Nodding her head in Clark's direction, she laughed. "And since you took care of the bottle, you can let Clark here tackle the diaper." Laughing, Lois nodded. "I like the way you think, Martha." All Clark could do was shake his head. He knew he was no match for the two women in his life. He was putty in their hands one-on-one; when they teamed up on him, look out. So, he did the only thing he could under the circumstances. Smiling, he lifted his head toward the window. "I think I hear a bank robbery..." "Don't even try it, mister," Lois warned. "You wouldn't want me printing an article that Superman is also vulnerable to dirty diapers, would you?" Setting the tray down on the sofa behind him, Clark joined his wife and mother as they watched the child slowly pull from the bottle. Putting his arm around the two of them, he gently gave them a kiss on the cheek. "Might as well add two certain women to that list while you're at it." Lois laughed and gave Martha a quick wink. "Well that goes without saying..." Metropolis, April 6, 2079 3:00am Lori awoke to the all too familiar sound of her son's cries. One of the benefits of being married to Superman, however, was that he always heard them before she did. As she turned to try to make it out of bed, she saw her husband cradling their son, trying to hush his cries. "Morning honey," he grinned, climbing into bed next to his sleepy wife. "I *know* I had a talk with junior here last night that we wanted a 6:00am wake up call, but I forgot he doesn't know how to tell time yet. We'll work on that tonight." "You do that." Looking over at the clock, she grinned. "He's only three hours off..." "Well, he is your child. I guess he was bound to get that stubborn streak of yours." "Watch it mister," she laughed, hitting him with her pillow. Clark grinned, leaning down and whispering to CJ. "Close your eyes son, I don't want you picking up any bad habits from your mother. Next thing you know, she'll be teaching you how to babble." Threatening him once again with her pillow, she couldn't help but laugh. "Oh, you are going to pay for that one, Kent." Ducking from the pillow, he floated just out of reach. "Hey, I'm holding a baby here, Kent." "And that's only going to save you for so long, buster. When you least expect it..." Floating down next to her again, he gave her a devilish grin. "Promises, promises..." "Okay," she laughed, laying down the pillow. "Hand over the baby and no one gets hurt." "Do you hear how she talks to, me CJ? You'd never talk to Superman like that, would you? Of course you wouldn't." Taking the baby from Clark, she leaned back against the headboard and began to feed him. Looking down at his small features, she still couldn't get over just how much he looked like her husband. She looked up at Clark who was just staring at the two of them. The look in his eyes took her breath away. Reaching over, he kissed her softly. "You have no idea how happy you've made me. You've given me more than I could have ever dreamed." "I love you too, sweetie. It's hard to believe how much our lives have changed in the last eight weeks." "You know, I used to listen to the stories my grandfather would tell me about his parents. About how they met and how he created the Superman persona to have a life with her. I used to watch my Mom and Dad together and see how they fit Superman into their lives. I always wondered if they got tired of all of the lies, of all of the intrusions into their lives. Looking at the two of you, I know why it was worth it to them. Because I know how much the two of you mean to me." "Clark, I told you the night I discovered your big secret that it didn't matter to me. I've loved you from the moment I saw you, all nervous and worried that you'd hurt me." Reaching up to touch his face, she could see the love in his eyes. "And hurting me is something I know you could never do." "I have a small confession to make. I wasn't worried that I'd hurt you that day. I was just too nervous to say anything. You took my breath away. I didn't know what to say. The longest three days of my life were the ones I spent waiting for you to call. I left that sheet with my name on the floor, hoping you'd pick it up. I almost went crazy trying to decide if I should call you." "Clark Kent, I can't believe you. You knew what I was doing? You set me up?" "What is it they say about all's fair in love and war?" "Well I don't know anything about the war, but I guess I can't complain about your tactics." Looking down at their now sleeping son, she smiled back up at him. "Especially when this is the result." "Have I ever told you how incredible you are?" Handing him their son, she let out a yawn. "I forget, have you?" "Guess I'll have to remind you, then," he grinned, gently settling his son back in the bassinet. "Promises, promises..." Metropolis, June 15, 1997 6:30am Jonathan the room just in time to catch Clark in the middle of his diaper changing lesson. Lois was looking on, all smiles, but mentally filing all of Martha's pointers. She couldn't help but tease Clark, but he really did look like a natural with the baby. She only hoped that some day she might feel that way. As Clark was putting the finishing touches on the diaper, he decided it was a good time to enlist his parents' help. Tickling the infant's stomach one last time, he gently lifted him, cradling him effortlessly in the crook of his arm. With his needs sated for the moment, the infant snuggled further into Clark's embrace and drifted off to sleep, eliciting a sigh from them all. Turning and closing the door, Clark led the group towards the bed and floated down next to Lois, careful not to stir the baby. "Before Lois' parents wake up, we need to decide on a few things about this little guy." Looking over at his mother, Clark continued. "Mom, I'm sure Dad filled you in on the note. We need to agree on a story to tell everyone until we can figure out what Mr Wells needs us to do. And we're going to need your help trying to figure out just how to return him to *whenever* it is he came from." With a quick glance at Jonathan, Martha agreed. "Honey, you know we'll help out in any way we can. Do you have any idea whose child this is?" "No, Martha," Lois answered. "All the note said was that he belonged to us. But I can't get over his resemblance to Clark." Grinning broadly and moving in for a closer look, Martha nodded briskly. "Well, I didn't want to say anything before, but Clark, he does look just like you did at that age." "I know, Mom. He does look like the pictures you've shown me." Trying to get the group back to the problem at hand, Jonathan slid his arm around Martha and pulled her to him. "Son, if this is your child, why would Mr Wells bring him here? From what you two have told us, hasn't he tried to keep you from *knowing* what was going to happen in the future?" "Yeah Dad, that's what we've wondered too. The only thing I can think of is that, whoever he is, he must be in danger, and mr Wells trusts us to protect him." Lois joined the discussion, now in *reporter mode*, working with protective maternal instincts she swore she did not possess. "Well, if he is in danger, it would've been nice for Mr Wells to let us know what's going on. I mean, Clark and I *are* investigative reporters, but even we can't investigate in a time we can't get to or even know when it is..." "Honey, it's okay," Clark interrupted. "I'm sure Mr Wells will let us know what he needs us to do when he's able. Until then, the four of us need to be on our toes, in case this is our child. If this is a *super baby*, we don't exactly know what to expect. And we still have to explain his being here to everyone, including your parents." Gaining her composure somewhat, Lois nodded. "You're right. Let's just stick with him being left on the doorstep. I mean he was, right? While we try to figure out what Mr Wells was thinking, we can tell everyone we're trying to figure out who left him. Perry's sure to think there's a story in there somewhere." "Son, you know your Mom and I will stay and help out as long as you need us. And we do have a little experience with *super babies*." "Thanks guys, I'm sure we'll need it." "Clark, what about my parents?" Lois asked. "What if they see him do something...super. How are we going to explain that?" "Well," Martha added, thinking out loud, "Clark didn't develop any of his powers until he was a teenager, and he had two Kryptonian parents. If this baby is only half Kryptonian, there's no reason to assume he would get them any earlier. Maybe even later than Clark." Lois and Clark shared a glance, amused at Martha's never ending source of support. Reaching over, Lois took her hand. "Martha, you're better at this than Clark and I. You sure you don't want a job down at the Planet?" Laughing, Martha gave Lois' hand a gentle squeeze. "Heavens no. Babies and *super babies* I know. I'll leave the rest of it to you two. I'm afraid Jonathan has spoiled me for big city living." Dramatically wiping his brow, Jonathan pulled Martha close once more. "Whew! For a minute there, I was worried. Besides, Clark has his hands full rescuing one Kent, already. I don't think even Superman could keep up with the two of you." "You took the words right out my mouth, Dad." Lois and Martha shared a knowing look. "They're just jealous, Martha. You and I make a good team." "Precisely," Clark agreed. "That's what we're worried about." Just then, there was a knock on the door. Knowing that it was her parents, Lois walked to the door to let them in. Smiling back at Clark, she couldn't resist one last comment. "Saved by the bell, again, Kent. But we'll discuss this later..." "And I'm sure you'll win then, too." "See Martha, marriage has been good for him." The four *Kents* were sharing a laugh when Lois opened the door to find her parents, obviously aware that they had come in the middle of a conversation. Not to be hindered, Ellen quickly kissed her daughter and pushed past her to get a look at the baby. Sam gathered his daughter in a hug, wishing her good morning and leading her back to the others. For all of their faults, Lois's parents truly did love both of their daughters. It seemed that reconciling their differences with one another had allowed them the freedom or ability to express it to their children, something that was new to all of them. They were both thrilled at the prospect of being grandparents and having a second chance with their daughters. Hearing the cries of the infant coming from Lois and Clark's bedroom, neither could resist the urge to come have a look. Lois sighed. She never realized just how much she needed Clark until it came to dealing her parents. None of the Lanes had ever been good at expressing their feelings to one another, and as a result, they had spent most of their lives walking on eggshells around each other. But Clark just welcomed them in like he would anyone else. With his support, she found it much easier to spend time with her parents and avoid it dissolving into a shouting match. He seemed to know just when to steer the conversation to another topic or Lois out of the room. Seeing the potential for some difficult questions, Clark attempted to distract everyone. "Well we certainly have a long day ahead of us. Lois and I need to figure out how this little guy found his way here. And until we can return him to where he belongs, he'll need a few things." Turning to his mother, Clark got the plan underway. "Mom, could you and Ellen find the baby some clothes, some more food...and anything else you think we'll need? Obviously you two know more about this than Lois and I do." "Of course, dear," Martha said, with a gleam in her eye. "Come on, Ellen, let's go get ready and hit the baby stores." Smiling, Clark turned to his father. "Looks like you and Sam are going to be needed, as well. From the sound of it, there will be a few packages to carry. Lois and I can work from here and watch the baby." "Okay, son. Sam and I will try to make sure they leave a few things in the stores." Sam moved over to Clark and gave him a pat on the back. "Clark, my boy, you thought Ellen got excited about your wedding? You have no idea how much she's been wanting grandchildren." "Daddy..." Lois exclaimed. "Mother *wants* grandkids? My mother? The one in the next room? Doesn't she realize that will make her a grandmother?" Putting his arm back around Lois, he couldn't help but laugh. "Yes, princess, but she has really been looking forward to you two having children someday. But don't worry. Jonathan and I will make sure she doesn't spend his entire college fund." "Daddy, this baby isn't ours..." "I know. We'll remind her of that, too." "Thanks, Daddy. I think." "Well, Jonathan, I guess we'd better get going before they leave us behind." "You're right, Sam. We'll call you two later to see if there's anything you need." "Thanks, Dad, Sam. We appreciate your help." Walking them to the door, Clark slowly closed it and turned to look at his bride. Still in awe to see her holding the baby, he quietly sat back down beside her. He could see her emotions getting the best of her, now that the rest of the family had been dispatched. Putting an arm around her, he tried to add his support. "Shh, it's all going to work out. We'll figure out how to help this little guy. And, we'll figure out a way to have one ourselves." "Clark, I know I should be focusing on how to help him, but I can't help but want to just keep holding him. Pretend for a while that he really is ours." "I know, honey. I want that just as much as you do, but we have a lot to do before our parents get back." "I know. We need to put up the appearance of working on a story." "Right. Why don't you go get dressed and I'll watch him." Smiling back at Clark, Lois handed him the baby. "And you're just holding him so I can get ready, right?" Giving her his best look of innocence, Clark nodded. "Of course." "Yeah right..." Leanne Shawler aka Volterra on IRC *********************************************************************** Lois and Clark Season 5 Fanfic: *********************************************************************** Midnight Dreaming: The Original Anthony Warlow Home Page: *********************************************************************** ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 28 Sep 1997 17:07:27 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Leanne Shawler (by way of Leanne Shawler)" Subject: S5: Episode One (part 4 of 5) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Lois and Clark had made their way down to the kitchen by the time Martha and Ellen came in, inspecting a sheet of paper. Looking over at Lois, who was feeding the baby again, they moved in beside her. "Lois," Martha began, putting the list on the table, "there are enough bottles in the fridge to last until we get back. He'll probably need to eat every two hours. I showed Clark how to warm them, but you'll probably want to check them too. You might as well check his diaper after you feed him. And he'll most likely just sleep between feedings. We've written all of this down, but Ellen and I have our phones if you need us." The baby had drifted off to sleep, so Lois handed the bottle back to Clark. Not missing a beat, Martha continued. "And we can change him for you before we leave, if you like?" Getting up to head upstairs, Lois shook her head. "That's okay, Martha. I watched Clark. I can do this." "Okay, honey, we'll see you when we get back." Lois headed up the stairs, wishing she had Clark's photographic memory. She had listened to everything Martha had told Clark about changing a diaper, but Lois had never done diapers. She had gone out of her way to avoid it when Lucy was a baby and didn't baby-sit infants for that reason. And now she had opened her big mouth again and would have to wing it. 'Maybe it won't be so bad. *Please* sleep through the whole thing,' she thought, trying to will it so. Martha had left the diapers and changing supplies on the sofa next to the bassinet. Picking up a diaper, Lois mentally checked off everything Martha had told Clark. She opened the diaper, found the baby wipes and looked for the baby powder. Pleased with herself, she began to remove the baby's diaper. Martha and Ellen were almost out the front door when it suddenly hit her. Turning to run upstairs, Martha quickly made her way to Lois and Clark's bedroom. "Lois," she called. "I forgot to tell you..." Turning to see Martha in the doorway, Lois finished the sentence for her. "Not to leave him without a diaper..." Seeing a wet and somewhat discouraged Lois, Martha tried to suppress a grin. "Umm...yes. Sorry. I'll send Clark up so you can get cleaned up." "Thanks, Martha. Anything else I should know?" "No, honey," she grinned, unable to help herself. "I think you've been baptized now." "Thanks a lot, Martha," Lois grimaced, finally giving into laughter herself. When the *grandparents* returned, you'd have thought that the entire baby department of Bloomingdale's had been delivered to the Kent's living room. Obviously, the grandfathers had gotten caught up in the shopping spree as well. Calling through the living room, in spite of a possible sleeping baby, Ellen announced their return. "Lois, Clark. Where are you?" Clark rushed down the stairs to head off Ellen, who was now approaching the steps. "Shh. Lois just put him down for a nap." Seeing the mass of boxes still being carried in by Jonathan and Sam, he shook his head in disbelief. "You guys do remember that there is just one *very small* baby here, not an entire orphanage." Martha walked over to Clark and gave him a quick hug. "Honey, even a *very small* baby needs lots of things...even if it is for just a short time." Moving to the packages, she softly added, "And you'll need them all someday, anyway." Clark heard Lois coming down the stairs and turned when he heard her gasp. "Mother! Martha! What have you done? Did you leave anything at the store?" "Now Lois," Ellen interjected, "I know it may look like a lot, but you'll see that you'll need every bit of it." Motioning to Sam, who was just helping Jonathan with the last of the packages, she included him in their defense. "Sam, tell her." "Uh...yes, princess. You'll need all of it." Clark moved to Lois and took her hand. "Well, lets see what they've bought, honey." "Okay. Okay," Lois conceded. "So what is all this stuff?" With the rest of the *family* upstairs turning Lois and Clark's bedroom into a temporary nursery, Lois and Martha withdrew to the kitchen to prepare another bottle. While showing her how to operate the bottle warmer, Martha could see that Lois was a bit preoccupied. "Lois, what is it? I can tell something's bothering you." "Oh Martha, I don't know. I mean, I thought I was ready for this. When we talked about all this before, I really felt ready. Now I just don't know if I can do it." "Do what, honey?" "All of it. I mean, today alone, I've been thrown up on twice saw the diaper incident. I've changed three times and it's not even 1:00. I haven't been able to help Clark one bit on preparing a story or figuring out how to return the baby to where he belongs." "Lois, taking care of a baby's not easy. It's a 24 hour a day job." "That's what I mean. Clark and I already have two 24 hour a day jobs. How are we going to take on a third? Maybe Miss Bailey was right. Maybe we shouldn't be responsible for a child." "Honey, what are you talking about? Who's Miss Bailey?" "When Clark and I were talking about whether or not we could have a child, we thought we'd explore all of the options. So, we decided to get some information about adoption. Miss Bailey is from County Adoption and she did a preliminary work up on us. Out of a possible 100 points, she gave Clark a 97 and me a 19. Can you believe that? She said that I was a 'thrill addict' and that I 'dangled above the jaws of death like an hors d'oeuvre.' And, she said she couldn't recommend placing a child with us." "What did Clark say?" "That any child would be lucky to have me as a mother." "And he's right. Lois, being a parent is one of the most demanding jobs you could ever take on. And it's not something you do for just a few years. It's a lifetime commitment. It takes all of the patience, courage and love two people can muster. If ever there were two people that possess that strength, it's the two of you." "Martha, that sounds wonderful, but after today, I just don't know." "Lois, you've had a baby just dropped in your laps. Of course there will need to be adjustments. We weren't exactly *expecting* Clark, either. For the first few weeks, I thought I must be the dumbest woman in the world. Everything was new to me. I made every mistake possible." Placing her hand on Lois' arms, she grinned. "How do you think I knew to warn you about the *diaper incident*. Clark got Jonathan and I more than once." Lois looked up and laughed. "Really?" "Really. But, together, Jonathan and I found a way to make it all work. And so will you two. Together." From behind the two women, another voice joined the conversation. "She's right, Lois," Clark said, putting his arms around Lois. "We will make it work...together." Lois fell back into Clark arms, comforted again by the warmth of *family*. Remembering her earlier comment, Clark turned to Martha. "Mom, do you have to tell everyone about the diaper thing? Next thing you know, you'll be pulling out all of those old naked baby photos to show Lois." Martha reached up and patted his flushed cheeks, "I'm sorry, sweetie, I didn't mean to embarrass you. And anyway, Lois saw those photos a long time ago." "What? When? Where was I?" "When you two came to Smallville for the Corn Festival. We looked through some old photos when you were out helping Jonathan in the barn." Lois couldn't help but chime in. "You sure did have a cute little tushie, Clark." "Mom, I can't believe you did that..." Lois and Martha couldn't contain themselves any longer. Lois looked up at him and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Gotcha." "Okay, that's it. I'm going to have to separate you two..." Giving in to laughter himself, he dropped his head on Lois' shoulder. Suddenly unsure of *anything*, he looked back and forth between the two. "You really didn't, did you Mom?" Lois and Clark had finally gotten the baby tucked safely in the bassinet and both sets of parents off to the guest rooms. They were just about to head upstairs themselves when Clark heard a soft knock on the door. Opening it cautiously, he discovered a rather concerned HG Wells. "Oh, good. I had rather hoped to find you two alone." Clark quickly ushered them into the vestibule so their voices wouldn't be heard upstairs. From past experience in dealing with Lois, HG thought it best to offer a quick explanation. "Clark, my boy, I'm afraid I need your help. I was..." Before HG could continue, Lois decided that she'd heard enough. "Wait a minute. Wait just a minute. First you leave a baby at our house without any explanation and then you waltz back in here and want to take my husband God knows where...and just leave me here?" "Lois, my dear, I entrusted the baby to your care because I knew that only the two of you could understand." "Mr. Wells," Clark asked, taking Lois' hand, trying to calm everyone down. "Who is this little boy and why did you want us to take care of him?" "I was just about to explain. I was traveling to the future and found that Utopia had somehow been disrupted. More to the point, it was stopped before it could be created. I traveled back in time to determine the cause and discovered the most distressing situation. Someone was trying to harm your descendants to keep Utopia from being formed. I did the only thing I could think of under the circumstances. I brought the infant here until we could set things straight in the future. Clark, we really must hurry." Trying to take in all of the information, Lois had to clear something up in her mind. "Mr. Wells, you said that someone was trying to harm our descendants. What do you mean by *our descendants*. Who is this baby?" "Lois, think back to your first trip through time, when you went back to save Clark as a baby. There was one bit of information I didn't restore to your memories. If you both focus your minds, I think it will come back to you." Lois and Clark looked at one another, trying to make sense of his words. Watching them, HG continued. "Lois, remember that this is when you first found out that Clark was Superman. You were quite upset that Clark had not shared his secret with you. Tempus even taunted you for not seeing beyond Clark's glasses. Do you remember what I told you?" Images began racing through Lois' mind. She saw the time machine and heard Tempus' ravings. "I remember. He said he wanted to meet the woman who was *galatically stupid*. You said that I was just blind to love and that our story was one that parents would tell their kids time and again." His words finally sinking in, Lois turned to Clark as she repeated them. "And that our descendants were the ones that created Utopia." Afraid to believe what he was hearing, Clark turned to HG. "Are you saying that Lois and I are...we *are* able to have kids? That this is our...what...grandchild?" "Well, your great great grandson, to be exact." Lois and Clark looked at one another in disbelief. They were both overjoyed that they would be able to conceive a child, but both still uncertain how to help the infant upstairs. Emotions getting the better of him, Clark pulled Lois to him for a kiss. No words were needed. HG found himself in a situation he seemed to find himself in quite often with the Kents. Clearing his throat, he tried to return them to the task at hand. Looking up into Clark's eyes, Lois smiled one last time and turned to HG. "Okay. I understand why you brought our...great...great...grandson..." Pausing, she thought of another question. "By the way, what is his name." "Lois, the less you know about the future, the better. I will, however, tell you that they call him CJ. I'd rather not tell you what that stands for." "Fair enough. Okay then, I understand why you brought CJ here. What I don't understand is what it is you want Clark to do. And why you only want him to help." "Lois, whoever has disrupted Utopia must also have discovered your great grandson's identity. I need Clark's assistance in explaining the danger he and his son are in. He has no reason to believe me, but Clark's abilities will be very difficult to refute." "But if someone has discovered our great grandson's identity, won't they recognize Clark as well?" Lois asked. "It's possible, but I'm afraid, my dear, that it's a risk we'll have to take," HG added, turning to Clark. "Clark, there should be very little risk to you. The work you started with Star Labs was completed by your child. Kryptonite does not exist in the future." "So," Lois wondered, still unconvinced, "what is the threat to the future? How exactly is this Utopia kept from being formed?" "I'm still not sure. This is what I need Clark to help uncover." HG turned his attention to Lois, hoping to explain his actions. "My dear, however this appalling plan is to be accomplished, Clark's abilities will be needed to stop it. Even Clark may have a hard time convincing your descendants of the danger. I'm afraid it will take *Superman* to set things straight again. And time really is of the essence." Turning Lois to gather her in his arms again, Clark tried to reassure her. "Lois, honey, I've got to go with him...we've got to set things right!" "I'm not arguing with you on that...of course you have to go." Lois pushed back against Clark's arms to catch his attention, the determination on her face matching his own. "But I'm going with you." "No." "I can help you!" "!" "I don't want to lose you..." The sudden tremor in her voice threatened to shake Clark's resolve, but he knew...somehow, he just knew...that it was vitally important for her to stay behind this time. He drew her back into his arms, feeling her relax slightly against him, wrapping her arms around his waist, although he knew better than to interpret that as acquiescence. Even as she rested her head on his shoulder, he heard her mutter, "You've got to take me with you." Clark sighed, resting his head against hers. He kissed her hair, then tilted her chin up to look her in the eye. "You're not going to lose me," he assured her. "But right now, this baby...our great great grandson..." he grinned, still overwhelmed by that thought, then sobered again, "this baby needs you here. HG said his life was in danger in the future...if that danger follows him here... My parents are great, but you're the one who knows tae kwon do." Lois still looked unconvinced. She started to protest, "Clark..." but his lips silenced her. "You said you wanted to help," he reminded her as he pulled back. She nodded, the mutinous look in her eyes starting to fade. "This is the help I need. I need to know that CJ and my parents are safe." "But Clark, Martha and Jonathan can take care of him...obviously, better than I can. And who's going to come *here* looking for a child from..." Looking over at HG, she silently asked him to complete her sentence. "2079," HG answered. "Wow." Turning back to Clark, she continued her defense. "Like I said, who is going to come here looking for a child from 2079. And what was it you said about us getting through this together?" "We are. Lois, if this were our child, what would you do? You would protect it like you do me...with your life. Don't you remember? I fight the bad guy, you write the story. Someone needs to stay here and *write* the story." "But, Clark..." "Honey, do you think Mom and Dad can explain all of this to Perry...or your parents...or even to County Adoption, if they find out." Sighing heavily, Lois agreed. "No...but Clark..." "Lois, you know I don't want to leave you." Leaning down, he whispered in her ear. "I can't stand the thought of not spending *every* moment with you." He pulled back to look deeply in her eyes. "But we have to save CJ's future...our future...this is how *we* get through things." For all her independence, Lois could never deny Clark anything when he gave her *that* look. The look that cut straight to her heart and sent shivers up her spine. And as much as she hated to admit it, she knew he was right. " go fight the bad guy." Reaching up to cup Clark's face in her hands, she gazed at him silently, trying to quell her fear by memorizing every detail of his beloved face. Then she drew his head down toward hers. "Come back to me," she whispered an instant before their lips met again. He held her tightly, kissing her hard. "Always," he murmured against her mouth. HG, who was once again forgotten by the couple, quietly cleared his throat. "I'm afraid we must be going, my boy." Turning to HG, Clark nodded. Giving Lois one last kiss, he whispered against her lips. "I love you, Lois Lane." "I love you, Clark Kent." Pushing him towards the door, she sighed. "Now go before I change my mind." Lois watched the two men disappear as they made their way down the street towards the time machine. Closing the door, she slowly walked up to their room alone, trying to figure out what to do next. Leanne Shawler aka Volterra on IRC *********************************************************************** Lois and Clark Season 5 Fanfic: *********************************************************************** Midnight Dreaming: The Original Anthony Warlow Home Page: *********************************************************************** ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 28 Sep 1997 17:07:44 -0700 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: "Leanne Shawler (by way of Leanne Shawler)" Subject: S5: Episode One (part 5 of 5) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Metropolis, April 6, 2079 7:30am Leaving CJ at day care the next morning wasn't any easier than the first morning, although Lori had been pleased to hear that CJ was accepting a bottle from the workers there. Clark and Lori once again set him in the crib, and watched him as he drifted back to sleep. As soon as he was settled, Clark ushered Lori out before she could object. It wasn't any easier for him to leave CJ than it was for Lori, but the longer they would dwell on it, the harder it would be to leave. The university provided a day care center for the faculty which happened to be housed in the building next to Clark's. Lori's concerns with leaving the baby with strangers were alleviated somewhat, knowing that Clark could *look* in on him at anytime, and be there in a matter of seconds if he was needed. Even though her mind understood all of this, she still had a hard time explaining it to her heart. They walked in silence as they made the trek across campus to her building. This had become their daily routine, walking to campus together, Clark kissing her goodbye when they reached her building. He continued to walk her across campus, even though he was at his building when they dropped off CJ. "Honey, you do not have to baby-sit me. I'm okay. And it's silly for you to walk all this way to turn around and walk right back." "I know you do not need baby-sitting. I just love having these last few moments alone with you." Clark stopped and pulled her into the gardens they were passing. Pulling her to him, he kissed her deeply. "And you know I never like to waste time alone with you." Returning the kiss he started, they lost themselves in each other. They were quickly brought back to the present when the sprinklers suddenly turned on, showering both the spring flowers and the young lovers. Giggling, they ran back to the pathway. "I can't wait to hear how you're going to explain this to your students." "Well, heat vision does have it's advantages." "Yes it does. Now dry me off before anyone comes along." "You know, we are married. We're allowed to kiss. And it is spring...time for a young man's fancy to turn to love." "I know, but I already get teased around the office enough as it is. No sense giving them ammunition." "So, if I were to whisk you off to a deserted mountaintop for a little more *spring fancy*, you would object?" "Well, I never said that... But how would you explain being late to your class?" "No problem. Tim is always after me to let him take some of my classes." "I see you've been putting some thought into this," she grinned, turning to continue on their trip to her building. "Like you said, when you least expect it..." "I think the world be shocked to see this side of their superhero." "Oh, I think they would understand." "You think so? Well, just the same, I don't want to read about it in your grandfather's paper." "Where do you think I got the idea?" "Clark... I knew the two of you shouldn't be left alone. Your mother warned me." "Well," he grinned, leaning down to whisper in her ear. "He said my grandmother considered it one of the perks of being married to Superman." Smiling, she couldn't suppress a giggle. "And so do I. But the last time you did that was what...eleven months ago? And look what happened then." "Well, you said yourself you wanted more children." Kissing her softly on the cheek, he continued. "So far, you've just supported my plan." "I do want more children, but I'd kind of like to have time to enjoy CJ first." Pausing to regain her train of thought, she pulled back and smiled. "And you are not making it any easier to remain sane here, Mr. Kent." "I wasn't trying." "I noticed. And don't think I don't appreciate your efforts, but I do need to get to work. I've already been gone eight weeks. And my excuses for you *making me late* are no better than yours." Holding up his hands in defeat, he relented. "Okay...okay. I know when I'm beat. But remember...when you least expect it..." "I'm going to hold you to that." "Don't think I won't make you." "So," trying to change the subject before she was late, again, "what time should I tell Jeremiah to come for your big chess battle tonight?" "Tell him to drop by around 7:00. I'll have dinner ready by then and hopefully CJ will be settled. We can have dinner and then retire to the chess board." "Okay. He's such a nice man and he seemed to be really impressed with you." "Well," he said, grinning wickedly, "You're the only one I try to impress anymore, but it will be nice to have a good challenge at the chess board. I've kind of gotten tired of letting you win when we play." "Hey..." Seeing the familiar look, she quickly kissed him goodbye. "Go. I'll call Tim and tell him he's on." "Thanks. I love you, honey." "I love you, too," she whispered as he rushed off, knowing he could hear her. Metropolis, June 15, 1997 11:00pm Lois sat alone in their bedroom, looking down at the sleeping angel in Clark's bassinet. She would never have thought that having a child around for such a short time would tear so at her heart. Since Dr. Klein had told them that they were unable to conceive, she couldn't shake the feeling that they had somehow lost something. Something she was unable to describe, until now. In the four years she'd known Clark, they had lived through more than most people would in a lifetime. Even after wars in other galaxies, amnesia, alternate universes, kryptonite, diabolical government agencies and countless plots set on tearing them apart, they had just drawn closer to one another. Incredibly, nothing any psychopath could design had the potential of tearing at their hearts as much as this. They had talked about having a family before they were married and Lois knew how much it meant to him. Before Clark, there was nothing that could have made her want to share the misery of her childhood with another generation. But after becoming a part of Clark's family, she finally realized what being part of a family was truly like. She couldn't help but be envious of his childhood. And she had to admit, that even after being married for only a few months, she was looking forward to starting a family. It didn't make it any less frightening, but for Lois, this was a monumental leap. But now that she knew they *could* have a child, she couldn't figure out how she felt. She was relieved, overjoyed, overwhelmed... 'Face it,'re scared to death.' Looking down at the infant's tiny features, she couldn't help but wonder what their child would look like. Would he look like Clark? Would it even be a he? What did CJ stand for anyway? Could it just be coincidence that those were Clark's initials? HG didn't tell her what his last name was, so she didn't know if he even was a Kent. With more questions than answers, she dropped back on the bed, letting out a long breath. "Ugh..." Closing her eyes, she tried to settle her mind. She never realized how exhausting it was taking care of a child. Before she knew it, she had drifted off to sleep. Metropolis, April 6, 2079 7:00pm Jeremiah arrived at the Kent's apartment promptly at 7:00, a carefully chosen bottle of wine tucked neatly under his arm. He had been looking forward to the evening all day, mentally playing out each move carefully. He relished having such a formidable partner again. Lori and Clark treated him to a wonderful Italian dinner, the recipe said to be passed down from Clark's great grandfather. Try as he might, Jeremiah could not get Clark to divulge the recipe, saying only that he had been sworn to keep the family secret. "Well, I hope I'll have better luck at the chess board," Jeremiah joked. "Why don't you two go play," Lori added, placing CJ in his bassinet. "CJ and I will take care of the dishes." "Okay, honey. Just yell if you need anything." With the two men locked in battle at the chess board and CJ sleeping soundly, Lori tried to get back to her thank you notes. Every time she thought she was through, another gift would appear. She had a few more to do since returning to work and she was determined to get them finished. With five more notes to write and only two cards left in the box, she decided to drop down to the corner pharmacy and pick up some more cards. She entered the living room to find her husband and Jeremiah staring intently at the chess board. "So, who's winning the battle?" "Well," Jeremiah answered, "Clark had me running for a while there, but I'm holding my own now." "Yes," Clark grinned, "I think he's on to me now." "Well, I'll leave you to it. Clark, I'm going down to the store to pick up some more thank you cards. CJ's asleep in his room. Can you watch him until I get back?" "Sure, honey. Be careful." "I will. I'll be back in about half an hour. Go get him, Jeremiah." "I intend to, Lori." "Hey," Clark protested. "Whose side are you on, anyway?" "I like pulling for the underdog." Lori grinned, patting his offended cheek. "You always win." "Well I'll see if I can be the one to finally defeat him, Lori." "Good luck." Watching Lori gather her things and head out the door, Jeremiah turned to Clark with a smile. "You have quite a woman there, Clark. She reminds me of someone I knew long ago." Still watching her as Lori made her way down the street, Clark turned back to Jeremiah, unable to wipe the silly grin from his face. "I'm the luckiest man on the planet." Jeremiah's comment finally sinking in, Clark was intrigued with his new chess adversary. "So, what about you? Is your family here in Metropolis?" "No, no family left. I never married and my parents died many years ago." "Sorry to hear that. Well, this young lady obviously made a quite an impression." "Yes, she did. Just when I thought she was gone for good, she would always show up again." "I know what you mean. I was a goner from the moment I saw Lori. She's had me just where she wanted me ever since." Peering down at the chess board, Clark made his next move. "So what happened to this young lady of yours...if you don't mind me asking." ", of course not," Jeremiah answered, quickly countering Clark's move. "I don't mind. I had to move on and never saw her again. And as I said, it was a long time ago." Anxious to move the topic away from his past, Jeremiah glanced around the room. Noticing a well used book of baby names on the table next to him, he quickly picked it up. Leafing through the pages, he noticed names circled and crossed out throughout the book. Grinning, he turned it to Clark. "I see you did quite a lot of research naming your son." Clark laughed, nodding his head. "Well, you know Lori. She had to know all of the options before we decided. I think I have that thing memorized now." "Well, Clark is a very strong name. What does it mean? Is it a family name?" "It's actually Old English for 'cleric.' It's been in the family as long as the recipe for tonight's dinner. Now let me see if I can remember...Jeremiah...doesn't that mean one who is pessimistic about the future?" "Very good," Jeremiah grinned, putting the book down. "You must have it memorized." "Well, you certainly don't appear to have lived up to that moniker. Guess Lori did all of that worrying over names for nothing." "Guess so." The two returned to their game, each impressed with the other's skill and knowledge of strategy. After weighing his options carefully, Clark was about to make his next move when he was interrupted by the phone. Excusing himself from the game momentarily, he made his way across the room to answer it. "Kent residence." Recognizing the familiar tenor of his grandfather's voice, Clark was quick with a greeting. "Pops, how are you?" "Well, I'm afraid I have a bit of bad news. I looked into your friend's disappearance and you were right. There is something strange going on. I had one of our reporters check with some of her neighbors and they say she never made it home that night. I even had him check the Jane Does down at the morgue, and I'm sorry to say that one of them matches her description. You might want to go take a look to be sure." "Thanks, Pops. I will." "I hope it turns out to be a coincidence, but I thought you'd want to know." "So do I. And please don't say anything about this to Lori. I don't want to worry her if it doesn't end up being her." "Sure, son. Now, you taking good care of my great grandson?" "Of course. Spoiling him every chance I get." "Good. Now say hello to Lori for me. I've got to get home before your grandmother comes here after me." "Now isn't that why you stay late?" "You're on to me. Just don't tell her, okay?" "Mums the word. Take care, Pops." Returning to the chess board, Clark couldn't seem to shake a feeling of dread. After a few minutes of watching Clark stare blankly at the chess board, Jeremiah broke the silence. "Everything okay?" Not wanting to mention his concerns about Eva until absolutely necessary, Clark looked up and politely smiled. "Yes, everything's fine." Moving his queen to threaten Jeremiah's king, he announced, "Check." Jeremiah searched the board for his next move, intent on making the proper defense. Reaching into his pocket, he slowly pulled a small chess piece from its case and placed it on the board. Immediately, Clark felt a piercing pain shoot through his body and started to gasp for air, unable to discern the cause. Looking at the board, he saw the new chess piece's bright green glow. As he slowly sank from the chair onto the floor, he could hear Jeremiah's final words. "No, Clark, checkmate." (To be continued in Episode 2 - Time After Time) Leanne Shawler aka Volterra on IRC *********************************************************************** Lois and Clark Season 5 Fanfic: *********************************************************************** Midnight Dreaming: The Original Anthony Warlow Home Page: *********************************************************************** ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 28 Sep 1997 20:33:41 -0500 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Genevieve Subject: The Krypton Club's Fifth Season (TUFS) : How to get it Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Sara wrote: >The Krypton Club is sponsoring TUFS (The Unaired Fifth Season). They are >currently sending it out on the same list as the newsletter. You can >subscribe by writing Craig Bryne at Or there is the TUFS >website at . Wait a minute, FoLCs! Don't do this! Big changes are coming to the Krypton Club. I'm working with Craig on TUFS; they have finally got a majordomo to handle their mailings. (You may not know that Craig has been sinding out all 3,000 plus newsletters via 30 or so separate e-mails to 100 members at a time.) While the Krypton Club *is* currently sending out TUFS to all KC members; it will not continue to do so. Details will be in the next newsletter, but to get TUFS, and to continue getting the Krypton Club Newsletter, *everyone* is going to have to subscribe to their brand-new majordomo! So, do *not* write to Craig. (It took him weeks to add anybody to his old manual mailing list anyway ). Instead, to subscribe to the Krypton Club *and* to the Unaired Fifth Season: send a message to: with the body: subscribe krypton Then you're on! You'll get a confirmation mail to respond to, and then a welcome message telling you all about the list. READ IT. Again, this new mailing list will be used to send out Krypton Club mailings and TUFS episodes. Current members of the Krypton Club will have to subscribe to the mailing list to continue getting the newsletter and the TUFS episodes. More information (and the First Episode of The Unaired Fifth Season) can be found at the TUFS website: New episodes will be posted to the web site after they mailed out. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Genevieve ( ; To find out anything you want to know about Superman (in comics, cartoons, television, or movies, from Bud Collyer to Dean Cain) -- check out THE SUPERMAN HOMEPAGE ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 00:13:36 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Comments: RFC822 error: Incorrect or incomplete address field found and ignored. From: Pam Jernigan Subject: "Classic" Fanfic MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Someone recently mentioned the idea of re-posting older stories, as a sor= t of "classic" fanfic (like the stories Zoom's been talking about). I thin= k it's a great idea, and I offer the following wrinkle -- repost older fanf= ic stories in synch with the reruns on TNT. See, I've been reading fanfic f= or a long time, and it seems to me that fanfic stories follow trends - usual= ly one step ahead of the show :-) So I think it'd be fun to coordinate the show reruns with fanfic reruns. We just finished the first season, so now's the time to pull out "Dirty Bubbles" for instance or any number= of good first season revelation stories. As the second season progressed= , we became desperate for romance. Then we were once more crying out for a= revelation... and then, in third season, wow, she *knew* and they were working together... that kind of thing. Anyone game? PJ who thinks the S5 premiere episode was *great* and not just 'cause she's on the S5 team or because she knows Barb personally :-) !^NavFont02F03300006MGHHJy774F ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 00:30:59 -0400 Reply-To: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" Sender: "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Fanfic" From: Peace Everett Subject: Re: "Classic" Fanfic In a message dated 97-09-29 00:14:53 EDT, jernigan@COMPUSERVE.COM writes: > So I think it'd be fun to coordinate the > show reruns with fanfic reruns. I think this is a great idea -- means you'll be ready to re-read "Merry-Go-Round" in a week or so, huh? Peace